#Black Velvet x BNHA
sophsiaaa · 1 year
going home
bnha masterlist
pairing: tomura shigaraki x fem reader
summary: Stranded in another world that eerily follows the plot of your favourite manga, you find yourself sucked into the story, trapped on the side of the villains. You're just a girl who knows too much and wants to go home, but with Tomura Shigaraki watching you, escape won't be easy.
notes: I know this is a kinda cringey premise but I've had this idea trapped in my head for months and I love shigaraki so here.
chapter contains: references to sexual assault (not shigaraki)
—  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —     Reader
You were dead.  
That’s what you thought as you opened your eyes to thick dark. You couldn’t see, didn’t know where you were. Your heart kicked into overdrive as your fingers wandered over whatever you were lying on, blindly trying to read the terrain. It was spongy, with ridged edges. A mattress?  
You were in a bed.  
You sat up, hands clasped over your body. Clothes were still on. That was good. But the pounding in your head, the tender soreness of your neck, was less so. Everything felt throbbing, hazy. Palming your face, you looked around the dark. Where the hell were you?  
Last you remembered, you’d been trying to sleep. The alley you’d been calling home for the last week wasn’t exactly a five-star-hotel, but given your circumstances, it wasn’t like you had much of a choice to sleep anywhere else. You’d been trying to sleep, too tired to cry anymore, to look for help anymore, and then...  
That’s right. The two men. Satellite Ears and Tattoo Guy.  
They’d kicked you awake, shouting words you didn’t understand. The extent of your Japanese was hello and goodbye . It made you wish you’d paid more attention in school.  
The men had hoisted you up, hands wandering down your sides, and you didn’t need Google to translate the look in their eyes. It was clear what they’d wanted.  
But they hadn’t gotten far because... that’s right. Another man showed up. The one with the red eyes and black hoodie. The hand on his face. He’d saved you. And then he’d wrapped his hand around your neck when you’d begged for help. After that, you must have blacked out.  
You felt the ghost of his fingers on your throat, pressing yours over the phantom marks. Where were you now?  
Crawling forward over the bed, you found its edge. As it turned out, it was just a mattress on the floor and you slid easily onto bare wooden slats. You felt around in the darkness, managed to stand. Though, your legs were wobbly, and you had to lean against what you assumed was a wall. With your bearings righted, you noticed a slim strip of light in the distance, like the crack of a doorway. Fumbling for a path toward it, your fingers grazed over what felt like stacked boxes. Were you in a storeroom?  
When you reached the light, you realised it wasn’t a doorway: it was a curtain. Plush and velvet, purple in the warm light beyond, cordoning you off from what looked like a bar.  
You blinked the dry crust of tears from your eyes. It was a bar. A smooth countertop divided the room, red stools dotted along on the other side. There was a door with a small grated window, and some folded tables at the back. Closest to you, rows and rows of high shelf liquor, coated in a thin film of dust, and a bartender cloaked in tendrils of violet mist cleaning a glass.  
But across from him was a sight that closed a fist of surreal fear around your heart: Tomura Shigaraki, chained in hands. The man who’d saved you in the alley. The villain from your favourite manga series.  
One Week Ago  
The midnight bus pulled into its last stop for the night. You thanked the driver and hopped off, the last passenger. Pulling your coat closer against the wind, you walked alone down the empty street. Rats crawled over black thatched power-lines above. A cool breeze whipped at your hair as you stepped in puddles on the way back to your apartment; they rippled like jelly around your boots, reflecting a milk-bowl moon, high in the sky.  
It had been one hell of a shift. You worked retail, a little game store in a suburban mall an hour’s bus ride away. The commute was annoying, especially on nights like tonight when late night shopping meant the mall was open until 11pm. But the job was all you could get as a uni student, and the bus rides were at least a good time to catch up on your weekly readings before class.  
Not tonight though. Tonight, you were shattered. A mother had brought her teen son in, harassing you and your coworkers on register for selling him an R rated game when he was only fourteen. Between that and the onslaught of customers rushing in to buy the newest releases your store had just stocked, it had been a draining eight hours.  
You were eager to get back home. Leo, your boyfriend, would be passed out in bed by now. The two of you had been living together for about a month, and your relationship was still young. There were certainly growing pains. Still, it was nice to come home to someone.  
While he slept, you’d shower, throw on the same pajama shirt you wore last night, and reheat whatever was in the fridge for dinner. You might even have a chance to continue the manga you’d recently started on, enjoy some light reading before bed. Boku no Hero Academia, or bnha , was a fun story about heroes and villains and superhuman quirks. It wasn’t your usual taste, but Leo had recommended it to you and since you started the series, you’d found you just couldn’t stop. It was like the author put crack in it. You were only at the training camp arc. Leo had told you that arc was about season 3 of the anime, and given there were already 6 seasons out, you had a lot of catching up to do.  
Work. Shower. Dinner. Reading. Sleep. Your life was the definition of ordinary.  
Around the corner, your apartment building stood in a cement block, six storeys high. You crowded the stairway entrance, fumbling for buried keys.  
That’s when it started.  
A feeling . It crept across you, a strange, wild wind of emptiness. You looked around and saw nothing. No one watching, no one driving. No one. Even the rats were gone.  
Weird .  
Slowly, the streetlights began flickering. On-off, on-off, quickening with your heartbeat. You hurried to fish your keys out. The wind rushed into your ears, tousling hair and coat. You dropped the keys down the stairs.  
The wind stopped. Still as the dead. Quieter than breath.  
And something happened . You weren’t quite sure what. Lightning lines of light speared through the air, the concrete, appearing from nowhere. It was like an orphic landslide, heading straight for you. One moment you were scrambling for your keys, the next, falling.  
Falling and falling and falling. Up and down. Spinning. Somewhere. Nowhere.  
A scream tore from your lungs, swallowed up by the nothingness you fell through. This was death. You were dead.  
Until you weren’t. A moment later, you were okay, landing on your ass in an empty side street. No bones broken. Coat a little singed around the edges. But otherwise, you were fine. Sounds of people and traffic travelled in from a main road. It was daylight. You were alive.  
Wait, daylight? You shook yourself off and stood up. It was the middle of the night. How could-  
A woman with horns, whose skin was the faded blue of the sky, jumped from the top of a tall building. She landed right in front of you, grinning before taking off again, a wide, large leap like a double jump in a video game. She jumped, and you stared slack-jawed after her.  
Somebody shouted behind you.  
Another woman, running up beside you. She shouted again in a language you didn’t understand, and she seemed angry, righteous. A yellow cape billowed over her back, and her head, it was a lemon. A lemon . Like a literal fucking lemon . From the center of her palms, she shot juice like jet fuel, breaking flight as she chased the blue woman.  
You were left in the alley, watching them move through the air.  
Impossible .  
Following, you stumbled out onto the main road, eyes the size of planets as you took in the true vastness of unending impossible . It was like the world had turned upside down, inside out. Were you on a terrible acid trip or something?  
People with frog heads, people with spray bottle arms, people that looked completely ordinary, only to shoot water from their mouths a second later, wandered down the road in business suits and school uniforms and casual sweaters. Skin the colour of rainbows. Springs for legs. Fireworks shooting from fingers. A street of ordinary people with impossible powers.  
You were frozen to the sidewalk, a specter, as the brunt of a superhuman society that appeared out of nowhere moved in swells around you.  
There were only three words for what you felt.  
What. The. Fuck?!  
Tomura Shigaraki was reading a newspaper at the bar. He wore the hands, one clasped tight to the face you hadn’t recognised earlier. How could you have not recognised him? How could he even be real?  
Since winding up here, you’d tacked onto the fact that wherever here was, it seemed to be mirroring the fictional world that existed in your favourite manga. A comic brought to life. But seeing Shigaraki just sitting there screamed wrong .  
You’d collapsed after seeing the quirks that first day. Out of fear, or confusion, or the weight of your previous day’s work, you weren’t sure. A hero had found you lying in the alley that the strange lightning light had dumped you in. Hero . The word still felt ridiculous, even in your mind.  
He’d woken you, asked if you were okay in Japanese, discovered you only spoke English, switched to that because he wanted to practice, and then stood stock still as you’d absolutely grilled him on where the hell you were and what the hell was going on. You were left reeling in disbelief as he confirmed the impossible. Yes, these powers everyone had were real; they were called quirks. And yes, he was really a hero; that was a real job. And yes, villains were a real threat, UA was a top school, All Might was the symbol of peace, and actually miss, you should be careful because the Hero Killer is on the loose.  
In one night, one conversation, reality tipped on its axis. You’d been in freefall ever since.  
The curtain hissed open.  
You jumped back, squealing as the misty bartender looked down at you. Kurogiri. Shigaraki’s transport and... parental figure? Caretaker? You weren’t sure. The manga didn’t exactly give him a title. His eyes swirled and narrowed, twins of yellow.  
“Are you done eavesdropping?” Shigaraki said, in English, and your eyes went back to him. It surprised you. After hearing a week of Japanese (barring that one hero) your language felt foreign. But Shigaraki had been speaking English to you earlier in the alley. At least, you thought he had. Things were still blurry.  
You nodded slowly, flush creeping onto your face. Shit, was he going to kill you for spying on him?  
He didn’t. Shigaraki folded his newspaper up. “Sit down.”  
Kurogiri gestured for you to walk past him toward the bar stools. You hesitated. Your feet were planted. It was hard to tell behind the hand mask, but you swore Shigaraki scowled.  
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” he said, voice the rough rasp of rock salt.  
Tentatively, you forced yourself to move and slipped out from behind the bar into the crimson stool furthest from the villains. Your ass teetered on the edge of the seat, and suddenly, you felt like an unwelcome guest trying not to get the couch dirty. They glared at you, and you looked down at the smooth countertop, reflection ragged in its polished shine.  
Your lip was split, eyes hollowed. Feint bruises bloomed over your throat.  
This week had clearly taken its toll on you.  
After you’d met that hero on day one, you’d spewed out the story of what had happened. How you’d been going home from work one minute in a world without quirks, and then sucked into this world the next. He’d taken you to the police. They put you in the drunk tank.  
It was unfair. You’d railed against the bars, demanding help. But they ignored you. Just another maniac. Just a girl making up stories.  
When they found you had no identification, no quirk, no money, no listed address, the police took you to your home country’s embassy. The embassy couldn’t help though. Of course, they couldn’t, you weren’t a citizen of anywhere in this world. Wherever this place was that the lightning light had dumped you, you weren’t anybody.  
In the two nights at the police station and embassy, it was easy to convince yourself that you’d died. T his world was some wacky afterlife based on the manga you liked. A weird respawn point. You thought of closing your eyes, just sleeping. Maybe you’d wake up back at home, in bed with Leo. But you never did go home. Whenever you woke up you were still here, a reed washed in the stream. Everything was too real. You felt. You breathed. You got hungry. You got cold. People died on the news. It rained on the embassy windows. Wherever you were, this world was real . Not ink on paper or eight-bit graphics, but solid reality.  
So, staring at the embassy ceiling on a threadbare sofa as idiots scrambled to work out what to do with you, you revised your assumption. In your world, the idea of parallel or alternate timelines was the stuff of fiction. However, it was also a burgeoning science. A theory of possibilities. If you weren’t dead or dreaming, you had no other explanation for this world you were trapped in than that.  
Somehow, a tear had opened up between two worlds and you’d been sucked in. This was another universe, one where quirks were real, where heroes and villains existed, just like in bnha .  
The embassy let you go on day 3 of your respawn , as you’d been calling it, a nd you returned to the alley that you’d been dumped into initially, living there since you had nowhere else to go. You’d hoped that whatever force had taken you to this place, might reappear there to take you home.  
Unfortunately, in the rest of your week in the alley, your doorway home never opened. No more heroes came to help. You blended into the background, just another homeless person crying in the corner. You wondered what Leo would think. Would you have been reported missing? Would your family know yet?  
Two days later, the Hero Killer was arrested. You saw it broadcasted on city screens stuck to the side of buildings after finally being lured from the alley in search of food. Of course, with no money, you’d been forced to shoplift snacks from a convenience store. You were scoffing down cheap onigiri when the whole street looked up at the news story of Stain’s capture; bold kanji that you couldn’t read reeled beneath the arrest footage.  
It made you jumpy. It meant that not only was this fictional manga world real (a fact you still weren’t completely sold on) and so were all the characters, but that it was also following the plot of the manga too, arc for arc. You weren’t much further ahead in your knowledge of what was to come, but that night, curled up in your alley in an old blanket you’d found in a bin, you’d decided it would be best to stay away from any major plot developments.  
You needed to survive, to find a way home, and the best way to do that was not to become collateral in a war between heroes and villains. You could not get involved with characters.  
Great job you were doing of that so far.  
Shigaraki glared at you from behind the hand mask, an unnerving glare that pressed against your skin. You swallowed hard, keeping your head down. Why did it have to be him that saved you? Why couldn’t it have been literally anyone else?  
Kurogiri pushed a glass of water towards you. It was cold to the touch. Didn’t smell weird.  
“It’s not poisoned,” Shigaraki said as you sniffed. He almost sounded insulted.  
He could have been lying, but he’d had his chance to kill you earlier in the alley. He brought you to his dingy bar instead. He wanted you alive. So, you guzzled the fresh water in heaping gulps, a fish returned to the sea, a swimmer coming up for air. It slid reverently down your dry throat.  
“Thirsty?” he asked with a crack of humour.  
You slammed the glass back down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you met his imperceptible gaze. There were no gaps in his mask, in his posture. He looked every bit the menacing villain you’d read about, right down to the video-game-esque-costume. Grey-blue hair hung over his face in mussed trundles, hiding scant glints of carmine eyes. He was bonier than you’d thought, and taller too – a wryness to him that reminded you of sly cat, still one moment, on you the next. It was hard to believe he was real. You sort of wanted to reach out and touch him just to be sure you definitely weren’t on an acid trip.  
You shook your head. “Not anymore.”  
“Good. I wanna know about your quirk.”  
“My quirk?”  
“Yeah.” Shigaraki clasped his hands together on the bar top, looking right at you. “Before, you said you didn’t have one.”  
“I don’t.”  
Of course, you didn’t have a quirk. You weren’t even from this world!  
Shigaraki scoffed. “You sure about that?” And then he was out of his seat. He came at you and, remembering how easily he’d killed those guys in the alley, you tried to jump back. But he grabbed you by the wrist, five fingers pressed to your skin. You winced and shut your eyes. This was it.  
After a week of trying to avoid this type of fate, you were dead.  
Kurogiri said something in Japanese. Shigaraki responded. You opened your eyes to see him still touching you. You weren’t dead.  
“You’re a liar,” Shigaraki said. He ran his hand higher, feeling from wrist to forearm, beneath the loose fabric of your jumper. His knuckles brushed the hem, sent gooseflesh rippling across your arm. He explored your skin almost disbelievingly. “You do have a quirk. How else do you explain being immune to my decay, hmm?”  
You trembled in his grip, answers dead on your tongue. You should be dust in the wind.  
“Is it nullification? Touch-based?” He let you go, slumping into the stool beside you.  
You pulled your wrist back, thumbing over the spot where his skin had dragged against yours. His eyes tracked the movement. You felt the urge to reach for the bruises on your neck. “I... I don’t know. I guess.”  
Your head was spinning. How the hell were you immune to his quirk?  
Kurogiri said something else in Japanese, and you thought that maybe he couldn’t speak English. Either that or he didn’t want you knowing what he was saying. Shigaraki merely snorted and shooed him off. He turned back to you. “You’re welcome, by the way.”  
“For what?”  
“Saving you.”  
You frowned. As if he actually intended on saving you. He was going to kill you too, you’d just been too stupid to see it until it was too late. “Why am I here?” you asked.  
Shigaraki kicked a foot up over his knee. The ratty laces of his red converse hung from it like nooses. “I’m building a league,” he said, hands neatly folded, “gathering recruits. Your quirk would be a useful addition to my inventory.”  
“You want me to join your league?”  
He nodded.  
You knew exactly at what point of the manga Shigaraki must be at right now. If the Stain incident had just happened, then the training camp arc you were up to should be scheduled to take place very soon, so long as this world continued to follow the manga’s plot. Shigaraki was learning to operate as a leader. His League of Villains was about to get a whole lot bigger and deadlier. Dabi would join. Toga too. But... you shouldn’t be part of it.  
You weren’t meant to be in this story.  
You feigned ignorance. “What type of league? What do you do?”  
“We’re going to kill All Might.” A mania filled Shigaraki as he leaned forward. His face was hidden, but the smile in his voice, the excitement, was clear as day. It was captivating. It was terrifying. “With my league I’m going to tear down this backwards society. Heroes, their false sense of justice: they’re my targets. We’ll destroy it all, this whole messed up world.”  
You blinked at him. He was... insane . You knew he was a villain but seeing him get going like this was truly fucked up. Did he seriously want to kill everyone? How the hell would that be helpful? Was this how all villains thought? Was this how this world worked?  
You didn’t understand how you’d gotten trapped here, or whatever this immunity to quirks was, but you couldn’t become someone you weren’t.  
“I can’t. I-”  
Your refusal fizzled out when Shigaraki stood up. His shoes hit the floor with a thud . He loomed over you, spindly arm propped on the counter. He was a spider, arms and legs, and you were in his web.  
“Don’t think for a second the heroes would have saved you from those creeps,” he said.  
Your breath shuddered, remembering the fear, the inevitability of being trapped. The men who’d roused you from sleep, what they’d planned to do. The weakness of your underfed body. Their strength. You remembered losing your will to fight them, wanting to just give up and go to sleep. Go home .  
You remembered Shigaraki wandering in. For a moment, you had thought he was going to turn a blind eye to your assault, walk away. For a moment, you almost didn’t call out for help. But you had and he hadn’t. He’d killed the men, for whatever reason. And it wasn’t heroic, it was gruesome and bloodstained.  
It was exactly what you had needed.  
Don’t think for a second the heroes would have saved you from those creeps.  
It was only a hook to lure you in, but Shigaraki’s words held a ring of truth. The heroes hadn’t helped, not then, and not when you’d been stranded. They’d effectively turned you onto the streets. If you left this bar, where would you go? Back to that alley? How much longer would you wait? How much longer before you passed out from lack of food? How much longer until another low life tried to hurt you?  
You needed help. If you were going to get home, you needed help.  
That was a fact you could no longer close your eyes to.  
You looked up at Shigaraki, at that murderous gaze hidden behind dead fingers. The boss villain brought to life.  
You had no one, nothing, and apparently an immunity to quirks that made no sense. But maybe that was the key to finding your way home. This immunity, was it a side effect of being transported here? You didn’t know, but you knew you couldn’t figure it out on your own. Maybe staying close to the plot, to the characters of story you knew was inevitable, would be your best shot at learning what this immunity was and whether or not it was a path that might take you home.  
Shigaraki certainly wanted to know more about it. Perhaps you could use that. And perhaps, though loathe to admit it since he was a lunatic that had already tried to kill you once, he was your best shot at safety and a roof over your head for the time being. Perhaps Shigaraki was your ticket to going home .  
“Yes,” you whispered. Yes, okay. I’ll join you.”  
You stood to meet him, and he leaned back. You held out your hand.  
Sharp corners of a smile broke out from behind that heavy hand on Shigaraki’s face. Pinky instinctively raised, he took your hand. His touch was cold. Firm. It was a contract, a plea, a promise sealed in skin.  
“Sounds good,” he said.  
You were now a member of the League of Villains. For better or worse, you’d entered the plot.  
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hearth4days · 1 year
Hi I'm copying my friends @/x-neurotoxin-x and @/p34chju1c3 (send them some too if you want!! They're v good trust me) and taking some requests to hopefully knock out my writer's block
Send me some character(s) + prompts and I'll write a short fic if I like the idea. Feel free to submit your own ideas, or use this generator to find something you like :) (tw dead dove^^)
Fandoms + characters below the cut. No pairing's listed because it's long enough as it is lmao
Avogado6-verse did you know there's lore cuz damn
None of the characters have names so. These bitches (send in their number)
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Black Pearl
Prune Juice
Pure Vanilla
Red Velvet
White Lily
Kokichi (/pregame)
Korekiyo (/pregame)
Korekiyo's sister
Nagito (/pregame)
Human Centipede
Little Nightmares
Thin Man
Undertale (/Handplates)
Nirvana (Hanamuke)
Hollow (pink)
Vesper (purple)
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sonderessence · 10 months
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#about me ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ you can call me kiésan or by one of my middle names, marie! i enjoy writing in my free time, but i also have an art/clothing business in the works!! my dream is to go to an art school one day & hopefully get into a volleyball team!
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#my beloved mutuals ♡ @campv4mp, @adorefavv, @chessbox, @mayearies, @ashsostrange, @astrxealis, @all444miles, @primaviva, @japhoriaa, @vonillala, @spiderfunkz, @moonpiies, @maliland, @everlark777, @luvanii, @meowmoraless, @zerosinterweb, @basil-07, @luvmorales, @nokkihy, @kisskissclub, @egorls, @janaeby, @mymegumi, @adoresia, @urdeadpoet, @tiathecreator, @camiimoraless, @lov9r, @notcupidswrld, @milesmolasses, @dizzyntrr, @solutopia, @saintlulls, @thesilliestyuri, @spiderruna, @l0starl, @pearlcigs, @urdeadpoet @nudystar, @t1r4misuu, @dthvmpira, @cyberneticfrk, @adorinjae, @messybnny, @konigceo & all the other amazing people who i follow that followed back !!
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#do not interact :( basic dni criteria. (homophobia, transphobia, zenophobia, ableists... etc.) cishet men. (unless i like you) people who age up minors and write erotica about them. pro shippers, minors dni blogs, i am a minor and if you interact with my content than i'll interact with yours. under the age of twelve or over the age of twenty-six.
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#rules please don't be rude in my inbox. all my readers are female, afab, gender neutral, and sometimes black or mixed-coded. i do vent / talk about sensitive topics here on my blog so keep that in mind!!
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#dear to my heart (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) my mutuals, red velvet cupcakes, MTV shows, omori, peach yogurt, cooking, music, cats :3, kdramas & romance animes.
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#. he gave me the ick! xp olives , p3dos, homophobes/xenophobes, people who oversexualize minors, minor x adult ships, drama starters, weird bnha (mostly.)/ anyfandom proshippers/shippers (yall r fuckin' weird!!)
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#what's currently on the radio?
( songs ) meddle about by chase atlantic.
( artists ) lil peep, the weekend, deftones, sewerslvt, machine girl, sleep token, erykah badu, chase atlantic, the neighborhood, frank ocean, tyler the creator, teen suicide, childish gambino, paramore, beabadoobee, take care, lamp, lana del rey, mitski, 6lack, lil hero, pinkpantheress, dpr live, flo milli, sza, tv girl, steve lacy, the internet, aurora, cigarettes after sex, pierce the veil, partynextdoor, new jeans, falling in reverse, hoiser, mareux, destroy lonely, crystal castles, molchat doma, grimes, tame impala, daniel ceaser, kali uchis, sonder, brent faiyaz, phoebe bridgers, yves tumor, duster, ect.
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#fandoms ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ the last of us, barbie, neon genesis evangelion, detroit becomes human, sally face, arcane, sanrio, chainsaw man, monster high, five nights at freddys, omori, haikyu, bnha, chainsaw lollipop, suicide squad, soul eater, tokyo goul, death note, blue-eyed samurai, jjk, atspv, mtv downtown, devilman crybaby, bungo stray dogs, genshin, alice in borderland, nana (anime) aot, black butler, ect !!
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#wont write (╬▔皿▔)╯rape, minor x adult ships, smut with anyone under 18, age play, self harm, eating disorders, food play, spanking (sorry!! not a fan.) abusive reader/character plot, incest, knife kinks, hard doms, sexual abuse, any fetishes, ass play (ew.),weird kinks, pet play, or anything else i'm uncomfortable with.
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#will write ୨୧ nsfw/smut, angst, fluff, comfort, breeding (maybe?) sub!reader / dom!reader, sub!character / dom!character, overstimulation, .
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( previously was, bachirasegoist & twilightsuphoria. )
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                                       (  ~ Multiple Characters x Gender Neutral                                                     Reader Insert ~ )
                                                  FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Today for our characters, we have cumflation, exhibitionism, bondage, somnophilia, overstimulation, marking/burning, corruption, video recording, and tentacle play || I’m sorry if I didn’t catch them all! 
SUMMARY: These are just snippets that I’ve formed throughout the day of the BNHA boys when they’re feral or READER-CHAN is feral. Enjoy! 
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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    I headcanon that Kirishima's body is extremely sensitive (and he's secretly a perv I mean come on he hangs with Denki and Denki hangs with Mineta) But he's also HELLA shy. So yall are on a movie date, right, and he has his hand over his bulge, grinding into his hand because he's too embarrassed to let you know that he's turned on; so he's just whimpering away and then he gets really close to your ear- by accident- and he moans your name trying to stay as quiet as he can as he's just crumbling and you, very casually, kneel in front of him and when he tells you not to, you take his cock out of his jeans and suck him off telling him to stay quiet until he cums.... And then you overstim the fuck out of him. By the time you're done and it's time to leave, his whole forearm is covered in bite marks from him trying to muffle his moans.
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     He comes back home from work irritated as hell because someone stole a kill from him so you watch him stomp and pout around the house grumbling before you're both casually watching TV. You climb into his lap and start grinding into him, hard, and as he gets more turned on he gets more angry, eventually burying your face into the cushion before railing you so hard that by the end of it his cum forms a bulge in your tummy, you're feeling raw, and you're crying; but he also is a master at aftercare and he's in his domspace so he's not worried about what pissed him off.
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    He, naturally is shy, but he couldn't help asking to come along when you suggested going to a dinner party that the heroes had put together after a MAJOR win and you were surprised but you said yeah. After some time, he went to the corner table that the two of you reserved but not because he was shy; you brushed him the RIGHT way and he was hot. At the party. And he couldn't exactly ask you to help when you were conversing with other heroes. You got drinks and returned to him with his hands in between his legs as he grinds against his wrist and forearms, riding his hand, mumbling and moaning out your name sweating, out of breath and red faced, then he gets shy when seeing you and he stops, but you make him turn his fingers into tentacles and guide him on how to play with you under the table as a hero or two sit at your table and you all start talking casually as Tamaki tries not to break and blow his cover bc you could lose your hero licenses if you got found out.
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   Iida invites you over to his house to meet his family, and you oblige happily letting him think this will be a teaseless night but of course he's extremely sensitive. You just HAD to exploit that in front of his family. While you're gathered around having dinner, you of course sit next to him and reach over slyly stroking him over his pants mid sentence. You already know he's big because let's face it this man is an absolute truck, and within a few short seconds he's already showing through his tight ass slacks. And it's more noticeable because they're light grey. He's trying to keep his composure even through his fogged ass glasses as you unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, VERY slyly and nobody even notices because you're following along with the conversation seamlessly. You edge him and tease him already knowing that he was quite loud when he came, so you wanted to see how he would fare in front of his family. long story short, he doesn't.❤️ And he instantly gets hard again when you lick your fingers clean of his cum and address the person who cooked the food while staring at him right in his eyes like "Mmmm this is so good. Thanks for the meal~ It was a real *TREAT* Thank you for inviting me, I loved the food. I’m happy to come back any time you need me."
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    FUCKING CUMFLATION CUMFLATION CUMFLATION; He's just fucking RAILING you into the couch whining about how good you feel, how he's the best one you'll ever have, on about how good you make him feel and how he's the only one that knows how to please you the right way. He's just about spent but he wants to watch his cum pouring out of you and just the very image of it gives him anime protag energy so he's reaching all the way deep inside of you while he feeds you praises and tells him how good you're taking him, asking you if you want it harder, faster, deeper. He overstimulated yourself, taking your out of it state of mind to his advantage. He's an absolute mess of tears, moans, and laughter as he orgasms and cums inside of you again, wasting no time to pull out and watch his cum drip out of your hole, always ready to eat it right out of you because he's a pervy baby.
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He's the type to make you a pretty little collar from his tape when he got promoted at work, then drag you around the house by your collar all the way to your balcony, before taping your legs to stay open, your feet and thighs taped to the balcony’s edge, his body being the only thing that's holding you up. At this point, he doesn't care who sees as he absolutely ruins you, bruising your body with his teeth, growling in your ear as he mutters curses in spanish while absolutely WRECKING your shit. If you looked you could even see a bulge in your stomach too. He has no form of restraint when he's feral, grabbing at your skin, forcing your convulsing body to take him in deeper until he sees that you're all fucked out. Then later the same day, you see the both of you fucking on the front cover of the tabloids and it turns him on all over again, and he proceeds to fuck your face while he's reading the column, an expression of complete desperation and victory staining his face.
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Ahhhh our innocent little beannnnn. It'd been awhile since he came since he's too busy occupying himself to masturbate and yall haven't had sex because of your schedules and doing hero work. But you come home late one shift and you find him in bed sleeping while moaning softly and crying while he's whimpering out your name like the pathetic little bitch boy he is while he's grinding against a pillow. You don't wanna wake him up, but you do record it so you can show it to him tomorrow, but you also prop your phone up and record yourself climbing on top of him, replacing the pillow with a thinner one so you could still have control of him without waking him up. You giggled softly and shook your head a little as you started to grind on him, feeling him grip at your hips while he's still dreaming of you, and you grind your hips into him harder and harder watching his crying get more and more intense until he cums and ruts his hips up hard into you even being a screamer while he's asleep. Then he wakes up a little but not enough to know what all is going on, but his back arches and he's screaming and begging for you to continue as you suck his cock clean only to have him cum in your mouth again and again, and then you coo him back to sleep peacefully, kiss his tears and turn off the camera.
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Shoto doesn't have an ounce of social ANYTHING, no social cues, when things are appropriate or not, etc etc. So he takes you out to dinner and he's nibbling away at your neck, his hands trailing over your body because you guys were in the corner and you could get away with it, until he eventually pulls you into his lap and grinds your hips against his so that you could feel his bulge. And then he whispers in your ear how much he wants you, how much he wants to be balls deep inside of you, or how nice your tongue would feel against his cock and how much he aches for you until he's practically in tears. He makes you bounce on him, not really caring who saw you, while spreading your legs and stroking you over your pants at the same time freezing your hands together and pulling your arms over yours and his head so all you could do was cum, beg, and squirm around while you listen to his soft grunts in your ear, your legs having given out awhile ago.
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    Shoji babyyyy awwww. He definitely has a size kink for... Obvious reasons, and he's always really gentle, so he got really flustered when you asked him to be a bit rough with you, instructing him to pin your hands above your head, forcing your legs open and keep them there, and you tried to force yourself all the way down on him. Of course, he'd never experienced everything so intense before, so even after he cums and is a twitching trembling mess you force him to continue to fuck into you until he's begging you to stop but also trying to get more at the same time.
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Dabi suddenly showing up to your work 10 minutes before your lunch break starts and he drags you out of the office and he pulls you into a dark corner so anybody could see if they wanted to but you both weren't in the way of anything (and out of the way of cameras) and he fucks you HARD burning through some of your clothes, leaving burn marks on you, his fingers shoved in your mouth to muffle your moans, and there's a bleeding bite mark on the nape of your neck then he kisses you, tells you to have a good day at work, and walks out as if nothing even happened.
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blackvelvet-main · 4 years
                                         (  ~ Kaminari Denki x Gender Neutral                                               Black Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: NONE! Today is a fluffy day!
SUMMARY: Kaminari helps out Reader-Chan with their hair for a wash day after they both get off of work! This is a Black!reader insert and trust and believe I’m going to be doing MORE of these types of things as well. I have Kirishima x Black Male reader insert to come soon! I hope you enjoy!
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     You and Denki had been together for awhile and everything was everything you thought it’d be and more. He was always so energetic and happy to see you each and every single time you ‘left’ and then came back to him. I swear it was like he was even more in love with you every single time you blinked. And that beautiful smile of his as he looked you over taking in your beautiful auburn skin, almond-y eyes, your wide nose, and your hair. He was oh so infatuated with your hair every single time he saw a style you put your hair into; he had never even seen braids until he got with you. You both had gotten an apartment together- even after going through high school and the UA experience with you, he was still in love with you possibly even more than he was before. 
     You both had separate closets; your closer mostly full of head scarfs, durags, and the special hair products that you used at like max 1 time a month. Oftentimes you found your boyfriend sifting through everything and trying to name what things were and at this point he was getting pretty good. All of it sounded weird coming from his mouth, but it was the thought that counted. He also looked through all of the products and he had accidentally tried some just to see if his hair would benefit from it. 
                                           Needless to say it didn’t.
     He also loved looking at your accessories that you’d put in your hair- mostly when they were in braids- all of your brushes and heat protectants and your piks. He LOVED your piks. He would ask you about them all the time and he’d even ask to use them from time to time even though he and you both knew they weren’t for him. You’d gotten him a custom one though- it was yellow with metal rounded tip spokes and the body had his signature lightning bolt with his hero name “Chargebolt” underneath it with pretty letters. You were never too fond of sharing things like that with anyone- even him- and he respected that.
     He’d been with you long enough to distinguish between your music as well and at the end of the week he’d always come back home to hear a mix between James Brown, SZA, Jhene Aiko, Summer Walker, and others. When you let him sit in on your study sessions and listen to your music he’d always been so surprised with 1) how diverse your music taste was and 2) that there was so many different kinds of music and he’d never heard YOURS prior to getting with you. He absolutely loved it, Drake being one of his favorites though he’d mindlessly mumble some Kendrick lyrics when he heard a familiar beat. Nevertheless, today was no different. He’d gotten home from his patrol to hear SZA playing, the scent of the mix of products in the air bringing a small inkling of pink to his cheeks. He walked in a little more and slicked back his dandelion yellow hair and he walked to the bathroom where he, once again, saw the familiar sight of you hunched over the sink mumbling lyrics while your skilled fingers worked shampoo out of your hair.      “This may be the night that my dreams might let me know…” you mumbled under your breath before you jumped feeling Denki’s strong arms wrapping around your waist, his tender lips pressed into the nape of your neck. “BABY!” You feel a surge of happiness run through you before your fingers get caught on a knot and you grumble lowly. “D-Don’t scare me like that,” you whine out softly before you settle on ripping the knot out of your from irritation before you feel his warm hand against yours.      “I-I’m sorry,” he said with a soft laugh. “Hey don’t tug at it like that… You’ll hurt your hair,” he said softly before swiftly taking his gloves off and setting them next to the sink, humming softly as he helped you work the knot out of your hair SAFELY.      “I’m… Surprised you remember,” you said quietly as he dried his hands off and rested them on your waist, swaying to the music behind you.      “Of course I remember! I couldn’t forget something like that…. Uhm.. So can I help with… Conditioning? Please? Pretty please?! I just… I want to learn more so that I can help you! A-And I know you’re gonna braid it! C-Can I watch you do that o-or um… Something? I won’t ask to help because we both know I can’t do that!” He started to laugh softly as he rubbed the back of his neck, scared again that he had talked too much. “S-Sorry..” He mumbled quietly. At this point, you were done with washing your hair so you used your hips to push him back and you threw your head back, the water in your hair flicking all over Denki, who just laughed like usual, before he walked up behind you and took you by the waist again with his head rested on your shoulder not even caring that your hair was dripping on his or his face. He carried that handsome smile as he used one of his slender fingers to trail over your jawline gently with a small laugh.      “What’s so funny,” you rose your eyebrow and quirked your lips some as your brown eyes carried a soft golden glow to them. He thought that was the coolest thing ever how your eyes seemed so amazingly dark but could still carry a glow to them, especially one that brought out your features even more. “N-Nothing! You’re just… So damn beautiful,” he said softly as he practically melted looking at your reflection in the mirror. “And all mine… I get to have you and nobody else,” he said softly as he bit his lip and nuzzled into your neck before he caught a whiff of food in the air. His patrol had zapped him (ha! get it?) and he was in the mood for you and food and cuddles. His mouth started to water as he let his hands wash over your hips, duck under your shirt, gently tapping his fingertips against your soft satiny brown skin. “What’s for dinner, love,” he asked quietly as he sniffed your hair and closed his eyes, his heart pounding hard against his rib cage as his flush travelled through his body. He loved how homey anywhere felt with you. Instead of living off of takeout, he was graced with your cooking skills. Instead of sitting around doing nothing, he took a keen interest whenever you did your hair and sometimes when he was gaming you’d lay on top of him and practice different styles in his hair so you could get ideas for your own and honestly he was just fine with that. He had someone like you; and it wasn’t that you were ‘exotic’ looking; as a matter of fact he’d get so pissed off when someone said that about you or your family because it seemed… Out of place to him. Of course, when he laid eyes on you for the first time, he couldn’t think of anything else except how different you looked from anybody he’d ever seen before. How your wider nose brought out your thin dark eyes, how curly your hair was and how it just seemed to define gravity- but in a mere hour and a half would be sleek and braided against your head and stay that way until you took it out. How your white teeth glistened and brightened your nebulous brown eyes with that golden glow that acted as a highlight and how perfectly it fit you. He even noticed how your hips curved a little more, how your shoulders were a little broader, how you always managed to shine and he loved that. Everybody did- but he did more. He always protected you, and you’d let him. After all it was hard moving from one place where everyone seemed to hate you and people that looked just like you to a different place where there was NOBODY that looked like you… No place to get things to care for yourself properly unless you paid a million and half dollars for all of the products that you deemed as necessary. He didn’t mind paying, he didn’t mind protecting you and letting you not be the strong one, he didn’t mind putting people in his place; sometimes he got overzealous with it and you had to explain why certain things were okay and why certain things were. He listened, always, and he seemed to have a grasp on it, however, he forgot sometimes just wanting to protect you and make his home your home as much as he could. He always gifted you with small presents and everything as well, always eager to buy you flowers and call you beautiful and make sure you knew that you weren’t alone even in this new place you called home and the attempt is exactly what you loved about him. All of his questions and asking for certain clarifications. He didn’t make you feel weak when you just couldn’t be strong anymore. He was curious, but he didn’t try to force your boundaries with touching your hair without permission or using your products and wasting them, or complaining about how much you had, or complaining and mocking how you were different from him and people like him, and on the flip side, he didn’t try to take your lingo that you carried over from where you were in America. He didn’t try to copy you because he knew that some things he just shouldn’t say and he just accepted the explanation with a smile and a nod and he made sure he never slipped up again, all while making sure other people didn’t make mistakes either.
      “Well… I went to the store today since I had morning shift,” you said quietly as you moved your hair to one side and gently let your fingers glide through his hair. “So I picked up a few things… It’s pretty cold outside so I made chili and cornbread,” you said softly as you look in the mirror at his widened eyes staring at your reflection. “I hope that’s not a… Bad thing?” “No no no no, of course not! It’s a great way to start the weekend… Besides I LOVE your cornbread- it’s like super spongey and stuff and it’s just really good! Thank you,” he said as he nuzzled into your damp neck and you admired him, turning to gently place a kiss on the top of his head. “You’re welcome, my little prince,” you said softly as you grabbed a towel. “You said you wanted to help me with conditioning right? Well come on before my hair gets dry,” you said softly and he followed happily, listening to the chili simmer in the pan, the small ticks of the timer taunting him as he waited for the cornbread to finish. Your guys’s fireplace crackled and added another touch of homeyness to your guys’s den. You sat on the couch and he sat behind you with his legs on either side of you. You giggled softly and handed him the leave in conditioner and tilted your head back. “Okay so, that’s leave in conditioner. It’s different from *shower* conditioner; I don’t have to wash it out. Try and get as close to my scalp as you can,” you say softly as you hear the bottle open. “And don’t use too much at one time! A little goes a long way,” you say softly as a smile broods over your face. He nods with a soft and determined hum and he parted your hair down the middle with his pinkies. You turned on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and giggled softly as he gently pressed his fingertips along the part, slowly but surely spreading the conditioner through your hair.      “Jeez, it smells so good,” he said in a soft murmur, grunting softly as he felt your hands on his legs for support.      “Your hands are so… Gentle,” you say as more of a soft hum, already almost asleep, your back leaning against his chest.      “Well duh,” he hummed back to you quietly as he worked your curly hair through his fingers, taking out any tangle he could gently and quickly, watching how the product weighed your hair down a little bit.      “You’re so cute,” you said softly as you tried not to sleep and he noticed so he gently pushed your back and nibbled at your neck.      “I finished with the leave in… What’s next?” He whispered softly into your ear causing a flush of your own to blossom and spread over your body as he nibbled your ear.      “D-Don’t do things like that,” you whined softly as you gently sifted through your bottles and handed him one of them. “This is to moisturize my hair even more. Focus more on my scalp and the ends of my hair than yknow… The rest of my hair,” you say softly as you close your eyes. Immediately your eyes close and you feel your skin burn as his strong hands go immediately to massaging your scalp. A shudder ripples down your spine and you lean your head back into Kaminari’s hands as you let out soft whines. He blushes a little and clicks his tongue. “Mm? You like that?” He teased you, palming your head as his fingers knead the product into your scalp.      “Y-Yeah,” you whine softly as you try harder not to pass out. “J-Just keep going like that,” you whisper under your breath. He let out his soft giggles that sounded just a little squeaky, moving your hair a little so he could kiss the nape of your neck, his plush lips pressed against your soft skin making your eyes flutter a little. “K-Kami,” you whisper softly as you close your eyes and let your body relax completely. He pulled you back into him and gently kissed the side of your neck.      “I’m sorry, yuri,” he said softly with a soft smile. “You know I get carried away sometimes,” he said as he gently massaged your shoulders and then you picked up one of your piks and handed it to him after showing him how to hold it.      “Here… Hold it from the underside like this… You’ll get a better grip that way,” you say softly as you tilt your head to one side as you felt him gently nibbling and tugging at your skin with his teeth. You let out quiet whimpers and bit your lip before pushing him back a little. “J-Just take the damn pik and do my hair before it dries dummy,” you said as you covered your mouth. He mumbled softly as he started to run his fingers through your hair and pik it out, his eyes glistening as he stretched your curls and let them fluff up and coil again.      “You’re so sensitive and it’s so cute,” he said softly as he gasped softly. “Jeez your hair babe… It’s amazing! It’s like… Soft but it still has its like… Texture? Would that be the right word? It’s really cool… It’s different from mine… I honestly love it,” he said softly as he continued to easily pik through your hair. “I don’t know how to braid, but I DO remember how to twist! C-Can I do that? I wa-wanna tie your d-durag today,” he said softly, his voice almost a pleading whine that you found adorable. You reached back and gently tangled your fingers with his hair causing him to whine softly. “Please,” he asked again, almost begging. If he was pleading like this, who were you to say no?      “Baby, since it’s the weekend, I will let you… BUT only if you let me teach you again,” you say quietly. You lean back and look up at him and his eyes, as usual, were glittery and beautiful as he held his smile.      “Wait REALLY?? Hell yeah!” He pumped his fist and you sat up as you, again, showed him a rat-tailed comb and you flipped it between your fingers. “Watch how I part this, and try to mimic it as best you can, okay?” You whisper quietly as you start to part it from the front of your head. He just watched attentively with pure astonishment as your coils parted and showed your scalp with ease. It was like watching a hot knife cut through butter.      “Woah….” He whispered out softly as he watched with his hands on your hips. You laughed quietly and gently pushed the loose hair to one side. Usually you’d be able to move fast, but you were slow just because it felt good when you felt his fingers in your hair. He bit his lip as you twirled the hair skillfully in your fingers, then added a rubber band to the end of your hair to keep the twist in place. “You’re so good at this yuki!” He smiled and gently kissed the side of your neck.       “Well I sorta have to be,” you mumble as you hand him the comb. “Now you be sure to be gentle, okay? And… What does yuki mean?”
     He took the comb in his hands and gently started to part your hair- admittedly much better than you ever thought he could. They were straight, uniform, clean parts, and that little hum to the music he did when he was focused made it that much better. “Yuki? O-Oh! It means lily in Japanese…. Yknow… Japanese is my native language I just thought it’d be cute to give you a Japanese nickname… I-If you don’t like it I can change it or just say it i-in English,” he said nervously as he tilted your head back and started to twist slowly, making sure that it was tight and secure, but not too tight.      “No no no, you’re okay my little prince,” you hum softly as you rub your hands against his legs causing him to chitter and whine softly. “Actually I think it’s quite cute… And it suits you well…” you muse softly to him as he moves on to the next twist, both of you humming to the song, the smell of the chili in the air blanketing the both of you. By the time he got finished with the last twist, dinner was done, the cornbread still in the oven.      “Hey…” He said softly as you moved to your closet to grab your durag.      “Shhhh I have a surprise for you,” you say quietly as your eyes let off that same golden glow as before. He cocked his head to one side and rose an eyebrow as you emerged with an electric yellow durag in hand, on one side was his signature lightning bolt and on the other was an embroidered icon of him in his signature point-and-shoot pose his glasses carrying a glint to them and by it was his hero name in fancy letters, underneath it was his kanji for his legal name. His eye sparkled even more and his hands quickly became slapped over his mouth.      “Yuki,” he whispered softly from behind his hands, his eyes tearing up. You looked it over and then smirked a little as you looked at him.      “You like? I figured you would considering how you’re always telling me that I look good in yellow… What better yellow than my husband’s, right?” You crawl back to the bed and in between his legs, gently gifting him with a proper kiss, your hands resting against his face, the durag placed messily atop your head as the strings laid at the sides. He eagerly kissed you back, his body practically trembling as he let a couple of tears fall. “Awww baby,” you say with a soft smile as you gently use your thumbs to swipe his tears away. He gripped your hands and kissed at your palms gently.      “That is… Probably one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever seen in my… Entire life… I mean look at it! It looks absolutely AMAZING on you and like… Just… It’s so badass! Like… It’s a little unbelievable actually… It’s ME… I’m a hero now… And I have an amazing little lily at my side to call my own… This is more than I ever could have DREAMED of!” You laugh quietly as he rambles, your eyes gazing lovingly into his as you spread the strings to be completely flat and you gently wrap them around the back of your head and then looked up at him with a soft smile. “This is… More suppose than I could have ever even hoped to have,” he said with his soft vulnerable giggle, gently pressing a kiss into your forehead  before taking the strings in his hands, whispering to himself trying to recall how to tie the strings flat. “D-Don’t tell me! I got it… ‘kay.. So I think you…” he trailed off as his breathing deepened and he bit his lip slowly trying to work through the steps.      “Okay… So you tied it in the back… So I just need to…” He let one of the strings go and he made the string in his hand flat, guiding it above your ear, wrapping it around your forehead. “And then… Bring it around town,” he whispered softly, causing you to giggle and cover your mouth. You noticed his face flush as he watched the design come to life and he bit his lip to contain his squeals. “So… Then…. Around town,” he said softly as he repeated the same steps on the opposite side. You smiled as he rose himself up a little and you buried your face in his chest with a soft sigh as he gently bound both strings in a bow behind your head before leaning back and giggling with jazz hands. “Ah! It looks so good!” He giggled before gently straightening it out and making sure everything was flat and centered. He did, surprisingly well, taking a picture of you and showing you after setting it as his home screen. “God… I could look at you all day,” he said in a breathy whisper before being tackled into the couch by you, you cuddling him close, burying your face into his neck, his muscular arms wrapping around you and holding you close.       “That little ‘around town’ thing was cute, y’know,” you giggled softly as you made him look up at you. His arms rested around your hips as he gave you this beaming grin as the oven alerted the both of you again.      “I-It’s how you taught me… It’s the only way I’ll remember it,” he whined quietly as he leaned up and nipped your neck. You giggled softly and pushed him back down on the couch before sliding off of him again. “Wait! I wanna make plates,” he pouted at you and crossed his arms peeking at you from just over the back of the couch.      “Aht, lay it back down. I’M taking care of it tonight,” you say quietly as you pop your lips at him and he abides, throwing one of his feet over the back of the couch as he continues to watch the show you put on with a soft smile, occasionally taking peeks at you from the couch with a blush washing over his face.       “I could never get tired of this,” he whispered softly to himself.
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elviscocho24 · 3 years
Todos los problemas comienzan cuándo empezamos a pensar lo que otros piensan de nosotros.
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starlightstevie · 3 years
fic recs / may 2021
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Happy summer! I know I missed last month’s fic recs so hopefully I’ll make up for it with these brilliant fics. Hope you guys enjoy!
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warm water by @xbuchananbarnes​ Thor x reader: Thor comes home to find his love.
*passionate & burning by @peachyteabuck Thor x reader: You’re busy with working from home, but Thor has other plans for the day.
but i just wanna hear your voice by @blackberrybucky Thor x reader: Thor comes back after they defeat Thanos and tries to make things right with you.
*all there’s left to do is run by spacelabrathor Dothraki!Thor x reader: Horse warlord Thor finds you a captive in a raid of a desert village and gives you a choice. Freedom by a quick death or taking his hand and going with him, to be his. You choose life, and with it, a husband who is wild and fierce and more than you could have ever imagined.
*summoned by @darklydeliciousdesires​ Old God!Thor x villager!reader: The buffet of offerings, all of which shall placate, appease and satiate every whim and desire of the gods is laid out and ready, you amongst them.
ships in the night by @sugardaddytonystark Pirate King!Thor x Dora Milaje mermaid!reader: When Thor, the infamous Pirate King, lays down anchor in Wakanda, the last thing you expect is for him to ask for aid from your own king. You volunteer your assistance, leaving the home you’ve always known to set sail with King Odinson and his crew.
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*cut offs by @milaonthemoon Frank x reader: You get kidnapped and Frank has to get you out.
tired by @castawaybarnes​ Frank x reader: Keeping yourself awake waiting for Frank was getting easier once you got used to the bitterness of black coffee.
*ash painted lips by @sebbytrash Frank x reader: Frank is your lifeline, protecting you like only he can do but you harbour not-so-secret feelings for him that threaten to shake the foundation of this steady, necessary partnership.
scales of justice weigh the consequence by @inspiresimagine​ Frank x reader: the world is black and white until you find your soulmate. you’re a single mom in NYC accustomed to life as-is, but apparently, the universe has other plans. namely? frank castle.
*generosity by @pumpkin-stars Frank x reader: AKA: The five (or more) things Frank usually does when he fucks you, and the one time he does something different.
poltergeists for sidekicks by @bubble-tea-bunny​ Frank x reader: Frank’s lost count of the days he’s come home to you already fast asleep.
*frank + overstimulation by @honeychicana
*frank + rough sex by @sweeterthanthis​
*frank + breath play by sweeterthanthis
*frank + doggy style by @honeydulcewrites​
*frank + gun play by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (2) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (3) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + overstimulation by honeydulcewrites
*frank coming home to you by honeydulcewrites
*untitled frank smut by @luciilferss​
*playing with frank’s hair by inspiresimagine
frank + praise by inspiresimagine
*frank putting you in a headlock while fucking you by @punani​
*nobody else but me by @allaboardthereadingrailroad​ Shane Walsh x reader: Shane knows exactly what you need.
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the comet by @mcubabydotcom​ Steve x reader: You and Steve witness a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.
*the punishment by ozarkthedog Nomad!Steve x reader: You disobeyed Steve and now you must make it up to him.
*headinthequinjet by xbuchananbarnes Steve x reader: Steve’s having a hard time breathing.
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*shotgunning with chris by ozarkthedog
*cockwarming with chris by @buckyssimp​
*a teal crushed velvet ride by @ozarkthedog​ Chris x reader: You love Chris’s Teal Velvet Pants. He notices and decides to indulge you.
*don’t look away by ozarkthedog Chris x reader: Chris fucks you against a mirror.
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*keep the heat by ozarkthedog Andy Barber x reader: Andy fucks you in the coat.
*i don’t work jobs (i am a job) by @peachyteabuck Andy x reader: Andy needs to teach you that “staying at home” doesn’t preclude a little thing called “work.”
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*worst behaviour by buckyssimp Professor!Bucky x reader: Bucky notices you staring at him during class. 
*lipstick stain by @xbuchananbarnes​ Bucky x reader: Bucky could recognize that laugh anywhere.
bucky takes care of you by @buckyblues
*you better act like this dick belongs to you by buckyblues
*lazy day with bucky by buckyblues
*pegging bucky by buckyblues
*bucky tit fucking you by buckyblues
something new by @mxsamwilson​ Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes: Fellas is it gay to receive an intimate haircut from your boy? (ft Bucky being hopelessly in love with Sam but too much of an idiot to tell him).
*the magic word by @whateveriwant Bucky x reader: Bucky agrees to try something you’ve always wanted to do with him, but only under the condition that a certain word be employed if need be.
warm by @revengingbarnes​ Bucky x reader: “The fire alarm in our building went off and you rushed out without a coat. Wanna share my blanket?”
patterns by @xbuchananbarnes Bucky x reader: Bucky plays with your hair.
pretending to not feel alone by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: Bucky, hopeless romantic, meets you, committed cynic. What could go wrong?
*bucky’s first time in 70 years by @luciilferss
*fluorescent adolescent by @ohbuckie​ College!Bucky x reader: Bucky fucks you on his bedroom floor.
*it’s a cruel summer by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: You and Bucky are friends with benefits, but what happens when you realize you want more?
*sex on legs by @navybrat817​ Bucky x reader: Bucky looks good in anything.
ride with me by @jurassicbarnes Detective!Bucky x Biker!reader: When his best friend forces him to third wheel on a road trip, Bucky doesn’t expect for it to become so eventful, let alone find something, or rather someone worth staying for.
*going live by @ritesofreverie​ Camboy!Bucky x reader: Your new neighbour looks familiar, where had you seen him before?
*stranded by @honeysucklesteve Dad’s best friend!Bucky x reader: When your car breaks down on the side of the road and your dad can’t come rescue you, he sends the next best thing.
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if i could fly, i’d be coming right back home to you by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Exile over, Sam comes home to you.
baby, i still see ya by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Sam comes home, the future calling to him. He sees you again, and gets a little caught up in the past
*if you ever want to be in love by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: How your relationship with Sam falls apart and comes back together.
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taller than me by @kaitsukibakugo Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya: Katsuki has found love with someone who years ago he never would have expected. Now Deku is his husband and he’s noticed something else he never thought possible: Deku is taller than him.
*would you like to stay forever? by kaitsukibakugo Pro Hero!Kirishima Eijiro x reader: Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
how your bnha fave acts when they realize they’re in love by @inthorantine
*bnha love island headcannons by @doinmybesthere​
*first time bj headcannons by @shoutogepi
*the best pussy eater of mha by @dearestdynamight​
passing the night stars by @hoe-doroki Hitoshi Shinsou x reader: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
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*let’s talk about deku’s hands by @rat-suki​
*waking up deku by spacelabrathor
*deku comes home after a late shift by doinmybesthere
*slow stroke king izuku by @sems-diarie​​
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*champagne problems by @some-kindofgnome​ Katsuki Bakugou x reader: You were slipping between Bakugou’s fingers faster than ever now. Instead of letting it happen he clung to you even tighter. Instead of letting you go, instead of accepting that he’d driven this relationship into the fucking ground, he’d promised himself that he could still save it.
*presented by @tteokdoroki​ Dragon King!Katsuki x reader: On the twenty-first birthday of Katsuki Bakugou, an offering is made in his honour as he becomes chief of the dragons. Clans usually offer up sacrifices of berries or nuts, salts and fresh catches. But for those of Dargon’s blood, their offering is a mate... And that mate is you.
*domina by rat-suki Katsuki x reader: He’s just so hot when you get under his skin. You can’t possibly stop now.
*baby, i’m a haunted house by @ketslketslketsl​ Yakuza!Katsuki x reader: It’s been a long six months since you last saw him.
i’m a liability, get you wild, make you leave (i’m a little much for everyone) by @willowser Katsuki x reader: There’s no reason for Katsuki to be here. It’s all he can think, bitter, as he stares at the paint peeling from the door, exposing the wood grain underneath its thin coat. Old and distant, this house; too far from the city to make the trek worth it, for your job to make sense; too ancient to be lived in by the number 12 hero in Japan. If he closes his eyes, he can hear Lake Biwa from his position on your porch and the soft sway of the water almost calms down the storm that’s been building in him since he boarded the train, since he nearly snapped his phone in half.
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*we are the foxes (and we run) by @spacelabrathor shoyo hinata x reader: After everything, the end of the world and the chaos and destruction that reigned after society fell, it takes a lot to surprise you. And yet, when you come to the edge of the pit, a gasp wrenches from you like someone gripped it in their fist and yanked. Laid out on the bed of leaves at the bottom of the pit is...something. Someone. Or, Hinata falls into reader’s pit trap after the end of the world. This is the story of how she pulls him out, drags him to her bunker, and they grow together. 
*dark priest!Obiwan Kenobi by @mandosmimi​
you’re the former babysitter of zemo’s son by @helahades​
*mando doesn’t realize how big his dick is by @cptnbvcks​​
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hyeque · 3 years
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Kurisu. 20. She/Her. Black. Infj-t. Scorpio.
shows: Mha/Bnha, Hunter x Hunter, AOT, Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyuu, Free, Sailor Moon, Sk8 the infinity, Demon Slayer, Blue Period, one punch, mob psycho 100, tokyo ghoul
music: bts, txt, seventeen, rina sawayama, chloe x halle, ariana grande, red velvet, twice, blackpink
Haikyuu: kenma, oikawa, tsukishima
Jjk: megumi, yuji, inumaki
Demon slayer: tomioka, tanjiro
Mha: deku, todoroki, bakugo, tamaki
sk8 infinity: langa, cherry
aot: armin, erwin, hange, historia
fun facts:
I enjoy listening to soundtracks to movies and animes
I’m obsessed w zendaya lol
I like to draw and do other kinds of artistic things (i’m learning how to crochet currently)
My favorite foods are cheesecake or chicken parm
I like marvel lmao that’s a bit obvious from my personal blog name. My fave character is Peter Parker.
I’m a senior graphic design student!
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torilovestowrite · 4 years
Dabi x Reader; Try Again pt. 8
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Synopsis: Years ago, (Y/n) was left by her villain boyfriend, Dabi after discovering an unexpected news. Ever since then, she never had a lover— focusing on her only son, Yuta. Later on, she meets Todoroki Touya— a new co-worker who seem to be persistent towards winning her heart and attention.
Ship: Dabi x Fem! Reader
❗❗❗Content Warning: Mentions of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, Manga spoilers, Dabi is a Todoroki theory
🖤 » Chapter Navigation « 🖤
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"Yuta L/n, you're not going out!" Y/n strictly reprimanded as she tried to keep her son still from his position, lying on bed with a cold towel on his forehead.
It was during a Wednesday when Yuta, y/n's son, had a fever that reached over 41 degrees. Y/n felt threatened about this because her son has never reached this temperature. It's too high— and he also stated something about his body feeling heavy. What could be happening?
"B-but... we're about to watch a movie in school today! I don't want to miss it!" Yuta began bawling his eyes out while Y/n sighed at his dramatic tone. Does it really have to be like this? Yuta has to be emotional and sensitive every time he gets sick? This only reminds her of him— the way he would caress her soft hands every time she would tend his wounds every after a tiring day— the man he used to love, Dabi, would appear to be more gentle and affectionate every time he gets worn out... or ill.
"We're going to watch a movie while you take a rest here at home, okay?" Y/n gently tapped her son's side in an attempt to make him close his eyes and sleep. "For now, take a rest. Or else, it would take longer before you could go outside."
Immediately, Yuta turned his back from his mother in an attempt to be more comfortable; and to have a good sleep. Y/n smiled at his actions. Good thing, her son has always been considerate on her hardwork and the way she disciplines him.
It wasn't too long until she heard a notification from her phone— a message coming from Touya.
touya ❣ : good morning y/n. how's ur pretty face doing?
It's been four months since y/n realized her feelings for Touya. Both of them started dating two months ago and so far, he has been understanding towards her obligations as a mother. Most of their dates included Yuta and there are times when Touya would volunteer to watch over him while she's away during her day shifts. Y/n could never ask for anything— Touya was doing his job greatly; as a boyfriend and as a paternal figure to Yuta.
you : yeah, i'm all good babe. thanks for asking. but yuta's sick rn... i dont really have anyone to take care of him and i need to go for my day shift.
touya ❣ : you want me to go for it? i mean, i only work during nights anyways
Y/n's smile lit up as she read his message. Finally! She thought. She could go to work!
you: sure thing babe 💗✨
Few more minutes, when Yuta has finally travelled to dreamland, Y/n left the house, wearing her thick f/c coat with her hair styled to become more neat-looking. Another day for work, she thought.
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It's been two hours since Touya arrived in Y/n's home. Using the spare key under her house's doormat, he decided to enter her house that was silent when he went inside. Until he heard a child's high-pitched scream coming from Yuta's bedroom. His instinct caused him to immediately run towards this direction; but what he saw caused a heavy sensation in his chest. Those familiar blue flames that was once his signature— as Dabi; the heartless villain who claimed 30 innocent lives.
"U-Uncle T-Touya!" Yuta cried in panic while his right hand was burning with blue and heated fire. "W-What should I do?! M-my—"
"Breathe." Touya immediately replied as he kneeled next to him, rubbing his back with his huge and rough hands. "You have to control your breathing and your emotions. You have to control it because the more you panic, the more it will get stronger."
Yuta closed his eyes and focused in calming himself down— taking deep breaths and thinking about things that he liked in life— ice cream, Y/n, Uncle Touya, pro-heroes... all the things that makes him happy. Slowly, the fire became smaller and smaller— until nothing appeared on his hands.
"I-It's gone! The blue flames!" Yuta exclaimed as a grin crept on his face. "Did you see that awesome thing on my hand, Uncle Touya?! That must be my quirk, right?"
"Yes, it's an awesome quirk that you have." Touya smiled sadly as he stared at the young and naive child— as if he was seeing his past self; the pure child who was corrupted by his father's evil desires and deeds. It was all fun and games knowing he has an awesome quirk like that... until his father, Enji Todoroki, decided to ruin everything for him.
But he swore to be someone better than him; to be a man suitable to be called a father.
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That afternoon, Y/n arrived at her home with such beautiful sight; Touya and Yuta scooped in each others' arms while the movie was left streaming. She smiled at the sight. It was so cute. For a few seconds, she almost believed that Touya was Yuta's father. The young mother couldn't help it but to take a picture of the two while having their peaceful slumber.
"I saw you," Touya spoke, "Delete it."
Y/n giggled as Touya stood up from his position as he tried to grab the phone away from her hands. It was such a cute sight. She was sticking her tongue out while she was trying to chase him. Y/n couldn't help but to feel as if they were all.. what? 17? Whatever, it felt cute, though.
"Yeah, whatever. Have that pic all you want. You can even make it your wallpaper." Y/n got her cheeks pinched by him as he gave her a light kiss on the nose. "I'm going now, sweet cheeks, I'm attending night shift for tonight."
"Sure, sure." Y/n smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek, as she watched his lean and toned figure leave their house. All that's left is her and Yuta. Slowly, his eyes opened to see his mother watching him sleep.
"Mommy?" Yuta spoke in a drowsy tone.
Y/n responded, hugging her son beside her while his eyes still looked sleepy. Seems that the sleep wasn't enough for him, huh? The young lady laughed at this, ruffling his hair, and deciding to ask him. "How was your day with Uncle Touya? Is it better than it was when you're at school?"
The young lad aggressively nodded and decided to tell Y/n the greatest thing that he discovered today.
"My quirk just manifested, ma! I have blue flames!" Yuta exclaimed as he tried to show it off with the tip of his fingers. Y/n's eyes widened at this— it created a tingling feeling in her heart. It was like a slap on her face. Yuta is really Dabi's son, isn't he?
"T-That's awesome." Y/n replied, trying to stop tears from flowing.
While her son was still busy talking about his day, her hands were able to feel something on the couch. It was... hard. She pulled out to see a black leather wallet. Did Touya forget his stuff here? Y/n sighed at his forgetfulness. Well, he's a person, she thought, so he has flaws too.
"Did Uncle Touya forget that, ma?" Yuta asked in a polite tone. "Bring it back to him tomorrow, okay?"
Y/n smiled at what he said. She really raised her son well. "Sure!"
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It was night time. Yuta went back to sleep and Y/n was busy contemplating inside her room— walking back and forth; thinking about whether she should check his stuff or what.
It's not what others would think. It's just that it's been two months since they got together but Touya only says few things about himself. All she knew is that his parents are living overseas and he's left alone here. He has siblings who lived with their parents in abroad. Nothing more, nothing less.
Aside from that, it wouldn't hurt to peek just a little bit, right?
Y/n sighed as she finally came to a conclusion to check his wallet to see if there's something that would tell more about himself. It's not like she was nosy. She just wants to get to know him at a better level. He's quite of a silent and mysterious guy himself, which got the young lady curious about him.
Of course, there was nothing new; just few IDs, bunch of credit cards (which Y/n thought was odd because if he had this much money, why would he work in an old bar as a bartender), and a thin wad of cash. Nothing else— until something that was so unordinary in her eyes— fell.
Her eyes widened as she saw that memoribilia. No words could come out from her mouth. Her vision felt so dark; as if it was slowly fading; and her heart hurt so much. Only tears could come out from her eyes. No scream, no words, no phrases— simply, nothing.
"Y-you..." Her fists clenched tightly as her form started shaking— she didn't know what to feel. Is it anger, sadness, remorse— what should she feel first? She began to wail as she stared and touched at this object from the past. Whatever that happened was too painful for her to bear.
"You fooled me... Dabi."
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That night, Touya was looking for his wallet. It was nowhere to be found; not even in his car. Maybe he left it at your place? Well, whatever the circumstances are, he was hoping that none of you would be able to find it. Maybe, he'd drive towards your place again and—
His thoughts were interrupted as his phone rang. The caller ID showed Y/n— and a selfie that she sent him as the profile picture. Immediately, he answered it.
"Hello, bab—"
"Don't you babe me. We have to talk." Y/n's voice sounded cold and harsh. She was angry... and he knew it. Touya knew that tone several years ago; and if he hears that, he knows that hell will break because of her wrath.
"What is it?"
"Stop acting dumb." Y/n scoffed.
"How the hell are you alive, Dabi?"
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Taglist [OPEN]: @babayaga67 @marydragneell @xxtrash-kingxx @paranoiac-666 @velvet-kissesss @orenjineki @mermaid-starlet @ikita454 @yo-girl-lunar @pansexual-booknerd @daimiyu
a/n: i kinda did stop updating this but like bnha chapter 290 got me like 😭😭😭😭 dabi can i give u a hug plspslslslsl 😗😗
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lavenders-writing · 3 years
fine, you won't do all the soft asks? then do numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40
omg ghshgsfhgs alrighty
cherry - what is your sexuality? questioning acespec
lollipop - favorite makeup products? eyeliner is fun to do! i also like blush it's fun too
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be? honestly i'd probably choose to be the same person i am, minus the anxiety lmao. i kinda like where i am right now!
october - what month were you born in? coincidentally, october ahahha
caress - do you like to snuggle? FUCK YES
ivory - describe your pajamas? tank top and shorts or sweatpants
golden - favorite stationary product? hmmm i've never used stationary, actually!
freckles - most-worn article of clothing? my pjs lmao
twilight - best friend? hhfgfg don't make me choose i love all my friends very deeply <3
silk - do you like k-pop? aw hell yeah i do
poppy - favorite pastel color? pink and/or blue!!
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face? i really like a person's eyes! they're all so different and prettyyyy
sunkissed - autumn or spring? autumn all the way, babyyyy
buttery - favorite snack? fuckin goldfish crackers hell yeahhh
whisper - how much sleep do you get? must i answer this question i feel like we all know,,, (6-7 on week days, 9-10 on weekends)
pencil - do you own a journal? i do! i use it to write stories and then i copy them over by hand onto my google docs lol
cupcake - are you a good cook? no <3
honey - favorite term of endearment? omg i have many: "my love"; "dear"; "my sweet"; "sweetie"; "dearly beloved"; "*thick russian accent* COMRADE"
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams? one of my favorite dreams was when i dreamt about seeing some family in another state except everything was slightly off (one of my cousins and i were laughing at a statue of a penguin that looked like it was from Club Penguin)
velvet - who was your first crush? fictional or real? fictional: nico di angelo shfdhf. real: a guy in second grade :)
paper - favorite children’s book? honestly probably "let me count the ways i love you" (at least i think that's the name)
peaches - do you have a skincare routine? nope
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film? howl's moving castle!!!!
backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend? no, but i had an imaginary cat lmao
strawberry - favorite fruit? raspberries or apples or peaches or blackberries or
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend? no, i am incredibly lonely romance-wise and actually had a dream a couple nights ago that i got kissed by some guy and i woke up craving getting kissed
nightlight - do you read before bed? i used to but now i find it hard to concentrate on the book, so i either read fic, write, or draw!
shampoo - favorite scent? lavender or mint!
skin - what distant relative are you closest to? a cousin on my dad's side (the one i laughed at the Club Penguin statue with)
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor? hmmm uhhh no idea actually
cuddles - do you have any pets? i have two cats who i love very dearly <3
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite? oooo i got this cute blue dress recently that i really like but i also have a semi-sleeveless black one i love
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters? no idea!
cream - frozen yogurt flavor? ooo good question hmmmm idk
watermelon - do films ever make you cry? all the time. i watched the second bnha movie in theaters last year with @ljunderscore and sobbed
sapphos - favorite poet? no idea!
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own? a fuck-ton
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful? i really like jasmine and lavender
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup? a mug i painted with my sister on her birthday!
sunset - what are your pronouns? she/her!
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sanababes · 4 years
Golden Child (I)
= fem!reader x twiceblackvelvet
《 A/n: so this is the bnha inspired thingy, I just got some ideas from it and just created stuff from my imagination lol. Please don't expect too much I just made this series for fun :>> feel free to express your opinions about this 》
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On the prevailing modern generation, possessing a superpower or also know as a "quirk" is nothing uncommon. It was first witnessed a few centuries ago and it continued to cultivate with different combinations until it became normalized in the society. A person is also determined if he's light or dark (aura), this benefits the user whenever he uses his quirk. Acquiring a quirk comes around 5 to 8 years old of age. Fundamental hero courses were then introduced and applied in academic institutions. If a child is quirkless or so as called as a "vigilante", general studies are provided.
However, many individuals began to dwell in desire and selfishness due to the rivalry of being a powerful mortal. This made the villains emerge from their own shadows as they try to surpass the good and take over the federal civilization.
Noble families (pure-blood heroes) are assigned to ensure the safety of their municipality. This became a standard law, though it is required for them to pass from the hero course to use their quirks freely. Your father, Kang Haneul is one of the nobles too. He's an exceptional hero and always protected the people from the bad. His Ice whip (light) quirk allowed him to generate ice trendils from his arms and command it on his will.
He went on with his job until he encountered the "Mistress", her quirk was unknown but it was said to be so powerful. They both fell in love and kept their relationship secret because it was forbidden since the Mistress was a well-known evildoer.
They both got into a conflict when Haneul married another woman unbeknownst to the Mistress. He even had a daughter with his wife kept it from her too.
You were then conceived from an affair that was frowned upon by your father's household since they are nobles. After the Mistress gave birth to you, your father took you away immediately then raised you with his real wife and daughter. Even though it took time for them to accept your existence, they noticed your potential to become a hero when you attained your quirk at the age of 6.
About your quirk, it was incredibly potent, Half-cold Half-hot. As they predicted your aura was also half-light half-dark. You were a unique combination, rumors started to spread about the youngest Kang and then you earned the title of being a "Golden Child" due to your extraordinary power.
It was rare to get a dual quirk, this allowed you to generate ice and fire from your right and left body correspondingly. For your auras, you have light in your right then dark in your left.
(A/n: lol todoroki much 😂)
You were home-schooled at your father's mansion while simultaneously trained to control and use your power with accuracy. You hated unnecessary attention that's why you're contented at being isolated.
On the other hand, your (half) older sister Kang Seulgi is very enthusiastic and outgoing if she's compared to your composed and calm behavior. The two of you get along just fine, you appreciated her as a family but you couldn't withstand her persistent nagging. She would always tell you to go out and have some fun which you find it absurd. You're fine by yourself and you'll continue to mature like that.
At the age of 11, you got invited into a summer camp which is formulated to strengthen your skills in combat and to enhance your quirk as well. There were several pupils who you trained with at the time, but you got close to a particular blonde though.
"Hi! I'm Lisa, can we be friends?" You remembered her saying.
The other kids discreetly avoided you since your aura was pretty intense, but Lisa did the opposite.
"I-I'm Y/n..." You uttered merely.
"I see, so you're the shy type huh? Don't worry, I'll be your best friend from now on!" she told you, her voice filled with confidence.
Practically the two of you became close after that. She would come over every now and then since the mansion settles in the countryside neighborhood which is pretty far from Leiden (downtown area).
As time passed, you became stronger than before. Seulgi would even team up with Lisa as they challenge you into a match. Honestly, they don't work well together but they managed to win against you many times. Seulgi's quirk is permeation (light) while Lisa has whirlwind (dark).
The two of them studied at a school unlike you, sometimes you felt a little envious but it would go away eventually. Your father had told you numerous times that it was just to ensure your safety. You just understood that and concentrated on studying and increasing your ability.
It's been a few years now and you're currently stepping inside the most renowned Leidenschaft University in the land of Roswell. By your side, your sister Seulgi had a cocky smile on her face as you both walked along the hall. Bunch of students murmured endlessly when they recognized who you are, it was in the middle of the term so transferees are rarely accepted into this hero school. They guessed that you probably entered through recommendations since your father is a famous hero. Nonetheless, you didn't care and just continued to walk to wherever your sister is going.
"I think they're starting to like you, Y/n. You should've come with me during the first day," Seulgi chuckled while teasing you purposely.
"Whatever... Just send me to the principal's office or something."
You rolled your eyes out of annoyance, you wouldn't even be here if you didn't lose the deal that Seulgi made.
~ Flashback ~
You're just sitting peacefully behind your desk as you played with your ice, making random shapes on your hand while Seulgi sat across you. She suddenly banged the poor table and stood up with her eyes lit up playfully.
"Yah! Since you're starting high school this year, why don't you study at my university? I'll speak to dad about it," she said.
You just shrugged ignorantly, deciding to play her own game.
"And what will I get from it?"
"Hmm, okay let's settle this out. If you win against me in a fight then you don't have to go, but if you lose..." She smirked.
"Fine, let's go to the yard then," you wore your metal mask and followed your sister outside.
You're not really optimistic when it comes to fighting against Seulgi. Even though you're quite hard to beat, you know that she's a little tougher than you.
Seulgi positioned herself at the opposite of the open lawn as you went ahead and prepared your stance. You huffed through your mask while thinking about your strategy to gain a victory from the latter.
"Siwon-ah can you infer whoever falls to the ground first?" You asked your servant who's standing below a tree to get some shade.
"Will do, young master." he bowed politely.
"I'll strike first!"
Seulgi instantly went under the ground and suddenly appeared from behind. You dodged her kick then filled your right arm with glaciers as you tried to jab her abdomen. Unfortunately, your hand went through the girl, she took advantage of it and quickly punched your face which made you trip a bit.
"Fuck..." You cussed mentally.
She scoffed at your situation, Seulgi clearly wants you to wield your fire ability.
"Come on, use your left side. It's not really a big deal."
You blasted multiple ice balls towards her direction, whilst thinking about using your flames.
"You can't defeat me with ice Y/n, I'm sure you already know that," she added.
You activated your dark aura instead which made Seulgi feel the chills. It made her suffer from your dominant ambiance since she's a light, the girl went pass through you again when she aimed to make you slip. You were caught off guard from her speed as she swiftly locked your left ankle.
"Ouch!" She yelped.
You knew she was very naive to start on. You secretly activated your flames into its minimal energy, maybe a little surprised too that Seulgi didn't saw you emitting some fumes on your left body.
"Oops! My bad."
Your sister looked at you unbelievably, like she saw something scarcely credible. You chuckled at her reaction as you immediately attacked by shooting your flames to her direction. Seulgi hissed from the heat that you granted, she absolutely want to end the fight soon.
"You smart-ass! You're going to regret that Kang Y/n," she whacked your guts out harshly that made you groan and fall on your knees.
"Yah! You didn't have to overdo it so much!" You whined lowly.
Seulgi's pissed off face turned into a smile when she realized that she had beaten you.
"It's been decided. You're going to my school young lady."
You let out tons of complaints before deciding to remove your metal mask. The steam of vapor came out from your mouth as you breathed heavily. Your sister walked towards you and fixed your disheveled hair. (u can have da same hair like todoroki’s 😉)
“Aigoo, stop sulking already. I promise it's going to be fun studying there.”
On the other hand, Siwon just shook his head in disbelief as he knew you were alright. The three of you then entered the mansion once again as you dwell upon your loss.
"Tsk, be thankful that I didn't go all out this time..." You said.
Seulgi just laughed at your childishness while planning to discuss your application form with Mr. Kang.
~ flashback ends ~
So that happened which is why you are inside this massive academic establishment.
You and Seulgi were about to enter the principal's office when a familiar voice called for your attention.
Lisa jogged towards you as she left her group of friends confused.
"You didn't have to shout like that..." You utter awkwardly.
The blonde did not seem to care and hugged you instead.
"I'm sorry I just didn't expect to see you here, why did you keep this from me? I thought you're going to be home-schooled again," Lisa whined while tugging on the blazer of your uniform.
"I wanted to see your reaction, but I think it wasn't a good idea. Now all the students are looking at me because of you."
What you said was certainly true, your tall appearance is really eye-catching if your asking. (I also want you to know that your left eye is blue-)
"Fine, I hope we'll be classmates then. Now go get your schedule and see you later boy."
Lisa finally left as you both entered the office. A man in his 40s greeted you with excitement, you glanced down at his table and saw a name in the metal placard which said 'Mr. Park Jinyoung.'
"Good morning, Seulgi-ah. I see, so is this your sister?"
"Yes sir. She will be staying with us from now on," she answered.
"That's great! Hi Y/n, I'm JYP and this is your schedule. I'm happy to have you here in Leidenschaft University," he said.
"Thank you sir, I'll do my best."
You and Seulgi bowed politely and left the office. She showed you around the school then told you about some specific areas and such.
When you both arrived in front of your assigned homeroom, Seulgi knocked on the door which had 'Class 1-A' engraved on it.
The door opened as a teacher came out with a gentle smile on his face.
"Oh? Seulgi, what are you doing here?"
"Ahh Mr. Ok, I'm just here to drop off my sister. Please take care of her for me," Seulgi said.
You learned that your adviser's name is Ok Taecyeon which is presumably the man in front of you. Your sister gave you a warm pat on the back then went to her own class since she's a 2nd year.
Mr. Ok guided you inside the room that is filled with other students. Their eyes are also fixated on you which made you feel a little anxious.
'Is she really the golden child?'
'Damn, I didn't know she was that hot'
'I heard she's Seulgi sunbaenim's sister'
'Ugh she's pretty and handsome at the same time'
'I think I'm whipped'
You heard some chatters from your dear classmates, you just let them be and found yourself sighing at relief when you saw Lisa sitting at the back as she waved her hand discreetly.
"Uhh hi, I'm Kang Y/n. Please take care of me," they acknowledged your presence.
Mr. Ok then told you to sit beside someone named Sana, you glanced through the students when you saw an orange-haired girl raising her hand cutely. You assumed that it was her so you walked towards the girl and sat on the vacant seat by her side.
"Hi I'm-"
"Minatozaki Sana" you finished her statement.
The girl looked astonished but then realized that their uniforms had name tags on them.
"A-Ahh yes that's right, you're cute ya know that?" She flirted with ease.
You gave Sana a tiny smile and looked away from her intense stare. You felt someone looking from the side, then you sensed a familiar aura coming from that person.
"Dahyun unnie?"
~ to be continued ~
(a/n: just corrected some grammatical errors that bothered me after re-reading this story again 😂 i'll probably update this soon when i have time ;)
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do any of my moots wanna be friends outside of tumblr where we talk abt more than just out eds?
shit I like:
bungou stray dogs
black lagoon
black butler
great pretender
h x h
bnha(kinda the fandom scares me lmao)
russain doll
bojack horseman
girl from nowhere
twin peaks
queen's gambit
mulhollad drive
sweeney todd
silence of the lambs
fight club
twin peaks fire walk with me
freeway 2 confessions of a trickbaby
no longer human
crime and punishment
diary of an oxygen thief
playing minecraft
playing card games
listening to music
going to shows and gigs
john maus
nick cave
souxie and the banshees
depeche mode
will wood
christan death
ayesha erotica
lana del rey
the velvet underground
black dresses
the cure
characters who fit my personality
some shit abt me
entp 8w7
virgo sun taurus rising aries moon
chaotic neutral
nonbinary (they/he/she)
I go by zippo fyodor and theseus
idk what else im trying to be vauge lol
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umiijunii · 2 years
~ blog introduction & info ~
hello, i'm junnii! i specialise in softness and all things fluffy and sweet, no angst or sinful activity allowed (unless…) but seriously, i'm a complete sucker for soft and wholesome romance, so if that's what you're into, you've come to the right place ~
communities I'm apart of:
anime (spy x family, haikyuu, kuroko no basket, bnha, demon slayer, aot, assassination classroom, kimi ni todoke, kaichou wa maid sama, fullmetal alchemist, etc.)
kpop (bts, twice, red velvet, txt, astro, enhypen, black pink, (g)idle, ive, itzy, aespa, sunmi, iu, chungha, etc.)
gaming (fire emblem: three houses, detroit: become human, animal crossing: new horizons, sky: children of the light)
0 notes
taemoonchild · 6 years
tag game ✨
tagged by @milo-gin thank youu!
rule: answer the questions and tag 20 people
Nicknames: Banni, Grà, Granban
Gender: female
⭐ sign: aries
Height: 5ft1 lmao
Time: 6pm
🎂: April 12th
Nationality: Irish
Favorite Band(s): (kpop) BTS, Monsta X, Seventeen, Astro, NCT, Blackpink, Red Velvet; (non-kpop) Hudson Taylor, Foals, Green Day, 21p, Fall Out Boy, Lord Huron
Favorite solo artist(s): (kpop) Jeong Sewoon, Hyolyn, Jessi; (non-kpop) Adam Lambert, Gallant, Ben Howard, LP, Christine & The Queens, George Ezra
Favorite food: TONY MONTANA carbonara, tiramisu, steak with blue cheese sauce, stuffed peppers
Favorite color: pink maybe?
What are you wearing: black jeans and a white t-shirt with an aloe vera plant on it that says “aloe from the other side” it’s v cute
Last thing you googled: bnha amajiki (i love my son)
Last show you 👀: s6 of Orange is the New Black
Last movie you 👀: The Edge Of Seventeen
Lucky number: 7!
When did you create your blog: july 2014
What do you normally post: I used to be a lot more multifandom on this blog but i’m very much a bts blog at the moment
Do you have another blog: I have 8 other blogs lmao i’m probs gonna delete a bunch of them soon though bc i’m not really active on them anymore: @kiriyuus (anime/non-kpop), @kihyunsabs (monsta x), @tamahoshi (seventeen), @jinjinwooz (astro), @neotaeyongs (nct), @rosieblinks (yg - undecided as to whether i’ll keep this one or not), @seungsikk (victon - will probs delete this one), @k4ngdaniel (wanna one - will probs delete this one too)
Do you get asks: I used to not get many but recently i’ve been getting a regular anon whomst i adore 💕
Why did you choose your url: i’ve gotten very attached to taehyung lately;; also 4′oclock is my favourite song ever so that’s where i got ‘moonchild’ from; i also recently got a small crescent-moon necklace with ‘moonchild’ engraved on it and it’s my fav piece of jewellery ever 💜
Blogs you follow: 858
Average amount of 💤: about 7;; i love my sleep
Dream trip: i’m hopefully going to do a big trip around asia with some friends after we graduate from uni next year
Instruments: guitar, piano, saxophone
Blankets you 💤 with: one, two if i’m cold
(i’m tagging 10 bc i’m lazy): @jeonttie, @ksjunggukie, @hoseokvocals, @bzzcut, @taevistic, @jiminhoneybee, @awjiminie, @jungswhore, @jho-seok, @kthpluto
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
                               (  ~ Villain Kirishima Eijirou x Kidnapped Hero-Turned-Villain Gender Neutral Reader Insert ~ )
━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━ 
GENRE: Smut and Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! This time it’s pretty intense. God complex, drugs usage/mention, abuse, biting/marking, dubcon, cumflation, dacryphilia, somnophilia, degradation, blood play. There’s also some angst if you look hard enough.
SUMMARY: REQUESTED!! Requested by: @itzmekuka​    “𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘢 𝘒𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘟 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘝𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰-𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘺 ( 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 ✨👄🍆💦) 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 _ 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥𝘵       ~𝘶𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘢”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Ah! This was actually so fun for me to write and I’m absolutely SO sorry if this is so intense. I read it over and over and over and it even bordered a little intense for me as an author. If this made you uncomfortable, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know and I’ll write a different version that’s not so intense! I’m also VERY sorry it took so long, Tumblr didn’t want to show me that you sent me a request!
| 𝘉𝘕𝘏𝘈 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 | 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘝𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘵 𝘕𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 |
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     The city around you was crumbling; the one you swore to protect as a pro hero. You were one of the better knowns sitting at the impressive spot of rank 5. That’s why everybody was relying on you, everybody that was successfully evacuated eyes were locked on the news trying to see if you’d escape safely or save their precious city. The scent of charred tree bark and burning trees filled your nose as you ran; that is what you had to do at this point. It was only you on the scene against Shigaraki who’d gone crazy, Dabi, and Toga. Dabi, in his usual fashion had his dead, icy eyes fixated on you, alternating his hands in his pockets as he torrented wave after wave of melting blue flames in front of him, off to the side, giving no time for breath, no time for anybody that could’ve been alive to escape. Some of the flames licked your body, some of your hero costume burned off, your skin burning as blood ran down the tender scalded bits. Keep running. 
     That’s all that was on your mind, your head spinning as you inhaled ash and the thick smoke of the area around you, stumbling as your adrenaline started to give up on you. Why were they after you? They all seemed so focused on you, all of them from the start beelining it towards you the second their feet hit the ground. Your eyes started to flutter and you found it hard to stay awake, Toga appearing from the trees with a hellish smile on her face as she fought trying to lure you back into the inferno. You lazily tried to dodge every time she swung her knife, dealing a few weak hits that at least made her a little disorientated, palming her ribcage making her cry out, but in return, she plunged one of her blades deep in your forearm, her crazed smile flitting to the flood of blood running down your arm.
     “Arigato gozaimasu (Y/N)- Chan~” She giggled as you tried to fight her off. “Maybe we can become goooood good good good friends!” She licked her lips as she drooled, crushing your forearms into the ground with her feet. “You’re being the hero you WANT to be, to me,” she said as she admired the capsule full of blood. You tried moving your head to stay awake, the soot coating your lungs not helping. Your body started to feel tingly and you couldn’t help but to try to fight even after Toga had hopped off into hiding. “She’s all yours~” Is all you heard; it was Toga for sure, but you didn’t know who she was talking to. Your vision was hazy now, your body feeling heavy like you were chained to the floor. You saw a familiar… Almost… Figure towering over you with hungry bright red eyes, his tongue running over his sharp pearly white teeth. From where you were right now, it was an intimidating sight, you tried to squirm and get away, turning on your stomach, crawling helplessly, shivers running up your spine as you heard the sadistic chortle that was brewing in the anonymous figure’s chest.
     “Where are you going, (Y/N)?! You know you can’t escape me,” he snorted as he walked towards you. Your body froze at the familiar voice that carried so much bass you were rattled to your core. “Ooh, you remember now, huh?!” He chuckled as he grabbed the back of your head and he pushed your face into the ground, standing over you as he stared at you with a ravenous expression. “All of this is for YOU, (Y/N),” he growled as he ran his fingers through your hair, yanking your head back, tears filling your eyes as you yelped out and looked at your destroyed city. “What kinda hero are you, (Y/N)? They’re supposed to depend on you but you ran… Just like that day…. You ran away from me,” he hummed in a sot of annoyed remembrance. “I NEEDED YOU, AND YOU RAN,” he yelled as he yanked your head back, turning you onto your back again so that you could look up at him looming over you. “Now I have this ugly ass scar… Right over my nose… And down my arm… Do you see it? Hm? Maybe we should get some more LIGHT in here so we CAN see it, right?” His eyes were crazed, you didn’t know him anymore- hell, you thought he’d died! At least you could sort of live with that- kind of. You shook your head, unable to speak, your tongue heavy. “HEY DABI,” he called out with a soft laugh. “GET OVER HERE, WE NEED SOME LIGHT!” He waited a moment hearing no response, slow footsteps approaching before suddenly stopping, a sudden wave of heat blanketing your body as you flinched, some of the stray embers singeing your hair. You winced as he held you down, able to see his scars that he was talking about. You were going to attempt speaking, but you couldn’t, his hand wrapped around your neck, palming your airway only allowing you to let out choked cries. “See it now, (Y/N)?… I know you do… And even after all of that- how you fucking left me and then told everybody I died; that’s cold, (Y/N)… But I still can’t help but to love you, yknow… Even though you let me get kidnapped…. Beat up… And then told everyone I died but I mean come on baby,” he laughed darkly as he looked over at Dabi. “That was probably the best thing you coulda did because this is the best thing that has ever happened in my life! Well… Aside from catching you again… Even if you’re choking… But I don’t want to hurt you, no! Of course not! Actually, I say we CELEBRATE, right? A momentous occasion where I was risen from the dead! And now YOU’RE gonna have your dance with the Devil… Whether you like it or fucking not,” he smirked down at you. “So resilient… I’m surprised you’re still awake! Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you too bad… I LOVE YOU after all… After everything, after all is said and done. I haven’t lost my chivalry, I’m just the most chivalrous VILLAIN instead of a hero because I realized how fucking fake all of you are… Only getting faker the higher up in rank you climb and for what? All you ever did was run so how the FUCK are you at number five? I don’t know… Maybe the same reason that All Might was number one for a decade or two by lying,” he sneered as he giggled and he picked you up, letting your feet dangle in the air. This was it, you thought, the moment you were going to die. “You never were the model hero… And I still have faith in you… So… Eh.. We’ll deal with that when the moment comes… But no matter what, HERO, you’re going to love me back,” he growled as he pulled you closer, pressing a rough kiss into your lips, biting your lip so hard it’d started to bleed. You let out a strangled squeak, your body going limp and feeling warm. Somehow you felt an odd sense of comfort feeling him kiss you, feeling his teeth gnaw at your lip, feeling his tongue explore your mouth. You’d let yourself go and gave him the moan he wanted to hear so bad. “You like that baby,” he whispered against your lips with a gravelly giggle. “Yeah you do… You’re gonna get more of that where we’re going…. Don’t make too much noise now,” he laughed as he set you down and punched you HARD in the face causing you to pass out. He caught your limp body and draped you over his shoulder nodding in Dabi’s direction signaling that he got what he came for and they could go back to base.
     To the best of your knowledge, not too much time had passed since you’d been taken and you woke up in a daze, your whole body numb and trembling. You groaned softly, swaying from side to side, chained with your arms crossed over your body, chained to your ankles, then further restrained to the floor with a brace around your arms to make sure you didn’t slump over. You were unaware of where you were and who was by you, the soft voices sounding distant until your hair was snatched back again and you opened your eyes fully. “Wake up, Pebble,” you heard his gravelly voice in your ear as you came to, the harsh slaps to your cheeks not necessarily helping your cause. You allowed your eyes to focus on the man in front of you. You didn’t know if it was just you or whatever drugs they’d pumped you full of in your time in the dank room, but he looked almost angelic as he loomed over you. You, of course, already loved him and thought he was the best thing ever when you went to school together, but now… So many years later… His black/brown roots of his hair were starting to show, gradienting into the iconic red you’d grown accustomed to. Since his hair had spent so long getting tamed, his mane was full with fluffy spikes- some drooping, some not, going every which way on his head in such a way that made him look that much better- practically blanketing his broad shoulders, his sharp eyes staring condescendingly down at you. He was wearing a suit shirt that was a satiny red and was just begging to burst from his muscular body, seemingly freshly ironed black jeans to match along with black and red boots… And… Fingerless gloves. He licked over his sharp teeth as he noticed you checking him out and he let out a hollow laugh. “Like whatcha see? Hm? Am I still the manliest you’ve ever laid eyes on,” he laughed as he watched you squirm, his hand only twisting in your hair causing you to cry out. “Well?! ANSWER ME,” he growled out before planting a harsh slap across your face causing you to jolt against your restraints. Tears immediately pricked your eyes as you looked up at him.
“K-Kirishima,” you whispered out weakly, your throat parched from before, a cold sweat having broken out on your body. “H-How long have I been here…” Your eyes frighted rolling back into your head, the drugs having gotten to you a little more causing you to wince. Honestly, you felt like you were going to throw up, but you couldn’t help but to keep your eyes on him.
“You still didn’t answer my question,” he hummed as he stood up and paced the dimly lit room in front of you. “What a shame… Oh well, I mean it’s more fun for me- that I get to have… With you… My adorable little slave…” He looked over at you with a side eye and he smirked a little, huffing a small laugh through his nostrils before swaying his head to get his bangs out of his face. “You’re a fool to challenge a god,” he said lowly. “Especially one as… Well.. The best one. Myself…”
A god? Who the hell was talking to you right now? This definitely wasn’t Kirishima Eijiro… Not the one you met all of those years ago at UA… Not the one you were training to become a hero with. Who the fuck was this? You ignored that one pang that struck you that told you it was kind of hot that he thought of himself that way. You shook your head and hissed softly at the surge of pain that shot through your body. “I’m not your s-sla-“ mid sentence, you were interrupted with a slap that made you cry out again, your body broken, bruised, bloody, and sore… Your lungs were sore, everything was sore. You could barely even stay awake. He kneeled in front of you and tilted your chin tenderly so that he could admire the tears rolling down your face but also the nice bruises he left you.
“You are EXACTLY what I say you are… You’re the stupid pitiful hero that let yourself get caught by a dangerous man like myself, baby,” he said softly, practically straddling your lap as he fed you another gently, loving kiss. He didn’t bite your lip, he didn’t even pull away quickly. He pushed a soft hum into your lips as he trembled and allowed his hand to go to the wall next to your head. “You liked that… Didn’t you,” he murmured against your lips drunkenly, his eyes halfway open gazing into yours, and suddenly a pang of lust and… Adoration surged your body. You didn’t even know that you nodded until you saw his reaction. “Yeaaahh… I know you did… They all usually do,” he teased, just to get a rise out of you. And it worked. He popped his knuckles as he stood up and he popped his neck too, spinning on his heel as he picked up a small remote. “Let’s play the quiet game baby,” he said as he pressed on the remote, your legs trembling as you tried to grasp what happened. It was a vibrator lodged deep inside of you, of course, and your legs had started trying to give out. You also heard metal clinking together as Kirishima removed his belt, a big metal red R in the middle of it. “Here’s what’s gonna happen,” he smirked at you as he undid your restraints to the floor and he led you over to a chair, pushing you to fall into it. You were bent over the seat and he just admired the sight, you could hear the heavy breathing behind you accompanied by the small growls as you tried to stay awake long enough to know what was going on.
“You… Are gonna be bent over…. L-Like that,” he said with the occasional shaky breath, his own bulge forming and pressing against his jeans just seeing you bent over the chair so helplessly, your uneven breathing escaping into the air around the two of you. “And I’m gonna control this toy however I damn well please,” he said as he upped the level on the vibrator. “I put it in when you were sleeping! I figured you wouldn’t mind,” he said as he walked around so that you could see him, his bulge and all. “And… While I’m controlling this, you’re not gonna say anything, make a single noise, or even so much as breathe the wrong way or…” He showed off his sleek leather belt with a soft laugh. “You see this beautiful ‘R’ right in the middle here? It’s gonna brand that sweet ass of yours… And I’ll take pictures and videos and show EVERYBODY just who you belong to… Little hero slut,” he spat as he tugged your hair back to make you look up at him again. “Do you understand me,” he growled as he slapped your ass with his hardened hand. You whimpered softly and watched as his arrogant stare became smug as he stood up and he rolled up his sleeves to reveal his muscular, veiny forearms. You couldn’t help but to shake your ass in anticipation. He let out a low groan and he bit his lip as he watched you squirm and shake for him. At this point, he figured it was just the drugs that were pumped into you kicking in again, but to you it was much more than that. You liked him even when y’all went to school together, and that only intensified once you both became pro heroes. Then he fell off of the face of the earth and it was told that he died in action. This was your first day back in work since then and this is what happened? He was alive? And.. He had you in his grasp. You were scared to lose him again, and you wanted him to know how much he meant to you… But the drugs also made your body feel heavy and it made your mind hazy how just his words had an effect on you. You caught the glint of that pretty metallic red ‘R’ on his belt and you couldn’t help but to drool over him. He noticed how your eyes were fixated on his bulge and he smirked a little with a soft grunt, his fingers tactfully unzipping his pants as he tilted his head and licked over his sharp teeth again.
“Oh I forgot how much of a needy slut you were,” he whispered softly as he let out another soft laugh. “You want to suck my cock don’t you? Yeah I know you do,” he said softly, slowly pulling his cock from his jeans, stroking it as he used his other hand to force your head back. “Open up,” he growled, slapping you before forcing himself inside of your mouth. Instantly, you teared up both from the hard hit he dealt but also from how quickly he filled your mouth and all of those sweet groans he was letting out for you. You whined as you felt him slowly thrusting his hips into your mouth, forcing himself down your throat more and more. “Oh fuck,” he gasped out quietly, starting to move the chair a little as he pushed your head into him harder and faster, slowly starting to find his rhythm. “Y-Yeah,” he whispered softly as he upped the level of the vibrator making your legs give out right under you. “I know it’s big, but you don’t have to show it all on your face,” he slurred out as he twisted his hand in your hair again making you whimper and whine as you choked on his cock, your face drenched with soot and your tears as you let him use your throat as his fleshlight. “Deeper,” he moaned out as his back arched. “Take me deeper!” He smacked your ass with his belt and he moaned at the sounds, the sound of the leather hitting your skin, that big red R in the middle smacking against your ass bruising it, that choked moan you let out as he sucked in a sharp breath. “Choke on it, choke… Ch-Choke… On… It,” he whimpered out as tears pricked his own eyes. “F-FUCK! Who would’ve thought you were so good at s-sucking d-dick,” he moaned out as he lolled his head to one side, staring down at you with a soft smile; a ray of sweet light breaking through that rough exterior of his that came with being a villain. He gently caressed your face, his thumb swiping your warm tears before he forced himself further into your throat, watching the bulge form and then disappear again. “Suck it harder! S-Suck it l-like it’s your fucking god, (Y/N),” he growled as he forced you as deep as he could go, holding you down on his cock, feeling you choke on it, taking in all of your gags, watching as you drooled, feeling as you squirmed and tried to suck up all of the saliva you could.
“Oh hell yeah,” he whimpered out as he shuddered. “Oh fuck fuck fuck,” he whined as he smacked your ass with the belt again. You felt like you were about to pass out and your eyes rolled back into your head before you whined softly as he pulled his cock out of your mouth. “Do you like the taste of your god’s precum,” he growled as he stroked himself slowly. “I know you do,” he whined as he forced himself into your mouth again, and you looked up at him with soft whimpers of protest. “I KNOW YOU DO,” he whimpered as he smacked your ass with that belt again, watching the R brand itself into your skin. He felt you tighten up and he pulled your head back into him, bottoming out inside of your mouth again as his eyes crossed. “F-Fuuucckk,” he whimpered out quietly as he threw his head back. “I-I’M YOUR F-FUCKING GOD,” he moaned out as he tried not to cum so quick. “S-Suck it l-like- O-Oh fuck,” he groaned out as he caressed the back of your head before filling your mouth and throat with his cum. He curled his fingers into your hair and pushed you down on him more, his eyes rolling back into his head as his hips jolted and he orgasmed, his whole body tense as he panted, trying to catch his breath. “D-Don’t… L-Let a s-single… F-Fucking… Drop… Out,” he said shakily, slowly pulling out of your mouth, your gaze locked on him and how perfect he looked in this state of ecstasy.  You watched the cum and saliva that was left on his cock drip to the ground as he reeled and brought himself back, looking down at you smirking at your dazed fucked out expression. “Oh baby,” he whispered softly as he kneeled in front of you, tilting your chin up a little. “You… Cute little thing,” he said with a small, sweet smile- even softer than the one he gave you before. You looked up at him and made soft chittering noises as you accepted the soft act and you tried to reach out to him but couldn’t.
“I wanna see it in your mouth,” he said softly as he squished your cheeks and watched some of the cum drip down your face. “Open wide… Show me how you take the cum of a fucking god,” he whispered harshly as you opened your mouth for him and stuck your tongue out. He grunted and closed his eyes as he tried to keep himself from getting too turned on again and he let out a shaky breath. “You really are a needy hero whore,” he said with a smirk, running his fingers through your hair, smiling at all of the cum dripping down your face. “You dirty… Filthy hero slut…” He stood up and snapped his belt with a soft growl and he hummed softly. “Fuck… This feels so good… I know what you want,” he said as he strolled behind you. “Tell me how bad you fucking want it,” he said as he slapped the belt across your ass again with a condescending laugh watching you spasm on the chair, unable to move. “Ah… You and those useless legs.. Can’t even hold you up- now you’ll have bruised knees. What a shame,” he teased as he struck you again.
“P-PLEASE,” you cried as you sniffed back tears, trying to arch your back just squirming against the chair. “I-I w-wanna f-feel you I-inside,” you whimper out as you let your head hang. “P-Please! F-Fuck me p-please,” you whined as your eyes burned with tears. “I want to feel y-you d-deep inside… Please!” You wanted to look back at him but your body wouldn’t let you. You heard him shuffle behind you, hoping that you’d be able to feel him inside of you, but you felt his large, warm hand caressing your inner thighs instead and you fell weaker as your breath stopped.
“Aw… What nice begging you did… But it looks like someone came without asking,” he growled as he stood up again, giving you a half second to breathe before he dealt another harsh slap, ‘R’s bruised into your skin. He gave a breathy groan and he stretched his arms out as he looked down at your bruised skin. “Looks like you’re getting punished… It wouldn’t be manly of me otherwise,” he said with a soft sigh, adjusting his shirt before dealing you slap after slap, blow after blow, soft groans and giggles of content punctuating each and every single one. “Oh yeah,” he whispered softly as he smirked. “Tell me how much you love it when I spank that sexy ass of yours,” he commanded as he shuddered. At this point, you were too out of it to speak, not being able to muster up more than soft mewls. He couldn’t help but to smirk as he suddenly shoved his cock inside of you, your eyes widening as you felt your insides conform to his shape.
“K-KIRI-“ you were cut off by your own pants and moans before feeing his fingers in your mouth. He bottomed out inside of you, already, and of course, there was a little bit of blood because of how sudden it was. He watched on with soft growls, slipping a hardened hand under the shirt to your hero costume that was already ripped. A small tug made quick work of the shirt, your back completely exposed to him. He let out soft whines as you constricted around him, subtly grinding your hips after you got over the pain of him suddenly rutting inside of you. You sucked on his fingers with soft mewls, drooling more, practically dumb from every single ounce of attention he payed you.
“Yeah,” he whispered softly as he lowered his lips against the skin of your lower back, taking in your scent, his eyes closing as he bit his lip, placing soft kisses on your lower back. Your eyes crossed as you tried arching your back into him. “Suck my fingers just like that,” he whispered, smiling as he watched the goosebumps run like waves over your skin. He continued to feed you soft kisses against your back, taking his time as he travelled up, his hands wandering over your body slowly, his hold commanding but still soft. If he wanted you to move, you did, and honestly you were fine with it. “Stop moving,” he commanded as he closed his eye, licking over the spots he kissed too. His warm tongue made you slick with precum, loving how warm he made you feel. You couldn’t do anything but moan around his fingers as he forced you to cockwarm him. He made sure to take extra care of you, gently working his way up your body as his hands followed and massaged every inch of you resting at your waist as he made it to your neck. It sounded like he was having trouble breathing, giving you short deep thrusts as he kissed at your neck. “O-Oh fuck you’re so tight,” he slurred out drunkenly as he closed his eyes. “F-Fuck fuck fuck…” He licked along your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth, still teasing you as the drugs made you almost pass out as well as how your insides conformed to the shape of his cock. “Just like that,” he whispered against your skin as he nibbled the sides of your neck. “Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you,” he commanded again, slapping your ass hard with his hand this time. It made you jolt and you let out a choked moan, sucking harder on his fingers with tears still running down your face. “Only good slaves get what they ask for,” he growled and you still felt the vibrator pulsating inside of you making you light headed. You drooled around his fingers as you gave him soft mewls and he only laughed at how fucked out you were already.
“Too much already? I haven’t even done anything to you yet,” he slurred out in your ear with a delighted grin. It felt like he was pulling out to give you some time to breathe, but he instantly snapped his hips back up into you with a loud moan, his teeth digging into the nape of your neck as you yelped out weakly. The hurt was accompanied by intense pleasure that made you quiver all the way down to your core, the condescending laughs and growls that followed making you light headed almost seeing stars. “Take it,” he moaned out as he kissed the bite in the nape of your neck which was now covered in beads of blood.
“K-Kiri-“ you choked out as you crossed your eyes. “P-Please! ’S t-too much,” you whine as you tremble and convulse on the chair under him, happily smushed into his body. “P-Please! S-Stop,” you whimpered out weakly, but he was still pounding deep inside of you, one of his large hands palming your neck from behind, his fingers crushing your trachea so you only let out choked cries and whimpers, your legs practically numb.
“Sorry! Dirty little h-hero sluts d-don’t get to say no!” He used his free hand to dig into your skin making you bleed more. “The h-harder I choke you, the more you t-tighten around me! W-What if the public knew what a whore for villain cock you were, hm? And you’re s-supposed to be a hero,” he scoffed as his bruising grip tightened around your neck, making your tongue loll out of your mouth as your eyes crossed and you struggled to stay awake. With each thrust he seemed like he was getting rougher, you were unable to move, you couldn’t even moan anymore, you were left with your labored breathing unable to fight it anymore, not being able to stick through his death grip he had on your neck. It seemed like one harsh movement of his thumb would break your neck, but you had no more resolve to fight it. “F-Fuck yeah! Ah fuck my cock,” he groaned out as he let your neck go feeling you fall limp under him. He let you stay passed out as he abused your hole how he wanted to, his smirk only growing as his tongue pushed out of his mouth, drooling as he drove himself crazy using you how he wished. “F-Fuck! Fuck I’m gonna c-cum s-so fucking hard,” he growled, digging his fingers into the bruised, tender bite mark, your blood smearing over his hand. He couldn’t help but to lick his hand clean, his gaze locked on your limp body as he thrashed you about, but he wanted you to be awake when he filled you up.
He gave you a harsh, wet slap and pulled your hair back, smirking at all of the bruises on your body that was for him. “R-RISE AND SHINE,” he growled as he slapped your ass harshly as he threw his head back and let out a loud laugh, crushing his chuckles with a growl as he forced your head to one side, licking up your neck until he made it to your ear, his stern tone making you wake up a little more. “I said wake. Up. Slut,” he whispered as he bit his lip. “I won’t ask nicely next time,” he growled as he pulled you down on his cock more. “F-FUCK,” He groaned out as he ducked his arm under one of yours, his arm pressing against your chest, easily pulling you up so that your back was rested against his toned chest, forcing you to bounce on him, forcing you to take him balls deep inside. “Oh this f-feels s-so m-much b-better,” he moaned in your ear with a soft growl, his nails digging into your skin marking you, watching the beads of blood roll down your body as he continued to rail into you, his own moans breathless. You were halfway awake as you clenched around him and let your arms fall helplessly still unable to move on your own. He whispered in your ear right before he came inside of you.
“O-Oh f-fuck,” he gasped as he kissed the side of your neck gently before growling into your ear. “Y-Yeah you like that huh? Hm?” He slapped your ass hard, his nails digging into your tender thigh. His hand forced your legs open as he nipped at you, scratched at you, growled into you, his face red, his body coated in sweat. “Yeah you do,” he whispered softly. “Y-You l-like it when a-a m-man takes control, huh? Hm? Yeah you do,” he growled as he forced your face into a nearby wall, grinding hard into him as his legs seemingly took up a mind of their own. “That’s WHY I b-became a villain baby,” he said with a smirk as he kissed up and down your neck, smiling as he admired your tears on your blood and sweat drenched body. “You like it when someone ca-can fucking take control of you like this! Fuck you like a dumb slut against the wall!” He growled as he kissed up the back of your neck. “You’re so fucking dumb right now baby,” he whispered with a soft giggle. “D-Drooling over villain cock… The cock of a fucking king!” He pushed your hips against the wall with a loud groan, his fingers going deeper into your mouth, grabbing your tongue, watching your saliva run down your face. “You’re so pretty like this! MY fucking toy,” he growled as he closed his eyes, slowing down a little as he nipped your ear. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum right inside of that tight hole of yours,” he mumbled in your ear. “But I’m gonna make you milk me… Slowly… Gently,” he said as he took a deep breath, gently brushing your hair out of the way, kissing the side of your head as he smiled a little.
“You like this,” he whispered as he dealt you slow, deep, hard thrusts that were definitely more comfortable as he blushed and let out soft sultry moans, his hands gently guiding your hips into his and then away from his. He held you against him lovingly, groaning needily as he massaged over your marks, his hands covered in your blood. “Make me cum… Make me cum baby,” he whimpered as he kissed the side of your head, down your neck, your ear, then on your neck and shoulder, punctuating every single thrust of his hips with a soft groan. “I love you,” he mumbled to you softly, his body tensing as he edged himself closer and closer to cumming. “I-I love you,” he whispered, sounding like he was about to cry. “I-I always have,” he whimpered quietly as he thrusted hard into you, nipping into your soft, supple neck. “C-Cum with me because you’re m-mine! Mine! F-Fucking mine,” he whined as he he rolled his body into yours. “I’m the only one that c-can fill you up the right way! I’m the one that can  fuck you the right way! T-The only one w-with c-cock big enough to satisfy you! The only one that can take control of you t-the right way!” He growled before pulling you onto him hard, filling you with his warm, sticky cum. He dug his nails into your skin as he watched your cum mix with his after it left a bulge in your stomach. “Oh fuck yeah,” he whispered softly as he slowly came down from his high as he watched the bulge he pushed into your stomach because of his cum. He trembled feeling his cum mixed with yours running down his leg. He hugged you close, hiding his face behind your shoulder, tears from his own overstimulation soaking his face, his breathing shaky as he slowly released you from his hold. Immediately, you slumped against the wall, Kirishima’s arms being the only thing holding you up. You trembled and whimpered softly, not even able to turn your head, barely even able to open your mouth.
“I m-meant what I said,” he said after awhile, slowly dusting your upper back with soft kisses, his hands hardened only halfway, massaging your back to help ease your pain a little. “I really do love you… But after it was expressed that I died in action… I couldn’t come back out… Hero work- well I wasn’t cut out for it,” he said as he pulled his pants back on, adjusting himself except having his messy hair. “This… This was the thing that made the most sense… This was the only way to get back to you,” he said sweetly as he took a deep breath and he bit his lip, picking you up with a soft grunt. “Cmere baby,” he said softly as he sat on the ground, cradling you in his lap, pulling your head against his chest. “Shh.. I know it hurts… I’m so sorry for hurting you… Calling you mean things- that wasn’t manly of me,” he said as he gently stroked your face. “I don’t actually think you’re a slut… or a whore… or… something like that. I was a little too intense,” he whispered softly as he kissed the crown of your head. “You mean everything to me. I already lost you once… I don’t want to lose you ever again…” He tilted your head up gently and he caught your gaze. He smiled and kissed the tip of your nose and he shook his head slowly. “… Please be mine,” he said softly. “I-I don’t care about social status or labels or anything! I don’t care if I’m a fucking villain and you’re a hero… And I wouldn’t care vice versa… I-I just…” He teared up and he looked away, biting his lip as he tried not to get too emotional. You reached up gently and weakly, your arm trembling as your fingers met his hot skin and you slowly stroked his face.
“Hey,” you whimpered hoarsely. “I’m all d-drugged up or whatever… But please believe me when I say that… I love you too… I always do… I mean have… Ugh,” you lolled your head back only to have Kirishima’s hand gently lift your head up gently and rest it against your chest again. “S-Since high school,” you squeaked before hiding into him taking in his scent. “I love you, Kirishima,” you whispered softly as you shook your head.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he stood up again, whimpering softly at how sensitive he was from how fast and hard he was moving. “Oh fuck,” he whispered softly, covering you up. “Let me run a nice bath for you… You can wear some of my clothes afterwards… I think Mr. Compress actually made some food, so you’ll eat good… But… Please,” he practically begged, his hand cupping your face as his glistening keen eyes stared into your sleepy ones. “Please don’t leave me again,” he whimpered as he hugged into you, kissing your shoulder gently.
“I won’t,” you smiled weakly at him, trying not to fall asleep again. “I don’t want to,” you reassured, running your fingers through his smooth, messy, fiery red hair. “I’m yours… I’m all yours… I l-love you Kirishima Eijiro,” you whispered before laying limp in his arms, the drugs catching up with you as you fell asleep.
He looked down at you with the most protective stare and he smiled sweetly at you, standing in the middle of the corridor to stare at you. His smile was lazy and sleepy as he stared at you. “I’m so happy that you’re finally mine… Finally… I’ll take such good care of you… It’s the manliest thing for me to do,” he whispered softly, gently kissing your forehead with a soft wispy giggle.
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kiriyuus · 7 years
tagged by @cupofkoushi thank you!! 💕
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
tagging @kirishimagayjirou, @katsukieyuuris, @i-drifting, @tooruking, @twinkshouto, @ittsu, @acehinatashouyo, @ankitsukai, @shouyou10, @bubblu, @kittychako, @casisonabender, @aobasjosai
i wanna get to know you all better now that i’m apparently rebranding as an anime blog 💖🙈
gender: female
star sign: Aries
height: 5’1″ i’m tiiiiny
time: 2:30 pm
favorite bands: (i’m just gonna go ahead and add some kpop groups into the mix here as well) Foals, Young The Giant, Green Day, Lord Huron, Fall Out Boy, Fenech-Soler, Amber Run, Years & Years, Monsta X, Seventeen, iKON, Winner, NCT, Astro, Red Velvet, Twice, Blackpink
favorite solo artists: Gallant, LP, Mika, Ryan Sheridan, Adam Lambert, Passenger, George Ezra, Bry, Hozier, Jeong Sewoon, Sunmi
song stuck in my head: Mamma Mia by SF9
last movie i watched: oh i think it was The Shape of Water :’)
last tv show i watched: Ao no Exorcist
when did i create my blog: oh god it must have been in like;;;; december 2011?? can you believe i’ve been here for 6 years
what do i post: it’s a mix of many things but mostly anime (Haikyuu!!, YOI, BNHA, Noragami, Black Butler, Violet Evergarden, BSD), YA lit (trc, all for the game, 6oc), plenty of marvel stuff, voltron, stuff i find funny, pretty photos....
last thing i googled: “blue exorcist” lmao
do i have other blogs: yes loads!! @euij1n (multifandom kpop), @kihyunsabs (monsta x), @tamahoshi (seventeen), @doyoungsbutt (nct), @rosieblinks (YG), @jinjinwooz (astro), @seungsikk (victon - just a sideblog), @k4ngdaniel (wanna one - again just a sideblog) i’m mostly active on this blog, my multi kpop one, and the mx/astro ones
do i get asks: not on this blog :’) i’d get the most asks on my monsta x one
why did i choose my url: yuri on ice! wasn’t my first anime but was the first to actually drag me down to watching many others
following: 1,467
followers: 1,358
favorite colours: love me some pinks & purples
average hours of sleep: about 7h
lucky numbers: 7!!
instruments: I used to play the saxophone and the piano and then more recently i started learning guitar
what am i wearing: dark blue jeans, flannel button up shirt, timberland boots
how many blankets i sleep with: one sometimes two
dream job: space psychologist
dream trip: i want to do a big graduation (university) trip around asia next year
favourite food: avocados & bell peppers
nationality: irish
favourite song right now: Baby Don’t Stop by NCT U and also Pretty Shining People by George Ezra!
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