#Betty B festival
kookygranger · 9 months
Fairytale of Hawkins: Part Two
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A cheesy hallmark Christmas fic inspired by @bettyfrommars's tow truck!Eddie and prompts #1 & #6 from Betty and @allthingsjoeq's Holiday Prompt Party
Summary: A petting zoo, Secret Santa and mistletoe never being around when you need it.
Warnings: reader doesn't have family, reader and Eddie are in their late 20s/early 30s, swearing
Word count: 5.3k
Author's note: Okay, it's 11:54pm on Christmas Eve where I am and this is far from perfect, but I wanted the people who enjoyed the first part to have this for Christmas so here it is. I hope you're all safe and you get moments of peace and joy these holidays.
Part One
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You were handsome You were pretty, Queen of New York City When the band finished playing They howled out for more – Fairytale of New York, The Pogues/Kirsty MacColl
3 Days 'Til Christmas
“So uh, what’s goin’ on with you and Robin’s friend?”
Hawkins town centre is frosted with a light dusting of snow that fell in the early morning hours. Picture perfect, like a Hallmark Christmas card. The hum of festive cheer in the crowds doing last-minute gift shopping and partaking in the charming small-town seasonal activities is mostly drowned out by an argument between Dustin and Lucas, Max and the younger Sinclair sibling rolling their eyes in annoyance. They sit, impatiently waiting for the rest of the party to show up, on the edge of the fountain frozen over with the cold snap that swept through town at the beginning of the week.
Steve’s perched on the back of a bench a few feet away, ignoring the squabble as Eddie toes the ground in front of him.
“First of all, I know you know her name. And B, nothing is going on, she’s a great girl and a really good friend to Robin.” Steve shrugs, “We both told you you’d like her.”
Eddie squints, his leather jacket opening to reveal a dark red sweater as his pocketed hand gestures in question, “Why me specifically?”
Steve shrugs again, “Rob and I both thought you’d hit it off. It just feels…right. Don’t you think?”
“I mean yeah, yeah she’s beautiful. Cute as hell when she gets flustered. But she’s a city girl–used to more than this, right?” He looks around at the small-town square, filled with little kids dressed in matching sweaters and flustered mothers pushing prams with clenched smiles. “She’ll be gone well before the ice on the road thaws.”
“So? What’s wrong with having a little holiday fling?”
Eddie sucks his teeth, “I don’t think I can.”
Steve lets out a low whistle, “You’re that head-over-heels already?”
“No.” Eddie shakes his head, cheeks flushing pink from more than just the bite to the wind, then sighs. “Think if I have a fling I might just get there though. This is Robin’s fault she shouldn’t’ve talked her up so much!” Steve chuckles at his friend’s distress. “Doesn’t help that she looks like a damn angel when the snow’s kissing her eyelashes.”
Steve rubs his face, “Jesus Christ.”
You and Robin had vowed to hold off drinking for the rest of the holidays after your night at The Hideout, which was followed by a day spent on the couch, groaning about loud noises as Gremlins beamed across the TV in the darkened living room. When you’d finally managed to peel yourselves away from the nest you’d made out of blankets, large diet sodas and greasy fries from the drive-thru, you decided to cross off making Christmas cookies from Robin’s list of “holiday activities that could make the grinch’s heart grow.” She assured you weren’t the Grinch in this situation but it certainly felt, pointed.
The misshapen sugary treats weigh down your tote bag as you walk arm-in-arm with Robin towards the designated meeting spot.
“I keep making a fool of myself in front of Eddie.”
Robin smirks, “You’re doing fine.”
“I can just be so,” you hold out your hand in a vague gesture and grimace, “sometimes, you know?”
Robin laughs, “Oh, I know.”
She squeezes your arm that’s wrapped around hers and shakes her head, “Everybody loves you I promise. And if they don’t yet, they will.” You both round a corner, the fountain and a group of animated college kids coming into view. Steve waves from across the street, Eddie turning his head in your direction then away again quickly when you make eye contact.
“C’mon now everyone keep up.” Steve claps his gloved hands together, his cheeks pink and his brows furrowed in faux admonishment as he leads the group towards the petting zoo set up for the weekend in the parking lot of Bradley’s Big Buy supermarket. You can tell by the glisten in his eyes how much it means to him to have all of his found family in one place.
You laugh softly when he claps Dustin on the back and the younger boy tries to shrug off his embrace.
“He’s in his element this time of year.” Eddie falls into stride next to you, the both of you now bringing up the rear of the boisterous group.
You nod, a small smile permanently etched on your face from the company. “I can tell.” You walk the rest of the way in silence, watching the antics of the strange mix of personalities in front of you with a distant bemusement as you tried and failed to come up with something to say. Had you called him sexy at one point the other night or did you dream that?
The stench of hay and something less savoury wafts over you as you all enter the car park under a bright red banner with ‘Petting Zoo’ written in white cursive on it. You’re about to ask Eddie if they did this every year when a middle-aged woman stops you with a brochure held out in front of you.
“Have you found Jesus?” She’s standing by the entrance in a matching woollen navy-blue coat and skirt, heels on her stocking-clad feet and hair quaffed perfectly in a bob accentuated by the pearls on her ears and neck.
You don’t even think about your response before it slips out, “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise he was missing.” You can see Eddie smirk out of the corner of your eye. It was just meant to be a light-hearted joke, but the woman clearly didn’t see the humour.
She purses her lips in a thin line and snatches the brochure back out of your reach. “I should’ve known you were one of his type.” You keep walking along, her voice changed back into a sweeter version as she asks the next person the same question behind you.
You turn to Eddie, his eyes downcast and shoulders higher than they were a second ago. “What type are you?”
He rubs the back of his neck underneath the black knitted scarf that matches his beanie. “Uh, devil worshipper according to this town.”
“Oh, I’m actually lapsed. Found all that sacrificing was getting in the way of my day job you know?”
The smile that catches at the corners of his mouth makes your tummy flip.
“I know whattya mean.” He nods, all dramatics with his feigned seriousness, “So much laundry with all those blood-stained clothes.”
“Right? Such a hassle.” You both laugh as you look at each other. “Do they actually think that?”
Eddie shrugs, “It was worse when I was in high school, but I still get the odd bit of holy water thrown in my direction.”
“Why?” You shake your head and frown, serious this time. “Just because you listen to Motorhead?”
“That and I was the leader of the Dungeons and Dragons club in high school. It’s a game for nerds really, but it kinda got swept up into the satanic panic that was going around at the time.”
“That’s so…dumb.”
He huffs a laugh through his nose, watching your feet walk in sync together. “Yeah, I guess it is.” His head snaps back up, “Wait, how do you know Motorhead?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You bump his shoulder and scoff, “Did you just judge a book by her cover Eddie the devil worshipper?” He opens his mouth to speak but his reply is cut off by an animalistic snort that has your head turning in curiosity. You gasp as you spot the furry brown creatures leaning into patting hands over a wooden fence, “They actually do have reindeer here!”
Eddie grins as your face lights up. “Did you think they were lying?”
You shake your head, “I thought they’d just be regular deer. I’ve never seen–“ You grab Eddie’s leather-clad arm in your excitement and he looks down at your touch before you bound off towards Robin who’s laughing at your reaction.
El and Max have to coax you into actually patting one when you get closer, the antlers much more intimidating in person. They giggle as you squeal and pull back your hand when a cloud of condensation escapes from the deer’s nostrils as it huffs loudly.
You turn to laugh with them, distracted as the reindeer leans in closer, your body tensing when you feel its hot breath on the back of your neck before it snatches your scarf from around your shoulders. The girls yell as you whip around to see it trot off, barely processing what just happened when you feel a warm hand on your back, Eddie’s frame coming into view as he slips past you and jumps the fence. He’s able to grab the scarf out of the creature’s mouth and sneak back onto your side of the fence before anyone who works there even notices.
You’re speechless as he hands your scarf back to you, El and Max cheering along with Robin and Nancy who’d noticed the commotion.
The younger girls are giggling again when Max interrupts the silent look you and Eddie share while the scarf is held in between the both of you. “You’re a real knight in shining armour this week Munson.” He looks up at Max as she and El walk away, looking for their boyfriends to ask if they’d brave a reindeer pen for them.
“Thank you, Eddie.” You take the scarf from his hands, grimacing at the wet patch on the light fabric. “Don’t know if you can get reindeer drool out of cashmere though.”
He snorts, “Maybe you shouldn’t have worn something so expensive to a petting zoo, princess.”
You brush off the nickname, not entirely sure if it was meant in jest. “You know I’m a feminist, I’m gonna need you to stop coming to my rescue Eddie.”
He smirks, “I don’t think that’s feminism, I think that’s stubborn independence to the point of detriment.”
He was taunting. Flirting really, but Eddie forgets it takes time for people to figure out he’s not just being grumpy all the time. That he isn’t as mean as his initial wariness of people might suggest. For a second he forgets that you haven’t always been a part of this group – that you don’t know him like the others do.
The awestruck look that had graced your face drops. “Jeez okay, I didn’t realise we were reading each other.” His eyes go wide as you shrink into yourself. “You know, I realise you probably don’t like me very much and you might feel like I’m ruining your time with your friends at Christmas, but I am trying Eddie.”
He hates the way your eyes begin to water.
“Robins told me so much about all of you, I know how much you all mean to each other and I really didn’t want to intrude on that, but she insisted that it would be okay. She’s letting me spend the holidays with her family because I don’t have one, and I don’t want her to regret that.” You look down at your feet, “I’ll make sure to stay out of your way from now on.” 
Eddie clenches his eyes shut as you walk away to find Robin or anyone else who won’t mind you joining in.
“Nice work Munson.”
Once the group have had their share of reindeer petting and eaten the cookies you and Robin had brought along with some hot cocoa from a nearby stand, everyone gathers in the town square again for the annual Secret Santa. You’re huddled together with Robin, head leaning against hers as you steal each other’s warmth and the group gathers in a circle, Steve tossing pieces of paper with everyone’s name written on them into his beanie.
Eddie keeps stealing glances at you as Steve goes around the group, dramatically holding a gloved hand to each of the teens’ eyes and yelling, “No peeking!”
Eddie feels shit. He can’t believe he’s made you feel unwelcome. Well, he can. He knows he can be guarded when it comes to letting new people into his life, but you’re one of Robin’s best friends – spending Christmas with her because you don’t have anywhere else to go and he’s made you feel like he doesn’t want you here. Asshole.
When Steve gets round to you and Robin, he holds the hat out to her then moves on to Jonathan and Argyle next. You figure you’re too new to the group to partake in this tradition, which seems fair. Steve rounds out the wonky circle with Eddie, dropping the beanie with a “whoops” before fumbling on the ground with it, then holding it out to Eddie. You notice him squinting his eyes in suspicion, wondering what’s going on between them when Steve comes back to you.
“Lucky last,” he smiles that charming cherub grin of his and you reach into the beanie to pull the last piece of paper out.
Of course it would be.
Steve reminds everyone of the budget and secret part of Secret Santa with a pointed look at Mike, who frowns in offence before the group starts heading off in different directions.
Robin moves to stand in front of you. “Who’d ya get? Do you need help? I can bend the rules for you seeing as you don’t properly know everyone.”
“Yeah, I feel like I’m a bit disadvantaged.” You laugh nervously, “I uh, I got Eddie.”
“Oh great! He’s easy. Big nerd, you know what he likes.” She starts counting off on her fingers, “Music, DnD, Lord of the Rings and all that fantasy stuff.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrug.
She hooks her arm with yours again, “C’mon let’s go together, I got Nancy. I feel like you’ll be better at picking something for her than me.”
After an hour and a half, you’re about ready to give up. You helped pick out a faux-leather journal and fountain pen set for Nancy from Robin, but you haven’t been able to find anything remotely good for Eddie’s gift. Everything feels impersonal like something he could’ve just picked up himself and the last thing you want is for him to be disappointed that you got him for the gift exchange. Just another friend-only activity that your presence has ruined.
You’re currently browsing through a second-hand bookstore, hoping to find something you can curl up on the couch in your apartment with during the rest of the holidays, while Robin’s popped into the bath and body shop across the street to look for a gift for her aunt.
Your eyes scan the hardbacks in the fantasy section, fingers running lightly across the spines when they come to a stop on a light green book. You tilt the book from the shelf, admiring the mountains and dragon carved in navy blue adorning the border. This could be perfect. Carefully opening the worn cover, you find an inscription written in the yellowed pages that makes you smile. You close the book softly and head to the counter to ring it up. Maybe he wouldn’t be disappointed.
Dear Henry,
In celebration of our mutual liking – I hope Bilbo becomes a friend as well.
Happy Birthday,
Love, your Arwen
Christmas Eve
The butcher paper wrapped gift sat heavy in your palm as you’re greeted by Steve in his living room when you and Robin walk in. You hold up the present in question, keen to get rid of it before your clammy hands ruin the red satin bow decorating it, and Steve points you in the direction of the pile under the colourfully lit tree. You take a moment to admire the personal ornaments, the glint of a red 20-sided dice reminding you of the other inhabitant of this apartment.
The famous Harrington Christmas Eve party had been talked up by Robin for months. In her attempt to get you to Hawkins, she promised you a preview of the King Steve you’d heard her tease him so much about (which he vehemently denied was a thing), potently spiked punch (which you would not be partaking in) and impromptu games out on the street that would cause noise complaints from the neighbours.
And now that Steve and Eddie shared an apartment? Apparently, rowdiness was a prerequisite.
You’re more nervous than you should be as you settle in, taking solace in Jonathan and Will’s quiet company on the couch as you sip on a non-spiked mug of egg nog. It isn’t until half an hour later that Eddie even shows up, despite this being his apartment.
He walks into the living room, cheeks red from the cold, snow still sprinkled on his shoulders and in his hair. He’s followed closely by Dustin who’s rugged up in an assortment of knitwear that looks like it was definitely made by a doting family member, and grins when everyone greets him.
“Finally, you two.” Steve walks in from the kitchen with a bowl of freshly poured potato chips. “Everyone’s here, we’re getting ready for Secret Santa.”
Eddie just nods at him, offering you a tight-lipped smile when you catch his eye before he walks over to the tree to place something under it with his back turned to you.
While everyone gathers in the living room, he ducks out. Returning without all the extra layers, his crisp white t-shirt takes you by surprise and your eyes wander to the silver chain around his neck.
Pull it together, honestly.
“Okay, I’m first!” Robin walks across the room to the tree by the front window, only to be stopped by Steve’s arm.
“What? Why are you first?”
“Well, someone has to be dingus. Why not me?” 
“Uh, maybe we should let our guest be the first?” Everyone turns their head towards you and the attention makes you sink further into the couch.
“Oh, no Robin is always first.” You wink in her direction, then frown. “Wait, did that sound weird?” You look at Jonathan and Will who both chuckle, the older boy giving you a shrug.
After Robin tears through her present the decision is made to go anti-clockwise around the room. The closer it gets to Eddie who’s sitting on the couch opposite you, the more your palms begin to sweat. You don’t think your heart could take him being indifferent to his gift, and you hated that you cared so much about what he thought. What was this town doing to you?
When Steve hands Eddie his gift your back automatically straightens, perched perilously on the edge of your seat you grip the mug of egg nog in your hands. He takes his time with unwrapping, not diving straight in and tearing like you would’ve expected, even draping the ribbon around his neck once he’s untied it. When he gets to the gift the room is mostly silent, save for the Christmas carols playing from the stereo in the corner. You’d already clocked The Kinks, The Damned and Ramones – sure that the boy who held your last ditch gesture in his hands had picked the tunes.
Eddie’s face is stoic as his fingers run along the cover of the book. When Dustin and Mike, sat near him spot what it is they share exclamations of “Sick”, but you’re more interested in the metalhead’s opinion. You take in a deep breath as he opens the well-preserved cover and you watch his eyes read the inscriptions.
After much back and forth you’d decided to leave your own message next to the original one. Writing in pencil in case he wanted to erase it.
He rubs his freshly shaven jaw then his eyes find yours across the room. They’re soft. Pools of awe that match the tone of his quiet voice.
“Thank you.”
You offer him a small smile, “You’re welcome.”
“How did you know it was from her?” Dustin pipes up from his seat on the floor.
“Lucky guess.” His eyes hadn’t left yours until then, and you watch him scan the message again.
Dear Eddie,
I know you’re already well acquainted but I thought what better company on a long winter’s night than the second best party to go on adventures with (second only to your own of course).
Merry Christmas,
You feel his eyes on you as the rest of the gift-giving takes place around you. Wiping the sweat off your palms now that the moment was over, but the tension you’d felt hadn’t lifted from your chest – only tethered itself to the cause that was sitting across the room lightly brushing his thumb over your offering.
You’re the last in line to open your Secret Santa, but the attention of the room has been caught up in the gifts that have already been revealed. You’re admiring the new camera bag Jonathan is turning over in his hands when Steve taps you on the shoulder. He holds out a small parcel that fits in the palm of his hand and winks at you when you take it, before walking over to sit by Dustin.
You look down at the parcel wrapped in shiny red paper, tugging at the twine tied around it when you feel the weight of the couch shift beside you.
Eddie takes up more room than Jonathan who’s now sitting on the arm of the sofa across from you with Nancy’s arm draped over his leg. He’s manspreading a little, but the only reason you notice is because of the close proximity of his knee to yours.
“You got me,” he gestures to the gift in your hands, “I mean I got you. Well, I guess both are true.” He holds up his new copy of The Hobbit and smiles softly.
You look down at your lap again and begin to unwrap your present, Eddie’s leg bouncing next to yours. A glint catches your eye as a pair of dangly ruby earrings is revealed.
“They’re not real obviously,” Eddie scratches his jaw, “and Robin said you’d be happy with anything, like a snow globe or candy but I saw these in the drugstore and thought they’d look good on you.”
You smile, “Eddie they’re really pretty. Thank you so much.”
He blows out a puff of air, “You like them?”
“I love them, honestly. Oh, look we match!” You hold out the earrings next to the ring on his finger sporting a small ruby stone.
His cheeks are dusted in pink as he smiles, “Yeah, I guess we do.” You ask him to hold the earrings you had in before as you swap them. “You don’t have to put them on now.”
“I know, I want to.”
His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip, mesmerised as he watches you put on his earrings. “What does C.G. mean by the way?” He opens the book in his lap again.
“City girl.” The frown on his face troubles you momentarily before he speaks again, doe eyes pining you down once more.
“Thank you. It’s really special. You’re really–“ He trails off, eyes searching yours as you wait for him to finish his sentence. But he doesn’t. Instead, he gets up so abruptly that you flinch. “I gotta uh, find something…I’ll be back.”
You turn to Will who had been not so subtly watching the whole exchange from the other side of the couch and gives you a sympathetic smile when you say, “I still don’t know where I stand with him.”
For the next twenty minutes, you only see glimpses of Eddie as he darts in and out of rooms. Stomping around like he’s on a mission, a crease etched deeply in his brow. While Nancy and El are admiring your earrings in the kitchen, you hear a squeak of shoes on the linoleum before you see a blur of brown hair disappear around the corner.
You excuse yourself, finding Eddie alone in the hallway, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed and head tilted to the ceiling.
“Eddie, are you okay?” He shakes his head and huffs out a bitter laugh. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s always goddamn mistletoe at these things. Steve always gets drunk and tortures people with it, but then this year? Of course there’s none!”
You step closer, now standing in front of him but he doesn’t meet your eye. You’re confused. “Why do you need mistletoe?”
“So I have an excuse to kiss you.”
Wait, what?
“Why don’t you just…kiss me?”
His head snaps down, eyes flickering back and forth between yours with a frown. “Can I?”
You bite your lip to stop the enormous smile threatening to creep onto your face. “Yes Eddie, you can kiss me.”
He pushes himself off the wall, crowding your space and reaching a hand out tentatively to touch your face, thumb gently stroking your skin like he had the book. He searches your eyes for any hesitation before he leans in slowly until your fluttering lashes tickle his cheek and he can’t take it anymore. The kiss is as soft as the snow falling in flurries outside, one elongated peck before you're both leaning in for another, and another. Turning tender as he reaches his other hand to pull you closer by the waist. You can taste peppermint on him, probably from one of the candy canes hanging on the tree, but it’s the warmth from his chest and the heady scent of his cologne and smoke that clings to his shirt that has you lost in him. So lost that when his thumb gently pulls down on the side of your mouth, you let him in with no hesitation, his tongue now spreading his warmth from the inside.
“Wow, that got R-rated really quick.” You jump and lean back, not moving far with Eddie’s grip still on your waist. You look down the hall and catch Robin nodding with a look of slight disgust on her face next to a smirking Steve standing there with his arms crossed.
Eddie bows his head and sighs, “Really? Think you can maybe take the commentary somewhere else Harrington?”
He holds up his hands in defence, a leafy twig with white berries hanging from his hand. “Hey, I was just coming to give you two a push, but it looks like the party’s already started.”
Eddie pinches the skin in between his brows, “For fuck sake.” You cover your mouth with your hand at the sight of the deep blush creeping into his cheeks, which deepens even further when you both hear Dustin yell from the other room.
“Did he kiss her yet?!”
Eddie groans and moves his hand to the small of your back to guide you out the door, flipping off the audience at the end of the hall before grabbing your coats off the hanger. He helps you into yours and leads you outside the apartment building by your hand.
For the first time since you arrived in Hawkins, you don’t notice the cold that greets you, focused entirely on Eddie’s warmth as he crowds you against the brick wall of the building. He holds one arm above you, almost enveloping you in his soft waves when he leans in.
That intense gaze has you shying away again, opting to play with the zipper of his jacket instead of looking back.
“You really liked your gift that much huh?”
“I really like you.” He tilts your chin up.
“I didn’t think–“
“I’m sorry if I made you feel unwelcome,” he frowns. “I have trouble letting people in.”
You shake your head and he moves his hand to stroke along your jaw. “It’s okay, this is a very special family I’ve walked into. I understand why you’d be wary of anyone disturbing that.”
“You fit right in. I promise.”
“Thank you, Eddie.”
He smirks, “Also, I’m just really, really bad at flirting when it comes to drop-dead gorgeous city girls.”
You grin, “I think you’re probably better at it than you think.”
He leans in, lips a breath away from yours, “Yeah?”
Christmas Day
The screen door shudders under your touch as you knock on the trailer, your gloved hand coming back to wrap around the translucent cake plate tucked into your chest. You hear muffled footsteps before the inside door swings open to reveal a beaming Eddie on the other side.
“Hi,” you smile.
You step back to let him open the screen door and he meets you with half a step out, grabbing the plate from you before placing a gentle kiss on your lips that has you desperate for more.
“Hi, sweet girl. C’mon in.”
You follow his warmth, “There’s only half left of the cheesecake. I’m sorry Robin and her family already ate most of it, then I kind of hid it when I realised I didn’t have anything to bring over – I think it tastes pretty good though. And I brought this wine, which is all they had left at the store and it only came in this gigantic bulk size, I think it might be half water–”
You feel Eddie’s smile as he presses his lips to yours again, “It’s okay sweetheart. You didn’t have to bring anything.” “I know, but I wanted to make a good first impression and we both know that I…don’t.”
He chuckles, “Trust me, I was blown away as soon as you stepped outta that car.”
You roll your eyes, snappy reply dying on your tongue when you hear a door open and an older man walks down the short hallway towards you. “Hi, Mr Munson.” Eddie squeezes your shoulder as you step forward with your hand held out and introduce yourself. “Thank you so much for having me, I hope I’m not intruding on your Christmas.”
“Nonsense,” he frowns at you, the resemblance uncanny, and brings you in for a tight hug. “Please call me Wayne, darlin’. Honestly, Ed’s been bouncing off the walls waiting for you to come so you might be able to do me a favour and get him to sit still.”
“We were just watching Gremlins.”
“Oh, I love that film! I didn’t get to appreciate it the other day because I was hungover–I mean…we were busy baking cookies.” You feel Eddie’s chuckle on the side of your face.
“She brought baked goods and wine, Wayne. All for lil’ old us.” He squeezes your shoulder again.
“It’s not any good.” You hold out the cheap bottle to Eddie’s uncle.
“Oh hell, anything you can uncork, uncap or unscrew, I’ll drink it.”
You laugh, shoulders relaxing under Eddie’s subtle massage.
You feel light.
Floaty and fuzzy with the laughter coming from beside you, your body sinking into the worn couch and Eddie’s gentle stroking of the back of your hand grounding you in the moment. The Munson’s, like almost everybody else in Hawkins had welcomed you into their home with open arms.
It was Christmas and you were curled up on the couch with a boy who meant something to you. Allowed to be a part of a family if only for a short period.
“So little miss, you headin’ home tomorrow?” You turn to Wayne, who’s sitting in his armchair, eating a piece of the cheesecake you plated up for him with Eddie’s help.
“I was planning on it, but you know the airport gets so busy during the holidays and Robin’s still gonna be here so…I think I might just stay till New Year, actually.”
Eddie’s head snaps from the TV set towards you. He grips your hand a little tighter to get your attention.
“Is that right?”
You turn to him, “Yeah. Are you–are you gonna be around?”
“No,” he shakes his head, frowning in that way that’s starting to make your heart flutter, “I gotta work. Lotta damsels in distress needin’ me to rescue them from the side of the road.” You feel the heat creep up your neck as Wayne rolls his eyes at his nephew.
“Wanna ride shotgun?”
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Tagging: @eddieslooneymoonie, @micheledawn1975 – thank you for asking!
107 notes · View notes
trulybetty · 11 months
Sunday Week in Review XI
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This week's header is dedicated to @legendary-pink-dot for the idea of Dieter being his own 80s sitcom 😝💕
Is everyone okay this morning? Have we all recovered from last night? Do we need to hydrate, grab a snack (not that kind of snack) and recoup? Any welfare checks we need to send out? Phew 🫠
It's been a slog to get through this week, and I didn't get to as much reading as I wanted, which you'll see below. These daily prompts have been taking up more time than I expected and work has picked up (rude). But I'm also realising as I read through people's weekly round-ups, that I've missed a lot this week that I haven't seen come across my dash.
So if you've posted something this week (fanfic, thots or anything else) and you'd like to share it - feel free to drop it in my DM's or as an Asks!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
oct' x 15 - first wine (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 16 - flying kites (frankie x reader)
oct' x 17 - whispers (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 18 - picking apples (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 19 - ghosts (dieter x f!reader)
oct' x 20 - sweater weather (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 21 - acorns (tim rockford x f!reader)
birthdays, besties & bravos (celebrating the lovely @wildemaven)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
A Safe Haven | Chapter 9 (Joel) (Check TW’s) by @joelsgreys This was the update I've been so patiently waiting for and it did not disappoint! This is a fantastic series that I never thought I'd get so emotionally invested in - but that's how good Vee is! This is always one of my top recommendations when suggesting Joel fanfics to read!
Working Title | Chapter 14 (Dieter) by @rhoorl Another great update for Dieter and Belle - I'm rooting for these two from the sidelines and I'm exciting to see how things play out for them!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 8 (Triple Frontier + Pedro Characters) by @rhoorl Okay, there's not one, but two Pedro Character appearances this week and I'm trying to figure out how I can move to Mule Falls Court like yesterday - because it's all going down over there and I highly recommend this be added to your reading if you haven't read it yet. A Month of Sundays (Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I'm living for all of these prompts and I can't choose one or two because they've all been soooo good!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
I'm on edge as @for-a-longlongtime shares more of their WIP that is Peña x Rockford x Reader, with that line up you know it's going to be good!
Self Care with Dieter & Jett (@morallyinept) - this week it's emotions and highlights some important stuff!
More Dieter and his hippo table shenanigans delivered by @i-love-movies to @gnpwdrnwhiskey, this made my week 🤣
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
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Bit of a personal one, but we got to do a little Halloween festive trip out yesterday with the little Truly's. Something you're not always able to do when you have a child with extra needs, as events such as these can be a bit overwhelming for a multitude of reasons. So when we're able to attend ones that are specially catered for families like ours, it's always a special occasion - even if it does make you realise how unfit you are wrangling two kids 🤣 Also, keeping on brand, Baby Truly adored all the Halloween decor and was waving and saying hello to her minions the props.
Watched the new Goosebumps on Disney+ not expecting much, and I actually enjoyed it. Little Betty would have been all over this as a kid.
Also, watched my annual viewing of Practical Magic, which thanks to the wonders of the digital age I own to stream to my heart's content regardless of the season.
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Matchbox Twenty feels this week 💛 - this one has been in heavy rotation while writing!
Hope everyone has had a great week! Here's to a new week ahead! Hopefully, if Pedro makes another appearance we'll all be ready for it, or at least recovered by then! 😝🫠
Happy Sunday all! ☀️💛
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politedemon · 9 months
what i will say is that while i think the ending is the perfect solution to wrapping up the show in a way that feels satisfying but not static, and i strongly disagree that it contradicts the previous episode, i do think the plot was rushed (i also think the resolution to the previous episode was rushed - alison just found out someone she considered family tried to kill her and the rest of the ghosts knew and were laughing about it and then the whole thing was resolved in two minutes??)
the writers clearly wanted to show the similarities between betty and the ghosts, to show that while mike and alison love betty, she can be overbearing. we all understand that and we all understand why mike and alison wanted her to leave and so we can use that to understand why they need space from the ghosts too. just in this episode, julian and fanny were physically interfering by covering mia in a blanket while she slept (sids risk btw) and pat and the captain were keeping her from sleeping.
but also it's the main premise of the show, and i feel like they should have spent more time on it. maybe instead of this having mia born in s5, and dedicating this episode to the leaving and the goodbyes (with a silly festive b-plot)? alternatively the bbc could have let them do an hour long episode which i think would have solved the pacing issues with this episode (but not the last one)
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writing-with-emy · 3 months
🪩🩶folklore Masterlist🩶🪩
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-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶- Eras Festival Masterlist Requests: OPEN! Angst:❤️‍🩹 | Fluff:🌼 | Smut: -🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-🩶-
1. the 1: - 2. cardigan: - 3. the last great american dynasty: - 4. exile: - 5. my tears ricochet: - 6. mirrorball: - 7. seven: - 8. august: - 9. this is me trying: - 10. illicit affairs: - 11. invisible string: - Invisible String - John B x Fem!Reader ❤️‍🩹&🌼 - 12. mad woman: - 13. epiphany: - 14. betty: - 15. peace: - 16. hoax: - 17. the lakes: -
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Jasmine Guy (born March 10, 1962) is an actress, director, singer, and dancer. She is known for her role as Dina in School Daze and as Whitley Gilbert-Wayne in A Different World. She won six consecutive NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. She is known as Roxy Harvey on Dead Like Me and as Sheila "Grams" Bennet on The Vampire Diaries. She played a small role in Grey's Anatomy. She moved to NYC to study dance at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center. She began her television career with a non-speaking role, as a dancer, in seven episodes of Fame. She wrote three episodes of A Different World and directed one, in addition to appearing in every episode. She appeared in a 1991 episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. She appeared in Stompin' at the Savoy and Queen. She appeared on two episodes of Melrose Place, she appeared on Living Single. She appeared in Touched by an Angel. She lent her voice to Cyberchase and made a cameo appearance on the Moesha. She played Mary Estes Peters in Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narrative. Guy starred in Dead Like Me, she was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. She performed in The People Speak and she appeared in Secret Santa. More recently she costarred in the Quad and Harlem. She had a starring role in the off-Broadway hit musical Beehive. She has performed in several Broadway productions and national tours, including Crow in The Wiz, Mickey in Leader of the Pack, Betty Rizzo in Grease, and Velma Kelly in Chicago. She starred in Blues for an Alabama Sky and Miss Evers' Boys. She directed the world premiere of I Dream. She was a member of the cast of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. She released her self-titled debut album in 1990. The album peaked at #143 on the US Top 200 Album Chart and spawned three hit singles: "Try Me" (US R&B #14); "Another Like My Lover" (US #66, US R&B #9); and "Just Want to Hold You" (US #34, US R&B #27), with the last single cracking the main US Top 40 singles chart. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #womenshistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpm7ju_L_ew/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
The Best of 60s Sock Hop 1987 R&B / Soul / Rock & Roll / Pop-Rock / Pop
Here's an excellent slate of oldies tunes that was put out by Priority Records back in 1987. It's dominated by chart-busting classics, like "I'm a Believer," "Duke of Earl," "Rescue Me," "Wild Thing," "Runaway," and "Leader of the Pack," but this album's compilers also managed to fit in a few bits of less remembered and underappreciated gold too.
For example, there've been lots of high-profile covers of Martha and The Vandellas' "Dancing in the Street" over the years, from The Kinks, to The Grateful Dead, to Van Halen, to Mick Jagger and David Bowie. But one cover that wasn't very commercially successful was by The Mamas and The Papas, which only peaked at #73 on Billboard's Hot 100, and it was actually the last song that the group ever performed live, closing out their set at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967.
And on a similar tip is Cannibal & the Headhunters' "Land of a Thousand Dances." This song proved to be an enormous hit for Wilson Pickett, but he wasn't the first one to release it, and actually, neither were Cannibal & the Headhunters. This tune was originally by Chris Kenner, but Cannibal & the Headhunters added the iconic "na-na-na" chorus to it, which only happened because lead singer Frankie "Cannibal" Garcia forgot the words he was supposed to sing 😂. Pickett then sang the "na-na-na" part too, netting him a much bigger hit, and decades later, Ini Kamoze lifted that same "na-na-na" for his 1994 reggae fusion jam, "Here Comes the Hotstepper." But that Cannibal & the Headhunters version only managed its way up to #30 on the Hot 100.
And lastly is Claudine Clark's "Party Lights," a song I feel like is less remembered among others that share a similar vibe. It's pretty much essentially a girl group song, but only Claudine Clark is credited as its artist. And it's her lone hit too, reaching #5 on the Hot 100 in 1962. Maybe you've heard it before, but when you think of all the 60s R&B and girl group classics, I can't imagine that this song is one of the first ones that you come up with. And it probably should be, because her voice is fantastic on it, with her naturally higher-pitched register and flashes of gravelliness.
I guess I should also mention that this album isn't actually *all* 60s hits, despite its name being The Best of 60s Sock Hop (You had one fucking job, Priority!). There's a song on here that came out in 1970 by Three Dog Night called "Celebrate" that features the band Chicago on horns. And it's a great rock song, but it sure as hell wasn't part of any 60s sock hop!
Great release regardless, though. Stone-cold classic hits along with a few that have collected a bit more dust. Can't really ask for more from an oldies comp.
Monkees - "I'm a Believer" Betty Everett - "The Shoup Shoup Song (It's in His Kiss)" Gene Chandler - "Duke of Earl" Bobby Lewis - "Tossin' and Turnin'" Fontella Bass - "Rescue Me" Three Dog Night- "Celebrate" Mamas & The Papas - "Dancing in the Street" Cannibal & The Headhunters - "Land of 1000 Dances" Del Shannon - "Runaway" Shangri-las - "Leader of the Pack" Knickerbockers - "Lies" Troggs - "Wild Thing" Claudine Clark - "Party Lights"
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.17
Apple Wassailing Day (Carhampton, UK)
Art’s Day (Robert Filliou)
Ben Franklin Day
Betty White Day
Cable Car Day
Carnivale begins (Italy)
Customer Service Day
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day
Drudge Day
Eartha Kitt Day (South Carolina)
Fire From the Sky
Hardware Freedom Day
International Mentoring Day
International We Are Not Broken Day
James Leonard Tagle Gordon Day (Philippines)
J.C. Penney Day
Judgment Day
Kid Inventors' Day
Lamb Chop Day
Make Your All-Time Top Ten TV Characters List
Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (Iran)
Menorca Day (Spain)
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Boxer Day
National Carolina Day
National Charlotte Day
National Classy Day
National Dairy Day (Thailand)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Feedback Day
National Lose the Jet Lag Day
National Public Employees Appreciation Day
National Puggle Day
National Ta Day
National We Are Not Broken Day
Old Twelfth Night (UK)
Operation Desert Storm Day
Patrice Lumumba (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Photo Developing Day
Pig Day
Popeye Day
Professional Boxer's Day
Straying Toward the Path Day
World Lichen Sclerosus Awareness Day
Zinc Day (French Republic)
Zirgu Diena (Day of the Horses; Latvia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Buttered Rum Day
Hot Heads Chili Day
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Rye Whiskey Day
World Pizza Day
World Scotch Pie Day
3rd Wednesday in January
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weedless Wednesday [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Poland)
Menorca National Day (Menorca, Spain; 1287)
Possession Day (South Georgia; South Sandwich Islands)
Festivals Beginning January 17, 2024
Feat Camp, featuring Little Feat (Cancun, Mexico) [thru 1.20]
Festival Télérama (Paris, France) [thru 1.20]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Idaho Potato Conference (Pocatello, Idaho) [thru 1.18]
London Art Fair (London, UK) [thru 1.21]
Madfredonia Carnival (Madfredonia, Italy) [thru 2.18]
Massafra Carnival (Massafra, Italy) [thru 2.18]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Montana Agricultural & Industrial Expo (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Agricultural Show (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Hay Expo (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.18]
Patras Carnival (Patras, Greece) [thru 3.18]
Rijeka Carnival (Rijeka, Croatia) [thru 2.14]
Feast Days
A. B. Frost (Artology)
Amelbert (Christian; Blessed)
Anthony the Great (Christian; Saint)
Angelo Paoli, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Black Bart (Muppetism)
Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day (Hispanic Catholic Church; Mexico)
Benjamin Franklin (Humanism)
Charles Gore (Church of England)
Eugène Carrière (Artology)
Feast of Wagy (Ancient Egyptian Day of the Dead)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck)
Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
International No Farting Day (Pastafarian)
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo (one of Saints of the Cristero War)
Meng-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Mildgytha (Christian; Saint)
Nennins (Christian; Saint)
Ogoun’s Day (Pagan)
Old Twelfth Night (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Our Lady of Pontmain (Christian; Saint)
Patras Carnival begins (until Clean Monday; Greece)
Pieter Van Bloemen (Artology)
Shakambharii Jayanti (a.k.a. Cher-Chhera Punni; Chhattisgarh, India)
Speusippus, Elcusippns, Meleusippns (Christian; Martyrs)
Sulpitius the Pious (Christian; Saint)
Sulpicins the Second (Christian; Saint)
Thaipusam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Thingfish Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, India)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Good Luck Day (Festival of Felicitas)
Prime Number Day: 17 [7 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [7 of 60]
The Adventures of the American Rabbit (Film; 1986)
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, by Henry Miller (Essays; 1945)
Billions (TV Series; 2016)
Canoes Who? Or Look Before You Leak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 16; 1960)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; U.S. 1964)
The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1904)
The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier (Novel; 1974)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Film; 1986)
A Coney Island of the Mind, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Poems; 1958)
Court and Spark, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 1974)
Drum Boogie, recorded by Gene Krupa (Song; 1941)
Dumb Like a Fox (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Everyone Says I Love You (Film; 1997)
Fraidy Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Freejack (Film; 1992)
Gone with the Wind (Film; 1939)
A Guy Thing (Film; 2003)
Heathcliffe: The Movie (Film; 1986)
Helter Shelter (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear (Animated Film; 1986)
The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Novel; 1868)
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote (True Crime Novel; 1966)
The Inspector-Detector or A Kick in the Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 15; 1960)
Iron Eagle (Film; 1986)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Film; 2014)
Kickin’ the Conga ‘Round (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Animated TV Series; 1988)
The Nut Job (Film; 2014)
Ride Along (Film; 2014)
Seven Types of Ambiguity, by William Empson (Literary Criticism; 1930)
Snow Business (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Sounds of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1966)
South of No North, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1973)
Toonerville Trolley (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
A Town Like Alice, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Antonius, Beatrix (Austria)
Andon, Anton, Antonia, Dona, Doncho, Donka (Bulgaria)
Antun, Lavoslav, Marijan, Vojmil (Croatia)
Drahoslav (Czech Republic)
Antonius (Denmark)
Anto, Anton, Antu, Hando, Tõnis, Tõnn, Tõnno, Tõnu (Estonia)
Anton, Antto, Anttoni, Toni (Finland)
Roseline (France)
Anton, Rosalind (Germany)
Antonia, Antonios, Antonis (Greece)
Antal, Antónia (Hungary)
Alba, Antonio, Iole (Italy)
Tenis, Timotejs (Latvia)
Beatričė, Dovainis, Leonilė, Vilda (Lithuania)
Anton, Tønnes, Tony (Norway)
Antoni, Jan, Rościsław (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Nataša (Slovakia)
Antonio (Spain)
Anton, Tony (Sweden)
Anthony, Antoine, Antoinette, Anton, Antonia, Antonio, Antony, Antwan, Ben, Benita, Benito, Benjamin, Bennie, Benny, Toni, Tony (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 17 of 2024; 349 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 7 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 17 White; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 4 January 2024
Moon: 45%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 17 Moses (1st Month) [Meng-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 28 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 27 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.17
Apple Wassailing Day (Carhampton, UK)
Art’s Day (Robert Filliou)
Ben Franklin Day
Betty White Day
Cable Car Day
Carnivale begins (Italy)
Customer Service Day
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Ditch Your New Year's Resolutions Day
Drudge Day
Eartha Kitt Day (South Carolina)
Fire From the Sky
Hardware Freedom Day
International Mentoring Day
International We Are Not Broken Day
James Leonard Tagle Gordon Day (Philippines)
J.C. Penney Day
Judgment Day
Kid Inventors' Day
Lamb Chop Day
Make Your All-Time Top Ten TV Characters List
Martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh (Iran)
Menorca Day (Spain)
Military Industrial Complex Day
National Boxer Day
National Carolina Day
National Charlotte Day
National Classy Day
National Dairy Day (Thailand)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Feedback Day
National Lose the Jet Lag Day
National Public Employees Appreciation Day
National Puggle Day
National Ta Day
National We Are Not Broken Day
Old Twelfth Night (UK)
Operation Desert Storm Day
Patrice Lumumba (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Photo Developing Day
Pig Day
Popeye Day
Professional Boxer's Day
Straying Toward the Path Day
World Lichen Sclerosus Awareness Day
Zinc Day (French Republic)
Zirgu Diena (Day of the Horses; Latvia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Buttered Rum Day
Hot Heads Chili Day
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Rye Whiskey Day
World Pizza Day
World Scotch Pie Day
3rd Wednesday in January
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weedless Wednesday [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Liberation Day (Poland)
Menorca National Day (Menorca, Spain; 1287)
Possession Day (South Georgia; South Sandwich Islands)
Festivals Beginning January 17, 2024
Feat Camp, featuring Little Feat (Cancun, Mexico) [thru 1.20]
Festival Télérama (Paris, France) [thru 1.20]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Idaho Potato Conference (Pocatello, Idaho) [thru 1.18]
London Art Fair (London, UK) [thru 1.21]
Madfredonia Carnival (Madfredonia, Italy) [thru 2.18]
Massafra Carnival (Massafra, Italy) [thru 2.18]
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival (Singapore) [thru 1.28]
Montana Agricultural & Industrial Expo (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Agricultural Show (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.19]
Northwest Hay Expo (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.18]
Patras Carnival (Patras, Greece) [thru 3.18]
Rijeka Carnival (Rijeka, Croatia) [thru 2.14]
Feast Days
A. B. Frost (Artology)
Amelbert (Christian; Blessed)
Anthony the Great (Christian; Saint)
Angelo Paoli, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Black Bart (Muppetism)
Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day (Hispanic Catholic Church; Mexico)
Benjamin Franklin (Humanism)
Charles Gore (Church of England)
Eugène Carrière (Artology)
Feast of Wagy (Ancient Egyptian Day of the Dead)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck)
Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
International No Farting Day (Pastafarian)
Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo (one of Saints of the Cristero War)
Meng-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Mildgytha (Christian; Saint)
Nennins (Christian; Saint)
Ogoun’s Day (Pagan)
Old Twelfth Night (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Our Lady of Pontmain (Christian; Saint)
Patras Carnival begins (until Clean Monday; Greece)
Pieter Van Bloemen (Artology)
Shakambharii Jayanti (a.k.a. Cher-Chhera Punni; Chhattisgarh, India)
Speusippus, Elcusippns, Meleusippns (Christian; Martyrs)
Sulpitius the Pious (Christian; Saint)
Sulpicins the Second (Christian; Saint)
Thaipusam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Thingfish Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, India)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Good Luck Day (Festival of Felicitas)
Prime Number Day: 17 [7 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [7 of 60]
The Adventures of the American Rabbit (Film; 1986)
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, by Henry Miller (Essays; 1945)
Billions (TV Series; 2016)
Canoes Who? Or Look Before You Leak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 16; 1960)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (Novel; U.S. 1964)
The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov (Play; 1904)
The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier (Novel; 1974)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Film; 1986)
A Coney Island of the Mind, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Poems; 1958)
Court and Spark, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 1974)
Drum Boogie, recorded by Gene Krupa (Song; 1941)
Dumb Like a Fox (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Everyone Says I Love You (Film; 1997)
Fraidy Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Freejack (Film; 1992)
Gone with the Wind (Film; 1939)
A Guy Thing (Film; 2003)
Heathcliffe: The Movie (Film; 1986)
Helter Shelter (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear (Animated Film; 1986)
The Idiot, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Novel; 1868)
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote (True Crime Novel; 1966)
The Inspector-Detector or A Kick in the Plants (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 15; 1960)
Iron Eagle (Film; 1986)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Film; 2014)
Kickin’ the Conga ‘Round (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Animated TV Series; 1988)
The Nut Job (Film; 2014)
Ride Along (Film; 2014)
Seven Types of Ambiguity, by William Empson (Literary Criticism; 1930)
Snow Business (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Sounds of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1966)
South of No North, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1973)
Toonerville Trolley (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
A Town Like Alice, by Nevil Shute (Novel; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Antonius, Beatrix (Austria)
Andon, Anton, Antonia, Dona, Doncho, Donka (Bulgaria)
Antun, Lavoslav, Marijan, Vojmil (Croatia)
Drahoslav (Czech Republic)
Antonius (Denmark)
Anto, Anton, Antu, Hando, Tõnis, Tõnn, Tõnno, Tõnu (Estonia)
Anton, Antto, Anttoni, Toni (Finland)
Roseline (France)
Anton, Rosalind (Germany)
Antonia, Antonios, Antonis (Greece)
Antal, Antónia (Hungary)
Alba, Antonio, Iole (Italy)
Tenis, Timotejs (Latvia)
Beatričė, Dovainis, Leonilė, Vilda (Lithuania)
Anton, Tønnes, Tony (Norway)
Antoni, Jan, Rościsław (Poland)
Antonie (Romania)
Nataša (Slovakia)
Antonio (Spain)
Anton, Tony (Sweden)
Anthony, Antoine, Antoinette, Anton, Antonia, Antonio, Antony, Antwan, Ben, Benita, Benito, Benjamin, Bennie, Benny, Toni, Tony (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 17 of 2024; 349 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 7 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 7 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 17 White; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 4 January 2024
Moon: 45%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 17 Moses (1st Month) [Meng-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 28 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 27 of 31)
0 notes
howlingmoonradio · 10 months
December 7th Playlist
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Just like our pup Dutch we are on watch for all the holiday festivities, including Hanukkah which begins this evening! Music wise we look backward and forward on this week’s episode, with some crate digging on Side A and some brand new sounds from our friends at Bedrock Records on Side B! Hope it all brings some holiday cheer to your ears!
Side A
Howling at the Moon-Hank Williams
Drivers Seat-Sniff and the Tears
Do U Like It?-Kinky
Growls Garden-Clark
Dilly Dally-Brooklyn Funk Essentials
What’s Happening Brother-Betty Lavette and Dirty Dozen Brass Band
Come On in My Kitchen-Cassandra Wilson
Side B
Mind-Carerra & Tavares
Forbidden City-Davi
DIRIDIM-David Morales
Bleu Cobalt-Digweed etc.
I Miss You-Of Norway
0 notes
double-croche1 · 1 year
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Le festival We Love Green a annoncé de nouveaux noms pour sa dixième édition qui aura lieu du vendredi 2 au dimanche 4 juin au Bois de Vincennes, parmi lesquels on trouve notamment Agar Agar et Moodoïd. 02/06 : Jockstrap, Orelsan, The Blaze, NxWorries (Anderson .Paak & Knxwledge), PLK, Yung Lean, Folamour A/V, Jayda G, Johan Papaconstantino, Surf Curse, Eliza Rose, Varnish La Piscine, Jyoty, Superjazz Club, Jeshi, Baccus, Yvnnis, Haich Ber Na, Andy 4000 03/06 : Phoenix, Darkside, Agar Agar, Sofie Royer, Pedro Winter présente Ed Banger XX, Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul, Pusha T, Gazo, Little Simz, Honey Dijon, Disiz, Ronisia, 070 Shake, Yves Tumor, Channel Tres, D4VD, Sad Night Dynamite, Miss Monique, Adèle Castillon, Vacra, Maureen, Lazuli, Lorenzo, Adriatique, Mad Rey + Jwles, Mouse Party x Mehdi Maizi, Desiree, Fiona, Feadz & Uffie, Anaco, Tajan, Betty 04/06 : Bon Iver, Caroline Polachek, Moodoïd, Aime Simone, Lomepal, Skrillex, Dinos, Tems, Jack Johnson, Pomme, VTSS, Gabriels, Sudan Archives, Nia Archives, J9ueve, Luther, Winnterzuko, H JeuneCrack, Crystalmess, Khali, Sabrina Bellaouel, Greg b2b Tatyana Jane, Anaïs B, Grünt Party x Nava, Hotel Radio Paris [MAJ du 04/06] Le concert de Caroline Polachek est malheureusement annulé. A&B
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On Saturday 11 December 2021, at the Fabbri Theater in Vignola, the Circolo Bononcini – in association with the Betty B Festival and Archaeological Records – organized an evening dedicated to the artist Roberto Baldazzini entitled MUSIC IN ACTION. For this event the artist decided to present the preparatory studies for the 'Tempio di Selinute'.
The 'Tempio di Selinute' is a collective performance with original music written and performed by composer Tiziano Popoli and curated by Archaeological Records which should have debuted at the beginning of 2020 in the spaces of the Circolo Ribalta (Vignola), but which was canceled due to the onset of the pandemic. Roberto Baldazzini, in order to reconnect himself and us with the 'Selinute' project, therefore proposed to Tiziano Popoli and to the Circolo Bononcini's conductor Alicia Galli, to arrange pieces by Erik Satie and Philip Glass inspired by his drawings of the abstract characters 'Selinute', 'Orvellina' and 'Nemudato'. The Archaeological Records collective has developed, starting from those same drawings, an animation laboratory that has produced several video installations. During the MUSIC IN ACTION evening the characters of the 'Tempio di Selinute' finally emerged through two live drawing sessions by Roberto Baldazzini and the projection of two animations curated by Archaeological Records, on the notes of the Orchestra dei Castelli conducted by the directors Popoli and Galli.
Roberto Baldazzini + Archaeological Records lab, 'Selinute' video installation [AR L.06], Vignola/Roma, 2021.
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Kissin’ Booth
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 890
Warning: A swear or two, Mentions of drinking.
Written: November 19th, 2020
Posted: January 26th, 2021
Summary: The reader along with her friends put on a fundraiser, however someone needs to step in at the kissing booth.
Valentines Day Masterlist
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“What’re we going to do?” Betty sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
Letting out a defeated sigh, you shrugged as you leaned back in the booth.
“I wish I could help, B.” Veronica chimed in, her features etched with despair.
“Wait.” You spoke while sitting up in the booth. “What if...What if you put on a fair?”
“A fair?” Veronica questioned furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
“That’s actually a really good idea.” Betty spoke, hope glimmering in her eyes. 
“We could have games, and rides, and have small bakeries and restaurants around town show case their food.” You stated, taking a sip of the milkshake you ordered.
“Holy crap!” Betty exclaimed. “Y/N, you’re onto something!”
“That sounds like it would be really fun!” Veronica spoke sitting straighter, offering you a slight smile.
“We could even have a kissing booth!”
“So you were the genius that came up with the Riverdale fair, huh?” Jughead teased, taking the seat beside you. 
The loud music blasting from the stereo at the Wyrm, almost caused you not to hear your friend.
“I guess I am.” You teased back, nudging his shoulder with yours. “Are you going to be a kisser?”
Jughead choked on his drink, before turning to you with widened eyes. “A what?”
You chuckled. “A kisser. You know, someone that kisses people at the kissing booth.” You rolled your eyes.
“Well, well, well.” Toni and Fangs spoke joining you and Jug. “If it isn’t the kissing booth inventor.” 
You giggled, shaking your head slightly at your friends. “Quiet, all of you.”
“Maybe, it was her subtle way of trying to make the next move with a certain someone.” Toni spoke her voice taunting.
“Hey guys.” Sweet Pea greeted the group. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”
Heat began racing along your cheeks, as it rose behind your neck. “Oh, hey, sweets.” You turned to face him, giving him a slight smile. 
Turning back around to face the rest of the group, you attempted to hide your embarrassment. Letting out a sigh, you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on what Jughead was saying.
Sweet Pea took you both by surprise when he moved to press his chest to your back, while wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close. He earned a gasp from you. 
Frowning, he began to unwrapped himself from you. With some liquid courage, you gripped his forearms preventing him from letting go. 
“Hey Sweets?” You questioned softly, turning to look at him.
“Yes, love?” 
“Are you going to come to the fair?” 
Your question took him by surprise, causing an awkward silence to fall between you.
“I mean-”
“Do you want me to?” His voice was full of hesitation.
“I do.” You spoke promptly, nodding.
“Then I’ll be there.” He grinned, placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
Grinning, you nuzzled back into him as best as you could.
“Wow, look at this turn out.” You spoke, gazing at the plethora of Riverdale residents wandering around the festival.
“Thanks for your help, Y/N.” Betty replied, pulling you in for a hug. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“Betty, we have a problem.” Kevin rushed out. “One of the kissers for the kissing booth, is sick.” 
“We don’t have any back ups?” Betty furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
As you were gazing at the residents, you realized how quiet your two best friends were in this moment. 
“No way.”
“We don’t have anyone else!”
“Please!” Both Kevin and Betty drew out their ‘Pleases.’
Letting out a sigh, you returned your gaze back to your fellow Riverdale residents. “Fine.”
“Step right up and receive a smooch!” Kevin spoke attempting to bait some of the passer byers. 
Your could help but drum your fingers slightly against the table, as you stood anxiously. You stood at the kissing booth with a blindfold over your eyes.
Letting out a sigh, you could hear the sound of someone walking up the steps of the booth. 
The smell of cologne filled your nose, signaling the stranger had chosen to stop at your station. 
“I...I’ve never done this.” You chuckled dryly. “Sorry.” You shook your head.
The stranger didn’t respond. You reached forward in attempt to sooth your anxieties. Your fingers danced along the leather of the strangers jacket. 
A serpent? You thought.
“Lets get this over with.” You rushed out. Placing your hands on their shoulders, you gently pulled them forward. Your noses brushing against each other, your lips colliding. 
The strangers lips were much softer than you were expecting, while the flavor of mint entranced your mouth. Fireworks erupted in your stomach as you pulled the stranger in for a passionate kiss. Biting their bottom lip gently, you pulled away panting.
Bringing your hands to your face, you lifted your eye mask. A gasp falling from your lips as you locked eyes with a familiar pair of chocolate brown ones.
“Sweet Pea?” You whispered in disbelief.
Shock was etched along your features, as you began processing what happened.
Before either of you could speak, the sound of whoops and hollars erupted from beside you. Turning your heads toward the sounds you both gazed at the group in confusion. Leading the group was Toni and Fangs, sending you and Sweet Pea a knowing look.
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ourpickwickclub · 3 years
A) omg Gwen is sharing, Yeay! B) how cute is it that Betty gets a stocking c) they kept the hideous monkey 🙈 🤦‍♀️😂
I’m so happy she shared a little of their Christmas festivities! They’re such a fun loving family.
— M
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fordlibrarymuseum · 3 years
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The Ford Museum opened its doors to the public 40 years ago in 1981. Grand Rapids held a week-long “Celebration on the Grand” leading up to the dedication ceremony on September 18, 1981. The festivities included music, hot air balloon races, a fishing contest, parades, fireworks, and the taping of a Bob Hope television special.
The dedication ceremony brought many national and international leaders to Grand Rapids. Both President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush gave remarks at the ceremony, as well as Valery Giscard d'Estaing, former President of France; Sunao Sonoda, Minister for Foreign Affairs for Japan; Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; and Jose Lopez Portillo, President of Mexico. Lady Bird Johnson also attended the ceremony.
“It is my hope, and Betty's, that all our good friends who have helped to complete this magnificent structure, and fill it with a portion of America's past, will not regard this day as an end but rather as a beginning,” President Ford said in his remarks. ”I am profoundly grateful for the kind words that have been said about me, but the finest tribute of all will be to see the Gerald R. Ford Museum living and growing in constructive and useful ways.”
Read President Ford’s full speech here: https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/speeches/810918.asp
Images include photographs of the dedication ceremony and a variety of keepsakes from the event.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Edwin Reuben Hawkins (August 19, 1943 – January 15, 2018) was a gospel musician, pianist, vocalist, choirmaster, composer, and arranger. He was one of the originators of the urban contemporary gospel sound. As the leader of the Edwin Hawkins Singers, he was known for his arrangement of “Oh Happy Day”, which was included on the “Songs of the Century” list.
He was born in Oakland. At the age of seven, he was the keyboardist to accompany the family’s gospel group. Together with Betty Watson in May 1967, he was co-founder of the Northern California State Youth Choir of the Church of God in Christ. This ensemble recorded its first album, Let Us Go into the House of the Lord. The LP found its way into the hands of a KSAN Underground Rock DJ in San Francisco who happened to pick “Oh Happy Day” to play on his station; it became an instant hit. The soloists on the album were Elaine Kelly, Margarette Branch, Dorothy Combs Morrison, Tramaine Davis (Hawkins), Reuben Franklin, Donald Cashmere, Betty Watson, and Ruth Lyons.
Once “Oh Happy Day” started being played in other parts of the country the group was aware of its rising success on the radio. “Oh Happy Day” rocketed to sales of more than a million copies within two months. It crossed over to the pop charts, making US #4, UK #2, Canada #2, 32 on the Irish Singles Chart, #1 on the French Singles Charts, the Netherlands and the German Singles Charts, selling more than 7 million copies worldwide, and he was awarded his first Grammy for it. His arrangement of the song was covered by The Four Seasons on their album Half & Half.
The second LP Top 10 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 charts was the single “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain),” on which the label listed the performers as “Melanie with The Edwin Hawkins Singers”. The song peaked at #6 in the US and Top 10 in several other countries. He was credited as a solo performer, and had a #89 hit on the R&B chart with “If at First You Don’t Succeed (Try Again)”. The Edwin Hawkins Singers’ performance of “Oh Happy Day” at the Harlem Cultural Festival appears in the documentary, Summer of Soul. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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bugheadsecretsanta · 4 years
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Happy Holidays, Bughead fans! 🎄 It’s 2020 and the 4th Annual Bughead Secret Santa sign ups are currently open! To get into the spirit during sign-ups for this year’s round, and stuff our stockings with excitement and anticipation, we made a list of all the festive content that was made last year!
Don’t forget to check out our event post and sign up to send and receive your very own Bughead Secret Santa gift this December! We will be closing the applications on November 25th. Become a Santa today! 🎅
Check out the very festive ho-ho-holiday Bughead content from 2019’s Secret Santas under the cut!
Gingerbread Jughead by @cherylstears 🎁 edit, fic for @strangenightsofdaydreams
Red Lights by @paperlesscrown 🎁 edit, fic for @theheavycrown
Naughty or Nice by @mrsren 🎁 edit, fic for @jughead-jones
Christmas Window Cuddles by @orangenfrottee 🎁 art for @rivernik
Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly by @threads-of-gold 🎁 edit, fic for @ms-maj
if the fates allow by @elizabethbettscooper 🎁 edit, fic for @cooperandjonesinc
So This Is Christmas by @mieteve-minijoma 🎁 edit, fic for @madsinwonderland
a daydream (i never get to hold) by @bililireinhart 🎁 fic for @threads-of-gold
most wonderful time of the year by @princesweetpea 🎁 edit for @themaddestofall
can’t take my eyes off of you by @oryoucouldstay 🎁 gifset for @likemereckless
Fake It (Til You Make It) by @themaddestofall 🎁 edit, fic for @emily-rose34
Christmas Messages by @satelliteinasupernova 🎁 art, fic for @awkwardteenwrites
Letters to Santa by @writeraquamarinara 🎁 edit, fic for @dukeanddutchessofhastings
some things never change by @awkwardteenwrites 🎁 gifset for @addictedtofiction03
New Blueprint and A Yule Ball Mystery by @bettycooper 🎁 edit, fic for @noorakardemmomesaetre
A Fake Christmas by @dukeanddutchessofhastings 🎁 edit, fic for @allskynostars
west coast winter by @stonerbughead 🎁 edit, fic for @bugggghead
better every year by @bugggghead 🎁 edit, fic for @oryoucouldstay
Radiant Beams by @fishhoeksunrise 🎁 fic for @akabombshell
A History of Love (yuletide kisses) by @lilibetts 🎁 edit, fic for @mrsren
Oh Christmas Lights Keep Shining On by @jemmablossom 🎁 fic, gic for @elizabethbettscooper
Don’t Stop Until the Angel Sings by @exmachina187 🎁 fic for @literatiruinedme
Gift Exchange Hijinks by @noorakardemmomesaetre 🎁 edit, fic for @sweetpeasbabydoll
In the Mood by @nuclearnik 🎁 edit, fic for @iusethisforcoleandliliupdates
a lifetime of promises by @catthecoder 🎁 edit, fic for @miss-eee
Secret Santas & Stairwells by @secretsofthesky 🎁 fic for @lilibetts
What Would You Know by @tea-and-cardigans 🎁 edit, fic for @paperlesscrown
Elf B by @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless 🎁 edit, fic for @writeraquamarinara
It’s Christmas Eve (and they can see we’re in love) by @likemereckless 🎁 edit, fic for @catthecoder
Anastasia by @kyloren 🎁 gifset for @jemmablossom
all wrapped up by @bugheadsheaven 🎁 edit, fic for @bettsc
The Nutcracker by @theheavycrown 🎁 edit, fic for @bililireinhart
Fool’s Holiday by @ms-maj 🎁 fic for @lanadeljones
New Traditions by @miss-eee 🎁 edit, fic for @stonerbughead
Merry Christmas, Betty Cooper by @bettsc 🎁 edit, fic for @tory-b
Letting It Snow by @cooperandjonesinc 🎁 fic for @secretsofthesky
A Jones Family Christmas by @tory-b 🎁 edit, fic for @bugheadsheaven
Mother Nature Plays Matchmaker by @strangenightsofdaydreams 🎁 edit, fic for @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless
Lonely Together by @emily-rose34 🎁 edit, fic for @princesweetpea
Last Christmas by @addictedtofiction03 🎁 edit, fic for @bugheadfangirl
A Special Place (& Tradition) by @djgrannyglasses 🎁 edit, fic for @orangenfrottee
let’s keep it burning by @iusethisforcoleandliliupdates 🎁 fic for @djgrannyglasses
Just a Little Favor by @lanadeljones 🎁 edit, fic for @mieteve-minijoma
Hope by @madsinwonderland 🎁 edit, fic for @tea-and-cardigans
Jughead Jones and the Quest for Something Sweet by @bluevelvetvideo 🎁 edit, fic for @bettycooper 
all at once by @allskynostars 🎁 fic for @fishhoeksunrise
The Haven from Hemingway by @lovedinapastlife 🎁 elf fic for @satelliteinasupernova
subway song by @literatiruinedme 🎁 edit, fic for @satelliteinasupernova
never tasted so good by @jemmablossom 🎁 elf gif set for @bluevelvetvideo
Pool Rules by @lovedinapastlife 🎁 elf fic, gif for @exmachina187
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