#Benjamin Foster
danieleneandermancini · 4 months
DALLA STORIA DELLA MESOPOTAMIA, TRACCE DELL'IMPERO ACCADICO E DELLA SUA CAPITALE L' Impero accadico (2340–2198 a.C. circa) rappresentò una nuova struttura amministrativa nella storia umana: una dinastia che conquistò e governò un vasto territorio, incorporando diverse etnie che, però, come spesso accadeva nell'antichità, furono costrette ad adottare i nuovi costumi accadici. Al suo apice, l'impero comprendeva...
L’ Impero accadico (2340–2198 a.C. circa) rappresentò una nuova struttura amministrativa nella storia umana: una dinastia che conquistò e governò un vasto territorio, incorporando diverse etnie che, però, come spesso accadeva nell’antichità, furono costrette ad adottare i nuovi costumi accadici. Al suo apice, l’impero comprendeva gran parte del moderno Iraq e parti della Siria, anche se si…
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Nicks & Smith || Self Para
Zara’s voice is low when it echos a reply to the voice on the other end of the phone. It sounds like her father, Benjamin Foster, but he sounds…rough, like he’s been through some shit. And he probably has, to be honest. It’s been about a year and a half since they last spoke; since she let him stay with her in her old apartment, and he tossed the place looking for things to pawn off for drug and alcohol money.
He took her fucking guitar. The guitar he gave to her on her tenth birthday when she first became interested in learning how to play. He took records, credit and debit cards, loose change, anything he could get his hands on of value, he took from Zara’s apartment without so much as a passing glance. 
Luckily she’d been dating Javier at the time, otherwise…well, she didn’t even want to think about the, ‘otherwise,’ in that scenario. And she has Javier now, by her side, when the call comes through. They’ve been playing a game of chess; Javier’s been trying to teach Zara for months now, but she’s failing at it. Miserably. He’s just made things a little more interesting by adding a stripping element to the game. If a piece manages to be stolen by the opponent, clothes come off. Exciting, in Zara’s humble opinion; and it certainly makes learning chess interesting.
Zara’s just cheated by taking one of Javier’s rooks while he’s not looking. Well, she thinks he isn’t looking while preparing their quesadillas (multitasking), but he sneaks a glance over just in time to see her well manicured fingers whisking it away to her small pile of Javier’s white chess pieces. 
“Basta!” He shouts to her, swatting the hand away while also somehow managing to grasp it in his. 
“Cheater! ¡Eres un tramposo!”
"¿Qué, yo? No hice mierda," Zara laughs and feigns innocence towards Javier, though she knows she’s been caught red handed. Yeah, yeah she certainly is a cheater; she cheats when playing games constantly, and she’s fine being accused of it.
By now their top halves are bare, save Zara’s bra, and Zara’s bottom half is nearly gone as well. She’s basically in her underwear- no, scratch that, she is in her underwear swatting at Javier when her cell phone rings. For some reason when she picks it up, it’s a collect call from some jail in New York City. 
What the fuck? 
She’s got no clue who it is, but she can take one guess and knows it’s correct before he even speaks. Javier’s frozen in place, one of his hands resting gently at the small of her back, while the other still holds one of hers. His eyes trail over her as the hand resting on the small of her back slowly begins to tighten, and rub circles into her skin. He’s nervous for her. So is she…
“Nicks,” He says her nickname softly into the receiver, causing a patch of goosebumps to rise on Zara’s forearms. Their nicknames for each other when she was a kid were Nicks, after Stevie Nicks, and Smith, for Aerosmith. Both favorites of Zara and her father’s. 
He sounds in a bad way. Like he’s been roughing it, living by any means possible, just to get his hands on the next bottle of whatever it is he’s trying to kick now. Booze, drugs, prescription pills. It changes. Zara knew it all too well, as she lived it for the better part of her young adult life. It’s not a place she’d ever like to go back to, let alone think about. 
Hearing his voice puts her back in it. 
The hand in Javier’s is caressed gently, and she looks up to meet his eyes. It’s then she realizes her own grip on him has tightened, and she stopped breathing. 
She takes a deep breath in, releasing it with her next words. “Smith…how…how are you? Are you okay? You’re calling from…are you in jail again? In New York?” Again, she can feel Javier’s grip tighten ever so slightly against her waist. Even though it’s subtle, she feels it. Fuck, he’s tense. Tenser than she is hearing her dad on the other end of the phone. 
The hand in Javier’s leaves, and moves to his hip. She slowly moves it up his torso to caress his skin in a gentle, calming way. When she looks up at him, searching his eyes, he senses something in her and leans down, meeting her already perched lips. 
Unfortunately, her father answering her questions interrupts. 
“Hey- yeah…I’m- I’ve uh, I really did it, this time, Zara. I don’t know…yeah, I don’t know when they’ll let me out this time around, and uh…could be a long time before…uh…” He trails off, not knowing what else to say on the matter. 
Zara pauses, taking in what he’s saying by sucking in a breath of air. “Okay, but what does that mean, dad? What did you do? Why are you calling… me?” 
“I don’t fucking know, Zara! I don’t know why I’m calling you!” 
“Well don’t fucking yell at me, you called me-” 
“I know, I- I know, I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m going through it right now, okay? I’m not- I’m in a bad way. I was trying to get my hands on- on…fuck, Nicks, it’s not important right now what I was trying to get my damn hands, and- and, it’s not important why I’m here, I just fucked up, okay? I fucked up again, really, really badly this time and I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Zara.” 
Zara’s silent after his lack of confession and measly apology, still taking everything in. She looks at Javier to see him still studying her, carefully. One of his hands moves up to cup her cheek and tilt her chin upward so he can kiss it. Her eyes close. 
“Dad…” She starts, shaking her head as she speaks. 
“No, Dad. Stop. You don't get to do that. You stole from me.” 
“I know, but I-”
“You stole my records, my albums, collectors items from concerts, my money-” 
“Zara, I’m so sorry-” 
“You stole, my fucking guitar. My guitar, dad. The one you gave me when I was ten.”
He’s finally silent at the end of the receiver. 
“And you then fucking left. You, you just left without saying a word,” well fuck, now she’s crying… “You stole all my shit, everything worth any value, stuff you knew was important to me, and you sold it. You fucking sold it and didn’t talk to me for a year and a half.” If he thinks she’s done, she’s far from it. Little does he know. Little does she know, there’s a lot more to fucking say. Zara’s been holding this shit in for a year and a half, waiting to say it to his face. Well, it’s not his face, but over the phone will have to do.
“And now you’re calling me, like I’m supposed to help you? Help you with what? For what? Why should I? What have you ever actually done for me but provide endless trauma for me to unpack in therapy later on? Oh, what about the substance abuse, that was a great thing to inherit, right? Who do you think I learned to fill the void with pills and booze from, dad? You. You taught me how to do that. You taught me to be all the things I never wanted or want to be, so I’m done. I’m done giving you any part of me, even for a single second. This is the last time you get to hear from me, so you better say something worthwhile. Worthy of me hearing. Even though you don’t deserve it, you pathetic asshole.” With that, she takes a breath, and sinks back into the seat she only now begins to realize she’s nearly risen out of. 
To the right of her, Javier turns down the burner on their quesadillas, and makes his way back over to her within seconds. He scoops her up into, quite literally, the largest hug she’s ever received from him. It’s so surprising and sudden of an action, she nearly falls out of her seat and laughs into the receiver when he almost tackles her up and out of the chair and into his arms. 
Zara’s never said anything like that to any of her family before, not even the ones she truly dislikes. Because at her core, even if she doesn’t admit it at times, Zara is a people pleaser…and family oriented, almost to a fault. At a time in her life, she would have done anything for her family; anything they asked. Now though, and even beginning at age eighteen, she began to set boundaries. And these newfound boundaries don’t put stock in people who toxically take and take from her rather than lift her up. Unfortunately her father is one of those takers. 
The amount of silence on the other end of the phone could take up most of New York City, if they tried. But she waits, trying not to act as happy and content in life with Javier, a life without her father and most of the Mayfield/Foster family. She won’t hide how happy she is from the world, and she won’t hold back now how she truly feels regarding her father, but…she also isn’t going to rub it in his face that she’s better off without him and his nonsense when he’s so down. Maybe one day she’ll change her mind and want to reconnect, but…for now, this is her line in the sand. Her hard boundary, with her father.
“Nicks, I…Zara. Zara, I’m so sorry. I really am. I know that doesn’t mean much right now coming from an addict in prison, but, I…I guess I don’t have anything left to lose. You shouldn't bail me out, that’s not…maybe at first that was why I was calling. It was, I’ll fucking admit it, Nicks, I will. But not anymore. Now it’s just, I’m…I’m not…” He pauses for a while, and Zara continues to silently hold her breath. 
“I’m not enough of a father or a man to have admitted this a long time ago, but I love you, Zara. So, so, much. I’d be fucking stupid if I didn’t tell you that now. I love you. And I’m sorry.” 
She’s wanted to hear that for a long time. The, ‘I love you,’ and the apology. She’s heard a lot of so-called, ‘apologies,’  from him, but none of them sounded genuine like that one did. He means it this time. He’s actually sorry. He actually loves her. 
Why is it so hard to hear? Why is it almost as though she doesn’t want to hear it now? It’s like it’s…it’s too fucking much. 
Because she wants to save him now, to come to the rescue, but knows she shouldn’t. That’s the exact opposite of what she should do. She should let him be. She should live her fucking life. And yet…
No. This has to be it. This has to be goodbye. Not only for her… well, especially for her, and her benefit. But also for Javier’s. 
“I love you too, Smith. You’ve always been one of my favorite people. You’re going to be okay. I know you will be, okay? You’ll be okay, dad.” She sniffs, her bottom lip quivering. Fuck, she hates crying so, so fucking much. But she can feel it in her; it’s coming. Like a storm. A flood. A fucking hurricane. 
Javier pulls her even closer. 
“Goodbye, Smith.”’
“Goodbye, Nicks."
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stratfordsandthestars · 10 months
me, @ any character who is even slightly autistic coded: my beloved ❤️ my sweet blorbo
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normalize being co-dependent and evil
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mvanqsh · 5 months
some starkid and tcb doodles from school !!
doodles contain: hannah foster, paul matthews, pokotho/pokey, wilbur cross, peter spankoffski, nibblenephim/nibbly, owen carvour, benjamin scragtowski, ted spankoffski, stephanie lauter and crumb the squire mouse
and even two little red doodles of joey richter
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my favourite of these doodles are hannah, ted and the one of owen
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eekub988 · 5 months
last day of sweeney revival on broadway 💈🪒 !!!
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IM SO SAD ITS GOING AWAY :(. but i truly do love this show so much. i saw it for the first time ever a few weeks ago and it completely blew me away. everything about it was stunning and the acting was incredible. ive never loved the songs from a musical so much and ive never felt so inspired to write or even act in something! (even though im a crew member of the shows i do…) maria bilbao, daniel yearwood, sutton foster, joe locke, and SO many more were all incredible and im so thankful to have gotten the chance to see it. I truly do hope it does go on tour some point next year too !! (also hoping my school performs it because i would LOVEEEE that)
even if the show is gone i will still be sweeney posting :-)
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of-fear-and-love · 7 months
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Outfits from Friday Foster (1975)
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antronaut · 7 months
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The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer, Orchestrator, Ethnographer, Choreographer, Poet, Archivist, Forger, Curator, and Many Other Things First.
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little-lovett · 8 months
i just read this lovely article from our soon to be darlings and i’m going absolutely FERAL. so, here are my predictions for sutton lovett and aaron sweeney and how they’ll interact.
i honestly think they’re going to turn up the romance and sexiness even more than josh and annaleigh did because it was so well recieved. it makes the show both endlessly more funny and more tragic. josh and annaleigh certainly more than dipped their toes into the relationship between nellie and sweeney, but i think aaron and sutton are really gonna lean into it completely.
i see sutton’s lovett being very comforting and calming to sweeney, and i see aaron’s sweeney letting himself be comforted by her. i feel like sutton is gonna be REALLY silly and eccentric but at the same time so painfully and unconditionally loving/affectionate.
and i feel like aaron will really lean into the bond they share as two lonely people. he will trust her completely with his broken heart and his crimes and his body and the most vulnerable parts of him.
i feel like there’s gonna be so much physical affection and touch. i just know their little scene after by the sea is gonna go so hard. i have a feeling aaron might even really kiss her. i just know there’s gonna be so much love between them and i am SO excited. i cant wait to see the beautiful things they do with these roles❣️
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bunisher · 3 months
i love dex but i reallyyyyyy wish they hadn’t played into the tired ableistic trope of diagnosing him with bpd. especially considering you can’t even get properly diagnosed with personality disorders until 18 (at least in the US) and i think it would’ve been better if they left his diagnosis up to interpretation.
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broadwayinabox · 5 months
Why yes I do name my foster cats after Sweeney Todd characters:
Meet Beadle, Benjamin “Benny” Barker, and Lucy (who was really more of a Mrs. Lovett)
Pssst Beadle & Benny are both available for adoption in the SoCal area as well!
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lewis-winters · 1 year
Seeing everything you post has just reminded me of how sincerely I believe that there should be more trans fic in the HBO war fandom **side eyes my trans Dick Winters WIP that I haven't worked on in months**
RIGHT LIKE it's time, ya'll. it's time to trans some dead paratrooper's gender. the terror enjoyers have been doing it since 2018. pls. i want what they have. i'm begging. just put her in a pretty dress. draw him with some top surgery scars. hECK give them a miku binder for all i care. even if it's just an off handed comment. pls. there was a time in 2019 - 2020 when I felt like I saw trans!liebgott everywhere!! and now!! there is none!! why???? what are you afraid of???? ya'll!! c'mon!!
pls tell me more about trans!dick tho bc. like. i want it. if you finish it you have a guaranteed audience of one (1). that is me. pls. *grabby hands*
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skippiefritz · 2 years
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Monsterkind is returning from the war I am the #1 monsterkind fan ofc I had to draw them
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Midge Maisel is a complicated character to me. I don't think I'll forgive her for what she did to Shy Baldwin, and I think her self centeredness is infuriating but I guess I want her to be happy so yayy Season 6 haha. It was no surprise to me that Esther and Ethan didn't enjoy her as a mother
Susie deserved everything and more for how hardworking and loyal she was. Literally no one hustled more than she did! I'm so happy she got her happily ever after
I guess Joel and Midge end up happy? I'm just glad that Mei had an abortion instead of tying herself to his loser ass. Honestly Joel and Midge deserve each other so it's for the best. Gordon Ford was hilarious and clearly Midge wasn't interested in being with him that way, Lenny Bruce has a tragic ending, and Benjamin straight up just deserved better so why not!
As for the side characters - Abe Weissman will forever be my favorite. He is probably the funniest person in the entire show. His interactions with Ethan and Esther this season cracked me all the way up. Plus his growth in recognising how unfair he had been to Midge growing up, brought me to tears! Rose was good to but have less to say about her.
Zelda's husband was my favorite this season's imply for telling Zelda to free herself from the Weisman chains!
Overall it was a great season but I'm still side eyeing all of Midge and Susan's big falling out. You can listen to more of our thoughts on YouTube! Lets us know what you think in the comments
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stellarish · 1 year
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Quick practice feat. the boys from @chikinan's Homebound <3
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babyye · 1 year
Omgg I love them😭
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