#Bord products
bordau · 4 months
Building with Confidence: Plywood Suppliers for Every Project
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When it comes to construction or renovation projects, one of the most crucial elements is the choice of materials. Among these, plywood stands out as a versatile and dependable option. 
Whether you're working on a small DIY project or undertaking a large-scale construction endeavor, finding the right Best Plywood suppliers in Melbourne is paramount. In this article, we'll explore why plywood is an excellent choice for various projects and how to select the best plywood supplier to ensure your project's success.
Why Plywood?
Plywood is a type of engineered wood made from thin layers of wood veneer glued together. This construction gives plywood remarkable strength and durability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. 
Unlike solid wood, plywood is less prone to warping, cracking, or shrinking, making it an ideal choice for structural purposes. Additionally, plywood comes in various grades, allowing you to select the right quality for your specific project needs.
From building furniture to constructing entire buildings, plywood offers unparalleled versatility. Its strength-to-weight ratio makes it an excellent choice for flooring, roofing, and sheathing. 
Plywood's smooth surface also makes it ideal for finishing touches like cabinetry and decorative panels. Moreover, plywood is easy to work with, allowing for intricate designs and precise cuts, making it a favorite among craftsmen and builders alike.
Choosing the Right Plywood Supplier
Selecting the right plywood supplier is crucial for ensuring the success and longevity of your project. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a plywood supplier:
The quality of plywood can vary significantly depending on factors such as the type of wood used, manufacturing process, and adherence to industry standards. Look for suppliers that offer high-quality plywood that meets or exceeds relevant standards and certifications.
Every project has unique requirements, so it's essential to choose a supplier that offers a wide variety of plywood options. Whether you need standard plywood, marine plywood, or specialty plywood like fire-retardant or pressure-treated plywood, a supplier with a diverse product range can meet your specific needs.
Timely delivery and consistent quality are essential aspects of any supplier-customer relationship. Choose a plywood supplier known for their reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction. Reading customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a supplier's reputation and reliability.
A knowledgeable and experienced supplier can offer valuable guidance and recommendations to help you choose the right plywood for your project. Look for suppliers who employ experts in the field and prioritize customer service and support.
While price is an important consideration, it shouldn't be the sole determining factor when choosing a plywood supplier. Balance cost considerations with factors such as quality, reliability, and customer service to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.
Whether you're building a new home, renovating an existing space, or embarking on a DIY project, choosing the right plywood suppliers Melbourne is essential for achieving the best results. Plywood's versatility, strength, and durability make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications, from structural support to finishing touches. 
By considering factors such as quality, variety, reliability, expertise, and price, you can select a plywood supplier with confidence, knowing that your project is in good hands. So, before you embark on your next construction or renovation project, make sure to choose a plywood supplier that meets your specific needs and preferences. 
With the right supplier by your side, you can build with confidence, knowing that your project is built to last. Source By: Building with Confidence: Plywood Suppliers for Every Project
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girlrry · 10 months
haaaaate when an expensive thing is good it’s so fucked up
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yourpicasso25 · 2 months
The secret, part 2
Hey, I'm back!
Sorry about last week, but I was very, very sick? Very bad attack of flemmingite aigue!
Translated in English, I was feeling lazy as f*ck, so I just watched Youtuvideos. I'm sure you know how it goes. Feeling better now, but still have little to show to show for it.
Speaking of lazyness...
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I know I waxed lyrical about food and markets and all that jazz, but one can't really live on the local production.
One can only do so much with fish, after all.
So we have Supermarchés Lapompe. Not Walmart, but the small chain (2 markets) does brsk business with both locals and tourits in both basic nececities... and about a ton of of junk food, let's be honest here. And that's the dirty little secret we're don't really like to talk about.
The Lapompe family also deal in fuel, gas, and electricity proction and storage. Their home lot is shaping to be something else!
I didn't upload that one because it's a very basic one, sure y'all can do just as well.
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Otherwise, I had a CAS moment. I know, weird.
I made that quite big appartent building nect to the market last time, and the inhabitant just came to life in my head. Happens sometimes.
So, meet the Boucicaud family:
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Bernard Boucicaud.
He is the reason the famijy is here, since the building they're residing in belonged to his grandparents. Bernard was born here,tail ending the boomer generation, but he grew up in Paris, since his parent hightailed out of Vogoel to make careers and a life as far away from anything fishy as possible.
Bernard had very nice vacation in his grandmother house as a boy.
However, as his parent fled Vogoel, Bernard fled Paris to traval the world, because he was an artist.
In Delhi, he met
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Then Dolman, now Boucicaud. Same kind of story except she's from Marseille.
They both liked to travel, so they did, Bernard managing some free-lance photographing to earn a little money and Lucy learning Yoga and stuff.
Both probably smoking funny stuf.
But time flies, and a baby girl was bord... and there is one day when you long for a nice bed and some creature comfort, so they came back to France.
Infortunately, neither were talented enough as artist to "make it" in the capital. So Bernard remembered his Mémé house, which his parent didn't really use and were quite happy to get rid of. It provide a far more luxurious accomodation than what they could afford in Paris, and it's would be a far better place for their girl to grow up in.
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And here is said girl, Namaste Boucicaud.
Let's make it clear, not a happy bunny.
First, why did those idiot boomer parents she's saddled with had to name her Namaste? She hates it! honestly, Grertrude would be nicer!
And OMG the parents! Couldn't they be, I don't know, a little bit NORMAL once in a while? (well, they're both Avant Garde, so the teen may have a point here)
At least her father had some job with the local paper, so Namaste could forget the cheesy seagull photos to sell to tourists... and the paintings.
And her mother, still dressing like she was young, in jeans and exotic tops!
Honestly, Namaste can't wait to get her Bacalaureat and flee to Paris to her grand parents who are normal people and call her Nathalie.
"Where you will go to the Beaux Arts, dear. Not of that nonsense about being an accoundtant like your grandfather, do you hear me? Open your chakras, honey..."
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mochademic · 6 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 77] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 77]
I want to say this is my last semester ever...but I said that 3 years ago. even still I've been dreaming of different days in different places. maybe it's the seasonal dose of serotonin that comes with extended daylight hours.
exam prep reviewed
journaling/self care done
freelance work/planning done
emails answered
plants fed
currently listening // Expression by my!lane
J'ai envie de dire que c'est mon dernier semestre… mais je l'ai déjà dit il y a trois ans. pourtant, je rêve de jours différents dans des endroits différents. c'est peut-être la dose saisonnière de sérotonine qui accompagne l'allongement de la durée du jour.
préparation des examens révisée
journal de bord et soin de soi
travail en freelance/planification effectué
réponses aux courriels
plantes nourries
chanson // Expression par my!lane
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olympic-paris · 11 days
saga: Soumission & Domination 268
Installation à la champagne - fin d'année
Nous réintégrons notre " campagne " lors des révisions. Le bon air, le calme et l'isolement sont propices à la concentration nécessaire.
Le Blockhaus est mis en sommeil pour trois mois. Mais je maintiens jusqu'aux vacances les mardis soirs (même les semaines d'examens) de krav maga et de muscu. Nous en avons tous besoin pour nous détendre.
Notre solitude (relative) n'est troublée que par les visites de collègues venus revoir certains points particulier (et non, pas sexuels !), et les WE où Marc est en France (là c'est sexuel !).
Nous retrouvons aussi nos voisins directs Bruno et Arnaud, ce dernier en révisions aussi. Jimmy a entretenu la propriété pendant la période hivernale et nous retrouvons une maison ouverte, propre, avec les jardins fleuris comme si nous ne l'avions jamais quittée et la piscine chauffée. Avec PH, on organise nos emplois du temps. Nous alternons les heures de révisions avec les périodes de défoulement sportif, piscine et muscu en fin d'après midi. Samir et Ammed s'occupent de la logistique. Jimmy est tout content de nous servir de détente sexuelle, quand, dans la journée, la tension devient trop forte.
Nous nous sommes partagés le séjour, je m'étale coté salon alors que PH squatte la salle à manger. Du coup quand Jimmy sert de soupape de décharge (c'est le cas de le dire) à la pression de l'un d'entre nous, ça donne l'idée à l'autre ! Il fait coup double. Sa bouche est toujours aussi accueillante et sa pratique de la gorge profonde est parfaite. Pas de hoquets ni d'étranglements, nos 20cm s'enfoncent entre ses amygdales, du velours ! Certains soirs, nous usons du reste de son corps, plus particulièrement de sa rondelle. En général, après l'avoir enculé chacun à son tour, nous nous finissons ensemble, nos deux bites pressées l'une contre l'autre, par les muscles de son anus. Là aussi il est devenu une sacrée bête de sexe !
Morgan et Simon qui, comme nous, révisent ensemble sont passés nous voir. Ils nous trouvent en maillots de bain et nous demande comment nous arrivons à gérer nos pulsions sexuelles alors que nous sommes installés si proches. PH montre la piscine de l'autre coté des baies vitrées et explique qu'au sous-sol nous disposons d'une salle de sport. De mon coté, j'appelle Jimmy qui à ce moment là nettoie la piscine et le présente comme notre " soupape " d'urgence. Simon plaisante qu'il est actuellement sous pression. Jimmy me jette un oeil et, devant mon acceptation muette, s'agenouille à ses pieds. Avant que Simon n'ait eu le temps de le relever, Jimmy défaisait les boutons de son short et embouchait une bite encore un peu molle. Morgan est plié de rire. Il nous dit mieux comprendre comment nous arrivons à nous détendre. Comme je vois qu'il ne peut s'empêcher de bander à voir son mec se faire sucer, je lui dis d'en profiter aussi. Sans fausses pudeurs (nous connaissons leurs corps dans les moindres détails) il tombe son bermuda et présente un gland bien gonflé aux lèvres de Jimmy. Nous le voyons alterner entre les deux queues jusqu'à les amener au bord de la jouissance. C'est Simon qui le premier prend le relais. Il pompe Morgan et deux secondes nous le voyons déglutir la production de son mec. Puis c'est l'inverse. Dans une pelle très chaude, ils s'échangent les derniers spermatozoïdes encore coincés entre leurs dents. Avec PH nous n'avons pu nous retenir de bander devant ce spectacle. Pour nous remercier et s'excuser de nous avoir mis dans cet état, ils viennent tous les deux nous sucer. A leurs cotés, Jimmy apporte quelques corrections à leurs façons de faire les pipes, histoire que le plaisir soit plus intense des deux cotés. Ils assimilent vite et nous notons une réelle amélioration, même si celles qu'ils nous faisaient sortaient déjà de l'ordinaire. Nous nous échangeons leurs bouches. Je préfère celle de Morgan. Mon gland s'enfile mieux dans sa gorge et il a bien capté l'intérêt de déglutir au moment crucial pour augmenter le plaisir du sucé.
Nous les repoussons et nous terminons en 69. Rien ne vaut la bouche gourmande de son mec ! Contrairement à eux, nous gardons en bouche le plus de sperme possible pour faire un mélange alors qu'on se roule une pelle. Passage à la douche et nous travaillons ensemble (Simon avec PH et Morgan avec moi) le reste de l'après midi. Comme nous n'en avons pas fini avec les chapitres, Morgan et moi, nous leur proposons de rester dormir ici et de repartir en fin de matinée le lendemain. Ils acceptent même s'ils n'ont pas prévu de rechange. Ils savent que nous ne les laisserons pas repartir tous nus !
Nous bossons tous jusqu'à 19 h puis nous nous défoulons dans la salle de muscu avant de diner. Ils apprécient la cuisine. Nous parlons des vacances. Ils sont ok pour les passer séparés vu les plans que je leur organise et les pécules qu'ils vont en retirer. Faut dire que des vacances dans des lieux de rêve et payés de surcroit, il y a pire !  Pour la nuit, nous investissons le baisodrome du premier accompagnés de Jimmy. Ils n'étaient jamais venus mais sont à peine surpris des installations. Le blockhaus les a rendus blasés !
Nous passons un bon moment tous les 5. Ils hallucinent devant les performances de Jimmy. Sa capacité à l'auto-fellation, sa souplesse folle et de nous voir l'investir ensemble (double sodo). Ils n'en reviennent pas même s'ils savaient la chose possible. Tous fous, ils nous demandent la place. Deux gamins à qui on a offert des glaces ! Avec PH, j'attends qu'ils prennent leurs pieds. Alors seulement nous les attrapons et les plaçons côte à côte en levrette avec les épaules plaquées au matelas. Là, on se kpote et les défonçons grave. Ils sont bien resserrés par leurs jouissances récentes et ils peinent un peu jusqu'à ce que Jimmy leur glisse je ne sais quel conseil à l'oreille. Après, si leurs rondelles sont toujours dures à limer, eux semblent plus l'apprécier. Nous arrivons même à les faire bander à nouveau et à les faire juter en même temps que nous.
Les couples se reforment pour la nuit et je renvoi Jimmy pour que nous soyons sûr de récupérer. Connaissant le p'tit mec, il nous aurait tous réveillé au moins une fois pour se faire tirer à nouveau !
Ils nous quittent après le déjeuner du lendemain.
En ce qui concerne l'activité de ma société, comme tous les ans à la même époque, c'est le calme plat. Tous les clients ont été prévenus et comprennent que s'ils veulent ce type d'Escorte (mecs jeunes, beaux et surtout cultivés), c'est le corolaire. Par contre la première semaine après les examens, mes p'tits gars vont frôler l'overdose ! Avec leurs accords ils auront  tous une prestation par jour.
Je trouve quand même le temps, entre les matières à réviser, d'organiser leurs vacances. Tous sont intéressés à passer des vacances rémunérées. D'autant plus que ces dernières sont bien mieux payées que les stages qu'ils sont obligés de faire dans le cadre de leurs études.
Cette année encore ils vont revenir tout bronzés. Leurs destinations s'étalent de Chypre à San Francisco en remontant par Odessa (pour nos deux jeunes Russes), puis Mykonos où André compte emmener Maxou et Ric pour la deuxième année consécutive. La cote d'azur accueillera un de mes " protégés " et Malaga un autre. Les derniers iront passer leurs 4 semaines de libre aux USA, deux en Floride et les autres à San Francisco et Los Angeles. J'ai étendu les contrats de leurs portables professionnels pour pouvoir les joindre et réciproquement. Même Clément dont les parents sont suffisamment aisés pour ne pas avoir à " travailler " a insisté pour faire parti du " programme " estival.
Les deux Escorts que je partage, Jonathan et François, ont un stage commando de 3 semaines en plus de leur mois de stage. Ils n'auront donc que 15 jours pour se faire un peu d'argent. J'ai choisi le plus " aisé " de mes clients et lui ai proposé de les avoir ensemble. Je lui ai avancé cela comme un privilège exceptionnel, ça a fait passer mes exigences elles aussi exceptionnelles ! D'après ce que m'a dit leur commandant, ça va être très physique. Ils vont être intégrés avec leurs collègues à différents stages. Ils vont s'initier au parachutisme et à la survie en milieu hostile. Ils auront bien besoin de 15 jours de repos après tout ça ! Le client en question, tel que je le connais, va autant les utiliser comme déco de sa villa estivale que pour ses besoins sexuels relativement modestes.
Louis, lui, retourne aider son oncle dans le village à coté de chez nous. Du coup avec Marc nous avons proposé à Franck de s'installer à la maison pour qu'ils puissent vivre un peu ensemble. Louis, de son coté, m'a dit avoir négocié de crécher aussi à la maison plutôt que chez l'oncle en question. En attendant Samir et Ammed nous bichonnent de bon petits plats destiné à soutenir nos efforts. La piscine aussi est d'un grand secours quand avec PH, nous saturons coté révisions et ce, même si le temps reste un peu pourri !
Même nos nuits sont sages ! Je ne me reconnais pas. Nous profitons du WE où Marc est à la maison pour nous lâcher de ce coté là et il bénéficie alors de toute la retenue que nous avons eue durant la semaine. C'est les couilles asséchées qu'il repart en voyage la semaine suivante. Nous sommes dans le même état, ce qui favorise la concentration sur nos pages de notes !
Je garde aussi un oeil sur mes " protégés ". Ils sont prévenus qu'ils ne resteront chez moi (ma société) qu'à condition de passer dans l'année supérieure. Ils sont tous en révision quand je les appelle et m'assurent, quand on s'entraine le mardi qu'ils bossent comme des oufs.
Les écrits se passent bien du coté de PH comme du mien. Moi j'attends avec impatience les oraux. J'ai toujours été meilleur dans ce domaine là ! Même sans aller jusqu'à utiliser mon organe sur les parties " privées " de mes examinateurs.
Fin juin, le plus gros est fait et j'attends les résultats de tous. Je suis surtout impatient pour ceux de Maxou et Kamal. Le premier doit se faire la preuve qu'il a pu raccrocher après son année " sabbatique ", et le second que le bachotage des dernières semaines a été efficace et que la récompense que constitue ses cours de pilotage moto n'est pas usurpée.
Debut juillet.
Les résultats arrivent groupés et tous, nous passons dans l'année supérieure. Kamal passe même nous voir de retour du lycée pour nous annoncer sa réussite avec mention bien ! Cela va lui permettre d'intégrer sans soucis l'école de kiné de Clément. Maxou a bien raccroché le cursus normal. Il intègre sa seconde année avec brio et Louis aussi !
Ernesto arrive dès la fin de ses propres examens. Pablo prend deux jours de vacances et le rejoint chez nous. C'est la détente totale. Nous les passons entre baise, bains, muscu, rebaise, re-rebaise, le tout entrecoupé de moments passés à nous raconter nos semaines de séparation. Nous apprécions particulièrement de nous faire enculer par les deux frères alors qu'on se fait un 69, PH et moi. On a beau dire, les bites de 24cm font quand même plus d'effet que les petits zizis ! Si Pablo n'encule pas son frère, ils se roulent des pelles sans complexe. C'est ce qu'ils font alors que nous hébergeons leurs magnifiques bites dans nos culs.
Ernesto me fait un compte rendu précis de l'activité de ma filiale espagnole. Elle ne subit pas les contrecoups de la crise. Mes Escort Ibères ont taffé un maximum avant leurs exams et bien repris depuis. Mes deux préférés, les lutteurs, sont parmi ceux qui ont le plus de prestations. Cela correspond bien au retour que j'en ai du cabinet comptable.
Nous profitons d'être réunis tous les trois pour faire plaisir à Emma.
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Nouveautés 2024
La Fifty Fathoms Bathyscaphe entièrement en or
Blancpain présente les modèles Bathyscaphe Quantième Complet et Chronographe Flyback en or rouge. Dotés d'un boitier et d'un bracelet méticuleusement fabriqués en or rouge 18K, ces montres dégagent opulence et grandeur, se distinguant par leur teinte riche et leur présence.
Le bracelet en or rouge 18K
La production du bracelet en or rouge magnifiquement fini, implique une série de processus d’assemblage et de finition exigeants. Les maillons satinés à la main sont reliés par des broches transversales, leur conférant une flexibilité qui assure un ajustement parfait au poignet. Basé sur un système breveté, les vis sont placées à l’arrière des maillons pour préserver l’aspect lisse et la sensation des bords du bracelet. L'association de ces savoir-faire garantit grand confort et parfaite cohésion entre la boîte et le bracelet.
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ausetkmt · 3 months
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 21: Rakim performs during the "Dj Cassidy's Pass the Mic Live" at Radio ... [+] City Music Hall on July 21, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Richard Bord/Getty Images)Getty Images
Set to release his fourth solo album in 15 years, hip-hop luminary Rakim Allah is making a return to the hip-hop cipher.
Although 15 years have elapsed since the God MC’s last solo project, his stance remains interwoven in the fabric of hip-hop culture, ensuring he has never truly left the scene.
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Two weeks ago (May 16), Masta Killa of Wu-Tang Clan took to Instagram and posted an image with Kurupt and Rakim, announcing the upcoming release of a single featuring the three renowned lyricists. Though Masta Killa did not reveal the single's name, he shared it would come from the “#GODSNETWORK” and instructed followers to remain attentive.
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Cover of Rakim Allah's single, "Rebirth (N.M.A.) featuring Kurupt and Masta KillaInstagram | @almightym80
On Friday (May 24), Matthew Markoff, a markerting A&R for the project, announced on Instagram the solidification of a contract with Rakim for the release of his fourth studio album, G.O.Ds Network (REB7RTH).
Set for a worldwide release on July 26, there will also be a special edition released as a six-inch A and B side vinyl, with “REB7RTH” on one side and “Love is the Message” on the other. This special edition, limited to 500 pieces, will feature an array of hip-hop heavyweights such as Masta Killa, Kurupt, Nipsey Hussle, Snoop Dogg, Planet Asia, as well as seasoned creatives including Sally Green, Louis King, Kobe Honeycutt, Summer Yuki, and more.
The debut single from the album, “Rebirth (N.M.A.),” also produced by the “I Ain’t No Joke” lyricist, featuring Masta Killa and Kurupt, is set to drop next month on June 21, coinciding with the web and pre-order launch. Kurupt shared the single’s official cover on Instagram Friday (May 24), confirming the coming of Rakim’s new album. “July 26th - ‘Rebirth’ Rakim new album…Produced by Tha God Mc himself,” the caption noted.
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Cover for six-inch special edition side A and B side vinyl, “Love is the Message” side.
The album is thoroughly produced by Rakim Allah, with Markoff also serving as an executive producer.
G.O.Ds Network (REB7RTH) marks Rakim’s first solo effort since 2009. He transformed the landscape of rap in 1987 with Eric B. on Paid In Full, and the duo went on to shape the Golden Era of rap with three additional albums: Follow The Leader (1988), Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em (1990), and Don’t Sweat The Technique (1992), all deemed classics of the Golden Era.
Rakim’s solo debut came in 1997 with The 18th Letter, featuring production from Pete Rock, DJ Premier, DJ Clark Kent, Father Shaheed of Poor Righteous Teachers, and more. It debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and went certified Gold. In 1999, he quickly followed up with his second solo album, The Master, which includes the DJ Premier-produced standout single, “When I B on tha Mic." Afterward, Rakim took a 10-year hiatus before releasing The Seventh Seal in 2009, the first project on his record label Ra Records.
Throughout the years, Rakim has made guest appearances on unapologetic rap songs including G-Dep’s 2001 track “I Am” with Kool G Rap, the 2003 Dr. Dre-produced Jay-Z track “The Watcher 2,” Lloyd Banks’ 2006 song “You Know the Deal,” and he even added a surprise verse on Linkin Park’s 2014 track “Guilty All the Same.”
With his latest performance alongside Slum Village and Talib Kweli at Panic in L.A., the hip-hop luminary has been making his presence felt in the culture. He narrated a Bronx history video for the New York Yankees' opening season, and last month, he joined DJ Jazzy Jeff and Ravi Coltrane for a showcase at the Kennedy Center. As hip-hop enters its 51st year and Rakim makes a comeback, it's safe to conclude that hip-hop was never a fad and is bound to continue dominating and persisting as not only a music genre but a culture.
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ecowitchescoven · 2 years
Second sabbat : Imbolc
Hi! It's almost Imbolc and I'm so excited! Imbolc is a very special sabbat for me because it's also when I started practicing 6 years ago. I'm so gratefull that i found this path and all that it has brought in my life!
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Symbolism : Imbolc marks the half way point of winter. The days are already longer than what they used to be and they will keep getting longer. The warmer days will also soon be there! The fire within us is slowly awakening and the hopes and dreams that formed in the dead of winter are transforming into passion and motivation. It's at this moment that we start establishing our plan for our dreams and wishes for this year. At this sabbat, it's time to define your yearly projet. What do you want to focus your energy on this year? It can be related to your word for the year or not! It can be a clear and defined projet or a more abstract one. It can literally be anything you want. It just has to be big enough so you can work on it all year long! So let's start to gently activate ourselves !
Colors : Red, white, silver, gold, orange, yellow, pale green
Foods : Dairy products, walnuts, hazelnut, almonds, oats, scones and pastries, tea, camomille, lavander, honey, etc.
Spellworks intentions and ingredients : Yearly manifestations, creativity, passion, motivation, spells using fire, candles, cinnamon, tea or coffee, melting ice, etc.
Journal prompts :
What do I want to focus on for this year? What projet do I want to invest time and energy in for this year ?
Whats are some actions that I can do to bring me closer to my goals and dreams?
Activities : Planning a projet, doing a vision bord, organising and researching information about your projet, doing what fires up your creativity, etc.
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thoughtlessarse · 27 days
Cheap substitute ‘milk’ exported from Europe into West Africa is hurting the region’s local dairy industry. A collaborative investigation by Noteworthy and Nigerian news outlet Premium Times into Irish dairy in Nigeria has found that large volumes of cheap European exports into West Africa have outcompeted local milk on price. This, according to NGOs and traders, has pushed many Nigerian dairy farmers out of business. -Daniyan Abimbola, a commercial dairy farmer from Ondo State in the southwest of the country, said this competition is the reason “some dairy farms are forced to shut down less than five years after they are established.” Our investigation examined the export of fat-filled milk powder (FFMP). Though butter and cheese exports are more valuable, FFMP is Ireland’s largest dairy export in terms of volume. But, according to European Commission regulations, were it to be sold within the EU, it could not be labelled a milk product. The European Commission told Noteworthy that this product “can not bear the term ‘milk’ in their denomination” as according to EU regulations “milk products have to derive exclusively from milk”. Consumers in Nigeria seem unaware of that fact, according to market research Noteworthy has seen that was commissioned by An Bord Bia. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) told Noteworthy that “Ireland is committed to global rules-based international trade and is subject to EU agreements such as the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with West Africa”.
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Just another example of neocolonialism. Practices like this only increases the number of migrants heading to the EU. They join the migrants whose lives have been devastated by the climate crisis.
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tijuanaus · 4 months
[…] considérer l'homme en tant que principalement un animal qui se sert d'outils revient à négliger les principaux chapitres de l'histoire humaine. Par opposition à cette notion sclérosée, je développerai l'idée que l'homme est surtout un animal créateur d'esprit, qui se maîtrise soi-même et se crée soi-même; en outre, le lieu primordial de toutes les activités de l'homme est d'abord son propre organisme, et l'organisation sociale au travers de quoi cet organisme trouve une expression plus complète. Avant que l'homme eût fait quelque chose de lui-même il ne pouvait pas faire grand chose du monde qui l'entourait. Dans ce processus d'autodécouverte et d'autotransformation, les outils, au sens étroit du mot, rendaient de bons services en tant qu'instruments subsidiaires, mais non comme le principal agent actif du développement humain; car, avant notre propre époque, jamais la technologie ne s'est dissociée du plus vaste ensemble culturel au sein de quoi l'homme, en tant qu'homme, a toujours fonctionné. Le mot grec classique tekhné, de manière caractéristique, ne fait nulle distinction entre la production industrielle et les "beaux" arts, ou arts symboliques; et pendant la plus grande partie de l'histoire humaine, ces aspects furent inséparables, un côté respectant les conditions et fonctions objectives, l'autre côté répondant à des besoins subjectifs. En son point d'origine, la technologie était liée à la nature entière de l'homme, et cette nature jouait un rôle en chaque aspect de l'industrie: ainsi la technologie, au début, était-elle largement centrée sur la vie, non centrée sur le travail ou la puissance. […] Bien que le langage constituât la plus puissante expression symbolique de l'homme, il découla, ainsi que je tenterai de le montrer, de la même source commune qui finit par produire la machine: le primitif ordre répétitif du rituel, un genre d'ordre que l'homme fut forcé de développer pour se protéger soi-même, de manière à maîtriser la terrible surcharge d'énergie psychique que son gros cerveau mettait à sa disposition. Bien loin de déprécier le rôle de la technologie, cependant, je démontrerai plutôt qu'une fois établie cette fondamentale organisation interne, la technologie soutint et accrut les facultés d'expression humaine. La discipline de fabrication et d'emploi des outils servit de correctif opportun, selon cette hypothèse, aux extraordinaires pouvoirs d'invention que le langage parlé procurait à l'homme -pouvoirs qui autrement gonflaient de manière indue l'ego, et donnaient à l'homme la tentation de substituer des formules verbales magiques à un travail efficace. […] Dès lors, la principale occupation de l'homme fut sa propre transformation de lui-même, groupe par groupe, région par région, culture par culture. Cette transformation de soi non seulement sauva l'homme de la fixation permanente à sa condition animale d'origine, mais libéra son organe le mieux développé, son cerveau, pour d'autres tâches que celles d'assurer la survie physique. Toute manifestation de la culture humaine, du rituel et du langage au costume et à l'organisation sociale, est orientée en fin de compte vers le remodelage de l'organisme humain et l'expression de la personnalité humaine. Si ce n'est que maintenant que nous reconnaissons à retardement ce trait distinctif, c'est peut-être parce qu'il y a des indices largement répandus, dans l'art, la politique et la technologie contemporains, que l'homme risque d'être au bord de le perdre -en devenant non pas un animal inférieur, mais une non-entité informe, amiboïde.
Le Mythe de la Machine: La Technologie et le Développement Humain / Lewis Mumford, 1967
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dullahandyke · 3 months
dubliners dont know how good they have it, looking at the line-up for the bord gais and seething bcos if it was just a matter of buying tickets itd b fine but bcos its fucking *~dublin~* and all the shows end late at night it necessitates getting a fuckin hotel room for the night and then paying for diesel and such and its such a fucking production. if i lived in commuting distance you couldnt tear me away from every single showing
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bordau · 4 months
Building with Confidence: Plywood Suppliers for Every Project
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When it comes to construction or renovation projects, one of the most crucial elements is the choice of materials. Among these, plywood stands out as a versatile and dependable option. 
Whether you're working on a small DIY project or undertaking a large-scale construction endeavor, finding the right Best Plywood suppliers in Melbourne is paramount. In this article, we'll explore why plywood is an excellent choice for various projects and how to select the best plywood supplier to ensure your project's success.
Why Plywood?
Plywood is a type of engineered wood made from thin layers of wood veneer glued together. This construction gives plywood remarkable strength and durability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. 
Unlike solid wood, plywood is less prone to warping, cracking, or shrinking, making it an ideal choice for structural purposes. Additionally, plywood comes in various grades, allowing you to select the right quality for your specific project needs.
From building furniture to constructing entire buildings, plywood offers unparalleled versatility. Its strength-to-weight ratio makes it an excellent choice for flooring, roofing, and sheathing. 
Plywood's smooth surface also makes it ideal for finishing touches like cabinetry and decorative panels. Moreover, plywood is easy to work with, allowing for intricate designs and precise cuts, making it a favorite among craftsmen and builders alike.
Choosing the Right Plywood Supplier
Selecting the right plywood supplier is crucial for ensuring the success and longevity of your project. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a plywood supplier:
The quality of plywood can vary significantly depending on factors such as the type of wood used, manufacturing process, and adherence to industry standards. Look for suppliers that offer high-quality plywood that meets or exceeds relevant standards and certifications.
Every project has unique requirements, so it's essential to choose a supplier that offers a wide variety of plywood options. Whether you need standard plywood, marine plywood, or specialty plywood like fire-retardant or pressure-treated plywood, a supplier with a diverse product range can meet your specific needs.
Timely delivery and consistent quality are essential aspects of any supplier-customer relationship. Choose a plywood supplier known for their reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction. Reading customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a supplier's reputation and reliability.
A knowledgeable and experienced supplier can offer valuable guidance and recommendations to help you choose the right plywood for your project. Look for suppliers who employ experts in the field and prioritize customer service and support.
While price is an important consideration, it shouldn't be the sole determining factor when choosing a plywood supplier. Balance cost considerations with factors such as quality, reliability, and customer service to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.
Whether you're building a new home, renovating an existing space, or embarking on a DIY project, choosing the right plywood suppliers Melbourne is essential for achieving the best results. Plywood's versatility, strength, and durability make it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications, from structural support to finishing touches. 
By considering factors such as quality, variety, reliability, expertise, and price, you can select a plywood supplier with confidence, knowing that your project is in good hands. So, before you embark on your next construction or renovation project, make sure to choose a plywood supplier that meets your specific needs and preferences. 
With the right supplier by your side, you can build with confidence, knowing that your project is built to last. Source By: Building with Confidence: Plywood Suppliers for Every Project
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mariacallous · 1 year
New types of drone are striking deep inside Russia, but scaling up is hard
EARLY IN THE morning of August 25th, a group of drone developers headed to a launch point in southern Ukraine for one of the most daring aerial missions over Russian-controlled territory to date: an attack on a military base deep in Crimea. It was described as a test launch, with many of the prototypes in the drone swarm experimental. But some of them did the job.
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There were explosions inside the base and several dead, with wounded soldiers seen streaming into the local hospital, according to local sources. That capped a miserable week for the Kremlin, already struggling to explain more than a dozen drones striking the heart of Moscow, repeated shutdowns of major airports and unexplained explosions at arms factories, airfields, fuel depots and railways.
A source close to the developers of Morok (“dark spirit”), one of the prototype drones used in the Crimean operation, says Ukraine’s new aerial strike capacity is the result of “seeds sown many months ago”. Morok’s development had been a “miraculous” journey: after one risky test launch a few kilometres from the Russian border, its developers escaped incoming Russian rockets by minutes. Now they aim to step up serial production.
Fast and capable of carrying a heavy payload over several hundred kilometres, Morok is among the more promising fixed-wing kamikaze designs being considered by Ukraine. It has come this far largely without government funding, relying on hard work and a few friendly benefactors. But like other developers, Morok’s team now faces a difficult task getting the resources to scale up.
Ukraine’s drone programme is driven by necessity. Russia, a missile superpower, began the war with a clear superiority in long-range strike capacity. It later began buying cheap, effective Shahed kamikaze drones from Iran. Ukraine, on the other hand, has not been allowed to use Western-donated weapons in Russia itself, and so has been looking for other ways to hit back.
Part of the answer has been developing new missiles, or repurposing old ones: the vintage S-200 surface-to-air missile is now used in surface-to-surface mode. The modernised S-200s have been responsible for some of the recent attacks in Russian-controlled areas. Meanwhile, a network of volunteers and government groups has been racing to develop better domestically made drones.
The drone campaign is being stepped up now for a number of reasons. The headline-making strikes on Moscow are intended to have a psychological impact, bringing ordinary Russians closer to the reality of war. But Ukrainian military insiders say most of their operations directly support the three-month-old counter-offensive.
Much of this is too prosaic to make news. Drones target “fuel depots, logistics, ammunition dumps and delivery routes”, says Detective, the pseudonym of a drone co-ordinator in Ukraine’s military intelligence. “We respond to appeals from our brigades. They tell us they know where Russian arms are being stored, but have no way of hitting them, and they plead with us to help.” Detective says much of his recent work has been focused on airfields near Ukraine’s borders. This “might” have included a recent strike that hit a Tu-22M strategic bomber based near Novgorod, he adds with a wink.
Russia’s extensive air-defence and electronic-warfare capacity means that any Ukrainian attack requires meticulous planning. Ukraine has developed algorithms that appear to work. Operators launch in the early morning (when defenders’ concentration might be lapsing) and use an order of attack designed to keep air defences busy. They gather intelligence (often from Western partners) about radars, electronic warfare and air-defence assets. Russia cannot lock down the entirety of its vast territory. “If you can scuttle past 60km of jamming stations on the border, you are in the Russian hinterlands and it’s game on,” says the Morok source. About 35-40% of drones make it through to the general vicinity of the target. Feedback about a strike’s success is compiled from satellites, tracking devices, social-media reports and local agents.
Unusually, Ukraine’s drone programme has no single command or procurement structure. Several state organisations, including all the intelligence agencies, have their own drone programmes. Freelance developers are also in the mix. These components are organised in cells that do not communicate with each other. This helps security and competition, but can make optimisation and mass production difficult. The central government, especially the Ministry of Digital Transformation, has tried to streamline financing and remove red tape. But bureaucracy, corruption and vested interests in the Ukrainian arms industry continue to act as a drag on development. Some of the operations targeting Moscow appear to be PR projects designed to bring a prototype to the attention of procurement bosses, rather than having military value.
Finance is not the only barrier to scaling up. Cheap components and electronics are hard to find. So are aviation specialists. Russia is doing better on this front: though slow to get going, it has now geared up mass production. With unlimited budgets, Russian state enterprises have prioritised the war’s most effective weapons. These include versatile Kh-101 cruise missiles; wings to convert free-fall bombs into glide bombs; Lancet strike drones, capable of taking out Ukrainian armour and air defence; and Iranian Shaheds, which are now reportedly being produced in a new factory in Tatarstan. A senior Ukrainian intelligence source said Russia was likely to be stockpiling ahead of a renewed campaign on energy infrastructure this coming winter.
On the frontlines, Russia has erased Ukraine’s initial three-to-one advantage in tactical drones. The two sides are now at parity, a source close to Ukraine’s commander-in-chief says. New electronic-warfare jamming boxes, fitted on tanks and other high-value assets, are meanwhile reducing the ability of Ukraine’s first-person-view drones to guide payloads into the most vulnerable sections of a target.
A source in Ukraine’s general staff suggests any technological advantage his country once enjoyed was necessarily temporary. Both sides are learning from the other, he says, and reverse engineering is getting quicker: “We had the experience of defending against Russian drones, and we got better quickly. They will too.” Ukraine will need to think of new asymmetric ways to use drones, including using artificial intelligence to improve accuracy. The government has dedicated a new budget line of 40bn hryvnia ($1.1bn) for drones, a huge sum for Ukraine.
Detective says he regularly receives calls from the frontlines, thanking him for his latest successful strike. “They tell how they have enjoyed two or three days without Russian bombs,” he says. “Calls like that make the difficulties of the job worth it.”
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les-degustations-ugo · 9 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, aimez-vous les Côtes de Bergerac blanc ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac blanc 2020 du @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
97% Sémillon (vignes de 70 ans)
3% Muscadelle (vignes de 26 ans)
Production de 3046 bouteilles
Sols Argilo calcaires
Fermentation en barriques
👁️ :
Robe de couleur jaune avec quelques reflets verts
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits à chair blanche
💋 :
En bouche, on a un vin avec une belle fraîcheur. Sur des arômes de pêche, poires, fleurs blanches. Une belle longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes de pommes vertes et une belle tension qui fait saliver les papilles. Un régal.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un beau Bergerac blanc avec du fruit mûr et de la tension en bouche. Une belle cuvée avec un équilibre parfait.
🧆Dégusté sur du Saumon fumé🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 :Bouchées à la reine aux fruits de mer, Chair de crabe, Croustillants de saumon,...
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont était dégustés et recrachés.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Le vignoble de Bergerac s’étend dans le département de la Dordogne (sud-ouest de la France), autour de la ville de Bergerac, sur 93 communes, dont fait partie la commune de Monestier.
Le Château Monestier La Tour produit du vin sous trois appellations : Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac et Saussignac. La surface totale exploitée est de près de 30 hectares, 17 hectares en cépages rouges (63% de Merlot, 30% de Cabernet Franc, 5% de Cabernet Sauvignon et 2% de Malbec) et 12,5 hectares en cépages blancs, secs et doux (61% de Sémillon, 30% de Sauvignon Blanc et 9% de Muscadelle).
La plus grande production annuelle du Château Monestier La Tour se fait sous l’appellation Bergerac, qui réunit environ 35 000 bouteilles de vin rouge, 30 000 bouteilles de vin blanc et 5 000 bouteilles de vin rosé (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L’AOC Bergerac est située au sud-ouest de la Dordogne, sur les bords de la rivière du même nom. La superficie du vignoble en production est proche des 13 000 hectares et s’étend sur 93 communes du département.
Le vignoble est implanté sur des sols variés de calcaires, de boulbènes, de sables, d’argiles et de limons. Le climat océanique, aidé dans le Bergeracois par les reliefs de la vallée de la Dordogne et les vents marins qui la remontent, tempère l’atmosphère et conserve une humidité élevée toute l’année. Cette dernière favorise le développement de la vigne, surtout lors des étés chauds et ensoleillés.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you like white Côtes de Bergerac ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac white 2020 from @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (70 year old vines)
3% Muscadelle (26 year old vines)
Production of 3046 bottles
Clay-limestone soils
Fermentation in barrels
Yellow color with some green highlights
A nose with notes of white-fleshed fruit
On the palate, we have a wine with beautiful freshness. With aromas of peach, pears, white flowers. A nice length in the mouth with a finish with notes of green apples and a nice tension that makes the taste buds salivate. A delight.
📜In summary📜:
A beautiful white Bergerac with ripe fruit and tension on the palate. A beautiful vintage with perfect balance.
🧆Tasted with smoked salmon🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this vintage🍷: Seafood queen bites, Crab meat, Crispy salmon,...
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winemaker. Go to the estate's website to see all the current vintages and promotions📌.
🔞 “Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞 Most of the wines were tasted and spat out.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
The Bergerac vineyard extends in the Dordogne department (south-west of France), around the town of Bergerac, over 93 municipalities, including the municipality of Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produces wine under three appellations: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac and Saussignac. The total area under cultivation is nearly 30 hectares, 17 hectares in red grape varieties (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 2% Malbec) and 12.5 hectares in white, dry and sweet (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc and 9% Muscadelle).
The largest annual production of Château Monestier La Tour is under the Bergerac appellation, which brings together around 35,000 bottles of red wine, 30,000 bottles of white wine and 5,000 bottles of rosé wine (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
The AOC Bergerac is located in the south-west of the Dordogne, on the banks of the river of the same name. The area of ​​the vineyard in production is close to 13,000 hectares and extends over 93 communes in the department.
The vineyard is planted on varied soils of limestone, boulbènes, sand, clay and silt. The oceanic climate, helped in the Bergerac region by the reliefs of the Dordogne valley and the sea winds that go up it, tempers the atmosphere and maintains high humidity all year round. The latter favors the development of the vine, especially during hot and sunny summers.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E a te, ti piacciono le Côtes de Bergerac bianche ❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac bianco 2020 di @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (viti di 70 anni)
3% Muscadelle (viti di 26 anni)
Produzione di 3046 bottiglie
Terreni argillosi-calcarei
Fermentazione in botti
Colore giallo con alcuni riflessi verdi
Al naso presenta note di frutta a polpa bianca
Al palato abbiamo un vino di bella freschezza. Con aromi di pesca, pera, fiori bianchi. Bella persistenza in bocca con un finale con note di mela verde e una bella tensione che fa venire l'acquolina in bocca. Una delizia.
📜In sintesi📜:
Un bellissimo Bergerac bianco con frutta matura e tensione al palato. Una bella annata con un equilibrio perfetto.
🧆Gustato con salmone affumicato🧆.
🍷Alcuni possibili abbinamenti enogastronomici con questa annata🍷: Bocconcini di regina dei frutti di mare, Polpa di granchio, Salmone croccante,...
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte fa risparmiare
un enologo. Vai al sito dell'azienda per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento📌.
🔞 “L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumare con moderazione”🔞 La maggior parte dei vini sono stati assaggiati e sputati.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Il vigneto di Bergerac si estende nel dipartimento della Dordogna (sud-ovest della Francia), intorno alla città di Bergerac, su 93 comuni, compreso il comune di Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produce vino con tre denominazioni: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac e Saussignac. La superficie totale sfruttata è di quasi 30 ettari, di cui 17 ettari a bacca rossa (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon e 2% Malbec) e 12,5 ettari a bacca bianca, secca e dolce (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc e 9% Muscadelle).
La più grande produzione annuale di Château Monestier La Tour è sotto la denominazione Bergerac, che riunisce circa 35.000 bottiglie di vino rosso, 30.000 bottiglie di vino bianco e 5.000 bottiglie di vino rosato (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L'AOC Bergerac si trova nel sud-ovest della Dordogna, sulle rive del fiume omonimo. La superficie del vigneto in produzione sfiora i 13.000 ettari e si estende su 93 comuni del dipartimento.
Il vigneto è piantato su terreni vari di calcare, boulbènes, sabbia, argilla e limo. Il clima oceanico, aiutato nella regione di Bergerac dai rilievi della valle della Dordogna e dai venti marini che la risalgono, tempera l'atmosfera e mantiene un'elevata umidità tutto l'anno. Quest'ultimo favorisce lo sviluppo della vite, soprattutto durante le estati calde e soleggiate.
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equipe · 1 year
Très cher Tumblr,
Oh, là là là là lààà ! Il y a tellement de réactions de-ci de-là sur le tableau de bord que c'en est presque enivrant pour le petit Brick fragile que je suis.
Le simple fait de vous en parler, ça me chamboule. Je ne suis en général pas du genre émotif, mais ce doux parfum du succès qui arrive à mes frêles narines me rend tout chose. Les yeux embués, je commence à voir la vie autrement, en couleurs, irisée comme un arc-en-c… EH ! Mais si j'ajoutais un emoji 🌈 en tant que réaction !?
Sommes-nous dans une réalité telle qu'une de mes merveilleuses idées ne soit finalement pas mise au rebut après une seule journée d'utilisation, et qu'on ne me renvoie pas ensuite illico presto en exil sur l'île Crabiland avec un bon coup de pied au si peu de remerciements ? Est-ce que cette petite chose - lancer un nouveau produit - va me permettre d'éprouver, enfin, de la fierté ?
Ma chère crabunauté, je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre…
Mais je sais quoi vous VENDRE !
Les réactions entrent en PRODUCTION juste par ici, sur l'Emporium ! Mon bro' Roberd s'est chargé de développer toute une série de magnifiques posters à l'effigie de la série (certes, incomplète) de réactions qui ont su égayer votre journée.
Seulement pour une durée limitée, vous pourrez réagir avec des objets à des trucs qui vous arrivent DANS LA VRAIE VIE ! Alors, qu'attendez-vous ? Le bouton "ACHETER MAINTENANT !" fraîchement apparu est là pour ça !
Émotivement vôtre,
Brick Whartley Président Intérimaire des Réactions Emojiesques - P.I.R.E. Ex-Président Intérimaire des Produits et Objets - P.I.P.O.
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raskti · 1 year
The 2005 Swedish Jcs production
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So, between Ola Salo's translation and the 1972 Swedish translation of Jesus Christ Superstar, came this translation by Oskar Bly (who played Jesus in this production, and also directed it). It was produced in the Maximteatern in Stockholm.
There aren't many clips online from it but I will link them and provide some pretty mid english translations for them. Most of the news segements I can find are also locked behind a pay wall, but the following and the last picture are from Anders Ekborgs website where two articles on the show exists.
More below (long post, lots of lyrics)
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Judas in this production was played by Ander Ekborg, who is known for his role as Freddie in the Swedish version of Chess. and here's a snippet from an interview about the show that he took part in:
"Im thinking about the prerequisite for life, actually. But it's like a life force, one of our big ones that drives one to both evil and good. [...] The very word traitor, the greek word for traitor is mentioned only once in the bible - in the correct translation. Otherwise, he is called (the handover) or (the giver) all the time. So the word traitor is really like not speaking about Judas. It is God that has choosen him to be the one to hand him over, so to speak. [...] He is absolutely necessary for God's work, for it to be that way there has to be someone that has that role. Exactly like a theatre performance there has to be someone with the villain and it- otherwise it's not exciting, it won't be a good story that people can really relate to."
First of: Heaven on their minds / Ditt folk har du förlett
Det börjar klarna nu Jag äntligen ser Ja, det är klart Ja det är helt uppenbart Om man plockar bort Hans myt från hans namn Drabbas vi av vårt folks raseri Jesus! Du tror på människors prat Och ännu mer - genant Din stackare du tror Ditt snack om gud är sant Allt bra som du har gjort Blir glömt och gömt i jord men folket dyrkar din person mer än dina ord Hör på mig Jesus, Det är nog nu, säg nej allt jag vill är att du lyssnar till mig kom ihåg det, jag var din bästa vän i allt vi gjort Din stjärna kommer falla Du är ju messias för dem alla Om du sviker dem får du det svårt Du var ingen Gud från början, minsann Nej, för oss så var du bara en man Minns, jag säger det, Jag har beundrat allt vad du har gjort Men varje ord du säger nu Förvränger dem - betänkt det du Om du sviker dem får du det svårt Nasaret, din store son borde hålla sig ifrån frälsar jobb och stanna kvar hos snickar far göra bänkar och sånt där det är en hederlig affär ingen skada hade skett om du hade rätt Kan du strunta i vår situation? Kom ihåg vi har ju ockupation Rom är stort och starkt vi är ett litet folk som sitter trångt Jag är rädd, jag är beklämd Jag vet att snart tar folket hämnd Om vi går ett enda steg för långt Om vi går för långt! Lyssna Jesus, innan allting är slut Vi vill leva, men för varje minut Minskar chansen här Se folket tillbe dig i vild extas! Ja, ditt folk har du förlett Himmlasyner har dem sett Det var vackert men nu är det sent Snart är allt försent! Lyssna Jesus, Innan allting är slut Hatet minskar nu för varje minut Lyssna Jesus, Innan allt är försent Jag varnar dig Snart är allting försent Snart är allt försent
English translation:
It’s getting clearer now I finally see Yes, it is clear Yes, it’s quite obvious If you pick/strip away His myth from his name We'll suffer our people's rage Jesus! You believe people’s talk And even more - embarrassing You poor thing you believe Your talk of God is true All good that you have done Will be forgotten and hidden in dirt But the people worship your person more than your words Hear me out, Jesus It’s enough now, say no All I want is that you listen to me Remember that, I was your best friend in all we have done Your star will fall You are the Messiah for them all If you let them down then you will have it hard You were no God from the beginning, indeed/ No, for us you were only a man Remember, that I say it, I have admired all that you’ve done But every word you say now Distorts them - bear that in mind/think of that If you let them down then you’ll have it hard Nazareth your great son Should keep away from Saviour jobs and stay at his carpenter dad Make benches and stuff like that It’s an honourable affair No damage would have been done If you were right Can you ignore our situation? Remember, we have been occupied Rome is big and strong We’re a small people who sit tight I am afraid, I am distressed I know that soon the people will take revenge If we go a single step too far If we go too far! Listen, Jesus, before it all ends We want to live but for every minute the chance lessens here See the people worship you in wild ecstasy! Yes, you have led your people astray Heavenly visions have they seen It was beautiful but now it’s late Soon it will all be too late! Listen, Jesus, before everything ends The hate is now diminishing with every minute Listen, Jesus, Before it’s too late I’m warning you Soon everything will be too late Soon it will all be too late!
Gethsemane / I Gethsemane
Så ber jag dig i nöd Inför den väg jag sökt Lyft din bittra kalk ifrån mig För jag vill inte smaka giftet Som redan bränner Här i mig Jag har tappat bort, vem jag var förut Jag brann klar som ljus och nu är lågan slut Trots jag gjorde mer än rätt i tre års handling Blev allt som trettio Ska jag plågas Kan du önska mer Från någon annan man Men om jag dör Ska jag då se sagan slut Och tvingas ned på knä Ska jag såras och bespottas, spikas fast på trä Jag vill förstå, jag vill förstå min gud Vill förstå, jag vill förstå min gud Måste se, måste jag förstå, Måste se, jag måste se min gud Om jag dör är det då på ditt bud? Om jag dör är det då på ditt bud? Ber om svar, jag ber om svar, min gud, jag ber om svar Varför ska jag dö? Säg! Okej, jag dör, Se på, jag dör! Jag brann klar som ljus Och nu är lågan slut Min saga blev till tre års handling Men känns som nittio Så varför är jag rädd för slutet? Som jag valde, som du valde Jag valde aldrig Gud din viljas kraft Har jag aldrig hört, Jag ska tömma genom kalket Sätt mig på ditt kors Och knäck mig Bara slå mig Förblöd mig Döda mig! Men ta mig nu Om evigt liv är död!
English translation:
So I beg of you in need, Before the path I sought Lift your bitter chalice from me Because I don’t want to taste the poison That already burns here within me I have lost, who I was before I burned bright like a candle And now the flame is over Although I did more than right in three years of action Turned out like thirty Shall I be tormented, Could you wish for more from any other man? But if I die, Shall I see then see the end of the story? And be forced to my knees Shall I be hurt and reviled Nailed to a tree I want to understand, I want to understand my God Want to see, I want to understand my God Have to see, I have to understand, Have to see, I have to see my God If I die is it at your behest? /bid If I die is it at your behest? /bid Begging for an answer, I’m begging for an answer My God, I beg for answers Why should I die? Say! Okay, I’ll die Look on, I’ll die! I burned bright like a candle But now the flame is over My story turned into three years of action But feels like ninety So, why am I scared of the end That I chose, that you chose I never chose! God, the power of your will I have never heard I will empty through the chalice Put me on a cross, and break me, Just hit me Bleed me Kill me! But take me now, If eternal life is death!
Mary Magdalene was played by Jenny Silver, a Swedish singer who participated a few times in Mello and was the lead singer in the band Holder, and who is now a train driver.
I don't know how to love him / Vad vet jag om kärlek?
Vad vet jag nu om kärlek Vad kan jag ge som berör han? Denna man, som ändrat mig Jag känner inte igen mig själv, Sen han såg vem jag är Hur tar jag då emot det, Varför rör han vid mitt hjärta Han är man, bara en man Och män det har jag haft förut Men inte nån som han, Som stannar kvar Ska jag ge mig av, Dölja mina kval Ska jag släppa ut All min längtan djup Jag trodde aldrig kärlek var nått som gjorde ont Ändå är det nått ironiskt Med hela situationen Här har jag, som aldrig var Så kall, så trygg, för kärlek skygg Rört vid kärleken, Han skrämmer mig Jag trodde aldrig kärlek var nått som gjorde ont Så även om det blivit vad skulle jag då göra? Ska jag ge upp, min lilla dröm För vad ska flickan från gatan ge till mannen som har allt? Som skrämmer mig Min dröm är så, jag älskar dig
English translation:
What do I know about love now? What can I give that concerns him? This man, who changed me I don’t recognize myself, since he saw who I am How do I take it, Why does he touch my heart? He is a man, just a man And men, I’ve had that before But no one like him, that stays, Should I leave, Hide my anguish Should I let out All my deep yearning? I never thought love was something that hurts Still, it’s somewhat ironic with this whole situation Here I am, who never was so cold, so safe, shy of love, Touched by love He frightens me I never thought that love was something that hurts So even if it has become that what should I do then? Should I give up, my little dream, for what can the girl from the street give to the man who has it all? Who scares me My dream is such, I love you
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The last supper / Den sista måltiden
[Apostlar] Se nu våra sorger och beskymmer Sjunker i en bägare med vin inget stör oss nu, vi förstår nu svaren och förbrödas här i kvällens harmoni Jag drömde alltid om att bli apostel Vet jag lyckas dit många vill nå Sen när vi gått bort ska vi skrivas gospels Så att människor minns oss alla och vårt mod [Jesus] Mitt slut är hårdare, då vänner bär på skulden till min död För vad ni vill Är vinet nu mitt blod för vad ni vill Är brödet nu min kropp Till slut Drick nu det blod jag ger Ta min lekamen* och ät Så ni ska minnas mig Sedan den dag jag dör Jag måste vart galen som tror ni ska minnas Jag måste vart helt ur slag Se nu på er själva, mitt namn är värt inget För er i vår imorgondag En mig ska förneka, och en av er förråder mig, yeah, yay Petrus du förnekar mig om några timmar Tre gånger du nekar! Och värre ska det bli En av er som äter, en av mina valda Vill mig nu förråda [Judas] Lägg av med ditt skitsnack Du vet mycket väl vem [Jesus] Spring då iväg, gör det! [Judas] Du vill att jag gör det? [Jesus] Skynda för dem väntar [Judas] Om du visste varför jag gör det- [Jesus] Jag vill inte ha det skälet [Judas] Tänkt att jag dig älskat, dig som jag nu avskyr! [Jesus] Du ljuger, du Judas [Judas] Du vill att jag gör det! Tänk om jag då stannar kvar och ändrar på förloppet Som du planerat! [Jesus] Dåre du spring, skynda dig gå Lämna mig ensam, jag hör icke på Gå, Gå! [Apostlar] Se hur våra sorger och beskymmer Vi sjunker i en bägare med vin Vad var det för bröd? Jag blir yr och hög I vår kväll som skulle vara lugn och fin Drömmer var att en gång bli apostel Vet att jag har vandrat dit många vill gå Sen när vi gått bort ska det skrivas gospels Så att människors minns oss alla och vårt mål [Judas] Du knäckte lille man Se var du tagit oss Nu idealen faller och du vill att vi slåss? Så är det värsta utav allt Nåns lott är att förråda dig som en vanlig enkel tjuv Eller sårat kreatur En sprucken Gudabild Som duger inget till Lik en fallen svagsint ömkad frälsare Är det vad du vill? [Jesus] Ge dig av, dem väntar Ge dig av! Dem väntar så går då Dem väntar på dig! [Judas] Varje gång jag ser på dig så frågar jag mig Varför blev det du gjort och sagt Nu plötsigt går fel? Varför fick jag aldrig kunna hjälpa dig? Woah oh oh oh- [Apostlar] Se hur våra sorger och beskymmer Sjunker i en bägare med vin Inget stör oss nu och vi söker svaren I vår kväll som skulle varit lugn och fin Drömmen var att en gång bli apostel Vet jag fått det många män vill få Sen när vi gått bort ska det skrivas gospels Så att människor minns oss alla och vårt mål
English translation:
[Apostles] See now our sorrows and troubles, Sink into a goblet of wine Nothing disturbs us now, we understand the answers now And are united here in the evenings' harmony I always dreamed of being an apostle Know that I have reached where many want to go Then when we are gone, we will write the Gospels So that people will remember all of us and our courage / [Jesus] My end is harder, As friends bear the blame of my death For what you want Is this wine now my blood For what you want Is this bread now my body At last, Now drink the blood I give Take my body and eat So you shall remember me From the day I die I must’ve been crazy to think you will remember I must have been completely out of sorts Now look at yourselves My name will be worth nothing for you tomorrow One of you shall deny me and one of you betray me (Yeah, Yay) Peter, you’ll deny me in a few hours Three times you’ll deny! And it will get worse One of you who is eating, One of my chosen Wants to now betray me [Judas] Cut it with your bullshit You know very well who [Jesus] Then run away, do it [Judas] You want me to do it? [Jesus] Hurry for they are waiting [Judas] If you knew why I do it- [Jesus] I don’t want that reason [Judas] To think that I loved you, You who I despise now! [Jesus] You’re lying, you Judas [Judas] You want me to do it? What if stay then, And changed the course you’ve planned! [Jesus] Run you fool. Hurry up, go! Leave me alone, I’m not listening Go, Go! [Apostles] See how our sorrows and troubles We sink into a goblet of wine What kind of bread was that? I get dizzy and high In our evening that should have been calm and nice The dream was to one day be an apostle Know that I have walked where many want to walk Then when we are gone, the gospels will be written So that people remember us and our goals [Judas] You broken little man Look where you got us Now the ideals fall and you want us to fight? And the worst of it all, Someone's fate is to betray you Like an ordinary simple thief Or wounded animal A cracked image of God Who is good for nothing Like a fallen feeble-minded pitied saviour Is that what you want? [Jesus] Go away, they’re waiting Go away! They’re waiting, so go They are waiting for you! [Judas] Every time I look at you, I ask myself Why did what you did and say now suddenly go wrong? Why was I never able/allowed to help you? Woah, oh oh oh- [Apostles] Look how our sorrows and troubles Sink into a goblet filled with wine Nothing bothers us now, and we seek the answers In our evening that should have been calm and nice The dream was to one day become an apostle I know I got what many men want to get Then when we are gone, the gospels will be written So that people remember all of us and our goals
Simon the Zealot - Poor Jerusalem / Simon Zeloten - Min stad Jerusalem
[Simon och folket] Kristus dig vi följer när och var som helst  Ja jag tror på dig och Gud så säg att jag är frälst.  [Folket] Jesus jag är med dig. Rör mig rör mig Jesus. [Simon] Jesus vad mer vill du se för att veta, Att du segrar och leder oss idag Mot det pack från Rom som invaderat  Terroriserar våra liv, vårt land, vår lag? [Folket] Kristus dig vi följer när och var som helst Ser du att jag vinkar nu, så säg att jag är frälst [Simon] Simon är med dig! [Folket] Jesus jag är med Dig, rör mig Jesus. Jesus du är min idol, rör mig Jesus. [Simon] Här är över femtiotusen Som sjunger av dyrkan till dig Var och en av femtiotusen Gör allt du ber om, bara säg. Så låt de sjunga ut i lovord Men ge de mod att gå mot Rom! Seger där och Du växer större  Så hela världen blir din tron [Simon och folket] För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid. För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid.
För du ska ha makten och all äran. För evigt i all tid och alltid. Amen! [Jesus] Varken du Simon eller femtiotusen Varken judar eller Rom Inte Judas, mina tolv eller någon farisé  Ej ens Jerusalem du land som dömts Kan förstå vad makten är Kan förstå vad ära är Ingen kan förstå, kan förstå något alls Om Du såg allt det jag ser min stad Jerusalem Då såg du att vi lever i en lögn I din tid blir plågorna svåra min stad Jerusalem  För att besegra döden måste du... bli villig nu att dö.
English translation:
[Simon and the people] Christ, we follow you anytime and anywhere Yes, I believe in you and God, so tell me that I’m saved [The people] Jesus, I am with you Touch me, touch me, Jesus [Simon] Jesus what more do you want to see, to know that you’re victorious and leading us today Against the pack from Rome that invaded Terrorizing our lives, our country, our law? [People] Christ, we follow you anytime and anywhere Do you see me wave now? Then say that I am saved [Simon] Simon is with you! [People] Jesus, I am with you, touch me, touch me, Jesus Jesus you are my idol, touch me, touch me, Jesus [Simon] Here there are over fifty thousand Who sing in worship of you Everyone of the fifty thousand Would do anything you ask, just say. So let them sing out in praise But give them the courage to go against Rome! Win there and you’ll grow bigger So the whole world becomes your throne [Simon and the people](not writing all of this out) For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever For you shall have the power and all the glory Forever, for all time and ever Amen! [Jesus] Neither you, Simon nor fifty thousand Neither Jews nor Rome Not Judas, my twelve, or any Pharisee Not even Jerusalem, you land that’s been condemned Can understand what power is Can understand what glory is No one can understand, can understand anything at all If you saw all that I’ve seen, my city, Jerusalem Then you would see that we live a lie In your time, the sufferings get tough, my city, Jerusalem To defeat death you must… be willing now to die
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Then there are some mixed clips:
Here and here
And lastly, some gifs:
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