#The Point
the3rddenialist · 3 days
(( What time is it? Yeahhhhh, more @slay-the-heroine by @tai-janai, traditional edition))
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Another Sly Spectre
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Chapter 3 Buddies (something something narrator things fucked them up)
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
"The scariest part of The Killing Joke is that the Joker was right."
No you fucking idiot! Gordon stayed a good man and Barbara went on living.
The whole point is that "one bad day" does NOT drive a person over the edge. The comic makes it clear it's the Joker's own damm fault that he ended up the way he did. Not because of his "one bad day" that even he admits he can't remember correctly.
The scariest part is how many people miss the point.
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possessedpasm · 5 months
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Watched a movie with a great point 👉
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andy-clutterbuck · 26 days
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Andy on a Glasgow flight | August 25th
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taikova · 2 years
if you use image generating apps, no matter what you're using it for, you're actively training it. they're so unethical and until there are copyright-respecting rules in place about how the "art ai" are trained it will continue to be so. im sorry but its heinous, all of it.
if you're a person with their pictures or art or anything image-based like that online, you've been stolen from and you wont see a cent from it cause its such a wide scale theft that'd be impossible. and it IS going to be used to replace any working artist at these corporations and businesses' earliest convenience.
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razorsadness · 2 years
The most paradisiacal human trait is that we are inevitably surprised by death’s reality, despite its inevitability. The death of someone whom you love is a discovery of Death in the abstract as well as the particular: the appearance of disappearance, not only of the dead person, but of yourself. A quicksand pause: the absence of yourself from time. The sense of being ejected from time’s usual flow is common among the grieving, from my anecdotal polling. A writer who also lost a brother young, and violently, told me that at some point—he did not give a date or duration that must be exceeded—I would “rejoin time,” but, he added, if my experience turned out anything like his, some days, even decades later, would be “that first day after again.” Time, I suspect, will never move as it did before, even after I step back into it.
Elisa Gonzalez, from “Minor Resurrections: On failing to raise the dead” (The Point #28)
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happyfoxphantom · 2 months
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Interesting look into Davy and Micky and behind the scenes during The Point in London, 1977.
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sawthefaeriequeen · 3 months
Mr. Miyagi going on a drunken binge because of PTSD memories and then Daniel finding this out, and putting him to bed, and quietly bowing to him was one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen on film, but sure, tell me Mr. Miyagi wasn’t flawed and has to be “tarnished.”
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killbent · 4 months
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I recently watched The Point (1971), and thought Cliq would fit right in with the world! Also I really wanted to try imitating the style.
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arbitrarycategories · 4 months
my own reverse robins au has me in a vice-grip I swear. Little Duke Thomas I love you so much.
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the3rddenialist · 10 days
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Haha, I'm fine
I love her your honour
Also found out about Shaper Damsel and The Point/Seamstress, they're amazing
MORE Slay the Heroine (@slay-the-heroine) BY @tai-janai !!
PS a darker lighting version of The Point/Seamstress below
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jt1674 · 3 months
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nwarrior777 · 6 months
me, looking at animation in my game, which is Dramatically Animated Square: game industry will be destroyed by this and humanity saved
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medys-space · 1 year
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Kallamar my beloved
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123pixieaod · 2 days
The Smell of Roses - (post-Singapore)
I can't sleep and I can't not think about Daniel fighting just for that single point for Max :,)))
“I owe you a point,” Max announced as soon as the door opened.
Daniel stared, the light of his kitchen spilling onto the dark corridor, pooling around Max’s feet.
“Max,” he finally said, “mate, what the fuck?”
If you were to ask Max how he ended up outside Daniel’s apartment at 3am on a Tuesday night, he’d give you a couple of options to choose from.
The first is, of course, the race the weekend previous. His radio crackling to life as he meandered along the streets of Singapore, trying to catch his breath. Second place. Sweat soaked through his race suit, clinging to the collar and running down the groove of his spine.
Second place. Not great, but there was no catching to Lando today. Second place. Best of the losers, but sometimes he can’t do any better.
Radio. Christian, congratulating him. Telling him he couldn’t extract anything more from the car. Then, an afterthought.
“And your old pal Daniel picked up the fastest lap at the end as well, Max.”
His beat of silence before he clicked on the radio, saying the only thing he could think. “Thank you, Daniel.”
Or maybe the moment started seven years previous. 2016, just after the German Grand Prix. Max’s first podium shared with Daniel. From podium to alone in a Red Bull conference room, a few days later and waiting for a meeting to commence. Daniel, leaning back in the office chair, throwing his cap in the air, catching it. Max sitting across, watching. The arch of the cap, navy and red splitting the air. Higher and higher. Daniel aiming to hit the ceiling and still catch it. Max, just watching. Always watching, always in awe.
“Excited for the race?” Daniel asked lazily, head still tilted back as he caught the cap. Max still watching, free to memorise the outline of his Adam’s apple.
“Sure,” he replied, a beat too slow.
“Just so you know, because you’re actually catching up to me in points now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to let you win so much now,” Daniel gave Max a smile, joking but also tinged with something cut-throat. Max smiled back, unsure why. A reaction. Flower opening to the sun. A moth fluttering to a flame. Inescapable, unstoppable.
“I’m going to fight for every point,” Daniel continued, tossing the cap up again. It made a soft noise as it finally bumped against the ceiling tile. He whooped, catching it, grinning at Max. “See that?”
“Very impressed.”
“Yeah,” Daniel agreed, setting the cap on his styled curls. Smooth skin, light brushing of stubble. Bright eyes, an even brighter smile. Alight from the inside out. “Just like I caught that cap, I’ll catch all the points. Like a Pokémon trainer, gotta catch them all.” He laughed. “Just so you know.”
“I’m getting all the points now. The honeymooning period is over, baby!” Daniel grinned, and Max was saved from a reply by the door opening, Helmut finally arriving.
Or maybe it was a few years later. Christian inviting Max to have breakfast at his table. Turkey, 2020, and Max had qualified second, but fucked up the start. Second to eight in a single second. Then, after making up precious places, stupidly losing control and spinning. Three pit stops later, and managed to drag the car to sixth place. His only race that season where he finished and didn’t get on the podium. His own fucking fault. Lewis, Checo, Sebastian spraying champagne, and Max ruined his racing gloves by pelting them so hard against the garage wall the seam tore.
“You really should take stock in your sixth place,” Christian said, buttering a croissant. “Eight points are valuable.”
“They’re useless,” Max muttered. Arms crossed, stubbornly refusing to touch his anaemic-looking spinach omelette. “They’re not exactly twenty-five points. Not much against Hamilton’s 307 points.”
If he had come first and Bottas hadn’t finished, he’d have gone up. Elevated finally to second in the championship. His first time ever being just one standing below the victor. But he fucked it. Now, there’s 27 points between him and Bottas. The gap growing, because he’s a fucking idiot driver.
“They’re not useless,” Christian said patiently, reaching for a little pot of jam. “Points are points.”
“Yeah, well, I’d rather take home 25 points rather than eight,” Max muttered, and Christian finally looked up, setting down his cutlery.
“Do you know Shakespeare?”
Max wrinkled his nose. “Shakespeare?”
“The English poet,” Christian replied, as if that was a perfectively normal conversation change.
“Of course I do. Romeo and Juliet and all that shit.”
Christian raised an eyebrow.
“Stuff,” Max amended.
“Perhaps you may have heard this quote,” he went on, finally beginning to spread the jam on his croissant. Max watched the action, his pale fingers holding the knife, dragging it back and forth over the buttery flakes. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Have you heard of it?”
Sometimes, Max forgot his team principal went duck shooting and rode his own purebred horses in his downtime.
“No,” Max said. “Never heard of it.”
“It’s from Romeo and Juliet. And I like to think the quote can be extended also to F1 points. It doesn’t matter how many you get, or even how you get them. As long as you get them. As long as you stop your rivals from achieving them. No matter how many. Even a single point. Points, by any other name, would still smell as sweet.”
Max frowned, utterly lost. “We should call points something different? A codename? Is this like a strategy to confuse the other teams on the radio?”
Christian smiled, eyes creased. “Something like that, sure.”
Daniel has a rose tattoo. It’s on his thumb, small and dark and perfect. Max can see it now, the dark lines etched into his tanned skin. He’s holding the door open, fingers against door’s side, thumb facing Max.
A tiny rose.
Maybe, he has to go even further back to figure out why he’s here. Back to the very beginning.
At a carting track, sitting on a discarded wheel. His father kneeling in front of him, hand on his knees.
“How could you just like that boy get the better of you?” He was saying, voice low and urgent. “I didn’t raise a pussy, Max. Or did I?”
Max shook his head, but his dad was already continuing.
“Why didn’t you go for that opening at corner five? And don’t act like a bitch and say you were scared of crashing. There was enough space. And if there wasn’t, you make the space. Force the other driver to move. Nine times out of ten, a driver would rather get out of your way than have you crash into him. Why didn’t you push him? You could’ve Max, and then you would have an actual trophy, and not this plastic shit. Second?” He scoffed. “Fastest fucking loser. Say it back to me, Max.”
“Fastest fucking loser,” he mumbled.
“Good. Now, tell me. Why didn’t you do that move? No, don’t shrug like that. I was an answer.”
“I -“ Max’s tongue felt ten times heavier than usual. “I don’t -“
“You do know, because you did it. Tell me.”
“I… I didn’t… We are friends, and I did not -“
“Friends!” His father barked out a laugh, and then leaned close. “Listen Max. There’s no friends in racing. Do you know where having friends lead you too? Here, sat outside on the fucking ground when your friend takes photos with his trophy. It gets you fastest fucking loser. There are no friends in carting, no friends in F1. Nothing is genuine in this sport. And if you think it is, you’ll about to wake up with a knife in your back and dead last in every race. Now, which one would you prefer? Being last and having friends, or winning? Do you want to be a winner, Max?”
“Then stop being a fucking pussy.”
Daniel congratulated him on his second world championship. Hugging him properly, arms wrapped around his shoulder, squeezing. Pulling away to grin.
“You really are the fucking goat,” teasing, but genuine. A warm flush across his already bronze complexion. Hand still clamped on Max’s shoulder. “Congratulations mate.”
Max trying to remember how to reply.
Or maybe it was GP trying to get Max to have a sit-down meeting with him on data feedback. 2019, and Max didn’t want to hear any of it.
“Fine. Please, you tell me what you want to do at the next race, and we’ll do it,” GP replied casually, good at hiding his annoyance. “Let me know. Sets, fuel, run plan.”
Max clenched his jaw, and the older man sighed. “Listen, I’m trying to help - “
“I don’t need help,” Max snapped. GP blinked at him.
“Max,” he said softly, as if breaking bad news. “Everyone needs help.”
“I don’t.”
He gave him a look, somewhere between pity and amusement. “Everyone needs help,” he repeated.
So yes, if you were to ask how he ended up here, outside Daniel’s door at 3am the weekend after the Singapore GP, Max would say there’s a few reasons.
“I owe you a point,” he repeated stubbornly. “You got the fastest lap in Singapore. You took the point away from Lando and McLaren and their fight for my title. So, I owe you a point.”
“Mate,” Daniel said, blinking, “sorry but let me repeat myself again. What the fuck?”
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chronivore · 3 months
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