#Blurple is the best
tmnt-tychou · 2 years
Bayverse Polyship Head Canon
I know this isn't for everyone, but I do feel ending up dating more than one brother is not necessarily far-fetched. You will be one of the maybe two women they know. As such, chances are more than one turtle may catch feelings. And your two options are: either everyone gets really cool about a lot of stuff really fast, or expect a lot of heartbreak and broken brother relationships.
We're going to explore the “Everyone gets real cool about a lot of stuff” option. Though not every relationship is made the same as far as how low or how high maintenance your relationship will be.
Also, of all the head canons I write, I will say take this the least seriously. This is all for fun and entertainment. Though anyone is free to PM me to discuss this topic further. I'd love to hear all about your thoughts.
Soft mature warning. I don't get too graphic, but some people are weird about more than two adults in consenting relationships. 17+ rating?
For @thelaundrybitch​ who loves the Blurple. And for @turtle-babe83​ since I feel like this is in your wheelhouse
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Leo/Donnie (aka Blurple)
Maintenance Level: Low
This is the easiest relationship you'll ever be in. Both like to have their own quiet time to themselves and don't always need to have your attention every moment of the day. They'll come to you when they want some affection and it's very seldom at the same time since they have completely different schedules.
Leo will make Donnie go. To. Bed. It's part of his OCD. You're in this relationship, you go to bed when we go to bed. Sometimes Donnie is grateful for the reminder to sleep. Sometimes Leo is marching in a sour Donatello who was in the zone and didn't want to stop working. When that happens, Donnie will curl up around you, surrounding you with all limbs. He is sulking and he is NOT sharing now. That's what you get, Leo.
Sometimes in these cases, Donnie will just wait for Leo to fall asleep or only sleep for a few hours and go back to his workshop. When this happens, he leaves a teddy bear in his place for you to cuddle. Because he knows Leo gets up hella early so you will probably wake up alone. But now you get to at least wake up to Mr. Floofy.
Making him go to bed is the only time Donnie will allow Leo to pull rank in the relationship. He is an EQUAL partner. Any attempts from Leo to boss him around when it concerns you will get him The Sass from Donnie. Leo didn't even know what to do the first time Donnie sassed him. Donnie does not sass. But in this relationship, he will not be told by Leo what he can and can't do.
Leo weirdly gets more protective of Donnie. Not horribly so, but there is definitely some sort of protective instinct there after the relationship develops that wasn't there before.
These two are big cuddlers. If you leave them in the bed sleeping together, they will end up cuddling each other in their sleep. But when you're in the middle, prepare to have both of them practically sleeping on top of you. They purposefully like to keep you warm so you'll get so hot in the night you'll kick off all your sleep clothes. Cue all the happy churs when they get that nice skin on skin contact. That's what they're after. If you go to bed in the nude, even better.
In the bedroom, these two work like a well-oiled machine. They are in sync and navigate around each other quite easily. Though sometimes it seems a bit too robotic. They get in, get the job done, and call it a night. If you want to spice things up and get a little more quality emotional moments with your sexy times, you will want to engage with them one on one. And they would appreciate it. They can share, but they still like to have all of your attention all to themselves every now and then.
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Mikey/Raph (aka Blood Orange)
Maintenance Level: Moderate
This relationship is very awkward. But it's also cute as hell because they are trying SO HARD not to screw this up.
Both are very needy and, while they will hang out with the three of you, they also need quality one-on-one time both casually and intimately. And they are just so sweet  and loving when you give them your undivided attention. They each love you so much and they are trying their best.
They Rock, Paper, Scissors for everything: your time, which position in the bedroom, ect. Even then, there's still a lot of weird discussions between the brothers that veer off into the strangest of avenues. Especially because of Mikey. No topic goes undiscussed. The two can be found huddling in the corner, whispering aggressively at each other as they try to figure out their shit.
But they do a little too much conspiring without your feedback. They really need your help to confirm their efforts are moving the relationship in the right direction. Communication is key. If you don't continuously make sure you are also a part of the conversation, they are going to get their own ideas of what they THINK you want and steer this ship directly into a sand trap
Raphael actually looks to Mikey to take the lead, especially at the beginning. Mikey has all the confidence and Raph is very hesitant about any new direction in the relationship. When the three of you start to figure things out, his confidence will slowly return, but he will appreciate you confirming that he is making good decisions about the relationship—when he actually does. He will probably also make some mistakes along the way and you will need to discuss with each other so that you are both on the same page moving forward. But both your boys are willing listen, learn and grow.
Getting them both in the bedroom at the same time is not a problem. Mikey does not care who else is in the room as long as he gets to be with you. Raph gets over it pretty quickly. If you love some laughter during your sexy times, this is the relationship for you because they are an awkward comedy duo as they try to please you. It's kind of fun. And as long as you're having fun, they're having fun.
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Maintenance Level: Moderate
You will definitely have to put way more effort into one side of the relationship over the other. Mikey is always going to be around taking up your time. Donnie, you will never see unless you go get him. You may have to actually schedule “Donnie Time” if you're ever going to get any quality time with him. Especially since Donatello doesn't have the energy to put up with Mikey's neediness. If he has to fight his brother for your attention, he would rather go do something else instead of make a fool of himself. If you want his time, you can come get it.
You get much of the same in the bedroom if both of them want to be intimate at the same time. It's a fifty-fifty chance Donatello will either just leave instead of putting up with Mikey's neediness to be near you, or he will shut Mikey down and take over. Donnie is the alpha of the two—when he feels like it. But Mikey never runs out of batteries and he can wear Donnie down to the point where the taller turtle just gives in and lets Mikey have what he wants: you.
If you do not put in the effort to make sure Donnie feels like an equal partner in this relationship, you will lose him. He loves you, but he's not going to be treated like the third wheel in his own relationship. He will try, but you have to meet him half way. And you will have to be the one to tell Mikey he cannot have all your attention all the time.
When you can get these two to find a nice, equal balance of your time and attention, cuddle time is going to be the best thing ever. All the churs. You are going to get deep turtle rumblings and lots of happy chirps. Neither one of these men care about schooling all their little happy turtle noises. You will hear them all and they will be all for you. You might actually get Donnie to come to bed more often because cuddle time is so great and lets all of you recharge your batteries if you've had a rough day.
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Maintenance Level: Low to Moderate
Leo pretty much does your job for you. If Mikey gets too controlling of your time or too needy, Leo will chase him off to give you a break. You'll get an hour or two of alone time, or some one-on-one time with Leo. Then Mikey will eventually come back around to see if he can steal back in for some cuddles.
Worse than if he's with Donnie, Leo gets SO protective of Mikey. His alpha instincts say to protect the “Nest” and Mikey sleeps there, therefore he is part of the nest. (Also, he is baby.) Raph will roast the hell out of Leo for this behavior which sends him into brooding mode, because he knows he's acting ridiculous, but he can't help it. But all of that is brother stuff and has nothing to do with you. Unless you don't like Leo being protective of his baby bro, you don't have to do anything about it.
You will need to check in with Leo every once in a while. Feeling responsible for both you and Mikey is going to kick his protective instincts into overdrive. This can manifest in two different ways. Either he's going to try to control every aspect of the relationship, or he's going to silently wind himself up tighter and tighter, stressed all to hell.
In either scenario, it's up to you to take over. You are the only one who can pull rank on him. It's up to you to tell him to back off or chill out—depending on the situation. You need to summon your own inner alpha and spend some time taking care of him so he doesn't feel like everything is on his shoulders. Some one on one time in the bedroom where you take control will also help him destress.
Unlike with his other brothers, Mikey actively involves Leo in the relationship. Leo's approval is very important to him, even here. He also doesn't want Leo to get too controlling or stressed out either. Mikey will plan date nights for the three of you, which was one of the few things Leo lets him be in charge of. Both boys really enjoy this is.
Having both in the bedroom at the same time is pretty common—either for sleep or other activities. Leo, of course, takes charge here, too. He will absolutely not give you any control of him with Mikey in the room. He will only let you be “on top” when it's just the two of you alone.
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Maintenance Level: HIGH AS FUCK
This is an absolute trash fire, yet they are your trash fire and you love them. So I guess, go with God.
Hope you like being a referee. Because that's all you're going to be doing in this relationship. Sure, they said they could handle it when they first agreed that you would date both of them. But they are lying liars who lie. These two cannot keep their shit together. They are two alphas who absolutely refuse to give an inch to the other. Most of the time, it isn't even about wanting your attention. It's all about ego and being too stubborn to be the one to back down first.
Even on their best days, getting Leo and Raph to spend a lot of close time with each other, even with you as a buffer, eventually gets to them. Two hours at most and they start to get antsy and begin eyeballing each other as if daring the other to step out of line and start something. Date nights with both have to be something active with a lot of space. This way they can get their energy out—possibly with some healthy male rivalry in a race or a game��and they have room to take some time to decompress by themselves if they need it.
There is no such thing as cuddle time with both. Their alpha instincts kick in as soon as one starts getting possessive of you. You're going to be sleeping with shells facing you on both sides just so they don't have to look at each other. Some kind of “custody” schedule will have to be arranged because it cannot be all three of you all the time.  And even when one turtle sees you having your one on one time with the other, he's going to be annoyed. Yes, they are terrible. You picked them.
All three of you are going to have to put in the work if you have any hope of staying together. And you can't make them do this. They have to decide for themselves if they're really going to put in the effort. If you can get any sort of couples counseling, you're going to need it. And you are always going to have to be the one to keep the communication going. If you can keep it together until their 30's, they'll start calming down. A little. If by some miracle you stay together into your 40's you've made it. By then, all their fight is gone and they don't care about scrapping with the other brother anymore. Hell, they might actually sit together without you and reminisce sometimes.
This relationship is one where you get out what you put in. If you're ready to work hard for a long time and if they are also ready to do the same,  then this one's for you.
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Maintenance Level: ???
What even is this? They're like polite neighbors who happen to be banging the same chick and are cool with it. This is barely a poly relationship. More like you're dating two guys at the same time and neither of them really mind the other.
A lot like how Leo gets very protective of Mikey, Raph goes a little alpha protective of Donnie. Though while Mikey thinks protective alpha instincts are funny, Donnie HATES it. He does NOT need Raph to fight his battles for him. (Whether it's Leo or Raph, Donnie does not put up with alpha male bullshit.) He will put Raph in his place if he has to. Which surprises the hell out of Raph every time, because Donnie is usually so passive and quiet. Raph's not even mad. He's kind of a little impressed.
Raph really likes Donnie's company and Donnie doesn't mind Raph, so there is plenty of opportunity for the three of you to spend quality time together. It just won't be intimate time. They will hang out together with you, but they don't like calling it a date. And they won't get romantic with you in front of the other brother. Good luck ever trying to get the two of them in the bedroom at the same time. If you're being intimate with one, the other is just like “Nah, I'm out. I'll come back later.”
The exception to this rule is if you can get them both drunk. Then they will absolutely tag-team you into oblivion. Good luck trying to walk the next day—or even getting out of bed with two giant turtles passed out on top of you. The trick to this is Donnie's only a social drinker. So the times this can happen are like Christmas, New Years, your birthday...maaaaybe 4th of July?
The maintenance level of this relationship is a sliding scale because you can leave it as it is, letting the boys dictate this arrangement where you feel like you're in two different relationships at once. Or you can tell them this isn't what you want and some things need to change. If you want change, it's going to be a lot of you putting in the work and getting after them. Because if you let them, they'll slide right back into polite neighbors status the second you give them an inch. So it's all up to you how much you want to put into this relationship
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myrablurple · 6 months
Who is your favorite muppet and why? 👁👁
I’m about to confess a deep dark secret: I didn’t like the Muppets growing up and I can’t give a valid reason as to why little me didn’t like them even though I loved watching Sesame Street.
But my favorite muppet is Kermit because of the memes and the hilarious clips of him from the Muppets. It’s honestly thanks to the memes I even like the Muppets now.
So yes, Kermit is my favorite because of the memes and Miss Piggy slays.
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softgrungeprophet · 2 months
me designing characters: turquoise! purple! black! red and gold!
#there's a reason my spidersona design used black + turquoise + purple + hot pink lol#i did that very consciously#now ... all my OTHER characters...#been thinking about my biases in terms of costume palettes recently just because of the scratchverse lineup#green and yellow are i think the least represented#i am going to be leaning more into blue for novaglow's costume and less teal#esp since i made the purposeful decision to make tj's costume a mix of teal and acid green#but also because i want the colors to reflect angel's updated powers more so i'm leaning into blue and silver and black#vs their foe whose design will be mostly white and silver and very pale crystal blue#mostly white though because i'm trying to make sure they don't look like frozone 💀#weirdly pink is both underrepresented and very prevalent in the lineup ... naomi w rose gold and gem with bubblegum#but there was a reason i wanted to change the tone of seth's first costume with white and pink instead of bright yellow#of course now naomi is like the only one with yellow (then copper) which is again why i gave tj neon yellow green gloves lol#originally it was gonna be more lemony but i realized hi vis would be better for the design#gold doesn't count but i was very conscious about the tones i used for the psykopomp because tama's ENTIRE theme#has been white + red + gold + black since i first designed her lmfaoooo#so lilith i specifically used a darker red#with a bluer black and no white to help keep her visually distinct#whereas tama her main vibes are predominantly white and gold with red and black accents#also usually a slightly lighter and less bronze gold#aaaaanyway#hopefully drawing novaglow and doc wormwood's upgraded costumes soon#also am wondering how to approach diana's older brother because he's very much A Batman Type#but tarot themed lol so i'm thinking about what colors would work best for his costume and also his *checks notes* hyperyacht#jk idk if it's a hyperyacht. it is a speedboat though.#nadia rambles#this got very scratchverse-centric but is broadly applicable#*stares at qela's uniform iterations*#update: scratchverse most underrepresented color is: orange#also warm-toned purple (purple i use is mostly blurple and periwinkle-lavender)
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sophiacloud28 · 1 month
Hello! May I ask for #20 "You didn't listen" with Donnie, please!
Thank you!
-Looks at Bay!Donnie- -Hears rattling- -Checks on Rise!Donnie-
... Hooookay. Bay!Donnie for here and I'll save Rise!Donnie for later. Aged-up Turtles, obviously and this could be considered an addition to something else, although it can very well stand on its own. Mentions of Blurple, but Donnie is the only turtle present.
One-shot, argument, Bayverse Donatello
You have one hell of a nasty habit.
The fact that it's familiar makes it easier to deal with, he supposes as he streaks through the Manhattan sky, jumping from building to building. It definitely makes it simpler to know why he's here instead of his brother despite the latter's insistence on dealing with you. He can see the argument coming from a mile away and both, no, all four of them agree that whatever has sent you skittering back to your apartment isn't worth the blowout Leo might cause.
So that's why Donnie's here. That's why, despite everything screaming at him that he should knock instead of breaking and entering, he steps inside, takes a breath, and listens.
Your apartment is quiet. Only the sound of a ticking clock can be heard, surprisingly soothing even if a bit foreboding. Only after a few seconds does he catch a sigh and the sound of a turning page, a sure tell that he's not alone and of where you are.
Your bedroom. Now he needs to knock. The fact that all he hears is the paperback getting dropped to the ground and a chair scraping across the floor is telling.
He calls your name. Multiple times. He's not surprised at the lack of answer. You're doing the exact same thing his brother does, after all. The only difference is that he has stakes in it, this time. Something, someone he doesn't want to lose.
"Didn't we agree to keep it to messages during the week?"
"You haven't responded."
"Then take a hint, Donatello."
"Donnie. And I have. It's why I'm here."
And it's standing right in front of him, glaring at him before passing him for the kitchen.
Ever the gracious host. Even angry, you're still trying to accommodate him. You are wonderful, and you're failing to see it.
"I'm not having this argument with you, Donnie."
"Then let's make it a debate, then."
"Are you seriously discussing semantics, right now? This is not a philosophical issue!"
"It doesn't have to be one to reside there."
Hell, it's the only reason why he's not stopping you from banging the cupboard door closed as you collect some food for him.
"For — For fuck sake, Donnie! I heard you both just –!"
"You didn't listen."
And it's the only reason he knows his mumble will get you to turn around.
"... What?"
"You heard us, but you didn't listen."
Before silence blankets the apartment. Heavy, nasty, and uncomfortable.
He watches you shift. Quietly grab the carafe for the coffee to pour into a mug that you fix up before handing it to him. He doesn't sip at it, just lets it sit in his hands as you shuffle your way to your living room with cookies and an empty look.
"I'm not mad at you, you know."
"You should be."
"And as Leo will tell you, I barely take his orders on my best days."
But he joins you as you sit, your snort a facsimile of your usually joyful one.
"What do you want, Donnie?"
"My brothers would like you home. Leo wants a chance to explain himself. I would like the same."
"I can't stay between you both."
"According to who?"
"It's not fair to either of you."
"And it's not fair of us to impose a choice. Besides, a relationship might be a far-flung thing that we don't have to worry about right now."
And, as your smile returns, if a little strained, he hopes the effort he's about to put in is worth just as much as the exquisite coffee he finally takes a sip of.
taglist: @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos, @thelaundrybitch, @luckycharms1701, @silverwatergalaxy
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turtlecleric · 8 months
I had this idea, and then it morphed into something that reminded me so much of this blurple symphony au thing that desceros wrote, and now we're here.
There are waves of pleasure pulsing through your entire body like electricity. The pure, uninhibited need that you're experiencing is more intense than you've ever felt in your entire life. Your toes curl. Your thighs shake. Your hips lift, seeking, searching, begging, while you chase your high, and your thoughts are just a repeat of please, please, please. It's almost enough to have you actually cry, until finally, finally, your body shudders as you let go, moaning and writhing-
And then you wake.
You become aware of yourself suddenly, all at once, and it's incredibly disorienting. Phantom touches linger, and for a moment you're not sure what's real. Your whole body is fucking trembling. Your breaths are stuttering in your chest, your mind still clouded and confused, your core still pulsing from whatever the fuck just happened. It takes a moment for you to orient yourself, to understand that you had just been asleep, and now you were awake.
Did you just... did you just orgasm? In your sleep?
That's. That's never happened before.
You swallow thickly and shift, freezing when you realize that Leo is still asleep behind you, his hand limply draped across your waist. You can hear his quiet, slow breaths, can feel the air against the back of your neck when he exhales. You're suddenly very aware of the wetness of your underwear. Of the fact that, if he was awake, he'd be able to smell what happened.
God. That whorish moan - you're honestly not even sure if you'd kept it in or not. Did you dream that? Or had that actually happened? Had you been moving around and making noises in your sleep? Thank God he seems to have slept through it, because you seriously don't think you could handle the embarrassment. Your friendship might never recover, if only because you'd be dead from the absolute mortification.
Minutes later, your heart is still pounding against your ribcage. It's hard to focus. Hard to think straight. So you lie there, waiting until you feel like a person with a functioning brain once more. Waiting for the heat between your legs to dissipate. It takes a while, but you do eventually manage to calm down. You stay in bed, though, because you'd hate to wake Leo by getting up. He really does not get enough fucking rest. You won't deny him the little bit he's getting now.
By the time Leo stirs, it's definitely been long enough that you don't think he would be able to smell anything in the air.
(Thank God.)
He hums, pulling you a bit closer to him. "G'morning, hermosa." The sleepy rasp in his voice makes you smile, and you pat his arm affectionately before finally pulling away and going into the bathroom. He lets out a grumpy mumble about missing your warmth, but once you're out of the bathroom your offer to make breakfast easily has him forgiving you. Despite the... unusual start to the day, you're looking forward to a little more quality time with your best friend.
It doesn't occur to you that Leo normally snores when he sleeps, and he'd been quiet that entire time. It doesn't occur to you at all.
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halucynator · 1 year
The surprise
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: I don't think there is any lmk if there are.
A/n: this post is for @annaisabookworm (and anyone else who's reading this lol). I hope you like ittt 💞 this text is full of Taylor Swift song like puns or jokes or wtv (idk) so I apologize in advance lmao
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In the midst of the swirling excitement that is the ERAS Tour, you found yourself standing at the entrance of the bustling concert venue, heart racing with anticipation. Beside you stood Mattheo, your boyfriend, who had guaranteed you an unforgettable night. You were dressed in the most enchanting attire—a blurple midnights body suit dress (which Mattheo had bought for you saying you would look stunning in) which was very well bejeweled - in the words of Taylor Swift and your boyfriend- capturing the essence of Taylor Swift's iconic style. And not to forget, your boyfriend sporting the chair T-shirt that only true fans would recognize.
Two weeks ago you wouldn't even have imagined coming here. Thanks to your boyfriend and now the King of your Heart, Mattheo, you could make your dreams come true. You were going on and on about how much you wanted to go and Mattheo had to give in and buy you tickets. He was going to buy you era tickets anyway, but this made him even more happy for his decision.
As the pulsating energy of the crowd enveloped you, the gates opened, revealing a world of lights, music, and magic. Your breath hitched as you walked through to the other side of the door, feeling like you were about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Mattheo grinned at your reaction, his eyes dancing with a mix of mischief and delight. Little did you know, he'd been plotting a surprise that would take this night to a whole new level.
With a shared glance that spoke volumes, you and Mattheo made your way to your seats. As the first notes of Taylor's song filled the air, your heart swelled with emotion. But it was not just the music that left you in awe—it was Mattheo's expression. His jaw dropped as he took in the dazzling stage, the dynamic choreography, and the sheer magnitude of the production. His shock was mirrored in your own astonishment, and the two of you exchanged a wide-eyed, incredulous look.
Throughout the night, as Taylor Swift commanded the stage with her powerful presence, you and Mattheo were captivated, utterly lost in the enchantment of the moment. The delicate vocals seemed to transport you to another world. Each time you stole a glance at Mattheo, you were met with a mixture of joy, amazement, and gratitude. It was as if the two of you shared a secret language—a language of shared fandom, love, and an understanding that words could never fully capture.
As the concert reached its crescendo, Mattheo's excitement becomes palpable. He leaned closer to you, a sparkle in his eyes, and whispered, "Are you ready for one more surprise?" Your heart skipped a beat, curiosity mingling with anticipation. And then he reveals it—the pièce de résistance of the night—front-row tickets. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you take in the golden passes clutched in his hand. The surprise is so unexpected, so beyond your wildest dreams, that for a moment, time seemed to stand still and you forgot to breathe. The happiness you felt in that moment was indescribable.
"Tell me why, what I did to deserve such a perfect boyfriend." You asked, looking at him.
"Oh, it's just the way I love you."
The realization sinks in: you're not just witnessing the ERAS Tour from the front row; you're living it, breathing it, and becoming a part of it. Having front row seats hits different. As the final notes reverberated through the air, Mattheo's grin was infectious. His hand found yours, and together, you stood, cheering and applauding, celebrating not just the night but how far you'd come.
As the concert came to an end, the world seemed a little brighter, a little more alive. The memory of the evening was etched into your heart, a tale of love, surprises, and a music that binds you and Mattheo in a way that's uniquely yours.
"I can't believe it's time to go." You said sad about it ending.
"yeah. So did you like it?" Mattheo asked.
"Long story short it was the best day of my entire life." You said.
And with that you exited the venue.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
Thanks for reading! hope you liked itttt! I love this idea sm xx have a nice dayy
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desceros · 10 months
I no longer feel bad about asking about blurple villian might I ask some very pointed questions about Donnie’s side of the relationship for playlist purposes?
So what I’m hearing is it takes DonBon a little longer to um… get his ball rolling. So to speak. How many fights do he and Lamb Chan get into over Leo and does Leo know about it/rub it in Donnie’s face?
Gbs input would be appreciated as well (now when I reblog blurple villian stuff I wait a bit to make sure you two aren’t still going back and forth on the post lol)
never ever ever feel bad for blurple villain au posting
i think donnie and lamb-chan actually... don't really fight that much usually? not in the traditional sense. for the most part you're just like. oh donnie says that this is the best way to do things, so i'm going to trust that and do it. and if you say you want something, donnie usually is like ok well here you go. it's just very. easy. being with donnie. there's no real friction or fighting that ends up happening.
...except when it comes to leo.
ohhh man. you are stubborn as fuck about leo, and it makes donnie's teeth fucking paste with how hard he grinds them on this. he tries everything. talking to you. grabbing your arms and shaking you. a very memorable powerpoint presentation with diagrams and pictures. he puts a tracker on your coat that starts making an obnoxious beep when you get too close to leo's apartment, so you just take it off and leave it on a dumpster until you come back by.
(he promptly takes it off, because the thought of you out there, cold, is maybe worse than the thought of you being with that fucker. also bc leo snapped at him about it, genuinely angry, saying he'd had to warm you up bc your teeth were chattering, and knowing that leo put his fucking hands on you—that leo was right about how he'd hurt you—yeah. no more beeping trackers.)
leo, of course, absolutely loves this. i can just see him hiding in the fire escapes, watching over you on your way to his apartment with donnie trailing behind. you're ignoring him, nose in the air, as he tells you all the reasons that this is stupid, that leo is toxic, that you're better off staying in the lair. when he makes the mistake of insinuating that leo would hurt you, that's when you stop and wheel around, getting a little nasty right back in his face. leo has never once hurt you—not in a way you didn't ask for—and insinuating otherwise won't stand.
taking this moment to be the perfect little shit, leo jumps down and comes up behind you, pulling you close and sending his brother a smug smile. making matters worse, you grab leo's hand and pull him along behind you, leaving donnie behind with the sight of your stiff spine and leo's infuriating smirk. he goads the two of you on, wanting you to fight, hoping to push you away from donnie and closer to him.
...but, equally, i think your fights—as hot as they burn when they happen—are very, very quick to boil away. they never last more than a few hours before you're coming back together, apologizing, the two of you snuggling close and letting the gravity between you come to head. he hates making you angry, he really hates making you cry; you hate making him angry, you really hate making him sad.
once you start hooking up w donnie, this gets even more pronounced. i imagine you're very, very careful not to get into fights with donnie, giving him one or two more warnings that you're getting pissed when he starts sniping about leo. hence why the whole 'being little shits behind your back' thing starts happening. (because you are also very quick to defend donnie to leo, and your fuse on people saying shit about him is very, very, very short.)
@gbao3 tag youre it
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leninisms · 2 months
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Ooh, that kissing prompt is a good one. It was hard to choose.
I would love some Bayverse Blurple. (Or just Leo or Donnie) and either kissing in the heat of the moment, or laughing while kissing.
Thank you in advance if you take this ask, or if not, that's okay too!
A call for blurple is one that must be answered
For you friend, absolutely
Disclaimer: turtles and reader are over 21 in this because they're drinking. They are adults!!! No minors!!!
Leo x Fem!reader x Donnie
Two Nights
Warnings: some drinking, reader, and turtles get a little tipsy, turtle smoothces, neck kisses, gets a bit steamy and suggestive at the end, vern almost being a co*k blocker, spelling mistakes,
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It was Friday.
The sun had set, the night was cold, and yet you and one of your best friends were giggling and sitting up on the roof of your apartment building.
You'd bought cheap wine, chocolates, and candy from the store and just let the weeks stress go.
You popped another chocolate into your mouth and glanced at your friend. A 6' foot tall vigilante turtle with a heart of gold.
The blue banded turtle sighed as he looked out onto the glowing city.
"What really brought you here?" You take a sip from the wine bottle, carefully setting it down between you too.
"I'm so nervous about tomorrow," He chuckled, taking the bottle and having a long sip. He licked his lips, shivering slightly.
Untucking your own blanket, you scoot closer and throw half of it over his shell and shoulders. Thank goodness you picked the large blanket.
"Tomorrow should be exciting, though, right? I mean, it's a big ceremony for you guys and the police station,"
He nods, taking another sip. He offers it to you, and you take it, the liquid starting to make you feel warm and fuzzy.
"You sure we should be drinking? Wouldn't want you to be hungover tomorrow," you chuckle softly. "Or worse, what if Splinter finds out?"
Leo chuckles. "My dad isn't going to find out, and I'm not going to have a lot, just enough for the nerves to calm down,"
You roll your eyes, taking a sip. A harsh breeze rolls through the air, you tuck yourself closer to his side.
He moves his arm to wrap around your shoulders, pulling you flush against his side. His hand resting on your shoulder.
Now that was a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Picking up the cardboard box of chocolates, you pop some into your mouth before offering some to Leo.
He takes one with a smile, both of you enjoying the silence of the city.
"Oh, I also have these!" Digging into your bag you pull out a plastic bag of different assorted candies. All different shapes and colors.
You both picked some out of that, but you got annoyed noticing that Leo was taking all the blue candies.
"Pick a different color! Everyone knows blue jolly ranchers are the best!" You complain, trying to grab said candy from his large palm.
"Have you not seen the mask? It's my thing!" He drops a handful of blue candy into his mouth, chewing loudly.
"You're gross," You nudge his shoulder, wrapping your arms around you.
He laughs, pulling you into his lap, handing you a green jolly rancher.
You angrily take the candy with a mumble of, "it's still not blue," and curl into his chest, resting your head on his shoulder.
He readjusts the blanket, pulling it over the both of you. You feel him sigh heavily, his shoulders were so tense.
"Why are you nervous about tomorrow?" You whisper, your cheek resting on his cool scales.
"I've started to kinda get a fear of crowded spaces, I hate the loud noises and the flashing lights, and then there's a whole section of the party where I have to be on stage with everyone staring at me,"
You nod, chewing on a candy. You wished you could get rid of his fear. "I think tomorrow is going to go great,"
"Yeah?" He peers down at you, you lift your head off his shoulder. "And why is that?"
"'Cause you're fucking awesome and deserve every award the police have,"
He starts chuckling at that, his eyes lighting up. You see the dread and disbelief flash across his face. Oh no, you couldn't have that.
"No, don't doubt it!" You start to poke his sides, making him yelp and try to move away from you.
"Y/n! Stop!"
You kept poking and tickling his sides, making him laugh and scoot back. Since you were on his thighs, you just went with him.
"Say it, and I'll stop!" You started to laugh with him, leaning forward.
"Say it!"
Instead of answering, he presses his lips to yours. Normally, you'd freak out, pull back, and ask why he did that. But given the wine, you started to kiss him back, giggling against his plush lips.
His hands landed on your upper back, holding you against his chest. He gently nipped your lip and licked the seam of your mouth.
You opened with a soft moan, giggling even more so as he tounge tasted of blue raspberry.
He pulled back, his eyes glossy and pupils blown wide, his hands rubbing your back comfortingly.
He was just so cute.
You leaned in, giggling and pressing quick pecks to his lips.
"What does this mean for us?" He asks between kisses.
"We'll figure it out tomorrow,"
You were buzzing with energy the next night. Staring in the mirror at your dark indigo outfit, the straps made your chest look amazing, and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.
Your phone buzzed, peering at it, you see that Donnie had texted you the address of the party. You called an Uber and arrived at Verns apartment.
He loved to show off, and these stupid, expensive police parties were a clear favorite.
Giving the bouncer your special plus one card, he leads you to the large open sitting area, full of people.
It was a large room, with vaulted ceilings and a gigantic TV. Everything just looked expensive, and knowing that almost made the place seem ugly.
It's not hard to spot your friends. You happily run up to them, giving large hugs and compliments.
"You guys look amazing!" You gush. Mikey and Raph both gave soft chuckles, adjusting the jackets on their suits.
"April found a tailor that was willing ta do strange measurements," Raph pulled on his red tie, clearly unused to the attire.
"But you are right, babycakes, we look fabulous," Mikey pretended to flip hair over his shoulder.
You giggled softly, turning to Donnie. He was wearing a black suit with a dark purple button-up shirt underneath. He looked very handsome.
"You look great tonight as well," Donnie smiles warmly, gesturing to you.
You shake your head, a small blush dusting your cheeks at just staring openly at him. "Oh, this old thing? It's been in my closet forever," You both laugh softly.
You glance around, taking in the large crowd, then suddenly, something feels out of place.
"Wait, where's Leo?" The boys make awkward faces, glancing to each other, debating on telling you.
"He's...grounded," Mikey rubs his palms on his pants.
"Grounded?" You repeat, glancing between the three of them.
"Yeah, Mr. Honor Boy himself got caught drinking last night. Came home tipsy, and Splinter benched him for a month," Raph crossed his arms over his chest. He almost seemed sorry for his brother: almost.
"What?" Thankfully, the guys took your shook as surprise and not guilt.
"I know, it's completely out of Leo's character! He even volunteered to go to the Hai'shi so he wouldn't have to tell Master Splinter about it," Mikey piped in.
You suddenly felt hot, and guilty. Oh, you knew it was a bad idea to share the wine with Leo.
"Are you alright?" Donnie asked, his hand gently touching your shoulder.
You jumped back: it felt like his touch had burned you.
"I...I need a moment, excuse me," you ducked out through the crowd, only watching the floor, but traveling deeper and deeper into Verns penthouse.
Throwing open the nearest door, you quickly rush inside and slam it shut behind you.
It was an office, whether it was Verns specifically or just for guests you weren't sure. There was a large brown desk to your left with floor to ceiling bookcases lining the wall in front of you and to your right.
You didn't bother to turn on the light, the window behind the desk providing just enough light from nearby buildings.
You started to pace, chewing on your nails.
This was not how the night was supposed to go. You and Leo were supposed to be dates, he had promised to dance all night with you, and you were finally going to discuss...well, whatever it was you both wanted.
You couldn't help the guilt, you had egged him on a little, but you never thought it'd end up like this!
"Y/n?" Donnie's head poked in through the door, he seemed worried. "Are you alright? You looked pretty spooked out there,"
"Yeah, it was just a bit stuffy in there," You waved a dismissive hand, feeling sweat start to drip down your neck.
He nodded, opening the door more and closing it with a light kick of his foot. He came to stand in front of you, a strange smirk on his face as he leaned in and whispered in your ear.
"You sure it's not because you were with Leo when he was drinking?"
Your stomach dropped, your face and neck flushing. "I-Wha....how did you...?"
"He was drunk!" Donnie gave a small chuckle, hooking his thumbs into his suspenders, still leaning down toward your face. "He told me everything,"
"Like, everything, everything?" At his nod, you swallowed hard. You'd be lying if you said you didn't also harbor some feelings toward the purple banded terrapin.
He and Leo had infected your heart and brain, but you never made any moves out of fear. One wrong move would either destroy your relationship or the brothers, and you weren't willing to take the risk: yet.
Your breathing picked up, trying to read his features.
Damn him, and his poker face!
"Are you mad?"
He leaned back, rocking on his heels as he clicked his tongue. "Mad one of us finally made a move? No." He stepped forward, out of instinct you stepped back until your back bumped the bookshelf. "Mad that you kissed him first, a little bit,"
"I...I don't understand," He leaned in, inches away from your face. Even though his hands were still in his suspenders, you felt caged.
He smirked, licking his lips as he leaned in. His lips ghosting your ear as he spoke. "Leo and I know how to share,"
He barely pulled back before you jumped forward, winding your arms around his neck and smashing your lips to his.
He didn't waste a second, one arm pressing into the small of your back and the other entwining his fingers in your hair.
His kisses were hard and passionate, finally letting out all those harbored and stored up feelings.
He pulled you away from the bookcase, his hand moving from your hair to the strap on your outfit.
His fingers dug under the fabric, pulling it down your shoulder, almost ripping the silk as he went.
You gasped. He pulled away, messily kissing down your jaw, then your neck. Placing wet kiss after wet kiss down until he reached when his hand was pushing at your dress strap.
"Donnie," You gasped, feeling his teeth run along your collarbone. He inhaled deeply as he ran his nose up your neck, taking in your scent.
"You smell amazing," He raved, going back in and kissing your swollen lips.
His tongue licked the seam of your lips, and just as you opened, the door swung open.
You and Donnie jumped away from one another, staring wide eyed at an equally shocked Vern.
He had a pretty blonde on his arm and a champagne glass in his hand. Clearly he had the same idea as you two.
He groaned, taking it your appeances. "Really, guys?"
It snapped you out of your daze, pulling up your dress strap and fixing your hair.
Donnie stepped toward Vern, reaching past him to grip the door.
"I'll reimburse you for any broken furniture," He slammed the door in Verns questioning face, locking it, ignoring Verns protests.
He turned back to you. "Wanna see if Verns pure oakwood desk was really worth the money?"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @strawberrycakeblog @mysticboombox @sketch-and-write-lover @sewerninno
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fungalittleweirdo · 7 months
Jules I want 12 donatello. And 12 leo. I want the 12 blurple please. First impressions ig.
fixing that up and making it all four 2012 turtles because you told me to >:)
also, everyone tell spoopy happy birthday or i'll slice your elbow skin.
hmmmm this request isn't specific and i'm feeling particularly fluffy today so here's this monstrosity of 2012 turtles x gn reader (the turtles are aged up to their twenties i guess)
this is so mid
this is actually so mid even for something i had only 24 hours to produce
i'm rewatching the ENTIRE 2012 series because i HAVE THE BOX SET WITH ALL 124 EPISODES and i will characterise them all so hard
i just keep adding on to this author's note istg who let me start writing fanfic again (spoopy this is all your fault)
(i love you though pookies mwah mwah)
(happy birthday <33)
So Much For Huevos Rancheros
You decided a sleepover with your favourite mutants was long overdue, so last night you went to the lair wearing your fluffiest pyjama pants for an impromptu movie night. Mikey chose an R-rated Chris Bradford film to make fun of, and all of you agreed to make it a bad movie night. Ninety minutes and a turtle pile for sleeping later, you wake up to the smell of breakfast wafting from the kitchen.
Groggily, you sit up and wince at the stomachache, immediately laying back down due to your stomach telling you to kill yourself. Raph groans beside you, reaching for your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours, yawning with a comfortable smile. Mikey's head was previously on your chest and Donnie's is on your lap, drooling on your pyjamas. The orange turtle was awake, rubbing at his eyes and giving you a dopey smile as you looked up at him.
"Morning tummyaches again?" He reached down to your stomach, rubbing your left side gently to soothe the aches. You sigh in relief, thankful enough that Mikey knew just how to make your mornings better. After a moment, a blush flushes your face and you sit up to bump your head against his plastron.
"Thanks Mikey," you peck his cheek then carefully get up, trying your best not to wake Raph and Donnie. The youngest turtle brother goes to turn the TV on again, keeping the volume low. You move on to the kitchen, where Leo seems to be the one cooking.
He was wearing a frilly apron, which seemed out of character for him, but he was making huevos rancheros, just the way you showed him. Your heart lept in your throat at the display, sighing dreamily as you watched your turtle work.
"Come here and give me a good morning kiss, hm?" He turned, smiling at you while you lean forward, planting a chaste kiss on his lips. You try to step back but he drops the utensil he was using to wrap an arm around you and keep you in close proximity so he could keep kissing you. You melt in his arms and reach to grab onto his shoulders, and he snakes his arm up your back to feel how tense your back muscles had become due to the way you slept. He parts with a concerned look. "You should have slept in my bed last night," Leo frowns and jabs at one of your pressure points to undo the tension of your muscles, your spinal cord turning to cooked spaghetti.
"Nuh-uh, we all agreed on a cuddle pile last night because April and Casey couldn't come, just because you're leader doesn't mean you get them for more time than the rest of us!" Mikey walked up to the kitchen with a pout, letting the TV run as background noise instead.
"Fuck you mean, nuh-uh?" Raph yawned, walking by Mikey to nudge him harshly, then kiss the side of your head to pass by, his destination seeming to be the fridge. Mikey was flabbergasted, gesturing to Raph as if he was saying "get a load of this guy". Raphael turned from the fridge with the pitcher of homemade orange juice in his hand and a glare that put Mikey in his place.
"I... I think we're supposed to be on Mikey's side, Raph."
Donnie walks in to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle on the top of your head, breathing you in. You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"I swear, the four of you have a hard time sharing even though you're old enough to know how. It's cute when it's a movie or comic book but not when it's me. Can we please just have breakfast in peace? Together?" You sit at the breakfast bar and the turtles responded "yes" in unison, a smirk playing on your lips. Leo served your huevos rancheros last, giving you the freshest of the food he cooked. The four of you eat in silence, enjoying Leo's cooking.
After breakfast, the five of you end up cuddling on the couch, each turtle entangled with a part of you in some way, giving you adoring nuzzles as you watched Space Heroes together.
"You know we love you, right?" Leo whispers, stroking your hair and giving you a quick kiss below your ear, making you flinch.
"We love you lots, princess..." Donnie grins from your lap, looking up at you, then reaching for your palm to press his lips against it. Not quite a kiss, but a romantic gesture nonetheless.
"Love you beyond the moon and back, honey..." Raph reaches for your other hand, kissing a trail up to your bicep, then nuzzling into your shoulder. Mikey turns around to look up at you from below, where he usually sits when there's no room for him on the couch. He leans in to kiss your knee politely, a grin on his face as he stares up at you in wonder.
"Nothing will ever make us stop loving you, ice cream cake! You're ours forever!"
You pull your hands back to cover your face, feeling embarrassed, but heart so full. You're glad you slept over the lair and spent time with your silly turtle boyfriends.
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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I don’t know why, but this cracks me up. I see this and all I think is
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All my Mona Lisa Blurple is just going to look like this from now on. XD
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antisocialxconstruct · 2 months
What's your favourite colour, but like, the specific colour/shade you really love? What's the best weather to go outdoors in? What, if anything, reliably makes you giggle?
This physically unprintable shade of blurple
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Best outdoor weather...... just a little overcast with a light breeze, and cool enough to comfortably wear a jacket... which for me is like, mid-60s to low 70s (F) tops. (Fun fact, overcast is also the best weather for taking outdoor photos with even exposure!)
And honestly there's a lot of things that are highly likely to get a laugh out of me but for some reason the first thing that came to mind was.....
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lanternburning19 · 2 months
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My God we have weird nicknames for some costumes
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mxhirus · 11 months
Acc to you top 7 best looking ons characters? (Both male and females)
I personally think mahiru or doji would be the first
For me it's:
mahiru, her entire aesthetic is generally pleasing and i tend to draw her absent mindedly and god she is so bad
krul, i absolutely adore her design it was definitely thought through
chess belle, her design is just pleasing to me
mitsuba, i like her hair and how she almost mimics aois teenage years
shinoa, i really like her design smt about it really hits different
sayuri, her hair is super nice and it matches up with her facial features
mito, i like her firey red hair; compliments her blurple eyes
guren, unfortunately he is the one character that i simped for so bad (its the mahiru genes)
shikama doji, he literally looks so fucking godly, absolutely ethreal
mikaela, okay he may be a bit overrated but i just like the way he looks
yuu, i just like how innocent he looks; makes me want to bite him
crowley, hes bad as hell that is literally my only reason
lest karr, i like his design but not so much the colors of his outfit when he's in color though it doesnt compliment his hair tbh
shinya, idk i just think hes pretty cute
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townofcadence · 3 months
Muse Information - Jesse Smith
Directory | Character List | Headcanons
Basic Information:
Full Name: Jesse Smith
Nicknames: Jesse, Jess
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 10th
Nationality: American
Accent: Midwest?
Blood Type: AB
Pronouns: She/Her but any seem to work
Sexuality: Home Improvement noise [probably pansexual though]
Relationship Status: Single, a bit of a himbo
Occupation: Monster Hunter, Guest start on Entities Unwrapped
Physical Traits:
Height: 6’11” (210.82 cm)
Weight: 255 Lbs. (115.67 kg)
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Blurple
Notable Features: Pink bomber jacket,and brown underarmor with a heart boob window. She usually wears lighter pants, and a pair of dark combat boots with pink tread. Jesse is stocky, and very strong even for her large size, though she wields it with care. She's usually always smiling, and has a pink pair of heart sunglasses she keeps on her head or wears on her face. She also has a leg holster that has a pink handgun.
Nature: Doing her best, friendly, strong, head-empty, athletic, dog energy, weak to cute things, efficient at hunting, marksman
Art Ref (to be updated):
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desceros · 10 months
You & GB are RUINING me with your blurple villain Leo au How dare you sirs?! You've turned me absolutely feral a slobbering bitey mess /pos
Unfortunately for you activating my hyperfixation also means activating my obsessive brain spinning... Questions be upon ye!!!
Did Lamb-chan grow up with Donnie? How did she first meet villain!Leo? What did she do/say that flipped Leo from "you're a pretty dumb innocent little lamb huh" to "you're *mine* I am keeping you forever"? How did Donnie react the first time Lamb-chan came home smelling like Leo? Is that what snapped his control, the moment his instincts drove him to finally (thoroughly) demonstrate just how well he can take care of her? How did Leo react the next time he saw Lamb-chan & she smelled like Donnie?
I humbly submit these questions in the hopes that you may see fit to give me any crumbs nay even specks of delicious brain food that can be spared 🙏 pls & ty 🙏🙏
[after i gush for twenty minutes about how this is all their fault for enabling me] oh man i love questions
EDIT THIS GOT SO LONG. OH MY GOD. IM PUTTING IT UNDER A CUT also hi @gbao3 <3 please add your thoughts to this as well
so it aaaaaaall started with this post, with leo being the wolf and donnie being the sheep dog.
as such, you're childhood friends with donnie, since sheep dogs grow up with their sheep. i imagine he's basically always been a little in love with you, but it hasn't always been... ah... healthy? like. when he was young it was that kind of 'when we grow up let's get married bc we're best friends' love. and then as a teenager it became kind of an obsession. doesn't the world know how important you are to him? can't you see how dangerous it can be without him to protect you?
it's during this stage that he's maybe a bit self-destructive with it, literally at one point putting himself between you and another mutant, ending up with him having the scars on his shell. he mellows out a little as he grows older, to the point where now it's just a fact of his life that he's in love with you and there won't ever be anyone else; it's less of a fire inside of him and more just. yeah. duh? of course i love them and would die for them? zzzzz next question. but he's still very much the kind of person who asks you your itinerary down to the fifteen minute mark when you leave so he can make sure to know exactly when you'll be home.
i suspect that as lamb-chan, as much as you also love donnie, that can get a little, uh. overbearing. to say the least. i think that you have a habit of slipping out from time to time (since you live at the lair where donnie is always always always watching), just to breathe, to get away from it a little. the world looks a little different without donatello at your side, after all, and you're a little curious. so maybe you wander a little too far, sometimes.
and leo. god. leo is a breath of something that feels like air, but you're not sure what it is.
i don't have the exact first meeting pinned down in my head, but i do have this mental image of him sitting on a fire escape, one knee bent up to his chest and the other hanging down the side, a toothy grin on his face as he mockingly asks what a soft little thing like you is doing on this side of town. and you see him and you're just like, oh. he. he looks a lot like donnie. so you're a lot less scared than you probably should be, and that—that fascinates him. what kind of world do you live in where he's all but a perfect picture of the underbelly of the world, and you smile at him?
what would it take for you to look at him like everyone else does?
so he invites you to come back again. and you, well, you're just like. wow!! friend shaped!! so you do. but this time leo's not on the fire escape. he's on the ground, and he circles you a bit like a predator would. he's looking for you to be uncomfortable; to be afraid. but he made one small mistake; the shape of his smirk, now that he's close, is eerily familiar. it looks so much like donnie's, you could swear the two were twins. and it makes it so, so hard to be anything other than curious. mikey and raph don't look so similar to donnie, after all. why does leo?
so it continues like that until one day, leo says something and you laugh. and that—that hits him like a bludgeon to the chest. it's not like any laugh he's ever had directed at him before. and when you open your eyes, wiping away the amused tears, your gaze is so fucking soft. in that moment, leo realizes that he's hungry. and you—you look like you'd taste so. good.
meanwhile donnie is like. no really. where the fuck are you going. and one day he follows you and who the fuck is this guy with his arms around you. (but i think i'm going to leave that one for another day bc i have a nice one-shot in my drafts folder about how that'd play out)
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