#Benefits of Fixed Income Investments
reicapitalgrowth · 2 years
Why are Bonds Known as Fixed Income Investments?
Savvy investors love to diversify their portfolios across several asset classes to protect themselves against unforeseen turns in the investment market. One of the ways they do this is through ownership of bonds. 
Bonds have developed a reputation for being less volatile than other investment sources; they deliver a steady income stream while shielding the investor’s principal even in a falling market. This characteristic is no surprise, as bonds are generally classified as fixed-income investments. But what does the term ‘fixed-income’ mean, and what are the benefits of owning fixed-income assets? Read along to find out.
What are Fixed Income Investments?
Fixed-income investments pay their investors fixed interest or dividend payments until maturity. They tend to focus more on capital preservation and a steady income stream. They are typically low-risk, low-reward investments whose principal goal is to deliver as much income as possible with as little risk to the investor and the amount invested. Fixed income has three significant characteristics:
They are more focused on capital preservation.
They have an unwavering stipulated (fixed) interest payment at specified intervals.
The owners bear little to no risk of the business they invested in, nor do they own any part of the business.
Government and corporate bonds are prominent examples of fixed-income investments.
What are Fixed Income Bonds?
Bonds are debtor notes issued by either government or corporations to investors. Other investments usually pay out variable income securities based on underlying measures like short-term interest rates. Fixed-income bonds pay a fixed, predetermined rate that doesn’t change throughout the bond’s duration. 
When many fixed-income bonds mature, the company pays the investors the equivalent of their principal and specified fixed interests. If the bond issuer defaults, the investor gets paid first before the stockholders.
Types of Fixed Income Bonds
Fixed-income bonds are an essential concept for both the issuer and the investor. The bond issuer gets to raise needed capital for projects or other operations without losing shares or control over its company. In contrast, the investor gets a regular fixed income with minimal risk of loss. Here are some common types of fixed-income bonds:
Government Bonds
Government bonds are fixed-income bonds entirely issued and backed by the government of a country or region. They are also called municipal bonds at the state or local government levels. They are considered among the safest bonds to undertake amongst investors, while the government uses the funds to embark on annual expenditures. Most of them are tax-free.
Corporate Bonds
Corporate bonds are issued and backed by private institutions; their value and risk assessment are based on their creditworthiness and the collateral to which the bond is tied. Corporations with higher credit ratings pay lower interest rates, and money obtained from bonds is helpful to a company’s expenditure.
Junk Bonds or High Yield Bonds
Because many bonds are low-risk investments, they usually come with lower returns. High-yield bonds come with higher returns but at a significantly higher risk. This increased risk results from being issued by corporations with low credit ratings or the assets tied to them being shaky. Investors who can manage more risks go for this bond type.
Certificate of Deposits
A certificate of deposit is a fixed deposit account with significantly higher profit rates, and financial institutions usually offer them a maturity of fewer than five years. Additionally, certificates of deposits come with National Credit Union Association (NCUA) protection.
Fixed Income Bonds to Buy in the United States
With a sound investment strategy, you can buy several fixed bonds in the United States. Here are some of the more prominent ones:
Treasury Bonds (T-Bonds)
Treasury bonds are issued at the Federal level and backed by the United States. They are considered one of the safest bonds and have 20 to 30 years of maturity. You can purchase them in multiples of $100.
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
One of the risks often associated with bonds is the depreciation of the principal’s value due to inflation. TIPS protect the investor from all that as the value adjusts with deflation and inflation.
Treasury Notes (T-Notes)
Treasury Notes are similar to treasury bonds but have a lower maturity length. While T-bonds mature in at least two decades, T-Notes have a much shorter time frame of two to ten years. Like T-bonds, however, they are acquired by an increment of $100.
Municipal and Private Corporate Bonds 
Municipal bonds are issued at state and local government levels and can also be invested in the United States. In addition, several private corporations also offer bonds to investors when they wish to raise funds for a project or venture.
Fixed Income Investment Strategies
Although bonds are relatively safe for the investor, they still must be cautiously approached. Here are just a few strategies you might want to use:
Laddered Bond Portfolio Investment
The laddered investment strategy is focused on diversifying bond portfolios by acquiring bonds with different maturity dates. This strategy enables the investor to use the principal of lower rung bonds in higher rung bonds.
Bullet Bond Portfolio Investment 
This investment strategy involves purchasing various bonds at different dates but with the exact maturity dates. The strategy works for investors who need massive amounts of cash at a future date.
Barbell Bond Portfolio Investment
The Barbell strategy requires investing in very short-term and long-term bonds. The investor has to pay attention to his investments to keep reinvesting the short-term bonds when they mature.
Benefits of Fixed Income Investments
Fixed-income investments are highly beneficial in many ways. Some of the advantages of this sort of investment include the following:
They make it easier to diversify your investment, especially when the market is very volatile.
They provide good returns and a steady stream of income.
Fixed income comes with a relatively lower risk exposure than other investment classes.
Fixed-income bonds are less likely to be affected by market volatility.
Bonds are known as fixed investments because they offer fixed interest returns and have significantly lower risk exposure than most investments. You can choose multiple bond investment types and strategies for these investment routes. Investing in fixed investment bonds is one way to save something for a rainy day. Contact REICG Real Estate Investment Fund.
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heartlilith · 5 months
Moon Sign/2nd House - Use Your Abilities to Your Benefit
Aries Moon/2nd House: Having an Aries Moon or the sign Aries in your 2nd house of self worth, values, and financial income can help immensely with increasing your confidence. The gift of these natives is being assertive and bold, unapologetically. Say how you feel even if your voice shakes. Being assertive doesn't mean being rude or offensive - it means knowing what you want and simply asking for it. Or, it can mean setting boundaries with people who have no problem crossing them. Naturally with Aries Moon and 2nd house, there are going to be people that are threatened by your ambitious and forward presence, that's their problem. No matter who you are, with or without these placements, there are going to be people who want to bring you down - that's life. My Aries placement babies, this is the first sign of the zodiac, #1. Act like it. Be you, unapologetically*** that's the key word. UNAPOLOGETICALLY. Experiment with your looks, try a style that aligns with not who you are, but who you want TO BE. Forward thinking. Stay true to yourself and listen to what your heart is asking you to do. Maybe your heart says, "You know, I've had the same hairstyle for months, I need a change", change it. Or, "I really want to make more money because....", find another source of income or ask your boss what you can do to make that money. Ask yourself, what would make you happier? And do it.
Taurus Moon/2nd House: My Venusians, the blessed babies of the zodiac. Being in Taurus, you're all about the glamour, the finer things, the abundance. Even if you aren't "glamorous" or "rich", act that way. Because I'm telling you these Venusian placements can and will fool anybody into thinking that they are when they are not. You may not be rich but you can certainly look it. You may not feel confident but you can definitely act like it. Taurus Moons and 2nd house people, know what you bring to the table, because a fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus brings a lot. With this placement, increasing your self confidence can be done by investing in yourself through material, education, self-confidence podcasts, etc. Feed yourself confidence. Dress up to attract things to you and above all else KNOW YOUR WORTH. And when someone questions it, don't argue and "prove", simply let your actions prove them otherwise. When someone asks, "What do you bring to the table?", say "What do I look like? A waitress?", unshakable confidence is the name of that game here. When something gets you down, no matter what it is, remind yourself, "Yeah, my partner may have broken up with me but I'm loyal, loving, and someone worth fighting for", even if you don't believe it, feed yourself confidence. You want to be successful? Dress the part, act the part. You want to be more beautiful and sought after? Adorn yourself with jewelry, buy yourself a new outfit, do what makes you feel good. That's the number one thing with these Taurus placements, do what makes you feel good about yourself and feed yourself confidence.
Gemini Moon/2nd House: Increasing your self confidence with these Gemini placements screams education and self reliance to me. That doesn't mean go back to college or put yourself through Med school, although it can. What I mean is; read books on self confidence, master the art of seduction, master the laws of attraction, suggestion, etc. Knowledge is your power. Read about techniques/exercises to become confident and self reliant. Then, actually implement it into your everyday life. That is the first thing, whether you're learning through books, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. It could even be watching a YouTube video on how to achieve a new makeup look. It could be reading a book on self-love. It could be studying color theory to see what colors look best with your skin tone. LEARN. Another thing with Gemini Moon and 2nd house is being a naturally good communicator and using that to build confidence. Let's say you read the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, for example. Law #13: "When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interests, never to their mercy or gratitude." After reading that chapter, it's going to be easier for Gemini placements to actually implement it because they're skilled at communicating anyways. It's just learning how to communicate in a way that not only feeds your self-confidence but gets others to view you as confident as well.
Cancer Moon/2nd House: My lovely Cancer placements. Increasing your self confidence can look a lot like gaining control over your emotions, becoming emotionally intelligent. I believe that Cancer Moons/2nd house natives are naturally emotionally intelligent; being able to read your own emotions and the emotions of others. When you have control over your emotions, it's hard for other people to manipulate you. Let me say that again, when you have control over your own emotions, it's hard for other people to manipulate you. Reread it. See, your gift is being able to read others and also yourself. But it's just as important to recognize an emotion and then decide to either act on it or let it pass. For example, if someone says a sly comment to you or maybe they're straight up rude to you... you can be angry, actually anyone would be angry, hurt, or defensive. That's okay. It's not okay to start screaming, yelling, kicking because by doing that, you just gave them your power. Now they're laughing because they got a rise out of you. Instead, stay calm and laugh at them, seriously. Reverse psychology. Creating self confidence for Cancer Moon and 2nd house is knowing who you are, what you bring to the table, and becoming unshakable when people try to tear you down. Why would you listen to someone's insults when you wouldn't trade places for their hellhole life? You wouldn't. Reverse psychology is using your gift of emotional intelligence to your advantage. In relationships, Cancer Moons/2nd house have a reputation for being nurturing and being a caterer to their partner. This is not a bad thing, but it might be if you're doing it too soon and for someone that doesn't deserve it. Reverse psychology in this situation would be knowing you have strong feelings for a certain someone and acting like you don't. Therefore, attracting them to you even more. It's having your own back, being there and looking out for YOURSELF first and foremost.
Leo Moon/2nd House: My little rays of sunshine. Confidence is your strong suit, don't let it be your downfall. I'll be straight up with you, stop talking so much. I mean that in the most sincere way, there is power in shutting the f*** up. Boasting about accomplishments, looking in every reflective surface, letting everyone know your next move, etc. You, more or less, have the self confidence part down. If you don't then at least people don't know that you're insecure, okay? But they do when you try to make up for it by constantly talking about yourself and/or bragging about yourself in some way. You have the ability to hide your insecurities and put your best face on. Master the art of silence. Don't show all your cards to people, don't tell everyone about your accomplishments, don't boast and brag because people will pray on your downfall and people will try to tear you down. Instead, let your accomplishments, beauty, money, whatever, speak for itself. Walk into a room with your head held high, dress like you're successful, etc. Let your confidence speak for itself, and when it comes to talking about it, you won't have to. There is nothing wrong with going home to your family or loved ones and talking about your achievements or telling them your future plans. You just need to know your audience, that is KEY.
Virgo Moon/2nd House: I love you guys. I just want to say that I know you may struggle sometimes with being critical on yourself, I know that first hand. Being intelligent and (secretly) critical of others is your superpower. Like Gemini, your ability to learn and implement what is taught is going to help you tremendously. Art of Seduction, 48 Laws of Power, the law of suggestion, reverse psychology, etc. Learn these and practice them daily. Use your superpower to see how others behave. For example, in the workplace. You may have a coworker that is always talking, yapping, boasting, talking about others, spreading rumors. Watch that behavior and see how your environment, work place in this example, responds to them. Look at your boss or someone you admire in your workplace, how do they act and how does the environment respond to them? Use your analytical and critical superpower to dissect what behaviors are rewarded in the workplace or what behaviors are punished. Mirror the qualities that are rewarded. In love, you are selfless and have a tendency to put others before yourself. This is okay, it's actually a very admirable quality. But, people will take advantage of that. You need to put it in your head that the people who fight for you will be rewarded with your care, your selflessness. You aren't giving it out for free. In love, show others how you expect to be treated by treating yourself like a queen/king. When others treat you in a way that lets you know they value you, then reward them with being you - selfless, of service, reliable. See Virgo, these traits of yours, they can't be given out for free because they cost YOU a lot.
Libra Moon/2nd House: Venusian baby. Your superpower is your ability to get along with everyone and being polite/kind. People love you. You're easy to get along with. Use your charm to your benefit. If you're going on a date, dress up in a way that aligns with who you are, and then some. Wear something that is beautiful, classy, and a little suggestive too. I'm not saying that you have to dress like a hooker, although if you want to, go for it. I'm saying little things; instead of wearing a pastel colored dress or shirt, wear red or black. Instead of wearing your hair up in a bun, wear it down. Little things. Out in public, instead of wearing sweatpants to the store, dress up like you have somewhere to be after, even if you don't. What I'm trying to get at is your ability to be charming and well liked is solid, it's there, its achieved. You can also dress in a way or give off body language to support that superpower but to also give you more confidence therefore strengthening that superpower. At work, say you work in an office, instead of wearing what you normally wear, switch it up to get what you want. If you are a secretary but want to be a CEO, dress like a CEO. If you're single and want to find someone, dress the part. If you're a nurse and can't really "dress the part" because you have to wear a certain thing, switch up your make up look OR wait until the weekend. Look up color theory and how the color of your nails, outfit, makeup, etc. make others feel. Wearing red is seducing, wearing black is powerful and thinning. Wearing pink is more feminine. Wearing high heels vs sneakers. Dressing yourself up is a form of self expression. Again, you have the charm part down it's just embodying what you want to be in the future. Embody it now.
Scorpio Moon/2nd House: My Scorpio loves. This one is going to be harder because you already mastered being mysterious, seductive, and powerful. Those are your natural superpowers. I think for you mastering the art of detachment would really work in your benefit especially given that you're already fit to rule the world. Kind of like Cancer, you are emotionally intelligent and can read right through people. It's when you're obsessed with someone or something that you lose sight and become out of wack. Let's say you really want this promotion at work. You want your boss to recognize you and reward you, you want it SO bad and you know you deserve it too. You hold onto it so tight and somehow the promotion is rewarded to someone else. Now, you're bitter as hell. Therefore, you've lost your power. Detach. Don't chase, attract. Always have a plan B and always know that if you didn't get what you want it's because something better is on the way. Let me say that again, if you don't get what you want, it means something better is on the way. You have a crush, went out on a few dates, you're now catching feelings; completely normal. But until you're actually in a relationship with said person, until you're exclusive have a plan B. Even in a relationship you need to ask yourself, "Okay, well, what if it doesn't work out? What then?". Detach from the desired outcome.
Sagittarius Moon/2nd House: My little wanderers, your superpower is your popularity and your easygoing nature. It's being blunt and honest. Like Leo, you have the confidence and you know what you bring to the table and even if you don't you have the ability to fool people that you do. Learn to shut your mouth. Let your achievements, your beauty, your success, your money, talk for itself. You don't need to tell everyone your plans and your business because people WILL sabotage you. They will pray on your downfall. You don't need to boast and brag. And let me just say that it's fine to be confident, it's actually a great thing. Walk into the room with your head high, speak with confidence, but the less you talk about yourself the more people will want to know. Keep them guessing, work in private. Then when your boss grants you that promotion, people will know you're powerful and successful without you saying a word. Anything you say, can and WILL be used against you, babes. You know who you are, let others know through actions.
Capricorn Moon/2nd House: Now Capricorn, you scream success. You're like a secret weapon. If you read Leo and Sag, I'm basically telling them to embody you. Your secret power is your ambition and your need for success. Focus on your dreams, whatever that may be. Take all your energy and devote it to whatever you want it to be, whatever will grant you that success and watch how your life comes together while you're busy focusing on that. Watch how people treat you while you're putting all your energy into something that will give you financial freedom. They're going to flock to you. See Capricorn placements, you have the ability to get what you want because you work hard. That is your superpower. Hard work doesn't scare you, putting in the hours is your second nature. Do that. Do only that. Well, not only that, but invest completely in yourself. Take care of yourself and build that career. Master that skill. Get that degree. Open that business, whatever your dream is. Your life will come together in the process. If it doesn't, know that achieving your dream or at least being close to achieving it is going to give you the self confidence to then attract what you want in love and in life. Complete your goals, work on yourself, build that career. Focus completely on yourself and others will start to focus on you too.
Aquarius Moon/2nd House: Your superpower is the art of detachment. It's easy for you to not get obsessed with someone or something. Like Capricorn, you need to invest completely in yourself and focus completely on what you want to achieve. Forget the rest. Focus on you, your family, your skills, hobbies, career, mental and physical health. Better yourself. Everyday complete one of your goals. Detach from desired outcomes in all other areas of life. Watch how your life comes together when this happens, you'll have opportunities coming at you in all different directions because investing in yourself makes others want to invest in you as well. Plus being Aquarius, mastering different skills is going to open up different doors. You may have a job now and decide to work on your cooking skills just because you want to be better at it. Now, you might fall in love with cooking and start a new job. Or, maybe you've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, do that. Become a jack of all trades so you never have to be stuck doing one thing. It's attractive to have invest in yourself and to have many different skills. Attractive in the sense that you'll attract different people, places, things, and opportunities.
Pisces Moon/2nd House: My mermaids and mermans, hahaha. Before I get into how to use your abilities to your benefit, I want to mention that your superpower is being divinely protected by the Universe, by the spiritual realm. The universe has your back. Now Pisces, you have a tendency to lead with emotion. You have depth and are emotionally intelligent but that can be your downfall. It's a downfall because people know this about you and when people know this, they know how to manipulate you. Like those sad commercials where they sing "Silent Night" and show these starving and abused animals, then at the end of the commercial, they're asking for money. The people that donate to them are Pisces! No, hahaha I'm kidding, kind of. But you get what I mean. Like Cancer, you need to read the Art of Seduction, the laws baby, the laws. You're emotionally intelligent and you can use this to get what you want out of people and also to protect yourself. Stay one step ahead. I'm not saying to manipulate others, unless you want to, I'm saying to learn when others are manipulating you.
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
How the Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind
A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes.
By The Editorial Board -- Wall Street Journal
Kamala Harris plans to roll out her economic priorities in a speech on Friday, though leaks to the press say not to expect much different than the last four years. That’s bad news because the Biden-Harris economic record has left most Americans worse off than they were four years ago. The evidence is indisputable.
President Biden claims that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, but this isn’t close to true. The economy in January 2021 was fast recovering from the pandemic as vaccines rolled out and state lockdowns eased. GDP grew 34.8% in the third quarter of 2020, 4.2% in the fourth, and 5.2% in the first quarter of 2021. By the end of that first quarter, real GDP had returned to its pre-pandemic high. All Mr. Biden had to do was let the recovery unfold.
Instead, Democrats in March 2021 used Covid relief as a pretext to pass $1.9 trillion in new spending. This was more than double Barack Obama’s 2009 spending bonanza. State and local governments were the biggest beneficiaries, receiving $350 billion in direct aid, $122 billion for K-12 schools and $30 billion for mass transit. Insolvent union pension funds received a $86 billion rescue.
The rest was mostly transfer payments to individuals, including a five-month extension of enhanced unemployment benefits, a $3,600 fully refundable child tax credit, $1,400 stimulus payments per person, sweetened Affordable Care Act subsidies, an increased earned income tax credit including for folks who didn’t work, housing subsidies and so much more.
The handouts discouraged the unemployed from returning to work and fueled consumer spending, which was already primed to surge owing to pent-up savings from the Covid lockdowns and spending under Donald Trump. By mid-2021, Americans had $2.3 trillion in “excess savings” relative to pre-pandemic levels—equivalent to roughly 12.5% of disposable income.
So much money chasing too few goods fueled inflation, which was supercharged by the Federal Reserve’s accommodative policy. Historically low mortgage rates drove up housing prices. The White House blamed “corporate greed” for inflation that peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, even as the spending party in Washington continued.
In November 2021, Congress passed a $1 trillion bill full of green pork and more money for states. Then came the $280 billion Chips Act and Mr. Biden’s Green New Deal—aka the Inflation Reduction Act—which Goldman Sachs estimates will cost $1.2 trillion over a decade. Such heaps of government spending have distorted private investment.
While investment in new factories has grown, spending on research and development and new equipment has slowed. Overall private fixed investment has grown at roughly half the rate under Mr. Biden as it did under Mr. Trump. Manufacturing output remains lower than before the pandemic.
Magnifying market misallocations, the Administration conditioned subsidies on businesses advancing its priorities such as paying union-level wages and providing child care to workers. It also boosted food stamps, expanded eligibility for ObamaCare subsidies and waved away hundreds of billions of dollars in student debt. The result: $5.8 trillion in deficits during Mr. Biden’s first three years—about twice as much as during Donald Trump’s—and the highest inflation in four decades.
Prices have increased by nearly 20% since January 2021, compared to 7.8% during the Trump Presidency. Inflation-adjusted average weekly earnings are down 3.9% since Mr. Biden entered office, compared to an increase of 2.6% during Mr. Trump’s first three years. (Real wages increased much more in 2020, but partly owing to statistical artifacts.)
Higher interest rates are finally bringing inflation under control, which is allowing real wages to rise again. But the Federal Reserve had to raise rates higher than it otherwise would have to offset the monetary and fiscal gusher. The higher rates have pushed up mortgage costs for new home buyers.
Three years of inflation and higher interest rates are stretching American pocketbooks, especially for lower income workers. Seriously delinquent auto loans and credit cards are higher than any time since the immediate aftermath of the 2008-09 recession.
Ms. Harris boasts that the economy has added nearly 16 million jobs during the Biden Presidency—compared to about 6.4 million during Mr. Trump’s first three years. But most of these “new” jobs are backfilling losses from the pandemic lockdowns. The U.S. has fewer jobs than it was on track to add before the pandemic.
What’s more, all the Biden-Harris spending has yielded little economic bang for the taxpayer buck. Washington has borrowed more than $400,000 for every additional job added under Mr. Biden compared to Mr. Trump’s first three years. Most new jobs are concentrated in government, healthcare and social assistance—60% of new jobs in the last year.
Administrative agencies are also creating uncertainty by blitzing businesses with costly regulations—for instance, expanding overtime pay, restricting independent contractors, setting stricter emissions limits on power plants and factories, micro-managing broadband buildout and requiring CO2 emissions calculations in environmental reviews.
The economy is still expanding, but business investment has slowed. And although the affluent are doing relatively well because of buoyant asset prices, surveys show that most Americans feel financially insecure. Thus another political paradox of the Biden-Harris years: Socioeconomic disparities have increased.
Ms. Harris is promising the same economic policies with a shinier countenance. Don’t expect better results.
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Joan McCarter at Daily Kos:
President Joe Biden isn’t accepting the idea that he’s a lame duck president. He continues to build on his already impressive record with actions and ideas to help the American people. He’s also setting up Kamala Harris for potential presidential success, which could end up being the most profound part of his legacy. The most recent incredible success from Biden and his team is securing the release of two Americans detained in Russia, Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan, a corporate security executive from Michigan. Alsu Kurmasheva, a journalist working for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Washington Post opinions contributor, are also being released as part of the deal. Gershkovich and Whelan had been convicted of bogus espionage charges by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s regime. Bringing them home was a promise Biden made in his Oval Office speech explaining his decision to end his reelection campaign.
At home, Biden is committed to seeing through his student loan debt relief plans. The administration sent out emails to borrowers Wednesday, letting them know that some—or in some cases, all—of their debt will be canceled this fall when his executive order is fully implemented, and explaining how they can benefit. That’s relief for about 30 million borrowers, according to the White House. “Despite attempts led by Republican elected officials to block our efforts, we won’t stop fighting to provide relief to student loan borrowers, fix the broken student loan system, and help borrowers get out from under the burden of student debt,” Biden said. 
Biden also developed a sweeping plan for combatting housing costs and out-of-control rent inflation. It’s an ambitious proposal, giving corporate landlords a choice: “either cap rent increases on existing units at 5% or risk losing current valuable federal tax breaks.” That last part would take Congress’s help. The action he can, and is, taking on his own is ordering agencies to inventory federal lands that can be repurposed “to build tens of thousands of affordable homes.”  Biden’s Department of Housing and Urban Development just announced $325 million in Choice Neighborhoods grants, which will be used to “build over 6,500 units of new housing, support small businesses, build childcare centers and new parks, and will be used to leverage more than $2.65 billion in additional public and private investments in these neighborhoods.” Choice Neighborhoods is a HUD initiative to revitalize struggling neighborhoods into mixed-income housing.  In another family-friendly action, Biden is fighting to keep airlines from price-gouging families. He’s proposing a ban on the extra fees airlines charge parents to sit with their children.
[...] Biden is also looking to future-proof against the potential dangers of AI technology with an order directing every federal agency and department that could be affected to create standards and regulations overseeing AI—that’s everything from health care to housing to national security. [...] The Biden administration is also galvanized to step up the fight against fentanyl, with Biden on Wednesday directing all related federal agencies to coordinate actions to stop the flow of the drug.
President Joe Biden is still fighting for Americans, even after he passed the torch to Kamala Harris. #JoeBiden
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ivesambrose · 9 months
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Aries : your entire being is focused on career or studies, finances and the material aspects of your life this month. You want to be back with a bang and waste no time. Earlier you may have felt like you had lost an opportunity that was going to bring you a lot of wealth or would have benefitted you in terms of your future goals or career but you'll realize that one door closed and another one opened that led to something far better. That likely you were going to settle for something smaller but the universe had other plans. If you had made investments previously expect sudden gains or if you choose to invest you'll see gains later on this year. Emotionally however, you might feel like your cups are empty or you aren't tending to them as much. You might have a moment of purging of grief that you've been carrying which will bring you catharsis. Some of you might be worried about your mother's health, if you're female please tend to your hormonal health and try to reduce your stress levels. Lastly, don't bite off more than you can chew.
Taurus : You'll regain your childlike optimism, finding little reasons to be happy, expecting good the best instead of the worst. You'll also be excited about the several opportunities or options in front of you that you will manifesting. You'll feel very close to your friends and family, you'll have an event to bond better with them. You have lot of ideas that are unconventional in nature and you'll feel tempted to act on all of them and you likely will. You'll have a lot of energy but that might also lead to burn out so be remain cautious of your Physical health especially if you're working out at the gym. Emotionally you'll be feeling estatic likely due to wealth, business opportunities, indulging in some luxuries, spoiling yourself etc mostly you'll be too focused on your own joy and beauty to fixate on anyone else at the moment. You'll also be more sensitive to intuitive downloads, you'll feel as though a higher force is looking over you and is guiding you when it comes to your life path. Hold your head high.
Gemini : You might feel as though people are little judgemental of you or don't exactly see eye to eye with you when it comes to your career prospects or creative ventures. You aren't sure who wants to help you or take credit for whatever you do. You want to march to the beat of your own drum but you might feel unsure or even fickle minded by what lies ahead. You don't know which path to choose or if you're making any progress. That might lead to some anxiousness. You're advised to calm your head and clear the clutter of your surroundings. You don't want to hear it but you're indeed thinking way too much and acting way too little and thus you remain stuck. Help will be available when you least expect it and stop looking for it. Fix your sleeping schedule and try doing some gentle eye and head massages. Look at the bigger picture. You might get opportunities to travel by end of this month that will be an entire energy shift and could be a possible game changer for you as well.
Cancer : You've been working too hard the past few months, it hasn't brought you the exact results that you hoped it would. You're starting this year finding balance between work and hobbies/me time. Some of you might even get an extra source of income however. You may have romance coming in as you focus on the softer aspects of your life. There might be someone who instills faith and power within you, maybe they aren't around you, could be someone from afar. But they want to see you win at any cost and will push you towards your best. You'll end up having a wish granted somehow, something you have been hoping for will come true. There's a cycle of suffering that is as tight as a knot that you'll be cutting through and free of. You'll receive unexpected help from a friend or a place you've spent your childhood.
Leo : You'll be climbing the ladder of success, there is Inevitable progression in whatever you're working towards. You'll be catching up with old friends and even making new ones. They will encourage you in different aspects of your life and you'll learn a lot from them you might be studying something like a new language or something to do with geography, animals or even farming. The money you spend will come back to you but do spend wisely regardless. Some of you might be getting married or committed. Others of you may have some discord or shortlived strife to deal with. Maybe people competing with you for no reason or arguments at home. Eitherway, you'll be focused on the positive and being as radiant as ever.
Virgo : You're seeing this month as the opening of a movie you haven't seen. In other words, you're treating this as a whole new chapter, you don't want to carry a single old energy or thought process into this year. You're in awe of your own journey. You're preparing yourself for an adventure. You might be writing, documentating, reading, interacting and even learning new skills or languages a lot. Some of you might be preparing to relocate or leave a place. Emotionally, you'll be feeling very fulfilled you might be having suitors, you may fall in love, have someone fall for you or might just find your reason to fall in love with life. Wealth and financial opportunities from overseas will be a big theme too. Start preparing yourself for your new life.
Libra : A new work opportunity that leads you to relocate or leave one thing behind for something better. Mostly I'm seeing something has worked out for you when it comes to your finances so you can allow yourself to lead with your heart and explore spirituality a little more. You'll be maturing as well and taking more accountability when it comes to how you act and what you say or excuses you make and change certain behavioural patterns. I see you looking forward to spending more time with your friends or attending a social gathering or event you'll feel some relief and allow yourself to have fun instead of wanting to control every aspect of your life and seeing it go out of balance. Go and live.
Scorpio : Dedicated work, practice, effort, diligent labour, all if it will add up and pay off for you. Maybe enjoying or self care aren't even your priority at least for this month. You sincerely do have a lot on your plate, you do want to collaborate or simply make substantial progress. This can be anything at all but it will bring you a lot of emotional fulfilment Inevitably. Nothing much to add except, that you be less harsh on yourself and don't ghost the ones who care for you. Cater to that side of you that too wants to be heard & held.
Sagittarius : A particular uncertainty or excess load that you've been carrying will come to an end. There's a matter that will be resolved. You'll feel extremely thankful for it, because you got what you wanted so now you can walk ahead or away from what had been making you feel 50 - 50 for quite some time. It felt like you were the only one giving it your 100 but the outcome wasn't what you had hoped for. I see you being guarded or keeping certain matters to yourself, this could be your long term plans and investments. You might catch a break and revisit old hobbies, places, friends or an interest you had abandoned.
Capricorn : You need to rest or you'll face extreme levels of exhaustion. You might be feeling the need to slow down, feeling more sleepy too, check your vitamin D levels, try and get some sunlight if you can. Dip your feet in warm water and look after your feet in general there might be some heartache or betrayal, might just be memories from the past, there's some ache you carry or have been carrying for quite a long time. You've expressed it but now you feel empty. I do someone being a balm to your heart, might be a fated person you encounter you'll be encouraged to heal your inner child, indulge in some whimsies, day dreaming, walking barefoot in nature and eating more wholesome organic meals. There will be people who treat you with the same kindness you show them too.
Aquarius : You'll be feeling comforted and loved. So anyone else's ill intentions or projected negativity won't matter. Things have started looking up for you slowly but surely, so you're at a place in your life you really do priotrize your peace over anything else. It's simply not worth it, paying heed to anyone's repetitive drama, to people who can't commit and won't progress beyond 3 days of effort. You might be spending time with animals or a pet, you'd feel really connected to them. You'll find happiness seeing others be happy or getting what they want. You might visit some art fairs, museums or start painting or drawing again as well. Mostly for yourself since you're happy with how far you've come so there's no need to rush anymore.
Pisces : Stability and happiness, finally. This can come in the form of a wedding, better relationship with your spouse or loved one or even family, finances improving, health improving etc a combination of all. After a long time, you can be at ease. Sudden increase in fortune or business is also extremely possible, travel is also in the cards, you'll also see the luck of the people you care for or befriend, increase. You might be prone to skin issues however, so please opt for hydrating products also stay warm and do your stretches.
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camoftarakas · 19 days
Gonna be super for real, here is my masterpost of why its important for me that you take advantage of your right to vote to choose Kamala Harris.
Section 1: Personal Issues
I am a transgender person. I live where i'm pretty sure it will be safe to do so for the next 4 years, but not only should i not risk it, i shouldn't be willing to send my trans family into danger, especially the young ones. Republicans are making a big point out of removing the Trans agenda from schools. what the fuck does this mean? right now the target is that teachers, counselors, school faculty who hear a child is trans will be obliged to report it to their home. this is a direct danger to the next generation. If you do not hide who you are, it may be ripped out of you. Children will feel they are better dead than being out. and adults who abuse queer kids will not be held accountable.
I am an autistic and disabled person. Donald Trump and his cronies think vaccines cause autism. this is absurdly hateful, but beyond that they call for pullbacks and regulation for vaccines. For an incredibly safe, incredibly guarded piece of protection against disease, regulation means less access to medicine. More epidemics, more sick people, shorter lives for the disabled.
Section 2: Domestic Issues
the full access to abortion and childcare must be restored. the two are forever linked, and both are essential healthcare. people in my life benefit from this, your neighbors benefit from this, human beings benefit from this.
whoever is in charge has the sole ability to appoint supreme court judges for 4 years. The court can not become further packed against us, whoever you are, because they are not shy about infringing the rights of your neighbors or your family on party lines.
the ability for people to only just get by under a Republican presidency will be gutted. tax cuts for the wealthy are not just immoral, but the government can not operate on less income. The burden comes down on those who deserve it least. Hunger, homelessness, freezing, overheating, death.
voting rights are the target of Republicans, especially for the most reliable opposition: Black and Latino Americans. this is happening now in states desperate to suppress minority voices, or to assimilate them into a regressive white culture of last century. If that isn't bad enough, voter suppression is sure to expand to any dissident population. The future is on the line.
Section 3: Global Issues
Donald Trump uses dog whistles to express israeli support. He calls democrats "Hamas", claims they are "Destroying Israel", calls jewish people delusional for supporting them. There isn't a perfect palestinian candidate. that is all but explicitly banned in politics. Vice president Harris will be clipped out of context saying that she vaguely supports Israel's right to self defense, because that is the most she can say without causing panic and confusion. If elected, Kamala Harris would be the most pro-Palestinian president ever, and it's not any amount of praise to say that. But she seeks solution, the end of Israel's control of them, the acknowledgement that what is happening there is unconscionable. MAGA has trained us to think that a vote to a candidate is a total endorsement of all their actions and word-of-mouth values, but it is the NORMAL and DECENT thing to do to demand better from the person you elect. Donald Trump is in Netanyahu's pocket, you won't get anywhere asking him not to rain terror on Palestine.
Ukraine has a right to self-governance as well. Republicans would pull support, and hold more conferences with Putin than with our allies across the world.
Republicans will refuse investment into clean energy. Trump's last presidency saw a resurgence in Coal, and ramblings about dead birds. Republican control will hold back any responses to the climate disaster another 4 years.
Section 4: Closing Thoughts
A US president can not fix the world. A US president can't even fix their own country. But god damn it don't give in to assured worsening. don't vote for third party; they're not gonna win, they're not gonna win next time, the point you want to make will fall on deaf ears; the time and place is not now or here. don't skip voting, 1/3 of americans don't vote because they don't think their voice makes a difference. vote in every category, there are important issues left to you. You may not turn your state, but you can turn a policy, or your city, or your county, or your representative, or make sure people in your district get a fair trail with a good judge, or that a good person is in charge of your schools. vote like your neighbors life depends on it; it does. vote like the world depends on it; it does. vote like it's the least you can do; it is. You have to participate in this one simple task, flawed as it may be, to not be a hypocrite when you ask for change, when you ask for progress, when you ask for justice. You can elect people who serve you, not who demand you serve them. You can choose to take a step forward, instead of standing still while you're dragged backwards with the rest of us. you can save lives, real lives! you fucking matter, every time, but please for the love of god, do the bare minimum at least this time. And after we're done, we'll go out, and ask for more, ask for better, because government is for us and they need to listen to us, forever, whoever.
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cazort · 7 months
I see a disturbing number of people, mostly millennials, these days, who have significant incomes and are starting to amass significant savings, who have terrible financial management skills. People who live at home with parents and get a full time job can accumulate money really fast. A lot of people are letting huge amounts of money, like sometimes as much as $20,000 or more, accumulate in checking accounts where it is earning either no interest or negligible interest.
Because inflation is high (over 3% these days), you are effectively losing money when it sits there. Also you're allowing the bank to profit off it; it's lending your money out to other people, often at interest rates as high as 6-7% or more, and it's not paying you for it.
If you have more than maybe around $3000 dollars in an account, you want that money earning interest. Here are things you can do to earn more from your money:
Open a savings account at a higher yield. Go to a different bank if necessary. CIT Bank has rates around 5% these days.
Pay off high interest rate debt but not low-interest rate debt. If the interest rate is above about 7-8% definitely make it a priority to pay it off ASAP. If it is above 5% it is still better to pay it off than to sit on your money. If it is much below 5%, pay it off as slowly as possible (minimum payment only) because there are risk-free ways to earn more interest on your money.
If you don't need the money in the short-term, consider a CD (Certificate of Deposit) which offers a fixed interest rate over a certain time. Often you can get a slightly higher rate by tying your money up for 3 months or 6 months or sometimes even longer. These are good options if you have a specific expenditure in your future, like perhaps moving or buying a home, but you know it won't happen until after a certain date.
Open a brokerage account. Brokerage accounts allow you to buy and sell investments such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, which include CD's from banks as well as treasury and municipal bonds and corporate bonds. You get more options for buying CD's (i.e. you can compare many different banks side-by-side, buy CD with the best rate, and manage multiple CD's within a single interface.) Most brokerage accounts have no fees and typically no or very low minimum investments. There is no reason not to have one if you have a few thousand dollars.
In a brokerage account, buy a money market mutual fund. Look for one with no load and no transaction fee, a high yield, and a low expense ratio, and a fixed share price of $1 per share. My two favorite are SWVXX and SNSXX. SWVXX has a higher yield (about 5.19%) whereas SNSXX has a lower yield (just over 5%) but is non-taxable on state income taxes, so SNSXX is a better choice if you have a high state tax rate, otherwise SWVXX is better.
Consider opening a Roth IRA if you haven't, and then, if able, contribute the maximum amount each year. You are allowed to make a contribution that counts towards the previous year, up until the tax filing deadline of the current year. So for example today it is Mar. 14th, 2024, so you can open a Roth IRA today and contribute the max ($6,500) for the 2023 year and also the max ($7,000) for 2024, for a total of $13,500. The main advantage of a Roth IRA is that the money in them can grow tax-free. Roth IRA's benefit anyone able to have one (the richest people are not allowed to contribute to them) and are especially important for people who are self-employed, change jobs a lot, or never work full-time, so they don't have a consistent employee-provided retirement plan.
Consider investing in stocks. Stocks are riskier (in that their price changes, and you can lose money when investing in them), but tend to have a higher yield than savings and money market accounts and funds. The simplest way to buy stocks is to buy an ETF (exchange-traded-fund). I recommend buying one that follows the S&P 500 and has a low expense ratio like SPY or VOO. Whatever you buy, reinvest the dividends and let it grow, contribute a little money every year so are putting in money even in years the market is down. On average you get about a 10% return in the market but it is unpredictable and you will lose in some years, but that's okay, you're not retiring for many decades and the money will have grown a lot by then.
There are options regardless of your risk profile. It is throwing your money away to let a lot of money sit in a checking account. At a bare minimum, go for a high-yield savings account, CD, or better yet get a brokerage account, put it in high-yield money market funds like SWVXX, shop around for CD's or other bonds with the highest rates, and if you are able to tolerate some risk and want a higher return, consider putting some money in more aggressive investments like stocks.
I am 100% for tax reform and other reform to curb the extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, but it's also important to take your financial situation into your own hands. Get financially comfortable. Get a stake in the US economy. Empower yourself so you can live better and help your family, friends, and the causes you care about.
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jessbrownz · 4 months
Investment Property Loans Made Simple
Investing in property holds the promise of financial freedom, yet navigating the world of investment property loans can seem daunting. With NZ Mortgages as your guide, you can embark on this journey with confidence. Let’s delve into the fundamentals of investment property loans, so that you get  clarity and insight to get  on the path to realising your financial goals.
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Understanding Investment Property Loans
Investment property loans differ from traditional home loans in several key aspects. While both involve borrowing money to purchase property, investment loans are specifically tailored for properties that are not occupied by the owner. These loans typically have higher interest rates and stricter eligibility criteria due to the increased risk associated with investment properties.
Types of Investment Property Loans
Fixed Rate Loans:
With a fixed-rate loan, the interest rate remains constant throughout the loan term, providing stability and predictability in repayments. This option is ideal for investors seeking protection against potential interest rate fluctuations.
Variable Rate Loans:
Variable rate loans are subject to changes in interest rates, which can either increase or decrease over time. While this option offers flexibility and the potential for lower interest rates, it also carries the risk of higher repayments if rates rise.
Interest-Only Loans:
Interest-only loans allow investors to pay only the interest portion of the loan for a specified period, typically five to 10 years. This can provide short-term cash flow benefits by reducing monthly repayments, but borrowers must be prepared for higher repayments once the interest-only period ends.
Eligibility and Requirements
Before applying for an investment property loan, it's essential to understand the eligibility criteria and requirements set forth by lenders. Key factors that lenders consider include:
Credit Score:
A strong credit score demonstrates a borrower's ability to manage debt responsibly and is a crucial factor in determining eligibility for an investment loan.
Debt-to-Income Ratio:
Lenders assess the borrower's debt-to-income ratio to ensure they have sufficient income to cover loan repayments. Lower ratios indicate less financial strain and may improve loan approval chances.
Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV):
The LTV ratio compares the loan amount to the property's value, with lower ratios typically resulting in more favourable loan terms. Lenders may require a higher deposit for investment loans to mitigate risk.
Benefits of Investing in Property
Investing in property offers numerous benefits that can contribute to long-term financial stability and growth:
Rental Income:
Investment properties generate rental income, providing a steady stream of cash flow that can be used to cover loan repayments and expenses.
Capital Appreciation:
Over time, property values tend to increase, allowing investors to build equity and potentially realise capital gains on selling the property.
Tax Advantages:
Property investors may benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest, property depreciation, and other expenses, reducing their overall tax liability.
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While investment property loans offer opportunities for wealth creation, it's crucial to be aware of potential risks and considerations:
Market Volatility:
Property markets can be subject to fluctuations in supply and demand, economic conditions, and government policies. Investors should conduct thorough market research and risk assessments to mitigate exposure to volatility.
Vacancy and Cash Flow:
Vacancies in rental properties can disrupt cash flow and impact loan repayments. Investors should budget for potential vacancies and have contingency plans in place to cover expenses during lean periods.
Property Maintenance and Management:
Owning an investment property entails responsibilities such as maintenance, repairs, and tenant management. Investors should budget for these expenses and consider outsourcing property management services if needed.
Interest Rate Risks:
Variable rate loans are susceptible to changes in interest rates, which can affect borrowing costs and cash flow. Investors should assess their risk tolerance and consider strategies such as fixing interest rates or creating buffers to mitigate interest rate risks.
Working with NZ Mortgages
NZ Mortgages specialises in helping investors navigate the complexities of investment property loans. With our expertise and personalised approach, we empower clients to make informed decisions and achieve their financial objectives. Our services include:
Loan Comparison:
We offer a wide range of loan options from various lenders, allowing clients to compare rates, terms, and features to find the best fit for their investment strategy.
Expert Advice:
Our team of mortgage professionals provides personalised guidance and support throughout the loan application process, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience from start to finish.
Ongoing Support:
Beyond securing financing, we remain committed to our clients' success, offering ongoing support and resources to help them maximise the return on their investment property portfolio.
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Strategies for Success
To maximise returns and mitigate risks when investing in property, consider the following strategies:
Diversifying your investment portfolio across different property types, locations, and asset classes can help spread risk and enhance long-term returns. Consider investing in residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties to diversify your portfolio.
Research and Due Diligence:
Conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in a property. Evaluate factors such as location, property condition, rental demand, and potential for capital appreciation to make informed investment decisions.
Financial Planning:
Develop a comprehensive financial plan that accounts for your investment goals, risk tolerance, cash flow projections, and exit strategies. Consider working with financial advisers and mortgage brokers to optimise your investment strategy and financing options.
Regular Review and Monitoring:
Regularly review and monitor your investment portfolio to assess performance, identify opportunities for optimisation, and make necessary adjustments to your strategy. Stay informed about market trends, regulatory changes, and economic developments that may impact your investments.
Investment property loans represent a gateway to financial freedom, and with NZ Mortgages by your side, the journey becomes simpler and more rewarding. By understanding the nuances of investment lending and leveraging the expertise of our team, you can confidently pursue your investment goals and build a brighter financial future. Contact NZ Mortgages today and unlock the potential of property investment.
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
Investment Options in India: Diversify Your Portfolio in 2024
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Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing, essential for managing risk and optimizing returns. In 2024, as investors navigate an ever-changing economic landscape, diversifying their portfolios becomes even more critical. India, with its vibrant economy, diverse markets, and growth potential, offers a plethora of investment options for both domestic and international investors. In this comprehensive guide, we explore various investment avenues in India in 2024, from traditional options like stocks and real estate to emerging opportunities in startups and alternative assets.
1. Equities: Investing in the Stock Market
Investing in equities remains one of the most popular ways to participate in India's economic growth story. The Indian stock market, represented by indices such as the Nifty 50 and Sensex, offers ample opportunities for investors to capitalize on the country's booming sectors and emerging companies.
- Blue-Chip Stocks: Invest in established companies with a proven track record of performance and stability.
- Mid and Small-Cap Stocks: Explore growth opportunities by investing in mid and small-cap companies with high growth potential.
- Sectoral Funds: Diversify your portfolio by investing in sector-specific mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) targeting industries such as technology, healthcare, and finance.
2. Mutual Funds: Professional Fund Management
Mutual funds provide an excellent avenue for investors to access a diversified portfolio managed by professional fund managers. In India, mutual funds offer a range of options catering to different risk profiles and investment objectives.
- Equity Funds: Invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, including large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies.
- Debt Funds: Generate stable returns by investing in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and treasury bills.
- Hybrid Funds: Combine the benefits of equity and debt investments to achieve a balanced risk-return profile.
- Index Funds and ETFs: Track benchmark indices like the Nifty 50 and Sensex at a lower cost compared to actively managed funds.
3. Real Estate: Tangible Assets for Long-Term Growth
Real estate continues to be a popular investment option in India, offering the dual benefits of capital appreciation and rental income. While traditional residential and commercial properties remain attractive, investors can also explore alternative avenues such as real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate crowdfunding platforms.
- Residential Properties: Invest in apartments, villas, or plots of land in prime locations with high demand and potential for appreciation.
- Commercial Properties: Generate rental income by investing in office spaces, retail outlets, warehouses, and industrial properties.
- REITs: Gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-generating real estate assets without the hassle of direct ownership.
- Real Estate Crowdfunding: Participate in real estate projects through online platforms, pooling funds with other investors to access lucrative opportunities.
4. Startups and Venture Capital: Betting on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
India's startup ecosystem has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by a wave of innovation, entrepreneurial talent, and supportive government policies. Investing in startups and venture capital funds allows investors to participate in this dynamic ecosystem and potentially earn high returns.
- Angel Investing: Provide early-stage funding to promising startups in exchange for equity ownership, betting on their growth potential.
- Venture Capital Funds: Invest in professionally managed funds that provide capital to startups and emerging companies in exchange for equity stakes.
- Startup Accelerators and Incubators: Partner with organizations that support early-stage startups through mentorship, networking, and access to resources.
5. Alternative Assets: Diversification Beyond Traditional Investments
In addition to stocks, bonds, and real estate, investors can diversify their portfolios further by allocating capital to alternative assets. These assets offer unique risk-return profiles and can act as a hedge against market volatility.
- Gold and Precious Metals: Hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations by investing in physical gold, gold ETFs, or gold savings funds.
- Commodities: Gain exposure to commodities such as crude oil, natural gas, metals, and agricultural products through commodity futures and exchange-traded funds.
- Cryptocurrencies: Explore the emerging asset class of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, which offer the potential for high returns but come with higher volatility and risk.
Diversifying your investment portfolio is essential for mitigating risk, maximizing returns, and achieving long-term financial goals. In 2024, India offers a myriad of investment options across various asset classes, catering to the preferences and risk profiles of different investors.
Whether you prefer the stability of blue-chip stocks, the growth potential of startups, or the tangible assets of real estate, India provides ample opportunities to diversify your portfolio and capitalize on the country's economic growth story. By carefully assessing your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon, you can construct a well-diversified portfolio that withstands market fluctuations and delivers sustainable returns in the years to come.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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jakethesequel · 1 month
Arguments about exactly what income level qualifies as "middle class" or "upper class" are always annoying because I always start out going on about sensibly like "well, I think it's important to understand that income has to be taken into the context of living expenses, I know people living in Toronto who would have a much higher income than me but end up being practically poorer because their extra income is eaten up by the exorbitant housing prices across the board" and "focusing on income can obscure other factors of privilege, like how two people can be living paycheck-to-paycheck with the same income levels and same expenses, but one's apartment has the benefit of an included dishwasher and clothes washer because that's standard in their city, while the other has to wash everything by hand" or even "someone paying the same bills as me with a higher income than me could still be worse off than me, like if the higher-paying job they rely on requires them to keep investing money in fixing their car, but my lower-paying job is within walking distance, putting them in a much more financially precarious situation" and "poverty isn't a desirable quality, anyone who isn't a boss is still proletarian even if they've managed to earn a decent living, really the only income level that matters is when you have enough money in the bank that you can survive off of savings/interest/investments, making you an honorary bourgeois even if you still work a day job" other such bullshit.
Then, inevitably, the unquestionably-wealthy-people-in-denial appropriate all that and start saying shit like "oh yeah, I'm not rich because of my million dollar mansion, that's just what housing costs are like in my (gated, suburban) community" and "omg yeah like I make a ton of money but my bills are so high (3600$ on candles and 1000$/week on gourmet doordash," just casually talking about wealth that I can't even imagine and that would be seen as rich-rich just about anywhere in the world. That's when I black out and start yelling things about violent revolution and the revenge of the working class and WE'RE GOING TO TURN YOUR FAMILY MANSION INTO A HOMELESS SHELTER, YOUR PRIVATE ART COLLECTION INTO A LIBRARY, YOUR SECOND HOME ON THE WATER INTO A PUBLIC DACHA, YOUR JEWELRY MELTED DOWN AND REPURPOSED. YOUR NEUROSURGEON FATHER WILL LEARN TO WORK FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS FELLOW MAN RATHER THAN FOR PROFIT until I get it out of my system and calm down again. Then it happens again next week.
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miyamatsui · 25 days
Today, I will share with the guys my structured approach to building and managing retirement savings through a 401(k) investment plan. By following this plan, you can achieve financial security in retirement and have a portfolio that balances growth potential with risk management.
Objective: The objective of this 401(k) investment plan is to ensure a well-balanced and diversified portfolio that aligns with long-term financial goals, risk tolerance, and retirement needs. This plan is designed to maximize returns while minimizing risks, taking into account the tax advantages of a 401(k) account.
Assessing Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon
Risk Tolerance: Determine the appropriate level of risk based on personal financial goals, age, and comfort with market volatility. Generally, a higher risk tolerance allows for a greater allocation to equities, while a lower risk tolerance favors bonds and fixed-income investments. Time Horizon: The number of years until retirement is a key factor in deciding the investment strategy. A longer time horizon permits a more aggressive investment approach, while a shorter time horizon necessitates a more conservative allocation.
Diversification Strategy
Equity Investments: Allocate a percentage of the 401(k) to stocks, focusing on a mix of domestic and international equities. Consider including large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to ensure broad market exposure. Fixed-Income Investments: Invest in bonds and other fixed-income securities to provide stability and income. Consider a mix of government, corporate, and high-yield bonds to diversify risk. Alternative Investments: Depending on the options available within the 401(k) plan, consider allocating a portion of the portfolio to alternative investments such as real estate or commodities to further diversify and hedge against inflation.
Contribution Strategy
Maximize Contributions: Aim to contribute the maximum allowable amount each year to take full advantage of tax deferral benefits. Additionally, contribute enough to qualify for any employer matching contributions, as this represents an immediate return on investment. Regular Contributions: Set up automatic contributions to ensure consistent investment over time. This dollar-cost averaging approach can reduce the impact of market volatility.
Rebalancing and Monitoring
Periodic Rebalancing: Regularly review the portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with the target asset allocation. Rebalance the portfolio at least annually or whenever significant market movements cause a substantial deviation from the original allocation. Monitoring Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of individual investments and the overall portfolio. Make adjustments as needed based on changes in market conditions, personal financial situation, or retirement goals.
Consideration of Tax Implications
Pre-Tax vs. Roth Contributions: Evaluate the benefits of making pre-tax contributions versus Roth (after-tax) contributions based on current and expected future tax rates. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): Plan for RMDs starting at age 73 (or the required age based on current regulations) to minimize tax impact and ensure compliance with IRS rules.
Retirement Income Planning
Withdrawal Strategy: Develop a strategy for withdrawing funds during retirement that minimizes tax liability and ensures the longevity of the retirement portfolio. Annuity Consideration: Consider purchasing an annuity with a portion of the 401(k) balance to provide a guaranteed income stream during retirement
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assetplusfinance · 1 month
The Smart Trick of SIP Calculator That No One is discussing
Investing in mutual funds through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a smart and disciplined way to build wealth over time. However, many investors overlook the powerful tool that can help them optimize their SIP investments: the SIP Calculator. This article uncovers the smart tricks of using an SIP calculator that no one is discussing, helping you make the most of your investments and achieve your financial goals.
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Understanding SIP and Its Importance
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest a fixed amount at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, etc.) in a mutual fund scheme. This method of investing offers several benefits:
Disciplined Investing: Regular contributions promote consistent investing habits.
Rupee Cost Averaging: By investing at different market levels, you reduce the average cost of your units.
Power of Compounding: Regular investments grow exponentially over time.
The Hidden Benefits of Using an SIP Calculator
Accurate Financial Planning
Benefit: An SIP calculator provides precise estimates of the future value of your investments based on your input variables such as monthly investment amount, investment duration, and expected rate of return.
Advantage: This accuracy helps in setting realistic financial goals and planning your investments accordingly. You can determine how much to invest regularly to achieve your target corpus.
Informed Decision-Making
Benefit: The SIP Calculator allows you to experiment with different investment amounts, durations, and rates of return.
Advantage: By comparing various scenarios, you can make informed decisions about your investment strategy. This ensures that you choose the best plan to meet your financial objectives.
Time-Saving and Error-Free Calculations
Benefit: Manually calculating the future value of your investments can be time-consuming and prone to errors. An SIP calculator simplifies this process and provides results in seconds.
Advantage: This tool saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your financial planning. It also ensures that your calculations are accurate and reliable.
The Smart Trick: Using SIP Calculators for Different Investment Goals
Short-Term Goals
Example: Planning a vacation or buying a gadget within the next year or two.
Step: Input a shorter investment duration and a realistic expected return into the SIP calculator.
Result: Determine the monthly investment needed to reach your short-term goal.
Medium-Term Goals
Example: Saving for higher education or a wedding in the next 5-10 years.
Step: Use the SIP calculator to input a moderate investment duration and expected return.
Result: Find out how much you need to invest monthly to achieve your medium-term financial goals.
Long-Term Goals
Example: Building a retirement corpus or creating a substantial fund for your child's education.
Step: Enter a longer investment duration and an optimistic yet realistic expected return.
Result: Calculate the monthly SIP required to accumulate the desired corpus over the long term.
The Lesser-Known Features of SIP Calculators
Step-Up SIP Calculations
Feature: Many SIP calculators offer a step-up option, allowing you to increase your monthly investment amount periodically.
Benefit: This feature helps in aligning your investments with your growing income and financial goals.
Advantage: By gradually increasing your SIP amount, you can accumulate a larger corpus without putting a strain on your finances.
Inflation Adjustment
Feature: Some advanced SIP calculators allow you to factor in inflation when calculating the future value of your investments.
Benefit: This ensures that your investment planning accounts for the decreasing purchasing power of money over time.
Advantage: You can set more accurate financial goals and ensure that your corpus meets your future needs.
Goal-Based Planning
Feature: SIP calculators can be used for goal-based planning, helping you align your investments with specific financial objectives.
Benefit: This targeted approach ensures that your investments are purposeful and aligned with your life goals.
Advantage: You can track your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on course towards achieving your goals.
Practical Tips for Using an SIP Calculator
Start Early: The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow through compounding.
Be Consistent: Stick to your investment plan and make regular contributions, regardless of market conditions.
Review Regularly: Periodically review your investments and adjust your SIP amount based on changes in your financial situation and goals.
Use Conservative Estimates: While using the SIP Calculator, opt for conservative return estimates to account for market volatility and ensure realistic projections.
An SIP Return Calculator is a powerful yet often underutilized tool that can significantly enhance your investment planning. By providing accurate estimates, facilitating informed decision-making, and offering features like step-up calculations and inflation adjustment, SIP calculators can help you achieve your financial goals more efficiently. Start using these smart tricks today to make the most of your SIP investments and secure a financially stable future.
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citiesandtowns · 1 year
Last year, troubled by the seeming intractability of these problems, I began looking for solutions outside the United States. Could the answer be rent control, as in Berlin? It might have seemed that way a decade or so ago, before investors and new residents began pouring into the city, causing land values to quintuple; now, despite rent-stabilization laws, even the apartments that no one else wanted to buy 15 years ago are huge moneymakers. Many residents with affordable rental contracts are locked into them because it would be too expensive or competitive to move. Frustrated by the housing squeeze, tenant organizers recently put forth an “expropriation” measure, which called for landlords with more than 3,000 units to sell their holdings back to the government at below-market prices. In a 2021 referendum, 59 percent of Berliners voted in favor of it, but it’s not clear whether it will ever be implemented.
Could the answer be loosening zoning restrictions, as Tokyo did in 2002? That has certainly helped. In 2014, there was more home construction in the city than in all of England. Since then, home prices have stabilized. Tokyo is largely celebrated as a model by YIMBYs (members of the “yes, in my backyard” movement) because they like its market-driven approach to housing abundance. They often point out that the city builds five times as much housing per capita as California. But Japan is a very different market because of its earthquake risk: Because regulatory codes and mitigation technologies are ever improving, structures often fully depreciate within 35 years. Older homes are often undermaintained because there’s little expectation that any investment might be recaptured upon resale; they’re thought of like used clothing or cars — you resell at a loss.
Auckland, New Zealand, might seem like a more applicable example. In 2016, the city, which has one of the most expensive housing markets in the world, “upzoned” 75 percent of its residential land, increasing its legal capacity for housing by about 300 percent in an effort to encourage multifamily-housing construction and tamp down prices. In areas that were upzoned, the total number of building permits granted (a way of estimating new construction) more than quadrupled from 2016 to 2021. As intended, the relative value of underdeveloped land increased, because it could suddenly host more housing, and the relative value of units in densely developed areas decreased, tempering sky-high prices. But there are limits to what upzoning can do. Often the benefits of allowing greater density are captured by developers, who price the new units far above cost. It doesn’t offer renters security or directly create the type of housing most needed: affordable housing.
That’s what differentiates Vienna. Perhaps no other developed city has done more to protect residents from the commodification of housing. In Vienna, 43 percent of all housing is insulated from the market, meaning the rental prices reflect costs or rates set by law — not “what the market will bear” or what a person with no other options will pay. The government subsidizes affordable units for a wide range of incomes. The mean gross household income in Vienna is 57,700 euros a year, but any person who makes under 70,000 euros qualifies for a Gemeindebau unit. Once in, you never have to leave. It doesn’t matter if you start earning more. The government never checks your salary again. Two-thirds of the city’s rental housing is covered by rent control, and all tenants have just-cause eviction protections. Such regulations, when coupled with adequate supply, give renters a level of stability comparable to American owners with fixed mortgages. As a result, 80 percent of all households in Vienna choose to rent.
The key difference is that Vienna prioritizes subsidizing construction, while the United States prioritizes subsidizing people, with things like housing vouchers. One model focuses on supply, the other on demand. Vienna’s choice illustrates a fundamental economic reality, which is that a large-enough supply of social housing offers a market alternative that improves housing for all.
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sourcreammachine · 4 months
tldr: tinkering reforms to existing structures and services without bothering to fix the overall problems or their causes. literally less ambitions than their previous manifestos. their whole campaign is mostly just getting u to like ed davey by making him look silly
their five basic points:
small business aid
public service investment
deal with the shitwater
as much bilateral eurointegration as possible
democratic reform
reverse tax cuts on the banks and raise business tax to the international standard, raise the tax on digital businesses
balanced budget pledge, but when possible, cut income tax for the poor via raising the personal allowance
expand the british business bank and reestablish the ‘industrial strategy council’ quango (a policy shared by labour)
abolish the two-child benefits cap, bedroom tax and WASPI discrepancy
consumer-side investment for green energy and climate projects, ten-year plan to insulate and heatpump low-income houses, minimum price guarantee for selling home solar to the grid
windfall tax on oil and gas
increase parliamentary oversight of the department of trade
establish a workers’ protection enforcement authority
“independent review” into a living wage — less of a pledge than seen in labour’s policy programme
keep zerohour contracts, right to request a contact after twelve months (not a full right to a contract), employment strategy ‘fit for the age of the gig economy’ (ie embracing it)
expand the soft drinks levy to sugary juice and milkshakes
8000 more GPs
reform dental contracts to prevent practises going private
remove the medical requirement for gender recognition and recognise nonbinary identities
free school meals — only for families in poverty
free personal care for everyone under a national care agency regulator, increased and expanded carers' allowance with paid respite leave
five more hours of free childcare — only for disadvantaged families
'guarantee' gp access within 24 hours, nhs dental access for urgent care, and access to talking therapy — though not fully enumerating this target
toothbrushing lessons in schools
eliminate the prescription charge for mental health prescriptions and 'review the entire schedule of exemptions' for the charge — not abolishing this indefensible illness tax
refom the mental health act to expand rights, self-determination and patient choice
free sign language lessons for parents of deaf children
free ‘acces to’ period products 'for anyone who needs it' [clarification needed]
various provisions for a focus on cancer care
rejoin erasmus+
freevote on the right to die
local authorities can end right to buy in their area
abolish leaseholding — but cap ground rents not abolishing long leases
ten new "garden cities", the failed nothing plan that helped nothing
abolish the land compensation act, letting local governments buy land at current value rather than speculated potential value
use-it-or-lose-it planning permission laws for 'developers who refuse to build'
local authorities can hike council tax by 500% on second homes and surcharge stamp duty (homebuying tax) on overseas buyers
community asset laws to "protect pubs... and other vital infrastructure" [actual quote]
reinstate 2030 ban on new petrol cars, build more chargers (including on-street points)
create a railway agency to manage rail systems rather than nationalising the international humiliation that is the private franchise system
build northern powerhouse rail, review the cancellation of HS2-north, ten-year plan for electrifications, open HS1 to new operators to increase international rail
strategy to expand freightrail as much as possible with keen targets to move freight from road to rail
transport ministry scheme to build local authority lightrail, trams and tramtrains
subject private and business-class flights to VAT and supertax private jets, ban domestic flights under 150 minutes (weird, because that's basically all of them, aberdeen to london included)
expand the national crime agency and its remit
surge funding for armed forces
don't establish the Rwanda concentration scheme
firewall between all public agencies and the home office to prevent the HO gobbling up personal data
'end the hostile environment' [clarification needed]
end loopholes that allow kleptocratic money laundering, seize frozen russian assets and give the money to ukraine
animal welfare bill, ban foie gras and "crack down on puppy and kitten smuggling"
continue to be the american empire's prettiest bitch
land use framework to restore biodiversity and prevent environmental waste, 'wild belt' to protect environments
sewage tax on water companies, prevent dumping in protected waters... by 2030
legal requirement for landlords to increase energy efficiency of their lorded properties
fully reinstate ban on fracking, ban new coal mines, eliminate fossil fuel subsidies
deposit return scheme for bottles and food containers
seed more seagrass meadows
SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE for parliament and for all councils
abolish the lords
make parliament elect the prime minister rather than buckingham palace, repeal the reinstatement of the prime minister's indefensible dictatorial ability to dissolve parliament at will
votes at 16 and abolish voter ID
constitutional convention to draft a new Federal Constitution
let european citizens vote, just like citizens of the so-called commonwealth can
cap donations to parties
make the ministerial code a legalised thing that can be enforced with actual consequences, mandate all ministers' instant messages about government business be archived
abolish police commissioners and end new combined authorities, give such powers directly to existing authorities
regulate tv debates under ofcom
an overseas constituency for overseas voters
recognise Palestine and demand immediate ceasefire, proscribe the IRG
disengage many partnerships with china
ban single use vapes
junk food telly adverts banned pre-watershed
make carer status and care leaver status protected characteristics under the equality act
post offices become community government and banking hubs, if u can still trust them
raise subtitle mandate to 80% of telly
levy gambling companies to 'fund research', rather than actually do anything about the international humiliation that is this country's ultra-lax gambling laws and gambling addiction epidemic
rewrite wedding laws, though not necessarily marriage laws
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 4 months
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One Man’s Opinion on Retirement
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            Once again, I must remind you that every human being is different. However, one gender has trouble with retirement: male. Why? The male ego. Thanks to the constant haranguing by advocates of masculinity, some men think that retirement is a death sentence to their identities. It’s part of the male castration complex. Upon retirement, you lose the respect of people who now view you as a useless, babbling nobody. You are regarded as a child again. Some dudes must be forced into retirement because they refuse to go there. In a capitalist society, you are either a master or a slave. Capitalists (masters) never have to retire because they have enough money to allow them 10 lifetimes. Now, as a worker (slave) who retires, you can no longer make any capitalist rich. However, your body ultimately breaks down from arthritis and heart disease, and you can no longer function without physical discomfort.
            A lot of retirees do not have any savings or investment income, so they are dependent upon pensions and/or Social Security. As such, they are on fixed incomes. Plastic conservatives point their boney fingers at them and declare it was their fault: “You didn’t handle your money right! You spent it on capricious stuff like a sports car or a 500-dollar pair of sneakers. You should have invested your money or saved more!” So, like a good little flunkey, you feel guilty for having burdened rich, White guys to pay taxes to fund your Medicare or Social-Security benefits. Even when you lost your job during your working years and were eligible for unemployment benefits, you didn’t sign up because of feeling embarrassed over your plight.
            Some men go through the extremes of depression and then suicide. Others become hermits and withdraw from society. Why is this? Because we live in society that celebrates wealth and downplays the proletariat. Plus, old people are viewed as annoying and useless, like children.
I am glad I have a different attitude towards retirement.
I am a subject of Gerontology. I state my case here. After an anfractuous life and being yelled at by alarm clocks, I am here to state: I love retirement! The money sucks, but the freedom is priceless. Many seniors go to Las Vegas and sit in front of those one-armed bandits all day, hoping for a big payoff. As for me? I was never good at making money. Plus, I never cared for it. To me, money was something you needed to buy art supplies and chilidogs. I had a passion for the arts and other things, like musical instruments. You needed money to buy birthday presents or other gifts to show your friends that you valued their friendship. Well, not me. A lot of people I knew thought I was a cheap asshole. Maybe I was.
            Retirement to me is living in freedom. I sleep as long as I want. I don’t have anything scheduled. I can literally stop and smell the roses. The only notable difference in my activities is that I see medical doctors more. But nobody points at me and tells me to be a man! I couldn’t even if wanted to. It takes me two minutes to get up from my couch. I don’t have to prove anything to anybody. I can walk away from anything and not care. I am happily married and in love.
In this country (USA), nobody has respect for elders. We are just a nuisance. President Biden is one those men who refuses to quit, just like Donald Trump. The selfishness of these two men is astounding! Should one of them die of natural causes during their term in office, it would put the entire nation in political crises. But, do they care? Hell no! They’re dead!
As for me, I am still alive, and I can take a long lunch if I want to!  Retirement: plan for it and have fun year-round!
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
A new cost of living adjustment (COLA) prediction for Social Security has many seniors scratching their heads at how they'll stretch their benefits amid inflation.
The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) just predicted the COLA for 2025, saying beneficiaries can expect a 2.66 percent bump in benefits. Earlier in the year, the estimate was set at 2.6 and 2.4 percent.
If a 2.66 percent boost is implemented, it would likely increase monthly payments by around $50 for most recipients.
While the jump in monthly benefits would be better than the earlier predictions, many seniors were expecting a higher boost to deal with the impacts of inflation.
The Social Security Administration adjusts Social Security payment amounts every year based on the consumer price index, but not everyone feels the change would be enough to get by.
"While COLA payments will increase to offset the effects of inflation, the problem many have with the potential percentage jump is it won't get far enough to meet most of the financial needs of seniors," Alex Beene, a financial literacy instructor at the University of Tennessee at Martin, told Newsweek. "Obviously daily expenses for this age group continue to rise, but the uptick in healthcare costs are putting an additional strain on them, and COLA payments may not be enough to match that uptick."
Seniors will also likely be dealing with higher Medicare Part premiums, according to TSCL.
In the Medicare Trustee report from this month, Part B premiums were predicted to grow by $10.30 a month to a total of $185. That increase is on top of nationwide inflation on groceries, housing and transportation.
"For 2024, the average Social Security benefit rose by $50 and after subtracting $9.80 to cover Medicare Part B Premium increases, the total change in benefits came out to just $40.20 a month. With the forecast of a 2.66 percent COLA for 2025, it appears seniors will continue to suffer financial insecurity as much next year as they have this year," Shannon Benton, executive director of TSCL, said in a statement.
The COLA for each year depends on the rise of the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) for the third quarter of the last year. That means the official COLA for 2025 won't be calculated until later in the year.
Many finance experts have questioned whether the CPI-W even stands as a good measure of what seniors can expect inflation wise, with many saying the consumer price index for the elderly (CPI-E)
In 2024, Social Security checks rose by 3.2 percent due to the COLA after a more generous increase of 8.7 percent last year. Many seniors, roughly 71 percent, reported in TSCL 2024 Senior Survey that the increase in household costs they saw went beyond the 3.2 percent jump from the COLA.
"The majority of seniors still feel like their costs are rising faster than those annual adjustments," Michael Ryan, a finance expert and founder/CEO of michaelryanmoney.com, told Newsweek. "So while the COLA certainly helps, it often still doesn't fully cover the real inflation draining seniors' buying power."
Due to the insufficient funds from Social Security for seniors, many will need additional income streams, including a 401(k), IRA or other investment accounts.
"At the end of the day, any COLA increase is better than none to prevent total Social Security stagnation," Ryan said. "But the 2.6 percent projection for 2025 underscores the need for policymakers to reexamine whether metrics like CPI-E would better serve seniors by more accurately reflecting their unique spending habits. We just want to make sure government benefits retain as much purchasing power over time as possible on those fixed incomes."
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