#Breakaway 2019
plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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The Point - You've Got the Makings of a Lover (Drop Shadow)
The Festivals cover, 2019.
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welcometothejianghu · 5 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 有翡/Legend of Fei.
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Legend of Fei is a 2020 adaptation of priest's webnovel Bandits that tells the story of a competent yet sheltered young swordswoman, the terrible gremlin boy who decides they're married now, and their various friends as they venture into the jianghu to acquire the legendary MacGuffin that will do ... uh, something, probably.
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This show is a delight. It is pure goofy, tender-hearted sincerity. It has so many precious baby angels with adorably pinchable cheeks performing so many fetch quests in so many styrofoam dungeons. It is funny on purpose and funny on accident. It is 51 episodes of rollicking, slapdash, green-screened adventure.
I am trying real hard here not to bite on @agendratum's wonderful rec post for the series, which includes the words "discount word of honor with teens," a phrase that lives rent-free in my head. Go look at their work for a more detailed character guide. What I have here are a mere five reasons above and beyond said post that you should watch this darling little show.
1. All the production values of a sixth-grade class play
This show flopped pretty hard, and I can understand why. It was a highly anticipated drama with two big-name headliners. Fans expected a lot from it! And what they got is something that looks and feels like a mid-budget syndicated UPN show from 1993, complete with how all the high-schoolers are played by actors in their thirties.
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This show is comically janky and earnest. Stunt people fall down before they're hit. Breakaway furniture abounds. Actors bounce gently off "stone" walls. Damn near everything was filmed on sound stages with greenscreens. (Filming ran from September 2019-January 2020, stopped for pandemic reasons, and finished March-April 2020. While this certainly is not the only cause of the show's jankiness, it definitely contributed.)
This it not a show with no money; this is a show with an appropriate amount of money spent poorly.
The flow and pacing of the story are as smooth as a car crash. So many times, a scene with Characters A and B will be happening, the show will cut (sharply) away to a different storyline, and by the time it jumps back, Character A is in a completely different location and Character B has departed. When did that happen? Why did that happen? Where are we now? No time to ask questions! Establishing shots are for weenies! This director knows filmmakers who maintain narrative continuity, and they're all cowards.
Speaking of the narrative: I've seen Saturday morning cartoons from the '80s with more depth. I would be hard-pressed to explain what exactly is happening that's driving the plot. There's big business with a deposed emperor and a forever war happening on some distant front and disgruntled veterans of the army that's fighting it ... but, like, it doesn't matter? All those machinations are barely relevant to the plot at hand, which can be summed up thus: Bad Guys want Thing, Good Guys go on adventures to stop them from getting Thing.
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And I am listing all this messiness as a selling point -- as the show's primary selling point, in fact -- because I think it's all charming as heck. This show is plain, unpretentious fun. It's a downright romp! It's got a very teenager's-eye-view of the inscrutable situation driving the whole plot, which does a good job of drawing attention to how maaaaybe this whole situation is bullshit and the grownups should stop killing themselves and other people because of it.
Here's a good metric: If the Ye Olde Haixing parts of Guardian warmed your heart, you are in exactly the right frame of mind for this.
There's no way to tell how much of this campy, underfunded aesthetic was intentional, and how much was the result of both poor budgeting and way too many cooks in the production and screenwriting kitchens. I'm not going to say this was a labor of love, because it was at best a labor of like. Everybody onscreen is giving it their all, but no one's giving the same all as anyone else. Go into it expecting that and nothing more, and you'll have a great time.
2. Punching the Bechdel Test into next week
Are you someone who loves c-dramas, except for the part where you're like, gee, I sure wish there were some girls in this? Oh, my friend, there are so many girls in this.
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I actually kept being stunned while watching it by just how many girls are in it. Old girls! Young girls! Evil girls! Nice girls! Rich girls! Poor girls! Strong girls! Weak girls! Just a whole lot of girls!
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Truly, it's not just how many female characters there are, but the sheer variety of them. The main octet includes an awkward tomboy who can kick your ass, a spunky brat who's not above crocodile tears to get what she wants, and a soft femme who's a brave little toaster despite having zero martial arts skills. The show absolutely loves them all and thinks they've all got important things to contribute, no matter how hard they can or can't punch.
And that's before we get into how many female side characters there are, both heroes and villains. I've seen that some people hate on these side characters. Those people are wrong.
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Maybe the best part is how much they interact. There are many scenes with multiple female characters in them, sometimes with male characters too, and sometimes just the girls. Because this is a jianghu story with martial artists, several of the female characters have unique skills that they pass on to other, younger female characters. Women are often the honored masters of things who have competent all-ladies support staff. And there's no sense that they wash out after a certain age -- even the grannies can still school you as needs be.
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...Of course, the sad thing is, I'm touting all this ladyfolk representation when maybe 20% of the total listed cast is female (doing quick math from the MyDramaList cast page). Pound for pound, the Untamed's listed cast has a (slightly) greater female:male ratio, and nobody would call that a girl-forward show. It just makes a difference when what female characters you have, you push toward the front of the narrative and give them reasons to have relationships with one another, instead of making them occasional props in the background while real (read: male) people get to be people.
The entire reason the Bechdel-Wallace Test exists is not to praise or condemn any individual piece of media, but to comment on larger trends in the depiction of women in fiction. It's not a problem when one thing doesn't pass the test; it's a problem when nothing passes the test, or when the things that do pass skate by on single moments and technicalities. The more things that fail its three criteria, the more that indicates the prevalence of an attitude that regards women only as accessories to men's stories.
Legend of Fei is aware that not only do women have inner lives, but they relate to one another in very specific, culturally informed ways. The female characters in this are not just male characters with incidental she/her pronouns. Zhou Fei not only gets to be the protagonist who goes on the whole hero's journey of growth and change, but along the way she also gets to have some complicated interactions with her own gender and how much expected modes of femininity do and don't suit her. But it's also not because she's Not Like The Other Girls! It doesn't make her better or worse to be that way. It just makes her more like her mom -- and if there's one thing I know that makes a teenage girl break out into a cold sweat, it's the idea that she's anything like her mom.
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This little drama is hardly some revolutionary piece of thought-provoking feminist insight, or anything like that. It's just that if you're feeling the lack of ladies in your c-dramas and wish to see girls on film (as it were), Legend of Fei may be what you're looking for!
3. Chaotic bisexual (asexual?) extravaganza!
priest's work is queer as fuck, and while this story itself does not rise to the level of being textually gay, there's still a great big rainbow flag flying over the whole business. You can rest assured that when two dudes or two ladies are giving one another meaningful looks, it is not an accident. We all know who's writing this.
Do you like relationship charts? Because I've got a doozy for you:
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How many of these are me making jokes? Way fewer than you think.
There are of course some actual canon couples in there, and the amount of real estate they take up in the narrative means your affection for them will make or break your affection for the show. Fortunately, all the teen pairings are super-cute!
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Zhou Fei embodies the bisexual stereotype of liking all the ladies and maybe one dude. Xie Yun falls so hard and fast for this beautiful butch-by-local-standards that his head spins. Together, they are the romantic backbone of the story, and they are just a treat.
I've seen people say these two have no chemistry, and I think that's bullshit, but okay, let's assume that's your read on it. You can still understand why they like one another, beyond your standard, he's a boy, she's a girl, what more do you want? Zhou Fei likes Xie Yun because he's funny, emotionally available, and socially unacceptable. Xie Yun likes Zhou Fei because she's fierce on the outside and warm on the inside. Sure, they're in love, but what's more important is that they're good partners and great friends.
(I think it helps that even though the characters are supposed to be around the same age, Zhao Yiling is literally a decade older than Yibito is, and he clearly thinks even off-camera that she's dreamy.)
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Also, it's great when he helps her sheathe her sword. This is a couple that's going to take about three whole minutes to figure out pegging.
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Li Sheng and Wu Chuchu are the normie couple. He is big strong boy-man! She is small helpless lady-girl! ...Except no, this is yet another case of a wife guy who thinks his girlfriend's strengths are awesome; it's just that in this case, her strengths are her brains.
The fact that her attack and defense scores are nearly zero does not keep Chuchu from being the most competent person in any given room. She starts out as the girl who's important because she's got an important dad and an important key item, but she winds up being basically Jianghu GameFAQs. She never stops being soft and pink and feminine and tender, and she never learns to fight worth a damn, and none of that keeps her from being a vital (if unfortunately kidnappable) part of the team!
Meanwhile, Li Sheng is never really a male chauvinist, because he's grown up under his aunt, who kicks so much ass. But he is a bit of a cocky teen-boy turdface who needs to get knocked down a few pegs. It's great, then, that the show pairs him with the kind of helpless femme that he's supposed to want, then has him decide the fact that she's miles smarter than he is is the best.
And then there's these dipshits.
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Normally in c-dramas, I'm used to triangles that are a strong canonical line between the main guy and his girlfriend, a strong but unacknowledged line between the main guy and his best friend, and maybe a faint dotty wisp between the girlfriend and best friend. Not so here! Ying Hecong, Li Yang, and Yang Jin (L-R above) are a damn near equilateral triangle. I mean, okay, technically they're set up as a more conventional love triangle, where both boys like the same girl, and she does sort-of choose one of them in the end. But in that arrangement, you'd expect the boys to become rivals -- and they never are. In fact, they become special allies who trust and take care of one another more than they do anyone else.
They're a great weird trio. Ying Hecong is a poorly socialized weirdo whose special interests are poisons and befriending snakes. Yang Jin is the chief of Doctor Village, a position that he got not by being a doctor, but by being a dumb jock who didn't realize fast enough why nobody else wanted the job. And Li Yang is the spoiled little sister of Li Shen and cousin of Zhou Fei, prone to getting what she wants by pitching a damn fit about it, who has decided that both of these boys are hers now and she can do whatever she wants with them.
(Li Yan is actually the most Actually A Teen of all the characters, and is the one who makes me wish so much that more of the cast had been played by actual age-appropriate actors. Some character traits are adorably tolerable when someone's twelve and verge on really fucking annoying by the time that same person is twenty-five.)
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If you are into OT3s where two partners have to join in solidarity with one another so they can survive their third, you've found your pot of gold. Each one of them is enough of a catastrophe that they need two whole love interests to manage them. Between the three of them, they almost make one well-functioning human being.
Now: A thing to note about all these relationships, and one thing that may be surprising to you about something adapted from a priest novel, is that this show is negative horny. All of the romance is extremely chaste. At no point does any grownup worry that leaving these teens alone with one another will lead to some hanky-panky. Nobody ever volunteers to chaperone, or seems to need one. The adults aren't particularly horny about one another either! This is the kind of universe where people blush while tenderly embracing, then go to pick their baby up from the local cabbage patch.
Even my jokes about Zhou Fei's fuckable grandpa are just jokes, because nobody actually wants to fuck him. They all want to duel him, or to fuss over his health, or to follow him around and bask in his nobility. He has two kids, but we never meet their mom(s?). He deflects the obvious interest of multiple beautiful women with ease. He is the perfect man, both fuckable and unfuckable at once.
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This may be what's having people read the main pair as having no chemistry. They have a lot of chemistry! It's just not a particularly sexual chemistry. It's extremely tender and playful, and there's plenty of physical intimacy. But it's not horny.
And that's not on the two actors. I've seen both of them look at someone else like they wanted to eat that boy alive. That was a choice this show made, to play all the romance about as spicy as when the puppets on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood hold hands. The only hints of horniness are in the fighting/injured bits, because sex is a big no-no, but nice polite violence is always okay! (Hey, uh, culture? We need to have a talk about this.)
4. The Grownups
As you may have gathered, most of this show is about the younguns. But a great deal of the supporting weight is carried by characters who are supposed to be of their parents' generation (even if most of their actors are only a decade or so older than the "teens").
I cannot fully in this post detail my great affection for every adult character; I wouldn't have room for anything else. So here's my top-three shortlist of the most memorable old folks.
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If you like your ladies badass and crazy, Duan Jiuniang is here for you. Her grip on reality is ... well, it's complicated, but it doesn't stop her from being able to roast you from the inside out with her special skill. She's a terrible teacher and an even worse step-grandma who's made a lot of life choices that weren't what she wanted, but were what she needed to do to survive. I have no idea where she got those hideous leggings, but I kind of want a pair. She doesn't stick around past her one arc, so enjoy her while you've got her.
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Speaking of crazy, the Phoenix, Mu Xiaoqiao, is a beautiful, tragic, genderqueer, completely insane middle-aged drama queen with a pipa to play and an ax to grind. I would watch an entire hundred-episode drama just about his campy antics. Hands-down my favorite character in the show. I'm not even going to say anything more. This bitch must be experienced. Love you, baby.
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This fucking DILF. Holy shit. Shen Tianshu has a chocolatey voice and the world's most inconvenient prosthetic hand. At first his facial hair seems excessive, but then you see him without it in flashbacks and you're like, no! put it back! put it back! Frankly, I'm glad for the tufty brows, because this man does so much eyebrow acting, and you wouldn't want to miss a sinister moment of it.
And he's not the only one! Every single villain is running with full Bad Guy From A Power Rangers Episode vibes. No piece of scenery remains unchewed. They're what make this whole thing feel like you're watching a stage play. Every arched brow, every expansive hand gesture, every maniacal laugh, all of it plays to the nonexistent back row. (In fact, one of them -- Eyepatch Guy -- was so over the top that we had to look up his whole deal. Shockers, he's got an opera background.) If you have affection for the points I discussed in selling point #1, you will have love extra for the adult antagonists.
If you've ever watched a show made for a young audience starring young actors, you know exactly the grownup vibe I'm talking about. No, real adults don't act like this. But these are not real adults -- they are adults seen through the lens of a YA narrative, where everyone has big emotions and ultimately pretty simple motivations. Violence is acceptable but sex is not, and sexualized violence is especially not. You can threaten the kids but you (mostly) can't kill them. Parents should be removed from the main storyline, by death if necessary (offscreen preferred). By the end of the story, all adults must defer to the wisdom and battle strategies of the kids or be ready to be taken down by them. The lessons of age and experience are ultimately only useful once handed to the next generation.
Which is fine! ...provided it's the vibe you're expecting. I'd put this as another item in the list of probable reasons that this show did not go over as well as it should have.
5. We use every part of the Wang Yibo
Okay, so if you're like me, your introduction to this beautiful man was the Untamed, where 95% of his job is to keep every one of his facial muscles from doing anything -- and, if you're like me, you then watched some Untamed behind-the-scenes stuff and went, holy shit, this boy can make expressions?
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This boy can make so many expressions.
I'm not going to argue that Wang Yibo was necessarily miscast as Lan Wangji, because that's not a fight I'm interested in having with internet strangers. I do, however, think it's undeniable that the Untamed misused him by all but ignoring his two primary skills: his giant goofy smile, and his being a dancer.
Legend of Fei makes use of both of these to great effect. Xie Yun is a gremlin who can't fight but can dodge. The show loves to leave the camera on him and let him spin and duck his way out of battles with his own mischievous grace. Wang Yibo does a remarkable amount of his own flipping and fighting, with and without wires. In a world of stunt doubles and smash cuts, it's a delight to watch.
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My favorite thing about Xie Yun is that he likes that girl so much. He looks at her like she's the best thing in the world. He is her biggest hype man. He's all wife guy. Every time she's stronger and butcher and meaner than he is, he's pulling out his pompoms and cheering her on. He is in no way emasculated by the fact that she kicks so much more ass than he does. He is actually her wife, and he knows it. Kick their asses, baby, he'll be your flower.
Wang Yibo sells that devotion with each look in her direction. He brings every piece of his inherent chaotic good energy to the role. He's a comedic scamp right up to the point where he rips your heart out. If you are at all a Yibito fan, you owe it to yourself to get this show in front of your eyeballs so you can see what trouble that precious baby boy has gotten himself into this time.
Bonus: Do you like Word of Honor? Because this is how you get Word of Honor.
So I'm betting a lot of you did what I did, which was that you watched Word of Honor, and you loved it, so you went to read the book, and you were like, the fuck? Because Faraway Wanderers is also great, but uh, after a certain point, they're two very different stories.
While I cannot prove this, I would place a large amount of money on the screenwriter for Word of Honor's having been very aware of this production while doing the adaptation. See, in case you haven't read it, Faraway Wanderers itself barely spends a page of time with anything outside of what the main dads-and-kids quintet is doing, which makes for a fun danmei webnovel, but doesn't translate so well to live-action. I am almost certain that in the same way that they used frog DNA in Jurassic Park to fill in the gaps in the dinosaurs' code, this screenwriter (who is a priest fan) used Bandits/Legend of Fei to build out Faraway Wanderers' moments into a whole drama.
The timeline goes like this:
June 2010: priest publishes Qi Ye
October 2010: priest publishes Faraway Wanderers
November 2015: priest publishes Bandits
September 2019: Legend of Fei starts filming
June 2020: Word of Honor starts filming
December 2020: Legend of Fei airs
February 2021: Word of Honor airs
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So yeah, it's not like the Word of Honor screenwriter could have watched Legend of Fei prior to penning the Word of Honor script. But there's too many similarities to be coincidence. To be clear, I'm not accusing the Word of Honor screenwriter of ripping off Legend of Fei. Watching it is more like seeing bits of Word of Honor's first draft. The Color of Ocean and Heaven and its five tokens become the World's Armory and the Glazed Armor. Wu Chuchu becomes Gao Xiaolian. Mu Xiaoqiao becomes the drama version of Xie Wang. All the nonsense with Yu Wenzhi and the Demons becomes all the nonsense with Zhao Jing and the Scorpions. Someone with more time than I have could probably make a thorough accounting of the number of times scenes with Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu visually parallel moments Xie Yun and Zhou Fei have, and how often those scenes were in bits not related to the original Faraway Wanderers plot.
And I think this is great. It's why, even though a lot of Word of Honor was not in priest's original text, Word of Honor is still very priest-flavored. Frog DNA, you know?
All of which is to say: If you love Word of Honor, you owe it to yourself to watch Legend of Fei. It's much sillier and straighter, and it's way less sexually charged, but it's got a very similar vibe, and it's fascinating to see what the two have in common. Think of them as two distant cousins, where you're like, sure, I can definitely see how you're related, but ... huh.
Ready to embark on your journey?
So many options! It's on iQiyi (VIP), Viki, and YouTube.
We watched it on iQiyi, and the subtitles were ... well, they made some interesting choices. You could always tell what they meant, but the actual phrasing was often wonky. Occasionally, where you'd expect a "Dammit!" or "Crap!" these subtitles would have someone exclaim, "Screwed!" And we never stopped laughing about the poor villain whose name those subs rendered as "Pathetic Clam." I cannot tell you if the other subtitles are any more polished, but I can promise that the awkward translations just added to the charm.
Do I have a soft spot for well-meaning television that does not have the means to achieve its goals but tries anyway? You better believe it.
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Just a pile of precious cutie pies.
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oneluckygoose · 3 months
FinnLo Math
Hi, welcome to Lucky's hyper fixation at the current moment
For the past two weeks I have binge read Sweater Weather, Vaincre, and Coast to Coast by the lovely @lumosinlove and just want to say, Jesus Christ. I have actually fallen in love with O'Nutzy SO HARD and they are amazing and I'm absolutely a slave to Harvard Era FinLo. To @lumosinlove, this is a masterpiece and now I want to watch hockey, you've infected me.
Anyway, with credits out of the way, I did some math, (get ready for Harvard era FinLo math under cut)
*Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine and I did not create this story, so everything I say may be completely incorrect. Any of this may be disproven in Breakaway, which I don't/won't have the ability to read. Most of this is based off cannon times and events within the Sweater Weather universe, but I have made clear where cannon ends and my assumptions begin. Again, these are not my characters and all credit goes to @lumosinlove, This is not making fun of, patronizing, or degrading the all around fantastic story they have created, and is simply pointing out things I have noticed.*
Now in Coast to Coast, I noticed some strange things that Finn says. He tells Logan he's been in love with him for eight years, right? And over the course of the story Logan mentions he's loved Finn for 7 at some point (that may actually be in Vaincre, if it is the math lines up so that's a testy point). And when they kissed in part V of Coast to Coast it said it had been four years since they last kissed. This threw me off, because I knew this was, what, early January of 2020 in universe.
So I did some digging. Finn is a year older than Logan, meaning when Logan came to Harvard in 2014 (codified in Coast to Coast part VII, the very start, includes sexy Batman during Logan's first Halloween party at Harvard), he would have been a Freshman while Finn was a Sophomore.
Now it isn't clear whether their first kiss in 2015 was when at the end of the 2014-2015 school year or the start of the 2015-2016 school year (though Logan doesn't have a car, so that lends a little more credibility to Logan still being a Freshman, but it kinda seems like Logan never has a car in general, even in Sweater Weather and Vaincre). I tend to think it's the start of the 2015-16 school year because that's when Finn met Hanna, and those sorts of things don't really carry over after being apart for the summer. Anyway, this means it would be Finn's Junior year.
Now their last kiss before Finn leaves is supposedly in May of 2016, which was part II in Coast to Coast, but that doesn't make sense because it is stated that they are only one year apart,
[I'm pretty sure at least. Later in Coast to Coast it mentions Finn's rookie year and it's said that it was only one (1) really bad year without Logan (same goes for Logan as a senior) before Logan is drafted to the Lions after he graduates. This means they're only one year apart, so the 2016 thing I believe to be wrong]
and if you do the math with Logan being a Freshman in the 2014-2015 school year, he would be a Junior when Finn is a Senior in the 2016-2017 school year (I have a whole timeline trust me on this, it'll be at the bottom). So theoretically their last kiss would have been in May of 2017.
Now their next kiss in in January of 2020. Based off of the very beginning of Sweater Weather, the time period of the fic is the 2019 NHL season, so starting in September, it would be January of 2020 when Remus and Sirius' photos got leaked, right before All-stars, which Logan was going on. The same day the photos are leaked, Finn and Logan kiss for the first time since May of 2017.
If you tally it up, it would be 2 years and 7 months since they had last kissed: Seven months left in 2017, plus all of 2018 and 2019 {Essentially (7+12+12)/12}. Notably, not four years.
[If we are going on the timeline where the last kiss is in 2016, it would be 3 years and 7 months, which would be much more reasonable to say four years; however, that timeline is a little jacked so.]
The other thing that threw me off is Finn saying he'd been in love with Logan for eight years, which I also believe to be wrong.
Finn says to Logan when they are officially getting together in part V of Coast to Coast that he'd loved Logan for eight years, which doesn't make sense if they only just met in August of 2014.
To put it simply, they wouldn't have known each other for eight years. Again, if you tally it up, that's five months in 2014, five years, and then about half a month in 2020. {Essentially (5 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 1/2) / 12}. Let's just say they've known each other for 5 years and 6 months. Again, not eight years.
There is the concern of not loving each other when they first met, but Finn does say that he had loved Logan since the moment he saw him at the training camps in 2014, which would have been when they first met, so we can disregard any buffer time.
[And I am about 90% sure that August of 2014 was when they first met because during the Halloween party scene in part VII of Coast to Coast Logan talks about how Finn is his "new roommate" and they'd only just met. I could be wrong.]
And about Logan saying he'd loved Finn for seven years, I don't remember if it is in Coast to Coast which ends in 2020 or in Vaincre which goes until summer of 2021. If it is in Vaincre, this is a totally moot point because it's correct for about 7 years, but if it's in Coast to Coast (thinking on it now it may even be in Sweater Weather, either one would be off), then it wouldn't have been 7 years, but anywhere between 5-6 years. I would need to go back and find the part.
Other Interesting Math Things I figured out while Hyper fixating:
Alex O'Hara:
In Vaincre it says that Alex had to come from somewhere other than Harvard to see Finn in the hospital after he had gotten his first concussion, meaning he wasn't attending Harvard at the time. Vaincre also introduces a whole gang of people who were all on the Harvard team at the same time, which included Alex and Logan. So there had to be at least one year where they were on it together, and I assume it's probably Logan's freshman year.
When Finn's concussion happens is never explicitly stated, but I am assuming it's Finn's Junior year based on Finn and Logan's relationship at the time (pinning and extremely reserved while not awaiting Finn leaving (all this is coming from Logan talking about the concussion in Vaincre)).
With all this to say, I can assume Alex was a Senior in the 2014-2015 school year, left to join Florida's team in 2015-2016 and met Kasey down there in their rookie year. (Obviously they proceeded to fall in love as all good O'Hara's do: fall in love with their best friend.)
Leo Knut:
*open's mouth* *closes mouth* *opens mouth again* *looks down at the ground* Leo was in 8th grade when Finn and Logan met.
Leo was 18 at the start of Sweater Weather (2019) with a birthday somewhere in Nov-Dec, so theoretically he would have been a Senior in High School the year before. If you just tick back the years, that would put him in 8th grade during the 2014-2015 school year.
Not anything important I just stumbled across it and thought it was worth sharing, may as well make this post longer.
All in All List of Math:
Logan and Finn's last kiss before Finn left for Gryffindor would have been in May of 2017 not 2016
Their next kiss would be 2 years and 7 months later, not 4 years later
Finn and Logan have been in love since they met in August of 2014, meaning they've been in love for 5 years and 6 months, not eight years.
Alex O'Hara shared his Senior year at Harvard with Logan during Logan's Freshman year
Leo Knut was in 8th grade when Finn and Logan met
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carbonbeef · 4 months
Six Fun Fact
Because I'm obsessed with spreadsheets, I've been slowly adding more and more data to my little (ok it's big and slows my computer down hardcore) spreadsheet of Six information. After adding initial debut dates for every role each performer had, I came across a little fun fact: of the 73 unique debut orders performers in Six who performed 2 to 6 roles have had, there have, to this date, been 3 groups of people who debuted all the roles they have performed (again, to this date) in the exact same order; 2 groups of 3 who debuted 3 roles, and 1 group of 2 who debuted 2 roles:
Elizabeth Walker (Breakaway 1.0)
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Seymour Debut: 16 January 2020
Howard Debut: 18 February 2020
Parr Debut: 26 February 2020
Ellie Sharpe (Breakaway 2.0)
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Seymour Debut: 11 October 2021
Howard Debut: 10 November 2021
Parr Debut: 14 February 2022
Jessie Davidson (Broadway 3.0)
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Seymour Debut: 23 March 2024
Howard Debut: 7 April 2024
Parr Debut: 6 May 2024
Bryony Duncan (Bliss 1.0)
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Boleyn Debut: 8 September 2019
Howard Debut: 23 September 2019
Seymour Debut: 18 December 2019
Ashlee Waldbauer (Bliss 3.0)
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Boleyn Debut: 22 November 2021 (First Show)
Howard Debut: 22 November 2021 (Second Show)
Seymour Debut: 3 January 2022
Izzy Formby-Jackson (Bliss 7.0)
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Boleyn Debut: 30 November 2023
Howard Debut: 2 February 2023
Seymour Debut: 13 January 2024
Shekinah McFarlane (West End 1.0)
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Aragon Debut: 4 September 2019
Cleves Debut: 5 September 2019
Ella Burns (Australia 1.0)
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Aragon Debut: 25 January 2020
Cleves Debut: 28 February 2020
*All photos taken from performers' and/or production members' social medias except the following:
Bryony Seymour (@tudorvonsnaps on Instagram)
Shekinah Aragon (@shonalosuise_photography on Instagram)
**Bryony's photo as Seymour was from her as a Swing in the West End 2.0 production and Shekinah's Cleves photo as Cleves was from her as Principal in the UK Tour 2.0 production, despite them debuting these roles in the Bliss 1.0 and West End 1.0 productions, respectively.
***Images were cropped so each one was cropped to equally fill a 10x5.63 inch full photo.
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sons-from-adam · 8 months
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William Franklin Miller starring in 'I Think I'm in Love' (April 2023) 'Chicken Girls' (March 2019) 'Spring Breakaway' - Drama (2019)
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comrade-onion · 5 months
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Advice to the Students
Student movements have often proved to be pivotal in bringing about radical change. From the Civil Rights movement, to anti-Viet Nam War protests as well as more contemporary examples such as Black Lives Matter and, of course, the ongoing student protests against the genocide in Gaza. One thing that all of these movements have in common is that they all faced and are currently facing vicious backlash from those in power, with riot police and even the national guard being sent on unarmed protesters, injuring and killing scores in the process.
In order to maintain this movement and to fight back against the crackdowns, the encampment and protest movements across the United States and the world will need to prepare, organize, and militarize.
Firstly, it is imperative that the protesters know that their action, no matter how peaceful, will be met with violence. And it is in these circumstances from which the necessity to defend themselves and fight back will arise, a series of tactics on resistance will be listed below, I hope they are of use and are accessible to any and all who need it.
Bricks: Bricks are easily accessible to the majority of protesters and can be used in a multitude of ways to disrupt and defend. Aside from the obvious uses, bricks can be alternatively used to build and alter structures in a way that slows down police or national guard advances with minimal violence.
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During the Hong Kong anti-government protests in 2019, protesters utilized bricks to build small structures (such as the ones seen above) on roads and passageways. These brick roadblocks are extremely effective at slowing or even halting oncoming traffic. When these structures are hit by the wheel of a vehicle, "the block on top falls and helps buttress the other two."
Umbrellas: Umbrellas, if utilized correctly, can be a great defensive aid if protests become heated. They can be used to deflect against projectiles fired at you by police, such as tear gas cannisters, water cannons, and pepper spray. They can also be used in the construction of makeshift barriers and walls utilized by the protesting parties.
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PPE: When attending a protest, encampment, or any form of civil disobedience, it is of utmost importance that you come prepared for it to go south. Police arsenals include a wide array of weapons and chemicals such as tear gas and pepper spray, and the site of the protest might be equipped with cameras that can later be utilized for facial recognition. Wear face and eye coverings to protest from pepper spray and gasses as well as to protect your identity. Always be ready to defend yourself in the case of physical confrontation.
Random Stuff:
• Makeshift barricades can serve as great protectice instalations at best, and serve as a way to buy time for yourself and fellow organizers at worst. In my opinion, they should be present at every encampment.
• Look out for one another, co-operate, and maintain order. From this point forwards treat your encampment as you would treat a small breakaway state. You are under attack, and only through planning and organization can you maintain order and safety for the members of your protest. Everyone needs to contribute what they can.
• Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, be ready for anything, rapid escalations at these types of protests are not unheard of.
Last but not least, this is in no way an incitement to violence. Merely a set of advice protestors can follow to defend themselves and their comrades in these turbulent and unprecedented times. Share this post with those who you think can benefit from it. Much love, solidarity forever 🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🇿🇦❤️
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favouritecyclistpoll · 10 months
Round Two, Match Seven: Jonas Vingegaard v. Marc Soler
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Jonas Vingegaard Propaganda
No propaganda submitted.
Marc Soler Propaganda
He may be ranked #130 in the UCI rankings but he is #1 in my heart ❤️
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More propaganda under the cut.
As you may know, Marc Soler moved to UAE Team Emirates in 2022 and has since been one of Tadej Pogačar's most valuable mountain domestiques – pulling the peloton for kilometres on end, being there in the final group before Tadej and Jonas start attacking each other. Then there's stage 17 this year; his infamous ‘scary eyes’ and comforting hand, pulling his leader up the Col de la Loze and helping maintain his podium place.
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However! There is much more to Marc Soler than that! Before 2022, his entire professional career was spent with Movistar – that blue-clad stalwart of Spanish cycling hopes. With them, he was again an invaluable domestique to the likes of Enric Mas, Alejandro Valverde, Nairo Quintana, and Richard Carapaz. In the intra-team ~drama~ that plagued Movistar’s 2019/2020 seasons, he remained if not neutral, but relatively uninvolved. This is well-documented in their documentary ‘Movistar: The Least Expected Day’, the series that first endeared him to me.
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In 2018, he had his day as a GC challenger – a week, really, swooping to victory at Paris-Nice to take the overall win with a fantastic attack on the final stage to make up more than a minute on Simon Yates
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Now let me discuss stage 5 of the Vuelta 2022: Marc’s second stage win at this race – the first being in 2020. There was a battle for the breakaway, and Marc missed out! Never fear – the intrepid Spaniard did what he does best; launch a seemingly futile attempt to bridge, riding solo or in a small group for 50km+ that never really gets anywhere. Not today, though! He joined them, when Stewart attacked he countered brilliantly and rode solo for the final 15km. Brilliant stuff. This won him the stage, the combativity award, and later actions brought him the overall super-combative award, all while supporting Juan Ayuso to the podium.
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Oh yeah, did I mention the mullet?? And the earring??
Outside of racing, he comes across as a genuinely nice guy – though I have yet to come across an interview in English, translations of Spanish-language seem cheerful and respectful, having fun in UAE’s social media videos!
He recovered brilliantly from having to abandon in both the Giro and the Tour in 2021 – breaking both of his arms in a crash in the latter, yet soldiering on and completing the stage.
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Soler in his natural habitats; pulling the peloton up some steep, steep slopes, or breaking away for a hail-Mary attack that’s seemingly done only for the sheer joy of doing so. He’s a valuable domestique, brilliant rider, and most certainly embodies the spirit of ciclismo!
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Thus concludes my Soler propaganda.
Vamos, Marc!
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dontbebittah · 3 days
The History of Swingo, Part 0: The Basics
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(images of Grace Mouat from @redladydeath)
“Swingo” is a term coined by the Six fandom to indicate when an alternate or swing has played all 6 roles in the show— it’s a combination of the words ‘swing’ and ‘bingo’. Whether or not a performer in Six hits Swingo depends on a variety of factors: most importantly the structure of the production they are in, but also their role within the production, the performer's personal preferences, how long they stay with the show, and luck. 
First, some more terminology that will be used frequently in this series:
A ‘principal’ performer is cast to play a specific role and is expected to perform that role in every show unless they are ill/injured/on vacation etc. For particularly demanding roles, or productions that do more than 8 shows a week (like the Six West End production), the principal’s contract might stipulate that they get one show off per week.
‘Cover’ refers to a performer who learns a role so that they can perform it when the principal performer is unavailable. It can also be used to refer to the role that is learned or as a verb, so one could say ‘I’m a cover for Howard’, ‘I cover Howard’, or ‘Howard is one of my covers’. A ‘first cover’ is someone who’s the first priority to go on in a role when the principal is out, followed by the second cover, then the third, etc.
‘Alternate’ is a term used in theatre to refer to a performer that covers a particular role or roles and does not appear onstage unless they are performing in that role. It’s similar to the more common term ‘understudy’, but understudies usually perform in the ensemble or a smaller role when they are not needed to perform the principal role(s) they cover. Six doesn’t have an ensemble, so its backup performers are not understudies.
‘Swing’ is a term used in theatre to refer to a performer that covers a wide range of roles and does not appear in the production unless they are covering for a performer that is out (unless otherwise indicated, ex. ‘onstage swing’). Six uses the term ‘swing’ in a variety of ways, most often to refer to a performer that covers all six roles but is a lower cover priority than the alternate. There are also ‘universal swings’ that cover a range of roles in multiple productions.
‘Alternate costumes’ or swing costumes are worn by non-principal performers and are not identical to the principal costumes. They are used primarily as a cost-saving measure so performers that cover many roles do not need a separate costume for each role. Some have variations, where part of the costume can be swapped out with a different piece to make the costume more versatile; for example, the base silver swing costume has a split skirt, but there is also a pants variation that can be worn with the same top.
Next, an overview on the cover systems in different productions:
West End and UK Tour: Starting with West End 2.0 (the 2019-20 production) and the UK Tour 3.0 (2021-22), the UK Six productions employ 3 alternates with two first covers each and 1-2 swings that are the 2nd priority cover(s) for all six roles. The majority of alternates have been assigned second and third covers, although they may or may not perform or learn all six roles. There have also been universal swings that perform with both the tour and West End productions, typically covering all roles but some covering as few as three. Starting with West End 3.0 (21-22) and UK Tour 4.0 (22-23), alternates have been given principal costumes for their two first covers and one alternate costume for any of the other 4 roles they might go on for. Swings are given alternate costumes only, usually with multiple variations to make them more versatile.
Cruise productions (Bliss and Breakaway): Each cruise production had two onboard swings that each covered 3 roles, plus at least two rehearsal swings that learned 1-3 roles each but did not actually join the rest of the cast aboard the ship unless necessary due to performers leaving the show. Early productions had the swings in alternate costumes, while productions from 2021 on had them in principal costumes for all three roles.
Australia tours: All AUS tours have had three swings that cover all six roles. While there is no formal cover priority, it seems that some swings perform certain roles much more frequently than others. The second and third AUS tours have also had an ‘alternate swing’ who acts as a fourth cover for all roles. AUS swings wear an alternate costume for all roles.
Broadway and US Tours: Likely due to differences in union rules between the US and the UK, no US performers have been contracted to cover all six roles. Aside from the original pre-Broadway tour, US productions each have four alternates that cover three roles each, arranged so each role has two covers. There have also been several universal swings that have covered both the Broadway and touring productions; they typically learn 4 roles to provide additional coverage. Also due to union rules, alternate costumes are not used in the US.
Other productions: Since no performers in other productions of Six have hit Swingo, the Canadian, South Korean, Japanese, and non-replica productions will not be discussed in this series.
Part 1 will be posted tomorrow!
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redladydeath · 1 year
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Six posters and This Pose™
Productions and photographers under the cut
1, 2: Edinburgh Student Cast (Photographer: Unknown, Johannes Hjorth) 3: Cambridge Student Cast (Photographer: Unknown) 4, 5: 2018 UK Tour (Photographer: Idil Sukan) 6: Pre-Broadway Tour (Photographer: Liz Lauren) 7: Bliss 1.0 (Photographer: Unknown) 8, 9: 2019-20 West End Production (Photographer: Eleanor Howarth) 10: 2019-20 UK Tour (Photographer: Johan Persson) 11: Breakaway 1.0 (Photographer: Unknown) 12: 2020 Australian Tour (Photographer: James D. Morgan) 13: 2020 Broadway Previews (Photographer: Joan Marcus) 14: 2020-21 West End Production (Photographer: Pamela Raith) 15: 2021-22 UK Tour (Photographer: Johan Persson) 16: 2021-22 Broadway Production (Photographer: Sara Krulwich) 17: 2021-22 West End Production (Photographer: Pamela Raith) 18: 2021-23 Australian Tour (Photographer: James D. Morgan) 19: 2022-23 UK Tour (Photographer: Manuel Harlan) 20: 2022-23 Aragon Tour (Photographer: Joan Marcus) 21: Boleyn Tour (Photographer: Joan Marcus) 22: 2022-23 West End Production (Photographer: Pamela Raith) 23: 2022-23 Broadway Production (Photographer: Joan Marcus) 24: 2023-24 UK Tour (Photographer: Pamela Raith) 25: 2023 Aragon Tour (Photographer: Patrick Gray)
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barbucomedie · 1 year
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Statue of a Military Deity from Syria dated around 3rd Century CE on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England
This deity is thought to be a combination of a local Syrian warrior god Hadad and the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes. The god wears a Roman styled cuirass, a ram-headed torque with a large gem setting and a cloak pinned with a brooch and leaf pendants. He carries a double headed axe in their lost hand and a snake at his left hip.
The Roman Empire and Syria had some important connections from the 2nd century as the Roman senate had several notable Syrians including Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus and Avidius Cassius. The Are became crucial during the Crisis of the Third Century where it became part of the breakaway Palmyrene Empire under the House fo Odaenathus.
Photographs taken by myself 2019
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plus-low-overthrow · 2 years
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The Point - I Think You've Got Your Fools Mixed Up (Drop Shadow Records)
Brenton Wood cover, 2019.
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six-costume-refs · 1 year
Do the Howard pony lengths vary?
Oh my god yes. Thank you for this ask, I’ve been dying to talk about this and never got around to making a post on my own.
Here are some examples of different lengths we’ve seen, just including first covers and principals:
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Pictured: Vicki Manser (2019, West End); Jennifer Caldwell (2019, UK Tour); Chelsea Dawson (2021, Aus Tour); Mallory Maedke (2021, Broadway); Tsemaye Bob-Egbe (2022, West End); Aryn Bohannon (2022, Boleyn Tour)
I mean. SO much variation there. Vicki and Jen’s are both very short and very thinned out nearer the end, with Vicki in particular having some layering. Chelsea’s initial wig was very short and curled but also much fuller. Mallory and Tsemaye both have a middle ground in terms of length, but Tsemaye had the killer braids. And Aryn’s is very, very long and very full.
They’ve definitely been shifting towards the longer, fuller ponytails across the board, but there’s still variance in length/fullness/layering. Here’s most of the current Howard wigs:
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Pictured: Koko Basigara (22-23 WE), Rachel Rawlinson (21-23 WE), Leah Vassell (22-23 WE), Lou Henry (23-24 UKT); Shakira Simpson (23-24 UKT), Zoe Jensen (22-23 Bway), Holli' Conway (22-23 Bway), Aubrey Matalon (22-23 Bway); Courtney Mack (23 Aragon Tour); Erin Palmer Ramirez (22-23 Aragon Tour), Aline Mayagoitia (22-23 Boleyn Tour), Aryn Bohannon (22-23 Boleyn Tour); Tay Pearlstein (22-23 Boleyn Tour), Sarah McFarlane (Breakaway 5.0), Artemis Chrisoulakis (Bliss 5.0), Jillian Worthing (Bliss 5.0)
West End still has the most variance. Rachel has a very short wig, more in the line of Jennifer Caldwell’s alt wig, which I suspect is partially for versatility since she also uses it for Parr. UKT is more standardized in length but all the Howards are new so all their wigs were presumably made together. NCL generally has fairly short ponytails, at least relative to current UK/US mainland productions! Many of them seem to have been reused a few times now too. US leans towards longer ponys, but of course there's still variation in length. See: Holli' vs Aryn.
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
The other day I mentioned that 22-23 UK Tour was now the first to have each of its' alts perform in another production, or in that scenario specifically emergency cover on the West End. Here's where others are at. 2019 West End: Vicki Manser (Tour principal promo), Shekinah McFarlane (pre-cast Tour promo); Grace Mouat (none), Courtney Stapleton (none)
19-21 West End: Collette Guitart (UK Tour), Cherelle Jay (UK Tour), Hana Stewart (Broadway); Zara MacIntosh (none)
21-22 West End: Roxanne Couch (standby for UK Tour), Rachel Rawlinson (standby for Hampton Court/proshot); Esme Rothero (none), Paisley Billings (none), Danielle Rose (none)
22-23 West End: Rachel Rawlinson, Esme Rothero, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Danielle Rose, Leah Vassell (all none)
19-22 UK Tour: Natalie Pilkington (West End and UKT), Jennifer Caldwell (West End), Harriet Watson (West End and universal), Alicia Corrales-Connor (standby for West End); Cassandra Lee (none)
22-23 UK Tour: Harriet Caplan-Dean (West End), Grace Melville (West End), Leesa Tulley (West End), Natalie Pilkington (West End and UKT)
23-24 UK Tour: Izi Maxwell (West End); Shakira Simpson (none), Ellie Jane Grant (none), Tamara Morgan (none)
20-22 Broadway: Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (standby for Broadway), Courtney Mack (principal promo for Aragon Tour), Keirsten Hodgens (Aragon Tour); Mallory Maedke (none)
Aragon Tour: Cassie Silva (Broadway and Boleyn Tour), Kelly Denice Taylor (Broadway and Boleyn Tour), Kelsee Kimmel (Broadway); Erin Palmer Ramirez (none)
22-23 Boleyn Tour: Aryn Bohannon (Aragon Tour); Cecilia Snow (none), Jana Larell Glover (none), Taylor Pearlstein (none)
Bliss 1.0: Natalie Pilkington (joined UKT/see above), Bryony Duncan (UK universal), Lori McLare (joined onboard), Amy Bridges (principal promo for Breakaway 1.0)
Bliss 3.0: Marilyn Caserta (US universal)
Breakaway 1.0: Liv Alexander (UK universal, principal promo for Breakaway 2.0), Elizabeth Walker (principal promo for Breakaway 2.0), Maddison Firth (planned principal promo for original Breakaway 2.0); Laura Blair (none) Breakaway 3.0: Madeline Fansler (Aus); Channing Weir, Princess Victome, Sunayna Smith (none)
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alpinelogy · 2 months
halloooo,,, it's me againnn
would you mind explaining what a time trial is? from what I understand it's similar to quali in motorsport where u try to set the fastest time??? correct me if I'm wrong pls
alsoooooo aren't these races really grueling on the body, like how can pogacar go from giro d Italia straight to the tour aren't you supposed to rest or whtv?
Nonnie... nonnie you have no idea what you just unleashed (op considers time trials the best type of stages in stage races). This is probably a bit more rambly than my earlier answers just cause there are so many thoughts and I am genuinely not sure how much you know adsfgh
Anyway yes you're mostly right with what time trials are, they are usually much shorter stages where instead of all the competing riders starting in one big group (the peloton) they go individually on their own (individual time trial -> ITT) or in their teams (team time trial -> TTT) and they try to set the fastest time possible.
I will skip over TTTs in this since they are rare and I don't know that much about them. For reference the most recent one at Tour de France seems to be in 2019, at any Grand Tour there was actually one last year at Vuelta (Vuelta actually seems to be partial to TTTs anyway from the looks of it lol). Meanwhile there is at least one ITT in each Grand Tour and it is not rare to have multiple of them. This year we have two at Tour de France.
In ITTs, each riders rides for themselves and tries to set the best time possible, just like in quali, except they do not have the help from their teammates. They ride in predetermined order, usually a descending order from the rider with the highest total time to the lowest total time and have only one shot at setting a time.
Re the teammate thing: you see the thing with cycling is that we have made it into a team sport. Somehow. The way most teams act is that the riders ride one after another, with the riders behind catching slipstream from the ones in front so that they use less energy, with the leader in the back so he can use his spare energy at the very end (this behavior of conserving energy through a slipstream is not exclusive to teams and if there is a group of riders in front if the main group (a breakaway) they will most likely do this and it is slightly more complicated because of terrain, stage types, etc but essentially this is the barebones idea).
ITTs essentially neutralize that, and the time each rider set is purely from their own efforts, no slipstreams, no help, no nothing. Which means that if they have an off day it can have catastrophic results (see Tour de France 2020 stage 20. Roglič is not a bad time trialist but he had an off day and it cost him the entire race) and if they have a good day it can be wonderful for the entire race.
Also while it does not directly relate to your question, I need to mention it for the laughs. There are actually specific bikes and helmets for time trials and they... they tend to look rather silly
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The infamous Visma Lease a Bike time trial helmet... aerodynamics I suppose
So yes, they are sort of like quali. However the riders get only one shot at setting the time and the conditions on the course can also change, so doing your best is really important.
And yeah. These races are hard. There is about a month between end of Giro and beginning of Tour. No, no one knows how Pogačar manages. Also hes doing the Olympics this year as well.
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weknowthend · 1 year
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How you may know the new West End cast of SIX:
Nikki Bentley as Catherine of Aragon: Elphaba, Wicked
Thao Therese Nguyen as Anne Boleyn: Cover Kim & Yvette, Miss Saigon
Kayleigh McKnight as Jane Seymour: U/S Veronica in Heathers
Reca Oakley as Anna of Cleves: Previously played Cleves in the Bliss 5.0 production
Inez Budd as Katherine Howard: Heather Duke in Heathers
Janiq Charles as Catherine Parr: Nala in The Lion King
Gabriella Stylianou-Burns (Alt Aragon/Seymour): Previously played Jane Seymour in the second Bliss production.
Naomi Alade (Alt Boleyn/Cleves): Lucille/The Shirelles in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical
Hannah Lowther (Alt Howard/Parr): U/S Heather Chandler, McNamara & Duke in Heathers
Meg Dixon-Brasil: Previously Rehearsal Cover for Boleyn, Seymour & Howard for Breakaway 4.0
Natalie Pilkington: Previously Alt Aragon, Cleves & Parr for the first Bliss production (2019-2020). She then was the Super Swing for the 2021-2022 production of the UK Tour. Then she was Alt Seymour & Parr for the 2022-2023 production of the UK Tour
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At The Crossroads- Journey to the Emerald City Chapter
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Summary- Teddy and Lex return to Dallas from their summer in Toronto only to find themselves pulled in multiple directions.
Word Count- 12.2K - I don't know what happened. It just got away from me. I am not even that sorry about it.
Warnings- smut (intercourse mainly), alcohol use, discussions of mental health
@pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968 @sugakookie9 @juuuuuse @hockeykittee @cellythefloshie
Last Chapter- https://www.tumblr.com/starshine-hockey-girl/710513028645453824/bridge-over-troubled-water-journey-to-the-emerald?source=share&_branch_match_id=link-1160025547917493284
Teddy and Lex’s apartment- Dallas-September 6th, 2019
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Stars Center- Frisco, Texas- same morning
Lex skated back into position after completing a breakaway drill. Tyler took his position to practice his breakaway. He called over to Lex, "Hey, why won't you let Teddy come see me? What? You jealous of me all of the sudden?' 
The whistle blew and Lex skated backwards to keep pace with Tyler. He smiled as Tyler swerved to the left and Lex was able to poke check the puck off Tyler’s blade and take off it with it. He grinned as he passed Seguin, "Teddy is a free woman. If she doesn't want to come see you, then that's on you. I am secure in my position as her man." 
Tyler rolled his eyes as they reset the drill. This time Tyler out maneuvered Lex and scored easily. "Seriously, are you keeping her hostage in bed? Got her tied up to keep her in line?" Tyler chirped. 
Lex skated towards him, "What did you say? Say it again. I dare you."
Tyler stopped and yelled, "What kind of kinky ass shit are you subjecting Teddy to that she can't come see her bestie?"
Lex skated toward Tyler who smiled momentarily before he saw the expression on his face. He started skating backwards and put his hands up. Lex shook his head, "Run."
 Everyone else on the ice stopped and watched Lex chase Tyler around the ice. Tyler shrieked when Lex caught up to him and put him in a headlock. Lex hissed, "I have reached my limit of all the chirping about my relationship I am going to take. Shut up." He released the headlock and shoved Tyler. 
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Lex stormed off the ice and into the locker room. He stripped off his gear and brooded. Tyler's words echoed in his head, "What kind of kinky ass shit…." Lex felt the anger rise up into his chest. His sex life with Teddy had been discussed a little too freely by others, beginning back to when they were still "friends with the bestest of benefits". He was sick and tired of it. Then the thought hit him. “Kinky ass shit?- Did Teddy say something to Tyler about their new kinky play? That’s the only explanation he thought to himself. 
Teddy and Lex’s apartment- Katy Trail- Dallas-that afternoon
Teddy unpacked her last box containing clothing for shopping hauls that she still needed to film. She organized the clothes by brands with a note on top of each pile with the date they needed to be completed. She jumped when the front door opened and Lex screamed, “Theodora Bliss, get your ass in here.”
Lex had spent the last twenty minutes replaying Tyler’s words in his mind and coming to the only logical excuse he could muster. Teddy had been discussing their sex life with Tyler. His body seethed with anger and long unspoken resentment. 
She walked out into the living room. She was sure that she had heard Lex incorrectly. “What? Why are you yelling?” she said as she walked toward him. 
“You told him? You told him about it?” he screamed. 
“Told who about what? Quit yelling at me.” she asked. She studied Lex’s face and his body language. He was mad. He was madder than she had ever seen him. Then she remembered their fight on their first Thanksgiving. She thought he had been mad then, but it paled in comparison to this.
“You know what you said to him. I can’t fucking believe that you told him. It was private and you fucking told him,” he ranted as he paced. 
“Quit yelling at me and talk to me” she demanded. 
He paced the living room like a caged tiger and screamed. “I'm so tired of this shit, Teddy. I am so tired of our fucking private business being the subject of discussion with everyone.”
Teddy stood straight up and looked at him. “Don’t scream at me, Lex. Don’t scream at me.”
“I will scream if I damn well feel like it,” he continued to rant.
“No, you will not,” she walked to him, “You can either quit screaming at me and talk to me like an adult or get the fuck out until you can get your anger under control. I don't know what you THINK I did but I will not let you come into OUR home and speak to me like this. You decide."
Lex stared at her. She was struggling to retain her composure. He saw the fear in her eyes and the tension in her body. She was terrified. She was terrified of HIM, yet she remained calm. Her ultimatum rang in his ears. “Quit screaming and talk or get out,” were her words. He nodded his head, turned and walked out. He ignored neighbors who greeted him with generic greetings as he made his way downstairs. Once outside, he inhaled deeply and let the fresh air begin to clear his head. He stomped and sulked on the sidewalk. The rage inside of him began to dissipate. He felt his pulse return to normal and his breath slowed. 
He looked up and saw her observing from their balcony. Her face bore a calm and serene expression, but he knew otherwise. He knew that he had blown it and scared her. “Shit,” he thought to himself, “What have you done?” He spent a few minutes more calming down before he headed back into the apartment lobby. She sat on the couch when he opened the door. She looked at him before looking down at the floor. He quietly went to the couch and sat next to her. “I think I can talk now.” He began to say, "did you tell Seggy about Kitty Kat and Tiger?"
Teddy turned to him, shocked and cried,  "Noooooo! Never."
Lex asked,  "Are you sure? Not an offhand comment? No joke about being tied up or spanked?"
Teddy replied,  "No, never. Lex, that's our private business. No one else needs to know and I wouldn't tell anyone. Well, except that time with Barbara (the therapist) when she asked you for an update in our therapy session." She looked into his eyes and put her hand against his cheek. He pressed his cheek against her hand. Teddy asked, "Why did you think I did?" 
Lex explained what happened at practice. Teddy said "Tyler was joking. I would bet a million dollars. Lex, I know how nervous you were to tell me about your fantasies. I would never betray your trust."
Lex sighed,  "I am sorry that I jumped to conclusions. I should have known better."
Teddy tried to think of a reason that he would make the jump so quickly. She offered, "I think that there is a part of you that feels shame about it and that's why you went there so quickly. Do you still feel ashamed about it? Do we need to discuss it?"
Lex sat back against the back of the couch. He looked up at the ceiling and said,  "Maybe I do. I don't know. I didn’t think I did, but obviously something triggered me. Here I was thinking we had nothing to discuss on Tuesday, but obviously we do." 
Teddy laughed, “Your therapy jinxed us. Whenever you think that there is nothing to discuss, life throws you a curveball.” Lex frowned a bit. She grabbed his hands, “We can talk about it with Barbara Tuesday. It will be good."
Lex pushed Teddy’s hair out of her eyes and smiled, "Hey, I am proud of you, Bliss" 
Teddy laughed nervously, "Why are you proud of me?'”
Lex replied,  "You stood your ground and didn't let me treat you badly. You shut that shit down hard"
“I did, didn’t I? Go me,” she smiled, “I am proud of myself too.”
Lex got serious again, "I am sorry I yelled at you and assumed the worst. You were right. That’s not okay. It’s not okay at all." 
"Don't yell at me anymore," Teddy warned, “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t. I promise,” He said before he kissed her gently. 
Teddy smiled, “Did you really put him in a headlock?”
“Yes, I did,” he kissed her again, “Are you mad?”
“He started it,” she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him on top of her, “I told him that I was busy and he decided to stir the pot. He can now suffer the consequences.”
“What consequences?” he smiled as he adjusted his body so that he was at eye level with her.”
“I finished unpacking. Instead of going to hang out with him, I am going to spend the rest of the day in bed with you,” she teased as she spread her legs to accommodate his body. 
“Is that so?” Lex murmured as he kissed her neck, “Seggy’s mistake is my gain?”
“Well, you do also owe me hot make-up sex after that outburst. It’s only fair,” she said as she pulled the bottom of his shirt up his back. 
“That is true,” he grinned as he pulled the shirt over his head, "Although I don't think I will be able to hold out until we get to the bed before I need to be inside of you." Their hands scrambled to unbutton and push down pants and panties as their mouths took turns devouring the other. His fingers reached down to ensure her readiness for him.
"Lex….." she moaned into his ear, "I want you. I want you now." His hips lifted as she adjusted and guided him into her. He steadied himself by putting his hand on the arm of the couch. He fucked her with long, slow strokes. He savored the way that she opened up to him. She arched her back to get an angle just so. He pushed up her shirt, pulled out breasts and started kissing. His hand slid down and made contact with her clit. “Fuck…..” she moaned softly, “just like that.” 
The couch limited the space and he whispered, “Flip over.” He lifted his body and she slid off the couch so that she was on her knees. “Even better,” he smiled as he positioned himself between legs and began thrusting again. The new position allowed him better access and his hand returned. Teddy began to moan softly at first. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I know that you can be louder than that, Bliss. You can be fucking louder than that.” She moaned louder. “Louder,” he commanded, “Scream for me.” 
She turned to look at him, “You like it when I scream, eh?” Teddy leaned back and pulled his mouth to her. Despite the awkward angle, she kissed him before she bent down again. She began screaming a chorus of “Yes…. fuck me Lex…fuck me hard.” His groan as she screamed added to her pleasure and pushed her over the edge into her climax. He continued to thrust until followed her over the edge. They collapsed, momentarily exhausted, and sat on the floor. Their backs rested against the couch. 
Teddy looked at him and grinned. “What?” he asked as she stripped her shirt and bra off completely. Now nude, she moved to straddle his thighs and he grabbed her ass to push her forward. “Theodora Bliss, I see that smile,” he said lazily, “What’s going on in that brain?”
“I was dying to tell you to spank me, but I am not in control of that type of stuff,” she answered in a playful tone. She felt his cock twitch beneath her. His eyes searched her face before he kissed her with passion. "I mean you've already been accused of using kinky sex to keep me away from Tyler. You might as well do it. What did he say? Something about being tied up?" She leaned forward and teased in his ear.
"And maybe or maybe not spank Kitty Kat," he teased.
"If that is what Tiger likes," she rocked her hips against.
"Oh, Tiger likes," he smiled, "but you are going to have to give me a minute."
"Yes, Sir," she purred into his ear.
He growled, wrapped his arm around her waist and stood up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him. "Now, Sir?" She questioned.
"Now and all night" he said as he threw her over his shoulder and slapped her ass.
Baxter House - Highland Park- The next day
Elizabeth Baxter walked briskly through her house and backyard with her party planner. She spoke in a firm voice as the planner took furious at the details that did not meet Elizabeth's exacting standards. Robert, who was accustomed to Elizabeth's "pre-party focus" , watched from the kitchen window. Guests would arrive within the hour and the planner had two pages of changes that needed to be executed.
"Daddio," Teddy called as she and Lex walked into the kitchen. Robert turned and scooped his baby girl into a tight hug. She giggled as he spun her around and around. "Daddio, you'll make me sick," she said in mock protest.
"It's what you get when you leave home for almost two months," Robert teased, "I have half a mind to give Jamie a stern talking to when I see him. What kind of man takes a girl away from family for months at a time." Lex cleared his throat. Robert smiled, "Jamie, I didn't realize that you were standing RIGHT THERE.". Both Teddy and Lex rolled their eyes.
"Where's Momma?" Teddy asked.
"Just finishing her final walk through with the planner," Robert warned her.
"Oh my," Teddy looked out the window at the planner who was nodding furiously, "what's the over/under on how many pages of notes she has? It has to be at least three, right?" Lex looked on in slight confusion. "Love, if you thought Thanksgiving was a big deal, that was small potatoes compared to this."
With that, Elizabeth walked in and sighed dramatically and walked to Robert. He wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear. He rocked her back and forth for a few moments before she nodded her head. She turned around and flashed a smile at her beloved daughter. Teddy wrapped her mother in a hug. "Everything looks amazing. Thank you for planning it for us," she praised her mother.
Elizabeth blushed slightly, "I know, I know- it's over the top. I am just happy to have my baby girl home safe and sound." 
“Momma, I was only in Toronto for two months,” Teddy replied.
“Teddy, I have never gone that long without seeing you,” Elizabeth teared up, “You’ll understand one day.” Lex stood to the side and watched them. Suddenly, Elizabeth exclaimed, “Jamie, I am happy to have you back as well. That was rude of me to exclude you.”
“I didn’t feel excluded, Liz. It makes sense that you missed Teddy,” he smiled, “I get that way when I go on a long road trip. I can’t imagine two months. I would go into withdrawals.”
“What kind of withdrawals? Like a drug addict?” Teddy poked his ribs. 
“Yes, I would be sweating and have the shakes,” he joked as he wrapped his arms around and squeezed her tight. “They would find me wandering the streets calling your name- Bliss….. Bliss….Bliss.” Teddy erupted in a fit of giggles. “I would hallucinate the sound of your laughter. I tell you, Bliss, I would be in deep trouble.” Elizabeth made her getaway as the two got wrapped into their little bubble. 
Pretty soon, the guests began arriving including one very eager Tyler. He took great pains to avoid being seen by Lex, unsure if whatever had set him off the day before was still having an affect on him. As Teddy stood and chatted with Katie and Benn on the patio, she felt her phone vibrate. She looked down to find a text from Tyler. 
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A hand reached out from the gazebo and pulled her in with force. Teddy’s arms start flailing in an attempt at self-defense. Her blows landed around Tyler’s chest and face. “Ow, ow, ow,” Tyler squealed, “Stop hitting me. What is it about the two of you and physical violence?
"You scared the shit of me, Tyler," she yelled.
"Now you know how I felt yesterday when Big Rig was chasing around the ice," he protested. Teddy folded her arms and walked over to the swing. She sat down and stared at the ground. "Hey Teds," he sat down next to her, "He was really mad,eh?" She looked up but didn't talk to him. "Shit, I was just joking," he turned to face her.
"I know that you were joking," she said, yet still refused to look at him. "What I don't understand is why you don't know how that isn't acceptable," she states coldly. "You want to joke with me about that shit, I can take it as well as I can dish it," she sighed, "He can't and he shouldn't have to take it." Tyler looked down and then back up to find Teddy staring at him. "It's gone on long enough. Seriously, it has been almost two years of chirping," she chided him.
"Okay, okay…." He pleaded, "Why is he so sensitive about it? I don't get it."
"I am not just some girl he is fucking. He loves me and I love him" she began..
Tyler interjected, "I know that, Teddy. I know that."
"Then why do you want to take something that is so physically and emotionally intimate and make it a joke?" she asked, "After everything that you know we've been through together, why can't you understand that he is protective of me and protective of our relationship." 
Tyler listened to the pain in her voice. "I'm sorry Teds. I'm really sorry."
"I know you are" she nudged, "He is allowed to have a sensitive spot and react to you accusing him of tying me up and doing kinky ass shit."
"So are you officially denying that any kinky ass shit is going on?" he laughed.
Teddy got up to leave the gazebo before she turned around, "I am officially telling you that is none of your damn business and if you say anything else to Lex, a head lock will look like a walk in the park. Now quit being a chicken shit and apologize to him then enjoy the party. Momma got your stuffed mushrooms and Beef Wellingtons. If you are really nice she may let you have mini crėme brûlées too." 
She walked away and saw Lex watching her from the patio. He smiled as she approached him. "Hey Bliss, good chat with Seggy?" he asked. She walked straight up to him and pulled his shirt to get him to bend down. When his head ducked low enough, she kissed him as he wrapped his arm around her back and lifted her up. Lex hummed softly as she kissed him in an almost leisurely manner. "How long do we have to stay tonight?" he teased.
"We're shutting it down, Lex. I am planning on taking advantage of the multiple bars. I also plan on shaking my ass on the dance floor and fully expect you to be out there too," she joked. Teddy felt his muscles tense beneath her and looked over her shoulder. She glanced back and saw Tyler approach them. Lex set her down. "I am going to check in with Momma and let you two chat." Tyler shot her a look that implored her to stay but she shook her head no.
Lex looked at Teddy as she walked away, then turned his attention to Tyler. "So," Tyler started, "I need to apologize for the chirps yesterday. I meant them as jokes but that doesn't really excuse it." 
"It's possible that I overreacted," Lex relaxed his muscles.
"No, you really didn't," Tyler countered, "It was really disrespectful to your relationship. She isn't just some girl that you are hooking up with. You love her more than I can understand and want to protect her. I can understand wanting to keep that part of your life private and sacred. It won't happen again and I'll shut it down if I hear it."
"Thanks, I appreciate it," Lex spoke softly, "I also appreciate your friendship with Bliss. You are good for each other. I think that is another thing that bothered me. The implication that I control her in any way or would try to keep you two apart."
"You think I'm good for her?" He grinned, "You like me, Rig. You really like me."
"Don't push it," Lex warned, "and shut up about me not liking you. We've been friends too long for that bullshit."
Teddy made the rounds of the party. Her cheeks ached from smiling and looked for a quiet spot to decompress. She made a beeline to the back stairs. She found her mother sitting on the third bottom stair with her head resting in her hands. "Mamacita," she asked quietly, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" 
Elizabeth shook her head, wiped her tears quickly and looked up with a smile. "Teddy Bear, of course not," she lied. Teddy raised an eyebrow. "Can you go find your father?" she asked. 
Teddy pointed to the space next to her mother on the stairs. Elizabeth scooted over and Teddy sat down. "I would prefer if you would talk to me instead of keeping me in the dark," she said softly. 
Elizabeth grimaced, "Teddy Bear, it's your party. You should have fun." 
Teddy turned to her mother and pushed her hair back behind her ear, "I plan on it, but I won't have any fun if I know you are upset. Please talk to me." Elizabeth hesitated. "I am not a fragile flower that you have to protect anymore, Momma. I am stronger than you know."
"I know how strong you are, Bear. You are so much stronger than me," Elizabeth whispered. Her eyes filled with tears. "The way that you came back to life after what you endured. You clawed your way back to happiness," she turned to face her daughter, "I could never do that."
"Bullshit" Teddy replied without thought, "I remember what you went through when Frankie died. It was a terrible time for you. You could barely get out of bed." Teddy took her mother's hand in hers and squeezed it, "I didn't do it alone. You helped me, Daddio helped, Lex and Tyler helped me too. You should let people help you too."
"Oh Daddio helps me, too" her mother interjected, "Like Jamie helps you." 
"Like Lex helps me?", Teddy thought to herself. Then it dawned on her how Lex was adept at knowing when she was getting into her head. He knew how to talk her off the ledge that her anxiety took her to. She looked at Elizabeth and paused. Then spoke quietly, "How do you need help? Like me?" Elizabeth didn't respond immediately. "Momma, are you saying that you have anxiety too?" Teddy tried to ask with no emotion. "Do you have the thoughts too? Do you have the never ending thoughts? The ones that tell you that you are not good enough and predict the worst case scenarios?" she questioned.
Elizabeth's tears began to fall and she whispered, "Yes. Daddio tries to help me, but it doesn't always help. Sometimes the thoughts are so loud I can barely think." 
Teddy wiped her mother's tears, "and the voices are loud right now? What are they saying?"
"Right now, I just feel sad. I feel so sad and I don't know why," Elizabeth cried, "I should be happy. You are finally back. I can breathe again." Teddy tilted her head. "Two months, Teddy," her mother explained, "For two months you were in another country where anything could happen."
"What did you think could happen?" Teddy asked.
"This time- What if you got sick? What if you got in a fight with Jamie? What if you got in a car accident? You could be injured, paralyzed or worse," she rambled. Elizabeth trembled, "What if a drunk driver hit you too? What would I do? What would I do if something happened to you? What would I do if you died and left me forever?" Her voice broke and she began to sob. 
Teddy pulled her mother into her arms. "Momma, I am here. I am safe and sound. Nothing happened to me," she soothed, "I am here. Look at me. I am here."
"She isn't though," Elizabeth cried. "She's gone. She's gone and I miss her so much." Images of her sister, Frankie, flooded Teddy's mind. She felt a lump form in her throat and she swallowed hard. 
"Are those the thoughts? You are afraid that I am going to die like Frankie?", she asked. Her mother nodded, "Breathe, Momma, breathe." Robert came in from the patio. It had been ten minutes since Elizabeth walked into the house. He stopped when he saw them sitting on the stairs. Teddy consoled her mother and modeled breathing.
Elizabeth started to follow Teddy's breath pattern. Slowly she calmed down. Teddy said quietly, "You know what helps me the most, Momma? It's the medicine. It's medicine and therapy. That's what helps with the thoughts the most." 
"Daddio has been trying to get me to try them. I don't know. I should be able to do it on my own without medicine. I should be stronger," she confessed.
"Do you think I should be able to do it on my own?" Teddy looked her mother in the eye. Elizabeth paused. "I didn't think so. If I can get help, so can you," Teddy encouraged. "You can try it and if you don't like it, you can stop," she smiled, "I can ask Jen for a referral for you."
"No promises,Bear," Elizabeth said at last, "No promises, but I will promise to think about it." 
Robert spoke up, "That's more than I ever got out of her." Teddy and Elizabeth turned to him. "You should listen to Teddy. She understands it more than I can." Lex walked in from the patio for the same reason as Robert, except to find Teddy. He walked up as Robert spoke. 
"What does Teddy understand?" he asked. Teddy looked at Elizabeth for permission to tell him. 
Elizabeth spoke, "She understands my mind and how it lies to me." Lex's eyes widened and he looked from mother to daughter and back again. "Aren't we a pathetic pair?" she laughed bitterly. Teddy blinked slowly and chose to ignore the comment.
Lex smiled, "Like two peas in a pod- two beautiful peas." Teddy smiled up at her love and shot him a look of desperation. "Hey, do you mind if I steal Bliss for a minute?", he asked sweetly. Robert and Elizabeth shared a look and left. Lex sat down on the stair below Teddy and smiled at her. "It was the pair comment, right?" he asked.  She nodded and threw herself into his arms. "You know that it wasn't about you, Bliss," he offered, "This is the first time that she's talked to you about it, right? Think about the first time you told me about your anxiety." Teddy sat back and listened to him. "Remember how hard you were on yourself? That's how she feels now. Give her some time."
Teddy scooted closer to Lex, "Remember what happened after that?" He leaned forward and nodded yes. She whispered, "Lex, I want to kiss you now. Is that okay?" 
He licked his lips and whispered back, "yeah".
She drew him toward her with her eyes, he inclined his face toward hers and laid his mouth on her mouth. The overwhelming desire raced through Teddy’s body as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Drawing him closer to her body as her tongue traced along his lips before slipping into his mouth. For a moment they were back in that crowded theater, experiencing that life changing kiss when they casually crossed line from friends to something that neither could have anticipated. Neither one stopped to think about anything but the love that began with that kiss, and also focused on the intense pleasure of each other’s nearness. Finally the spell was broken when Lex heard Teddy’s father clear his throat. Breaking the kiss, they looked up at him- as breathless and slightly disoriented as their first kiss.
"Teddy Bear, I don't mean to interrupt your moment," her father held out his hand, "Would you give me the pleasure of a dance before the DJ cranks it up?" Teddy looked at Lex who shrugged his shoulders but kissed her cheek. He whispered in her ear, "Dance with your dad." 
Teddy took her father's hand and followed him to the dance floor. Robert signaled the DJ and pulled Teddy into the perfect Viennese waltz frame. She smiled as she remembered the dance lessons that her mother had forced Teddy and Robert to take in preparation of her debutante ball. Despite both of their very vocal protests, they both treasured that time that cemented their bond.
The song began and it drew the attention of the party. Lex approached Elizabeth on the edge of the dance floor. She turned and gave him a soft smile. Robert's left hand held Teddy's hand as his right hand wrapped around her waist. Her left shoulder was delicately placed on his right shoulder. Robert looked down into his baby girl's eyes and sang the words softly.
A smile spread across Lex's face as he watched the normally tough and stoic facade melt away. In its place, the love between the two of them made him glow.
Look at the two of you dancin' that way.
Lost in the moment and each other's face
So much in love, you're alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one, she told me so
And she still means the world to me, just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Teddy listened to her father's voice as he sang to her. "Daddio," she questioned as he twirled her into a spin before they connected their frame again, "You are going to make me cry with this mushy song."
Time changes everything, life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way
But I loved her first, I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it's still hard to give her away
I loved her first
Robert responded, "Teddy Bear, then it's a good thing that we are practicing tonight."
How could that beautiful woman with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairytales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
Teddy asked, "Practice for what Daddio?" He teared up and answered, "For your wedding, Teddy Bear. We have to be able to get through the dance with no tears at your wedding to Lex." Teddy looked over her shoulder at Lex and her who watched the dance intently. The tender moment etched its way into their memories. Off to the side, Tyler stood with his phone out. He filmed the dance. His phone thankfully concealed his eyes who, like almost everyone else who watched and also had a heart, were wet with unshed tears.
Teddy squealed with delight as Robert tightened his grip around her waist and lifted into the air so that she was eye level with him. He then began to twirl and spin her around as the song continued. Teddy giggled, "Daddio, you are going to make me dizzy." 
I loved her first, I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it's still hard to give her away
I loved her first
When the song ended, Teddy wrapped her arms around her father's neck and squeezed tight. "Thank you, Teddy Bear. You are the best surprise gift I received," his voice was soft and tender as he repeated the phrase that he told her every night when he tucked her into bed. He said, " I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I am living, my baby you'll be." With that, he kissed her cheeks and set her down gently. Collectively the guests erupted in spontaneous applause. Teddy blushed and slid down into the dramatic curtsy she performed at her debutante ball. 
Lex rushed over to her and offered her his hand as she arose from her dip. He dramatically kissed her hand as slow and romantic song began. They came together and danced. Lex joked, "So I think we're going to need lessons if I want to compete with that dance." 
Robert went and stood behind Elizabeth. His arms snaked around her waist and he bent down to place his chin on her shoulder. Tyler snapped a picture as Robert whispered into her ear. "Lizzie Bee, can we freeze this moment forever?" he asked, "I can't imagine a better day." She smiled and leaned back into his chest. 
After their slow dance, the DJ transitioned to faster paced music. The dance floor became crowded as the alcohol flowed. By the end of the night, Teddy, Lex and the rest of the guests were drenched in sweat. True to her word, Teddy had taken full advantage of the fully stocked bar. She sent Katie and Benn off in their Uber with big hugs and sloppy kisses on their cheeks. Tyler and Teddy made drunken plans to hang out the next evening at his house before he stumbled into his Uber alone. 
Then she turned to Lex with a lopsided grin. "Are you sober?" she asked, "I will get an Uber just in case." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and stared at the screen. "Hey," she giggled, "Maybe you should get the Uber." He took the phone and placed it in his pocket. He then bent down, placed his shoulder against her abdomen and lifted her over his shoulder. "Lex," she screamed as he carried her up the driveway then up the stairs to the garage apartment. At the top, he opened the door, closed it with his foot and headed into the bedroom. He dropped her down into the bed and she bounced up and down.
They exchanged a look and Lex whispered, “Yes?" She sat up and reached for the button on his pants. He placed his hands on top of hers to stop their movement. Her eyes went to his and he asked again, "Yes?" 
It dawned on her that he needed verbal confirmation of her consent, especially since she had been drinking. "Yes, the answer is yes. I want this. I want you now and forever," she said confidently. He nodded in acknowledgment before they began a feverish race to strip. Once naked, they scurried up the bed to make love. It was rushed and frantic yet the tenderness of their love was not lost in the moment. Lex whispered words of adoration in her ear as they raced towards their climax. 
Afterwards, he held her as they talked about the party before they could no longer hold their eyes open. "Good night my Bliss," he whispered as she drifted off to dream, "I love you more than you'll ever know."
Lex sat on the couch and checked his phone. "Bliss," he called, "We need to leave if I am going to be on time." She walked out carrying her tote bag while she finished putting her hair up into a messy bun. "Are those my sweats?" he asked, "Aren't you going to be hot in them?"
Teddy smiled, "I need them because Tyler keeps his house frigid. If I get hot, I have a shirt underneath."
Lex squinted his eyes, "What's that on your face, Bliss? 
She reached to her face and then remembered, "Oh yeah, I have a pimple so I put a pimple patch on it."
 Lex smirked, "Clearly, you are dressing to impress tonight." 
“Ummm, it’s Tyler. He has seen me much worse, trust me,” She laughed. 
“Oh? When?” Lex challenged. 
“First of all Buddy, you are implying that I look bad now which kind of hurts my feelings,” she started. Lex went to object and she cut him off. “Second of all, there was about two weeks after you went to Pittsburgh that I basically looked like a troll most of the time. Katie was *this* close to staging an intervention.” 
“You know that I think you are the most beautiful woman on the planet, even with a pimple patch on your forehead,” Lex backpedaled. Teddy rolled her eyes and looked at Lex dressed in shorts and polo shirt. He had yet to get his haircut and/or shave for the start of training camp. His hair curled in small ringlets and his beard was the perfect length. "Where are you going tonight?" she asked. 
"Probably dinner and then Inwood Tavern," he looked down with a smile.
She looked up in shock,"You're going to the tavern without me? I am not even sure that Tess will serve you if I am not there to vouch for you."
"You are thinking of Seggy, Bliss. That's who she can't stand, but she likes me. The riff-raff stay under control when I am around," he gloated. "Come on, babe- we need to leave or I'll be late." She bit her lip and walked up to him. She lifted his shirt and ran her finger around his waistband. He made no effort to move though.
Her hand ran up and down his abdomen and she felt his muscles contract beneath her touch. "Will you be upset if you are late?" she drawled. 
"Upset is a strong word. I would say mildly annoyed at most," he placed his hands over hers. "What are you trying to do, Bliss?"
"I want to give you something to look forward to when you come home," she leaned forward and kissed his chest. 
"I alway look forward to coming home to you," he wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her to him, "The sooner we leave, the sooner I can come home." He kissed the top of her head. 
"Let's go Lex," she kissed his chest again. He took the bag from her, then grabbed her hand. They walked together to his truck. They were a dichotomy with him in his shorts and polo and her in a sweatshirt and yoga pants.
In the car, she twisted her body to look at him. His shorts grazed his thighs. His skin was sun-kissed from their summer in Toronto. His tan made his blue eyes pop even more than normal. His hair was a mess of blonde curls. He vaguely resembled a statue of Adonis. He felt her stare and smiled. Her blatant looks of desire stroked his ego. 
At Seguin’s house, he insisted on walking her to the front door. As she turned the door handle to open the door without knocking, Lex grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his body. He kissed her firmly. She dropped her bag and he lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he grabbed her ass. "I thought you were worried about being late to dinner," she smiled.
"I have priorities, babe," he grinned, "Have a good night. Try not to bust Seggy's balls too much. He'll be pissy tomorrow if you do."
"Don't take my fun away, Love," she replied, "Besides if he is pissy, just put him in a headlock again." She pushed against his chest and jumped down. She walked backwards towards the door. "Don't be too late, Lex. I meant what I said earlier," she teased. She went to lean against the door to watch him leave. Lex walked to his truck and waved.
She blew him a kiss as the door swung open. Teddy lost her balance and fell backwards. Tyler lunged to catch her in his arms. “Teddy,” he screamed as he caught her. She popped up. Lex was almost out of the truck when she waved him off. 
“I’m fine, Lex, I’m fine,” she called out, “Go have fun. See you later!” 
Lex waited until she turned around and started swatting Tyler on the arms and chest. “What the hell was that?” she argued. 
Tyler protested, “I heard a noise so I came to investigate. By the way, didn’t your mother teach you to knock before you go into someone’s home? Seriously what the fuck Teddy.”
“Didn’t your parents teach you to lock the damn door Tyler? Why would I knock anyways?” she argued back. Then the thought hit her. “Unless you have a naked girl in here. Do you have any naked girls in here? Were you getting a little something something before I came over?”
“Oh my god, Teddy! How desperate do you think I am? You think that I knew that you were coming over and still planned a booty call?” he sighed dramatically.
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” she laughed as she remembered when she interrupted Tyler and Bree that one time. 
Tyler immediately picked up on her reference, “She just dropped by. What was I supposed to do?”
“Yes, you were forced to fuck her. She came over and demanded dick. You had no choice,” Teddy laughed.
“Oh shut up! The pizza is getting cold,” he scoffed. 
Lex looked at the two of them standing in the doorway bickering, shook his head and drove off. Neither one of them noticed as they turned to walk into the house. 
He was about ten minutes late to dinner. The group of guys, including his former roommate.Stephen Johns, sat around the table talking about their off season adventures. "Big Rig," they called out as he entered the brightly colored dining room. "Where in hell have you been?" someone asked.
Lex took his seat at the end of the table and picked up the menu. He wasn't sure why. Teddy and he either ate there or ordered in at least once a week when they were in town. "Oh no, don't tell me," Johnsy joked, "You're late because of Teddy. I swear to God, Big Rig." Lex gave him a look that made Johnsy shut his mouth.
"Can you blame him?" John Klingberg joked, "I would be late all the time too if I had her at home." The remark was met with general agreement around the table. 
Lex inhaled deeply. "Get your minds out of the gutter, especially you Klinger. I am late because I had to drop off Teddy at Seggy's house. That's it- end of story." The tone in his voice made it evident that he was uninterested in further speculation about his tardiness.
"Seggy's house? As in Seguin's house?" Corey Perry asked in surprise. Tyler and Corey had played together on Team Canada. He was very aware of Tyler's reputation with the ladies. He stared at Lex, "Teddy's your girlfriend, I assume?" Lex shook his head yes in affirmation. Perry's eyebrows raised even higher. "You took your girlfriend to hang out at Seggy's house? Are they alone?" he asked incredulously.
"He is her best friend," Lex replied, "They were friends before we got together and still are. It's all good." 
"No, seriously- you let your woman hang out with that manwhore?" Perry laughed, "You are a better man than me."
Lex felt his blood pressure starting to rise. He rubbed his hands on his thighs. He was thankful when Matteo came over to check on the table. Matteo trusted Isabella to take care of the table's needs, but wanted to give special attention to one of his regulars. "Jamie," he said with a smile, "Can I get you a drink? Your usual beer?" Lex held up one finger to indicate that he wanted a beer. He then turned his attention back to Perry. He studied his face before he spoke.
"Your first mistake is assuming that I can either let or not let Teddy do anything in this life. She is far too stubborn to put up with that shit," he began. "Second, if I had a camera set up in his house, I would see the following things- Teddy playing with the dogs while they argue about who the dogs love the most, the two of them eating either pizza and/or ice cream, and the twenty minute discussion about what they are going to watch. Given that the season hasn’t started, my money would be on Teddy forcing him to watch some sort of rom-com while he whines until it starts.  Third, have you seen me? Do you think that he is going to take a shot at my girlfriend?” 
“You seem very confident is all I am saying,” Perry quipped, "Not sure why she would settle for a grinder like you when she can have that big Seguin money." Lex stared at Perry in disbelief.
The usually very quiet Miro spoke up, “Teddy only has eyes for Big Rig and he only has eyes for her. She does not need money from Seggy or Big Rig. You insult Teddy and Tyler. They are friends and nothing more.” The statement was made with such confidence that Perry dropped the matter entirely. 
After dinner, the group headed over to the Inwood Tavern. They headed past the bar to the back room to commandeer the comfy sofas with the best view of the TV showing the Sunday night football game. Being the newest members of the team, Joe Pavelski and Corey Perry were sent to the bar to procure a round of beers for the group. Within minutes, they returned shaking their heads. Perry declared, "We need to go somewhere else. That crazy bartender won't serve us." 
Lex smiled, "Let me guess. She took one look at your watch and credit card then sent you scurrying with your tails tucked between your legs. Is that about right?"
"Yeah, she is insane," Pavs insisted.
"That's Tess. She isn't crazy. She just doesn't tolerate cocky ass people well," Lex explained, "Stay here. Maybe I can sweet talk her." Lex left the group and headed to the bar in the front room. Tess looked and smiled. She looked around, saw no Teddy and folded her arms. Lex put on his best smile and leaned on the counter, "Hey Tess- long time, no see. Do you think I can get two pitchers of beer?"
"Two pitchers of beer?" Tess asked suspiciously, "All for you? Where is Teddy by the way?"
"Not all for me," Lex explained, "I have friends in the back." 
Tess looked toward the back room and saw Perry and Pavs spying on the conversation. "Are you with those assholes? Why?" Tess said with an edge to her voice, "You didn't answer my question by the way."
Lex struggled to remember the question then said, "Teddy is hanging out with Seggy tonight. I am out with guys from the team." He nodded toward Pavs and Perry, "those are the new guys. They are actually pretty cool. I can vouch for them."
"And who is going to vouch for you, huh?" she said defiantly as she leaned on the bar. At the end of the bar, two blonde sorority girls from SMU desperately tried to get Tess' attention. She paid them no mind and focused on Lex. 
"Come on Tess- you know me. Didn't I help with that group of frat boys fighting last time?" he said. Tess made no movement. "What if I got Teddy to vouch for me?" he pleaded. She nodded her head and he reached for his phone. 
At the end of the bar, blonde number one said, "Come on Alexis. Why are we even here? It's disgusting." They had been standing at the bar, flashing Daddy's AMEX in the hopes of getting a drink. Blonde number two whined, "Give it another minute. He may show up. I just saw a group of Stars players head back. He may be joining them." Alexis, aka blonde number two, yelled at Tess, "excuse me, but can we get some fucking service around here?"
Teddy answered Lex's facetime call just as Lex and Tess turned at the sound of Alexis' rude demand. "Oh fuck," Lex said as he watched Tess race to the end of the bar. 
"What did you say to me, Missy?" Tess asked in disbelief. 
Lex watched and mentally tried to signal the blonde to keep her mouth shut. Instead she doubled down and said, "Do your job and get my friend and I a glass of wine. We've been standing here for ten minutes." 
Teddy screamed, "Lex! Lex- you called me. What's going on?"
Lex looked down at the phone and said, "Bliss, Tess is about to light up a couple of SMU blondes."
Teddy squealed, "Turn it so I can see. Let me see her kick ass!" Tyler heard the commotion and scrambled behind Teddy to watch. Lex switched the camera so Tess was in view. 
Tess looked Alexis up and down and shook her head. "First of all, I need to see some fucking ID before I even think about serving the two of you. Second, I don't take Daddy's credit cards so you'll need cash. If you can't do both, you need to take your blonde asses back to campus." 
Blonde number one stomped her foot and whined, "That's not fair. You can't do that." Meanwhile, Alexis stared at Tess, "Look, I am friends with some very powerful people. I can make your life hell if I want."
Tess was silent at first, then she grabbed a wine glass, smashed it on the edge of the bar and held the broken piece up, "Then get your powerful friends to serve you some basic white girl rosé. Get the fuck out."
Blonde Number One cried, "That's it, Alexis. I am calling Brady. You can stay and stalk Seguin on your own."
Alexis looked over to Lex and forced a single tear out. "Are you going to let her talk to me that way?"
Lex laughed, "I would leave if I were you. I would leave before she gets angry."
Tess threw the broken glass in the trash and swept the pieces on the floor. Alexiw stared in disbelief before she accepted defeat and walked out the door. 
On the phone, Teddy and Tyler stared in a mixture of awe and fear. Teddy screamed, "She was trying to stalk Tyler? Then Tess broke a wine glass? Are you kidding me? I miss all the fun." 
Tyler laughed, "Hey Lex, was stalker girl hot?"
"Ummm, I don't think she was hot, but you may," Lex shrugged his shoulders, "You are into that bland blonde look."
Tess listened momentarily before she barked, "Focus Oleksiak." 
Lex smiled and spoke to Teddy, "Tess needs to speak to you." 
He handed the phone to Teddy who smiled at Tess. "Tess, what's up?"
Tess smiled back at Teddy, "Oh you know, scaring the beejeezus out of sorority girls who try me. Did you know Big Rig is in here with a group of troublemakers and ne’er do wells?"
Teddy laughed,"Yes, I am aware. I'll vouch for him and the motley crew. I promise that they'll be on their best behavior. Be sure to give them the friend discount, okay?"
Tess smiled, "Just for you, Teddy Bear. Tell Seggy that he owes me one for driving the stalker girl out of here."
Tyler poked his head over Teddy's shoulder, "Thank you Tess. Does this mean that you like me now?"
"You're cute, but no," Tess laughed, "Teddy, I'll keep an eye out on your man for you." 
Teddy laughed, "Thanks. Try not to stab anybody on my behalf." Tess went off to get the pitchers of beer ready. 
Lex turned his attention back to Teddy. It was the first time he took a good look at her. "Ummm, Bliss, what's the purple stuff on your face." 
She patted her face, "Oh yeah, since Tyler made me watch this stupid football game, I made him do face masks with me. I am doing a platinum purple mask and he is doing the green tea pore cleansing mask."
Lex whispered, "Bliss, I will do anything you want if you get me a picture of that….anything"
Teddy whispered, "Already done but I will still take you up on your offer.”
Lex  smiled, "Hey, I should get back to the boys. I will see you later. Are you good?"
"I am good," she answered cheerfully, "Have fun with the boys. See you soon."
Three hours later, Lex pulled his truck into Seguin's driveway. He knocked softly without an answer. He opened the door and walked in. The house was dark with the exception of the kitchen pendant lights and the glow of the exceptionally large TV hung above the fireplace. He walked into the family room. Teddy and Tyler were asleep on opposite ends of the sectional with three dogs positioned between them. Sweet Home Alabama played on the television. 
Lex walked into the kitchen and snagged a slice of pizza from the pizza box. The island was littered with the remnants of their dinner and various cocktails. He picked up the shot glass and sniffed it. The distinct lime scent of a kamikaze shot hit his nose. He wondered how many they had taken. Whatever the number, it was enough to put them down hard.
 He grabbed a bottle of water and sat down at the kitchen counter. He replayed the events of the night and gave himself a mental high five for his accurate Teddy and Tyler predictions. Perry's words floated across his brain and he pressed his lips together. Lex was not one for insecurity about much in life. Sure, he had some doubts about his future with the Stars, but who could blame him after being traded twice in the span of thirteen months.
Despite those doubts, he felt good about his life. He had the dream job in the NHL. He had a loving and supportive family. He had a good set of friends. Most importantly, he had his Bliss. 
Now in Bliss, he had no doubts-at least until tonight. He was sure that he loved and adored her. He was certain that feeling was returned. He was sure that he would do anything to keep their relationship healthy and he was certain that she would do the same thing. It meant checking his ego at the door and doing the work that included hard conversations, compromises and unwavering support and loyalty.
"Why would she settle for a grinder like you when she can have that big Seguin money," - His mind mulled the words over. He didn't have an answer for the question. He sat and looked at Seguin's large and luxurious home. Then he thought of the apartment that he shared with Bliss. She would never complain, but she deserved a home like this. She deserved the world and he wondered if he could provide it for her. 
He glanced over at her on the couch. She slept with arms wrapped around a pillow. Her mouth was open slightly. There was a slight snore coming from the room and he wasn't sure if it came from him or her. He finished his pizza and cleaned his mess. He walked over and knelt beside the couch. He placed his hand on her cheek and she smiled in her sleep. "Bliss," he whispered, "Bliss- wake up. It's time to go home." She stirred slowly and stretched her arms over head. Her eyes opened slowly and she blinked as his face came into focus.
"Lex," she said sleepily, "What time is it?
"A little before midnight," he answered as he pushed her hair out of her face. "Let's go home," he suggested. 
She nodded and sat up. "Lex," she said as she yawned, "I am a little drunk."
"I figured. How many shots did you do?" He laughed softly. She held out five fingers, shook her head and then held up a second hand. "You are going to hate life in the morning." She made an exaggerated face. "It's okay. I will make coffee and breakfast." A smile spread across her face.  "Wake up Seggy and say goodbye. I'll get your things," he instructed.
She stood up, wobbled for a bit and walked over to Tyler. Teddy shook him until he moaned, "Mom….five more minutes." She continued shaking until one eye opened. "You are not my mom," he groaned.
"Get up and go to bed," she smiled.
 He smiled back, "You're my friend, Teddy. I love my friend, Teddy. She is the best."
Lex watched from the kitchen. Teddy bent down, "Tyler, you have to get up and go to bed now. Lex is here to take me home."
Tyler sat up, "Big Rig is here?" He turned and waved, "Hi Big Rig!” Tyler’s brain processed the rest of Teddy’s words. “Wait, you can’t go home. The movie isn’t finished.”
“Spoiler alert- She ends with Jake. They always end up with the hometown boy,” Teddy answered. “Now get up, walk me out like a gentleman and go to bed,” she instructed. Tyler stood up and did the same wobble that Teddy did. Together, Teddy and he walked to the front door where Lex met them. Tyler stared at Teddy with glassy eyes. She gave him a tight hug, “Tonight was fun, even if you did make me watch stupid football.”
Tyler rested his head on her shoulder and squeezed her even tighter. He whispered in her ear, “Thanks Teddy. I really needed some time with my bestie. I love you.” 
He let her go and she reached for Lex’s hand. Tyler watched them walk out to the truck. He laughed as Teddy tried unsuccessfully to get into the truck before Lex picked her up and put her inside the cab. After he buckled her in, she rolled down the window and leaned her head out. “Bye Tyler!” she yelled loudly. Lex rolled his eyes and reminded her that people were trying to sleep. “I need to say bye to my friend,” she insisted. “Hey Tyler!” she called and he smiled back at her, “I forgot to say that I love you too. Sorry that you missed out on Stalker Girl. Maybe she’ll come back.”
At their apartment, Lex guided Teddy by the hand through the secure lobby to the elevator. She was sobering up, but enjoyed the attention so she let him. Once they were inside, she made a beeline for the couch. Lex wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted/carried her away from the couch. “No couch, Bliss,” he said, “Straight to bed.” 
She nodded obediently when he set her done and entered the bedroom. Lex stood back and watched her comically remove her clothes. Shirts, shoes and underwear flew around the room. Once freed from her clothes, she crawled into bed. Lex followed suit and wrapped his body around hers. “Lex,” she said softly, “Do you get mad that I hang out with Tyler and get drunk? Cause then you have to take care of me.”
“I like taking care of you,” he answered, “No, I don’t get mad. Why would I get mad?”
“A lot of men would feel threatened,” she said as she yawned, “but you know the truth, right?”
“Tell me the truth,” he waited to hear her answer. 
“I love Tyler and I say that he is my best friend,” she stated before she paused, “but the truth is that you are my best friend. You are my best friend and such much more. You are everything to me and I love you. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you- nothing.” 
Lex squeezed her tight as the lump formed in his throat, “I wouldn't change a thing about you either. You are everything to me and I love you too.”
Tuesday- October 2nd- Dallas Stars Center- Frisco
Lex sat in his stall in the Stars locker room and stared at his phone. He willed his hands to move and dial the number, but he couldn’t work up the courage. He smiled when the text from Teddy came through. Actually the multiple texts from Teddy came through at once to his phone. 
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Lex inhaled deeply and dialed the number. Mary, Robert Baxter’s assistant, answered the phone on the second ring. 
Mary: Baxter Enterprises- This is Mary. How can I assist you?
Lex: Uh, hi Mary. This is Jamie Oleksiak. I am Teddy’s boyfriend. 
Mary: Jamie, I know who you are. 
Lex: That’s right. I apologize. 
There was a solid fifteen seconds of silence
Mary: Jamie? Did you need something? Robert is in a meeting, but I could take a message or put you through to his voicemail. 
Lex: I was wondering….. How do I go about getting an appointment with Robert?
Mary: An appointment? Can you tell me more?
Lex: I have something important to discuss with him and I would rather do it without interruptions. That’s difficult to do at home.
Mary: Oh, I see. How long do you think that you will need?
Lex: Maybe half an hour? An hour at the most-What are my options? 
Mary: Let me see. He is completely booked today. Would afternoon work better for you? You have practice in the morning, correct?
Lex: Anything after eleven o’clock would be fine.
Mary: I will put you in tomorrow at eleven thirty. Do you have the address? 
Lex: I do. 
Mary: Great, I will see you tomorrow. 
Wednesday, October 2nd- Baxter Enterprises
Lex paced in the light and airy lobby inside the ninth floor office suite of Baxter Enterprises. He walked over to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out over the horizon. He smiled when he saw the American Airlines Center in the distance.
"Jamie," Mary called from the reception desk, "Come with me." He followed the well dressed woman through a maze of corridors to the double doors of Robert's private suite. They passed into the suite and went by Mary's desk where she served as Robert's gatekeeper. She guided him into Robert's large corner office that had a wall with floor to ceiling windows, large conference table, seating area and the massive desk. "Robert is in back to back meetings. His last meeting is running late.He will be in a few minutes. Please make yourself comfortable. Do you need coffee, water or soda?"
Lex nodded his head,"No, thank you." After Mary left, he walked over to the built-in credenza and studied the framed photos. He smiled at the childhood photos of Teddy and Frankie. He stopped when he came across one framed photo. It was an eight by ten picture taken in Pittsburgh after a Penguins game. He stood in the center sandwiched between his father and Robert. His mother and sister stood besides his father while Elizabeth stood to Robert's right. Teddy stood front and center with Lex's arms wrapped around her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder. While everyone else looked at the camera, Teddy's head was turned to his face with a smile. He gingerly picked up the photo and studied it. The picture had been taken a little under a year ago but it seemed like a lifetime.
Robert's voice broke his concentration, "It is the first photo of all of us together. We forgot to get a family photo that October," the older gentleman explained. Robert observed Lex's dress- pressed pants, starched starch and suit jacket. Other than game days and special occasions, Lex dressed casually in jeans or sweats. 
"Is that how you see me? As your family?" Lex asked nervously. 
Robert studied Lex's face carefully. He searched for a motive for his question but Lex's poker face revealed none. Robert walked over and took the frame from Lex's hands. He pointed to the conference table, seating area and desk in a silent question to Lex. He chose the conference table.
"I am not sure how to answer your question, Jamie," Robert said as he sat down and turned his body to face Lex. "I am a bit of a literalist so my immediate answer is no. I do not see you as family. However, in my heart, I know that the answer is yes. It may not be legally, but we are connected in all the ways that matter." They stared at each other for a moment before Robert asked, "Why did you ask?" 
Lex went to speak, "Well, I have a question and wanted to see how you see us before I ask." 
"Did you get the answer you wanted?" Robert quizzed.
Lex smiled, "I got the truth. I wouldn't expect any less from you.". Robert placed his hand over his heart and smiled. "Do you mind if I stand?" Lex said as he stood. He walked the length of the conference table and turned around. "I think I have been clear in my intentions with your daughter. I am in this for a lifetime. A lifetime that will include marriage and God willing, children," he spoke with determination. "However, I recently have had some doubts about my ability to financially provide the lifestyle that Teddy deserves. I need to know if you share that doubt. I need to know if you have the same concerns."
Robert's eyebrows rose in surprise at the question. "Do you want the short or long answer?" He answered.
"Start with the short and then finish the longer answer," Lex replied.
"Jamie, I have no doubts or worries in your ability to take care of Teddy- physically or emotionally. She is in very capable hands," Robert stated plainly.
Lex walked over and sat in the chair to the left of Robert's at the end of the table. "And the longer answer?" He questioned.
Robert held up his finger, stood up and picked up the phone. Mary came in a few moments later with a thick file folder labeled Teddy-Financial Update. She left the room after patting Jamie on the back. "Let's start with what you know about Teddy's financial status- current, future or past," he began the conversation.
"I am aware that she has a trust fund that collects interest. I know that as your only child she should inherit a substantial amount of money. I don't know an exact figure but I would imagine it is over a hundred million," Lex answered.
Robert smiled, "You are partially correct. Let me explain the rest." He spent the next ten minutes explaining Teddy's fifty million trust fund established for her by her paternal grandfather, the yearly interest of approximately one to three million dollars. He then explained the overview of Teddy's inheritance- Robert and Elizabeth's personal value and the value of Baxter Enterprises. Lex's head shot up when he heard the figures, especially the two billion dollar value of the company. 
Robert went on to explain Teddy has only utilized her earned interest from her trust fund  for her own personal use sparingly, mainly to buy her Jeep and pay for some vacations. However, it has been untouched since the beginning of 2018. 
“Untouched?” Lex asked, “What does that mean?”
“Exactly like it sounds,” Robert answered, “Teddy has been completely self-supporting since 2018.” Lex started doing the mental math and Robert interrupted. “I did not state that correctly,” he said, “Since she graduated college, Teddy has supported herself entirely on her salary alone with exception of the few times she dipped into her trust fund interest for the car, vacations and of course the furnishings/house goods for her apartment.” 
“Wait, that’s wrong,” Robert then frowned and flipped through a couple of pages. “Yes, I was wrong. The amount that she withdrew to purchase furniture that she purchased at technically the end of 2017 was reimbursed in full within six months.”
“Furniture?” Lex questioned in his mind. Then he remembered that after the trade she moved into the new apartment and purchased all new things. The furniture and things that they currently used in their new apartment.
Lex sat quietly for a moment while Robert observed him. “Repeat the short answer to me, please,” Lex asked quietly. 
“There are no doubts in my mind that you will take care of Teddy- physically and emotionally,” 
“But not financially,” Lex countered as he looked into Robert’s eyes. 
 Lex’s shoulders slumped. He pushed his chair out, leaned forward to rest his forearms on his thighs and hung his head. Robert studied Lex, reached over and placed his hand over Lex’s hand. “Jamie, look at me,” he said softly.  Lex looked up and met Robert’s eyes. “You are correct- not financially. It’s not because I doubt that you CAN financially support Teddy. What I am saying is that you do not NEED to financially support her,” 
Robert clarified. “I don’t know the details of the financial situation between the two of you. I don’t need to know. Whatever it is, it’s working.” He paused and smiled at Lex. “What I do know is that you are absolutely the best thing to happen to my daughter. I couldn’t ask for a better partner for her. When she was younger, especially after everything with Chaz was revealed to Elizabeth and me, I worried about Teddy’s future. I always knew that she would be financially set. My father made sure of that and I worked to continue that legacy.”
“What concerned me was who was going to love and protect her tender heart and spirit. Now don’t get me wrong, she is tough and strong in ways that I can only imagine. But you know what her heart is sweet and true. She loves in big ways. I am oh-so-thankful to receive that love,” he remarked. “I don’t have those concerns any longer, Jamie,” he stated. “My baby girl is loved and protected and that’s all I care about. It’s all that she cares about.” 
Lex looked at Robert and watched his face soften. His eyes filled with tears and his voice broke, “If, God forbid, I die tomorrow, I can rest assured that I do not have to worry about Teddy. She is sturdy and capable, but most importantly, she has a partner for life. That’s all that a father can ask for. It’s a dream come true.” 
They sat silently for a moment. Robert wiped his tears without apology. Then asked Lex, “Does that answer your question? Do you still have any doubts?”
“Yes, Sir. You answered my question. You eased my mind a lot,” Lex spoke softly. “I just…. I just wanted,” he stammered and his voice broke slightly, “I just want what’s best for her. I didn’t want to be selfish and keep her from having the best life possible.” Lex inhaled deeply and shook his head. He stood up and offered his hand to Robert, “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I know how valuable it is.” 
Robert took Lex’s hand and pulled him into a tight hug. “I’ll always have time for you, Jamie. We’re family and I love you. 
Lex squeezed him back, “I love you, too, Robert.”
Robert patted his back and released him, “You and I need to get together some time. We can hit the links without the women. I want to pick your brain” Lex tilted his head in question. “I could use some advice now that Lizzie is attempting therapy. I want to support her as well as you support Teddy. Think that you can give the old man some tips?”
Lex smiled, “I would be glad to give you tips. It’s not that hard though. You just have to love her no matter what.”
Robert started to guide him out of the office. “That I do. I think it’s impossible not to love those two women. Thanks again for stopping by. I’ll give you a call about golf.”
Lex’s phone rang with Teddy’s distinctive ringtone. He picked up the call. 
Lex: Hey Bliss
Teddy: Hey Lex, are you almost home? When will you be here?
Lex: I am just leaving now and should be home in about twenty minutes. What’s up?
Teddy: Momma called and wanted to know if we would like to meet Daddio and her at the club for dinner. Do you want to go? 
Lex smiled brightly: Sure, I would love to have dinner with your parents. 
Teddy: Yay! I’ll let her know. See you soon?
Lex: See you soon Bliss. 
Teddy: Great- bye!
Lex: Hey Bliss
Teddy: Yes?
Lex: I love you so much
Teddy: I love you too. Come home soon. I miss you.
Robert smiled at the conversation and nudged Lex on the shoulder. “I see that our women made plans for us tonight,” he laughed. 
“It does seem so,” Lex laughed as well.
“This is your future now, Jamie,” Robert stood by the door to his office. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Lex smiled as he left. 
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