#Benefits of Infinite AI GPT
ronelgomes · 1 year
Infinite AI GPT
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With the help of the cutting-edge cloud-based app development platform Infinite AI GPT, you may produce and market your own cloud software tools. This advanced platform enables you to create apps as a product owner, offer them as affiliate bonuses, and much more. It has a history of six consecutive #1 sellers. Enter your questions and modify your app’s settings, including the title, URL, and logo. This is the first app in the world to utilize AI to create other applications that can be bought and sold to generate revenue. This is live, unrestricted access to the most successful business concept in the world. Please join the line, and don’t forget to thank someone as you enter.
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nhaneh · 4 months
you know, it strikes me that in this era of bots inevitably scraping basically anything and everything that gets posted online for generative algorithm training purposes, there's even more potential benefit to posting "low quality" art, especially art which either "flawed" or otherwise heavily stylised in ways that these generative models can't really process particularly well.
basically the point is to gum up the works with things that people might appreciate, but generative systems might not - the genie isn't going back in the bottle, this kind of tech was already heavily integrated with modern tech society well before Chat GPT made a bunch of techbros collectively lose their minds and start worshipping imaginary "AI" overlords; what we can do is make it a more risky investment: the more time (and money!) they have to spend on filtering their training data for content they can't or don't want to use, the more costly this whole boondoggle becomes for them.
(doing a cut for a "this is the system operating as designed" rant that went a bit out of hand lmao)
I mean this is basically just another attempt at commodifying the commons back at us as part of a (series of) get-rich-quick schemes: it's taking the human propensity for creating and sharing and trying to monopolise it for the benefit the owner class, at our own cost. And it's basically guaranteed to fail due to the nature of generative systems - where humans can learn from each other, these "AI" cannot, they need human-made material to learn from. They're cannibalising the very people they're dependent on, in both directions this time.
the problem is that they can end up doing a lot of harm before it collapses in on itself.
this is basically the system as designed fucking up in the ways it was designed to fuck up: by rewarding the unscrupulous and greedy without a single thought towards future sustainability, just infinite growth upon infinite growth with no regard for how that approach is fundamentally impossible to maintain. And, frustratingly, chances are we'll probably end up seeing another recession once this whole "AI" bubble bursts because somehow all our futures are in the hands of a bunch of greedy, shortsighted fools who just cannot stop fucking shit up for everyone for even a microsecond.
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spinbitchzu · 1 year
on character ai
being on tiktok rn is being crushingly disappointed by the sheer volume of locals who have discovered character ai and are using it to generate x reader fics. idk just as a person who has been around fandom spaces there are just soooo many people with a passion for writing x reader and while it’s not my cup of tea they are so, so talented and can do so much better than ai. I see people thrilled and excited to get the ai to show a steamy kiss when there are infinite authors who will write you getting railed by your fav six ways to Sunday if you just ASK. like I could search any fandom and find a million talented writers with requests open. ITS MOST USUALLY FREE TOO !!!
or like, if it’s the interaction aspect that’s appealing, there are so many role-play spaces or ask-blogs and it just drives me nuts to see people stepping into this new form of fandom that is ai driven — such as with what I've been seeing about people plugging unfinished fics into chat gpt to get endings. do they realize that they are not only receiving a far lower, far more derivative quality of work, but also selling out their favorite authors in the process? 
The path we are headed down right now is so scary to me. as a person who has been in the trenches of the most horrendous brain rot and obsession over certain medias, I still wish I could shake these people by the shoulders and tell them that long after a tv show stops being important to you, it’s the people that you meet through shared interest in it that will remain. its a far more sustainable and meaningful kind of connection and fandom is a hub for it. I have met so many of the best friends I've ever had through being obsessed with a book and NEEDING to write with other people about it. contrast that with seeking your writing fixation through character ai. That is a closed circuit. you and the computer, nothing else. im begging ppl to postpone instant gratification for one second and remember whats actually important about fandom. 
stop feeding ais and instead commission artists, reblog their headcanons, comment on fics, submit to ask blogs, join rp servers, request from writers — ANYTHING anything. it will be so much more fulfilling and benefits the creative ecosystem so much more. 
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reviewrating · 5 months
AI VistaStudio Review – Get Ready for Massive Traffic And Commissions.
AI App Perfect for digital marketers, bloggers, social media influencers, and freelancers!
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AI VistaStudio Review – Introduction
Indulge in the exploration of my AI VistaStudio Review Post. The realm of commerce finds itself significantly influenced by the realm of visual allure. The inaugural impression, often the decisive factor, hinges on visuals—a gateway to retaining attention. In an epoch dominated by digital presence and social media, captivating graphics, intricate illustrations, and pictorial representations stand as the linchpin for effectively engaging with your audience.
Visuals wield the prowess to communicate intricate messages, weave compelling narratives, and carve out your brand identity in a manner unattainable through mere text. Crafting persuasive visuals, however, proves to be a challenging endeavor. It necessitates specialized proficiencies, adeptness in software intricacies, and a substantial investment of time.
Hence, the contemporary reliance on AI—a technological ally that substantially streamlines the labyrinthine process of visual content genesis. AI seamlessly automates convoluted tasks, transmutes modest inputs into visuals of splendor, and proffers an extensive repertoire of design styles.
AI VistaStudio, a quintessential exemplification, underscores how AI is refining the landscape of visual content production. This avant-garde tool metamorphoses textual elements into resplendent graphics with a mere press of a button.
Henceforth, accessibility to the creation of visual content is democratized, extending its reach to one and all, regardless of their technical acumen or design prowess.
AI VistaStudio Review – Overview
Vendor: Ali Blackwell
Product: AI VistaStudio
Launch Date: 2024-Jan-11
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
The discount coupon: Add my code “VISTA30” – 30% OFF for the entire funnel.
Refund: YES, 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Product Type: Graphic Design Solution
Support: Effective Response
Operating System: Web App
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
AI VistaStudio Review –  What is AI VistaStudio?
AI Vista Studio stands as an avant-garde graphic design software propelled by the prowess of GPT 4 technology. It introduces an interface that caters to user ease, an expansive repository of templates, customizable features, and advanced image manipulation capabilities. AI Vista Studio empowers you to craft captivating graphics tailored for diverse purposes, spanning websites, social media, advertisements, and beyond. Its cloud-centric architecture ensures seamless accessibility from any location, while its budget-friendly pricing renders it an enticing choice for both individuals and enterprises. Presently, we should leave on an inside and out investigation of artificial intelligence Vista Studio.
A world-class platform harnessing ChatGPT 4 AI enables the effortless generation of sizzling viral graphics with just a few clicks! Transform your words into an infinite array of jaw-dropping graphics, illustrations, and photos for blogs, websites, advertisements, social media, ebooks, and more—employ AI graphics across a spectrum of projects!
Convert your blogs, advertisements, websites, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms into potent generators of viral traffic! Tailor-made for digital marketers, bloggers, social media influencers, and freelancers!
A user-friendly graphic creator and editor, fueled by ChatGPT 4, provides an interface that welcomes all skill levels. Explore a myriad of high-converting templates within trending niches and access millions of royalty-free assets devoid of copyright entanglements.
The app proves to be a lucrative asset, yielding over $500 effortlessly per project! Benefit from the inclusion of a commercial license to kickstart your profitable venture now!
Save both time and money by bidding farewell to monthly expenditures reaching thousands of dollars on platforms like Adobe, Photoshop, Canva, and others. The perpetual quest for quality stock photos and the risk of legal repercussions for employing copyrighted images become relics of the past.
Designed with beginners in mind, AI Vista Studio necessitates zero skills for operation! Embrace risk-free experimentation with a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring your satisfaction and peace of mind.
AI Vista Studio Review – How does it work?
Step 1: Initiate Your Creative Journey
Opt for Ease or Personalization:
Enter a keyword or phrase into our GPT 4 tool, choosing from our vast library of 1500+ ready-to-use graphic templates. Click "Generate," and witness the instant transformation by our GPT 4 tool and AI. Marvel as it crafts striking graphics, including banners, business cards, blog post visuals, ads, Facebook page covers, Instagram and Twitter posts, Pinterest pins, and more, spanning over 100 niches.
Alternatively, embrace the blank canvas and start from scratch, fashioning your own unique design.
Step 2: Unleash Your Creativity
Personalize with Precision:
Modify and tailor the selected template using our robust drag-and-drop image editor. Empowered by AI, this feature allows seamless customization with a myriad of design assets at your disposal.
Step 3: Ignite Virality & Prosper
Amplify Your Reach:
Download your creation or share it directly on your blog, website, social media, or any platform of choice. Propel your content into the viral realm, attracting thousands of views, escalating engagement, traffic, and sales. Not only for personal use—extend this capability to your clients, reaping substantial commissions.
AI VistaStudio Review – My Opinion: Is It Worth The Investment?
The graphic design landscape is undergoing a transformative shift with the introduction of AI-powered tools, and leading this revolution is AI VistaStudio. Having had the privilege of utilizing various graphic design solutions, I can assert with confidence that AI VistaStudio stands as a true game-changer.
It transcends being a mere tool; it represents a holistic solution that addresses the needs of both beginners and seasoned professionals. AI VistaStudio is dedicated to making high-quality graphics not just available but easily accessible to all. This commitment positions it as a standout force in the evolving realm of graphic design.
AI VistaStudio Review - Conclusion
AI VistaStudio presents competitive pricing, rendering it an appealing choice for businesses of all sizes. Departing from subscription-based alternatives, its one-time payment model not only offers immediate affordability but also ensures long-term cost savings.
In the realm of graphic design, AI VistaStudio emerges as a beacon of innovation. Its fusion of AI-powered capabilities, a user-friendly interface, and a comprehensive feature set establishes it as a prime selection for crafting high-quality and impactful graphics.
Whether you possess seasoned design expertise or are a business owner navigating design for the first time, AI VistaStudio empowers you with intuitive tools to effortlessly bring your visual concepts to life.
Are you ready to revolutionize your graphic design processes and elevate your brand's visual identity? Dive into AI VistaStudio today and witness the future of graphic design unfold before your eyes.
Thank you for delving into the AI VistaStudio Review! I sincerely hope it has proven beneficial in shaping your purchase decision. Act swiftly, as this offer comes bundled with numerous bonuses for early adopters, ensuring you secure the best possible deal.
Click Here To Get Ai VistaStudio <<<
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Get Ready for the GPT Store Launch and Unlock Infinite Possibilities with OpenAI's GPT-4
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology, revolutionizing various industries and reshaping the way businesses operate. With its ability to replicate human intelligence and perform complex tasks, AI is unlocking new opportunities and driving innovation across multiple sectors. One prominent player in the AI space is OpenAI, a leading research organization focused on developing AI technologies for the benefit of humanity. OpenAI has gained recognition for its groundbreaking GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, which has made significant advancements in natural language processing and generation. https://aieventx.com/7-intriguing-facts-about-gpt-what-does-gpt-stand-for/ The Growing Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Various Industries Artificial Intelligence has made profound impacts across diverse industries, ranging from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and transportation. In healthcare, AI-powered systems are improving diagnostic accuracy, enabling personalized treatment plans, and advancing medical research. In finance, AI algorithms are optimizing investment strategies, detecting fraudulent activities, and enhancing customer experience through chatbots and virtual assistants. Similarly, AI is automating processes, optimizing supply chains, and enabling predictive maintenance in manufacturing and transportation sectors. As society becomes more tech-driven, the influence of AI continues to expand, heralding a new era of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Overview of OpenAI and its GPT Series OpenAI, founded in 2015, is a research organization dedicated to developing and promoting AI technologies that benefit all of humanity. Led by a team of leading AI researchers and engineers, OpenAI has made remarkable contributions to the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) through its GPT series. The GPT series stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a state-of-the-art language model that utilizes deep learning techniques to understand, generate, and process human-like text. The GPT models are pre-trained on vast amounts of textual data, enabling them to generate highly coherent and contextually relevant text in various applications. OpenAI's GPT models have achieved notable breakthroughs in tasks such as machine translation, question answering, text completion, and more. The most recent version, GPT-3, is renowned for its ability to generate human-like responses, answer queries, and even write code snippets. As OpenAI continues to innovate and push the boundaries of AI research and development, the future of the GPT series holds immense potential for revolutionizing the way we interact with AI-powered systems and the world of language processing as a whole. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the applications and impact of OpenAI's GPT series, exploring its use cases, benefits, and the ethical considerations surrounding its deployment. Join us as we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and OpenAI's GPT series.
Evolution of OpenAI's GPT Models
OpenAI's GPT models have undergone significant advancements over time, leading to groundbreaking developments in language generation and comprehension. Let's explore the evolution of these models: 1. GPT-1: Introducing the concept of language models GPT-1, the first generation of OpenAI's language model, laid the foundation for subsequent advancements. It introduced the concept of pre-training and fine-tuning, wherein the model is first trained on a large corpus of text data and then fine-tuned on specific tasks. GPT-1 showcased the potential of machine learning models in generating coherent and contextually relevant text. However, it had limitations in terms of the scale of training data and the model's size, which restricted its overall performance. 2. GPT-2: Advancements in language generation and comprehension OpenAI's second-generation language model, GPT-2, marked a significant leap forward in terms of scale, performance, and language understanding capabilities. It was trained on a massive dataset comprising diverse sources like books, websites, and articles. GPT-2 demonstrated impressive results in various natural language processing tasks, including text completion, translation, and question answering. It showcased the model's ability to produce human-like text and comprehend intricate language nuances. Furthermore, GPT-2 introduced control codes that allowed users to guide the model's output by conditioning it on specific prompts or instructions. This added a new level of flexibility and customization to the language generation process. 3. GPT-3: Unlocking new possibilities with massive language models GPT-3 revolutionized the field of natural language processing with unprecedented scale and capability. It was trained on a vast amount of internet text, resulting in a model with 175 billion parameters, making it one of the largest language models ever created. GPT-3 displayed remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks, including text completion, translation, summarization, and even programming tasks. Its ability to generate contextually accurate and coherent text surpassed previous iterations. Moreover, GPT-3 showcased advancements in zero-shot and few-shot learning, enabling the model to perform tasks without explicit training on them. This breakthrough opened up new possibilities for using language models in various applications and domains. In conclusion, the evolution of OpenAI's GPT models, from GPT-1 to GPT-3, has pushed the boundaries of language understanding and generation. These models have transformed the field of natural language processing and unlocked immense potential for a wide array of applications. https://aieventx.com/what-is-video-poet-unleash-your-creative-potential-with-free-text-to-video-ai/
Introducing GPT-4: The Next Generation of AI Power
AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, and the latest breakthrough in the field is GPT-4. This fourth iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series represents a significant leap forward in AI capabilities, with numerous features and improvements that have the potential to revolutionize various industries and sectors. Overview of Features and Improvements - Enhanced Language Understanding: GPT-4 exhibits a remarkable ability to understand and interpret human language. It can comprehend context, nuances, and even ambiguous phrases, enabling more natural and accurate language processing. - Improved Contextual Reasoning: GPT-4 can generate more coherent and contextually relevant responses by better contextual reasoning. It can understand the flow of conversation and generate appropriate follow-up questions or comments, making interactions with AI systems more engaging and productive. - Expanded Knowledge Base: Building on the vast information available on the internet, GPT-4 includes an even more extensive knowledge base. It can access and utilize a wide range of sources, including academic papers, research databases, and online content, to provide comprehensive and well-informed responses. - Enhanced Creativity: GPT-4 demonstrates enhanced creativity and the ability to generate more imaginative and original content. It can produce engaging stories, poems, and even artwork, showcasing its improved generative capabilities. - Better Multilingual Support: GPT-4 excels in multilingual communication, with an expanded language repertoire. It can comprehend and generate text in multiple languages, facilitating effective communication across linguistic barriers. Potential Applications and Implications in Different Sectors - Content Creation and Copywriting: GPT-4's improved language understanding and creative abilities make it an invaluable tool for content creation. It can assist writers in generating engaging articles, marketing copy, and social media content. - Customer Service and Chatbots: With enhanced contextual reasoning and language processing, GPT-4 can deliver more accurate and personalized responses in customer service interactions. It can effectively handle inquiries and resolve issues, improving customer satisfaction. - Education and E-Learning: GPT-4's expanded knowledge base and improved language understanding can greatly benefit the education sector. It can provide intelligent tutoring, answer student queries, and generate educational content across various subjects and languages. - Data Analysis and Research: GPT-4's ability to access and comprehend diverse sources of information positions it as an invaluable tool for data analysis and research. It can assist in extracting insights from large datasets, aiding in scientific research, and accelerating discoveries. - Entertainment and Gaming: GPT-4's enhanced creativity and generative abilities have exciting implications in the entertainment industry. It can produce unique storylines, game narratives, and even generate virtual characters with distinct personalities and dialogues. It is crucial to bear in mind that while GPT-4 offers numerous benefits and possibilities, ethical considerations and responsible use of AI should always be a priority. As society embraces this new era of AI advancements, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability will be paramount in realizing the full potential of GPT-4 and shaping its impact on different sectors.
The GPT Store: Unlocking the Commercialization of AI
The concept of the GPT Store is revolutionizing the commercialization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by creating new market opportunities for developers and businesses. Introduction to the concept of the GPT Store The GPT Store is a marketplace where developers can monetize their AI models built on the OpenAI GPT platform. With GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, developers can create AI-driven applications that generate human-like text based on given prompts. These models have wide-ranging applications in various industries, including content generation, customer support, language translation, and much more. By opening up the GPT platform to developers and businesses, the GPT Store allows them to not only build innovative AI applications but also sell and distribute them to a broader market. This presents an exciting opportunity for developers to monetize their AI expertise and for businesses to acquire cutting-edge AI technologies without investing in lengthy and expensive development processes. Market potential and opportunities for developers and businesses The market potential for the GPT Store is vast. With the increasing demand for AI-powered solutions across industries, developers can tap into a wide range of opportunities to monetize their AI models. By selling their AI applications through the GPT Store, developers can generate revenue and reach a global customer base. For businesses, the GPT Store offers a unique opportunity to access state-of-the-art AI models developed by experts. Instead of investing time, resources, and expertise to build their own AI systems from scratch, businesses can leverage the GPT Store to acquire ready-to-use AI applications tailored to their specific needs. This not only saves costs but also accelerates the deployment of AI solutions, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition in the fast-paced AI landscape. Furthermore, the GPT Store encourages collaboration and innovation within the AI community. Developers can learn from each other's models, improve upon existing algorithms, and unlock new possibilities for AI applications. This collaborative environment fosters creativity and drives advancements in AI technology, benefitting both developers and businesses. In conclusion, the GPT Store signifies a significant milestone in the commercialization of AI. By providing a platform for developers to monetize their AI models and businesses to leverage cutting-edge AI applications, the GPT Store opens up new market opportunities and accelerates the adoption of AI across industries.
Implications of the GPT Store Launch
The launch of the GPT Store has significant implications across various domains. This section explores the economic impacts, ethical and societal considerations, as well as opportunities for innovation and creativity. 1. Economic Impacts The introduction of the GPT Store brings both job displacement and new job creation. Job Displacement: As AI-powered language models, like GPT, become more advanced, there is a potential for job displacement in certain sectors. Tasks that were previously performed by humans in areas such as content writing, customer support, and data analysis may be automated. New Job Creation: On the other hand, the GPT Store launch also creates new job opportunities. There will be a demand for AI experts to develop, fine-tune, and maintain AI models like GPT. Additionally, new roles may emerge to harness the potential of GPT-driven applications in various industries. Overall, the economic impacts of the GPT Store launch will involve a balance between job displacement and new job opportunities. 2. Ethical and Societal Considerations The GPT Store launch prompts important ethical and societal considerations that need to be addressed. Addressing Biases: AI models like GPT can inadvertently learn biases present in the data they are trained on. It is crucial to address and minimize biases when using GPT in various applications to ensure fair and equitable outcomes. Mitigating Risks: Deploying AI models at scale, especially in sensitive domains such as healthcare or law enforcement, presents risks that need to be carefully managed. Adequate safeguards and regulations should be in place to safeguard against potential misuse or unintended consequences. Transparency and Accountability: As AI models become more sophisticated, ensuring transparency and accountability in the decision-making processes of these models is essential. Users and stakeholders should have visibility into the functioning and underlying decision-making processes of GPT. Considering these ethical and societal aspects will help ensure that the GPT Store launch aligns with responsible AI deployment. 3. Opportunities for Innovation and Creativity The GPT Store launch opens up new opportunities for innovation and creativity across various fields. Content Creation and Curation: GPT can assist content creators by generating drafts, providing ideas, or aiding in the curation of content. This can free up time for creators to focus on higher-level tasks, enabling innovation and creativity in content generation. Language Translation and Communication: GPT's language capabilities can facilitate more efficient and accurate language translation, leading to improved cross-cultural communication and collaboration. Personal Assistance and Productivity: AI models like GPT can act as personalized assistants, helping individuals with tasks such as scheduling, research, and organizing information. This can enhance productivity and enable creativity in other areas. The GPT Store launch paves the way for novel applications and innovative solutions that leverage AI-powered language models like GPT. In summary, the launch of the GPT Store has wide-ranging implications. It impacts the economy by creating new jobs while potentially displacing certain roles. Ethical and societal considerations need to be addressed to ensure fair and responsible AI usage. Furthermore, the GPT Store offers opportunities for innovation and creativity in various fields, promising exciting advancements enabled by AI technology.
Challenges and Limitations of GPT-4 and the GPT Store
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements, and GPT-4, the latest iteration of OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, promises even more sophisticated capabilities. However, like any technology, GPT-4 and the GPT Store have certain limitations and face several challenges that need to be addressed for responsible and ethical use. 1. Data Bias and Ethical Concerns One of the primary challenges with AI models like GPT-4 is the potential for bias in the training data. If the data used to train the model is biased, it can result in biased outputs, which could perpetuate discrimination or misinformation. OpenAI must ensure that the training data is diverse and representative to mitigate this issue. Additionally, there are ethical concerns surrounding the use of GPT-4 in generating content that can deceive or manipulate individuals. Proper guidelines and safeguards should be in place to prevent malicious applications, misinformation, and the creation of deepfake content. 2. Lack of Context Understanding While GPT-4 demonstrates impressive language generation capabilities, it still lacks a deep understanding of context. It tends to generate responses based on patterns in the input text rather than a comprehensive understanding of the underlying concepts. This limitation can result in inaccurate or irrelevant outputs, especially in complex and nuanced subjects. Overcoming the challenge of context understanding will require further advancements in AI research, including the development of models that can comprehend context and specific domain knowledge effectively. 3. Limitations in Verifiability and Accountability GPT-4's generative nature implies that it creates content without explicit referencing or sourcing. This lack of verifiability poses challenges in ensuring the accuracy and credibility of the generated information. There is a need to implement mechanisms to verify and authenticate the content generated through GPT-4 to maintain trust and accountability. Furthermore, clarifying the responsibility and liability aspects when using AI-generated content from the GPT Store is crucial. Establishing clear guidelines and standards for content creators, users, and OpenAI will help address these accountability issues. 4. Addressing Token Limit GPT models, including GPT-4, have a token limit that restricts the length of the generated content. While this limitation aims to maintain efficiency and resource consumption, it can lead to incomplete or truncated outputs, especially when dealing with complex topics that require extensive explanations. Finding a balance between token limitations and providing comprehensive information is an ongoing challenge for AI models. 5. Balancing Safety and Creativity Achieving the right balance between safety and creativity is essential for AI models like GPT-4. OpenAI has implemented safety measures to prevent the generation of harmful or malicious content. However, stringent safety protocols may limit the model's ability to generate innovative and imaginative outputs. Read the full article
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myresellerhome · 6 months
8 Best ChatGPT WordPress Plugins
Do you get tired of spending hours creating interesting WordPress content? ChatGPT, an innovative AI-powered chatbot, has the potential to transform your audience engagement. The 8 best ChatGPT WordPress plugins are all the rage right now. These plugins effortlessly incorporate AI technology into your website, allowing web developers and small business owners alike to create an infinite number of dynamic and personalized interactions.
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Why Should You Use a ChatGPT Plugin for WordPress?
The GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 language models are used to make the well-known AI robot software ChatGPT. The company OpenAI is making it. They also made tools like DALL-E and Whisper.
ChatGPT lets you make text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative material, and get answers to any questions you have about a subject.
To put it simply, ChatGPT plugins are WordPress add-ons that allow the tools for artificial intelligence to work with WordPress. When you use the app, it will ask the ChatGPT software to answer your question and then show the answer on your website.
As an example, you could use the plugin as a robot that gets its answers straight from ChatGPT. Talking to visitors and telling them about your goods or services can help you get more leads.
You can also use ChatGPT plugins to offer 24/7 customer service, improve the quality of your content, or make the user experience better if you have an online shop.
Plugins for ChatGPT can also help you improve how you work and be more creative. It lets you make meta descriptions and post names, as well as blog post ideas and other things.
8 best ChatGPT WordPress plugin:
1. Uncanny Automator
You can connect your WordPress site to ChatGPT with Uncanny Automator, which is the best automation tool for WordPress. Connecting two different platforms lets your complete processes.
With the ChatGPT integration in Uncanny Automator, you can use a prompt or a list of themes to come up with blog post ideas.
You can use different actions and prompts in Uncanny Automator to make an AI-made picture, posts for social media, personalized emails, product descriptions, and answers to customer questions.
Another great thing about Uncanny Automator is that it lets you connect ChatGPT to services besides your website. For example, you can connect it to Facebook, Drip, Zapier, Brevo, Instagram, Google Sheets, and more.
Check out our guide on how to set up automated workflows in WordPress for more information.
More than 140 WordPress plugins and third-party apps can connect to Uncanny Automator to automate processes.
For email promotion, you can use both Uncanny Automator and ChatGPT at the same time.
It's free to use.
It has advanced features like schedules, delays, and the ability to make new users.
2. WPForms
Since it works with ChatGPT, WPForms is the best contact form tool for WordPress on the market. It lets you do different things because it works with ChatGPT.
You can make smarter forms for your website by using an automation tool like Uncanny Automator to connect WPForms and ChatGPT.
You could, for instance, make a form that asks for a blog post topic and a summary of the post. When someone submits that form, ChatGPT will automatically write a blog post about that subject.
Aside from that, you can use WPForms and ChatGPT to make a plan for your articles and send emails automatically when someone fills out a form.
The form builder in the app makes it simple to make and post forms on your website.
It's free to use.
You don't need to write any code to connect WPForms and ChatGPT.
Since it now works with ChatGPT, WPForms can also be used as an AI writing assistant because it can write text for you.
Anti-spam, conditional logic, payment method integration, geolocation, and more are some of the other features it has.
3. Formidable Forms
Formidable Forms is a powerful form-building tool that works well with ChatGPT and makes it easy to make forms that people can interact with.
It has a drag-and-drop builder and a ready-made template that lets you make any kind of form, like polls, games, surveys, and more.
You can also add a ChatGPT field to your forms, which will make them work like AI assistants and help people fill out and send the forms.
People who fill out this field will be able to get real-time answers to their questions from customers, get feedback, and have chores done automatically based on what users say. It will basically walk your users through the whole process of filling out the form.
You can make a searchable database of your form comments with Formidable Forms.
It also has a shipping tool that can help you figure out how much a product will cost, along with shipping.
The plugin not only has the ChatGPT field, but it also has AI templates that you can use to make dynamic forms.
4. Thrive Ovation
If you want to post positive reviews on your social media sites regularly, Thrive Ovation is the best ChatGPT plugin for you.
It's a well-known testimonial plugin that comes with the Thrive Suite and makes it easy to collect, handle, and show testimonials in WordPress.
Once you link this plugin to ChatGPT, every new testimonial that is given to your website will be analysed to see how people feel about it.
Using a software tool, ChatGPT will then post any good reviews on your social media accounts without you having to do anything. People will be more likely to visit your website if other people have done the same thing.
With Thrive Ovation, you can use a drag-and-drop builder to make your site, and you can also turn WordPress comments into reviews.
The app can help bring in visitors from social media sites because it works with ChatGPT.
The tool has a dashboard that lets you see all of your testimonials at once, including the ones that are ready to be shown, those that are still being reviewed, and those that have been refused.
It is a tool that comes with the Thrive Suite, which also has Thrive Leads, Thrive Architect, Thrive Theme Builder, and more.
5. An AI engine
You can easily connect AI Engine to ChatGPT as a free WordPress plugin that helps you write content for your website.
You should use it if you want to use ChatGPT for customer service. This is because the app has a short code that you can use to add ChatGPT as a chatbot.
At that point, the robot can answer questions from customers, fix any small problems with your services, send users to your support team, and help you offer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
AI Engine lets you decide how your blog posts are structured by letting you choose how many parts and paragraphs are in each section.
ChatGPT is also used to make meta descriptions, excerpts, pictures, product descriptions, and other things.
You can also use an AI engine to translate if your website is in more than one language.
6. AI chatbot
If you want to add a chatbot to your website, AI Chatbot is a great free ChatGPT WordPress plugin.
This plugin makes it easy to connect to ChatGPT and shows a chatbot with text replies that you made in the WordPress backend. It also shows a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and asks users for their email or phone number so you can get in touch with them later.
With the AI Chatbot plugin, you can also make a chatbot that asks people what they think about your website, services, or items.
This tool makes adding a chatbot a breeze; no coding is required.
The way it works with ChatGPT software is very smooth.
By letting users enter their email addresses, the tool can help you build an email list.
7. AI Power
This is a free WordPress plugin called AI Power that lets you use ChatGPT's text generator, image generator, and audio converter for transcripts.
An auto-content writer is also included. All you have to do is give AI Power a hint or some relevant keywords, and it will write content for you.
The plugin also comes with ready-made ChatGPT-based form templates. These templates have two ChatGPT fields that can read a user's data and give them answers to help them fill out the form.
There is a WooCommerce product writer tool in AI Power that can write names, descriptions, and marketing materials for your WooCommerce store.
It also has SEO tools built in that will help your site rank better. Some tools, like AIOSEO, Rank Math, and Yoast SEO, can even work with it.
AI Power can make apps for your website and add them to it.
8. AI Post Generator
The free WordPress plugin AI Post Generator makes excellent content for your website using ChatGPT.
If you have a WordPress blog, this is a great option because the tool makes it easy to write blog posts that your readers will find useful.
The plugin saves you a lot of time because it makes a new post draft as soon as you type in a question or keywords that are relevant.
AI Post Generator can help your WordPress SEO by using keywords and phrases that your readers will find useful. It is also capable of producing meta-summaries.
The tool can make content in any language, which makes it perfect for a blog that has posts in more than one language.
The plugin finds the right images and heading tags for your posts and adds them instantly.
The 8 Best ChatGPT WordPress Plugins powerfully incorporate chatbot technology into your website. Natural language processing, customized replies, and WordPress integration make these plugins ideal for engaging visitors and providing immediate support. These plugins can help with customer service, lead generation, and making your website more fun and dynamic. 
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Top AI Tools for UI and UX Designers
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in design allows designers to automate their workflow fully. Tools with artificial intelligence enhancements for user interface and user experience design make every aspect of the design process much faster and easier. Let’s look at the top artificial intelligence (AI) design tools on the market and discuss how UI/UX designers can use them.
Uizard is a widely used system that automates the learning of human-like graphical user interface comprehension. To create a native mobile app, all a designer needs is a drawing and some AI help. Not only does it produce code from the sketch, but it also automates the design process. Uizard is an excellent tool for user-testing your design and the flow.
Chat GPT
The design process can benefit greatly from using Chat GPT. It can help with everything from design inspirations and ideas for user research to accessibility solutions, thanks to its ability to generate content-based text prompts. UX designers can get help from ChatGPT in making their digital goods more user-friendly and interesting. Designers may enhance the user experience by providing better content, and the tool can assist them.
Khroma is a state-of-the-art color tool developed for designers who want to reduce the time spent choosing colors. You may create an infinite number of color schemes with Khroma by selecting 50 of your favorite colors and then training the AI algorithm to recognize countless more similar hues. Text, Poster, Gradient, and Picture are just a few of the categories into which these color schemes fall, allowing them to be easily accessed by the user.
Let’s Enhance
Let’s Enhance is a robust artificial intelligence tool that helps designers up-res images without losing quality. Images can be magnified up to 16 times without any discernible quality loss. High resolutions with no human intervention are possible with this tool for designers.
When envisioning the final form of their creation, most designers place a premium on keeping things as straightforward as possible. They can get some help with this process by using Balsamiq. It aspires to provide a digital equivalent to doodling on a notebook or whiteboard. The greatest benefit of this instrument is that it frees the designer to concentrate on the substance of the work rather than the presentational aspects, such as color, font, and layout, which may be adjusted later.
Every designer in the age of AI-driven design requires Mockplus. This tool allows designers to automate their workflow by exporting their work directly from programs like Sketch, Photoshop, and Adobe XD. It’s also helpful because designers may use it to see premade specs and create interactive prototypes.
The presentation software Beautiful.ai is changing the way people create stunning visual papers. Anyone can create stunning presentations in minutes with their Design AI. It’s simple to get started with over 70 professionally designed slide templates. Your slide will instantly change to accommodate any new text you add.
Flair AI
Flair is an AI-powered design tool that helps customers easily, rapidly, and economically creates high-quality marketing assets for their brands. With Flair, users can set up elaborate photoshoots in seconds, take pictures of their products anywhere, and stay true to their brand’s aesthetic.
Galileo AI
From a plain text specification, Galileo AI generates Figma-editable UI designs. You should be able to design more quickly than ever with the help of the initial automated design. The developers state that hundreds of successful designs were used to teach the algorithm.
Adobe Sensei
Adobe Sensei is the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning platform that supports a wide range of Adobe’s creative software. Content-aware fill, face-aware liquify, automatic colorization, and animation are some of the time-saving features made possible by Adobe Sensei. It also can create realistic audio and visual content from scratch or depending on user input.
Figma is a web-based UI/UX design tool that enables real-time design creation, collaboration, and prototyping. Figma can generate icons, logos, graphics, color palettes, typefaces, layouts, and more with the help of various artificial intelligence algorithms. Iconscout, Logo Lab, Unsplash, Font Pairing AI, Auto Layout, and many others fall under this category.
Components AI
You can make your design from the start or use premade, created designs with Components AI. Additionally, it is simple to create designs for various screen resolutions, share those ideas with coworkers simply, and work together on multiple projects. Users may also export their designs into code forms like React, JS, JSON, JSX, SVG, PNG, HTML, CSS, CSS custom properties, and Sass and Components AI is compatible with the complete Google Font Library.
When making UI/UX designs for online and mobile apps, Marvel is another prototype and collaboration tool that might help. The different artificial intelligence technologies that Marvel is compatible with can help you with various design-related activities, including creating icons, logos, graphics, color palettes, typefaces, layouts, and more.
Create conversational UI and UX for your websites and apps with the help of Landbot, a chatbot builder. There are several ways in which Landbot’s AI may assist you. These include the generation of interesting conversations, the identification of user intent, the customization of responses, and more.
Wix is a website builder that lets you make professional-looking sites without knowing how to code. Wix also employs AI to aid in selecting a template, modifying the design, enhancing search engine optimization, and other similar activities. Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) is Wix’s AI tool, and it uses your responses to a few questions to design a unique website for you.
Canva is a web-based application for making eye-catching graphics for online and offline marketing materials, including social media posts, presentations, posters, and flyers. Canva also uses AI to assist you in locating the most appropriate visuals, typefaces, hues, and structures for your design.
To make your UI/UX designs come to life, use InVision, a prototype and collaboration tool. You may use AI in InVision to assist with animation, transition, gesture, voice interaction, and more. Freehand, an AI tool in InVision, simplifies the development of interactive prototypes.
Techthrive Solutions is based out of Bangalore, India. We are a cross-disciplinary design team that loves to create great experiences and make meaningful connections for businesses and their users through UI & UX. Techthrive Solutions is the best UI&UX design company in Bangalore company that encompasses services from creating your Brand identity through digitally defining your ideas and focusing on getting your products & services to the ever growing digital market thereby increasing your brand’s awareness, sales and desire. We are passionate to craft your brand’s digital journey.
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mrkhan75090 · 7 months
DFY Traffic Review - 100% DFY Google FREE Traffic
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DFY Traffic Review – Product Overview
Creator: Chris X
Product: DFY Traffic (AI Edition)
Sales Page: Click Here
Front-end Price: $10
Bonus: Yes, Includes a substantial bonus
Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee!
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DFY Traffic Review – What is DFY Traffic?
DFY AI Traffic is the game-changing tool that catapulted my earnings to over $250,000 in just three months. The key to this remarkable success is quite straightforward – traffic. Fueled by Chat-GPT, this all-in-one Google AI software establishes a dynamic two-way conversation between Google and GPT, resulting in the automatic generation of free traffic.
Experience the enchantment as it dominates Google Keywords and SERP listings, streamlining the process to effortlessly generate free clicks for any niche or keyword. With a simple click, effortlessly publish meticulously crafted articles on your DFY website, all on autopilot. This revolutionary AI, complemented by comprehensive training videos and DFY resources, heralds a new era in online success.
DFY Traffic Review – How Does DFY Traffic Work?
Step 1: Run ⇢➤➤ *TIME-TRAVEL* A.I
Log into your account, select an opportunity, and let the Google A.I. bot hand you an UNTAPPED FREE TRAFFIC opportunity.
Step 2: Siphon ️ FREE Google Clicks
Instruct Chat-GPT to connect to Google, analyze the keyword & current articles (LIVE) and redirect the traffic to YOU..
Step 3: 100% FREE Means 100% Profit..
Now redirect the “DAY 0” Google traffic to your affiliate links & get started – FAST, with ClickBank, Amazon + 11 more…
Features and Benefits Of DFY Traffic
 WE MAKE GPT CASH – with Google AI
 GOOGLE + CLICKBANK pay us $493/Day
 100% FREE TRAFFIC! – ZERO writing
 3-IN-1 A.I App = 24/7 FREE Google Traffic
 GPT + GOOGLE  Loophole – for YOU!
 Chat-GPT DIRECTS Google “Send Profit”!
 Google SHARES ALL  With GPT AI!
 100% GUARANTEED Rank Top on Google,
FREE Traffic + Profits. 24/7. FOREVER!
No more wondering how to profit. With traffic you can learn on the job. Simply run the app, get the traffic.. then work out where to send it. Bottom line: there are 2x types of marketers. Those who get traffic & the “also-rans”. With FREE traffic on tap, YOU ARE KING!
I’ll save the secret-sauce for the members area, but we CANNOT rank for “every” keyword. Instead, the name of the game here is to run the AI to find HUNDREDS of ZERO competition keywords (literally NO exact matches), THEN use GPT to get us traffic.. then repeat! This is not your grandpa’s Google niche course!
Learn Loophole. Run AI. Burn Courses
Truth is, there are a million “SEO” and “niche site” gurus. I have no interest in their banter. What I *DO* know is a) AI b) profit. That’s why I skipped the 90-hour course + went straight for the Google jugular – DAY 0 TRAFFIC ON TAP. Thanks, GPT-4!
Promote ANY Affiliate Program & Niche
Did I mention there’s no human intervention? Heck! You can’t meddle in the Google-GPT convo if you tried. They’re locked in a padded room + NO AI LEAVES WITHOUT A BAG OF BUYERS, WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!
Quad-Distilled Google-Friendly AI
Another secret: since we target ZERO COMPETITION keywords, we always enter the “Google VIP corner” with no metal detector. But if Google asks us to pee in a cup, they see nothing but crystal clear pee!
Multi-Network. Launch Jack To ♾️
There are infinite variations of all your fav buyer keywords. With GPTs 3-step algorithm on tap, they are all finally within your reach!
DFY Traffic Review – Who Can Use DFY Traffic?
Affiliate Marketers: DFY Traffic provides a seamless way to generate free, targeted traffic for promoting affiliate products, allowing marketers to increase their affiliate earnings.
Website Owners and Bloggers: If you own a website or a blog, DFY Traffic can help you drive more visitors to your content, potentially increasing your ad revenue and engagement.
Online Entrepreneurs: Whether you’re selling products or services online, DFY Traffic can be a valuable asset in attracting potential customers to your online business.
Digital Marketers: Professionals in the digital marketing space can use DFY Traffic to optimize their online marketing strategies and boost the visibility of their campaigns.
E-commerce Store Owners: Those running e-commerce stores can leverage DFY Traffic to increase their online store’s visibility and attract more potential customers.
Content Creators: DFY Traffic is beneficial for individuals creating content, as it simplifies the process of driving traffic to their articles, videos, or other media.
Online Businesses: Any business operating online can benefit from the increased visibility and traffic that DFY Traffic can bring, helping them reach a wider audience.
How Does DFY Traffic Help You in Your Business? 
Free Targeted Traffic: The primary advantage of DFY Traffic is its ability to generate free, targeted traffic for your business. By leveraging Google AI and Chat-GPT, the tool identifies untapped opportunities and directs relevant traffic to your website or affiliate links.
Increased Visibility: By streamlining the process of dominating Google Keywords and SERP listings, DFY Traffic enhances your online visibility. This increased visibility can lead to more exposure for your products, services, or content.
Automated Content Publishing: DFY Traffic allows you to publish perfectly tailored articles on your DFY website with a single click, all on autopilot. This feature saves you time and effort in content creation and distribution.
Effortless Click Generation: The tool simplifies the process of generating free clicks for any niche or keyword. This can be particularly beneficial for affiliate marketers, online businesses, and content creators looking to increase their click-through rates.
No Writing Required: DFY Traffic emphasizes zero writing, making it an attractive solution for individuals who may not be comfortable with or have the time for extensive content creation. The AI-driven approach takes care of the content-related aspects.
Versatility in Affiliate Marketing: DFY Traffic enables you to promote any affiliate program and niche effortlessly. This versatility allows you to explore various opportunities without being restricted to specific niches.
No Human Intervention Required: The tool’s automation, driven by AI technology, eliminates the need for constant human intervention. Once set up, DFY Traffic works autonomously to bring in traffic and potential customers.
Clear SEO Advantage: DFY Traffic’s focus on zero-competition keywords provides a clear advantage in terms of SEO. By targeting keywords with minimal competition, you can achieve better rankings on Google, leading to more organic traffic.
Training and Resources: The inclusion of training videos and DFY resources further enhances the value of DFY Traffic. Users can benefit from educational materials that help them make the most of the tool and understand AI-driven strategies.
DFY Traffic OTO and My Special Bonuses
Incredible Bonus #1
“UNCAPPED Commissions” Software
For launch weekend ONLY we are included LIFETIME ACCESS to our commission-creating app which creates UNLIMITED content for all the top ClickBank, Warrior, Amazon and more niches… updated daily! It’s our AI CASHFLOW Google-Traffic AI with PRO UPGRADE. Join once and enjoy unfettered access to affiliate buyer traffic, forever. This is the same app we use daily which uses AI to snipe traffic from all the top marketing products – then redirect it to our affiliate links. This app sold over 600 units and with pro upgrade costs $62. BUT FOR LAUNCH WEEKEND ONLY (Sat/Sun) you get this included INSTANTLY with your Agent suite. The ultimate commission-getting app, now also included!
Incredible Bonus #2
And there’s more! For launch weekend ONLY we are also including LIFETIME ACCESS to the Google traffic tsunami that is the FREE GPT Google-Traffic AI with PRO UPGRADE. Join once and enjoy unfettered access to Google traffic opportunities, forever. This is the same app we use daily which uses AI to find the best keywords – ZERO COMPETITION keywords – then rank for them on Google. This app sold over 1,000 units and with pro upgrade costs $62. BUT FOR LAUNCH WEEKEND ONLY (Sat/Sun) you get this included INSTANTLY with your Agent suite. The 2x most powerful Google AI traffic apps – yours!
Incredible Bonus #3
Clickbank Affiliate-On-Tap” Software APP
When you see the free traffic appear before your eyes you will.. PANIC??? YES! Believe it or not, after years of chasing Google clicks.. when the reality suddenly dawns on you.. you will freeze up. And ask: WHAT NEXT?! Answer: quickly redirect the clicks to these ClickBank links. This ClickBank app will just hand these links – for ALL the niches – on a silver platter. Enjoy.
Incredible Bonus #4
$65k With Generative AI (+ Counting)
YES. We just crushed Google traffic. But.. this is actually just the tip of a very large moneymaking iceberg. See, through all 2023, we’ve been bullying any “old school marketing method” with our mastery of generative AIs. So, as a welcome pack, you’ll also get training on Chat-GPT (lots), MidJourney, Canva AI, Runway, ElevenLabs.. heck even Google Bard gets a look in! So why not..
Frequently Asked Questions On DFY Traffic
 Q: What Is DFY A.I. Traffic?
A: The world’s first cloud-based AI software that generates free Google traffic – for ZERO competition keywords. I’m talking ZERO competition, which means DAY ZERO results and ZERO human intervention.
 Q: Where can I send the free Google Traffic?
A: That’s for you to decide. We do include a ClickBank software which will let you copy-paste affiliate links that pay $100s. But once you get the traffic, it’s your call where the free clicks go…
 Q: What is SEO?
A: I have no idea. Hmmm. Better ask one of those guys who doesn’t have a Google loophole – or a 3-in-1 GPT-powered AI to exploit it. I haven’t heard good things about it, though…
 Q: Can I use it for any keyword or niche?
A: Yes, “Free A.I. Traffic” works with any keyword and any niche. The software runs in 3 steps, each involving a separate AI module. And the entire process begins when you enter a “seed” (this is the only time a human is involved, so enjoy this bit – after that, you’re basically redundant!)
 Q: Do I need to write any content myself?
A: Yes. You will need to copy and paste the email address you bought with into the login form, and choose a password. If you ever forget your password, you will need to enter your email again into the forgot password box. Oh, and if someone pays you, you will need to enter your name there, too…
 Q: How can I make money with Free A.I. Traffic today?
A: Simples. Click the button to get started then follow the instructions we give you. Enjoy the tool. Tell your friends. Thank us later. Do it now, before we pull this bad boy from the market.
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govindhtech · 7 months
GPT-4 Turbo on Azure OpenAI Services
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During OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s keynote speech at the inaugural DevDay Conference on November 6, 2023, Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella unexpectedly showed up to deliver a potent message: “Microsoft job number one is to build the best systems, so you can build the best models and deliver those to developers.” This demonstrated the close collaboration between Microsoft and OpenAI. They would want to draw attention to the opportunity that OpenAI’s inaugural DevDay event offers to all AI makers, andthey are thrilled about the newest developments from the event.
The Arrival of GPT-4: What to Expect
Microsoft are thrilled about all of the newly released models, such as the GPT-3.5 Turbo, and model updates, such as the DALL-E 3 and Whisper 3. The much anticipated GPT-4 Turbo is one of them, it has more prompt length, reduced cost, and organized JSON formatting with better control and efficiency. In keeping with their regular practice of delivering new model innovation from their friends at OpenAI to the Azure OpenAI Service, Microsoft are excited to have these fantastic Turbo models available on the platform by the end of this year.
Expanding the reach for every AI Builder
The news that OpenAI will be lowering prices is noteworthy. By increasing the models’ usability and accessibility, it will open up a wider range of applications to their potential and usher in a new era of generative AI. The new models’ token pricing on Azure OpenAI Service will match OpenAI’s rates.
In another interesting move, Microsoft gave all in-person attendees of the DevDay conference 90 days to access GitHub Enterprise at no cost. For developers, GitHub Enterprise is an invaluable tool that helps with code development and completion. Its incorporation into the Microsoft ecosystem is consistent with the goal of making it simple for developers to realize their ideas on Azure.
GPTs: Innovative methods to produce and profit
With GPTs, anyone may now customize a personalized version of ChatGPT to be more useful for specific tasks, daily life, business, or home and share that customization with others. Coding is not necessary. You can make them for everyone or simply for the internal usage of your business. Similar to plug-ins, Microsoft are excited to develop a deep ecosystem for GPTs; they will talk more about this at their Microsoft Ignite conference the following week.
Microsoft and OpenAI collaborated
Enterprises will be especially interested in OpenAI’s new Custom Models program, and Microsoft will keep offering the ease of seamlessly integrating OpenAI’s services within Microsoft’s current ecosystem and support infrastructure, offering a comprehensive solution for all enterprise needs.
The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, repeated the idea of a solid and fruitful collaboration with Microsoft. “We have the best partnership in tech,” Altman declared to Nadella in front of the audience.
Nadella continued by discussing the alignment of the companies. “Microsoft goal is to make it possible every individual and every organization on the globe to achieve higher levels. And in the end, he think AI will only be helpful if it really inspires people. It all comes down to making sure that everyone can benefit from AI, according to Nadella.
Following these announcements, developers and businesses can now venture into uncharted territory, enabled by the synergy between Microsoft and OpenAI in addition to the infinite possibilities of generative AI.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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review-with-metul · 1 year
BizSuite AI Review 2023-The Ultimate 6-in-1 Business App
Discover BizSuite AI today:
Overview: BizSuite AI Review
✅Time to upgrade your business with this AI...
✅Vendor:  Eric Holmlund et al
✅Product: BizSuite AI
 ✅Official Website: Click here
✅Front-End Price: $17
✅Niche:  Software
✅Money-Back Guarantee: 30 Days
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommend!
Features of BizSuite AI 👉Boost your productivity with this AI...
⭐⭐BizSuite AI Review - Say hello to efficiency with this AI platform.⭐⭐
Managing various aspects of a digital business can be complex. Different tools for different tasks can lead to inefficiency and unproductive workflows.
✅Revolutionary GPT4-Powered AI Platform for Online Businesses!
✅Get 100+ Cutting Edge AI Tools in 6 Apps for The Price of One!
✅Apps that easily make us $97-$197 a Day!
✅ 6-In-1 App Bundle Saves Thousands in Monthly Subscription Costs
✅Create Any Content Imaginable Using GPT-4 Technology in Seconds!
✅Rank Higher on Search Engines with SEO and web optimization!
✅Create & sell high-in-demand, quality-contents like eBooks, articles & much more.
✅100% reliable cloud storage for all your business files
✅Beginners Can Easily Use This!
✅Natural Sounding, Human-like Voice-overs using Advanced A.I. in Any Language!
✅ Smart Links, shorten URLs to monitor clicks and marketing campaigns!
✅QR Codes, Bio Page Creation Tool - Increase brand awareness instantly!
✅Commercial License - Sell unlimited Assets to Scale Your Clients Business!
✅Stop running around for Content, SEO, sales, traffics, leads - Let the App Do it for you!
✅Boost website conversions with - marketing tools, plugins and more!
✅Cross over into any language market in the world.
✅Iron Clad 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
What is BizSuite AI?  And how does it work?
❇️ We'd like to introduce you to BizSuite AI, a comprehensive software suite that brings together six indispensable tools into one seamless dashboard, streamlining your operations and boosting productivity:
👉 Their conversion booster toolkit provides a range of plug-and-play apps that are designed to enhance your website's conversion rates. Implement them with ease and witness a significant improvement in your sales metrics.
A lack of storage space will no longer impede your business growth. With their cloud storage app, you have the extra space you need for all your crucial data and documents.
❇️ BizSuite AI also incorporates a convenient link shortened and bio link page generator, a simple solution for managing your web links more effectively.
❇️ Optimize your website's SEO ranking with their comprehensive suite of SEO tools. Benefit from improved visibility and more quality traffic to your website.
When it comes to content creation, their GPT4-based app is a game-changer. From articles to code, create quality content with minimal effort.
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tomreview · 1 year
Infinite AI CONFESSION! This AI Made Me $130,743
CONFESSION! Instantly built by Chat-GPT, this AI earned me $130,743 in Infinite Applications!
ALL apps' profits are yours to keep in full!
FREE cloud-based apps and unrestricted opportunities to profit from AI auto-builds!
You can earn money as a vendor or affiliate on ClickBank, W+, Digi, Zoo, Paypal, and niches without coding or hosting!
You can build a brand-new app with GPT at any time—or get your money back in full! 💪💪💪
Make Endless Applications With Talk GPT - Today As it were
Get A.I. Programming, Hacks and Preparing Right away
The master who initially told you...
All things considered, item proprietors bring in all the cash! Additionally, you should sell software due to its nearly 100 percent profit margins if you want to make huge profits—like $2,300 per hour, $90 per minute, or even $55,000 per month!
The profit you can make from selling software is endless. You...
> Can sell a sought after item + Make 100 percent...
> Make rewards to benefit as a subsidiary...
> Fabricate a purchasers list with Lead Magnets...
> Utilize the applications as lure to get FREE TRAFFIC......
Truth be told the standards of Web showcasing change in a flash, the subsequent you have a popular item - like another cloud-based programming - that individuals need...
Absolutely no part of this will be a surprising bit of information to you. However, up until this point, the issue is that you cannot afford to hire a developer to build your apps for $5K! THAT IS.. Except if WE GET Talk GPT TO DO IT FOR US!...
In 2023, Did This AI-Powered App Builder Make You $130k? I'm IN!
💫 Clone My $150/Hour Application Business With every minute of every day
Application Building, Talk GPT-Controlled Outsider A.I! Presenting "App-Building" Software Powered by "ALIEN" Artificial Intelligence (Cloud-Based App - Creates Tools for Cloud Software You Can Sell!)
Yes, I've sold the same kind of software six times in a row with #1s. YOU CAN Fabricate IT As well! Then sell as an item proprietor, offer as offshoot rewards, and so on
First: enter settings for your application (logo, URL, title) + add the prompts (it takes minutes)...
Then, Watch As My man-made intelligence Application Developer Makes A Genuine Cloud-Based Application (With Information exchange, Username, Secret word, and so on) That YOU OWN And Can Sell As You See Fit! * Bank 100%!!*
includes examples of how I made $100k as a vendor and $30k as an affiliate in 2023 working with this exact app-building AI technology!
Individual man-made intelligence Firestarters 🔥
Are you hoping to make Visit GPT.. hazardous?
A ⚡ LIGHTNING BOLT to your typical simulated intelligence results?
a "DYNAMITE JUMP START" to your GPT conversations?
It makes perfect sense to me
Primary concern is, while your moneymaking potential has been overhauled by Talk GPT...
So has each different advertisers at the present time, in June 2023...
However, thing is.. The world's top LLM is essentially as just as strong as its utilization case...
Assuming that you use it to compose $5 articles, you'll make $5 article cash...
However, consider the possibility that you sent it the most remarkable use instance of the 21st 100 years - building cloud-based programming applications. And negative, don't worry. This isn't like "ordinary programming building"...
There is definitely no coding or programming
The product is facilitated by us (and accessible day in and day out)
There are no developers or coders required (NO TECH-STACK!)...
And look, that matters because, if not, how realistic would it be for you to start your own software company?
You can't turn into a seller and hit distraught $30k weeks like me...
You can't squash competitor lists with your fat associate rewards
Fortunately for you, I've proactively figured out the code to this - and I've been sluggishly making cash snatches with these applications, both as a member and a merchant...
This takes the "standard" use instances of Talk GPT and causes them to seem like going to moneymaking conflict with a water pistol...!
Never again will you be a survivor of a brutish industry, bound to sit on the opposite side of the paywall, hustling for morsels!
Instead: Join me as a product owner, but you'll be working for a tech I'll affectionately refer to as an "ALIEN!" because all of your apps use Chat-GPT!
Get instant access to profit right away by upgrading your Chat-GPT now at a huge discount!
Hurry, as the price goes up every hour!
WARNING! Today's Price Increases This is a genuine price increase. You cry more if you come back later.
FREAK AI ALIEN TECH Means... Upgraded CASH FOR THEE! in July 2023 Okay, enough talking. This works as follows:
FIRST Grasp THIS: Since 2007, I've developed more than 100 apps, but when Chat-GPT stopped working, I deleted everything. GENERATIVE AI is everything I do!
Second, in addition to being a serious nerd, I am also a very successful marketer. I TELL Individuals "I'VE SOLD More than $20 MILLION On the web" However I CROSSED THAT RUBICON 10 years Prior (AND Quit COUNTING Since IT'S Now AN Upsettingly Huge NUMBER)...
Presently HERE'S The reason THIS LITTLE Digression IS OF Most extreme Significance TO YOUR Own Income Until the end of 2023...
Along these lines "Geek simulated intelligence Advertiser" VENN Outline I SIT INSIDE.. IN Mid 2023, I WORKED OUT A Method for building Programming, By which Visit GPT Fundamentally Accomplishes Practically everything. Of course, IT'S A CLOUD-BASED Application LIKE Some other... However, Rather than WORKING OUT A Complicated 29-STEP Calculation AND PAYING A $5K Designer.. I Simply Compose A Brief AND WRAP INSIDE MY "Product Layout" ...
Also, Presently, THIS JULY, I'M Allowing YOU To assemble THESE Equivalent Kind OF Applications, WITH AN Application BUILDING Application, SO Bizarre, SO Strange.. I CAN Portray IT AS.. ALIEN....
Main concern? Case Study 1: This is a brand-new approach to building inherently monetizable apps that no one else has even considered. YES! This Was My First $40k Week With This Tech!
Our point of origin. the AI with the most power available. Great. Genius. But we'll be imprisoned in 2021, clueless and cut off from everything we can profit from! Therefore, we add... Case Study 2: A $400 Subsidiary Payday (Effortlessly!)
Next we give Visit GPT complete, liberated Web access, allowing it to peruse any associate program, URL or site and concentrate ALL satisfied that it thinks may be useful to finish our brief!
Contextual analysis #3: Another Huge Bonus.. While I Tasted Mixed drinks At The Ocean side!)
the masterplan's final piece! Search GPT (obviously!) also grants GPT access to Google Search, allowing us to enter keywords, and GPT will search the internet and extract relevant content!
ARE THESE Genuine Applications?
Yes, these apps are indistinguishable from the ones I've previously had warrior #1s with, despite the fact that we host them on our subdomains to keep things simple for you.
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tastydregs · 2 years
OpenAI Chief Scientist Says Advanced AI May Already Be Conscious
OpenAI’s top researcher has made a startling claim this week: that artificial intelligence may already be gaining consciousness.
Ilya Sutskever, chief scientist of the OpenAI research group, tweeted today that “it may be that today’s large neural networks are slightly conscious.”
Needless to say, that’s an unusual point of view. The widely accepted idea among AI researchers is that the tech has made great strides over the past decade, but still falls far short of human intelligence, nevermind being anywhere close to experiencing the world consciously.
It’s possible that Sutskever was speaking facetiously, but it’s also conceivable that as the top researcher at one of the foremost AI groups in the world, he’s already looking downrange.
He’s long been preoccupied with artificial general intelligence, or AGI, which would refer to AI that operates at a human or superhuman level. During his appearance in the iHuman AI documentary “iHuman,” for instance, he even declared that that AGIs will “solve all the problems that we have today” before warning that they will also present “the potential to create infinitely stable dictatorships.”
This tweet, however, marks the first time Sutskever, who cofounded OpenAI alongside Musk and the company’s CEO Sam Altman in 2015, appears to have claimed that machine consciousness has already arrived.
Even stranger is the fact that OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit meant specifically to curb the existential risks sentient machines pose — before, in an eyebrow-raising twist, diving into research trying to bring powerful AI into existence.
The group is also no stranger to dram and controversy.
In 2019, Musk left OpenAI amid news that the group had made a “fake news” text generator that some believed was too dangerous to release. Musk said that he was leaving the org, which was founded in 2015, because he “didn’t agree with some of what [the] OpenAI team wanted to do” and hadn’t been involved with it for more than a year. Just a month later, OpenAI announced that it was no longer nonprofit, and now operates on a “capped profit” model.
Since 2019, Musk seems to have diverged further from his initial critical stance to the point that this year, he prophesied  that Tesla’s forthcoming humanoid robots “might play a role in AGI” — though he added that his car company will do its “best” to keep its AI in check and, somehow, achieve “decentralized control of the robots.”
OpenAI, meanwhile, has spent the ensuing continuing to make controversial AI while hopefully, per the company’s mission statement, ensuring “that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.”
It’s also stayed in the headlines, including notably when its alarmingly-smart GPT-3 model was used by one programmer to make a chatbot emulating his dead fiancée and when a group of gamers worked to convince the bot to spew out pedophilic content.
OpenAI has since reconfigure GPT-3, which, as the MIT Technology review reported in January 2022, is now much “better-behaved.”
It may be that hyper-advanced AI is inevitable. It could also be that progress fizzles out and we never see it, or that it takes a very long time.
But seeing a prominent expert say that we’re already seeing the rise of conscious machines is jarring indeed.
READ MORE: Former Google Exec Warns That AI Researchers Are “Creating God”
The post OpenAI Chief Scientist Says Advanced AI May Already Be Conscious appeared first on Futurism.
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Essay written by AI
Do you like to read an essay written by AI then you are at right place. An article in Substack discusses the possible social and psychological consequences of immortality; the surprise is that the text has been written by an artificial intelligence without help or corrections.
OpenAI is a private research center in San Francisco, California whose stated mission is to ensure that “artificial intelligence benefits all of humanity. Aware of the risks that the use of highly advanced artificial intelligence systems could have if monopolized by companies or governments, OpenAI makes these systems available to everyone.
One of the OpenAI projects is called GPT-3 — OpenAI, and it is a natural language engine in English. You can ask questions and respond appropriately, looking for the information you need on the Internet.
The author of the Perceptions newsletter provided a simple introduction to the system so that from there he began to compose the text:
“What follows is an essay on immortality and its consequences on human society. Much of our world is based on the fact that one day we are going to die. What if one day, suddenly, we couldn’t die? What would change? These are the questions that Balaji Srinivasan tries to answer in this essay. Here is the essay written by AI.
Immortality and Its Consequences
Biotechnology and nanotechnology have great potential to disrupt all man-made systems we have today, including death. Below is a game-like example of how immortality would completely change the structure of society, an example so simple it may sound silly, but it clearly illuminates the principles.
Imagine that a pill has been discovered that can make you live forever, in perfect health, without aging. How would that pill change society?
Consider the different types of postures available to humans in our society.
Some are valued for the intrinsic reward. If the pill works, you could spend a lifetime collecting pictures, for example, and you’ll have all the time in the world to do it. That is the way to “enjoy your passions,” and there is no point in using money as a measure here. As time becomes effectively infinite, all previous time-based calculations, such as interest and wages, lose their meaning. And you don’t have to worry about running out of resources: if people care about paintings, you can clone yourself a few million times, paint a bunch of paintings, and then rent your clones as painters.
There is also a path to “work hard and climb the corporate ladder” where people compete to rise to the top of hierarchical organizations. What kind of corporate hierarchy would make sense in the world of immortality? One that is much more merit-based and more egalitarian than any we’ve seen so far. The fact that you live forever can make social status much less important. In this type of world, education would be open and free. A child born with an incredible natural talent could outperform any adult, just as a child born with a disability might need extra help. Hierarchies that are based more on merit could offer more autonomy to those at the top. They would have a higher rate of professional satisfaction compared to professional boredom. They could be in charge of their own wages.
Those who choose this path would have tremendous motivation to work hard and learn new skills, just to keep up with changing times.
There is also a third type of path: a path that leads to assuming power and controlling others. Again, this path would probably be less attractive in a society with immortality. You would still have resources, but there would be no point in following this path in the same way.
In a world without death, competition would be based on speed of execution. For example, if someone invents a cure for cancer, we could run to raise the money to mass-produce it. This would likely create a new type of “go go go” society, with no time for politics or outdated methods of persuasion, and more hierarchies based on merit.
An immortality pill would render most “job” jobs obsolete. The remaining “job” jobs will be less merit-based and will be things like the government jobs that exist today, a few types of hard-to-automate professions (like surgeons), and rare jobs like the pest exterminator job. . In a society where work could be effectively taken over by AIs, the government would probably have less power, but there would still need to be government institutions to prevent abuse, or else what incentive would someone have to take the pill? ?
How could markets change in a society with immortality? If markets are to continue to exist, in an eternity in which money has lost all meaning, they will likely have to change their approach to maintain any utility. One could imagine a scenario where there is a limit to the amount of wealth one can have in this society. There is also likely to be a zero interest rate, because time becomes effectively infinite. In this scenario, one could imagine a model where if you invent a new technology that is considered an existential risk (for example, AI), it might be necessary to pay some kind of fee to protect yourself from that risk.
Let’s consider an existing form of market that could become extremely relevant in a society with immortality: the marriage market. It is likely to become much more important since status is no longer something that can be achieved by earning a lot of money. In fact, a successful husband would be someone who can support the woman of her dreams in a world where there are effectively no resource constraints.
There are also a number of political implications. In particular, a society with a large fraction of people taking the pill would create a large constituency for pro-rejuvenation policies, including anti-aging research, health care, and even extra spending on curing congenital disabilities.
What about the problem of free will? Isn’t this drug effectively slavery? If people cannot die, they cannot withdraw from a life they no longer want to lead. In fact, some people who take the pill may continue to do so out of pure sense of duty or inertia. Without death, they will no longer have the escape offered by dying. In this sense, immortality is much more insidious than slavery, which at least allows the slave to escape. If there is no way for someone to escape from a situation that they no longer consider desirable, the power dynamic between them and the world around them can become very unbalanced.
Imagine the position of someone who is dissatisfied with their life in a world where they cannot die. If you cannot die, there is no escape. In a way, the only option is to remove your thoughts from your current world. And the only way to do it is through mental states like meditation or psychedelics. If you want to get out of the world of work, instead of burning yourself, maybe you could turn to recreational drugs. But that could carry its own problems, because some of these drugs have side effects, and even cause death. The arrival of an immortality pill would also have far-reaching implications for human society. How might our current definition of “human” change? Our concept of human is that of a fragile bag of water, a machine that takes food and turns it into fuel. How many people want to stay in that fragile machine state indefinitely?
Wouldn’t they rather become cyborgs, or AI? In an immortality society, there is no need for those types of machines, and everyone will choose to become a different type of machine, a stronger type. People could choose to merge with their computers and remove their biological brains, because biological brains will be meaningless. This would change the meaning of life, and change humanity in ways that we cannot predict. Even now, some people are in a hurry to “become trans human” through technologies such as consciousness unloading and nootropics. An immortality pill would make that choice much easier. If we had an immortality pill, a true cyborgs immortal world would be just a matter of time. In short, if there is an immortality pill, there are likely to be fewer jobs, more competition on the market, faster change in corporate hierarchy, a new type of merit-based society, the advent of a new type of go-go-go society, a new type of marriage market, and a much larger electorate pushing for a rejuvenation pill. All of these changes would likely be accompanied by a sense of wonder and admiration as the world continues to change.
If you are young, it is important to understand these changes to prepare yourself. As things stand, we are not prepared for the world we live in, and you may find yourself trapped in a suboptimal position. However, if you have a good plan of where the world is headed, you can plan ahead for that future. For example, a high IQ would be very valuable in a society of immortality.
The post Essay written by AI appeared first on Technoeager- tech blogs and articles.
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