#Bohemian Shepherd
I get so happy when I see my dog theriotype in working dog gear. Because if I was a dog in this life I would absolutely be a working dog :]
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iicraft505 · 1 year
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Bohemian shepherd
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owlstral · 2 years
First post on this new acc yoo
So, I made this new account since my old one was pretty... messy For my first post, meet my truesona, Raf! They are a Bohemian Shepherd :]
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All the drawings were made by me. Also, please ignore my old username :sobss: But feel free to ask anything about them by the way!
I also have a fursuit of them made by Litch Fursuits <3
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I'm looking forward to meet new people and keep in touch with the people I met on Twitter!! <3
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jitendrajibhati · 1 year
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Dogue De Bordeaux puppies & Bohemian Shepherd's 🐕‍🦺🦮🐕🐾
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naswoop · 2 years
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My dm let me have a pup
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macxidy · 2 years
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Calming Rain
Nice weather for staying in and enjoying the rainfall. YCH nature illustration for Greendrag13 on Twitter!
Posted using PostyBirb
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zoohouseart · 2 years
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An idea of how Ed Edd n Eddy's cast may appear as adults. I wrote a bio for each one too.
Ed: Married May Kanker right out of high school, had 26 kids all named after monster movies (all of which he's VERY protective of). Spends a simple life working on tree-lifting and mine digging, bathes in gravy every night. Misses Edd and Eddy a whole, whole lot. Unfortunately doesn't see them often, since they moved further into the city while he stayed in the cul-de-sac.
Edd (Double D): Cleaned his act, got the girl, gained a master's in science and engineering, became a teacher, and yet STILL isn't happy or widely respected. Has yet to fully address his long standing anxiety of taking off his hat. Cannot let himself catch a break as he stresses daily about getting the bills paid. Wishes there was more to life than this ever-revolving door of monotony.
Eddy: Flunked out of college. Works as an errand boy for the mayor of Peach Creek and "oversees productivity". Secretly continues to feed his compulsions to scam and gamble at any chance he can get. Spends his every evening dreaming of the day where HE's the mayor, and scheming up ideas he'll never enact (unless..). Often complains that jawbreakers aren't as big as they used to be.
Nazz: Lives a bohemian life, praying someday her time to shine will glisten once more as an "influencer" but works retail in the meantime. Mooches off her fiancée Edd and tries to make up for it in emotional (and erm, well, physical) support. Is struggling with the idea that she peaked in high school, but will never admit it. Mockingly called "Double Z" by Eddy, though she doesn't mind.
Kevin: Is the mayor of Peach Creek. Won this view through pure charisma and good word as the football king of Peach Creek High and general "best at everything", but is often these days fumbling the ball on keeping the streets safe and clean. Is now friends with Eddy, or at least he likes to think so. Is sad he didn't make it into pro league, and will sulk about it when noone's looking.
Sarah: Took up the job of being a shrink (specifically in anger management), and a general town do-gooder. She's often, even if obnoxiously, asking to help others. Has really turned her life around from her loudmouthed, vicious childhood and make up for her past cruelties.. but has mostly done so just to repress her unbridled rage bubbling inside. Whatever you do, don't bring up Jimmy in front of her.
Jimmy: Sarah and Jimmy were conjoined to the hip practically forever, until the day his braces came off. Once he did, he got the call from Hollywood for his incredible acting chops, and ditched his BFF without a second thought. People often tour Peach Creek to see his hometown, much to the chagrin of everyone there. Is a real piece of work these days and could use a nice ass whooping.
Rolf: Grew to be a mighty farmer, creating a titanic cattle industry. Used his profits to buy a massive chunk of Peach Creek and turn it into "New Yergosluvia", so his old country family could live nearby. There he resides as it's king, and frequently feuds with old friend Kevin. Wears Victor's pelt in honor of his life-long servitude to a son of a shepherd (Victor passed peacefully in his sleep).
Johnny 2x4: MIA. As the Eds became more accepted, Johnny became the new misfit. One day, tragedy suddenly struck Plank in senior year of high school, and Johnny was never seen again. There's urban legends of crudely drawn faces appearing on the trees around the old cul-de-sac they grew up in. Ed swears he's seen one tree move. But that's crazy Ed for you. …Right?
May Kanker: Spends her days mostly exhausted from having to take care of 26 children, and hardly ever leaves the house. When she's not trying to drown out the kids with a cranked up TV, she's spending every other hour gossiping about occurrences across the city with her sisters.. though there's not a lot of time between that and cleaning up shit smeared on the walls.
Marie Kanker: Was expelled from Peach Creek High School for stalking Edd and threatening harm on Nazz. She now spends her days as a forum rat on doxxing related message boards, betwixt a day job of driving a garbage truck, where she mostly rides around town spying on people and scribbling down their whereabouts. She too spends all remaining hours gossiping with her sisters.
Lee Kanker: Was mid-planning on going to college and had her life all figured out to be a part of law enforcement until she was unexpectedly locked up for "illegal wood burning". She swears she was framed but has no idea who could've done it. She's usually calling her sisters, but occasionally talks with Eddy. She's not interested in him anymore; they just like to shoot the shit sometimes.
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Die Moosweiblein
Moss Women
Moss Women are female forest spirits from German legend. They belong to the poor souls.
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Moos Women occur in Saxony, Thuringia, on the Saale, in Orlagau, in the Harz mountain, in the Vogtland, in Upper Palatinate, in the Bavarian Forest, in Franconia and Upper Franconia, in the Bohemian Forest, around Warnsdorf in the northern Czech Republic, in the Giant Mountains and in Westphalia.
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Depending on the region, Moss Women have a different appearance. Most often, they are as short as a three to five year old child. They have an ugly appearance, often entirely covered in moss, and are hunchbacked. They appear to be very old with grey, wrinkled faces abd blackened, blind eyes. They have long black or white unkempt hair. Their voices are high-pitched and squeaky. They are always barefoot. They often carry brushwood in a pannier on their back or in their apron. They use a walking stick to support their unsteady gait.
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Moss Women are living in the forest, where they are dwelling in underground caves or hollow trees. They are sleeping in beds from moss. They are living in large families and can have children from Wood Kobolds or humans. They like to bake delicious cake, and when they do, mist is coming out of the forest. When politely asked for, they serve the cake also to humans.
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Moss women know herbs and are skilled at both sending and healing illnesses. If people mock them, they send them ailments. This can happen in a variety of ways. They can squeeze people so hard that they become sick and miserable, and they can sit on them so that they become lame. They can also breathe on them, which causes people to get bumps or ulcers on their faces. Moss women also have knowledge of the future.
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Moss women reward people by giving them wood shavings or leaves that turn into gold. They also give balls of yarn that never end unless you deliberately look for their end, or webs and knitted items that bring luck and blessings into the house. The moss women also show their gratitude with well-intentioned advice and warnings. They also look after children in the forest, lead people out of the forest at night without getting lost, or help them find deer and roe deer antlers.
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On the other hand, moss women steal bread and dumplings. They cannot tolerate caraway bread, however, which is why they cry out: caraway bread, our death. The same goes for "piped" bread, i.e. bread into which the tip of your finger has been pressed. They cannot touch counted baked goods either. On the other hand, the moss women rightfully own some of the hay cuttings and the water that drops on the rim of the vessel when scooped out, as well as some of the linseed, flax stalks, ears of grain and tree fruit, as well as the flour that sticks to the frame of the bucket and any leftover bread crumbs. Moss women allow people to gather wood in the forest if they first receive a piece of bread or a dumpling as a gift
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Sometimes moss women help people with deeds and advice. They visit people's houses and do various jobs, for example they spin flax and wool at night, they scrub, feed, milk, mow, help with haymaking and harvesting. If moss women receive food from shepherds, they bless their cows, which then produce more milk. For craftsmen, they protect their tools from thieves. As household spirits, moss women bring luck and blessings, but also require to receive food offerings in return. They detest people's cursing and vices. They love silence, hate quarrels and curses, and are driven away by them, just as they disappear never to be seen again if they are given new clothes. Whenever bast is peeled from a tree, a Moosweiblein must die.
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On the river Saale, the Buschgroßmutter (bush grandmother) is known as the queen of the moss women. Strictly speaking, the bush grandmother is the mother of the moss women (here: moss girls), with whom she travels around the country, usually in a small cart. She has messy hair and a fixed gaze. The bush grandmother is also a bogeyman. The bush grandmother also appears in Silesia, where she is called Pusch-Grohla.
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outsidersstuff16 · 16 days
Head Canons I have abt them (anon request!)
Order: Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Soda, Darry, Steve, and Two-Bit
there will be ten each
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Ponyboy seems like the type of person who will read the book before he watches the movie on the book to compare them and show the gang what's different about what.
2. Ponyboy seems like he would struggle to find writing creativity and when it comes to him, he goes into this writing zone and doesn't want to be bothered by anyone for the next 2-3 hours.
3. Ponyboy gives off this feeling that he's nice to everyone as long as they haven't badmouthed the gang or did any of the gang wrong. Like he would stop and help old people across the street because no one else would, You now?
4. I don't think that Ponyboy is a dog or cat guy rather a ferret guy who likes to dress up his fur noodle in things he's crocheted in his free time.
5. I can defiantly see Ponyboy being into what my family calls "grandma hobbies"; things such as Knitting, Crochet, Pottery, and Quilting.
6. Ponyboy is probably hella clumsy, like I could see him messing around on a table at bucks and falling off trying to jump to another table.
7. I feel like if the book was placed in the mid 70's he'd definitely listen to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen or in his current time period he definitely listens to The Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, he just seems like that type of guy.
8. He definitely treats Johnny to Fast Food when he has the extra money. It's not in a relationship kind of way just a hang out type of thing.
9. I can definitely see Ponyboy having a good 9 or 10 first place medals for track. He's probably what's carrying his schools track team too.
10. Ponyboy definitely helps people who can't get their lockers open at school and it's more than likely his pride and joy. I dare you to convince me otherwise.
1.He is a respectful king and no matter what everyone else says, he is not and innocent bean. Let's be so fr. He literally killed a man for his best friend and hangs out with Dallas Winston and y'all are gonna tell me he's innocent? Yeah right.
2.He has definitely picked up some really dirty jokes from hanging out with Dallas but will only use them in the appropriate setting. If there is something serious going on than he won't let out a joke. A party on the other hand, oh shit he's gonna be saying a dirty joke every 5 minutes.
3.He loves the rain and thinks it's a gift from God. He loves to dance in it alone or when he's feeling depressed or sad he'll just sit in the rain and let it comfort him. He thinks it's prettiest out when it rains. (and I Agree)
4.He loves helping mutts he finds on the streets. He has a best friend German shepherd he named Houston, and he follows him around a lot. I can also see them sleeping and cuddling in the lot together to protect each other.
5.Johnny has definitely influenced Pony to get his Ferret so Houston can play with it for funzees. He has also shown up to like 80% of Ponyboy's track meets.
6.Johnny goes home on Monday afternoons because he knows his parents are at work and he will go into his room and find entertainment for a few hours, shower, change his clothes, and then leave.
7.before his parents started fighting, they would do family outings on Wednesdays and go to restraunts, amusement parks, and fairs together and Johnny still keeps polaroids of those outings.
8.Johnny really doesn't drink but I can see him drinking on those big occasions when school gets out for the summers, or if its someone's birthday, but I think that'd be about it.
9.You can fight me on this in the comments, but I don't care. Johnny definitely has a summer job every summer. He'll work at the movie theater, the drive in, the dingo, or try for cashier at the DX. He always finds a job for the summer.
10.When Johnny's mom and dad started fighting Johnny was his mom's therapist and his dad's shit talking listener. So, like after a fight, Johnny would consol his mom and get her to bed and then listen to his dad talk shit about his mom until he was black out drunk.
1.Dallas has been around his parents fighting a lot and he definitely has mommy issues because of it. His mom has definitely left him for weeks or months at a time to starve growing up which destroyed his relationship with her growing up.
2.Dallas and Tim Shepherd definitely get drunk and sing stupid karaoke together and Ponyboy keeps polaroids of it to give to Dallas later when he's sober and Dallas keeps them in his wallet.
3.Dallas is definitely scared of spiders because he was bit by one when he was like 11 and has never let it go and so the gang will mess with him on occasion and scare the shit out of him with a rubber or plastic spider or some shit.
4.Dallas got his St. Christopher necklace from a preacher in New York after telling him all that is mother had done to him and him and that preacher still keep in contact. I can just see it man.
5.Dallas definitely smokes the 7-leaf clover, let's just face it, he's probably been to jail for it too. I could see him taking a weekend trip every other month to another state just to get the shit too.
6.He's broke a chair over Two-Bit's back to see if the chair was indestructible. It was not and the gang never let Dallas or Two-Bit forget it. Two-Bit and him do the dumbest shit together all of the time.
7.Dallas has beef with this one cat out in the streets of Tulsa because he was trying to be nice and pet it and it scratched his face all to hell and has been look for it for revenge ever since.
8.Dallas was trying to give Johnny a piggyback ride wearing socks on a hard wood floor and he slipped and fell into a metal chair and broke his pinky and ring finger and kicked the damn chair after he got up.
9.Dallas loves bon fires because it makes him feel like a fire master and he likes to stick sticks into the fire to catch them on fire as if they were torches and will pass it around to tell a spooky story.
10.If this man were to have a pet, he'd have a bearded dragon because he'd find them cool as fuck and he'd scare Ponyboy with it when he mouths off.
1.Soda gets extra tips at the DX from middle aged women or high school girls and he's never complaining about it because bitch he's broke! He does however split the tips with steve.
2.When Soda's mom and dad passed, Soda got most of her pictures and also got a silk duvet and pillow and he won't use it because he's scared to ruin it.
3.When Soda is mad, he'll go work on cars at the DX and won't come back home for a couple hours till he's calmed down and talks to Darry about his situation. Soda is really car smart too.
4.Soda at some point fixed and rebuilt and engine and everyone went out to celebrate it because it was Soda's equivalent to graduating and it was the happiest day of his life and have about 20 different polaroids of the engine and celebration in his work shirt.
5.He picks on Steve ALL of the time at work and Steve almost always gets him back with a really fucked up prank for example, wrapping the staff urinal with Surran wrap and 9 times out of 10 you'll hear Soda yell "Steve, You FUCKHEAD!"
6.Soda and Steve at some point were dealing with a rude customer and Dallas Walked in and they all just started making fun of this person with no chill and everyone was laughing about it for the next 3 days after it happened.
7.Soda love to watch the nearby rivers flow. It's like free therapy to him and it became his obsession when he was 12. His mother showed him that spot. Soda goes there to think when he's really upset. When his dad and mom died, he went there and camped for 2 days.
8.him and Steve will make extremely offensive jokes about each other but will refuse every single time to crack a joke about the Death of Soda's Mom and Dad and I mean refuse.
9.Soda will steal Soda he's never tried during his shift and give a review to Steve so Steve will know what he should try when he goes in. Sometimes on their day off on the way to a rodeo, Steve will stop for drinks and buy one that Soda rated poorly, and Soda almost threw hands with Steve because of it.
10.Soda likes to give each rodeo trip a nickname like if someone got flung into a wall by a bull, he'll call it the the bull-wall rodeo for the rest of his life and everyone will know what he's talking about.
1.Darry is a prankster at work. He just is. I can see him putting charcoal paste on his boss's radio announcer and he put it right up to his lips and was practically making out with the thing and everyone was laughing at Darry's boss the whole day.
2.Darry wanted to go to college to do Physical Therapy on people but when his parents died, he had to use his college funds to pay for the caskets and funeral service and he cries about it often.
3.Darry and Dallas have man to man talks about stuff that upset them over the week and nobody knows about these talks because it's like their therapy that they can have for free, and they can both trust each other to keep it unknown.
4.At some point Darry went to work incredibly sick and passed out while finishing a roofing job and he was taken to the hospital and when Soda came to see him Darry broke down because of stress.
5.Darry tries to participate in church with his brothers every other Sunday and it always makes him feel like his week will be better. He finds it as a good reset.
6.Darry likes to make faces at babies at the store and when the baby starts giggling excessively Darry runs for it. He did this one time when he was in the store with Soda and Soda told everyone.
7.Darry likes to put Steve in a headlock as his hi to Steve and when Darry doesn't do this, everyone questions if he's ok and if something happened at work for him to not do that to Steve.
8.Darry won't get a dog till Pony turn 17 and more mature because then the responsibility of the dog can be split more even, and he'd get it as a gift for Pony.
9.Darry has tripped Ponyboy down the stairs for being mouthy and Ponyboy will never let him live it down and Darry is still very proud of his actions to this day.
10.Darry was definitely the quarterback for the football team and his dad was more than proud of him for it. They celebrated with Darry the night he was announced quarterback.
1.he's very insecure of his nose. Like people who walk into the DX will make fun of him and mock him for it. At some point it got so bad Steve had to start working exclusively in the back of the DX on cars.
2.He loves rodeos because his mom used to work at them when he was little, so he became very accustomed to watching them he, at some point, got so close with one of the rodeo stars that he was allowed to ride his horse and do some of the jumps.
3.Stevie boy here does not like chocolate cake as much as everyone in this fandom thinks. He likes it enough to eat it. Like Two-Bit ate chocolate cake in one scene and everyone kinda looked over it but Steve eats it and everyone's all like "OHHHHHHHH".
4.Steve had a rough childhood and he had to get close with his male neighbor to learn basic 'dad' tasks from him. So, Steve and his neighbor are really close and have a really good relationship and respect for each other.
5.Steve enjoys drinking on Friday nights at bucks and more often than not Buck will let him have the beer or shots on the house. Steve doesn't get black out drunk but just enough to get buzzed and feel nice.
6.Steve saves up for his own car. He has a separate job where all of the money he earns goes towards buying his first car all on his own and his mom knows of it and is really impressed with Steve's financial decision.
7.If Steve were to have a pet, he'd have a cockatiel named Fred (My sister's idea) and this damn bird would piss Soda, Pony, and Dally so much it's actually crazy. Dallas and this damned bird had a roasting competition, and everyone was judging the shit out of them.
8.Steve likes to bully and I mean bully the shit out of Two-Bit for the fact that he watches Mickey Mouse. However, Steve calmed down on it because Two-Bit doesn't even watch Mickey Mouse all of the time.
9.Steve trips up the girls that make Soda uncomfortable with their comments on Soda's physical appearance. At some point one girl was tripped so hard her face go like 30 scratches on it and it was hilarious.
10.Steve and Two-Bit will do extremely dumb shit together all of the fucking time. Literally Steve tried to do a backflip off of the front porch of the Curtis house and Two-Bit tried to catch him and they both tripped and hit their heads harder as fuck and then blamed Ponyboy.
1.Well, it's Two-Bit he's a wild card. Unless someone died, he's saying the most random shit ever. The boys were at the drive in and all Two-Bit had to say was "damn I took the longest piss ever yesterday I pissed the new Mississippi River, man."
2.Two-Bit likes to blame Ponyboy for anything and everything he can and everyone finds it so funny because it makes them seem so much alike siblings and its actually so unreal and funny.
3.Whenever Two-Bit is upset, he'll talk to Soda or Steve about it and 9 times out of 10 they can help him out with it. He's really good at getting help when he needs it.
4.Him, Steve and Dallas are some hyper motherfuckers around each other and will all do some dumb shit that will end up hurting all three or two out of the three on one of the three and they can't help but act like total crackheads around each other.
5.Two-Bit isn't actually as obsessed with Mickey Mouse as everyone makes it seems he just happens to enjoy it but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be absolutely obsessed with it.
6.If Two-Bit had a pet I'm pretty sure he'd have a Raccoon, tell me those bitches don't give off the same energy I know he'd be feeding the raccoon hotdogs 24/7 365. That raccoon is probably fat as fuck man.
7.Two-Bit likes to take walks around Tulsa with Tim or Curly Shepherd and crack the corniest jokes ever with them and wave down cops just to tell them that there was 'trouble' at the dingo.
8.Two-Bit likes to go and volunteer at vet clinics and somehow can always get at least 15 dogs adopted in 1 day and he calls it his big boy charm and use that information as you will.
9.Two-Bit likes to pick berries for Darry so he can make pie, fruit salads, and other deserts. He also has a designated basket for it and unless he has that specific basket, he won't go, he'll just stay home.
10.Two-Bit steals the ingredients for smores and makes a bon fire to roast them with the gang and I already know he likes his mallow burnt and that's ok because that's when they're best and him burning the mallow grosses Dallas out so so so much.
The End
A/n thank you sm for requesting this let me know if you would like more head canons or one including Y/n or spicy ones. Love y'all see ya next time!❤😘
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 2 months
Had a really intense phantom shift today!!
I haven't had one of my bohemian Shepherd type been so intense in a while so this was very nice and euphoric, the way I could feel my long muzzle, my teeth, my tongue, my long fluffy fur and my ears. My whole head and neck were different, it felt more like me.
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Literally what I look like ↑
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dog-aus-collection · 4 months
AOBA JOHSAI as dogs!
Oikawa Tooru as a Collie mix or an English shepherd
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Iwaizumi Hajime as a Beauceron
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Matsukawa Issei as an Alaskan Malamute
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Hanamaki Takahiro as a Jomon Shiba Inu
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Kindaichi Yuutarou as a Bohemian shepherd
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Kunimi Akira as a Italian greyhound
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Kyotani Kentaro as a Presa Canario
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Watari Shinji as a Terrier mix
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popstart · 3 months
Total drama g4 cast as dog breeds
Axel: Rottweiler
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Bowie: Bohemian Shepherd
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Caleb: Estrela Mountain Dog
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Chase: Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
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Damien: Gordon Setter
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Emma: Coton De Tulear
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Julia: Yorkshire Terrier
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Millie: Irish Water Spaniel
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Mk: Affenpinscher
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Nichelle: Field Spaniel
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Priya: Cairn terrier
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Raj: Portuguese Water Dog
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Wayne: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
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Ripper: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
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Scary Girl: Russian Toy Terrier
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Zee: Segugio Italiano
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jitendrajibhati · 1 year
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robinwolfie · 18 days
You made a post about wanting to try making stimboards, so I wanted to request one if that's okay :))
A bohemian shepherd one would be cool!! /nf (Feel free to ask for more specifications)
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Hello! I did my best, Tried to base some of it off of your profile as well so i added more green/cozy themes as thats the sorta vibe i got from you but i could be wrong so feel free to req another if you have more specific things you want included!
Also i couldn't find a GIF of a bohemian Shepard so i apologize for the still image but i had a lot of fun making this :3
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nikethestatue · 7 months
A Match Baked In Heaven
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Part 3 Here
Part IV
“Who is the bloke with the tats?”
Pots and pans were banging together in the background. Feyre was ‘cooking’. Every Sunday they had lunch at one of their homes–dad’s Soho mansion, Nesta’s Notting Hill flat, Elain’s Russell Square Georgian manor, or Feyre’s bohemian Camden loft. 
“Okay, I want to make salmon en croute,” Feyre announced boldly and Elain’s heart fell at the words.
Her younger sister wasn’t what one would call a ‘cook’. And she knew that about herself. Yet it never stopped her from experimenting–wildly–in the kitchen. 
“Fey, that might be somewhat ambitious,” Elain cautioned her.
“Why? How hard can it be?”
“Perhaps it’s not difficult, but it is somewhat time consuming and requires a decent amount of prep. Why don’t you go with something easier, like Shepherd's Pie? Or a nice fish pie?”
“Nooo, it’s so boring,” Feyre moaned loudly. Elain chose not to remind her that salmon en croute and fish pie were basically the same thing in essence. 
“Okay, well, if you want to venture the en croute route, then good luck!”
“But what if I don’t do it right and it all falls apart?” Feyre whined.
“That’s why you should do something simpler. And no, Fey, I am not going to cook Sunday lunch in case you fail,” Elain warned.
“Ugh, Ela-aaaii–nnn,”
“No. Make fish pie. That’s it.”
“Don’t try to weasel out of the question! Who is the guy with the tats holding Piggy?”
“It’s Piglet. Not Piggy.”
“He is a client,” Elain said calmly. 
“What kind of client?!” Feyre pressed excitedly. “You usually don’t have clients with tattoos! And that arm!” she gushed. “What does he do? Tell me! Come on! Is he hot? He is hot, isn’t he? An arm like that is attached to a hot man. And Piggy sleeping like that on him. Aww. Aww. Aww. Piggy never likes anyone–I don’t even think he likes me! I pet him and he looks like he is suffering. But the sexy arm bloke–Piggy is sleeping on that arm like a baby. Do you know the story about the scars? I bet it’s something incredible! Like he was saving a baby from a burning house. Or maybe he flipped a car over to pull a granny out of a burning vehicle,”
“You seriously need to calm down,” Elain interrupted her. “I am growing concerned for you. And for my sanity.”
“I demand you tell me!”
“He is an athlete,” Elain relented just a bit. 
“I knew it! A footballer? A rugby player? What is he?”
“A sumo wrestler,” Elain teased, only to throw her sister into a complete tizzy.
“I hate you! Can you set me up with him?”
“No,” Elain said immediately. 
“Why not? What’s wrong with me?” Feyre demanded.
“You aren’t his type,” Elain cut her off. This conversation irritated her. She didn’t want to think of her sister and Azriel Night. Just no. Azriel was a headache, but he was her headache.
“What is he looking for? What is he like?”
Elain exhaled, thinking about the question.
“He…well, he is the most annoying and impossible man I’ve ever encountered. He is by far my worst client, and I’ve dealt with some doozies,” she complained loudly and passionately. “He is so rude and, and…he is just no good.”
“No good?” Feyre repeated. “That’s what you managed to come up with? No good?”
“He is no good. He is not articulate. I asked him what woman appeals to him and he says ‘pretty’. He isn’t taking this seriously at all. He is probably wasting my time, but I have no choice but to work with him. He signed the contract–which I had hoped he wouldn't. And now I am stuck with him. 
“Anyway. I am going to find him the best possible match–someone he wouldn’t be able to say ‘no’ to and then he’ll be out of my hair! Forever. And he also made comments about my body!”
“What kind of comments?”
“Said I had nice breasts.”
“Oh, that’s the worst! When a man tells you that you are beautiful and have a nice rack,” Feyre fake-sympathised with Elain. “That is tough.”
“Gah. Quiet. I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
There was more clatter in the background and finally, after a string of curses, Feyre said,
“You are certain you want to find him the best match possible?”
“Of course!” Elain cried. “I take pride in my work.”
“Oh I know. Only I’ve never heard you talk about any client at length and neither did you ever get so passionate about how much you hate them.”
“It’s because I do hate him!” Elain insisted, before relenting and correcting herself. “Well, I don’t hate him. Why would I hate him? I am just exasperated with him. His whole persona is…just ugh,” 
“Is he a yob?”
“No. Nothing like that,” Elain disagreed. “He isn’t walking around in a tracksuit with a shaved head. He dresses nicely. He is definitely not…”
“Well, he thinks that I am posh,”
“You are posh!” Feyre laughed. “We are pretty darn posh, Elain. Daddy is a Knight, remember?” Elain sighed and murmured, “how can we forget?”
“And then the Duke of Velaris,”
“We are not discussing that.”
“Well, then you are posh to him, especially if he is a boy from the East End.  And I reckon he isn’t posh to you?”
“He is from the East End. There are traces of Cockney in his speech. And it doesn’t matter…I don’t care about any of that. Professionally speaking, I don’t make distinctions based on someone’s origins or class.”
“Nevertheless, he doesn’t sound like your normal client,” Feyre said.
“He isn’t. He is difficult and everything with him is a challenge.”
“Well have you considered that maybe in the end, the reward will be great?”
Elain chuckled and said, “I am not sure what constitutes ‘great reward’ in this situation. Pawning him off to some poor unsuspecting woman who doesn’t know what she is getting herself into?”
“The women you work with usually can handle a complicated man,” Feyre reminded her. “They are man eaters.”
Elain sighed. 
“Give my love to Piggy,” Feyre chirped. “I’ll see you on Sunday!”
“Good luck with en croute. And it’s Piglet. You know, you are like Az-,” she stopped abruptly, catching herself right before she blurted out a client’s name. 
“Nothing. You are just like my new impossible client. He refuses to call Piglet by his name!”
Feyre laughed at that. “What does he call him?”
“Pinky. It’s not Piggy or Pinky. It’s Piglet!”
“I actually like Pinky! I think it’s a good alternative.”
“Ugh, maybe I will set you two up. You fit right up.”
“Ooohh yeah! I am ready when you are.”
Elain snorted at her ludicrous sister and threw “bye, you nincompoop!”
“There is an old lady dying somewhere inside of you!” Feyre yelled back.
Elain leaned back in her armchair. It’s been a long night. A long week. 
Feyre was right. Elain was an old lady. It was Thursday night and she wasn’t at the pub or a bar. She wasn’t hanging out with her girlfriends. She was alone, in her office.
She ran her finger over the phone’s screen, bringing it to life. Clicked on the Photos. And clicked on the one that she kept staring at for the past two days. Azriel Night, his expression softer than usual, looking down at Piglet in his arms. 
She had cropped the top of it obviously, before posting it on IG. It was only Piglet in the circle of muscular, tattooed arms. She titled it simply ‘Making New Friends’ #puglyfe #Pigletthepug and the photo received 368K likes, and over 55K comments, mostly about whose arms these were and who was Piglet’s ‘new friend’. 
She should’ve deleted the photo from her phone.
She should have. There was absolutely no reason to keep it. It served its purpose, it was all the rage on Piglet’s page and there was no further use for it. Her finger had hovered over the delete button for two days now, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. Why? Because Piglet looked so good and comfy? That had to be the reason.
She was definitely going to delete it tomorrow.
It was Friday night, and Elain was ready for some pampering. At least this was her excuse for not going out on a Friday night yet again. But she had a busy week and she was owed a little time to herself. 
It was half past eight, and she just sunk into her favourite armchair in her bedroom with her e-reader. Piglet was on the bed, with her phone propped for him, dog videos playing with the sound low. Whenever he liked what he saw, he emitted a satisfied growl, which resembled a cackle. Therefore, even though she was immersed in her book, his angry growl got her attention, because it was followed by the distinctive ping of FaceTime.
Who the hell was FaceTiming her at this time? Also, she rarely video chatted with anyone anyway. 
She stretched, almost falling out of the chair, but managed to grab the phone, almost getting her finger bit by her disgruntled dog. 
“Hell-...o,” her voice died as she was faced with none other than Azriel Night. 
He looked like he was in bed, his face sharp and as handsome as ever, but not as tense as what she was used to. The man’s appearance was both his blessing and his curse. He was outrageously good looking, his face both elegant and perfect, but also typically inscrutable and emotionless. He was not a good person to read facial cues off, and that made it difficult for Elain to understand whether he was serious or not, pleased or displeased, happy or angry or sad. 
“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match
Find me a find
Match me a match!”
Azriel sang to her. 
Her mouth was hanging open.
His voice was…nice. Husky. Sexy. And he sang well, which literally made no sense whatsoever. But he did?
“A girl’s night in, I see?” he asked, smirking. “And here I thought you’d be hitting the clubs. Bumping and grinding,”
“No one says ‘bumping and grinding’ anymore,” Elain told him. 
“Yeah, I know. But I just brought it back and made it cool again,” he announced nonchalantly.
“What are you doing?” she demanded. “Why are you ringing me on a Friday evening? How did you even get this number?”
“Ms. Archeron, you gave me the number,” he reminded her. 
“No I didn’t!”
“No, you most certainly did.”
Thinking back to the last time he was at her office, Elain recalled what had transpired and cringed inwardly. She couldn't believe that she gave him her personal number!! She never did this. She always, always gave her clients her business number and never picked up on the weekends.
“Fine,” she admitted her oversight. “I gave you the number. Why are you ringing me?”
Azriel made himself comfortable against the pillow, and it stuck Elain just how intimate this was–both of them on camera, in their respective bedrooms, late at night. This was highly, highly irregular.
“Couple of reasons really,” he said casually. “Firstly, I know my schedule for next week and therefore, I wanted to book your time,”
“You make it sound like I am a hooker,” she winced, wrinkling her nose.
“Naw. You’d make the worst hooker in history,” he chuckled and Elain gasped at the audacity of her words. “Maybe as a matchmaker you are managing, but as a hooker,” he tsked. “No chance.”
“And why is that?”
“You challenging me on that, Ms, Archeron?”
“Simply curious.”
“Easy. You like things done your way–obsessively. You are a control freak,”
“Oh, back to insults I see,”
“I ain’t insulting you, matchmaker. Just stating facts. And a hooker’s job is to do the things that the client tells her to do. So there is that.”
“Oh, phew. I am not terribly broken up because according to Mr. Night I won’t make a successful prostitute.
“Besides this odd conversation, anything else?”
He thought for a moment and then grinned, exposing his perfect teeth. He looked so handsome when he smiled it was unfair. Unfair to all men.
“Guess what I am doing?” he teased.
“Lounging about, by the looks of it,” Elain shrugged. She feigned indifference, but Azriel could see through it–she was curious.
“Take a guess,” he encouraged her. “Come on. Humour me!”
Elain bubbled her lips and finally said,
“Probably eating or drinking something.”
“Yes!” he nodded and then reached and showed her two biscuits.
“Are those the same ones?” she gasped.
“Sure are!” he winked at her and then stuffed both in his mouth. Chewing with comical energy, he chomped and said, “nom, nom, nom’.
At that, Elain burst into laughter, like she couldn’t help herself.
“You are mad!” she cried. “I can’t believe you are still eating these!”
“Why? they are really good,” he insisted. “Delectable. And I think you might have to bake some more for our next meeting.”
“Or is that so?”
“It is so.”
“I suppose I should,” she conceded. “I can’t believe that you just pulled a ‘nom, nom’...So you wouldn’t have to drag them with you all over the country.”
Azriel paused, looking at him, slightly perplexed.
“Do you know where I am?” he asked at last.
Elain thought for a second, then simply told him, “Manchester”.
His face dropped and he glared at her in shock.
After a long pause, where she enjoyed his surprise and confusion, he finally asked, “How do you know?”
“Arsenal is playing Manchester United tomorrow–in Manchester. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”
“Wait. Are you telling me that you like football?”
“Is it really so far-fetched that I might?” she inquired, relishing in her victory. 
“Wait a minute,” he even sat up in his bed, staring at the phone. “Wait. What is your team?” he demanded roughly. “And if you say Chelsea…Well, I don’t know what I’d do, but it would be something bad!”
She laughed. 
“You are mental.”
He didn’t react to the insult, other than asking roughly,
“What. Club. Ms. Archeron?”
“Tottenham, if you must know. With Arsenal not far behind. You ought to know that the Duke of Velaris,”
“Oh yeah, Granny Elain’s hot piece on the side,” Azriel chuckled, “what’d he do?”
“Being a military man,” Elain said, ignoring his quip, “he helped in the formation of Arsenal with the armoury workers. Better that they played ball than got drunk on gin.”
“So I am indirectly connected to your Duke? Captaining his team?”
“It’s not his team, and he isn’t my Duke, but he did love my gran.”
Azriel considered it and then murmured, “the plot thickens, doesn’t it? So, my stats that you rattled out the first day? You knew who I was? All that info?”
“Of course,” she shrugged. “I mean, the height and the weight I got from the roster. But I knew your background and who you were.”
“Well, well,” he complained, “that doesn’t seem fair at all.”
“What doesn’t?”
“That you know all these things about me, and I know very little about you.”
“That’s not unfair,” Elain argued. “That’s normal. I need to know things about you, but you don’t need to know anything about me.”
“I beg to differ. Like, I don’t even know what your success rate is? In your matchmaking? Maybe you're piss poor awful? I doubt it, but what if,”
“I am not piss poor awful, Mr. Night. I am very successful.” With some pride in her voice, she added,  “I’ve worked with 88 couples. You are my 89th client. Out of the 88, I’ve had, so far, 81 marriages.”
“Shiiit,” Azriel whistled.
“3 couples did not work out, unfortunately. The rest are still dating. I am quite good at what I do, Mr. Night. I’ll find you a fine wife.”
“Ughehhh,” he breathed.
“Wednesday afternoon, are you free?” he asked instead.
“Why? Is that when you are available?”
“Yes. But I’d like to take you out,”
“Mr. Night,” she started immediately, but he interrupted her,
“Not a date, Ms. Archeron. Calm the fuck down. You ain’t my type,”
“About 5 days ago, you literally said that you wanted your wife to look and act like me. Make up your mind, Mr. Night.”
Azriel laughed.
“You got me there. But really, I am not asking you on a date or anything preposterous like that. Just wanna get out of the office. I have just the place.”
“Just the place…”
“Yeah, I am betting my bollocks that you’ll love it!”
“Keep your bollocks. Let me see,” she looked up her calendar on her phone and said, “I can do 3 pm, if that works for you.”
“Perfect! I’ll pick you up.”
“What shall I wear?” she inquired, now very interested in where he was planning to take her.
“Clothes. Pearls. Your usual posh shit.”
“Posh shit. Got it.”
He continued, “Now, the other reason I rang,”
“Which is?”
“Would like to say ‘hello’ to my mate Pinky.”
“No one by that name here,” Elain said firmly.
“Aww, don’t be like that. Lemmie talk to the wee lad! I bet he missed me.”
“I doubt it.”
“What was he doing when I rang?”
“Watching videos,” Elain told him reluctantly.
“His doggie videos?”
“That’s what he likes.”
“He also likes me. So let us have a chat.”
With a dramatic sigh, she brought the phone closer to Piglet’s face and heard Azriel exclaim,
“Hey big lad! How are you doing?”
Hearing Azriel’s voice made Piglet actually raise his head and his tail wiggled.
“I missed you. Do you have a pretty bow on?” Azriel continued, her voice all sing-songy and cooey. Elain dipped the phone a bit and Azriel saw Piglet’s bow, which was a chequered tartan today. 
“Ohhh, you are handsome!”
Bark. Piglet barked in agreement.
“I had a client from Scotland today,” Elain explained. “He loved the bow.”
“Scotsman also needs a wife?” Azriel asked.
“That’s why people come to me. They either need a husband or a wife.”
“Did Pinky like him?”
Elain looked back at the phone and told him, “He doesn’t really like anyone,”
“He likes me!” Azriel protested.
“What’s that mean?”
“Piglet doesn’t really trust humans. I think he knows that the previous family didn’t want him because of his leg and that when he was hurt, they abandoned him. And after that…well, I don’t know if he understands the concept of death, but I feel like he knew that they didn’t want him alive anymore. That they left him behind and would never come back for him. 
“So he doesn’t really care about humans. He tolerates them, but he only loves me. And the only other person he ever responded to willingly, is…”
Azriel didn’t say anything to that.
Elain stroked the dog’s back gently, looking down at him, seemingly having forgotten that Azriel was still on the phone.
“Put him on, will you,” he requested again.
She jerked out of her thoughts and then put the phone in front of the pug.
“You be good,” Azriel ordered him gently. “Take care of Ellie, alright? Remember, lad, you are the man of the house. I trust you to protect our girl when I am not there.”
“That’s right. You get me. Miss you, mate. Put Ellie back on the phone.”
Elain just gawked back, unable to form any words. What the HELL was that?
What in the world?
“We are kindred spirits, Pink and I,” Azriel decided. “He sees me. And I get him.”
“What?” she breathed, still trying to wrap her mind around everything that she just heard.
“I know about abandonment too…and Pinky recognises that,” Azriel said easily. “You know, when I was 8 years old, my father lost a game of cards. He didn’t have the money to pay, so he offered me, as a consolation prize. The men who played with him–well, they decided that it would be fun to light my hands on fire and see how long it would take for them to burn. And burn they did. When someone finally heard my screams, they rang the emergency services.
“My father and my step-mother never came to see me in the hospital, before I was moved to a foster home. So like I said, I know about abandonment.”
Elain was so shocked, she gasped in horror, staring back at him.
“He knows what it’s like not to be needed,” Azriel added softly and then winked at her. “Enjoy your beauty treatments, matchmaker. I’ll see you on Wednesday. Also, you better root for us tomorrow. G’night.”
With that, he clicked off, leaving Elain bewildered and emotionally destroyed.
He would never, ever, ever admit this to anyone, including himself, but Azriel Night was slightly intimidated by Elain Archeron.
She didn't exactly threaten him physically, but psychologically, there was something about her that made him…nervous. Unsure of himself. And he wasn’t a very confident man to begin with. Elain had noticed his self-esteem issues almost instantly–one of the very few people who did–and that made hiding himself from her even more complicated. He wasn’t sure what it was exactly about her, but she made him want to be better. Present the best version of himself. He still yearned to be himself in front of her, because as strange as that was, she seemed to accept him. But he wanted to be someone she enjoyed dealing with. She was judgy, but she didn’t judge him. He annoyed her because he didn’t take her and her work seriously–which he didn’t–but despite their head-butting, Azriel wanted her to like him…Oh Jesus. He sounded like an emotional teenage girl at a sleepover even to himself. 
She was a pearl-wearing weirdo who had more complexes than she had cardigans. Why did he care what she thought about him? Why?
But he did.
So before he picked up the phone and FaceTimed her, he actually did some push ups. He knew that she had one soft spot–her dog–and he was fully prepared to use Pinky to his advantage. He had the biscuits all prepared, ready to spring them up on her at any moment. But he sure didn’t expect to be talking football and finding out about that side of her. And then getting excited about that…like an emotional teenage girl at a sleepover. Nevertheless, he had all these topics prepared in advance, so he could have a smooth conversation with her…and what he didn’t expect to do was to fuck it all up and tell her about how he got his hands burnt. Absolutely unnecessary. Totally inappropriate. He should’ve stopped when things were funny and light, and when she looked surprised and frazzled and adorable (his favourite look on her). But he went ahead and destroyed it all like a damn sledge hammer. What was wrong with him? Everything. That was the simplest answer. Everything.
He sat in his boxers on the bed, his head buried in his hands. 
It rained outside and he wasn’t looking forward to the game tomorrow, because the weather promised to be abysmally bad and he’d have to run for 90 minutes in the pouring rain. Oh joy. 
Therefore, when his phone rang, Azriel jumped, startled.
It was FaceTime.
He had her under ‘Cute Matchmaker’ in his phone, and she was calling him now. Not even ten minutes after they hung up.
He exhaled and pressed the button.
Before he could say anything, make a joke, or tease, he was faced with Elain’s tear-covered face, her huge, cartoonishly enormous round eyes wet and brimming over with tears. She’d removed all her little beauty patches that she had clearly forgotten about when they were speaking before. Now, it was just her pale, beautiful and grief-stricken face.
“Why did you tell me?” she sobbed. 
He was taken aback and was at a loss for words. He watched her wipe her eyes with her first, but tears just flowed out of her eyes in little rivulets.
“How…how,” she hiccuped, “could they…why? How could they…you were eight…”
She choked back a sob and all Azriel wanted to do was beg her to stop crying, explain that it was over twenty years ago and that it was the past, but he also knew that it would cheapen the emotion of her reaction.
“It’s not human, to do something like that,” she wept. “To take a little boy and maim him like that…Why?”
“People do cruel things all the time,” Azriel’s voice was hollow. 
“But…but…” she gulped in the air, snot and tears mixing together on her face.
“I am sorry,” Azriel said sincerely. “This wasn’t my intention. I didn’t mean to upset you,”
“I can’t believe that something so awful happens in our world,” Elain admitted naively, “it’s incomprehensible.”
Worse things happened in this world, and Azriel had seen many of them, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure whether Elain Archeron, matchmaker to the rich and powerful, the little delicate pearl-wearing oddity was very adept at living in the real world. She existed on a different plane: enigmatic and sincere in her nature, maybe a little too innocent, but that’s kind of what attracted Azriel to her. Why, despite finding her difficult and mystifying at times, puzzling and irritating he relished in her uniqueness.
“Bad things happen,” he only concluded with general vagueness about his statement. 
“I can’t accept that,”
Azriel wanted to argue, tell her that she was being glib, that it wasn’t a matter of her acceptance and that she needed to accept that some people were born in shit, lived in shit and died in shit. That children were abused and that often, parents were the ones who abused them. He wanted to tell her to get her head out of her arse and face the world in all its ugliness.
But he didn’t say any of that.
He made Elain cry, and it made him feel like a massive arsehole for some reason. Instead of laying harsh truths on her, he wanted to protect and shield her from those very truths. This was a girl who rescued three legged pugs from certain death and then put bows on them. 
“Will you stop crying?” he asked gently.
“No, I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about it. About you. About how horrible it was.”
She sniffled and trembled, and he watched her and Pinky as he rubbed his head against her arm, trying to comfort her. The dog whimpered sadly, not understanding why she was so upset. 
Azriel thought frantically, trying to find a way out of this mess, until something popped into his head. Something that he and Cassian used to do when they were in the group home, to make themselves feel better about their lives.
“Can I make it all better?” he requested quietly.
She looked at him, blinking over her tears.
“How?” she wiped her face again.
“You’ll have to trust me.”
“Don’t argue with me, woman,” he ordered sternly. “Get your arse in bed, and under the blanket.”
She glared at him suspiciously, not understanding what he wanted. 
Prodding her over the phone wasn’t exactly easy, but he nodded and said, “Come on, lass. Don’t be stubborn. Under the sheets you go.”
The phone wobbled and jolted, but he knew that she followed his directive and in the next moment, she was holding the phone to her face.
“Turn on your side,” he instructed.
She dared to roll her eyes at him, but did as he told her.
“Now what? How is this making me feel better?”
“Ms. Archeron, be quiet for one sec and quit making a fuss. Trust the fucking process.”
“Remember how we discussed language?” she cocked a brow at him.
“Remember how we discussed not being annoying and bossy all the time?”
“We never discussed that.”
“We are discussing it now.”
“Is this sexting? Is this what we are doing?” she suddenly popped her head up from the pillow and stared at him in horror.
Azriel attempted to smother a laugh, though it came out as a loud snort. 
“Do you have any idea what sexting is?”
“Yes, talking sex stuff on the phone. And if this is your idea of making it all better, this is a hard pass. I am not sexting with you.”
“No sexting. You are not my type,” he reminded her.
She only scoffed in indignation at his words.
He quickly added,
“Unless you really want to do some sexting with me. I am quite good at it,”
“No doubt,”
“Good at dirty talk. I’ll understand. No judgement. If the ginger bloke isn’t hitting all the spots–which I am guessing he isn’t since you are home alone with your dog on a Friday night–then I can help out…relieve some tension. No strings attached.”
“You are obsessed with the ‘ginger bloke’ as you call him,” Elain pointed out. 
“More like fascinated with what man would date you?”
She winced at his words and he immediately realised that he didn’t say the right thing. Not at all.
“So in your mind, I am so undateable that only the most odd and deranged man would grace me with his merciful presence?” she whispered and a sad tear rolled down her cheek.
“I am sorry! That’s not what I meant,” he pleaded at once. “I didn’t say it right…”
“No you didn’t,” she concluded. “I am sorry, Mr. Night, but I am tired and upset and your idea of making me feel better isn’t working. Good night.”
“No, no,” he exclaimed quickly, attempting to salvage the situation. “Please. Just stay on the line for a second. I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to know who you chose to be your boyfriend? What does he have that no one else’s got to make you fall for him? Is all. That’s all I meant.”
“You are brutish and aggressive and rude,” she told him, sniffling.
“I know,” he confirmed.
“You are supposed to argue!”
“Why argue if it’s the truth? Now. Close your eyes.”
“Close my eyes?”
Elain closed her eyes. 
“Think about it, but not too long. And then describe your ideal day,” he urged quietly.
“I don’t know what my ideal day is,” she argued softly. 
“Well, create it for me. Create it in your mind. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be with?”
She thought, her brow furrowing and a cute little line appearing between her brows.
At last, she told him, “In London. I want to be in London,”  her eyes were still closed. “I want to wake up and it’s quiet, but I know that I am in the city. I don’t linger for too long, but I do take the longest shower, with like…10 shower heads!”
Azriel smiled at that, but didn’t comment, not wanting to break the spell of the moment.
“And then I dress in something very comfortable–joggers maybe, or a nice tracksuit. Soft and loose. And then, I would go downstairs and there would be breakfast. A full English–fry bread and beans and black pudding. The whole deal. And I would eat it all. All the sausages and all the eggs. And I’d drink all the tea too. And once I am done eating, the door would open and in would come Piglet, and behind him, my husband. And he would…”
She stopped talking.
Azriel waited.
There was more to her dream than just devouring a full English. There was something that she was apprehensive about sharing, but wanted him to know. 
Azriel knew people–he could read them fairly easily, and Elain wasn’t exactly complicated. But he was the captain of his team, and he had to operate and adjust all the time throughout the game, reading his teammates’ moods and needs. 
So as he waited for Elain to say more, he already suspected what it would be. 
“He’d be pushing a pram,” she whispered, voice barely audible. “With our children in it.”
“He is good, this husband of yours,” Azriel commented simply. “Makes you breakfast. Takes the dog out. Minds the children.”
“He loves me. And I love him,” she murmured.
“What’s he look like?”
“He is tall.”
“Anything else?”
“No. He is tall.”
“How many children?” 
“Four. I mean, two when I think about it. But eventually, four. Why do you want to know?”
“Four is a good number,” he approved. “What else? Tell me more.”
“I think I’d like to go to Portobello Road Market and get lost in the crowds and find fun things there to buy.”
Not what he expected, but alright. He leaned towards a fancier store. Not fucking Portobello Road Market. 
“Piglet loves it there,” she added. “He loves crowds. And then we can stop by my sister Nesta’s house and have lunch. Or no…no, no,” she shook her head vigorously. “I want something else!”
“Okay, what do you want?”
“I want to go to Greenwich, to the park. I love that park and the observatory. And the views,”
“You’d be looking at where I live,” he smiled.
“What? Where do you live?”
“Canary Wharf.”
“Ohhh,” she whistled softly. “Fancy! You are a footballer, I guess it makes sense. It’s either that, or Primrose Hill or a big pile in Surrey or something,”
“You are right.” Azriel was amused. But she wasn’t wrong.
“So, we’ve gone all the way from Bloomsbury, to Notting Hill, to Greenwich…Where to now? After the park? What did you do at the park by the way?”
“Played with Piglet. With my husband.”
“Uh-uh. And?”
“And then we need to go to a pub because I’d be tired.”
“Get a couple of drinks…”
“So your ideal day is travelling around London and eating?”
“Basically yes. I love eating so much,” she admitted dreamily. “Afterwards, I want to have tea somewhere too. At a nice place. Maybe at the Goring.”
“Are you still wearing your tracksuit? And hauling around your dog and kids?” Azriel teased, and she stuck her tongue at him, in a very unlady-like gesture, and un-Elain-like reaction. 
“You are messing up my dream day!”
“Sorry. Just trying to picture you in your very comfy joggers at the Goring. What else then? Where are we finishing this day? A swanky restaurant? A bar?”
Decisively, she said, “no! We’d go to my favourite place.”
“I am waiting here with bated breath, Ms. Archeron. What is your favourite place?”
“G Kelly, Mr. Night. I get a meat pie with small liquor and mash and apple crumble with custard.”
“What the fuck do you know about G Kelly?” he gaped at her through the screen. 
“You are so rude. I like what I like, Mr. Night. Leave me alone. And my husband will love it too!”
“I mean, I love the place, but come on,”
“What does it have to do with you?”
“Aren’t you marrying me? I am tall. I can make babies. I’ll take Pinky out.”
“You are unhinged,” he said flatly. 
“Tell me that you are at least considering it?”
“Marrying you? Hardly.”
“Don’t you want your own bit o’rough?”
“You are not a bit o’rough, Mr. Night. You are a multi-millionaire who lives in Canary Wharf. As I said before, you need to get out of your own head. You are adored by millions and you play for one of the best teams in the world. Yes, you grew up rough, but that’s all behind you,”
“Is it?”
“It is. I grew up as a normal child and I was exposed to many different people and places. I am not as posh as you think.”
“I’ll take your word for it. You feeling better, Ms. Archeron?”
She considered it and then nodded, “I am. Thank you. This was surprising, but it did the trick.”
“I know. Well, sleep well then. I expect you to watch the game tomorrow and root for us. And for me.”
“Oh, is that an order?”
“Yeah, it kind of is. We’ll be discussing it on Wednesday. Don’t get in trouble meanwhile.”
“Oh, I’ll do my best,” she promised, hiding her smile.
“‘Night, big lad,” Azriel called out loudly. “You be good too.”
Piglet was already asleep. 
The more you know…
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