#Blackberry Bushes For Sale
greenwoodnursery1 · 2 years
One of the first internet nurseries to establish an online presence in the 90's, GreenwoodNursery.com continues to provide beautifully, healthy plants to homeowners, nurseries, landscapers and contractors at affordable prices.
With over 40 years experience in growing and brokering wholesale plants, I continue to help landscapers and contractors locate plants for their landscaping customers. My network of growers provide a wide selection of large container grown (or B&B) trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials.
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writtenonreceipts · 12 days
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Rowaelin Month Day Thirteen: Pregnant @rowaelinscourt
Month Masterlist // AO3
just fluff. wasn't really wanting to post but here we are
Morning Light
Winter hung low over the city one early morning in December.  The gray clouds were impenetrable, even to the brightness of the sun, leaving the world in a pale gray haze.  Ever since October, the weather had taken a turn.  It left everyone in a violent desperation for warmth.  Instead, Terrasen was gifted freezing rain, cold wind, and darkened skies.  Everything had transformed in the span of a few weeks leaving Aelin desperate for summer.
She’d always preferred those warm months with the bright sun, blue skies, and warm air.  Summer was when everything felt alive and real.  Now, as she stared out the from window and at the trees that surrounded the house, the world simply felt bare.
It was strange considering most of the trees in the forest were evergreen and there was only the occasional alder and maple stripped bare to empty branches.  And the foliage was still rich and vibrant.  Not even the freezing weather could kill the sword fern or blackberry bush.
Still…the world felt different now.
She raised her mug of hot chocolate to her lips taking a long sip.  Most of it was still whipped cream.  She fully believed that if a mug wasn’t at least half full of either marshmallow or cream, it wasn’t hot chocolate.  The sweet drink seeped through her body, warming the near perpetual chill that had been settled in her bones since September.
Through the window she watched a red breasted robin land in the bird feeder, plucking away at the seed she’d refilled yesterday.  It didn’t seem bothered by the chill.  Or maybe instinct had driven it from its nest.
She took another sip of cocoa.
Upstairs she listened as the bedroom door opened and a pair of soft feet descended the stairs.  She didn’t turn, waiting for the inevitable feel of her husband coming up behind her.  In a matter of moments, she was wrapped up in his strong arms.
“You’re up early,” Rowan said, his voice rough with sleep as he nestled his nose into the juncture of her neck.
Aelin smiled, enjoying the feel of him against her. “I had to pee.”
A chuckle rippled through Rowan’s chest.  He pressed his lips to her skin, kissing and nipping a small love bite there.  One of his hands stretched out over her stomach.
“Is the little firefly causing grief again?” he teased.
“Always,” Aelin said.  Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes.  She couldn’t help it these days.  Ever since learning she was pregnant; she’d been so damned emotional.  Every little thing set her off.  If it wasn’t Rowan’s gentleness it was the dog giving her morning kisses.  And if it wasn’t either of those things it was eating a warm piece of toast.  She couldn’t even go to Wal-Mart in case she accidently walked past the baby department and saw little baby slippers for sale.
She pressed a hand to his, keeping it rooted on her barely swelling belly.  She was only about three months along and would honestly say that she was still in shock over the whole thing.  After five years of marriage, she and Rowan had been slowly moving on from actively trying to grow their family.  They’d seen doctors and even done a few hormonal treatments to try and help things along.  But with money being tight anything more was outside of their budget.  They’d been told it would just take time (some doctors even saying there was nothing to do).
In short, they’d given up hope.
“Please tell me you already ate something?” Rowan asked. “Hot chocolate isn’t real food.”
“It’s what the baby wants,” Aelin insisted.  “You know I can’t keep anything down.”
It was true.  Everything she even looked at made her queasy.  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a full meal.
“What about waffles?” Rowan insisted.  He pulled back enough to turn Aelin in his arms so he could kneel down and press a kiss to her belly. “What do you think, Firefly?”
“You know he’s not going to start moving for another three weeks, right?” Aelin rolled her eyes, though still endeared at her husband’s antics.
“It’s a girl,” Rowan replied swiftly.  He kissed her belly one more time before standing, taking the hot chocolate from her. “And baby agrees with me.  Waffles are in order.”
It was a common argument of if they were having a boy or a girl.  Neither was planning on yielding anytime soon.
“With strawberries,” Aelin conceded.  It was the one fruit that she could stomach.
Aelin let her husband lead her to the kitchen and sat at the table while he insisted on bustling around to get breakfast in order.  He even made her more hot chocolate without her even having to ask.
It was a simple Saturday morning, but she wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
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scleroticstatue · 9 months
Could I get some fruit knowledge (I don’t mind which kind)
This is a barberry bush
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It's called that because it's got these wicked thorns
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They can easily get an inch and a half long. Because of that, they're sold in garden centers as "security plants" to put under your windows and stop people getting in, as well as fall color. But! They also have
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Oodles of berries!
Nowadays, most people leave them for the birds because those wicked thorns are hard to pick around if you like your blood to stay inside your body, but historically, they were an important source of fresh fruit throughout winter, especially in cold climates. They're still used in Persian cuisine, where they're dried (you can find them as zeresh if you're looking for a bag to taste). They taste like if a cranberry and a lemon had a baby.
The reason we no longer use them anymore is because rich people preferred exotic food that showed off their wealth and the poorer people were desperate to emulate them instead of preserving traditional food. It happened to a lot of European spices that have long since been forgotten, and you can track similar behaviors in food throughout Southeast Asia during colonization and Africa currently! But if you are trying some medieval cooking and it calls for orange or lemon, try using barberry instead and see the flavor transform!
(you can also find calafate, or Patagonian barberry items for sale, but they're a different species and are reported to taste like a cross between a huckleberry and a blackberry)
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country-corner · 2 days
Greetings and Salutations from the Middle of Nowhere
I know it has been a while, this is the first time I have been able to get on line. Have to use wifi right now so limited in time I have on line
Update on our home sale and purchase of new place:
A young couple with a pre-teen boy, purchased our old house. And since (so I have been told and confirmed with my own eyes) has proceeded in cutting down all the trees, the Saskatoon blueberry bush, pulled the table and Oregon grapes out and cut out all the blackberry vines back to the property line. They also have 3 cars in the old garden area sitting on blocks. The old neighbors have told us they want us to move back. Sorry, not happening.
Regarding our new place; we have a larger place. It is a mix or basalt, jack pines in sandy soil and some really nice soil. Put in 500ft of driveway (cutting trees, pulling stumps and dragging the "road"). Now the power company will come out and give us a bid to bring in the power (less than a quarter mile from nearest transformer).
Did have a bid from a well driller, but they wanted the driveway in first, now they are not answering their phones. So we are contacting a different driller tomorrow.
Telephone company wont put in a land line. since we are "too far away from the main road". 1 mile long private road, that nearly everyone on the road wants to have a land line due to spotty cell service (closest towers are over 25 miles, as the crow flies, away, with a few hills inbetween as well. Closest telephone pole to my place is a little over 1/4 mile as the crow flies, and found out the telephone company does have legal right-away up to my property line, coming from the East across country.
The previous owners refuse to release the perk test they had done or the name of the engineer they had do test and septic design. Since no permit for a septic system was ever requested, the County doesn't have a copy of the test, engineer name or septic plan. So we are going to have to have that redone.
And finally, the Post Master refuses to accept the address the county gave us for the property for mail delivery until (in his words) "There is a proper house with a foundation on the property and he has confirmed it with his own eyes." Despite the fact the address has been accepted and used by both State and Federal offices. And in this state a tent or camp trailer is considered a legal residence if placed on your legally owned property. So we are getting our mail delivered to our daughter's place, 35 miles away.
Despite all of that, we are having the time of our lives out on our new property. Enjoying the wildlife and the peace and quiet of being out there. Laying out the food plots for the deer. Using the native basalt to build the raised garden beds. We have even started digging the trenched for the root cellar and fuel storage sheds. And not a day goes by when I don't see wild turkeys or a deer on the property. Did miss seeing the black bear that came through, running from the wildfire on the other side of the river, we was in town getting supplies.
Well that is all for now. I wish you all peace, happiness and a great upcoming week. Be safe and take care.
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BEHOLD!! MY GARDEN (or at least a part of it lol)
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My "California Dreaming" rose, one of two I bought for Mother's Day. The other being "Cherry Parfait" which is not shown here.
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White peach (Snow Queen)
This tree is about 9 feet tall and currently has about 200+ peaches. If they all come to term, I'm gonna be shoving them in everyones face cause there's no way I can eat that many.
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Jakaranda tree with a hummingbird enjoying the flowers. This tree turns a portion of my yard purple from the quantity of flowers it produces.
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Yellow peach (Red Baron)
This is the 2nd time this tree has offered fruit since we bought it. The first year we got the tree it and several others were hit by the stone fruit beetle. A type of boring beetle that is hard to detect until it's too late. I lost 2 trees and nearly lost this one. It was cut down to a mere 7 inch stuml that wasn't infected. Since then it has recovered to a 6 foot tall (and growing) tree and is starting to produce fruits.
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This pot has 3 blackberry bushes, and they are losing their minds. They are loaded with berries that are very sweet. Right behind them is my Boysenberry which is physically about 7-8 feet long and is loaded with berries as well. My raspberries (both red and golden) are slower this year which is fine.
Grape (variety unknown for now)
I used to have 17 grape vines of various sizes but when the drought kicked in and the harsh heart wave struck back to back I lost all but one. This lone survivor was under my ash tree which sheltered it from the weather. Now I have 3 grape vines as I recently acquired 2 Concord grapes (not shown here).
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Golden Nugget
My newest addition to my citrus collection. A very sweet, easy peel tangerine that we carry at my job. I was shocked to see one for sale at my local nursery and immediately had to get one. It's a baby at only a foot and a half tall but will one day be up to 7 feet to match my Murcott and Dancy tangerines.
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I have 3 varieties of strawberries and about 140 plants in clusters of 4-10. They are in both hanging pots and a massive bed and produce about a pound of strawberries at a time. They have such rich flavor and super sweet.
All my berry plants except for my blackberry are in shade houses I built that have bird netting surrounding them to keep the birds and squirrels from eating them. Shade houses are a must now due to the summer heat and I plan on building more as my ankle allows.
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As a resident brown thumb, and beginner gardener I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to invest in perennials.
Yes it takes longer for a perennial plant to mature, (about 2 to 3 years if it's in a pot) but you can definitely grow annuals while you wait and won't even notice, I am TELLING you it is so so worth it guys trust me.
You'll have Fruits/nuts/berries/herbs/leafy greens for years to come after one install and very minimal upkeep.
Perennials also tend to be hardier and more forgiving when it comes to beginner gardener's in my experience as well.
My method is to always purchase 1-2 perennial plants On Sale for every 5-8 annuals i plan on growing that year. It may be a little expensive if ur just starting out, so 1 perennial + 3-ish annuals would suffice.
Plants do well when they're companion planted so it saves u time, energy, and pesticides to get recommended combinations.
My first year didnt count, I only planted a solid block of irish potatoes of the same variety. It was a plague of bugs and disease. Don't do that, always get Companion Plant combos.
So let's go over a 4 year garden plan to get an idea, when you know what you're doing.
The 1st year I started with: a blackberry bush kit. The kit had 2 blackberry plants in it, I got it from Sams Club. I planted them in cheap plastic pots.
-a grapevine kit (Red seedless and Concord pair I also from the same Sams club). I didn't know what a mycellium network was so I thought the roots molded and threw them away, I still feel the sting from that waste but i was able to buy a Disease resistant grape variety online and plant it in the same pot. But dont be like me.
-And for my annuals that year I went with a salsa garden combo kit (peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, basil) that I got from Lowes. I harvested the salsa ingredients that whole summer.
-The second year
i bought an Italian plum tree, and for my annuals, I planted a Salad kit.
By that time, the Blackberries were mature and I was able to harvest blackberries for the first time.
This year, the 3rd year I've expanded my kitchen garden to include a salsa garden, and the 3 sisters combo (squash, beans and corn planted in the same place).
The grapevine I planted is now mature and will give me grapes in the late summer.
I'm on my second year of blackberries.
The Plum tree will be ready next year. And I haven't decided on what to plant yet.
The fourth year It will probably be a greek salad combo kit (tomatoes, red onion, basil, parsley, garlic) with a tea garden kit (rosemary, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, mint). By this time My plum tree will be mature and I will harvest my first year of plums, my third year of blackberries, and my second year of grapes. And for my two new perennials, I will go with two apple trees for $10 each online.
By That Time I will harvest my 3rd year of blackberries, my 2nd year of grapes and my 1st year of italian plums.
So that's how it works!
Grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are cheap and widely available from big box stores during planting season, whereas fruit trees are cheaper and healthier when ordered online outside of planting season but pre-ordered for the next year, in my experience.
(this could be berry bushes, a fruit tree, a nut tree, a fruit vine, or a perennial herb you just have to shop around) They mature faster when you plant it in a pot, and you grow however many annuals you want that growing season.
I'm so focused on the routine spring radishes and summer tomatoes, that two adhd business days (seasons) later and boom
"now I have fresh blackberries this season too."
"Oh what's this? Now I have grapes to go along with this year's harvest"
COCAINE can't beat that high, check your growing zone and buy that f*cking dwarf tree.
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japanesepenguin · 5 months
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+ Garden update~
+ This is a plum tree; after several flowers at the end of winter, he's finally decided to start growing some leaves; I let the clover grow in the pot because I have very little mulch and even less dried leaves to use as cover
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+ Rosemary finally has some sun, looking good
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+ Snapdragons finally dying off, but the pots contain chive seedlings and lots of cilantro (needs thinning)
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+ Basil; this was store-bought at a sale price, but doing okay
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+ Seed trays!
+ Shiso/ooba (Japanese perilla), big tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, blackberries (an experiment, nothing has sprouted), shishito (peppers), chervil, parsley, more cilantro, dill, broccoli, kale, lettuce, gooseberry (all sprouted!!), a few ice plants that I'm hoping will take off with warmer weather, snow peas...
+ The plants at the top of the image are all wildflowers from a packet of seeds from my mom
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+ Bird netting around the blueberry bushes; the king and queen (Samson and Suksuk) are now accompanied by Starya and Sootakson; the netting is not well-done, it was a mid-workday emergency job since the birds started going for the flower blossoms...
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+ Suksuk already blossomed and, I believe, got pollinated by something; at least, it's looking like it's supposed to... the petals turned purple and fell off, and the bottom bit looks like it should
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+ Flowers outside Akina's window: lantana and saxifrage plus lavender; the plant is okra, I figured it would grow better with Akina watching over it; the lavender lacks flowers in the photo because I've harvested the first batch and am currently drying them (for making London Fog)
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+ This is iyokan, a Japanese citrus; like any citrus, its flowers smell amazing...
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+ A Japanese bell pepper, eggplant, and three corn... like, regular corn; The eggplant is not doing well, not sure what's wrong
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+ Oh! The persimmon "tree" is still alive! He's been making leaves, which is incredible, because when I transplanted it, it had no healthy roots and was just a dead stick; trees are great
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+ The side plot... radishes (about ready to harvest), beets, a small amount of spinach, carrots, and edamame (soy beans); the scraps on the right are there drying out to be used in compost
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+ Snow peas from a seed pack from my mom
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+ Edamame (soy beans) from our landlord... He asked how many I wanted, I told him 12, he told me to take 20, I told him I don't have room for 20, he told me to take 15, I took 15... But three of them have died so now I have 12
+ They are growing surprisingly fast...
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+ I have started a more proper composting area
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+ Finally, the strawberries! We have gotten six tiny little berries so far from a set of four plants; the berries were small but very sweet
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+ But the bigger berries on the bigger plants are starting to come in and most of the other plants have lots of flowers...
+ This concludes your garden update
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
Beloved 📚
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Here is a stack of books that were so beloved that I made a special point to buy my own copy. I've left out some of the obvious series--Narnia, the Fairy Tale Novels, and Anne of Green Gables--on the grounds that the first two have shown up in a bunch of stacks already, and I don't particularly love the copies I have of the Anne books. There are complicated shades of nuance behind choosing books for the stack--there are several very beloved books that were easy to find, so buying them didn't have quite the same treasure hunt feeling, while some slightly-less-beloved books made the stack because their acquisition was more purposeful or felt more exciting. Because of that, I'm going to give a little info for why I chose each book.
Books In the Stack:
The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder: I read the ebook and loved it so much that I made a point of ordering print copies for myself and a friend.
Baby by Patricia MacLachlan: I read it so many times in middle school (because it's short and it's about a baby) that I had to buy a copy when I found it at the thrift store, even though it's nothing particularly amazing.
The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers: My favorite of the Wimsey books I read from the library, so I made sure to order a print copy of my own.
84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff: When I finished this book, I wanted nothing more than to buy my own copy at a used book store. The next time I went to one, I happened to find it.
Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke: Such a fun little graphic novel that, when the opportunity arose to get a signed copy, I jumped at it.
Tales from the Blackberry Bushes by @isfjmel-phleg : I love these stories so much that I hand-bound my own copy so I can have it on my shelves forever
Entwined by Heather Dixon: One of my favorite retellings, so I ordered myself a copy as a Christmas present one year
Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne: I had so much fun listening to the audiobook that I bought the very first copy I found at a library book sale.
Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton: I read it on Gutenberg, and it's so important to my worldview that I bought my own copy from the religious book store.
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery: This is just such a cute little book that I couldn't resist buying a falling-apart copy from a garage sale, and later buying a replacement copy in better condition from a thrift store. It's not quite beloved, but for some reason I'm very fond of it.
Matched by Allie Condie: The library book left my head spinning with concepts of free will. When I got a Barnes and Noble gift card, I bought my own copy. The story is rough, but the concepts of the world only get more relevant as time goes on.
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis: Such a heartwrenching look at grief. When I happened to find a nice used copy, I couldn't leave it behind.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: After I read the series, I bought ragged copies of my own from garage sales. They're far from difficult to find, but at the time, getting my own copies was exciting.
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery: It became one of my favorite romances, so I ordered my own copy online. Then I bought a replacement copy when I happened to find a much better edition last summer.
Persuasion by Jane Austen: Of course I have print copies of all Austen's novels, but the others are mostly just the copies I happened to find. With this book, I saw the Word Cloud Classics edition in a Youtube video and knew I needed that specific edition, so I ordered it online. I haven't regretted it--it's a pleasantly-designed book.
World Series by John R. Tunis: The Dodgers books are some of the only books that stuck with me from my teenage years. I happened to find copies of The Kid from Tomkinsville and The Kid Comes Back, both of which are more beloved. But after my last reread of Tomkinsville, I wanted to continue the series, found my library had gotten rid of their copies, so I ordered my own copy of the second book. (And then never reread it, but that doesn't mean I don't love it).
The Reed of God by Caryll Houselander: I saw it at the religious bookstore, decided to read it from the library instead of buying, and then loved it so much I eventually went back to the same store and bought it.
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cyclicalobsessions · 2 months
Onto the next obsession! It’s a story so buckle up!
So I’ve been wanting blackberry and blueberry bushes for ages but I never had a good place to put them and never wanted to spend that much on something that I might not be able to take care of. Blueberries are notoriously finicky. But I saw them on sale at grocery outlet for $2.50 a piece! So I grabbed one of each lol. I also recently found out that my county will give you free mosquito fish for any water feature in your yard. They eat mosquito larva so it’s part of their mosquito abatement plan. They’re super small and extremely low maintenance so like, a bowl of standing water would even be fine.
Later, I asked my daughter’s babysitter to keep an eye out for any large containers cause I have a couple projects. She shows me this massive plastic tote, like big enough to store a body and still have room 😂. I’m like 👀 idk about all that but I’ll think about it. She also showed me these 2 cute long planters and I’m like‼️ but let me think on it first to make sure I’m not being impulsive lol. I get home and I’m whining to my mom lol like that tote would be so cool to make a pond, but I have kids and dogs so they probably wouldn’t work well with it. She’s like Ashlie, just put up a fence. Lmao and I had a lightbulb moment. Imma make a pond out of that huge tote, use the 2 long planters for the blueberries and blackberries as barriers to keeps kids and dogs out, and some extra fencing on the side to block that spot. I’ve already got all the plants, the soil, fish, containers are all free. My city hands out free compost. So I’m going to build a pond for $15 😆 I’m so excited lmao
First Day’s work done! Only an hour or so after work.
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digbysjuices · 2 months
Exploring the Delights of Bramble Vape Juice: A Flavorful Journey
In the realm of vaping, flavor diversity is king, offering enthusiasts a myriad of options to tantalize their taste buds. Among the array of choices, Bramble vape juice stands out as a captivating blend that merges fruitiness with complexity, promising a delightful sensory experience.
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Bramble vape juice derives its name from the wild blackberry bushes known as brambles, evoking images of lush, tangled vines bursting with ripe berries. This e-liquid typically combines the sweet-tart essence of blackberries with the subtle bitterness of raspberries, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. The addition of menthol or cooling agents can further enhance the vaping sensation, delivering a refreshing coolness on the exhale.
One of the charms of Bramble vape juice lies in its versatility. Whether you prefer a straightforward blackberry dominance or enjoy the interplay of multiple berry notes, there's a variation to suit every palate. Some blends may incorporate hints of other fruits like blueberries or strawberries, adding depth and complexity to the overall profile.
For those who appreciate the sensory experience of vaping, Bramble vape juice offers more than just flavor—it provides a multisensory journey. The aroma alone can evoke memories of summer days spent picking wild berries, while the smooth inhale and satisfying exhale mimic the satisfaction of biting into a freshly picked fruit.
In the world of vaping, where customization and personalization reign supreme, Bramble vape juice stands as a testament to the creativity and innovation of flavor artisans. Its popularity among enthusiasts underscores the demand for unique, high-quality e-liquids that deliver both taste and satisfaction.
As with any vape juice, selecting a Bramble flavor involves considerations beyond taste alone. Factors such as nicotine strength, VG/PG ratio, and bottle size play roles in tailoring the vaping experience to individual preferences. Whether you're new to vaping or a seasoned enthusiast seeking a new flavor adventure, Bramble vape juice offers a compelling option worth exploring.
for more info :- 
Bramble Vape Juice
Gold Shortfill E-Liquid for Sale
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17-08-66 · 1 year
The lost boys star and Michael's playlists
Note: these songs aren't all the same genre I just felt like they fit star and Michael for some reason, even worse! Some of these are well after the 80s by about 23 years. I'm not sure if the opinions in brackets even match there personalities.
Warning: use of the word steroids
Star's playlist:
Jefferson airplane-alice (star had a huge crush on one of the band members grace slick when she was like 12-13)
Bernadette carroll-laughing on the outside (she loves the sound of the Bernadette's voice as it rises and falls)
Cults-bad things (she thinks Madeline follin is so beautiful)
Toyah-it's a mystery (loves the lyrics makes her feel like a main character)
Plastic Bertrand-ca plane pour moi (loves how upbeat it is makes her feel like she could conquer the world)
Kate Bush-running up that hill (loves Kate bushes style and tries to add elements of it into her own wardrobe)
Baccara-Yes sir I can boogie (makes her want to go to a disco and dance until dawn)
The the-this is the day (the song gives her chills every time she hears it, she feels it's such a beautiful reflection of hopelessness and despair)
Orchestral manoeuvres in the dark-electricity (it makes her feel so care free it's something she twirls around the room to)
Japan-ghosts (she feels she can relate to it, it reminds her that she can't see any good in her future but when Michael comes along maybe she still has a chance?)
Cults-always forever (she loves the way they made Madeline follin's voice sound in this song)
The mission-severina (she enjoys how hauntingly beautiful the word severina is cast out)
Michael's playlist:
I think most of these would be his dad's old records that he gave to Michael when he left for Santa Carla.
The Beatles-come together (listening to this song always mellowed him out when his parents were getting a divorce)
shocking blue-send me a postcard (he loves the power and passion in Mariska's voice)
Charlie feathers-I can't hardly stand it (he find the reverb on the vocals extremely satisfying)
Three dog night-one (would always listen to this song with his dad when he took him out for the day)
The move-blackberry way (he favours Trevor Burton's bass playing over any other)
Pink Floyd-see Emily play (reminds him of his ex Emily the first girl he was ever in love with who was wonderful but went down a bad path)
Death-keep on knocking (one of his favourites to jump around, with some of his more wild freinds)
Pavement-harness your hopes (enjoys the first 24 seconds of the song more than anything)
Golden dawn-starvation (found it in a yard sale when he was 11 for a dime)
The Ramones-surf city (the first time he saw it he thought the beach boys on steroids and leather jackets cool!)
The animals-don't let me be misunderstood (thinks Eric burden has such a soulful voice)
The searchers-love potion number 9 (on his 9th birthday his parent gave him a mixed cassette tape and this was on it he played it constantly for 2 weeks, drove Sam mad)
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westcoastloves · 1 year
1:10 am
i never have trouble leaving until i’m gone. i didn’t feel anything when i walked out of my childhood home for the last time, but here i am a year later mourning who i was when i lived there.
cuts from blackberry bushes, fresh strawberries from the garden, my name written on the bedroom door, learning to love, the marmalade cats, fights with my brothers, blue tongues, silly bands, sugar cookies, splinters, walking to the mall, sneaking in to movies, my college acceptance letter, prom, a for sale sign.
i hope the me that still lives there is happier than i remember.
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finsterhund · 1 year
I can't really find information on the internet about at what point should a young pole bean plant start naturally climbing/wrapping around supports so I'm anxiously preparing for some trial and error.
Like do they need to be guided onto certain support systems? At what point do I need to put down the first stakes of the trellis and try to get the little shoot to wind around it. Everyone explains how to make trellises and I already know how to do that. I wanna know at what point should the plant be seeking them out. Obviously I want the base of the plants to be thick and strong to support the rest of the structure and have a good intake of water and nutrients so I don't want it to happen too early and I'm not going to like... when they're still thin and small... Manually wrap them around a post or shit like that.
Also don't know whether I should be trying to maximize the amount of width of vining growth either. Like how far out in directions other than up vines may grow. It appears to be in inconclusive if cutting runner beans back encourages more pod growth or not. Obviously I'd like maximum bean yield but I mostly just want my plants to be healthy and happy. Especially in the case of the two that will be staying in my window as these plants are technically perennial and that means if I don't have to worry about overwintering survival I have new permanent companions. For all I know I'm being way too serious about it and these guys are going to be insufferable little demons that strangle anything and everything they are able to grow towards but coming out of a serious loss I just don't want their lives to be senselessly cut short. Witnessing the incredible spectacle of water and sunlight being enough to get these bright little sources of dopamine to come out of cups full of dirt has done wonders on my will to live.
Going to wait about thirty days before trying to push them into climbing supports and obviously I'm checking them every fucking day because I'm their father and I've quickly become attached to the two successfully germinated beans so far.
Also runner beans can technically pollinate themselves but pollinators stimulating the flowers is still important for maximizing pod growth so I'll have to get these plants off if they're going to stay indoors and I want beans. 😭 Literally saw a YouTube video saying to just fucking take an electric toothbrush to the flowers and.... yeah... I swear to god. A different person said to finger the flowers. 🧐
I have no clue the amount of healthy active pollinators near our building but hopefully the plants outside will make do. The flowers are beloved by hummingbirds and I fucking love humming birds so here's hoping they'll come.
Part of me wants to get more plants but I have no clue what. These heirloom beans are of important significance to me that's why I got them. I can't exactly grow other personally significant plants to me like blackberries, oak trees, crab apples, etc, because I don't have space for trees and bushes. The poor things wouldn't thrive after a certain point.
I'm not emotionally ready for another Venus flytrap I think. Still miss Shadow 😢 I guess if I saw one for sale I'd consider but I'm not planning to seek one out just yet. Maybe I'll try to find one of those brilliant maroon morphs. Red dragons I think they're called. I might intentionally seek out a pitcher plant though. Always wanted one but haven't seen them for sale in person since I was like 8 or 9.
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greenwoodnursery1 · 2 years
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We have a wide online selection of affordable fruit plants for sale such as blackberry, raspberry, and strawberry plants as well as blueberry bushes, goji berry plants & more. You may also like to check our catalog for Fruit Trees for Sale online.
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Thornless Blackberry Plants
If temperatures go below minus 20 Fahrenheit the plant must be covered with 6 mil clear or white plastic to make a temporary greenhouse during the winter. For more information to visit our website https://www.fruitsandberries.com/ or feel free to contact us.
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magpiewithacamera · 3 years
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"Where would I live, if I were a man of Golden Words...?"
Andy stayed at this house, on Bainbridge, on and off during the period that Malfunkshun was being formed. It was owned by a friend's grandmother at the time. It's for sale (or possibly sold) now. The basement of this house is where Malfunkshun was formed. It's a holy spot.
@fluttergirl and I went there in August.
First pic: the house as seen from the driveway. It's in a very peaceful neighborhood, we didn't see another car drive past while we were there. It sits on a property surrounded by high yew bushes and trees on all four sides. There are blackberries and hyacinth bushes all over the land.
Second pic: This is the front door. @fluttergirl, collector of skeleton keys and obituaries, noted that the doors still had their original locks, large keyholes. The steps were worn and a bit spongey but not unsafe. The porch wraps around 3 sides of the house. Easy to imagine Andy, Kevin and Regan Hagar sitting out here on a warm summer evening, or playing a game of touch football in the yard.
Third pic: The overgrown porch. This pic shows the long front of the house. I'm standing directly over the garage doors in the first pic to get this shot. The porch had a few holes, and several scary spots where the flooring did groan when walked on.
Fourth pic: Here's where it got HOLY. This is a small shed at the back of the property. Very overgrown with bushes, it would almost have been easy to miss, if Andy hadn't been walking with me that day. The door was hanging wide open, we didn't touch or change anything for any of these photos. It was maybe 15' X 12' feet, no bigger than an average size bedroom. On the sill of the door were three pennies. 3 pennies. One from 1972, one from 1976, one from 1980. I picked them up and went inside.
Fifth pic: There is surprisingly little graffiti or damage. The inside of the shed still has an old wood stove opposite the door. There was evidence of something being burned in there recently. But I was drawn to the small square windows, two of them, in the center of the photo. I knew I'd seen them before.
Sixth pic: a publicity shot of Andy, Malfunkshun days, taken about 1984. The bottom square window is very distinctly visible behind him, at about a 45 degree angle over his right shoulder. The corner wall beam is directly behind his head, and a few of the wood supports of the wall are to his left. This corner is where that photo was taken.
I was stunned. This was holy ground.
Photos seven and eight: Samples of Andy's distinctive handwriting. Note the letter 'e's throughout, and the number '2'. Both these are from his notes written c 1985.
Photo 9 (three times three, I thought it appropriate to not lead with this, tho it's the most important photo I think I've ever taken) Graffiti on the bare stud wall of the shed. "WE ARE HERE 2 LOVE"
Please compare letters.
MOST young men, 15, 16 years old, would take up pen to cheerfully tell the world to s*ck their dick, to draw crude cartoons of genitalia, to write something witty or crass or banal or shocking. And that's fine, that's how we are, when we're teens.
Andy, however, left this for us.
All of us, here, him then, us now, maybe someday someone else who stands in a musty shed on Bainbridge and traces the letters with their fingers, he left it for ALL OF US.
@fluttergirl took the last photo, my hand (unnecessarily) pointing it out. We were not 100% certain at the time it was Andy's writing. We are now.
There's a little regret that we didn't take the board. It is, after all, an abandoned shack that will possibly be sold to someone who's never even heard of Malfunkshun, doesn't care about who was there, 35 years ago.
But we were there, we got the shots, and we are bringing them to you. The board really doesn't matter. It was the medium he sent this love letter to us, and we're sending it on to everyone who needs to hear it.
'Words and music, my only tools...'
What an amazing statement.
THIS, then, is our history.
Many thanks to @fluttergirl for being an amazing explorer with me!
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