#Blinded by the Setting Sun
milliekyway · 1 year
erkin: *gets stabbed*
erkin: ok first thing first, RUDE-
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pyeryte · 2 years
I love revenge plots that focus on like, the emotion of revenge instead of the act of revenge itself. When people sympathize with understand that hatred and either regret doing it or spur it on. The blind hatred. I love it all. It definitely doesn’t feel morally right, but I love reading about revenge. Protag or not. 
I found that when characters let go of that revenge for little reasons, it’s boring and anticlimatic. “This character got over their toxic emotion of hatred! It’s a good thing!” and in my mind, I’m wondering what’s going to drive them now. Is this character’s fickle relationship really enough to distract the wronged from their target? Was their vengence really that strong to begin with?
Anyways, this is about Shut Hell.
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canisalbus · 1 year
IDK if I'm phrasing this correctly, but in my brain, Vasco is, like, the personification (caninification?) of an afternoon chilling on a back porch swing.
#ah#that's adorable#I can totally imagine him doing that#answered#anonymous#Vasco#to me he usually conjures the feeling of being warmed by sunlight#winters in northern Finland where I'm from tend to be pretty rough at least for me they are#they last about six months or so#sun starts to set earlier and earlier until it gets dark before 2 pm#in december the sun barely rises at all it's like this brief moment of twilight at noon between two 22+ hour nights#it gets harder to wake up in the morning and your energy levels plummet you go into battery saving mode#polar night messes up your brain seasonal depression gets really bad#and the cold and dark goes on and on and you feel like you'll never feel warm or happy or properly awake again#but eventually it starts to veer towards spring and on one day you notice that the sun is shining??!?!#not like bleakly and weakly but proper sunlight with warm hue and capability to actually warm the things it touches#you've forgotten what it looks like when it's truly light outside#and it's the craziest feeling to see bright natural light it blinds you and pierces right through into your very core#being kissed by the sun for the first time in months feels unreal it feels SO GOOD#I don't know it's probably not that big of a deal for people around me#but I personally react to things like changes in temperature and the amount of daylight pretty massively#I like to think that Vasco is a first ray of sunlight hitting you after you've spent what feels like an eternity in someplace cold and dark
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mikefrawley · 1 year
Winter's Setting Sun
Having outlived our old world long ago with heads bowed, we yet walk alone slowly fading into winter's setting sun seeking a better place to call our own Falling through her blustery darkness remembering a time we were not blind and the love we cherished now long ago praying one new day might be so kind
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muffinlance · 1 year
After reading the tags on your latest post I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make a brief overview of the iffy tropes/details your sensitivity reader helped you pick up on? Of course it wouldn't replace doing research ourselves, but I'd love to hear about it regardless!
Have not run it by them yet because it is in no fit state for human consumption at this point; the tropes are just from reading their blog + others on Tumblr + general Internet research including the excellent "blind people walk you through normal activities from their perspective" videos on YouTube. But off the top of my head:
Face touching. Where the blind person gropes someone's face to see? Sighted people made that up. I rewrote a chapter in Towards the Sun when I realized that one. Which makes sense, because why would a blind person be any more inclined to run their hands all up in your facial juices. Eww.
Negating blindness with magic and pretty much ignoring the blindness henceforth. Which is why Zuko isn't going to learn to see with firebending. There are very interesting discussions on how Toph herself fits and doesn't fit into this trope; finding them is left as an exercise for the reader.
Token blind character, AKA only having one blind person in the narrative who represents All Blind People. Going to have a few blind NPCs running around, with various levels of sight and accommodations, to thoroughly negate this one.
Being Depressed and/or Overly Inspirational about the blindness. AKA character devotes a large chunk of the story to bemoaning their blindness, with bonus inspirational "overcoming" at the end. Think about how it would feel if the majority of characters like you spent vast word counts hating the thing that makes them like you. And then solving it, in a way you can't, so they don't have to have the tragic fate of Being Like You. ...So Zuko is not getting cured, and he's also not wasting much time wallowing in an angst puddle.
Basically, I want this to be a story that low vision folks can read and go "that was fun and less offensive than 70% of actual media representations", and sighted people can go "that was fun and hopefully I internalized some positive things that will make me less likely to grab a blind person's arm and forcibly Help Them Cross The Road, Try To Pet Their Dog (and Get Huffy When Asked to Please Not), or Call People Out On Not Being Blind Because They Don't Fit The Stereotypes".
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Night City Night Life
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synthshenanigans · 11 months
Jashtober Day 14- Blinded
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points if you can guess what this is referencing
below is a smaller like, phonescreen size? Idea for my phone but idk how good it'll be lol v
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bitesizedpoetry · 1 month
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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"So, you wanna work with the best?"
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"Congrats, you found him."
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kijosakka · 6 months
got possessed and decided i must make a post about noahs character arc in dramaturgy Immediately
ok,, so the gist is friends. this is the Give Noah Friends Arc. he starts with no friends and then he gets some.
and he also gets some character flaws. for fun. dont worry he grows he develops,, umm so noah [in this AU] as a Character is very deeply rooted in two things: his defense/coping mechanisms, and his background in the industry.
to cover: his defense/coping mechanisms. they are. Bad. his primary defense throughout the show is his nonsubstance itself — but beyond that, the way he intentionally makes himself unpalatable. he makes jokes and seemingly mean-spirited quips at peoples expense and that would be innocuous if it wasnt all he was. but he very intentionally doesnt have character beyond that.
its like advanced self isolation (and regular self isolation when he refuses to interact with anyone after he gets eliminated and generally when hes off camera). additionally (to bring in themes from my original two posts) he creates a severe disconnect between noah The Person and noah The Character and it seeps through to his perception of his castmates as well.
^ this ties back into his Industry past, which,,, kinda fucked him up?? its not like its a normal developmental setting and it shows when hes being noah The Person. he doesnt really know who he is in normal settings; hes so firm in his identity within the industry and his role in it, but in Real Life, Teenage settings? clueless. has no idea what hes doing.
his severe disconnect of person and character also affects the way he sets boundaries, which is to say, hes really fucking bad at it. entertainment industries are Sketchy As Hell, and he kept his head afloat by navigating the system and working within it, but never learned to set clear-cut, do-not-cross boundaries in his relationships as a result (smth smth setting those limits were ‘taboo’ within the industry and could limit the work you got or how many people were willing to reach out)
< tacking onto that parentheses thing, hes also wildly unfamiliar with non-transactional relationships (in this way, him and alejandro are very similar). hes grown up seeing these people around him play nice for the strict purpose of give-and-take and has very few examples for things that are not that. he constantly struggles with understanding that he doesnt have to ‘repay’ things or ‘give’ something to be treated fairly.
(also smth to be said about his ‘keep everyone away’ thing where he silently thinks that even beyond the cameras if he tried to form relationships on the show he would be treated poorly/‘trampled on’ because his nonsubstance wouldnt allow him to ‘give back’ in a way that would make those people see him as worth treating fairly.
his castmates are effectively part of the industry now, why wouldnt they treat him like hes always been taught the people in the industry would?)
^ and again, it seeps through to his perceptions. to things like the love triangle, or sierras obsessive behavior towards cody; noah has trouble understanding why people like courtney would be distraught at it, because to him he can only see it in a transactional light (amplified by it being an on-camera relationship eventually turned plot point). similarly, it takes him A While to properly understand codys distress because to him it seems like sierras giving and he should just ‘return something’ to make them even (not really hitting him that he cant ‘return’ feelings like that).
which brings be further into his overarching Arc. you know, the character one. kicked off initially by wanting to unmask alejandro as a patent fake, he gets his development in other areas too --- like finally getting some real-world experiences with kids his age instead of studio execs three decades his seniors.
it gives him proper, real point of reference as to what matters to his peers beyond a clinical sense and observation --- in short, he learns to better understand the castmates around him beyond what the industry exploits them for, and in doing so he develops past his initial stunted-ness.
< and that in turn helps him learn past his slightly (very) fucked up headspace and perception that his childhood environment created.
(and to slot in now, noahs character in the AU is perfect for consistent themes of internal conflict. how he initially builds up relationships, conflict. struggling on whether to keep the act or expose alejandro, conflict. being hyperaware of both the audience and cast perceptions of him, conflict. realizing his battle has become two-sided and alejandro and thus the cast/audience is catching glimpses of his Person, conflict. realizing hes in too deep and now the plot itself demands him from a meta-ish standpoint, conflict. just conflicts all around for this guy.)
now there is the whole... being a person on camera thing. which is in essence what the entire AU and story arc thereof is centered around: noah learns that he can Be a Person and drop the overly sterile self-regulation sometimes. im,, slightly torn on how exactly to cement this kind of shift in behavior,,
< as it makes sense in my head, noah would be more willing to relent his vice-grip on his facade for the sake of achieving his goal (being expose alejandro outright/at least see whats underneath). so therefore, for the story to progress, there would have to be those opportunities, and for it to make sense those opportunities would have to increase as the plot goes on (and, ofc, inline with alejandros own relent on his mask for the sake of going back and forth in some weird bid for who can expose the other and still keep up their own facade)
^ this is kindof what ive 'settled on' to build up the rest of the AU events on (i will have to find some way to slot in those opportunities proper uuuughghgggh) but yet again if Anyone has Any thoughts at all,, hand them over pretty pls pspspspspspsp
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milliekyway · 1 year
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she went from contemplating killing the man at every minor inconvenience to wearing earrings that reminds her of his eyes
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delta-orionis · 7 months
Every time I choose to buy a new device that has RGB, I always think to myself "that will be cool! I like pretty lights" and the novelty lasts like an hour maximum before I have to turn that shit off
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bulletbilltime · 6 days
The world is so cruel giving me animatics in the brain and no ability to follow through on them disease
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lights-at-night · 12 days
why are my eyes failing meeeeeeeeeeee
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whataboutyouisamascot · 2 months
At the end of the day, when you allow your shoulders and face to fall, when you feel the weight of the burdens you carry dragging you down to your bed, the warmth of your blanket and the safety it brings whispers into your ear that you are so beloved. It may not feel like it at this moment, being lulled into a dull, dreamless sleep, but the moon casts a faint light to illuminate your path as the stars shimmer a protective net around you, keeping you within their crib as they show you that you are worth keeping a light on for. If you wake up in the night, the discomfort of consciousness seeping into your bones, the little people in your phone that you scroll to keep any haunting thoughts away will be there with words of care, support, affirmation; they will be there to tell you that they love you.
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echoland · 2 months
me when i choose to interpret kim's "halo" as kim beginning to eclipse the very idea of idealization in hdb's mind because he's not in the center of the so-called halo (-- slightly to the left)(c.f. jean) like he is interfering with the harsh light (of the "divine") just me though👍
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