#Bigwig was always my favorite
canisalbus · 7 months
Have you ever drawn anything from Watership Down? The vibe of the story feels like it'd fit perfectly with your artstyle
Not in recent memory, but I should! Watership Down is probably my favorite book of all time, I've reread it in various points of my life and continue to resonate with it strongly.
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allmoshnobrain · 3 months
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𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫: 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
part 05 of 06 | masterpost
word count: 8,2k | ao3 link | fic's playlist
I sighed, feeling heat rise to my cheeks as I sensed a kind of understanding forming between the three of us, albeit slowly; Dave and James were like two sides of the same coin, always had been, brothers of fire and anger even before all their pain had driven them apart. Was it such a shocker that they'd both end up falling for the same woman? Was it such a surprise that I'd end up loving them both? Maybe we always knew it would eventually lead to this.
✦ on this chapter: NSFW!!!, threesome, mxfxm sex, dave mustaine x female!oc, james hetfield x female!oc, oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, unprotected sex, oral sex, drug issues mentioned, alcoholism, drinking
✦ a/n: Hey, everyone! So, this chapter turned out a bit longer too, but I couldn't wrap up the fic without throwing in this smut scene at least once. Honestly, it's one of my favorites in the whole story! Oh, and in case you haven't noticed - yeah, Leanne's husband is Joe Sinclair. He popped up in some earlier chapters as Lea's friend who had that cool beach house where they celebrated Cliff's birthday and where James first kissed Nore at Lea's birthday party. Next part's gonna be the finale, and I swear we're finally getting a happy ending after all the drama lol Thanks for sticking around and reading, feedback is appreciated! ❤
April 6, 1992
Dave and I came back from our weekend getaway even more head over heels for each other, if that was even possible. Now that our feelings were out in the open, any walls between us just crumbled away, leaving us with one undeniable truth: I was crazy about him, and he felt the same way about me. Life had never felt so simple. 
Life had also never felt so damn complicated; come Monday, things took an unexpected turn when Lars unexpectedly dropped by. He showed up at my place bright and early, his usual chill vibe replaced with a hint of worry that had me wondering what was up.
"Hey, Lars. Come on in, I was just munching on some breakfast," I gestured for him to enter, stepping aside. He gave a somewhat tense smile and took a seat at the kitchen table, setting his backpack down. "Hungry? I've got pancakes, orange juice, some fresh sliced watermelon..."
"Just water, thanks. I grabbed a bite earlier," he replied, flashing a quick smile when he noticed my concern.
"If you're all fueled up, what's with the serious face?" I inquired. "Something happened?"
"Actually..." he trailed off. I plopped down at the table, sliding a glass of water his way and pouring myself some juice, giving him a curious glance. "You catch the news today?"
"News?" I furrowed my brow, and Lars let out a sigh, seeming resigned. He unzipped his backpack, pulling out a magazine and passing it over to me. I blinked at him, puzzled, before focusing on the publication.
What I saw left me gaping in disbelief.
The magazine was one of those gossip rags, the kind I never bought because I had never been interested in such stuff. If I didn't expect Lars to read this kind of thing, I certainly didn't expect to see myself on the cover. The photo showed a painfully familiar scene; Dave and I getting off at the airport together the night before, him with an arm around my waist, pulling me close as he whispered something in my ear and I smiled. We both looked happy; happy and at peace, like I hadn't felt in a long time.
The photo didn't take up the whole cover; there was some other Hollywood gossip splashed across it that I barely paid attention to as I zeroed in on the caption beneath my picture with Dave.
SHE’S GOT A TYPE? Get the lowdown on Nore Burton and her new metalhead boyfriend, snapped in LA yesterday, on page 30.
I hurriedly flipped through the magazine, landing on the page mentioned and scanning through it, feeling my face flush hotter with every word.
Lately, there's been a buzz among Hollywood bigwigs and celebs about a fresh face on the scene: Eleanore Burton (27), aka Nore Burton. The actress, with a theater background and gearing up for her small-screen debut, turned heads by snagging the lead in Pacific Coast Television's (PCT) latest romance series, sharing the screen with some seasoned industry pros.
What's not widely known is that the actress is actually cousins with late Metallica bassist, Cliff Burton. And then there's the rollercoaster romance between her and the band's frontman and guitarist, James Hetfield (28). They've been on and off since way before they hit the big time, dabbling with other flings whenever they hit a rough patch.
But what really caught our eye was spotting the actress getting cozy with a new flame: Dave Mustaine (30), infamous for his sharp tongue and ongoing feud with Metallica after getting kicked out of the band in '83. A trusted source confided that they were actually together for a few months earlier that same year, but things fizzled out shortly after Metallica dropped their debut album, Kill 'em All.
It's anyone's guess how James Hetfield feels about his sweetheart's new fling. How's he gonna take the news that she's back in touch with an old flame he's not too keen on? We tried reaching out to Hetfield via Metallica's reps, but no word back yet as of press time.
"They went after him?" I shouted, eyebrows raised, looking at Lars in shock. "Lars, I had no clue about this pic! I..." I shook my head, too stunned to finish.
"Yeah, welcome to the club, babe," Lars quipped, snatching the magazine from me. "Just wait till you need bodyguards for your Bloomingdale's run. Fame's got its downsides, no doubt." He glanced up, frowning. "When were you planning to spill the beans about getting back with Mustaine?"
"I was going to, I swear," I said, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. Lars just huffed, giving me an incredulous look. I couldn't blame him for being peeved; maybe I should've looped them in sooner. But I didn’t expect my personal life would become front-page news like that. "Seriously, Lars. Dave and I just reconnected last month, but everything happened so fast..."
"And what about James? Did he get the memo, or did he find out through the grapevine?"
"He knows Dave and I crossed paths again. But..." I paused, feeling a lump form in my throat, my voice trailing off as memories of James' silent treatment flooded back. "He's been avoiding me for weeks. I've called, but no answer. It's like I'm invisible to him," I finished in a mumble, blinking back a lone tear rolling down my cheek.
Lars gazed at me for a beat, then let out a sigh, opening his arms for a hug. I blinked back tears, feeling them well up despite my efforts, and eased myself into his embrace.
"You know you could've spilled this to us, me and Kirk," he said softly. "You could've mentioned James was giving you the silent treatment again. We would've had your back."
"I didn't want to be a burden," I murmured, and he scoffed.
"You're not a burden. We're family; we look out for each other, got it?"
"Thanks," I choked out, my voice thick with emotion, as I stepped back. I straightened up, brushing my hair back and sniffing, wiping away the tears that had slipped down my cheeks. "I... I'll give him a call. And if he doesn't pick up, I'll swing by his place after today's shoot. We gotta talk things out; it ain't cool for him to shut himself off like this."
"You want me to come along?" Lars offered, rising from his seat, and I shook my head no. I'd rather handle this on my own. "Okay; I got some stuff to sort out myself. We're hitting the road soon for a tour, won't be back till August for Lea's wedding. If James pops up, I'll call you, alright? And let him know you're looking to chat."
"Sure thing, Lars," I smiled softly as he clasped my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Appreciate it."
As expected, I couldn't get hold of James; every call went straight to voicemail. I got swept back into my daily grind, a hectic day of non-stop shooting. Word about me and Dave must've spread like wildfire; some colleagues offered sympathetic words, but I also caught plenty of curious looks and hushed chatter whenever I was on set during the day.
I left the studio totally beat; all I craved was getting home, hitting the shower, and crashing out. But, sticking to my morning promise, I made my way to James' place. I stood at the door, debating whether to ring the bell. After a moment, I went for it, but got no response. I fidgeted nervously, wondering if I'd picked a lousy time to drop by; I wasn't even sure he'd be home. I hit the bell again and waited. Just when I was about to bail, James finally swung open the door.
The moment I laid eyes on him, I could tell he wasn't okay; his disheveled hair, creased forehead, and bloodshot eyes gave away recent drinking. He just stood there, staring at me, before stepping aside silently to let me in. I winced at the sight of his living room, a mess that brought back memories of our wild party days back when we were younger; empty beer bottles littered the floor, clothes tossed haphazardly on the couch, and a stack of pizza boxes sitting on the corner table.
"You showed up," James muttered hoarsely, and I turned to him. He gazed at me, a mix of pain and bitterness flashing in his blue eyes, sending a wave of discomfort through me. "Finally remembered I'm alive? Or did your boyfriend not want you around today?"
"James..." I started, my tone a mix of caution and desperation. I wasn't looking for a fight. All I wanted was to talk things out with him. He snorted before heading to the kitchen, and I trailed after him. I watched with worry as he opened the fridge, reaching for a beer. "I... I don't think booze is the answer right now."
"Thanks for the tip, but I'll pass," he smirked, sarcastically. "What brings you here, Nore? Suddenly worried about my feelings now that the whole world knows you're with someone else?"
"James, that's not fair," I said, my voice choking up. "I've been trying to reach out to you for weeks. You've been ignoring my calls, you didn't answer any of my voicemails, and now I'm the one who doesn't care?"
He shot me an annoyed look but stayed silent. I sighed, blinking away the forming tears as I looked away from him, trying to swallow down the lump in my throat. Maybe coming after him wasn't such a great idea after all.
"Lars mentioned you're hitting the road soon. How are you planning to handle that if you're in this state?" I questioned weakly, and he just rolled his eyes.
"And what's it to you?"
"I do care about you, James. Even if you can't see it," I answered, my voice dropping, feeling the weight of his anger. Whenever James got like this, I felt lost, like a ship tossed at sea, struggling to find solid ground but always drifting. It was like he was slipping further away, and I couldn't reel him back in. I couldn't handle it — his distance or the hurt it caused.
"Why'd you go back to him, Nore?" he questioned suddenly, his voice now filled with anguish. "Wasn't I good enough for you?"
"James, please," I implored, taking a step forward, but he shook his head, backing away. "Come on. You know I care about you..."
"Don't say that while I have to watch you happy with him," James snapped. "Really, Nore? Fucking Mustaine? I can handle you seeing other people when we're not good, but did it have to be him ? The one person I know I can't measure up to?"
"James," I begged, my voice catching. "I didn't plan for this. But I can't ignore how I feel. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us. But you don't have to push me away. Please, let me help..."
" Stop it ," he interrupted, his voice sharp and icy. I flinched, holding back tears, feeling a pang of sadness as I watched James' expression turn hostile. "I told you not to come crying to me, didn't I? I don't want to fucking see you, I don't want to hear about your life. I don't know why you still think I give a shit," he snarled, his words laced with venomous anger.
I gaped at him, stunned, my heart pounding painfully in my chest as I watched the realization of what he'd just said sinking in, the hostility melting into regret in his blue eyes. He reached out, but it was too late; the damage was done, my heart shattered, and I knew I couldn't stand to be near James for another second right then, no matter how hard I tried.
As he came closer, I swatted his hand away, tears streaming down my face. I backed off quick, just needing to get away, to put as much space between my pain and James' rising temper as I could, even if that meant widening the gap between us even more.
I got home feeling totally crushed, tears still streaking down my cheeks as I flopped onto the couch with a heavy sigh, and caught sight of the blinking light on the phone, telling me I had messages waiting. I grabbed the phone and held it up to my ear, tapping the button to listen to the voicemails. A faint smile crept onto my face as Dave's voice came through.
Hey, babe. How's it going? Just saw that article they threw out about us. Give me a call, alright?
I let out a sigh. Even though I was feeling pretty down, I knew chatting with Dave would lift my spirits, so I quickly dialed up his number.
"Hi, Dave," I said, trying to put on a smile even though my voice was still a bit wobbly.
"Hey, sweetheart. You alright?" Dave asked, sounding all worried. Of course he'd pick up on my mood instantly; nobody read me like Dave did.
"I..." I let out a sigh; I didn't wanna stress him out, but I also couldn't keep everything that went down with James from him. "No, I'm not," I confessed. "I... I went to see James, Dave. He's not in a good place... We had a huge fight, he said some nasty stuff, and I..."
"It's because of that stupid article, right?" he said, his voice tense. I agreed, and he let out a sigh. "Hey, wanna swing by my place? I don't want you to be alone if you're feeling this bummed out. I'll whip up some dinner for us."
"Wait, you actually know how to cook?" I asked, my genuine curiosity distracting me from my sadness for a moment, and he chuckled softly.
"I'm getting there. Can't survive on fast food forever, you know. But I can always order in if you're not convinced by my culinary skills," he said, and I giggled.
"No need. I'm game to try your cooking. I'll just change and head over there, then."
I showed up at Dave's home not long after, carrying a backpack slung over my shoulder packed with all the stuff I figured I'd need for the next day. When he swung the door open, I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.
"Hey," he chuckled softly, running his fingers through my hair. I glanced up, standing on my toes to plant a kiss on his lips. He grinned, his hands cradling my face gently. "C'mon, let's head inside."
I smiled softly when I stepped into Dave's place and noticed the living room, dimly lit and cozy, lit up with just a small lamp while some soft tunes played in the background. Not the usual heavy metal songs I was used to enjoying with him, but instead, a nice, slow piano melody. The dining table was all set with red candles flickering, some spaghetti bolognese, and a bottle of red wine.
Dave snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder, swaying along to the music. I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. I turned around to wrap my arms around his neck; he slid his hands down to my waist, giving me a light kiss on the lips before resting his forehead against mine.
"A candlelit dinner and some music? You're pulling out all the stops this time, Mustaine," I remarked, and he grinned.
"Just wait 'til you see what I've got planned for after we go to bed."
"You didn't go all out with rose petals and stuff, did you?" I teased, and he chuckled, giving me a tight hug and a light kiss on the lips.
"I'd do anything to see you smile. You know that, right?" he asked, softly.
How could I feel anything but pure joy hearing that? Having Dave back in my life felt like a dream, one that just kept getting sweeter by the day. I could see it in his eyes he meant it, despite all the mess with James, despite all the baggage from my past. He loved me, plain and simple. What more could I ask for? 
Instead of answering, I simply leaned in and planted another kiss on his lips.
August 15, 1992
The next few months flew by in a blur. Between my jam-packed schedule and all my commitments, things slowly started shifting. Dave and I made it official, letting everyone know we were back on, and sure, at first, it caused a bit of a stir with the gossip mags and our circle of friends. But soon enough, the novelty wore off, and we got our privacy back.
The moments I spent with him were just something else; every day, our bond got stronger, and I couldn't get enough of Dave - his smile, the feel of his skin on mine, the taste of his kiss, and how his eyes softened whenever they locked with mine.
Dave kept fighting to stay clear of falling back into addiction, even though some days were really tough on him. I did what I could to support him, even if I knew deep down that I couldn't fix everything. But Dave always made sure to let me know that just having me around made things a whole lot easier.
Having him around definitely helped ease my load too; getting back with Dave kind of lifted some of the heaviness I'd been carrying around for the past few years. Sure, I knew I'd always have to deal with the sadness that came with losing Cliff. But the pain of having lost Dave in the past bit by bit was slowly being replaced by love - real, deep love that filled up my chest almost entirely.
Almost entirely, except for the part that still hurt because of my messed-up relationship with James. We'd been in this complicated dance for a few years now, but lately, he'd been more distant than ever. I mean, I get it, being a big-time artist, time works a bit differently, right? It wasn’t unusual for us to go ages without seeing each other when the band was out on their never-ending tours, but usually, we'd at least keep some kind of contact going.
But lately, it felt like he was going out of his way to steer clear of me, and honestly, I wasn't really feeling the urge to patch things up after the nasty stuff he'd flung my way last time we talked. I'd still give Lars and Kirk quick calls to check in on them every now and then, but I made sure to steer clear of bringing up James, and they didn't mention him either.
I figured I'd bump into him sooner or later. I mean, with Leanne's wedding creeping up, it was bound to happen. Lea and Joe had settled on tying the knot down in New Orleans and had snagged a whole hotel to fit everyone in. I caught up with them the day before the big party, when they swung by to greet us at the airport and give us a ride to the hotel.
The moment I laid eyes on Lea, a huge smile spread across my face; she was just like I remembered her, with her dark locks and sparkly eyes, but I couldn't help but do a double-take at the little bump showing she was expecting. As for Lea, she didn't seem at all shocked to see Dave tagging along with me for the event. Despite the miles between us, Leanne and I always made sure to keep each other in the loop about what was going on in our lives.
"You’re pregnant? " I blurted out, all wide-eyed and grinning as she pulled me into a hug. She laughed.
"Yeah, I am! Joe and I were just as shocked, believe me. I'm at 19 weeks... Oh, sorry, that's like 4 months, right? I didn't spill the beans sooner 'cause I wanted to tell you face-to-face."
"Wow, Lea. That's amazing news, congrats!" I gushed, beaming at her, and she beamed right back.
Man, I was beyond thrilled for her. Even though Leanne and I hadn't been as close lately, I still saw her as one of my ride-or-die besties, and I knew she felt the same way. Losing Cliff had changed a lot of stuff, but it didn't touch the bond we had. Seeing her all glowing and living her best life, well, it warmed my heart more than words could say.
Dave and I tagged along with Leanne to the airport parking lot, and there was Joe, leaning against the car, waiting for us. His face lit up with a smile when he spotted us. While Leanne hadn't changed much, Joe was a whole new dude compared to the long-haired blondie I knew back in my San Francisco days. These days, he kept his hair super short, almost buzzed, and sported a full beard. But that friendly grin of his was still exactly the same.
"Hey, Nore, Dave! Been ages!" he said, giving us a hug before unlocking the car. "How've you been? Pumped for the party?"
"I'm counting down the minutes," I grinned, and Leanne let out a soft chuckle. "But you two must be over the moon, right? Tomorrow's your big day!"
"Oh, you have no idea," Leanne said, all hyped up. "We've been waiting for this forever, and now that it's finally happening, it's like pinch-me-I'm-dreaming territory."
We pulled up at the hotel before we knew it. Dave and I gave Leanne and Joe a big thanks for the lift, then headed inside to check-in and crash for a bit. I mean, the next day was gonna be huge. Finally, we made it to our room, and I let out a sigh of relief, humming a little as I started unpacking. Dave glanced over at me, a small smile playing on his lips.
"You're looking pretty happy," he observed, moving in closer and resting a hand on my waist. I let out a soft chuckle as he planted a kiss on my cheek, his lips brushing lightly against my skin before meeting mine. "I love seeing you like this."
"Isn't it crazy that Lea's gonna have a baby? That's awesome," I remarked, grinning. Dave chuckled softly, pulling me into a hug before his lips found mine once more. I let out a contented sigh as he gently gripped my hips, drawing me closer.
"You ever thought about having one?" he murmured, his voice low and a hint of a smile on his lips as he leaned in close to my ear. I pulled back a bit, feeling a blush creep up on my cheeks as I looked at him, surprised. "We could have a little one someday. You know, down the road. Or two. Or ten ."
"How'd we jump from two to ten?" I giggled, and he let out a big laugh.
"Just throwing it out there. If you want, I’d love to have a future with you."
Those words from Dave kept swirling around in my head all night, even after we'd settled into bed. Ever since Cliff had passed, I'd been steering clear of making any big plans for the future. Losing him had hit me hard, wrecking any dreams I used to have. For a while, I’d just let life happen, rolling with the punches as they came. I was so, so terrified of hoping for anything and ending up crushed and broken again. But with Dave by my side, everything felt different, like the world was painted in brighter colors. Was it okay to start thinking about a future where we wouldn't ever have to be distant again? Was it okay to start thinking about a future with him?
A future with him. Just the thought made my stomach tie up in knots, all tangled up with the fear that it could all go south one day. But deep down, I knew I craved it with every fiber of my being.
Maybe I wasn't exactly brimming with courage right then, but one thing I knew for sure: for as long as I lived, I never wanted to be apart from Dave again.
August 16, 1992
Leanne's wedding ceremony was short and sweet, but emotional. I'll admit, I got a bit teary-eyed watching her stroll down that aisle, all choked up with happy tears but still beaming. On the downside, being a bridesmaid meant I couldn't shake the feeling of James' eyes on me the whole time. Him, Lars, and Kirk were all groomsmen at the wedding too.
James and I had crossed paths real quick at the hotel during breakfast, but it was like we were total strangers. Not a single word passed between us. Maybe I was being a bit stubborn, but after the nasty stuff he'd flung at me months back, I wasn't about to be the one to make the first move and patch things up.
The wedding’s reception kicked off pretty quickly, held at a beautiful historical mansion not far from our hotel. I snagged a seat at the table set aside for me, Dave, and a bunch of other folks while he headed off to grab some food. I glanced up with a grin when I noticed a familiar face plop down beside me.
"Hey, Kirk," I greeted, and he flashed me a warm smile.
"Hey, Nore! Finally tracked you down. So, I noticed Lea moved you to a different table... Is it 'cause you and James had a spat or 'cause your boyfriend's not our biggest fan?" he quipped, and I chuckled.
"Maybe a bit of both. But don't sweat it, Dave won't mind me hanging with you guys. As for James..." I let out a sigh. "How's he holding up?"
Kirk grimaced.
"The usual drill, ya know. Him and Lars got into it like three times on the tour... Lars keeps pushing him to hit up rehab, but James insists he’s good," he sighed, then flashed a grin. "Sorry 'bout the tiff you guys had. But he'll bounce back, trust me."
"I know. It's just frustrating when you wanna lend a hand but the other person isn’t having it," I admitted with a sigh, then glanced up as Dave strolled over with two plates of food. "Red alert, Dave's on the scene," I joked, and Kirk chuckled before standing up.
"I'll bail for now. Don't wanna ruffle your boyfriend's feathers too much. We'll chat later, Nore."
I flashed Kirk a smile as he headed off to join Lars and James at their table. Heat rushed to my cheeks when I sensed James looking my way, so I quickly turned my attention to Dave.
"Brought food," Dave grinned, sliding a plate in front of me before settling down beside me. "So, what was up with Hammett?"
"Just chatting. You know we haven’t seen each other in a while," I answered, a small smile playing on my lips. He scoffed, rolling his eyes, but didn't seem too bothered. "Jealous, much?" I teased.
"No need for jealousy, sweetheart. I know you're madly in love with me," he grinned, and I playfully nudged his arm, chuckling.
We wrapped up our meal, happily chatting the whole time. Once dinner was done, a sweet tune started playing, and I couldn't help but grin as I watched Leanne and Joe twirling around the dance floor. Leanne looked stunning in her fancy dress, her hair all dolled up with twinkling little gems. Joe looked like he was on cloud nine, beaming at her like she’d hung the moon. I felt Dave slide an arm around my waist, planting a soft kiss on my temple, and I melted into his embrace.
The party flowed like honey, with drinks pouring freely, mouthwatering meals, and catching up with old friends. Leanne had rounded up a bunch of folks from our San Francisco days, so mingling was easy. Dave and I bounced around, shooting the breeze with different faces, and as the booze kicked in, things got looser. I ended up deep in conversation with Lars at one point, while Dave snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I couldn't help but chuckle at how unexpected and unlikely the moment felt.
The only person I hardly even crossed paths with was James. I mean, there was this one time when I was heading back from the bathroom and accidentally plowed right into him. He caught me, his hands gripping my shoulders tight, and I couldn't help but blush when I looked up and saw it was him. I took a step back, my face probably as red as a tomato, while he just stood there, all serious, not saying a word.
"What?" I snapped, my voice a bit sharper than I meant it to be. He just kept on staring at me, like he was trying to figure out what to say, but I wasn't in the mood to hash things out with him. I spun on my heel and headed back to Dave, who was busy grabbing us a couple of drinks at the bar.
“Hey, babe. You good?" Dave asked, passing me a glass filled with a drink. I took a sip and nodded, shooting a quick glance over at James, who was still eyeing me from afar. We locked eyes for a sec, both of us clearly ticked off, until Dave caught on and followed my gaze. He frowned, grabbing my hand. "C'mon, let's go somewhere else."
I tore my gaze away from James, ditching my drink on some random table as I trailed after Dave, feeling kinda intrigued. The way Dave's shoulders tensed up told me he wasn't exactly thrilled about the silent stare-down I just had with James.
He led me through the mansion's hall and out the back door, where we found ourselves in a huge, empty garden since most of the guests were still inside. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was up to, as he guided me to a secluded spot in the garden. My eyes widened in surprise when he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me before planting a harsh kiss on my lips.
"What's the deal with you and James?" he growled, catching me off guard with the intensity in his voice.
"Dave, it’s nothing," I murmured, but he just grunted in response, kissing me again with a bit too much force, his tongue pushing into my mouth without any of the usual gentleness. I let out a little moan, taken aback, gripping onto his arms as his hold on my waist tightened.
"He's been eyeing you all night, and now you can't seem to take your eyes off him," he murmured, giving my lip a light nip as he backed me against the wall. He slid one knee between my legs and his hand rested lightly on my neck. "You gonna clue me in on why you're giving him all this attention?"
"He's just being a jerk. I'm not giving him the time of day, I... Oh!" I gasped when Dave spun me around, pressing my back against him and pulling me close, letting me feel his hard-on as he started kissing my neck. "Dave, hold on, you're drunk..."
"And what if I am? You are too," he grunted, but eased up on his hold a bit. His lips, however, kept on working their magic on my skin, planting soft kisses that sent shivers down my spine. "What's wrong? You wanna go back to him?"
"It's not that," I murmured, daring to turn to face him again. Dave looked at me, his eyes filled with turmoil as I gripped onto his arms, feeling my heart pounding and my cheeks heating up. "I want you, Dave," I declared, reaching up to his face and wiping away the lipstick that had smeared from my lips to his. He grunted, grabbing my wrist before pressing me back against the wall, his lips finding my neck once more as he nibbled and sucked gently. I let out a little moan, caught off guard, closing my eyes. "Dave..."
"If I make it crystal clear to everyone that you're mine, will that jerk finally back off?" he growled, nipping at my neck again in a way that I knew would leave a mark. I gasped, clutching onto his shirt and shutting my eyes. "You know I'm planning to fuck you stupid all night long, right?"
"Hmm... Dave, please..." I begged, not entirely sure if I wanted him to stop or to keep going. He grunted, but pulled back, leaving me with one last kiss on my neck before stepping away, his cheeks flushed and his gaze burning with intensity.
"We should head back," he suggested, his voice low and husky, his fingers intertwining with mine. I nodded, my heart still pounding, feeling a jolt of electricity shoot through me at his touch.
We made our way back to the party; Dave and I ducked into the bathrooms to freshen up before rejoining the crowd. I blushed when I caught sight of myself in the mirror: flushed cheeks, smudged lipstick, hair slightly tousled, and two distinct red marks on my neck's smooth skin. I did my best to fix my hair and makeup, dabbing at the hickeys with cold water in a vain attempt to reduce the bruises that I knew would linger for days.
I headed to the bar, grabbing a glass of water to cool down. I glanced around, searching for Dave, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he hadn’t left the bathroom yet. I settled at a table with a sigh, my heart still fluttering a bit.
"Your guy's a bit possessive, huh?" a voice chimed in, and I glanced up to see James with that familiar smirk on his face, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and bitterness.
"After all this time, that's your opening line?" I shot back, my tone icy. He took a seat beside me, his gaze fixating on the marks on my neck. His fingers traced the edges of the redness softly, sending a shiver down my spine.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he muttered, "You love having him under your spell. And me too," he added, lifting his gaze to meet mine, his eyes flickering with anger and something else, a mix of emotions I couldn't quite pin down, but definitely edged with desire.
"You're not even gonna say sorry? Just gonna stay there spewing out this nonsense?" I shot back, aiming for hostility but only managing to sound wounded. He scoffed, leaning in closer, his lips pressing against the bruises, kissing and biting them softly before he murmured against my skin:
"I'm sorry." Then he straightened up, leaving me stunned, heart racing and face flushed as I watched him walk away without a backward glance.
After the party wrapped up, Dave and I hopped in a taxi back to the hotel. We were quiet on the ride, his fingertips tracing little circles on my inner thigh, sending shivers up my spine. Once we got to our room, I headed to the bathroom, flicking on the tap to start filling the bathtub while Dave took his clothes off. Leaning against the door frame, I watched him kick off his shoes, feeling the buzz from the drinks at the party making me even more eager to pick up where we’d left off with that kiss.
"Are you hopping in the bath with me?" I asked, shooting Dave a coy smile as he loosened his tie. He smiled back and walked over, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a soft kiss on my lips, while his hand fumbled for the zipper of my dress.
He paused when we heard knocks on the door. I frowned, wondering if it could be hotel staff or something. Dave sighed, annoyed, as the knocking continued.
"Better shut off the tap before we flood the room," he remarked, and I chuckled softly. "Let me handle this while you do it."
I headed into the bathroom, shutting off the tap as I listened to Dave dealing with whoever was at the door. I perked up, intrigued, when I heard a familiar voice followed by Dave's tense and irritated tone:
"You've got some guts showing up here, huh?"
I furrowed my brow, puzzled, and went back to the room, my jaw dropped in confusion when I spotted James at the door, locking eyes with Dave in a standoff.
"James?" I blurted out, taken aback, and both men turned to look at me, frustration and anger etched on both their faces. "What the hell are you doing here?"
He eyed me for a beat, tension thickening as Dave's gaze drilled into him. It was like mixing gasoline with a lit match; all of us were already worked up and intoxicated after a night of partying, and James clearly had some bones to pick with both Dave and me. James made a move to step into the room, but Dave cut him off, blocking the entrance with his arm.
"She asked you a fucking question," Dave growled, and James finally glanced at him, a sarcastic smirk creeping onto his lips.
"I came here to talk to her, not to you," James slurred, his voice thick with alcohol. Dave looked ready to snap, his free hand balling into a fist.
"Dave," I stepped in, grabbing his arm and easing it down. He turned to me, and I placed my hand on his chest. "It's alright. Let him in."
Dave sighed heavily but reluctantly moved aside, his face tight with tension, his eyes burning with anger and his lips pressed into a thin line.
"You're like her little lapdog, aren't you? Whatever she wants, you jump, just to keep her happy," James remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I shot him a disapproving look, furrowing my brow, but before I could respond, Dave interrupted with a growl:
"And what about you, huh? You're here to grovel for her forgiveness?" Dave stepped forward, confronting James with a challenging glare. I glanced nervously between them, reaching out to touch Dave's arm in a futile attempt to calm him, but he shrugged me off. "I see the way you look at her, Hetfield. You think I don't notice? You're pathetic."
"That's the crux of it, isn't it?" James snarled. "You and I, we're cut from the same cloth. We both crave her love, her attention, hoping we'll be the lucky one she picks in this messed-up game."
"Except she already chose me," Dave shot back. "Game over. And you know I don't like sharing what's mine."
"Maybe you guys should give it a shot," I blurted out, without really thinking, eager to diffuse the tension between them, but instantly regretting it. Dave and James both turned to look at me, wearing expressions of disbelief, while I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Um... I just meant..."
"Try sharing you?" Dave chuckled, as if what I’d said was totally nonsensical. I blushed when he gently lifted my chin with his hand, locking eyes with me as he leaned in close, his words a soft whisper, "You don't even know what you're asking for, do you, sweetheart?"
"I just don't want you guys fighting," I murmured, pleadingly. "Please, Dave. You know I care about both of you."
James chuckled, shifting our focus away from each other. Leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, he had that same intense look in his eyes as when we’d talked earlier — anger, jealousy, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on at first, but then recognized: longing.
"You always play nice with everyone and it drives me fucking crazy," he remarked, moving closer and closing the door behind him. My heart raced as his hand trailed down my neck to collarbone, all while Dave kept a close eye on him. "There's no escaping this, Nore. Choosing one means hurting the other. And he's got a point." James shot a glance at Dave, who raised an eyebrow. "I'm not exactly great at sharing what's mine either. You know you can't have us both, right?"
"I know. But I don't wanna lose either of you," I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat up as James came closer with a growl, planting his lips on mine. I gasped in surprise, and he seized the moment to slip his tongue into my mouth, his hands firm on my waist. I let out a soft moan as I felt Dave's lips on my neck, planting slow kisses until he reached my ear.
"You sure about this?" he questioned, and I nodded, shutting my eyes and yielding to James' kiss, eliciting a soft growl from him as I tangled my fingers in his hair. "Didn't know you were this greedy, babe," Dave murmured, but he didn't seem upset, more like amused.
Was this really happening? It was hard to wrap my head around it, hard to think straight as the lips of the two men I loved roamed over my mouth, my neck, my skin, igniting sensations that made my whole body tingle. Dave's fingers deftly unzipped my dress.
"Talk to me," James whispered in my ear, and I shut my eyes, my lips parting slightly as I exhaled, Dave still planting kisses on my neck as he eased down my dress. "Tell me you want this, I gotta hear it from you."
"Please, I want both of you," I breathed out, and Dave tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me snug against his body while James teased my earlobe.
I let out a sigh as Dave tilted my head, locking his lips with mine, our tongues moving together while James worked on unclasping my bra and took a nipple into his mouth, giving it a playful nip before leaving small hickeys all over my soft skin. I couldn't help but moan, the sensations overwhelming me. I was completely lost in the moment, swept away by the touch of both of them. It was beyond anything I'd ever dared to dream.
James backed off a bit, his hands resting gently on my hips while Dave went back to peppering my neck with kisses, his hardness pressed against my butt. I stole a glance at James, noticing his distant gaze and flushed cheeks as he watched me, his fingers tracing my cheek softly.
"How do you pull it off? You're still perfect even when you're messing with my head," James muttered, and Dave snarled softly, leaning his head on my shoulder, their eyes locking for a moment. James' expression was hard, revealing a blend of frustration and reluctant acceptance.
"Why do you think I'm crazy about her?" Dave murmured, his lips trailing from my neck up to my jawline in a slow, deliberate path.
I sighed, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I sensed a kind of understanding forming between the three of us, albeit slowly; Dave and James were like two sides of the same coin, always had been, brothers of fire and anger even before all their pain had driven them apart. Was it such a shocker that they'd both end up falling for the same woman? Was it such a surprise that I'd end up loving them both?
Maybe we always knew it would eventually lead to this. Maybe we’d all been waiting for this moment, a collision of stars, like waves crashing on the shore on a rainy day. It was dangerous, but exhilarating — so much so that I almost wished we wouldn't cross this line, because I knew I could never come back.
But, at least from now, it seemed good enough to be worth it.
James took a step back, loosening his shirt’s buttons and slipping it off gradually, working on undoing his pants next. I watched him, feeling a shiver run down my spine as Dave's hands caressed my breasts softly. I let out a sigh as James came closer, and reached out, my fingers tracing the edge of his underwear slowly. James grunted, grabbing my hand on his and pressing it against the outline of his erection.
"No way," Dave grunted, clutching my wrist tightly, while James arched an eyebrow. "She's mine first. You can watch," he declared, and James chuckled, rolling his eyes with a smirk. Dave wrapped his arm around my waist, pivoting me to face him, and planted a slow kiss on my lips as I unfastened his shirt.
"Is this your way of proving I'm yours?" I whispered, and he grunted against my lips. "By fucking me in front of him?"
Dave didn't say a word; he guided me to the bed, laying me down and sliding off my panties before undoing his pants and lowering them. James joined us on the bed, shedding his underwear and stretching out, placing my head on his thigh and tenderly running his fingers through my hair, his gaze fixed on my face as he caressed it. Dave finished stripping, then climbed on top of me; I shut my eyes, letting out a soft moan as he pushed into me and I felt him spread me open. James let out a low, rough sound, leisurely stroking my hair. When I looked at him, I saw he held his hard cock in his hand, jerking it softly.
I shifted my gaze to Dave, who kissed me slowly, his intense hazel eyes serious as he pushed into me. His lips moved against mine, his tongue intertwining with mine as he thrust forcefully. I let out soft moans against his mouth, tears brimming in my eyes from the pleasure of feeling him inside me.
"Dave…" I whispered, and he groaned, pulling me close, our gazes locking in a heated embrace.
I wrapped my legs around his hips, urging him to go deeper, gripping his hair tightly. James growled, tilting my face up and guiding his cock to my lips. I eagerly opened my mouth, taking him in, and he moaned softly. Dave kissed my neck, sucking on the tender skin, leaving even more bruises that sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't mind. In that moment, all I could focus on was the sensation of James and Dave, both of them, with me, together.
"Fuck," Dave whispered in my ear, his actions growing more fervent. "If I knew it felt this good to have you with an audience, I would've suggested it ages ago."
"If I knew you'd be into it, I would've brought it up sooner," I whispered back, stroking James' cock slowly with my hand and sighing when Dave started to massage my clit with his fingertips. I moaned, gripping him tightly, and he shut his eyes, thrusting into me with more vigor.
"You're almost there, aren't you?" Dave whispered, and I nodded, unable to form words. James gently brushed away the tears of ecstasy that welled in my eyes, his touch so tender it sent shivers down my spine. I took him back into my mouth, and he let out a soft groan, moving slowly as I continued to pleasure him.
I let out a long, satisfied moan, tightening around Dave as waves of pleasure washed over me, leaving me trembling and breathless. Dave groaned, his face buried in my neck as he reached his own climax, his release flooding into me with a low grunt.
Taking a moment to catch my breath, I pulled James out of my mouth, my lips meeting Dave’s as he shifted beside me. He brushed the hair away from my face, planting gentle kisses along my neck and shoulders as I took James back in my mouth, meeting his gaze with a mixture of desire and satisfaction.
James tangled his fingers in my hair, guiding my movements as his hips rocked gently. His flushed face and parted lips revealed his arousal as I worked my tongue, eliciting soft sighs from him. Meanwhile, Dave's kisses grew more fervent, his hand trailing down to where my body was still slick with our fluids. His touch on my already overstimulated clit made me shiver, and I couldn't help but moan in response. James then bucked his hips forward with a moan, tightening his grip on my head, his release filling my mouth with a warmth that sent a thrill through me.
"Good girl," Dave murmured approvingly as James pulled away from my mouth, running a finger along my slightly swollen lips. I swallowed, feeling a rush of warmth and satisfaction. I turned to Dave, and he leaned in, planting slow kisses along my jawline. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment, but Dave gently cupped my face, urging me to look at him. "Don't shut your eyes, sweetheart," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "We're not done with you yet."
I nodded, feeling my cheeks flush and my heart beat faster as Dave shifted away and James pulled me onto his lap, my legs wrapping around his hips as I sensed him growing hard once more. Dave let out a sigh, positioning himself behind me, his hands firmly on my waist providing support as he nibbled on my earlobe. I closed my eyes, nestling my face into James' neck and wrapping my arms around it as Dave raised my hips, allowing James to enter me with deliberate slowness.
This was gonna be a long, long night.
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✧ if you'd like to be tagged on the next parts, let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! ❤ ✧
tag list: @killazilla777 @whatsupvic @70srogah @genswine9 @twice360noscope @ilovepapahet @decemberm0on
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abitohoney · 1 year
Sugar!Mommy Sevika in a modern AU just looking for someone to rail who can acommodate her kinks. 👀any thoughts?
Yes. Many thoughts, nonny. Many thoughts. But also, what about Sugar BABY Sevika? Hmm? What about that, nonny? I want to be her Sugar Momma. Spoil her with all the finer things as a reward for fulfilling my needs.
Haha. Just kidding! Actually, not really. I kinda want both scenarios, cause I'm an "and" kind of woman. I think I will write a separate one to cover the reverse. So for anyone interested in that, stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy my thoughts on Sugar Mommy Sevika below the cut!
NSFW, MDNI, Explicit
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I feel like even in a modern setting Sevika wouldn’t use an app to find a sugar baby. She’d want to scope out her options in person.
I could see her picking you up from a strip club she frequents where you instantly become one of her favorites. She likes the way you seem just as drawn to her as she is to you. How your eyes always lock on hers while you’re performing, despite the massive crowd to choose from.
After watching you for several nights (and tipping you very generously), she finally decides to make the request.
Sevika leans against the brick wall just outside the back entrance of the club, a cigarette tucked into the corner of her mouth.
As you step out through the door, a long coat covering your otherwise scantily clad body, you’re momentarily startled to find someone waiting there. Someone much larger than you. But the moment your eyes travel over the familiar curl of dark lips and meet those equally familiar gray eyes, relief washes over you.
“Hey there handsome!” you greet her cheerfully. “Hoping to get one more peek before I head home?” you tease, watching curiously as she pushes off the wall and comes to stand before you.
She tosses her cigarette to the ground, putting it out with the toe of her boot as she chuckles lowly.
It’s the first time you’ve heard her voice. It makes your stomach flutter and your core warm. It sounds so wonderfully deep and sultry. Just as sexy as she is.
“Actually, I was hoping to get more than just a peek,” she replies with more than a hint of a suggestive undertone. Her eyes drop to the bit of cleavage peeking out from beneath your coat before drifting back up to your smile.
“Oh yeah?” you ask with a flirtatious lilt. You take your bottom lip between your teeth and let your eyes drink in the sight before you as well. Your gaze travels up the length of her muscular body, intentionally slow. You want her to notice. “What did you have in mind?”
“I could use a pretty girl like you in my bed,” she replies smoothly, running the back of a thick finger over one of your warm cheeks, which only heats further at the touch.
The thrill that races up your spine is electric. And as if her request wasn’t enticing enough, she easily closes the deal with her offer for payment.
“I’d pay any price. You name it, sweetheart.” Her finger slides beneath your chin, tilting your head back to keep your gaze locked as she ghosts the pad of her thumb over the plush of your bottom lip. “Anything your heart desires.”
Your breath catches in your throat and your heart skips a beat.
How could you possibly refuse?
You assume it will just be a one-night thing. That she'll simply have her way with you, you'll receive a generous payment, and then that will be the end of it. But as you’re lying in her bed that night, mind blown and body covered in sweat, tears, and your own slick, she requests more. Much more. She wants you on call, ready to come to her bed at the drop of a hat. But you’re more than happy to give her anything she wants, whenever she wants it.
She works for some bigwig at a large corporation, so she pays you very well for each visit.
But it’s more than just money. She gifts you flowers, jewelry, fancy clothes, accessories, trinkets, and beautiful lingerie. She'll treat you to expensive dinners at high-end restaurants, and eventually, she even takes you on lavish vacations.
She proudly wears you on her arm whenever she goes out. Whether it’s going out for drinks or card games with the guys, or even just shopping, you’re at her side just beaming at all the sights and the attention you receive.
Brings you to every company dinner party dressed in the glittering dresses and sparkling jewelry she bought you. Has zero shame in how she openly smirks when she catches all the men staring in awe, and obvious jealousy.
But you'd be lying if you said you were only in it for the money and material things, or even the fun events. The way she gets that sexy, crooked smile every time she sees you, all the attention she gives you, the praise, the compliments, the touches, the possessiveness she has over you- all of it leaves you feeling high as a kite.
And the way she fucks you so damn good, leaving you completely satisfied every single time- that alone becomes an addiction you could never kick, even if you wanted to. It makes you wonder who is really servicing who in this arrangement.
With her strap still buried deep inside you, Sevika holds you against her sweat-slicked chest and hauls you up from the edge of the bed toward the headboard.
You wrap your legs around her slim waist and cling to her strong shoulders, still breathless and dizzy from your last orgasm. You try to look away when you mewl pathetically at the sudden stimulation caused by those movements, but those beautiful gray eyes of hers are locked on yours- and they're hungry.
She lies your head down on the pillows and grips the bottom of your thighs, pushing them against the sides of your chest and leaving you completely open to her. She lowers her head and brings her mouth to the soft junction where your neck and shoulder meet.
You're foolish to think she'll simply place a kiss there. You should know better after so many nights with her. Yet, when you feel her sink her teeth into your flesh, you can't help the surprised gasp that pulls from your throat. It quickly turns to a quiet whimper as she sucks and licks the mark, soothing the pain and replacing it with undeniable pleasure.
Just as your eyes flutter shut, she presses her lips against your ear.
"Ready?" She husks.
You're never ready. Never prepared for what she'll do to you next, because it's wildly different every time. But you'll never say no. Not just because you agreed to provide such services, but because your body aches for her. You yearn for that new high you reach every time she takes you. So you give her a meek nod and prepare yourself for yet another sinfully intense round of pleasure.
She fucks you in every position, never the same one twice. Uses any one of her vast collection of faux cocks, those deliciously thick fingers, or that wickedly talented mouth of hers.
She never asks you to do anything to her, not directly. She's always more than satisfied with just being the one to pull orgasm after orgasm from your body. To simply watch the way you fall apart beneath her.
And the aftercare? Top. Notch. Arguably just as addicting as the sex itself.
Lying with your head against the pillows, right where she left you after fucking you senseless, you watch in a daze as Sevika gently cleans you up with a warm, wet cloth. She's so incredibly careful as she wipes you where you're most abused- albeit wonderfully so- and overly sensitive. It warms your heart to see this large woman, who was railing you into oblivion moments earlier, now being so contrastingly tender.
Once she's finished, she crawls over your body, her massive frame completely shadowing yours. It should be unnerving, but it's the complete opposite as she begins placing soft, sweet kisses over each and every mark she left on your body. Every bite. Every hickey. Every bruise. Every scratch. Nothing is left unattended.
Then, once she's nearly lulled you to sleep with her sweet ministrations, she lies on her side next to your limp body. With her head propped up in a hand and a lopsided grin on her face, she gazes down at you and simply admires your fucked out expression.
"You did so well for me, sweetheart" she whispers, voice still husky, and you're certain that if you weren't so damn tired, she'd have you again. But she knows when to stop. When you've had all you can handle. She won't push you. There's clearly more to this for her than just the great sex and a pretty accessory for her arm.
"So beautiful," she says softly as she traces a finger along your brows. Her gray eyes drop to your mouth as she runs her thumb over your slightly parted lips. "And sweet," she adds before lowering her head to seal your lips with hers.
Your arrangement quickly becomes a bit too frequent to be considered just something transactional. She still pays, handsomely, to the point that you can even afford to quit your job. And not only that, you need to quit because before you know it, you're with her more than you're not and there's no time for another job. Not that you're complaining. You'd gladly be her permanent sugar baby.
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chooh2 · 4 months
(tagged by the always wonderful @breezypunk tysm 🙏 I had a ton of fun doing this!)
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NAME? "Yeah I got one, preem-ass name too. Real nice ring to it, rolls off the tongue. Too bad you don't get the pleasure of knowin' it. You can call me V."
NICKNAMES? "Mi luna calls me Sunshine, that one's my favorite, she's my favorite~💕" (*1)
GENDER? "Lost to the wind, better off that way!"
STAR SIGN? "Gemini. Know those stars well enough, not so much the mystical shit behind 'em. Got a good choom who could lay out their meaning like the lines of her palm, though. Oughta ask her about it..."
HEIGHT? "I can reach the Scop Puffs in the pantry for ya if that's what you're askin'."
ORIENTATION? "Never been a picky eater~"
NATIONALITY? " 'Merican."
FAVORITE FRUIT? "Ooohoho, shit! Hang on! You ever eaten a real plum before? Juicy, sweet, but with a little bit of tang! Not super crunchy, but not too soft either! Swiped one outta some bigwig's fruit bowl once upon a gig and- wait, no, that one was plastic-"
FAVORITE SEASON? "Always liked Fall best, 'specially out on the open road. Way the air bites a little, almost smells cleaner. Can't beat Halloween either!"
FAVORITE FLOWER? "Oh! Those little solar powered guys that dance in the sun! Even got one of 'em sittin' on the dash of my ride!" (*2)
FAVORITE SCENT? "Y'know, doesn't matter how many times I wash it, jacket still smells the same. Smells like the good ol' days." (*3)
COFFEE OR TEA? "Coffee with sugar. Don't drink it much anymore though, get too jittery."
AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP? "Eh, three? Four maybe?" ...HOURS? MINUTES? "Maybe Four-and-a-Half?"
DOG OR CAT PERSON? "Dunno detectives, d'you really hafta ask?"
DREAM TRIP? "Already got my round trip to space, think I might be set for life! Hm... Road-trip northeast could be nice..."
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH? "Personally don't need more than one, but I keep a couple extras piled just for the cats."
RANDOM FACT? "Got a heart shaped birthmark on my ass, wanna see-" NO! "Re-lax! I'm just joshin' ya!"
(think a lot of people have done this already, but if you haven't this is your chance! i'm tagging you! right now! go and have fun with it!)
1: Speaking of nicknames, Mi luna (My moon) is referring to So Mi :)
2: Think most everybody knows what these are but!
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V's got the sunflower one 100%
3: Y'know how sometimes when u wear other ppl's clothes (sweaters, shirts, etc) it sometimes smells a little like them? Got my own headcanon that the jacket they're always wearing used to belong to one of their parents, a memento of better days roaming with their family, something familiar and safe
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sammycutiepie · 7 months
cursed love
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chapter 1
pairing: suguru geto x fem!reader
word account: 4.0k
synopsis: When Yui returns after a year she finds that everything had changed, Suguru had changed, he had become a complete stranger. Promises were broken, like fragile threads broken by the weight of disappointment. The darkness had invaded all love, cursing it forever.
author's note: Hiii this is the first time I have uploaded something to this platform and I'm really excited that this is precisely my first job. I've been fantasizing about this story for quite some time now, literally every time I went to sleep. I plan to make a short but emotional story, I want that through Yui's character we can create a kind of connection with Suguru and come to understand him. I hope you like it!
“Suguru!” Yui ran and pounced on the body of the black-haired man, who, it should be noted, was already prepared and with his arms open.
Suguru laughed sweetly as he heard her murmur into his neck how much she missed him, followed by all kinds of cheesy and endearing words. He hugged her waist and brought her closer to his morphology, seeking more contact, more intimacy, and he knew that Yui felt the same way when he felt her tremble with emotion. Suguru was still surprised at how much he could feel for a person, both physically and emotionally. Yui was everything to him, their personalities complemented each other based on their needs, they shared the same ideals and sense of justice, even their cursed techniques were compatible, if there was such a thing as soulmates, Suguru was sure that Yui was his.
“Why do you always have to be so loud?” Gojo lowered his glasses just a little so he could see more clearly the pathetic little romantic scene between his best friend and his girlfriend.
Yui didn't pay attention to what Gojo had said, and how could she when her entire world was in front of her? She separated from Suguru only to take his beautiful face in her hands, and then she dedicated herself to scrutinizing every tiny detail and imperfection in that face that she loved so much, trying to compile everything in her memory, since she had to be gone for a full year towards a spiritual retreat.
Her last mission had been a complete chaos, her powers went out of control and she caused scandals by not having put up a protective curtain. Her uncle, Yaga Masamichi, at the request of the bigwigs was forced to send her to another continent, where she would be under the tutoring of shamans specialized in cursed techniques, all with the aim of perfecting her powers and avoiding a greater disaster.
Yui was a little depressed, because even though she understood the seriousness of the situation and how necessary this retreat was for her, she couldn't help but feel bad when imagining herself separated from Suguru for such a long term.
Even though they lived together and studied in the same place, they hadn't had much time alone lately, and she knew she had to get used to it, it was a vile paradox, the more time passed the less they could enjoy it. This was the life of sorcerers. There was always a risk, death followed them on bloody bare heels, security and stability were not options in that world.
Yui loved her job, but sometimes, just sometimes, she wanted a normal life.
“Suguru, let's eat sweet curry with apples.” Yui said this with the intention of annoying Gojo, because that was what their relationship was based on, it was a kind of healthy and reciprocal bullying.
“With extra honey?” Suguru asked, picking up on his lover's playful intentions.
“Yeah, just the two of us.”
“Why are you making plans without me?” Gojo felt offended, because it was more or less his favorite dish, that was a vile betrayal.
“You've had Suguru for a long time! It's not fair. I will talk to my uncle to assign you to go on separate missions.” Yui clung to Suguru's right arm like an infant to her mother's.
"Good luck with that, I've heard that Yaga isn't very happy with you." Gojo alluded to the reason why she was leaving.
Hayashi Yui, second year student of the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College and first grade sorceress. Her cursed technique consists of controlling curses, manipulating and directing their cursed energy to her will. Unlike Geto Suguru, who can also control curses, Yui possesses a deeper and more sentimental approach. While Suguru uses curses as destructive weapons, Yui seeks to understand and master curses, influencing them to try to change its primitive nature. Yui focuses on the emotional connection, she understands that curses are beings trapped in a cycle of hatred and suffering, and seeks to free them from that burden through her control.
The acquisition ritual involves gaining an empathic connection with the curse you wish to obtain. To achieve this, Yui undergoes an intense trance where she mentally connects with the curse. As she deepens the trance, her consciousness merges with that of the curse, allowing her to understand its origin, motivations and way of acting; Once the connection is established, Yui has complete power over the curse.
Suguru absorbs curses orally, and Yui does so through a special necklace that she has worn on her neck since birth, a family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation.
However, manipulating curses is a complicated art; if Yui fails to maintain a stable connection with the curse, it can rebel and become uncontrollable, even possessing her and seriously harming her. Additionally, the internal fighting process can be exhausting, limiting the number of curses she can control at once and the duration of her mastery.
“Have you been meditating as I told you?” She could hear the concern in Suguru's voice.
“Meditating is boring.” The voices of curses came to overwhelm her so much that she completely lost her attention and concentration.
“If you don't have discipline, how do you plan to have self-control? You should start internalizing that so that the retreat is not in vain.”
Yui hated that Suguru had a perfectly logical answer for everything, but she also loved him for it.
“I know, but it's difficult. I don’t like doing it without you.” Everything was always easier and more enjoyable with Suguru present.
“That's not an excuse, you take a big risk during your rituals.”
Yui didn't like the look Suguru was giving her, he looked so serious and cold, it scared her and made her feel like she was doing something wrong.
“I've only been possessed once.” For some reason, that comment had sounded very clever in her head.
“And it doesn't seem serious enough to you? If it has happened once, what assures you that it will not happen again? You are not only a threat to yourself, but also to others. You must be responsible for your actions and become aware of the magnitude of your power.” It sounded like Suguru was scolding her, and Yui really despised being treated like a child.
“Curses don't control me, I control them. That incident only happened because it was a special grade curse and I was not familiar with that class at the time.” If there was something that characterized Hayashi Yui, it was her great pride and her inability to recognize her mistakes.
Suguru noticed her defensive attitude and hugged her lovingly, taking advantage of the difference in height to inhale the sweet aroma of her hair. God, how he would miss that stubborn brat.
“I'm just saying that with great power comes great responsibility. I want you to take the spiritual retreat as something serious that will help you grow individually and professionally. I'm not lecturing you or telling you what to do, I just want the best for you. Ensuring your safety is the most important thing to me.”
Could Yui love that man more? No, definitely not.
“You are unable to control your own powers, that's pitiful. It can be said that you have failed as a sorceress, I don't even understand how you are classified as first grade.” Gojo interrupted the tender moment.
“Not as pitiful as your face.”
“Well, your sister doesn't think that.”
"I do not have a sister." Yui argued with a frown.
“If you had one, I'm sure she would be at my feet, just like everyone else.”
“Narcissistic bitch.” Yui smiled amused, she would really miss that asshole with superiority issues.
“If you had this face you would be one too.”
Suguru just watched them in silence, used to being a mere spectator during these types of childish fights.
“This girl, Tengen-sama's vessel… is she cute?” Yui suddenly asked.
"Why do you ask that?" Suguru didn't understand until he saw the discreet blush on Yui's face, she was jealous.
“If my boyfriend is going to spend the next few weeks taking care of a strange girl, I deserve to know what she looks like.” Yui defended herself, crossing her arms and raising one of her eyebrows to look intimidating when in Suguru's eyes she only looked more adorable.
“The girl on the subway wouldn't make jealous scenes like this, I told you that you should have asked her for her number.” Gojo brought a controversial comment into the conversation.
“What subway girl?”
“Satoru is teasing you.” Suguru sighed, patting his best friend's head superficially.
“Anyway, why should you guys protect her? We are sorcerers, not bodyguards.”
“It's a little more complicated, Yui.” Suguru tried to reason with her.
"I am aware." Her uncle had informed her of the situation, in fact, the initial plan also included Yui in the mission, but the results of her latest mishap changed the course of events. “However, I still don't understand why you two are going alone.”
“Because we are the strongest.” Gojo replied with his chest puffed out with confidence.
“I don't have a good feeling.” Yui said, touching her necklace and feeling the enormous amount of cursed energy coming out of it.
“You never have a good feeling.” Suguru grimaced a little.
“It's because I don't want to lose you.” She confessed without further ado, her eyes taking on a layer of sadness and heartbreak.
She had already lost her parents, she couldn't lose Suguru too. Not Suguru.
“You won't lose me.” He adjusted Yui's bangs so that they weren't in the way of her view, he knew how much she got irritated when that happened.
“Do you promise you'll be here when I get back? Promise it, tell me you’ll be alive.” Yui knew she was speaking crudely, but it was how she felt, and she had never been good at hiding her feelings.
Suguru could sense her fear and that made his own heart ache, the connection between them was on another level.
“I'll be here, waiting for you, as always. Everything will remain the same, nothing will change. Do you trust me?" Suguru took Yui and kissed her forehead protectively.
"I love you." That was her response.
“Yui, if you asked me to describe love in one word I would say your name. And I love you in the craziest way possible, and in manners that I never thought existed, and that's the great thing about being by your side, you make me believe that anything is possible. Every day I learn something new from you, I discover a thousand unknown universes in your eyes, and my ears melt when I hear your honey voice. You are my favorite spring, my dream come true, the song I can't stop listening to. I would recognize you in every past life and in the following, because you are the one and only true love of my life. I want everything with you, a future, a house, a family, I want my children to have your smile and that funny expression you make when I talk to you about something you don't understand. So you can rest assured that I will not leave this world without first achieving all those things, okay?”
Yui knew that Suguru couldn't guarantee all that considering the kind of life they both had. But for that moment she decided to ignore all that and be happy, in that moment it was just them, Suguru and Yui, a normal boy and a normal girl fantasizing about worldly things.
She pulled him to her lips and they shared a bittersweet kiss that tasted like a “see you soon,” and not a “goodbye,” and that was enough, it was more than enough.
“You guys are so disgusting.” Gojo placed a hand over his mouth, as if he was going to throw up.
“You're just jealous.” Yui stuck her tongue out at him and ruffled his white hair.
“Of course not, why would I want a relationship? "That's a waste of time." Gojo had never considered such a thing as a relationship, he was the strongest, he had responsibilities to the wizarding world and his clan, he couldn't afford to carry the burden of caring for someone else, and to be honest, he didn't even care.
“That is why you will be left alone, four eyes.”
“They are six!” Gojo protested, indignant.
“Will you be careful?” Yui had to ask regardless.
“Of course, like always, plus I'm with Satoru.”
“That doesn't give me much security, Satoru is impulsive and always gets involved in suicidal situations.”
Gojo had the instinct to contradict her, but after thinking about it he knew that he had no choice but to accept the exposed reality.
The named girl turned around and saw her uncle waiting for her in front of a limousine with all her luggage.
It was time. Her hands began to shake from anxiety and nerves.
Suguru intertwined his hands with hers and smiled at her in that way that was so typical of him, his slanted eyes turned into two half-moons.
“Have confidence in yourself, I know you can do it.”
Yui nodded, now determined and full of encouragement. She said goodbye to the pair of friends for the last time with a knot in her stomach.
And as she walked towards her new destination she thought about Suguru's words.
Everything would remain the same.
Nothing would change.
Suguru had said it, and Suguru never lied.
Once again before her eyes was the school, her happiness was so much that she couldn't stop smiling, and even though the corners of her mouth hurt it didn't matter, because she was minutes away from meeting the person who had kept her sane and motivated throughout the time she had spent away. When she entered she was surprised to notice the desert, and it was true that there weren't many students, but for some reason, everything felt emptier.
Yui walked towards her uncle's office, and the closer she got, the more horrified she became. She was hearing screams through the walls, and they weren't from just anyone, it was Gojo Satoru's voice, and he sounded angry, Gojo Satoru was never angry, she hurried over and found them in the middle of the hallway, in what seemed like halfway of a discussion.
“Yui.” Yaga's eyes widened, tired lines decorating his forehead from stress.
"Everything's fine?" Yui's anxiety was reflected in the constant clicking of her foot against the wood of the floor, she dropped her luggage and approached the pair with anxiety disguised as curiosity.
Of course nothing was right, her uncle wore a heartbroken and crestfallen expression, his posture did not look confident and intimidating like it always did. And Gojo, he was unrecognizable, he was evading her presence in a very forced way, a sad grimace overshadowing his typical shameless smile.
Alarm bells went off in Yui's head.
Something bad had happened. Something very bad.
“I need to talk to you about something serious.” Yaga cleared his throat, not knowing where he should start, seriously considering a correct way to break the news, when there was no correct way.
“Where is Suguru?” The question came out loud after being decoded in her mind.
Yui did not go unnoticed by his relative's body language. At the mention of her boyfriend, he swallowed and avoided eye contact.
"Let's talk first."
“We will, just let me look for Suguru, I need to see him.” Yui was going to take another step when Yaga shouted her name seriously, and then she had her confirmation, it was Suguru, something had happened to Suguru, to her Suguru.
"Read this." Yaga handed her a stack of documents.
Yui took the reports and began reading almost immediately, her heart was racing in her chest with each new piece of information her brain acquired, her hands were shaking like jelly, and her legs were in no better condition. By the time she finished, Yui felt on the verge of a panic attack, she wanted to bite off her nails and rip off her tongue until it exploded with blood, until she felt something other than confusion right now.
"What is this?"
"Just what you read, it's all true.” Yaga confirmed.
"Shut up!"
Gojo and Yaga looked genuinely surprised, Yui never raised her voice at anyone, she was always so polite and respectful.
“Suguru is not a murderer. This is a lie… they are lying. You're lying!" She had officially panicked, suddenly she felt an invisible rope settle in her throat and not let her breathe.
“I would like to be wrong, but it's the truth. Geto Suguru is a fugitive and has been sentenced to death.”
The word “death” followed by Suguru's name made Yui lose her temper.
"No! What did you do? How did this happen?”
Yui peppered Gojo with questions, she rushed towards him and began to hit his chest without force to take out her anger.
"Where were you?"
A hit.
“Why did you let him do this?”
Another one.
“Everything was supposed to stay the same, nothing would change.” Yui fell to the ground and began to cry uncontrollably, her cursed energy felt at its limit, for a minute Yaga was afraid that it would get out of control and destroy the entire place.
“Yui.” Gojo tried to comfort her, but she patted his hand before he could touch her.
“Don't come near me.” She growled at him with bloodshot eyes. “You didn't protect him, you're a shitty friend.”
That was enough, Gojo couldn't take it anymore. He would take any insult, but he would never allow himself to be labeled as a bad friend. It hadn't been his fault that Suguru had made bad decisions, nor had it been his fault that he hadn't realized that Suguru had been depressed. He had been busy all the time, plus he wasn't a fucking psychologist, he wasn't even an observant person.
Does he knew it wasn't his fault?
And despite knowing it, he punished himself for it?
“Suguru is a murderer. Get over it and stop acting like a fucking little girl, you're not the only one who's suffering.”
Yui gained momentum and stood up at lightning speed with the sole objective of slapping Gojo Satoru's boastful face, and she succeeded, and yes, indeed, it felt as good as she had imagined.
“Don't you dare to lie about him.”
“Yui, that's enough.” Yaga intervened when he saw that things were getting out of hand.
Yui screamed loudly and covered her ears. The voices, the curses did not stop, they made a lot of noise, they were making fun of her.
“You don't understand, I'm sure he had his reasons. No, I know, someone is manipulating him, it's not his fault. I… I will make amends, I will find him and this misunderstanding will be resolved, Suguru will return and everything will be fine, everything will be as before.” Yui had a flurry of possible theories that didn't make her look very sane.
“You're being delusional.” Yaga was worried about his niece's health.
Gojo answered an incoming call.
“Shoko… this is not a good time.”
Yui frowned as she heard Satoru swallow a gasp, whatever Shoko had said had gotten to him. Instinctively, her mind related it to Suguru, and she only needed to share a look with Gojo to confirm it.
“I'll be there in five minutes.” He hung up and focused his intense blue eyes on Yui. "Come with me."
Yui heard the confrontation between those who were once inseparable. She still had a hard time assimilating what was happening, her head hurt like hell and she really wanted to throw up. Everything was so confusing, she felt like she was under the effects of a hallucinogenic substance, far from reality.
When she witnessed Suguru give signs of leaving, she came out of the shadows to confront him.
“Suguru.” She spoke with her voice weaker than ever.
Suguru's peripheral vision focused in her direction, distinguishing his lover from all the people passing by around him. Yui was there, looking as fragile as ever, like an unripe flower bud.
It had been so long, he didn't even have time to think that her return would be soon. And he was so happy, elated, Yui had arrived at the perfect time, now she could reign at his side, she would help him create his sorcerer's paradise.
“Yui. I'm glad to see you." Suguru smiled and raised his hand in a salute, as if nothing had happened, as if with that same hand he had not murdered his parents and hundreds of other people.
Yui experienced a secondary emotion, it was rage, anger bubbled in each of her arteries, shooting her blood into overdrive. She was sure that her face must have been very red and very, very haggard, because since she had arrived she had not stopped crying.
“Tell me it's a farce, please tell me someone made you do all that.” She was begging him, she just needed to get on her knees.
Even if Suguru had done those horrible things, Yui was willing to forgive him, between the two of them they would find a way to get rid of the problems, and Yui knew that Gojo would also join the plan.
Suguru's features hardened, and suddenly his eye orbs changed, he was looking at her like never before, in an empty, dark and soulless way, Yui hugged herself in an attempt to stop her shivers.
Who was that distant and cruel person?
“I know you didn't do it in your own free will. We can solve this, you just have to come with me and…”
“Yui, this is me.” Suguru said with a thick and discouraged voice. How could she, of all people, be so blind?
Yui opened her mouth to close it again shortly after, her mind was blank, she didn't know what to do, she was sleepy, she was tired, she just wanted to faint and wake up from that nightmare.
“I finally feel like I have a purpose in life.”
Yui wanted to hit him. God, she wanted to beat him until he got those absurd ideas out of his head.
“And what is that purpose? Become a genocide? Will you become what you hated? The Suguru Geto I know would never hurt the weak ones.” Yui was really convinced that if she talked to him, that if she made him see reason, that if she said the right things, Suguru would magically repent.
“This is who I am now, and if you want to be with me you will have to accept it.” Suguru said confidently, proud of what he had become. “You don't understand, I will create a new era, it will be a new world for both of us, a new beginning.” He told that with so much emotion, his ecstasy was so much that it fueled a demonic smile on his lips.
“I look at your face and I see the man I fell in love with, but I don't recognize him in your words.”
The tears fell without stopping.
Tears of disappointment.
Tears of suffering.
Tears of heartbreak.
“What you say is crazy.”
“What a disappointment, I thought you would understand me, but I was wrong. You are like the others. You don’t take me seriously.” Rejection and disgust were the protagonists on Suguru's face.
“It's not about that… Suguru, I didn't change.” Yui brought up the promise from a year ago.
“I did.” After saying these last merciless words, he turned his back on them, illegally ending the meeting.
"Don't do it, if you take one more step you will be accepting the accusations, you will be that monster they want to execute." Yui seriously hoped that her influence would have an effect on him, but it didn't, her hopes were broken, as was her heart.
“I woke up from the dream, Yui. There are no more songs. And, above all, spring is over.” Suguru uttered that brutal ultimatum and then continued his walk through the busy streets of Shinjuku.
Finally what Yui had feared so much happened.
The meaning of her name made sense.
She had been left alone.
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jadethest0ne · 1 year
I've been meaning to do one of Doig & Swift's Animorning Challenges for a while now, and I finally got around to actually completing one! This challenge was to take a passage from a book and board it.
I picked one of my favorite books, "Watership Down," and I chose a moment that always stuck in my head. It's right after the horrific "shining wire" scene, but it's a soft moment where Bigwig finally shows his trust and willingness to listen to Fiver.
Here's the passage from the book itself:
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Around lunch, phone ringing like mad (while trying to do three other things at the same time), I get a knock at my office's door from Dublin. Remember him? He's one of our two Security colleagues - and he was on duty, today.
'Hi, did you order something from Madrid?
Nope. Thessaloniki. Chocolate.
Madrid. Not Thessaloniki.
I haven't.
Whatever. I checked it. You'll find it in your locker.
What is it?
I didn't open the envelope.'
A short explanation: whatever comes by mail is always checked upon delivery. Basic rules and regulations. If found suspect, it is simply destroyed. If not, it's delivered in my personal locker, at the Chancery.
The Chancery was rather sleepy and slow, today. And listened to this:
'Mmhm. Celia Cruz, eh?
No clue. It's on the radio.
Trust me. It's Celia Cruz. Cuando salí de Cuba... dejé mi vida, dejé mi amor...
You've got mail.
Apparently. I'd kill for some coffee, by the way.
Help yourself.
Bless you, sweetheart.'
Found this:
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No card. No explanation. No nothing.
One thing I do know, however, is that it was not Someone, although he loved -he still does - precisely this kind of charade: calling the minister's chief of staff, pretending he was some UNESCO bigwig and asking 'imperatively' to talk to me ('Christ, you're such an eyeroll, sometimes'). Sending a limo at Barajas, but not showing up ('a curse on your house and damn you, idiot': the idiot was tremendously amused to hear all the juicy details, après coup). Getting a coveted table at a fancy restaurant in Paris under the name of Henri Beyle ('no worries, they have no idea, anyway'). And more.
I recognized the smile and the delicate thought immediately. And I have no idea (ok, I might have one or two or even three ideas, but that is of no special import) of who you are, but know this:
Someone forgot the DVD he was supposed to bring along. I didn't sulk, because it was useless and I had other pressing things in mind, to be honest. Also, I was quite sure it was going to happen exactly like that - I've seen worse. 🤭
Also know that I was very, very moved and that I feel tremendously grateful - so moved and so grateful, in fact, that I can only babble. To receive it just before Los Reyes rings a very strong (and special) bell in this house.
So thank you, Unknown Friend, whoever you might be. Today, you have been the absolute light in somebody else's dizzy, grumpy workday. Kindly let me know in DM, if you want - I'd really, really like to get even. And I have something very precise in mind, too. :)
PS: Agapitos is my favorite chocolatier from Thessaloniki, probably the best in this blessed country. Nowhere else in this world would you find his iterations of a Jackson Pollock-inspired milk tablet.
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churrofoxart · 1 month
Pinned post 📌
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Churrofoxart is a blog where I post all some of my art!
Sometimes I reblog cool stuff!!
I am a minor, You can call me churro or churrofox, any pronouns will do
I am Ravenclaw
I am in cabin 15
I am CEO of spearmint
I sometimes get major art block and don't post for weeks :/
Fandoms I'm in;
+Percy Jackson
+Heroes of Olympus
+Magnus Chase
+Trials of Apollo
+Pokemon (mostly pmd eos)
+Rain World
+Demon Slayer
+Total drama world tour
+Animal Crossing
+Warrior Cats
+Wings of Fire
+Series of Unfortunate Events
+Watership down
+Twilight saga
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Side blogs...
@churro-cats -- reblog blog
@tide--clan -- clangen blog
@ask-the-scugs --rw ask blog
•Average DNI; homophobic/anti-lgbt+,racist,TERF, transphobic,proshipper, etc
If you like my art then reblog it. Reblogs are very appreciated.
Extra stuff under cut!!read!
•I like hearing feedback about my art so feel free to comment on it in the replies or tags, i don't mind if it is negative or positive :)
•Feel free to send asks about my interests or just silly stuff, my inbox is always open.
•My art style may be inconsistent!
•Spearmint is my favorite rain world ship so please feel free to tag me in any post of them you find :)
•I am the creator of the rain world ship between scavenger and monk. Thier ship name is: karmabug.
Characters I REALLY like
Octavian, Jason, Magnus, Meg, Grover. (from pjo)
Spearmaster, Rivulet, Gourmand, Hunter, Five pebbles. (From Rain World)
Squirrelflight, Cloudtail, Jayfeather, Graystripe, Briarlight, Ashfur, Bellaleaf, Macgyver, Berrynose, Breezepelt, Twigbranch, Tree, Ivypool. (From Warrior Cats)
Bigwig, Pipkin, Hyzenthlay, Bluebell. (Watership down)
Bob, Beau, Judy, Zell, Apollo, Victoria. (Animal Crossing)
Zenitsu, Shinobu, Muichiro, Tanjiro, Sanemi, Genya. (Demon Slayer)
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zanyzensblog · 1 year
Suletta Sunday omg holy crap!
My reactions More or less in order. But probably a jumbled mess. Spoilers ahead. 
Oh wow we’re really just getting right into it.
Damn, Suletta really loves her mom and sis and doesn’t want them to become even bigger war criminals.
Damn it Laudna, you’re emitting peak incel women hating energy right here. Stop it.
Suletta is officially the best damn pilot of the show, maybe Eri was holding back a bit but still the fact she’s flying through all of Aerial’s bits is something I don’t think even Guel in a gundam could really do.
Somebody else is in the data storm? Oooo our elusive Notrette perhaps?
Oh crap, the Assembly league has a death star. A big one. Annnnd of course those bene gesserit looking bitches are not only saving their own skins but making a play to be the top dogs. Ugh.
Elan 5 a little bit of a badass. 
*Gives gun to Belmira “I could never” (oh come you know you’ve basically killed scores) “I’m not giving a gun to a student.” (Damn it I almost like this guy even though he killed Nadim and basically started this whole mess)
“where did you get a gun?” “Who cares?” LOL
I always knew Haro’s were evil. Always knew it!
Damn Propera hitting them with the “You didn’t think I would change the password?” good villainess shit there.
Damn it Laudna, why do you suck sooo damn bad? Guel just kill his ass, the additional ptsd will be worth it.
Oh damn Guel is gonna die nooooooo not our boy!
*Sees flashback of when Guel met Laudna and Guel was immediately an accepting big brother happy to have a little bro.* Sniff, I’m not crying. Damn bro.
Felsi you goddamn miracle. MVP. Would have bet money one of the brothers was gonna die but nope, not if Felsi had any say in it. Attagirl!
Miorine calling out Prospera’s clear favoritism of Eri over Suletta.
Miorine remembering what I assume is a whole ass genome sequence she learned of yesterday that translates to an I love you from her mother to override Quiet Zero was absolutely baller and she’s got a galaxy brain if there ever was one. 
Damn Bel, way to step up a bit.
Damn Elan5, nice shot.
Miorine basically telling Prospera “I’m marrying your daughter no matter what, we’re gonna be a family. So deal.” Happy Pride month indeed! Love to see it!
Oh crap, here comes the double cross from the bigwigs, they’re a firing the laser!
Eri noo!
Prospera’s mark? What’s going on there?
Holy crap most of Aerial actually survived that? That Gundam really is built different. But did Eri still die? Is there anything left of her? If not, Prospera’s gonna utterly freaking lose it on somebody. 
Closing thoughts Next episode is called the Final Episode? Huh, feels a little weird to title something that. I doubt this series is gonna get another season (Really wish it would, it’s done pretty damn solid storytelling for the amount going on and the small amount of episodes it has. Though still it definitely could have benefited from more episodes and a little more time to breathe and develop certain plots) 
I mean hopefully maybe it’ll at least get a movie (Gundam 00 did it) or a spinoff at worst (freaking Gundam Seed had like 3 right?) So here’s hoping we get to see more of this Gundam timeline cause damn, they made a solid and fun anime with this one. Last episode I’m almost positive we’re gonna get Delling talking about what exactly happened to Notrette and why he made Quiet Zero (I’m still positive it’s a Gendo Ikari thing, I’ll eat a hat if I’m wrong.) and also, hopefully we’ll finally get to hear wedding bells!! Get the best dresses! Chuchu should be Miorine’s maid of honor and Guel should Suletta’s best man! Don’t @ me.
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attapullman · 3 months
Mo-Mo my love, I come bearing some freshly baked and rather unhinged little thoughts for you (lol).
-Easter's always been a big thing for Rhett and his family, more so ever since you guys adopted Amy from birth. Every year you guys make it a habit to either make or buy her a pretty little dress for spring and she always looks so cute. But oh are you guys in for it when she digs into her candy and starts running around like the Tasmanian Devil (she's also been known to make the same noises, lol).
-If we're gonna talk about Rhett being Snow White coded, we have clearly not talked enough about the bunnies that live in the hutch that's attached to the barn. They're super soft and cuddly and you and Rhett like to spin the fur that they shed into yarn. Rhett even named them after the bunnies in Watership Down (Hazel, Strawberry, Clover, Bigwig etc.) even though he still hasn't forgiven his aunt for traumatizing him as a child with the movie (lol).
- Abigail, the ranch's dairy cow, came to the Abbotts on Easter Sunday with her mate when Amy was born. Royal was a little unsure as to whether or not they'd be able to handle her since she had to be milked at all hours of the day, more so when they found out she was pregnant. Lo and behold, Mothers' Day rolls around and Rhett and Royal are shoulder deep in a cow, delivering not one, but TWO little black and white calves. When they're out in the pasture they literally will follow Rhett everywhere (lol).
-Rhett's favorite character in The Hobbit is Radagast, the crazy wizard who lives in the woods, and like the wizard, Rhett literally attracts the weirdest creatures. Chipmunks, squirrels and hedgehogs love to fall asleep in his hat and birds know him like he's one of their own when they frequent your birdfeeder. Sometimes a bear, fox or a bobcat will come lumbering across the property and will just look at him before running away (one time a momma and her cubbies actually waved to him on their way back into the woods, lol).
I'll leave it there for now Mo-Mo, I'll probably be back with some hilarious stories about when Rhett adopted an orange cat named Garfield, those shenanigans are definitely worth talkin about (lol).
Oh Mary, nothing delights me more than thinking about the sad cowboy being followed around by any and all animals! And Amy getting a new Easter dress each year 🥹 literally something right out of a Disney movie!
Hope you had a lovely Easter and your spring is treating you well! 💐
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flowers-inmyhair · 8 months
The Three Quintessential Laws for Being an Assassin
(Hisoillu Excerpt, POV Illumi)
When I look back, I realize everything started and ended in that room. Our room. Whether it was a suite in Parix or a motel in Madgow didn’t matter.
And for two years, we lived like this – me and Hisoka: lazing around luxury hotels, shooting Father’s assignments down like tin birds in an arcade, and puttering from one tourist city to the next on Hisoka’s motorcycle. They were “prime for people-watching,” he’d say, “and sometimes people-eating.” In the rural, southern town of Clapnard, he took me to a shooting range and challenged me to a competition, sneaking threads of Bungee Gum onto his bullets to ensure his victory, forgetting that I’ve been shooting snipers since the age of six, and that there are no winners if both competitors hit perfect bullseyes 32/32 times. In Plantaya, we stayed up all hours of the night, scarfing down dessert pancakes at neon-signed diners, dressing down for townie dive bars and dressing up for drinks at ritzy rooftops that only bigwig politicians frequented, “all of which were equally slimy,” he later decided.
Overall, Hisoka was a different kind of tourist. When we climbed to the top of the Eyffelle Tower, he was less interested in its height and history, and more interested in how many people had jumped off it, to their deaths. We went from bank heists to shopping sprees, cash to diamonds to expensive parfums. Sometimes, we visited casinos if there were any notable ones nearby, and those trips particularly enthralled Hisoka because he had a comfortability with gambling that bordered on childhood nostalgia, the way he’d count cards, then magically replace them, the way the flashing lights reflected ecstasy in his eyes, the roulette tables swaying like hips when he’d pass by the security cameras, winking. On occasion, (and I suppose to my dismay) we’d solicit adult movie theaters when Hisoka got particularly bloodthirsty, and he’d compare the act of scanning the meat-jerkers in the seats to the way “a hunter reviews footage on his trail camera.” And often, he would secretly grab for my hand under tables, his fingernails always perfectly polished and soon slick with blood, too.
Hisoka knew I generally liked the texture of skin, so he would throw lamb leather jackets over his shirts, and on those particular mornings, I’d sit criss-crossed on the toilet seat, watching him do his makeup left-handed, waiting for him to finish getting ready, and in the evenings, I’d send his pillowcases to dry-cleaning because he was an idiot who never remembered to wash his face at night, and thus, smeared mascara and glitter all over our bedding, everywhere we went. I never slept. I watched him sleep, wondering if he was secretly watching me back. We split desserts and swapped vegetables. We lugged bodies around in body bags, clipping them to Hisoka’s bike with carabiners, laughing when the dead weight was heavy enough to tip his bike over, laughing harder when we’d be forced to pluck a second person off the side of the road to help distribute the weight on the other side, in another body bag.
Only twice did I manage to get truly drunk in Hisoka’s presence. But in those two times, he was very devoted to coaxing the story of my Hatsu from me, the details and intricacies of how it worked. The things that no one else knew. Not you. Not even Father. Even drunk as I was, I remember laughing in his face. I remember his little pout.
I was nineteen when I started seeing Hisoka. And in moments of profound sentimentality, I’ll admit that those two years with him were some of the best of my life. That maybe meeting him was un coup de foudre, a French idiom that translates to a bolt of lightning. But a bolt of lightning persists in the sky for only so long.
To know Hisoka Morrow is to know that you are dispensable. That dispensing is, in fact, his favorite part. It was only a matter of time.
More and more, I found myself watching Hisoka disappear from my life and leave holes behind that nothing else could fill. Boredom. Unimaginable boredom. Lying prone on my bed in the Manor, listening to the ticking of my wristwatch, or the metronome, or any of the hundred sitcoms Milluki cycled through again and again every year. The stretches of time grew longer, and I knew that if I asked questions or held on tighter, I would only be chasing Hisoka further away. I hated it. I hated him. I wanted to have him. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.
All along, I went against my better judgment. I had suspected that being with a person like Hisoka would be like trying to climb a rope slicked with oil.
I knew, in the end, it would be impossible.
Read more here.
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heavenprotectarc · 9 months
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⸻ @hauntedreality liked for a thing ! ( claire )
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"i thought i saw my favorite redfield." the redhead stated with a grin as he slips through the remaining crowd, two drinks in hand as he stops to stand beside claire. he only saw her several hours beforehand but regardless, his eyes still lights up upon seeing her.
"also i tell you to not tell chris⸺" the redfield in question was somewhere around here, probably. "⸺but i'm pretty sure that he knows that at this point and has accepted his fate as my second-favorite redfield."
steve was already to leave despite only just arriving to whatever charity event hosted by some bigwigs. "drink?" holds up one of his two drinks. "i have no idea what particular brand this is but i'm sure it's fancy." alcoholic drinks wasn't his thing really, but a drink is a drink and he's always up for trying things.
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lightthewaybackhome · 9 months
With a kind of wry envy, Hazel realized that Bigwig was actually looking forward to meeting the Efrafan assault. He knew he could fight and he meant to show it. He was not thinking of anything else. The hopelessness of their chances had no important place in his thoughts. Even the sound of digging, clearer already, only set him thinking of the best way to sell his life as dearly as he could.
"My Chief Rabbit has told me to defend this run and until he says otherwise I shall stay here."
So yeah, I finished my annual read of Watership Down. The first quote is my new favorite. The second has and always will be my favorite. This book is so good it hurts.
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handfulofmuses · 11 months
🗣' + Vervain
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I can't find the meme for it right now and I have been working on this since days, but I am still not completely happy with it but imma post it now and edit later. Warning that this may all over the place or might not make much sense at times.
Deceitful, sneaky little bastard. Vervain is actually one of my favorite characters in the TV series. As a character, I think he is quite interesting. Especially since I said before: What Vervain lacks in strength, he will make up for with his cunning mind and I don’t think he gets the appreciation he deserves for that. Neither by Woundwort or the fandom.
Just because he is not much of a fighter doesn’t mean he is useless, far from it actually. Vervain has other strengths. His sharpest tool was always his mind. Vervain is someone who plots while others carry out what he can’t.
Had the general paid more attention towards that and actually listened to Vervain, maybe things could have been different. Unfortunately he is so obsessed with fighting so he only pays attention to the cowardly aspects of Vervain sadly.
It was his idea to trade the Redstone Warren rabbits for Silverweed. He and Woundwort wonder how to get Silverweed since kidnapping him will be quite the trouble but Vervain immediately thinks of a solution.
Turns out Campion is a traitor the second time, Spartina lies where the warren is located. Campion says that’s where it is and he points out after Campion is dragged away that he doesn’t break that easily, figuring out that Spartina was lying to them as well. Immediately finds a way to prove it too.
When Spartina, Blackberry and Campion are supposed to get punished by death? Vervain points out they will lose the only rabbits who know where Hazel’s warren is. Campion is the only one who gets dragged away, pressured to locate the warren unless Spartina and Blackberry will die as well.
Instantly catches on that there was something between Hazel and Primrose. He is observant. He knew Primrose was planning something and he was right.
I want to point out that Woundwort ordered him to keep an eye on Bigwig because Woundwort thought something was fishy and yet even there, Vervain received the shorter end of the stick for only following orders.
Now, Vervain is deceiving himself, so it makes sense that he would be able to sniff out a traitor easily.
A lot of his behavior makes sense thanks to his upbringing in Efrafa. Everything he did, it was always just for his chief rabbit. While yes. Vervain can be awful. a lot of his behavior I blame Woundwort for. Half of the time, it always circles back to him, though his own pettiness and distaste of being overshadowed play a factor too.
A leader has to be an example for his people but Woundwort was far from being a good one.
Woundwort, as we see with Pipkin and Hickory, can be manipulative. Woundwort drived his Owsla to exhaustion only to find out where the outsiders live. Woundwort has no troubles leaving someone to die if they are no longer of use to him. Insults others as incompetent when they fail as we see with both Campion and Vervain. Calls them fools. Goes “And you call yourself Owsla?!” When they fail.
Vervain took all his worst traits. He is manipulative. He drives other rabbits to exhaustion so they can find Hazel’s warren because of the fear of punishment that follows if they don’t. He leaves other rabbits behind to die if they pass out from exhaustion. Insults Moss by calling him inept for stepping into a trap. Also calls others fools.
Woundwort yells at them that they won’t rest until he gives the command. Vervain scolds another rabbit that he rests when he tells him so and not before. When Campion notes that he is exhausted, Vervain only responds that he is Owsla and better acts like it.
Him constantly insulting others is likely just to get his own frustrations out, to make himself feel better.
Vervain never did anything without reason or for the heck of it. Because all he ever did was following the rules of Efrafa or Darkhaven.
He is not snitching for the sake of being a snitch. He does not point fingers randomly. Vervain is smarter than that.
Primrose, Blackavar, Campion, Blackberry, Spartina? All he relies on is his gut feeling that they are up to something, but he can’t prove anything. So he is sneaking around, trying to gather proof before bringing it up to the general. That’s what makes the episode where everyone thinks he has gone insane even sadder - because Vervain usually doesn’t go crazy like that.
I used to like that episode because it was fun, and to some extent I still do but I feel like there would have been better solutions than making other rabbits think Vervain has gone insane. It's definitely not fun when he is telling the truth but he is made out to be insane. I don’t mind Vervain getting a taste of his own medicine, it’s just the way it was handled. It also falls back on Woundwort himself. If he has doubts, then why not stop it? You are the chief and your captain refused to listen. You just let him go on despite Vervain saying he will find out the truth even if it kills him.
Not to mention Moss knows that Vervain just doesn’t do things without reason. Vervain escapes later. comes back when he finds out where Hazel and the others have been. Moss is the one willing to hear him out - and I do like that detail. Campion might be favored over others, but Moss points out that Vervain doesn’t come back without reason, not when he knows what kind of punishments awaits him. And I do like that detail because that way it isn’t one sided.
I also want to mention that Campion was going to get arrested either way. When Campion doesn’t even show up, Woundwort just told Moss to put Campion under arrest for neglecting his duty, not even bothering for Campion to return and hear him out. I like that, actually. Because while he favors Campion, he doesn’t get the luxury of special treatment.
You know what makes me sad? That he is entirely dependent on General Woundwort and thinks his life belongs to him.
The wanderer went really hard with Vervain. He was attacked by predators left and right, desperately apologizes to Aspen for ditching him and then ends up in a wire and almost drowning.
Primrose is entirely valid in not wanting to help. She has suffered the most under Vervain, he dragged her away from her warren. She absolutely does not owe him anything anymore.
What surprised me, however, was that he realized what kind of rabbit he was and refuses to beg for his life further after Holly and Primrose do not want help him. I expected him to beg but I think he realized that he does not deserve it.
And he is genuinely grateful when they decide to help. I’m still convinced the small and weak thank you was meant for Primrose. He was going to take that second chance. He was free.
“Master. I live to serve you.”
That always made me sad because it didn’t had to be that way. But after getting attacked left and right, everyone else hating his guts for understandable reasons, Woundwort is all he has left. Joining up with him again was nothing more than a survival tactic. And after ditching him, it was best to avoid his wrath even further.
Vervain is my favorite in season three. It was nice to see how he acted without Woundwort and most importantly - I do like that sassy attitude he shows, even towards his chief rabbit, something he wouldn’t have dared in Efrafa. When he has enough? He has enough and you will know.
Vervain deserved better. In his own way, Vervain was loyal to him, even when it was only out of fear. He always had the shorter end of the stick, even when he was trying to cheer up Woundwort with his general being all knowing and what not. No matter how hard he worked. Vervain suffered under his reign just as much as everyone else.
Woundwort dismisses him so quickly in season three when he notes how Campion is still a traitor and that Blackberry could be too. Says he is wary of his suspicions. At this point, his hate for Campion has nothing to do with jealousy anymore or being overshadowed by him. Imagine the guy who was spying before attempts the same thing twice and your general believes him a second time, no other questions asked. That would drive anyone crazy.
Flatout tells Vervain that Silverweed is more valuable to him.
With everything that happened between them in season three, and the whole thing where he thought Vervain has gone insane, I wish there had been something where Vervain finally ended up betraying him. He deserved it. Not because he ended up liking the outsiders, not because of the goodness of his heart - but because he hated everyone else and was just so done with it. Unfortunately, he is too much of a coward to go against Woundwort.
He deserved better. He was a scumbag who’s rank often got to his head but in season three it really didn’t had to be that way. He was offered a second chance but his chief rabbit made a return.
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the-revhead · 2 years
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FINALLY A MAD MAX OC POST!! I’ve been dying to redesign my girl for months. Meet Miss Whiskey! She’s an OC made mainly for the game ^^
The first design: Gastown Whiskey! This is how she dressed when she was a Bigwig. She was obsessed with the Old World and liked to come off as feminine and fancy as she could, much to the displeasure of Scrotus (who saw her femininity in his circle of power as a bit of a stain on his character)
The second design: after the events of the game, Whiskey loses her position in Gastown and is cast into the wastes. Spoiled and clueless from being pampered in Gastown for so many years, she has absolutely no survival skills.. except for her clever mouth.
Miss Whiskey is a high ranking bigwig within Gastown’s hierarchy, being the negotiator for the People Eater and Scrotus himself. She initially made herself useful to Scrotus due to her ability to speak Under-Russian, which made her useful when it came to communicating and making deals with the Buzzard hordes at the time. This one taste of usefulness quickly went to Whiskey’s head, and she began doing everything she could to stay in Scrotus’s good graces. Although Scrotus isn’t exactly fond of her, he still keeps her within the hierarchy because she somehow always finds a way to make herself useful to him, whether that be keeping the Gastown wretches from rising up against him or negotiating with other factions. Her beauty and femininity definitely play a role in making her a very convincing messenger and negotiator.
Her status in Scrotus’ circle has also granted her the ability to have War Boys of her own. Dubbed “Parlor Boys” , her war boys are mainly trained to be body guards and heavy-lifters for her. They are distinguishable from other War Boys due to the fact that they wear bow ties on their necks, fancy white cuffs on their wrists, dress pants (or anything resembling them), and mark themselves with dots under their eyes to mimic Whiskey’s signature mole.
Many in the Gastown power circle believe it is only a matter of time before Scrotus does away with Miss Whiskey, but she genuinely believes she has Scrotus and Stank Gum wrapped around her finger. If only she knew how thin the ice she was walking on actually was…
Other Info:
Name: Whiskey (changed to Miss Whiskey upon becoming a bigwig)
Age: 9490 days (26 years)
Height: 5’7
Sex: female
Gender: cisgender (she/her)
Sexuality: Androsexual
Species: human (full-life)
Occupation: Gastown’s Negotiator and Translator
Weapon(s): Blades hidden in her large coat
Car(s): a white, heavily modified 1955 Cadillac fleetwood dubbed “The White Cough”. It was a gift from another warlord some time past
Affiliations: Scrotus’ Horde
Alignment: Lawfully neutral
Personality: Whiskey is confident in her abilities and a bit narcissistic, often believing she can fix any situation she’s in and get anyone to like her. She likes to come off as beautiful and ladylike to get others to admire her. Secretly, she’s very open to experience and likes to spoil those she really likes, enjoying being seen as useful to them.
Skills: Multilingual, fast learner, good at convincing others to do scrotus’s bidding in a non-violent way, captivating others, calming others down, soothing, keeping people calm.
Interests: loves collecting “fancy” things from the old world. She assumes anything shiny is valuable to her and sends her Parlor Boys to find the best, shiniest and prettiest scrap they can find. Has an obsession with 1920s culture and music as well.
Favorite item: her dog-fur coat, made from the pelts of dogs. She considers it to be very fancy and often wears it to Gastown races.
Goals: to remain the Negotiator of Gastown and bask in the privileges it brings her
Familial relations: her mother is unknown, but her father is the Organic Mechanic from the Citadel. The two are estranged from each other and she prefers that people don’t know they’re related.
Positive traits: Eager to please, patient, good listener, confident, goal-oriented
Negative traits: full of herself, delusions of grandeur, spoiled by her wealth, loves the attention of men, little to no wasteland survival skills aside from negotiating
Allies: Jeet of the Great White (the two have a secret romance), Scrotus (for now), Stank Gum, The Outcrier
Romantic/sexual interest(s): Jeet and Stank Gum
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certifiedstarr · 1 year
Here’s my review of the Watership Down book and comparisons to the movie (I’ll be rating them into a sort of pros and cons thing to make writing this easier) (side note, I was originally gonna include pages from the physical book I have but I’m currently lending it to a friend, so I’ll be using pages from the internet)
And of course, spoilers for the book
First I wanna say that the language that is used for the rabbits is just so interesting. I loved being able to read certain words and then turn to the lexicon to see what they mean. The way it’s written and just flows well into the story makes it more of a fun read.
I also thought the quotes that went along with each chapter were a nice touch. To me, it gave a more humanized look at the story and something to foreshadow the chapters details.
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There were a good amount of characters that weren’t seen in the movie like Hawkbit, Speedwell, Acorn, Bluebell, and Buckthorn, and even if they didn’t receive many moments in the books, they were still a nice inclusion to liven up the main cast. And the moments they did get were nice.
It was nice to see the amount of new scenes and character moments that were cut from the movie in here, like the Crown In The Bean Field chapter or the inner workings of Cowslips warren and ideals.
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I found it amusing how Hazel was a little self absorbed, instead of wanting to get the hutch rabbits in the barn because Keehar didn’t seem to come back as promised, he instead wants to get them purley one up Holly before he came back with the Efrafa does. It seems like an annoying character trait to read through at first glance, but it never got annoying to me and it’s clear Hazels plan to one up Holly and get the hutch rabbits came with the price of him getting shot by the farmer. And it also builds up hazels character as a confident and determined leader.
Efrafa was extremley interesting to read about. I liked how we got to see more of the does and their personality’s and the owsla officers relationship with Bigwig. Woundwart was as terrifying as ever (though I think he was more so in the movie than book, but I’ll get to that in the cons) I enjoyed seeing more scenes with Blackavar (one of my favorite characters) and how the rabbits struggled more with getting off the boat they escaped on than they did in the movie.
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Hazel being saved by Lucy was so unexpected (The title of the chapter being a Deus ex machina is just hilarious) and must have been fascinating for Hazel to experience a human caring for him.
The ending of the book was good, and I thought it was nice to see what became of characters like bigwig and Fiver after the battle. And as always, no matter which adaptation, the ending always gets me crying.
(Before I get into cons, all the cons I list don’t make me enjoy the book any less. They’re just things I though the movie did better or could’ve been done a different way) (most of these cons I try to see and understand why they were there in the first place and give the benefit of the doubt)
I thought characters like Boxwood and Clover could have gotten a little more development, as they are not even seen for half the book minus the chapters they were found and the very end of the book. For me at least with characters like Speedwell and Hawkbit, they felt apart of our main cast, but Boxwood and Clover just don’t for me. It would have been interesting to see more of how they were adjusting to rabbit life and their personalities. I understand why that couldn’t have been done though, as the book was already jam packed with many other story lines going on that were more important.
Fivers scene where he finds out hazels been shot was just heartbreaking, and the dream he ends up was interesting to read since it’s the only time a rabbit has understood a human and been able to read human words (even if they were though animals lol) however, it felt very underwhelming to me. The whole dream and Fiver finding out where Hazel is happens within literally one single chapter, and I thought that it just went by too fast for a moment that was resolved way too quickly. Again, I understand the story might have needed to progress quicker though. (And besides, the movie gets though it just as quickly with one scene, so I can’t fault how fast it happens from either adaptation that much)
Other than that, I didn’t have many other cons about the book, and most cons I did have were just nitpicks.
Overall, I adore the book, and love it for existing in the first place. It’s such an interesting story about a rabbits view of the world and made me think about myself sometimes and how I view the world. I’ll make a next post about my pros and cons with the movie, and which of the two adaptations I think did things better.
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