#Billy Hargrove hc
billlydear · 1 year
Thank you! If you don’t like this idea I can always give another one🤠 pls ignore it if u don’t like it
giving dom Billys huge cock a handjob. You’re sleeping and hear him moaning in your ear, wanting attention. You both sit up from the bed and you ask him to be the little spoon, he reluctantly agrees since he wants relief. You give him a handjob from behind but, Eddies sleeping in the other room so he moans loud just enough for you to hear knowing how much it turns you on. But, in the end he cums so much with the loudest moan ever. You immediately cover his mouth in fear, turning him on so much as he’s the dom that his cum keeps going all over his stomach.
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W.C 1967- INBOX (please request !) - GIF CREDIT TO OWNER
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Since you've been dating Billy, you've become a heavy sleeper. He's not himself, or he didn't used to be, so your entire night was spent tossing and turning while he did the same. Eventually, when you got your own place and Billy no longer had to worry about Neil storming in, he slept through the night. As did you, and now you're able to get a full eight hours without getting elbowed or kicked or rolled on.
Apparently, you're not immune to grinding, though. Perhaps it's a combination of both the soft sunlight spilling through your curtains, pricking at your eyelashes, and Billy's arm over your stomach that wakes you, but when your eyes blink hazily open, lashes grating against your pillowcase, you feel his stiff hips against your backside.
"Billy," You groan, smashing your face into your pillow and flattening your nose, "Not now. M'tired."
"But- mmm," He moans, nose butting against the back of your ear. His breath is hot against your skin there, and he lets out a shaky exhale, rutting his hips against your ass once more.
"Come on," He rasps, teeth sliding against your soft earlobe ever-so-slightly, sending a zing of electricity down your spine, "Just a quickie, babe. You don't even have to do anything, I'll just be in and out."
You don't doubt that it would be quick. You can feel Billy's dick pressing hard and stiff into your ass, and you'd bet money that he's already oozing pre.
Still, you're not sure you're ready for that much this early in the morning. Your hand twitches where it's buried under the blankets and you clench your fist, warming up your fingers and turning in Billy's grasp.
There's not nearly as much friction for Billy to rut into now, but he takes it as an invitation. He rolls over top of you, grinding his hips down into your cunt, and it feels good, but you're still not eager to get too messy.
"Slow down," You laugh weakly, voice bleary and muddled with sleep, "Roll over, big guy."
"Hm?" Billy hums, lips already sucking against your jaw like a leech, "Whaddya mean?"
"Roll over," You repeat, snaking a hand under his side to push against his torso. He's not awake enough yet to react in time, and he slides off of you with an unceremonious thump.
"Babe," He groans, assuming you're denying him once more, "Come on, please? I know you're tired, but you don't even have to move."
"I don't want your dick in me this early!" You huff out a laugh, "Just turn over, Billy. I'll jerk you off."
His eyes light up and his teeth make their first visual appearance of the day in a lazy grin. He reaches for his boxers, fumbling to get them off quick, "Thanks, babe. 'Don't even need to turn, you can just do it here."
"Mm-mm," You shake your head, holding your hand by his bulge, "This is killer on the wrist. Just turn over, Billy, what, are you afraid of being little spoon?"
You've hit the nail on the head. Billy doesn't like turning his back to the door. You shudder to think of why, late nights spend staring at the door praying no one came through to hit him, back never fully turned in case of an attack. But you're offering a high reward for the risk he's taking; sex if he fights his fear.
"You can trust me," You urge, after seeing his eyes narrow slightly in contemplation. Logically, he knows he's safe with you. But old habits die hard, and he abhors the thought of facing away from the door. When you kiss his shoulder, the tan skin practically calling your name from right by your face, he relents, tension ebbing away.
"Fine," He grumbles, but you know he's just grumpy for show. He turns, and you're sure it feels odd to be laying on that hip, since he's always positioned differently.
It's like the second he's let his guard down, something has to prod it back up. You're mid-kiss to BIlly's toned back, lips molding to the curves and bulges of his muscles, when something moves in another room. You both stiffen, but Billy's turned over in a second, wide eyes staring at the door. You take a moment, think about whether you've left any precariously balanced items lying around, then-
"Eddie," You groan, and Billy heaves a sigh.
Eddie's on tour with his band, and on their SoCal stop, you'd invited him to stay a few nights. He's been happy to get a night in a room to himself, and his bandmates had been happy to have one less sweaty man around all the time. They love each other, of course, but touring is hard.
"S'just Eddie," You reaffirm, stroking a hand down Billy's chest now that he's facing you once more, "It's okay. 'Sounds like he just rolled over. Wanna keep going? We can be quiet."
Billy nods warily; he knows there's no danger, he knows that even if Eddie hears you, the door's locked and he's not gonna come barging in, but he's still spooked, adrenaline lingering in his system.
He turns back over in bed, muscles tense once again as you press your face to his back. Slowly but surely, kiss by kiss, he mellows out, until you've pecked every available inch of his back and he's squirming in place.
"Babe," He breathes, voice gruff and heavy, "C'mon. 'Don't got all day, Eddie's gonna wake up soon."
"He sleeps 'till noon," You snort, pressing one last kiss to the space between Billy's shoulder blades, "You ready, baby?"
"Yeah," He pants, feeling your hand creep up his hip towards his achingly hard bulge, "Ah, fuck- babe, hurry up."
You finally stop teasing, and your hand cups Billy's clothed cock. He bucks into your hands immediately, nearly splitting his lip with how hard he bites it to keep himself quiet.
"Oh fuck," He grunts, keeping his voice just low enough so that Eddie can't hear, "Babe- ngh, yeah, just- just like that."
You give his bulge an affectionate squeeze, one that has Billy's face turning as he buries it in his pillow. It's the only way he's able to muffle his moans, and you carefully tug down the waistband of his boxers to let his cock spring free.
It's big, you know it is, but when you hear the smack as it bounces up to hit his stomach, your mouth waters. You can't wait to get your hands on it, so you don't. Your teeth grate against a bulge of muscle in Billy's back and you reach for the base of his cock, lifting your thumb to run through his tip and collect a smear of precum.
He hisses at the contact, and you're pleased to find that he's already leaked enough to coat half of his dick in slick, sticky pre. It makes your job easier, and you smear the portion that you'd collected over your palm to wrap it again around his base.
Pleasure courses through Billy's veins, hot and biting, as you stroke him. He's panting into his pillow, his hips tense as you pump your fist over his cock, and the higher up your hand travels on every jerk, the more the muscles in his stomach tighten.
When you run the length of your palm all the way up his sex, enough to close it off around the tip and squeeze ever-so-slightly, he lets out a muffled cry. It really sounds like a sob, and you kiss into his back again as an apology. He's extra sensitive in the mornings, you know that, and you've been teasing him thus far; it's no wonder he's almost ready to cum.
"Go on, Billy," You hum into his back, hand pumping steadily up and down his length, "You wanna cum, baby? Cum."
He lets out a guttural groan at your words, and you know he's closer than ever. He's bucking his hips into your palm now, ramming his cock through your fist as if you're not going fast enough. On the upstroke, his balls are hitting your fist, your pinky plunging against the heated skin as he thrusts into your grip.
"Come on," You urge, tongue snaking out to lick a fat, wet stripe up Billy's back as your other hand reaches out from under him and around his front, massaging gently at his balls, "Cum, Billy, cum on my hand."
That's what does it. He's marking you, when he rides your fist to completion and plunges the tip of his cock into the center of your palm, splattering it with white, sticky cum; it's a brand. He's painting your skin, and when his orgasm rips through him, a moan tears his throat apart.
It's loud, and without thinking, you cover his face with your palm. Of course, it's one that's covered in a tacky layer of his seed, and his eyes widen as his release is suddenly against his mouth.
He's not used to you taking control. Something about your palm flattening over his mouth, muffling his moan and shutting him up only makes him cum more, and with your hand out of the way, his stomach is the next target. His cock is still so hard, so stiff, that he splatters his torso, but neither of you can worry about cleanup now.
He's good at improvisation. His tongue darts out to press flat to your palm, licking his cum off of your skin. He's a good kisser, you should have known he'd be excellent no matter where he put his tongue, but the warm muscle snakes between your fingers and something under your belly stutters its approval.
Once his cum is cleared away, and all that covers your hand is a thin layer of spit, he turns. His cock is still out, half-hard because no matter how old he is, you think he'll always have the stamina of a horny teenage boy. He goes straight for your mouth, licking into it with a tongue tasting of his own seed.
Your morning breath is no match for Billy, and he's got the inside of your mouth painted with the taste of his cum in no time. He's a sloppy kisser, especially in the mornings, and each time his tongue slides against yours, that feeling below your stomach grows.
He's on top of you before you can process his movements, hands pawing eagerly, desperately against the hem of your pajama pants. He's mewling into your mouth like a man starved, grunting and groaning as he licks your tongue sloppy. He's a nanosecond away from tearing the fabric of your pajamas thread by thread to jam his stiff dick into your cunt, when you hear feet crossing the floor from your spare room to the hallway bathroom. You both freeze, and Billy reluctantly pulls away from your mouth to stare at the door.
You hear a loud, stuffy cough, and some of the arousal fades from your core. Then Eddie blows his nose, murmuring an, 'oh, god.' at whatever he'd managed to produce. Billy turns to you with a wrinkled nose, a grimace clear on his face as he slides off of you.
He's not hard anymore.
"Gross," You whisper, your sticky hand feeling a lot less sexy now. You're officially turned off, and you lay your head against Billy's shoulder while you wait for Eddie to get out of the bathroom.
Finally, his feet move again, and you wonder if you'll be able to get yourselves going again. Then there's a fist pounding against your door, and Billy's hand tightens around your waist.
"You guys are animals!" Eddie shouts through the wood, "Your bed is literally a foot away from mine! These walls are thin!"
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buckysgrace · 26 days
Billy Hargrove Headcanons <3
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Requested <3 I hope you enjoy my ramblings!!
Was such a cute baby with lil blonde curls, rosy cheeks and a soft nose that strangers always thought he was a little girl lol
Used to love when his mama would play with his hair. He hated naps as a child, but always passed out once she'd trace her fingertips across his soft cheeks and squishy nose
His mom loved holidays. Especially Halloween and Christmas. He spent many Halloweens dressed as a lion lol
She also took him to get ice cream on his birthdays <3 His favorite was chocolate.
Was really close to his grandma up until she passed away. Used to spend long afternoons and even stay for weekends when he was little, and Neil was working.
Loooooves sports. Has played a vast majority of them (baseball is his favorite). He played a different one each season while in school to get him away from the house
Worked all throughout high school. Had a ton of odd jobs
Also loved summer camp.
Enjoys deep sea fishing. Neil did a lot of trips with him as a sort of “apology” (he caught a bluefin tuna when he was 13 hehe)
He’s very very dry, has a sarcastic sense of humor <3
When he’s high he gets very relaxed and chill, very laid back. Will occasionally get giggly
Very good with his hands. He likes to tinker with things. Worked on his car a lot, likes to build things too (had a very impressive bird house that he built in woodshop)
He loves vegetables. Specifically tomatoes and bell peppers. Bites right into them, a nice lil snack
He's up at 3 in the morning?? He is devouring a jar of pepperoncini. maybe some shredded cheese
Not crazy about sweets, but if he has to pick something it would be some sort of fruit pie?? will also pound away at a pineapple upside down cake
makes a meaaaaan spicy Italian sandwich
Also crazy about protein. He's gotta bulk up ya know. Hates eggs though. They smell terrible and the texture is awful
Really good at math, loves working with numbers. He will chew on his pencil/pen while he's working out a problem (and if he accidentally eats the eraser?? that's his own business smh)
Got a lot of college offers because of his grades and talents in sports but didn't take any of them up. College just never seemed like his thing
Will hike his swimming trunks up to get a nice even tan on his upper thighs. The cutest little tan lines imaginable.
Reads while he sits on the toilet. Also smokes (and will purposely linger in the bathroom if Max knocks on the door smh)
Horror and mystery are his favorite genres. His all time favorite book is The Haunted Dancers.
Surprisingly good with kids. They just love him, sweet Mr. Billy hehe. Babies love at him. They will stare at him and enjoy snuggling into his arms :) And chewing on his arms lmao (or tugging on his hair smh)
Haaates the winter months. He does not like the cold at all and hates bundling up in thick layers even more (he's a man damn it he doesn't need any gloves smh)
Icy roads absolutely terrified him in Hawkins. He was not used to driving on them at all. An incredible snow ball former tho (he will hit you in the face with them rip)
The first time he heard the tornado siren go off he was alone with Max and had no idea what to do (she was outside trying to see it smh)
A little rain is okay but he prefers the sunny sunshine and heat to anything else <3
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Dating Billy Hargrove Headcanons
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x GN! / AFAB! Reader
Warnings: sfw and nsfw, minors DNI
A/N: in a world where Billy is a still lil damaged but he’s not an actual abusive asshole… um so yeah I hope you like! <3 p.s. this is another quite long one
next up is Jonathan and he will be the last in this lil series of headcanons <3
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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Billy to me just screams three tropes; enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, and semi-secret relationship
okay so what I mean by semi-secret relationship is that your parents forbid you from seeing this boy who has the bad-boy reputation around town, so that’s the forbidden romance aspect obviously, so you guys have to date in secret but you’re very public about it at school and when you’re hanging out etc., it just has to stay a secret from your parents
so how it starts is the two of you can’t stand each other, he thinks you’re prissy and entitled, you think he’s an idiot and an asshole
and then the two of you get paired together on some school project and you think it’s literally your worst nightmare, but it actually ends up accidentally being the start of your relationship
the two of slowly start to build a tolerance and understanding of one another, not quite friends yet but perhaps almost…
then one evening you’re round his house to work on the project when you’re accidentally witness to the way Billy’s dad treats him and suddenly everything about him just makes sense and you feel a pang in your heart for him
Billy comes back into the room and you can tell he’s close to tears but he tries to keep himself together, he’s visibly shaking and for a moment you’re worried it’s with anger and rage
until he suddenly just completely breaks down in front of you
you end up spending the rest of the evening just holding him and stroking his hair / back, not saying anything, just generally being there for him
once he’s calmed down he looks up at you and he almost looks terrified, begging you to promise to not to tell anyone what happened
you tell him you won’t and you also tell him that if anything ever happens again that you’d be there for him if he wanted
you didn’t think he would actually follow through with that offer but suddenly a week later you’re getting a call from him asking if he can see you
so low-key this relationship starts with trauma bonding tbh, the two of you seek refuge and safety in each other when things were going shitty in your lives
but eventually Billy ends up inviting you to hang out, the two of you slowly but surely starting to spend more and more time with each other, you basically end up going on a bunch of unofficial ‘dates’
your parents didn’t like the look of Billy from the few times he came over for that school project and they basically forbade you from seeing him outside of school, so you were constantly lying to your parents pretending you were hanging out with friends when you were actually going to meet Billy
one night, after one of these unofficial dates, he drives you home like normal (stopping just round the corner so your parents don’t see) but just as you’re about to get out his car he suddenly takes your chin in his hand and twists your head until his lips are on yours
it’s a very desperate and urgent kiss, you can feel him questioning everything as he continues to kiss you, like questioning if this was the right thing to do
so you kiss him back enthusiastically to answer his unspoken questions and soothe his nerves
...but unfortunately Billy still beats himself up over it and thinks he’s messed everything up and so starts distancing himself and being a bit bitchy towards you again
so you confront him and call him out on it, leading to a heated argument, which then ultimately leads to a heated make-out session and then, well, you end up basically hate-fucking
except afterwards you tell him how you feel about him and he meekly apologises for his shitty behaviour and explains that it was bc he liked you too but just didn’t know how to handle it
so now the two of you are officially a thing you have to be even more careful about hiding it from your parents
dating Billy means becoming friends with Max and her constantly telling you that you could do better lmao
I feel like Billy does have a soft and sweet side but he hardly ever lets it show and when he does it only when the two of you are completely alone
one of his favourite things is actually stargazing in a lil field the two of you discovered, and it’s a date he takes you on a quite frequently
he just likes the peace and the quiet and the beauty of the night sky, often the two of you will just lie next to each other on a blanket, both looking up at the stars but your head are tilted to be touching each other’s, and you’ll just lie there in complete silence, just enjoying the view and being close with one another
him sneaking you in to the local pool late at night for some of those ‘private swimming lessons’, but also to just generally splash around and have fun together as well
going to watch / support him at his basketball games, making-out in the locker rooms
him giving you his jacket when it’s cold
he gives you his lil necklace that he always wears, which is cute but it’s also a possessive / showing off thing as well, like everyone knows it’s his necklace so to see you wearing it is basically like him proclaiming that you are his
this is kinda the same vibe when he gives you his shirts to wear, he likes other people being able to see that you’re his
being in a relationship with Billy is very intense, often heated, both in terms of the bedroom and in terms of arguing
Billy can be very jealous and possessive and it’s usually the thing you argue about most frequently
arguments with Billy are very intense, and usually it’s best for you to just remove yourself from the situation until he’s had time to calm down a bit
on the plus side though Billy is very much one for make-up sex so
him secretly loving it when you play with and brush his hair
he likes to show you off in public which normally is fine but sometimes he’ll take the pda a lil too far, like trying to full-on make-out with you in public or something and you have to tell him to chill
you allow it at parties though, you kind of like making-out with him and having him run his hands all over your body whilst all the other girls watch and scoff with jealousy, it makes you feel powerful tbh
overall dating Billy is intense and often feels like being on rollercoaster sometimes, but you love him regardless
pet-names: (for you) baby, babygirl, princess, sweetcheeks, angel, my girl (if you do go by such labels)
pet-names: (for him) ngl I don’t think like Billy likes being called by pet-names too much so you keep it simple like babe and baby
corruption kink for sure, he loves being the first person to ever fuck you and be the one that gets to teach all the various ways to ‘sin’
Billy is definitely into fucking you in public places, case and point the swimming pool at night as mentioned above
but like also the amount of times you’ve hooked up in the locker rooms at the pool is unreal, he just loves the thrill of potentially being caught
Billy is typically quite rough during sex, like he’ll leave you bruised for days at a time, and he definitely uses you to fuck out his frustrations on frequently
Billy is definitely into quickies, sometimes that all you can afford considering the whole forbidden from seeing each other thing
but when you do have the time the patience this man has when it comes to teasing you is un-fucking-real
like he could literally spend hours just toying with you, having you tied up, unable to move, whilst he touches you or eats you out, repeatedly bringing you right to the edge, but still not letting you cum
he just loves having that much control over your body and over your pleasure
like if we’re talking giving or receiving he definitely usually prefers receiving but something about having that much control over your body when he’s giving is also something that just turns him on behind belief
I feel like I could potentially see him being into shibari tbh, he just really likes to have you tied down so he can use you as his own lil fucktoy when he wants / needs to
he’s very into degradation when it comes to sex, both degrading you and letting you degrade him when he’s in the mood
he has a breeding kink but not in the ‘I’m gonna fill you with babies’ way but more like he just wants to make you so full of him, like cumming in you is staking some kind of claim over you and your body
of course he also likes to cum on you quite a lot too, on your back after he’s just fucked you, or on your face / tits if you’ve just blown him
he would ask if you’d let him film the two of you so he can make his own lil sex tape to keep for himself
is very into marking you up with hickies and bruises from his fingertips (consensually), and he fucking loves to choke you
is definitely into spanking you, and this includes a lil bit of pussy slapping too
and likes to gag you
is into hair pulling, both him pulling yours and you pulling his
likes to watch you get yourself off, whether it be with your own hands, or on his thigh
he’d be into boot riding for sure
Billy is actually kinda loud during sex, grunting and groaning a lot
but he’s quiet when he needs to be, like when you’re having to be sneaky at his house or something
and if you get too loud he’ll put his hand over your mouth to muffle your ‘happy screams’
sometimes in order to be actually alone he ends up just driving around with you which ultimately ends up to the two of you frequently having sex in his car
Billy does occasionally have a bit more of a soft side when it comes to sex, like the few times he’s more in a sub mode, like when he’s had a really shit time with his father or something and he just wants / needs you to take care of him
during these times he’s also got a major praise kink himself, he likes to be told that he’s a good boy and that he’s enough and he’s nothing like his father etc., like you’re almost giving him a mini pep talk whilst you’re fucking
aftercare is usually the bare minimum from him, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but yeah I mean he’s not exactly going all out
he’ll get you a warm cloth to wipe yourself down with and he’ll throw you a shirt of his to wear, but that’s pretty much about it
he’s not exactly one for full on snuggling and cuddling too often, on the rare occasion he’ll properly spoon you, or if he’s really broken up about something he’ll let you spoon him, otherwise for the most part he just likes to lie on his back and let you rest by his side with your head on his bicep
he falls asleep super fast after sex and he snores like a truck lmao
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Author’s Note / Disclaimer: please remember that these are headcanons, i.e. this is how I personally view the character. you may disagree and that is completely fine, I just ask that you don’t leave any disrespectful or rude comments about it. thank you in advance.
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gayjosh · 2 years
♡ Cute/Subby Billy Hargrove HCs ♡
...because i cant get enough of sub billy <333
~This is pinned cuz its my most popular one + bc why not :D~
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《Sub Billy, Top + Taller M! Reader》
- He loves to cook for you, especially breakfast. When he wakes you up with breakfast in bed and you praise him for making good food- he just crumbles out of pure joy <3
- He loves cuddling you, especially when you're big spoon- for the same reason he loves to hug you- it makes him feel small and cute but also very safe, comfy, and loved
- Sometimes he likes to feel tall though, especially after a workout, so he brings out a stepstool to stand on before you kiss him
- He absolutely adores watching you while you work out- he thinks you look amazing and strong, and sometimes he sits next to you and feels your muscles
- When you're sad/angry/annoyed/generally upset, he usually feels the same way about whatever happened and tries to help you fix it. He listens to you vent (but gets distracted looking at you and makes you repeat stuff)
- He never raises his voice around you (unless he's yelling at someone for calling you a slur/trying to fight you/otherwise disrespecting you) and he always uses his low, soft, gentle voice around you since he knows you find it calming
- Loves to borrow your clothes, and loves when you borrow his. You basically just have a closet full of clothes that you both use
- He loves playing games/watching tv/just being with you as much as possible
- He will come with you to hang out with your friends too even if he doesn't like them (to protect you, and also to try and find out more about you)
- (had to add this iykyk) He has stretch marks ♡ :P
- He loves praise when you're fucking ("you're amazing, pretty boy", "I love you so much", "you're doing so good") but he likes being used while you praise him (tying him up, overstimulating him, and absolutely loves choking on your cock)
- "you're so amazing, taking my cock inside you like that~" as you fuck him with one hand around his throat and the other cupping his face, caressing his cheek
- He moans and whimpers so loud, and a lot of profanities
- "shit, that feels so good, oh fuck~"
- And eventually he just completely malfunctions- drooling and nonstop moaning, his face buried in his hands, crying as you fuck the shit out of him
- When you're done, he definitely recieves cuddles and gentle aftercare as you praise him even more and pet his hair
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cherryc1nnam0n · 1 year
Creampie from another man | Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson, Fem!Reader x Husband!Billy Hargrove
Summary: Your husband Billy never cums inside you because he wants to avoid a kid at all costs, but what about what you want? Maybe someone else will give it to you...
Cw: Smut, lots of cum, warning for angst, cheating, unprotected sex gallore, just filth, needy Eddie, lots of whimpering (male), bad ending let me know if you'd like a good ending
Good ending: We just need to talk | Good ending
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"Fuck yes right there" you moaned loudly, smacking noises filling the room as you got railed by your husband, like every night
"You're so tight holy fuck" he groaned, slapping your ass loudly making it red "Fuck I'm gonna cum"
Hopefully this was the time when he would finally breed you, you hoped he would
"Please cum ins-"
You couldn't even finish your sentence when he aggressively pulled out, coating your ass with his cum, your head fell down in anger and frustration, no matter what you did, he always pulled out
"Fuck baby, that was so good" he squeezed your ass and got off the bed, coming back with a damp towel to clean you up "You're always so good baby"
You couldn't hear a word he was saying, you wanted a baby and you knew he would never give it to you
"Excuse me?"
"Why do you not want to have a baby with me?" You sat up, facing him "Am I not enough? Are you afraid? Speak to me Billy!"
He was quiet, anger flashed in his face "I don't want to talk about this"
"But I do! I want to be a mother William! You know I do!" You yelled at him, picking up your pajamas to put them on "Damn it, just tell me to divorce you and I'll do it!"
"You won't divorce me! You're my wife!" He yelled back, you didn't even flinch "You're not leaving me"
"Then I'll find someone else to breed me" you challenged him, he was taken back "I'll find someone that'll cum so much inside it drips out of my nose, how about that?!"
He huffed a breath and walked out of the room, and out of the house, it was unfair that he didn't want to have a kid with you, but it was also unfair you were willing to cheat on him
Days went by, you didn't let Billy touch you, you guys were distant all the time and would exchange only a few words, you guys love each other but the elephant in the room didn't let you guys say it out loud
And your desire of being a mom led you to make your biggest mistake, fuck Eddie Munson...
"Oh god yes right there!" You moaned, Eddie was holding your legs up next to your head, pounding into you in a mating press "Please breed me, cum inside me"
"I'll give you every last drop of my cum, all of it, oh fuck you're so wet" he whined
Eddie was a whiney man when fucking, he was in heaven when you approached him and said you were done with your husband, and wanted him to breed you, his breeding kink was screaming and he could never refuse
You were hot, so hot and he had a fat crush on you during highschool, now you, on your late 20's were even hotter and mature, he couldn't deny
"Oh baby you're so tight, fuuuuck" he whined again, burying his face into your neck "I'm gonna cum please make me cum, make me cum fuck!"
Your pussy clenched around him so good it made his eyes roll back, he was in pussy heaven
"Eddie, I'm so close, please don't pull out"
"I could never dream of it baby"
With one last thrust, his cum coated your insides beautifully, you had never felt that and it had made you have a second orgasm on top of your first one, eyes rolling back and toes curling
"Fuck! Eddie!"
He was cumming so much it was unbelievable, his cum didn't stop until 3 minutes later, it was so so much it was coating the bed underneath you
"Fuck baby, that was amazing" he said pulling his soft dick out of you, his balls spent and empty
"Who said we were over?"
But you wanted more...
"Fuck baby, please please give it to me, fucking cum on this dick!" Eddie groaned as you rode him
Holding onto the headboard on the bed while it creaked loudly underneath you both, your hips bounced on him, taking his dick entirely into your pussy, it was obscene and it turned you on so much
"Fuuuuck Eddie it feels so good fuck!" His hands were pulling at your nipples, playing with your tits while he whined your named
Dirty talk was his specialty
"Fuck baby, you're so wet for me, gonna make me cum again, please just cum on it again" he whined at you in a voice you couldn't deny
"Please baby I'll cum on your dick, if you fill me up again with your cum"
He whined and nodded "Yes baby, I'll give you everything, milk my cock please please please" he begged, eyes rolling back "Oh fuck that feels so good" he moaned
His dick was big and veiny, his balls were big, storing lots of cum for you, since he had already gave you a creampie, his dick was coated in his own cum, your pussy pushing it back as you moved, making some fall down his balls and onto the bed, he was pussy drunk at this rate, he would do anything for you if you would keep moving like that
"Ahh, ahh, ahh" he moaned as you moved, feeling his balls tighten and rise up "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum please cum with me, please with cum me" he grabbed your hips and starting to frantically thrust up into you, tears in his eyes "Please cum with me, cum with me, of fuck!" He said as he gave one last thrust into you and shot his load into your womb "Ahhh fuck!"
"Shit Eddie!" You moaned, orgasm washing over you, thinking about how it would feel if Billy was the one doing it...
But those thoughts were erased when Eddie pushed you down on the bed, opening your legs to see the mess he had done "You made such a mess out of me holy shit" he said out of breath
You giggled, playing with your pussy as his cum seeped out, pushing it back in, coating your wedding ring in another man's creampie
"You're so good Eddie, and such a nice dick"
"You like my dick?"
"Duh, or else I wouldn't have fucked you" you smiled at him, still cock drunk
But Eddie wasn't done, now he was the one that wanted more
"Well, prepare for a third load, because I'm hard as a rock"
"Oh shit-"
"Say it again" Eddie said in between moans, holding your neck as he pounded into you
"Cum inside me daddy" you said as best as you could
His dick was destroying your pussy, cum seeping out, loud squelching noises emiting from it as his dick went in and out of her, your pussy was milking his cock deliciously, he was borderline obsessed with you and your pussy
"This pussy is mine, I don't care what your husband does to me after I'm done breeding you, you're mine now and this sweet pussy? Hah it's all mine too, don't want anyone else to have it, only me"
You were so gone in pleasure you didn't care about anything, the world around you was gone, only Eddie and his dick existed to you, nothing would have ever prepared you or imagined the beautiful surprise Billy had for you at home...
"Say you'll leave him, say it... Say you'll come live with me, be my wife, divorce that bastard and be mine Y/n..."
With hazy eyes you looked at him, sealing a promise you could never make true
"Yes Eddie, I'll be your's, all your's"
With more moans and sloppy kisses he came inside you, again, you were most definitely pregnant as fuck, pregnant with Eddie's baby...
When you finally came home that night, you didn't expect seeing decorations around the living room, a huge banner that read 'I'm sorry Y/n, I love you' and warm food that was cold now waiting for you
"Where were you?" Billy asked from the couch, a beer on his hand
"I-I went to visit mom, she called and-"
"Stop lying!" He stood up, walking to you, he was wearing his red shirt you loved so much on him "I called her and she said she hasn't seen you since last month... Where were you?"
You looked down, afraid of telling him the truth
"I can smell it on you... You were having sex... Am I right?"
You just nodded
You could hear his heart shatter in his chest, you had made your promise true, you cheated on him
"Y/n... Do you know why I never came inside you?"
"Because you're a selfish asshole, that's why!"
He shook his head, eyes closed "Because I was scared... Scared I would be a terrible dad... During this time, I went to therapy and figured why I was so scared to get you pregnant... But now that I've figured it out and want to give you a baby... I see you're already carrying one..." He referred to the cum dripping from your thighs
"You want... To have a baby...?"
He nodded, sadly
"I made dinner for us... Planned it all, I had a speech ready, I waited for you... All night and look at you, coated in another man's scent, your pussy dripping with his cum, are you happy now, Y/n? Are you happy? Because you should I mean- you got what you wanted! Didn't you?!" He yelled, tears falling down his eyes "I'm leaving... I love you but, you clearly don't love me too..."
He had a bag ready with his stuff, he picked it up and looked at you one last time, taking off his wedding ring and placing it on your hand "Here, maybe you could give it to him, the man that gave you a kid..."
With that, he left the house, leaving you empty...
"I love you too Billy..." You said to no one since he has already left long ago...
Months later, you took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, you were having a baby! But... Eddie's baby, not Billy's...
You hadn't seen him since he left, you tried to approach Max but she yelled at you, telling you how much of a slut you are, reminding you of your mistake, if you only you had talked to him when he tried to do so...
Now you were driving to Eddie's work, the mechanic shop, you knew he wouldn't leave you alone, he wanted you...
"Eddie? Can we talk?"
He came from under the car he was working on, his hair in a messy bun and covered in oil stains
"Oh uhm Y/n, you shouldn't be here"
"Why? Is it not a lady's place? Haha" you giggled, but his face didn't change "What's wrong?"
"Why are you here?"
"I left him, for you Eddie, were having a baby" you placed the test on his hand, he scrunched his face in horror
"No, no, no, this can't be right, you're no, no!" He yelled throwing the test away "That's not my kid"
You were in disbelief, he was the one that bred you!
"What? Eddie you know what you're saying is a lie! It's your baby!"
"No, Y/n it is not, it's probably someone else's baby and you're just trying to put the weight on me, that's not my kid!"
You slapped him right on the face, making his face turn to the side, his hair falling from the bun
"You are a bastard! You know what we did! You know what you wanted! You wanted me to marry you! To have your baby! And now you don't ever recognize it?! You're like every other man Edward Munson!" You yelled at him, walking out of the shop
"I'm sorry..." He said holding his cheek
Truth was... Billy had been there. He told Eddie that happened, but he didn't say that Y/n was a slut. He talked wonders of her, even with his heart shattered he still loved her, Eddie listened intently, and he felt guilty in his chest, he knew Y/n was pregnant with his kid but he couldn't raise a baby with a woman who was married and second, that cheated on her husband, with him... So he did what he thought was right... Even if she was the love of his life...
Now Y/n was alone... Her mother was ashamed of her, didn't speak a word to her daughter, her friends stopped talking to her too, saying it was too low what she did and they were right...
Y/n Hargrove was alone in the world... Pregnant with a kid who wasn't her husband's...
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shanakin-skywalker · 2 years
No but Billy blowing his cigarette smoke into your mouth while kissing 🥵
Also, if you’re chewing gum he would absolutely make out with you and steal the gum right out of your mouth and start smacking it with that cheeky grin of his
Or OR both at the same time 😭
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sykokittyy · 2 years
rebel yell | b.h. ☆
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pairing: ghostface!billy hargrove x fem!plus-size!reader
@tw-inkl-e-tit-s request: Heyy! I was wondering if you could do an Ghost face!Billy Hargrove x plus size!reader like it's all over the News that theirs a killer on the loose in Hawkins but reader knows it's her boyfriend billy and he comes home early and she gets turned on by all the blood on his mask and ask him him to keep it on while he fucks her and when their done Billy grabs a Polaroid Camara and says something like " smile for the Camara doll" but readers to fucked out to smile.
warnings: smut (minors dni <3), blood kink, knife kink, oral (male receiving), missionary, back shots, praising, dom!billy, dacryphilia, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys ), hair pulling.
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tonight was halloween and you were just relaxing in the house. you decided to take a little break from halloween parties this year. growing tired of being around people for the day, you decided to just take the day to yourself.
you optimized on just eating candy, and watching slasher movies, you know, nightmare on elm street, carrie, the exorcist, etc. you had a thing for scary movies, you just always found comfort in them.
you loved the blood, the gore, the screams of agony. it brings an orgasm of chills to your spine when you see blood splattered from a body temple. you couldn't explain it, you just knew it brings a wave of excitement through your bloodstream.
you grew bored of the Halloween movie you were watching. you reached over and grabbed the remote with your bowl of popcorn before proceeding to flick through the channels on your tv. as you were clicking, you came across the hawkins new channel, instantly attracting your attention.
“good evening hawkins, indiana, and happy halloween. today, great citizens of hawkins; we have very urgent news. today, we were informed by the hawkins police department that we have a homicide killer on the loose and running through the so-they-say, “cursed community” of hawkins, indiana” you quickly turned up the volume with the remote.
“we were also well-notified that there has been a total of eight bodies found throughout the city of hawkins. we have confirmed that one of the bodies we're one of hawkins high school's most athletic basketball players, identified as jason carver.” you quickly stood up and jumped around your living room in satisfaction.
“yes, yes, yes! right on the fucking money baby, woohoo!” you cheered.
now some may look at you as if you're a psycho and ask “why are you happy about this?” eight people had been murdered and one of them you knew personally from school. jason was a fucking waste of life, and his mother should’ve swallowed him before he could exist. and see—what hawkins failed to realize is that the killer is walking amongst them like a wolf in sheep's clothing. and the unknown secret you held to yourself was that you knew who the killer was. your boyfriend, billy hargrove.
almost everyone knew that the californian pretty boy, dream boat is bold, outspoken, and reckless. and while most people disliked the way he presented himself to others, you altogether loved him for who he was. everything about him spoke volumes to your body, mind, and soul.
you had met billy at tina’s house party for hawkins high. you were known for being one of the most confident plus-size girls at hawkins high. you wore what you wanted and looked ravishing while doing it, and of course, people were intimidated by that because they thought that just because you were plump that you had to cower down to their expectations. boy were they fucking wrong.
you were straightforward that you could do what the fuck you wanted to do, some understood and some just still wanted to give you their unwanted opinion about how you should or shouldn't act. but they still failed to acknowledge that you just didn't want to be tamed. you wanted to make your own decisions.
and this is what billy liked— no fuck that—loved about you. you were a sexy vixen; a young woman that knows what she wants. you looked like a walking sex symbol with the clothes you wore and how you carried yourself. you wore black, red, and latex. you always made sure that you showed enough cleavage to make the young men and ladies sweat, and you knew that you left an impact in a crowded room. your hair was always so perfect (considering it also took you an hour to do to make it immaculate) and you smelled like strawberries and desire. you were everything he wanted, and he got you.
now more people may or may not ask “why are you letting this outrageous behavior go on?” or “why am i not trying to prevent billy from killing innocent people” it's because hawkins is a shit show anyways. you and billy both hated this town, so why not make do with what you both thought is fun? and that was causing chaos through the little town of hawkins. everyone has to die somehow, right?
you and billy both loved seeing people lose their minds when something chaotic happened. the aroma of fear fuelled something within the both of you, but it didn't make either of you feel frightened. it made your bodies fill with adrenaline and excitement. the thought of murder to billy, made him think that it was a fun sport for him. it just involved a lot of blood, and satisfaction for him. that's why he did the killing while you helped him later when he’d get home and fuck him pussy-drunk.
you went on watching the news. “the killer that’s fleeing around hawkins is going by the name of “ghost face”, the news reporter implied. “- he stalks the residence of his prey throughout the night, and gives them a phone call by asking ‘what's their favorite horror film’ before he attacks them after they try to escape”, you couldn't help but grow more excited as the news reporter continues with the erotic information.
“it is proved that “ghost face” is an unidentifiable mask killer that seizes on the community of hawkins, and that every murder that he had committed had involved these eight victims. after he mutilates their corpses, he takes a disturbing polaroid picture with them and leaves a disturbing quote saying ‘be careful, you may be next’”, you had to give it to billy, he sure did know how to keep the people on their toes.
earlier today, you decided that since it was halloween and your boyfriend, billy, was out “handling business”, you decided to spice things up for him for when he came back home. you were wearing a maroon, lingerie set that showed your plump belly and thick luscious thighs littered with gorgeous stretch marks.
you made sure that you did light make-up considering that it was going to be ruined anyway, but you made sure to wear your blood-red lipstick. it made you look even more ravishing and beautiful.
you decided to change the channel to nightmare on elm street; growing tired of the news and their dramatic reactions. as you continued watching the gore scenes of blood shedding and screaming, you heard the tapping at your backdoor. you knew it was billy because he only used the backdoor when he went on his slaying sprees during the evening, but usually, he wouldn't come home this early.
you quickly scurried to open the door, beginning to feel a jittery feeling in your spine. when you opened the door you had an eager smile plastered on your face, but it quickly turned to a look of confusion when you noticed that no one was there.
“the hell s’going on?” you mutter to yourself as you looked around your backyard; seeing no trace of anyone there. you were about to step inside your house when you saw a note placed on your door. you snatched the taped note off the wall and as your eyes scrambled to read the note relaying “tag, you're it doll” written in black ink. you noticed that it had a few droplets of blood sprinkled across the note.
“haha, very fucking funny, you coward!” you yelled towards the dark space of your backyard. you swiftly backed into your house in annoyance and slammed the door. as you went to turn back around; at the speed of light, you were roughly approached from behind by a tall muscular figure that had held you by your neck with a bloody knife threatening to slice you.
“coward huh? tell me y/n, you're wearing lingerie for a coward?” you immediately knew the voice that was coming from behind you.
“billy?” you scurry from his hold as he began to chuckle. “you fucking dick head!” you slightly yelled before hitting him in his arm. “you scared the shit outta me!” you held your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“aww c’mon, i thought you loved a good scare sweet cheeks?” he slowly began to walk towards you as you stand by the kitchen counter. as he came towards you; you couldn't help but take in his appearance. you gaped at his muscular form in his cloak and ghost face mask. you began to feel a ball of heat in your lower gut, as excitement build the closer he approached you.
“i like it when I expect it, y’damn near gave me a fucking heart attack billy,” you looked up towards him as he looked down towards you through the mask. you examined his face as you began to notice the blood that was spattered on the white part of the mask making you feel a small pool of wetness in your core.
he slowly took the bloody knife and held it up under your chin; making you hold intense eye contact between one another. he gradually moved towards your ear; still holding the knife against your skin and you could feel and hear his hot breath inhale and exhale through the mask.
“billy s’not here sweetheart, you're talking to ghost face now,” he pressed the knife a little more into your skin, earning a small whimper from you. “now tell me doll, what’s your favorite scary movie?” even through the mask billy always could see through you with those piercing blue eyes.
you stared at him for a moment before processing that he had asked you a question. it's something about the way he looked at you with blood plastered all over his mask. it made you shiver in anticipation of what he could do to you. it was seconds later when you finally gave him your answer.
“i-it’s carrie. my favorite scary movie is carrie,” you stuttered before letting out a shaky breath.
“care to inform me why doll?” he began to move the bloodied knife towards your bottom lip, making you shudder. “i love details hon.” you could almost sense the taste of copper as the knife trailed your delicate skin.
“i love it b-because, of all the blood. i love seeing the blood spurt out of and onto the victims. it kinda satisfies me,” you watch as he trails the knife back down a little towards your shoulder. a little blood followed along the way.
“mhmm. billy did say that you had a thing for blood,” he trails off before swiftly sliding the knife under your bra strap and slashing it in half. “-i love how you think, doll,” you watch as takes his leather-clad finger and slides it over the blood covered knife. he takes his finger and slides the blood over your bottom lip; immediately you opened your mouth and slide his finger over your tongue. the taste of copper filled your taste buds.
he lifts you with his godly strength and sits you on the counter; mindlessly your legs spread open giving him access to your core. “i love this piece lace number you're wearing,” he faded his words as he brings his hand down to your cunt and palms it, causing to you give a needy whimper. “-too bad i’m gonna cut it off,” you don't have time to react as he quickly brings his knife behind the thin lace and cuts it before snatching it off of you.
he takes his index and middle finger before spreading open your fold; watching your arousal ooze from your mound. he groans in approval watching your cunt clench around nothing. “fuck- you’re as wet as an ocean and I barely even touched you,” he chuckles before light doing circle on your tiny bud making you gasp.
he slides his index and middle fingers into you while continuing to rub rough circles on your clit. you moan in satisfaction as he whispered hot praises into your ear, making your body tremble even more. as he kept stroking your cunt you back continued to arch into his torso. “you're such a naughty slut, y/n. letting a psycho killer stroke his fingers into your cunt,” he groans. “tell daddy you're a slut, hm? tell me you're my slut” he commands.
“i -i’m a a-slut daddy. i’m your fucking slut,” you moan feeling your cunt clenching around his fingers as he fucks them into you harder.
“you're gonna cum aren't ya’? I can feel this sweet little pussy clenching around my fingers,” he asked condescendingly as you rapidly began to nod as you rolled your hips; meeting his thrusts.
“well cum on my fingers doll, make my fingers flood with your sweet cum,” he eggs you on before you let out a loud pornographic moan and release all over his fingers. your mouth forming an “o” shape as you ride out your high and faintly hearing bulky calling you a “good girl”.
“hmm, you think you're a good whore?” he questions tilting his head. you nod giving him your most “innocent” expression. he scoffs, “we’ll see about that.” he takes a few steps back from you before he bent down to hold the cloak over his toned abdomen proceeding to unbuckle his belt. you felt yourself grow eager as he teasingly stripped for you.
you continued to watch as he proceeded to unbutton his pants and slide down his zipper before shoving his pants and boxers to the ground, hearing a faint ‘clink’ when they fall. you watched his rock-hard dick slap against his stomach, as the tip showed an angry red. your heart pounds as he slowly walks back towards you. he stands in front of you tilting his head.
“oh sweetheart, don't be frightened, it's gonna fit in your mouth...and other places,” he looks back down at your cunt before looking back up at you. he snatched the ripped bra off you and throws it across the room; beginning to be long forgotten. “get on your knees slut.”
you quickly jumped down from the counter and did as he said looking at his dick bobbing in your face as he moved. he forcefully grabbed your jaw; making it open before shoving his dick in your mouth reaching with a low moan. he loves how warm your mouth feels. “attagirl, suck it like blood sickle, mph,” he grips you hair continuing his rough stroke into your mouth.
he pulled out lightly smacking your check and thrust right back into you mouth as he proceeded to moan in ecstasy. his moans made clit throb, and one thing about billy, he was never afraid to be vocal.
“god- i love this filthy mouth of yours-fuck,” he gave you one rough stroke before you felt his blond pubes up against your face. “ahh that's it, that a good slut,” he praises before you feel hit spurts of cum filled your hoarse throat. you didn't hesitate to swallow all of his milky load.
he grunts before he snatches you up and places you back on top of the counter. you lay on your back as he manhandles your legs open. “i’m gonna warn you y/n, this is gonna feel so much better than my fingers that you'll scream baby,” he buffs.
“i’m counting on it,” he groans as he places himself at your entrance before roughly pushing himself inside resulting in you releasing a lewd moan. the stinging stretch hurt you but it also brought great pleasure. you whimpered at the friction between your walls.
“oh my fucking god, y/n” billy gasps continue to pound into you. “-this wet cunt is to fucking kill for -fuck,” he presses his body into yours giving you short hard thrusts making you yelp at each stroke. you wrapped your hands around his back you could but scratch him as you felt like his dick was touching your heart.
all you could feel was heat and pleasure building up all over your body as he fucked you dumb. all you could do was call out his name and moan “yes, yes, yes” as he hit that spongy spot deep in your core. you couldn't help but spread your legs even more wider so he could fuck you until you passed out.
you were a moaning mess before he abruptly pulled out of you, and roughly put you on your hands and knees. your back arched off the counter before your head was forcefully pushed down into submission. he hastily pushed back into you and pounded you so quick you thought you had whiplash. “yes, yes! ah -fuck- yes,” was all you whimper and moan out as he pumped deeply into you.
as he was plumbing you from behind reached forward and gripped your hair, using it as leverage while forcing every inch into your stretched cunt. he slapped your ass once, twice, three, four times before he put his whole weight on your back. making sure he had you pinned under him. giving you slow, rough, deep strokes into your throbbing pussy.
“you love it when i fuck you like i own you? huh? c’mon baby, i know there's more words left in that precious brain of yours,” he insists. i mean how could you give him a fluent response when he is fucking you so good. you feel like you're becoming a fiend for him.
“yes daddy, you're the only one that fucks me this good,” it was then when you felt that hot aching feeling in your gut. you knew you were going to cum in a matter of seconds. “daddy i’m gonna cum -please, can i cum?” you pant against the counter. he brings his hand around you front and reaches down towards your swelling bud. you couldn't help but squirm under him as the feeling of you needing to come came crashing down on you.
he leans down towards your ear as you get his hot breath panting against your ear through the mask. “cum, slut,” at that moment you felt a weight off your shoulder as you clenched around him and released all over his dick. you moaned as you feel like you were in heaven.
“that's it -fuck- baby, milk my cock just like that,” he praised as you shook under him. he continued to pound into you as your began to feel overstimulated and soon you felt the warmth of his cum fill in your gummy walls as he grunted incoherent words. he reaches over to grab an object that you didn't pay attention to until he places the front of a camera in front of your face.
he made sure the camera faced you and him as he stood over you making sure the camera gets his blood-covered mask. “smile for the camera, doll,” the camera flashed before the picture slid out making you flinch a little.
he stayed there for a few seconds before he caught his breath and pulled his softened dick from your pussy, making you wince. he stared at your fucked out pussy as a mixture of yours and his cum dripping from your hole. he took his index finger and began stuffing it back into you making you wince from being sensitive, before landing a hard smack to your ass causing you to look back at his.
he shrugs at you before pulling up his trousers, and sliding off the mask. he walks by you and place a wet kiss on your cheek, and giving you a charming wink.
“happy halloween doll-face”
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a/n: i hope y'all enjoyed this! this took me a week to do, but im not complaining because it was very much worth it. make you guys like, comment, and reblog. i love you guys, bye <3 💋
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guessthestrangers · 2 years
Dating Billy Hargrove hc Part 1
Billy Hargrove x f!henderson!reader 
Part 2 is up!!!!
warnings: mentions of anxiety, reader gets hurt by accident, Billy being protective, almost swearing
Note: If you don’t have anything ok to say about this character please scroll past this. (I don’t own stranger things or any characters you know the drill). 
I’m going on a 7 hour flight rn so pleasee give me feedback or requests!! Thanks strangerssss 
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-him being super duper protective of you, but in a way that made you feel safe and comfortable 
-he never EVER does anything that could hurt you 
-he reassures you all the time when you’re anxious or worried
-he lets you squeeze his hand as hard as you want when you’re nervous
-he supports you when you need it
-but he HATES your longtime friendship with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington
-he finds it cute that you have such an amazing bond with the party 
-considering you’re Dustin’s sister— he was actually really surprised
-when you met, he was SURE you were his age
-even though you have curls like your bro (let’s assume), you don’t look alike that much
-Dustin being like ‘wHAT. Not hIM anyone but HIm. why don’t you DATE STEVE INSTEAD.’ when he finds out 
-even though he’s all bad boy ‘I dont care about the consequences’ at school, he freaking melts and becomes a lil cinnamon bun around you which you pride yourself on cuz you won’t see him going soft for someone like Carol :)
-you’re complete opposites in personality though
-it’s why he calls you angel
-and why he’s so protective 
-“Don’t toUCh MY angel!” He would bark at anyone who comes too close 
-A real Slytherpuff relationship, who’s who? 
-When he first comes to school on his first day at Hawkins high
-He sees you with your friends
-and ksajdbsksn you had about a gazillion things in your arms (like you always do)
(-sometimes your friends jokingly makes fun of you for it-
-and Billy would go in protective mode even if they’re your friends 
-“Whadjusay ‘bout Angel?”
-“They’re just kidding, baby”
-He glares at them but makes an effort to show them that he’s a good boyfriend to you always)
-You were making your way to math with your friends when he bumped into you, when you were trying to avoid the figure that was moving way to harshly with Tommy H. and Carol. 
-you hadn’t really payed attention to him or seen his face yet
-But you could freaking tell that he would cause some trouble in this town
-and your first instinct was to stay away from him
-and even though it was his fault you now had a gash on your right forearm and dropped more than half of your things on the floor, you apologized. Because that’s what ya do 
-But Billy—
-oh, Billy Boy—
-he freaked the heck out
-not only because he hurt you, but because he knew— just knew— that you were going to be someone meaningful to him. 
-“I’m so sorry! Let me help you with that!” Billy rushes out, helping you pick up your things. (Tommy being like shutt up Billy)
-“oh, shi—“ you start saying, before a teacher comes and is starting to lead you too the nurse’s, despite your many protests if you saying you were fine and that you’d survive a cut and that you could rince it off in the bathroom 
-Billy followed right behind
-apologizing profusely 
-but not so loud that others could hear
-more out of habit
-because kjdjsdkbfddx the boy had a reputation to hold up
-and little did he know that later on—after getting to know you— he wouldn’t even care if he cried in front of everyone for you
-because the minute you started telling him about yourself or what your passions are or literally anything related to you
-he’d start falling
-he’d fall in love so darn hard
-that he was amazed that you fell just as hard as he did 
(part 2?)
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thestrangestthings · 2 years
Imagine Billy and Max being taken in by the Hopper/Byers family and finally seeing what real parents are.
Billy being a great big brother to El and Max and bonding with Jonathan over music and asking to see his photos.
"Damn, these are actually good. You sure you took these yourself? You lyin'?"
One morning, over breakfast, Will is talking about going to Hellfire Club that night and Billy makes the side comment:
"What's so great about DnD anyways?"
And Will's jaw drops.
"What's so great... about DnD?! Maybe the world building? Or the in depth, multidimensional characters? Or the- ya know what, I'll just show you."
And then will disappears into his room, reappearing a few moments later with his arms heavy with books and papers.
Billy getting into DnD because of the badass characters and the action, and the sitting on the edge of his seat as the dice rolls, crossing his fingers for a nat20
And Joyce teaching him out to cook and one time she's showing him how to kneed dough and puts her hands over his to show him and he just starts gently crying and she wraps her arms tight around him and coos "I know baby, I know" in his ear.
Will waking up from a nightmare about being possessed by the mindflayer again and wandering out into the kitchen for some water. Billy is already out there, a glassy look in his eyes and a pale tone to his skin. They make eyecontact and just know.
"So... you dream about it too?" Will fills the silence.
"I wouldn't call them dreams."
Billy picking Will, El, and Max up from school, and Max immediately claims shotgun (as she always does). Max waiting until after El and Will get out of the car when they get home to tell Billy both El and Will were bullied that day, immediately following it with how she took care of the bullies.
It being a long and time consuming process for Billy to trust Hopper, especially around Max, Will, and El.
But Hopper is dedicated and damn sure is going to show this boy what a real father figure is like. To show him that he is a part of this family and will be treated as such and when finally, finally Billy trusts Hopper, smiling at him and hugging him goodnight after one of their late night man to man convos (and thanking him! For his advice! El never does that!!) Hopper has to sit back down on the couch and take a moment, feeling proud of himself and how far Billy has come and just smiling from ear to ear.
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dadr0ckmusic · 2 years
stranger things headcanons because i said so (fruity four + billy)
basically them in my dr
steve harrington
does restaurant challenges unironically. like he has to eat a big wet daddy burger in an hour just for a plaque on the wall and a pic with the owner smh
calls his car babygirl
modern au where he texts the girl he likes at 1:11, 2:22, etc just to get her hopes up
loves madonna. you can't tell me otherwise
he does yoga. and if you catch him he'll threaten your life
calls his house 'the love shack'
if you were just becoming friends with him he would listen to your music or do your hobbies with you just to make you happy
would totally rock out to stacy's mom
he gives off lactose intolerant vibes. i do not make the rules.
would definitely have playlists called "alt songs that make you drink monster" or "sad vibes" or "coronavirus got me like"
would've fucking KILLED on grindr
would love twilight. he's on team jacob
laughs at minion memes
robin buckley
the literal queen of your mom jokes
she would totally say "who up wonking they willy rn"
would work at spencer's
she had a ton of hamsters that died the most traumatic deaths when she was a kid and they're all buried in her backyard
loooves poop and fart jokes
she still sleeps with the same stuffed bear she had when she was little (and we are NOT judging)
says "oh my goodness gracious" at the funniest possible times
would literally FUCK at rainbow loom
her childhood room was purple and steve picks on her for it
cannot use chopsticks to save her life
one time steve made her mad so she literally WENT OFF THE GRID and he didn't see her for a whole week and he was freaking the fuck out
was a bug girl. worms? fuck yeah. roly polys? best buds. what the fuck is that thing? it has a terrarium now.
literally is the most caring person on the planet. she's always worrying about you and what you're feeling and what you're doing
only eats the marshmallows out of lucky charms
is scared of bees
billy hargrove
he bakes. he bakes cookies, cupcakes, you name it. if you ever catch him he's FORCING you to taste whatever he's making
an AVID reader. he's got books all over his room, stolen library books in the glove box of his car, and he's reading the hawkins post every morning no matter what
his mom taught him how to sew. lets say after a mishap with the whole 'different dimension' thing, you're bummed cause you got a hole in your favorite shirt. billy would be like "i can fix it for you" and you're like "what??" but he just gets mad and goes "just give me the fucking shirt" and then the next day he's bringing it to you good as new
hates cooked carrots
can fall asleep anywhere. couch, car, at a party, you name it. he will find a spot to fall asleep
he was actually very interested in supernatural stuff when he was younger. and then when max started telling him about everything billy was like "wait. i read this about... blah blah blah" and max is just so surprised
he can totally make a mean cocktail. you want a pina colada? whipped up in seconds. craving a margarita? he's got the salt ready. feeling like an old fashioned? liquor's already in front of him.
he never wears sunscreen. not a single spf anywhere on his body.
calls girls broads and you can NOT tell me otherwise
totally thinks metallica was at its best in their thrash era. sorry bud i'd hate to break it to you
hates the fourth of july cause of y'know.
i feel like he would totally get into dog rescue after he leaves hawkins.
would totally kick ass at mario kart. like he's THE BEST and he always chooses bowser
would totally bash you for your music taste if it was different than his. "what the hell is a beatle?" "mick jagger is not hot." "queen? aren't they gay?" "zeppelin? who taught you that?"
a literal GOD at making mac n' cheese
nancy wheeler
so so so stubborn it's actually annoying.
call her 'einstein' and you're six feet under the floorboards
the tom cruise poster in her room has stared her in the face ever since robin commented on it
nancy's actually amazing at rollerskating. like even mike was surprised because when did she get good at that?
she has nightmares about what happened to barb multiple times a week :(
please know that if you're really close to her she would kill someone for you. no hesitation.
she's super literal? like when someone asks a hypothetical question she's like "when would this happen? why w-" and then immediately get cut off
has a tonnn of notebooks/journals just filled with random stuff like doodles, school notes, reminders, and little ramblings
has plants named after each of her friends and when something's wrong with one of the plants, there's always something wrong with the friend.
is a feminist (slay)
she saves every birthday card given to her and keeps them in a box in her closet
she's a morning person. up and at 'em before 9 every morning and it pisses the gang off when they all sleep in the wheeler's basement. "nancyyyyy..... close the curtains i beg of you..." "it's such a beautiful day, don't you think?"
she's actually amazing at shoplifting.
eddie munson
is allergic to peanuts
when i tell you this man is spontaneous... think 100x more. he'll pull up to your house at 11pm and declare that he planned a road trip while sitting in detention earlier that day and that you're going with him. "eddie what are you doing here? it's so late." "we're going to ohio. we're gonna stop in columbus for like five minutes and drive back." "what the hell."
has cried to sweet child o' mine and will keep that fact to his grave
owns multiple pairs of boxers with superhero logos on them.
definitely has 10 in 1 shampoo that he uses for everything.
ate dirt as a child
if you ever smoke pot with him, just expect him to say the weirdest shit while he's doing whatever. "do you think steve is thinking about me right now?" "yoooooo...... uh.... yo..... um...... i forgot....." "i want to get a cat." "shut up eddie."
he's just,,,, so oblivious,,,,, to sarcasm, flirting, jokes, etc
has ADHD, no doubt about it.
just like billy, he'll bash you on your music taste no matter what. even if you like the same music as him. "that's your favorite tool song? god, you could do way better than that." "c'mon, you know that dio sang better than ozzy." "munson, you're lying straight through your teeth and you know it."
will make you friendship bracelets and you KNOW you're wearing them till you die.
modern au where you're facetiming him and he takes SO MANY facetime pics of you and sometimes makes them his lockscreen. he thinks he's THE SHIT for that.
he giggles. a total giggler.
he flicks dustin in the head all the time.
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billlydear · 1 year
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word count: 1965 // masterlist | inbox (please request ! ) | WIP list
summary: you're well accustomed to billy's smoking habits and his subsequent eating habits.
Contents/Warnings: afab!reader, smut (18+), cunnilingus, almost-somnophilia (discussed beforehand and consensual; basically she's given him permission beforehand to eat her out while she sleeps she just woke up before he could), weed smoking, accidental cigarette burns, mentions of being high
A/N: do you like how I got so busy with schoolwork that i had to drop off the face of this app and then when i finally came back i chose to write freehand instead of touching the requests in my inbox... me either <3 this is the start of my summer break, though, so i hope to get out a lot of content for you guys!!
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! your feedback motivates me to write more, so thank you for your support :-)
Billy's an experienced smoker. He's building up an impressive tolerance to the stuff, but he gets his fix, and it makes his hands a little uncoordinated as he pries at the button on your shorts.
You'd meant to change before falling asleep in his bed, but for every puff he took of his joint, your eyes drooped lower and lower, until you finally fell asleep slumped back against his pillows.
You wake to his frustrated grunt, as well as the sting of something hot at your thigh. You hiss, leg tensing as you peer through the dim room at him, "Billy? Can I help you?"
"Can't get your fucking shorts off," He grunts, and you watch as the lit end of his joint tilts to your flesh again, leaving a burning ring in its wake. The second time you jolt away from it he realizes what's going on, yanking the blunt away from your skin.
"Shit," He ducks his head down to kiss the ash-covered red mark on your thigh, "Sorry, babe."
"I was sleeping," You whine, voice still thick with the stuff, "Can't you eat a bag of chips or something?"
"No," Billy mocks your pitiful tone, burying his face into your thigh and dotting kisses to the skin there, "You taste better."
Finally his fingers manage to pry the button hole of your shorts over the metal circle, and he rips your zipper down with enthusiasm you're not sure how his weed-riddled body possesses.
"You can sleep if you want to," He offers, but with the press of his slightly stubbly cheeks against your soft, raw inner thighs, you know you won't be able to.
"Oh-" Your thighs tense as Billy's lips press in a prim kiss to your slit, "Just- just go, Billy, I- I don't wanna sleep anymore!"
"Knew it," He chuckles, eyes hazy as he parts his lips, licking a thin, wet stripe just along the slit of your cunt, "I'll make it worth your time, angel. Just relax."
You unclench your thighs, and he nestles more comfortably between them. His large hands are thrown over your hips now, splayed wide under your ass as he tucks your thighs beneath his arms, locking you in place.
He's just barely keeping his joint from igniting the blanket with the way it's tucked between his fingers, because now most of his attention is on the pliant, fleshy globes of your ass. You reach down to take it from him just in case, and he hums in approval, nestling his face into your slit so that the sound vibrates through you.
"Billy!" You gasp, hips attempting to jerk upwards even though they're stopped by his strong grip, "C'mon, please- please just do something!"
"You smell so fucking good," He groans, pointedly ignoring your pleas. He seems to be burrowing into you instead of indulging himself, and you're sure you're slick enough now to wet his nose if he keeps pressing it into your cunt.
"Billy," You pant, reaching down with the hand that isn't holding his blunt. You grab hold of his curls, tugging hard, "Do something!"
He bites you. He sinks his teeth into the oversensitive, thin skin that creases your thigh and your cunt, nipping roughly at it as a searing pain erupts from the bite. You cry out, hand falling from his hair and joint nearly slipping out of your grip.
"Ow!" You cry, but your stomach kicks back up with butterflies as he drags his tongue over the bite mark in a long, wet, thick, soothing stripe, "Ah, Billy, that- that hurt!"
"Don't order me around," He drawls, tongue back in his mouth as he presses his nose into the stinging bite mark, "I'll eat you out when I eat you out."
And, of course, eat you out he does. You should have known his dramatics were only that, the snap of his teeth were a show of authority, not of reluctance. He indulges in the wet smear of slick that's threatening to seep out from between the lips of your warm cunt, finally sticking his tongue out to slide between them in a stroke that only makes you wetter.
You're in the middle of taking a drag from his blunt when he finally makes his move, and you nearly bite the thing in half. You choke on the smoke, chest stuttering and lungs heaving to get oxygen back when it seems there's none left. Billy's hungry tonight, the more weed he smokes, the more intense his cravings are, and tonight he seems to be out of his mind.
Once he starts, he can't stop. He dives in, jaw nearly unhinged as he tries fitting it around your entire cunt. His tongue is messy and eager as it laps through your folds, licking up wetness that gushes out of you due to his ministrations. You can feel him trying to control himself, trying to drag his tongue through your cunt in methodical swirls, but eventually his rational brain loses out, and instinct takes over.
He laps at your cunt wet and messy, dragging his tongue in a slimy trail up from just above your ass to the hood of your clit. He pays special interest to the sensitive bud, lips sealing around it as he sucks and licks at you. His hands, still kneading greedily at your ass, change targets as he flicks his tongue over your clit one last time. He pries your thighs even further apart, like there's more of your cunt that you're hiding from him. He doesn't find any, of course, but he takes what he can get, groaning as he dives his tongue back into your pussy.
He's more than vocal, his hot breath coming in pants that signal he's getting out of breath. How he's managed to suffocate himself in your cunt, you have no clue, but you like how desperate it makes him.
He's making out with your pussy so well that you feel an orgasm already creeping up on you, brought on by the haziness of your former sleep and by how many grunts and groans he's pumping into you. He eats like he hasn't in years, like he doesn't get high and ravage you every night.
"Billy," You whimper, the bump of his nose against your clit ramping up the flow of pleasure below your stomach, "Billy I- I might- I think I'm gonna cum soon!"
"Do it," He pants, burrowing his face impossibly further into your cunt, practically sucking your orgasm out of you, "Go, baby, cum on my tongue. Give it to me, 'wanna- nngh," His voice tampers out into a gruff groan as your cunt begins to clench around his tongue, "Wanna taste you."
"Come on," He coaxes, purring into your cunt and egging on your impending release, "Come on, angel, lemme have it."
"I'm- I'm gonna cum!" You insist, reaching down with your free hand to lock them in his curls once more. This time, however, he doesn't reprimand you for your tugging, and you relish having something steady to hold on to as Billy licks your orgasm out of you.
The second you spasm around him, the moment your thighs start to shake and clench around Billy's head, he's letting a steady flow of moans seep into your pussy. It only makes things more intense, and as pleasure bleeds through your veins, Billy sucks it out of you.
"Fuck yeah," He groans, gruff and ragged into your cunt. He's panting, chest heaving as he devours you, "More, baby, c'mon, keep going."
His thick, rough thumb comes up to rub your clit, pressured circles around and around the bud that nearly make you black out. Billy's nothing if not an intense lover, and you think he may be trying to crawl inside of your cunt to suck you dry from the inside the way that he's mashing his face into you.
"Okay," You pant, heaving and shaky as you come down from your high. Billy's not easing up, tongue still laving through your pussy like there's more to take.
"Okay, Billy, okay!" You yelp, flinching in sensitive shock when he tries suckling desperately at your clit again. It's all too much, you're afraid you might pass out if he keeps going, not that you wouldn't have a good time.
"More," He groans, chasing you up the bed when you scramble into a sitting position and back against the headboard. He crawls onto the bed after you, already prying at your knees that you've bent together.
"Please, babe," He begs, voice thick with rasp, "Please, 'just want a little more, I- I'll go slow or something, I promise."
"I can't," You pant, gripping his cheeks and tugging him into a kiss instead. He's happy for the substitute, and you taste your own release on his tongue as he resumes licking sloppily into you.
"Here," You have to pry him away from your face, his lips chasing after yours, spit trailing down his glistening chin. You hand over his blunt, and he takes it from you eagerly to fill his lungs with smoke.
"More," He insists, keeping the joint held between his two fingers as he reaches for your face this time, leading another kiss. He steals the breath from your lungs, replacing it with thick smoke that makes your eyes water. He's too busy sucking your tongue to notice, his own trailing along its underside and sending shivers down your spine.
The squelching sound that accompanies his kiss is almost more filthy than how it had sounded when he was eating you out, and though your cunt is still on fire, you feel something building below your belly again.
He's making the same sounds into your mouth as he was into your cunt, grunting and groaning and huffing and panting as he devours you. It's only when he's nearly blue in the face does he let up, breaking away to pant open-mouthed against the corner of your lips. He knocks his forehead against your temple, lips mouthing lazily at your jaw while he catches his breath.
"Jesus, Billy." You breathe, lungs now empty of both smoke and oxygen as you heave, "You're- oh," He presses a wet kiss to your jaw, "You're really going tonight."
"I'm hungry," He drawls, voice lazy and gruff with both exhaustion and smoke, "But I'm-" He breaks off to yawn, nose scrunching, "-Tired, too."
"I can tell," You laugh weakly, no power in you to do so heartier, "Come on, baby, put out the light and let's go to sleep."
"Mhm," He groans, snuffing out his blunt and stashing it god knows where, too lazy to do anything with it, "You gotta- you gotta pee or something."
"Yeah,' I'll pee," You promise him, slightly touched that even smoked out of his mind, he's concerned for your post-orgasm hygiene. You excuse yourself while he wrestles with the blankets on the bed, and when you get back, he's snoring against his- no, your pillow.
"Billy," You scoff fondly, slipping a hand under his head to try and scoot it off of your pillow. He's limp now, and you're easily able to reroute him to his own side of the bed. When you slide in beside him the bed dips, and he rolls with the incline, body heavy with sleep as it presses against you.
"C'mere," You scoff, wiping away drool that's beading at the corner of his mouth as he snores, "Goodnight, Billy, love you."
You know he can't hear you, you know he won't say it back. But it feels wrong sleeping without saying it, so you nestle into him under the covers, and when you press a kiss to his throat, you feel his heart beat.
You know he loves you, too.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
Hello! May I request headcannons of Billy Hargrove with a GN!reader who is a sarcastic bitch around everyone else but around him they are a goofball and total sweetheart.
Please and thank you!
billy hargrove headcanons
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 559
warnings: swearing, jason carver, mentions of smoking
a/n: hi my sweet! thank you for your request! i haven’t done any headcanons in quite awhile, and i’m feeling a little iffy about these, so i really hope they turned out okay and that they’re what you’d hoped for! <333
-Billy found himself drawn to you the moment he saw you snap at Jason Carver. It was over. He was completely done for.
-Jason had said something about “a group of freaks” in the cafeteria one day, and you’d been close enough to catch it.
“Jason, why don’t you shut your fucking mouth? No one’s dragging you for playing basketball and making it your only personality trait. If you don’t want to play their game, then don’t. Stop being a dick about it.”
-Billy had laughed and gone back to finishing his cigarette, but been enthralled by you following that. Not that he ever had the guts to act on it.
-He’d seen the way you acted when you had to do group work in class. When other students would ask you to do something particularly effort-heavy and you’d respond, “Why, so you don’t have to?”
-But when you work together with him, and you realize he’s not a total dick and he’s going to do his part, you’re sweet as fucking pie. You let him share pens with you. Pens!
-Every sarcastic and/or bitchy comment you make brings Billy immense joy.
“I don’t know, can I?”
“Well maybe if you got your head out of your ass, then you could figure it out.”
“Get fucked, Carver.”
“Oh I’m sorry, Daddy’s money wasn’t enough to prevent you from being a dumbass too?”
-Sometimes when Billy feels that you’re going to say something you probably shouldn’t, he’ll put his hands on your shoulders, or on your waist, and gently pull you away. He’s never had to do that before. He finds that he prefers when you don’t get yourself in trouble. That just means there will be less time for him to spend with you.
-Billy learns very quickly that you use tickling as a defense mechanism.
“Don’t make me do it, Hargrove.”
-The second he starts teasing you, or asking when he’s gonna get a kiss—anything that might make you flustered—you’re threatening to tickle him. He learned the hard way that you’re relentless.
-It was also through tickling that he learned how much he loves your laugh. You’ve got him cornered in his bed, and when he finally relents and asks for you to quit, you laugh triumphantly. It’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
-He lets you braid his hair. Will sit for however long you want because he knows lots of things have probably pissed you off today.
-Has you sit in his car after school and bitch about the events of your day while he smokes and provides commentary. Asks what he can do to make it better just to make you go all shy.
-The first time you meet Max, Billy immediately regrets it. The sarcasm fucking radiates throughout the room and he knows the two of you are going to gang up on him. You do.
-He brings you over and goes to get something, only to come back and you’re gone. You’re in Max’s room, listening to her bitch and riling her you, encouraging her to go on.
-Also, if you tell Billy to shut it, he will.
-Basically with the both of you it ends up being double the scary dog privileges.
-You put up with his shit, and he puts up with yours. There’s nothing more you could’ve asked for.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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hogwartsandhawkins · 11 months
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 7: Pancakes and Meatloaf
Prove Me Wrong Masterlist
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Summary: Billy meets Jess's cat, has dinner with her family, and seems to have a fine day, but Neil makes sure to ruin it.
Warnings: Neil making an appearance again. Child abuse. Mentions of hitting/slapping. Physical harm. Mental and verbal abuse. Threatening. Swearing. Please let me know if I missed anything. Also, not proofread.
Word Count: 5.6k
Author's note: This chapter goes out to my kitty, Waffle, who recently passed away. He was my homeboy since 5th grade, and though I renamed him in this pic considering the Stranger Things universe already had its own eggo enthusiast, he will always be my #1 waffle lover.
As always, eff Neil.
Jess dreaded the next morning, as she was convinced she needed to spend less time with Hargrove than she had allowed herself the past four days. Has it really only been four days? This realization made her even more disgusted with herself. She just needed time away from him, that was it. Then everything would be back to normal. Back to how it should be. But when she walked out of her house, towards the blue Camero, four muffins in hand, Billy made it quite difficult to ignore him, as she intended on doing the rest of the day. 
“Hey there, gorgeous.” She willed herself not to smile softly as she would have a few days ago, and simply distributed the muffins evenly, not making a sound as she lowered herself into the passenger seat. “You eat already, Logan?” He was now teasing her, as she had forgotten to feed herself just yesterday. Instead of answering him with words, she simply nodded her head and then proceeded to look out the passenger window. Billy only looked at her for a moment, taking notice of how she shifted herself away from him. “Alright.”
He took his time driving this morning, not speeding to their shared campus as he normally did. The music was not as loud and instead acted as background noise to the awkward silence of their ride to school. Max also seemed to sense something was off, as she shifted uncomfortably in the middle seat and made it a point not to give Billy any shit this morning. When the car was parked, Max wasted no time with her getaway. Not leaving enough time for Jess to unbuckle herself and exit first, Max climbed over the middle console as she did yesterday, and left using the passenger door, leaving it open for Jess. She saw this as an opportunity to leave as well, but when she finally released the seatbelt and began to step out, Billy stopped her, grasping at her elbow bend, careful not to hold on too hard, allowing her to break free if she needed. “You good?” 
“Yup. See you later, Hargrove.” The way she answered told him otherwise, but he didn’t push further, considering they were now at school, with a potential audience if things went south. He chalked it up to her still being stressed over derivatives and didn’t put it passed her to have picked up her notebook last night and continue studying, even when Billy advised her to rest.
She’s just tired. And he was right, she was tired, but not because she had spent the whole night studying, but instead, spent the whole night thinking about him, thinking about everything he has done and said, every smile she had received from him these past few days, which ones were fake, and which ones were genuine. She had dissected everything that went on between the two of them, looking for any hint of insincerity, sure she would find something, and when she didn’t, it drove her even more mad, coming to the conclusion that she was delusional. 
“Yeah, see you.” He said too late, she was already closing the door as the words were forced out of his mouth. His eyes followed her as she raced toward Steve, who seemed to be always waiting for her. Just for her. He took a long drag from a now-lit cigarette and finally broke his gaze from the pair to a different group, Tommy Hagen and Carol Perkins, who also seemed interested in the previous pair Billy was just spying on. Carol seemed to be nudging Tommy, pointing meaningfully at Jess as she whispered, causing Tommy’s eyes to widen and nod in what looked like agreeance to Billy. Sighing, he took one last drag of his cigarette and ashed it in his tray where he left the remaining half for later. 
As he began to walk toward the two, Carol quickly closed the gap between the two, making sure she informed Billy of what she just realized. “Looks like Tommy was right after all,” is all she said at first, believing Billy would clue into whatever the hell they were talking about based on that one sentence. 
“Your little girlfriend is wearing Harrington’s sweater, how cute.” Tommy now chimed in, which was enough to jog his memory of their conversation last Friday morning. This caused him to snap his head back over to the two a bit harsher than he calculated, which he hoped his friends didn’t notice. He didn’t take it for someone else’s at first, as it fit her perfectly, slightly loose, but not by any means baggy. It was a blue-green raglan sweater, seams visible only at the shoulders, and now looking at it, the arms were much longer than they should be on her, while she seemed to stretch the chest out slightly. In other words, it most likely wasn’t hers. The left side of his mouth ticked downward, as he scrunched his nose and cleared his throat, spitting unnecessarily to the right of his stance. 
“Bitch ain’t my girlfriend.” He then began to head toward the building’s entrance, interested in leaving with or without Hagen and Perkins, but of course, they followed him. 
“I’m throwing a party at my place Friday,” Carol piped up, already bored of the prior topic, something Billy was grateful for.  “Parents are going on some holiday skiing trip. You in?” He simply grunted in response. Of course he was in. 
“Cool, later.” And with that, she left the two boys, probably eager to spread the news of her having the house to herself this weekend. As she went from person to person, requesting them to “tell everyone” while dodging those that, according to her, didn’t need to come, Carol spotted her next target. 
Jess’s locker suddenly slammed shut, Carol Perkin’s hand stretched across the door. 
“Mrs. Harrington. My, you look super cute today.” Carol was now fingering her, or rather, Steve’s sweater, smiling knowingly. 
“What are you going on about?” Jess was already walking away from her locker, eager to get to her first period. 
“So, what is going on with you and Harrington?” 
“You’re out of touch, Carol.” 
“Not my fault someone doesn’t keep me in the loop anymore.” When Jess decidedly ignored this comment, Carol continued, “I’m having a party this Friday, or are you too cool to come?”
“Yeah, right, like you want me there.”
“Hey, you stopped hanging with us, or do you not remember?” Carol was now blocking Jess’s walking path, seemingly knowing the pathway she needed to take to her first period, looking annoyed and, surprisingly, hurt, an emotion she only showed briefly before shaking it away entirely. Again, Jess said nothing, so Carol continued, moving out of her way so that they could walk side by side, as they used to when walking to class. “You know, I figured it was your bible-thumping weirdos that made you quit hanging out, since we’re ‘bad influences’, but apparently, it turns out you don’t exactly hang out with them either.” 
“What’s your point, Carol?” 
“Seems like Steve Harrington is the only good enough friend for you. I mean, he must be since you’ve completely isolated yourself from everyone else.” Jess wished that this was the case, that for some reason, she’d randomly decided that Steve Harrington would be her only friend, that she was choosing to cut off everyone else. That would have made it easier. The truth was, she tried this year, really tried to go back to normal, as nothing different happened. That Hawkins was just Hawkins, that she wasn’t burdened by this incredible secret. And then it happened again. All. Over. Again. And there were only a few people she didn’t have to pretend with. Carol Perkins wasn’t one of them. And after what happened between her, Tommy, and Steve last year, it seemed there was no use trying again. 
“I’ll be there,” is what Jess was able to muster up, unwilling and unable to confront the current topic. 
Carol looked her up and down. “Wear something cute, you’re better than this. And tell Harrington.” Their shoulders softly brushed against each other as Carol turned around to walk in the opposite direction, and Jess was once again alone in a crowded hallway. 
Fourth-period practice was awful. As expected, Alicia did leave a detailed note of yesterday’s after-school practice, and Coach was not happy. Not happy at all. 
“Since SOME OF YOU are uninterested in our SCHEDULED afternoon practices, looks like we’ll ALL be having an unscheduled one this afternoon. I hope you girls like running because you’ll be doing A LOT of it after school.” As they were currently in the gym, the boys, who pretended they weren’t paying attention, heard every last word. Some snickers were exchanged at the girls’ expense, causing some dirty looks to get thrown the boys’ way.  
By the end of practice, they were a sweaty mess, Coach not easing up on their current practice either, practically pushing them passed their limits as punishment. Showers and reapplication of makeup were in order for many of the girls, causing them to take longer coming out of the gym than the boys this time around. Billy left the locker room after Steve, who was already waiting outside the gym doors for Jess, Jason and Patrick making small talk with him while they waited. Billy eyed the three boys, sticking his left hand in his jean pocket, running his right hand through his hair, and then began cracking his knuckles with his thumb. Steve stared at him apprehensively, considering he was normally long gone by now, walking to the cafeteria. Just then Chrissy walked through the doors and turned to Steve, who was now looking at her, “She’s almost done.” As if on cue, Jess came through the doors, hair now thrown in the same banana clip as last night. 
As Steve began to open his mouth, Billy beat him to the punch, “Hey, Logan.” Steve shot his head in Billy’s direction, unsure he heard that right. Jess also seemed caught off guard, but gave Steve a quick look, telling him “One minute”, and walked over to Billy. 
“Yeah?” She whispered this question, not meaning to be so quiet. Jess swiftly looked over her shoulder, and then back at Billy. Steve and the rest were barely out of earshot, causing Billy to also lower his voice, though not as much as Jess. 
“You still need a ride, right?” 
“Uhh.” Jess had yet to think about how her extra, unplanned practice was going to affect her after-school plans. “If you can’t it’s okay, I’m sure Steve-“ 
“I’ll be in the car. Don’t run too slow, Logan.” He then looked back over at Steve, who had yet to take his eyes off him, and nodded at him slightly, causing Steve to squint his eyes defensively. With that, Billy then walked in the direction of the cafeteria. 
Confused as to why he couldn’t have waited till their 6th or 7th period to go over their plans, she stood there for a moment, watching Billy walk away from her. Her gaze slipped away when she felt Steve standing right next to her. “What was that all about?” 
“Just letting me know I still had a ride, I guess?” This made Steve cross his arms, now both of them looking in Hargrove's direction again. 
Patrick, unaware of any tension, was now becoming impatient. “So are we eating or what?” 
“If you don’t make it in eighteen minutes, you’ll be running it AGAIN.” 
All the girls were dressed in their matching cheer sweatsuits, as it was much too cold for their regular attire, running around the track. Jess was nearing the end of her two-mile, feeling her right knee close to giving out. It began to tighten, making bending it nearly impossible, let alone putting weight on it. Only one lap left. She began hobbling slightly, pulling the right pants leg along with every step to be sure she would not have to endure another eighteen minutes of absolute hell. She was one of the only girls left on the track, which was, as always, disheartening. She hated the tightness she felt in her chest when she ran and always wondered if the other girls felt the same way. As she was rounding the last corner, she happened to look over at the bleachers, and to her horror, Billy Hargrove was leaning against them. She sprinted the last 100 meters, dragging her right leg with the same side arm. 
“17:46. I expect a faster time from my co-captains.” But, at this moment, Jess didn’t care. All she wanted was her second shower of the day and to finally be able to stretch out her knee. As she was exiting the track gate, Hargrove began moving toward her, smirk growing as she watched her shuffle away. 
“Jesus, Jess, looks like you’re falling apart.” He then nodded at her leg, continuing to eye her injury as she limped. “You get that from cheer?” 
“Nuh-uh, it’s older. Happened when I was a kid.” But when Billy began to open his mouth to ask what happened, she turned toward the back gym entrance, “I really need a shower, I’ll meet you at your car.” 
Jess quickly showered off what remained from her run, and quickly threw her still-wet hair up in the scrunchy that was previously holding her hair back. She threw on for the third time today Steve’s blue sweater and her own 401 jeans, quickly retied her old Nikes, and exited the locker room, heading toward the front parking lot entrance, bag swung haphazardly over her right shoulder. 
When she peeled the glass door open, she saw Billy leaning against the driver’s side, cigarette lit. He didn’t seem to notice her exit at first, and instead, was focused on the pavement. It was only when he heard the scuffing of her shoes did he look, slightly frowning when he took in her outfit. 
He flicked his red down and stomped it out, motioning his nod to the passenger door, which Jess figured meant “get in”. Billy turned the key over but didn’t speed off the way he normally did, looking out at the now abandoned student lot, with the exception of a few cars. He kept his eyes forward before starting back to the conversation before school. “What was with you this morning.” He didn’t state it as a question, he didn’t want her to lie to him again, didn’t want to leave room for her to. He knew something was different, being able to look back at yesterday morning and not recognize who entered his car this morning. Or rather, he did recognize this morning’s version, but it was the same girl that had met him on Sunday afternoon, and the same girl who avoided him every day before their shared project. 
“What do you mean?” Jess gave Billy a look of mock confusion, but her eyes gave her away, which were more aggressive than usual as if she were annoyed they were again having this conversation. 
“You seemed off, but what do I know, right?” Jess only shrugged, causing Billy to nod his head in disappointment and peel out of the parking spot he occupied. They drove in silence for a moment, no music playing in the background this time. Jess stared out at the now bare trees, their leaves now covering the grass and paved roads. She then peaked at Billy, who was caught looking at her but didn’t turn away when he was realized, only glancing in front of him when he needed to watch the road.  
“Billy, I’m just tired alright? You don’t need to be all weird about it.” 
“Oh, I’m being weird.” He smiled teasingly at Jess but stopped when she didn’t return the gesture. “You hear about Carol’s party?” When Jess nodded, he continued to ask, “You goin’?”
“I mean, I said I would, so probably.”
“You tell Harrington?” 
“Yeah, I told him in Spanish.” 
“He takin’ you?” Billy only looked out at the road when he asked, wanting to seem uninterested in the answer, that they were just making small talk. But an unspoken question lingered in his tone, a question that stayed with Billy for the remainder of the day after realizing whose clothes you were wearing. 
“I’m sure he would if I asked,” Jess answered this way, giving Billy an out, allowing him to be able to arrive by himself as he always did and take whatever girl home, as he, also, always did. 
“I’m sure he would.” His statement was stiffened with skepticism. Though wanting to offer her a ride instead, he decided he wouldn’t, as he was beginning to question whether he was starting to look desperate to be around her, and Billy Hargrove was never desperate. 
They finally pulled into her driveway, Billy immediately turning out the key once the car was parked. “We got a lot of studying to do if you’re gonna get that ‘B’ on Friday.” And with that, he exited, already heading toward the doorway. 
The smell of meatloaf hit both Jess and Billy as soon as the front door was pulled open, causing Jess’s growling stomach to become audible to those close to her, which wasn’t surprising due to the extra amount of “activity” forced onto her by her coach. 
As if reading her mind, Mrs. Logan shouted from the kitchen, “You kids hungry? Dinner’s just about done!” Jess looked over to Billy, unsure if he was willing to eat with her family, as this was unmarked territory for the both of them, having Billy share a meal with both of her parents. 
Billy looked down at Jess and coolly replied to her look of concern. “I could eat.” Before sitting at the dining table, Billy went over to Mrs. Logan and offered to help bring any dishes to the table, which made Jess watch them carefully, unwilling to have what happened the first time he met her mother happen again. But the offer seemed genuine enough that Jess allowed herself to look away and place her bag by the edge of the steps, ready for her to pick up and ascend to her room when it was time. She offered to take Billy’s bag as well, placing it near hers when he handed it to her. 
When Billy joined Jess at the table empty-handed, she assumed that her mother shooed him away, not allowing their guest to help, as she barely allowed her husband to help in the kitchen. He kept staring at the placemat in front of him, unsure of what to do next. His hands fidgeted with one another underneath the table. He was unwilling to admit it, but her was nervous, to say the least. He couldn’t remember the last time he sat at the dinner table with his own family, let alone someone else's. His mind eased, however, when he heard a familiar purring at his feet. There was the same cat, an overweight, orange tabby, who was now rubbing against his leg, seemingly begging for attention. “Hey there big guy.” 
“His name’s Pancake. Because when I first got him, he literally stole a whole pancake from me.” 
“Makes sense, he’s definitely shaped like one.”
Jess elbowed the side of his left arm. “Leave Pancake alone. He’s a good boy, aren’t you, Pancake?” As if he understood, he sent a tiny “meow” in her direction. 
“Alrighty, soup’s on!” Mr. Logan was now placing a narrow dish, recently out of the oven, in front of the two teenagers, making sure to place a flat oven mitt underneath first. Mrs. Logan then followed behind with a bowl full of homemade mashed potatoes, complete with garlic butter and a hint of parsley for color. 
“This smells and looks great, Mrs. Logan, thanks.”
“Oh, you can call me Beverly.” 
“Or you can keep calling her Mrs. Logan, that’s fine too,” Jess said under her breath, eyeing Billy knowingly. 
Mrs. Logan was too busy setting up the table to hear her disapproving comment, but Billy wasn’t, and to mess with her he responded, “Well then thank you, Beverly.” He then suddenly felt a strong kick underneath the table, effortlessly striking his shin. As he grimaced, a loud “REOWW” was heard, with Pancake disappearing into the living room. 
“You kids all right?”
“Yeah Mom, I think Billy just scared him.” She now turned her attention to Billy, “I’d be careful around Pancake, he isn’t declawed.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” He returned sarcastically. 
As both her parents took their seats, Jess habitually bowed her head, but the Logan’s normal routine of saying grace was replaced by a casual “dig in”, which caused Jess to give her mother a questioning look. 
“We have a guest.” Jess quickly nodded and did as she was told, grateful she didn’t have to wait any longer to fill her stomach. 
Everything tasted how it looked, delicious. And after many forkfuls of his own food, Mr. Logan began to ask questions about their shared assignments. “How’s the reading coming along?” 
Jess took it upon herself to answer all the questions, which Billy was thankful for, not knowing how long he would have been able to keep conversation going. She, in detail, described what their essay would be about, how much they have read so far, graciously leaving out how they’ve read so far, and how he was also helping her in math, something that Mr. Logan found interesting. 
“So you’re good at math, Billy?” 
“Try to be, sir.” 
“That’s good. I’ve heard your sister is quite good at it too.” At this, Billy turned to Jess, slightly confused, but when Jess returned his look of confusion, he quickly realized she was not the one talking about his family. Their shared looks made Mr. Logan chuckle. “Your dad and I work at the same bank, son.” 
“Oh.” This information made his stomach flip, causing him to be uncomfortable where he sat. He began shifting in his seat, attempting to still look Mr. Logan in the eyes during their conversation. 
As they finished their dinner, Billy insisted on at least carrying the dirty dishes to the sink, but once that was done, Both Mr. and Mrs. Logan ordered that they retreat upstairs to start their studying. Jess made sure to grab her bag, reminding Billy of his as well, and they went up the steps together. 
When they had finally entered her bedroom, Jess was already giving Billy an annoyed glance. He decided to put a close to her irritation, “Jess I wasn’t flirting with your mother this time.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
He then raised his right hand, tracing across over the left side of his chest, as he did the first time he visited, “Cross my heart.”
“Hope to die?” 
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Jess rolled her eyes at his quick remark but figured he meant his promise, and she continued with their plans for the evening. “So, The Iliad or derivatives, take your pick.”
“Whatever you want, princess.” He was busy eyeing her childish teddies along the far wall of her room, occasionally running his fingers along the ears, many of them wearing various cheer outfits, complete with pom poms, which made Billy chuckle. What caught his attention, however, was a picture of a much younger Jess, with a white long sleeve, the number 07 written in black on her torso, the word “Broncos” written above the number in the same color, complete with a pair of spandex and kneepads. “You played?” Billy now had the frame in his hand, facing it toward Jess as if to explain why he was suddenly asking her questions. 
“That was a long time ago.” 
“Were you any good?” 
“Honestly? Yeah. Really good.” 
He set the frame back down in front of another frame, which was slightly longer, and had depicted about a dozen girls, all wearing the same uniform Jess had in the previous picture. He searched for her in the group photo and when he found her, he turned back to the now older version. “Why aren’t you on the Hawkins team then?” But before she could answer, Billy suddenly turned back to her solo picture, and reread the mascot name on her jersey. “The Broncos? I thought Hawkins middle school were The Cubs?” 
“I went to middle school a couple towns over.” Jess had her copy of The Iliad already out, opened to where they stopped last Saturday. “You ready to get started?” 
“You deciding you don’t need me anymore, Logan?” 
Billy was not as eager to start on the reading as Jess was and was hoping she would have chosen him to tutor her in math instead, considering how stressed the epic poem made him.  “Like you said, I’ll figure it out by Wednesday.” She gave him a quick smile, ensuring it didn’t linger longer than being friendly, and gestured for him to sit next to her, which he did after he retrieved the annotated copy from his bag. As Billy sat, she shifted slightly, scooting away from him when he got closer. However, Billy didn’t seem to notice, as he was too engaged in Jess’s old notes. 
“Now pleasing sleep had seal’d each mortal eye, Stretch’d in the tents the Grecian leaders lie…”
She read this way for the next few hours, Billy quietly listening, occasionally glancing up to watch her read, something she would sometimes catch, but willed herself to not acknowledge them, as, she believed, that’s all they were: glances. They continued this way, him admiring her, her pretending not to notice him, with the occasional questions Billy had about the text interrupting their game. When the clock turned 9:45, Billy interjected Jess’s reading one last time. 
“We can pick this up tomorrow. But Thursday I have to finish my research paper for U.S History,” Jess began to explain, putting away her book and taking her physics packet in the process, “And since we’ll be… busy… Friday, I’m thinking we can just write the paper this weekend. Or I can just do it if-“
“I’m free this weekend.” Billy intended to keep his promise, to not push all the paperwork on Jess, even though he was unsure how useful he’d be in writing an essay. 
“Okay, Saturday then? Since you know, you work and all…” 
“See you tomorrow, Logan.” 
Billy softly closed her door, then began down the steps, his bag swinging in his left hand, his right hand holding onto his pack of Reds in his denim pocket. Her parents were no longer in the kitchen, nor the living room, so he took it upon himself to lock the bottom lock, closing the front door afterward. He climbed into his car, wearing a crooked smile, turned the key, and blasted his heat. Once his door was closed, he lit what he believed would be his last cigarette of the night, and trapped it between his lips before he pulled out and made the short drive back home. Before pulling up his own driveway, he was sure to turn off his headlights to avoid illuminating the living room, hoping not to wake anyone who may be asleep. Once parked he finished his Marlboro inside his car, taking his time, before it was time to leave the safety of his car and enter his father’s domain. He still held the smile on his face, reminiscing over his previous meal, but when he opened the front door to find Neil standing, facing the door, with Max sitting on the couch, also now staring at the door wide-eyed, he quickly dropped his smile, along with any hope of going to sleep any time soon. 
“So,” Neil remained unmoved, staring blankly at his son, “you’re too good to bring Maxine home from school now, hmm?” 
Billy looked from Max back to his father, who was still staring at him with the same wooden expression. It made his heart drop, as he always knew what came after his father proved his vacancy for emotion, the emptiness would be replaced with something else, something that wanted to prove to Billy that he was nothing. That he would always be nothing. 
Instead of Billy responding, Max did, attempting to diminish the tension, “I told you, I’m fine. I like skating sometimes and my friends were-“
“Quiet, Maxine. I was asking your brother.” The calmness in his voice made both children shiver. Neil was now walking toward him and only stopped before the tip of his nose reached the bridge of Billy’s. “Why don’t you go back to your room.” He was still addressing Max, who looked to be opening her mouth to protest until Billy locked eyes with her and shook his head painfully slow, hoping to not tip off his father about their nonverbal conversation.
For fucks sake Max, don’t make it worse.
When her footsteps were no longer audible, Neil continued. “So. Why is it, on a day you don’t have practice, did you allow your sister to skate home?” 
“Dad, come on, I had shit to take care of, okay? I got this English project and she even said her friends were with her. It’s not like she was fending for herself out there.” 
“Oh no, I saw who brought her home, Billy.” The color began to drain from his face as he tried to look anywhere but at Neil. “It’s your responsibility to bring her home. Isn’t that right?” 
“Dad I-“ Neil’s first strike to his face caught him off guard, his balance failing him as he teetered to his right. Once he caught himself, however, he was met with another blow to his lip, which connected much harder than the last. Neil shook his head in disappointment, annoyed that he had to do that. 
“That wasn’t a question, son.” Billy was now backed into the door, silently begging to materialize at the other side of it. The way Neil spat out his name for him, son, it made him want to return to the Logan’s, back to the dinner table with Mr. Logan, who made the name seem more endearing. “I’m tired of this attitude, thinking you can do what you want, that you can talk back.” He was becoming louder, more unhinged. 
“I’m s-sor-“
“I’m sorry sir.” He dared look into his father’s eyes when he said this, knowing it would only anger him further if this requirement was not meant.  
Neil then backed away from him, contemplating his apology. “I don’t. Ever. Want to see that shit again, you understand me?” When Billy nodded, Neil turned away from him. “Clean this shit up. Since you can’t even bother showing up to dinner anymore.” Neil gestured to the dining room, then retreated to his own room, slamming the door for good measure, indifferent about whether Susan could have been asleep. There was a single dish left on the table, a beer can sitting next to it. Billy willed the numbness in his legs to retreat back to his chest and began to walk toward the dining table, tossing the can and quickly rinsing off the plate, fork, and steak knife, placing them in the dishwasher once done. He stood there, still in front of the sink, looking out at the small window that was placed above it, only able to see his reflection as it was too dark outside to see anything else. He saw the cut left behind by his father, the redness around it threatening to turn purple any minute. He saw the moisture building under his eyes and the trembling scowl on his face. He saw how unquestionably weak he looked. He struck his palm against the edge of the now clean sink, still staring down his reflection, ordering it to change, but it only became worse, the tears now running down his face.  He couldn’t be here anymore. Not now. 
He retreated back to his car, now allowing his headlights to shine bright, not caring whether they were disrupting. He wouldn’t be coming back tonight anyways. He backed out, tires screeching and music blasting, something he was sure he’d pay for tomorrow if Neil cared to run into him again. He glanced down at his watch, seeing the time read as 11:37. Everything would be closed, this city not even a fraction as lively as SoCal. Billy looked around at the darkened town as he drove, his engine and tape disrupting the silence. He then found the abandoned parking lot, the same one that he allowed Jess to circle just yesterday. He parked but kept the car on, unwilling to turn off the heat, but if he were to sleep there, in his car, as he has done multiple times, he knew he’d have to turn it off eventually. He began to hang his head, tired from tonight’s events, until he decided to once again look at his reflection, pulling at his rearview mirror slightly to do so. His cut was now much more visible than it was in the reflection of the window, angering him, the sleepiness from just moments ago fading. 
“Fuck.” He then struck his palm against his wheel. “FUCK.” He continued to bang against it, his tongue now dripping venom, “FUCK this GODDAMN town. Fuck this. FUCK HE-“ He became incoherent, babbling as he struck his dash now, unable to see clearly through his tears. When he accidentally bumped his horn, he stopped, throwing his head back in his seat. While staring up at nothing, he began to realize he didn’t want to sleep in his cold car. He didn’t want to be alone. And though he knew better, he was blinded by the comfort he had felt only hours before, and because of this, only because of this, Billy began his journey back to Cherry Lane.
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harcove · 2 years
you are the best writer for billy out there, i just love the way you write him. do you have any headcanons for him in love?
A/n: This is so... Sweet I could cry, really, it made me smile so big like 🥺 I'm worried sometimes about how I write him and think I should change parts of it but I do like writing him and how I do it so this means a lot me 💞
Billy in love HC's
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Billy's never been in love, not really.
The most love Billy has known is from his mother, but even then, his mother left him with his abusive father so even that love was warped and skewed
But it's all he's known, so he's going to have trouble with loving and being loved.
When he does find someone he falls in love with its slow but fast at the same time; slow in that it takes him a while to realize what he is feeling is love, but fast in that the falling in love happens real quick.
It doesn't sit right with him; this feeling in him makes him feel weaker, and all soft inside. And when he's weak and soft he's exposed, he's right in front of the fire.
Keeping his emotions closed off most of the time is how he copes with his father and everything. One of the only emotion he feels deeply and can't control to his will (though arguably he can't control the others, he just forces them to morph into anger) has always been anger, and it is because his father only showed anger; nothing else was normalized.
Lust is familar; he's felt lust for people, wanted them. Had them. But this isn't lust. Or it isn't just lust.
Would separate himself from you at first most likely.
Like, if you're the cause of his rampant emotions that he's kind of worried about, it's easiest to just cut you off.
Acts weird as hell in general; weird as in he doesn't act as rude as usual with Max, doesn't argue as much with people, brushes Max off instead of starting shit with her. Actually sometimes sits quietly in class instead of fucking around.
Max is gonna talk to him. Like, hello? Are you sick or something, you're being really weird bro.
Will get angry or defensive about it like, mind your own fucking business kinda angry.
But maybe it slips, or Max is better at reading his emotions than he thinks- ("you may be a piece of shit but we're family-")
It's not that Max has to tell him what he feels is love of some sort of something, because sure, he has felt love for others. His mom. (Max too, but it's hard to explain.) etc. But not this kind of love.
It's more that Max points out "well maybe Billy, you just really really like this person, and you're acting like you're 13 over it."
When he does eventually accept that he is in love, and if he does eventually begin a relationship with that person (or, if he had been in a relationship and the feelings he had developed into love) then he is a bit different.
First of all, you're special, so you get special treatment. He's still an asshole a lot to people, its his default attitude, but he's softer with his words to you (unless you argue then both parties are just mean asf 💀)
Defensive. Very defensive over the person he loves- will fight people, argue with people, if they look at them wrong? He's already getting heated.
Assuming the person loves him back, this is very much about protecting someone who actually loves him and is giving him love he hasn't had.
Even if they don't love him back, it's still about protecting, but protecting someone he doesn't want ruined like how his father ruined his mother and him, and everything he has touched.
Piggybacking off of that, he would be actually scared that he's like his dad and he will ruin you/his lover
The toxic parts of him don't just disappear suddenly; it takes time and years to change them, and some of them may always be part of him, so when he gets that way it's like a slap in the face to himself: he thinks he's going to ruin this person he loves.
Loves physical touch, in public or not. In public it reassures him you're okay but also let's everyone know that you're his significant other.
Not a flowers type of guy for no reason. If he's gonna give flowers there HAS to be a reason, so if you want random acts of love in the forms of gifts it won't happen.
Let's you have one of his rings he keeps in his room to wear though, and if they don't fit, he gives you one of his earrings to wear if you've got pierced ears (I have a fic I'm writing about this is anyone is interested lmao)
Needy. But doesn't like to admit it or show it. It manifests as a petty argument sometimes cause he just wants something but doesn't wanna admit he wants to be little fucking spoon rn.
Basically, when he's in love, it's fast but slow. He's confused, and it can be chaotic- it scares him and sometimes he doesn't feel worthy. The person he loves can get away with more than others with him. He won't change in a day, or even in a few years. It's slow, but having someone he loves and loves him back helps and he can't imagine not having them in his life; attached, very much so.
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cherryc1nnam0n · 1 year
We just need to talk | Fem!Reader x Husband! Billy Hargrove | Good ending
Summary: You have been having thoughts of cheating on Billy to have a baby since he won't give you one, but all it takes it's talking about things to resolve a problem...
Cw: Smut, slight angst, Billy has trauma but he resolves it aka therapy, breeding kink, daddy kink, talks of pregnancy
Hello! This is the good ending for Creampie from another man, people asked for it so here it is! Hope you enjoy and let me know which one you prefer!
Creampie from another man | Bad ending
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Y/n Hargrove has been your name since summer of 1988, when you married your highschool sweetheart Billy Hargrove, your life had been wonderful and full of surprises and adventures in his Camaro
You had always talked about wanting a baby, but Billy always avoided the topic somehow, and when it came to sex, he never came inside you
"Billy please just, let's talk about it, okay?" You begged him, but he was closed like a Pandora's box
Since he wouldn't reply to you, you got more angry and stood up abruptly
"Fine! If you won't give me a baby! Then I'll find someone that wants to breed me, a man that wants to fuck me and fill me up with cum! How about that?!"
With that you left the house, driving around town to calm down, when you finally came home Billy was nowhere to be found, your heart ached but you went to sleep
Weeks went by that you couldn't speak to Billy, and he was acting different, he left the house for long periods of time and didn't speak to you a word
You were starting to get tired of this, of the lack of communication..
You were standing outside your car, thinking about what to do or say when someone walked to you
"Hey Y/n!" It was Eddie, you knew him from highschool, one of the people Billy never picked on
"Oh hi Eddie" he smiled tenderly, you suspected he had a crush on you during highschool
"So uhm, you alright? You seem kinda off"
Damn he noticed "Yeah I'm okay, don't worry" you smiled as best as you can
"Oh, well if you ever need help with something, you can come to me" he shyly smiled at you "Well I gotta go, see you around Y/n!"
"Bye Eddie..." You said as he walked away, you sighed, Eddie was cute and he probably would give you a baby if you asked nicely, he would do anything if you asked him actually
But you wanted to fix things with Billy, damnit he's your husband you made vows for him
You had to talk with him...
Luckily you came in the right moment...
When you stepped into your house, a smell of homemade food hit your nose, fresh warm food that you recognized, it was your favorite dish!
Billy came out of the kitchen with a pink apron around him, he looked so domestic and so, husband
"Oh Y/n! You're here, surprise!" He spoke to you with a shy smile, he had been caught preparing you something
"Billy, what is all of this?" You looked to the living room and a banner said 'I'm sorry, I love you Y/n'
"I uhm, I wanted to apologize to you, for... Everything..." He took off the apron, his red open shirt stood out as he took it off, you loved that shirt "I didn't want to give you baby because, I'm scared, was scared, because, you know, dad never treated me like a son and mom..." You nodded understanding what he wanted to say "It still hurts, so I uhm, I want to therapy... That's why I left the house for some time and I didn't speak to you because I wasn't ready yet... Thank you for staying and... For loving me, I promise you I'm getting there and I understand that I don't have to be like my dad, that I can be so much better, but I also understood that I am better... With you" he kneeled down and pulled out a ring, a promise ring "I promise Y/n that I'll be the best husband and dad to our kids, will you forgive me?"
That's why it's all your mind said, you had to forgive him, he was changing! For you!
"Yes Billy yes! I forgive you one and a million times!" He stood up kissing you with so much love it made you sigh, he put the ring into your finger and smiled
"I made us dinner too... Your mom helped me" you kissed his face, you couldn't be happier "Now about that baby, I think I owe you something..." He started with a seductive tone "I'm gonna fill up that pussy with so much cum baby, it will be impossible it won't make us a baby"
You shivered, you had a long night ahead of you...
"Billy, Billy I'm gonna, cuuuuum" you moaned, your husband had been eating you out for an hour now, his tongue fucking into you and lips latching to your clit "Billy baby yes!" Your eyes rolled back as he made you cum again
"I think you're ready now baby" he was naked behind you, resisting the urge to just fuck you aggressively "Ready?"
"Yes" you said as you opened your legs for him, ready for the fuck of your life
His tip teased your clit and then your slit, he was doing it on purpose, so you moved down making his tip go into you
"Naughty baby" he chuckled "Let's do this"
He slammed into you as he usually did and set a brutal pace that made the bed creak loudly, your moans soon turned into gasps and screams for more since he was being relentless, he wanted to fuck you hard and he did
"Y/n, you feel so good babygirl, so good for me" he moaned, his balls slapping against your ass
"Daddy, I'm gonna cum!" You moaned, out of your mind already
"Yes baby cum for daddy, come on"
With another thrust you were cumming all over him, eyes rolling back, toes curling and finally feeling Billy's dick pulse inside you and fill you up with his cum you desired so much
"Fuck Billy, that was awesome" you said already spent
"Who said we were done?"
"Aaaaahhh, Billy" you moaned mindlessly as he moved your hips against his, using you as a fleshlight at this point, moving his hips and moving your ass back to him as he fucked into you from behind, he loved this position since he loved your ass so much
"You like this don't you baby? Like me using you like a fuck toy?" You whined "Of course you do"
That night Billy came inside you for all the times he never did, getting you pregnant for sure...
Nine months later, Maysie Hargrove was born...
See? All it took was talking and things can be solved...
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shanakin-skywalker · 2 years
Billy would 10/10 pull a lollipop out of your mouth and start sucking on it with a smirk before he runs the wet, sticky candy over your lips and sticks it back into your mouth.
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