#Brother Justin Crowe
rayjiguang · 8 months
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Love these twisted and complex characters.
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carnivalehbo · 2 months
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stiwfssr · 2 years
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hiddennotions · 2 months
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Everything About Carnivale's lost seasons
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Season 3
-The Light Avatar Aura's would be shown for the first time
-Iris would help Sophie with her powers during the season.
- Iris would figure out what Avatars are.
- Sophie knows Justin is her father. Iris doesn't know she knows.
- The season would open with Jonesy pitching at a major league game. Samson would show up and get into a booth next to Lily and a little boy who looks like Jonesy. Jonesy would see Samson in the crowd and he'll whisper, "I need your help" causing him to take off his mitt and walk off the game.
- Libby would be reluctant to go back since she believes she escaped that life.
- Rita Sue and Stumpy would be in Florida owning an Aligator farm.
-Ben would be a changed man, more paranoid and management like. His wounds require constant sutures and he has lost his Vitae Divina.
-Gabriel has more backstory and character to be revealed. His parentage would be important, but it would not be Scudder. He also can see to the heart of matters - he sees through illusions that other people may use to mask their true nature.
- Ben and Samson would be at a different Carnival and be the only ones of the original crew to remain- Carnivale has gone back to the barn.
- Justin's influence has grown nationwide particularly in the east coast and Midwest. The KOJ formed by Stroud would have gotten newfound influence as a fascist parliamentary, killing jews, Romani, and Carnies by either lynching, tar and feathering, or pogroms. He'd also have become a kingmaker for politicians and business owners potentially rivaling FDR.
- Justin himself however would be forever hobbled by a inoperable hunk of shrapnel near his heart. Prone to exhaustion and with a ticking time bomb in his chest, he'd be nothing more then a puppet in his own ministry. Sometimes he is wheelchair bound. He is also unaware that Sophie is his daughter or the Omega and would have a sexual relationship with her.
- Season 3 would also begin with Justin giving a speech in the complete temple of Jericho to his constituents. Sophie would be on one side and Iris would be on another with a little boy there as well. After that Justin would be exhausted and carried to his bed, where the boy would jump on his bed yelling "daddy!" leaving it ambiguous who the father is.
- Iris and Sophie would be in a power struggle throughout the season. Sophie is more powerful obviously, but is unsure and afraid of herself. The reason she revived Justin is that she needs him for some unknown purpose and can take him down easily.
- On the carnival side of the plot, most of the season would be Ben regathering his allies and following "Management's trail".
- Lodz would return and is already in the flesh. Presumed as a mummy.
-The splitting of the atom would be a plot point.
-Near the end of the season, Justin would ally himself with the Bund.
-In the season finale WWII would break out. Ben would use this as an opportunity to give a speech that inspires them all to help him and it would be like the avengers assembling. Then the Carnivale would be reformed.
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Season 4
- They would finally explain the role of the Omega.
- Justin would preach isolationism.
- Meanwhile, the Carnivale would traverse Europe looking for manuscripts and talismans to gain a advantage against Justin.
- It would end in 1940.
- There would be some kind of confrontation for the season 4 finale.
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Season 5-6
- The last shot of the series would be the trinity explosion.
- A character called Photon, a full-blooded Hopi Indian running the medicine show, would be important.
- Ben would search for info for the atomic bomb.
- Germany is rushing to create one themselves and it's a race against time.
- Ben and Sophie would marry and have a little girl.
- Ben would realize that the bomb wasn't the end of the world but their world, the era of the avatar, and doing so would allow humanity to escape adolescence and advance as a species. His allies would beg him not to, but Ben has no choice and he and Sophie take their child with them as they share a passionate kiss before being blown away.
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-Phineas Boffo would return.
- Dora Mae would return.
-DK had further plans for Diane Sallinger throughout the series.
- Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley would be important characters.
- Taos, NM, Kingman AZ, and New York NY would be visited at some point.
- With two dark avatar the generations are now dangerously unbalanced and we presume the fight lost.
- The Gospel of Thomas would be integral in revealing the Omega.
- Lodz has his own agenda: He is at heart a mercenary who works for the highest bidder and would go over to Justin's side before having a Bridge On The River Kwai "What have I done?" moment and save Ben. However, this was to revealed throughout the series. Plus, Lodz has his own justifiable end goal. He has the unique perspective of having been touched by both houses and has come to the conclusion that Avatara have subjugated humanity and is attempting to gain power to change these state of affairs.
- Justin and Ben would fight over the influence of Sophie throughout the series.
- The interviews are quite vague at Justin's ultimate fate. Whenever asked about Justin's role at the end of the series they ignore the question and don't mention it. This combined with his disappearance in the Pitch Document which says he completely vanishes at some point makes me theorize Sophie kills him for her boon.
-Ben and Justin would switch moral compasses throughout the series. This is because, as avatara, they are adolescents.
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Deleted Scenes
-When Justin had his fit in Outskirts Damascus, NE he was supposed to have Baboon teeth.
- Justin's book he wrote in the asylum was cut from the story.
- The virgin mary statuettes were supposed to bleed with maggots.
- The cabin in Black Blizzard was supposed to be just a vision. They would then reveal that a entire family had died inside of a faulty gas leak while having a Norman Rockwell dinner.
- One of the cut storylines in season 2 was Sophie going to a back-alley abortion clinic.
- There was a previous scene with Gecko and Dora Mae that predicted his death in episode 4.
- Gecko was supposed to be the Spock of the group. He would also cut off his ears and split his tongue to make him appear more Lizard like and his show would consist of him snarling in the middle like an animal.
- The conjoined twins would predict the future and things to come in a horrifying, unsettling way.
- There was a scene of Iris doing laundry and discovering Justin's frock had a bullet hole in it.
-A deleted scene between Dora Mae and Gecko predicted her death.
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phoenixspencer · 4 months
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sigurism · 1 year
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Carnivàle 1.08 -Lonnigan, Texas
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curiositycryptid · 7 months
Pets I Think Tdi Characters Would Own
Ezekiel - He owns a rat. Do I really need to explain any more?
Eva - Probably none or something easy to take care of like uhhhh a cactus
Noah - Well he has a dog, idk if he has a name so I named him Goldie if he doesn’t. Babysits Izzy’s snake. Also has a ferret.
Justin - Several pets of all kind, most likely all with the same name so he doesn’t forget
Katie - A kitten named Sadie
Tyler - A chicken named like Kyle or something, it’s very aggressive and is the whole reason he’s scared of chickens in the first place
Izzy - She kept the purple snake that bit her and named it Boer, she sometimes uses it as a belt or hair tie or it helps her hold her stuff
Cody - A bald cat named Mr. Wrinkles and a black cat named Fortnite
Beth - That raccoon from that action challenge, don’t know what she named her but they seemed to like each other so it would make sense to keep her
Sadie - A kitten named Katie
Courtney - Brittany and probably a farm dog since they’re useful and easy to train
Harold - His red ants, he has individual names for every single one of them and remembers all of them
Trent - A toucan named Tori (I don’t even know if you’re allowed toucans as pets)
Bridgette - Bruno, obviously but she views him more as a friend than a pet
Lindsay - A Rottweiler (mostly very chill) named Edith
DJ - Bunny and Irene, he also babysits everyone’s pets at times
Geoff - Also a Rottweiler (Edith’s brother) called BroDude, he’s basically Geoff as a dog
LeShawna - A stick insect that Harold got for her, she’s named LaShaniya
Duncan - Scruffy, the chameleon from action (Courtney named it Ivy because she knew Duncan would choose a terrible name, most likely a swear) and a blue snake called Bluey who goes on play dates with Boer
Heather - Bruiser the cat, and a Skunk (might share my reasoning for this one) (also I can’t think of the skunks name so I’ll take ideas ig)
Gwen - An Iguana or sum like that named Incognito and a Crow (can’t think of a name)
Owen - A fat ginger cat (i forgot his name, I’ll edit this if I remember) he’s old with some grey hairs and can barely open his eyes, he always looks smiley and eats a lot like Owen
Alejandro - An eel.
Sierra - Cody Jr, (well only babysits him for mother condor if that’s even possible?)
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mineashthetrash · 6 days
BOO, Unwanteds jumpscare!!! I draw these stupid anthro designs a LOT but I usually don't post them (because it's usually just one of the twins sitting there).
If you're unfamiliar, I have anthroified the characters to make them easier and more fun for me to draw, and I try to base the characters on animal species that make sense. The Stowes are all Stoats, for obvious reasons, mixed with Maine Coon. (it mentions Alex's hair grows out a lot, so what better than the furriest cat breed?)
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Threw this together the moment I saw that Star Trek clip. beautiful.
I decided to make the Pirates (or at least some of them) pigmented coyotes, since my Lani design is a black wolf.
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I wish people in the book acknowledged how big of an influence Justine was on him :( Like not only is he in a cult, the cult leader also personally trained him and considered him for a successor (she and her brother are pallas cats, btw!)
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A Sadness Runs Through Him (them) storyboard. Its rough an only like. 11 panels. but.
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I love the chapters where he just does not want to be a dad. His friends are like 'heyy Alex um. we have these babies of yours, uh, what do we do with them??" and he goes "I gotta go to the bathroom for 2 hours brb"
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The Adults Are Talking is certainly a song
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stupid memes
Character sketches (Sky, Crow, Mr Today & Justine, Rattrap.) I don't have a species for them yet, except that they're based on corvids (and sky's mixed with a bluebird)
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superdogbiter · 2 years
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echthr0s · 10 months
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
tagged by @dedicatedtomoonlighting, tagging you
I happen to be in the middle of 10 shows so I'll just do it for those:
Frasier - Martin Crane got that DILF rizz. also, Lilith my beloved
Stargate SG-1 - man it was Daniel Jackson for so long that I didn't even stop to think if it still is. I think my fave is actually Jack O'Neill now
Carnivale - Justin Crowe
Person of Interest - Harold Finch and also The Machine
The Wire - Omar Little
Riverdale - Jughead Jones and also FP Jones and also whatever hilarious trickster force is behind the town being Like That lol
Foundation - the whole Brother Dawn/Day/Dusk situation in general
Servant - Julian, maybe? he's funny. tbh I'm watching this solely for the plot, which is rare. I don't really care for any of these people lmao I'm just here to see fucked up shit happen to them repeatedly
From - definitely Boyd Stevens and Father Khatri. preferably together. jerking each other off in the Punishment Box while the rest of the town goes on about their day, none the wiser
Twin Peaks - the "GOT A LIGHT?" entity from The Return. but as for like. actual characters lol... hmm. wow. who IS my favourite Twin Peaks character. uhh. I'll get back to you
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carnivalehbo · 1 year
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"A Dark Heart Dwells Where Branches Meet..." by bethblighton
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stiwfssr · 2 years
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lunaprincipessa · 3 months
Part One (Continued on Entry 253)
Just bought this pin about fictional characters the other day. Wanted to see some of my favorites all in one place. I'd love to add a part two on my blog once a second list has been compiled. More thoughts later.
🐲 Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones
👹 Brother Justin Crowe aka Alexei Belyakov from Carnivale
🪓 Norman from The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell
🔪 Michael Myers from The Halloween Franchise
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Jamie Fraser from Outlander
🧟‍♂️ Shane Walsh from The Walking Dead
🔫 Furio Giunta from The Sopranos
🐺 Bill Compton and Alcide Herveaux from True Blood
⚰️ Eric Draven from The Crow Franchise
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Carnivale Brother Justin's Victor
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Good evening brothers and sisters.
FDR's disability is revealed and he loses the the 1940 election to Val Templeton with Justin's Endorsement and becomes a isolationist dictatorship that supports the Axis.
Before this, Justin had took control of Congress and had the loyalty of the Fortune 500.
Justin was made Time's man of the year in 1939.
Once a year, bands of young men armed with scythes massacre atheists, jewry, catholics, and other infidels.
Justin has a harem of about a hundred young women at a time, mostly asian immigrants and white okies whose purpose is to ease his "sexual pressure" and are driven irrevocably mad and physically scarred in the process.
The Knight's of Jericho led by Varlyn Stroud, consist of rapists, thieves, and murderers who worship Justin like a god, trained by WWI veterans, and are awarded with "divine protection" in order to get away with their crimes as well as enforced polygamy. They wear white suits, red ties, and cowboy hats as well as ride horses and are armed with rifles and whips.
They have alliance with the KKK and Bund, which all white Anglo-Saxon's and German's are members of.
The Knight's Templar led by Jack Parsons takes over the Unions and Universities, practice occult rituals, and engage in homosexual sex magic
Creationism is taught as fact in schools along with American Ultranationalism and scientific racism.
Modern Art is banned.
All immigrants are expelled and repatriated to their countries of origin.
Every town is a sundown town.
Jim Crow, Juan Crow, Ugly Laws, and Eugenic Codes are nationwide.
Vaudeville returns.
Church of the Air also serves as a mass communication hub for Justin's followers as well as mass surveillance for potential enemies.
Anarchism, Socialism, and Communism is banned.
Lynching Postcards are relegalized by the Post Office.
Automatic payment of bonuses for WW1 veterans.
Disasters and calamities of biblical proportions such as droughts, tsunami's, earthquakes, floods, blizzards, solar eclipses, rivers of blood, animal rain, and other either biblical or fortean phenomena are predicted by Brother Justin.
Sophie Crowe is capable of miracles ala Fatima and Lourdes and almost rivals Justin in her popularity due to reading the cards for celebrities and engaging in faith healing.
Jewry, Roma, and Carnies are either lynched or put into concentration camps.
Japanese are given special privileges as one of the four ruling classes of America.
Severed heads on posts are a common sight in cities and are worshipped.
Amputation of hands and feet are common punishments.
Biblical sacrifices are common.
Banks are broken up.
Model American Citizens engage in orgies, adultery. and other "depraved" practices as well as are inherently selfish similar to Ayn Rand.
Brother Justin's first book Acts of Redemption becomes a massive best seller and slowly replaces the bible in most hotels.
To non worshippers of Justin, the speeches of fascists and racists sound like unintelligible whispers.
Child Labor is banned.
Maximum Inheritance of 5 million
Maximum Salary per year being 1 million
Maximum Wealth of 50 million.
Free Higher Education
30 Hour work week
$360 per year pension for those over 65.
Women lose their suffrage
Goitres and inbreeding is common.
Justin forms his own branch of Christianity that is deemed heretical by the Pope, unifies all remaining branches in American under his leadership.
Malaria, Leprosy, Polio, Trachoma, Smallpox, Measles, Rubella, Bubonic Plague, and other medieval or tropical neglected diseases persist in America.
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