#Boris My name is blank
New Video: Boris Shares a Frenzied "Headbanger's Ball"-Like Ripper
New Video: Boris Shares a Frenzied "Headbanger's Ball"-Like Ripper @Borisheavyrocks @RelapseRecords @yutaro_artlove
Formed back in 1992, Japanese, experimental heavy rock outfit Boris ((ボリス, Borisu) — currently core members Takeshi (vocals, bass, guitar), Wata (vocals, guitar, keys, accordion and echo) Atsuo (vocals, drums, percussion and electronics) with Mucho (drums) — settled on their current lineup in 1996. Since then, the members of Boris have tirelessly explored their own genre-defying take on heavy…
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aquamarine021109 · 1 month
Introduction (because I actually haven't done one surprisingly)
Name: not sharing my real name, but you can call me aquamarine or aqua for short
Age: 15
Pronouns: I use any/all pronouns including neos but I usually prefer she/they
Sexuality: biromantic aegoromantic fictoromantic nebularomantic aegosexual
Gender: agender demigirl/paragirl with alot of xenogenders
Otherkin: crowdemonkin
my otherlinks that are characters: all versions of c!wilbur (from dsmp), toga (from MHA), angel dust (from hazbin hotel), inosuke (from demon slayer), bakugo (from MHA), denki (from MHA), shigaraki (from MHA), the TBH creature, leonardo (from TMNT 2012),
my otherlinks that are mythical/animals: demon, dragon, siberian husky, black cat, crow,
I experience phantom limbs and the ones I experience are: horns on my forehead and sometimes wings on my back.
Things I do support: LGBT+, furrys, therians/otherkins, wilbur, (you can put in the comments the stuff I forgot)
Things I DON'T support: homophobic/transphobic people, racist/xenophobic people, people that hate on disabled people/people that have disorders, pedophiles, zoophilia, abuse, animal abuse, people on Twitter that try to cancel people for no reason, shelby,
Fandoms im in: dsmp, qsmp(I actually haven't been watching qsmp lately so can someone tell me whats been happening because I stopped watching it around the time of the enderking showing up), MHA(literally my fav anime rn), ddlc, BATIM, cooking companions(I literally love that game), sims4, Helluva boss and hazbin hotel(I LOVE THOSE SHOWS), backrooms, marvel, the boys(love that show), AOT, fnaf, demon slayer, tokyo revengers, TMNT 2012,
Some fun facts about me: im autistic, my two Hyper fixations right now are dsmp and mha, I have a auditory disorder(which means I have a really hard time reading subtitles and focusing on the visuals/story at the same time), I prefer to watch anime in the eng dub than sub, I have arachnophobia(fear of spiders) and a little bit of thalassophobia(fear of the deep ocean), my fav mha characters are denki and amajiki, im a multishipper, my favorite dsmp characters are c!wilbur and c!jack, my fav colors are blue and purple, my favorite lovejoy songs are warsaw, portrait of a blank slate, and normal people things, I recently got into anime a few months ago with the first anime being my hero academia,
Unpopular opinions of mine: I liked thor love and thunder and thor the dark world, I liked she-hulk and s2 of Jessica jones, I liked avengers age of altron, I liked mha s5 more than s4, I liked ironfist s1 better than the entirety of luke cage, I like dub way better than sub in anime, I find anteaters cute(yes I know dont tell wilbur that iykyk), my least favorite lovejoy songs are perfume and taunt, my fav ycgma songs are losing face and your sister was right, my least fav ycgma song is im sorry boris,
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
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Barking Mad
Pat didn’t lie to Ajax. Those memories that flooded him that day and made him sick are gone. If he tries to imagine a centaur on a mountain, his mind pulls a blank. He doesn’t know Chiron’s face or remember his coat pattern. He could have been chestnut or dapple gray or black, and when he imagines it, each seems as likely as the other. He doesn’t remember Phthia, or Opus, or Troy or the dogs Achilles supposedly gave him or what their names were. His mind fills them in with patients and dog park acquaintances.  When he tries to imagine the sea, he instead pictures the lake, but the waters in that part of the world are lighter, aren’t they? Greener. But he knows that from photographs, if it’s even true, not from ancient memories.
Who is to say the sea is even the same color as it was back then?
The only lie he told was when he implied to Ajax he did not love him. Now that was a stupid thing to say. Stupid and shameful. Ajax also knows it isn’t true, which means he knows Pat only said it to hurt him.
A patient whines plaintively about the indignity of having to get vaccines, and Pat returns to checking over the notes about their few current inpatients that came in while he was away. He’ll fix things with Ajax after work.
Boris here is in a sorry state, feverish with a runny nose and a possible cough if the owner is to be believed, though he is well enough at least to enjoy a belly-rub. He refuses the treat offered, but about half of the dogs do given that they are stocked with free samples of “healthy” snacks, which go over with dogs about as well as they do with children. Pat talks to the owner as he types up his diagnosis and treatment plan. Somewhat standard, but if he does keep coughing, he will have to come back for observation.
“Sorry, doctor” –Pat turns his head to the owner at the interruption— “But did you just say I should give my dog horseradish?”
“No. Did I? No.” He chuckles to himself nervously, checking to make sure he did not write “horseradish” in the notes, then carefully deletes that section and writes in “doxycycline.” He clears his throat. “No, he’ll be taking antibiotics, obviously, to start. And I can’t imagine Boris here likes spicy food, do you, Boris?”
Read the rest here | Or start from the beginning
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grandhotelabyss · 8 months
Whether yours or something you've read, what's the best definition of art/a work of art?
If definitions come in descriptive and normative forms—descriptive: finding the essence of all the disparate phenomena we do or could call art; normative: deciding what unites the limited set of phenomena that deserve the name of art—then I believe a descriptive definition may be impossible.
Art could be almost any practice or object, because any practice can be done and any object made artfully. Whole lives have been described as works of art, as have casual gestures of the hand. Art may just refer to some latent potential for shaped gratuitous interest (i.e., beauty) in the whole human-made world—except that some believe animals capable too, as the birds and the whales do sing, while monkeys and elephants have been taught to paint. Art may just be life transcending itself, reflecting itself, working on itself: the final secret of whatever is the principle of vitality, "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower." "The art itself is nature."
All very psychedelic, but we like to make judgments, too, and even need to do so, because we have only so many hours in the day, only so much room in the gallery, only so many weeks on the syllabus. We need, therefore, a normative definition. Most of the modern ones since Kant have fixed on art as "uselessness," which partially inspired my word "gratuitous" above, i.e., art is whatever is not practical, whatever exceeds and therefore both redeems and judges the prevailing utilitarianism of the modern world. As Gautier's original l'art pour l'art manifesto quips, elevating art over use, "The most useful room in the house is the lavatory."
Contemporary theorist Boris Groys has historicized this idea with his slogan "art emerges as the death of design." In other words, before the modern period, art was reduced to its use, largely as propaganda: it ornamented and inculcated the ideas of the ruling classes, from the bard celebrating aristocratic heroes in epic song to the builder fashioning cathedrals to cow the illiterate parishioner on behalf of the Catholic Church to the painter making portrait after portrait of the old regime's elite. Art, therefore, was no more than design, a constrained set of protocols for elaborating and augmenting social power. Art in the modern sense of the gloriously inutile was only invented with the French Revolution, when the radicals, instead of destroying the design of the old regime—throwing the portraits on a bonfire; smashing the altarpieces with a hammer—put them into museums, to be admired for their beauty (complexity, intricacy, intelligence...in short, for their "gratuitous" humanity) now that their inequitable social function had been stripped from them. Art, then, is whatever's left over after the propagandistic element of a piece of design has drained away, which is why we still take pleasure, for example, in Dante, though we don't share his views—and I don't just mean his social attitudes (homophobic, Islamophobic, etc.), but even his understanding of biology or cosmology.
I am persuaded by Groys's historicized normative judgment that art is the death of design, though it does create a paradoxical choice for the modern artist: you can either make a work of design, i.e., propaganda, in the knowledge that only what exceeds its propaganda function will finally matter, or you can try to make a work that has no propaganda function at all. The first choice leads to the slight air of bad faith that always hangs around even the very best social and political art, the double sense that an urgent problem is being exploited and that art itself is being betrayed; while the second choice leads to the purity spiral of art without content, all those blank canvasses and boxes piled on the floor that, as someone once joked, must come pre-installed in the modern art museum.
There is no solution to this dilemma, no way out of this paradox. (Groys: "only self-contradictory practices are true in a deeper sense of the word.") As the French Revolution and surrounding developments made it possible for art to emerge as the death of design, so I expect present and future historical or technological circumstances to alter the terms of art once again. We will just have to see what opportunities and challenges arise. Groys believes we currently live in a period of total aestheticization, due in part to technology's total replacement of nature, and that this total aestheticization makes art totally revolutionary since no regime or status quo can stabilize itself with its being instantly relegated to a state of defunctionalized design under our aesthetic gaze—another way of explaining why irony is now all-pervasive and inescapable, since every value now exists under the sign of its own inherent potential to become just one more piece in the museum.
Finally, though, and to escape whatever is deadening in Groys's admittedly persuasive celebration of art's apocalyptic triumph as absolute irony, I come back to older ideas, even at the risk of what a sophisticate like Groys would see as romantic kitsch, to Socrates instructing the ephebe that poetry can only be divine madness, to Emerson lecturing the practical 19th-century that the poet travels in divine realms, above all to The Birth of Tragedy and the vision of art elaborated there: art, said our mad philosopher back when he was a mild academic, is the articulation in a still and ordered image of the tearing, ferocious, violent flux at the heart of life: Apollo's temporary arrest of Dionysius. Art can be anything, and is now everything, but art that does not aspire to this impossibility—art that does not wrestle with this awful angel—does not deserve the name.
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shinmiyovvi · 5 months
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I rarely talk about my fics here but I made two covers for two of my projects and I will be working on the first fic then the second. Here are the two summaries of the fics:
Painted Roses: Gong Ji Eun, a 27-year-old Korean freelance artist residing in Cambridge, England, lives in a world where colors surround her everywhere. Ji Eun has her own world that is painted in black and white—and is alienated from the colorful aspects of her environment. Her life will take its turn when she meets a handsome man named Arthur Frensby, a florist and pilot of the Royal Air Force who holds a secret beneath his charming face and elegant clothing. Their story will unfold with every stroke of a brush, as it will form a slow burn of love and alluring passion that could create an eye-catching masterpiece on the once blank canvas... Or could they create a more absurd depiction of their artwork?
An Illicit Bargain: 3 years after the death of an interior designer, a Korean-American detective Taeyeon Lisa Foster seeks justice for her late sister as she uncovers the secrets that lie beneath the investigation and it reveals something that links with one of the most ruthless mafias known to man. As she further delves into the case, she encounters a mischievous, charismatic, yet possessive man named Boris Fedorov, a boss from another mafia rivaling the mentioned organization. Both individuals share the two same goals; Justice and Vengeance. The detective was handed an offer, a crucial yet life-threatening deal from a man who can put a bullet to her head if she makes one small mistake. As the deal was settled, things began to turn upside down for the detective and mobster as the two grew closer to each other slowly yet progressively throughout their journey.
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novellamarrie · 1 year
The Goldfinch review
debunking the goldfinch book hate and some of my opinions about the book.
Most hate surrounding the book is omg It's a dragger: yes it is! And for a reason. They are many pages that could have been left out but in my opinion needed to be there for example: when Boris ditched Theo for Kotku, Theo finds himself alone and bored without him so he doesn't have anything new and exiting to tell us so instead he describes the football match he sees on the TV (I think because I skipped that part lol). This just shows that not every part of Theos life has to be exiting all the time. It makes you feel bored just like Theo feels. When Theo falls in love you fall in love with a character too and so on. This is something that the book does perfectly.
Theo doesn't have a personality: once again yes this was done on purpose! Theo is described as very impresionable person. He doesn't really have his own personality like Boris or the others. He's a blank wall untill somebody comes along and writes on him.
The racism and soo on : ok this one is a little hard one to swallow even for me a die hard fan of this book. And possibly the only problem I have with the book but I like to believe that It's just who the characters are. Theres a part where a korean woman is interigating Theo and he couldn't remember her name. Like what you remember everyones names but not the koreans? Riight. Then the spoiled turkey from china town. Also Boris omg Boris I don't think he's racist. I know that by saying this I can get soo much hate but idc. Boris traveled the world, met many people of many skin tones, never mentiomed he ever had a problem also the n word is sayd a lot in slavic counries mainly because people don't know the history of the word or they just thing it's gangsta since all the rappers say it so casually. In no way am I trying to justify him saying it. I don't say it and never will. But he sayd it when he was hanging out with Kotku at that time and she listened to a lot of rap music. But if you want to say he is go ahead you have the right!
Boris hate club: let's be honest he's the only interesting character in the whole book. Also Theo is kinda unlikeable as an adult.
Never talking about serious problems in the book like substance abuse, alkoh*lism, mental illness..., It feels like these are used only for just an intertaning plot purposes like what? Theo and Boris are subtance abusers! and when Theo attemps to unalive himself in Amsterdam and It doesn't work out it's just swept under the rug and never talk about and never dealt with such a waste because the book is big enought to talk and deal with it. so over all rating is 3/5 stars.
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piebingo · 1 year
That is exactly what scene I meant. What a shame we didn’t get to see it
I agree with you so much about the headmistress and the school neglecting Simon totally. I feel like no one cares about him or the fact that his face (and more) was shown in a sex tape. And although I get that they mostly don’t care about him compared to Wille surely they must have said *something* to him about all of this?! But once again we must fill in the blanks for ourselves.
Good to know I understood. That’s the sad thing about 6 episodes, they have to pick and choose what to show and sometimes we miss interesting things.
They way some of them treat Simon is shameful. Having teachers like Mr. Englund who favor students based on how much money they give him is so not okay. Tutors are great if you can afford them but they the grading shouldn’t have anything to do with it. At least there was the choir teacher who was sweet with Simon and wanted to give him the singing opportunity. If something like that had happened at my high school, you better believe that the therapist would have had a talk with you. I find it weird that they didn’t send both Simon and Wille (and although they didn’t “know” it was Wille, having your name associated with a sextape is difficult no matter if it’s you or not) to Boris. That they didn’t reassure the students involved, the victims of something horrible that happened on their lands, that they would provide them with support should they want it.
Idk if it’s controversial or not but I consider the lack of responsibility from the school and the people in power there to be kinda worst in a way than some of the shady and bad things the teens of the show did (not worst than posting child porn tho, looking at you August). Idk, they are adults and I’m just flabbergasted by the whole thing and how utterly alone the left the victims. It seems so obvious to me that they should have at least said something. They might have out of screen but if nobody mentions it it doesn’t exist to me.
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elflock-magician · 1 year
"We'll Meet Again"
Summary - Audrey found an old photo of Sammy, Jack and Norman. She decides that Jack and Norman aren't a lost cause, and makes it her personal job to reunite the old friends. 
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Audrey’s hands were cold. She was going through old boxes of stuff from The Studio. Things that had been taken from the old studio after it was purchased by Arch Gate.
Toon Bendy was with Audrey, helping her. They were looking for mostly information about the people affected by The Ink Machine and Joey Drew. Trying to fill in the blanks of their memories. In the room with her was Allison and Henry, who were playing chess, and Toon Bendy was helping Audrey look.
“Why are you looking through that again, Audrey?” Henry asked. Most of everyone involved had, at this point, become allies. So there wasn’t too much conflict going on.
“I just want to see if I can–” She paused as she pulled her hands out of the box. “Find anything about you all, you know, before The Ink Machine.” Audrey exclaimed. “I want to try and help you guys get your memories back!” She explained. Allison smiled as she and Henry continued their chess game. Henry wished he could have met Susie, Allison, Thomas, heck- even Sammy before they had been consumed by the ink.
Audrey continued to look through the box. Most of it was old paperwork, sketches, such and such. She moved the stuff to the side. Toon Bendy tried to eat most of it, for some reason. “Oh!” Audrey exclaimed. “A bunch of notebooks.” She said. She took the notebooks out of the box. Three old notebooks. One was relatively cleaner and neater than the others. One looked like someone had tried to burn it. And the other looked overstuffed. 
“Hey! I think that’s my old sketchbook. I left it in my office when I quit.” Henry said, recognizing his signature on the front.
Audrey opened it. And Henry would be right. Inside it was sketches of Bendy, Alice, Boris, and other characters that Audrey had never seen before.
“Wow Mr.Stein,” Audrey said in awe as she admired the drawings. “These are amazing!” She called and looked at the art.
Henry laughed, flattered by the comment. “Thank you. You can hold onto it if you want. I’m not doing anything with it.” Henry stated and took a sip of his drink before making another move of chess. Audrey’s face lit up. “Thanks Mr.Stein!” Audrey called. Henry smiled. “Of course.” He replied. Allison made another move, knocking over his Queen Piece. “Checkmate, Henry.” Allison said with a sly grin. Henry smiled but groaned in playful frustration. 
Toon Bendy got bored with looking through the box and went back to playing with his trains in the background.
“This one looks like a payment planner.” Audrey stated as she looked through the notebook that was overstuffed, finding that it was indeed, full of nothing but numbers and dates. Audrey tossed the notebook aside. That just left the one that looked as if someone had tried to burn it.
“Whose notebook is this…?” Audrey mumbled. She opened it. No name on the first page. She turned to the next page. “...Oh.” Audrey said out loud. It was music. Pages and pages of music.
“What is it?” Allison asked. “It’s music.” Audrey replied as she looked through it. “Ah.” Henry said. “That must be Sammy’s. His work was definitely worth saving, from what I’ve heard.” Allison stated. She poorly stifled a laugh. “Back when he had five fingers on each hand, that is.” She added.
Audrey narrowed her eyes as she turned yet another page. And they’d be right. A picture fell out from between the pages.
It was a polaroid. “...What..?” Audrey mumbled as she put the notebook aside and picked up the polaroid photo. It was small and in black and white. 
It had three men in the photo. On the bottom of the page it read the words, in a bold, cursive handwriting, 
“1932, Me and The Besties <33 Sammy, Jack & Norman
The handwriting was different from the handwriting in the notebook, proposing the idea it wasn’t Sammy who wrote it. In the photo itself, it looked like it was being taken by who Audrey assumed was the aforementioned “Jack.” Sammy looked half asleep when the photo was taken, leaning onto a desk with paperwork scattered across it. Norman had his hand on Sammy’s shoulder smiling brightly at the camera. Jack, meanwhile, was the one taking the photo. He was pretty blurry, but Audrey could see the wholesome grin on his face, and some kind of fedora-like hat. 
“Hey, Mr.Stein, Ms.Pendle?” Audrey began and walked over to the two. “Who’s…’Norman and Jack’? Do you know?” Audrey asked and showed the photo to the two adults.
Allison was the first to look at the polaroid.
“Norman Polk. He was The Projectionist. He was…a nice man.” Allison sounded remorseful as she spoke of the man. “You don’t want to see what happened to that poor man.” She added. “So ‘Norman’, you’ve found here?” Audrey asked. “Yes. But he’s not exactly as…coherent as he was before.” Allison said. Henry spoke next. 
“I’ve heard of Jack. Jack Fain. I never met him personally when he was human, he came along after I left, but I heard him singing with Sammy one time. He was Sammy’s lyricist.” Henry explained. “I had to crush him. But considering Sammy survives getting axed in the head, Jack probably could have made it out.” He added. 
“I don’t remember a lot about them, but if you really want to know more about them, ask Sammy. They were close.” Allison instructed.
“So Mr.Polk and Mr.Fain? They’re some of the only few left we’ve yet to try and save! Surely I can try and get them to listen!”
“You don’t understand, Audrey. We’ve tried. Not everyone can be saved.” Allison stated. “Norman is…well…for lack of better words, a corpse on feet. And we don’t even know if Jack is still alive.” Henry explained. 
Audrey paused for a moment. But she smiled.
“I want to try and get through to them!” She exclaimed.
Allison furrowed her brow. “Audrey, that’s a very dangerous job…” Allison began, but Henry held her upper arm. “Trust her. She can handle herself.” Henry said. Allison hesitated before sighing. “Alright…But if anything goes wrong, tell us, okay?” Allison stated. “Of course!” Audrey replied, clearly excited by this chance. “So I’ll talk to Sammy first before going to find Mr.Polk and Mr.Fain!” She exclaimed before exiting the room. Henry smiled, as did Allison. Audrey was a good kid. 
Sammy gently strummed his banjo. He was trying to re-learn how to play it. He had reignited his passion for music recently, though things were harder than ever while missing two of his fingers. Though he was still fairly good at it. Not nearly as good as he had been though. But just recently he had taught Buddy Boris a little about how to play the flute, and he did play a few songs on the piano for Bendy to dance too. Playing music made him feel…complete. But still, it felt like something was missing. Or more specifically, someone. 
He missed people it felt like he had never met. His lyricist and close friend, and the projectionist. But still, the pathetic man of ink strummed his empty tune. It was weird, not worshiping The Ink Demon anymore. But Sammy was starting to feel better.
“Hi Sammy!!” Audrey exclaimed and emerged from some of the ink in the wall (just recently Sammy had taught her how to navigate through the ink). Sammy stopped getting startled by that. “Hello, Audrey. What are you here for?” Sammy asked and turned to look at the woman. “I want to try and find Mr.Fain and Mr.Polk!” She stated and showed Sammy the polaroid.
Sammy was silent. “Tch. Good luck with that.” Sammy said. Sammy was afraid of Norman and Jack. Not for the right reasons though. He was afraid of whether they truly were dead. But also afraid of how they’d feel about him if they were alive. Sammy had encountered Norman, or more so, The Projectionist, once before. Norman had definitely gotten…stronger. As for Jack? Sammy hoped the poor man had rested easy. He deserved better than being trapped in this inky nightmare. But he was also afraid of never seeing the man again.
Audrey took the polaroid back before shoving it into her pocket. “That’s an old photo. And where did you say you found it?” Sammy asked and put his banjo aside before crossing his legs. “In an old music book of yours.” Audrey replied. “Can you tell me about Mr.Fain and Mr.Polk? If you remember them at all?” “And what are you going to do with the things I tell you? If you think shouting a couple things at The Projectionist will get him to hear, then you’d be wrong. And Jack- well, Jack is most likely dead.” Sammy said. “I know the odds. But I want to try anyway. It’s always worth trying.” “What is worth trying?” “To save the innocent, Mr.Polk and Mr.Fain can be out there, and they aren’t hurting anyone! They’re worth at least trying to save.” Audrey stated. “Tch, well I wouldn’t call Jack and Norman innocent. They were quite crude sometimes.” Sammy said with a slight chuckle. “They were very charming men though, I will say.”
“So, what do you remember about them?” Audrey asked. Sammy paused. A smile broke at his lips, just in the slightest. “Are you sure you want to hear these stories?” Sammy asked. “Crystal clear.” Audrey responded, becoming quite eager to hear. Sammy poorly stifled a laugh at the woman’s eagerness. “Fine then. Pull up a chair–”
“Because it’s a long story.” Norman replied. Sammy smiled.
What year was it? Sammy didn’t know. Where were they? Once again, not a clue. Why were they there? You can guess the answer. “Wow. The Army sounds like hell.” Sammy responded.
“Yeah. But it’s real worth it. Protecting those who can’t protect ‘emselves.” Norman said with a vague gesture. “Here’s yer drink by the way.” He added before handing Sammy a soda.
“Thanks.” Sammy thanked and took the soda. But as it opened-
“Gah– Normy, did you shake the soda?!” Sammy questioned as the soda fizzed out of the can. Norman chuckled. Sammy put the soda can onto the table and lightly wiped off his now wet shirt.
“Wow Lawrence, you’ve got quite the pouty face.” Norman said. Sammy tried to keep looking angry but it broke into a smile. “You have such a strange sense of humor.” Sammy mused. Norman snorted.
“Glad ya appreciate it.” Norman responded with a sly grin. Sammy took a sip of the drink, despite how it had been fizzed. 
“Which reminds me, was it you who hid Wally’s keys again?” Sammy asked. Norman poorly stifled a laugh.“He found ‘em in like five minutes. Worth it though.” Norman replied. Sammy smiled. Norman liked his smile. He would want to see it more often.
“Well don’t do that again. Wally believes that I am going to bite his head off.” Sammy said. Norman laughed. 
“Ya don’t really go out of your way to disprove that one, Lawrence.” Norman responded.“I don’t intend on looking like a…what was it you said…?”“An ax murderer.” Norman offered.“Yes!” Sammy snapped his fingers. “One of those.” He said.“Now that I think of it though, could ya even lift an ax over yer head?” Norman asked. Sammy somewhat blushed and looked back over to Norman. “What sort of question are you asking?” Sammy asked.“I’m sayin’ yer arms a little twiggy.” Norman responded and leaned into his hand. Sammy laughed quietly. “Do you want to bet?” Sammy offered. Norman laughed.“Bet what?” Replied Norman. “Bet on if I can beat you in an arm wrestle. If I win, you simply owe me a soda, and if you win, I’m not sure, you are free to choose your reward if you win.” Sammy began. Norman smiled.“Yer gonna regret this one, Lawrence.” Norman stated.“So?”“I agree. Downright. If I win you gotta hit the griddy on stage.” Norman said that a little too fast. Sammy acknowledged this.“How long have you been waiting to say that?” Sammy asked.“Waaay too long.”
Norman put his elbow onto the table, gesturing for Sammy to do the same.Sammy rolled up his sleeve, which was funny considering he was about to lose harder than he ever had.
Sammy had lost. He had hit the griddy on stage, though Norman ended up going with him so he wasn’t alone. Sammy’s pride would never ever recover though. But…it was better than doing a Fortnite dance.
The two were sitting outside now. They had apparently been at a bar or something. Sammy couldn't quite remember the fine details.“Still gotcha that soda.” Norman said and tossed Sammy a now un-shaken soda. Sammy smiled and accepted it.“As much as I dislike attention, I enjoyed dancing with you. You being there made it feel like no one else was.” Sammy said. Norman laughed.“Calling the griddy an actual dance is a compliment.” Norman replied. Norman had told Sammy if he didn’t actually want to go up there he didn’t have to, but he chose to anyway. The two smiled. It was getting a little late. 
Sammy visibly flinched at the loud sound.
Several louder bangs followed the first. Sammy’s head shot up to the sky. Fireworks were going off. Probably a holiday for some sort.
“Those fireworks. So loud. Very unpleasant.” Sammy said. Cheering could be heard distantly, most likely for the fireworks. “However they do look quite nice.” He said as the fireworks continued. He noticed Norman’s silence. He looked over to Norman. He was silent, dead faced even.“...Norman?” Sammy began. Norman didn’t respond to the sound. “Do you…need a moment?” Sammy asked. Norman still did not respond. “Norman?” He asked once more. He gently put a hand onto Norman’s shoulder, only for Norman to be startled and practically back-hand him.“Gah!” Sammy shouted in response. He wasn’t harmed badly, only a small amount of pain in his nose.
Norman snapped out of his panicked state.“Sammy!” Norman called out. He rushed over to Sammy’s side.“Norman, are you okay?” Sammy responded and took Norman’s hands.
BANGYet another loud firework. 
Norman visibly became uncomfortable due to this, and flinched once more.
“Norman, stay with me.” Sammy said and pulled Norman to his feet. “We’re getting out of here.” He said in a somewhat soothing voice.And just as Sammy had said, he led Norman away from the open area nearest to the fireworks. They went down to a random late-night restaurant. It was nearly completely empty, save for one guy at the cash register.
“Come on…” Sammy muttered before leading Norman to a bathroom. He wet a paper towel and gave it to Norman to wipe his face off a little.“Norman…Breathe.” Sammy said as he refused to leave Norman's side. What a night. Norman having a meltdown in a- what was this, The White Castle Burger Place? Yeah. In one of those bathrooms. “Ya know,” Norman began. His voice was quiet. “Whoever the ‘ell was runnin’ that bullshit, they were so ashamed of the fact that I was the only one to make it out alive, that they didn’t even invite me to the ceremony. They sent me the bullshit through the mail!” He shouted. “They were afraid to talk about everyone we lost.” He said, nearly laughing. 
“I’m…sorry.” Sammy muttered and he put his hands onto Normans shoulders, trying to get him to calm down.
Norman wanted to ask something. “Can ya do me a favor?” Norman asked.“Whatever it is you need.” Sammy replied.“Can you sing for me?”“...Pardon?”“Your voice makes me less of a train-wreck.”A short silence.
Silence soon filled with the sound of singing.
Sammy looked down at the banjo. “Oh…” Audrey mumbled.
“He was a good man. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.” Sammy said. Audrey took a deep breath. Alright. That was a lot of good information. “It sounds like Mr.Polk really liked you.” Audrey commented. “...Mhm…” Sammy muttered. “If only he could see me now…would he feel the same?”
Audrey searched for words in response. Though she found none.
“We’ll see about that.” Audrey began. “What about Mr.Fain?” 
“Jack…Poor…old…Jack.” The words were said with an undecipherable emotion in it. “Are you sure–” “That you’re ready? You’re looking a little sweaty there, Sams.” Jack asked. Sammy rolled his eyes.“It is one show. I can handle one show.” Sammy said. He never loved live shows. All he had to do was play the piano. But he hated being the center of attention. The same couldn’t be said for Jack, who clearly enjoyed that. 
“Still, there’s still time to back out.” Jack replied.“No. It’s not that big of a deal. And I know how much this means to you.” Responded Sammy. Jack smiled.“Thanks, Sams. Besides, they’ve got this comically placed curtain on the stage, it’ll probably keep you from sight. For the most part.” Jack said with a vague hand gesture. 
“I appreciate your concerns, Jack.” Sammy looked out at the piano. “I’ll be fine.” And with those words, they went on stage.
Sammy could barely remember that day. Not even a little. But he knew that this day was important for a lot of reasons.
But regardless of why it was important, Sammy couldn’t remember the fine details. The same way he couldn’t with his memory of Norman. 
Jack was such a good man.
“How we doing tonight?” Jack said into the microphone. He was wearing a gold blazer that night, Sammy remembered that. And he was wearing that crusty fedora that Sammy despised. Jack made some good talk with the crowd before the show really began.
Sammy began playing the piano. Now that Sammy thought of it, he missed having all five fingers on each hand. He was such a good pianist…
Sammy figured that as long as he didn’t look at the audience then they weren’t there.
But sooner than later, the show was over. There was a shower of applause. “Alright, thank you, thank you!” Jack said into the microphone. Jack finished up his goodbyes before walking off stage with Sammy by his side. 
“You did good, Sams! Knew you could do it.” Jack said. A smile cracked at Sammy’s lips.“You were a natural on stage.” Sammy replied. Jack grinned. “You think so?” He asked.“Mhm. Certainly. The crowd loved you.” He responded. Jack looked flattered, but also quite proud. But he looked away. “I’m going for a smoke.” Jack said before taking a lighter out of his bag. Don’t smoke. Jack shouldn’t have been smoking, most extremely due to how harmful it was to himself and the others around him, but it was the forties and no one really knew that by that point. Sammy disapproved of his habit. “Fine. Just don’t take too long.” Sammy responded. He looked away before sitting down in a chair and looked over some of the sheet music with a drink. 
Jack smiled and went outside through the back door, closing it behind him. 
Sammy thought nothing of it. Unfortunately.
Time passed. A lot of time. More time than it was supposed to take for just a “smoke break.” Much longer, in fact. Sammy was beginning to worry. He knew that Jack could handle himself, but this was becoming concerning. Sammy looked over the sheet of music for the fifth time.“Goddamnit Jack…” Sammy muttered in frustration before tossing the papers onto the table in front of him. He got up from his seat and left out the back door.It had been cold that night. Very cold. Sammy remembered that. He wasn’t wearing a jacket and he could see his breath in the air. “Stupid Jack and his stupid habits and his stupid…stupid!” He shouted, not finding the right words. But he grumbled the statement beneath his breath. 
Sammy anxiously rubbed his arms in the cold as he walked through the freezing weather. He knew that Jack usually stayed nearby. He would go under the bridge. Jack thought it was a good balance of walking. So that was the first place Sammy would look.
He reached the bridge and walked down the sidewalk to go beneath. 
“...Jack.” Sammy called out, his voice somewhat echoing beneath the bridge. He heard the sound of speaking. Panicked speaking. Laughing.“Jack!” He repeated and rushed beneath the bridge. And there he was. Jack was on the ground. His hat was a little farther away. His nose was bleeding heavily. Above him stood two taller men. One with black hair and one with brown. “Hey Sams…” He croaked. The black haired man grabbed Jack by his shirt and pulled him off the ground with it.“HEY!” Sammy shouted.“You didn’t tell us your little piano boy was with you, did ya Jacky?” The brown haired man said and taunted Jack, who seemed to be very disoriented. The black haired man punched him dead in the face once more.“JACK–” Sammy said and tried to get the black-haired man off of him, and failed as the brown haired one pulled him back.Sammy was slammed onto the ground, and he was given a similar treatment to Jack, however instead of gaining a bloody-nose it was a black eye and getting a knee to the throat. Sammy had tried to fight back, and that only resulted in getting harmed further.“Looks like he left his wallet wherever he came from.” One of the men said. Ah. So that’s what their motivation for this crime was. Money. “Whatevah. We got what we wanted out of ‘em.” The other said. Sammy’s face was up against the ground. He saw as one of the men picked up Jack’s hat and put it on like it was his. Like he hadn’t just beaten and bruised an innocent man for it. The two men left, leaving Jack and Sammy to their own. “Dammit…” Sammy muttered in pain. His eye was swollen and he could hardly see through it. He couldn’t imagine how Jack was feeling. He was completely unresponsive.“Jack…can you hear me?” Sammy asked, completely out of breath.
“...They took my hat…” Jack replied. Sammy looked over at Jack as he pulled himself from the ground.“That’s what you’re worried about? Because they also took your wallet, and I’m guessing a part of your pride.”“Pride? Eh, I never thought I was the fightin’ type anyways.” Jack replied and wiped a bit of the blood from his face as Sammy pulled him over his shoulder.“Let’s just go…” Sammy finally said.
Audrey sat still, interpreting what was being said. “Wow…The forties were crazy.” Audrey muttered. “And not in a pleasant way.” Sammy replied. Audrey felt a smile crack at her lips. “Well don’t worry, Sammy! I’m going to make sure that Mr.Fain and Mr.Polk come back to their senses.” Audrey said in a determined voice.
Sammy sighed. “Good luck with that.”
The first of the two that Audrey was able to locate was The Projectionist. Henry had told her where The Projectionist, or as Audrey referred to him, Norman, was. Henry had also told her that Norman was deaf now. And he could only see you when you were in the light of the projector. But Audrey had a plan.
She held the polaroid close to her as she made it to the floor where The Projectionist resided. The ink was knee-deep and it was very uncomfortable to awkwardly get through.
Audrey shivered as she went through the ink. She took a large step through the thick ink. “...Mr.Polk!” Audrey shouted. She knew he was deaf, but it was worth a shot. She looked around and saw a light, almost like a flashlight. 
Audrey gasped and rushed through the ink. Uncomfortable splashing sounds followed each struggling step she took.
She rushed forward in front of Norman, though she tripped, splashing into the water. “...Ngah…” Audrey muttered and covered her eyes as light from the projector flashed in her face. Norman threateningly raised a hand, Audrey yelped and only narrowly avoided the attack. “Mr.Polk! Look!” Audrey shouted, once again, though she knew that Norman couldn’t hear her. She grabbed the picture out of her pocket and held it into the light of the projector. And just as Audrey had hoped, Norman stopped moving. The light of the projector flashed, and soon, Norman covered the light with his hands before a roar-like sound emerged from him.
Norman tumbled back and splashed into the ink. Audrey didn’t falter, still holding the image high.
“I know you’re still in there, Mr.Polk– Norman! Come back to your senses!” Audrey shouted. Norman looked like he was freaking out, splashing and tumbling through the ink, all before he disappeared beneath it. “...Mr.Polk?” Audrey questioned softly. It seemed like he had just disappeared beneath the layers of ink.
Another roar rang out. But Norman did not return.
There was a silence. 
One of Norman’s long and rope-like hands emerged from the ink. It crawled over to one of the hallway beams, trying to grab it for support, but he didn’t reach it, his hand instead just brushing against it. Audrey noticed this. Audrey walked over to Norman's long hand and gently took it. The hand was large and it took both of Audrey’s hands to take it. “Come on Mr.Polk!” Audrey said and helped to pull Norman from the ink. She groaned, somewhat straining to pull Norman out of the ink. Mostly because he was almost double her size. “Come…on!” She strained before Norman finally came back up from the ink to where he was sitting up. In a cartoonish manner, Audrey fell back into the ink as well from how hard she was pulling. 
There was a silence. “Mr.Polk?” Audrey questioned. Norman did not respond, emote, or react at all. “Mhm. Right. You’re deaf…well that’s okay!” Audrey exclaimed. Audrey stood up and gestured for Norman to do the same. He did such. “Now, Mr.Polk…” Audrey began. “Do you know what happened to Mr.Fain?” She asked. She brought the picture back to Norman’s light. Though it was now somewhat dirtied with ink. “Him.” Audrey clarified and gestured to Jack in the picture. Norman's hand shook as his inky hand touched the delicate paper. His finger went from the image of Sammy then to Jack.
“Can you find him?” Audrey asked. Norman paused. But he nodded. Could he…read lips? Well that was convenient if he could! Audrey wasn't the most sure but things were going well so far. Norman began to stalk away, large step after large step. Audrey followed. “Where are we going, Mr.Polk?” Audrey asked. Norman didn’t reply, nor did he even look at Audrey.
Sooner than later, Audrey and Norman arrived at what seemed to be some kind of sewer. Sort of. 
“Is this where you last saw him?” Audrey asked. Norman didn’t reply. Audrey lightly tapped on Norman’s lower arm (she couldn’t reach his shoulder very well). “Is this where you last saw him?” She repeated, this time Norman watching her say the words. Once again, it took a long moment for Norman to respond. He responded with a nod. 
Audrey’s face became clouded with determination. She seemed set on saving the innocent. It was both a positive trait and a fault to her soul.
“Mr.Fain?” Audrey called. She heard the sound of…groaning? Yes, that was definitely some kind of groaning. It sounded strained.
“Mr.Fain? Jack Fain?!” Audrey called and walked forward, Norman lurked behind her. “Don’t worry, Norman! We’ll find Mr.Fain!” Audrey said, despite that there was no prompt for her to think that Norman was worried. 
Audrey went forward, no sight of Jack yet. She turned a corner. She immediately stopped. Farther down at the other end of the hall was a Lost One. This Lost One wasn’t like the others though. This Lost One was wearing a hat. Audrey gasped and looked down at the picture. 
The very same kind of hat in the picture. It wasn’t exactly the same. But it looked more or less… “Mr.Fain! Mr.Jack Faine!” Audrey called with an over excited wave. Jack recoiled and disappeared into the ink before Audrey could reach him. “Gosh- he’s…he’s gone!” Audrey called. “Is that normal?” Audrey asked. Norman slowly nodded. “Well then we’d better try harder! Sammy told me that Mr.Fain liked singing! Maybe we can do something with that…” Audrey muttered. 
Norman’s projector flickered for a moment. “Norman?” Audrey questioned. A video started playing on the projector. It was a reel. And from the projector that was Norman’s head, a song and video began to play. “We’ll meet again,” A woman said. Audrey gasped. She knew this song. “Don’t know where.” The song continued. “Don’t know when,” Audrey sang along. “But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.” Audrey and the voice of the woman sang, and if Audrey heard right then there were some vague groans coming from Norman.
This could possibly lure Jack out of hiding if he still had a passion for singing!
“Keep smiling through,” The three voices sang. “Just like you, always do!” They sang. “Til’ the blue skies chase those dark clouds far away!” The Lost One with the hat, Jack, emerged and began to sing along. Though it was more of just vague gurgling, Audrey was ecstatic that he was there and even trying. Besides, he looked happy. “And I will say hello,” Audrey reached into her pocket. “To the folks that I know,”
Jack titled his head. “Tell them you won’t be long.” The polaroid. The image. The picture of who they used to be. “They’ll be happy to know,” Though they had changed, change was not a bad thing. Change wasn’t bad. It was scary. But not bad. “That as I saw you go,” Jack looked up at Norman and Audrey. 
“You were singing this song!”
That picture. It was so long ago. He was so different now. Shouldn’t he be sad about that? Should he be happy? “We’ll meet again,” Jack took the image and stared at it for a moment. He pointed to Norman in the photo and then pointed to Norman in front of him. Norman nodded. “Don’t know where,” A smile cracked at his face. Or…well…where his smile should have been.
Jack pointed to himself in the photo, and then him. He gained a nod from Audrey. “Don’t know when….”
Finally, Jack pointed to Sammy in the photo. “But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.”
Sammy hopelessly strummed the same tune over and over again. He remembered what the song was called. It was one he took quite a lot of inspiration from. It was called…”We’ll Meet Again” or something like that. It was a catchy song.
“Sammy!!” Audrey said and practically bounced into the room. Sammy stopped flinching at her randomly appearing. 
“How did your ‘adventure’ go?” Sammy asked. “Well~” Audrey began, “I have a surprise.” She said. Sammy furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows. Audrey looked back to the doorway. Norman and Jack were waiting just outside the door and out of sight. “On three.” Audrey said. “One…Two—” Before Audrey could even get to three, the door burst open.
Silently, the three stared at each other.
“Oh my…lord…” He muttered. “Jack…Norman?” He said the names like they were unfamiliar to him, and yet they were so…so familiar. Like he had thought of them 1,000 times, and yet never spoke the words.
Sammy ran forward, the three of them embracing in a wholesome, kind of inky, hug.  Change. It was funny. Because in that moment, though they had changed a lot, had different goals, personalities, such and such…it felt like they hadn’t changed at all. Or at least, even though they were different now, the air and emotion of the moment was all the same, though it had been so long ago. Or at least…something like that. They were different now. They had changed, yes. But, somehow, they still enjoyed each other. All in that moment.
Who would have guessed, that after so long,
They would meet again?
A/N I haven’t read the Dreams Come to Life novel so this is nowhere near canon about a lot of the characters- but I sorta just wrote this for The Funnies. 
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babtqftim-cofi · 1 year
Welcome to my Blog! My oc'd name is Cofi! You can ask her and the crew whatever you want! No Nsfw or anything about S3X!
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( Made the blog! )
Okay so heres a bit about my oc Cofi
And before i say anything uhh Cofi is not related to the cupbros
How she met the crew:
Cofi was in the library getting a book when she heard whispers behind the bookcase Felix:theres gotta be something in here that can help us with the map! Cofi's mind:Map? Cuphead:are you sure there's something here felix? Felix:i've been here before there has to be! Bendy and Boris were helping look Cofi looked at the book she was grabbing and started looking through it then found a page titled " the map for the ink machine" Cofi went to where the crew was Cofi: Excuse me, is this the book you might be looking for? Felix:Yes it is! Thank you! What's your name? Cofi: Cofi! Felix: how'd you find this? Cofi: oh my mom's the librarian and i sort the books so i knew Boris: You mean Mrs. Charlotte? They all look at the librarian( Charlotte is a wolf ) Cuphead:really? But she doesn't look like you at all Bendy:CUP! Cuphead:What? Im just saying she doesn't loo- mugman puts his hand over cups mouth Cofi:oh, No its fine! She adopted me! she puts a smile on her face Bendy notices her cracks Bendy's mind:are those cracks? I would ask but i don't wanna be like cup over here Cofi: also why do you wanna know about the map to the ink machine? The crew looked at each other with confused faces Mugman:how did you kn- Cofi: i've read that book a thousand times already! Since i was satisfied with the story of the ink illness and how it got destroyed and i've always wondered how it came back but the book said nothing about it.. Boris looked at her then bendy she understood. Cofi: Well then uh i-i should get going now! Felix:wait! Maybe you can help us with this Felix places the map down on a table which is blank except some words "Ink machine parts" Cofi:Woah! Is that the map? Why is it blank? And how did yo- Bendy:me and boris were givin the map and somehow only we can see the stuff on the ma p Cofi:cool and maybe i can help there are more books about this too ill go get them after that the crew wondered if they should let her join the crew since Shes a book nerd probably knows about the ink machine and illness better than they do at the end of the day they finally asked she asked her mom and her mom said yes and gave her supplies ( especially for bendy too)
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duskwood-lovers · 1 year
Who are you?
                          Isabella pov
"Hello" I said
"Hello Ms Rossi, I am Boris. I don't know if you still remember me?" He said I remember Boris 3 years back I gave him a offer if he help me to find him then I will give him 2 million$. Money is nothing for me. I just want him back and want to ask him this question that why he did this to me?
"I remember you Boris did you find anything?" I ask him, I know him that's why I gave him such a important task.
"Yes, I find a very important lead". I get excited after hearing this.
"What is it Boris, please tell me you find him" My hopes are very high.
"Sorry to say but I still can't find his current location but I find his last location".
Last location, hmmmm. Not bad betten than nothing.
"Tell me"
"It was in Germany. A small I don't know if you have ever hear about this town it's name is duskwood."
Hearing duskwood make my mind blank. I don't understand anything
Duskwood seriously!!!
"ARE YOU SURE BORIS, IF IT WAS A MISTAKE I AM GONNA GIVE YOU SUCH A PAIN THAT YOU ARE GONNA BEG ME FOR DEATH!!" I tell I don't want to believe it is just a coincidence right. Right?
"No..No Mr Rossi, I am not lying please trust me ". I know he is  a loyal and trustworthy man. But I don't want to believe it. I don't know if i could trust them or not.
"I am sorry Boris I don't want to yell at you but I want to trust that information" I  sigh "By the way I will send 2 million$ to you in form of bitcoin in you account. And make sure it's between you and me only.
"Yes Ms Rossi and if you need any help then please tell me"
"Ok Boris good bye". As he cut the call
I leaned against the wall and close my eyes. From nowhere someone touch my cheeks. I opened my eyes and see David .
He was looking at me with disappointment and concern. I didn't realise that I am crying.
"I thought you have moved on from him but what I hear doesn't seems like that hmm. Tell me does it? He say with his soft tone . I hugged him tightly and buried my head in his shoulder. He rub my back with one hand and massage my scalp with other one.
" I just want to forget about him but I cant. It hurts my heart so much. I am scared that when I find him again maybe...maybe" I can't even imagine
David was trying to make me calm. After few minutes I am feeling better.but still I don't want to leave him.
" You know bella you are like my sister that I never have. I know you are scared that when you meet him again he will move on from you and gave your place to someone else." Even thinking About it make my heart ache.
" Now be a good girl and tell me what is going on?" His soft tone suddenly turned into a serious one.
So I decided to tell him everything. As I trust him with my life.
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chrancecriber · 11 months
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (July 12, 2023)
23:57 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 23:52 Sine - Smooth Relaxation 23:49 Sans Souci - Nanda 23:45 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 23:41 Chris Coco - Letter From Erika 23:38 Kamrad - I Believe 23:35 Melosense - Polarization (Original Mix) 23:30 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - La Serenissima 23:26 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 23:20 Groovecatcher - Never Alone In New York 23:17 Moby - My Only Love 23:11 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 23:06 Nora En Pure Feat. Ashibah - We Found Love 23:03 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 23:01 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 22:52 Trinidad - L'oiseau (Original Mix) 22:45 Worakls - By The Brook 22:42 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 22:38 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 22:35 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 22:30 Buttha - Oceanic (Original Mix) 22:27 Together Alone - Let Go 22:23 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 22:18 Ohm-g - Hulectric Soul 22:15 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 22:13 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 22:08 Aakarshan - Tantra Café 22:04 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 22:00 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 21:57 Tiesto - Everything (Acoustic Version) 21:53 Eli & Fur - Come Back Around 21:50 Mount & Emdey - Venus 21:47 Alle Farben - Bad Ideas 21:43 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 21:39 Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 21:33 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 21:28 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 21:21 Boris Dlugosch Feat. Risn Murphy - Look Around You (Original) 21:18 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 21:16 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 21:13 Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me 21:09 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 21:06 Shouse - Won't Forget You 21:01 Roger Shah, Feel, Zara Taylor - One Life (Pedro Del Mar & R.i.b Chillout Remix) 20:57 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 20:51 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 20:48 Patchy - Friend (Original Mix) 20:44 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 20:39 Massive Attack - Safe From Harm 20:36 Cyrillic Feat. Lara - Zero Gravitation 20:34 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 20:30 Rithma - The Return 20:27 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 20:20 Blank & Jones - Coh 20:17 Klingande & Krishane - Rebel Yell 20:13 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 20:09 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 20:07 Jubel Feat. Neimy - Dancing In The Moonlight 20:03 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 20:00 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 19:53 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 19:49 Klangperlenspiel - Million Words 19:45 Adele - Skyfall 19:42 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 19:39 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 19:35 Eelke Kleijn - Mojo's Tale 19:30 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 19:27 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 19:19 Orange & Tusnelda - Stay Asleep 19:14 Atb & Anova - Route 66 19:12 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 19:06 Markus Hakala - Curacao 19:03 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 19:00 Sono - Trusting You 18:57 Federico Aubele - Besos De Sal 18:55 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 18:48 H. Garden Feat. Joi - Gentle Rain 18:40 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 18:36 Mefree - Horizons 18:33 Lost Frequencies, Janieck Devy - Reality 18:29 Lstn - Floral Decor 18:23 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 18:18 2raumwohnung - 2 Von Millionen Von Sternen 18:11 Edx - Conundrum 18:04 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 18:00 Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot - 6 Days 17:56 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 17:50 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 17:43 Claptone - No Eyes Feat. Jaw 17:40 Klangperlenspiel - Fraction Of Your Love 17:37 R Plus - Summer Dress 17:34 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 17:30 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 17:25 Maa, Seven24, R.i.b. - Frozen 17:19 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 17:16 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 17:13 Blank & Jones - Fall In Love 17:10 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 17:03 Atb - No Fate 16:58 Waldeck - Defenceless (Mushroom Dive ) 16:54 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 16:51 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 16:45 Mollono.bass, Ava Asante - Feeling Good 16:38 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 16:32 Sunlounger & Zara - Lost (Chillout) 16:30 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 16:27 Italobrothers - Stay 16:23 Schiller X Ro Nova X Tricia Mcteague - Illuminate 16:18 Lyke - Stay With Me 16:15 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 16:12 Sam Feldt Feat. Deepend & Teemu - Runaways 16:09 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 16:06 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 16:00 Noraj Cue - Story At The Campfire 15:57 Hallmann - Always Be 15:54 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 15:48 Rodg - Jacqueline (Chill Mix) 15:46 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 15:43 Lilly Wood & The Prick And Robin Schulz - Prayer In C 15:39 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 15:36 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 15:30 Oliver Koletzki - A Tribe Called Kotori 15:27 Shallour & Riah - Lie 15:23 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 15:18 Agnostica - Lost 15:15 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 15:11 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 15:05 Schiller - Harmonia 15:03 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 14:57 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 14:51 Diamans - Perception 14:47 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 14:43 Alan Walker Feat. Anthony Keyrous & Henri Purnell Feat. Romy Wave - Alone (Remix) 14:39 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 14:36 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 14:33 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 14:31 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 14:28 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 14:22 Fatboy Slim - Praise You (Maribou State Remix) 14:20 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 14:13 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 14:06 Richard Grey - Need Your Lovin (Murjd Remix) 14:03 R3hab, Timmy Trumpet, W&w - Distant Memory 14:00 Vinai - Hide Away 13:52 Boris Pillmann - Love You 13:49 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 13:44 Thomas Lemmer - Fatigué 13:40 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 13:36 Kidsø - Finja 13:29 Tapesh And Dayne S - How I Do (Original Mix) 13:26 Shapov & Avian Grays Feat. Kifi - Light Up The World 13:23 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 13:20 Rihanna Feat. Mikky Ekko - Stay 13:15 Victoriya - Nothing Remains 13:08 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 13:03 Frank Borell - Epic Dreams (Fifty Shades Of Dreams Mix) 12:59 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 12:56 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 12:51 Dj Skillmaster, Deep Dive Duo - Hey Little Girl (Slow Motion Mix) 12:48 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 12:43 Jasmine Thompson - Adore (Teemid Remix) 12:42 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 12:39 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 12:35 Marit Larsen - I Don't Want To Talk About It (Nelsaan & Matoma Tropical Remix) 12:31 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 12:28 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 12:23 Ivan Jack - The Dock Of The Bay 12:19 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 12:17 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 12:11 Alexander Remus Feat. Liza Flume - Sheets 12:07 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 12:03 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 11:56 Nora En Pure - Come With Me 11:45 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:42 Chicane - Fin Des Jours 11:39 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 11:34 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 11:31 Lions Head - Begging (Rami Remix) 11:28 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 11:24 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 11:18 Fous De La Mer - Ocean 22°e 11:15 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 11:11 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 11:04 Klangwald - Sadame 10:59 Schiller - Free The Dragon 10:56 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 10:52 Dead Composers - Starlight 10:48 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 10:40 Eskadet - Solitudes 10:33 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 10:30 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 10:27 Martin Jensen - Solo Dance 10:22 Tinlicker Feat. Hero Baldwin - Rebirth 10:18 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 10:14 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 10:10 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 10:07 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 10:03 Kate The Cat - I Was Made For Lovin You 10:00 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 09:57 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 09:47 Schiller - Empire Of Light 09:45 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 09:41 James Newton Howard Feat. Jennifer Lawrence - The Hanging Tree 09:38 Hagen Feetly - Cry 09:35 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 09:31 Sting - Mad About You 09:28 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 09:26 Lunax & Zana - Gone Tomorrow 09:21 Lumininius - I Believe In You 09:15 Beyhude - Akasha 09:06 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 09:00 Calavera & Manya Feat. Maja Aleksic - Seta 08:56 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 08:53 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 08:50 Xillions - Somebody Like Me 08:46 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 08:40 Spooky - The River (Ambient) 08:34 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 08:31 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 08:26 Soho Lounge Feat. Dea Li - Chiaro Di Luna 08:23 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 08:20 Nora En Pure - Branches 08:15 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 08:13 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 08:10 Famba Feat. Brando & Mkla - Games We Play 08:04 Joel Jungell - Autumn Painted Leaves 07:58 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 07:54 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 07:52 Lost Frequencies Feat. James Blunt - Melody 07:45 Blank & Jones - White Light 07:40 Jazzamor - Way Back 07:38 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 07:34 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 07:30 Jan Blomqvist, Elena Pitoulis - More (Original Mix) 07:27 Hanns Feat. Lu - Chemistry 07:24 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 07:20 Eelke Kleijn - Transmission (Joris Voorn Remix) 07:17 Nora En Pure - All I Need 07:14 Lizot - Daddy Cool 07:07 Nikolay Mikryukov - If It Were Easier (Original Mix) 06:56 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 06:52 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 06:48 The Presets - Promises (Nils Frahm Version) 06:46 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 06:40 Max Manie - Sunday (Klangtherapeuten Looking For Summer Remix) 06:36 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 06:32 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 06:27 Lustral - Everytime 06:21 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 06:17 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 06:13 Beatkonexion - On Air 06:10 Hypnosis - Pulstar 06:05 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 05:57 Framewerk - Electric Religion 05:54 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 05:51 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 05:46 Federico Aubele - Postales 05:40 Valeron - Jamal 05:33 Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix) 05:30 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 05:27 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 05:21 Djuma Soundsystem - Les Djinns (Trentemøller Remix) 05:18 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 05:15 Lstn - Sïstër 05:10 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 05:07 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 05:04 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 04:58 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 04:56 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 04:52 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 04:48 Max Johann Feat. Pearl Andersson - Bette Davis Eyes 04:45 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 04:39 Camiel - Take Me To This Place 04:35 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 04:32 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 04:28 Be Svendsen - Drop The Gun 04:25 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 04:21 Edx - Vommuli 04:17 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 04:13 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 04:09 Monoir, Eneli - 3 To 1 04:02 Humate - 3.2 (Bedrock Ambient Mix) 03:58 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 03:54 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers 03:50 Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones - I Got U 03:47 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 03:44 Syn Cole Feat. Caroline Pennell - Californication 03:41 Sans Souci - Condor 03:36 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 03:33 Chymera - Umbrella (Beatless Mix) 03:30 Shaun Frank & Takis Feat. Shells - Don't Say I Love You 03:27 Duboss - Losing My Religion 03:23 Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn - Recognise 03:21 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 03:18 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 03:16 Troels Hammer - Azur 03:13 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 03:08 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 03:03 Aguaflames - Moiman 02:56 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 02:53 Klingande - Jubel 02:49 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 02:46 Alok, Zeeba And Iro - Ocean 02:41 Schiller - Das Glockenspiel (Live Aus Der O2 World Berlin) 02:38 Parov Stelar - Fire 02:33 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 02:29 Trentemoller - Miss You 02:26 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 02:17 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 02:14 Alessandro Taccini Feat. Pierre Soyer - Higher Love 02:12 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 02:06 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 02:01 Moby - Extreme Ways (Bourne's Legacy) 01:56 Worakls - Caprice 01:53 Dash Berlin & Dbstf Feat. Josie Nelson - Save Myself 01:50 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 01:47 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 01:43 Alphawezen - Into The Stars 01:40 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 01:38 Gamper & Dadoni - My Lovin' 01:33 Lux - Secret Fish 01:29 Ambyion - Motion 01:25 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 01:23 Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me 01:15 Blank & Jones - California Sunset 01:11 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 01:08 Aural Float - Be As You Are 01:05 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 00:59 Alex Cortiz - Enter The Matrix 00:56 Klingande & Bright Sparks - Messiah 00:53 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 00:49 Kygo & Rita Ora - Carry On 00:46 Clément Leroux - Memories 00:41 Faithless Feat. Nathan Ball & Caleb Femi - I Need Someone 00:37 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 00:34 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 00:29 Hakan Kayis, Furkan Sarikas, Cinar Gedizlioglu - A Night In Alacati (Original Mix) 00:19 Worakls - Nocturne 00:14 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 00:09 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 00:04 Solaris Navis - Blissful Memories 00:01 Kamrad - I Believe
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Boris - "Heavy Rocks"
Boris – “Heavy Rocks”
Boris released their new album, “Heavy Rocks”, on August 12th via Relapse. And now they’ve shared their new single “My name is blank”. TRACKLIST:She is BurningCramperMy name is blankBlah Blah BlahQuestion 1NosferatouRuinsGhostly imaginationChained(not) Last song The video for “My name is blank” was directed by Yutaro (Art Love Music). Boris have been doing their heavy and experimental music…
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The legendary BORIS celebrate a 30 year career as one of experimental music's most forward-thinking, heavy, and innovative bands with the new album Heavy Rocks (2022). Continuing their series of Heavy Rocks records, BORIS once again channels the classic proto-metal sounds of the 70s into something all new. The album, 10 pulse-pounding tracks, highlight the very trajectory of BORIS and their storied career - from the driving, fuzzed out Rock N' Roll opener "She is Burning", to the punk, raucous "My Name is Blank", BORIS are heavier than ever before. "Question 1" is just kickass - D-beats give way to a doomed, spaced out and heavier-than-anything guitar wailing and feedback, before diving back into their Metal, sending the listener into a complete frenzy. This is unmistakably BORIS, and this is the band at the height of their powers. Elsewhere on the record, a more daring, "out there" side of the band begins to shine on tracks such as the aptly titled "Blah Blah Blah", the industrial "Ghostly Imagination" and the truly wild "Nosferatou". Noisy passages (not unlike prior collaborations with legendary artists like Merzbow,) collide with visceral vocal howls while a relentless, almost Zornian-saxophone shreds harder than any guitar solo ever could. In 2022, BORIS cement what Heavy Rock means to them, and release one of their most captivating records to date. #boris #heavyrocks #relapserecords #japanese #sludge #stoner #doom #metal #vinyl #vinyladdict #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinyldecal #vinylfan #vinylgeek #vinylmeplease #vinylpress #vinyldistribution #vinylrecords #vinyligclub #vinylstore #instavinyl #grindpromotionrecords (presso Grindpromotion Records Hq) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrJ_xsjyjy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sonicziggy · 2 years
"My name is blank" by Boris https://ift.tt/TvZHR2l
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BORIS - My name is blank
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cbcruk · 2 years
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BORIS - My name is blank
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