#Bob Diddley
Amougies Festival 1969 : 4h00 du matin, mardi 5ème jour
55 /  Amougies Festival 1969 : 4h00 du matin, mardi 5ème jour
« Il est 4 heures du matin et on est mardi : une journée qui commence par la fin de l’autre. Etrange, pense Fred. »
— Normal ! aurait dit son pote (compère) volant.
Sauf qu’il n’a pas dormi.
Les Pretty Things le groupe beatnik par excellence – rock mâtiné de  solos  à l’orientale attaque « Alexander » avec son lick particulier décalqué sur un plan de basse. Le batteur remonté sur scène, a repris sa place que le bassiste avait assurée en partie sur « Blow your mind ».
         — C’est un groupe que je voulais voir. J’ai toujours en mémoire ces photos de S.LC. de groupes anglais dont les Pretty Things qui posaient avec une dégaine pas possible tel des clochards dans une rue pourrie de ville british industrielle sous les poutrelles métalliques du métro aérien, avec les cheveux hyper longs affichant le look volontairement sale et dangereux. Ça tombe bien que le batteur nous ait réveillés.
         — Moi aussi ! C’était les concurrents des Rolling Stones ; d’ailleurs le guitariste Dick Taylor (qui n’était pas là mais remplacé par un musicien qui joue comme lui – assez étrange d’ailleurs) a tenu la basse chez les pré-Stones puis l’a quitté à cause de Brian Jones qu’il lui avait pris la place à la “six cordes“.
         — Ça je ne le savais pas. Par contre, j’ai lu que le nom du groupe vient d’une chanson de Willie Dixon interprétée par Bob Diddley « Pretty thing » à la rythmique très syncopée en étouffant les cordes puis en appuyant sur les notes par intermittence. A ce propos il suffit d’écouter qu’effectivement ils développent un phrasé musical qui s’en inspire beaucoup. Ce n’est pas spectaculaire ; ça fait un peu pub dancing mais c’est carré. Peut-être que cette démarche leur a coûté un certain succès et ont été obligés pour leur alimentaire de faire des films ou une production pour un fils de milliardaire.
         — Sûrement ! Mais il parait que les Stones les empêchaient de passer à la TV notamment dans l’émission « Ready Steady Go ! »… Bob Diddley, c’est celui qui avait une guitare rectangulaire comme les cigar-box ?
         — Exact ! Son nom de scène vient d’un instrument primaire des joueurs de blues avant la guitare électrique : le Diddley Bow consiste à tendre une corde de guitare un la, un sol ou un ré, sur une planche en mettant une bouteille dessous pour tendre la corde faisant office de chevalet et un boulon avec écrous de l’autre côté pour le sillet et ça se joue avec un bottle-neck. C’est l’invention du slide où l’on retrouve la pentatonique suffisant pour jouer le blues.
         — Génial ! Certainement, leurs morceaux ne sont pas très originaux mais puissants – carrés comme tu dis.
         — Ça vient du rythme qui s’appelle d’ailleurs le Bob Diddley Beat provenant du Mambo et du Hambone.
         — Quésacko ?
         — Je ne joue pas au musicologue ; je l’ai lu parce que je m’intéressais aux « Pretty Things » et j’ai découvert que le Hambone consiste aux chanteurs et chanteuses de blues de s’accompagner de percussions en se tapant sur les cuisses, les jambes et les genoux ainsi que sur les joues.
         — J’ai déjà vu ça.  Ça me dit quelquechose. Effectivement les rythmes sont proches. Ça peut être l’explication.
— Ceci dit ils ont fait 3 titres et ça fait une heure. C’est certainement l’habitude des pros dans les pubs.
— Toi qui semble les connaître. Les solos du guitariste sont très spéciaux et courts.
— Je dirais que c’est plutôt des licks qui découlent de cette musique syncopée. Mais si tu écoutes Bob Diddley ; il fait des licks identiques. La différence c’est que le lead-guitar des “Pretty” joue des accords barrés etc., en standard alors que Diddley est accordé en open.
— C’est-à-dire des licks ? Et Accordé en open ?
— Lick, lécher ! Des coups de langues mot à mot mais on comprend ce que cela veut dire : Des courtes séries de notes utilisées dans les solos et les mélodies. Le riff c’est la même chose mais grosso modo avec les accords. En standard, on fait les accords que tu connais. En open, les accords sont différents certes mais tu as la particularité d’avoir à vide un accord sans mettre les doigts ou le bottleneck  dans la clé dans laquelle tu t’es accordée. C’est-à-dire si tu es en Sol Majeur et bien tu joues toutes les cordes et ainsi de suite ? Tu as donc le La à la 2ème case et par conséquent, toute la gamme pentatonique  en simple barré,
en slide ou avec le doigt (l’index).
— C’est vraiment particulier la guitare ; c’est un instrument qui n’est pas figé qui peut évoluer tout le temps.
— C’est pour ça qu’il est moderne et que des millions et des millions de jeunes veulent en jouer.
— Pour revenir au groupe évidemment le look du groupe de sales gosses interpellent mais en dehors de ça il y a l’influence américaine du blues très particulier d’ailleurs et leur manière de jouer pratiquement tout en accord à part quelques petits solos ça et là – dû parait-il à leur façon au début de jouer du “Rhythm & Blues trash“ et à leurs explorations psychédéliques dixit Phil May le chanteur.
Puis ils ont fait SF Sorrow l’un des premiers opéra rock en 1968 ; qui raconte la vie de Sebastian F. Sorrow enfant né dans l’Angleterre pauvre, l’usine, premiers émois sexuels, la guerre, la dépression, le désenchantement et la vieillesse.
Et il y a une autre chose qui me plaît chez Dick Taylor c’est son choix de guitares : Gibson 335, Hutchins copie Harmony H78 ou encore une Höfner verithin – un son trash tel une guitare bas de gamme fabriquée en Asie, guttural dans les basses et carillon dans les aigus comme dit l’autre.
— Bien vu ! Complètement d’accord !
Dave Burrell / le grand nettoyage sonore et le recyclage du verre / le lavage des scories et écouvillons du cerveau / plus de force de concentration pour écouter seulement submergé  par les vagues ardentes…
Surman /  Fatigue /  Froid /  Humidité  /  leitmotiv qui revient sur les lèvres des veilleurs / “Grandes vagues souples“, segments mélodiques explorés puis accélération… puis l’aube blanche à travers la toile de tente.
         Fred & Marc se lèvent et plient grosso modo leurs duvets puis jettent un œil sur la scène où le Gong s’est installé sur l’autre plateau pendant que les autres jouaient. Ils en écoutent un peu puis un musico’s prend un tambour “napoléonien“ ; et là c’est le trop-plein assommés comme ils le sont – et même si Daevid Allen ex-Soft Machine mérite leurs écoutes. Ils battent retraite.
         Les gardiens avaient ouvert en grand la porte d’entrée du chapiteau ; la (l’odeur de la) campagne s’invitait dans la tente, diaphane et calme. Le brouillard s’était dissipé et la pluie disparue ; un grand soleil était venu les remplacer. Cet éblouissement d’un ciel sans bruit pesait tel un grand manteau blanc en hiver sur des âmes épuisées.
         Peu de dialogues dans le chemin de terre boueux vers la tente (du – le - gîte) des couchages. Tout à chacun semblait noyé dans ses rêves, les sens encore (labourés) torturés par la rage sonore électrifiée. Mystifiés, transis par l’accumulation massive de concepts musicaux inédits, savants, ou inconnus…  
Dés l’entrée, ils assistent à une scène hyperréaliste de hippies telles les peintures du même nom – l’herbe du pré qui commençait à jaunir en touffes accueillait à même le sol des festivaliers assis sur le bord d’un plancher saisis dans leurs vêtements de sortie (d’apparat hip), écrasés par le sommeil.
A leurs têtes des détritus de toutes sortes mais aussi aux pieds de celles et ceux qui ne voulaient pas se coucher dans la “fange“ et restaient stoïques, assis sur le bord des praticables (modules) de la piste de salle de bal avant de sombrer la tête sur leurs genoux. Ils faisaient un peu 16ème comme celles et ceux qu’ils croisaient au Golf. Ils portaient des habits sans aucune froissure ? Tous leurs vêtements réfléchissaient une palette de couleurs chatoyantes.
D’autres étaient avachis sur les planches les bottes de cow-boy (en l’air) à l’air libre se reposant sur les coudes. Certain(e)s arboraient des tee-shirts car la tente était chauffée et de plus elle était quasiment remplie de spectateurs qui se reposaient. Fred & Marc durent se faufiler entre les corps affalés ou assis pour trouver une place.
Les coiffures avec les cheveux longs des types blonds, noirs, bouclés…etc, et celles des filles autrement plus sophistiquées dans le relâchement, laissait souffler un esprit de liberté (aurait dit Dylan) mais pas communautaire – chacun(e)s restaient dans son pré carré. Des chapeaux s’affichaient ça & là.
Des gens paradaient debout en discutant attifés avec des fripes des Puces de Clignancourt ou des vestes léopards du Carreau du Temple. Cela leur permettaient d’exercer une vigie dialoguée socio-musico-analytique en survolant du regard la masse informe des sacs de couchages à leurs pieds – évidement les cheveux (étaient) bouclés, crêpés et jetés nonchalamment  sur
les épaules.
Arrivés dans le milieu de la tente, ils trouvèrent de la place pour étendre leurs  duvets  puis Fred retira sa parka se retrouvant avec sa chemise à fleurs bleues et violettes époque d’Antoine en sur-chemise dont il remonta les manches sur un pull noir. Puis ils s’engouffrèrent dans leurs sacs en se couvrant le visage pour atténuer la lumière et recharger leurs batteries neuroniques.
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lisamarie-vee · 4 months
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odk-2 · 2 years
I Want Candy
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The Strangeloves - I Want Candy (1965) Bert Berns / Bob Feldman / Jerry Goldstein / Richard Gottehrer from: "I Want Candy" / "It's About My Baby" (single)
Bo Diddley Beat | Rock and Roll
JukehHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: The Strangeloves: Vocals Bob Feldman Richard Gottehrer Jerry Goldstein
Session Musicians: Eric Gale: Guitar Richie Lauro: Saxophone John Shine: Bass Herb Lovelle: Drums
Produced by Bob Feldman | Richard Gottehrer | Jerry Goldstein
Bang Records
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Brian Poole and The Tremeloes - I Want Candy (1965) Bert Berns / Bob Feldman / Jerry Goldstein / Richard Gottehrer from: "I Want Candy" / "Love Me Baby” (single)
Strangeloves Cover
UK Beat Band | Bo Diddley Beat | British Invasion
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Brian Poole: Lead Vocals Rick Westwood: Lead Guitar / Backing Vocals Alan Blakley: Keyboards / Rhythm Guitar / Backing Vocals Alan Howard: Bass / Backing Vocals Dave Munden: Drums
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Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy (1982) Bert Berns / Bob Feldman / Jerry Goldstein / Richard Gottehrer from: “The Last of the Mohicans” (EP)
Strangeloves Cover
New Wave | Bo Diddley Beat
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Annabella Lwin: Lead Vocals Matthew Ashman: Guitar Leigh Gorman: Bass David Barbarossa: Drums
Produced by Kenny Laguna
Recorded: @ The Criteria Studios during 1982 in Miami, Florida USA
RCA Records
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moms-music · 24 days
Bo Diddley Medley (Live In Detroit/1975)
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julio-viernes · 9 months
En 1965, Feldman, Gottehrer y Goldstein crearon el grupo The Strangeloves. La portada de su único LP en 1965 es africana y muy significativa, esto no es garaje de guitarras, el énfasis está puesto en los instrumentos de percusión, un elepé heredero directo del titán Bo Diddley y de cosas como "Willie and The Hand Jive" de Johnny Otis. Hay que escuchar como suena el latigazo de batería en ese "New Orleans" de Gary US. Bonds. Amores extraños, y uno de los discos más festivos, rítmicos y personales de la era del garaje que incluía "Nigh Time", recuperada por Lenny Kaye en su glo-rio-so "Nuggets" de 1972, y sus éxitos "I Want Candy" y "Cara-Lin". De "Candy" me quedo con la versión inmediata de Brian Poole and The Tremeloes, antes que con la de Bishops o la de Bow Wow Wow.
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The Round Two Contenders
Hello, all! As we go into round two, I'll be accepting propaganda for only the following nominees:
Glenn Gould
Link Wray
Curtis Mayfield
Bob Seger
Oscar Peterson
Eric Stewart
Klaus Voormann
Paul McCartney
Gene Autry
Rod Argent
Freddie Mercury
John Paul Jones
Sly Stone
Tom Scholz
Justin Hayward
Roger Hodgson
Bo Diddley
Rick Wright
Gram Parsons
Geddy Lee
Ray Manzarek
Sam Cooke
Jimi Hendrix
David Gilmour
Noel Redding
Fats Domino
Eric Burdon
Jim Morrison
Bjorn Ulvaeus
Smokey Robinson
Nat King Cole
Dave Davies
Ray Brown
Ron Mael
Ian Curtis
Arlo Guthrie
Micky Dolenz
Syd Barrett
Chuck Berry
Renato Zero
Bruce Springsteen
Al Green
Miles Davis
Bill Bruford
Charles Brown
Mickey Finn
Bob Marley
Eric Dolphy
Neil Peart
Alan Parsons
Brian May
Neil Diamond
Mick Taylor
Robin Zander
Billy Preston
Mik Kaminski
Tony Bennett
Mick Ronson
Steve Miller
Tony Levin
Johnny Cash
Stevie Wonder
Gordon Lightfoot
Frank Zappa
Ernie Ford
David Coverdale
Marvin Gaye
Buddy Holly
Marc Bolan
Rory Gallagher
Todd Rundgren
Willie Dixon
Joe Strummer
Carl Palmer
David Bowie
Alvin Lee
Rick Danko
Clyde McPhatter
Cab Calloway
John Oates
Kenny Loggins
Roy Orbison
John Fogerty
Richie Havens
Ricky Nelson
Denny Laine
Otis Redding
Dave Vanian
John Coltrane
Elton John
BB King
Dean Martin
Rob Grill
Don Henley
Russell Mael
Jimmy Page
Cat Stevens
Tommy Shaw
Robbie Robertson
Phil Ochs
David Byrne
Steve Winwood
Donald Fagen
Carlos Santana
Peter Hammill
Tom Jones
Bev Bevan
Clarence Clemons
Sammy Davis Jr
Robert Lamm
Bobby Darin
Johnny Mathis
Tony Banks
Robert Plant
Brian Eno
Benny Andersson
Barry Gibb
John Deacon
Pete Seeger
Phil Lynott
Andy Gibb
George Harrison
Mickey Hart
Jack Bruce
Keith Moon
Those in bold have lots of propaganda already, so they're low priority. Rules for submitting propaganda are in the FAQ. If there are multiple people in the photo, please tell me which one the propaganda's for. Good luck to the round two musicians!
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rhapsodynew · 22 days
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Syd Barrett with a hand-painted painting, 1964
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In December 1964, 18-year-old Barrett wrote an illustrated letter to his girlfriend Jenny Spires, telling about the first sound session of the future Floyd's. The demo recordings were made in a small London studio with an eye to signing a contract with a major record label. At that moment, the band was influenced by the "rolling stones" and Bo Diddley, this can be heard both in their own stuff and in the cover version of I'm a King Bee, which Sid mentions in the letter.
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Six tracks recorded between December 1964 and January 1965 were included in the mini-album 1965: Their First Recordings, officially released in 2015. And later they were included in the box set The Early Years 1965-1972. Floydomans are well aware of this. Since that time (especially in connection with the release of the mini-album), there have been a lot of posts with playlists on social networks.
Offers a translation of the letter, which is published in Barrett's book. The definitive visual companion to the life of Syd Barrett (2011), which also includes Barrett's artwork, photographs, and other letters. It was first unveiled at the Cambridge Gallery in an exhibition dedicated to it in 2008.
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Perhaps Sid is naive in this letter, and there is nothing of the great poet's rhetoric in the text, as, indeed, in his other epistolary archives. But in such modest sketches there is a breath of time and the magic of the authentic background of a single human everyday life, unadorned by historians and biographers. In addition, the epistolary syllable of Sid retains a share of stylistic melodiousness, and this also makes the written sample interesting. After all, Barrett's characteristic feature as a composer is that he "paints" a song with intonation, sounds, and syllables, as already mentioned in posts dedicated to Lucifer Sam and Arnold Layne.
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It can also be mentioned that Sid illustrated himself, Mason, Waters and Bob Close, who was the lead guitarist of the band at that time. Sid signed his letters and paintings with his real name "Roger".
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"Dear Jen, you are just lovely.
I'll tell you what happened during the recording. We dragged all the equipment into the studio, which was illuminated by a terrible white light and entangled with wires and microphones. Roger's amplifier was positioned behind a sound-absorbing screen, and Nicky was also "shielded". After a short conversation, we checked everything on the balance and wrote down five numbers more or less at once. However, only guitars and drums. We're going to add vocals, piano, etc. next Wednesday. The tracks sound awesome so far, especially King Bee.
When I sing, I have to stand in the middle of the studio with headphones on, and everyone else is watching from another room. I can't see them at all, but they can all see me. Also, I can only hear what I sing myself.
I hope you got home well, Jen, and had a good time. You couldn't have come to the recording. And anyway, it all lasted until midnight and it would have been a terrible burden for you.
How pleasant all these tra-la-la are (don't worry about distracting).
Do whatever you want, Jen. I love you very much and I want to hear from you, and you are very beautiful.
I'm a little tired of everything today, and I want to be in Cambridge or Greece, but not in London, where all I do is spend money and go back and forth. But the sun is still shining.
With love. Roger."
In case someone missed the Floyd's mini-album with those demo songs mentioned in the post, you can listen to it, for example (there is a song layout in the description, and to watch it, you need to go directly to the channel):
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On May 8th, we also venerate Ancestor Robert Johnson on his 112th birthday 🎉
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A renowned ICON of Hoodoo History, Culture, & Folklore, and a Delta Blue's legend, Robert Johnson's storied yet brief success has cemented him at the crossroads of Hoodoo Folklore & American History. He is known for his exceptionally eerie singing & masterful guitar play amid living a hard and fast life; after having struck a deal with the Devil to become one of the greatest Blue's musicians of all time.
According to Hoodoo Folklore, it was a cool October night when Robert Johnson walked alone with his guitar down a dark road in the Mississippi River Delta on a full moon night to the crossroads at Highways 49 & 61 in Clarksdale, Mississippi. As he walks he thinks about his sorrow. He thinks about the jeers & shouts for him to get off stage. In his misery, he cries out into the night. For his weakness, jealousy, fear, & the anguish of failure. But he’s not alone. Here, he meets the Devil. The Devil heard his cry & appeared, offering to fashion him a talent so he could play unlike any other in exchange for his soul. Thus Robert Johnson rose to fame as the King of the Delta Blues.
Robert Johnson was the eleventh child of his mother's children & born out of wedlock. He was born and grew up with his mother in Hazlehurst, Mississippi until he left to stay with his father for a time in Memphis,TN. His childhood is largely a mystery. Those that knew of him, claimed that he took up the diddley bow (a wire attached to nails sticking out of houses), as music was his life long interest.
As a teen, Robert Johnson met fellow Blue's legend Son House and Willie Brown. They became his musical mentors as they played in small towns throughout the Mississippi Delta. Thus began his showmanship & his iconic fusion of singing, guitar-playing, & songwriting. From then on he lived the life he sang about, the life a mysterious traveling musician. Though as the old folks of the era would say,  “The Blues was never meant to be taken seriously or reflectively. It was simply a force, expressing the deepest roots of their lives”. That there are only 3 known photos of him in existence only adds to his mystery.
By 1931 he was a popular name in bars and nightclubs throughout the region. While passing through Jackson, Mississippi in 1936, Robert Johnson caught the eye of a talent scout who'd go on to arranged his first recording session, which went on to selling 5,000 copies throughout the region. This was the very 1st time that  Robert Johnson's singing voice & guitar play was recorded. Despite his short life & career, he became a major influence on Blue's & Rock N Roll in the '60s & '70s. He'd go on to influence the likes of Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, the Allman Brothers, and Eric Clapton. In 1961 Columbia Records released, King of Delta Blues, which was a compilation of his early recordings; spanning just 29 cut between 1936-1938.
In 1938, a music producer at Columbia Records learned about his recordings & sought him out to perform at Carnegie Hall in NYC in front of an all-Black crowd. Unfortunately, Robert Johnson passed away the night before the show was set.
To this day, the cause of his death remains in dispute. Some say he was shot dead by the man of a paramour he'd messed around with. Others say it was a poison that killed him. His death certificate, however, officially states that his cause of death was Syphilis. Still, whether literally or figuratively, there are those who believe that the Devil did in fact collect his due.
At the time of his death, his grave remained unmarked thus no exumation effort could ever conclude with 100% certainty that the uncovered remains are his. Today, what has long-since been presumed to be his remains, is buried in Little Zion Baptist Church's cemetary, in Greenwood, Mississippi. 
"I pray that my redeemer will come and take me from my grave" - Robert Johnson’s final words
We pour libations & give him💐 today as we celebrate him for his legendary contributions to the art, history, and lore of Blue's & Black Culture. May we elevate him in light & healing.
Offering suggestions: listen to/share his music, play Mississippi Delta Blue's , & menthol cigarettes paired with dark liquor
*Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.
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countryhixes · 2 months
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Bob Wills' Ranch House
(later called The Longhorn Ballroom)
"The Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas, Texas (USA) has been called, Texas' Most Historic Music Venue and since its inception has had a colorful set of proprietors. Originally built by O.L. Nelms, an eccentric Dallas millionaire, for his close friend, western swing bandleader Bob Wills, the venue opened in 1950 as Bob Wills' Ranch House. When Wills left In the early 50s Nelms leased the sprawling venue to notorious nightclub owner turned assassin Jack Ruby. Mr. Ruby eventually had a nervous breakdown and lost the lease, but he is credited with hosting some of the best black entertainers of the day including Count Basie, Ruth Brown, and Nat King Cole. The Nat King Cole show took place in 1954 in the racially segregated Jim Crow South, where an affluent black audience sat in front, in the premium seats, while the white patrons stood in the back to listen to the legend.
In 1957, the venue was divided into two separate performance areas by a single wall.  One area, named the “Guthrey Club” featured Rhythm and Blues artists such as Little Richard, Fats Domino, Bo Diddley, and Roy Orbison, while the bigger ballroom focused on Country Music.
In 1958, O.L. Nelms sold the business and in 1967 sold the property to his close friend and business partner Dewey Groom who renamed the venue The Longhorn Ballroom.  Groom, who was also a recording artist, and record label owner, successfully ran the ballroom for more than 25 years, adding the iconic Longhorn Ballroom marquee..."
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my fictional band JFKFC's biggest influences
(they are ranked from biggest to smallest but the ones at the bottom are still very important)
Bob Dylan
The Beatles
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Aretha Franklin
Chuck Berry
Buddy Holly
Elvis Presley
Led Zeppelin
Carl Perkins
Little Richard
Fats Domino
Gene Vincent
Lonnie Donegan
Phil Spector
Ravi Shankar
Roy Orbison
The Isley Brothers
The Everly Brothers
Arthur Alexander
Eddie Cochran
Smokey Robinson
Larry Williams
The Shirelles
The Supremes
Little Willie John
The Marvelettes
The Shadows
Bill Haley
Buck Owens
Jerry Lee Lewis
Johnny Kidd & The Pirates
Bo Diddley
The Band
King Curtis
Carole King
Slim Whitman
Billie Holiday
Clara Ward
Dinah Washington
Mahalia Jackson
Ruth Brown
Sam Cooke
Sarah Vaughan
Big Maybelle
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Willie Mae Ford Smith
Wynona Carr
Bessie Smith
Dorothy Love Coates
Ella Fitzgerald
Esther Phillips
James Cleveland
Johnny Ace
LaVern Baker
Ma Rainey
Nat King Cole
Nina Simone
Arizona Dranes
Blind Lemon Jefferson
Dave Van Ronk
Hank Williams
Rev. Gary Davis
Woody Guthrie
Allen Ginsberg
Bill Monroe
Blind Willie McTell
Cisco Houston
Hary Smith
Jimmie Rodgers
Johnny Cash
Little Richard
Mississippi John Hurt
Pete Seeger
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
Clarence Ashley
Dock Boggs
Jesse Fuller
Robert Johnson
John Jacob Niles
Lefty Frizzell
The Carter Family
Victoria Spivey
Alan Lomax
Doc Primus
Doc Watson
Mississippi Sheiks
The Weavers
Roscoe Holcomb
George Gershwin
Percy Mayfield
Blind Boy Fuller
Josephine Baker
Frank Hutchison
Ewan MacColl
Billy Lee Riley
B.B. King
John Coltrane
The Yardbirds
Little Richard
Howlin’ Wolf
Muddy Waters
T-Bone Walker
The Impressions
Buddy Guy
Elmore James
Freddie King
Hubert Sumlin
Little Walter
Jimmy Reed
Lonnie Mack
Albert Collins
Bobby Womack
Curtis Mayfield
Earl Hooker
Johnny “Guitar” Watson
Ike Turner
Charley Patton
James Brown
Johnny Jenkins
Randy Hansen
Charlie Christian
Moby Grape
Fairport Convention
Otis Rush
Sonny Boy Williamson II
Willie Dixon
Anne Briggs
Bert Jansch
John Renbourn
The Creation
The Rolling Stones
Blind Willie Johnson
Davy Graham
Fleetwood Mac
James Cotton
Johnny Burnette
Memphis Minnie
Small Faces
Jake Holmes
Tim Rose
Vanilla Fudge
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one-album-wonders · 1 year
The Greatest American Rock Star Tournament
A lot of new people have discovered the March Madness of American Rock Bands in the past couple of days and are reblogging and commenting on polls that closed some time ago.  I appreciate the energy, but unfortunately there’s also a lot of anger and threats directed at bands and the people who voted for them.  I propose redirecting that energy to our follow-up tournament for The Greatest American Rock Star!  Follow this blog and reblog this post so we can get as many voters as possible for the next tournament and hopefully avoid people being angry about it after the fact.
Here's the plan:
I’m making a list of solo rock performers from the United States (including artists who were born, naturalized, or just lived in the US for a long time).  The list is below the cut and currently has 312 artists.  I’m still accepting submissions but will cap it 320.
We're using the broadest definition of rock for the artists participating in this tournament. Genres and sub-genres will included acid rock, alternative rock, art rock, blues rock, country rock, dance music, doo-wop, electronic music, folk rock, funk, glam rock, grunge, heavy metal, hip hop, indie rock, industrial, new wave, pop, power pop, punk, rap, reggae, r&b, rock and roll, rockabilly, singer/songwriter, ska, soft rock, soul, surf music, yacht rock, and more! If you think an artist is "not rock" then the best thing you can do is not vote for them. Nobody wants to see your comments about how you think [artists name] is "not rock" and if you're too obnoxious about it you might get blocked.
For the first stage of the competition, artists will be in groups of 4 with other artists from the same decade.  Since many artists have multi-decade careers, I’m placing them in the decade when they first emerged as a popular recording artist, which is deliberately vague, and I may shift some artists around a bit to balance the groups.
April 3-10: Group Stage
Every day I will post 9 to 10 polls of groups of 4.  These polls will be open 7 days to allow them to get the most possible attention from Tumblr users.  Campaigning for favorite artists is encouraged. Vitriol directed at artists and especially at Tumblr users who vote for them is not, and may get you blocked.
April 17-20: The Winnowing
Artists who advanced from the group stage will be seeded for head to head, one day polls against other artists who participated in groups whose polls started on the same day.
April 27-May 10: Bracket
All surviving artists will be placed into a bracket for head-to-head matchups lasting one day each.
"Weird Al" Yankovic
50 Cent
Aaron Neville
Afrika Bambaataa
Al Green
Al Jarreau
Albert King
Alice Cooper
Alicia Keys
Angel Olsen
Aretha Franklin
Ariana Grande
B.B. King
Bad Bunny
Barry White
Belinda Carlisle
Ben E. King
Bernie Worrell
Bette Midler
Big Daddy Kane
Big Joe Turner
Big Mama Thornton
Bill Haley
Bill Withers
Bille Joe Armstrong
Billie Eilish
Billy Joel
Billy Preston
Bo Diddley
Bob Dylan
Bob Mould
Bob Seger
Bobbie Gentry
Bobby "Blue" Bland
Bobby Darrin
Bobby Womack
Bonnie Raitt
Bootsy Collins
Brandi Carlile
Brenda Lee
Brian Wilson
Brittany Howard
Bruce Springsteen
Bruno Mars
Buddy Guy
Buddy Holly
Busta Rhymes
Cardi B
Carl Perkins
Carlos Santana
Carly Simon
Carole King
Cat Power
Chaka Khan
Chance the Rapper
Chris Cornell
Chris Isaak
Chuck Berry
Chuck Willis
Clyde McPhatter
Conway Twitty
Curtis Mayfield
Cyndi Lauper
Danger Mouse
Darlene Love
David Byrne
David Crosby
David Lee Roth
Debbie Harry
Del Shannon
Diana Ross
Dick Dale
Dionne Warwick
Dolly Parton
Don Henley
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Dr. John
Duane Eddy
Eddie Cochran
Eddie Money
Elvis Presley
Erykah Badu
Esther Phillips
Etta James
Fats Domino
Fetty Wap
Fiona Apple
Flo Rida
Frank Ocean
Frank Zappa
Gary Clark Jr.
Gary Puckett
Gene Pitney
Gene Vincent
George Clinton
Ghostface Killah
Glen Frey
Gloria Estefan
Gloria Gaynor
Gram Parsons
Gregg Allman
Gwen Stefani
Hank Ballard
Harry Nilsson
Howlin' Wolf
Ice Cube
Iggy Pop
Ike Turner
Irma Thomas
Isaac Hayes
J Dilla
J. Cole
Jack White
Jackie Wilson
Jackson Browne
James Brown
James Ingram
James Taylor
Jane Wiedlin
Janelle Monae
Janet Jackson
Janis Joplin
Jason Derulo
Jason Mraz
Jeff Buckley
Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Lopez
Jenny Lewis
Jerry Lee Lewis
Jill Sobule
Jim Croce
Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Reed
Joan Baez
Joe Tex
Joe Walsh
John Fogerty
John Lee Hooker
John Legend
John Mellencamp
John Prine
John Sebastian
Johnny Ace
Johnny Cash
Johnny Winter
Jon Bon Jovi
Joni Mitchell
Josh Groban
Juice WRLD
Juliana Hatfield
Justin Timberlake
Kanye West
Katy Perry
Kelly Clarkson
Kendrick Lamar
Kenny Loggins
Kid Rock
Kim Carnes
Kurtis Blow
Lady Gaga
Lana Del Rey
Laura Nyro
Lauryn Hill
Lavern Baker
Lenny Kravitz
Levon Helm
Lil Baby
Lil Kim
Lil Nas X
Lil Wayne
Linda Rondstadt
Lindsey Buckingham
Link Wray
Lionel Richie
Lisa Loeb
Little Richard
Little Willie John
Liz Phair
LL Cool J
Lloyd Price
Lorraine Ellison
Lou Reed
Lucinda Williams
Luke Bryan
Mariah Carey
Marvin Gaye
Mary J. Blige
Mary Wells
MC Lyte
Meat Loaf
Meg Myers
Megan Thee Stallion
Meghan Trainor
Melissa Etheridge
Meredith Brooks
Method Man
MF Doom
Michael Jackson
Michael McDonald
Miles Davis
Miley Cyrus
Missy Eliot
Muddy Waters
Nancy Sinatra
Neil Diamond
Neko Case
Nina Simone
Otis Redding
Pat Benatar
Patti Smith
Paul Simon
Paul Westerberg
Paula Cole
Percy Sledge
Pharrell Williams
Phil Ochs
Philp Bailey
Phoebe Bridgers
Post Malone
Queen Latifah
Randy Newman
Ray Charles
Richie Havens
Rick Derringer
Rick Springfield
Ricky Nelson
Ritchie Valens
Rob Zombie
Roger McGuinn
Ronnie Spector
Roy Orbison
Ruth Brown
Ryan Adams
Sam Cooke
Sammy Hagar
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Selena Gomez
Sharon Van Etten
Shawn Colvin
Sheb Wooley
Sheila E.
Sheryl Crow
Sly Stone
Smokey Robinson
Snoop Dogg
Solomon Burke
St. Vincent
Stephen Stills
Steve Earle
Steve Miller
Steve Perry
Steve Van Zandt
Stevie Nicks
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Stevie Wonder
Sufjan Stevens
Suzanne Vega
Taylor Swift
The Big Bopper
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Weeknd
Tina Turner
Todd Rundgren
Tom Petty
Tom Waits
Tori Amos
Townes Van Zandt
Tracy Bonham
Tracy Chapman
Travis Scott
Tupac Shakur
Wanda Jackson
Warren Zevon
Waylon Jennings
Whitney Houston
Willie Nelson
Wilson Picket
Wiz Khalifa
Wyclef Jean
Yasiin Bey (Mos Def)
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scary-ivy · 1 year
Elvis Costello dresses like he wants to look like Bob Dylan and John Lennon and Jerry Garcia and Elvis Presley and Bo Diddley and a country & western star and a mod and a blues brother and then got confused in the middle of all that and the end result is some of the worst fits ever
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djmossback · 8 months
Spacebar Thrd Spc Sat 16 Sept 2023
Let The Music Play, Shannon (lp cut)
Bad Life, PiL (12" 45 RPM)
Give Me Some Slack, Cars (lp cut)
Every 1’s A Winner, Hot Chocolate (lp cut)
Ms. Fat Booty, Mos Def (12" explicit)
Jive Talkin’, Bee Gees (7" 45)
Oh Sheila, Ready For The World (7" 45)
Rock The Casbah, The Clash (7" 45)
Back & Forth, Cameo (12" 33 1/3 )
Roxanne, Police (7" 45)
I Thank You, ZZ Top (lp cut)
Ex’s & Oh’s, Elle King (lp cut)
Walk This Way, RUN D.M.C. (12" 33 1/3 )
2200 hrs
Metal Gods, Judas Priest (lp cut)
You Dropped A Bomb On Me, Gap Band (lp cut)
Sex Shooter, Apollonia 6 (12" 45 RPM)
Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man, Bob Seger System (lp cut)
Let’s Dance, David Bowie (12" 33 1/3 )
Pick Up The Pieces, Average White Band (lp cut)
Got To Be Real, Cheryl Lynn (7" 45)
Couldn’t Get It Right, Climax Blues Band (7" 45)
Love Action, Human League (lp cut)
Love Plus One, Haircut One Hundred (7" 45)
Knock On Wood, Amii Stewart (12" 33 1/3 )
Boogie Oogie Oogie, Taste Of Honey (lp cut)
No Scrubs, TLC (12" 33 1/3 )
Declaration Of Rights, Abyssinians (lp cut)
2300 hrs
Clint Eastwood, Gorillaz (12" 33 1/3 )
She’s Crafty, Beastie Boys (lp cut)
Boys Are Back In Town, Thin Lizzy (lp cut)
The Futures So Bright, Timbuk 3 (lp cut)
Do The Du, A Certain Ratio (12" 45 RPM)
Black Sap Scriptures, Plague Vendor (lp cut)
Hair Of The Dog, Nazareth (lp cut)
Dirty Rat, Orbital (lp cut)
Pressure, Ari Lennox (lp cut)
Keep On Movin, Soul II Soul (12" 33 1/3 )
YAH, Kendrick Lamar (lp cut)
Joan Of Arc, OMD (12" 45 RPM)
West End Girls, Pet Shop Boys (12" 33 1/3 )
Mama Used To Say, Junior (12" 33 1/3 )
Nothing Left To Lose, Everything But The Girl (lp cut)
Original Sin, INXS (lp cut, Dance Music comp)(Pictured!)
Rock With You, Michael Jackson (7" 45)
Maneater, Hall & Oates (12" 33 1/3 )
Rise, Herb Alpert (12" 33 1/3 )
Money (Dollar Bill Y’all), Jimmy Spicer (lp cut, hits comp)(Pictured!)
Funk You Up, The Sequence (12" 33 1/3 )
Chameleon, Herbie Hancock (lp cut)
Open The Iron Gate, Max Romeo (lp cut)
Who Do You Love, Bo Diddley (lp cut, mono, hits comp)
Seven Nights To Rock, Moon Mullican (lp cut)
blue bones (deathwish), Billy Nomates (lp cut)
Remembering Me, Cate le Bon (lp cut)
The Meaning Of Love, Depeche Mode (12" 45 RPM)
Little Fluffy Clouds, The Orb (12" 45 RPM Drum & Bass mix by Youth)
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Love my Spacebar people.
I was kind of prepared. Lots of new records. New old records, too: a wealth of vintage mid-70s funk and disco 12” records came into my possession. But, none of those made it into the crate; I had plenty of other acquisitions to integrate into the flow. I am constantly on the search for the familiar unexpected, and the unfamiliar unexpected, without falling prey to the obvious. And I did what I set out to do. Some of the best segues I have ever done happened tonight... often followed up with the most ham-handed and poor transitions in the history of Third Space Saturday. I’m just happy DJ IGA was not there to witness it, and scowl at my transgressions!
It probably didn’t sound like anything in the house, but your audience or listeners aren’t concerned with the details or technicalities. They want to play Centipede, or get nice with someone.
Cyberjewel gave herself the night off, which probably lent itself to me getting stuck in the elevator, and getting to the booth at 2058, for a start time of 2100 hrs. I wanted to get there early to set up, because there was a live event the night before. Luckily, except for the house sound, things were largely in order. I struggled with volume in the house, problems that weren’t solved until Jules showed up unexpectedly halfway through. Within 5 minutes, the PA was set properly, and I had an Athletic NA in a glass. 
Will was in the house, stationed at the print shop bar. It was great to play for the man who is piloting the spaceship. “She’s Crafty” was played for him. He was excited to get to “hear a Mossback set.” He set up my backgrounds on the TVs you can see on the video and busied himself breaking down the stage setup in the performance area. He works hard. I’m so happy I get to contribute to this thing he made happen. And I will stay as long as they want me. 
The crowds, as usual, were several waves of different people rolling through. At first there were normals. And that’s when the two “request” inquiries happened. Lately I’ve been engaging with people to help read the room, without actually playing what they request. Tonight, I was just trying to get situated. So, I politely declined. But the third person that came up asked about the Shannon track that I opened with, so I was pumped for that! I loved seeing the early 20s kids dancing around to “Maneater” by Hall & Oates, too. The kids are alright. The ones that come through the bar during my sets are game for anything. Well, not the guy who came up and asked for Drake. No bueno. 
I worry that my approach to things is too laid back, like part of the atmosphere. Perhaps my lack of self promotion, and my “let the music be the program” attitude, doesn’t lend itself to making Mossback sets an “event.” Maybe I need to get on the mike and relentlessly exhort people to wave their hands in the air, and relentlessly name check “MOSSSSS-BAAAAAACK!” ad nauseum. I am going to get some coasters made, maybe that will help.
There were some slack periods, unusual for a Saturday night. It made set construction challenging. The energy from the people in the bar contributes to your set in subtle ways, and it was challenging to play without it. But I found my footing, and learned to play without it. I made choices I might not have made with a crowd there. 
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The Shannon track I started with was from an LP, but it was a 12” dance mix. It’s a “dance”-oriented compilation from Atlantic Records that also has INXS (which I played) and Phil Collins (which I didn’t play but may in the future). “Sususudio” kicks! The comp is set up in a good way, three songs per side. It almost feels like cheating, but there is a lot of useful stuff on there and it doesn’t take up a ton of space in the crate. And the three-songs-per-side format sounds good, lots of low end. For what I’m doing, it works out fine. 
Compilations can be too loaded with material to be useful in this setting, too many songs crammed onto a side, bad remastering, no thump or presence. So I’m sparing in my use of them. But I carry several around with me just for fun, like Soul Jazz comps and the Trojan Records Toots and the Maytals collection.
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Will loved the Jimmy Spicer track I played from the Ace Records subsidiary BGP collection chronicling the first decade of hip-hop called “Dollar Bill Y’All.” It consists of records released by the Spring label, which was run by an industry lifer Bill Curtis, who was also a member of the band Fatback. Dude heard the potential in the hip-hop sound early, and the Spring offshoot Posse had early work from Ice-T, Afrika Islam, Marley Marl and artists promoted by Russell Simmons, like Jimmy Spicer. I followed that up with a Sugar Hill Records group, The Sequence. I like the old hip-hop sound. It still sounds good in the club. Will also dug the Herb Alpert “Rise” mix I have. It was so much fun to see him and the crew dancing around to it. 
I ended right at 0100 hours. Funny how that worked out. I just didn’t feel like going any longer. Maybe I got too much rest that day. I usually like to go until close, just because I like it there, but tonight it wasn’t right, so I bugged out and got home at a decent hour.
Next Third Space is 21 October, 2023. 9PM to 1AM, unless I get inspired to stay.
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playlistjunkie · 1 year
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Mick Fleetwood - iTunes Celebrity Playlist - 3/17/09
• Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly
• Let There Be Drums - Sandy Nelson
• Wipe Out - The Safaris
• Honest I Do - Jimmy Reed
• Sweet 16 - B.B. King
• Hey! Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley
• Rags and Old Iron - Nina Simone
• The Lark Ascending (composed musical work) - Ralph Vaughan Williams
• Jealous Guy - John Lennon
• All Things Must Pass - George Harrison
• What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
• It's Man's Man's World - James Brown
• The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan
• Love That Burns - Fleetwood Mac
• Man of the World - Fleetwood Mac
• Dust My Broom - Elmore James
• Back Door Man - HOWLIN' WOLF
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moms-music · 1 month
Bob Seger - Bo Diddley
0 notes
sgt-celestial · 10 months
tagged by @ninetimesbluedemo to list 5 songs i cant stop listening to ummm
Guantanamera - Joan Baez
One Too Many Mornings - Bob Dylan
You Can't Judge a Book by the Cover - Bo Diddley
Cerca del Mar - Los Dandys
Sea Change - Peter Tork
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