#Best Songs of 1971
David Bowie - Life on Mars? 1973
"Life on Mars?" is a song by the English singer-songwriter David Bowie, first released on his 1971 album Hunky Dory. Bowie wrote the song as a parody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way". "Life on Mars?" is primarily a glam rock ballad, with elements of cabaret and art rock; it has a complex structure that includes chord changes throughout. At the height of Bowie's fame as Ziggy Stardust, RCA Records issued "Life on Mars?" as a single on 22 June 1973 in the UK, where it peaked at number three. To promote the single, photographer Mick Rock filmed a video that shows Bowie in make-up and a turquoise suit singing the song against a white backdrop. "Life on Mars?" is considered by commentators as one of Bowie's greatest songs, and one of the best songs of all time. Critics have praised Bowie's vocal performance and growth as a songwriter.
"Life on Mars?" has appeared in numerous television series and film soundtracks. The British series Life on Mars was named after and heavily featured the song, which is included on the series' soundtrack album. Actress Jessica Lange sang the song with a deep German accent on the fourth-season premiere of the FX television series American Horror Story: Freak Show. In 2019, Nine Inch Nails covered the song on their soundtrack to the HBO television series Watchmen.
"Life on Mars?" received a total of 63,1% yes votes! Previous David Bowie polls: #33 "I'm Afraid of Americans", #118 "The Man Who Sold the World" (cover).
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foone · 2 months
I love finding out there's weird drama behind a song.
So, in 1967, a french songwriter named Jacques Revaux composes as song called "Comme d'habitude" (As Usual) with lyrics by Claude François and Gilles Thibaut. Claude François releases a version with him singing it, and it's enough of a hit that some music execs are trying to get someone to do an English version.
David Bowie's publisher happened to share an office with another publisher who brings in the record, and Bowie's publisher suggests Bowie could sing it. Bowie's manager thinks it's a sure-fire hit: He thinks Bowie is a good singer and lyricist, but not so good a composer, so by using the music of Jacques Revaux and Bowie's lyrics and voice, it'll easily sell lots of copies.
Bowie writes new lyrics, calls his version "Even a Fool Learns to Love", and records a demo in 1968. The French publishers of the original song turn him down, however: They want some big name singer if they're gonna sell the rights, not some unknown "David Bowie" guy (Space Oddity wouldn't be until 1969, so he wasn't a star yet, especially internationally).
So Paul Anka enters the picture, after hearing the song on French radio while on holiday. He's been a successful songwriter since the 50s, and he's a big enough star that the publishers of "Comme d'habitude" agree to sell him the rights (for 1 dollar. But Jacques Revaux's label retains the rights to the music, so they get royalties).
He then has a meeting with a singer and "some mob guys". The singer says he's getting out of the music business, he's sick of it. Paul Anka rewrites the lyrics to be about that idea: at the end of your career, looking back, and not having any regrets. He calls up the singer and offers the song.
in 1969, Frank Sinatra releases "My Way" to immediate success.
And this pisses Bowie off. He was going to release a version of "Comme d'habitude"! He wrote his own lyrics and even recorded it! Reportedly he was angry about this for a year, and decides "screw it, I can write a big song like that!". So he does, makes it sound "a little like My Way", and
So in 1971 he writes "Life on Mars?", as a parody of "My Way" and proof he can write songs like "My Way". It's included on his 1971 album Hunky Dory, and released as a single in 1973.
And since it's considered one of his best songs (as well as one of the best songs of all time), I guess he really succeeded in proving he could do that.
But yeah. Listening to "Life on Mars?" I never would have guessed it was connected to Frank Sinatra's "My Way"
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moon-simmers · 3 months
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As every year this is a good date to remember the daily struggle for the rights of the LBGT+ community. It is also a time to learn about the people who made it possible for us to identify ourselves as who we are today without fear of reprisals or being punished by the law. This month I got involved in the history of Argentina and its different movements for the fight for rights through the 20th century. Here I come to share some important figures, some more known than others, but obviously there are a lot that I have left out of this publication.
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Sara Facio (1932-2024) & Maria Elena Walsh (1930-2011)
A couple of intellectual artists that would need a separate publication to go deeper into the subject. Sara is one of the greatest Latin American photographers who with her camera contributed to the creation of the most outstanding photographic heritage of the country. Maria Elena is a writer, singer and composer whose children's songs resonate to this day because they are much more profound than they seem and are still relevant today.
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Salvadora Medina Onrubia (1894-1972)
She was a writer, militant anarchist, single mother and the first woman to run a newspaper in the country. She was the first Argentinean woman to dare to write about double sinners, lesbians and adulteresses. One of her most valued plays was Las descentradas, premiered in 1929. There, Salvadora honors her own contradictions, narrating women who question monogamous structures, marriage and the traditional family.
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Malva Solis (1920-2015)
She was a transvestite writer who lived for 95 years when the life expectancy of this community in the country was under 40 years old. In 1951 founded the first trans organization on record, Maricas Unidas Argentinas. She has the oldest series of trans photographs in the country, dating from 1940 to 1980, when simply having those photographs at home was cause for being arrested. There is a documentary based on the photographs and conversations with her at her home called "Con Nombre de flor".
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Jorge Horacio Ballve Piñero (1920-?)
Piñero was a young man from a well-to-do family of the Buenos Aires society at the beginning of the century. Together with his best friend Adolfo and Blanca, he organized gatherings in his apartment in Recoleta, and was a pioneer of male erotic photography. They mixed the privileged social class with workers, dishwashers, gas station workers, sailors and cadets from the Military College. These three characters were involved in a police case involving cadets from the military college, known as the Cadet Scandal. In the police archives remain captive the photographic collection, intended for pleasure and personal aesthetic enjoyment that tragically proved key to incriminate some friends who just wanted to have fun.
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Ruth Mary Kelly (1925-1994)
She was a bisexual woman, who worked as a "Wohoo Worker". Founder of Grupo Safo in 1972, the first Argentine lesbian organization, and of the Frente de Liberación Homosexual (Homosexual Liberation Front). In 1972 she wrote Memorial de los Infiernos about her experiences as a "Wohoo" worker and bisexual, persecuted by the psychiatric-prison system.
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Manuel Puig (1932-1990)
He was an Argentine writer and LGBT+ activist, author of the novels Boquitas pintadas, El beso de la mujer araña (Considered one of the most recognized LGBT works in Latin America and one of the best works in Spanish of the 20th century) etc. He also fought against authoritarianism and machismo, and was one of the founders of the Homosexual Liberation Front in 1971, one of the first associations for the defense of LGBTQI+ rights.
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Mariela Muñoz (1943-2017)
She was the first transsexual woman to be recognized by the state and given a female ID card on May 2, 1997. At the age of 16 she became independent, and it was then that she began caring for children, teenagers and single mothers. She cared for children who had been abandoned by their mothers, whom she loved and cared for. She raised, during her lifetime, 23 children and 30 grandchildren. In a dispute over the guardianship of 3 children in 1993, Argentina was confronted for the first time with the debate as to whether a transsexual person "could be a mother"
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Carlos Jauregui (1957-1996) & Raul Soria
Carlos was a History professor and the founder of the Civil Association Gays for Civil Rights, organizer of the first Pride march in Buenos Aires and an essential figure for Argentine activism. In 1984, he broke with the schemes by appearing in the magazine Siete Días embracing the activist Raul Soria, a homosexual person assumed his sexuality in a public way for the first time. He believed that media visibility is fundamental for LGTB people. Leaving aside the fear and silence that other generations suffered for years. In 1985, Raul would present himself as the first gay candidate for congressman in the country.
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Roberto Jauregui (1960-1994)
Brother of Carlos, was a journalist, actor and the first activist for the rights of people with HIV in the country. In 1989 he exposed the inequality in access to treatment at that time due to the price of medication. He played a central role in marches, actions, talks and interviews to demand human rights for people living with the virus. A well-known phrase of his is "Showing one's face is not easy in a society that discriminates, censures and separates".
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Cris Miró (1965-1999)
Cris was the first visible trans people that appeared in the media and broke with the "transvestite" paradigm. A dental student, she got involved in the artistic underworld and later studied classical dance, musical comedy and acting. Her career was meteoric: the popularity of revue theater catapulted her to the small screen where she became a sought-after figure in the most popular programs. On June 23rd, a series about his life inspired by his biography was released, available on Prime Video.
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Alejandro Vannelli (1948-) y Ernesto Larresse (1950-)
They were the first couple in the province of Buenos Aires to get legally married on July 30, 2010 after the Equal Marriage Law was passed. They met in 1976 because of a triple A bomb in the theater where Larresse was performing with Nacha Guevara, then he joined the cast of Vannelli. At the beginning they did not like each other because of Vanelli's appearance as a wealthy young man and Larresse was the opposite, but opposites attracted and they were a couple for 34 years.
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Norma Castillo (1943-) y Ramona "Cachita" Arévalo (1943-2018)
They were the of South America's first gay marriage on April 9, 2010. Norma and Ramona were married to two Colombians, who were cousins to each other. During the dictatorship they both went into exile in Colombia and there they fell in love and lived their romance clandestinely, until Cachita separated and Norma was widowed by her husband. They lived their love freely and even opened an LGBT discotheque in Colombia. In 1998 they returned to Argentina and began to work in sexual diversity organizations.
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Feliciano Centurión 1962-1996)
He was a visual artist, a Paraguayan painter professionally trained in Argentina. He grew up in a home dominated by women, where he learned to sew and crochet. Inspired by queer aesthetics and folk art, he used to incorporate household textiles and references to the natural world. She handled kitsch art and languages not considered high art with a great deal of knowledge and sensitivity.
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Humberto Tortonese (1964-) , Alejandro Urdapilleta (1954-2013) & Batato Barea (1961-1991)
Batato was an actor and "literary transvestite clown" as he called himself, one of the most important personalities of the underground theater movement of the post-dictatorship years. Together with Alejandro Urdapilleta and Humberto Tortonese, revolutionized the underground scene of the 80's - in places like the Parakultural. They disguised themselves, wore make-up and improvised delirious and strident scenes for the decade.
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Sandra Mihanovich & Celeste Carballo
Sandra and Celeste are two singers who were visibly lesbians during the 80s and early 90s. Together they released the albums "Somos mucho mas que dos" and "Mujer contra mujer" which became a symbol of belonging for the whole LGBTQ arc in our country. They managed to be part of the rock scene, an area historically dominated by men. Sandra among all her songs is "Soy lo que soy" released in 1984 composed by Henry Jerman.
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gardenschedule · 6 months
Paul wrangling John
Brian Epstein made the Beatles PR conscious: he would say, ‘Don’t smoke on stage’ and things like that. I was very pleased that they stopped smoking on stage as I didn’t like it myself. He had no difficulty persuading Paul as he knew instinctively how a band should behave on stage, but John was a rebel and George could be difficult.
Bob Wooler, c/o Spencer Leigh, The Best of Fellas: The Story of Bob Wooler. (2002)
JOHN: The truth about the separation was she kicked me out . . . so I (laughter) was adrift at sea . . . and there was nobody to protect me from myself which is fine. I should be able to look after myself but I never had, and there was Epstein or Paul to cover up for me. I’m not putting Paul down and I’m not putting Brian down. They’d done a good job in containing my personality from not causing too much trouble.
Barbara Graustark, “The Real John Lennon.” Newsweek (September 1980)
JOHN (with mock horror): My “lost weekend”? It lasted for eighteen months. I was like an elephant in zoo, aware that it’s trapped but not able to get out. It’s an extension of the craziness that I’d been doing with the Beatles in Hamburg in Liverpool, but it had been covered up by the people surrounding us. So when I freaked out, there would be Paul or Epstein to say “What he really means is he’s just a normal boy from a normal family who likes to shear sheep.” And the machinery around us would take care of the business. By the time we got to America, we were old hands at it. But if you look back at the Beatles’ first national press coverage, it was because I sent a guy to the hospital for calling me a fag, saying I slept with Brian Epstein.
Barbara Graustark, “The Real John Lennon.” Newsweek (September 1980)
“But all the time Paul, and Brian Epstein we’re always trying to kill me from saying anything. But because I was in so much pain, I’d always get drunk or drugged, and I’d always say something that didn’t suit them. And so always, I would leave a piece of shit amongst the Beatles image. But all the time they tried to kill me and kill me and bring me down to be a Beatle, to be a nice boy, be a Beatle. But if you look from the career of the Beatles, the first national news the Beatles ever got in the English newspapers was when I nearly killed somebody at Paul’s party. So all the famous news the Beatles ever got besides being Go–angels, was when I did something terrible through being in so much pain. So they could never keep me down.”
Oct 1971 - John and Yoko interviewed during John’s 31st birthday celebration by reporter Takahiro Imura
"I constantly saw Lennon and McCartney together because Paul came along to see that I wasn't rude to John - who I can't say I got on with. Paul didn't want me to upset John."
Sir Joseph Lockwood - Northern Songs: The True Story of the Beatles Song Publishing Empire, Brian Southall, 2008
Sometimes, though, I certainly thought John was being a complete idiot. Even though I was younger, I would try to explain to him why he was being stupid and why something he’d done was so unlike him. I remember him saying things to me like, ‘You know, Paul, I worry about how people are gonna remember me when I die.’ Thoughts like that shocked me, and I’d reply, ‘Hold on; just hold it right there. People are going to think you were great, and you’ve already done enough work to demonstrate that.’ I often felt like I was his priest and would have to say, ‘My son, you’re great. Just don’t worry about that.’
Paul McCartney, in The Lyrics (2021).
It came as a welcome relief that John and Paul, along with Neil Aspinall, planned a quick trip to New York on May 11, where several press events had been scheduled to announce Apple Records in the States. Friends agreed that getting John away might do him a world of good; being alone, with just Paul to steady him, might have a calming influence. Paul was grappling with his own set of anxieties. “We wanted a grand launch,” Paul said, “but I had a strange feeling and was very nervous.” Drugs, he later admitted, may have been at the root of his problem
Bob Spitz, The Beatles: The Biography, 2005
“The setting is the Blue Angel and Paul McCartney is upstairs talking to some press people, while in the basement is John Lennon shooting his mouth off, well away with the drink or whatever. He said, “Hitler should have finished the job”, meaning that the gas ovens should have been more active than they were. His manager was Jewish and I prevailed upon him to be quiet because the press were upstairs, but he didn’t take any notice of me. I told Paul that John was shooting his mouth off and that the press must not get wind of it. ”
Bob Wooler, c/o Spencer Leigh, Best of the Beatles: The Sacking of Pete Best. (2015)
“The party was at Auntie Gin’s house in Huyton. By now, Paul could afford a marquee in the garden.This is inside the house, where my comedy group, Scaffold, are performing for the guests. John Gorman and Roger McGough are onstage, and I’m photographing reactions to the act. The jokes are going well with Paul, his girlfriend Jane Asher, and an old school chum, Ivan Vaughn, but John Lennon was so pissed he kept shouting, ‘That’s not funny’ (until Paul told him to ‘Shhh!,’ which he did)…” -
Mike McCartney
[After John pours a beer on Chris Montez' head and starts a brawl] Everyone settled down in their seats. Paul McCartney tried to make peace with Chris. Chris said, “Paul sat by me and said, ‘Come on, Chris, let’s be friends….’ “I said, ‘Paul, just get away from me, I don’t want nothing to do with you guys. You know, you pissed me off!” As for Lennon, Chris recalled, “John? I guess he was a wise guy. But I got the sense that, I shouldn’t say this, that he was jealous of who I was or what I did. I don’t know what his problem was, but I didn’t like it too much.”
JOHN: I used to try to get George to rebel with me. I’d say to him, “Look, we don’t need these fuckin’ suits. Let’s chuck them out of the window.” My little rebellion was to have my tie loose with the top button of my shirt undone. Paul’d always come up to me and put it straight.
PAUL: There’s a story that I used to straighten John’s tie before we went on stage. That seems to have become a symbol of what my attitude was supposed to have been. I’ve never straightened anyone’s tie in my life, except perhaps affectionately.
The Times Profile of Paul McCartney – 1982
I spoke to Paul about this night many years later, and he confirmed that he and George had been shaken rigid when they found out we were up on the roof. They knew John was having a what you might call a bad trip. John didn’t go back to Weybridge that night; Paul took him home to his place, in nearby Cavendish Road. They were intensely close, remember, and Paul would do almost anything for John. So, once they were safe inside, Paul took a tablet of LSD for the first time, 'So I could get with John’ as he put it- be with him in his misery and fear.
George Martin, With a Little Help from My Friends: The Making of Sgt. Pepper
AW: Isn’t he? Well, you know, of all the people, he comes through a lot of stick. Or a lot of people think he comes through a lot of stick in my book. But that’s the way John behaved. He behaved really outrageously. And Paul used to pour the oil on the troubled waters, as it were. But of all the people, only John, out of all the Beatles, have said that my book is the only book that gives a true insight to what it was to be an early Beatle. I admire him for that.
All You Need Is Love – Peter Brown & Steven Gaines
“We were in a daydream till he came along. We had no idea what we were doing. Seeing our marching orders on paper made it all official. Brian was trying to clean our image up, but, at the same time, he didn’t want us suddenly looking square. He would tell us jeans were not particularly smart and could we possibly manage to wear proper trousers. He literally fuckin’ cleaned us up! There were great fights between him and me, over me not wanting to dress up, and he and Paul wanting me to dress up. In fact, he and Paul had some kind of collusion to keep me straight.
The Beatles Off the Record (Keith Badman)
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
Wait for Me: A One Shot
A/N: I had a ROUGH day yesterday, so I processed my feelings by writing a fic 😂. Needless to say, this one has a lot of feels. Enjoy.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, kissing, p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, infidelity (Elvis is married), angst I guessss
Word count: ~2.7k
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Songs: Weirdly enough, the songs that inspired this fic are not by Elvis. I know Elvis sang Unchained Melody, obviously, but in this fic it's The Righteous Brothers' version.
You never stopped loving Elvis. Not when he broke up with you. Not when you found out he was engaged. And not even when he got married and became a father.
You've loved him since you met him on a movie set in the mid-sixties. Your romance was a whirlwind that started hot and heavy and only got hotter and heavier as time went on. You'd never met someone who could light you up like he did. His energy was electric and you thrived in each other's presence. He told you once that he felt like before you his life was black and white and you made it technicolor.
You thought you had finally found the person you were meant to spend your life with and you were convinced he felt the same. But it all came crashing down when he came to you in '66 and said it was over.
He was crying when he said it and it nearly broke you to hear it. You begged and pleaded and screamed and cried, but he said he had no choice. That didn't make sense to you, but he was pretty insistent. Finally, at the end of the conversation, when you had no more tears left and a numbness had settled in your heart, you asked the question you didn't want the answer to. Was there someone else? He looked at the floor and nodded. The room began to spin and your hearing went out and you were pretty sure you were going to faint. He caught you and carried you to the couch. Then he kissed your forehead, your hand, your cheek, and your lips, and apologized. After that, he left, and you cried for the next month.
What you didn't know was so did he. Even though there was technically someone else, she wasn't someone that he wanted more than he wanted you. But his hands were tied by a decision he made so many years ago. He never dreamed you would come into the picture.
Either way, he married her and tried to make the best of it. And you bounced from meaningless relationship to meaningless relationship always searching for someone who could make you forget him. No one ever could.
You spent the next few years avoiding places where you thought he might be. But eventually you realized you had to live your life.
That's how you ended up at a party in Vegas with your most recent boyfriend in 1971. You're nervous because you know Elvis is in Vegas right now. It's not outside the realm of possibility that he could be here. Still, you've missed enough events. It's been five years. It's time to accept the fact that it's over and you might have to see him. And that you'll survive it even if you do.
You're nursing a drink with your boyfriend's arm thrown around your shoulders when you spot him. He's here with her, but of course he would be. You look down at your drink quickly and try to turn so that you're out of his eye-line, but you're too slow. You feel his eyes on you before you look up and meet them. There's something in them that you recognize, a hunger of sorts, and it shoots straight through you. You take a deep breath and try to turn away again. Your boyfriend notices your change in demeanor.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Nothing, I just, let's dance."
You haven't told him about Elvis. There's really no reason to and besides, you don't talk about Elvis. Luckily, he's not curious by nature, so he walks you to the dance floor without thinking too much about it. As you dance, you try to focus on Mike and his sweet smile and chestnut hair and round brown eyes. He's a good man, a photographer, and he has the soul of a poet. The sex is satisfying and you enjoy his company. You should be in love with him. You're convinced if you try hard enough, you will be.
As you slow dance, though, you feel eyes on you again. You make the mistake of peeking over Mike's shoulder. Elvis has you locked into a look that's so intense you feel like you might burst into flames. You clear your throat and look away, trying to ignore all the old feelings that are bubbling up. Why does he keep looking at you?
You're not sure whether to feel the immense sadness or the anger that's starting to grow. You take a third path and look up at Mike, trying to convey a look of adoration. This is very purposeful, since you hope that Elvis will see it, read it, and assume you've moved on. But just then, Mike looks down at you and smiles.
"Hey, baby, I'm going to run to the bathroom. I'll be right back."
"Oh..." He gives you a quick squeeze and then moves towards the door. Left all alone, you go back to the bar to get another drink, praying Elvis doesn't notice. You're not sure what you'll do if he approaches you. Once you get your drink, you move to the side of the bar and try to focus on your drink until Mike comes back.
You feel him before you hear him, his scent overwhelming you with memories. He stands close behind you, but not too close. It's obvious he's trying to think of something to say and you stand there trying to keep yourself from turning and throwing yourself on him.
"Are you not even gonna look at me, honey?" You close your eyes at the sound of his voice. It's comforting in a way you haven't experienced since it ended between you. You turn slowly and look up into his face, making a concerted effort to blink away your tears. He holds his fingers up to your cheek but doesn't touch you. Instead, he drops his hand back down to his side. Every move he makes is like a form of slow torture for both of you. Finally, you speak.
"Why should I look at you?" You watch as your words cut through him. For a second, his perfect facade slips and you feel the anguish radiate off of him.
"I don't have an answer for that." He leans forward ever so slightly, seemingly trying to breathe you in. "I just..."
He trails off as Mike makes his way back to your side. Elvis secures his facade and they shake hands and chat politely. When Mike throws his arm around your shoulders casually, you feel the energy roll off of Elvis. You can't tell if it's anger or jealousy or sadness or all three. For a second you worry that he might throw a punch at Mike, but that fear fades as quickly as it appears when Elvis nods, smiles, and excuses himself from the conversation.
Your heart breaks when he walks away, but you know he has to. You look down at your shoes and try to will the tears away.
"Are you okay, baby?" You sniffle and look up at Mike, shaking your head enthusiastically.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."
"You know, I've always heard that Elvis was a real down-to-earth guy, but he truly is. Have you met him before? He seemed to know you?"
"Yes. We've met before. We made a few movies together."
"Oh, that's right! I always forget you were in those." You're teetering on the edge of a full on breakdown, desperate to keep your composure.
"Let's go back to our dance!" You say a little too enthusiastically. He nods and leads you back to the dance floor just as they play a slow ballad. Mike holds you in his arms, not suspecting a thing. But the song, the song is Unchained Melody. It's something Elvis used to sing to you and you feel like you could scream, it hurts so bad.
You fight to keep the tears from falling and you think you just might pull it off until you see him. Over Mike's shoulder, you find him. He's got his wife in his arms, but he's looking at you.
That's it. That's all you can handle. You mumble some excuse to Mike and practically run out of the room. You make it outside before you completely fall apart. It's pouring down rain and dark, so you take full advantage and let the tears stream down your face. You're lost in the emotions when you hear him.
"Y/n?" You turn quickly and instinctively try to wipe the tears off of your face. You know it's him.
"What do you want, Elvis?" Your voice is unsteady and your hair hangs wet around your shoulders. You stand facing each other as the rain soaks him too.
"I-I-I I just wanted to make sure you're okay." You can feel that he's desperate to touch you.
"Okay?! You think there's a chance in hell that I'm OKAY?!" You're yelling because of the rain, but also because you're filled with something you can't quite identify.
"Y/n, I-"
"No. I don't want to hear anything you have to say."
"Go back to your wife, Elvis!"
"What could you possibly have to say to me that matters?!" You almost scream it at him. You're trembling with the pain and anger that burns through you.
It's killing him to see you like this. He had prayed that you'd move on without him and find someone to love you the way you deserve to be loved. But he never stopped loving you either. More than anything, he wants to wrap you in his arms and hold you close to him again.
"Y/n, please-"
"Please what? Please sit around and pine for you while you marry another woman? Please forget I ever loved you? Please ignore the pain of the last five years without you?"
He stands there speechless. Then, he speaks as quietly as he can in the rain.
"Please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you." You sob openly and put your head in your hands. He looks down to try to keep himself from crying too.
"Why does it matter to you?" You say from behind your hands. He looks back at you, hoping you won't notice his tears in the rain.
"It just does."
"That's not good enough. Tell me why you care whether I forgive you or not. You're happily married. I am nothing to you."
That almost breaks him. It couldn't be further from the truth. You are everything to him, but he can't tell you. He stands there staring at you. "Just leave me alone, Elvis. Go back-"
"Do you think I wouldn't rather feel this way about my wife?!" He yells loudly. This catches you off guard and you look up at him confused as he takes a couple of steps towards you. "She's my wife! She's the mother of my child! But she doesn't make me feel like this, like I can't breathe without her. Like seeing her in pain makes me want to move the stars to fix it. Don't you think it would be easier for me if I could love her the way I love you?!"
You stand there facing each other, chests rising and falling, hearts beating wildly, rain falling on both of you.
"You love me."
"God, y/n, of course I love you!"
There's a beat of silence and then in half a second, you're wrapped around each other with your mouths pressed together, open and moving passionately. You pull on him desperately and he holds you so tightly that you'd think you were trying to melt into one another right there in the parking lot. Your heart is pounding and his head is spinning with the release of pent up energy between you. He kisses down your neck hungrily and you whisper to him.
"What car do you have here?"
"The Mercedes limousine." Without another thought, you jump and he catches you with your legs around his waist. He carries you towards the car and you kiss him madly. A few seconds later, he pulls back and hollers to the driver while you kiss down his neck.
"Keys, man!" The driver's mouth pops open, but he tosses Elvis the keys. When you get to the car, he sets you down and presses you against the door with his body as he fumbles with the lock. You feel his erection pressing against you and moan softly. When he hears you, he abandons his task momentarily to kiss you and roll his hips against yours. Then, he goes back to the keys and finally gets the door unlocked.
You tumble into the backseat together, shedding sopping wet clothes and shoes. He kisses your shoulders and your chest and rips your bra off, tossing it across the car. His hand immediately goes to one nipple, his mouth to the other. You push his dripping wet hair off of his forehead and revel in the feeling of his hot mouth on you. He drags his tongue up from your chest to your neck and then moves back to your mouth, fiercely attacking your lips with his own. Your hands tremble as you get his belt off and undo his pants, so he helps you and pulls them off. Then, he yanks your panties off with one hand and lays you down on the seat.
He teases your clit with the tip of his cock for just a second before he pushes into you deeply, filling you fully. You moan loudly and he grunts and begins to fuck into you at a steady pace. As his hips slam into yours over and over, the rainwater that coated your skin turns to sweat and the car fills up with the steamy smell of sex. He thrusts harder and harder into you and it feels like you might die from the intense pleasure running through you. The way he pounds you elicits small cries from you and guttural groans from him and you know that anyone passing by could see and hear and know exactly what's happening.
There are no words between you, just feelings and primal sounds and the constant slapping of your wet skin against each other's. You feel him begin to tense up just as your walls flutter and both of you fall over a cliff into your release at the same time. The high washes over you and it's mixed with something so much more. You whimper as he pumps weakly a few more times and then relaxes on your chest.
You both try to catch your breath and soak in the shared afterglow of what just happened. Your hands make their way to his hair and you gently massage his scalp. He closes his eyes and enjoys the small gesture of affection, a warm feeling of contentment settling inside him. You feel like yourself for the first time in 5 years and bask in the peace of his head on your chest. Neither of you wants to move and risk bringing reality back into focus. You lay there like this for a long while, just holding each other.
"I don't want this to end." He whispers. You look up to try to keep your tears in your eyes.
"They're going to come looking for us eventually."
"I know. And I can't put my wife in this car. Not now." He sits up and pulls you into his arms and then brings your hand to his mouth, kissing your fingertips gently.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I'll send the driver to get a different car and make up some excuse for it."
"Smart." You both start to gather your clothes and get dressed. He hands your panties to you and has a thought.
"Oh, honey, I'm sorry; I got carried away and didn't use my mouth. I'll get you next time, I promise."
"Next time?" He realizes what he's said and looks into your eyes.
"Yes." He grabs your chin and pulls your lips to his. Then, he presses his forehead against yours and whispers.
"You know I would've married you if I could've." You nod as a tear slides down your cheek. He pulls back and wipes it away with his thumb. "No more tears, honey. I'm not leaving you this time. Never again."
"What about-"
"Let me worry about that."
He holds your face in his hands. And then he sings.
"Wait for me, wait for me.
I'll be coming home. Wait for me."
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love
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kaitaiga · 2 months
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Craig Alan Jones - Black Ops OC
Age: 46 (1981)
Birthday: 23 July, 1935 in Adelaide, South Australia
Occupation: SASR Trooper, ASIS Officer
Affiliation: Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)(Formerly), Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
Rank: Lieutenant (Formerly)
Face Claim: Mel Gibson
Height: 186cm (6'1)
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Identifying Marks: Scarring on legs, mole on left cheek
Languages: English, Indonesian, Vietnamese (minimal), Russian (minimal)
Song Associated: Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ TOP
Russell Adler
Frank Woods
Alex Mason
Lawrence Sims
Lazar Azoulay
Aleksandra Clarke R. (@alypink)
Helen Park
New Zealand Army
Koa “Hunter” Nikau ( @islandtarochips )
Abby Mason (@revnah1406)
Myers-Briggs Type: ENTP-A
Generally, Craig is a relaxed but confident, goal-oriented individual.
He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when he has opposing views on a matter. He prides himself on his own experiences that have built said opinions, which may come off as arrogant at times.
Craig has a habit of working alone without noticing, working autonomously to get a job done. He is self-motivated and does what he thinks is best for an outcome.
As a trooper, he learnt to be adaptable and resourceful to any given situation.
As an SASR trooper, Craig has to work in a smaller force element, therefore has undergone training in many different areas, including:
Parachuting (HALO/HAHO)
Combat Survival
SF Weapons Handling (mounted heavy-weapons, sniper, etc)
Urban Combat
Craig was born on the 23rd of July, 1935 in Adelaide. Raised just outside of the main city, his father was part of the city council in Bradbury and lived well beyond his means. Craig attended prestigious primary and secondary schools but was always rebellious, preferring to skip going to school to commit petty crimes, tarnishing the family name as he knew that due to his father's status, he could bypass getting in trouble.
Due to this and in addition to not wanting to follow his father’s path of going to university and becoming part of the city council, this lead to many arguments between the two and at 16, he was thrown out of the house and had to fend for himself on the streets. Craig’s father, not wanting to have any association with him anymore, placed a fake obituary in the newspaper to officially cut ties with him.
For two years, Craig changed his identity and worked at a plant nursery before undergoing mandatory national service within the Australian Army at 18. He enjoyed his occupation and the perks that came along with it that he fully enlisted into the Army after his mandatory service finished and later into the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) in 196X. He spent his first brief deployment in Borneo during the Indonesia-Malaysia conflict before shipping out to Nui Dat, Vietnam in 1966 as part of Sabre 1 squadron.
Unbeknownst to his unit whilst in Vietnam, Craig was ordered by ASIS to keep an eye out and investigate any intel that could hint towards any Soviet activity, passing anything he finds onto a CIA contact. This contact was revealed to be Russell Adler. The two become acquainted and would go onto Operation Fracture Jaw alongside Lawrence Sims.
For the remainder of the Vietnam War, Craig and the SASR continued to work closely with MACV-SOG, providing intel and support until 1971 where he returned to Australia. He truely florished in his time spent in the military, from a petty thief to an extraordinary soldier who lead his unit through countless battles, a great leader and mentor.
Fast forward to 1981, Craig now works under ASIS as an intelligence officer. Due to his knowledge and intel of Perseus from Vietnam, plus his connections to Adler, he joins the crew at the CIA safehouse to help track him down once and for all.
Fracture Jaw
Brick in the Wall
Echos of a Cold War
End of the Line
The Final Countdown
Two years later in 1983, Craig married his unnamed wife and thus his son Lachlan Jones was born.
Craig prefers to wear his R.M Williams boots in the style, 'The Craftsman' in dark tan.
His main choice of attire includes: two button down shirts layered and unbuttoned (inner white and outer dark blue) with a brown leather bomber jacket on top, boot-cut blue jeans and a brown leather belt along with his boots.
Smokes occasionally, likes the brand 'Lucky Strike'.
Drives a red Mitsubishi Starion.
Favourite weapons include: HK MP5, Sterling Submachine Gun, Colt M16A1 and L9A1 Browining Hi-Power.
Frequently visits casinos and likes to gamble.
He prefers his coffee made black with lots of sugar.
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frickfatphobes · 7 months
(Long post about fatphobia in Willy Wonka):
So I kind of hate the Willy Wonka story and every variation of it. It's just so mean to fat people. The original book was worse, as many of the parents of the bad children were fat, but what hurts me most is probably the Augustus Gloop song.
There are three variations: the original book, the older movie from 1971, and the rebooted movie from 2005.
In the original book they literally describe him as a monster and say he'll be better off once he's been brutally killed and made into fudge.
"However long this pig might live, We're positive he'd never give Even the smallest bit of fun Or happiness to anyone. [...]
This greedy brute, this louse's ear, Is loved by people everywhere! For who could hate or bear a grudge Against a luscious bit of fudge?"
These aren't even the worst lines in this version of the song, either. This kid is described as greedy, infantile, foul, unutterably vile, and revolting. They say he's a pig, a beast, and a brat.
The 1971 film is a little less brutal, only calling him greedy and saying he's fat because of what he eats. (If you look at his parents, though, you'll probably realize that genetics likely have a significant effect on his appearance.)
The 2005 reboot goes right back to the lyrics from the book, though is oh so kind enough not to call him a pig. /sarc
Just a quick reminder that Augustus is canonically twelve years old best-case scenario. In some adaptations, he is as young as nine. If you tell a child that they can eat whatever they want in a room made of candy, regardless of the child's weight, they will probably do so. Willy Wonka never said not for the kids to drink from the chocolate river. There were no signs or handrails to discourage it, either.
And all of that isn't even touching on the fact that in the films, Augustus is the only child who wasn't English or American. A lot of people have determined that Roald Dahl was racist, which doesn't help my view of him either.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Minnie Julia Riperton Rudolph (November 8, 1947 – July 12, 1979) was an American singer-songwriter best known for her 1975 single "Lovin' You" and her four octave D3 to F♯7 coloratura soprano range. She is also widely known for her use of the whistle register and has been referred to by the media as the "Queen of the Whistle Register."
Minnie Riperton grew up in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side. As a child, she studied music, drama and dance at Chicago's Lincoln Center. The youngest of eight children in a musical family, she embraced the arts early. Although she began with ballet and modern dance, her parents recognized her vocal and musical abilities and encouraged her to pursue music and voice. At Chicago's Abraham Lincoln Center, she received operatic vocal training from Marion Jeffery. She practiced breathing and phrasing, with particular emphasis on diction. Jeffery also trained Riperton to use her full range. While studying under Jeffery, she sang operettas and show tunes, in preparation for a career in opera. Jeffery was so convinced of her pupil's abilities that she strongly pushed her to further study the classics at Chicago's Junior Lyric Opera.
The young Riperton was, however, becoming interested in soul, rhythm and blues, and rock. In her teen years, she sang lead vocals for the Chicago-based girl group the Gems. Eventually the group became a session group known as Studio Three and it was during this period that they provided the backing vocals on the classic 1965 Fontella Bass hit "Rescue Me".
After graduating from Hyde Park High School (now Hyde Park Academy High School), she enrolled at Loop College and became a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority. She dropped out of college to pursue her music career.
Her early affiliation with the legendary Chicago-based Chess Records afforded her the opportunity to sing backup for various established artists such as Etta James, Fontella Bass, Ramsey Lewis, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters. While at Chess, Riperton also sang lead for the experimental rock/soul group Rotary Connection, from 1967 to 1971.
On April 5, 1975, Riperton reached the apex of her career with her No. 1 single "Lovin' You". The single was the last release from her 1974 gold album titled Perfect Angel. Riperton's third album, Adventures in Paradise was released in 1975. Despite the R&B hit "Inside My Love", some radio stations refused to play "Inside My Love" due to the lyrics.
Her fourth album for Epic Records, titled Stay in Love (1977), featured another collaboration with Stevie Wonder in the funky disco tune "Stick Together".
In 1978, Richard Rudolph and Riperton's attorney Mike Rosenfeld orchestrated a move to Capitol Records for Riperton and her CBS Records catalog. In April 1979, Riperton released her fifth and final album, Minnie. "Memory Lane" was a hit from the album.
Riperton provided backing vocals on Stevie Wonder's songs "Creepin'" from 1974's Fulfillingness' First Finale and "Ordinary Pain" from 1976's Songs in the Key of Life. In 1977, she lent her vocal abilities to a track named "Yesterday and Karma", on Osamu Kitajima's album, Osamu.
In January 1976, Riperton was diagnosed with breast cancer and, in April, she underwent a radical mastectomy. By the time of diagnosis, the cancer had metastasized and she was given about six months to live. Despite the grim prognosis, she continued recording and touring. She was one of the first celebrities to go public with her breast cancer diagnosis but did not disclose she was terminally ill.
In 1977, she became a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. In 1978, she received the American Cancer Society's Courage Award, which was presented to her at the White House by President Jimmy Carter.
Riperton died of cancer on July 12, 1979 at the age 31.
During the 1990s, Riperton's music was sampled by many rap and hip-hop artists, including Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre, A Tribe Called Quest, Blumentopf, The Orb
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runninriot · 3 months
Hold On For All It's Worth
written for @steddiesongfics inspired by the song Empire Now by Hozier
wc: 1971 | rated: M | cw: mental health issues, thinking about death/wanting to be dead, depiction of injuries, blood | tags: post S4V2, Vecna is defeated, everybody lives, hurt/comfort, (implied) friends to lovers | ao3
Eddie should be used to it by now. Should be used to his life being a complete shit show. Always out to get him. Always finding ways to bring him down.
Life was never easy. Sure, it made a turn for the better when Wayne took him in, gave him a safe home and guidance, the kind of fatherly love he’d been missing before – Wayne made his life bearable, good. But even that wasn’t enough to rearrange his stars. Eddie, it seems, was always meant to be a fuck-up. An outsider. Struggling to find his place in this world.
He’s tired oft trying to get back up over and over again, knowing the next bump in the road bringing him down is waiting just around the corner.
Dustin keeps telling him everything will be fine. That he has to be patient, to wait for the wounds to fully heal. Says that the nightmares will eventually stop. That it’ll take some time but eventually, things will be good again.
And Eddie knows he’s not just saying that, that Dustin and his friends have been there multiple times. They’ve fought and lost and they’ve been hurt both physically and mentally and still, they keep going.
Keep taking a step at a time towards normalcy. Holding each other up, finding comfort in their shared experience because it helps to know that they’re not alone in the aftermath of an interdimensional war.
   “You’re no alone, Eddie. We’re always here for you. You’re one of us.”
He knows they mean it. Knows that, once you’ve been part of their suicide squad (like, come on. What else can you call a group of teenagers recklessly going to literal war with creatures that should only exist in fantasy games and books, not real life!?) you’re stuck with them.
It’s something Eddie still has a hard time getting through to his thick head. He’d obviously thought (hoped) that the little shitheads would stick around after everything. But never in a million years had he thought he’d gain more than one new friend. Real ones, like Red and Erica and Robin and... Steve.
They are such a weird group of individuals. Thrown together by accident, really. But they work, somehow. And they are doing their best to convince him that he, too, is part of it now. Part of this strange little family.
And he tries, really, to show appreciation for everything they do - always asking how he is, always looking out for him. Always there when he’s feeling especially down, ready to throw it all out the window because he’s just too fucking tired to deal with anything.
Like today.
He woke up with the worst headache, didn’t get any sleep because whenever he closed his eyes, he was back in that place that nearly cost him his life. Back where those winged demons nearly ate him alive.
Sometimes, he wished they’d finished their job.
Sometimes, he wished Dustin hadn’t come back to sit at his side while he succumbed to the darkness. Because if he hadn’t, Steve would never have found them, wouldn’t have felt the need to carry him out of hell – giving in to his hero complex or whatever it is that turned Steve into this knight in shining armor, summoning inhuman strength to pick up Eddie’s lifeless body while his own body had been weakened by bat bites and sore muscles.
If Steve hadn’t brought him back, Owens’ people wouldn’t have been able to save him. To restart his heart after it had already given up the fight. It should’ve been impossible to bring him back from the dead after being out for too long, after losing too much blood with his organs spilling out of his mangled body. But they refused to give up on him.
Dustin apparently threw a proper fit, fist-swinging and feet-kicking despite his broken leg, when they tried to get him out of the hospital, away from Eddie’s side.
Steve hadn’t let go of him even after heaving his blood-drenched, ripped-apart body onto the hospital bed. Dustin told him they had to physically remove Steve’s tight gripping hand from Eddie’s before they could take him to the ER. Probably frozen in shock because Eddie can only imagine how fucked-up and horrible he must’ve looked.
Nancy and Robin threatened to reveal the government’s secrets to the world if they didn’t at least try. They had enough proof, enough to show for. All it needed was one phone call, one newspaper article to get the ball rolling – Owens knew that.
They’re the reason he’s still alive. The reason he’s forced to go to physical therapy to get his body moving again. The reason for Eddie to wake up drenched in cold sweat almost every night. They’re the reason he’s forced to keep fighting, no matter how tired of it he is.
No matter how much he hates everything about being alive when his legs won’t move and his scars itch and his head pounds and all he wants to do is cry. Cry and scream and ask God or whoever why he can’t just let him have a goddamn moment of peace?
There’s a knock on his door, followed by Wayne’s face poking in through the gap when he opens it slowly.
   “Steve’s here. Can I send him in?”
Eddie wants to say no, doesn’t want Steve to see him like this – bound to the bed because his body refuses to work, with tears his eyes – but he knows it’s useless. Steve would just wait it out, come back in a few hours or maybe keep Wayne some company because the old man has apparently formed some kind of fatherly bond with him over the past weeks, to Eddie’s misfortune.
So, Eddie resigns, grumbles a displeased response before pulling his blanket over his head to hide.
He can hear Steve enter, can hear the door closing behind him and his quiet footsteps as he makes his way over to the bed. The mattress dips and Eddie can feel a hand coming to rest on his shoulder, can feel Steve’s warmth even through the blanket.
   “Hey, Eddie. How are you?”
Eddie wants to laugh, wants to spit out words of frustration, wants to scream at Steve for putting him in this misery. For saving him, for not just letting him rot in hell so he could finally rest in peace. But none of that makes its way out of his mouth because when he opens it, all the pain and frustration and anger bubble up from somewhere deep down, transforming into a pitiful sob.
He cries and cries and cries. His body trembles and it hurts, everything hurts and he can’t stop wishing, begging for it all to stop, for it all to be over.
   “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore. I wish I was dead!”
A hand comes up to grab the edge of his blanket, pulling it slowly down to reveal his scarred face, his messy hair, his swollen eyes. Broken and tired and so sick of his own existence.
   “Eddie?” Steve’s voice is delicate, soft, barely a whisper and Eddie hates himself for how concerned he sounds. Hates himself for putting this on Steve.
Steve shouldn’t have to deal with this mess.
   “Can I- is it okay if I touch you?”
Another desperate sob makes its way out when Eddie nods weakly, feels selfish and greedy for some sort of comfort – whatever Steve is willing to give.
What Eddie doesn’t expect is that Steve shuffles to squeeze himself into the small, empty space beside him, lying there face to face with him, his body so close that – if it weren’t for the blanket – they’d be touching from nose to toe.
Steve wraps one arm around him, the motion bringing him even closer to the other man’s body.
   “It’s okay to be frustrated” Steve whispers. “It’s okay to lose hope sometimes. I get it, Eddie. I know what it feels like to just want to give up. Believe me, I’ve been there more times than I can count.”
Eddie listens, still not able to stop the tears from falling but at least his breathing starts to slow while he focusses on Steve’s voice.
   “I’ve wanted to give up so many times but you know what I learned?”
Eddie shakes his head, his nose brushing Steve’s skin where his face is buried between his neck and shoulder.
   “I learned that, no matter how fucked-up things are, no matter how much you hate everything and everyone, if you’re really true to yourself, you’ll find there’s always, always something worth fighting for. You might not see it right now but it’s there. It’s there and it’s worth to get through the rough days because somewhere down the line, it’s waiting for you with open arms.”
Steve squeezes him, drawing him once again closer into his embrace.
   “But what if I never find it?” Eddie asks through a staggered exhale, hot and damp against Steve’s neck.
   “Maybe you just have to open your eyes and see it for what it’s worth.”
One hand finds his cheek, the one that’s unmarred, and when Steve leans away just enough to make space, he forces him to look up. To find Steve’s warm eyes looking down at him. Smiling, soft and loving in a way that makes Eddie’s heart stutter. Makes his stomach twist into knots when he realises just how close Steve is.
And then it hits him.
All the things he should be grateful for, all the things that are worth the struggle, worth the fight. All the things that he can hold onto on days like today, where the world feels like tumbling down.
The fact that Wayne didn’t have to hold a funeral for him, mourn over an empty coffin, an empty grave because his body had been left to decay in the Upside Down.
The fact that Dustin didn’t have to make true to his enforced promise to take over Eddie’s place at Hellfire, not yet at least.
The fact that Eddie got to see Gareth and Jeff and Zach again.
The fact that he’s breathing and walking and able to play his guitar – even if it’s still hard most days and it’ll take time to fully heal.
The fact that he’s got all these wonderful people in his life, people that care about him, that will always be there to catch him when he falls and help him back up on his feet if he can’t find the strength to do it himself.
People like Dustin and Robin and Steve.
Steve, who doesn’t care about Eddie staining his shirt with tears. Steve, who is holding him, one hand gently rubbing in soothing circles on his back. Steve, who had refused to leave him behind, who had clung to him even when he was technically dead. Steve, who keeps coming back, keeps showing up, keeps pestering Eddie with his annoying care and kindness.
Steve, who-
Who’s leaning in – tentatively, almost like he’s afraid of overstepping a line that was never there because ever since the moment Eddie had held that broken bottle against his throat, he knew there was an undeniable truth taking root in his heart – and kisses him.
Kisses him soft and slow and Eddie-
Eddie kisses him back. Sees, even through his closed eyes, that this right here is worth holding on for. Worth fighting for.
Worth being alive for.
No matter how many bumps are waiting for him on the road ahead – he’ll just take it one step at a time.
And if he stumbles or even falls, Steve will be there waiting with open arms, ready to catch him.
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goldduststevie · 10 months
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Stevie's essential demos and outtakes:
 J-K - songs.
* indicates unreleased songs.
Joan Of Arc * - an unreleased song from the Tango in The Night sessions, better than some of her songs that ended up on the album....
Julia * - this song was tried for both Bella Donna and Wild Heart but remains unreleased so far.
Juliet - this is from the Tango In The Night recordings, it wasn't used instead an instrumental version ("Book Of Miracles") was used as a B-side for one of the singles. Stevie recorded her solo version for the Other Side Of The Mirror album.
Jimmy Come On Back * - a bit of RAL-madness, but such a fun song (and killer background vocals by Marilyn Martin, who still tours with Stevie)
Knocking On Doors/Lady - this is an early Buckingham Nicks demo from 1971, Stevie rerecorded it in 2014 for her 24 Karat Gold album. It's one of the rare cases where I actually prefer the newer version but the vocals on this early version are beautiful.
Kind Of Woman - One of Stevie's best songs imo. This haunting piano demo is from 1976 but instead of Rumours it ended up on Bella Donna. This is another awesome outtake from the BD recordings that I also had to share.
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Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World 1993
"The Man Who Sold the World" is the title track of David Bowie's third studio album, which was released in 1970 in the US and in 1971 in the UK. Although no singles were issued from the album, the song appeared as the B-side on the 1973 reissue US single release of "Space Oddity" and UK single release of "Life on Mars?".
In his journals, Kurt Cobain of the American grunge band Nirvana ranked the album The Man Who Sold the World at number 45 in his top 50 favourite albums. Nirvana subsequently recorded a live rendition of the song during their MTV Unplugged appearance at Sony Music Studios in New York City on 18 November 1993 and it was included on their MTV Unplugged in New York album released on November 1, 1994, nearly seven months following the death of Cobain. The song was also released as a promotional single for the album in 1995.
Nirvana's cover received considerable airplay on alternative rock radio stations and was also placed into heavy rotation on MTV, peaking at number 3 on MTV's most played videos on 18 February 1995; it also peaked for two weeks at number 7 on Canada's MuchMusic Countdown in March 1995. Nirvana regularly covered the song during live sets after their MTV Unplugged performance up until Cobain's death. In 2002, the song was re-released on Nirvana's self-titled "best of" compilation.
Bowie said of Nirvana's cover: "I was simply blown away when I found that Kurt Cobain liked my work, and have always wanted to talk to him about his reasons for covering 'The Man Who Sold the World'" and that "it was a good straight forward rendition and sounded somehow very honest." Bowie called Nirvana's cover "heartfelt", noting that "until this [cover], it hadn't occurred to me that I was part of America's musical landscape. I always felt my weight in Europe, but not [in the US]." In the wake of its release, Bowie bemoaned the fact that when he performed the number himself, he would encounter "kids that come up afterwards and say, 'It's cool you're doing a Nirvana song.' And I think, 'Fuck you, you little tosser!'"
At a pre–Grammy Awards party on 14 February 2016, Nirvana band members Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl, and Pat Smear teamed up with Beck to perform "The Man Who Sold the World" in tribute to Bowie – who had died the month before — with Beck performing vocals.
"The Man Who Sold the World" received a total of 77,6% yes votes! Dave Grohl has previously been featured in the polls with Foo Fighter's "The Pretender" at #111 and as a drummer on Queens of the Stone Age's "No One Knows" at #87, and David Bowie has been featured with "I'm Afraid of Americans" at #33.
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rhapsodynew · 2 months
#Fun facts from the history of rock music
The Beatles  "Anthology"
Roger Taylor and Brian May
unearthed an unreleased track that was recorded in 1988 and was supposed to be included in the Miracle album, but did not pass the final selection. Freddie's voice sounds amazing and the song is wonderful!
QUEEN - "Face It Alone"
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News News News
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Rolling Stone has published a list of the hundred best album covers of all time.
This is what the top ten of the Rolling Stone top looks like
- 1. Joy Division – «Unknown Pleasures» (1979)
- 2. The Beatles – «Abbey Road» (1969)
- 3. Sly and the Family Stone – «There’s a Riot Goin’ On» (1971)
- 4. Pink Floyd – «The Dark Side of the Moon» (1973)
- 5. The Notorious B.I.G. – «Ready to Die» (1994)
- 6. Patti Smith – «Horses» (1975)
- 7. Funkadelic – «Maggot Brain» (1971)
- 8. The Clash – «London Calling» (1979)
- 9. Cindy Loper – «She’s So Unusual» (1983)
- 10. Nirvana – «Nevermind» (1991)
The full list can be viewed
Mötley Crüe
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The song "Kickstart My Heart" by Mötley Crüe was inspired by the clinical death of the band's bassist Nikki Sixx in '87. At one of his parties, the musician overdosed on heroin, but that day he managed to beat death. One of the band's most popular songs is based on this particular case
Kurt Cobain
Guns N’ Roses.
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Kurt Cobain didn't like Guns N’ Roses. Kurt was intolerant of violence, especially against women. He tried to stop others and himself never allowed the slightest manifestation of sexism in his life and work. Therefore, Guns N’ Roses, which did not adhere to this point of view, were in his opinion the epitome of everything that he did not like about rock music of that era.
Before he died on the plane, he came face to face with one of those with whom he had a conflict – with Duff McKagan (bass guitarist of Guns N’ Roses), who was returning from a tour in support of the album.
When Duff saw Kurt, he immediately realized that Kurt was ill. To a friend who came to pick him up at the airport, he suggested: “Maybe we should take Kurt home?”But Cobain left without Duff. And then he was gone. 
Many years later, McKagan told Dave Grohl about this and apologized for not calling him right away and warning him. “I was the last person to see him alive,” Duff said. 
🎸Gibson Flying V Kirk Hammett
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One of the first guitars of Kirk Hammett, guitarist of Metallica.
"I was looking for a more complete sound-the sound of heavy metal, so I bought myself a Gibson Flying V, and that was my guitar."
(c) Kirk Hammett
On Metallica's first five albums, this guitar was used on recordings in a number of songs. Moreover, Kill ’Em All and Ride the Lightning are almost completely recorded on it.
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hooked-on-elvis · 13 hours
"It's Still Here" (1973)
Recorded on May 19, 1971 at RCA’s Studio B, Nashville, TN. Released on July 16, 1973. Album: Elvis (Fool)
MUSICIANS Piano: Elvis Presley, Bass: Norbert Putnam. * The complete recording of “It’s Still Here” runs 4:40, including a breakdown in the middle of the take; it was edited down to 2:05 for the initial master.
RECORDING SESSION Studio Session for RCA May 15–21, 1971: RCA’s Studio B, Nashville On the night of May 15 RCA’s Studio B had been decorated for an early Christmas. A tree with beautifully wrapped empty boxes stood in the center of the room, but Elvis brought real gifts for the musicians and his own associates — gold bracelets engraved “Elvis '71.” All the players from the June 1970 sessions were back, and again there were no backup singers present. With no personnel changes and as few distractions as possible, Felton expected to be able to get all of Elvis’s recording done in short order and save all the sweetening for later. BACKSTORY: The studio was decorated for Christmas in May most likely to create the right mood for the musicians - specially to inspire Elvis himself, since everybody knew how much of a Christmas enthusiast he was. During that session they would cut songs that would be release in the same year, 1971, on the then upcoming album "Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas", as well as begin to record songs for the following albums - a contemporary music album and a gospel album. The Christmas decoration might have helped but fact is Elvis was in a great mood during those May recording sessions, cheerfully joking with everybody in the studio, even showing off his karate skills, while keeping himself seriously engaged in doing his best work, specially with the religious songs. His light mood is quite intriguing since what happened to him during the first days of the May 1971 recording sessions. During that first recording session in May 15-16th 1971, Elvis felt a striking pain on his eye and left to see a doctor, ending up being diagnosed with glaucoma.
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Excerpt from book "Elvis What Happened" by Red West, Dave Hebler and Sonny West as told to Steve Dunleavy (1977).
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Elvis leaving an eye doctor's office in Beverly Hills sometime in late 1971.
That year, 1971, was the beginning for the dark sunglasses era. Elvis took it all lightly, joking around with people about his serious health condition. One of those people was Kathy Westmoreland, to whom Elvis said, after showing her his collection of sun glasses:
"If I have to wear the damn things," Elvis smiled, making fun of himself, "I'm gonna have one in every color." Excerpt from "Elvis and Kathy" by Kathy Westmoreland (1987).
Surprisingly right after the brief hospitalization and the emergency eye treatment, Elvis got right back into the recording studio in Nashville.
— A LITTLE BIT OF THE RECORDING SESSION ON MAY 19, 1971 WHEN "IT’S STILL HERE" WAS RECORDED: During the day Elvis slept, but for most of the members of the band it was business as usual—sessions all morning and afternoon. When they came back to work nights with Elvis, Felton had an unwritten rule prohibiting anyone from yawning in the studio—for fear that it might “bring down” his star—and he insisted that the musicians take their breaks in the parking lot. And even Elvis made a trip to their “outdoor lounge” when he became bogged down in “Seeing Is Believing,” a new tune Red West had just frantically completed. Otherwise, though, he kept focused throughout the evening, actively directing the band, patiently discussing the backing parts with the female singers. Jerry Reed’s “A Thing Called Love” was completed with an elaborate vocal arrangement that featured bass singer Armond Morales in a unison part with Elvis throughout the song. References to the previous evening’s gunplay were flying, and after a while Elvis noticed how upset the Imperials became whenever he struck a karate pose. It was another night of good-humored ad-libbing. “He left the splendor of RCA—of Victor,” he sang self-referentially after one verse of “Listen To The Bells”; “went back to Sun Records. …” The next take of “A Thing Called Love” collapsed, and Felton as always deflected blame from Elvis onto the newcomer, Joe Moscheo. But Elvis, ever gracious when he was in good spirits, just changed the opening line of the song from “Six foot six, he stood on the ground” to “Three foot four …” and dedicated the song to Charlie Hodge. After the meal break the atmosphere changed. Determined to capture the mood he achieved while performing at home, Elvis sat down at the piano for an impassioned yet unassuming solo set. Two of the three songs he chose had been favorites as far back as his days in Germany: “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen” and Ivory Joe Hunter’s “I Will Be True,” both of which he’d recorded on his home equipment in Bad Nauheim. This old material was hardly what Felton or RCA were looking for in an Elvis session, but Al Pachucki was ready with the tapes rolling just the same. The most moving of the three was another Ivory Joe Hunter song, “It’s Still Here,” but later Felton excitedly reported to the Colonel that with overdubs they all would make “great tunes,” keen to convince both Elvis and his manager of their commercial potential.
Excerpt: "Elvis Presley, A Life in Music: The Complete Recording Sessions" by Ernst Jorgensen. Foreword by Peter Guralnick (1998)
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AFTERMATH Five albums were out a while before the "Elvis (Fool)" album could be released in 1973. Following the 1971 Christmas album was the contemporary music album, "Elvis Now", and then the gospel album "He Touched Me" preceding two live record releases, the "Elvis: As Recorded At Madison Square Garden" (1972) and the "Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite" (1973) albums, and just then the "Elvis (Fool)" album was made by putting together songs recorded during the May 1971 recording session as well as songs taped during recording sessions in February-March 1972.
"IT'S STILL HERE" — LYRICS Songwriter: Ivory Joe Hunter The day you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart You had the nerve to tell me I would soon forget Now you've been gone away one year And I have not forgotten dear The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-oh It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through Now you've been gone away one year And I have not forgotten dear The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-oh It's here, it's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-ow It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here Oh yeah
ORIGINAL RECORDING Ivory Joe Hunter (1968)
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
How the Web Was Woven: Chapter 13
A/N: Woof. This one took me a minute. Also, it's a short bridge-type chapter, but don't worry. Next chapter will be LONG and JUICY. This is just a necessary part of the story. Please don't give up on us! ICYMI this is the soulmate/time travel AU between Elvis and a fem!reader.
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
Warnings: cussing and angst (a smut-free chapter?! Who am I?! Don't worry. It's coming soon and they will be too 😏)
Word count: ~1.9k
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"Why didn't she come for me?"
Elvis spends the next few weeks anxiously waiting for you to show up somewhere. It's clear his mind is elsewhere. Everyone around him notices that something is off, but he won't tell anyone what's going on. He just prowls around like a caged animal, nervous and waiting for something that no one understands. He goes back to Memphis before he has to be back in Vegas in August to film his concert documentary. The only thing that gets him out of his room is Lisa Marie. Otherwise, he mopes around or stays inside.
What no one knows is he's grieving. He's pretty sure he's lost you and his son too. The pain almost overwhelms him and he has a hard time living in his real life. He finds solace in music and spends a lot of time at the piano playing a whole catalogue of new songs. His favorite, though, is a song produced by the Beatles' record label, and he eventually asks to record it later that summer. It ends up on his album for the documentary That's the Way It Is and even makes it into a rehearsal scene with him playing it on the piano and singing. For some reason, the song makes him think of you, so he sings it as often as he can.
Even though it begins to look like he's back to himself, the pain of losing you is omnipresent. He resigns himself to the fact that he will likely never see you or his son ever again. As such, he leans into the documentary and even does a photo shoot with Priscilla over Thanksgiving to try to rekindle the affection he feels for her.
But he still feels like part of his soul has gone missing. It's the same old feeling he always has when he's away from you for too long, but this time it settles in his chest and becomes a part of him. 1970 slips into 1971 and he does his best to move on. 1971 slips into 1972 and he throws himself into work and lets his relationship with Priscilla sour. She moves out and he has a hard time even caring, except that she took Lisa Marie and it just twists the dagger of having already lost one child. There are other girls, like there always have been, but they never fill the void that you leave. He has a you-shaped hole in his heart that no amount of sex or romance or even love can fill. 1972 slides by, he films Elvis on Tour, and he plays shows across the United States. He plays Vegas again and then tours again, hoping that by keeping himself busy he'll notice your absence less.
Finally, he prepares for the Aloha from Hawaii concert that will be broadcast across the world. He tries to get back into peak physical shape and does everything he can to throw himself fully into this concert. In the process, he squashes the last hope of you ever showing up again. It's been three years.
You're gone.
Covid hits strong in 2020 and your world gets upended. You learn to work from home, host zoom call happy hours with your friends (even though you're pregnant and can't drink), and wear a mask anytime you're in public, which isn't often. In September, you give birth (alone and in a mask) to your daughter and name her Erin Love. She's perfectly healthy and looks so much like her brother you think you've given birth to his twin. And again you weep. Elvis is missing this and you know it'll break him if he ever finds out.
2020 fades into 2021 and you still can't risk going out with a baby. Every time you start to think it might be safe, a new strain or variant shows up and the world cowers in fear again. Vegas opens, but you're terrified, both of traveling and of the possibility of sending Covid back to 1971.
So, you wait. You wait and you wait and you keep waiting until your baby is old enough and the virus seems to slow down. Still, Vegas, with its masses of people, seems too risky. Finally, in December of 2022 you have an idea. You start making plans to head to Hawaii with both kids and your mom in January of 2023. Hawaii is much more secluded and you know exactly where he will be.
When you ask your mom to come with you, she wants to know why. This is going to be a very expensive vacation and she's not sure why you need her. You sit on her couch trying to decide just how much you should tell her. Eventually, you settle on something very close to the truth.
"John is there. We haven't seen each other in three years." You look down at the ring on your finger.
"I was starting to wonder if he still existed."
"I'm not even sure he'll want to see me..." You look at the ceiling to try to stop yourself from crying, but it doesn't work and the tears come sliding down your face.
"Oh, sweetie. I'm sure he does. He loves you."
"I hope so." She pulls you into a hug.
"I will go with you. I'll watch the kids so you two can get reacquainted."
"Thank you, mom."
Once she agrees to go with you, you drop an ungodly amount of money to stay in his suite and pack up both kids to fly to the islands. You decide not to tell John Jessie why you're going, just in case it doesn't work out. He's almost 6 now and he asks about his daddy damn near everyday. Somehow, he remembers him despite the fact that it's been almost 3 years since he's seen him. Erin's too little to ask questions. She doesn't even know she has a daddy, which breaks your heart every time you think about it.
After a rehearsal, Elvis heads to his suite to rest. He's 100% invested in what he's doing. But out of nowhere, he thinks of you again. He hums the song he's designated as yours and goes to work changing out of his jumpsuit.
He's got the zipper all the way down when he hears a sound that makes his heart stop. There it is, the old familiar buzzing. He hasn't heard it in so long. He turns slowly, sees the portal, and practically runs through it without thinking about the fact that he has no clothes packed and is wearing a jumpsuit.
When Elvis comes through the portal, he stops and stares at you. He's so in shock that he doesn't know how to respond. Your mouth pops open in awe of him standing there in the American Eagle jumpsuit fully unzipped. He looks better than you could've imagined. Obviously, you've seen the footage, but it really didn't do him justice. He zips it back up and gives you a hard stare.
"It's been three fucking years, y/n."
"I know-" You don't get any further though because John Jessie comes bounding into the room. He runs to Elvis and jumps on him. He's supposed to be napping with your mom in one of the bedrooms.
"Daddy! I heard you!" Elvis grabs him and holds him tightly.
"Heyyy buddy, I missed you so much!" You can tell he's trying hard not to cry. You look nervously towards the bedroom. If your mom sees him in this jumpsuit, it'll be impossible to explain.
"Bubby, where's your grandma?"
"She's asleep." You breathe easier and John Jessie turns back to his daddy. He launches into a monologue that only a 5-year-old can follow, but Elvis sits with him on the couch and listens attentively. You stand and watch the scene and Elvis glances at you every once in a while.
After about 15 minutes, you hear Erin cry from the room where she is taking her nap. Elvis looks up at you, shocked.
"Who is that?"
"That's my sister. She's little still." John Jessie answers knowingly. Elvis's head swivels to you so fast.
"Sister?" You nod and duck out of the room to grab Erin before her crying wakes your mom up. When you come back, Elvis looks at both of you and his eyes are shiny with tears. "Is she-?"
"She's yours." He stands up and immediately takes her from you.
"What's her name?"
"Erin Love."
"Love? Like my..." He trails off and looks at her lovingly.
"Yes. Like your mother." He holds her to himself and looks up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. He pulls back and looks at her again while she babbles to him.
"Baby, do you know I'm your daddy?" She looks up at him.
"Yes!" She smiles widely and he holds her close to him again. He looks at you incredulously.
"We have another baby."
"Yes, we do." He kisses her cheek and sets her down on the floor, turning to you. His eyes burn through you and he whispers angrily.
"Where the fuck have you been?! We have a daughter?!"
"Please, Elvis, I can explain."
"You better. I'm going to spend the evening with my kids, but you better have a damn good story when they go to bed."
You nod. How will you get him to understand Covid?
He changes into some clothes you have for him and helps you put the kids to bed. Despite not knowing the routine, he proves to be pretty helpful. You're amazed at how well John Jessie remembers him. Your mom seems to just know she should make herself scarce through the whole evening and stays in the room. Once you get both kids in bed, you sit on the couch facing him, heart pounding and stomach in knots. He looks at you with a mixture of sadness and anger.
"Tell me why, y/n."
"There is a new virus." You desperately try to explain everything that's happened over the last three years.
"So you couldn't come to me because of a cold virus?"
"Elvis, you don't understand. This was a global pandemic. Everything was closed and people all around the world were dying. They literally shut down Las Vegas."
"I've been other places." He responds, the anger in his voice obvious.
"I know, but I couldn't risk our kids. Or the possibility of you taking this virus back to your time. I finally feel safe here in Hawaii."
"I don't know, y/n, I'm glad you're okay and I'm especially excited to see the kids. But I thought I'd lost you. I buried you in my mind."
"Did you- did you move on?" For the first time, the reality that your marriage to Elvis might be over hits you in the gut and your eyes widen. Elvis isn't sure how to answer. He has a girlfriend, and technically another wife. But he looks at you sitting in front of him and can't help but feel the connection that's bound you together for over fifteen years. He wants to be angry so badly, but really all he is is sad. Sad that he missed the first two and a half years of his daughter's life. Sad that he went so long without all of you. Sad that you almost feel like a stranger now.
You sit on the couch staring at each other waiting for his answer.
Come back soon for Chapter 14!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @rosepresley68 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @that-hotdog @eddiesgirlforever @helen06dreamer @returntopresley @rjmartin11 @noirrose21-blog @tacozebra051 @deltafalax
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"We wrote our best songs in the country" - interview to RP
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"I never thought we would get to this. We always wanted to do acoustic things, but we have done it in such a way that although the instruments are acoustic, we are still laying it down. It's an extention of the heavy electrical things."
- Robert Plant (Go-Set - Jan. 2, 1971)
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Shiryn Ghermezian
Academy Award-winning Jewish American songwriter Richard M. Sherman, one of the creative geniuses behind some of Walt Disney’s most iconic and timeless songs, died on Saturday at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills “due to age-related illness,” the Walt Disney Company announced. He was 95 years old.
The Walt Disney Company described Sherman as “one of the most prolific composer-lyricists in the history of family entertainment, and a key member of Walt Disney’s inner circle of creative talents.” The company added that it will announce at a later date its plans for celebrating Sherman’s life.
“Richard Sherman was the embodiment of what it means to be a Disney Legend, creating along with his brother Robert the beloved classics that have become a cherished part of the soundtrack of our lives,” said Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company. “From films like Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book to attractions like ‘It’s a Small World,’ the music of the Sherman Brothers has captured the hearts of generations of audiences. We are forever grateful for the mark Richard left on the world, and we extend our deepest condolences to his family.”
Sherman and his late brother, Robert B. Sherman, made up the songwriting team known as the Sherman Brothers. Together they wrote music for the 1964 film Mary Poppins, including “Chim Chim Cher-ee,” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” “A Spoonful of Sugar,” and the lullaby “Feed the Birds.” The brothers won the Oscars for Best Score – Substantially Original and Best Original Song for “Chim Chim Cher-ee.” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” made it on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1965 and “Feed the Birds” was one of Walt Disney’s favorite songs.
“You don’t get songs like ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ without a genuine love of life, which Richard passed on to everyone lucky enough to be around him,” said Pete Docter, chief creative officer of Pixar Animation Studios. “Even in his 90s he had more energy and enthusiasm than anyone, and I always left renewed by Richard’s infectious joy for life.”
Born on June 12, 1928, in New York City, Richard’s family relocated to Beverly Hills in 1937. He attended Beverly Hills High School and later studied music at Bard College. He was drafted into the United States Army and served as conductor for the Army band and glee club from 1953 to 1955.
Walt Disney hired the Sherman brothers as staff songwriters for The Walt Disney Studios after the success of their song “Tall Paul,” which sold more than 700,000 singles. The brothers together ultimately wrote more than 200 songs for some 27 Disney films and 24 television productions. Their credit included The Horsemasters (1961), The Absent-Minded Professor (1961), The Parent Trap (1961), Summer Magic (1963), The Sword in the Stone (1963), That Darn Cat! (1965), Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966), The Jungle Book (1967), The Happiest Millionaire (1967), The Aristocats (1970), Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971), and The Tigger Movie (1998). Richard later wrote new lyrics for the live-action The Jungle Book in 2016 and two years after appeared in the film Christopher Robin, for which he also composed three new songs.
The Sherman brothers also wrote music for Disney theme park attractions around the world, including “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow,” “The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room,” and “It’s a Small World.” In the early 1980s, they wrote songs for EPCOT and Tokyo Disneyland, including “One Little Spark” and “Meet the World.”
The Sherman brothers left The Walt Disney Studios in the early 1970s and went on to write music, songs, and screenplays for films such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), Snoopy Come Home (1972), Charlotte’s Web (1973), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1973), Huckleberry Finn (1974), and The Slipper and the Rose (1976).
In 1972, the duo became the only Americans to ever win 1st Prize at the Moscow Film Festival for their film musical The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, for which they wrote the script and music. The brothers were inducted as Disney Legends in 1990 and into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2005. Three years later, the brothers were awarded the National Medal of the Arts.
In 2010, Richard and award-winning composer John Debney collaborated on the song “Make Way for Tomorrow Today” for Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2.
Over the course of his 65-year career, Richard received nine Academy Award nominations, won three Grammys, and received 24 gold and platinum albums. Richard’s father, Al Sherman, was also a songwriter.
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