#Best part is that it can either be the most fluffies ship or the most toxic depending on how Sephiroth is rped
zaczenemiji · 3 months
Hi there! It's me...again. Hope your doing okay.
I was thinking about a new request about Kenji Sato x Fem! Reader based on the song "Please, Please, Please" from Sabrina Carpenter. Reader is a singer just like her so and has a relationship with Ken but she thinks that some things aren't doing good, but she also has him wrapped around her finger. Like the part with "I beg you, don't embarrass me, mother******". It can be angst but also fluffy and spice (Only if you want to but no smut) It can end in a happy ending.
The rest is up to you because I know you'll do a great job. No need to rush so take your time.
Don’t Prove ‘Em Right
Kenji Sato x Singer!Reader
Word Count: 1,358
Genre/Warnings: Angst (light), Character Development, Drama, Emotional, Redemption
Author’s Note: I went with a bit of angst 🤧
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“You could do better.”
This was one thing you’ve always heard since you started dating men as a singer. Throughout your career, you were either cheated on, abandoned, or used in a way that they just rode your fame.
Other times, fans would ship you with another singer or celebrity or whoever famous and you’d give it a try for them but the ending is the always same: you two were just pretending for public entertainment and there was never love at all.
Your perception of love blurred the longer you got in the singing industry. You sang about it, wrote songs about it, but you’ve never really experienced it for a significant amount of time or for a significant depth.
That was until you met Kenji.
Despite his fame, he seemed down-to-earth and genuinely interested in getting to know you. He took you to his baseball games and introduced you to his teammates. In return, you invited him to your recording sessions.
Kenji was always supportive, and always encouraging. He seemed genuinely proud of your achievements and was always there for you. Despite his busy schedule, he shows up at your gigs and concerts and cheers you on from the front row.
He had a way of making you feel special like you were the most important person in his world. It was easy to overlook the occasional outbursts, the moments of impulsiveness that seemed to come with his fiery temperament.
You told yourself that everyone had flaws, and Kenji's good qualities far outweighed his bad ones.
You believed in him and in the future you could build together. Despite the red lights and the stop signs, you held on to the belief that this time, this love was right.
But as time went on, the cracks in Kenji's facade began to show. His temper flared more frequently, and his impulsive decisions started to take a toll on your relationship.
You made excuses for him and justified his actions to your friends and family. You told them he’s different.
But they told you that with the way he’s behaving, you’ll just end up in the dumps again—that he’s going to cheat on you, hurt you, leave you, and the ending will be the same…
“You could do better.”
Heartbreak is one thing, but your ego is another. You couldn’t afford your name dominating the headlines again. And for what reason? Another breakup.
You loved him deeply, but the constant cycle of highs and lows was exhausting. You wanted to believe that he could change, that he could be the man you fell in love with.
But the more you tried to fix things, the more you realized that some things were beyond your control.
You sat in front of your vanity doing your makeup nicely. You glanced at the clock. Kenji would be here any minute to pick you up now. Tonight is your big night. It’s an afterparty to celebrate the release of your new single.
Your boyfriend had a reputation for causing a scene. It wasn't entirely his fault—he was passionate but it sometimes translated into impulsiveness. Tonight, of all nights, you needed him to be on his best behavior.
As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Kenji stood there, looking dashing in a tailored suit, a grin spreading across his face as he saw you.
"Wow, you look stunning," he said, pulling you in for a quick kiss.
"Thanks," you replied, forcing a smile. "You sure you wanna come?"
"Of course," he replied with a confidence that both reassured and worried you. “I’m always here for you.”
You arrived at the venue in no time. Celebrities, reporters, and fans filled the room, all eager to celebrate your success. You and Kenji mingled with the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and accepting congratulations.
But as the night went on, Kenji's behavior started to shift. The drinks were flowing, and while you had stuck to soda water, Kenji had not.
You watched with growing anxiety as he laughed a little too loudly, and gestured a little too wildly. The conversations around you started to feel like a backdrop to a ticking time bomb.
You pulled him aside. "Kenji, please," you whispered urgently. "Just... take it easy, okay?"
He frowned, a mix of confusion and irritation crossing his features. "What? I'm just having a good time."
"I know," you said, forcing another smile. “Just... for me, okay?"
He sighed but nodded and for a while, it seemed like he was keeping his promise. He stuck by your side, an arm around your waist, engaging in polite conversation with your friends and family.
However, you left him one moment and then the next, he was talking to one of the reporters. The latter walked away, a smirk on his face. Kenji turned to you, his face flushed with anger.
"Can you believe that guy?" he spat. "He had the nerve to ask about the last game. Said I sucked."
"Kenji," you said softly, trying to calm him down. You placed your hand on his chest. "It's not worth it."
"Please, Kenji. Just... let it go."
He looked at you, the anger in his eyes slowly fading. He took a deep breath and nodded. "For you," he said quietly.
But the reprieve was short-lived. You caught sight of him at the bar, raising his voice at someone who had apparently made a snide comment.
The situation escalated quickly, and before you knew it, Kenji had thrown a punch, causing a commotion that drew everyone's attention.
Your heart sank as security rushed in to break up the fight. You could feel all eyes on you, whispers spreading through the crowd.
You felt a sense of dejà vu as this wasn't the first time Kenji let his emotions get the best of him, and you were able to hold it together as you’ve always done, but then you heard the one thing you hated.
“She could’ve done better.”
Without a word, you grabbed your things and stormed out of the venue, the tears you had been holding back finally spilling over.
Not long after, Kenji arrived at your house, disheveled and remorseful. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry," he began, reaching out to you. "I didn't mean to ruin everything."
You stepped back, keeping a distance between you. "Kenji, this can't keep happening. You promised me you would behave tonight!” You said in between sobs. “This was supposed to be my night, and you turned it into a disaster.”
You sat on your couch, your legs feeling too tired to keep you up. "I can't keep making excuses for you,” you continued. “I can't keep sacrificing my career for your mistakes."
Kenji fell silent, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He’s scared. He knew what those words meant. At that moment, he felt like the sky was crashing on him.
"I don't want to lose you, (y/n)," he said quietly, tears falling down. "I love you, and I know I've been screwing up. But I'm willing to do everything to make things right. Therapy, anger management, whatever it takes."
You stared at him, your heart aching with a mix of love and doubt. "Kenji, this isn't just about tonight,” you said. “This has been happening for a while now.“
“Please, (y/n),” he begged, his voice trembling as he knelt in front of you, embracing your legs as he rested his head on your lap. “I want to be the man you deserve. Please, give me one more chance."
Over the next few weeks, Kenji followed through on his promise. He made genuine efforts to address his issues.
He went out of his way to apologize to your friends and family for his behavior at the party, taking full responsibility for his actions.
Slowly but surely, he’s coming back to being the man you fell in love with. He made sure you wouldn’t be the one doing better because he was becoming better himself.
One afternoon, you had lunch with your friends. They asked about how things are now going between you and Kenji. You gave them a smile, a genuine one since after the party.
“He became better.”
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@flowerloves @eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan @reggies-eyeliner @buggs-1 @miffysoo @spencerrxids @stupidbutsmart @marimargirlies @mixvchelle
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
so I know… most if not all of the ships in the HTP au (@aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown) are inherently toxic and Bad™️. unhealthy.
they’re rooted in players that are literally coded to be Like That, so the best it gets is kind of like… never wanting to kill each other. that’s the bar I feel like
but I can’t stop THINKING about them because I always pictured it like— a Hels’ partner is the one person they’re sane for. the one person they’re not absolutely feral for (or maybe they are but in a good way). the one person they’re better for.
Pathbubs is arguably one of the worst ones. they’re very sweet and fluffy with each other, but Patho is constantly aware that he’s going to have to leave fairly soon, and Dbubs is either blissfully unaware or refuses to admit that he’s thinking about it. Patho will return after Dbubs’ broken heart heals, when there will be no anger, no grief, just happiness to see him again.
which is… hella toxic.
but like, picture— Patho, on his many adventures out in the world, discovers a cupcake. it’s like a normal cake, but small and travel-sized. what.
so he brings one back for Dbubs next time he visits, who is ECSTATIC and demands to know how to craft one. he declares that he hates it and then devours half of it in one bite, which Patho finds highly amusing.
or like, Dbubs wakes Patho up at the ASS CRACK OF DAWN to drag him out the front door, explaining at a mile a minute that they’re going to go vANQUISH a GREAT BEAST and— and Patho BETTER be PREPARED because this is a BIG HUGE EPIC FIGHT—
and then the vines pull them through the trees so they can see over the top of them, and there’s the sunrise. Dbubs goes quiet as Patho blinks in surprise, pink and gold light turning his hair a pleasant orange color. the red vines growing from Dbubs reach towards the sun, waving cheerfully. Patho doesn’t quite know what to say, but Dbubs snuggles into his side with a contented sigh, and he figures maybe he can stay an extra day this time around. maybe. if the itch to leave isn’t too bad.
example two: Bravo and Timmy.
(technically Bravo isn’t a Hels but bear with me here) they seem like they have the most potential to be normalish— an Overworld player and a sweet but anxious bird boy. and I think they have their normal moments, but most of the time they’re just not like that. again: it’s in their code.
but you get moments like… Timmy forgets to eat for a while, which was just a habit from living near spawn for so many years, but now that they’ve moved away, Bravo’s been pushing him to eat a healthy amount. not because he’s concerned, or anything. just. constant death messages cluttering his screen are irritating. yeah. so Timmy forgets to eat, and Bravo notices how bad his hands are shaking when he hands him the thing he asked for. Bravo sighs in (totally real and not affectionate) annoyance and tosses him some of the food out of his own inventory. they take their lunch break together.
alternatively, Bravo’s been working for hours and hours! and Timmy actually had to remind HIM to eat once or twice! and that’s not good, right? so Timmy drags him away from his work for a much-needed walk, and they have a real conversation that didn’t involve insults or excessive swearing. strange.
last one last one okay
bX and Alisker?? ship name help TvT
anyways. we don’t know a whole lot about the two of them individually or like, their backstories, but bX used to fight in the arena until Alisker freed him (some way or another). maybe he was like “hey that guy can fight maybe I should get him on my side so people are more scared of me.” but some part of me is hoping, because HelsKnight is the champion and therefore the best fighter in there (OVER bX), he still chose bX because there was something special about him. some kind of connection. it wasn’t just business. it wasn’t NOT personal!!
now there are those little canon details that are so. just. Alisker trusts bX the most out of literally anybody who works for him, enough to have him run all the errands including the high-risk ones. he keeps water nearby at all times because bX is a guardian hybrid and he wants to keep him healthy/ happy.
and then… there’s another part of me that is very concerned. the unbridled pda— Atlas literally said that was showing off a very prominent weak spot. but what if. it wasn’t. like what if Alisker isn’t worried about that, because it’s not a weak spot? if someone (probably Bravo or smth let’s be honest) had bX pinned, threatening to kill him if Alisker didn’t do whatever whatever, Alisker would be like. “eh. I don’t care. go ahead.” BECAUSE HE’S SO POWER-HUNGRY HE CAN’T COMPUTE THAT SOMETHING, SOMEONE, COULD POSSIBLY BE MORE IMPORTANT.
and maybe bX knows this. and maybe they’re cool with it. maybe it’s just the way they roll.
I just… I love the way Aqua writes characters. it’s so nice to read and conveys both personality and like goal/ ambition so flawlessly, even if they don’t get much read time. IT’S AMAZING
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amywritesthings · 10 months
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader ( The Mandalorian ) Word Count: 2.7K Summary: You and Din take a travel break for a wintery surprise. Tags: Sensuality, Anxiety, Wintertime themes, Helmetless!Din, Kisses A/N: Welcome to The First Day of the Twelve Days of Amymas! It's been a while, Mando. Enjoy this fluffy, feel-good winter-themed update as our fearless Duo get cozy one week after last chapter's events.
Previous Chapter. / Next Chapter. | Series Masterlist.
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“I told you not to look.”
The modulated voice catches you before your hand can touch the cockpit’s steel ladder.
On a ship as small as the Razor Crest, you're not surprised the Mandalorian has caught you in the act of defying his request:
Stay in the belly of the ship until his say.
(As if there is anywhere to go.)
Don't look out of portholes.
(As if there are any.)
Don't peek at the cockpit.
(As if you're constantly lounging in it.)
But his request, as silly as it may seem, comes with a caveat.
It's a surprise — whatever that may be.
At first, you're worried that the end is closer than you thought.
Maybe, just maybe, he's decided to beeline straight to Coruscant. After all, everything came to a head last week.
You still haven't spoken about the incident on Trask. Your run-in with Bo-Katan and her crew. The freighter.
Too close of a call; you thought you'd lost him, and in turn, he thought he'd nearly lost you.
Such turmoil could convince him to finish the job faster, if only for your best interest.
However, it isn't like either of you have tried talking in the last several days — not when your mouths are busy elsewhere.
(Blindfolds, eager kisses, sweat-slicked skin, fumbling hands, whispered promises.)
You could chalk up his sudden change in gear to finally sleeping with you, though with the amount of hours you've laid lazily in his bed rather than your makeshift closet, you very much doubt he regrets the change of pace.
(You sure as hell don't.)
Still, the worry festered the longer he keeps this 'surprise' from you.
Had something gone wrong?
Was he trying to keep you ignorant from growing danger?
Had he caught wind on Moff Gideon's location?
So many variables.
So little time.
Din, of course, reassured this is a good surprise the second he saw that thousand-yard stare begin to surface on your face.
(You're still not used to calling him Din, not really.)
Instead of spiraling, then, you listen — for the most part.
Clearly he overestimates your patience when saddled with scrubbing blasters for the day.
Now you're here, caught red-handed at the cockpit ladder.
To keep the growing smile to yourself, your chin drops to your chest.
“I thought you were up there," you begin, airy in tone, "so I thought I’d come to say hello.”
The punctuated syllables tells you he’s unconvinced.
“Really,” you lie.
The clanking of shifting beskar armor moves closer to your back. You stay staring forward at the ladder to avoid the budding laughter in your throat.
Then an orange-tipped glove reaches past you to tap twice against a little red knob on a square console.
"Funny you say that," he begins, and you snort with suppressed laughter, "because a steady red on the occupancy indicator usually means—”
“Okay, okay,” you relent with an amused sigh. "I knew you weren't up there."
"Thought so."
Guilty as charged: he calls out your white lie with a little joke of his own.
You've noticed he's more at ease these last few days. Lighter. More open to this, whatever this is.
The heel of your boot finally turns clockwise until you're approached to face the Mandalorian in full. His armor gleams under the faint overhead lights of the Crest. One hand sits square on his hip while the other drops to his side.
“Maybe I wasn’t looking for you, but you have to understand: I’m restless, Mando. You’ve had me cooped in cargo for hours.”
“Din,” he corrects, “and it’s barely been an hour.”
“Feels like it’s been four, Din,” you quip, cheekily chirping his first name back to him.
Din Djarin; the name rolls off your tongue, more intimate that a kiss.
He clearly loves hearing it.
Both of your hands raise in surrender. The white flag has been raised.
“What’s so special about where we’re going, anyway?”
The chin of his helmet tilts ever so slightly to the left.
“I told you: it’s a surprise.”
“So much of a surprise that I can’t even look? You know, even if I did look, I couldn’t tell you which planet is what anyway.” You tap your temple. “Memory’s gone, remember?”
Din chuckles, disengaging.
“Be patient, Princess. We’ll be landing soon enough.”
You want to keep asking questions, but a curious coo from a blanket-bundled nest breaks both of your concentrations.
The Child stares up from his comfy cocoon, observing you both with bleary, beady eyes. He's only half awake, clearly only checking to see if all is well in cargo.
“Right, kid? You agree with me,” you tease, pointing to the Mandalorian as he passes you.
Din gently pushes your index finger out of his way with a filtered huff, before his boots clank against the metal ladder.
“He tells us not to look then expects us to actually listen." You lean into towards the Child when he coos happily, seemingly on your side even if he's sleepy. "The nerve of this guy.”
“I heard that,” he calls back to you once he reaches the upper level of the ship.
Then an exhale of a door sounds above, only to seal seconds later with a clean zip.
The red dot on the occupancy indicator flashes green.
"Cute, Mando, very cute," you mumble under your breath.
For an hour you pace the tin can of a ship with little restraint.
Every time you round the ladder, you're half-tempted to climb up yourself and remind him that you don't have to point towards the window of the cockpit if he simply lets you sit on your knees to—
In a flash, everything shakes and wobbles.
You can tell you’ve breached an atmosphere, but the lack of portholes in the cargo belly makes it impossible to see exactly what's going on.
It’s a slightly bumpy descent — not enough to warrant seatbelts, but you do hold onto the cargo straps near the Child’s bedding to make sure you and the kid stay put.
"Everything okay up there?" you call to him, but Din doesn't respond.
The mouth of the ship, however, does.
Slowly the mechanics wheeze to detach from their locks, detaching from the Razor Crest's frame to open the cabin to something blindingly bright.
You wince and take a step back, shielding your eyes with your left forearm from the outside light as the landing pad continues to lower from the ship.
A foreign freeze meets you, chilling you to the bone.
Cold licks and clings to your body.
The landing ramp begins to extend, revealing... a sea of white.
Your arm drops like lead, eyes widening when you realize a belated breath too late what stands before you.
Or really... falls.
Gentle white flakes float from the sky to a pillow-soft ground, covering any grass that could have been in sight.
Large trees are littered with slippery domes, solidified from the cold.
What covers the tree branches are what they call icicles.
One foot in front of the other, you're slow to investigate the mouth of the ship.
Even if you hear heavy boots descend the ladder in decided clunks, you cannot look away from the scenic atmosphere ahead of you.
Then you remember:
I know there's planets out there full of oceans.
Two nights ago, you'd been lying in bed naked with the Mandalorian recovering from another round of exploring what it means to be alive.
Your black blindfold was discarded carelessly across his bare chest, sheets barely hiding the patch of hair trailing under his belly button.
You'd chosen to lay over the sheet, too overheated from the night's activities.
His breath puffed gently through the modulator while his naked thumb absently stoked your bare shoulder.
As he came back down from his high, he let you talk to fill the silence.
About anything.
Legends of cities born underwater, forests that survive through endless white… it's silly, but I'd love to see them all. To travel the galaxy and then some.
He never interrupted you.
He just let his fingers explore, dance, along your skin like his need for discovery ended right here.
Maybe once I'm there I'll remember that I've been there before, but experiencing that sort of stuff for the first time?
He hums with acknowledgement.
I hope to see as many as I can before I’m back to Coruscant.
(The unspoken caveat was three words: Only with you.)
"Forests that survive through endless white," you whisper to yourself, cautiously walking down the ramp closer to the flurry of white.
You reach out a palm to catch the tiny flecks as they descend.
One hits your palm, cold to the touch, and you draw your hand back to your chest in surprise.
“Naboo isn’t always covered in snow.”
Your attention finally breaks from the woods ahead to look back.
Din finally reaches the bottom of the ladder.
The metal jostles as the bounty hunter drops his arms and makes his way towards you.
“This is Naboo?” you ask, unable to hide your excitement.
Din settles beside you, his metallic helmet tilting high to watch the gray sky above the ship.
“I thought Naboo was full of cities. This looks deserted.”
“Naboo is densely populated, yes, but it also has its untouched biomes,” he explains. "The entire planet doesn’t experience snow, but some parts do. It isn’t an endless white, but—”
You can't help it.
You rush towards the forest floor.
The bounty hunter’s voice cuts with concern when your boot slips a little at the bottom.  
“Careful, Princess.”
“I’m fine, Mando!” you call back once you’ve found your footing, invigorated by the sights and sounds before you. "Sorry — Din!"
You grin from ear to ear, feet walking in a circle to take it all in.
He listened.
He really detoured from the original travel plan to bring you here.
Something cold and wet hits your cheek, your chin, and you flinch on impact.
The flecks from the sky — you gaze up into the cloudy, cold gray with palpable wonder.
You twirl again in pure joy, giggling softly.
“Mother of Moons, this is… I’m…”
Maybe you had visited a snowy planet in your past life.
Maybe the old version of you would have found something so miraculous to be so trivial.
Yet here, now, you cannot think of anything more perfect that this: the crunch of snow under your boots, the blanket of silence that seems to envelope the forest around you—
And him.
The Mandalorian willing to offer such a gift when so much is already at stake.
“What do you think?” you finally ask, spinning back to face him. 
The Mandalorian is no longer staring at the sky.
His chrome visor simply watches you.
“It’s beautiful,” he answers quietly, contemplative.
Your heart swells.
"How long can we stay?"
"An hour," he replies. "Maybe two. Not long."
"That's plenty of time," you reassure, already feeling the cold swell on your fingertips.
For what feels like forever you step around the blankets of snow, admiring how the fluff crinkles under your boots. You shift back and forth, toe to heel, to memorize the sound.
You're well aware that your clothes, your hair, are quickly becoming damp.
It doesn't matter.
Eventually the circle you've created with your feet takes you back to the Razor Crest. The shoulders of your tunic are quickly turning a peppered tan and white.
Din is also covered head to toe in the gentle flurry, though the little specks melt on impact against the beskar armor.
You grin.
"Hold still."
"Hmm?" He listens nonetheless, straightening his posture at your command.
Reaching with chilly fingers, you wipe away a rogue snowflake from his visor and laugh under your breath.
"Did that make it worse?"
"I can't feel the snow," he responds. "I'm not cold."
"No, I meant your vision, Din Djarin," you reply with a snort.
"Oh. I..."
"Here, let me fix it."
He drops his chin obediently when you pull at your tunic sleeve to wipe the streak of water from the chrome visor.
After a moment passes, you drop your arm back to your side and stare into his helmet.
“...thank you, for taking me here,” you murmur. “You didn’t have to stop here just because I wanted to see—”
“I did,” he interrupts with complete certainty.
His hand rises, mirroring your motions. Din crooks his orange-tipped index finger and lifts your chin to meet his visor.
“No need to thank me.”
You can’t help but melt like the snow between you. 
Always so chivalrous and thoughtful; something has changed in the Mandalorian since that fateful day. Where he once looked at you as cargo now sits a warm aura in a profoundly human way.
And it's touched you, too. He isn't just a bounty hunter, but an ally.
A partner.
A lover.
His quiet considerations have only wanted you to become a better person.
(And for the Razor Crest to never make its final destination.)
You could spend all of your days, you realize, traversing the galaxy just like this: with a bounty hunter and his ward and this imperfect ship, with no final point of descent.
“Close your eyes.”
The modulated command is but a whisper.
Without delay, you obey — your eyelids flutter closed, allowing the silence and light scent of frozen water to overtake you.
Then you hear a mechanical wheeze overhead.
You continue to keep your eyes shut, but the smile that grows on your lips is telling:
You know exactly what Din Djarin is about to do.
Although you cannot see him shifting above you, you imagine the way he lifts his Mandalorian helmet just over the bridge of his nose. The strong lines of his jaw, peppered with bits of facial hair…
You have never seen his face yet Din is a crystal-clear image in your invisible sight.
Then something warm tinged with ice presses to your lips.
The tip of his thumb drags along your lower lip, tugging it away from the seam.
You can’t help but huff a breath of anticipation. "Do I have something on my face?"
"Something like that," he replies in his noncommittal way, unfiltered by his helmet. "Let me help catch it."
For seconds it’s just this: sensation, feeling, trust—
And then his lips brush against yours, pressing plush and eager.
He is drastically warm compared to you, and you press back to soak up his heat.
Your cold fingers glide along his chest plate, blindly searching for that cowl of his. Your fingertips quickly snag and curl around it, pulling him closer.
The message is loud and clear — his free arm encircles your waist, dragging you into his armor.
Din’s kiss is adoring, gentle, and you linger in the high of his boldness.
His trust.
(The blindfold never left his pocket.)
Desperate to feel him, you keep your eyes shut tight and meet his deepening kisses, unable to stop the breathy noise in the middle of your throat when his tongue flick against your lower lip.
Then he pulls away, and you find yourself tumbling closer.
A naked laugh, smooth as velvet, vibrates through your whole body.
"Come back."
"We have to go," Din murmurs, and you lift your chin to follow the sound of his bravado.
"Can we warm up together, at least?"
"Was that not always the plan?"
You grin, eyes still closed.
A beat passes, and his gloved hand gently runs along your chilled cheek.
His voice is so small.
You nod, brushing your bare nose with him, and reply just as small.
And you could be, for all of your days, if he chooses to never let you go.
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altheneum-library · 2 years
idk if I’m requesting in the right box but here goes nothing
can I have some cotl narinder x reader hcs? :)
I see u want your hubby 👀👀 AIGHT LEMME JUST-
Narinder/The one who waits headcanons
🌑Narinder was always the middle child of the bishops 🌑goes by he/him and sometimes they/them 🌑Always whiny for attention and his siblings make a tease of him for it but he wouldn't admit it 🌑Deeply cares for his siblings, even after his exile, he always thinks of them. it's just that his pride and greed clouded his love 🌑He has this deep russian accent that can either be intimidating and scary or soft and calming, you can't stop me from thinking so 🌑he purrs, he taught everyone how to purr because they were mesmerized with how he seems to be the only one that do it properly 🌑He and Heket always fight but he's always the one who makes up for it, Narinder is also the one who sometimes helps Heket with her farms in her realm 🌑he has a really fluffy tail he hides, it's quite untamed after a long while in his exile 🌑while the lamb did take his crown and title, Narinder is the best at manipulation, who says Lamb is in control when death is still nearby with all his might? 🌑he's quite the charmer when he talks, at first he is silent but whenever he does speak, he somehow has a really professional charm put in his talks. almost like he was still a god of his people. 🌑once a god, always a god.
🌑Narinder has a lot of trust issues with almost everyone in the cult, so for you to gain his eye and title of being his friend, you're quite the lucky one 🌑He'd do half everything/anything for his friends and secretly casts protection spells or talismans upon them and their home, in hopes they'll be safe and sound 🌑protective, not too much since he knows his lamb's cult is strong enough to take care of itself, but still. he knows how mortal lives are fleeting to the core, let him be protective of something just this once. 🌑he calls you "dear follower, dearest follower, my friend, dear friend" 🌑the cult + lamb secretly ship the both of you because of your chemistry, Narinder knows this and scolds them lightheartedly, it grew to stop soon as you had a partner of your own. 🌑he's the type of bestie who judges your crush/partner closely, if they as so hurt you in any way, he'll ask (manipulate) the Lamb to simply murder them in the most brutal way possible 🌑if you were to ask him to travel with you, he'd say "yes, I will" before you even start asking
🌑 He's the one with the pants of this relationship, he just know how to make you melt in his hands (paws?) just with his voice
🌑 Teases you about it as well, he loves seeing your face get really red
🌑 Narinder loves going on walks with you in his siblings' realms, taking the time to know about you and maybe know more about the realms he used to love.
🌑 in the woods, in a small clearing where the moonlight gently hits, Narinder asks you for a dance under the moon, whether you're good at dancing or not, Narinder would always love to dance with you no matter what
🌑 in the lake is where you two would often do your "business" around, of course you both also do it in a hot spring when no one is around.
🌑 and when Narinder is desperate? he's taking you in the woods or in his tent, uncaring if the other members can hear you guys
🌑 he loves cooking with you, Narinder isn't great at cooking so for you to teach him is quite the pleasant sight to see. he loves it when you're hard-working, he admires you for it
🌑 Narinder is always so soft and gentle around you when you two are unclothed, you too have scars, little or not. he'd always ask how you got them and he always made sure he loved every part of you
🌑 Narinder particularly doesn't care about appearances but when he sees the fact you have stretch marks because you're chubby? he's gonna plant his face upon your belly and ppuuuuuurrrrrrr
🌑 also, he may have a tad bit of corruption kink, so if you dressed all nice and innocent, he might try and take you somewhere more private.
that's all I have! I hope you're happy with this!
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stilesgrace159 · 2 months
Reddie Roleplay Ideas
These are my RP ideas for Reddie. Please feel free to ask for more info. These are just general ideas. If you’re really interested in a concept, I’ll go into more detail. If you want to add onto a concept or tweak it a bit, feel free to let me know. I prefer to play them in their 20s or at least 18 for teenage stuff. And obviously in their early 40s for any chapter 2 related stuff. Mostly because of smut reasons. I also frequently like to do crossover with other fandoms, so feel free to ask about that as well. My Discord is Olliegee21.
Medieval Royalty AU
This can just be normal, or incorporate Vampires and Werewolves
Maybe a Knight and a Prince
Rival Kingdom/Romeo and Juliet AU
Arranged Marriage/Enemies to Lovers AU
Pirate!Richie x Siren!Eddie - Richie is a pirate on a ship and Eddie is just a little siren who tries to crash ships and eat pirates. A sweet little enemies to lovers AU.
Prince!Eddie x Pirate!Richie - Richie kidnaps a prince for ransom, but Eddie starts falling in love with the freedom of the open seas… as well as his captain.
Vampire & Werewolf AUs
Werewolf!Richie AU - The werewolf turns Richie
1800s British Vampire Period Drama (ft Vampire Eddie or Richie)
80’s Teen Wolf Movie AU - More Werewolf Richie
Vampire!Eddie x Werewolf!Richie - Monster AU/Enemies to Lovers? (Or vice versa) Could be in the 80s, could be modern, could be in any other time period.
A vampire slayer AU - could be modern, could be 80s, could be mixed with the period drama au. Who knows?
The Medieval AUs mentioned before
Other AUs
Reddie/Byler AU - Mike and Richie are cousins (or twins) and Will and Mike go on a trip to Derry to visit. Just 4 boys getting jealous and talking about their feelings.
Ghosts TV Series AU - Richie has had so many brushes with death, he can see ghosts, so he is able to see ghost Eddie.
Neibolt AU - very violent and gory au. Basically, they're just evil and in love. Kind of rough with each other, but it's what they like. They care about each other deep down. They’d murder for each other. They probably have. Maggots and goo.
Beetlejuice AU - In which Eddie is Lydia and Richie is Beetlejuice
Eddie Lives AU - Eddie makes it out. Either we can do this where it’s angsty and fluffy. Or, it can always be a slow turning zombie kind of thing too.
Band AU - Richie in a band. Like Finn in Calpurnia or The Aubreys.
Just a cute 80s high school au.
Norman Bates AU - Eddie is like Norman. I mean, it works. He has mommy issues.
Christine AU - Richie buys a fancy new car to work on but the car has a dark secret. Eddie is worried about how attached his best friend is getting to the car.
Clown AU - Crazy little psycho clown boys. Idk. I saw fanart and loved it.
Losers 7 Deadly Sins - In which the losers are the 7 deadly sins.
Superhero AU - Richie is an evil supervillain and Eddie is an adorable but mouthy superhero. Lots of unresolved sexy tension.
Lisa Frankenstein AU - Eddie has mommy issues and wants to get away but accidentally brings the cute boy from the cemetery back from the dead and there's lots of killing.
Angel Eddie x Demon Richie - cute antics, very good omens
Addams Family AU - It's like the Addams Family Values movie. Eddie is like Wednesday and Richie is like Joel and they meet at summer camp.
Greaser Richie x Prep Eddie - it's the 50s. Ignore time period homophobia for the most part. Think or Grease or The Outsiders. Also… maybe even a touch of Christine?
Another Villain au - basically, my brain likes evil people. Evil scientist Richie, evil sidekick with powers Eddie. Lots of fighting lots of sex.
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kaledya · 2 months
*Me with my 37373 notes to keep track with all the messages*
I'm here ! So...
Yes, the translation program is Ai and Charlie is most of the time more a male name by statistics ? Its a nickname for Charles ! And yes I need to edit anyway, for Lolicia pronouns and also see if words are not repeating themselves, changing some words. So once I get used to it, I'm okay but I understand it can be annoying!
At least it doesn't bother me when there is a mix of she/he, I understand what you are talking about so everything fine 🌸
Right !! Hünni is so adorable ! _
Thank you for loving my choice in Addolorata's name ! _
It was very interesting you way to explain the all process of Constantine and Charlie birth as Lucifer and Lilith tried ! It make sense.
And I remembered you explain the orange blood somewhere in a post, but its nice to have it all here back and see you always agreed with your thoughts on the process !
For me it make a lot of sense. Especially the part that the resin/copper skin of the prince and princess are dangerous. It tells that if a Demon or even a Sinner tries to attack them (just an hypothesis), they also had to deal with the wounds.
Like I can imagine Constantine opening the two palm of his hands and POWER SLAP that Sinner/Demon in the face ahahah (like Harry Potter putting his hands on Quirrel face in the first movie!) _
Glad you like the idea of red and black blood and the corruption explanation! And also the eyes in blood making the weight of it all !
Monster is a great song ! And No Longer You, would be nice to when Overlords come back in their home and they just realise how much they have done to have a damn chair at a council! _
Yes, Elrond is very elegant ! Love his design. The best of his mom and dad.
I understand his reaction for his parents situation. Its a mess in either way !
Oh yes of course the recommendation from Constantine would be a big deal. Like the prince himself want Elrond in particular to have this bride and it would be something be among the Goetia. (Like they are chosen ones !)
I would try to draw Hürrem in a theorical beautiful Goetia-style dress one day with Elrond to see how they would match (just in term of design ahah)
Material Girl and Diva. Slay! Just like Verdelet. If Elrond was older they would be great friends !
Yes tall Elrond !🌸
In heat ahah. The number of comics I saw that say that Alastor or even Luci have a 'heat season' like animals was wild ! Its in my mind palace somewhere. Forever. *throw all of it in a hole*
Ahaha the dialogue was great ! Honestly, fluffy feathers make me damn happy.
Hürrem history would be wild ! Giovanni be like :
Giovanni thinking to himself : "But there is fanfics about everyone ?! Overlords ? Demons ? The damn king ?! Wait... what about ME ?" *try to find his name in Hürrem's phone*
NO BUT SERENITY AND CONSTANTINE looking at RadioApple 🤣 i just can't.
Serenity *reading* : Is that our dads f-... Constantine: sssh. I don't want to know. I WILL unsee this. Now.
Thanks to you too ! 🌸🌸🌸 Thanks for you answers !
LMAO Me too (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩⁠-̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠) but it's fun to answer !! It just takes a while
And Hünni is a really sweet(like honey uwu) ship name.
And of course I will love it. They has a really beautiful and original name.
I'm really glad you think it makes sense!! But if you see any nonsense, please point it out!!
Yes, thank you, I think I had a conversation like this on Twitter a few months ago.I think The blood thing I'm talking about here was a question I asked one of my followers about whether Constantine wants a child or not.I don't remember exactly. Oh yes, I said he wouldn't want it because of his blood and many other reasons, I think he explained it in that post.(I'm not still sure)
Yes, they are both seriously dangerous and somewhat unstable beings.
Yes, even if a sinner makes them blees, it will have a dangerous outcome for them.For example, if Charlie gets injured in a war, she won't let Vaggie or the people at the hotel help her, she knows they will get hurt.
LMAO!! The faces of the sinners who saw the POWER slap would be truly amazing.
I'm so glad you loved the design!! And yes, Octavia mostly looks like Stolas and Elrond mostly looks like her mother, but it's a mix of the two.
Yes and Elrond really hates the sounds of fighting now he only goes to his father's palace for Octavia.
It's like yes, Elrond already knows that one day he will be married The fact that this person was chosen by the Prince kind of gives him confidence.(He doesn't want his marriage to be like his parents.)
Although Constantine was fearfully respected even among the nobility and was known as a somewhat callous person, the fact is that he was not a fool And someone who doesn't show bad habits like other nobles.because of that Elrond has trust in a choice made by him.
I can't wait to see Hürrem in a dress Look forward to your design!!!!!
Definitely!! If Elrond were a little older they would seriously make great friends!!
Wha?? Like Animals???How exactly does that happen????No wait, I don't want to learn For the first time, I reject the information with all my will.*I pick up the memory erasing gun in the Gravity Falls*
I'm so glad you like the nickname!! Giovanni will probably find nicknames for Hürrem at every opportunity like Nick did for Judy lmao.
LMAO I'm sure it will be wild hahhaha
LMAO sorry Giovanni, maybe they will write a fanfic for you in the future, stay hopeful.
And Giovanni will probably be like this after 5 minutes; Hey Hürrem, how do we filter The fanfics??
I'm searching something??
Hürrem: ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ
And LMAO Serenity's and Constantine's reaction would be priceless.
The dialogues you wrote were truly perfect.
But Constin, kiddo, you've got a photographic memory....
*suffers in photographic memory*
I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE HÜRREM'S FANART I hope I got the colors right!!!
Thank you for your answers!!!🌸🌸
Have a good day 🫂❤️❤️
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
more discourse, sorry! this just seems like the best place to talk about this tbh
tldr; flower husbands are overrated and a lot of really cool character dynamics and relationships are overlooked because of that.
why are flower husbands such a big deal? like i can understand a small corner of the fandom dedicated to debating if their marriage is healthy or not but like. why do so many people care? it's not that unique. they refer to each other as husbands and scott's kinda a bitch and then jimmy dies and scott is sad for a little while. it just feels weird that it's one of the most popular ships in the fandom. there are so many cool dynamics with scott i don't see talked about! dl!scott and dl!cleo for example. afaik they dont even have a ship/duo name so i usually just refer to them as "a queerplatonic relationship based on mutual hatred". that's an amazing dynamic that needs to be explored more. and like. on jimmy's side. the ranchers. if you want a cute fluffy relationship the ranchers are overlooked far too often. they're not even that unpopular of a ship! but in comparison to the flower husbands they are! oh and gaslight gatekeep girlboss. love them, they don't get takes about enough. and the coral kids are canonically in a qpr this doesn't get discussed enough.
Hmm is ranchers overlooked...? I can understand non multishippers not wanting to switch over to it if they don't see a problem with FH to begin which is totally fair imo. For the most part I agree with you though. I was writing a bunch of paragraphs but instead I'll just say, I happen to bring FH up a lot because of how much opinions on it differ, and I'm in the minority to call it toxic etc (obligatory: toxic doesn't equate to nuanceless "bad") but it's absolutely integral to both of their characters' growths as I see it. Analysing either of their characters brings FH back into question again and again due to its lingering effect on both of them, especially Jimmy, and he's the character I enjoy delving into the most. I think most Scott dynamics have gotten decent attention (I myself, would love to see more on Scott and Gem though) but FH is definitely the most popular. It also has a lot of history outside of traffic, Empires s1 especially, and I absolutely understand the appeal and how people would find it a cute, problem-less ship, so I'm not surprised by its popularity. Some dynamics are also very reliant on FH as a driving factor to me, like Pearl and Jimmy
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ellieellieoxenfree · 8 days
22, 24, 25
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
canon is not always great at doing this either, but trauma and disability. i look at some of my faves — rita farr, josee, vegas theerapanyakul, ai di, hartley rathaway, teresa mendoza, rita west — and they’re fucking absolute messes, all defined by some brutal shit. their respective canons have handled this with varying degrees of sensitivity (you know exactly who i’m subtweeting) and i don’t participate in all of the fandoms for these pieces of media, but i turn into an absolutely wild beast when people gloss over that because it’s too much of a challenge to include. people who faced years of childhood abuse or who were suddenly confronted with an unexpected, uncontrollable loss of autonomy are going to struggle with those things. one of these characters got shot multiple times in the abdomen, for chrissakes. and people are like ‘idk i guess he can have a marathon fuck sesh it’s cool this won’t interfere with his life in any way’ like YES IT WILL YES IT IS FUCKING PERMANENT, DIANE. there are physical effects and limitations that never go away. there is an ongoing, volatile sense of loss that will body you over and over again for the rest of your life. i love josee for tapping into the anger of disability (you know how i feel about my best girl) but i also love characters whose canons force them to grapple with a reality thrust upon them at a point in their lives when they can draw a clear delineation between Me Before and Me Now, rather than those who have never known the grief of your bodily function being ripped from you unexpectedly. and that isn’t just disability. that’s betrayal and abuse and loss of security and stability and identity. and if you can’t actually deal with the whole of a character’s raw ugly misery and anger on top of the fun fluffy bits to read or write then MAYBE the messes are not your arena.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
ooooh i’m gonna get canceled for this one but i will block people who get into internet slapfights about gender and sexuality. i’m an old shithead so i find the trend of needing to affix 500 microlabels to every character exhausting, especially in canons where none of these people would have the remotest fucking idea what you’re banging on about. and further, i find it extremely off-putting when a male character expresses traits that aren’t in lockstep with stereotypical or toxic masculinity and immediately gets painted as trans. i see one of these essays where you spend 10k assigning things to a character that are really just you projecting your own identity onto your fave and onto the blocklist you go. some of y’all make me miss fucking kinnies.
i also cannot fucking abide ship wars, because i came from a fandom where people got so mad about a pairing taking up too much screen time they engineered a plot to ruin a real person’s career over it (that was wave one of the bullshit, but i digress). i have watched that shit happen for years and years and yeaaaars — usagi/mamoru and seiya/usagi fans used to throw temper tantrums at each other like they were getting paid to, way back in the day — and it has never gotten any less noxious. it has, in fact, just gotten fucking worse with the increasing curdling of twitter and stan culture. it was bad enough when it was just screaming at each other over which boring girl harry potter should bone but now people have let that shit spill into the real world. now it’s just a normal thing to try to affect someone’s careers, or discuss your rpf ships in front of the people involved. FUCKING BOUNDARIES. LEARN THEM. RESPECT THEM. what the fuck is wrong with you people. stop sharing your fics with them or tagging them in your art. and yes, that even goes for bryan fuller. just because he’s a freak who probably beat off to all the hannibal/will art you sent him doesn’t mean you should have sent it in the first place.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
since you’re my BTS buddy…i wish for a meteorite to strike everyone who identifies as an army because if i’m stupid enough to go into the tag, 99% of the posts are ‘hybe/bighit is out to sabotage (fave’s) career’ or ’this is why (ship) is the only truth and everyone else is a dirty sinner going to hell for wrongthink’ and holy shit TAKE A MIKE’S HARD LOOK AT YOURSELVES FOR FIVE MINUTES. if you are so deeply invested in the sex lives of some random korean guys that you are getting legitimately angry at other people on the internet about them not thinking your preferred boy is making the sign of the two-backed aardvark with your other preferred boy, log off. go the fuck outside. i’m not above cracking jokes but some of y’all are rolling out the murderboards and obsessively documenting every single moment their faves happen to be in the same area of the stage to explain why one of them moving their little finger an inch to the right means he’s gonna get his ass eaten after the show.
the career sabotage shit i don’t even know, understand, or care to know. i see it in the tag fucking constantly and it exhausts me. i need to not engage in baseless conspiracy theories. i’m not here for this. just like i’m not here to figure out who in the group is taking a ride on the humpatron 3000, i’m not here to go through a million posts on 50 social media sites every day combing every single word choice for evidence that my faves are one wrong step from being put to death by bighit management. i just want to enjoy myself for five goddamn minutes.
as a very casual new fan, my experience has been 1% gifs of people whose faces and talent i enjoy and 99% screeching harridan drama whose point entirely eludes me. i hate all of these people. i hope they fall into the ocean. maybe the fish will be a more receptive audience than i am.
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heytheredeann · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @cha-melodius, thank you! <3<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
439! The plan is posting two more tonight so hopefull that will soon be 441 LOL.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
939,623! Almost a million yay!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment mostly TMFU, I have been getting into writing Banana Fish fic too, and I write for The Witcher, though less frequently than TMFU.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Stretch (Buck/Eddie+Christopher, 911, 3x02 AU)
Everywhere I'm looking now, I'm surrounded by your embrace (Harvey/Mike, Suits, soulmates AU)
I held your hand as you shook in the middle of the night (Geralt/Jaskier, The Witcher, 1x06 fix-it)
Leave it unspoken (Harvey/Mike, Suits, a serial killer on the loose AU looool I had forgotten about this one)
Concession (Geralt/Jaskier, The Witcher, Geralt likes being the little spoon fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yesssss, I'm like constantly behind and sometimes I answer months late, but I love answering because 1) comments make me so happy and I want the readers who took the time to let me know they enjoyed the fic to KNOW THAT, 2) talking about fics is SO much fun, I think that discussing things in the comments is the best part of posting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOOOOOOOOOOOL filter for MCD on my Ao3 and take your pick. But I'd go with either Forever is the sweetest con (Napoleon/Illya/Gaby, TMFU) because the story is told backwards, so you start with post-MCD and end pre-MCD, so the ending is happy but. well. the happiness is gone already and you know it LOL, or maybe Meaner than my demons, colder than this home (Napoleon/Illya/Gaby, TMFU), purely because generally speaking when I play with MCD I kill just one of them off and leave the other two to pick up the pieces, but here there's just Napoleon left, so. probably worse than the others LOL.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sooo, I tend to write one-shots, and I HAVE written fluffy fics, but I think I'll go with Something gets lost from a safe distance (Napoleon/Illya, TMFU) because it's part of a three-part series that's all emotional hurt/comfort, and then it ends with fluffy kissing so.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Eh, it has happened, I think it's inevitable if you have been doing this for long enough LOL.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not usually, I did write a TMFU/Supernatural crossover though LOL.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yesss, more than once and it's always extremely flattering that someone would want to go through all that effort <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Right now I feel particularly strongly about the TMFU OT3 but like. I love so many.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I HAVE MULTIPLE LONGFICS SITTING IN MY DRAFTS DAMMIT. I just never want to post longfics unless I have either a first draft for every chapter or at the very least an extremely detailed outline for every chapter, which means that I end up always posting one-shots LOL. Two notable mentions among these longfics are a "Napoleon gets amnesia and bullshits his way through it to avoid telling anyone because he has trust issues" fic and an AU with Illya as a ghost that's a whole angsty mess. help me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Eeeeeeeh the emotions I'd say. Or I HOPE so, since that's pretty much 80% of my writing loooool Also there a lot of lines of dialogue that I come up with that I unironically like.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots for one, I just tend to write snapshots with no real plot most of the time, and action. I don't LIKE writing it, which means I can never tell if it's boring or if I'm just projecting, and I tend to avoid it. ...also romance/attraction/getting-together. My aroace ass never knows what is believable romance and what are just tv show tropes that are not actually real LOL.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I generally don't do it and keep to the language of the narration, just clarifying "X says in German" if there's a change of language. I write limited third POV, so I just see it as "filtering" everything through the lens of the person that we are seeing the perspective of. If I'm writing from Gaby's POV, for instance (she's German but fluent in English), I feel like TECHNICALLY the narration should be in German, so by writing in English I have already chosen a filter that is not 100% accurate. But that's the filter I'm going with, so English is the language that Gaby is communicating to the reader in, so everything should be communicated through English lens: if she's talking to someone in English, I will just write the lines with no specifications, if she's talking in German I still write in English and write "in German" in the narration, and if someone speaks a language she doesn't know I don't write the actual dialogue because she doesn't understand it, so the reader doesn't get to see it either.
I hope this makes some sort of sense LOOOOOL, I don't really mind any way I've seen this done, but this is how I prefer to go about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Fallen book series. LOL.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Evil question, go directly to jail, do not collect 100$. This answer will absolutely change every five minutes, but right now I'm particularly feeling Souvenir from a life left behind (Napoleon/Illya, TMFU), just a tiny dissolution of UNCLE fic with Napoleon angsting.
Tagging: @imgoingtofreakoutnow @ikeepwatchinghelicopters @thetamehistorian @huggiebird @deducitetemporacarmen @set-phasers-to-whump @cherryjuicegf @geralt-of-vengerberg and anyone else who hasn't done this yet and wants to play <3
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shipcestuous · 5 months
Sorry if it's a silly question or one you've answered before, but what's that "grade on a curve" ask referring to? I tried looking for more context in your discussion and anti tags, but I couldn't find anything, idk if that's due to Tumblr's search system.
Anyway, I personally think trying to prove anything to antis is a wasted effort in most cases. Most of them seem to be looking for reasons to get angry, possibly because they don't feel important or in control irl so they want to play the part of the hero battling the bad guys For The Greater Good online and get clout and admiration for it, so they're not generally the best people to try and have reasonable arguments with. Plus, with how many of them can be hilariously hypocritical about their interests ("you writing a physically abusive relationship in your fic proves you're unstable and dangerous, but me drawing a lot of violence and gore is perfectly okay," "we're essentially shipping the same problematic ship but I see myself as someone with good critical analysis skills and you as someone who's either stupid or evil, so it's fine for me to put it in my fanworks but not for you," etc.) I have my doubts about them reading "incest shipping isn't really a free-for-all, people have different tastes and opinions" and NOT somehow getting "people who like incest ship in THIS way are okay, but people who like incest ships in THAT way deserve all the hate they get" out of it...
On the other hand, I absolutely DO think it's important for incest shippers, proship/anti anti types, and people who just care about other people's comfort in fandom space in a healthy, non-self-centered way to be aware that we all have different preferences, boundaries, and even triggers, and that's okay! Just to make an example, if I like sharing fluffy headcanons about a wholesome brosis ships with you (general you), that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be okay with you reccing me hardcore BDSM darkfics about a codependent twincest ship out of the blue just because I'm into incest. Or, if I like twisted, manipulative parent/child and I've gushed about it you, even on multiple occasions, that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be okay with you suggesting me an extreme underage noncon scenario for the same ship, just because I like my incest dark and fucked-up.
We all have a place in fandom, no matter if our tastes run wholesome or twisted, vanilla or hardcore... and I think it's safe to say that many of us actually like both, even if at different times, for different ships, in different context or different combinations! But to coexist together peacefully, we have to be clear about what we want or don't want from our fandom experience, and respect other people's boundaries. Even when we don't get them, or we think they're too specific, or they're the squshy "X is yes or a soft no for me depending on the day, unless Y happens, then it's a HARD no" or "X is a hard no for me unless Y happens when Z, then it's just a soft no or, in a W context, even a yes" kind. (And, as someone who does have some squishy boundaries, let me tell you: they're actually WAY more frustrating when you try to formulate them in an understandbable manner so you don't accidentally cause any misunderstanding than when you have to hear them out, lol.)
Fortunately, I don't think I've actually seen cases like these happen a lot among incest shippers. But I think it always good to keep all this in mind!
Hi Anon,
I apologize for making things difficult for you. The grading-on-a-curve analogy first came up in this post. It was primarily a discussion of Cathy and Chris, so I didn't link back to it.
I agree with you. Many antis cannot be reasoned with, will always assume the worst, and need to pass judgment to validate themselves, or some other psychological reason. If we start regulating our behavior to appease them, they win. As always, the best way to deal with the issue is to ignore them, create content, and enjoy ourselves. But even though they are prone to assumptions, we also don't want to give them any fuel for assuming the wrong thing about us as shippers.
And then within our community its important not to make assumptions, but I think we have a pretty good understanding among ourselves that tastes vary. But it's good to remember to always give details when recommending things so that people can make informed decisions.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Anon!
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sonorousabyss · 2 years
hello Sonor!!! can i ask for a romantic star wars (x male) pairing? I'm male and gay, i'm an intp and aquarius (if thats relevant). I've got short black kinda fluffy hair, and I'm 160cm. My hobbies include dance, researching, writing and listening to music. My love language is words of affirmation :) People say that I'm quite distant and in my own world a lot of the time, and I don't get talkative unless it's about my interests. I always wear quite plain colours and usually it's something that is comfortable rather than fashionable. I hope this isn't too much information, I got a bit carried away :p have a nice rest of your day! :)
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Thanks for the request Anon! It wasn't too much at all! This one actually went rather smoothly thanks to what you provided. You've got Tech from the Bad Batch. Hope you enjoy!
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You two... are a menace to society.
As for your initial meetings, it was hit-and-miss.
Tech is well known for his habit of rambling off about things he's learned, and due to how often you're in your own mind, it's likely that you didn't hear what he said or pay that much attention on more than one occasion. That said, you didn't discourage his habit either, and it was probably this fact that drove him to find something that you would react to.
It became an almost daily thing. Whenever you encountered him on and off missions, he'd recite something new he'd learned to see if it would catch your attention, recording your reactions on his datapad so he could make more accurate predictions for his next attempt.
When he finally managed to find something you were enthralled by? He was absolutely elated.
Conversations between you two could last hours, much to the chagrin of some of his brothers. Rarely were they ever boring- at least to the two of you- and eventually, discussions of that nature became a regular thing between the two of you.
That said? I wouldn't say that talking was all you did.
Given that research is one of your hobbies, it's more than likely that you'd also spend time researching with Tech. Just being around you would have been enough to satisfy him, but whether you're actively looking into something together or just browsing on your own devices, he'd be sufficiently entertained.
Most likely encouraged you to join him and the rest of the Bad Batch on a few occasions. Just one mission wouldn't hurt, right? It'd be fun. Besides, it's not like you'd be with a whole platoon.
Pure chaos ensued. Maybe a couple explosions, but the mission was a success, so no harm done right?
Your dressing habits bordering on the plain side wouldn't bother him in the slightest- or the rest of the crew for that matter. They were known for being unorthodox, so you showing up in something comfy instead of a designated uniform? Wouldn't bat an eye. It's probably something they find endearing about you.
With you two being together? He's absolutely done research into fabrics and such that you like as part of a project to get you something to match his armor that he knew you'd actually like to wear.
Sure, as your boyfriend he's already crafted a pair of headphones that match him so you can listen to your tunes as much as you like, but with a matching jacket, everyone would know which squad you rolled with.
Not shy about complimenting you at all. You're his magnificent boyfriend, and he will make sure you know as much.
So words of affirmation? He's got that covered.
As for other love languages, he keeps an eye out to see what works and what doesn't. Like physical touch? He's run his own little experiments, getting a feel for what your boundaries were and when it was best to avoid it.
When you're sitting in the cockpit of their ship, he has a tendency to rest his arm on your shoulder as he leans forward to show you something on his data pad.
This is both something he's been known to do casually, and something he's done during missions.
Doesn't even realize he's doing it. It's a wholesome little quirk of his.
If you're down for cuddles he'd 100% be down.
Just as you tend to be in your own little world, I feel like he can be as well. You're probably the one that reminds him to be more detailed in his reports to the crew, so, for example, any damages the ship sustains will get reported instead of just what he deems important or life-threatening.
That filtering of information isn't always intentional but can cause problems, so there may have been a few squabbles earlier on. Issues always get resolved quickly, though.
If you were to ever spend time researching things that could prove useful during missions, know he's encouraging you to share with the crew and have your moment to shine.
When you two put your heads together there's little you can't handle.
Save maybe keeping track of Omega. Holy smokes that child is a beacon for trouble.
Good luck with this one, cause where he and his brothers are? Things are certainly interesting.
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This is probably the quickest matchup I've done, to be honest. So if you've managed to get this far? Thanks for reading! May the force be with you, and may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep.
For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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kathyrealmstales · 2 years
So I might have made Rottmnt headcanons… 10 to be exact… But this is only part two…
Some of them are based on funny ideas, others on real events with me and my own family. Each is labeled on who the headcanon is for, so if you are looking for specific ones for just Leo, It's there. Most of them though are either doubles or all of them together. Hope you enjoy it! If you guys like it, I make more of these.
Part 1
(Also just a heads up… NO TCEST!!! MY GOD, THEY ARE FAMILY! DO NOT SHIP THEM!!! AHHHH!!)
Minecraft (All of them, but they each have a paragraph) They all play Minecraft, That's just facts. April was the one to introduce it to them, she is really good at the game and can both build and do PVP well, but she mainly works with Building. She mainly makes minigames for the boys to go through and watches them suffer. She also has a dog army she named the Mayhem gang. Raph is not the best at the game at all, but he loves adopting every animal he sees, including Creepers, Zombies, Endermen, and Phantoms. His entire base is covered in them Donnie is the best at Redstone and basic building ideas, But he is horrible at PVP. The problem is that he keeps challenging people to PVP and then running away when he realizes he won't win. The only person he has beaten in a fight is Raph. But he died after because he forgot Raph has pet creepers and got blown up. Raph was sad his creeper died and Donnie had to pay him back Mikey is an amazing builder and okay with PVP, at least knows the basics of it. He makes these crazy builds and usually has these giant builds in the process of being made. The problem is actually being committed, He has a bunch of half-made buildings, that he left to go work on something else. And he won't let anyone else touch them so they stay half-built forever. Leo on the other hand is really good at PVP but horrible at the building. Which does not help when he wants to just chill. He likes to pull pranks on everyone on the server when bored and will scare others by being really quiet and then just showing up randomly to say hi. He mainly messes with Raph and Mikey. (Also he and Donnie made an Iron farm together and have a “Drug deal” with Mikey where Mikey can take all the Iron from it if Mikey builds for them) Splinter does play the game, but he mainly just messes around. He dies a lot and gets a bit upset at the game, but he likes to hang out with his kids and see what they are doing. He has a dead fish as his sword and smacks drown with it. He also has been free from Leo’s pranks, because Leo feels bad for his Dad, and tries to help him out.
Not normal collections... But to them it is. (The brothers) All the boys have something they collect that is strange. Mikey collects stickers and has an entire wall to them. They are all random and some of them he made himself. By the way, when I say a wall. I mean WALL! It’s an entire wall with stickers covering every inch. You can’t see the paint anymore. Raph collects Stuff animals, yes. But he also collects fluffy blankets and pillows and sleeps with every single one. He has been known for stealing his brother’s pillows and blankets before and has not given them back until someone steals them. And no, he is not even making a nest with it. He sleeps with all of these normally. And yes, he does have some bodypillows he has stolen from Donnie in there. But none of them have anime characters on them. They are just blank. Because they are the best. Leo collects comics, Action figures, and posters. Normal stuff. But he also collects Chinese fortune cookies fortunes. One day he just started doing it, and he has yet to stop. Luckily they don’t have Chinese much since they love pizza and have that all the time. But when they do, he asks everyone for their fortunes. Donnie tries to throw away his before Leo can get it, but Donnie has caught Leo going through the trash to get them. That's when they knew they had a problem and had to have a sit-down and tell him he needs to stop. …He has not stopped, but he does not go dumpster diving for them now. Donnie’s strange collection would be useful if he actually used it. He likes to collect boxes. No reason why, he just does. He thinks he could make something out of them, or use them for storage, but never does. Now there are a bunch of random boxes in his lab. And you would think he would throw them away. But he won't. (Might I also add these are not cardboard boxes, These are boxes with cool designs or interesting ways to open them. He has also secret container boxes that he saw online once.) His brothers will take some of the boxes from him and will throw them away for him. Making him believe they just needed the boxes for storage. And he won't even notice if one is missing.
Sour (Leo) Leo eats lemons, Not squeezed lemons or flavored lemon things. Just Lemons. He likes the sour taste. That's it. He just really likes sour tastes.
Winter (Starts just Mikey and Splinter, then full fam) When little tots, Mikey and Splinter to the surface on a summer day to get some stuff, and Mikey saw a random happy old dude with a white beard and a red t-shirt. And Instantly started yelling out Santa. Splinter was so embarrassed and ran away as soon as the guy turned around. Splinter then had to have the talk about how you can’t call people that. One time the boys decided they wanted to try catching Santa, so they got cameras and hid somewhere near the ceiling in hopes to see it. But when looking down there, they saw Splinter putting the gifts down. For a day they thought maybe their dad WAS Santa, before Splinter heard what they were talking about, and decided to tell them the truth. During winter, The boys go more feral and want more cuddles and sleep. They stack up on food, make little dens, and might even kidnap each other for cuddles. The worst is with Donnie who for some reason always surprise attacks one of his brothers and pulls them into his nest and forces them for cuddles. When it’s over he pretends it never happened. The brothers have their own tally of who was kidnapped each year. With Leo being in the lead. April and Splinter were spared somehow and the others don't know how.
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vveirdnobdy · 11 months
20 questions !!! I was tagged by both @fanfiction-artist-prototype and @salaapaoo so here you go !!!
how many works do you have on ao3? Currently 6 works, technically have had 8 previously but i've deleted two of them. One will probably come back, but I want to rewrite and rework it before then.
what's your total ao3 word count? Currently 32,948
What fandoms do you write for? Actively I'm only writing for Trash of the Count's Family, previously I have written for BNHA but I've long sense left the fandom. I am working on a fic for Scum Villian Self Saving System right now, but thats going to be awhile before it gets released. In addittion! I also write my original works, none published yet but one day! perhaps.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Heya Eruberry, Presents, Baking Treats, Autumn Leaves/Warm Drinks, and then Your Beauty Coming in a Flood
Do you respond to comments? why/why not? Yes I do!! I make a point to try and respond to every comment, mostly because happy chemical go brrr, ofc I dont always respond because sometimes im just hmmm how to?
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Baking Treats, with Autumn Drinks a close second, both fics have an angstier and suspenseful endings, both were also intended to get even angstier follow ups that are just... not happening.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Your Beauty Coming in a Flood Defitnetly !! It's the ending that has gotten me kicking my feet the most. Though it is the first part in a series that have both many fluffy and angsty momments planned for, so it might not be the best to say ending for it. If not that defitnetly Presents, as that is very much my silly goofy lil crack fic.
Do you get hate on fics? Not Actively I have gotten comments in the past relating to disagreeing with ship choice, as well as awakward dialouge at times, but thats cause me and dialouge are of two minds, its silly goofy's or just a lil awakward at times, I think I am improving thought from then hopedully.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind? No... I do plan to... we will see how that ship goes, but as of this moment the most i've written is a kiss and I am heheuheuheuh over it, let along the smut i plan on writing later on dear lord.
Do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one? No I do think of them actively though, people who do KHR crossovers I love you keep doing that its so good its my favorite thing I love them. I do have an idea for TCF and KHR crossover, however the likelyhood of it being written anytime soon let alone at all is not looking good.
have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my awareness yet, if anyone finds one of my fics on something that isn't ao3 its def not me, ao3 is the only fic platform I use.
have you ever had a fic translated? No I have not, however if anyone ever approached me about it I 100% agree, my only request is that it's onn ao3
have you ever co-written a fic? Yes I have, its deleted now, but it was for a coffee shop BNHA au my friend created that I helped with
what's your all-time fave ship? Im very much a multi-shipper so I don't really have one thats like this this is the one, I am very much a shipper though, If I had to pick a favorite though, it would either be AlCale or Dazai and Chuuya from BSD, because im so insane over them I cant-
what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? A MDZS fic i have thats an AU centerlized on Meng Yao, I do plan to get back to it one day and write it out, as i genuinely really like the idea, but its not on my list of priorities.
what are your writing strengths? Idea's I'm very good at coming up with ideas and silly goofy moments, and overall I think im a good writer. Another thing is when I want to explore something let that be a character dynamic, or a specfic thought process, you bet your ass you can get an essay out of me over whatever I have concluded, and that will be reflected in my fic.
writing weaknesses? Dialouge is probably my weakness, its always where I find myself in a writers block. Partially i think its because i have a very silly way of thinking and talking, and my writing can reflect that, which makes writing more immature characters specfically harder for me if its not in a joke moment. It's defitnetly where I sturggle the most, however I do think I've been actively imporving in it, which I'm very happy over.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? Unless its a commonly used phrase, I would just put in italics and specify 'hey this is a different langauge' However things like nicknames, and phrases I'm relatively confident most people should know, I'd probably write out in the actual langauge.
first fandom you wrote for? It's been a very long time, but I wanna say Young Justice, and it was self inscert, I do know its somewhere on the internet, however I will not share, so good luck finding it!
fave fic you've ever written? Currently Your Beauty Coming in a Flood, I spent months on that bitch I'm genuinely so proud of how it turned out, and I'm really excited to continue the series. A close second is My King which I just posted the second chapter for, and will be working on the 3rd right after i finish this. Both I have a lot of ideas and plans for that I'm so excited to get to and share!
Now I'm ment to tag people, but the only mutuals I have that I'm aware also write fics are who tagged me, so if you see this and want do it, just say I tagged you I love to see! Have a lovely day <333
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biscuitdetective · 1 year
001 Gudaobe >:3c
sorry I tried to reign it in a bit but this is long af lol
When I started shipping it if I did: august 2021, shortly after the lb6 epilogue originally released. I actually hadn’t read the chapter at the time but I read the summaries and thought the ship was probably cute but not particularly deep (fgo master x literally any servant is usually easy mode shipping after all), but when I actually read the chapter I went completely insane about them, and have been insane about them for over 2 years now.
My thoughts: I really like the way Ritsuka starts as a pretty standard and kinda bland almost self-inserty protagonist in part 1 but then in part 2 they very clearly have something wrong with them and their head is extremely Not Okay, and I like the idea that Oberon (and Castoria as a fellow fairy eyes-haver) is one of the only ones that can fully see that. Everyone knows Oberons a liar, but hardly anyone knows Ritsuka has been lying for a while now (about a lot of things, but particularly about being Normal and Okay). The garden of lost will part in lb6 is so, so good.
But I also like how it can also be very unserious because while I like a lot of the angst stuff I also like (/draw)the dumb shit where Ritsuka is just no.1 Oberon simp who does anything he asks because he’s so pretty.
What makes me happy about them: Oberon is extremely miserable and I like to think Ritsuka does make him happy even if he can’t show it, especially since when he’s in Chaldea he’s allowed to just…be? (As opposed to in lb6) I wouldn’t call him a tsundere because the dynamic isn’t quite that but I like how far he has to go out of his way to help Ritsuka in as roundabout way as possible while trying his best to look like he isn’t (the summer event is exactly this). ALSO they are very very cute Ritsuka is like a fluffy dog like a japanese spitz or something and Oberon is a Siamese cat, this is a 10/10 dynamic.
What makes me sad about them: depending on the interpretation of summoning Oberon is either stuck in the abyss forever while a copy of him with the same memories is in Chaldea, or he is saved from the abyss only to have to eventually return there at some point and tbh I don’t know which is worse. also the material book casually noting Oberon would come to ‘accompany’ Ritsuka if they called for him while they were dying, that hurts so good 🥲
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: i have to admit here I don’t really read fanfic but I do read/collect doujins. I don’t like the rapey stuff although tbh it’s way more common with obeguda (one reason why I’m not into it for the most part). I don’t like either of them being sadistic and cruel to eachother for no reason. mostly I don’t really like minibe being lewded, he’s obviously the same character and all but he looks like a weird baby so it can get uncomf visually. I don’t care if people are into that but I can not count the number of times I’ve been jumpscared by it in a pixiv log lol.
things I look for in fanfic: I’m a big dumb idiot masochist and keep buying doujins that look like they will make me cry and then I’m all surprised pikachu face (crying version) after I read them. But I also like dumb gag stuff…and im a sucker for the AUs where they just live together and hang out and be cute and goof off with Castoria, I don’t care that it’s ‘boring’, every time I see it I react like it’s the first time.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: for Ritsuka I’d say Saito Hajime, while I don’t bother to seek it out I do look respectfully at hajiguda if it appears on my feed. For Oberon I don’t ship with anybody else, but the closest thing is that I do really like the tragedy that is him and Blanca (especially since it’s typically one-sided) Blanca is canonically in love with him but according to the material xiii book, she’s (potentially) a cursed princess who isn’t actually a moth, which fascinates me. I also like the theory that she was Titania all along.
My happily ever after for them: Oberon gets granted incarnation as a human by the grail after Everything is Fixed and they live together and also Castoria is there I’m a simple man I’m sappy I eat doujins like this up
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: oberon isn’t a spoon he’s a cat, when he has decided on his sleeping position ritsuka isn’t allowed to move ever
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: I like when they hang out in the welsh forest in the simulator with all the bug fairies. They’re with Castoria a lot too. Oberon is allegedly a good dancer, and whether he actually enjoys it or not, I like to think he does when he does it with them. Maybe he teaches them. 🥹
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micallum · 2 years
Candlelit Breakfast
Pairing: Arthur Leclerc x OFC!Caroline Piastri (Caz)
Based on this Ask: “saw something on tv where a guy organized a candlelight breakfast to celebrate he and his gf’s anniversary. because she works too late at night so they couldn’t celebrate during dinner and he wanted to respect the right day so he did a romantic breakfast 🥹 had to share, make this whatever u want sisbsksksk” @oscar-piastri
Ratings: Fluff, 15+ (no smut, just if you are a minor I'm awkward about it).
Word Count: 1,775.
A/N: Got this ask and wanted to write something so this is a little one shot involving my fave ship (which is ASSY) but it’s disguised as CARTHUR. I guess this is part of the FRIENDS series but it jumps ahead quite a lot from the couple of chapters I actually put out. I still hope you enjoy!
Arthur looked up and down the aisle. Pancakes or crepes? He was sure Caroline would prefer the American pancakes but he was more used to making thin crepes. He sighed and brought out his phone while still holding his shopping list in his right hand. He used his code to unlock his phone and called for backup.
“Hello?” The high-pitched voice spoke through the small device.
“Hi, Nina”, Arthur looked at his sneakers, “do you have a minute?”
Nina hummed and asked what was up before Arthur exposed his dilemma to her. “I think you can handle pancakes, Arthur. Just make sure you don’t add anything other than what the package tells you to.”
“Don’t you just add milk?”
He rushed to squeeze the phone between his shoulder and ear as he reached out to grab the first bag of flour, he turned it every possible way before his eyes found the small drawings. Eggs, milk, butter.
“Seriously, Arthur…” Nina pinched the bridge of her nose on the other end, which Arthur assumed she would be doing, as she always did so when he asked her something seemingly obvious. “Please get the fluffy kind. You make those, a couple of fried eggs, a good half kilogram of bacon – might be too much… but I’ve seen you eat! I know you will be fine. Offer her a cup of coffee and some orange juice. Once you are done eating you exchange gifts.”
Arthur began taking mental notes of this, using his full attention. He did not want to mess it up. He would not have another chance to make their first anniversary perfect.
Caroline had been dealing with one of the most hectic schedules for a few weeks already. From the moment she decided to transfer to Monaco it had been difficult. With a part-time job now, she seemed to either be at school or at work. She spent long hours working on projects at the office, coming home later than either Arthur or herself would like. And Arthur never complained, he had begun rolling on his side to hold Caroline once she was in bed, the faint sound of the bedsheets moving made him aware she had finally come home. She always did her best to keep quiet and for the most part, she did great.
Now that they reached their first year together Arthur thought he might take her out for dinner, but this was impossible. With the change of seasons around the corner, almost all of her company’s clients were in need of new promotional images. She worked with smaller businesses but it was still important and her bosses liked what she had to offer. Fresh designs, simple and effective – or so she had been told. Time off was not going to come soon.
So celebratory breakfast it was! Arthur talked to his brothers about it and they all agreed that if he wanted to make THE day special it was best to settle for what he knew he would get a chance to share with his girlfriend.
“But can you cook?” Lorenzo had asked him in a rather skeptical tone.
Charles had laughed a little too loud for Arthur’s liking, but he assured his brothers that he had actually learned a lot since he and Caroline moved in together.
“I find that hard to believe…” Charles smiled at him and then both of his older brothers shared a look, “but you should try!”
And now he was there, at the grocery store, with a kart already containing the best of the best breakfast foods. He was sure he was going to send his girlfriend off to class with a full stomach and a big smile on her face – even if those were the last two things he did.
“Okay, thanks, Nina.”
“No problem! Hey, let me know how it goes. I bet she will lose her mind.” She said excitedly.
“That’s the idea!”
After a short chat, he ended the call and found the rest of the things. He got on his bike and went back home to the small apartment they shared, he said hello to one of the neighbors and got in the elevator with the bags in his arms. He was glad he had already figured out Caroline’s present days before. Now, all that he needed to do was put the food away and set up his alarm in time to wake up a couple of hours before his girlfriend.
Caroline arrived home late as usual and without any suspicion took off her shoes, she walked past the small kitchen and into their bedroom. With a small side smile she glanced over at Arthur, he was snoring softly, arms and legs sprawled out on his half of the large king-size bed. The two had agreed to go out on Saturday to celebrate their anniversary, but she felt guilty that they would not get to enjoy much of the main day together. She could not wait to graduate and find a different job. She was ready to move on from the half time this half time that life.
She changed into her pj’s and went to the bathroom across the hallway before returning and pulling the sheets down to get into bed. As he did every night, Arthur turned and wrapped an arm around her middle, his nose buried in between her shoulder and neck. Caroline placed her arm on top of his and sighed tiredly as her muscles finally relaxed after a stressful day.
The warmth was gone. She reached out to cover herself, expecting to be met with the weight of her boyfriend keeping the covers from moving, but they were weightless and she was able to pull them up to her chin with little effort.
Her eyes opened in an instant.
“Arthur?” She mumbled.
Beginning to look around she turned on the bed to stare at the empty space next to her. It was rare. More than that… it was extremely strange for Arthur to be out of bed before her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and looked at the clock only to realize she was up almost twenty minutes before her alarm went off.
With bare feet, she made her way to the bathroom, the hallway already carried the smell of vanilla and coffee. She frowned, did Arthur have a meeting or something she did not know about? She finished her business in the bathroom quickly and approached the kitchen in silence, expecting to find her boyfriend looking at his computer in preparation for an interview or FDA meeting. Instead, she found her kitchen table decorated with a base and a couple of flowers. Two candles stood tall, already lit across from each plate.
Her mouth dropped open and it remained that way as her eyes scanned the kitchen, on the stove a couple of pans, the coffee machine was already running and the rack where they put the dishes to dry was filled with utensils one would use to prepare food. Arthur was proudly holding a jar of orange juice in his hands when she spotted him.
“I know you have time for breakfast!” He pointed out, “Good morning, Caz. Happy anniversary!”
Caroline’s mouth fell shut and she covered her face with both hands, shaking her head she felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
Stupid Arthur, always having these silly yet thoughtful gestures…
She felt stupid once Arthur was holding her against his chest, confusion, and amusement mixed in his voice, “hey, what’s happening?” his fingers pulled her hands off her face in a gentle manner as his eyes searched her features.
“I can’t believe you sometimes,” she smiled with a couple of senseless tears staining her cheeks.
Arthur wiped them with tender hands as she looked up at his expression. “Happy anniversary Arthur.”
He smiled and his cheeks were pulled so far she could see a couple of lines frame the corners of his mouth.
“I made you everything I could think of.” He pulled her by the hand and brought her to the table.
With a chivalrous gesture, he pulled the chair out for her and soon had a plate filled with all sorts of breakfast foods in front of her. He sat down across from her and they ate together, catching up on whatever had been going on the day before. They laughed between bites and shared some pieces of gossip as they usually did. Arthur took pictures of his girlfriend as she sipped on some coffee and smiled down at his phone.
“Oh, I haven’t even showered Arthur!” She complained.
He smiled and then made a fake serious face “You always look gorgeous. Here let’s take one together!”
Caroline rolled her eyes but leaned forward and they took a picture that ended up making everyone go mad once Arthur posted it on Instagram later; both of them were visibly happy, in love, and… in their pajamas. Caz’ koalas PJs – a gift from Arthur when they moved in together, and Arthur’s lack of a shirt. Messy hair and messy table between the two… it all screamed “DOMESTIC”.
Upon seeing it, Caroline wrinkled her nose and stood from the table, “not my favorite, I know we look cuter after a shower.”
Arthur nodded and pulled her into his lap as she began walking past him, she squealed but wrapped her arms around his neck, wide eyes staring back at him. He gave her a smug smile “are you suggesting something?”
She smiled up at him as her brain processed his words, she almost jumped “Oh!” Her brows shot up “No… why? Are you suggesting something?”
The Monegasque looked up at the ceiling and shrugged, the corners of his mouth going down.
She kissed the tip of his nose. “Thank you for doing all of this.”
“You have no idea of the things I would do for you, Caz.” He declared with the most serious tone in his voice. “I love you.”
Caz pushed his hair back by running her fingers through it. He only said those words once before and they seemed to have disappeared from his vocabulary for months, hearing them now was sweeter than the honey they had just poured over their pancakes.
Through a small smile, she admitted the same words back, “I love you too.”
Her hands grabbed his cheeks softly and they both reached out toward each other, kissing for a moment that felt too short for both of them. Too caught up in each other, they forgot all about exchanging gifts, sharing coffee-flavored kisses next to the candles instead.
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eriexplosion · 2 years
I need an anakin/padme thoughtd update, Floki/Athelstan/Ragnar, aaaand I'm actually kinda curious. Any pair(+) from Mass Effect?
•when or if I started shipping it. Okay so quite literally I did not really start getting into it until season seven of Clone Wars which is where I had to 1. admit that their scene in the bad batch arc was SUPER fucking cute and 2. admit that I actually really like and care about Anakin Skywalker, something I was resisting for several seasons by this point. • my thoughts: I don't specifically romantically ship it, I just like them together. I think in the long run, in a fluffy AU because we all know how things went in canon, I super prefer a QPP coparenting situation with occasional romantic spikes because I think that they did rush into things pretty quickly and they need to be able to reevaluate how they actually feel. It's not like either of them are rolling in romantic experience, y'know? They're doing the best they can and both of them have been given too much responsibility WAY too young. • What makes me happy about them: When they are soft, they are SOFT. Anakin thinks Padme is simply the most amazing person to walk the earth, he craves so badly to be her malewife. I like when Anakin gets to be happy okay and he is happy with her, just both of them are shackled by the bonds of responsibility. • What makes me sad about them: Canon :c Truly the most INCREDIBLY TRAGIC THING is that they really do love each other and that gets turned into a weapon by Palpatine in order to groom Anakin further into the dark side. They had their dysfunctions on their own of course, but goddamn.
Which is of course the other thing that does make me Sad as Fuck, which is that Anakin genuinely did have possessiveness issues because he's literally never in his life seen a healthy relationship and everything he's ever loved has eventually been ripped away from him and he was not at any point taught how to deal with that outside of telling him not to care so much. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: Okay, so, occasionally people will have background Anidala that has Anakin as actively an abusive asshole and it's such a misunderstanding of their actual problems as a couple and what they actually have to deal with. Even when I didn't particularly like Anakin or their relationship it was clear that his love for Padme is absolutely genuine. • things I look for in art/fic: I don't tend to specifically look for Anakin/Padme fic or art, if art comes up that's cute I'll enjoy it but I don't seek it out specifically. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  The joy of multishipping is that I have Several. Obikin feels basic to me, if they can work out their shit they'd both be much happier. I am... still obsessed with my AU that leads into Fives/Anakin/Crosshair. • My happily ever after for them: QPP COPARENTING. Either no Order 66 AU or somehow Padme lives and they get Anakin back to the light early, anyway he would have no idea how to parent and neither would she but they would both be trying so very very hard. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? Anakin just likes to be up in her business while she does things. He's like a lap dog. If she has a hobby he wants to float in like whatchya doing and then just sit there. This is what marriage is about right?
•when or if I started shipping it. I started shipping it SPECIFICALLY during episode five of season one where after Ragnar's village gets massacred they spend the whole winter at Floki's hut. They get a bunch of cute little interactions ("Just eat your soup, priest~") and take part in the exchange of religious stories and at one point Floki looks at him with the SINGLE FONDEST SMILE and there is zero tension between the two of them at all and I realized my Floki/Ragnar and Athelstan/Ragnar ships could be seamlessly combined. Later story decisions not withstanding. • my thoughts: Floki and Athelstan have such major potential as foils to each other that the direction they took them in season three still drives me absolutely insane. They're both some of Ragnar's primary relationships in the first two seasons, arguably taking precedence over his wife by the time season two rolls around, and they represent two different influences on Ragnar perfectly. Athelstan the monk gone pagan-esque, quiet and gentle and Floki the pagan that multiclassed in boat building, knife fighting, and a little bit of healing on the side. They're both extremely faithful, and strong spirited men who are very very devoted to Ragnar, and taking it down to an out of nowhere jealousy narrative was SO weak.
Doing more with them as a triad just makes sense, and if you really wanted to you could even keep it as kind of a rivalry at first between Floki and Athelstan, but I just always come back to that season one dynamic where they got along fine and can just fall in love from that starting point. • What makes me happy about them: I just like to look at them okay. Literally I get happy just observing the three of them. But also, I just get delighted by the narrative concept of them. It's hard to sum up this question because I am just. Endlessly emotional about They. • What makes me sad about them: Lack of fics. Canon. MANY THINGS. Listen it is just hard out here in the rarepair mines, Floki ships are rare to begin with and then this one is even rarer due to, well, events. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: Obviously I can't get mad when people write antagonistic Floki & Athelstan but I'm not really into when Floki gets put into a one note asshole role. He's one of my faves so I hate to see him flattened. He can be a grudge holding, petty creature while still letting him be cheerful and sociable. • things I look for in art/fic: I like when it exists. Seriously, this is such a rarepair that I cannot get picky, if someone besides me writes it, or even the Floki/Athelstan or Floki/Ragnar parts I am diving in there and writing a novel for a review damn it.
Athelnar I can be a little more picky on since it, you know, actually exists out in the wild and all, but honestly I read almost all of the ones that come to my attention anyway because the fandom is so slow these days if you're not into reading reader fic. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  sdfsodifjsdfoijs this is hard because their dynamic is all so central to my Vikings Experience. Honestly Floki/Helga is canon and very cute. Ragnar and Athelstan I cannot envision not being with each other in some way though, truly it is not something I can summon into my brain. • My happily ever after for them: First of all only the first two seasons are canon. Floki and Athelstan can sort out the whole 'Floki being a vicious asshole' to him thing because he was only doing it as part of being a mole against Horik. And then I want Athelstan to grow in his pagan interests (Floki can teach him a lot here) and for Ragnar to have two husbands, he's king now he can do that. Who's going to tell him no. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? I imagine they like to Exchange Stories since that seems to be a big thing for them, but Athelstan likes to read to them as well. The Vikings don't seem to have much in the way of books, so probably anything he reads would need to come with him from England, and they can just listen to his voice while he reads. Ragnar at least just likes to listen. Floki will critique the book's conclusions and/or narrative.
•when or if I started shipping it. Hm, this one seems kind of basic because it is something that there's a lot of, and I did start thinking of it very early on so pretty much from game one, HOWEVER... • my thoughts: I think it's better as a QPP ship than a romantic one. As you can imagine this shuts out quite a bit of fic for me, aka pretty much all of it. I headcanon Garrus as super aro, and also a little gay (listen one of the things he said he would compliment on a turian is fringe, aka the thing only male turians have) so while I can do a little bro banging for mshep/garrus, I feel like femshep/garrus is most appealing to me when it's purely QP life partners. Yes they live in the same house no they're not romantically involved, it's only complicated if you have no imagination. • What makes me happy about them: GOD THEY BOTH NEED SOMEONE TO CALM THEM THE FUCK DOWN. Every Shepard is so fucking tense all the time being dragged from emergency to emergency and Garrus both gets that and also is fine being dragged intos aid emergencies. Garrus however needs someone to keep him from going full serial killer again. Normal things for normal couples. • What makes me sad about them: ...Canon yet again. Because listen, Garrus went off the deep end when Shepard died and he went to become a vigilante, he finally gets Shep back and..... loses them again. My man's going to mcfucking lose it. • things done in art/fic that annoys me: I cannot read 99.9% of Shakarian fics because of the absolutely bonkers Garrus interpretation. Like straight up unrecognizable as the actual character. Who is this superdom masc man that is indistinguishable from some kind of Alpha fantasy because it's surely not Mr. Garrus "Your waist is... very supportive!" Vakarian. Just because he's ten seconds from murder at all times doesn't mean he's not a nerd. • things I look for in art/fic: Literally if someone sent me a fic purely with the recommendation of "Garrus is normal in this one" I would read it okay. Also I would read the fuck out of mshep/Garrus if there were more of them but it's really not a big thing. • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  I actually super like Garrus/Tali and Shepard/Thane is actually my go to in the games themselves! Shepard/Tali is also good shit. • My happily ever after for them: Bros Who Live Together and also go on occasional space adventures because I can't imagine either of them sitting still for long. Garrus because he has no chill, Shepard because the universe WILL make them the main character regardless of their opinion on it. • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? Shooting contest, it's basically canon.
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