#Brighter Moisture Cream
astraystayyh · 1 year
My sun
a little something for channie's birthday, inspired by this pic he sent :') basically chan is tired and you're his sun. hurt/comfort.
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chan is exhausted. you could sense it before even seeing him- from the way he quietly dropped his keys onto the kitchen table, to how he refrained from turning on any lights on his way to your bedroom; as if trying to minimize his existence, to soften the sounds he leaves on his trail so the world would finally allow him to rest.
or maybe you simply knew from the way your heart constricted in your chest as soon as you heard him open the door to your apartment. you were worried about him all week, sensing that his soul felt a bit heavier for him to carry, harder to care for due to all the work piled up on him.
you hurry to your feet, meeting him halfway at the entrance to your room. his gaze softens the moment it lands on you, with slightly puffy eyes and discheveled ginger hair- he's beautiful, even when he's utterly tired.
"hey, baby," you greet, opening your arms wide for him. he sinks into your embrace, sighing softly when his forehead presses onto your shoulder blade. you rub your hands soothingly across his back, willing the tension in his body to dissipate, to desert his bones and seep into yours. you'd do it all to lessen his load, even if it meant adding onto your own.
"did you eat?" you ask after a while, your hand smoothing down the back of his hair. he simply shakes his head against your body, a slight exhale escaping him and traversing your skin, like stones skipping across a tranquil river.
"let's eat together, hm?" you suggest, gently peeling yourself away from him. "i've made you dinner."
he manages a tired smile in reply, and the light in his eyes still seemed muted to you. but you kiss his cheek and the corners of his mouth tug upward a bit more, and it's a slight progress you'd take.
you lead him by the hand to the kitchen, settling him on the stool before heating up the meal you've made beforehand. you quickly move around, plating the food and pouring him his favorite soft drink. your hand brushes against his shoulder silently as you sit down in front of him.
you both eat in silence, his warm palm pressed against your knee. you didn't always need words to fill your home- your love spoke louder than man-made syllables.
"thank you, honey," chan whispers when he's done, a smile gracing his plump lips. it's brighter, and the light in his eyes sparkles even more when you kiss him in reply. you can't help but press your lips against his again, and again, and again, hoping that with each kiss the lights would gradually turn on within him, one by one.
"you can shower while i clean up, okay?" you beam at him, lips still tantalizing close to one another. he tilts his head upwards, placing a kiss on your nose in gratitude.
some time later, chan climbs onto your bed, the smell of his shampoo tickling your nostrils. he's wearing a black crewneck, the one you've heated up beforehand for him. you hoped that the warmth from the soft material would seep into his soul, igniting candles where the rain seems to have finally ceased.
you retrieve your moisturizer from your nightstand, before straddling chan's lap. he shifts slightly, settling his back against the headboard, allowing you to sit comfortably on his midriff. you scoop a bit of the cooling cream, before lathering it on his skin. your eyebrows are slightly knitted as you gently massage it in, you miss the way chan's eyes glimmer as he looks at you- the shinning lights are back on for you.
he grabs your wrist, halting your movement, before turning it around and placing a tender kiss on your pulse. the ghost of his breath sends shivers down your spine, and you retaliate by placing the tiniest peck on his palm, before trailing up his arm, his shoulder, then his jaw. chan giggles quietly as you pepper his entire face with kisses, making sure that no inch of skin is forgotten.
his face is dewy from the moisturizer, a pink hue tinting his cheeks from your kisses, and he looks so breathtakingly pretty as you finally curl your hand around the back of his neck, lowering his head to meet his lips in a tender kiss.
the seconds swiftly trickle into minutes, not that you'd know of as your mouths move lazily against one another, time no longer existing for the two of you. "i love you," he whispers, as you pull apart, slightly dazed. you gently cradle his cheek, thumb swiping tenderly from his temple to his under eye, "i love you too."
you turn off the light, before settling against his chest. his arms wrap around you, pulling you impossibly closer. you can feel his heart beating underneath you- a steady rhythm that would serve as backdrop to your dreams, later that night. he smells like coconut soap, and a faint whisper of his cologne that never truly leaves his clothes, even after laundry. you lightly untangle yourself from his hold, moving around until his face nestles in the crook of your neck.
"i want to hold you tonight," you whisper, fingers running through his slightly damp hair.
"thank you," he says quietly, pausing to press a kiss to your collarbones. "thank you for being my sun."
his body is snug against yours, a comforting warmth emanating from him to you. holding him feels like embracing the clouds and sinking into velvet pillows, it feels like coming home where all the lights are on, idly waiting for your return.
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Government Asset Soap! This is half of the last part (the smut got too long and I wanted to post this dammit).
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Original concept comes from @ceilidho’s military asset Soap. Further inspiration came from @391780’s Nikto version “The Summons”. Both are very good and you should definitely check out!!
Content: Post-trauma coping, Non-Con Touching and Kissing, Violence (mentioned), Unstable Soap
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It’s probably a fire hazard, the candles. They’re sprinkled across your little cabin like fireflies, feeble but steady heartbeats of a home you’re failing to build. Too many of them, likely. Two, sometimes three, per room. Tiny tealights, smokeless soy, scented pine. It would be easier, safer, to just turn on the lamps you foolishly invested in.
You can’t bear anything brighter than golden halogen anymore, though. The glare drags you back to a tiny cell bisected by cruel metal, holding back an even crueler fate. No, you’d much rather wade through pools of shadow and firelight, fire code be damned.
It’s a small cabin, but you’ve already cluttered it up with furniture and rugs, a theme for each room. Yellow and blue for the kitchen. Purple and cream for the den. Green and brown for your bedroom. Nooks to hide in, spaces to squeeze into, big shapes to huddle behind. You’ll never be caught out in a cold, barren room ever again.
Your days are long regardless of the time of year. Get groceries in town every day, making a point to be friendly and seen so that someone might notice if you suddenly stop coming. Clean incessantly, so many surfaces to dust. Pick hobbies like daisies. Knitting and crocheting, different paint styles, felting. You’re contemplating carpentry, would like to build shelves for all the books stacked up in the den. Keep a dream journal by your bed that you neglect for weeks at a time.
You draw out the nights until you can count the hours until dawn on one hand. Stay up baking, making homemade ink, learning new ways to style your hair, anything, anything, anything—
It’s not the sleeping – or at least that’s not the worst of it. It’s the waking.
Laswell suggested a cat.
You told her to stop suggesting pussy to unstable people.
But it’s still not a bad idea. Another living thing to keep you accountable; the plants are pretty and time-consuming, but not good company.
You talk yourself out of it every time, knowing the worst-case scenario. It’s not catastrophizing if it actually happens, and you can feel an invisible time weighing on your shoulders like another gravity. Tick, tick, tick. Heavier, heavier, heavier. It’s hard to breathe beneath the wait.
The military doesn’t do apologies. It does platitudes at best. Well wishes and good intentions are painted in brushstrokes of blood. Victory flags are planted on bodies, living or otherwise. Laswell apologized. She swore that if there had been another way – any other way…
She didn’t promise to leave you alone. Didn’t assure you that you’d never see her or her goons again.
If you thought it would do any good, you’d tip one of the candles over and set it all aflame. Rebirth through fire. But you never did figure yourself for a phoenix. And besides, a phoenix is still itself, even when the ash falls away.
So, you spool out your time like picking at tapestry threads, one thin string at time.
Tonight, it’s bread. Cinnamon chocolate babka, to be specific. You were craving something sweet. Are debating the merits of some sort of cream cheese icing while you shower off the long, ever-busy day.
Have decided on an optimistic why not as you slip out to begin your overly complicated self-care routine. Moisturizers, hair oils, lotion. An unexpected benefit of overloading yourself, you suppose. Even when you first got out of the military, you didn’t take such good care of yourself. You have a jogging route now. You’re handling your trauma every possible way except therapy. (And sleeping.) Better than nothing, you figure.
The candles have gone out in your bedroom. You click your tongue in annoyance, trying to remember where you left the matches this time. Bedside table?
You pad across the soft carpet, using the edge of the bed as a guide in the pitch black. The only other problem with candles is that their humble light doesn’t reach very far. But you know this house and keep the floors tidy enough that you’re confident you won’t trip.
Make it to the nightstand without incident and pat around. Knock the side of your hand into the little carton and only just catch it before it hits the deck. Let out a little huff and start to fumble it open.
“Nice catch, bonnie.”
You gasp, but your voice doesn’t get any farther than the back of your tongue. The box slips from your numb fingers, matchsticks scattering across the floor. He tsks.
“Shame that. We’ll get ‘em later.”
You can’t move. Can barely breathe. You’re just frozen, heart thundering with a sudden storm of fear and confusion. Hands still aloft in front of you, spine rigid, knees locked.
You feel more than hear movement behind you, and then the warmth of his body seeping into your naked skin. Not quite touching. Not yet.
“Missed you, little bird,” he rasps in your ear.
You always thought that in a moment like this you would scream. Kick and elbow and fight, damn your certain loss. But when it comes down to it, survival drowns out all those stupid, haughty ideas about pride and dignity. So you don’t curse and shout like you always fancied you would.
You whisper, “Soap.”
He hums but it sounds like a growl in your panicked state. “Missed me too, aye? You’re already naked fer me.”
His hands are searing when they settle on your waist like they belong there. He pulls you back against him; in the dark he’s bigger, broader than you remember. At least, you think, he’s fully clothed for now.
“What are you… how are you here?” you ask.
He barks a laugh, mean and rough. “Was only a matter of time after that shite they pulled.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and see it recreated in the phosphenes behind your lids.
Soap buried balls deep inside of you, murmuring a constant stream of filth as he got harder and harder inside you. Filling you up as you twitched around him, oversensitive and teary, afraid of what would come next.
Then the lights flashed, flicked red. An alarm sounded, Laswell’s voice ordering Soap away from you. But he just snarled and hunched over you, hips snapping to bury himself right back inside while you cried out.
The locked door swung in, armed guards swarming in. Yanked Soap off you while you scrambled to cover yourself. Someone grabbing your arm none too gently to pull you from the room. Soap wild-eyed and snarling like something possessed, until he was overtaken by struggling guards and you were trembling naked in that damned hallway.
“Was mad at you, at first, cannae lie,” he says, almost conversational. Your eyes snap open, though you know it’ll do you no good. “But I’ve had time to think on it. Wasnae yer fault, was it? Saw them drag you out.”
An awful relief floods you. Fuck dignity, fuck honesty. This is Soap right behind you, completely unrestrained and unsupervised.
“Yeah,” you answer, voice small. “I didn’t know they would do that. What… um. What happened to you?”
He presses his face into your damp hair, pressing closer, snaking his arms to squeeze you against him.
“Sent me off on some shite mission,” he explains, “probably hoped I’d die out there. You smell so good, lass.”
You shiver as his breath ghosts over the sensitive skin of your neck. Hot, humid.
“And… and then what?” you insist, trying to stall.
You’re not sure what you’re stalling for. There will be no miraculous saves here – not that you really got any last time. It’s not like there’s any real plan to be made here, either. None that you’d be confident enough to risk his wrath on.
“Disappeared. Took care of business. Came to get my pretty little bird.”
A rough hand trails over the curve of your hip, brush the neat curls of your mound. You suck in a breath, hands twitching with the urge to stop him but not sure of putting up resistance when you’re still unsure of his mental state.
“And what about you, hm?” he rumbles. “Been a good girl while I’ve been away?”
His fingers dart down towards your entrance, not nearly prepared for anything. Least of all his thick digits.
“Y-yes!” you yelp, grabbing at his wrist. Relief makes you dizzy when you manage to stop him. “I-I’ve been good. Which means I’m not… I can’t just take you. I need… I need prep.”
He huffs, nips at the tender spot beneath your ear. The thrill that shoots through your stomach is terrifying.
“That’s what these are for, bonnie.”
And to your horror, he starts to push past your resistance like your staying hands aren’t there at all.
He freezes. You shudder air into your burning lungs, feeling dizzy on panic.
You can get through this without pain, just think.
“I haven’t even got to see you,” you stutter, voice shaky. Can’t quite inject the disappointment you’re trying for, but hopefully it’ll work. “And I bet you’re all dirty from travel.”
He grumbles. “So what?”
You scramble to think of a satisfactory response. “S-so let’s get reacquainted in the shower, yeah? That way I can see your handsome face, at least.”
He chuckles, grazes his teeth “playfully” across your cheek. “Bossy thing.”
“You like it.”
And to your shock, he agrees with an amused huff. Hauls you up in his arms and walks you back to the still muggy bathroom. You’re set on your feet and spun around, chin jerked up to receive a savage kiss. All tongue and teeth, no finesse. He’s just licking into your mouth, hungry and animalistic, spit dribbling down your chin.
When he finally pulls away, you blink spots from your vision. Finally focus on his smug features and make a soft, horrified noise when you register the splatter of crimson across them.
“Och, that? My little bird had watchers.”
Of course you did. The horror ebbs a bit. Resentment has made you indiscriminately bitter.
“Oh,” you say, “th-thank you. Definitely glad we’re showering first, then.”
You’d like to know when the world turned upside down and John fucking “Soap” MacTavish began teasing you about the blood on his face.
“A bit,” you admit.
“Poor dear,” he coos. “Hard to believe we were made for each other sometimes, aye? Complementary, we are.”
Is that what he thinks? Christ.
You turn to start the shower again, spine prickling with the weight of his eyes on your back. The water rushes down and then he’s crowding you against the cold wall beneath the (thankfully) warm spray.
“Y-you’re still dressed!” you protest between sharp nips to your collarbone.
“Fix it, then,” he snarls.
You claw his shirt up his back, get momentarily distracted by the impressive display of muscle hidden beneath. Draw your palms over his chest and feel him shudder.
“Fuckin’ heavenly, love,” he purrs. “Missed this.”
A vague memory comes back to you, him gripping you close because he felt you naked against him for the first time. Him admitting he hasn’t had affectionate touch in a while.
This… this you could work with.
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eden-evergreen · 1 year
Nighttime Routine
boyfriend!eren jaeger x reader
genre -> fluff (established relationship).
warning -> one vague mention of sex.
synopsis -> eren takes an interest in your nighttime routine.
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A click of the light switch echoes in the bathroom before Eren takes a quick look at his reflection. He sighs audibly as he rips his shirt over his head and pulls down his bottoms. He chucks them on the floor, an annoying action you’ve gotten used to at this point. You catch a glimpse of his ass cheeks as he gets into the shower, and smirked. Eren’s still got one of the hottest you’ve seen on a man. You continue to peak as he takes his hair out of his bun, swiftly hopping into the shower.
“Babe, join me”, he whines. Its been a nice long day for the both of you and he’s ready to get into bed.
“I have to remove my makeup first”, you respond.
“Harrrgh… hurry up please”.
“Just shower without me tonight, i’m gonna take a while”.
Eren responds with a brief “alright” before the sudden rush of water drowned all ambient noise. You forced yourself up off the bed and to the bathroom sink, reaching for your cleanser to wash your face. Eren showers really quickly so its no surprise with five minutes your hear him close the tap. You’ve just finished with your double cleansing method and reached for your serums.
Eren’s hair veils his face as his wraps himself with a towel. He looks at you through the mirror admiring your beauty as he holds his wet hair back into a low bun. You don’t notice his turquoise eyes admiring yours until you apply your moisturiser.
“Yes?”, you smiled. The cute cheeky one he loves so much. He simply shortens the distance and loosely wraps his wet arms around your waist. “Erennnnn, you’re still wet!”. He ignores your protest, kissing the delicate spot by your neck and burying his nose there instead. His eyes looking even brighter with the new position they’re in.
“Why do you take so long to remove your makeup?”.
“You just shower really quickly”.
His figure presses against yours as he reaches ahead of you opening the cabinet that also doubles as a mirror. He grabbed his razor and foaming cream, shuffling back before getting to work on his stubble.
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“Aww I was hoping you could keep it this time around”. Eren smirks at you as he continued to shave off the stubble. You’ve been asking him to keep his stubble around a little longer recently. Probably because you like the way it feels against your cheek when you kiss him, or the way it feels against your legs when he’s between them. Regardless, he had to remove it because of work… just for now. Matter of fact, because of Eren’s work you’ve been seeing a lot less of him. You figured the efforts he made tonight with the date, and the constant need for close contact was a way of making up for lost time together.
“Can you do your face routine on me?”, he asks. Shaving the last of the stubble on his face.
“You want me to do my skincare routine on you?”, you giggled.
“Yeah, why not”. He washes his face and walked himself to your bedroom so he could sit at your vanity.
“All right then”, you picked the serums you had including a sheet mask and placed them in front of him. He curiously reads a bottle, butchering its pronunciation. You get started with the tranexamic acid, pumping two portions on your fingers before gently spreading it across his face.
“Mmm, its cold”, Eren mumbled, “I could get used to this”. A smile stretched your lips watching his demeanour relax fully at your touch. You then moved on to the Alpha Arburtin, spot treating any dark spots he had, which were very minimal. Lastly you open the sheet mask with soft rip of the packet. Your boyfriend’s eyes remained closed as you moulded it to structure of his handsome face.
“Alright, leave that on for 15 minutes and then I’ll pat it into your face and finish it off with some moisturiser”.
“Why add more moisture when it’s already moisturising my face right now?”, he mumbled once more.
“Because you need to lock it in!”, you make you way to the bathroom turning on the hot water. Removing all your clothes you get into the shower, letting Eren known what you’re doing. He remained at your vanity’s chair — which was padded quite comfortably — closed-eye and relaxed from the treatment.
20 minutes later, you walk back into your shared bedroom, a towel tightly wrapped around your figure. You look over at Eren, furrowing your brows at the position he sat in. He really sleeping sitting up.
You took the extra time to quickly get into an old T, just long enough to cover your derrière. You peeled the mask off his face, threw the sheet in the bin and patted in the residue. You then reached over to the moisturiser and patted a small amount into his supple skin to finish. You tapped his shoulder continuously getting him to wake up so he could join you in bed.
“Mmmmm, my eyebrows. You gotta pluck my eyebrows…”.
“Are you sure about that?”, he nodded. Sitting up and watching his reflection in the mirror.
“Wow I’m literally glowing. I look like you now”. You both chuckled at his remark. Sometimes knowing you got to sleep looking a little too glazed. You grabbed a tweezer and got to work on the top arch of his brows. You plucked one thick hair only for Eren to yelp in pain —
“What the fuck that hurt”, you laughed at his reaction.
“This the first time you’ve ever had your brows plucked?”, you asked sectioning off another stray hair.
“Yea— OW BABE.. SHIT”, he folded over holding his brow in pain. He’s definitely awake now. So much for a relaxing nighttime routine.
“Oh come on ‘Ren, the pain will numb with some time, if we keep stopping it’ll just hurt you more”.
“Can’t you shave them instead? This hurts too much”, he pouts. You looked for a fresh razor to use on his brow instead. He probably should’ve suggested this first.
His skin began to turn red in the area. You rubbed his chest in small circles and kissed his cheek as an apology. “Next time we’ll stick to razors”.
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uropa · 2 months
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UROPA Apricot Honey Almond Scrub Cream 1 KG | Exfoliating Apricot Face Scrub & Honey Almond Body Scrub
- Premium Ingredients: Experience the rich blend of apricot, honey, and almond, providing a luxurious scrub for your skin. 
- Honey Almond Scrub: Infused with the goodness of honey and almond, this scrub deeply nourishes and revitalizes your skin, leaving it soft and supple.
 - Exfoliating Apricot Scrub: The apricot kernels gently exfoliate dead skin cells, promoting a brighter and smoother complexion.
 - Honey Almond Body Scrub: Perfect for a full-body exfoliation, this scrub helps to improve skin texture and tone, giving you a radiant glow. 
- Multi-Benefit Formula: This honey and almond scrub is designed to remove impurities, unclog pores, and enhance skin clarity.
 - Moisturizing & Hydrating: The natural oils in honey and almond help to moisturize and hydrate your skin, preventing dryness and flakiness. 
- Gentle on Skin: Suitable for all skin types, the apricot face scrub is gentle yet effective, making it ideal for daily use. 
- 100% Natural Ingredients: Made with natural ingredients, this scrub is free from harmful chemicals, ensuring a safe and healthy skincare routine. 
- Large 1 KG Pack: Comes in a convenient 1 KG pack, offering great value and lasting for a long time. 
- Easy to Use: Apply a small amount to damp skin, gently massage in circular motions, and rinse off with warm water for best results. 
- Customer Satisfaction: Trusted by users for its quality and effectiveness in achieving a smooth, radiant complexion. 
Achieve healthier, glowing skin with UROPA Apricot Honey Almond Scrub Cream - your perfect skincare companion!
Buy Now
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nyiibat · 2 months
If I was going to recommend a skin care routine for dry/combo sensitive acne prone skin this is what I would recommend. Not sponsored I just think these products do good things, they’re all recommended to me from a licensed dermatologist. As always do your own research and experimentation;
MORNING AND NIGHT CLEANSER : Naturium Niacinamide cleansing gelee 3%. It has Niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C , it’s formulated as a gentle cleanser for sensitive skin. It’s 5$ for the mini and 18$ for the large it’s available at Target in the US. It’s cruelty and fragrance free, dermatologist tested.
It claims Naturium's Niacinamide Cleansing Gelee 3% gently dissolves impurities. Leaves skin feeling soft & smooth . Helps balance skin, leaving it feeling comfortable, not dry or stripped. Cruelty Free, Fragrance Free, Dermatologist Tested . Paraben Free, Vegan, Gluten Free
TONER/EXFOLIANTE: I would recommend the pixie by Petra glow tonic to go exfoliating pads with 5% glycolic acid, aloe Vera and ginseng.
Glycolic acid is a gentle chemical exfoliant that doesn’t irritate the skin in the same ways BHA/AHAs can, Glycolic acid tones and exfoliates the skin for brighter more even skin tone, clearer pores and less acne. Aloe and ginseng help to calm irritated skin.
Packaging claims: These pre-soaked pads tone, brighten, hydrate, and gently exfoliate. Skin looks clearer & feels smoother. The ultimate travel-friendly, gentle skin renewal. Formulated with 5% Glycolic Acid. Suited for all skin types . Alcohol-free and Hypoallergenic, Not tested on animals. Paraben-free
They are 18$ at target
MORNING SERUM: the Naturium Vitamin C super plus serum. It’s formulated with Vitamin C, Retinol, Hyaluronic acid, Niacinamide, and Salicylic acid. Making this a super serum for acne, brightening, acne scars, discoloration, fine lines, hyper pigmentation fine lines and wrinkles.
It’s 26$ at target
NIGHTTIME SERUM: Any Niacinamide serum I personally recommend the Good molecules Niacinamide serum. You can get it at Ulta for 12$
AT NIGHT ONLY: Retinol, retinol has many benefits including anti aging and anti acne, post scar treatment, hyper pigmentation, and brightening. It promotes healthy skin turn over to clear up troubled skin.
The best beginner retinol is CeraVe Resurfacing retinol serum. It’s 19$ at target
You use a pea sized amount on your face and neck after your face has absorbed the serum. Wait until the retinol has absorbed before moving on to your moisturizer.
Only use retinol at night because it’s very reactive to sunlight and can cause irritation.
MOISTURIZER: I recommend the cetaphil redness relieving night time moisturizer for day and night. This is good for redness and dryness even if you have oily skin.
CETAPHIL REDNESS RELIEVING NIGHT MOISTURIZER: Specially formulated for redness-prone skin to provide continuous hydration that helps reduce the appearance of redness due to dryness overnight . VISIBLY IMPROVES SKIN TEXTURE: Rehydrates dry skin, leaving it feeling soothed and balanced. SKIN SOOTHING: Formulated with licorice extract, allantoin and caffeine, and is designed to soothe redness-prone skin. HYPOALLERGENIC, FRAGRANCE FREE AND NONCOMEDOGENIC: Nourishes skin without irritating skin or clogging pores. DESIGNED FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: All CETAPHIL products are effective yet non-irritating.
Its 12$ at target
EYE CREAMS: depending on what you want or your concerns are this is skippable till your 18-20 then you should definitely start using an eye cream. You use them day and night.
Dark circles - CeraVe under eye cream repair for dark circles and puffiness. Eye cream for dark circles and puffiness. Suitable for all skin types. Hyaluronic acid to hydrate and retain the skin's moisture. Fragrance-free & hypoallergenic. Non-comedogenic (won't clog pores). Ophthalmologist tested. 3 essential ceramides help restore the skin barrier . Developed with dermatologists
It is 15$ at target
Moisture eye cream - Naturium Multi-peptide eye cream. Naturium's Multi-Peptide Eye Cream helps smooth the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles. Moisturizes & hydrates. Cruelty Free, Fragrance Free, Dermatologist Tested. Paraben Free, Vegan, Gluten Free.
It’s 16$ at target
SUNSCREEN: non negotiable you need to be wearing sunscreen! No one is immune to the sun’s harmful rays no matter what your skin tone is! Not to mention you do all this skin care work for it to go to waste by not protecting your skin. Especially when using actives like vitamin C and retinol!
Use sunscreen in the morning, nothing lower than 30spf , spf can only go to 50 no matter what packaging claims and no, the spf in your moisturizer or foundation is NOT enough.
Use three fingers worth of sunscreen!
My favorite is the Hawaiian tropic silk hydration weightless face sunscreen spf 30. The fragrance is non irritating to sensitive skin and doesn’t leave a white cast. It leaves a nice natural silky Demi matte look to the skin.
WEIGHTLESS FACE SUNSCREEN FORMULA feels as if it's barely on. SPF 30 FACE SUNSCREEN gives you 12-hour moisturization. WON'T CLOG PORES — Hawaiian Tropic face sunscreen is hypoallergenic and oil free. DERMATOLOGIST TESTED sunscreen SPF 30. WATER RESISTANT up to 80 minutes. ICONIC HAWAIIAN TROPIC SCENT — this tropical-scented sunscreen celebrates the island botanicals of Hawaii. THOUGHTFULLY FORMULATED — does not contain oxybenzone or octinoxate. PETA-CERTIFIED CRUELTY-FREE — We never test on animals. BROAD SPECTRUM SUNSCREEN PROTECTION from UVA and UVB rays
It’s 11$ at target
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wifediaries · 2 years
hi Mimi 💕💕 I follow u on twitter & I just wanted to say that as a younger girl (who wants to tap more into her feminine side) ur such an inspiration to me!! ur so angelic & gorgeous, & I adore ur style so much ♡ my question is (if u don’t mind me asking hehe) is: what r some of the daily makeup products that u use or would recommend to somebody else?? :)
Hi love!
This is so so kind, thank you so much! I am so glad you find some kind of inspiration from my style, as I really do enjoy putting outfits together. Ask as many questions as you'd like!
It's like you read my mind! I have been planning to upload a makeup tutorial and this seems like the perfect chance! So, without further adieu...
Mimi makeup tutorial:
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Before applying my makeup, its important that I prep my skin. I rub Glossier Milky Jelly into my skin and wash it off before patting my skin dry. I love how this smells and always makes me feel so clean and fresh.
Once my skin is dry, a skincare item I cannot live without is Glossier Solution as with someone with very dewy skin I feel it helps tighten and smooth everything out so that product can be placed on top of it whilst removing some oiliness.
To moisturize, Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream always leaves me glowing. However, recently in these winter months I have been reaching for a small pot of E45, as it is super thick and I find it super hydrating. Once I have moisturized, I apply a high SPF on my face and neck.
I don't tend to use primer, as I feel they often cause conflict with my other products. If I am doing a full face, I will use Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter in 4 Medium all over my face and pat it down with a velvet powder puff or damp beauty blender.
Once that is blended in, I will use a small amount of Elf Cosmetics Hydrating CAMO concealer in Light Ivory beneath my eye closer to the inner corner, from the end of my eye to the tail of my brow, beside my nose, along the tops of my eyebrows and the center of my forehead. I will let this sit for a minute, and then press it in using a pink velvet powder puff.
Because the Flawless Filter leaves my faces way too dewy for my liking, I will generously powder beneath my eyes, beside my nose, the middle of my forehead and my chin with Glossier Wowder. If I'm going a little more glam, I will press Laura Mercier loose powder in shade Rose beneath my eyes to add a brighter, pinkier tone.
If I'm bronzing, I will either use Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood contour wand in fair medium before I powder (But I often refrain from this as it takes a lot of blending and can come across muddy in my opinion) Or I use Hoola Bronzer on my outer cheeks and temples. I also like to swipe this across the nose tip to accentuate a button shape.
Blush is by far one of my favourite steps to my routine, and depending on my mood there are many I could reach for. If I want a bright pink with a bluey/purple undertone by favourite has to be Fenty Beauty Cheeks Out Freestyle cream blush in Bikini Martini. If I want a warmer, glowy, more bronzed look then I will choose the Charlotte Tilbury beauty light wand in Pinkgasm. However, my favourite powder blush at the minute which as been my cold-girl, winter essential must be the Kylie Jenner pressed blush powder in Winter Kissed. It's an excellent dupe for the Dior backstage blush!
For highlight, I add some glow back into my face by tapping the Charlotte Tilbury light wand in Pillow Talk along my upper cheeks, and down my nose, before dipping into a white shimmer shade from any eyeshadow palette and adding this to my inner corners, the tip of my nose, my brow bone and sometimes even my cupids bow.
If you use a setting spray, go ahead and use it now.
For eyebrows, I simply fill in any sparse areas ensuring they are as even as possible and straight. Sometimes, I brush a clear brow gel through them if they are acting especially unruly that day!
For eyes, I begin by tightlining my top lashline with brown eyeliner, or a brow pencil. I feel using a dark brown eyebrow pencil has a better hold through the day. I feel this gives the illusion of a thicker, fuller lash line. I do not use any special product for this, so feel free to use what you've got! I then curl my lashes, and if I can be bothered I will heat the curler with my hair dryer for a few seconds. If you do this, let it cool for another few seconds as you don't want to burn your eyelid. Another hack I have picked up, especially if I am coming to the end of a mascara-- is to keep the mascara tube either in your bra or between your thighs to warm up the product inside as you do your previous makeup steps. When I do this, I find the product is less stiff and just makes the lashes come out less clumpy. For this, I use Glossier Lash Slick, as I prefer length over thickness. The product adds little fibres which goes a long way for a long fluttery lash.
More times than not, I opt for a strip lash. If I'm going for a doll-like spiky lash look, I use the Amazon Manga lashes. For a more casual look, I will wear these half lashes. But my favourites recently have been Ardell Wispies.
If I really wanna go all out, I'll add a tiny bit of liquid eyeliner in my inner corner, and or draw a half crease just to add something special. To finish of I dust a light shimmer from any eyeshadow pallette over the lid.
Finally, I move onto lips. Lipliner is essential, and it doesn't need to be expensive to be good. I use a browny pink, ever so slightly rounding my cupids bow just a little more whilst remaining its shape. If I want a fancier glossy-satin finish lip, I'll use this Mac lipstick in shade Angel. Very few times I have left it at that, but 99 percent of the time I will be wearing a gloss. I've been loving the TooFaced Lip Injection Power Plumping gloss in Pretty Pony. It's super plumping and glittery, however I do find it to be quite sticky. My go to gloss, for a super juicy and wet finish would be the Kiko Milano gloss in Tutu Rose. However, if I'm doing something super casual or not wearing makeup but still want hydrated and juicy lips, I will always have on the Lush Snow Fairy lip jelly. It keeps my lips super soft, plump, and tastes really great!
So, after any finishing touches that's about it. If you'd like to know some of my common hair styles with attached tutorials let me know! If you try out any of the products linked or even followed my tutorial let me know what you think!
Mimi 💗
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reglowkosmetikmagetan · 3 months
PALING BAGUS!!! TELP/WA 0878-4855-7350, Agen Reglow Kosmetik, Skincare Reglow Yang Bagus Di Magetan
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Reglow Kosmetik Madiun, KLIK wa.me/6287873893546 /Skincare Reglow Kosmetik, Skincare reglow kosmetik, hargareglow kosmetik, reglowkosmetik, Cream reglow kosmetik, serum reglow.
**Reglow Skincare: Kulit Sehat dan Bersinar**
### **Tentang Reglow**
Reglow adalah rangkaian produk perawatan kulit yang dirancang khusus untuk memberikan nutrisi, hidrasi, dan perlindungan optimal bagi kulit Anda. Dibuat dengan bahan-bahan alami berkualitas tinggi, Reglow hadir untuk membantu Anda mencapai kulit yang sehat dan bersinar.
### **Produk Unggulan Reglow**
1. **Reglow Facial Cleanser**
- Membersihkan kotoran dan minyak berlebih.
- Mengandung ekstrak chamomile yang menenangkan kulit.
- Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit.
2. **Reglow Hydrating Toner**
- Menyegarkan dan menyeimbangkan pH kulit.
- Mengandung aloe vera untuk hidrasi maksimal.
- Bebas alkohol dan parfum.
3. **Reglow Brightening Serum**
- Mengurangi noda hitam dan mencerahkan kulit.
- Diperkaya dengan vitamin C dan E.
- Tekstur ringan dan cepat meresap.
4. **Reglow Moisturizing Cream**
- Melembabkan kulit sepanjang hari.
- Mengandung hyaluronic acid dan shea butter.
- Tidak lengket dan tidak menyebabkan komedo.
5. **Reglow Sunscreen SPF 50**
- Melindungi kulit dari sinar UV A dan UV B.
- Formula ringan dan tidak berminyak.
- Cocok untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.
### **Keunggulan Reglow**
- **Bahan Alami:** Dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami pilihan yang aman untuk kulit.
- **Dermatologically Tested:** Telah diuji secara dermatologis untuk memastikan keamanan dan efektivitas.
- **Tidak Mengandung Bahan Berbahaya:** Bebas dari paraben, sulfat, dan pewarna buatan.
- **Hasil Terbukti:** Terbukti secara klinis dapat memperbaiki tekstur kulit dan mencerahkan wajah.
### **Testimoni Pelanggan**
_"Saya sangat puas dengan hasil dari produk Reglow. Kulit saya menjadi lebih lembut dan cerah dalam waktu singkat!"_ - Anna, 28 tahun.
_"Reglow Sunscreen adalah favorit saya. Tidak lengket dan melindungi kulit saya dengan sempurna."_ - Budi, 35 tahun.
**Reglow Skincare: For a Brighter, Healthier You!**
Alamat:Jl. Mojopahit No. 57 Winongo
Kota Madiun.
KLIK LINK! wa.me/62895705738080
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lumineabeauty · 4 months
Women vs. Anti-Aging: Who Will Claim Victory?
As women, the search for eternal youth can feel like a never-ending battle against time. The anti-aging path can be difficult at times, from navigating the maze of skincare products to dealing with societal pressures and internalized expectations. The constant bombardment of advertising offering miracles in a jar exacerbates the confusion, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
Women vs. Anti-aging: Never ending story
In the never-ending war against aging, people in their twenties frequently believe they are indestructible, with limitless potential and a bright future ahead. They remember their youthful energy and passion as 26-year-olds.
It's important to remember that collagen naturally declines after the age of 25, which is a reality of life rather than an accident that requires intervention. Just like periods, aging is a normal process. These changes are not evidence of health problems, but rather typical aspects of life's journey. Aging is unavoidable, and one's body changes as time passes.
How can we fight against anti-aging?
To be honest, there is no clear solution to this question. We cannot change the reality that people grow older and aging occurs. However, there is one thing we can do to keep our skin looking beautiful and healthy, which will help you look several years younger.
Maintaining healthy facial skin is key! Here are some suggestion for you:
Change your daily routine:
Prioritize sleep: Adequate rest, at least 7 hours a night, facilitates skin repair, staving off wrinkles.
Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep skin supple and glowing.
Stress management: Find outlets to reduce stress, preventing the onset of fine lines.
Moderate alcohol intake: Limit alcohol consumption to avoid dehydrating the skin.
Select the right beauty regimen: Choose products tailored to your skin type and concerns, such as sunscreen, hydrating masks, and specialized creams.
Simplify your skincare routine: When it comes to skincare, less can often be more. Applying multiple products can overwhelm your skin and lead to unnecessary irritation. That's why it's essential to streamline your routine by focusing on just 1 to 2 products that offer maximum efficiency.
Understanding the problems that many women are facing, such as the desire for simplicity and effectiveness in their skincare routines, Luminea has developed a innovative solution:
Unlocking Radiance: By targeting melanin pigment, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream reveals a brighter, more luminous complexion with just a few applications. Its immediate effects upon use ensure instant radiance, providing you with the confidence to face the day.
Multi-Functional Protection: Beyond its whitening benefits, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream doubles as a moisturizer, effectively concealing blemishes and imperfections. Additionally, it serves as both sunscreen and makeup base, offering comprehensive protection against the sun's harmful rays. With its resistance to sweat, dirt, and summer heat, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream is your all-in-one solution for year-round skincare.
Gentle and Versatile: Crafted with natural ingredients, Luminea Premium Whitening Cream is gentle on the skin, making it suitable for all skin types. Its non-allergenic formula ensures that even the most sensitive skin can benefit from its transformative effects.
Elevate Your Skincare Routine: Simplify your regimen with Luminea Premium Whitening Cream—a versatile solution that not only enhances your skin's radiance but also simplifies your daily routine for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
It's time to shift the narrative surrounding anti-aging and empower women to embrace the beauty of every stage of life. Let's challenge societal norms, debunk myths, and support each other on this journey towards self-acceptance and confidence. Whether it's through sharing our own experiences, advocating for inclusive representation in media, or exploring innovative skincare solutions, every action we take brings us one step closer to redefining aging on our own terms. Join us in celebrating the diversity and resilience of women everywhere as we embrace the true essence of beauty—ageless, timeless, and uniquely our own.
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theshoegirldiaries · 7 months
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LOTD: BeneFit California Kissin Moisturizing Lip Balm in 55 Nude-Pink. #Scentoftheday Miss Dior Parfum EDP by Christian Dior.
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This week I'm trying out boujie lip balms from my collection that I've never used before. Starting with this BeneFit one, which I bought alongside another 2 ages ago. Then I recently bought another shade and was sorely disappointed when I saw the packaging...
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Packaging: I love the whole 70's, flower power illustration they use both on the boxes and the lid of the balm (even the inside of the boxes are decorated in a floral pattern) and that the boxes are reflective of the colour inside. The end of the lid is fluted along with the flower like petal shapes at the base and I love that they stand and you can see the shade through the lid. The back of the lid features the back of the girls hair, it's just adorable. That was until the most recent one I bought (300 Rosewood), in the same box, but with a tampon applicator looking lid. Really, it's all I can think of looking at it! It's the same shape, but frosted, no illustration and just awkward looking.
Feel & application: Twisting up like a regular lipstick or balm with a flat, slanted (round) tip, it was easy to apply and there was very little overspill over the edges of the balm and no bleeding once applied. It has a glossy enough finish that (if I wasn't solely testing out the balm) I wouldn't require gloss with it, but the colour is as pigmented as a lipstick. That shine doesn't stay as strong, it dries to a similar finish of an opaque, cream lipstick. It also began to feel less creamy between my lips as it wore on. I ended up removing it prior to eating a few hours later, so can't tell you how long it lasts, but it claims 8 hours of wear.
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Colour: I wore 55 Nude-Pink and have shown the balms in the same order throughout this post. My swatches above have no light or colour edits to them, but I'd say (especially 33) the swatches were brighter in person. Nude-Pink became quite a bold warm pink as it dried on me. From my swatches I'd say it's the most 'me' colour of the lot. 33 Peach-Pink left me questioning why I bought it, neon orange in the tube with a bright pink flash when swatched. I hate it! 300 Rosewood, the newer purchase, had a drier feel when swatching, than the others, whilst 333 Berry appeared to have more of a sheen to it than others (not sparkly, just more luminosity). The swatches show several swipes and the colour can be quickly built up.
Overall verdict: I'd definitely use this more as a lipstick than balm. The strong colour payoff (you'd require a mirror to apply) and fact it isn't sheer or slippy and stays where it's put (no bleeding outside the lips) makes it feel lipstick-like to me rather than a moisturising balm. I'm sad they lost the illustration on the lid, it almost harked back to BeneFit's old covetable, retro packaging before brow products and mascara became their sole purpose in life.
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skincare-product97 · 5 months
Dark Circles Eliminator
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Banishing Tired Eyes: A Review of the Dark Circles Eliminator
I've always been self-conscious about my dark circles. No matter how much sleep I got, those shadows under my eyes always made me look exhausted. I tried various concealers, but they never quite did the trick, often creasing or looking cakey. That's when I discovered the Dark Circles Eliminator, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer!
A Gentle, Hydrating Formula
The first thing that impressed me about the Dark Circles Eliminator was its texture. It's a lightweight, silky cream that absorbs quickly into the delicate under-eye area. There's no greasy residue, just a smooth, hydrated feeling. This is important because the under-eye skin is so thin and prone to dryness, which can actually worsen the appearance of dark circles.
Natural Ingredients with Real Results
The Dark Circles Eliminator boasts a blend of natural ingredients that target the root cause of dark circles. Hyaluronic acid provides a much-needed moisture boost, plumping up the under-eye area and reducing the appearance of shadows. Vitamin C, a known brightening agent, helps to even out skin tone and diminish hyperpigmentation. Additionally, ingredients like green tea and cucumber extract soothe and cool the under-eye area, minimizing puffiness and promoting a brighter, more awake look.
Visible Improvement Over Time
I started noticing a difference in my under-eye circles within a few weeks of consistent use. The darkness began to fade, and the overall tone of my under-eye area appeared brighter. Now, after using the Dark Circles Eliminator for several months, I can confidently say that my dark circles are significantly less noticeable. My eyes look brighter, and I feel more refreshed and youthful.
More Than Just Dark Circles
While the Dark Circles Eliminator excels at tackling darkness, it also delivers other benefits. The formula is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin, and I haven't experienced any irritation. It also seems to be helping with the appearance of fine lines around my eyes, leaving the under-eye area looking smoother and more youthful.
A Small Investment, Big Results
The Dark Circles Eliminator is definitely worth the investment. While some high-end eye creams can be quite expensive, the Dark Circles Eliminator offers fantastic results at a reasonable price point. Plus, a little goes a long way – a small amount of product is enough to cover both under-eye areas.
Overall, I highly recommend the Dark Circles Eliminator to anyone struggling with dark circles or puffiness. It's a gentle, effective product that delivers real results. With consistent use, you can finally kiss goodbye to tired-looking eyes and say hello to a brighter, more refreshed you!
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chaiqos · 6 months
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : my skincare ༉‧₊˚
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i wanted to share my skincare routine with y'all. i'm open to comments, suggestions, and questions. ♡
A.M routine
❀ step 1: cleanser
DHC's hatomugi face wash. i think it's really gentle on the skin and perfect for sensitive skin.
❀ step 2: lotion
DHC's hatomugi lotion. it makes my skin feel hydrated in the morning.
❀ step 3: milk
DHC's hatomugi milk. it's a nice silky cream and lightweight.
❀ step 4: sunscreen
DHC's brightening sunscreen for my face. it's (very) matte and a little difficult to spread at first. now i put it on my face by sections, which seems to help with the spreading. (does leave a white cast tho)
neutrogena's dry touch sunscreen for my neck. it's easier to use that than the DHC one. easily absorbed.
supergoop!'s sunscreen lip balm. it still moisturizes my lips despite the sunscreen.
P.M routine
❀ step 1: cleansing oil
DHC's deep cleansing oil. feel like i really get all of my day's worth of impurities out. also great for removing makeup.
❀ step 2: cleanser
peach & lily's power calm gel cleanser. it's refreshing and cooling. i think it's good to use right after oil cleansing.
❀ step 3: toner
p&l's good acids pore toner. it's also refreshing. gentle exfoliant.
❀ step 4: spot treatment
clean & clear's acne spot treatment gel. it dries out my blemishes, making them quicker to go away.
the crème shop's hydrocolloid acne patches on white heads as it easily takes them out. i use them right after i apply toner. i don't use them on the same spot at the same time.
❀ step 5: serum
p&l's glass skin refining serum. i feel like this is the key to glass skin. really makes my skin glowy.
❀ step 5: vitamin c*
RoC's vitamin c serum. have noticed that it has made my skin brighter and glowy. it's slightly sticky but once dry, it's fine.
when i use this, i'm replacing the serum.
❀ step 5: masks
variety of the crème shop's products. i use their essence sheet masks, how do eye look? patches, other hydrogel eye patches, hydrogel lip patch, hydrogel forehead patch.
i don't use these all at once. i'd do the eye, lip, and forehead patch together or skip one and use the other two. i use these on a sunday (my reset day), but not every week (budgeting).
when i use these, i'm replacing the serum.
❀ step 6: cream
p&l's matcha pudding antioxidant cream. it's easy to spread. i think it reduces redness, but i think it's my brain tricking me since it's green lol.
❀ step 6: retinol*
RoC's retinol correxion night cream. it has a different smell that i'm used to. it's very easy to put on my skin. a little goes a long way!
when i use this, i'm replacing the matcha pudding.
❀ step 6: facial oil
PROVENCE beauty's alpha-bet facial oil. it hydrates my skin very well. it's a nice final step.
*i alternate between the two. (don't use them at the same time!) i use them thursday-sunday, which are the days i don't have morning classes. (i often do my P.M routine late at night)
i want to start using p&l's lactic acid repair serum. i received a sample when it first launched and instantly fell in love! i remember that it reduced the look of my pores immensely. however, i am on a budget so i had to make a sacrifice </3
when i'm home during the school year, i use p&l's glass skin kit (both A.M/P.M) + DHC's oil cleanser (P.M). and i use absolute care lux's 24 karat gold serum and cream at night. the serum leaves this shimmery look and it's quite cute.
i used to use DHC's collagen mist but it's now discontinued :( gave a slight dewy look. it was lightweight. also great as a setting spray. ultra hydration
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palettebyyukta · 6 months
Embrace the Sun-Kissed Glow: Bronzers and Highlighters for a Radiant Summer
As the sun begins to shine brighter and the days grow longer, it's time to embrace that coveted sun-kissed glow. There's something undeniably magical about the radiance of summer skin, and bronzer and highlighter are your best allies in achieving that luminous look. In this blog post, we'll delve into the art of bronzing and highlighting, exploring how these makeup essentials can enhance your natural beauty and elevate your summer makeup routine.
The Art of Bronzing:
Bronzer holds the power to add warmth and dimension to your complexion, mimicking the sun's kiss on your skin. However, achieving a sun-kissed glow requires more than just sweeping bronzer across your face—it's about strategically applying it to areas where the sun naturally hits.
Start by choosing a bronzer shade that complements your skin tone. For fair skin tones, opt for light, peachy bronzers, while deeper skin tones can rock rich, golden hues. Using a fluffy bronzer brush, lightly dust bronzer onto the high points of your face, including the forehead, temples, cheekbones, and jawline. Remember to blend seamlessly for a natural-looking finish.
Pro tip: To create the illusion of sun-kissed skin, apply bronzer in a "3" shape along the sides of your face, starting at the temples, sweeping across the cheekbones, and finishing at the jawline.
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Choosing the Right Highlighter:
Highlighter is the secret weapon for achieving a luminous, lit-from-within glow. Whether you prefer a subtle sheen or a blinding beam of light, there's a highlighter out there to suit every preference. When selecting a highlighter, consider your skin type and desired level of intensity.
Cream highlighters offer a dewy, natural finish and are ideal for dry or mature skin types. They blend seamlessly into the skin, providing a subtle, lit-from-within glow. Powder highlighters, on the other hand, deliver a more intense shimmer and are perfect for oily or combination skin types. They can be layered for added intensity or applied with a light hand for a soft, ethereal glow.
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Application Techniques:
The key to flawless bronzer and highlighter application lies in the technique. For bronzer, use a light hand and build up the color gradually to avoid a muddy or overly bronzed look. Focus on the areas where the sun naturally hits your face, and don't forget to blend thoroughly for a seamless finish.
When it comes to highlighter, less is often more. Apply a small amount to the high points of your face, including the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the cupid's bow, and the brow bone. For an extra dewy effect, lightly mist your face with a hydrating setting spray after applying highlighter to melt the product into the skin and create a natural-looking glow.
Creating a Sun-Kissed Makeup Look:
Now that you've mastered the art of bronzing and highlighting, it's time to put your skills to the test and create a sun-kissed makeup look that's perfect for summer. Start by prepping your skin with a lightweight moisturizer and sunscreen to ensure a smooth canvas. Next, apply your favorite foundation or tinted moisturizer, taking care to blend seamlessly into the skin.
Once your base is set, reach for your bronzer and lightly dust it onto the high points of your face, focusing on the areas where the sun naturally hits. Follow up with a touch of highlighter on the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, and the cupid's bow for a radiant finish.
Complete the look with a swipe of peachy blush on the apples of your cheeks and a glossy lip balm for a fresh, summer-ready vibe. Finally, set your makeup in place with a spritz of setting spray, and you're ready to glow all day long.
Bronzer and highlighter are the ultimate power couple when it comes to achieving a sun-kissed glow. With the right techniques and products, you can enhance your natural beauty and radiate confidence all summer long. So go ahead, embrace the warmth of the sun and let your inner glow shine bright. After all, there's nothing more beautiful than a confident woman with a radiant smile and sun-kissed skin.
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belladoesmakeup · 7 months
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Hi guys,
This blog post is a typical example of me being late to the party, but I finally tried The INKEY LIst!!! I know I am beyond late and everyone has recommended that I try this brand for a while now but I can honestly say I now understand the hype. If you didn't know INKEY List has been a viral skincare brand for a while now and I am always seeing their cleanser go viral on TikTik so I decided to finally try out some products. I picked up the Skin prep gift set which gives you 3 full sized products to help prep your skin for the day makeup, but you can also use 2 of the products in your night routine as well as day.
So let's chat about the products I got in this set. The first product is The INKEY List Caffeine Eye Cream, 15ml, £10.00. I love trying a new eye cream because my under eye bags look like they have their luggage and need help. This cream is amazing at brightening and de-puffing your eyes, you can honestly see such a difference after you apply it. For such an affordable price I was so surprised how much of a impact it had to my under eye area. I use this eye cream every morning before makeup and evening after my skincare routine and using it twice a day has really made an improvement for me.
The next product I got was The INKEY List Polyglutamic Acid Serum, 30ml , £15.00. This serum is recommended to wear before makeup to help improve your facebase so your makeup looks even better on the skin. The serum is made of polyglutamic acid which can hold 4x more moisture than Hyaluronic Acid, locking in moisture and helping the skin appear instantly smoother. The formula also helps to make the skin look brighter and even complexion too. I adore wearing this serum because it makes such a difference and you really can see a blurring effect it has on the skin.
Lastly I got the viral INKEY List Oat Cleansing Balm, 150ml, £12.00. This is product you can use in your AM and PM skincare routine and essentially melts makeup off your face or any dirt if you are makeup prepping. Not only does it melt your makeup off it deeply nourishes and hydrates your skin without stripping or drying it out. I love how fresh and glowy my skin looks after every use and it's such a easy step to give your skin a real deep clean.
Overall I really like the brand and I'm excited to try out more products in the future. As always all products mentioned are linked above.
Lot's of love,
Bella x x
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thetriplets3 · 10 months
hi! saw your post and thought i would ask "👒do you have a skincare routine?"! hope your having a great day!
ask me
👒 do i have a skin care routine?
omg i love this question!
cerave cream to foam cleanser (if you use a towel to pat your face dry use one only for your face)
cocokind turmeric tonic (i’ve used the stick version but it kinda stains you yellow but really brightened my skin so i’m trying this out. i use the roller on my fingers rather than rolling it directly on my skin bc if any acne got opened up while washing it you don’t want to get any acne bacteria on the roller bc that’ll just spread it around your skin and we don’t want that. let it dry before doing the next step)
revolution 2% salicylic acid serum (i recommend a low % or else it will really dry your skin out and probably irritate it)
cerave hyaluronic acid serum (my holy grail it makes my skin look much brighter and plump and less dull)
cerave spf 30 moisturizing lotion (i mix this with the hyaluronic acid bc i find it not as moisturizing alone. use your sunscreen people!!! no matter the weather the sun can still damage your skin!!)
cocokind chia facial oil (i bought this but didn’t like the feeling on my skin so i’ve started using it under my eyes. when i dermaplane i like to use this so i’m not tugging at my skin and then cleanse it after)
i do the same steps at night just without the sunscreen. i swear by cerave bc it doesn’t clog your skin
* if anyone has tips or products for dark under eye circles please help a girl out pls *
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aigoo-uk · 1 year
10-Step Korean Skincare Routine: A Deep Dive
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Korean skincare, known for its comprehensive and often transformative effects, has been the buzzword in the global beauty sphere. Boasting a 10-step regimen, K-beauty is more than just a ritual; it's a testament to the meticulous care Koreans give to their skin. With each step crafted to cater to a specific need, this routine aims to provide thorough care, yielding coveted glass skin. Let's venture into this regime, offering not just explanations but also statistical validations.
1. Oil-Based Cleanser
Initiating the process is the oil-based cleanser, a hero in removing stubborn, oil-based residues. Makeup, SPF, and even the relentless sebum produced by your skin is no match for these cleansers. According to Statista, oil cleansers saw a 30% surge in sales in 2020, indicating their popularity.
Suggestion: Explore Some Popular Cleansers on Aigoo to find your ideal match. Gentle circular motions will ensure makeup and grime melt away.
2. Water-Based Cleanser
The follow-up with a water-based cleanser ensures every trace of dirt and sweat is gone. Did you know? A survey by the Dermatology Research and Practice indicated that 70% of skin issues arise due to improper cleansing. This step guarantees a pristine base.
Suggestion: Choose sulfate-free cleansers to maintain your skin's natural moisture.
3. Exfoliation
Shedding away the dead skin cells to reveal a brighter complexion is the mission here. Allure magazine stated in a 2019 report that regular exfoliation can enhance skin luminosity by 20%. Dive into Some Popular Exfoliators from Aigoo to unveil a refreshed skin.
Suggestion: Limit to 2-3 times weekly. Excessive exfoliation can be counterproductive.
4. Toner
A toner's task is two-fold: re-balance skin pH and enhance hydration. A report by the Korean Dermatological Association linked balanced skin pH with reduced acne occurrence.
Suggestion: Dive into Aigoo's curated list of Some Popular Toners and find the perfect fit for your skin.
5. Essence
Essences, the lightweight serums, infuse your skin with hydration and active ingredients. A Pew Research study highlighted the booming essence market in Asia, underscoring its significance.
Suggestion: Explore Some Popular Essence from Aigoo and embrace the hydration magic.
6. Treatments (Serums & Ampoules)
Targeting specific issues from dark spots to fine lines, these potent solutions are crucial. Serums generally offer higher active ingredient concentrations. Ampoules, on the other hand, are like supercharged serums with even more potency. Statista recorded a 25% increase in serum and ampoule sales last year, marking their soaring demand.
Suggestion: Discover the vast range of Some Popular Serums and Ampoules on Aigoo.
7. Sheet Masks
The heart of K-beauty, sheet masks, saturated in nurturing serums, are a spa in a packet. As per the Korean Journal of Aesthetic Cosmetology, regular masking can amplify skin hydration levels by up to 40%.
Suggestion: Aigoo's collection of Some Popular Sheet Masks offers a plethora of choices to suit various skin needs.
8. Eye Cream
Addressing the fragile skin around the eyes, eye creams tackle dark circles, wrinkles, and puffiness. An article by Harper's Bazaar claimed that the right eye cream could cut down the appearance of fine lines by nearly 25%.
Suggestion: Apply using your ring finger for gentle care.
9. Moisturizer
Sealing all the nutrients and hydration, moisturizers are quintessential. According to the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, regular moisturizing can prevent early signs of aging.
Suggestion: Browse Aigoo's Some Popular Moisturizer range to find your holy grail.
10. Sunscreen
Guarding against UV rays is the sunscreen's primary role. Sunscreen use not only prevents sunburn but also combats premature aging. The Skin Cancer Foundation reported that daily sunscreen application can reduce skin-aging effects by 24%.
Suggestion: Reapply every two hours, especially if outdoors.
In Summary
The 10-step Korean skincare routine stands as a testament to holistic skincare, targeting every conceivable skin need. While its intricacy might seem daunting, the results, as vouched for by millions, are undeniably exceptional. With the curated product lists from Aigoo, your initiation into the K-beauty world becomes seamless. Remember, consistency is the key. Embrace the routine and watch your skin thank you in radiance.
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xstarraidx · 1 year
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