lucigoo · 2 months
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So, I'm going to make this a Masterlist of all my Hobbit fics as I write them. I'm also going to attmept to put them in some type of order. Hopefully it's easier for others to anvigate the mess that is my Tumblr lol <3
The Hobbit - All are Bilbo/Thorin unless stated otherwise Active Wips: A Home, A Pack, A Place of Love (Animal Au) Summary: Bilbo is a corgi and he has become the guardian of a traumatised little corgi pup. He has to leave their cosy home and hope for the best. For him and Frodo.
Hopefully he will find a ew place to call home, a new family for him and Frodo, hopefully they will thirve. I want you right here, where you belong:Home with us (Bilbo/Thorin, Sirius/Remus crossover) Summary: Thorin has moved to "The United Kingdoms" with his friends and family.
Follow his life as he ends up an unexpected father, Uncle and husband, and extends his family with wizards, witches, centaurs, goblins and, sadly, elves.
Bilbo stays in Erebor fics:Stop me Fading (Needs major re edtiting) Summary: Its a few weeks since BOTFA. Bilbos running around like a headless chicken, The Company are being plonkers, Thranduil and Dain are being antagonistic, Bards just a cinnamon roll and Gandalf keeps disappearing for long amounts of time (for good causes of course). There's one lonely, sad little hobbit on the plains outside of the Lonely Mountain. Bagginshield-tober (A uncomplete series) Summary: A series of fics spanning from LakeTown until Bilbo's death. Bilbo stayed in Erebor, this is his and Thorin's life. Afterlife Fics: I will join you Summary: MCD!! Bilbo sits with a dying Thorin, knowing he will join him. Dead or not, this will not be the last time he seee his beloved. A Little Drop of Rain Summary: Thorin holds his dying one in his arms. All he can do is hope he will see him again after his life is over. It was a long life and all Thorin wants is to be reunited with his hobbit. Defying Death (or at least the ones in charge) Summary: Bilbo has finally died, and now Lord Mandos wants to shove him away to Lady Yavanna's Green Gardens. Well that wont do. After all, Thorin wont be in Yavanna's gardens and Bilbo wont stay where Thorin isnt.
He's a burglar, and if he can smuggle his dwarves out from under Thranduil's nose, he can smuggle himself into Mahal's Halls under the Valar's noses, right?
Reshirement: Changeling Child (Mpreg) Summary: Thanks to his Stone headed nephews, Bilbo now has a new quest. One that needs cleverness and diplomacy. Not the reckless battle tactics of dwarrow. This is the most important quest Bilbo will ever go on, even more imprtant then facing a dragon. For the most important being in his life. Animal Au's: A Pasture Too Small for A Bovine’s World so Large Summary: Bilbo is an odd Highland Bull, so odd that he has had enough and takes Primula, Drogo and baby Frodo to find a new place. A new home.
Thorin and his family are an odd little herd of Bison. An odd herd with room for a few other strange bovines. Wait for me in the Aurora Bearalis Summary: Bilbo is a red panda, he had had a good life. He had managed to make it to 64 seasons (16 years) when most red pandas were lucky to make 40 seasons (10 years).
Thorin doesnt want to say goodbye to his little Orso but he has too, hopefully they can find one another in another life. Ive found Frodo ....and he found you? Summary: Canine distemper has stolen all of the Bagginses away apart from Bilbo and little Frodo. No he has to find his kit, who has wandered off, again, and keep them safe from "The Sick". If only he wasn't alone doing it.
Bittersweet/hopeful ending: The Last Meeting (Until Arda is Remade) Summary: Bilbo is a sad, lonely hobbit in Rivendell. What is left of The Company, his friends, his Family find him there. There are less then there should be.
This is Bilbo's last meeting with the few remaining dwarves he adores. Until they meet again, when the world is remade, hopefully. Sad Ending: The Demented King Under the Mountain Summary: TW MCD, Murder, Thorin did not beat the dragon sickness. Thorin did not defeat the Dragon-sickness and in his rage destroyed the gift he was given to cherish. “How rare and beautiful it truly is that you existed, and that you existed with me, for me" Summary: It is time for Bilbo to leave The Shire, he is going to make his way to Erebor, hopefully.
Before that, he makes his way to his oak tree, the last living thing he has that reminds him of Thorin, it is time to say goodbye. One more hour with you Summary: Bilbo doesnt want it to end, he just wants one more day, one more hour, one more minute with his beloved. He will deny the truth in front of him to get it if he has too. You Never Cared, Why Start Now? Summary: It started with the fires burning through Erebor. It will end with the fires burning through Bag End. The Last Durin Princess returns home (Gen fic, Dis-centric) Summary: The Last Durin Princess returns home, but home is a tomb. A place with ghosts. With her dead borther and her dead sons.
When home is no longer home, all it is is a place of pain and heart break. What is the last of her line supposed to do? How is she supposed to go on? You were to late Summary: Bilbo is watching the eagles fly overhead in victory. With Thorin's cooling hand in his, Bilbo isnt sure what their is to feel victorious over.
Quest Fics: Dwarrow hugs in the dark Summary: The Fell Winter wasnt just a time whe hobbits starved, it ws much worse then that. An entire generation of hobbits traumatised.
For one Bilbo Baggins, on a quest with a troop of rude dwarves, the memories become nightmares whilst on the road. Maybe waht he needs is dwarrow hugs off a dwarrow king? A heart of stone and Fire in his soul Summary: Thorin is but a ghost of a king, desperate and making stupid choices. Bilbo is a hobbit out of The Shire, trying to find his place. But he needs to keep his daft dwarven king alive to succeed. The trials and tribulations of a married hobbit (a bowman's persepctive) Summary: Bard see's a small hobbit amongst a crowd of dwarves clamouring to get on his barge. From that first glimpse he makes a friend, suprised by who his new friend has married. Follow the events from Lake Town until after from Bard's pov. Far over the Misty Mountains:A hobbit with a heart Summary: Bilbo's home is suddenly invaded by a troop of dwarves. He would be bad, should be mad, but that song ....
Modern Au's: "Bring Your Older Gays To Play" at Club Erebor Summary: Frodo had convinced Bilbo to go the event night at his favourite queer club. All Bilbo wanted to do was go home, back to his books and cup of tea. Well, that was until Mr tall, dark and sexy was pushed into him. The reason is you, the reason is him, the reason is me (Dwalin/Nori, background Bilbo/Thorin) Summary: Nori hates himself for the 4 and a half years he spent in prison. For destroying everythig good in his ife. For losing everything he had to live for.
Hes out now and hopefully he can fix his realationships and see his son again. ABC's of Avoiding Bullying and Crying (Gen fic, The Companny are all young children) Summary: Thorin is a big grown up 7 year old dwarf. Frerin is a little 5 year old dwarf who is usally bugging Thorin and his friends to play. So why didn't he bother them on this day, and who was he with? It's a good job I love you! Summary: Bilbo sees that Thorin has once again forgotten to take the rubbish out, bloody husbands, he thinks exasperated.
LOTR Fics: Akmâthu Bask:Song of the Bath (Gen Fellowship fic) Summary: During a bath by the river, Gimli starts singing Bilbo's bath song. Confusing the hobbits. It turns out that isnt the only song of The Hero of Erebor's that they sing in the Lonely Mountain. Between the forest and the sea, I leave my heart with thee - (Gen fic, Elrond-centric) Summary: Elrond is set to sail to Valinor to reunite with his wife when he has a vision. How can he leave when his he sees his precious daughter dying alone, her grief clear through time and space? Two Lives Will Be Spared This Day (Boromir/Theodred) Summary: Boromir looks into Galadriel's mirror and he doesnt like what he sees. Maybe if he makes a different choice he cna save himslef, and the love of his life.
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katajainen · 4 months
To Be a Boy, Green as Spring (1281 words) by katajainen Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Boromir/Théodred (Tolkien) Characters: Boromir (Tolkien), Théodred (Tolkien), others mentioned - Character Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Teenagers, First Meetings, Summer Romance, First Kiss, Everyone was young and awkward once Series: Part 5 of February Ficlet Challenge 2024 - Tolkien vol.3
It was dusk the first time Théodred rode to Mundburg. He was fifteen.
Day 5 of the February Ficlet Challenge 2024, prompt: “Dusk AND/OR High school/college AU.”
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emilybeemartin · 7 months
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I finally got some decent words on my manuscript and I also finished my kids' Halloween costumes in the nick of time, so I can have a little teenage Eomer, Theodred, and Boromir, as a treat.
Boromir can knock Eomer on his ass in the sparring ring but has never once beaten him in a horse race, and even after four decades it eats him alive.
The ages are off here because I didn't cross-check my dates before starting this, but I'm three trick-or-treats in and I can't make myself care. *mutates into hollow plastic pumpkin bucket*
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
It’s really beautiful how Tolkien takes the time to honor the dead. After Gandalf’s death, they take the time in Lothlorien to deal with their grief and sing their laments, but as there is no body, that’s all they can do.
But when Boromir dies, even when Aragorn has to make the decision to either pursue Frodo or Merry and Pippin, and both are rapidly growing farther from the three left, they take the time to honor their friend. They don’t leave immediately, even though efficiency would dictate otherwise. No, instead they take the time to decide how to “bury” him (quotations only because it’s not burying in the strictest sense of the word, but rather reverently dealing with Boromir’s body). And then they gather trophies of his last stand and arrange them in the boat with him, taking time to “[comb] his long dark hair and [array] it upon his shoulders.”
How many times have other adventurers dedicated valuable time to honor the bodies of fallen companions, specifically to this extent? More often than not, they have to leave them behind, or only take the time to fold their arms or close their eyes.
Occasionally, they’ll build a pyre or bury them or whatnot, but it’s always after the battle that they set aside a significant chunk of time, or they live up to the term of fantasy (which isn’t a bad thing!) and there is no time wasted in building a cairn or burial or what-have-you.
My point is that time is spent, time that could be used for more “productive” things, such as, I don’t know, pursuing Merry and Pippin whose lives are at stake. And it isn’t framed as a bad thing, because it isn’t! Each life is precious, even when only the body is left. And they take the, well, the time to acknowledge this, in a reasonable and conservative way. (And when I say conservative, I mean that they pick the burial most fitting for their running clock, balancing both their need for a grieving period as well as the haste that the hobbits will require.)
I can’t speak to the rest of the deaths in the books as I haven’t caught up and refreshed my memory, but I will touch on another death, this time in the movie, that shares the same theme.
While he certainly hasn’t been totally forgotten by the fandom, I believe it is fair to say that he gets less discussion. Which is fair, considering he gets almost no active dialogue that I can remember and he is unconscious for most, if not all, of his screen time (and book time) before dying shortly after.
And one could say it’s because he’s a prince, one could say it’s because he was the heir, etc., etc. But it honestly makes no sense to dedicate all that time to preparing and putting on a large funeral when Saruman is right at Rohan’s door and there are so many bigger and more impactful decisions to be making now that Theoden has his mind back.
But, again, it isn’t criticized in the movie. It isn’t treated as the wrong decision. The people, included Theoden, needed time to mourn and Theodred deserved to be honored, even in death, even as the great forces of orcs and Uruk-hai were marching across Rohan.
Time is valuable, time is precious, and it should be wasted, especially when you’re trying your hardest to make sure you and yours survive. But time is meaningless if you don’t use it to live and subsequently honor those who have lived.
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myceliumelium · 3 months
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What if were were both princes among our people? What if we kissed over the borders of our lands? And we were both boys? What then?
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gandalf-the-fool · 23 days
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nihilizzzm · 8 months
So let’s talk for a moment about something I was discussing yesterday with my sister only to wake up today and be like “it’s so fuckin obvious why did we miss it?”, but also I think people tend to forget about it, idk.
So we were talking how Faramir is not giving 36 year old man vibes. He just seems younger, more emotionally invested in a way a 20 something year old would be. And then we checked how old are Éomer and Éowyn, because Éomer is in our mind somewhere near Faramir’s age and Éowyn is slightly younger.
So Éomer is 28 and Éowyn is 24.
And Faramir is 36.
And just to throw it in there, because it is important I swear, Boromir is 41 and Théodred is also 41.
And we also only then started talking how Boromir also seems younger than 41, like not much, but somewhere around 35?? Idk, he just has this adult spice to himself but with a hint of lost youthfulness.
And I only now remembered that those Gondor bitches are of the blood of Numenor. Not like Aragorn type of where we all know it’s crazy difference, but they still are.
So it’s now absolutely right to have Faramie vibe with Éomer and Éowyn and for those three to seem like being similar age.
And this also brings me to topic of Boromir/Théodred, one of my fav ships from lotr. Because they are technically the same age, but the line of Húrin is aging slightly differently. So I would risk saying here that Boromir would be slightly more, idk, childish? Less experienced emotionally and less mature? But still a grown man, if we are talking about their potential meeting in their twenties for example.
Idk, the concept of age with lotr is weird to discuss, because shit feels weird sometimes but then u remember none of those characters age as a normal human except the Rohirrim.
So i am deciding to just go with the vibe the character is giving me when it comes to writing.
And just to throw our 87 year old king here, he is in my mind somewhere around 38 to 41 if converted to normal person.
It’s an open discussion I would love to hear from someone who knows tolkien shit better than I do, because those are just some chaotic thoughts
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I’m (maybe?) almost done with a Théodred story I’ve been working on for a long time and, in looking back over some of my notes about his canon life, I couldn’t help clocking the many similarities between his experiences and those of LOTR’s other first son of a kingdom of men, Boromir. It’s not super relevant to my story, but I ended up with this running list and I’m just sticking it here because why not. None of this is groundbreaking stuff (and there are probably more) but so far I have that Théodred and Boromir both:
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1. Were heirs to the leadership of their respective realms and held their land’s senior military positions (Second Marshal for Théodred—there being no First Marshal at the time—and Captain of the White Tower for Boromir).
2. Lost their mothers early (Théodred at birth and Boromir at age 10) and grew up in households run entirely by powerful fathers who never remarried.
3. Ended up taking on dangerous challenges at least in part because those fathers were both having their reason and good judgment manipulated by opponents (Théoden through the treachery of Gríma/Saruman and Denethor by the selective truths shown to him by Sauron in the palantír).
4. Got killed in a battle where their opponents were targeting them to the exclusion of others around them (Saruman’s forces at the Isen were told to kill Théodred at all costs even while “disregarding” others, and the orcs at Parth Galen fire their arrows “always at Boromir” while leaving Merry and Pip untouched).
5. Were trying to summon aid at the time they were struck down (Théodred is shouting “To me, Eorlingas!” to summon reinforcements when he’s fatally wounded. Boromir blows his great horn to alert the rest of the fellowship before he’s brought down).
6. Took massive injuries but lived long enough afterward to pass on last words in which they invoke the names of the men who will come to replace them as leaders and express the hope that those next leaders will achieve victory (Elfhelm and Grimbold believe Théodred is dead before they discover he’s still breathing just enough to say, “Let me lie here to keep the fords til Éomer comes.” Boromir, as we all know, lays there with those arrows in his chest long enough to be found by Aragorn, at which point he says, “Farewell, Aragorn. Go to Minas Tirith and save my people.”).
7. Died within hours of each other (Théodred on the night on February 25 and Boromir around midday on the 26) at the same age of 41 because, oh yeah, they were also born within months of each other.
8. Didn’t get a burial/funeral in keeping with their status and the traditions of their people because they died in awful circumstances far from home (Théodred dies and is buried by Elfhelm and Grimbold’s companies at the fords rather than in the barrows outside of Edoras with his ancestors. Boromir is sent over the falls by the three hunters instead of laying in Rath Dínen with the other kings and stewards of Gondor).
9. Mentored and protected little brother-type figures (Faramir as Boromir’s actual little brother and Éomer as Théodred’s cousin/adopted little bro) who would go on to achieve what they were unable to do themselves while alive.
10. Died unmarried and childless despite being extremely marriageable, in the primes of their lives and presumably expected to produce another heir. (There’s an explanation given for Boromir—he’s not into women and prefers fighting and arms—though there is none for Théodred.) (Like many other people, I have my own personal HC for Théodred’s romantic life, but that’s for another day.)
I’m not sure what to make of all that, but I find it interesting. We hear so often about contrasts between Gondor and Rohan—the different histories and heritages, the personality of cold, hard Denethor against kindly, grandfatherly Théoden, the magisterial stone and marble of Minas Tirith versus the rustic wood and thatch of Edoras, Gondor’s vast libraries and the Rohirrim’s oral traditions—but they’re so deeply linked as kingdoms and as individuals. By fate and by choice, they’re inextricably tied together, and I love the amount of detail that went into creating and including the subtle parallels between the first sons of each land as just one more way to see those ties play out.
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borom1r · 3 months
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⚔️ 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ⚔️
Behold, an Ongoing Project! 📯
I've been wanting to compile this for a while, instead of frantically scrambling for references every time I sit down to write — I thought it would be fun to share! I'm mostly tackling this from the perspective of a fanfic author, and also as someone who's very into viking era-through-renaissance men's fashion and armor.
I think it's really fun to look at the decisions that were made strategically (to maintain actor mobility, for example), because they looked cool (Faramir's pointless hinged piece on his helmet), or because they were actually period-accurate (gambesons under chainmail, or worn as armor by themselves!). I'm also taking it as a chance to point out what these garments say about their owners!
I say this in the document itself, but there's no need to credit me if you reference/use the doc for your own writing ^_^ this is some of my favorite stuff to discuss, so just getting to share it is cool enough to me.
I'm purely focusing on human characters to start, because of the more solid real-world parallels, but I'm happy to add on to this if there are other characters you'd like to see!!
(@potatoflower7 + @rivers-for-me, tagging you both bc you interacted w/ the posts I made when I was just starting this!)
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lucigoo · 4 months
Weekly Round Up: 11th Feb - 18th Feb
Hope everyone had a good week. I had no internet for a few days and had nothing to do but write I guess. I managed 24,917 words with 6 fics updated to A03. As always, rec's first. Alien; Little Queen - Lady_Fenikkusu - Alien (A girl turned into a xenomorph Queen) Sweet Synthesis - Ticklesivory - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another craker from @tickles-ivory, with Cyborgs!) A Passion For Mushrooms - Chrononautical - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, beautiful world building and pining idiots) Behind the Money - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, @sunnyrosewritesstuff wrote an adoarble tea ahop AU)
No Small Amount of Courage - SunnyRose - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, another wonderful fic from @sunnyrosewritesstuff where Bilbo loves so hard its enough) A Hobbit's Gamble - CQueen - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Arranged Marriage Au in Erebor, and its precious, from start to end) Hope you enjoy at least one <3
Now for my fics: 1) My love is vaster than all of Arda - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, Part of my Bagginshield-tober fics from @smolestboop's prompts, pre relationship in Lake Town) 2) Flowers and Gems -The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, also part of my Bagginshield-tober series, Bilbo takes Thorin on a date in the mountian and writes him a poem.) 3) Two Lives Will Be Spared This Day - The Lord of the Rings (Boromir/Theodred, part of the @myslashyvalentine, Boromir leaves the Fellowship in Lothlorian and goes to save his lover instead) 4) The World Is Ending and Yet I Smile - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, The moon is broken and the world ending and all Sirius feels is relief, part of the @flashfictionfridayofficial) 5) Wait, you're the wolf? - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Succubus Sirius, Werewolf Remus on a full moon night, paart of the @hpknotfest 6) Alstroemerias and Germinis for Forgivness: With a Bouquet for your Heart -The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, after the battle and Bilbo and Thorin are finding their way to one another. Another part of my Bagginshield-tober series)
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
Masterlist of my favorite Boromir fanfics
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Note: none of these are mine, they’re just fics from across the internet that I really enjoyed and recommend to anyone (like me) who can’t get enough of Boromir.
Absolute favorites I reread all the time: 💕
💕The Traveller by @roqueamadi​​ (rated M, 30k words, complete) - Boromir/tenth walker OC, adventure/romance
The Long Way Home by Glasschmetterling (rated E, 91k words, complete) - Boromir/OC, adventure/romance
 Strangeness and Charm by aybeexinfinity (rated E, 32k words, complete) - Boromir/skinchanger OC, adventure/romance
💕Prince of Gold, Prince of Stone by daphnerunning (rated E, 25k words, ongoing) - Boromir/Theodred, smut, romance, drama
Boromir/reader romance:
Into the Light by @heilith​​ and @averil-of-fairlea​​ - fluff
💕Now by @heilith​​  (rated M) - angst, fluff, implied smut
💕Three of Hearts by @heilith​​ - drama, fluff
💕Touchy Feely by @heilith​​ - fluff
Good Intentions by @heilith​​ - fluff
Touch Me Not by @heilith​​ - drama, fluff
Night by Night by @heilith​​  - fluff (honestly just read anything by heilith lol)
An Honest Mistake by Isabel_Kirstein - drama, fluff
The Streets of Gondor by Isabel_Kirstein - fluff, angst
Small Smiles by @legolaslovely​​ - fluff, angst
💕Anything But This by @minaturefics​​ - yearning, fluff
Death(less) Dreams by @minaturefics​​ - angst, fluff
A Stranger by @mismaeve​​ - fluff
So Close by @beautifultypewriter - fluff, yearning
💕Breathe by @sotwk​ - yearning, fluff
Boromir/OC romance:
The Right Question by alexi_ohs - fluff
In Good Hands by brigantine - fluff, adventure
Béma's ass by @i-did-not-mean-to​​ - modern fluff 
Yearning by @i-did-not-mean-to - yearning (duh)
In the Still of the Night by Aria34 - fluff
💕Dandelions by @sotwk - fluff 
Boromir/Theodred romance:
felled by you (held by you) by theMightyPen - fluff
Gen fics:
💕Black Shroud, White Feathers by Icarus_is_flying - Boromir & the hobbits, adventure/angst
💕Heart by starlightwalking - Boromir & Eowyn friendship
The Horn of Gondor by @saentorine​​​ - fluff, Boromir is five years old
A Shadow and a Thought by starryeyedknight - asexual Boromir & Eowyn, Eowyn/Faramir
Smut (please don’t judge me):
Kinkmas 2022 (breeding and against a wall) by @darthglitterfanfiction​​ - Boromir/reader and Boromir/OC, respectively
Kinktober 2022 (sex pollen) by @darthglitterfanfiction​​ - Boromir/reader
Those Eyes by LordMonday - Boromir/Aragorn
And finally:
my own fanfic list with even more Boromir content, just in case :D
If y’all read and enjoy any of these fics, be sure to let the authors know! I’ve tried to include some lesser known stuff here, since it’s so easy for fics to get lost in the crowd, especially older ones. If you have any other recommendations, reblog with your additions!
Updated June 2023! (although I’m pretty sure I forgot a ton of other great fics so I’ll probably update again soon)
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torchwood-99 · 2 months
Boromir/Theodred is one of those ships that the more I think about it, the more I love it. I love it in canon where it ends tragically, I love canon AUs where they live and it's bittersweet, I love total AUs where it's modern day and it's big fun.
I've also started head-canoning that Theodred and Boromir were plotting to set Eowyn and Faramir up. It's mostly sort of joking between them, a "hey wouldn't these two be perfect for each other", but the more they discuss it, the more they want it to happen.
Initially I liked this because it was shippy and funny and "big brotherly" and there's this fanart here Torchwood-99 — scyllas-revenge: greypetrel: sacherali: Why... (tumblr.com)
But also, if we're going bittersweet, it could be a way of Boromir and Theodred joining their houses, almost getting married by proxy, the two of them trying to live out their own desire to be together officially by marrying their younger siblings to each other.
(Imagine them at the wedding, standing at the bride and groom's side, looking at each other as the vows are read.)
Also on the bittersweet note, there's something lovely about Eowyn and Faramir accidentally fulfilling their loved one's wishes by finding each other, even after Theodred and Boromir have already passed.
If we're going full on wish fulfilment, we can have Boromir and Theodred live, get back from the battle at the Black Gates, and finding out that their OTP has gotten together, without them.
In this AU, Boromir ends up deciding that after Mordor's fall, he can start to live for his own happiness, after struggling a little with who he is now that there's no enemy to fight anymore. After some heart to hearts with Aragorn and Faramir, he ends up giving over the Stewardship to Faramir, and goes to Rohan as an ambassador.
(Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir and Aragorn all know, as these things aren't so uncommon around soldiers. It starts off as that "thing" that isn't spoken of, but as years go by, it becomes a more open subject within the family circle.)
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tathrin · 24 days
Many Lines Monday
Thank you very much for tagging me to share a wip snippet, @chthonion! I am elated by the chance to oblige.
This bit is from And In The Darkness To Unmake Them, my Celebrimbor-joins-the-Fellowship AU, which has run into a bit of a mental roadblock in a few places recently, so hopefully sharing a little of it here will help kick the brain back into gear!
One of the Riders nudged his mount forward, moving out a few steps in front of the rest. He sat at no great height, but his shoulders were broad—broader than most—and his grip upon his reins was casual and steady. The helm he wore was topped with a long pale horsetail, and his braids hung long and thick beneath it.
"And who are you," the Rider demanded, "to speak thus to us in our own lands? For you strangers are no Men of Rohan; indeed, I see that many of you are no Men at all! Who is to say that this burning was not done at your hands, and your words of Orcs and assistance now are but pretty lies to throw us off the trail? Speak! For the Men of Rohan do not lie; and thus are not easily deceived."
"That is well," said Elladan calmly, "for we do not intend to deceive you; nor do we mean harm to any good folk that dwell within Rohan, neither Horse nor Man. Nor are we all of us strangers: we have been in your lands before, my brother and I, although our last journey hither would have been very long ago indeed by your mortal reckoning."
"Indeed, although you may know us not, we know your folk well enough, Son of Rohan," said Elrohir. "For my brother and I fought in the battle that forged your kingdom, some several generations of your kindred previous. I am Elrohir of Rivendell, and this is my twin-brother, Elladan. Those we ride with are called the Grey Company, for their mail and raiment, and for their purpose also; and they are Elves and Men of the North: Rangers of the Dúnedain, and Elvish warriors of Imladris. We seek travel through your lands to Gondor."
The Rider eyed them suspiciously, and his men exchanged wary glances. "Your words are fair," the leader of their éored said after a long moment. "Yet we have oft heard fair words in the Riddermark of late, which have fouler means behind them. Have you any proofs which you can offer that your passage through our lands is to as innocent a purpose as you claim? And what, for that matter, is your purpose in riding so armed to Gondor, long our allies in both war and peace?"
"Their purpose is to return to my land with the answers for which I left to seek Rivendell, some several months ago," Boromir said, raising his voice before either brother could answer. "For I am Boromir of Gondor, son of Denethor, and I am riding home at last."
"Boromir!" Several of the Riders startled, and some leaned across their horses' necks to peer closer at his face. Boromir raised his chin and met their eyes, his gaze firm and unflinching.
The leader doffed his helm at last, and revealed a face that Boromir had seen before: strong, but weathered from sun and wind and long rides across the open plains; fair-haired like most of the people of Rohan, yet sporting locks that were less bright meadowflower-yellow and more of a dark cornsilk, sun-streaked and heavy in the light wind. The thin scar that marred the short beard that graced his chin was new, but there was no mistaking those deep brown eyes nor that strong wide nose. "Boromir!" he cried.
"Théodred," Boromir said, and bowed slightly from his saddle. "It has been some time."
"Some time, indeed!" Théodred exclaimed. "And yet I know your face well, Boromir of Gondor, and you are a welcome sight here in these dark times! I will tell you that when your horse returned without you, we feared the worst. I am glad to see now that our fears were meritless." Théodred's gaze flickered towards the Sons of Elrond, who watched their reunion with impassive grey eyes. "You say you have found the answers for which you sought?"
Tagging: @babybat98 @roselightfairy @bifuriouswaterbender @katajainen @realtacuardach and I'm not sure who's been tagged already because I haven't actually checked my dash yet this evening beyond Chthonion's (enthralling) post, so if you see this and haven't been tagged yet: consider yourselves tagged by me! And if you've already been tagged ignore me shh.
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myceliumelium · 3 months
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Buckle up friends, the brainrot isn't gone yet.
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kylobith · 5 months
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Last updated: 01 June 2024
Greetings, traveller!
Since I am planning to write more from now on, having retrieved a bit of creativity over the past few months, I thought it would be handy to create a masterlist to make it easier to find them here.
At the moment, my writing is focused on Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings in general, so brace yourselves for quite a few of those, even if they're just drabbles! I am currently working on a five-part story on Éomer, but I expect to write a bit more on my favourite character, Faramir.
I do expect to write some drabbles centred on the characters of Baldur's Gate 3, probably centred around Astarion, Karlach, Gale and Halsin.
Eventually, I might dabble in The Boys as well for obvious *cough* Karl Urban *cough* reasons.
I will add some of my old ones on Stranger Things as well, some of which I must admit I don't think I will finish (just lost the inspiration for those I'm afraid!)
If I have enough time to write in the future (it's tricky for now), I might even accept some commissions for short stories, but we'll see about that in time, no promises haha
Expect to find fluff and angst, but also some smut from time to time. Everything will be properly tagged.
Note: Some older fanfictions with multiple chapters will only contain the Ao3 link. I don't know yet if I'll really post every single chapter on here.
Anyway, if you take the time to read my stuff, I'm extremely grateful and I hope you will enjoy whatever I put out there! If you wish to be tagged on new releases, don't hesitate to ask and I'll make sure to do so :)
Everything is available on my Ao3 account
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Tolkien/Lord of the Rings
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Engraved On My Heart
(Éomer x FemOC) Éomer unexpectedly bonds with Éorhild, a maid in his service. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 (Note: Part 1 was published on my sideblog, but the other parts will all be posted on this blog instead) In progress
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Long Live The King!
(Faramir x Éowyn) Faramir supports Éowyn as she mourns Théoden. Completed
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Lord of the Rings Week 2023
Event organised by @lotr20 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Return of the King. One to three prompts per day. Day 1: Home (Poem - Merry, Pippin, Faramir, Éowyn, Sam, Rosie, Éomer, Lothíriel) Day 2: Language | Culture | Beauty (Faramir x Éowyn, Éomer) Day 3: Fear | Courage (Éomer, Merry, Pippin) Day 4: Friendship | Loyalty (Legolas, Gimli, rest of the Fellowship except Boromir) Day 5: Loss | Despair (Boromir, Faramir, Denethor) Day 6: Triumph | Healing | Hope (Sam, Frodo) Day 7: The Return of the King 20th anniversary (The Fellowship, Arwen, Faramir, Éowyn, Elrond, Théoden, Éomer, Théodred) Completed
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Baldur's Gate 3
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The Little Tiefling
(Gale of Waterdeep x Tav) While Tav is resting, Gale seizes the opportunity to bond with his daughter by reading her a story. Completed
The Trick
(Gale of Waterdeep x Tav) In all his life, Gale never imagined undertaking such a difficult task. But he must. Short prequel to The Little Tiefling Completed
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Under the Oak Leaves
(Halsin & Gender-neutral drow Tav) After the Tiefling party, Tav feels melancholic and isolates themself from the camp. Halsin finds them and is set on alleviating their pain. Completed
Little Town Tails
(Halsin x Fem!Tav) After saving up for years, Halsin settles and opens his veterinary practice in a quaint little town. Beyond patients, he finds friends and love, but also trouble. When a business mogul agrees with the mayor to buy local shops for the implementation of his coffee chain to make Heawick more touristic, Halsin's practice is threatened. It will take more than a good word to save his lifetime project. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 In progress
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Memory Lane
(Astarion & Gender-neutral Half-Drow Tav) Astarion is submerged by a desire to recover memories from his past. Before Cazador, before his transformation. And Tav is determined to help him. Could it be that there is somebody out there still waiting for him? Completed
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The Unwanted Saviour
(Rolan x Fem!Tav) A restless night turns into a tacit confession. Upcoming
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Star Wars
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The Inner Battle (Ao3 only)
(Kylo Ren/Ben Solo & OC Bounty hunter) One year after the destruction of Starkiller, the First Order still dominates the Galaxy. Kylo Ren ventures in the Mid-Rim territories, tracking a target on Ord Mantell, whom he knows will help him achieve a secret mission he has been planning since the beginning... In progress - Editing Note: Chapters might be eventually posted on Tumblr, but for now it's a bit tricky due to the fic's size (I have about 50 chapters written!)
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Stranger Things
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Swords and Hoops
(Steve Harrington x Reader) Steve meets you at the Palace arcade after you come back from your holidays in California. Completed
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Steady (Ao3 only)
(Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington) As they recover from the final confrontation with Vecna, Eddie and Steve bond and realise that they bring out the best version of each other. But not only... Completed
Time After Time (Ao3 only)
(Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington) Sequel to Steady. Steve and Eddie start over in Seattle, yet a new obstacle comes to stand in their way: coming to terms with their queerness. In progress
The Holiday Fling (Ao3 only)
(Eddie Munson x Fem!OC) Summer of 1987. Arwen Lewis spends her holidays in Arkansas after moving to the USA from Wales. One night, she meets Eddie Munson, who turns what was supposed to be a camping trip into the best summer of their lives. In progress
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Rock You Like A Hurricane
(Billy Hargrove x FemReader) [NSFW] [Smut] Billy pays you an unexpected visit when you're home alone. The night ends quite differently than you thought... Completed
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mithrandirl · 25 days
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so many bones there lie | T, 5k words, boromir lives au
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