#Borderlands fanfiction
snappedsky · 4 months
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies drops in on Rhys to tell him about her good day, while he's having a bad day.
New Tales From the Borderlands Part 1
The Sky Rider drifts lazily through space towards no destination. In its pilot chair, Skies is lounging, her feet up on the console as she scrolls mindlessly through the ECHOnet.
She stops when she sees a new article from Forge’s- one with her name on it.
“Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter: The Most Successful Independent Agent in the Galaxy?”
A grin spreads across her face and she spins around in her seat, kicking her feet and giggling madly.
“I have go to show this to Rhys,” she declares and puts the coordinates to Promethea into her auto-navigator. The Sky Rider immediately blasts off through hyper space.
It slows to a stop outside of Promethea’s orbit. Not far away is Atlas’ spaceship headquarters. Skies parks her ship and uses her ECHO device to fast travel straight to Rhys’ office.
“Rhysie!” she sings, sliding across the floor from the fast travel station. “You gotta check out this article! It is the funniest thing-.”
“Skies!” Rhys barks, “how many times have I told you to call before you come bursting in?”
Skies stops and finally notices someone else in the room.
She’s a woman, neatly dressed with brown skin and brown hair tied up into a bun. She’s holding some kind of little gun-looking device and has a very guilty look on her face.
“Oops, sorry,” Skies says, “I should’ve guessed you’d be busy.”
“Wait, aren’t you Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter?” the woman asks.
“That’s me,” she replies, beaming proudly. “And you are?”
“Dr. Anuradha Dhar,” she says, “I work in Research and Development.”
“For now,” Rhys grunts, and she withers.
“I’ll just wait outside until you’re all done in here,” Skies says, “try not to get fired, Dr. Dhar.”
“Skies!” Rhys snaps.
“I’m going, I’m going,” she says and quickly trots out the door.
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schmude · 1 year
Drew Zane Flynt since it's been a hot minute since I've last drawn him...
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altrodent · 1 year
Life Saver
Pairing: Timothy Lawrence x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Teeth rotting fluff, past relations with Handsome Jack, tiniest bit of angst, slow burn, Borderlands2/3 spoilers?, mentions of alcohol, lotssss of swearing lol, siren reader
Summary: After reunifying with someone from your past, you finally realize that someone you truly needed was taken away from you, just not the one you expected it to be.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote moxxi’s name like moXXXi for most of the story, please bear with me. Also, most of this was written very late at night and only poorly reviewed a couple times
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After the not-so-tragic passing of a psychopath who controlled your entire career, you finally ended up back on track with your life. You originally worked as head of defensive security at the one and only Hyperion, but where did it all go wrong? It began when Jack broke up with his, at the time, girlfriend moxxxi. You couldn’t tell if it was desperation, or just a thing he was into, but he quickly took a liking to you. A person in charge, power, strength, but not more than him economically. He eventually “promoted” you to his assistant and you absolutely despised it. He made an excuse that the desk he ordered for you wouldn’t ship for a while, so you’d have to sit on his lap while he did his work. Though he was attractive, wealthy, and even kinda funny, it just felt gross- perverted even… and not the good consensual kind.
Whilst you worked there, eventually you started seeing him more often, except it wasn’t him. It was a man named Timothy, one of his duplicates. He hired him to be a vault Hunter for him but eventually as time went on he talked to you more and more, even convinced Jack to let you go on some of his missions with him. He was sweet and funny, and maybe at some point you were interested in him, but the way Jack had you wrapped around his finger, he’d pull you back in if he realized you got too close to Timothy.
Years later after working with them, Jack finally passed away leaving you go back to a career that was your own. While you wanted to find Timothy, you just didn’t have enough time, though if he survived that long working for Jack, he’s sure to be fine. As time passed, you became a Vault Hunter originally for the thrill of the kill and to hopefully just do whatever the hell you wanted alone, but you caved and ended up joining a crew on a ship called “The Sanctuary” and even though you knew your rule about not getting attached, you were sure they could handle themselves fine if anything happened. They could, and still do, one day when wandering around this ship you finally enter the brightly glowing pink room. You always noticed it, but was always too busy trying to complete missions for the other members. It looked like a bar after going on a killing spree for days takes all the energy out of you.
“Hey, sugar, never seen you around here” said a beautiful pale woman with a harlequin type corset “Yeah, I rarely have time to… explore.” You said, with a sigh. The woman can tell by the dark circles around your eyes that you’ve been busy, she’s clever so she puts two and two together. “You’re the Vault Hunter, right, pleasure” she puts her hand out, you grasp it with a firm shake even though it looks like you’ve been to hell and back. She starts making you a drink, seems like Lilith spilled to her some of your interests, which leads to a very interesting offer; “So, Vault Hunter, I was wondering if you’d like to take me up on an offer.” She leans against the bar getting close to your face “… what kind of offer..?” She smiles before moving a piece of hair out of her face “Well, wanted to see if you’d be interested in a raid of the Handsome Jackpot casino and claim its riches. You can say no but, you will get a lot out of this heist” her gaze doesn’t look away from you, intent on getting you to do the mission “How much are we talking?” She walks around the bar, picking up a scribbled-on clipboard on her way, and presents it to you. “Holy shit.” She hums a laugh “So, do we have a deal, VH?” She smiles and holds her hand out once more, needing your trust “Yeah, we do.” You take her hand and shake it. “I’ll send the coordinates to your Echo, from there I’ll guide you through. When you get there please don’t die, I prefer my attractive customers to stay alive.” She sends you a wink as you take one last drink before preparing to head to the Casino.
You jump on the drop pod, to head to- what might just be, the most rewarding mission you could ever imagine. Sure shooting Skags for the nice old man on Pandora is rewarding but, this is a literal heist. You had heard of ‘handsome Jack’ but you knew Jack, so you weren’t very ecstatic to see him again, even if it was just for this mission. Sure he’s dead, doesn’t mean you want to completely cut him out of your life altogether. From the small window of your drop-pod you see what is a giant hologram of Jack’s head. Once your pod drops, two robots try to stop you and get you to pay for “VIP” valet, you just shake your head no and then run past them into the building. “For a fancy casino… this place looks like shit.” You hear a giggle over your ear piece “Yeah, after Jack died the casino got ransacked with debt-ridden peasants. They’re the one’s we’re gonna help, sugar. Hopefully most of them won’t have to feel your wrath on the way~” you huff a laugh, before making your way to a giant slot machine? “What the fu-“ “Jack here! Welcome to the Handsome Jackpot! Who’s ready to give me their money?” The man himself, again as a giant hologram… he loves himself, too much “After all these years, I still want to kick his dick in.” You mumble, Moxxxi laughs “Keep that energy up, Vault Hunter, you’ll need it”
“That’s Jack for you. Dead seven years and still is trying to screw us over.” You roll your eyes, “tell me about it.” Moxxxi tuts “I have a question, if I may, did you know Jack? Before he died?” You purse your lips “Yeah, unfortunately. Used to be his head of security, then he ‘promoted’ me to basically his own personal lap dog” you kick away some of the robots, moxxxi gasps “Sugar, were you the person at reception? I remember you now, I always felt so bad that you had to be so close to him everyday.” You sigh “I got the attention I never had, but not in the way I preferred… well until the other Jack came.” You reach a room full of more debt-riders “dammit, what a waste of ammo…” you look down at your fist and shrug, you realize that the debt these people owed made them unable to afford any source of energy… or guns, for that matter. “Wait, Sugar, what ‘other Jack’?” You grunt as another debtor tries to take you down “Can you give me a sec, Mox?” You turn your echo piece off, as you slam them into the floor. You tilt your head back “god, why is there SO MANY?!” Another wave falls from the ceiling, you give in to the waste and take out a gun and knock them all down with a single mag. You click your echo piece on again “What were you asking about-?” You said, whilst looting some of their bodies for home fully something. “The other Jack? Who is it?” You bite the inside of your lip “Jacks dead, so I can say his name now, right? He might be dead too- I don’t know I think he said it was Jim- Jimmy? Jimothy? I feel shitty now, he was like the only person I talked to when working at Hyperion-“ “Timothy Lawrence, hm, never would take you for the type.” You pause your looting “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Your jaw drops in disbelief “Nothing, Sugar.” You can hear her giggle on the other side “Head out the exit, you should see a giant tower, it’s the biggest thing in the casino by a mile. Now if I know Jack, and I’m ashamed to say I did, that tower is where we can find the keys to the kingdom.”
After about an half an hour of wandering around and killing all the debtors, you reached what Jack so “greatly” named the Spendopticon. All of a sudden you get an incoming transmission from someone named “Pretty Boy” you groan “What do you wan-“ he cuts you off, very rudely “Welcome to the Casino! So you’re the big spender who’s been racking up charges, eh?” Your face grimaces before shooting a debtor that tried crawling on you “uh, yeah? I guess, who the hell are you?” He laughs as you’re trying to shake off more people “Heh, well pardon our mess there, we’re still working on ‘renovations’. But all you need to know is I’m the boss here. Anyone gives you a hard time, just ask for Pretty Boy, heh! I’ll sort them out for ya.” You groan as you swing at another one “Look ‘Pretty Boy’, thanks for the offer, but I’m good working alone.” He sighs “Well, my offer still stands, don’t go breakin’ my heart so soon, toots.” He signs off “God, why does everything with Jack have to end up creepy and slightly perverted?” Moxxxi hums, “I don’t know sugar, but at least we know who the boss is. But don’t trust a word he says, he seems all teeth.”
You wander around to another court yard, but this time it’s different. The robots don’t seem to attack you, they race past you to fight off the debtors who are causing a riot. Stunned, you walk past him. Once you snuck past, you see something out of the ordinary “Can ANYONE hear me?” A voice yells from inside a big yellow crate, guarded by giant loader bots. “Hahaha! I got all the time in the world, Timmie! All the time in the world.” You step closer to the crate until a loose sheet of metal gets caught on your boot and makes a loud crash “shit.” The door on the crate rattles “Is someone out there?! Please, help me out!” Pretty boy laughs over the Spendopticon’s PA systems “Have fun with my loaders, ya schmuck!” The loaders all turn to you, “Can’t I just have ONE mission on a nice beach somewhere?” You whine, while you really aren’t one to complain, you haven’t slept in a while and your body is running off whatever gasoline liquor Moxxxi have you on the sanctuary earlier. You grab your gun of choice from your bag, and load in a new mag “Come on robitches, let’s dance.”
Pretty Boy calls in for more backup, you get distracted and an EXP-loader hits hard, destroys your armor completely. “Fuck!” Pretty Boy laughs and mocks you right before you shoot the screen with his ugly mug on it, unfortunately for your gun that was all the ammo you had left. Luckily, using the anger from the guy in the box complaining that he was trapped, you took out your rage against the robots and started bashing their mechanical heads in with the butt of your gun. “You might’ve destroyed my screens, but your next toots. And Timmie, it was nice seeing ya, handsome bastard. We’ll talk soon!” And with that the final loader drops and you head back to the door. It swings open revealing a man hunched over with a metallic right hand, and his hoodie up. He raises his hands “N-n-no! Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! Don’t- this isn’t what it looks like…” he pulls up his hoodie, and immediately you raise your gun more. If it wasn’t bad enough his face was everywhere, there is no way in hell… he survived! It’s Jack, but it doesn’t feel like it, also isn’t he supposed to be dead? You raise a brow in confusion and you keep your gun steady. There isn’t any ammo, but he doesn’t know that. “Explain yourself, now, or I’ll turn your face into ground beef.” He raises his hands more “I just need you to-“ he pauses and his hands drop slowly “It…it’s you…”
your brows furrow and you slowly lower your gun “I’m who?” His lip corners twitch, unknowing wether to feel happy to see you do upset that you don’t remember him right off the bat. He pulls his shirt collar down to reveal a pendant, a pendant you knew all too well. When you two finished your first mission, the older woman who you helped made you both matching charm necklaces. They were gorgeous and even engraved your initials together, since she thought you two were dating. You put your gun down, you reach into one of your pockets and pull out your pendant. You lock eyes with him, “Timothy, is it really you…?” He smiles, and before he can even respond something inside you breaks. The cold outer shell that formed over the last tasking 7 years sheds away as your muscles move, without your will, and pull him into a warm embrace. It doesn’t take long for him to bury his face in your hair, and hold you like he was never going to let go. “I was so worried about you, Tim… I should’ve taken you with me, I- I’m sorry.” He pulls away and cups your face “Don’t apologize! You’re here now, that’s all I’ve ever wanted… wait, why are you here anyways? I mean, I’m glad your here, but you got to escape Jack why-“ you grab his shoulders to get his attention “Would love to fill you in on what I’ve been doing for the past 7 years, but I need your help.” He smirks at me “I’ll help you as much as you need, baby- I’m sorry! The DNA… yeah I got some of his DNA so stuff like that happens now. But what do you need help with?” Your face is blushed a bit from the first bit, but you manage to snap yourself out of it “I’m trying to figure out how to get into Jacks tower.” He snorts “Join the club, butt-face! Oh my lanta, Im soso sorry I really can’t help it.” You giggle, and he turns his gaze away but, you’re not stupid and you can see that blush on his cute cheeks. “I can get you in though, this-a-way!” He spins your shoulders so you’re now facing the way to walk, and while you’re walking to wherever you need to go you decide to ask him a couple of questions. “So Jack infused you with his DNA so now you make weird Jack remarks?” He groans “Yes, it’s the worst. I felt like I wasn’t myself before, and now I’m like an off-brand version of Jack!” He pouts, and you giggle at his expression “Look, as long as there’s a tiny bit of you still in there, that’s all that matters… and hey, maybe once this is all over, I can get my medic on my ship to get you back to normal… if you want to, of course.” He’s not listening, or maybe he is? You can’t tell, he’s just gazing at you as you tiredly ramble to him. “You have a medic, and a ship, and you still are talking to me?” You nod “Why wouldn’t I?” He looks down at his feet and shrugs, before seeing blood at yours. His eyes widen to see that the explosion he heard earlier, was displayed very boldly on your back. “Shit! You’re bleeding- like a lot!” You yawn “I’m fine that happens.” He takes your arm and rushes you to a door in a nearby wall “Well, I was gonna do a tour but I don’t want you to die on the doormat!”
He gently sits you in a chair while he grabs a small medical kit he had hiding underneath a nearby pipe. He’s panicking, to wrap your wound but when he does your echo falls to the floor. “Hey, hun stay awake okay? I don’t want you… dying.” You happy-pout “You’re so nice Tim…” he squishes your cheeks “And you’re so stupid! Sorry- DNA, again… but still, please don’t get this hurt again, I don’t want anything bad to happen.” You rolls your eyes and lean your forehead against his “Yeah, yeah…” he fiddles with his hands “Maybe- maybe we can push the mission off until tomorrow?” You huff “I’m fine, Timmy, I swear-“ he squeezes your face between his hands “Hun, you look tired, hungry and you could die if I don’t help you. So please, just let me do this for you… you’d do the same for me, right?” You groan, “Tim, I promise, I’m fine…” he rolls his eyes “If you were fine we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we?” You avoid his gaze, he was right. But you didn’t want to be weak, you didn’t want to be vulnerable.
“I’d hate to break up this sweet moment, sugar, but we do need him to help us with the mission.” Moxxxi speaks over your echo, Timothy picks it up “Moxxxi? You’re working on this mission?” This hurts a little, sure you were his friend before you were a Vault Hunter, but that doesn’t mean you maybe didn’t crush on him at one point or another. And Mox is literally the Handsome Jack gaze, Timothy… Tim could love her. Moxxxi finally moves from my echo to the holo-pad, “Tell my why I shouldn’t let the Vault Hunter blow your brains out Timothy?” He raises his hands “Moxxxiiiii, hi… look, they’re basically bleeding out can you just let me handle that first?” She crosses her arms before looking at you. He turns around to see that you’re standing up, seemingly fine. “Wait are you..” he lifts the back of your shirt, the wound is gone “How-“ he furrows his brows trying to figure it out before Moxxxi interrupts him “VH is fine, again, tell me why we should trust you.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Look, Mox, I trust him. If he wanted to kill me already he would’ve. And besides, I know he couldn’t if he tried either.” He pouts “what’s that supposed to mean-“ she sighs “Whatever you say Sugar, but what use does he have for us?”
He moves around to my side “Well, as unfortunate as it is, I both look, sound and even have a little bit of his DNA. I can get the vault Hunter where they need to go.” Moxxxi walks up to you “Are you sure about this? I trust your decision VH.” You nod, a slight smile on your face. She hums “Okay, well don’t get carried away in here, Sugar.” She sends you a wink before logging off, leaving you a confused flustered mess. Tim leans over to look at your face “You okay- also, again, never answered my question! How’d you heal your back?!” You grab your echo again “I’m fine, and I-“ you paused, you never told him. He’s never seen it, your siren markings. How would he react to knowing that you his that from him ever since you met. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” You scratch your head, “I’ll tell you about it later, we ne-“ he raises a brow and looks at you with probably the sternest face he’s ever made. “We need to get you to stop blowing me off.” You sigh as he moves to face you and gently places his hands on your shoulders “Talk to me.” You can’t say no to him, “Fine, just… promise you won’t get mad?” He smiles “I could never get mad at you” god you really want to kiss him right now- BESIDES THE POINT, you clear your throat “Just uhm… this is a little odd, so just bear with me here.” He nods, you take off your remaining chest armor and lift the under shirt to reveal glowing markings that curve around your chests features. He’s just standing there staring, maybe it’s cause he’s confused, maybe it’s cause he didn’t know your a siren… most likely because you just lifted your shirt for him, but beyond that, you’re concerned. “I was talking with my medic, Tannis, and she ran some experiments on me and when I woke up I had these siren markings. I don’t know how she did it but it makes me able to like save myself? I just keep forgetting about it, I usually never had the pleasure of not bleeding out.” He’s still standing there “Timothy, you’re staring.” He shakes his head, his cheeks colored a bright cherry red “Sorry, yeah uhm… that’s cool as shit, also maybe next time a more descriptive warning- but nonetheless, we should probably get going on this mission, yeah?”
He walks around the Spendopticon showing you all the entrances, the turrets and most importantly where he thinks the plan will work most. And before you know it, after days upon days of fighting, and even a trusted persons betrayal, you’re finally here. Pretty Boy kidnapped Timothy, and he wants your head on a mount. Unfortunately for you, he has a giant mecha-Jack suit, and you have to take him out by yourself. As easy as it may seem to a hardcore vault Hunter, you also have Timothy’s life- as well as yours on the line. He set it to self destruct, and the only way you can stop it is by defeating pretty boy and setting Timothy free. Luckily, Pretty boy isn’t used to having such height or the mechs controls, so as long as you move a lot he can’t seem to hit you. He finally get downed “Would you like to upgrade to the premium shield package?” You hear Pretty Boy slam the controls “No, dammit! Just go back to work!” Soon more of his loaders spawn. You walk near Timothy as you kill them “Are you doing alright in there?” He kneels down to talk to you “Are you alright out there? I would help but these bars burn like hell!” You grunt as you kick away one of the mini-loaders “I’ll be fine, Tim, trust me.”
Soon enough Pretty Boy stands back up “Round two, Toots!” You look back at Timothy “wai-“ You reload your gun “I’ll be right back, swear!” You run right up to pretty boy, shooting his mech in the weak spots that were basically already ripping open due to the pure amount of gun fire. Eventually you shoot at the spot for long enough to the point that the legs aren’t functioning correctly anymore. He gets distracted and you take this opportunity to shoot at this other weak spots. Mainly his joints. Usually you would aim for the head, but seeing as that’s quite literally the only part of the mech that backfired, you chose not to aim for it… it literally repelled your bullets. Eventually after enough damage to the robot he gets downed again. You slide over to a crate and grab more ammo before one of the mini-loaders starts shooting at you. “Why you little-“ you pick it up and throw it at the other one and they both make a tiny explosion. Cute, but unfortunate. You make your way back over to Timothy “Hey, Tim-Tim, you still doing okay?” He squats “Maybe you should stop talking to me, and focus on not dying, hun” you tilt your head “Hun? What’s with that, and why do you care so much? Do you not trust me?” He points, and before even getting a word out, you cut him off with the sound of a pistol. “Yeah, loader, got it, answer my question”
you continue to blast your way through the small wave of loaders “firstly, I said hun because of the DN- no, because I wanted too, and secondly I care because-“ The mecha-Jack stands once again “Dammit! Can this stupid bitch stay down! I’ll be right back Tim, we can talk after you’re safe!” He throws his arms up in anguish, before accidentally brushing his finger against the lasers “Fuck!” And finally, after Mecha-Jack starts to fly, he falls just as fast. Pretty boy crawls out of his head and tries running away, you pull him by the collar back “P-please! Toots, don’t hurt me, I’ll do anything! Wealth, power, what do you want?” You point your gun at his head “I want quiet.” You pull the trigger and his final breath draws. Though his life ended yours continues… but it won’t forever if you can’t shut down the course towards the wormhole. “Use that panel over there, it should work!” You type it in before the Hyperion voice lady boots you out “We need your DNA, Tim.” He groans “And I can’t get out of here without that either… look, you should leave” you look at him in disbelief “Timothy, why the hell would you say that, I’m not leaving you here. That’s not funny.” He kneels down to face you “I’m not Joking… you have such a cool full life ahead of you, and I don’t want you to die just because I’m trapped in this shitty laser cage-“ he stands up, obviously with an idea “Timothy I’m not-“ he shushes you “Wait I have an idea. Cover your ears, I don’t want you to hear this.”
You look around the room, but oblige covering your ears. He hesitantly brings his hand up to the laser and screams bloody murder while he slowly saws it off. You cringe, you don’t like seeing him get hurt. He finishes cutting his hand off and he sits in pain “Just… just pick that up, hun… use that I need a second-“ he breathes shakingly as you pick up his severed hand and place it onto the machine “Handsome DNA detected! Self-destruction by wormhole protocol: cancelled. Cages: cleared.” The Handsome Jackpot stops moving and Timothy’s cage bars fall. He jumps down and meets you eye to eye “Who knew that after all these years you’d still be helping me?” You smile as his arms meet your waist “Never said I would stop, did I?” He chuckles as your arms wrap around his neck “Well I think my hero deserves a long awaited reward.” He looks at your lips and back to your eyes, you nod before he tilts his head and locks his lips with yours. As cheesy as it is, you’ve always dreamt of this, preferably without the murder bots and the small guy’s corpse behind you, but beggars can’t be choosers. “You owe me one, now, you know that Tim?” He laughs “Yeah, yeah… come on, let go loot the shit out of this casino.” As quickly as the debt raked up, it fell just as fast. And everyone was finally free from Jack greedy hands for the last time.
The End (?)
(A/N): I might make a “Timothy on the Sanctuary” fluff story after this, you won’t need to have read all of this to read that one, but it’s gonna be so fluffy (I’m ill, don’t ask 😭) But I hoped you somewhat enjoyed this! I was on a mental rollercoaster writing this.
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justaworm13 · 14 days
Hey for those in the borderlands community, do yall have characters you want an “x reader” fic of? Preferably a character that has little to no fics/content.
I’m planning some more scooter ones (I’ve only got one scooter fic posted but I need to fix that), but I know there’s people who have their own blorbos they wanna smooch so feel free to give characters n prompts. I’ll post my Ao3 here when I make them
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rlyc00l · 9 months
Hey guys! I'm still writing even when I take a long time. :) I think awhile back I said I'd upload two chapters together but you know what, just to get one out there quicker here it is. It's a Maya chapter. Dumb bonus notes under the cut (for like, after you read the chapter)
So basically I tend to be a massive perfectionist with everything and I finally went "okay this is fanfiction and I take forever writing it and meanwhile, I'm trying to work on an actual novel, I'm gonna go easier on myself with this. Because it's for fun. For me."
I think Maya is fully capable of being a pretty bad person like all Vault hunters should be. It's more fun when they're morally flexible.
I had this note pinned to the side of the document that was like "The Office scene Michael kidnaps pizza guy" and it didn't end up being that useful as inspiration but I sure did keep thinking about it as I wrote.
I let my 11-year-old niece read P0is0ned because after finding out I wrote a fic she kept asking me to read it. She's fine with watching like, Fury Road and Aliens, and this isn't going to have anything worse than that lol. She pointed out several typos but said I'm at least as good a writer as Erin Hunter of Warriors fame (prime child compliment) and then kept bugging me for an update. Honestly, really good motivation.
Hey, are there good sites to post fanfic that aren't ao3 or ff.net? I think I've asked this before but has the answer changed? I'm still stubbornly refusing to go back to the former.
Oh also, normally, if I were like, writing something with any intention to be professional, I would describe Campion's face? However, in the past I've been very put off by people's Zer0 face headcanons that didn't align to my tastes so, I figure, just let people imagine what they want. THOUGH, they are not very human at all!
Boy, I sure hope Borderlands hasn't added a minor character named Campion since I've stopped looking. They sure did that with another character name I planned to use.
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amusement-park-date · 27 days
Here we go again, I considered waiting on this one, just sleeping on it and working on it tomorrow. But I simply couldn't, I had to get this out here right away.
Handsome Jack opens up to Rhys about his childhood trauma.
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worldscollideau · 2 years
Bad Ends Lead To Delightful Nightmares
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When a unstable portal opens into another universe, Rhys is dragged screaming into a world he's completely unfamiliar with, surrounded by strangers and...another version of himself?
Made by my wonderful friends @snailmp3 and @tellmehowtoexist, we are having a ton of fun with this! It's like playing with dolls hehehe <3 A crossover for our AU's and it's the best time ever!
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sinfulmarie · 1 year
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ladies and gents i have outdone myself yet again. new chapter of Vacillation II out now !! <3
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sinaliciousposts · 2 years
Another day, another prompt I just finished.
This time I ventured into the vast lands of Pandora.
What was my challange? I'm glad you asked.
Sentences to use:
- You're really cute, you know.
- Why can't you be honest with me? With yourself?
- I didn't know where else to go.
Fandom: Borderlands
Pairing: Handsome Jack/Female!Reader
Tags: Jack is being Jack (I hope), a little bit of brief strangulation (it is Jack we are talking about), strained relationship.
And now. On to the story:
That Bastard
Pandora. Relentless, harsh, unforgiving. Life on Pandora was all that. But it was still your home. As much as you hated this stinking planet, you still had to come to terms with it. As the daughter of a notorious bandit clan, your future was actually predetermined from birth. But you had chosen your own path. Your family did disinherit you and chased you away. You did not want to have anything to do with their way of life. Grown up among psychos, the abominable customs of the more sinister corners of Pandora were all too familiar to you. But you had been determined to leave all this behind. And your determination paid off. You couldn't leave this hellhole of a planet, but you were able to build up a halfway decent existence in Three Horns Devide on your own terms. You knew how to defend yourself and your eyes and ears were almost everywhere, building up a network to make your living. Your merchandise? Information.
This day had been particularly hot and you were glad that it was now slowly coming to an end. The sun was already low in the sky and from your elevated house you could see the dark outlines of the drydocks where the sun slowly disappeared behind. If you looked in the other direction, you could see Sanctuary glittering. Your echo made a beeping sound and you turned to examine the device. A new message was displayed. One of your informants. A tip about compromised power cells. No sooner had you finished reading the first message, a new message popped up with another ping. Dossiers about the new Vault Hunters, which had appeared on Pandora a few weeks ago. The only familiar name at first glance was Salvador. You knew that he, too, was Pandoran, just like you. You skimmed through all 6 dossiers and found that they were more than detailed. A few clicks on your echo and the usual amount went from your account to that of your informants. It was always good to pay your people enough. And with this information you could certainly make some money. After you finished the transaction, you threw your Echo back on the desk. You leaned back in your chair and put your feet up on the table. Maybe you should call it a day. You could just get a quick dinner and call it a night. Maybe you could visit Zed and get a few supplies to replace used med kits.
Your mind made up, you took your feet off the desk and straightened up to close your laptop next to you when an alert caught your attention. One of your motion detectors had gone off. A little worried, you pulled the device towards you and began your investigation. It was probably just a skag. But you could never be sure. You didn't want to risk being ambushed. You had seven surveillance cameras around your house. Skipping through all of them, you halted at camera six. At the foot of the ladder to your house, you could make out one person. A groan escaped you when you recognized him. That bastard.
Before he could reach your door, which was only ajar, you spoke your greeting to him: "Handsome Jack. What brings you to my humble little hut?". Your door opened with a squeak, revealing your visitor. He was wearing his usual dark blue jeans and gray jacket with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. Under the jacket he wore a brown vest with large silver buckles where a white overlong shirt protruded. Underneath you could see his yellow Hyperion shirt peeking out. He casually entered your dwelling in his brown sneakers. On his mask he had put on his usual arrogant grin. While one hand remained over his holster on his right leg, he made a dramatic, greeting gesture with his left hand and clicked his tongue. "Someday I am going to surprise you, kiddo." You rolled your eyes inwardly. You absolutely couldn't stand it when he called you kiddo. And he knew this. Relaxed, he now ran his hand through his graying brown hair. But his right hand remained on his hip. Still not stupid, you realized. Because you were also armed and would not hesitate to give him a shot or two if he so much as put a foot out of place. "I do not often entertain house calls. I handle my business through Echo usually. What kept you from calling like you normally do?" you wanted to know. He could and should keep his games to himself. You didn't want to get involved. "Awww, pumpkin. Is that any way to greet the best thing that could ever happen to you? Hmm?", his voice dripped with smugness. You let out an annoyed sigh. That you had ever gotten romantically involved with him, you somewhat regretted. His arrogance was more than off-putting, but you couldn't deny that he could be extremely charming. If he chose to be. "What do you want, Jack?"
If you could, you wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. With any luck, this would work out in your favor. Under no circumstances did you want to get wrapped around his little finger. Again. He seemed to notice your reluctance, because a twinkle appeared in his heterochromatic eyes. It gave you a sinking feeling in your gut. Did he now think this is a challenge? That bastard.
Whatever was going through his mind, you had to distract him somehow. "I don't feel like repeating myself," you began, watching Hyperion's CEO as he now flopped down, unwinding on your tattered sofa. "You should definitely do something about your decor. I'd be lying if I called it anything other than disgusting.", he wrinkled his nose while wiping the crumbs of your last meal off the armrest. "I'll have the bill for my dry cleaning and doctor sent to you. Hope I don't catch anything here." His gaze now turned back to you, while he rested his right foot on his left knee. He hadn't been listening to you or he was just ignoring you. Pissed off, you got up from your chair, walked around your desk and leaned on it with your arms crossed. "Jack. Cut the bullshit and get to the point. Say what you want and then get the fuck out of here.", you wanted to make it unmistakably clear to him that you weren't in the mood to play his stupid games today. You were tired and wanted to enjoy your evening off. You did make plans to head to Sanctuary and you wanted to reach it before it turned dark outside. In less than a second Jack had jumped up and had his right hand mercilessly around your throat. The weight of his body pushed you further into your desk, moving it a little in the process. A wave of fear came over you. Perhaps you had been too careless with your annoyed tone and choice of words. It was not wise to infuriate him, for he had learned to stand up for what he wanted and not settle for anything less. "Stop it, Jack. You're hurting me," you choked out. "You're really cute, you know. Giving me attitude one minute and almost shitting yourself in the next. You know exactly why I'm here." His face was very close to yours, so you could understand him even though you were gasping for air. As your gaze slowly blurred, you couldn't help but stare into his mismatched eyes. The left one was blue, as crystal clear as the sparkling ocean in the sun. The right one of a green, which made every other color pale beside it. The intensity in his eyes had always mesmerized you. It cost you immense effort not to lose yourself in his gaze. Before your vision completely darkened, he let go of your throat and took a few steps away from you. Panting and coughing, you took deep breaths as you sank to your knees. Your hands replaced his around your neck and rubbed. Surely there would be bruises in a couple of hours. That bastard.
He clicked his tongue disdainfully, then brought his irresistible grin back to his face. "Naaa, I'm not going to snuff out your little lights. What's the point of that? But I have to remind you: Watch your language, pumpkin." When your breathing had calmed down to some extent, you stood up. With a steady gaze, you looked into his mismatched eyes. "I'm unfortunately not sure why you are here. And I'm asking you to leave now," this time your tone was rather tired. Your voice slightly stricken. You held his intense look and couldn't help but notice something other than the usual intensity and his excessive cockiness flare up in his eyes. Was it doubt? Disbelief? Regret? You were not sure. But you would not flinch. "Why can't you be honest with me? With yourself?", Jack wanted to know in a whisper. This time his tone didn't ooze with smugness. The serious question caught you completely off guard and you couldn't hide your confusion. Slowly you turned your eyes away, took your Echo from the desk and went over to your sofa where you settled down exhausted. That bastard.
"Fifty thousand," was your curt reply. "Per dossier." He took out his Echo and clicked on it a couple of times. A ding on yours told you his money had arrived. You made sure it was the correct amount. Then you sent him a copy of the Vault Hunter's dossiers. Tired, you threw the Echo on the sofa next to you. "I'm not the only one who deals in information, you know," you mumbled to him while resting your head on one arm and kneading the bridge of your nose with the other hand. "I don't do business with bandits. And I have to be more than careful with whom I get involved with. You know me, cupcake. I didn't know where else to go." A little startled, you looked up at him. He was leaning on your desk now, arms leaning on it behind him, simply watching you. On his face, that incredibly charming grin that always made your stomach flutter. You noticed how you blushed when you realized that his last words were one of his rare and rather honest, if awkward, compliments. He could be charming. If he wanted to be. That bastard.
And with that, kiddos, I stagger off into the night. I slightly edited it. Got some good constructive critiscm to improve :)
I really hope you did enjoy it.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
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infinitybits87 · 1 year
Wow this Angel and AI Jack story feels a lot more real now. I got so much progress done on it during that WIP Wednesday thing that it’s really got bones to layer stuff on.
Everyone who commented or encouraged the concept thank you. I'm doing this for you but also the results are making me silly happy.
Some idle thoughts I hope you guys find interesting:
I’m trying to be really judicious about how and when Angel uses terms like “dad” and “father” in reference to Jack. Either Jack. I know she probably only calls Jack "sir" or his name in the games to maintain the twist about their relationship (and her not being an AI) but it feels significant and I'm gonna use the heck out of it.
Also I'm situating the story post pre-sequel but critically BEFORE Jack fully hooks Angel up to a constant supply of Eridium. Borderlands timeline is messy, but I feel pretty safe in assuming there was that in-between time, even if it was short. I want at least some good things for Angel, and I feel like this is the only logical point to intervene in her life.
If you like this story I'm always happy to talk about it. Talking about it keeps me motivated.
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snappedsky · 6 months
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies invites the Vault Hunters on a treasure hunt of epic proportions.
The Treasure of Captain Red-eye Part 1
“So, you wanna hear a story, do ya? One about pirates and treasure?”
“I told that story already,” Marcus complains, “the one about Captain Blade and the Lost Treasure of the Sands.”
“Sure,” Skies agrees from where she’s sitting at Moxxi’s bar, in front of the Crimson Raiders. “But that’s all that was- a story. This is an Epic.”
“Centuries ago there was a pirate queen by the name of Captain Red-eye,” she regales. “Red-eye commanded dozens of ships with hundreds of men. If you had to travel between planets, you had better pray to any god out there that your ship didn’t cross paths with her fleet, or she’d strip you of everything you were worth and leave you to freeze in space.”
“Red-eye was brilliant and powerful but what made her truly legendary was her treasure. With all the plundering she did over the years, she was rich enough to make the CEOs of today’s corporations blush. And she refused to spend it, instead hoarding it in the treasure rooms spread across her fleet. My kinda gal.”
“When Red-eye felt her life beginning to wane and come to an end, she gathered all of her treasure onto her flag ship, marooned her crew on a planet, and flew off with it on her own. Red-eye, her ship and, most importantly, her treasure have been lost ever since...until today.”
“About ten minutes ago, a Dahl research group was excavating a massive asteroid when they dug up something intriguing.”
Skies holds out her ECHO communicator and it displays a holographic image. It shows a symbol in the shape of an eyeball, the iris resembling an open, fanged mouth. “This was the insignia of Captain Red-eye’s flag ship, meaning that asteroid is where Red-eye parked to die hundreds of years ago, with her long lost treasure.”
“Since the news broke, every pirate, adventurer, mercenary, bounty hunter, low-life, thrill-seeker, treasure hunter, adrenaline junky, and money grubber in the galaxy is gonna go for that treasure and kill for as much as they can carry. And of course that includes me.”
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handsomemilo · 2 years
Little old me?
Noooooo... Never...
Ok love y'all it's me! I can't wait to release the first chapter, I'll post on here when I do it!! (this is for a fem reader, there will be one for a male reader but that may have to come after finishing this version first)
Here's the Cover babes (I'm still working on requests and other fics so it may take a while but I have a lot of spare time to go through and work on my fics and such)
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altrodent · 1 year
Ignited Passion
Pairing: Handsome Jack x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, swearing, a lot of angry Jack, a little spicy but no smut
Summary: You both just got royally fucked over by people you trusted, while you’re hurt, Jack, is on a rampage. This leads him to show some colorful emotions. 💛
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“Fuck! What the hell, what’s wrong with them?!” Jack is currently on his knees yelling the most rage you’ve ever heard from him “Being betrayed by my ex, and her two fugly friends! This is so shit!” You slowly walk over to him “Jack-“ “This isn’t over… we’ll tear them down! We’ll show them what’s what! We’ll get to that vault first!” Before you can even tap his shoulder, he grabs your wrist and turns to stand up “who needed them anyways? I have the key right here. We’re the only ones who did any work, and we can do it again, but this time they’ll be screwed.” He smiles crazily at you his hands moving up your arms. “Sir, I think you need to take a breather for a sec-“ his grip tightens “Look doll, love ya’, but you don’t get it. I need to kill them, as soon as physically possible. You and me, we have to KILL THOSE BASTARDS! FUCK IT!” He leaps from his spot and interlocks his lips with yours he groans as he grips your waist tightly. He pushes you against a nearby wall, as his lips start to create a mess with any sort of lipstick you had on before. Soon enough his lips trail from yours, to your chin and eventually your neck where he tenderly leaves soft bites. “Jack-“ he raises his head, whispering “Don’t talk, doll.” His lips go back to grindstone as he leaves a peppered trail of kisses along your jawline, eventually you notice your hands starting to travel across his body. They start at his arms and slowly work their way towards his chest, eventually reaching his shoulders. He brings his lips back to yours as his grip on your waist lightens, you let out a soft sigh as you melt into his softer embrace. He pulls away, you trialing after, not wanting it to end, “can’t get enough, huh, Pumpkin?”he leans his forehead against yours, you can feel his jittery breaths across your skin. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I can barely get enough of you mysel-“ just when he thought you were finished you dive right back in, the sweet taste of hot unfulfilled revenge lacing his lips. His hands open out of shock, but close once more once they meet your shoulders, he lets out a cocky laugh. Once more, your lips separate, and his forehead gently rests against yours “Yeah… this’ll do nicely” he places once last kiss on your lips before walking out on the bridge “Follow me, Doll. We’re gonna go kill some traitors.” You smile giddily as you trail behind him “Yessir” you let out a breathy laugh as you catch up with him. Ah, two psychotic idiots in love.
(A/N): This wasn’t the greatest thing I’ve ever wrote, but for some reason I was typin and a whole kissy makeout scene popped up so that’s what cha got. 😭💛
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angeltannis · 1 year
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Borderlands (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Gaige/Moze (Borderlands), Lorelei & Moze (Borderlands), Ava & Moze (Borderlands), Angel & Patricia Tannis, Gaige & Tyreen Calypso Characters: Moze (Borderlands), Gaige (Borderlands), Ava (Borderlands), Lorelei (Borderlands), Patricia Tannis, Angel (Borderlands), Lor (Borderlands), Tyreen Calypso, Troy Calypso Additional Tags: he/him transmasc Moze, they/them NB Ava, more character tags to be added - Freeform, Bodysharing, Canon-Typical Violence, Ava brings about horrors heretofore inconceivable, Gay Bowling Night, and other fun events sponsored by the Crimson Gayders Series: Part 4 of Iron Summary:
Since rejoining the Raiders a few months ago, Gaige has quickly learned how different things are nowadays. Sanctuary is falling apart, their Commander is a troublemaking teenager obsessed with the dark arts, and her dead best friend lives in the brain of the strangest member of their team. Thankfully, she's found companionship in the org's level-headed tactical advisor. Moze is everything Gaige isn't, and that's exactly what she needs to keep her grounded these days.
Unfortunately, returning to the Raiders means there's never a true day of peace. When Ava uses the magic of a stolen Xylourgos tome to blur the lines between life and death, old dangers resurface, and Gaige and Moze must contend with ghosts of the past both real and emotional.
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thesexygeekythings · 2 years
New chapter is up on AO3 for DDAGTP2
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th3atr3phant0m · 2 years
Rhys had had a less than optimal past as far as dating experiences went. He hadn't always been the best judge of character and he'd paid because of it. Of course, Rhys had plenty of wonderful people in his life- his beloved best bro, Vaughn, and their mutual friends Sasha, Fiona, and Yvette. There were fantastic people in his life and his standards for how people should treat him had increased from allowing people to walk all over him like a doormat to actually demanding basic respect from those around him. He'd come a long way over the years and both he and Vaughn were incredibly proud of that. Still, that didn't negate the impact his past had had on his life. 
Rhys wasn't a complete moron- on some level, even back when he would accept any kind of horrible treatment from everyone around him with minimal complaint, he was aware that some of the things he dealt with from others were… extreme. He knew that some of the things he allowed to happen shouldn't happen. He knew that some things were too far. 
But he had been desperate and he had been stupid. 
Really, that stupidity and his warped perception of how his relationships with other people should work were what lead to Rhys ending up in the worst romantic relationship he had ever had: his revolting coworker Hugo Vasquez. 
Read the rest here!
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