#Bisexual dads bc yes
Witch Hat Fucking Atelier
First off... Why the fuck is Olruggio basically Aizawa from MHA? Because honestly, if he grew his hair out and shaved his beard down short, they look the same. And I hella love an exhausted/dad/bisexual af teacher type.
Next, Qifrey. Let's just start with his parenting skills. He's a traumatized one-eye boi, but he's still an adorable dad. And let me be very clear, this man gives kinky asf vibes. Under the cute, there is a man who can turn ANY of Olly's contraptions into a sex toy. But his dadding is amazeballs.
The Knights Moralis remind me of the Knights of Favonius from Genshin Impact. Like, Luluci-> Jean? Easthies-> Diluc? The dude with spiky orange hair whose name I don't remember-> Kaeya? Galga-> Albedo? No? Okay. But Eastluciiiiiiiiii. Just yes.
Finally, the girls. Imma just say that people usually describe me as a Tetia. But tbh, I prefer Coco. Also, spellcheck hates Agathe. Sorry, Agott. And why does everyone spell Richeh like Riche? It's REEK-he. Not RICH-e. Ugh.
THERE'S NOT ENOUGH FANART/FANFIC ABT WITCH HAT ATELIER. *sobs in Qifruggio/Galwert/Eastluci shipper*
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attractthecrows · 1 month
man i cannot stop thinking about Revallen finding the bones of his father. cannot fathom why the inquisition would be in coastal Nevarra. but it would be SUCH a gut punch not only for Revallen but also Dorian (the bones of a father that gave his life for his son(isn't that what a father should be?)) and the other companions to a certain extent (you've never seen the Inquisitor this haunted)
I see Revallen recognizing a landmark and just freezing. he doesn't move a muscle for like a solid minute, just staring at [whatever]. the companions are confused and concerned, if Cole is there he starts wigging out. someone asks what's wrong and instead of answering, Revallen takes off in a new direction, leaving the companions to catch up. he's practically barreling through the vegetation, completely ignoring the cries of slow down and Amatus!
Eventually they catch up to him, because he's stopped at the base of a massive, gnarled tree. Hell, it's not even one tree, it's a tangle of several different ones, roots embedded into what looks like a collapsed, rocky hillside. Some of the roots are blackened and sick, dark tendrils reaching up the trunks of the trees twisted together like thread. It's absolutely massive, and Revallen is standing at the base of the rooted stones, staring up towards the canopy. His eyes are hollow, haunted. when they ask him again what's wrong he turns his head to look at them for just a moment. then, wordlessly, he reaches out his hand, and places it on one of the thicker taproots tangled in the stone.
for a long, tense moment, nothing happens. then the taproot starts to move. a few pebbles fall. smaller, thinner wisps of root begin to smoke, resisting Revallen's mana, and then withdraw. Slowly, haltingly, the roots release their grip on the stones, revealing not a hillside but a collapsed cave entrance. Revallen pulls down one of the stones, and the rest follow, lacking the tension to hold them in place. then he steps into the cave.
there are signs of an old fight. darkspawn weapons and armor, and their blighted bones. against one of the cave walls is a semicircle of clear ground, roots reaching towards a skeleton in the center, clad in rotting Keeper's robes.
Revallen heads straight for the skeleton. He kneels next to it, and the companions enter the cave to his whispered elvish prayers.
They hang back, uneasy. One of them tentatively asks what happened here. Revallen reaches forward and picks up the skull from where it had fallen off the neck, holding it in both hands to peer into its empty sockets.
"During the Blight," he says quietly, "Keeper Dirennen made his last stand here. Darkspawn were starting to appear from this cave, from a single connection to the Deep Roads. Dirennen baited them, and when they were focused on him, he collapsed the entrance and sealed it. He was a gifted adahl'eralan - that tree outside was his doing. He gave his life to protect his clan."
"How do you know this?"
"I watched it happen." He shifts the skull to one hand to count on his fingers. "I was... 16 at the time. The last thing he did before this stand was carve my vallaslin."
"Your vallaslin? He was your Keeper?"
"No," Revallen stands, still holding the skull as if it were made of spun glass. "He was my father."
Then he turns and exits the cave.
do they follow? I mean, they must - he's the Inquisitor. but this is so sudden, so private. Dorian, at least, follows without question. he's never seen Revallen like this, and it worries him.
outside, Revallen is digging a hole at the base of the twisted tree, clawing through the dirt with his bare hands. His father's skull is set beside him on one of the taproots, watching the proceedings with its skeletal grin.
Dorian kneels beside him and places a gentle hand on his back. Revallen starts a little, but relaxes when he sees who it is. "Are you all right, Amatus?"
"Yes," Revallen says automatically, "no. I don't know. I never expected to set foot here again." He sits back, his filthy hands in his lap, and stares at the skull for a long, heavy moment. Then he lifts it tenderly off of the root and sets it in the hole, facing the sky.
"Is there anything we should do for him?" Dorian asks quietly.
Revallen sighs, rubbing an eye with the back of his hand. "Normally, we bury our dead with oaken staff and a branch of cedar, to help them on their journey and keep away Fear and Deceit. Then we plant a tree over their grave. But I have neither staff nor cedar branch, so this will have to do."
He scoops a handful of dirt into the makeshift grave. Dorian nods and does the same, and together, the pair of them bury the skull of Revallen's father.
"Hahren na melana sahlin," Revallen murmurs, pushing his fingers into the loose dirt, holding a seed. "Emma ir abelas. Souver'inan isala hamin, vhenan him dor'felas. In din'an na revas. Vir sulahn'nehn, vir dirthera. Vir samahl la numin. Vir lath sa'vunin."
A pulse of mana flows from Revallen's fingers into the seed, which sprouts, pushing up through the loose soil and growing rapidly to the size of a ten-year-old tree.
"Now that is an impressive bit of magic, if I do say so."
Revallen stands, brushing the dirt off his knees. "I'm not as good as my father was."
"He sounds like quite the man." Dorian looks up at the twisted column of trees, towering over the silver birch Revallen just sprouted. "What was that you called him earlier? Adahl..."
"What does that mean?"
Revallen considers his answer as he digs some of the dirt from beneath his fingernails. "I think it'd be 'xylomancer', mage of trees. He could make the trees walk. In places where the Veil is thin, he could even make them sing."
"That's incredible. I wish I could have met him."
Revallen looks at him, then reaches out to stroke his cheek with the back of his finger. "I think he would have liked you," he says with a gentle smile.
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holyviolence · 3 months
omg i spent the whole day cleaning my entire apartment because my family was coming to visit and 1) so so so happy my adhd is being medicated now it's literally changing my life and 2) i FINALLLY got through to my dad about how he probably has ADHD too!!!!! he finally said Yeah i think i might have adhd. and my mom was like Me too (we've had this talk privately before, she knows she has adhd too lol) And my brother is literally transferring to a different school because he can't concentrate and isn't disciplined at his current uni. adhd family.
#literally thank goodness my brother was here to like Perfectly describe in real time what happens to adhd people when they go to college for#the first time. there's less structure and you fall apart. i used that as an opportunity.#i've slowly slowly slowly been chipping away at my Entire family btw. i've finally convinced my dad that medication is a GOOD THING.#i said You know. there's a lot in life that you feel like you Have to live with. but being on meds has made life so much easier and happier.#and that's when my dad finally said it.#:^) sometimes i like..... think about my family and how complicated i feel because growing up was super tough with all of them but now they#are all better people..... and i can't help but feel proud because as much as it is ABSOLUTELY great job for THEM for getting there But i#also feel uhhh partly responsible because i was constantly calling them out for shit. not always in the best way#but always standing up for others and challenging them on their worldviews and just casually talking about more liberal (as in free. not#politically) things. yes i do feel like if it wasn't for me my family would be worse people#i KNOW one of my brothers would be because he literally told me so. and it makes me happy. it is proof that my life is worthy and i have a#good impact on the world. it doesn't have to be a big thing i do to change things..... because i believe in the Ripple Effect#my dad is a teacher and he uses the proper pronouns for his trans students without complaint now. that has a good impact on SO many people#the trans students and their classmates who hear their teacher respect them. my brother is no longer homophobic he's bi lol and#if i hadn't argued with him about what bisexuality meant bc he was Wrong when i was 18 and he was 16... i wonder....#my younger sister is one of the nicest kids i've ever met and i partly raised her. it feels great to see her be such a good kid#her best friend is a trans girl and when she first came out my sister was one of two people in their class who still wanted to be#her friend.#idk. just inspires me to keep being the best person i can be & always do what's right even if it makes people mad#bc no one can hurt me as much as my family has traumatized me (lol) and look what happened to them!! i didn't give up! and i see real change
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quenthel · 2 years
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Wanted to draw something that required literally 0 effort so look at Paps and her dad
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Btw I'm watching the jackal and god seeing Bruce Willis act all seductive is ruining my life fr
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
last week britta, moss, and i stumbled into an au where jack drake survives and has to contend with tim realizing he's bisexual + tim slowly having to confront that his dad is maybe not as great as he wants to believe he is bc his dad Cannot stop being weird about him wanting to date guys. and i can't stop thinking about it bc yes its like a really bittersweet tim and jack relationship study. but also it's a fucking comedy
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
More brozone headcanons
Some of these are a little more mature than others, read at your own risk ig
John Dory drinks his coffee black
Bruce likes his coffee sweet with a little cream
Clay prefers a little sugar, a little cream
Floyd doesn't really like coffee, says it makes him jittery. He drinks tea with honey and a little milk. Ironically tea can have more caffeine than coffee
John Dory is bisexual/bi curious. Floyd catches him checking out some dude and calls him out on it
Bruce flirts with every girl he meets but in such a way that makes them wish he wasn't married
Each of the bros have caught Clay crying his eyes out bc of a book. JD instantly goes to comfort him and he accepts it. Bruce tried to understand what he's babbling about and comfort him. Floyd hugs him and cries with him. Branch is a little unsure and just kind of awkwardly pats him on the back
Clay curses in Spanish, but incorrectly.
Jd can sew
Bruce and JD have an unspoken competitions for who can come up with the worse dad joke
Floyd's favorite show was (and still is) SpongeBob
John swears so much
Clay was a clumsy kid, so JD always had bandaids on hand and he still does.
John Dory has a sixth sense for when his brothers are about to do something bad
When they were younger, JD did that annoying sibling thing of flicking their ears over and over again.
John tried to use the preschool rope method for keeping track of his brothers, especially at concerts
Branch, Clay and John have so many scars
Clay likes origami
JD can handle his alcohol, most of the time
The rest of the brothers have a harder time handing their alcohol
Someone calls Bruce a dilf and only Floyd knows what it means, he starts wheezing
Each of the brothers reactions to finding out that they're going to be a big brother (for the first time). John was so excited and happy, planning out everything him and his new sibling were gonna do (as much planning as a toddler can do). Spruce was intrigued, staring at Clay's bright yellow egg, trying to figure out if he was gonna like what came out. Clay was NOT HAPPY about being a big brother, he liked being the baby. Him and Floyd did not get along for like the first week until Floyd puked on John, then Clay was like "you're not so bad kid". Floyd was absolutely excited to be a big brother, like John but more, he had his older brothers to ask about how to be the best big brother he could.
Clay tried to get rid of Floyd and Branch by throwing them away and flushing down the toilet, luckily he didn't get very far.
When they were younger, John Dory used his height to his advantage, holding things out of reach and using heads as arm rests
John Dory has given himself stitches, set his broken bones and dislocated joints. After a particularly rough adventure, Branch comes to him asking for help with his wounds. John is suddenly a trained medical professional, giving him wonderful stitches and setting his dislocated shoulder.
All the younger bros still look up to JD but you'll never hear them say it.
Floyd was (and still is) scared of the dark
John teases Bruce, saying he never got to walk him down the aisle at his wedding
Floyd becomes the biggest whore if left unattended and drunk, flirting dirty with every man he encounters. He's half naked dancing on a bar to some raunchy song. JD or Bruce prompting throw him over their shoulder and try and sober him up
Clay is a funny drunk. He's telling dumb jokes to whoever will listen, most of the time they don't make sense. Non stop giggling. But if motivated will do stupid shit
Clay accidentally hurts himself and as JD is patching him up, he jokingly asks JD to "kiss and make it feel better." John knows he's joking but does it anyway. "Does it feel better Clay?" "yes."
Bruce has called some of his kids by his brothers' names. The older ones have been called 'john', 'john Dory', and 'jd'. When they pull pranks (the most frequent one) they're called Clay. When they're crying for no reason they're called Floyd. The younger ones have been called branch. For a little while they didn't know who those guys were but after a while their dad opened up to them
Bruce's kids were so excited to get to know their uncles. Bruce didn't talk about them much so when they showed up the kids were eager but they were a little distracted
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romana-after-dark · 4 months
Rooms on Fire: I Will Run To You
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns more about her role and the dynamics of the household.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence.
Extra warnings for chapter: Mentions of medical malpractice, death in childbirth, mentions of male sexual assault via power dynamics, lots of complex feelings.
A/n: next chapter things ramp up.
3.1k words
A/N I gotta apologize y'all. this was meant to include so much more but I guess this chapter is getting split bc I just put so much Jonah lore. I hope y'all are formal about liking him. We finally get some backstory on the uprising, Tom, and Madonna's dad, who BTW, had a name change. JACK IS NOW MARCUS more info after the story!
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One so young, so changed Should not be left alone Two in love should confess And not be left alone And I will run to you Down whatever road you choose Yes, I will follow you down I will run to you ~I Will Run to You, Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty
“You paint a lot of fire”
Jonah’s voice startled you, making you turn around but you relax when you see it’s just him. Reyansh was watching you outside your studio, and Jonah coming meant you must be summoned somewhere. 
You were painting a picture of a burning house, something you saw in a dream last night. Ben and Will treated you normally, fucking you but also spending time together. You supposed Francisco’s behavior was normal too, considering that he continued to treat you like you only existed to fuck when he had to fullfill his duty. He never touched you alone. In the week since you got your period Santi was ignoring you. He’d call you to his room, fuck you with your face pressed into the mattress, and then toss you out. Last night he shoved you into the hall with your dress still bundled up in your arms.
“I paint what I dream.” You mumble, tired and not totally there. You were terrified to sleep, and after a second visit from the succubus it was getting worse, forcing yourself to stay up later and later. Lack of sleep was making it difficult to be alert, and little noises make you jump.
Jonah approached where you stood, keeping a respectful distance. He’d been distant as well since the night you saw him, and you still were unsure what you did wrong and why Iris was so upset with you.
“You dream of houses burning?” His voice was gentle but curious.
You take a deep breath, too tired to fight off any questioning. It’s best not to lie, anyway. “Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of fire. I dreamed I was dancing in front of it. I dreamed I caused it, and it was out of my control and now I must dance in the smoke and watch as the flames consumed things that I loved.” A pause, tears beginning to burn behind your eyes. “Sometimes, he stood inside them.”
“My father.”
Jonah drew in a sharp breath and you worried he thought you were sympathetic to his traitorous cause. You weren’t, you had remembered how betrayed you’d felt that he’d thrown everything away to follow Deacon Davis, the judas who had killed the Divine Mother. As per tradition, when someone is sentenced to death, they burn at the stake and the unmarried women are expected to dance. The closer you are to the individual, the closer you are to the fire. You had been Marcus’s only family, him and your mom having adopted you as an infant. He died in front of you as you danced, embers blowing in the wind and singeing your white dress and sensitive skin. You were only 12, but you knew right from wrong, and your father was wrong. Sometimes you woke up still smelling his burning corpse. You had danced longer than anyone, keeping all the energy your child body could give you until you passed out.
You turn to Jonah with tears in your eyes, “I hold no mercy in my heart for him, please know that. I am loyal to the Divine Mother, I am loyal to my husbands above all else! I don’t know why I didn’t get pregnant but know I’d die for them happily should it came to that!” Crying now, you desperately plead to him but it’s not Jonah you are speaking to, truely. You know Pope is questioning you right now, and you cannot bear the thought that he doubts you.
“Honey” Jonah’s voice is strained, pain anguishing him. “How much do you know about the uprising…”
Your face is wet with tears, almost shaking in fear and frustration. You didn’t know how you’d messed this up so badly so soon. You just wanted to be held, you don’t remember the last time you’d been held without sexual desire… it was probably your father, may he be damned.
“Deacon Davis… he was an advisor to the Divine Mother, a friend to my husbands… he and Deliliah conspired against the Divine Mother and her family. Dad- um, Marcus, was a part of the traitors and he allowed Deacon Davis into Divine Mother’s quarters where he murdered her. Deliliah was Will’s betrothed before. She had seduced him for information and, and betrayed her husband! I would never do that, Jonah!” You realize now why he was questioning you, he thought a traitorous blood ran in your veins. Had Pope sent him? Had Francisco seen the evil in your heart, the evil that was inviting a demon?? Or had Jonah simply seen you for what you were. “I would rather die than betray them! You have to believe me!” You sob, closing your eyes as you are no longer able to look into his in shame. Strong arms wrap around you, practically holding your body up. 
Jonah held you tightly and you cried into his shirt, so tired, so sleepy… You just wanted to feel peace again. Jonah allowed you your release, wetting his shirt with your tears until your breathing slowed. It occurred to you that you were hugging and being held by a man who was not your husband, so you take a step back looking down.
“I- I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, I haven't slept well-”
“It’s okay, honey.” His voice gently reassures you. “It’s okay to cry sometimes.”
You shake your head. “No… no I’m happy, I should be happy here, happy with my husbands, I am!” You’d shown weakness, surely Jonah would tell Pope that you were unhappy, that this was proof of your doubt, of unworthiness… Instead, Jonah pulled a sleeve down on his hand, stepping up to you once more. He ran the sleeve carefully under your eyes wiping the tears.
“There is nothing wrong with feeling what you feel. Your husbands are blessed with a kind, beautiful, artistic wife and they should be so lucky you sit at their table, nonetheless someone who cooks them dinners and paint them pictures. It is they who are unworthy, not you.”
You gasp at the blasphemy. “Jonah! No, no they are-”
“Gods, I know.” He wipes snot from your running nose. “But you… you’re like a daughter to me, and a father is allowed to place his children above Gods. Marcus may not… he may not have made the right choices, but he wanted nothing but good for you, just like I do. So please, for me, show him and yourself a little grace.”
With a little sniffle, you nod. “Thank you, Jonah.”
He gave you a smile, the bright one you like that made his eyes squint. “Good girl. Now, I got a surprise for you that I think will brighten your day.”
Jonah watched as you practically skipped down the hallway. When he told you Frankie wanted to take you out for a picnic, you perked up so fast it was like you hadn’t even been sobbing in his arms a moment ago. He wished he could be honest with you, he wished he could tell you the truth about Tom, Delilah, and most importantly, Marcus… but you were so brainwashed, there was no way for him to break through to you. He couldn’t simple tell you everything you’d know and believed whole heartedly, your religion, your life, the very thing that you chose above your father was a lie… not yet anyway. Maybe one day you’d doubt, you’d question, and the first people you’d go to would be Iris or him, maybe even Reyansh. Rey played the part well of a good soldier boy, he wasn’t as overt as Iris was but he knew you trusted him.
Despite being late already with the crying, you insisted on stoping in your room to grab a ribbon for your heart. Jonah’s heart hurt watching you put so much effort into this.
Will treated you well. Despite Jonah and Will’s… past, he couldn’t deny Will  was a good husband. He took care of you.
Ben was a little shithead and was absolutely going behind your back with women still he just couldn’t figure out who. Ben had to be more sneaky now. This didn’t stop him from very loud late night fucks with Frankie that it seemed only you and Santi weren’t aware of. Still, he gave you affection and spent time outside of sex with you.
Santiago, he expected nothing less. Santiago’s moods were unpredictable, they had been ever since he was a child. Jonah had known Santiago and Beatriz since he was young, when all this was fairly new and traction was growing more and more. Jonah didn’t exactly believe, but his wife Jess did. Maybe he did for a while, it was hard to not with the things he saw… Beatriz had taken an interest in him and thus, despite being married, he spent a lot of time at the mansion with her. Jonah felt like a hooker, like his body was a commodity and up for grabs from anyone, and the worst part was how okay Jessica was with it. She fucking encouraged it. “Its an honor!” It wasn’t such an honor when she died giving birth to Iris and was denied medical treatment. Doctor said it wouldn’t have helped. Jonah knew Beatriz had something to do with it. He was luck Irish lived. She was his only reason for living sometimes.
It was Frank he was surprised about. Jonah had known all four men for most of the 3 decades of their life, and next to Santi, he knew Frank the longest. Frankie was raised with Santiago, practically as brother. Beatriz couldn’t adopt him, because something something divine blood, but that didn’t matter when Santi pissed her off enough. Jonah had witnessed the lashings and beatings he had taken, but what seemed to hurt the teen the most was when Beatriz would hang his godhood over his head, saying that it should be Frankie who was the savior, not him. After Jess’s death, Jonah was moved into the mansion and promoted to captain of the guard. It was just an excuse for Beatriz to demand sex even more.
Frankie was a good kid, but he always followed Santi like a lost puppy. Santi became obsessed with Frankie, forcing Frankie to become more and more withdrawn. Still, the nice young man was in there somewhere, and Jonah would bring it out. After the girl came to his room crying about Frankie not loving her, Jonah spoke to him and said he needed to do better by her hence the picnic.
Rey was out at the stables by the time Jonah got there, preparing the three horses. He was there a lot, knowing a lot about horses. If he has any choice, Jonah was certain he’d have been a vet. Another life, he supposed. Jonah and Rey would accompany them since they were going out a ways.
“Hello, Francisco.” She spoke softly, but enthusiastic. For all he and Santi hurt her, she loved him.
Frank gave a small smile. “Hi, Madonna. I thought maybe we could take a picnic. Get away from… everything else.” He brushed the mane of the horse.
Everyone else, Jonah thought.
“That sounds wonderful!” You walk over to him. “What’s his name?”
“This is Cielo. And those two,” He points to the other horses being settled. “Are Estrella and Flora.”
“Will we be riding Cielo?” You ask, but Frank turns away.
“I’ll be riding alone.”
You look dejected again, so Jonah steps up, frustrated with Frankie. “C’mon, you can ride with me.” Jonah puts a put in a stirrup, launching a leg over the saddle and onto Flora, his favorite horse.
“Actually” Frankie interjects. “I think she should ride with Rey.”
Of course. 10 years later and everyone was still suspicious of him. Frankie climbed onto Cielo, and Jonah rode up to him, whispering. “Compliment her ribbon. She picked green just for you.”
Reyansh pulled you up and onto the saddle, allowing you to ride the side saddle to protect your modesty in the dress. If you knew you’d be riding a horse, you’d have worn pants. It wasn’t the most comfortable, and you feared falling, but Reynash’s arm was strong around you. He was careful to keep his hands at appropriate places, which you were thankful for. 
“How is your painting going?” He asks, as since Jonah leads the group and Francisco is in the middle still not keen on talking to you. Still, this was a step forward.
“It’s good, thank you. It’s nice and peaceful. I miss-” You stop yourself. What you missed was when Santi used to sit and watch you paint, drinking his wine and intent eyes on you. It had been a comfortable silence. “I do miss having company sometimes…” You missed your husband, you missed his laugh, his smile, his praise.
“Hey, I’d love to sit in on a session!” You could tell by the tone of his voice he was smiling. “I’d love to see a real artist at work!”
You laugh just a bit, “I’m not an artist, but if you’d like to watch, I'd like that.”
You sat against a tree, legs bent modestly in your skirt and eating the sandwich Iris packed. She also packed apple juice, which you loved.
Francisco was silent. He’d thanked you for your help setting up the blanket and spoken as he served his food, but now he simply sat there. He looked sad, but even then he was handsome. Francosco sported a mustache, which had remained consistent the whole time you’d known him. Santiago was growing out his hair and beard, which was making your heart ache even more that you couldn’t kiss and touch him like you wanted to. Still, the silence wasn’t awkward. You had begun to wonder if he was just… quiet.
“Thank you for taking me out.” You say, speaking quietly. Jonah and Reynash were circling the parameter and you felt… watched. “I hadn’t realized how much time I spent inside until now.” Had you even left the house at all since your wedding? When was the last time you felt sunshine before today?
To your delight, while still looking down, he smiled. “I’m glad. Don’t like seeing you cooped up in that house all day.”
Your heart warmed at his concern for you. Feeling emboldened, you scooch close to him.
“It’s not cooped up with the men I love.”
This makes his eyes flick up to you. He narrows them suspiciously, but not angry “You… love… me?”
Your heart nearly shatters at the question, and you can’t help but find him so endearing. “But of course I do!!!” Careful, you place a hand on his face and feel the patchy bit of stubble. “You’re my beloved husband!”
“But… you had to marry me.”
You shake your head. “No, Francisco I chose you, I chose all of you and I love all of you. Is that why you’ve been distant? Is that why you’ve been so cold to me?”
“I-” He stutters over his words. “I don’t think this is good for you… I don’t think I’m good for you…”
If there were ever words you hadn’t expected from him, it wasn’t that. Francisco was a God, he was holy, good and righteous, how could he not be good for you. It didn’t matter. Clearly he was hurting, and as his wife, it was your duty to make him happy again. “Francisco Morales, you are my husband, you are the foster child of the Divine Mother, and the love of my life. I chose you before, I choose you now, and I will choose you in heaven, Divine Mother willing.” You bring your face closer to his. “I adore you, in all your God and human.” Feeling brave, you bring your mouth to him and tenderly take his pouty lower lip into your mouth, making him whimper. You liked that sound.
“You choose me?” He whispers, slowly kissing back. “Out in the open, no secrets?” His voice is slightly higher now, almost whining as he begins to chase your mouth. 
“Always” The desperation growing, you give him everything you have. You don’t care that it’s an open field surrounded by trees, you don’t care that Reyansh and Jonah could ride up at any point, and you don’t care who might see you. You were divine and if you wanted to make love to the god of nature in his own fucking land you will. You had Francisco Morales, demi-God, whimpering for your touch. You had HIM, finally had him and you weren’t going to waste it for one second. He wanted thing sout in the open, you would show him you weren’t ashamed to be seen getting filled by his seed. Before you, your husbands were not celibant, that much was known. The sex parties were stuff of rumors and you couldn’t decipher the truth from fact. However, it was clear that public sex was not off the table. Shame is a punishment for the sins of Adam and Eve, and for men born without original sin, there was no shame in sex. “I choose you, always.”
Frankie entangles his fingers into your hair, feeling the green tie in your locks. His other hand slides up to cup your breast.
“I love this ribbon, it suits you.”
“Whatcha think’n, old man.” Rey asks as he rides up to Jonah. Both are perched up on top of a hill overlooking the field you lay on and he watches you kiss Frankie. 
“I’m thinking,” Jonah turns to Rey, nodding his head back home. “That I got it here, and since the others are out, you should run back and try and sneak some time with Iris.”
Rey smiled at that, but hesitated. “You sure? Morales didn’t seem like he wanted her with either of you.” 
Jonah rolled his eyes, but it was good natured nonetheless. He liked Reynash, loved him even. He was a good kid. Iris was put in the position she was in, not any older than the girl was now, because of his shortcomings, his weaknesses. She was punished to punish him. She deserved all the good she could get, and Reyansh Saha was about the only bit off good left in this world, beside Iris and now Marcus’s kid he was looking after. He reminded Jonah of Delilah in a lot of ways. Always smiling. Always kind.
“Look at ‘em.” Jonah referenced the pair kissing below. “She’s going home on his lap.”
Rey laughed brightly, turning his horse. “Oh yeah, you’re quite the matchmaker!” And he road off, long dark hair wild behind him. Handsome devil.
The words matchmaker hung in the air. Was Jonah giving her false hope he wondered? Or was he giving her the time she had left and filling it with better memories. He wasn’t sure. Maybe he was delaying the inevitable. It was always going to end one way for her. There was no way to live up to what Santiago wanted.
Because what Santiago wanted was Frankie with a womb.
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And poor madonna bc Jonah christ smelling your dad burn is a lot
So Marcus's face claim is David Habour, this came out of some chats with. @umnitsa in my romanaverse discord server. He is now your adopted father to keep things inclusive, but this is important as he has background info and ties in a lot. Think hopper in stranger things. Also May is already shipping him and Jonah so that ship name is Jonus lmfaooooo
If you are an active participant in one or more of my universes and have a discord (this means commenting or comment Reblogging, im looking for people who want to theorize and chit chat) dm me for a link! This is primarily focused on giving you extra content and sneak peaks but a lot of cool people are there too and you can share your work!
Please consider joining me in in donating to humanitarian aid in Rafah through Doctors Without Borders
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If I forgot someone or you'd like to be added/removed LMK!
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
i like your turtles i would love to know more about them :D/gen
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here’s some info:
resident girlboy queer
afraid of being alone
fav show is supernatural
alligator snapping turtle
has a sweet tooth
splinter’s favorite (bc he’s both the stongest, oldest, listens to orders the best (he doesn’t like to but does it anyways) and takes care of his kids for him) but he actually fucking hates splinter’s guts.
little gay boy
afraid of disappointing everyone
likes to make sex jokes
cooter turtle (yes i picked that kind of turtle just bc it sounds like vagina slang)
loves fastfood
actually has hope for splinter bc he’s their dad, but deep down he has a lot of resentment and grudges against him.
bisexual nonbiney
afraid of hurt (physically)
enjoys learning about history
musk turtle
loves salt and vinegar chips
knows that splinter is shitty and horrible and has accepted it, but secretly he wishes, prays to his ancestors that he’ll become a better dad.
the little gay boy with a library worth of pronouns
afraid of being enclosed in small places
fucking loves baking
spotted turtle
loves bread
hates everyone a little bit (except raph) and the only reason he hasn’t run away is because he doesn’t want to leave his big bros alone with splinter.
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dumbponyboykinnie · 3 months
the outsiders’ (and twttin) sexuality n gender n sometimes ethnicity n stuff hcs
before you read it i feel like i need to say that if anybody says something like “nooo they can’t all be gay and trans” ill say that it’s actually common for lgbt+ people to stick together even before they know that they’re all queer (and even before they come out to themselves!) SO YES. THEY CAN ALL BE GAY AND TRANS
and in case if someone still has some problems with it I DONT GAF (same shit if you dislike that they don’t only use he/him or she/her, just don’t read then please, i don’t wanna argue)
darry: transmasc and bi, he/him (i also love the transfem headcanon! she/her in that case), before his parents death his name used to be shaynne but then it became his middle name
ponyboy: agender in the way “idc about my gender”, gay or bi i can’t decide, doesn’t care about the pronouns as well, but everyone just uses he/him anyway and he’s fine with it
soda: cis but doesn’t gaf about the pronouns, bisexual with steve randle preference
johnny: cis and gay, he/they, mixed hispanic and south asian (but mostly south asian), as a kid didn’t know much about desi culture bc his parents never taught him anything about it, but at a more conscious age got really interested and learned quite a lot of things about it by himself
dally: sometimes i feel like he’s transmasc and sometimes like he’s cis; gay and struggles with accepting it, he/him ONLY, russian
steve: cis and bi, he/him and quarter black and partly native american
two-bit: usually hc him as cis but sometimes i feel like he’s transmasc (i have this hc for years because the person who translated the outsiders into russian wrote his name the same way the name “kate” can be written and ofc i understood that his name can’t be kate but i still came up with this hc), straight (accidentally kissing with dallas while both being drunk bc of confusing him with some blonde girl doesn’t count), he/any, mixed irish and native american and someone else but he doesn’t really care about it
cherry: cishet but a huge ally! she/they but everyone only uses she and it upsets her sometimes
marcia: cis, straight and she/her nothing special, dads a french immigrant
bob: cis and gay, he/him ONLY
randy: cis and gay too, he/they
tim and curly: both transmasc, gay, and haitian (bc of pumpkinsy0 headcanon), but tims he/him and curlys he/any
angela: cis and bi but thinks she’s straight, she/her and haitian
bryon: cis, bi with a preference towards girls (thinks hes straight), he/him. part of his family comes from britain but they moved long before he was born so it doesn’t affect anything
mark: aroace and cis (im not sure about it tho; ive seen some hcs where he’s trans and i like them too), he/any
cathy: transfem and don’t say anything about it please, straight, she/they, native american
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cervicrazed · 13 hours
Redoing @the-goblin-cat 's Whole Hog Request bc I answered the wrong set of questions 🤦🏽
OC Lore for Dead Wood's resident "Goat" Boy Below:
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^ This is Kennedy Leeds! ((& Devil Form))
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Kennedy was originally designed by @psygull and given to me as a gift!!
He was The Jersey Devil reimagined as a high School athlete so I named him Kennedy (jock name) Leeds (name of the family from Jersey Devil folklore)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
He meets Bambi (aka enters the story) at 18
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's got a small crush on Jak L., but is trying to find the right way to ask her out. He's seemingly oblivious to her flirtations with Bambi
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Growing up with 12 other siblings kinda turned mealtime into a Battle Royale, so he'd visit the local food market in the evenings after school. His favorite dish comes from Ms. Hayes' stand; a bowl of fried rice topped with grilled catfish and garnished with Devil's Fruit (a sweet red fruit with two stems that look like little devil horns. Needs to be De-Hexed before eaten, otherwise it'll taste bitter & you could end up w/ a magical foodbourne illness)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Was a student until very recently - helps Bambi on fetch quests for The Lich Doctor in exchange for magical items to resell on the side.
Also runs a pest contol hustle but strangely only books appointments for the 13th of every month.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Meditation! He got into it hoping it would better help him retain control when in his Devil Form; he's able to stay conscious and aware for a full 30 seconds now!
🎯 -What do they do best?
His first and only answer would be Hockey; he's ingrained it so deeply into his identity he's not sure who he'd be without it. In reality, he's a natural leader when thrust into stressful situations (which happens a lot!)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Kennedy loves opportunities to show off his strength; be it knocking through walls or deadlifting a horse, he can't help but feel a sense of pride from the admiration. It's one of the few positives his curse affords him
He has a zero tolerance policy for anyone who threatens his family, Found or Biological! (Minus his dad though, he hates that guy)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
His first time ice skating! When he was about 13 or so, the lake froze over and he was dared by Siblings 10, 9, & 7 to go skating across the thinnest part. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Kennedy went for it - just narrowly avoiding falling into the freezing water. He did still trip and chip a tooth on the ice, but the thrill and joy of skating never left him.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Coming home from school one day to find his mother bed ridden with blisters blooming into flower shaped scabs all across her body; Hexed by unclean food. The potion that could cure her required 'The Blood of the Beloved', but when Kennedy volunteered she told him point blank; "I don't love you enough for that to work."
He quit school to hunt down his dad shortly after.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes & No -> his current design is technically my take on Psygull's original one, but the major beats are still there; slightly shaved head, letterman jacket, cocky grin, etc
I keep changing his Devil Form but I think I'll end up just keeping it the way she originally had it (maybe w/ a few more goat features)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I don't know! He was a gift 😌🎁
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Whatever genre combines a Disney Channel Sports Movie with a Brother's Grimm fairy tale
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis + Bisexual! 🩷💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
12! (That poor woman)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He tries to do right by his mother, but he can sense she kind of blames him for his dad skipping town. There's a certain bitterness she has for him that he can never seem to alleviate. He feels like nothing he does will ever make her proud.
He resents his father with his entire being. He passed down The Devil Curse onto him and instead of sticking around to help him learn how to deal with it, he left as soon as he was born. Kennedy doesn't understand what was so wrong with him that his dad couldn't be bothered to stay.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
The family dynamics & his own Big Brother persona he adopts when w/ Bambi & co.
He pretends to be a bastard but he's got such an obvious soft spot for the people he cares about it never really sticks - it's a really fun trait to play with
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
On and off, but a little more so recently bc I gotta update his ref sheet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No!!!!!!! Inconceivable
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Monophobia -> fear of being alone or abandoned 💔
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
The OG Jersey Devil
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since January 2019!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I was 17 when Roz handed me this fun little guy
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jollyinha · 5 months
I have brought... My YuuriVoice listeners.
...On The Sims, because I can't draw for shit. I spent pretty much the whole day redesigning (except Rookie, who already got a glow up bc he's my favorite child) and dressing them up like Barbie dolls lol
DISCLAIMER: I'm being a lil' poser because I have never watched Bittersweet nor the Faust audios (and yet I still have Sugarboo and Star done, go figure), and am catching up on Lost and Found as I type this. ANYWAY HERE ARE MY BABIES, MORE INFO ON THEM UNDER THE CUT YIPPEEEEEEEE
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- As previously mentioned, he's my favorite child, sorry not sorry, I adore this boy so much
- Dumb of ass and home of sexual (out of the closet to everyone except his mom, oof), pulled a millionaire CEO with his ADHD swag. Also canonically a cheeky horny bastard
- An artist (draws/paints and crafts all sorts of stuff) at heart, but had to pursue a more lucrative career in order to support his family. So, Law school it is. Viva le capitalism
- Is an ENFP and his birthday is on February 16th
- His mother is Brazilian and his dad was Colombian. They have been living in the USA since Félix was a young child. He also has a little sister (not so little, she's in college by the time Shattered begins) whom he loves very much and basically raised her, to the point where she sees him as his dad more than their actual dad (whom passed away when she was a toddler)
- Has an excellent relationship with his uncle (and his wife), aunt and cousins. Him and Joy/Sunflower don't meet that often bc she lives a bit far away, but when they do, they share the same braincell
- Appears to be suave and chill when he's at work, but he's actually a SOFTIE. The biggest golden retriever... Well, not literally the biggest. He's 5'7ft/1m69cm. Compared to Auron, he's pocket-sized. But anyway-
- He loves Trish. They bully Auron together. Incredible dynamic
- Has pyrophobia bc ✨ PAST TRAUMA ✨. Began cooking as a hobby to try to work through it
- Likes: Arts, cooking, biking, peacocks, sun imageries (long story), sea monsters and plaid jackets
- Félix has SO MUCH LORE and tidbits (like his tattoos!) about him, I would need an entire separate post to tell it all. And I might do it bc I need that sweet infodump dopamine...
- Actually my first YV OC! I met the channel through the infamous Finn compilation
- Bisexual! Finn is her first serious boyfriend, though, up until she met him, she only had girlfriends... And she had the worst luck with all of them. Oof
- Colombian, just like Félix
- Huge animal lover, especially the aquatic critters and reptiles. Has a Bull Terrier named Cow (yes, that's her name.) that has her entire heart. Currently trying to get a job in the veterinarian field! Just... Don't put bugs near her. Please
- Is an ESFP and her birthday is on July 27th... The day the Finn compilation premiered
- Her mother had her pretty young. She doesn't know who her father is, and her mom refuses to talk about it... But tbh, Joy doesn't care that much. She loves her mama, and that's all that matters
- (also her mother loves Finn dearly. everytime they meet, he leaves with a piece of cake or some other home made food bc she loves to spoil her "son-in-law" lmao)
- Surfs on her spare time! Queen shit! Also plays a bit of soccer
- Had pretty severe acne as a teen and still has its marks
- Golden retriever energy runs in the Torres family, because she has it too
- Likes: Snakes, whales, surfing, soccer (as stressful as it is to watch it lol), jogging, her dog Cow, hoodies, fun scrunchies
- Like I previously stated, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so, I may not have much to say about Sugarboo except for the (few) misc audios from Al and Seth I have heard... BUT GODDAMNIT SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL OH GOD
- Straight, but poly
- Japanese, but was born and raised in the USA and, sadly, doesn't has much connection to her roots... Mostly bc she's not super close to her family :(
- (Canonically) Likes to bake! Also cooking, but still has a preference for pastries. Works in a bakery... Which isn't a very healthy workplace, but, oh well
- Is an ESFJ, and her birthday is on January 20th (it's coming!!!!! happy early birthday, queen!!!!!)
- Pulled TWO bitches by having ADHD
- Has A SHIT LOAD of tattoos because she's best friends with a tattoo artist... Who may or may not be Star 👀
- Used to have long hair when she met Alphonse
- She may be Al's impulse control, but Seth is her impulse control 💀
- Calls Alphonse "bug". Earlier on their relationship it was ironically ("so you and me together can be bugaboo!"), but the pet name has stuck
- But in reality, she does have a passion for bugs! Especially butterflies and moths ("NOT Mothman, Seth. Normal, regular moths.")
- Also love cats
- She bullies Seth for believing in cryptids... But believes in aliens
- Again, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so feel free to discard this part if it's contradicting canon events, but... She kind of likes Charlie. She thinks he's cute, even with all the shit that happened
- Likes: Baking, collecting jewelry like some kind of dragon, bugs, cats, tattoos, aliens
- The coolest mf to ever walk on this earth. I don't make the rules, it's the truth
- FtM trans of gender, also home of sexual
- Just american. F
- Yes, his last name is a Life Is Strange reference, sue me
- I... I have no idea what he works with? Because gotta wait for more Charlie videos to find out wtf canon!Casper is up to he's such a mysterious guy,,,,,
- (I really hope that the "Casper works for Auron" theory is true tho, the Auron/Félix & Charlie/Asher shenanigans would be so funny to imagine)
- What I do know is that he's kind of a gym bro, except if said bro was fruity
- Seriously though, he's a sporty guy. Likes to go jogging, (he and Joy/Sunflower would be good workout buddies!), climbing, hiking, good ol' fashioned working out and, of course, skating! But after Charlie left, he got into roller skating as well, and he's pretty damn good at it
- He's an ISFP, and his birthday is on April 22nd (Earth Day, get it, bc his favorite color is green,,,,,,)
- Disowned by his parents, but was taken in by his uncle and aunt, whom really support him <3
- Has a tooth gap! Cute shit
- Braided his hair as a kid, still does it nowadays. Certain things never change
- He WANTS to get SO MANY TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS... But he has a pretty bad case of trypanophobia (his ears are pierced bc his parents had him pierce it as a baby). Having his top surgery was challenging enough! He just wanted to get some tattoos... :(
- Always carries an extra hair tie on his arm, like a bracelet. Mostly for himself, but sometimes he gives it to Charlie too
- Has dyslexia! Fucking hated school bc of that
- Likes: Skating, roller skating, climbing, collecting sick ass knives, bad horror movies, hair styling (he wanted to be a hairstylist as a kid even!)
- I don't have thaaaaat much to say about him as of right now since I'm still finishing Lost and Found, but he's growing a lot on me, I love him
- Their relationship with gender is... Confusing. Doesn't like any labels, really. Just go with she/them and you'll be fine. Considers themselves to be pansexual, though
- British ("sadly, stupid ass country"), still has a strong accent even if they have been living in the USA for quite a while
- ...They like tea though
- She works on the IT department of a big company. Boring office job. But she doesn't mind it that much. Everyone is nice enough and it pays the bills. That's more than enough for her
- But besides programming and gaming, her big passion in life is... Sewing! 80% of the plushies in her collection are handmade, including Sir Gengar himself
- Also a huge cinephile
- Is an INTP, and their birthday is on September 4th (it may or may not be a reference to Gengar's pokedex number)
- Pulled a LITERAL DEMON FROM HELL with her autism swag
- Has chronic pain on her left knee due to a past accident
- Obviously, huge Pokémon fan
- Ironically enough, doesn't really like cooking, which explains why their house didn't had shit when it comes to ingredients lol At least now they have a demon boy to cook for them
- Awful relationship with her family. All of it. Ran away for the USA to escape from them
- Doesn't have many friends irl, most of them are virtual friends
- Considers themselves to be "plain and boring". Normally they don't give a damn about it, but got kind of insecure when they and Lucien got officially together... But in their most confident days, they think it's hilarious how the most normal-looking human ever managed to pull a demon
- Deep, deep down, Paige is a sweet and caring person. Heck, that's why her soul was so enticing. She just has trouble demonstrating it (Autistic Struggle™)
- Likes four leaf clovers. No idea why. She just does
- ...I feel like she would watch Faust's streams ironically. She thinks the cat boy is hilarious
- Likes: Cinema, games, programming, plushies making, clovers, tea
- ...I haven't watched a single Faust audio in my life, but Enid just... Popped up in my head. Their design came to me and they were yelling at me to bring them to existence. So here they are?????? I really gotta hear the twink's audios any of these days...
- I don't even know much about them tbh lol But here's what I do have:
- Non-binary (AFAB), bisexual
- A tattoo artist! They're Sugarboo's friend that I mentioned all the way up there
- Likes to write and read in their spare time (IMAGINE THEM AND AURON WRITING FANFICTION ABOUT THEIR S/Os! Beautiful)
- Likes to watch sports (don't look like the type, do they?)
- Likes questionable shirts with 80s/90s aesthetics
- I can see them being friends with Paige/Angel, ngl :D
- ...That's all about Enid for now, maybe I'll develop them if I get around to hear more of Faust eventually lol
Idk if there's someone reading all of this, but if there is, tysm for reading this HUGE infodump 🥺 If you have any YV OCs, I would LOVE to hear about them too! My DMs are open!
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hoo but their peculiars
Basically what this is is if the characters in heroes of Olympus were in miss peregrine's home for peculiar children mk
Ok headcanons time bc it's 10pm smth and I wanna stay up late tonight
Percy Jackson
Ok so his peculiarity would obviously be controling any kind of liquid no surprise there
But like,,, do u know how helpful that would have been beginning of Hollow City??? Like??? They probably wouldn't have tipped over or at least percy could get and dry their stuff!!
Alright so backstory for him
He lived with his mom (sally) and step dad (Gabe) . His biological father left when he was rlly young and then his mom married his step dad.
So anyways percy learns abt his abilities rlly early on and Gabe thinks he's a demon or smth idk
Ofc sally doesn't, she loves her percy, but yk Gabe is Gabe and so she's forced to give him away.
And she ends up giving percy (who's like 9-11 at the time) to this lady who stopped by where they live one day and who said she takes care of kids like percy
So Sally obviously not wanting her son to get abused more by gabe allows her to take percy (spoilers, she never sees him again ;-;)
But anyways, percy is like one of the first children miss peregrine found so he had time to grow up some before they had to make the loop
On to how he gets along with the others
Olive and Claire love just abt everyone so ofc they love him like a brother as well <3
Bronwyn is vERY protective of him bc she, victor percy and Emma were the first ones that miss peregrine found (idk who she found first it just seems like they're a lil closer to miss P than some of the others)
Enoch and him don't rlly talk to much but they're nice to each other when they do talk
Emma and Percy are actually rlly good friends!! (Theyre part of the gossip gang)
Fiona and percy are pretty good friends actually!! Bc plants need water and percy controls water yk
him aand Abe were friends
He was suspicious of Jacob at first but for used to him and they're pretty good friends
Hugh and percy are both so chaotic I'd be surprised if they weren't friends lmao
But anyways percy probably had a crush on Victor at some point (he's still rlly sad victor died)
Yes that one was based off the fact that percy def had a crush on Charlie
Perch is still bisexual 100%
Ok that's all for percy that I can think of
im just gonna do percy for now bc I can't think for more for the others and this is already hella long
Edit: wait shit this already has 20 likes um- so I'm prolly gonna do the others then- I had fun with this tho so I don't mind :D
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withered--s0uls · 1 month
Vat7k random headcanons.
Trans FtM (tho I enjoy MtF Var too :3)
Bisexual (was intended canon in vat7k)
When originally not trusting Hugo, he makes it painfully obvious to him in the way he acts around him vs around Yong and Nuru
Writes NewDream & his Dad letters :3 probably whenever arriving in & leaving a new Kingdom!
I prefer the vest design so uh; I hc the reason he has 2 hairstripes now is a result of the S3 finale. I hc his canon hairstripe is from the fact his dad was hit by a blast of the moonstone. The 2nd one is a "scar" from dying and being revived in the S3 finale (I imagine Eugene has a similar "scar" in a blonde strand of hair from the movie. Also Cass and Raps each having ones in their respective colours bc of being past users. Also yes this implies the entirety of ppl who helped in the S3 finale has blonde/gold and/or turquoise/blue "scars" from the S3 finale somewhere in their hair or on their body)
Alchemist and engineer rivalry with Hugo bc Hugo likes to be a smartass
Hugo is his first proper masc crush, he doesn't really count his celebrity crush on Eugene he had as a kid
I hc his surname to be VanGuard (inspired by "His Little Light" on AO3)
Slavic from his dads side (not sure what specific country I hc the DK as but I like the idea of it being slavic)
Genderfluid (amab if anyone cares)
Never actually had like time for proper romance due to his work, so he doesn't actually know how to deal with catching feelings for Varian and Var seemingly reciprocating them (its different to actually love someone opposed to pretending for a job)
Actually really good with kids! This shows in him actually helping care for Yong a lot (he sneaks a Flynn Rider book from Varians bag and reads it to Yong as bedtime story lol)
Probably met Eugene and possibly Lance in their criminal pasts
Having beef with Nuru bc oh no royalty and royals suck (he doesn't understand how Varian can be best friends with a princess [Raps] either) at the start but learns through her that some aren't just stuck up selfish assholes
Teasingly tries to one-up Varians alchemy
Post-vat7k he stays in Corona with Var! First working as his assistant until being offered the role of royal advisor (bc fuck Nigel)
Not a hc bc it is his original DND surname, but personally I go with the surname Rottewange for him (seen some ppl use different ones)
Russian (ah yes the common "Ingvarr is Russia" hc)
Probably not the best relationship with his family considering they just sent him off with some stranger from another kingdom
Basically the collective little brother of the group
Hugo jokingly calls him Varians kid after finding out his clumsiness and exploding projects are something Var used to experience too
Gets along well with everyone in the squad yay
He really likes Ruddiger too, getting all excited when seeing him for the first time (I imagine he loves animals :3)
Him and Nuru definitely catch on the fact Varigo both crush on each other way before the two actually admit it themselves
To make him more relatable to Varian, I also imagine him being a Farmboy too
Kinda canon bc it seems to be his clothing inspo + some concept art aspects but; Chinese
Lesbian or at least Sapphic, kinda realizes that when they meet Vars cousins (if you read "Varians Tangled Trials" yk why lol. Nuru and Amber my beloved.)
Huge mistrust towards Hugo
Yong and her often pacify the situation if Varigo alchemist rivalry goes a bit too far
NOT the mom of the group. She's a kid lol. (Hugo and Varian being the only adults and actually having to take responsibility for the two minors >>)
Regardless she's still rather mature in handling situations bc raised as a princess so she knows how to behave
She however is a bit more fun as herself, which the other three would learn over time. Especially when she nerds out about the stars.
Her title as princess as well as Varians as Coronas royal engineer prove useful a lot on their journey
Post-vat7k she would probably try to seek out Varian at royal gatherings so they can catch up. If he's not there then she seeks out Rapunzel to ask about how he's doing :3
Idk just random stuff, nowhere near everything lol.
Dont have surname hcs for the kiddos so uh yeah idk feel free to share yours? Ig Nuru would just be "of Koto(/whatever Kingdom you assign her to)" bc princess or smth? For Yong I might look into some chinese surnames mayhaps...
Also don't have a nationality hc for Nuru so feel free to pitch yours lol
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yarart4ever · 1 year
TiPo fanfic tropes I'd die for
I'm bored so here is me telling y'all my favorite tropes for TiPo that I love to read/write (warning some parts are le spicy-) sorry this is gonna be looooong
+ modern or highschool aus. typically with Tigress being of high status and Po being the "new" guy. I NEED MY BISEXUAL GIRLBOSS AND MY DORKY MALEWIFE IN THIS SETTING IMMEDIATELY OMGGGG
+ stories like. right after the end of kfp 2. it's usually very intimate, peaceful yet solemn at the same time and it's just. ugh. the hurt/comfort genre is strong with this one. BONUS POINTS IF PO OPENS UP ABOUT WHAT HE DISCOVERED ABOUT HIS PANDA VILLAGE
+ pining Tigress. I love me some flustered Po (especially since he's such a fanboy and him being in love with Tigress is SO CANON-) but. I a a sucker for the "they fell first but they fell harder" trope bc OMG. the thought of Tigress, cold, hardcore Tigress, catching feelings for Po? it's just so sweet to me to see the usually composed tiger get so flussy, even if it ain't as obvious as Po's pining is. her tail swishing behind her when he touches her? catching herself getting lost in Po's eyes before clearing her throat? instantly relaxing after Po rests his paw on her shoulder? knees easily buckling into his pleas? UGH I AM HERE FOR IT!
+mutual pining one-shots. quite similar to Tigress pining but they are *both* lovesick idiots. the slowburn is very much apparent but the romantic tension is so there like YALL JUST KISS ALREADY- or actually don't. stay comfy and close like this. it's cute :3 but maybe like hold hands if you can
+Tigress being able to gain more feeling in her paws when in contact to Po. like it is so unrealistic but IDC MY TIPO HEART DOES NOT HAVE AN OFF BUTTON-
+okay so like- them both acting out when they see the other get hurt in battle- like say Po got hurt and Tigress just rips the people they are fighting a new one just to make sure her panda is okay or Tigress getting struck and maybe even knocked out and Po just- flips out- loses it- goes feral- I live for that shit
+ dom Po. will not comment any further.
+ Po letting Tigress loosen up. getting her to laugh, to play with kids, to dance, literally any of those things that make her feel carefree and childlike and Po just. watching in awe. and ENCOURAGING her to do so. how beautiful is that?
+ TiPoLei family! TiPoLei family! TIPOLEI FAMILY! (bonus points if everyone jokes about Po and Ti basically being Lei Lei's parents and them just going "yeah. sounds about right. that's our daughter :)" thus confusing everyone PFFF)
+ them being each other's dates to any festival that goes on. like they don't even need to ask each other it's just obvious from how Tigress sticks by Po's side and only participates bc Po asked her to LMAO
+ jealous Tigress- I know that people see these kinds of tropes as a bit problematic if not done right but gosh do I love me some jelly Tigress. pLUS THE DENIAL SHE WOULD PULL WHEN IT IS SO OBVIOUS? sign me tf up
+ I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually write this but I would love to have that little moment where. say in between kfp2 and kfp3 when Tigress got her new golden hanfu and everyone is praising her for it and Po. he just sees her for the first time in that new hanfu and does that cute lovestruck ":O" expression as he stays quiet and frozen. and Tigress is asking stuff like "Po, you okay? what's wrong?" thus taking him out of his trance and making him flustered- YES PLEASE
okay this is getting way too long I'm gonna end it from here okay bye-
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enthyrea · 8 months
Please tell me about your oddly detailed backstory for javy coyote machado 👁️
who am i to deny!!
(tagging @calkale, @blood-suits-and-tears, and @rebel-fight bc they also asked about him)
to start, a lot of my hcs are branching off of @boasamishipper's lovely ideas about javy, but with some personal changes here and there.
sooo i think javy and his family are from new orleans, louisiana but were displaced to austin, texas bc of hurricane katrina in 2005-- they end up moving back to nola but after javy graduates from high school. while they were in tx, javy enrolls at his local high school and he's your typical quiet transfer kid but excels in his classes so well he ends up tutoring this blonde kid that sits next to him in calculus (yes, it's hangman lmao). his mom, geneviève lafitte, is afro creole french, and his dad, joão, is afro portuguese, so he speaks both languages often. he's got two younger siblings, adelaide and sebastién.
his family was pretty well off before the hurricane but most of their stuff was destroyed in the floods. as a result, he ends up learning how to cook so he can help his siblings get dinner while his parents are working late more often than not.
eventually, he becomes best friends with jake, slits his own eyebrow (his mom faints), joins the football team, and gets matching ear piercings with jake in the summer of 06. (jake's parents find out and make him take it out, but javy keeps his) he realizes he's bisexual after he goes on a shortlived but fun couple of dates with a classmate. though he doesn't know the term for it until much muuuuch later.
he breaks his leg during their senior homecoming game, losing his sports scholarship in the process. jake also loses his recruitment because he drops the team to help take care of javy (carry his books to class, drive him to school, etc etc)
he ends up going to tulane university in nola, and after graduation, decides to join the navy to help support his family. jake follows him like a lost puppy.
i mention this briefly in my macheresin fic (which you should read hehe shameless plug) but javy gets his callsign after performing some particularly slippery maneuvers (lots of ducking and weaving) and a squadmate says he's like wile-e-coyote. it sticks after that. him and jake end up in the same TOPGUN class, and javy wins first with jake second.
i could talk bout this guy forever so pls if you wanna know more my askbox is always open and i like him a very normal amount
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