empire-system · 2 months
Me: ok but we can’t be that traumatised and have PTSD and DID, we don’t experience flash backs, we’ve never-..what do you mean a flash back doesn’t always feel like watching a video of what happened? …what do you mean it can also be reliving the emotions that we felt during the event? …What do you mean that’s something that happens every time a few specific things that we experienced and that traumatised us are brought up???
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syscultureis · 2 months
System Culture is getting triggered to front by a song you’ve never listened to before because your brain decided it was just a little bit too relatable to your source memories and like. Ow wow you (brain) weren’t wrong but did ya have to!?
~Blutwurst of The Empire System🔋
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empire-system · 3 months
When you’re in a small server with friends and actively use the plural kit bot, then someone adds someone you don’t know and you have no idea how they’ll react to learning you’re a system:
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empire-system · 14 hours
Break ups are so fucking fun. Ugh. And I still got to be civil to the guy cos others in the system are still with him. Wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t add to our trauma and that’s the reason I broke up with him…
It’s a fucking damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. If we leave him and cut contact, it’s gonna tear our entire friendship group apart, and he’s the owner of a server we mod for and adore being in, so we don’t want to lose that either, essentially leaving him will ruin the only good in our life. But being with him is stressful as hell because we have horrendous religious trauma and he’s an incredibly devout Christian and has stated before that we’re going to hell because we’re not religious. It’s a bloody nightmare.
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empire-system · 2 months
Me: I’m experiencing art block, stomach pains, irritability, depression symptoms, thoughts of suicide, a general sense of dread and hopelessness and my social battery feels like it’s at an all time low.
Also me: Nah I’m sure this is gonna be the month my period doesn’t happen and it starts to give up again.
The little in co-front: ….can you listen to yourself speak for once?
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empire-system · 2 months
Is it bad it pisses me off slightly when one of our religious friends goes off about how being a Christian is so looked down upon and frowned at? Like, I’m sorry if you’re actually struggling with making friends because of your religion, that’s fucked, but also…you realise how biased literally everything is towards Christianity, right? Right???
Also he’s an American, cis-het, able bodied, perisex white man :/ like. Dude. Come on.
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empire-system · 2 months
Flam, 4 hours ago: Y E R R
Every alter since then at least once: Y E R R
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empire-system · 3 months
Whatever higher being created us really said ‘alright sure you can have a sufficient amount of braincells…but only Edna can use them.”
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empire-system · 4 months
Fucking killing myself rn /hj
One of our friends added his other friend to a server, and we clash so bad and she talks so casually about trauma that we both share and that can be a trigger to us and it just pisses me off so bad but I don’t wanna upset our other friend cos he’s already going through it and they’re super close but also every message she sends makes me hate her more and more.
Also the way she talks reminds me of the people who used to bully us in school. And our friend acts different around her because he’s in love with her and told off Hax alter for acting the exact same way she always does just cos the new person had joined the server when he was fully aware hax would continue to be a heathen (lovingly) because she’d been joking about it literally 20 minutes prior. God. Friendships are hard.
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