existential-queeer · 1 month
Two bucktommy hugs back to back
Buck gently rubbing Tommy's back while they embrace
"Be safe"
Buck and Tommy making out in a hospital lobby
Buck and Tommy smiling the biggest smiles to ever smile when they enter the room
Buck practically skipping his way through the room with Tommy in tow to go see Maddie and Chimney (brushing right past his parents and not giving them the time of day)
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Speaking of that outrageously horny kiss from Oliver to Lou (*applause for them pls*)
I will be spending lunch looking for fic that fills in this scene because fanfic is here for us when cable is not
If I can't find one, I'm almost tempted to write it...
...should I?
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deltarune-au-domain · 9 months
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Honeycomb Ralsei helps with the kids.
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one-paper-bag · 7 months
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this is what i imagine bevan and hester are. do you see my vision.
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montlie · 6 months
hester and bevan for the ship ask bingo 🙏🙏
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Do love a bit of Hevan
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riomiopio · 8 months
The sky is falling.
Either that, or Evan’s soul is floating up to to the heavens. Like he died or something.
“Oh my gawd, Evan. Look at this, look at this!”
The spell breaks and Evan shakes himself out of the sudden depressed gloom. He turns, grass shifting underneath gold spun locks, and focuses on the phone’s screen.
It’s a video about a dog. One of those popular black and white ones, like the world refuses to be. It argues with its owner, barking sounds similar to words until a gargled ‘you bitch’ actually comes out.
Barty throws his head back when he laughs, with so much gusto that he falls on his back. “He-said, hack hack, he said you bi-hahahaha!”
A beautiful thing, laughter is. And a beautiful thing Barty is. Together they’re ethereal and Evan can do naught but observe and admire in his first row seat.
He wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. Not for a long time.
And as Mad-Eyed Moody casts a curse as green as envy, the memory of Barty’s hyena cackle lulls him into the sweet kiss of death.
Not a bad way to die, Evan thinks.
the sky is falling - barvan
©️ riomiopio. all rights reserved 2023.
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portraituresque · 2 years
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Robert Bevan-Self-portrait -1914
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designsofthebeyond · 2 years
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Wolves of the Beyond Designs #113- Bevan
Random outclanner in Heep's rout
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Mutch & Robilliard (B 1981), Olive Sam Bevan Bridgend, 2022
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My 11 year old golden retriever is not eating, lethargic, and anemic. We're st the emergency vet right now but I'm so scared she's going to die
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okay yeah I like an OTP with deep unhealthily codependent history (buddie) and I'm not gonna pretend I'm not hoping by maybe s9 they might be there
I can like relationships on the way and
Buck grabbing Tommy "you're a beast" - the man wants to fuck him so bad
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almondemotion · 1 year
Dickens speaks to Marx who is in discussion with Harry Leslie Smith. They reach a compromise.
'Strike! They can't strike. We won't let them!'
It was the best of times and the worst. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Call me Ishmael. Some starting clichés. It is Dicken’s that strikes a chord. Yesterday, I was talking with a group working to improve the lives of people living with dementia. I mentioned our Virtual Ward. This, the provision of care that is as good (likely better) than…
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invisibleicewands · 1 month
Exclusive clip from Nye
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montlie · 6 months
Second Chance AU original ending
When me and @borntolead were discussing Second Chance (our DMs are chaos) it started out very differently. This is the cut ending scene I had written out (yes sometimes I write endings before anything else). When the au evolved this no longer fit so here it is!
The party continued, once again a gathering of cocktails and cake. It was much brighter than the last one, Monty laughing beside Charlie, albeit in a subdued way. They were closer than they were before, but it was stifled. Jean sipped her gin and looked on.
The record player was playing a soft dance tune, some new record Reggie had bought in. Some people had begun dancing to a vaguely upbeat tune. Monty was tugging on Charlie’s hand saying something about ‘reliving old memories’. They started to dance, constantly grabbing, and connecting with each other. Jean watched as Bevan abruptly changed the record to a slower number and smile to himself.
Monty stiffened; his eyes widening. Charlie grabbed his hands and pulled him closer. He felt his heart betray him and stutter. These past months have felt like a chance to grasp back what he had lost, no matter how little he was given. Whatever fleeting moments Charlie gave him, he would hoard away and remember them.
“Never did this on our night out” Charlie spoke up.
“We were rather distracted” Monty commented back. They turned slowly, Charlie’s grip on his waist tightening as they were bought closer.
“It feels so long ago”.
“It was” Monty managed out “but-“
“Did you ever regret leaving?” Monty asked.
“Sometimes” Charlie replied, “I missed this”.
“Being with you”
Monty buried his face in Charlie’s shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut. It would be easy to just confess, to beg Charlie to stay and to mend whatever broke four years ago. Whatever happened over the last month, grasping those few moments of joy that came, snatching them up and keeping them close.
“I love being with you” he mumbled out “I’m going to miss you”.
“I’m going to miss you too, Monty” Charlie whispered.
His heart cracked, ignoring the feeling of once again losing what he had always wanted. The dancing slowed, coming to its natural conclusion. Monty clung on for a little bit longer. Charlie let him go slowly.
“I just need a moment” Monty managed out, turning away from Charlie, and walking out the room. He smoothed his hair back, rapidly thinking about how to let go. He wanted so much to be able to let go, to let Charlie slip back to his missions and wonder from afar what he was doing. But it was a struggle, to let him go again while knowing that something was still there. Four years and he was still just as gone for this man as he was when they first met in the meeting room.
“Monty!” Jean shouted from down the hall “Monty!”
“Leave me alone Jean” he replied, “whatever encouragement you think you can give, forget it”.
“I remember you being the exact same four years ago” she retorted “I’m not having you two let go of this again”.
“Jean, it doesn’t matter” he said “whatever we might have had, it’s gone. Whatever Charlie felt left the moment I was a coward”.
“Oh, give over Monty” Jean approached him “whatever attempts you’ve both made to move on, they’ve failed, you still love him”.
“Of course I do!” he shouted back “do you think I could just-“ he pointed at the door into the party “forget how much I adored that man? Forget the nights I spent with him and hoped they meant something more?”
“So, tell him!”
“What would that do? ‘Hey Charlie, I know you left for four years but I’m in love with you, please stay with me’”.
“You’re what?”
Monty turned to see Charlie, his eyes widening.
“I- I’m- Charlie I-“
“You’re in love with me?”
Monty looked around and Jean had disappeared, leaving them in the empty corridor.
“Monty, are you in love with me?”
Monty breathed deeply, looking into Charlie’s eye.
“Yes” he spoke out quickly “and you don’t have to say it back, I know-“
“Know what?”
“That you don’t love me?”
Charlie laughed, grabbing hold of Monty’s shoulders.
“Charlie it isn’t funny”.
“Monty” Charlie said softly “I had a crush on you before we even properly met”.
“You what?”.
I know / Of course you do.
“Before, before the meeting?”
“Yes, of course”.
“But we haven’t even met yet!”
“We met once when you came to visit the labs?”
Who’s this handsome chap then?
“When you had your short hair?” Monty laughed “Charlie that was 8 years ago”.
“And you stuck around since”.
Charlie grabbed a hold of Monty’s face, stroking along his cheek. Monty leant into it.
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ineffablehubbys · 3 months
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Maggie was at nye’s press night!!!!
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orth82 · 3 months
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I met my hero on Saturday after getting the chance to watch him perform in this fantastic play. MS is literally the only person on earth I'd go to such lengths to meet and he's the only celebrity I'd ever want an autograph from or an interaction with. So grateful to this wonderful man for giving me one of the very best experiences of my life 💜
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MS is every bit as lovely as everyone says. He's a goddamn delight and so gracious with his flustered fans. He smells divine too 🤭
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Just out of curiosity I checked my Fitbit stats for that magical night. You can literally see the spikes ... The pre-show anticipation, the moment he came out on stage and the moment around midnight when he was at the stage door. Be still my heart 😊
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