#Tell me your OT3
tmnt-tychou · 2 years
Bayverse Polyship Head Canon
I know this isn't for everyone, but I do feel ending up dating more than one brother is not necessarily far-fetched. You will be one of the maybe two women they know. As such, chances are more than one turtle may catch feelings. And your two options are: either everyone gets really cool about a lot of stuff really fast, or expect a lot of heartbreak and broken brother relationships.
We're going to explore the “Everyone gets real cool about a lot of stuff” option. Though not every relationship is made the same as far as how low or how high maintenance your relationship will be.
Also, of all the head canons I write, I will say take this the least seriously. This is all for fun and entertainment. Though anyone is free to PM me to discuss this topic further. I'd love to hear all about your thoughts.
Soft mature warning. I don't get too graphic, but some people are weird about more than two adults in consenting relationships. 17+ rating?
For @thelaundrybitch​ who loves the Blurple. And for @turtle-babe83​ since I feel like this is in your wheelhouse
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Leo/Donnie (aka Blurple)
Maintenance Level: Low
This is the easiest relationship you'll ever be in. Both like to have their own quiet time to themselves and don't always need to have your attention every moment of the day. They'll come to you when they want some affection and it's very seldom at the same time since they have completely different schedules.
Leo will make Donnie go. To. Bed. It's part of his OCD. You're in this relationship, you go to bed when we go to bed. Sometimes Donnie is grateful for the reminder to sleep. Sometimes Leo is marching in a sour Donatello who was in the zone and didn't want to stop working. When that happens, Donnie will curl up around you, surrounding you with all limbs. He is sulking and he is NOT sharing now. That's what you get, Leo.
Sometimes in these cases, Donnie will just wait for Leo to fall asleep or only sleep for a few hours and go back to his workshop. When this happens, he leaves a teddy bear in his place for you to cuddle. Because he knows Leo gets up hella early so you will probably wake up alone. But now you get to at least wake up to Mr. Floofy.
Making him go to bed is the only time Donnie will allow Leo to pull rank in the relationship. He is an EQUAL partner. Any attempts from Leo to boss him around when it concerns you will get him The Sass from Donnie. Leo didn't even know what to do the first time Donnie sassed him. Donnie does not sass. But in this relationship, he will not be told by Leo what he can and can't do.
Leo weirdly gets more protective of Donnie. Not horribly so, but there is definitely some sort of protective instinct there after the relationship develops that wasn't there before.
These two are big cuddlers. If you leave them in the bed sleeping together, they will end up cuddling each other in their sleep. But when you're in the middle, prepare to have both of them practically sleeping on top of you. They purposefully like to keep you warm so you'll get so hot in the night you'll kick off all your sleep clothes. Cue all the happy churs when they get that nice skin on skin contact. That's what they're after. If you go to bed in the nude, even better.
In the bedroom, these two work like a well-oiled machine. They are in sync and navigate around each other quite easily. Though sometimes it seems a bit too robotic. They get in, get the job done, and call it a night. If you want to spice things up and get a little more quality emotional moments with your sexy times, you will want to engage with them one on one. And they would appreciate it. They can share, but they still like to have all of your attention all to themselves every now and then.
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Mikey/Raph (aka Blood Orange)
Maintenance Level: Moderate
This relationship is very awkward. But it's also cute as hell because they are trying SO HARD not to screw this up.
Both are very needy and, while they will hang out with the three of you, they also need quality one-on-one time both casually and intimately. And they are just so sweet  and loving when you give them your undivided attention. They each love you so much and they are trying their best.
They Rock, Paper, Scissors for everything: your time, which position in the bedroom, ect. Even then, there's still a lot of weird discussions between the brothers that veer off into the strangest of avenues. Especially because of Mikey. No topic goes undiscussed. The two can be found huddling in the corner, whispering aggressively at each other as they try to figure out their shit.
But they do a little too much conspiring without your feedback. They really need your help to confirm their efforts are moving the relationship in the right direction. Communication is key. If you don't continuously make sure you are also a part of the conversation, they are going to get their own ideas of what they THINK you want and steer this ship directly into a sand trap
Raphael actually looks to Mikey to take the lead, especially at the beginning. Mikey has all the confidence and Raph is very hesitant about any new direction in the relationship. When the three of you start to figure things out, his confidence will slowly return, but he will appreciate you confirming that he is making good decisions about the relationship—when he actually does. He will probably also make some mistakes along the way and you will need to discuss with each other so that you are both on the same page moving forward. But both your boys are willing listen, learn and grow.
Getting them both in the bedroom at the same time is not a problem. Mikey does not care who else is in the room as long as he gets to be with you. Raph gets over it pretty quickly. If you love some laughter during your sexy times, this is the relationship for you because they are an awkward comedy duo as they try to please you. It's kind of fun. And as long as you're having fun, they're having fun.
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Maintenance Level: Moderate
You will definitely have to put way more effort into one side of the relationship over the other. Mikey is always going to be around taking up your time. Donnie, you will never see unless you go get him. You may have to actually schedule “Donnie Time” if you're ever going to get any quality time with him. Especially since Donatello doesn't have the energy to put up with Mikey's neediness. If he has to fight his brother for your attention, he would rather go do something else instead of make a fool of himself. If you want his time, you can come get it.
You get much of the same in the bedroom if both of them want to be intimate at the same time. It's a fifty-fifty chance Donatello will either just leave instead of putting up with Mikey's neediness to be near you, or he will shut Mikey down and take over. Donnie is the alpha of the two—when he feels like it. But Mikey never runs out of batteries and he can wear Donnie down to the point where the taller turtle just gives in and lets Mikey have what he wants: you.
If you do not put in the effort to make sure Donnie feels like an equal partner in this relationship, you will lose him. He loves you, but he's not going to be treated like the third wheel in his own relationship. He will try, but you have to meet him half way. And you will have to be the one to tell Mikey he cannot have all your attention all the time.
When you can get these two to find a nice, equal balance of your time and attention, cuddle time is going to be the best thing ever. All the churs. You are going to get deep turtle rumblings and lots of happy chirps. Neither one of these men care about schooling all their little happy turtle noises. You will hear them all and they will be all for you. You might actually get Donnie to come to bed more often because cuddle time is so great and lets all of you recharge your batteries if you've had a rough day.
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Maintenance Level: Low to Moderate
Leo pretty much does your job for you. If Mikey gets too controlling of your time or too needy, Leo will chase him off to give you a break. You'll get an hour or two of alone time, or some one-on-one time with Leo. Then Mikey will eventually come back around to see if he can steal back in for some cuddles.
Worse than if he's with Donnie, Leo gets SO protective of Mikey. His alpha instincts say to protect the “Nest” and Mikey sleeps there, therefore he is part of the nest. (Also, he is baby.) Raph will roast the hell out of Leo for this behavior which sends him into brooding mode, because he knows he's acting ridiculous, but he can't help it. But all of that is brother stuff and has nothing to do with you. Unless you don't like Leo being protective of his baby bro, you don't have to do anything about it.
You will need to check in with Leo every once in a while. Feeling responsible for both you and Mikey is going to kick his protective instincts into overdrive. This can manifest in two different ways. Either he's going to try to control every aspect of the relationship, or he's going to silently wind himself up tighter and tighter, stressed all to hell.
In either scenario, it's up to you to take over. You are the only one who can pull rank on him. It's up to you to tell him to back off or chill out—depending on the situation. You need to summon your own inner alpha and spend some time taking care of him so he doesn't feel like everything is on his shoulders. Some one on one time in the bedroom where you take control will also help him destress.
Unlike with his other brothers, Mikey actively involves Leo in the relationship. Leo's approval is very important to him, even here. He also doesn't want Leo to get too controlling or stressed out either. Mikey will plan date nights for the three of you, which was one of the few things Leo lets him be in charge of. Both boys really enjoy this is.
Having both in the bedroom at the same time is pretty common—either for sleep or other activities. Leo, of course, takes charge here, too. He will absolutely not give you any control of him with Mikey in the room. He will only let you be “on top” when it's just the two of you alone.
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Maintenance Level: HIGH AS FUCK
This is an absolute trash fire, yet they are your trash fire and you love them. So I guess, go with God.
Hope you like being a referee. Because that's all you're going to be doing in this relationship. Sure, they said they could handle it when they first agreed that you would date both of them. But they are lying liars who lie. These two cannot keep their shit together. They are two alphas who absolutely refuse to give an inch to the other. Most of the time, it isn't even about wanting your attention. It's all about ego and being too stubborn to be the one to back down first.
Even on their best days, getting Leo and Raph to spend a lot of close time with each other, even with you as a buffer, eventually gets to them. Two hours at most and they start to get antsy and begin eyeballing each other as if daring the other to step out of line and start something. Date nights with both have to be something active with a lot of space. This way they can get their energy out—possibly with some healthy male rivalry in a race or a game—and they have room to take some time to decompress by themselves if they need it.
There is no such thing as cuddle time with both. Their alpha instincts kick in as soon as one starts getting possessive of you. You're going to be sleeping with shells facing you on both sides just so they don't have to look at each other. Some kind of “custody” schedule will have to be arranged because it cannot be all three of you all the time.  And even when one turtle sees you having your one on one time with the other, he's going to be annoyed. Yes, they are terrible. You picked them.
All three of you are going to have to put in the work if you have any hope of staying together. And you can't make them do this. They have to decide for themselves if they're really going to put in the effort. If you can get any sort of couples counseling, you're going to need it. And you are always going to have to be the one to keep the communication going. If you can keep it together until their 30's, they'll start calming down. A little. If by some miracle you stay together into your 40's you've made it. By then, all their fight is gone and they don't care about scrapping with the other brother anymore. Hell, they might actually sit together without you and reminisce sometimes.
This relationship is one where you get out what you put in. If you're ready to work hard for a long time and if they are also ready to do the same,  then this one's for you.
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Maintenance Level: ???
What even is this? They're like polite neighbors who happen to be banging the same chick and are cool with it. This is barely a poly relationship. More like you're dating two guys at the same time and neither of them really mind the other.
A lot like how Leo gets very protective of Mikey, Raph goes a little alpha protective of Donnie. Though while Mikey thinks protective alpha instincts are funny, Donnie HATES it. He does NOT need Raph to fight his battles for him. (Whether it's Leo or Raph, Donnie does not put up with alpha male bullshit.) He will put Raph in his place if he has to. Which surprises the hell out of Raph every time, because Donnie is usually so passive and quiet. Raph's not even mad. He's kind of a little impressed.
Raph really likes Donnie's company and Donnie doesn't mind Raph, so there is plenty of opportunity for the three of you to spend quality time together. It just won't be intimate time. They will hang out together with you, but they don't like calling it a date. And they won't get romantic with you in front of the other brother. Good luck ever trying to get the two of them in the bedroom at the same time. If you're being intimate with one, the other is just like “Nah, I'm out. I'll come back later.”
The exception to this rule is if you can get them both drunk. Then they will absolutely tag-team you into oblivion. Good luck trying to walk the next day—or even getting out of bed with two giant turtles passed out on top of you. The trick to this is Donnie's only a social drinker. So the times this can happen are like Christmas, New Years, your birthday...maaaaybe 4th of July?
The maintenance level of this relationship is a sliding scale because you can leave it as it is, letting the boys dictate this arrangement where you feel like you're in two different relationships at once. Or you can tell them this isn't what you want and some things need to change. If you want change, it's going to be a lot of you putting in the work and getting after them. Because if you let them, they'll slide right back into polite neighbors status the second you give them an inch. So it's all up to you how much you want to put into this relationship
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
okay I’ve seen a lot of posts about sterling just being crowley and. guys. the implications just hear me out 😭😭😭
bending lore slightly here BUT let’s say crowley’s body was once inhabited by a human and crowley is possessing the body (maybe he kills the initial inhabitant bc he doesn’t care)
but he still has the guy’s memories. he doesn’t bother keeping up appearances with his ‘ex wife’ because he is too busy building up his hell empire. BUT for some reason he can’t quite identify, he still feels something towards his ‘daughter’. he lets the divorce happen and doesn’t feel the need (or desire) to fight for custody, but he can never quite forget her, to cast her out of his mind for good
some hijinks ensue with the leverage team. it’s mostly because even a grind culture demon wants some off time every once in a while, and for him the insurance investigator stuff is more of a hobby. interacting with the leverage crew is very low stakes for him, and honestly, quite amusing. they aren’t on his level power-wise, but that ford character gives him the mental exercise he hasn’t experienced in, well, he can’t even remember
he can feel their frustration and anger when they learn he has become employed by interpol and feeds off it. it’s great, and relaxing in a way he is never able to achieve while conducting hell-related business
one year he gets wind that olivia is in a really bad situation associated with his ‘ex wife’s’ new husband. he’s selling vital hardware to terrorists, and while that might actually be the kind of chaos he would normally support or be entertained by as the king of hell, something feels wrong about letting olivia stay anywhere near that man
he calls upon the body’s adversaries. he wouldn’t admit it, even under duress, BUT he feels slightly fond of them. nate for the three dimensional chess they play, sophie for her ability to charm and disguise, parker for her chaos and slightly unsettling nature (it’s the autism swag and being bad with human interaction but he doesn’t know that lol), hardison for his unapologetic intelligence and eliot for his hardened violent past and take-no-shit persona (he’s fun to tease)
they perform exactly as he expected, right into his carefully crafted plan. and then olivia is under his care and things get more complicated. he keeps her FAR, FAR away from anything related to the supernatural (heh). no one can find out about her, ESPECIALLY not those imbecile hunter brothers (if for nothing else than the embarrassment in revealing he has a weak spot)
not sure how to work it into this post but I also want to add that somewhere along the way he develops feelings for nate and sophie. the frame up job is near and dear to my heart and you can’t convince me that isn’t fighting as flirting behavior. his interpol persona is more of a side hustle so to speak, but he finds it fun (relaxing, even) to fill that role. there aren’t any obligations of other demons, bothersome hunters, or anything like that. nate and sophie are low stakes, except, they aren’t, really. they make him feel things he can’t ever really remember feeling. his heart beats fast when sophie sat in his lap and cradled his face, his hands sweat when nate gives him that certain smug look. he’s exasperated by the way they can run circles around him like no one else has ever before. they annoy him and get under his skin in a way no one else can and it’s infuriating. but also not, at the same time. maybe he likes it
and then the long goodbye job happens
hear me out and suspend your belief here for a second, because I can’t remember if crowley supernaturally knows when ppl die/are dead or not.
so nate is in interpol custody and the interviewer is obviously out of her depth. (most people are, when it comes to nathan ford.) he walks in and pours the man a drink, but he’s fuming. somewhere along the way he came to care about the team. hell and suffering is literally in his (official) job description, but he can admit (only to himself) that he admires what they do. it’s not for him, not anything close to where his passions and interests lie, but he respects their drive and purpose. he is also aware enough to acknowledge that they are a family, a group of misfits that never belonged quite anywhere except to each other.
and nate fucking blew it up, ruined it, because his vice is being so obsessed with the end game that he is apparently willing to let his team, his family, the people that anchor him to reality, die because the ends supposedly justify the means.
not this time. not to sterling crowley
he is enraged. he can admit within the confines of his mind that he cares for nate, for sophie, even for the other three (though nate and sophie have somehow made it a hierarchy where they are more important to him. which he will dissect later in private. maybe.)
nate let them die, he let sophie die, and for what? the black book? hell below, crowley would have made things easier somehow, if he knew that this was where nate’s sights had lied. he would have prevented this somehow. he wants to have prevented this. he doesn’t want any of them dead and is too afraid to check and verify because that would make it real. the idea of sophie (or any of them) somehow making it to hell instead of heaven would probably break something in him he might not be able to reapir fully.
he yells at nate- he’s angry. hellfire burning in his heart because everything is ruined. the deaths aside (however hard it is to set them aside in his mind), nate will not recover from this, not ever. this will be the start of the end, he is sure. a miserable, guilt-ridden existence where he drinks himself to death and nothing will save him. it plays out in crowley’s mind in a thousand different ways that are beyond painful to conceptualize, even in theory.
the story starts to unravel and there is a game afoot. a solemn, miserable, infuriating game because the con is still in session because parker is alive and in the building- which sets another fire alight in his chest. ‘parker even know you got hardison killed?’ he rages for her grief when she finds out. he knows it will double when she finds out eliot has perished, too, because he isn’t fucking blind.
but nate is a brilliant man, lest he forget too quickly. they are all alive, and somehow still the entire crew slips through his fingers. he’s not even angry (he never would have been- he doesn’t actually try too hard to catch them. it’s about the game, not the consequences). he lets them keep the black book because he’s fucking exhausted and honestly, they more than earned it.
‘now we’re even. tell sophie to drive carefully’. they will never be even, not really. crowley would never admit or agree that being human is the superior state of being, but that have made him feel human in a way he doesn’t actually mind. they keep him on his toes and match him in a way unique to them, they remind him that there are other things than the realm of hell. not necessarily bigger than hell, but maybe just as important in a different sense.
watching the van drive away, something inside him settles. when he walked into the interrogation room that day he thought this was the beginning of the end. it’s not the end at all, not an end to anything. it’s a continuation of their story. maybe, he thinks, a beginning to a new era in it
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synonymroll648 · 2 months
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i will power through limited drawing space and barely-existent erasers and the whole ass universe to make things about sokeefitz, your honor
(edit: new photo after i erased some of the shading on sophie’s hair so she looks Like A Blond)
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corvase · 2 years
school band au prompts
these are suited to the person who requested as they wanted a new lead singer to join the band. feel free to use :)
moments to include or consider:
details about why the former lead singer was hospitalized/why they’re no longer the lead singer
did the whole band like the former lead singer? do they like the new one more or less than the other one and does that change throughout the story? if so, why?
the moment they’re first introduced: what are the bands reactions? did they know each other prior?
how large is the band? writing with a huge cast is very hard…
what are the stakes? why is it imperative they find a new lead singer asap ? is there an upcoming competition, etc?
how long have they all known each other and how does it shape the way they interact?
were there tryouts for the new lead singer or did they get it by default because no one else wanted it?
are the band members guarded? if so, why?
is there any romance blooming between any of the members? how does that shape their dynamics? i.e. if there was romande between the former lead singer and the bass player and now there is between the new lead singer and the bass player (which is drama central..)
do they hang out outside of practice?
the moment they first make good music together: how are you going to get the magic of that moment across in writing?
moments where they actually help each other (see prompt list for more ideas)
yikes… the awkward moment when the lead singer comes back and they have to split up the new group
why does the lead singer want to be a part of the band?
“i love your voice.” “thank you. so do i get the role?”
new lead singer looking at all of them in disbelief because they’ve just said “there are no tryouts. we decide if you get to be the lead singer or not.”
“are you coming to practice today?” “do i have a choice?” “no.”
“you’re holding it wrong.” “i’m not holding it wrong.”
“your voice is flat.” “your face is flat.” *audible gasp throughout the band room*
“can we try that set again?”
“this just means a lot to me.” “it means a lot to me, too.”
“you’re not taking this seriously.” “i’m taking this seriously. you guys are still stuck on your other lead singer.”
“we got a gig.” “we got a gig????” “WE GOT A GIG!!!!!”
“you’re skipping practice again.” “yeah… but it’s to hang out with my fellow bandmates so it doesn’t count <3”
“it was fun singing and playing with you guys. thank you for making me feel loved.”
ACTUALLY NO THATS NOT ALL. it’s especially better when all the bandmates range in age so like some of them are the cute younger siblings and some are the stoic older siblings
cough cough. lemonade mouth inspiration?….. u didn’t hear it from me!..
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
he fixed the shoes. he fixed the shoes and i was going to be just fine with that until he fixed her shoes too and touched both pairs like he was finally giving his blessing to them and that sh*t f*cked me up. that was it i started wailing
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hey, hey, quick internet fandom ettiquete lesson; X has two hands jokes only vibe if you are talking to someone who is ALSO already talking about how X has two hands. Okay? Okay. It is in fact very rude to go onto other people’s posts where only one set of hands is involved to evangalise about two hands. When seeing ship art/fic of only half your ot3, it is proper ettiquete to simply enjoy the art/fic as it is, and if so inspired create/commission/seek out the ot3 content of your choice. This has been your quick internet fandom lesson, thank you for your time.
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hehosts-moved · 8 months
once again, consider the ot3+ dynamics …plus you can add in the slice of life cast to those dynamics like akira, for instance
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rotisseries · 10 months
OH MY GOD and ganon? like what’s his deal
ok so. again the more recent games don't have much ganon (of the 4 I've played, only totk has ganondorf, the man, and he's not super important story wise beyond being a guy to fight. botw's enemy is ganon, as a miasma creature of hatred, and skyward sword's enemy is demise, who is not ganon. technically. and then link's awakening is not a standard zelda plot. so no ganon) the older games have more ganon, so I'm working with largely secondhand knowledge, but basically... nintendo will not give this man any sort of depth. he has some? in windwaker? to my understanding, i have not finished that one. but windwaker takes place in a hyrule that's been flooded and ganon always has a really long lifespan so he was there when it flooded and his people were suffering and he was trying to protect them idk the specifics and I don’t know how well done it is but it's there. and then in the rest of the games he's just evil for the sake of being evil?? which, if meant to be because he holds the triforce of power is dumb, because if there's three pieces of something the logical story conclusion isn't that one is automatically bad it's that all three should join in harmony. duh. they won't give him a real motivation for evil beyond conquering for conquering's sake, so if he HAS to be evil I think it'd be more interesting if they made him a victim of demise's curse? like, demise's curse demands a vessel for evil, if hylia's descendant always has the triforce of wisdom and her champion always has the triforce of courage, it'd make sense for demise to take the third piece, the holder of power. so like what if. this guy was just trying to be a good person, a good leader, but knowing from history books, from every ganondorf that has come before, and the triangle in the center of your hand, that you are predestined for evil, that hylia's vessel and her champion will cut you down one day. imagine fighting it. imagine being unable to. I JUST THINK IT COULD BE REALLY FUCKED UP. (also imagine a ganon who is on good terms with zelda and link. imagine having to be cut down by your friends. imagine having to cut down your friend)
the real world reason they won't give him any depth though is racism most likely. so. ganon looks like this in ocarina of time (his first appearance as a man, prior games ganon was just a creature again)
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I'm sure you already know what zelda and link look like. he's from a desert tribe called the gerudo (a race of all women btw ganon is the only man they have one man born every hundred years they make him king) who are, in oot, referred to as a tribe of bandits and whatnot they just steal and attack you, so it's like. it's pretty obvious what's going on here, and the gerudo are characterized better in botw although their character design is still very orentalist which is an issue that doesn't really show through THIS ganon's design but IS an issue I promise go look up the gerudo women it's the jasmine in aladdin thing all over again. anyway. so. nintendo this man could be so cool and interesting PLEASEEEEEEE
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babsvibes · 1 year
For once I'm going to be self-indulgent and ask for a BLT song!
Oooo I love it!
Bob/Linda/Teddy: Boogie Shoes by KC & The Sunshine Band an oldie but goodie and fun personified seems like BLT at their best!
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lilac-melody · 2 years
There’s an influx in liphiyo shippers and tbh, that’s totally fine. Go off, ship what you like. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
But if people are explicit when stating they do not like a ship, then please be respectful of that. A lot of us fans don’t like liphiyo because we see them as friends only. Because Honeyworks keeps telling us how much Aizou and Yujiro mean to each other (I mean, hell, Hiyori wasn’t even mentioned in the LOVE&KISS novel, and even the summary says it’s because of each other they can overcome their trauma), and it feels weird to force her into their relationship.
Also I still feel extremely uncomfortable with how lipxlip treat Hiyori, telling her she won’t be a heroine unless she dresses up nicely, telling her that she’ll be rejected looking the way she does, telling her to throw away her hoodies because they’re “ugly”, and then mocking her for being comfortable with her normal looks over her gussied up appearance. And I know a lot of other fans feel the same way I do.
For me personally, I have personal reasons I dislike the ship, and other people have their reasons as well, some may even be as simple as “I just don’t vibe with it”.
If you wanna be friends, then let’s all just enjoy the music that Honeyworks provides, instead of shoving ships down people’s throats.
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
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missing them a little too much tonight 😭💔
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imjustheretotrytohelp · 2 months
Update: added two new fundraisers to donate to + new informations on the current situation
My commissions are now open for Ahmed Azmi, Siraj Abudayeh, Ahed Alshaer and Mohammed Iwais.
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Note : additional characters are half priced (Bust : 5$ ; Half-body : 8$)
Ahmed's Ko-fi
Ahmed's GFM
(vetted, in the Help Gaza spreadsheet, number 1199)
Siraj's GFM
(vetted, in @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi spreadsheet, number 219)
Ahed's GFM
(vetted, in Butterfly Effect Project spreadsheet, number 407)
Mohammed's GFM
(vetted by @/90-ghost)
These 4 fundraisers are in urgent need of funds.
Ahmed's wife is pregnant and delivered at the end of August, her family members were injured during the Nuseirat massacre and their family home was bombed. They especially need funds for Ahmed's sister-in law who got severely injured in the eye and needs to get surgery. He is now taking care of both his family, his wife and their baby, that is 12 people, and needs help for both evacuation, food and medecine.
Siraj is a journalist taking risks every day to report on what's happening in Gaza. He wish to rebuild his home in his country after the previous one he worked so hard to build was destroyed by the IOF. With the current attacks and bombings, he is in dire need of support as he has to take care of multiple family members, his children who are getting more sick by the day. They are barely surviving yet he travels everyday more than 3km through war zones just to keep on posting and asking for help.
Ahed is a dentistry student who lost everything and wishes to continue her study in safety and evacuate with her 6 other family members. She is very concerned for them and their health, as her father is diabetic and her mother suffers from a chest infection. Their current condition makes them very vulnerable and they are in great danger, especially with the high cost of medecine.
Mohammed is the provider for his siblings and nephews, a total of 27 people. They already lost 10 family members and so many belongings through their 7 (!!) displacements. His sister has recently been injured by a quadcopter and had the bullet removed, on top of his family members getting sick and not being able to afford a tent to sleep. These last few days have been particularly terrible, yet everyday he is doing his best for his loved ones. Donations could help alleviate a bit their pain and difficulties.
This only a fraction of what all these families have to go through. If you can, please read what they have to say about their struggle on their posts and their gfms.
The goal of these commissions is to help them at least a little bit, be it to fund necessities such as food, medecine and tents or to contribute to bigger expenses like rebuilding their house or evacuation fees. But at the end of the day, the main focus is to help them survive.
If you are interested in getting art and helping them, please contact me! If I'm okay with your request, just send me the proof of donation of the correct amount to one of the campaign linked above and I'll draw what you asked.
If you have any question don't hesitate to DM me.
Thank you and please share!
More examples under the cut :
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Tagging (Please tell me if you don't want me to tag you) :
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqi @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca 
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@decolonize-the-left @andtheheir @atinybeanchild @citrineocean @glysaturn
@brawlingdiscontent @akasanata @lwh-writing @whimster @woodwool
510 notes · View notes
lonniemachin · 11 days
Due to a lack of entries, a need to get this jewelry off my hands, and these 3 fundraisers' need to reach their goals ASAP, I've decided to extend my authentic crystal jewelry raffle for another month, or until I feel I have enough entries to do the raffle properly.
A local artisan was kind enough to provide me with 8 pieces of authentic crystal jewelry to offer for donation funds supporting three different campaigns for Palestinian families looking to evacuate Gaza or in need of survival aid while in Gaza.
These families are:
Ahmed and Maram’s family (in Euro)
Mohammed Shamia’s family (in Swedish kroner)
Marah Atallah’s family (in USD)
All families are 100% legitimate — I have been in contact with Maram and Ahmed for months, who have provided me multiple pictures, videos, and recordings of their situation. They have been featured in a video by YouTuber Ro Ramdin and have been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein. I am also in consistent contact with their beneficiary through a group chat who updates us on the movement of all money.
Mohammed’s family has multiple pictures and videos of their situation on family member Ahmad’s Twitter/X account proving their legitimacy. I have personally communicated with Ahmad and his history online stretches back far before 10/7. His campaign has been SEVERELY stagnant, often going 20+ days before receiving a donation. He is trying to raise enough to evacuate his sister and her two children. He has had 2 donations in 29 DAYS!
I personally connected Marah to the one managing her campaign, who is a friend of mine. Marah is also friends in-person with other verified families over on Twitter/X, where she posts pictures and videos of she and her family’s situation. They use all money raised to survive displacement in Gaza and to save up enough to register for evacuation when the time is right. Marah’s campaign has been shared by @/90-ghost.
Donate an amount of $5/€5/kr50 SEK or more in multiples of 5, DM me proof of your donation, and tell me which piece you are interested in (send the number and letter listed next to the description of the piece). I will enter your name into a raffle for the piece you would like. One donation of 5/kr50 SEK = one entry, 10/kr100 SEK = 2 entries, and so on. At the end of the raffle, I will randomly choose one recipient per piece, contact said recipient for details, and mail the piece to you.
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From left to right: A pair of Rutilated Quartz earrings valued $20 (E1), a pair of Kunzite earrings valued $18 (E2), and a pair of multi tourmaline earrings valued $20 (E3).
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From left to right: A labradorite, aura quartz, clear aura crackle quartz, and sea sediment jasper bracelet valued $30 (B1), and a chrysocolla, morganite, phosphosiderite, and yellow opal bracelet valued $30 (B2).
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From left to right: A clear quartz necklace valued $30 (N1), a red tiger’s eye necklace valued $30 (N2), and a flower agate, rose quartz, lepidolite, strawberry quartz, and clear quartz necklace valued $32 (N3).
If you can’t participate, that’s okay! Please share this post so that others may see and enter to win some beautiful jewelry for the most important cause — saving lives.
Tagging for reach under the cut
@wayneradiotv @killy @kahin @tododeku-or-bust @wellwaterhysteria
@kibumkim @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillain
@aristotels @komsomolka @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts  @ot3 @brutaliakhoa
@amygdalae @ankle-beez @dykesbat @deepspaceboytoy 
@mazzikah @mahoushojoe @ana-bananya @rhubarbspring @pcktknife
@3amsnow @orange-coloredsky @ehjane @dogesterone @specialmouse
@smalldumbpigeon @sakeeeee @bhavna-does-stuff @hal-your-pal @nevermore-was-here 
@pronouncingitwang @sloppystyle @saltycharacters @cloudofdarkness @dirhwangdaseul
@boudicca @soul-hammer @mxwhore @desire-mona @batmanego
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @turian @determinate-negation @sylvianritual @neptunerings
447 notes · View notes
schoolhater · 1 month
Hey everyone!! Thanks to all your effort, Siraj has hit his short term goal of $30k CAD! Now we move on to his next short term goal, which he has to reach by the end of this week, $40k CAD / $29,080 USD.
In case you don't know him, he's a journalist who used to write about charity work and people in need, but has now found himself in the same position. He posts daily updates about the abysmal living conditions in the genocide in southern Gaza at @siraj2024. He's currently fundraising to rebuild his family home and take care of his wife and three young boys.
Here is his most recent daily update:
Today I walked 3 km to get internet, and tell you about us. Do you hear? Here we are being annihilated day and night, every minute, every second With every cup of tea you drink With every tremor of the heart, the blink of an eye. In every family session that brings you together, there are entire families buried in an instant under the rubble. Today morning, more than 100 martyrs were killed in less than a minute in a shelter center in Al-Tabaeen School. With every book you read, there are true stories written in blood Does this mean anything to you? Why am I telling you that? I don't know. But dear friend said to me one day: “Write, Siraj. Don’t stop. Write not so that anyone can read. Rather, write so that Siraj can rest. Write for Siraj.” Despite all the bombing and danger Siraj is going through, he still seeks to rebuild his home that was destroyed by the occupation.He seeks to build his soul and his homeland.
art commissions 1
art commissions 2
art commissions 3
enamel pin raffle
[vetted online 219]
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca 
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
442 notes · View notes
maester-cressen · 24 days
Help Dr. Shahad and his family evacuate Gaza!
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[Image Description: a tumblr ask by user @drshahd. It contains the following text. Hello, I am Shahad, a medical doctor from Gaza. I am trying to help my family get out of the war and preserve our lives. I saw you helping many people and I saw that you are my only hope. Please I don't know anyone who can publish for us and share our story. I saw you by chance. Please share my story on your profile and tell people about it. Family consists of seven members and we are now in Gaza we can't get out. Please help us post our link! End description]
Shahad's fundraiser can be found here and it has been vetted by @/nabulsi and @/gazafunds. We are currently at $14,762 out of the $40,000 goal and we are looking towards a possible $15,000 money raise. Please donate if possible and boost this post!
@papenathys @heliopixels @nimbooz @hiveswap @fiqrr
@irhabiya @feluka @anneemay @tumkaafiho @fleshdyk3
@paandaan @itsfookingloosah @himejoshikaeya
@colombinna @br-eddrolls @0luna123 @block-swing-perry
@divineclouds @error-core-animations @juneybug @apocalyptic-dancehall @kingofthebookcase
@briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe @rhubarbspring @three-croissants
@specialmouse @thehollyraven @the-olive-gardens
@transmutationisms @timetravellingkitty
@schoolhater @pcktknife
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @khanger @kibumkim
@7bitter @tortiefrancis @buttercuparry
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillain
@aristotels @komsomolka @xinakwans
@ot3 @amygdalae @lonniemachin @dykesbat
@watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @vakarians-babe
(If you wish to be removed from this list, please DM me)
314 notes · View notes
Okay but think of the comedic potential of the Leverage OT3 having been together for years by the time of Redemption, and at one point the others find out.
Breanna would be like "oh my god how did I not see that". Sophie would go "oh that explains a lot of things". (And yeah, it would also be on board for her to know, but one, it's been established that unconventional relationships are kind of a blind spot for her, and two, Parker is weird enough and Eliot's act is good enough that it would help throw her off the scent.)
(Harry wouldn't care much probably.)
And the possibilities of how it could happen. Like. Hardison is up in space, Eliot and Parker are doing something for a con, they see someone coming, Parker is like "quick, let's make out", and throws herself on Eliot. Eliot is like "no, not the lips", but he goes along with it, and then when they're in the clear, he's like "why do you always bite my lips? you didn't have to bite my lips", to which Parker replies "I was playing a character. Clara is a lip biter", and Eliot goes on an angry rant about the whole thing, but also the others overhear it, and Breanna checks in like "Eliot always says it? how often do you guys make out on cons?" and Parker goes "Eliot's not talking about the cons."
OR Parker is upset by something, and leaves the room, and Eliot goes after her, and when he doesn't resurface for a while Breanna goes after him, and they're kissing, and Eliot shouts at her to get out, but she's like "Okay. This is not cool. Eliot, you're super scary and I can see you're pissed at me right now, but I gotta call Hardison," and they're both like no, you don't have to do that, but he's already on call, and Breanna tells him everything. Eliot is facepalming and sighing the whole time. Parker is just like "what? they had to find out eventually." And then Breanna finishes, everyone is dead silent, waiting for his reaction, and Hardison is like "So y'all wasted my time with this? [five-minute rant about how busy he is]" Breanna is flabbergasted. "So Eliot makes out with your girlfriend and that's your reaction?" So Hardison just goes "Damn sis I better damn hope that when my girlfriend is upset our boyfriend would go and comfort him. Get yo act together." He hangs up, camera cuts to Breana, her face frozen while trying to process the information. Then she just goes "HOLY SH-" [commercial break]
535 notes · View notes