soft-for-yoongi · 10 months
5 times BTS thought Jungkook was throwing up + the one time he actually is
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Sick: Jungkook
Caretaker: ot7, each have their individual sections
Tw: gagging, mentions of nausea, vom**, puking, dizziness
Word count: 1,469
Okay... here me out it's a little different from what I usually do, but please let me know what you think!! 🙏 oh and which member was your favourite?? 🤩
Jungkook looks adorable, Namjoon thinks as he snaps a photo of the youngest— asleep on the couch in his studio. It wasn't uncommon for the members to relax there, but Jungkook definitely does it the most. Just as Namjoon sends the photo to their group chat, Jungkook wakes with a groan. He stretches before a hand covers his mouth.
Namjoon looks at him, Jungkook's eyes are half lidded and hazy, hand on his month. Wait. Namjoon grabs the trash can under his desk, quickly holding it in front of Jungkook. The youngest takes the bin with a furrowed brow, then erupts with a sneeze, "HIHSH'Ew, ugh. Sorry." Jungkook mumbles, still sleepy. "What's this for?" He adds, lifting the bin slightly.
Namjoon looks at him blankly, "Oh, thank goodness, you're okay. I thought you were about to vomit," Namjoon laughs, half-heartedly because it has happened before, and you can never be too prepared. "Jeeze, hyung, you worry too much." Jungkook giggles.
Jin was peacefully cooking in the kitchen, making one of their go-to's, but still a favourite. The occasional member swings by sometimes to check in and help for a bit, which is why he wasn't surprised when the youngest walked into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes a water, taking a few swigs. A drop accidentally goes down the wrong hole, making Jungkook splutter and cough. He throws himself over the sink, coughing and spitting water into the drain.
Seokjin abandons the veggies he was cutting and starts rubbing Jungkook's back, "you okay, Jungkook-ah?" Seokjin said, concerned for the younger. Jungkook nodded and swallowed, recovering from his clumsy drinking. He exhaled, "I'm okay. I swallowed funny and it went down the wrong way." Jungkook wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, Jin still rubbing his spine.
"Christ, you scared me half to death! I thought you were being sick or something." Seokjin admits, dramatically holding his heart. Jungkook chuckled, realising the misunderstanding, "sorry, hyung. I'm fine, I promise." Jungkook replies, earning a sigh and fluffing of his hair from Seokjin.
Put Jungkook with his Hoseokie-hyung and there's bound to be chaos. They were originally practising together, but somehow, it turned into a pirouette competition? Hoseok went first, and he'd say he was pretty graceful, remembering to point his toes as he spun around. Jungkook's high-pitched laugh rang in the air as he held his phone up, recording Hoseok. "Aish!" He exclaimed, "wow, that was hard." Hoseok stopped spinning, after doing approximately 4 turns, again, pretty impressive if you ask him.
"Jungkookie, your turn!" Hoseok beams, quickly flipping out his phone and recording as Jungkook takes the spotlight. He spins in quick succession, one, two, three, four, five?? Jungkook laughs at the very Hoseok-like noises as he films. Jungkook slows down and ends up victorious with 7 turns. Woah, he's kinda dizzy though. Jungkook pants, hand on his knee and arm to his middle.
"Wahhh, Jungkookie!... Hey, you feeling okay?" Hoseok ends the video, jogging to the youngest. He places a hand on his back, heart dropping. "Yeah- just dizzy." Jungkook laughs, straightening up to look at his hyung. "Are you about to puke?" Hoseok blurts, eyes starting to scan for a rubbish bin. "What? No, gosh. I'm fine Hobi-hyung," Jungkook breaks into high-pitched laughter, soon joined by the elder.
Taehyung has an arm wrapped around Jungkook's shoulder, both sharing a blanket as they stare intently at the tv, playing an action movie. Taehyung knew the youngest loved them, but couldn't get as immersed as he could. Thus why when Jungkook made sniffly noises and put a hand over his mouth to stop from sobbing, Taehyung was very confused. And very worried. He had been paying attention and nothing too dramatically sad was happening (he thinks), so what's wrong with Jungkook???
"Jungkookie?" Taehyung holds Jungkook's cheek, body turned to face him. Jungkook looks towards his lap, a little embarrassed, his hand the only thing keeping him from audibly sobbing. "Are you getting sick or something? Your cheeks are pink." Taehyung worries, using his phone light to illuminate Jungkook's face. He sees the shaky fingers cupped over his mouth and assumes the worst. "Do you feel nauseous?" The singer questions.
Jungkook bubbles with a laugh, tears still coming out of his eyes. "I-I'm okay, Taehyungie-hyung." Jungkook uses his sleeve to wipe his eyes, blinking back a couple more and taking some deep breaths. "How are you not sad? Iron man died." Jungkook pouts, maybe Taehyung wasn't paying as much attention as he thought. "I was more worried about you. It looked like you were gonna be sick!" Taehyung frets, pulling the youngest into a hug to calm both himself and Jungkook.
Jungkook sqints at the toilet. It's shiny and looking better already! He'd noticed some dust and decided he'd do a good deed and clean the toilet. Pretty normal thing to do, if you ask Jungkook. Though, Yoongi didn't see it that way when he first walked into the bathroom. The bathroom was half lit and he'd taken his contacts out already. He scans the youngest, who's squated in front of the toilet.
"Kook?" Yoongi says, suddenly next to him and rubbing his back. He's on his toes, ready to grab some pepto or another member. The youngest turns around to look at the older, a confused look on his face. "Do you want some water?" Yoongi offers, wiping his eyes tiredly. Jungkook is still confused as to what his hyung is doing.
"I'm okay, hyung," Jungkook replies. He is enjoying having his back rubbed though, he will admit. "Have you been sick?" Yoongi asks, although the toilet does look oddly clean. "What? Hyung, I'm cleaning the toilet, not throwing up," Jungkook breaks into laughter, clapping his hands. "Oh my bad, good work Kook-ah." Yoongi smiles, "you had me worried."
Jimin looks over at the youngest from his position on the couch. Jungkook's face is puffy and he's got two pieces of toast in front of him. Plain toast. No butter, no jam, nothing. They've only got a recording session later this evening, so usually Jungkook works himself quite an impressive appetite even though it's only breakfast. He watches the youngest cringe with each bite, looking like he's zoning out.
He turns off his phone to pay more attention to Jungkook. He sees the younger's face twinge in discomfort or pain—he can't quite tell—and then move a hand under the table to place on his belly. Gotcha. Jimin's mood drops and he walks over to Jungkook, placing a hand on his back. Jungkook doesn't even resist the touch, not bothering to put up a facade as he pushes his plate away, resting his forehead on the table.
"Not feeling the best?" Jimin asks, "I feel sick." Jungkook replies and the dancer hums sympathetically. Jimin slides in the seat next to him, concern apparent on his face. "Kook, do you know what's upsetting you?" Jimin frowns worriedly. "I don't know, hyung... my stomach hurts." Jungkook says and then registers that these are all his tell-tale signs he's about to throw up. He moans at the realisation.
"Jungkook do you need me to bring the bin over?" Jimin stills his hand on Jungkook's back, able to hear the younger's stomach throwing a fit from where he's sitting. Jungkook lifts his head enough to give Jimin a nod. With haste, Jimin grabs the trash can from in the kitchen and brings it back. Jungkook takes the bin and lets it rest in his lap, staring at the meager contents and feeling his stomach churn unhappily.
Jimin can see goosebumps on Jungkook's arms and wishes relief for him so badly. Seeing the youngest pale and quiet, makes Jimin want to switch places with him. The weight of anticipation is soon ended when Jungkook coughs lightly and then breaks out into gags, bringing the bin right up to his face. "Deep breaths, Kook." Jimin says, worry etched onto his face.
Jungkook can only hiccup and release strained breaths, not quite what Jimin wants right now. "Hyung— I'm g-gonna throw up—" Jungkook whimpers, back arching into a 'c' as he retches productively. Jimin pats his back nervously, eyeing the bathroom door, considering relocating the sick maknae.
Gags fill Jungkook's ears and the smell of his previous toast is enough to make him go green in the face. Jungkook tries to focus on the hand on his back and the massaging of his neck but his stomach clearly has other plans. The organ squeezes harshly at every move Jungkook makes, forcing bill up his throat. "I hate this, hyung..." Jungkook mumbles, hugging the bin close.
"Yeah, being sick is no fun, it's a good thing you're healthy." Jimin kisses the singer's hair, "most of the time."
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ilys00ga · 8 months
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➞ pair: yoongi x f reader
➞ genre: sickfic, best friends to potential lovers (who knows?), fluffy fluff, yoongi being the best bff you could ever ask for, I miss him so much.
➞ synopsis: where the reader is sick and her bff is always there for the rescue.
➞ warnings: none.
➞ A/N: another request by @parkjennykim, who used 'she/her' pronouns in the req so I used those accordingly. This was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it :)
PS. readers, remember my reqs are still open for now. you can go ahead and send some (read pinned post if u haven't yet, tho).
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
the bag you've been carrying all day slipped off of your shoulder as soon as you pushed the door to your apartment open and stepped in. not bothering to pick it up, you remove your shoes and leave them somewhere near the entrance and take a deep breath through the nose.
your body was having a party that day. muscles and head aching like crazy, throat bleeding as it burned with a ticklish feeling that lingered for hours and bringing out coughing fits from your chest every few minutes, legs barely holding you up and an annoyingly runny nose, you're sure the skin around it is red and raw from how you've been rubbing at it with tissues all day. not to forget the fact that you were freezing to death even though the heaters were doing their work in the flat more than enough.
“Mom is finally home!” A loud squeal came rushing from down the hall. You raised your head with some difficulty to see your best friend approaching you with your cat, Leo, in his arms and a wide smile adorning his face. He stopped in his tracks and frowned, however, as soon as he noticed your scowling expression and bloodshot eyes.
“Woah, you look so not happy right now.” he commented.
“What are you doing here, Yoongi?” Though your expression softened as you spoke, your voice still held a wince the more uncomfortable the light bulb became to your squinted eyes.
“You didn’t answer my calls or even texts, so I just decided to come over myself.” he explained, then eyed you up with knitted brows and a barely noticeable pout on his cherry red lips, “are you okay?”
“My head and body are killing me. I’m going to sleep. You can stay as much as you like, just feed Leo before you leave, plea-." A couple of sneezes cut your sentence off. The action stabbed daggers into your already throbbing brain; so painful that your eyes teared up and you squeezed your hands around your skull to try and control the waves of shock that hit you all of a sudden.
“Wait,” Yoongi put Leo on the floor and walked towards you. the back of his hand felt like a soft, warm blanket wrapped up around your body on a cold, snowy night as it rested on your forehead, so you closed your eyes and hummed in satisfaction.
“You’re so hot.” he grimaced at the heat that bit his skin, and when he noticed how you smirked mischievously with your eyes still closed shut, he whined, “don’t!”
“I’m not doing anything!” Your tongue felt numb as you blinked your eyes open and smiled at him.
“Come, you need to take a warm bath and eat something.” his fingers gently wrapped around your wrist, slowly pulling towards the bathroom.
"Your hands are always warm. I like that a lot." you whispered, absent-mindedly eying the way he was soothingly caressing the skin under his thumb.
“Are you going to bathe me?” his cheeks warmed up at the question you blurted so suddenly, but the way you were slurring your words implied that none of the things you were rambling about were intentional. the fever really took its toll on your brain.
“Go do your thing, and I'm going to make you something warm to eat.” he bit his lower lip and pointed towards the bathroom, leaving to start doing his task in the kitchen.
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"The walls are spinning around me!" You whimpered as soon as you entered your room, wet hair wrapped up in a towel, a fluffy, warm hoodie swallowing your torso and a pair of sweatpants. Yoongi, who was sitting on your bed, immediately fixed his gaze on you with a small smile. you could spot your favorite pair of socks laying beside him on the bed sheets, and your heart skipped a beat or two at how thoughtful that small gesture alone was.
"I'm sorry. let me just blow dry your hair, and then you can eat." he apologized, pointing at the hair dryer he'd been holding in his hand and patting the empty spot next to him.
"You're spoiling me today." You complained, but still obediently sat besides your sweet friend.
"You're sick, I'm taking care of you." he replied matter-of-factly.
you murmured a small 'thank you' before he gently started taking the wet towel off your head, then started carefully drying your hair.
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When you stepped into the kitchen, you found Yoongi setting plates, along with utensils on the small table located by the wall. his eyes landed on you as soon as your painful-sounding coughs announced your arrival.
“Feeling any better?” his brows rose worriedly, and his gaze followed your hunched up body as it walked and took a seat.
“kind of. thanks for the food.” You offered a genuine smile despite all the tiredness washing over your limbs. he nodded knowingly.
“Here, take these when you finish eating.” He put a tablet right next to your bowl and sat across from you, digging into his own plate as well.
After a while, you decided to break the comfortable silence when your eyes fell upon the clock hanging just above the door frame, “You have work tomorrow, and it’s getting late. you should probably go.”
“I know you’re a jackass and you’d sleep on an empty stomach if you wanted to, even when you’re sick.” he muttered so casually it almost made you giggle if it weren't for the guilt of forcing him to stay taking over your mind.
“That’s not right!” You started to argue but hissed when your head reminded you that it still got a tornado going on inside of it as it throbbed even harder.
“Stop talking and eat!” he scolded, and you wordlessly complied.
"I'm not leaving until you're tucked into bed and fast asleep," he added in a stern tone after a small pause, making you grin weakly and stuff your face with another spoonful of soup.
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"Are you feeling any better?" Once again, yoongi asked after pulling the duvet over your chin. he chose to sit right by your side, on the floor and with his back facing you.
you replied with a muffled hum, barely audible as you were busy gratefully enjoying the softness of your comforter with closed eyes. it felt as though it had some kind of magic that absorbed all the aching tension in your body, allowing you to finally heave a sigh in relief after such a long, tiring day.
"Where's Leo?" you asked.
"probably napping somewhere after his meal."
"You fed him?"
"Of course I did. I'm not like you, forgetting my cat as soon as I get sick." he smirked teasingly.
"I didn't! I knew you were gonna stay, and I trusted you, like I always do." Your voice was only getting weaker and weaker, sleepy as you fought a battle against sleep just to answer your cheeky best friend.
Yoongi only smiled, glancing at you with tinted cheeks. he allowed his gaze to linger just a tad bit more on your closed eyes, nose poking out above the fuzzy blanket and shoulders ever so faintly shivering as the fever still clung onto you. he found the sight so endearing, he chuckled quietly and sighed, "Good to know you do."
"'m so 'ired." You slurred.
"Sleep, darling. I'm right here." was the last thing you heard him say ever so gently before surrendering your powers and drifting into a deep slumber.
Yoongi kept observing as you slept for a while before standing up. He bent down to press one soft kiss on your cheek and another one on your forehead, then walked out of the room with extra efforts not to make any noise and disturb your peaceful night when it had just started.
"Mom is sleeping. Let's hang out in the living room, hmm?" He picked up the fluffy cat that came running towards him as soon as he saw the door opening and kissed his head. heading towards the living room with a small smile on his face.
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angelsyd · 11 months
Stay in bed I jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, drabble
summary: you and jungkook have both come down with a cold and spend a lazy day together.
word count: 269
warnings: none
note: i came up with this while sick in bed lol hope you enjoy <3
Your throat felt sore and scratchy, the worst feeling in the world. You and Jungkook both woke up this morning feeling under the weather, Jungkook a little more than you. But you held it up to him just being a big baby. 
You felt his muscular arms wrap around your waist and press his body against your back. His skin felt hot to the touch. You turned around and pressed your palm to his forehead. 
“Baby you have a fever,” you told him worriedly. “Sit down I’ll make some tea”
Jungkook slumped down at the kitchen island and you put water in the teapot and left it to boil. You grabbed some medicine from the cabinet and placed it next to him. He gave you a weak smile and took the pills dry. The sight made you cringe but you were just glad he took it. 
When the pot whistled you poured it into a mug and dropped a teabag inside. You handed it to Jungkook and he took sips, holding it with two hands. You got some for yourself and you both sat there, enjoying your hot drinks. 
After a while, Jungkook got up from his chair and wrapped himself around you again. 
“Hmm,” he hummed. “I wanna stay in bed today” 
Before you could speak, he lifted you bridal style and brought you to your shared bedroom. 
He laid you down on the blankets and placed his body on top of you, snuggling up. 
“Kook-I can't breathe” you laughed trying to push him off. 
He shushed you and spoke one word before drifting off to sleep.
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setsuuestsu · 2 months
Just a Little Rain (💧)
Word Count: 1488
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Hyung line
Summary: JK gets caught in the rain and the members are fussing over him as if he’s already sick and he insists he’s not sick and once he finally convinces them he’s not sick he actually gets sick
“We’re going on an adventure.” Jungkook sings to himself as he holds Bam’s leash and walks along the river.
“If only Jin hyung would actually let us go.” He finishes, totally not salty about that in any way. Bam glances at him, obviously intrigued by his performance because why else would Bam be staring at him like that.
He sighs, staring at all the food carts around where he is. He would kill for a snack.
But nooo, walking Bam shouldn’t take him three hours apparently, especially with an upcoming schedule he has to prepare for.
A droplet of water falls onto him. He scrunches his nose and wipes it off.
“Is ít supposed to rain?” he asks Bam, as if the dog would know.
Bam only gives him a look, which Jungkook reads as “you stupid idiot”.
He huffs. “Lets get back before hyungs send the police again.”
But as his luck would have it, the closer to the dorm he walks, the harder the rain falls. It was almost as if there was a cloud only covering the dorm.
“Holy fucking shit.” Jungkook groans, trying (and failing) to cover his hair with his hands. “We’re soaked!”
He realizes he was pulling a little hard on Bam’s leash since it was a different one, as Namjoon was currently borrowing Bam’s usual chains. “Sorry, Bammie.”
“Jin! Open up! Hyung!” he shouts as thunder claps overhead. “It’s wet! Because of the rain obviously!”
He sees an eye through the peephole. Judging from the wait time until the door was opened, it was Taehyung.
Jungkook snorts. “You aren’t Jin. And you’re barely a hyung.” He scrunches his nose. “And you stink!”
The door is shut.
“Tae hyung, please open the door.”
Eventually, after a good twenty seconds, the door is opened, this time by Hoseok, his much better-smelling hyung.
The elder passes him a warm towel from a stack in his arms, presumably just taken out of the dryer. “Kookie, you’re soaked!”
Bam shakes himself off in the doorway and Jungkook can see how much willpower it’s taking for Hoseok to not scream. He presses his nose into the towel, inhaling the scent of the detergent.
Hoseok spreads the second towel in his hands onto the floor. “Shoes off. And jacket. I’ll take that and hang it up.”
Jungkook takes Hoseok’s final towel and starts to dry Bam off. He lets the dog off the leash and leans down. “Go get Tae, okay?”
After he’s fed and watered, Jungkook is forced to shower and then lay on the couch with two blankets wrapped around him.
He raises an eyebrow. “You guys know I’m not sick, right? I was just a little muddy and a little wet.”
Jin shakes his head, setting a bottle of water and a thermometer onto the coffee table. “See Yoongi-ah? He’s delirious already.”
Yoongi fluffs his pillow with a softness that’s only reserved for Hoseok and Jungkook (only on the occasions where he’s sick or his allergies are acting up)
“Hyung, I’m fine.” Jungkook whines. “In fact, I could go for a beer.”
Jin shakes his head, then glares. “Absolutely not. Especially not after what the neighbors said last time. Singing karaoke until three AM my ass!”
He sighs, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Yoongi. The rapper glares at him and he gulps. He knows when to give up the fight.
“Do you want some tea, Jungkookie?” Hoseok softly asks, fluffy hair popping up from behind the couch. “It’s peppermint.”
He would literally rather do anything else but if Hoseok was going through the effort … well, the least he could do was say no nicely.
“No thanks, hyung. I’m fine.” He gives his best smile, which only grows wider as he hears the noises of Bam and Taehyung chasing each other, not entirely sure of who was chasing who.
Hoseok nods and disappears.
Jungkook blinks twice and then pushes himself up to peer over the couch. Where did Hoseok go??
He’s surprised by a thermometer being shoved under his tongue. He gags, but calms down quickly. He’s tempted to spit it out, but it would be a close call with Jin and Yoongi standing right there. The “keep it in or else” goes unsaid.
The thermometer beeps and Jungkook finally pulls it out and reads it, then hands it to Jin. “See? I’m fine! Now unwrap me, because I really need to piss.”
Jin sighs, muttering something under his breath about kids these days and how much of a headache Jungkook is.
It’s about 7AM the next morning when Jungkook realizes that maybe he is getting sick.
As soon as he wakes up, he notices just how stuffy he is. He can barely breathe through his nose and just the thought of being able to sounds very unachievable.
Jimin-ah, I need tissues. He texts, then sets his phone down to sneeze tiredly into his hands.
He’s so congested.
His phone buzzes and he snatches it up to see if it’s Jimin, but it’s just a Netflix recommendation for an anime he has heard of but not watched. Maybe he could do that today.
“Hoseok hyung?” he calls, sniffling rapidly. His nose is running.
The hyung in question pops his head into the room. “Morning Kookie!”
“Ca’d you grab mbe sobe tissues?” he sniffles again, covering his annoyingly itchy and runny nose with his hand.
Hoseok’s eyes widen. “Oh, love, are you sick?”
Jungkook sighs and nods. “I think so …”
Hoseok cooes. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’ll get those lotion-infused ones so they’re softer in your nose.”
He nods in response and shuffles around on his pillows for another minute as he waits for Hoseok. His nose tickles again and he hitches softly as he sneezes again. It’s itchy and he sniffles, but that just makes the feeling worse.
His hyung returns with a tray packed with tissues, cold tablets, a water bottle, tea, and throat lozenges.
“Here.” Hoseok presses the cold tablet into his hand. He opens the water bottle. “Take that first.”
Jungkook complies and takes the medicine, unfortunately too used to the routine of being sick. His nose tickles again and he rubs at it, wishing the tickle away.
Hoseok hands him a tissue and Jungkook blows, relieved at the sensation.
He feels his eyes dropping shut and he welcomes sleep.
The next time he wakes up, Namjoon is sitting in a chair next to his bed. “Hey Jungkook-ah. How are you feeling?”
He winces at the dryness of his throat. He points to the water and the leader immediately hands him the empty bottle of water that Hoseok had brought earlier.
The two stare at each other for a moment before Namjoon seems to realize.
“I-I’ll be back in a moment.”
He rams into the doorframe on the way out and Jungkook thinks that maybe Namjoon might need a long vacation.
A few moments later, Namjoon returns with an entire case of small waters. Is the leader trying to drown him?
Namjoon passes him one and Jungkook mutters a small thanks before he guzzles his water.
Once he’s finished, he reaches for another tissue and blows. He plows through another few tissues before he believes he’s good for now and then lays back down.
He shuts his eyes again for what only seems like a few minutes but the next time he opens them, Jin is standing over him brandishing a large fish.
Jungkook blinks. Am I dreaming?
“Hyung? Why do you have a fish?” he dares to ask. “What are you—?”
Jin looks down, seemingly just realizing that he’s still holding the fish. He sets it on the other side of Jungkook’s bed, which, gross. At least it’s packaged. “I was grocery shopping. And Yoongi made you porridge if you’re ready for it.”
His stomach growls and he realizes the last time he ate was last night. He’s so hungry.
“I’ll be back.” the eldest scurries out, forgetting about the fish on Jungkook’s bed. The maknae sits there in silence, staring at the fish. The fish seems to stare back.
Jin returns with a bowl of porridge and hands the bowl to the maknae, along with a spoon. “It’s very hot.”
Naturally, Jungkook inhales all of it without missing a beat.
“I’ll leave. You need rest.” Jin states, shutting the door.
Jungkook lays back against his pillows. He’s been sleeping all day, and he isn’t tired enough to sleep again.
He sniffles and lets out a small sneeze. Maybe he could count sheep?
“Hey.” Namjoon knocks on his door. “If you want, I can read to you.”
Jungkook nods, mentally blushing at how cute the leader is.
Namjoon smiles, dimples on full display. “Great! So I’ve recently been reading a book on tuna and how our obsession with—“
The maknae is asleep before Namjoon is even finished with his description.
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sickonthedancefloor · 5 months
can you please do a Taehyung sicktember fic on-
8. Persistent fever.
Caretaker of your choice.
Thank you <3
Finally! Sorry it took so long, but I finally got something out here~
Sickie: Taehyung Caretaker:  Jimin, Jin Content: fever, sinus issues, nausea, vomiting (mentioned)
‘Home early’, Taehyung types in the chat with Jimin, answering the two billion question marks he had sent while he was on the flight. Taehyung was set to do some photography in Tokyo for the next few days, but his managers and one on-site nurse told him they’d postpone and reschedule in two weeks, when the photographer had another open period. Taehyung didn’t think he was doing that poorly, certain the fever was mostly from the hangover and the stage lights, but his manager didn’t believe him for a second. So they packed up, wished him well, threw him in a mask and took the chartered jet back to Seoul.
Taehyung was under strict orders to ‘rest and recuperate’, and with a scoff he just maneuvers himself and his suitcase into his apartment and wishes his manager-hyung good night.
“I mean it,” his manager said, “I’m only leaving you alone because you said you can take care of yourself. So you better. I’m checking on you daily.”
“Hyung, it’s not that bad,” Taehyung dismissed that day, accepting the small hug and rough back pat before his manager moved back. He didn’t even bother checking his messages, didn’t even worry about his suitcase and let it drop in the living room. Shoes off, door locked, security on, Taehyung just ended up flopped in his bed and conking out for the night. He doesn’t catch his manager laying medication out on his dining room table, or the water bottle set at his bedside table next to his phone, before he let himself out and trusted Taehyung to sleep on his own.
Something felt… off. When Taehyung awoke again, he felt all sorts of wrong. His sinuses felt heavy and swollen, and he just felt overly warm and sweaty. His limbs felt heavy, but he really needed to be awake for a few minutes. He managed to get up for a little, when an odd emptiness bothered him into finally making his way into the kitchen to get something to eat. He didn’t have many fresh groceries, concerned most of it would spoil while he was out, but he did have juice. He grabbed a bottle of orange juice and then raided the pantry for his dry salvageables.
Ramen, perfect. Low-energy, little effort, still delicious. He heated up a small cup, oddly not wanting more. His stomach didn’t feel very solid… but this exhaustion just clung to him like a second skin. This wasn’t normal jetlag; jetlag didn’t normally come with sore limbs and a growing headache. But no food usually came with a headache, he remembered that much.
As his ramen cooked, he took two paracetamol from a pack laid out and sat at his table, checking his phone to send a thanks to his manager. A wonderful 6%, which had him going to find his charger while he waited for the painkillers to kick in. And he smiled. His darling Jiminie had sent him a message, full of emojis and silly aegyo-inspired phrases to greet him. He wanted to know when he was free, they could hang out or call while they didn’t have an agenda.
‘Anytime you want,’ Taehyung answered. ‘I’m free whenever.’
‘You’ve been back for 12 hours, why are you ignoring meeee?’
‘sleepg :(‘ came Taehyung’s lazy reply.
His ramen was done. Taehyung brought the cup to the table with a pair of chopsticks and began to lazily munch away. Just as he shoved a mouthful in, his phone began to buzz—with Jimin’s name flashing over the screen. Taehyung didn’t think twice before opening it, mumbling a weak “Jyiminie!” over his noodles.
Jimin frowned at his friend’s appearance on the camera. “Tae-yah… you don’t look so hot. Did you get sick?”
Taehyung shook his head, but the feeling had him grimacing a little. “Nah… just a headache,” he grumbled. “I think I’m still sleeping off the plane.”
That had Jimin’s frown growing. “But you were only in Japan… Taehyung, what happened?”
Taehyung shrugged. He knew Jimin was off traveling with his family in Europe, he didn’t want to worry him, especially given he was so far away. “They rescheduled everything for a few weeks, when the photographer’s open again. It’s no biggie.”
“Yes it is… Did they send you home sick?”
Taehyung’s deep sigh answered it all. “I’m fine, Jimin-ah. I have meds, I’ll sleep it off. It’s just a cold.”
That had Jimin sighing. He took a moment to doublecheck, asking what medication Taehyung had in his cabinet, offering to order him something if necessary. Taehyung waved him off, assuring Jimin of the cold medication he still had and a half-empty bottle of cough syrup. He showed Jimin the boxes as they chatted, for his friend’s approval. Jimin didn’t keep him on the phone long, telling him to sit still and eat his noodles. Taehyung put on light jazz and ate quietly, before he just trudged his way back to his room.
He was out by the time his head hit the pillow.
Taehyung woke to the sounds of something clanking around his kitchen. Worried about an intruder—a sasaeng, maybe?!—he sat up carefully, eyes darting around the room to look for any hidden cameras or ropes or odd people. Intruders to celebrities could be dangerous, and despite his apartment complex having top notch security, there had been a few incidences here and there. He felt wide awake, immediately although a thick feeling creeping up his throat made him want to cough. Taehyung slapped both hands over his mouth to stifle his sounds, then sipped at the water.
Then worriedly stared at the water: what if it’s poisoned?!
But… it tasted like water. It was warm, boring… maybe not poisoned. Taehyung glanced at his phone, to realize it’s been plugged into the bedside charger. Weird… When he tapped the screen, he noticed a few messages, all from Jimin.
Oh gods, Jimin could help.
Taehyung didn’t hesitate to open the contact information, ignoring the texts in favor of dialing him immediately.
There was a ding from the living room, followed by a light ringtone that Taehyung recognized instantly. And Jimin’s soft, light voice asking aloud, “Who could be calling right now?”
Taehyung didn’t move the phone until he heard the ringtone stop. Then Jimin’s voice on the other line, lighthearted but very confused: “Tae-yah? Why are you calling?”
“Jiminie… Are… are you in my house?”
That had the smaller boy huffing out a laugh, followed by footsteps shuffling to his room. When the door opened more than just a crack, he could see his best friend standing inside, his dyed-blonde hair peeking from underneath a beanie. Immediate comfort flooded Taehyung’s senses, and as he dropped his arm with the phone, he just huffed in a mixture of relief and exhaustion.
“You moron, you scared me!”
Well… that was valid. Now that Taehyung mentioned it, Jimin realized he didn’t really leave many clues. Just the message, as he pointed to Taehyung’s hand. “Well, I texted you I was coming over. I’m sorry.”
Groaning, Taehyung laid back on the bed. He felt drained again already, ready to sleep that fear out of his bones. Jimin just walked in, smoothing down his hair. “Sorry, friend. You didn’t seem like you were doing so well, so I came to check on you. I’m making soup.”
Well, that was nice.
Taehyung smiled, a wide, dopey look as he leaned back on one arm. “You’re literally the best friend I could ever ask for.”
“Good!” Jimin danced back to the kitchen with a little wiggle, which had Taehyung laughing as he watched him head back. Feeling far more relieved, he flopped back against his pillow and opened his messages, clicking through them lazily. A response to manager-hyung—he’s fine, and a bonus Jimin!—and some emojis to Jimin himself, and one back to the group chat to send kissy faces and tell everyone he’s fine. He was just tired. He lets out a loud, obnoxious sneeze, before he just sniffles and turns onto his side.
He didn’t mean to doze off, but he woke up when Jimin calls his name, sitting on the edge of the bed. Jimin’s tiny hand reached up to smooth back his hair. “Tae-yah?”
“Hmm?” Taehyung’s eyelids felt so heavy. His limbs felt weighed down, but so warm.
“Taetae… your fever feels like it’s gotten worse. Have you taken any medication? Today?”
Taehyung just shrugged. “Dunno… when did you first text me?” Honestly, Taehyung wasn’t even sure when he got back. How many hours had it been since hyung took him home? He figured it’s been more than enough time, and shrugged, sitting up. Jetlag is a bitch. “It’s okay, Jyiminie. You cooked, right?”
Jimin nodded. “Food, then medicine, then you can rest some more.” But his words had an edge of finality to it. Taehyung knew this voice well: it meant Jimin was going to get his way because he said so. But the idea of food is enough to get Taehyung out of bed. He flopped himself over Jimin’s shoulder, laughing when Jimin complained about him stepping on his heels, and the two trekked into the dining area. Honestly, Taehyung just had a dining table because he had drinking guests; usually, they ended up in front of the television to eat and chat, but the table was a good place for shots and bigger course meals. All two times a year he hosted anything.
The soup Jimin made was absolutely delicious. There was minimal kick in the spice, gentle for Taehyung’s sensitivity to spicy foods, but flavorful enough it makes him smile. He drinks more broth than noodle, picks around a few of the vegetables, and nearly yawns into his spoon. He’s just… drained.
“I hope this helps bring down your fever,” Jimin says softly, reaching over to stroke his curly hair. It’s a mess, hardened with old hairspray and oils he hasn’t washed yet. “Have you had any other symptoms? Are you coughing?”
Taehyung just shakes his head. “Not really… most of it’s just drainage. I had to blow my nose a lot yesterday.”
Or, what he thought was yesterday. This fever just makes him feel foggy, warm and heavy-limbed and exhausted. A tickle in his throat has him leaning his head into his hands, letting out a few wet-sounding coughs. He wipes leftover spittle onto his napkin.
“Okay. Medication then sleep.” That sounded great. Jimin gets some nyquil into him, and some tea, makes him wash his face, and tucks him into bed with the promise that he’ll be there when he wakes up.
When Taehyung wakes up, his body is sore and he feels rotten. His limbs ache and he feels overheated, enough that he roughly kicks his blanket before he kicks too hard and finds a leg.
Jimin looks over. He’s typing away at his phone, playing some sort of game, but pauses when he catches Taehyung trying to free himself from his blanket. To help, he reaches a hand over and tugs the blanket down to his legs.
“Taetae-yah, what’s wrong?” he asks softly.
“I’m… hot.”
Jimin tries not to snicker. “Well. Yeah, you’re sick. Feeling overheated?”
Taehyung groans, turning onto his stomach. Jimin sets a hand on his back and begins to rub his spine, but the sensation makes him feel itchy and uncomfortable, and he wiggles. “N-no…”
“No?” Jimin’s hand stops. “Taehyung, talk to me. What are you feeling?”
Taehyung groans. Laying this way doesn’t help either. Just laying here feels uncomfortable, and he turns on his side, freeing his legs completely. His pajamas feel too rough, but the idea of standing to move, change, or remove anything seems to be the worst thing. When Jimin moves his hand to touch Taehyung’s neck, the younger one squirms a little.
“No, Jyimine, it hurts,” he whimpers into the blanket.
“What hurts? Did you injure yourself?” Jimin asks, but he’s kind enough to move his hand back, shifting closer to Taehyung’s face. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
Taehyung barely shakes his head into the pillow, groaning as he does so. Why did every terrible symptom have to hit him then? His headache is back, with a slow, steady throbbing. He feels nauseous from it. “No just… anything touching me… it hurts.”
“Oh…” Jimin knows this too well. When he feels too sick, his old injuries flare up and he feels nothing but pain in the worst areas for hours. But it’s been a while since Taehyung’s last dose, and he’s slept long enough that he could take some more. “Can you sit up? Let me get you some painkillers, we can see if that helps.” Not the strongest, not while he’s like this, but… Tylenol should help. Jimin slides from the bed to get the pills and water ready, leaving Taehyung to work the strength to sit up. When he finally manages to, he takes the pills from Jimin and lets his friend help him with the water. With the pills flushed down his system, Taehyung drops heavily back onto the bed, groaning when Jimin places a cold compress on the back of his neck.
But it… feels good.
“Thanks, Jyiminie.”
“Anytime, Taetae. Get some more sleep.”
By day three, Jimin had called in reinforcements. Reinforcements come in the form of Jin making a good soup, bringing in good OTC medication, and an extra person to cuddle on the couch. Taehyung felt absolutely rotten by this point, taking to dragging around his comforter around his shoulders any time he left his room. He ends up tucked into Jin’s side, letting Jin feed him whenever he got hungry for some snack or another.
Taehyung doesn’t remember much about day three.
On the fourth day, more so later that evening, Jimin tugs the thermometer from Taehyung’s mouth and frowns. Taehyung takes the chilsung cider offered and sips at it slowly, enjoying the cold feeling. The carbonation isn’t comfortable for his throat, but it settles his stomach. The nausea had worsened overnight, to the point where Taehyung was struggling to keep food down. Besides a bit of broth from that afternoon, he hasn’t had much luck.
The chills are worse, and he’s buried deep in his comforter and still asking for another blanket. His legs have been aching, on top of all of that.
“Your fever’s up, jagiya,” Jimin says softly.
“What’s new?” Taehyung responds, pouting around his straw.
Jimin strokes his hair gently, what little he can reach from Taehyung’s comforter, and the younger one leans into the touch. While the rest of him is sore, Jimin’s touch is light and familiar, and comforting. He’s worried, Taehyung can tell, but he’s too drained to do anything about it. He trusts his hyung and his soulmate, he’ll be okay.
If he listens vaguely, he can hear Jin on the phone. The eldest had stepped away to make a phone call, but Taehyung can tell it’s either to their team doctor or to the staff’s nurse team. “—up to 38.9 now,” Jin murmurs. Or rather, Jin could be speaking normally, but things sound muffled. Taehyung just leans into Jimin’s touch and closes his eyes. “It’s not spiking, just… steadily climbing. He said he’s achy, he had a headache earlier, and right now he’s been nauseous. Ne, ne. He vomited earlier, but I think he’s trying not to again. Mm.” Jin trudges back into the room. “Tae-yah?”
Taehyung groans. “Hyung?”
“Do you think we can get you to the car? The nurse says we should get you—”
That has the sick boy groaning, shaking his head. “I ‘on’t wanna,” he groaned. “I can just sleep it off. It’s only been a day.”
“Tae-yah, you’ve been home for four days. Your fever is persisting for too long, and you’re literally not getting better…”
Taehyung groans, shaking his head. He tugs the blanket over his face, pulling away from the solace of his friend’s gentle touch. When he feels a hand press on his shoulder, he flinches and tucks himself in further.
“Jin-hyung, don’t—” Jimin protests. His voice is muffled, but the hand goes away, and Taehyung’s shoulders droop, but he’s trembling. Taehyung whines into the blanket.
Gentle fingers reach for the blanket, easing it away from his face. “Tae-yah, you’ll overheat. Jin won’t touch your shoulder, okay?”
“Do I have to get up?” Taehyung asks softly. “Jiminie, I don’t want to leave…”
Jimin hesitates, looking up at Jin. Jin, frowning at them, turns into the phone. “Can the doctor come to us? Taehyungie’s not sure he can get up right now. He can? Oh that’s perfect. We’ll be here. I’ll give him some more ibuprofen while we wait.”
Perfect. Jimin releases the breath he didn’t realize he was holding, but he grabs the water bottle while Jin opens the ibuprofen and knocks four pills into his hand.
“Okay, Tae-yah. The doctor’s coming to you, but you have to take some medicine first.”
Awful. But a deal is a deal. Taehyung grumbles, propping himself up on one arm, his opposite hand reaching out for the tablets. He lets Jimin help him with the water and washes down the medication quickly. It’ll be irritating, on an empty stomach, but the doctor knows best. If the nausea settles, if his fever goes down, he’ll get to eat again. As Jin looks at him with worry and gently scratches his hair, Jimin glances up and hopes to see his friend’s health make a turnaround soon. Both help him lay back on the couch before Jin joins Jimin to sit on the floor. As Taehyung begins to doze again, the two older ones take a breath and let it out slowly. Their doctor is coming. Taehyung will be okay.
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crystalsnow95z · 4 months
I'm unhappy with my current drafts so I'm just gonna write just whatever comes to mind. No matter how it ends up, I'm gonna post it. Forgive me if it's not good. Some days, you just have to write just for the enjoyment and not care about results.
As Jin is returning soon he's the target of my story
Warning: emeto, fever.
Sickie: Jin with a bit of Yoongi. (Because my mind said so)
Caregivers: ot7
Jin presses his forehead against Yoongi's shoulder, trying to shield his eyes from the light that caused pain to ripple across his aching head.
"What's wrong Hyungie? Your breathing is off.." Yoongi speaks softly to him, running his hand through his hair. Yoongi couldn't recall Jin ever getting sick from flying. Seokjin is usually the one caring for the younger members, him included.
"All the flashing lights at the airport gave me a headache that's all.. I'll be okay." Jin picks up his head to talk to Yoongi, but Yoongi pushes him back down when he sees a flash of pain in Seokjins eyes.
"I got some medicine to help with the pain, just rest now. Okay? Let me take care of you this time Hyungie" Yoongi digs through his carry on for some pain relievers and an eye mask frowning when he hears only a single pill rattling. Sh*t.. will this be enough to help? I thought I had more.
"This should help at least a little..it's only 200mgs though.." Yoongi speaks softly, not wanting to risk making his hyung feel worse. "I'm sorry..I'm usually better prepared for travel.."
"No, no its okay. Thank you..this will be enough to help. Its not that bad really..I'll just sleep it off." Jin swallows the small pill, drinking the bit of water he had left in his bottle, covering his eyes up, leaning his head back against Yoongi.
Yoongi tries to gently massage Jin's temple to help ease the pain, relaxing when he hears the older’s breathing slow as he falls asleep. "I hope you feel better soon.." he whispers, brushing Jin's hair behind his ear when he sees it tickling Jin's ear, making him twitch in his sleep.
"What's wrong with Seokjinnie-hyung?" Namjoon whispers when he sees Yoongi's worried expression, taking out his headphones.
"Hyungie isn't feeling well, he said he just had a headache, but it sounds like he was suppressing coughs while we were going through the airport.." Yoongi whispers underneath his breath, Namjoon having to read his lips and lean forward to understand him.
"I'll get some medicine for him.." Namjoon promises, knowing Yoongi wouldn't want to risk waking up Jin by trying to flag down a staff member.
"That'd be great, thanks Namjoon-ah.. i gave him what i had, but i don't think its enough..Namjoon... could you ah..get me some water too?" Yoongi asks in a small voice.
"Are you feeling sick too?" Namjoon furrows his brow with worry when he sees that Yoongi's cheeks lacked color.
"I'm fine. I just took the medicine for motion sickness a little too late. It'll pass in a bit.. Don't worry." Yoongi gives Namjoon a reassuring smile, ignoring the fluttering in his stomach. There's no focus point in the sky like in a car to help.. maybe I'll try to sleep too..
"Tell me if you still feel sick an hour after landing okay hyung?" Namjoon orders gently. "Just because Seokjinnie-hyung is feeling sick doesn't mean how you feel isn’t just as important.."
"I will, Joon-ah.. thank you.." Yoongi leans his head against Jin's closing his eyes, finding comfort in the familiar scent of Jin's shampoo filling his nostrils. It's a short flight.. just two and a half hours.. when I wake up, we'll be landing.. I'll feel better then..
"Hyung.." Yoongi calls to Jin, who was still asleep on his shoulder. "We landed. You need to wake up now.. Hyung.." he gently shakes his shoulder to try to jostle him awake.
"Mmmn? What?" Jin blinks his eyes slowly, trying to process what the oldest rapper was saying to him, removing the blind fold. "Yoongi..?"
"Hyungie we landed. It's time to get off the plane.." Yoongi repeats himself patiently, waiting for recognition to light up in Jin's eyes.
"Ah..right.. the award show.." Jin sits upright, wincing at the tension in his neck. "I slept in that position too long.."
"I'll see what I can do about it while we're in the car. I'm sorry, me sleeping against your head probably made it worse.." Yoongi gently rubs the back of Jin's neck, feeling the tension that limited Jin's movement.
"Yoongi please don't.. that hurts.." Jin pushes Yoongi's hands away, wincing at his touch."I'll ask for a heat pack.."
"I'm sorry Hyungie. I'm sorry.." Yoongi frowns, his eyes dilating with worry, his stomach knotting with guilt.. "You might need to make an appointment to see a chiropractor."
"Don't worry so much Yoongi-yah. You just wanted to help and i appreciate it, but it's okay. it's not that bad, but I'll talk to staff if it'll make you feel better." Jin smiles through the pain, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Let's get off this plane. I'm gonna take a shower and nap until we need to work."
"Alright Hyung, here.. you can wear my hat. It'll help block the camera lights." Yoongi unsnaps his hat from his carry on bag, placing it on Jin's head and snapping it to fit him. "I'll lead you. Just keep your head down."
Jin nods, taking Yoongi's elbow. "Ready."
Yoongi leads Jin off the plane, moving quickly to get past the mob of photographers, reporters and fans who filled the airport, all screaming for them to look in their direction.
Jimin tries to ask them to move so they can have a path, making hand motions to clear the way, Taehyung trying to shush the crowd, but it was in vain.
"Not so fast..I can't keep the pace.." Jin tries to pull away from Yoongi, but Yoongi grabs onto his arm, nearly tripping over their security guard when he quickly stepped in front of him to push a girl's arm away from grabbing onto Yoongi.
"I'm sorry Hyung..but you'll get trampled if we don't keep going this speed.. i can see the car. Please bear with it a little longer." Yoongi couldn't tell if Jin heard him over the chaos, but Jin didn't try to pull away. Namjoon went on the other side of Jin, Jungkook walking behind him, keeping a hand on Jin's shoulder.
"I..I'm going to be sick.." Jin swayed, swallowing hard refusing to let himself, the only thing keeping him on his feet is Yoongi and Namjoon holding him in a tight grip.His stomach churned his body reaching its limits. Theres so many flashes..it's making me dizzy..and the screams..my head is splitting..
Yoongi gets in the car first, pulling Jin in with him. Namjoon and Jungkook follow right behind, Hoseok pulling the door shut behind him.
"Hyung are you okay?" Yoongi asks speaking softly, rubbing his hand across his shoulder. "We're out of the crowd now. It's okay.." Yoongi tries to comfort Jin when he realizes he's shaking.
Jin shakes his head, afraid to open his mouth to speak. He places his hand over his face,his muscles tightened around his abdomen, pushing up thick bile into his throat. No..not now..please..
Namjoon acts quickly when he notices the color completely drain from Jin's face, knowing whats coming before Jin even clamped his hand over his mouth. "Sh*t, Fu*k.." he curses, reaching forward to ruffle through the center console, finding a plastic bag.
Jin tried to hold it back while Namjoon searched for something, swallowing down the bile, but it ended coming right back up with more force. He felt the warm sick fill his hand only upsetting his stomach even more.
Namjoon quickly opens the plastic bag for Jin, holding it underneath him. Yoongi looks for napkins, using the water from his carry on to wet it, taking Jins hand to clean it.
"I-im..I'm sorr..sorry.." Jin whimpers in between heaves, throwing up into the bag Namjoon held open as wide as possible.
"Hyung no, don't be sorry. Things happen..you can't help being sick. It's okay." Yoongi wets another napkin, swallowing the spit that pooled in his mouth. I can handle this. It's no big deal.. I can just wash my hands later..I can't get sick too..hyungie needs help..
Yoongi quickly tosses the soiled napkin in the bag in-between heaves, checking Jin's hand once more to be sure he got it all before taking his hand in his, rubbing his knuckles. His heart clenched when he saw Jin's eyes pooling with tears as another mouthful pushes up.
Hoseok buried his face into Jungkooks shoulder, his stomach churning sympathetically at the sound of Jin.
"Hang on, I'll help.. Hobi-hyung just wait.."Jungkook ruffles through his pocket, finding his headphones and sticking them in Hoseoks ears, turning on music to try to help. The distraction of helping Hoseok helped him hold back his emotions.
Namjoon tried to keep Jin's mind distracted so he didn't notice the others around him, talking to him gently to try to keep the focus on him and not the fact Yoongi had lost the color to his face, Hoseok was fighting the urge to Vomit from the sound of him and the teary eyed Kook who couldn't stand seeing his brothers like this.
"You'll feel better once it's all out.. it's okay.. most of us have gotten airsick before..it's no big deal..just focus on breathing.. it's okay..it's okay.."
Jin let out another few mouthfuls of half digested food, his body trembling with effort, his energy draining. His muscles burned, pushing up less each time until nothing came but thick saliva.
"I..i..m..done now.." Jin speaks in a hoarse whisper, leaning against Yoongi, trying to catch his breath again. "I'm..I'm okay now.."
"Do you think you can drink some water?" Namjoon asks softly, his hands shaking as he ties up the bag, staff grabbing to take it from him. He's still really pale and his breathing is really rough.. I hope we can get to the hotel without any issues..we had to switch hotels twice when we were in the Phillipines..
"Namjoon-ah..calm down..it's okay..I'm feeling better than I look..really.." Jin coughs in between his sentences, ruining the comfort he was trying to give his anxious leader. Jin takes a drink of the water, hoping that would help soothe his nerves.
Namjoon pushes Jin's bangs out of his face, checking to see if he felt warm to the touch, relaxing when he hardly feels warmer than his own forehead. "Try to rest until it's time to get out hyungie.."
Jin nods, getting comfortable on Yoongi's shoulder, only taking a few minutes for exhaustion to hit.
"Hyungie.. the alarm is going off. Are you awake?" Taehyung calls softly to Jin from his bed in the hotel room they shared.
"I am now..."Jin yawns, rolling over to face Taehyung, closing his eyes when the bright light from the window hits his face, making him painfully aware of the pounding headache he had didn't go away even after napping and a couple pain relievers. "What time is it..?"
"It's four-thirty, we need to be ready in an hour to go to the show..I'm sorry to wake you.. I wanted to give you time to get ready.." Taehyung apologizes with a bow,feeling guilty to wake up Jin, his stomach knotting.
He quickly runs to close the blinds when he notices it is bothering his older brother. "Sorry. I didn't want to turn on the light..the bedside lamp is broken.."
"It's okay Vuu, don't apologize. You did the right thing. I'd hate to make staff have to work on dirty hair" Jin drags himself out of bed, trying to keep himself from shaking in front of Taehyung. "I'm going to shower. Could you choose me and an outfit?"
"Of course Hyung." Taehyung goes to Jin's suitcase to find something comfortable. Jinnie-hyung still looks pale.. I'll have to tell Namjoon..
Jin goes into the bathroom, taking a few shaky breaths. Why do I feel worse after sleeping? My head still hurts just as much as before and my muscles still burn.. I need to pull myself together..Namjoon needs me to be there for him. He gets so nervous at events like this..
He slowly strips out of his clothes, turning on the shower, sitting in the tub, letting the water cascade down his back, hoping the warmth could do something for the pain.
Jin is awake now, but I don't think he's feeling any better.. It's too early for him to take another dose of pain pills, though..
Taehyung makes a chat with the other members excluding Jin.
Medical staff hasn't landed, the other flight got delayed.. they won't be here until tomorrow. Staff is looking for a local doctor that will come see him. If he gets any worse tell me. I'll get staff to take him to the hospital.
Namjoon texts. He had already wanted to find him help as soon as they landed, but finding a doctor that makes house calls last minute when it wasn't an emergency wasn't working in his favor.
Taehyung felt his heart fluttering with worry when he hears Jin coughing hard in the bathroom, rushing to check on him. "Are you throwing up hyung..?"
"No, no I'm okay..my throat is just sore from getting sick like that earlier." Jin reassures Taehyung, trying to clear his throat.
"I'll make you some tea Hyung." Taehyung places the clothes he chose for Jin on the counter, going to the keurig and placing a green tea pod inside.
Taehyung returns to the bathroom letting the tea brew. "Hyung do you want me to wash your hair? Maybe a scalp massage will help your headache."
"Alright.. but you aren't coming in here." Jin wets his hair once more before turning off the showerhead, the water running in the bath, hitting his feet.
Taehyung opens the curtains, taking the shampoo and creating a lather, massaging it gently into Jin's scalp. "I'm not being too rough am i?"
"No..it feels nice.." Jin hums, closing his eyes when Taehyung washes his bangs, the gentle circles ebbing a bit of the pain away to make it more tolerable.
Taehyung feels his shoulders relax when he hears Jin's soft sigh, giving him a sign that he was doing something to help ease the pain that plagued his eldest hyung. "Does your stomach still hurt hyung?"
"It hurts, but like..don't feel like I'm going to throw up, but my sides burn when i take a deep breath..it's sore.." Jin tells him earnestly.
"Hang on, hyung.." Taehyung goes to the kitchen, getting the ice bucket. He fills it with water halfway, using it to get the soap out of Jin's hair without having to shove his head under the sink or stand in the shower. "Keep your eyes closed, please hyung..." Taehyung keeps one hand on Jins forehead, making a barrier to keep the soap from running down into Jins eyes.
Jin obeys, pawing at his sore stomach, trying to rub the pain away. "Thank you Tete.." Jin says with a gentle smile when Taehyung finishes up with his hair, holding back a cough. "You should focus on getting ready yourself, I can wash up myself from here. I'm feeling much better now.."
"Okay hyung..I'll leave the door cracked..call for me if you need anything." Taehyung leaves, looking back at Jin before Jin pulled the curtain shut to turn back on the shower.
Washing him perked him up a bit, but he's got a cough now.. I hope he'll be okay to do the interview and performance..
Taehyung types his worries.
His throat is probably just sore from puking earlier, but I asked staff to get some medicine just in case.
Hoseok texts back, followed by Namjoon.
I'll do what I can to keep the questions off of him during the interview, and if he's not feeling well enough to perform, we can always have him sit it out.
Namjoon texts back,Taehyung feeling the tension in his shoulders loosen. The hyungs have it handled. I just need to do all i can for the team..
Okay. I made him some tea to see if that will help with his throat..
Taehyung quickly texts back, putting his phone down and returning to the kitchen to add a bit of sugar to try to combat the bitter of the tea.
Jin finishes up in the bath, wrapping a towel around his body, his knees folding underneath him when he tries to stand, dizziness making him crash onto the tile.
Taehyung runs to check on him when he hears the sound, checking his ankles for any sign of injury before getting him to his feet, sitting him up on the toliet to get him dry, rubbing a towel across his dripping body.
"Are you okay, hyung?" Taehyung says, voice a pitch higher with worry, checking Jin's legs for injuries, frowning when he sees a bruise forming on his knee."What happened?"
"I'm okay Vuu, I just fell. It's just a little bruise. It's no big deal." Jin tells Taehyung, trying to get his vision to focus on him. What's going on with me? My body feels so weak.. I need to pull myself together..
"Hyung please don't lie to me.. Are you sure you can do this? You don't look well.." Taehyung speaks softly, trying to dry Jin's hair with the towel, his his heart tightening when Jin coughs when he tries to answer.
Taehyung rubs his back, trying to ease the pain, sighing with relief when the cough stops as quickly as it begins, but that isn't good enough for him."Hyung, I don't think you should perform.. Please, consider sitting it out? At least the dancing?" He asks gently.
"I'm okay Taehyungie, I just caught a cold.. I'll take some medicine and go to bed early tonight." Jin reassures Taehyung sounding more confident than he really felt. Army worked hard to help us win this award..the least I can do is perform a few songs for them...
Jin coughs into his sleeve, trying to silence it to stop himself from interrupting Namjoon, who was politely answering the interviewers question. He feels a hand touch his thigh, looking at the owner of it, meeting the eyes of Jungkook.
The mankae offers him a water bottle, him taking it gratefully. 'Thank you..' Jin mouths, trying to wash down the foul taste of phlegm that his body kept coughing up.
Why do I feel worse after taking medicine? This isn't good..I'm performing soon..
"One last question for the group. This is the first time you'll be performing Destiny live. Army is so excited. Does it have choreography?" The interviewer asks, Jin's heart dropping into his stomach when the realization hits him.
That's right.. we've been practicing this song for a month now to show Army.. I can't let the sleepless nights we spent go to waste.. why do I have to have a center position..?
"It's okay Hyung.. you got this.." Jimin leans in to Jin, pressing his forehead against his cheek to comfort him, quickly pulling back when he feels the warmth. "Hyung-"
Jimin gets cut off by Namjoon’s voice. "This has been..."
"BTS.." Everyone speaks after him, ending the interview, the boys being rushed by staff to quickly get ready.
Jimin goes to go to Namjoon to tell him about Jin's declining health, but Jin takes his wrist. "Jimin-ah please, don't tell him.. I can do this.. I'll tell him after we perform Destiny. We worked so hard on it.. I won't be able to sleep tonight if I ruin this for everyone. It's only been twenty minutes since I took the medicine, it'll kick in by the time we perform. I'll ge okay.."
Jimin wanted to argue against him, but the determination and desperation in Jin's eyes made him give in. This means so much to him.. he'll regret it if he doesn't try and the guilt will only make him feel worse..
"Please Jimin?" Jin asks once more, knowing Jimin was close to giving in.
"Hyung please take it easy when you perform.. Army will understand if you don't give it your all..okay?" Jimin touches his shoulder, pleading in a whisper when he sees staff approaching them, giving them their mics.
"Five minutes until you perform."
Jin could feel the sweat already pooling at the back of his neck, covering up his mic to cough. He could hear Army starting the fanchant, waiting for the lights to come on.
Please..please I just need to last four minutes, please..
Jin pleaded with his body, his stomach twisting and churning with every movement, his head pounding at the sound of the screams he would normally cherish.
The lights turned on, making the screams louder as soon as Jungkook started to sing. Jin forced himself to move, his knee throbbing when he dropped to the ground to the beat, stumbling when he tried to quickly rise back to his feet.
Guilt churned his already sour stomach, bile trying to rise up his throat, but he continued to perform, ignoring his body's plea for him to stop. He moves to the next position, singing his part without letting the audience know how poorly he is feeling, quickly moving to side to cough, his throat unable to handle the notes he usually hit with ease.
Namjoon joins him, quickly getting him water before Hoseok finishes his verse. "Hyung you need to take it easy. I can see your hands trembling.. Are you okay?"
Jin doesn't answer him, taking the water from his hand and taking a drink,but the water his too heavy on his stomach, his body instantly pushing it up, placing his hand over his mouth, Vomit soaking his palm.
He could hear the crowd in front of him screaming in worry for him, his legs turning to jello, Namjoon quickly catching him before he hits the floor.
"Sh*t, Hyung.. we need to get you back stage, hang on.."
Namjoon flags staff over, the security guards leading him down the steps. Namjoon clenches his teeth, forcing himself not to follow Jin, quickly going back to the stage, nearly running into Jimin . It'll be too hard on the team for two of us to be missing. I'll check on him the moment we get off stage..
The members already knew what happened without Namjoon telling him, Jimin's voice trembling when he sings knowing he could've prevented it if he just told on Jin in the final place.
Jin is lead to the nearest waste bin, Mr. Lee holding him up as he throws up a thick liquid, his body trembling, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I..i..ruined it.." He sobs, another mouthful of sick coming in-between reaches. "I let..everyone d..do.." his words get cut off by his stomach pushing up more hot sick, splashing into the bin.
"Don't speak. No one will blame you for being sick. Just focus on breathing right now.. okay Seokjin-sii?" Mr. Lee rubs his hand across Jin's back, feeling his body trembling with effort. "It's okay.. you need to calm down.."
Jin tries to take deep breaths, but each breath he tries to take only causes him to cough, his lungs screaming for air. "I...i..can't.."
After a few minutes he could hear the sound of his members rushing to him, Namjoon taking over for Mr.Lee. "hyung you can be so stubborn.. you should've told me you still felt like this.."
Jin felt Namjoon's arms wrap around his chest, supporting his weight as he dry heaves pushing up nothing but strings of spit "I'm..I'm sorry.." he answers in a raspy whisper, leaning into Namjoon, waiting for the waves of nausea to end.
"Hyung you dont have anything left in your stomach.. please try to breathe..." Namjoon adds softly, feeling himself sweat from contact, using his sleeve to wipe the sweat from Jin's face. "You're burning up.."
Jon focuses on breathing, the dry heaves dying down to coughs, pushing the can away from him, leaning into Namjoon. Namjoon gently lowers him gently moving him to be able to rest his head on his lap.
Yoongi wets a towel with a bottle of water, gently wiping the sweat from Jin's face, his heart tightening to see Jin's pained expression up close, his eyes tightly shut when he breathes in from his strained muscles.
"I'm sorry..I just wanted to do one.. song and I thought I had it.. under control.." Jins voice comes out soft, still trying to catch his breath, covering his face with his arm.
"Don't worry about that right now.. just focus on your breathing right now? Do you think you can drink some water?" Namjoon asks softly.
Jim shakes his head, his stomach churning at the thought of putting anything in his system. "Maybe...I should go to the hospital to get an IV.." he sits up slowly, holding his sore middle.
Yoongi places a hand on Jin's back to help him. "Hyung we weren't going to give you a choice on that one.. you really scared us Hyung.. especially Jiminie."
Jin looks around, his chest tightening when he sees Jimins eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "Im sorry I should've tried harder to talk you into not performing.."
"Jimin-ah..come here." Seokjin pulls Jimin into a hug. "I shouldn't asked you to be quiet.. it's not your fault okay? It's just mine for letting my emotions get the better of..." he coughs, trying to cover it with his fist.
"The car is ready." Staff tells them.
"Thank you.." Namjoon says, gently leading Jin to his feet, feeling him tremble with effort. He's trying to act tough, but he's still so pale and shaky. "Let's get you taken care of.. no more hiding how you feel okay hyung?"
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sickiesope · 7 months
Hello! Can I request sick jungkook with a bad stomach bug and he’s sick all night? Any caretaker is fine
Another sick JK fic! :) I couldn't decide on a caretaker so I chose two, I love the maknae line together 💜
Up all night
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Jimin and Taehyung
TW: emeto
It's 3 in the morning and Jungkook is throwing up into the toilet once again. He's been going back and forth from his room to the bathroom all night. He caught a vicious stomach bug out of nowhere and took a turn for the worse after dinner. Taehyung and Jimin are both up taking care of the maknae. Jimin rubs his back while Taehyung went to get water.
Jungkook leans in front of the toilet as his stomach cleches and he pukes up his dinner. Little pieces of undigested bibimbap floating in the bowl, he stares at it glumly.
Jimin feels so bad seeing the youngest like this. Now that he thinks about it, Jungkook seemed like he was struggling a bit at dance earlier. His face looked pale and he seemed to get tired faster...and now he's hunched over the toilet throwing up everything he ate.
Jungkook is shaking all over as he holds himself over the bowl, breathing shallow. He upchucks another lumpy wave, filling the bowl more. "Hyung.." he whimpered "I hate this."
"Awwh, it's okay Kookie" Jimin coos, rubbing circles into his upper back. Jimin feels his back muscles tense up when he heaves and sways forward, projectile vomiting. The older grimaces at the awfulness, that was an especially bad one. Jungkook is coughing and spitting repeatedly and sweating profusely. His stomach is in shambles and he has cramps from all the heaving. When he finally finishes spitting he's catching his breath.
"Yeah.. for now" JK wipes his forehead.
Jimin flushes it for him and wipes his face with a towel.
Taehyung is waiting for him outside with water. Jungkook takes a sip and swishes his mouth and spits into the sink. He doesn't want to risk swallowing it and getting sick again.
"You should drink some as well Kook"
"Ugh, I'll just puke it up again" JK whined.
"You don't want to get dehydrated" Taehyung advises.
Jungkook sighs, looking at the cup. He takes a few tiny sips and holds his breath, seeing how his stomach reacts. It seems..fine. For now.
"Let's get you back to bed" Taehyung murmurs, leading him out.
Jungkook holds his middle as he trudges back to his room. But as soon as he gets comfortable back in bed, his stomach starts roiling again. "Ughh, come on" he moans, sitting up and taking off the blankets. He gags and gets up in a panic with a hand over his mouth. JK races as fast as he can to the bathroom but he doesn't make it; he threw up all over the floor in an instant. "Ahh fuck.." His stomach forced it up so fast within 5 seconds. Taehyung and Jimin gasp and rush over.
"Oh no, Kookie! It's okay, come here" Jimin gets him to the toilet and he spews up more liquid.
"Oh no I'm so s-sorry" Jungkook's choking out sobs.
"It's okay it's not your fault" the elders both reassure him. Jimin goes back to rubbing his back and Taehyung cleans the floor. They give him another set of clothes to change into as he got the other ones dirty. They also give him a trash bin for his room.
Jungkook sits in his bed with it as he doesn't trust his stomach enough to lie down again. And right he is. He burps and out comes a bitter tasting mouthful of liquid. He's dry heaving and coughing over the bucket on the corner of his bed. He's exhausted. "No more throwing up..no more.." the maknae whimpered to himself, eyes tearing up. Jungkook throws up more water and it comes out his nostrils too. Now it burns breathing through his nose and his eyes are really watering. He spits out bile and wipes his eyes with a tissue.
"N-no more.." Jungkook looks at the bit of vomit in the bin and sighs. He rubs his stomach trying to calm it. He can feel exhaustion taking over and he flops back against the pillow. It's almost 5 now and his body is just done.
Jimin and Taehyung join him in bed to make sure he's okay and they're tired as well. Jungkook soon drifts off into a deep sleep.
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Fever dream Taehyungie. I read some fics with this and I'm hooked.
Choose whoever you like as the caregiver and whatever other sickness you want to add. I have no problem with emeto 💜
Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave (sick TH)
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Sick: Taehyung
Caretakers: ot7, Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin
Tw: emeto, vom**, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, fevers, nightmares, puking
Word count: 1744
Thanks for the request, anon!! I really enjoyed this, and I hope it's what you had in mind 🫶
Cold. Taehyung was so so cold. And... where are his hyungs? One second they were right there, and now it's all dark? They were with him before he got sucked into dreamland? But now he feels freezing and so... alone. "Hyungs?" Taehyung wants to reach out but his arms feel like lead and won't cooperate.
Shadows were growing around him and his brothers were becoming distant, his cheeks are wet with tears and he wants to yell for them to come back but the sounds don't make it past his throat. Did they really leave him?
He woke up with a sharp gasp, almost instantly dissolving into tears that wrack his frame. Yoongi is quick to pull him into an embrace, cradling his head into his chest. Despite the younger being taller than he is, Taehyung looks so small in the rapper's arms. "You're burning up, Taetae." Yoongi says, feeling warmth radiating off of the younger's skin.
"I'm c-cold... w-wh-where are the others?" Taehyung's head perks up, eyes wide and scared. The dream felt so vivid. "Hyungie, are they gone?" Taehyung suddenly tries to stand up, pulling away from Yoongi's grasp.
"Woah, careful." Yoongi rushes to help Taehyung and sits him back down with little effort needed. "They're okay, Taehyungie." He comforts, rubbing his back in circles. "I-I need to see them, h-hyung—" Taehyung cries, gripping onto Yoongi like a lifeline.
"Shh, okay. Let me get Jinnie and the others." Yoongi takes out his phone, frantically spamming Seokjin's number. All of Taehyung's weight is up against Yoongi and the flow of tears has him biting his lip in worry. "Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin sheepishly walks into the room, rubbing his eyes and taking a split second to register Taehyung.
"Oh, Taehyungie, baby." Seokjin rushes over, petting and soothing over his hair as Taehyung instinctively reaches for the eldest. "H-hyung... I thought you left me." Taehyung mumbles, breaking out in tremors and moving to wrap an arm around his stomach.
"Of course not, baby. Gosh, you're so warm. Yoongi, what happened?" Seokjin turns to the rapper. "He was dreaming, kept calling out for us and now he's got a fever." Yoongi explains. They both look at Taehyung with pity, thinking on what to do. "We have to give him some medicine, he's way too hot." Seokjin concludes.
"No—I need to see Jiminie a-and Namjoon-hyung—" Taehyung sniffles, hiccuping between words. Yoongi sadly rubs his back, turning to Seokjin. "Aw Taehyungie... how about we go to the living room and I'll get the others?" Seokjin offers, using his thumb to wipe away the tears. Taehyung nods approvingly, somewhat calming down.
They go on either side of the younger, helping him to the lounge. Yoongi flicks on a couple lights, putting them on the dimmest setting. Taehyung reaches for Yoongi and he gladly holds him on the couch. Seokjin starts off at the closest bedroom. Jimin and Hoseok's.
"Hoseokie? Jiminie?" He calls into the dark room, walking in to find the two curled in each other's embrace, both their beds pushed together. They start to stir after a few taps. "Sorry guys, Taehyungie is sick and a bit emotional. Can you both comfort him in the living room?" Seokjin explains in a hushed voice. It wakes them up and Jimin's eyes are already glistening with worry. "Of course, hyung." Hoseok replies. Onto the next bedroom.
"Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin hears the snoring cut off. "Hmmg..? Hyung?" The leader groans. "Can you go to the living room, please? Taehyungie has a fever." He says, gaining a hum as Namjoon swings his legs out of bed. And now, the maknae.
"Kookie?" Seokjin moves straight to the bed, gently rubbing over Jungkook's thigh. "Jungkook-ah." He tries again, making the lump roll over. "Taehyung needs you, Bunny." And that finally wakes him up. "Huh..? Is he okay?" Jungkook rubs his eyes, making a move to get up. "Fever, bad dream." Seokjin summarises, letting the youngest follow him back to the living room.
Taehyung is still next to Yoongi but Jimin is giving him a kiss on the cheek, Hoseok tying back his hair and Namjoon is standing nearby, not wanting to crowd the boy. "Taehyungie-hyung?" Jungkook says when he catches sight of the second youngest. He looks up from the couch and is visibly relieved. "You g-guys didn't leave?" Taehyung's lip quivers. The six of them butt in to reassure Taehyung, telling him they love each other way too much to even fathom the idea.
"Taetae, do you feel well enough to take some medicine?" Yoongi asks, all too aware of the sticky heat coming from the singer. He's still so out of it. "Mm.. I don't know." Taehyung pouts, "does anything hurt? Your ears, throat, head, stomach?" Jimin asks, kneeling down in front of Taehyung. "Tummy.. and my head feels dizzy." Taehyung concludes, just now picking up on the nausea washing over him in waves.
He shivers and curls up to Yoongi. "Hyung... I think I'm gonna throw up." Taehyung whines, face squashed into Yoongi's shoulder. "Aish–right now?" Yoongi looks to Hoseok for help, "I'll get a bag—" Hoseok dashes off, right as Taehyung moans in discomfort, chills going up and down his spine. Seokjin leaves to grab some towels and medicine. Namjoon and Jungkook take a seat on the other couch, talking to each other worriedly.
Hoseok comes back with a puke bag, quickly handing it to Taehyung who grips it shakily. "You're okay, Taehyung-ah." Yoongi starts rubbing up and down his back, sympathising when he feels his muscles clench and a dry gag escapes. Taehyung feels like he's on a merry-go-round, he's not enjoying it. Before he was cold and lonely, now he's covered in sweat, about to heave up his dinner. What a night.
He looks up from the bag, noticing Seokjin returning and all his brother's concerned faces. It makes him think back to his fever dream and a tear slips before a nasty heave takes over. It leads to a string of drool and acidic taste in his throat. Jimin uses his small hand to wipe away the tears, moving to sit next to Taehyung. "Let it up, Tae." Yoongi slips into daegu satoori, hoping to comfort the younger some.
Taehyung sucks in a deep, shaky breath before bringing up a mouthful of sick. It gets the momentum going and before he can relax, another bout exits him. "We're right beside you, Taetae. You're doing great." Hoseok comforts, looking away from the puke bag but also trying to support his dongsaeng.
Taehyung retches, spine curling over as he vomits. He feels so hot and sticky, tshirt plastered to his back. Seokjin uses a damp cloth to wipe Taehyung's forehead, holding it on as he coughs into the bag. "Namjoon-ah, can you get the thermometer please?" Seokjin asks, tone filled with concern.
"Sure, hyung." Namjoon responds quickly. "Ughh—my tummy doesn't feel good.." Taehyung whimpers, fingers still clutching the bag. Jungkook watches with sympathy. "Poor baby, Taehyungie. You'll feel better soon." Jimin rubs the 95's knee, Yoongi tracing along his back.
Taehyung doesn't feel like he'll ever get better. He would make another statement that he's dying, but a painfully dry heave cuts him off. It highlights just how empty Taehyung now is. But his stomach sets him off anyways, into endless (about 3) empty gags. "Tae-yah it sounds like you're finished. Wanna try relax a little?" Yoongi points out, slowly easing the younger's grip on the bag.
"Yoongi's right, Taehyungie. I'm sure Jungkook's happy to give you some company on the couch?" Seokjin smiles, and Taehyung swallows down a retch before weakly nodding. Yoongi manages to take the bag, making note to keep it away from Hoseok's general direction before disposing of it.
Seokjin and Jimin wipe down Taehyung's face, just as Namjoon comes back with the thermometer, holding it out. "Ah, thanks Joonie." Seokjin says, grabbing the device and hovering it over the second youngest's forehead. It beeps and reads, "39.1° (102.4°)" Seokjin says out loud, "shit. Taehyungie, you're really warm, how about we take your shirt off?" The eldest adds.
Taehyung nods, face blank and zoned out. "Arms up," Jimin helps take off the top, leaving Taehyung exposed on the couch. "Can I lay down with Jungkookie?" Taehyung looks up at Jin, then glances at the youngest. "Of course, Kookie? Is that okay?" Seokjin turns to Jungkook, who responds with a reassuring nod. Jungkook motions for Taehyung to come closer. With Hoseok's and Jimin's aid, Taehyung gets nestled on Jungkook's chest, both of them long ways on the couch. Jungkook has an arm tucked around Taehyung securely, while he listens to the soothing rhythm of Jungkook's heartbeat.
"Promise not to be sick on me?" Jungkook jokes, retracting the statement when Taehyung frowns sadly. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well, hyungie. You can throw up on me, that's fine." Jungkook kisses Taehyung's temple, ruffling his hair at the same time. At least that gets Taehyung to whimper-laugh, his body still isn't happy with him.
Before Taehyung lets himself drift off, he opens his eyes and scans the room. He sees five pairs of eyes staring back lovingly, the elder members smiling at the fondness between the two youngests. "Don't worry, Taehyung-ah. We'll be right here when you wake up." Yoongi hums, beginning to settle on one of their armchairs, letting out a huff when Jimin sits on his lap, but not making him move either. Fully reclining the other couch, Hoseok is comfortably squished between the leader and Seokjin.
"Okay, I love you, hyungs." Taehyung murmurs softly. He surrendered to the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the presence of his brothers soothing him to not worry about any more dreams.
Hours passed and they slept semi-comfortably. Seven people in one living room was a lot. Slowly, Taehyung stirred awake, greeted by the gentle caress of Jungkook's hand on his head. Blinking away the sleep, he found himself still tucked up to Jungkook. "Hey there, sleeping beauty." Jungkook whispered.
Taehyung grinned weakly, "did I throw up on you?" He asked, voice raspy but amused. "Not this time, hyung." Jungkook chuckled. The lounge room was bathed in a morning glow, Taehyung noticed his other hyungs, still there and their expressions more relaxed. The worry he felt during his fever-induced dream was replaced by comfort, yes he was still uneasy but he now had some support.
"I told you we wouldn't leave, Taehyungie." Jimin chims in, perched on Yoongi's lap. "Thank you, Jiminie-hyung."
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darl-ingfics · 18 days
Sicktember Day 6: Dizziness/Vertigo
Fandom: BTS
Sickie: J-Hope/Hoseok (exhaustion)
Caregiver(s): Suga/Yoongi
Word Count: 517
The concert was going well. The crowd’s energy was electric. The lights, the dancing, the vocals, the warm evening breeze; everything was perfect.
But suddenly, everything was too much. 
One moment, J-Hope was having the time of his life on stage with Suga and RM. The minute they stepped off stage, though, Hoseok came crashing back into his body, and he felt off. Woozy. Shaky. Almost as if he were drunk. The world was pitching dangerously from side to side, as if they were on a ship in the middle of a storm. The lights were too bright one second, nearly gone the next. He could hear his own heart beating madly in his ears.
Too much. Too much. 
Hoseok stumbled off to a corner of the backstage, a step into the hallway that led to the dressing rooms. He collapsed against the wall, all but crumbling to the floor. He forced deep breaths in and out, in and out. The world kept tilting. Why is this happening? Even with his eyes closed, he felt so fiercely dizzy. What did I do wrong? Why am I…? Where am I…?
Two hands, sweaty and warm, cupped his equally sweaty face. Yoongi. “What’s wrong?” It wasn’t really a question, but an instruction.
“Dizzy,” Hoseok replied, keeping his focus on breathing in and out, in and out. One of Yoongi’s hands moved to Hoseok’s forehead and the dancer forced a laugh. “We just got off stage… You’re not gonna…”
“You’re right, I can’t feel a fever, but you are significantly more flushed than usual right now,” Yoongi replied, but he did pull both of his hands away. Hoseok blindly reached his own hands towards the older man, more of an opening of his palms than anything, and Yoongi grasped them tight. “You’re also frighteningly pale.” Hoseok nodded once. He wasn’t confident that opening his eyes would do either of them any good. “How long have you…?”
“Just started when we got off stage.”
“Hopefully just exhaustion then.” Hoseok nodded again. “Overstimulation. Maybe dehydration.”
“Probably.” The dancer squeezed Yoongi’s hands, and the older man felt his own chest constrict in sympathy. “Hyung, I feel so weird.”
Yoongi bit his lip. “I’m gonna go get some help, okay?”
Hoseok’s eyes opened in a flash. “Please don’t leave!” Even sitting against the ground, the dizziness was overwhelming, and he careened forward. Thankfully, Yoongi was waiting to catch him. 
“HELP!” Yoongi called towards the backstage area. “SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE!” 
Hoseok’s eyes remained firmly shut as a swarm of movement exploded around him. He felt almost separate from his body, as if the sensations around him were happening to someone else. His body was moved, laid on its back against the cool, hard floor. Hands proded at him, pulled at his clothes, ice pushed against his neck. Namjoon’s voice weaved in and out, Jin’s voice herding Jimin and Jungkook away. 
The only real, true thing that anchored Hoseok to this moment was Yoongi’s hand in his. Yoongi never let go. Not once. And, as long as Hoseok kept asking him to, he never would.
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katiesdailystruggle · 10 months
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Okay yall. I quit trying to make this perfect. I'm well aware it's a little rough around the edges, and I'm also well aware not everyone will like it. Nonetheless, here’s my community service to the sickie bangtan lovers for this year <3
Drabble fic is below the cut. Thanks for waiting patiently! I truly hope you enjoy this pure indulgence lmao.
Title: one stormy night
Word count: 2.2k
Ship: namjinkook - caretakers namjin, sickie jungkook
Tropes: sickfic, fluff, lil bit of snz, basic flu symptoms (the good stuff ya know)
Set in a random AU where Namjin are lovers who own a small shop, Jin is a healer, Namjoon is a mage, and Jungkook is just struggling, ill stranger who manages to fall head over heels in love with his saviors, whilst namjin also fall hard lol.
Seokjin was startled abruptly at the sound of the iron knocker pounding the front door, pausing his job of drawing the drapes for the evening. He and his lover, Namjoon, shared a small cottage in the middle of the woods that was outfitted into a potion shop for the neighboring villagers.
It was well passed their closing time, and Jin knew they didn’t have any appointments on file this late in the day. His stomach clenched with nerves as his gaze shifted to his husband’s usual position by the hearth. “I’ll get the door,” he softly said, making his way over to gently coax Namjoon back down to sit in the armchair. “You had a lot of spells today. Rest a while, I can handle this.”
It was getting late, he was exhausted from a long day’s work, and he didn’t know who was pounding on the door. It would be easy to become frustrated and get rid of whoever beckoned them, but Jin wasn’t heartless. It was storming outside, and maybe someone needed help. The healer in him wouldn’t let someone in need fend for themselves, and he would much rather waste some time than have regrets in his consciousness.
Pulling his evening robes further across himself to help defend the evening chill, Jin released the deadlock and the binding spell on the door, cautiously opening it a crack to peer outside. An unfamiliar silhouette greeted him, though it was difficult to perceive little else due to the heavy rainfall.
“Good evening, stranger,” Jin’s eyes ghosted over the heavily soaked man before him, an oversized hood covering his features dripping rapidly as the rain continued to pour down relentlessly. “I’m afraid we haven't met before, is there something I can do for you?”
“Please,” came the drenched strangers’ reply. “I’m just trying to make it to eastern lands.” Jin took mental note of the thick rasp and nasally tone in his voice. “I just need a roof to block this storm for an hour or so. I’m very weary from traveling.” The stranger didn’t make any move to invade their cottage of his own volition, and he was leaning heavily against their meager porch post for support to stay upright.
The poor dear. Squinting in a fruitless attempt to see better through the storm, Jin took note of the stranger’s trembling frame, his soaked clothing underneath the heavy travel cloaks, and the poorly fitted boots on his feet. He’s been traveling for a long while, weeks at the very least.
“You’re welcome to come in and dry off for as long as you need,” a soft smile adorned Jin’s features as he reached out to help support the traveler’s weak frame for the short distance inside. “We haven’t got much to offer in means of transportation to the east, but you must at least rest here a while. You’re soaked through.” A familiar pang of sympathy pulsed through his heart.
Jin’s own clothing was becoming rather damp just holding the stranger’s underarms, it couldn’t have been comfortable in the slightest to travel through this disastrous weather heavily weighed down by wet cloaks.
At the sound of the door shutting behind them, Namjoon stood up abruptly, eyes narrowed skeptically onto the hooded stranger, but he made no move to turn him away either. Jin nodded in silent thanks for his husband’s trust, as the two made their way slowly across the foyer. "A traveler needs a place to rest tonight. Help me tend to him, Joonie?"
Catching him by surprise as he was speaking, Jin nearly tripped over himself when the stranger suddenly bent over, a series of thick, painful coughs erupting from deep within his chest. As he fought to pull in a deep breath, Jin gently tugged back his hood to better inspect the ailments plaguing him.
And - oh. What an absolute darling. The gentle scrunch of his nose, the soft doe eyes crinkled in irritation as the worst of the coughing fit passed. His cheeks were flushed from the cold air, and the fringe of his bangs dripped with rain water as they hung in front of his eyes. He was beautiful. Jin had only ever had eyes for Namjoon, but the sweet one before him brought up emotions bubbling within that he had not felt before. He always did get attached easily.
No matter though, he had a job to do, and the stranger needed medical attention regardless of his mysterious beauty. Jin was a professional, and he would tend to whatever ailment was present.
“That cough sounds awful, dear,” Jin spoke softly as he made to undo the poorly tangled cloak ties. “You can call me Jin-hyung, what would you like me to call you?”
“Jungkook is my name,” the little one managed to rasp out and Jin hardly concealed a wince at the painful sound of crackling phlegm in his throat. “I don’t mind what you call me though. I don’t have any means to pay, I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s eyes were glistening with unshed emotion, and he was sniffling thickly, pawing at his nose and eyes desperately in obvious irritation.
Another pang of sympathy shot through Jin’s heart at the sight of tears, but before he could utter another word, Namjoon was already stepping around him to help Jungkook settle into an empty cot by the healer’s table. Jin easily recognized the look in the mage’s eyes as one of empathy and adoration. They were both so utterly hopeless.
“That’s quite alright, Jungkookie, you needn’t worry about such affairs,” Namjoon spoke in a soft whisper. “You can call me Namjoon hyung. Just lie back, and we will take good care of you. I promise.”
A mixed array of confusion and relief flooded Jungkook’s sweet features, and he blinked several times, allowing a few stray tears to trickle down his cheeks. “Thank you hyungs, I’m afraid I’m not well,” he briefly paused speaking as his breathing caught roughly, a small trembling hand still rubbing harshly at his nose. “It’s been weeks and this head cold just isn’t going away. My travels have just made everything w-worse…oh…e-excuse me,” His lovely eyelids fluttered shut, as several productive sneezes ripped out of his chapped nose, chest heaving wildly in a desperate attempt to quell his breathing back to normal. Jungkook let out a shuttering sigh afterward, teary eyes darting away from the healer every so shyly. “Pardon me, please. I can’t seem to stop sneezing.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Jin cooed gently, reaching out to wipe his messy nose with a handkerchief. “Sounds like a little more than a nasty cold to me. I’m a trained healer, and Namjoonie here is a mage. I’ll check you over and see if we can’t get some medicine and hot soup into you by the end of the hour.” His gentle, calculated hands were tenderly pulling Jungkook’s soaked downshirt off, Namjoon already having started freeing him of his trousers.
“We need to get you out of these wet clothes and bundled up to dry by the fire,” Jin wrapped a soft, cotton towel around Jungkook’s trembling frame, and the relief on his face was so genuinely innocent, that he felt his own emotions stirring up. “Joonie, dear, if you wouldn’t mind putting the kettle to boil, fetching me some blankets and a clean nightshift, please.”
Jungkook was finding it harder to pay attention to Jin’s words than it should’ve been. Time seemed to slow down as he lost the ability to function properly. His breathing was becoming labored and that ever-present aching in his chest was becoming a harsh sting now. When did it get so warm? Or was it cold? He couldn’t tell anymore.
He had begun to slouch so low into himself, and his eyes were starting to close tiredly. Jin gently pressed the back of his hands to Jungkook’s cheeks and neck, humming softly at the detection of his obvious temperature. The poor dear, so very exhausted from traveling ill. “It’s quite alright if you fall asleep now, sweetheart. Just lie back down, I’ll wake you when I have medicine for you to take.”
As if by order of Jin’s permission, Jungkook’s consciousness slowly slipped into a light doze, long past the point of exhaustion. His breathing evened down to labored short puffs of stuffy air, nose scrunched up ever so sweetly into a sleepy, ticklish expression. It only had been movements, but Jin’s heart was entirely stolen.
At the younger’s slip into a fitful sleep, Jin made quick work of checking his vitals, throat, nose, and ears - getting a specific reading on his rising temperature, a worrying one, no less. Namjoon was back a few moments after he finished pulling a thick comforter up over Jungkook’s sleeping form.
“Water just started boiling hyung,” he whispered as he placed a stack of wool blankets and a silken shift on the armchair. “Want me to fill a basin of hot water and get some ailment tea brewed?”
Jin’s eyes softened even further at his lover, unable to look stressed even in the face of the ill young one beside himself. “That would be lovely, Joonie, thank you. Help me dress him first?”
Jungkook’s head felt heavy, dizzyingly so. There was also a nauseating spin of the room from lying horizontally as his ill body fought to stay sleeping. He didn’t know how long he’d been dozing off, time was passing unawares to him, though it didn’t feel near long enough before his consciousness was slipping back in. An irritating tickle was forming deep in his sinuses, whilst, unfortunately, his little nose scrunches were doing little to fight back. Having no wherewithal to cover, Jungkook released a flurry of wet, desperate sneezes into the firm chest next to him.
“Oh Jungkookie,” Namjoon softly cooed from above. “Blessings, you sound so poorly.” He was poorly, what a gods sent gift the hyungs shop was nearby. Sniffling desperately to contain the productive wetness that was now beneath his nose, Jungkook felt his eyes well up once more.
“My handkerchief is wet.” He whined softly, words muffled into the sweet hyung cradling him. He needed something to cover with, he needed to sneeze again. And what a tragedy it was indeed because the tickle persisted despite the fit he had just released previously. Damn, his ever-sensitive nose. Always getting in the way of comfort.
“I can’t blow my nose… and I need to…” He trailed off breathily, already starting to work his way into a hitch. A shuffling of movement briefly distracted his gasping speech, as his face was suddenly covered in a warm, large bundle of soft fabric. “Here, sweetie. All yours.” Jungkook felt Namjoon’s deep voice reverberate through his whole being, though perhaps that was also the fever chills shaking him through.
Noting he was now pressed against bare skin, not a cotton downshirt, his brain fumbled to keep up with the fact that he was presently leaking tears and mucus all over Namjoon’s shirt. He wasn’t thinking, the logical part of his brain long past gone, in the throes of his current predicament. If he had been, perhaps the prospect of using another man’s shirt in lieu of a handkerchief would’ve been embarrassing. One he had scarcely just met, no less. But he didn’t even have time for that. His eyes were watering, mouth falling open in desperate breaths, his nose burning ever so badly as it teased his need for release. Instead of granting him relief, though, the hitching just made him cough harshly, once again, all over Namjoon.
“Let’s get you in some dry clothes, sweetie,” Namjoon muttered, gently combing his hands through the young man’s hair. “I have a nice, warm nightshift right here for you.”
All Jungkook could seem to muster out was a small moan in response, shaky and once again, hitched, as he pawed at his nose in sleepy annoyance. “I know Jungkookie, almost there. I’m sorry, I know it’s chilly. Just gotta get this over your head now…there we go, left arm first, good boy.“ Was that Jin’s voice now? The feeling of cold air fading into warm silk on his skin caused a raspy whine to come out of his mouth before his thoughts even caught up. “It’s okay, it’s okay. All done.” Definitely Jin.
Despite the warm, dry clothing covering him now, chills racked his body relentlessly. It didn’t take but a few more hitching breaths before his face scrunched up in a defeated flurry of congested sneezes. “Bless you, little one. Come on, blow for me,” Jin whispered from his left, the down shirt coming back up to cover most of his face. Jungkook was ever obedient though, so he managed to huff out a thick blow at Jin's discretion. Gods this shirt was going to be so gross. Poor Namjoon. “There we go, all better. Good job, Jungkookie.” For someone whose shirt was now a makeshift hanky, Namjoon’s voice sounded awfully pleased with him.
A flush dusted his cheeks as he glanced up at both men in pure adoration, one not having to do with his fever. But the hyungs didn’t need to know that. Soft wool blankets were quickly wrapped around his shoulders, and he let out a relieved sigh when his feet were placed in a basin of hot water. The trembling didn’t stop, nor did the deep aches in his body, but the sudden warmth and Namjoon and Jin’s presence were enough to let him doze off for a while. He was safe. And for now, that was enough.
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cuddlepilefics · 2 months
In hot water
Fandom: BTS
Sickie: Jungkook
Caregiver: Yoongi
Prompts: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
No one’s POV.:
Jungkook had expected it to be a slow day, which he planned to spend by taking Bam to the park and maybe meet up for ice cream with some of his friends. Before he even got a chance to head out though, a headache set in shortly after breakfast and he figured he’d be fine after having a cup of coffee. Bam grew a little impatient with him when he settled on the couch, sipping his coffee. “I know, we’re gonna play soon, Bammie”, Jungkook chuckled, scratching the dog behind the ears. Though the bitter taste of coffee put his mind on high alert, physically, the energy seemed to leave his body and setting the empty cup down on the coffee table, he stretched out on the couch. He wasn’t going to sleep, Jungkook told himself. He’d just rest his eyes a little till the headache improved.
When Jungkook woke up, he was drenched in sweat. Had the air-conditioning shut off while he had been asleep? It had unbearably stuffy inside his apartment and he sluggishly sat up, groaning when his entire body ached. He really shouldn’t have slept on the couch. Bam looked at him expectantly, impatient to finally go to the park. Soothingly petting the dog, Jungkook apologized and got to his feet. He dizzily staggered to his room to change his clothes, throwing his sweaty outfit into the wash before fetching himself a drink. The headache still persisted but the dizziness was probably due to overheating and dehydration, so he should be okay to go out after having some water. He had to. He had promised Bam that they’d go and it had been a while since he had last taken his beloved pup to the park.
Between grabbing a hat and sunglasses to shield himself from the relentless sun and packing water for both of them, Jungkook had almost forgotten to bring a ball but excited as he was, Bam had already been chewing on it for a bit and eagerly carried it to the front door where he waited for the singer to connect his leash. Though he didn’t feel like going out in the slightest, too sweaty to bear the heat and too tired to be moving about, Jungkook felt it was all worth it when he looked at his happy companion. Bam had missed playing fetch at the park, Jungkook having been too busy lately for anything other than their early morning jog and the walk during his lunch break. The energetic pup eagerly charged ahead, already knowing the way. Gripping the leash tighter, Jungkook winced when it yanked on his sore arm.
Though Jungkook had originally planned to grab some ice cream, he had close to no appetite and instead got himself some iced coffee to make the heat more bearable and maybe ease his worsening headache. Today wouldn’t be an energetic playdate, that much was certain but he still smiled in adoration when he could finally let Bam off his leash and the pup shot across the park barking happily. Jungkook found some shade and weakly plopped down in the grass, sipping his iced coffee. It took a few minutes for Bam to return, circling him before dropping the ball into his lap. With a small smile, Jungkook threw the ball across the park and followed it with his eyes, wincing when he accidentally glanced towards the sun. No matter how miserable he felt, his heart felt warm with love as he watched Bam play.
Eventually, Bam stopped running though, sticking closer to Jungkook. The singer’s headache had steadily gotten worse and he couldn’t even think straight anymore, slowly regretting leaving his air-conditioned apartment. All strength had left him and he had no idea how he should make it back there. Bam seemed to be sensing his declining condition too, sitting in front of him with his head tilted in worry. “’m sorry, Bam”, Jungkook breathed, “Thought I’d be more fun but I’m not such great company today.” Realizing that he wouldn’t make it back to his placw on his own, Jungkook considered calling someone before remembering that Yoongi lived close by. He should be able to make it to his hyung’s place and the elder would surely not mind him napping on his couch for a little till he felt well enough to go home.
Despite having walked the route so many times before, the distance seemed impossibly far today and Jungkook doubted, he’d make it. Bam stayed close to him, obviously worried, barking at him whenever he stopped. They could only hope that Yoongi would be home but Jungkook didn’t find the energy to call ahead, instead focusing on pushing himself on.
To say the rapper was surprised when he opened the door to his panting dongsaeng would be an understatement, yet he quickly ushered the younger in, worriedly frowning: “What’s wrong, Kookie? What happened to you?” Bracing himself against the wall, Jungkook tried to get his glossy eyes to focus on his hyung and muttered: “We were at the park but my head’s killing me and it was so far to get back to my apartment. Could I lay down on your couch for a bit? Your place was just so much closer an-“ – “Hey, it’s okay. I’m glad you came here, no need to justify”, Yoongi shushed, guiding him to the couch, “Do you think it could be heat exhaustion? It surely is hot out and if you’ve been playing with Bam….” Weakly shaking his head, the singer admitted: “Already been that way before we left for the park. Had some coffee and even took an unintended nap but I had promised Bam we’d go and he was so happy. Only sat in the shade and threw his ball. I don’t feel good, hyung.”
Jungkook shakily collapsed onto the couch, while Yoongi felt his heart sink. Something was not right here. “Let me get you some water”, the rapper hummed, ruffling his dongsaeng’s sweaty hair. For a moment, his fingers grazed Jungkook’s forehead and he froze in shot. Properly feeling the younger’s temperature, Yoongi announced: “Nope, I’m grabbing the thermometer first. You’re burning up.” Jungkook only sighed. That surely would explain why he was feeling so dizzy and why every inch of his body throbbed. Stretching out, he closed his eyes and draped his arm over them.
When Yoongi returned, Jungkook seemed to have fallen asleep. It hurt the rapper’s heart having to wake him but he was too concerned to just let the younger sleep it off. Gently shaking his dongsaeng, Yoongi hummed: “Can you wake up for me, Kookie? I gotta take your temperature.” It took a few attempts till Jungkook stirred at all, which was confusing because the older had barely been gone a minute, so he couldn’t be in such deep sleep yet. “Look at me, Kook”, Yoongi pressed, tugging in the singer’s arm, “Yeah, that’s it. Keep your eyes open.”
Jungkook’s eyes were completely out of focus he seemed to stare blankly through the older while he took his temperature. Yoongi’s curse didn’t even register in his mind before he was pulled to his feet. With his knees buckling, Jungkook clung to his hyung and chest heaving as he tried to breathe through the vertigo. “I’m sorry but we have to get that number down somehow”, Yoongi apologized as he dragged the singer to the bathroom.
Getting Jungkook into the tub was a true challenge and Yoongi’s arms burned from the strain when he eased him down. The rapper picked up the shower head and set the water temperature low before holding it to his dongsaeng’s legs. Jungook groaned while Yoongi rinsed him down with cool water, slowly filling the tub. Grabbing a washcloth, the older soaked it with cold water and placed it on the singer’s forehead, which earned him a relieved sigh. “Talk to me”, Yoongi frowned as he continued to wash the younger down, “How are you feeling?” Squeezing his eyes shut, Jungkook tried to focus and mumbled: “Dizzy. Gosh, my head….” – “Can I trust you to stay conscious? I wanna get you some water”, the rapper worried, cupping Jungkook’s cheeks to make him look at him.
Though the younger had nodded, Yoongi did not fully trust him to stay conscious, so he hurried to not leave the other on his own for too long. To his relief, Jungkook managed to sit up by himself, despite his muscles protesting the movement. “Small sips”, Yoongi reminded, moving the washcloth from his dongsaeng’s forehead to the back of his neck. Handing the glass back, Jungkook rubbed his face and breathed: “Thanks.” There was a moment of silence before he broke into tears. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what to do and I was scared an-“ – “Ssh, it’s okay, Kook. Breathe, yeah?”, Yoongi shushed, picking up the washcloth to wipe the other’s tears with some cold water, “I bet you were terrified. I can’t imagine how you even managed to go out like this. Relax, hm? You’re with hyung now, everything will be okay. We can figure things out together.”
Jungkook continued to soak in his cool bath for a while and Yoongi kept rechecking his temperature. When the older was satisfied that they were out of the danger zone, he picked out a set of light clothes for his dongsaeng to borrow before helping him out of the tub. It took all of Jungkook’s energy to get himself dressed but the thought of Yoongi’s comfortable couch was enough motivation to push him on. Bam was glad to have him back, not leaving his side again once he had returned from the bathroom.
“You look about ready to sleep”, Yoongi chuckled watching Jungkook pet Bam, “How about I get you a small bowl of rice, so you can take some fever reducers? You can sleep afterwards and we’ll see how you feel then. If your fever doesn’t stay down, I’ll take you to the hospital, if it does, I’d like you to stay with me for a bit, so I can keep an eye on you.” – “Gotta go back to my place later”, the younger sighed, “Bam will need his food but yeah, rice and meds sound helpful, sleep sounds even better.” Nodding, Yoongi smiled: “That’s what we’ll do then. I can take you back to your place and stay with you there. Just don’t want you to be alone, wouldn’t want you to be in hot water again.”
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dimplessjoon · 8 months
Namjoon Stress Fever
God its been forever since i posted. I am so sorry it took so long. I haven't been able to write at all. I don't really like it, but I can't seen to make it any better. Sorry if you find this disappointing. Hopefully you'll be able to somewhat enjoy it. Thank you for requesting.
“Joon-ah, come on open up.” Jin says knocking on Rkive’s door.
Namjoon opens the door and gets back to working.
“What is it, hyung?” Namjoon asks, eyes focused on the computer screen.
“Gosh, why is it so hot in here, any way, forget about that, just pack up Joonie, we’re going home.” Jin says
“Sorry Hyung, you go on ahead, I still have a lot of work to finish.” Namjoon says his eyes still focused on the screen and his fingers working on the keyboard.
“Namjoon, you haven’t been home in days, and it looks like you haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep forever. You need rest, otherwise you’re gonna get sick.” Jin says
"Hyung, I'm fine, besides I have too much work to finish. I don't have time to rest." Namjoon adds on still focusing on his work.
Jin comes next to him and takes the mouse from his hand saving his work and shutting off his computer.
"Hyung" Namjoon says protesting to what Jin is doing.
"No Namjoon, your health comes first, when was the last time you had a proper meal, or proper rest. I'm not gonna stand by and watch you neglect yourself. We can talk to the management and extend your deadlines. But right now we're going home. " Jin says
"But..." Namjoon says
"No buts, get up we're going home." Jin says holding his hand to get him up, but when he touches it he realizes it's hot.
Jin moves his hand up to touch Namjoon's forehead and gasps.
"Namjoon, you have a fever, see this is why I tell you not to overwork yourself, but since you didn't listen now you're sick. Come on let's get you home and resting." Jin says helping Namjoon up
Namjoon is reluctant for a bit but soon gives up to Jin's wishes knowing he is not gonna back down. And in all honesty, Namjoon himself knows he needs the rest. He feels like shit, his stomach hurts, his whole body aches, he has a terrible migraine and he feels way too cold. Now, it makes sense that he has been having all these symptoms since he has a fever.
Jin guides Namjoon to his car and drives him back to the dorm. But the moving car makes Namjoon's stomach feel queasy.
"Stop, the car hyung." Namjoon says putting his hand over his mouth.
"What?" Jin says but soon realizes what's going on so he stops the car.
Namjoon rushes out of the car and goes by a tree and starts heaving, but nothing more than some water and stomach acid comes up due to the lack of food in his body. Jin comes up behind him and starts rubbing his back.
After a while Namjoon stops and they go back to the car and Jin gives some water to Namjoon.
Namjoon drinks some water to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth.
"Thanks" Namjoon says
"Let's wait a bit for your stomach to settle and then we can go home." Jin adds helping Namjoon sit down in the passenger seat.
After a while they start to go home, and Namjoon tries to keep himself from throwing up and luckily he doesn't throw up again, however when he goes into the elevator to get to his apartment, his stomach starts going into knots, and he feels like throwing up.
As soon as the elevator stops he rushes towards the door and unlocks it and makes a run towards the bathroom where he starts throwing up again. The water he drank earlier came up and he continued to throw up even after there was nothing left in his stomach. Jin helps him get up takes him to the couch where the other members are waiting worried for their leader after he rushed in.
"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asks sitting next to Namjoon on the couch.
"He's sick" Jin says
"Yoongi, can you please make some soup for him. We need to get some food into him. Jungkook can you get the thermometer, and Tae get some fever reducers and nauseau medicine. Hobi and Jimin-ah you guys stay here with him, I'll go with Yoongi to help make the soup." Jin lists of things for everyone to do.
"My poor Joonie" Hobi says sitting next to him and running his hands through his hair, Jimin brings a blanket and puts it over Namjoon to make him feel more comfortable and joins the other two on the sofa.
Everyone soon comes back, and Jungkook gives Namjoon the thermometer. After it beeps Jungkook takes it sees the tempreature.
"101.2 F, not too bad but still high." Jungkook says
Here Joonie eat the soup and then you can take the medicines.
"Thanks guys." Namjoon says and slowly starts eating the soup. After eating some he stops due to his nausea rising.
"Hyung just try to eat a bit more." Taehyung says.
"No, I'm done." Namjoon says relenting to eat more as he knows if he does he'll soon throw up.
"Fine Joonie, here take some medicine." Jimin says, when it was sure they couldn't convince Namjoon to finish his soup.
"Why don't you sleep and get some rest Namu, it'll help you feel better." Hoseok says.
Namjoon nods and get comfortable on the couch with his head in Hoseok's lap and Hobi runs his hand through his hair. Jin puts a bucket by his side just in case he needs it later.
Namjoon soon falls asleep and everyone starts doing their own things. Jin reading a book, Yoongi doing something on his laptop, Hoseok going through his phone while still running his hand through Namjoon's hair, and the maknaes playing a video game on the TV.
The maknaes get a bit excited and starts getting a little loud.
"Guys, Namjoon is sleeping chill out." Yoongi whispers trying to make the quite.
"Sorry hyung" Jimin says as the three of the quite down.
After some time Jungkook shouts, "Yah Taehyung stop cheating, if you do this I'm not gonna play with you anymore."
This startles Namjoon awake.
"Huh, what's happening." Namjoon says confused as he jumps up from his sleep.
"Its ok Joon-ah calm down go back to sleep" Hoseok say trying to get him to lay back down.
But he rushes forward taking the bucket Jin put in his hands and starts throwing up. The sudden movements and waking up making him nauseous.
Soon after he calms down and Hoseok helps him clean up a bit, before helping him lie down again. Jin takes the bucket and cleans it out, and glares at the maknae line for disturbing Namjoon.
The three maknaes look at each other and the floor feeling guilty about waking Namjoon up and cauing him to throw up. After a while Namjoon falls asleep again.
"Hobi, cover Joon-ah's ears." Jin whispers.
After Hoseok does it, Jin starts running after the Maknaes and shouting.
"WE TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT QUIET! Now look what you did you made poor Joonie get sick again. I swear to god you kids have no respect for your elders." Jin says
The maknaes running away from him and vehemently apologizing. While the other two members quietly laugh at their members shenanigans.
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sickonthedancefloor · 6 months
Going Home Early
Prompt: Hoseok goes home far earlier than expected from work, where his confusion becomes everyone else's confusion.
Sickie: Hoseok Caretaker:  Yoongi Content: emeto, fever, nausea, disoriented, m/m
The last thing Yoongi expected at eleven that morning was for Hoseok to return home. It was their average Tuesday, with Yoongi working on some music for the label he wanted to turn in later that week, and Hoseok heading to catch up on paperwork before the youth dance classes that afternoon. Hoseok had woken up worse for wear according to Yoongi, but he said he was fine, so Yoongi made him coffee and left him at it. He’d barely gotten into the groove of a solid EDM beat before the door to the studio in their apartment opened, and the light of the hall behind him had him turning around.
Just who…
“Seokseok-ah?” Yoongi called softly.
Hoseok looked dazed as he made his way over to Yoongi’s mini-fridge, squatting in front of it. He opened the door and glanced around, but his brows furrowed as he scanned the waters and beers Yoongi stashed in there. Glancing at his face in the dim lighting, he could catch a faint sheen to his skin, his bangs already a little damp with sweat. But his studio was usually cold, and it wasn’t a particularly warm day, so it had Yoongi raising his eyebrows.
“It’s not here…” Hoseok mumbled. After a second, Hoseok turned to his boyfriend, who flipped on the desk light. With better lighting, Yoongi could see an almost glassy look in Hoseok’s eyes too. “Yoongi, darling… you don’t have it in here?”
“Have… what in there?” Yoongi questioned him.
Hoseok stared at him for a moment, brows furrowed as if he was concerned Yoongi didn’t just know what he was talking about. But then he gestured to the fridge and said, “face cream.”
“Face… cream?”
With a loud huff, obviously frustrated, Hoseok rose to his feet and left the room. Yoongi let a second pass, then another… but something was completely off about the dancer’s entire demeanor. Yoongi just jumped from his chair and hurried after him, catching Hoseok staring at the pantry in the kitchen, as if deep in thought. It was bright enough in the living room that they didn’t need to turn on the overhead lights, and the natural sunlight brought out the deep flush on Hoseok’s cheeks. His pallor seemed completely off, and he had to be sick. Frowning more, Yoongi pressed his palm over his cheek, feeling the heat rolling off Hoseok in waves.
“Yoongi, I can’t find my face cream. I checked under the juice, it’s not there.”
“Honey, you’re not making any sense. Why would it be in the kitchen? Or… does it need to be refrigerated?”
“No, you melt it.”
Hoseok’s hand pushed Yoongi’s away and the man looked further in the pantry. His hands shook as he pushed aside a bag of chips and pulled out a ramen pack, examining it closely. Or under some sort of scrutiny, as Hoseok had begun to glare at it. He pushed it back into the pantry and moved his hands in again.
“Yoongi-yah, if you’re not going to help me find it, why are you just standing there?” Hoseok complained. But after a moment, he lurched forward, a harsh cough erupting from his mouth. Not even having time to move his hands away, he merely turned his head downward and coughed again. Yoongi’s hand immediately moved to Hoseok’s back, patting his back roughly in hopes of shaking loose whatever phlegm choked him up. As Hoseok finally caught his breath, his he moved back from the pantry, and Yoongi gently moved him over to the kitchen table trying to urge him to sit. Hoseok fought him, albeit extremely weakly, one hand rubbing at his chest while his other tried to shoo the smaller musician away.
Yoongi just moved his cooled hands to Hoseok’s cheeks, thumbs gently stroking underneath his eyes. He turned Hoseok to face him, finally meeting his eyes.
“Seokseok-ah, baby, look at me.” When Yoongi spoke, his voice was low and soft, rather soothing. His lazy time bedroom voice, Hoseok had called it once, something he always seemed to drop into when someone had a bad day and sought out his comfort. Hoseok blinked, but he stopped trying to struggle. “Honey, you’re not making any sense,” Yoongi explained.
Hoseok almost crumbled. His frown grew more intense, his eyes almost welling with tears. Yoongi shushed him softly, thumbs still brushing at his cheeks. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. Don’t be upset. You’re just really sick, okay?”
With a small whine, Hoseok nodded. “Explains some stuff…” he mumbles. Things, to Hoseok, make a little more sense now, Yoongi can see it in the slow realization growing on his younger boyfriend’s face. Hoseok immediately looks upset, so Yoongi pulls him in, placing a kiss on his forehead before hugging him closely.
“Let’s go to back to bedroom, Seokseok. Put on some comfy clothes, hmm?” As he spoke, he ran his hand down Hoseok’s spine, listening as his shaky breathing stabilized and grew more slowly. But he couldn’t fall asleep standing up, certainly not. So Yoongi stops, pulling Hoseok back by his shoulders, and begins to lead him back up towards the bedroom. It took some shuffling, Hoseok barely moving his legs and consistently pausing to ask Yoongi about skincare products, but he managed to get his boyfriend seated on the bed. Hoseok was almost like putty, with no fight in him as Yoongi helped him shrug out of his jacket and then pulled his long-sleeved tee off, leaving him in just his undershirt. He cooperated as Yoongi pulled his shoes and then wiggled his jeans from his hips, letting out a small laugh when Yoongi grumbled about ‘unsexy conditions’.
“We can still have sex, I really like having sexy conditions,” Hoseok mumbled, his leg lifting to drop on Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi just laughed, moving his hand over to massage Hoseok’s calf, grinning as Hoseok’s face melted into a pleased, lazy smile. Absolutely like putty.
“Maybe when you’re feeling better. Nap first.” Maybe if Hoseok was lucid by tomorrow, Yoongi would tell him what he said to embarrass him.  Instead, with another kiss to Hoseok’s cheek, he slipped away into the bathroom to fetch the thermometer, returning to slip it into Hoseok’s mouth. The younger man waited patiently for the device to beep, eyelids blinking heavily, and Yoongi frowned as he watched the numbers slowly climb. His heart sank once he watched it move over 38°C. Finally it beeped and Yoongi pulled it from his lips to confirm a 39.5°. That was absolutely no good.
“Come on, Seokseok, let’s lay down, okay?” Yoongi mumbled to him, pulling him to his feet. Hoseok whined at the movement, face scrunching in discomfort at having to move. But Yoongi went slowly, a hand across his shoulders, leading him almost as if he was made of glass. With Hoseok’s condition as it was, he may as well be. Yoongi walked the dancer over to the side of the bed and yanked back the quilt, helping him lay down to rest his head on his pillows. Once he made sure Hoseok was comfortable, which included assuring him he’d definitely go look for the damned face cream, he gave him another pillow to hug and pulled the light blanket over him. Hoseok barely laid down for a minute before he’d already fallen asleep. That would make things easier for him.
With a sigh, Yoongi immediately got to work.
Thankfully, they seemed to be stocked, he’d discovered during an inventory check in the bathroom. The medicine cabinet always had painkillers and bandages, a side-effect of being in Hoseok’s profession, but Hoseok had also purchased a small pack of cold and flu tablets, cough syrup, and allergy medication for the spring months. And, a gem—a package of cooling gel patches. Yoongi wasted no time in hurrying to place one on Hoseok’s forehead, whispering soft apologies as Hoseok whined at the temperature difference. He moved once his boyfriend quieted down again, going back to read the labels on what he figured they’d need.
He then moved to the kitchen, pulling out the leftover juk from yesterday’s breakfast and immediately heated a small bowl. He doubted his boyfriend would eat much, but it was worth trying since he’d skipped breakfast when he left just a few hours earlier. How had Hoseok’s condition gotten so bad so quickly? He must have been feverish when he left that morning, but even in his sleepy haze he seemed plenty aware. Maybe his fever spiked from dancing… He knows his boyfriend is known for pushing himself. As he stirs the warmth from the stove back into the cool broth, he pulls out his phone and makes a quick call to their long-time friend, and Hoseok’s favorite coworker.
Park Jimin answers his phone with a sigh of relief. “Yoongi-hyung, thank goodness! Hob-ah made it home okay? He didn’t answer my texts!”
Yoongi wasn’t even sure if Hoseok had his phone. “He’s back, but he’s delirious with a fever that high,” he mumbled.
Jimin sighed. “I knew I should’ve taken him home… He said he’d be okay, he just said it was low. I’m never trusting him again!” When Yoongi heard a stomp echo in the background, he couldn’t hold back a laugh. Jimin probably stomped his shoes in one of the empty dance halls; Yoongi had seen him do it enough times, often far too childish and absolutely hilarious, and he couldn’t help but laugh over it. It seemed to relieve the tension if anything. “Well, I’m glad he made it home safely. He didn’t seem to be that bad off when he left, just his headache… Just take care of him? I’ll come visit tonight.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go down and make sure he at least parked in a real spot… What time did he leave the studio?”
“Uh… around nine? He really wasn’t here that long before I kicked him out.”
“Nine? But it doesn’t take two hours—”
Jimin and Yoongi both seemed to have the same realization at the same time. Hoseok’s dance studio wasn’t far from their apartment, around thirty minutes on foot. Sometimes on warm weather days, Hoseok would jog over as his warm-up or walk to one of the nearby coffee shops and take a bus home. Since it’s been chilly, it would have only been a five-minute drive. Yoongi turned down the stove and hurried over to where his boyfriend abandoned his jacket, searching the pockets for Hoseok’s car keys. All the while, he could hear Jimin’s quick huffs as the younger dancer ran outside. When Yoongi didn’t find anything in the pockets but Hoseok’s phone, he hurried over to the clothes to check—
“Hyung, his car is still parked out here.”
“Can you find his keys?”
Jimin sighed as he checked around the car, but soon Yoongi heard him mumble, “Not here, not inside either.” Then, a little louder, “I’ll check inside. They may still be in his office. Did he bring his bag?”
Now that Jimin mentioned it… “He didn’t.”
“Aish, this idiot. Well, I’ll let you know if they turn up here. See you later, okay?”
“Mm. Thanks, Minnie.”
Yoongi returned to the stove and picked up the spoon again, stirring the juk once again. He filled a bowl, grabbed a water bottle, and grabbed an ice pack and headed to the bedroom. Hoseok hasn’t so much as turned since Yoongi had tucked him in. Yoongi just set the items on the bedside table and shook his boyfriend’s shoulder to rouse him.
“Seok-ah, come eat some juk,” he coaxed gently.
Hoseok’s face scrunched in discomfort, and he shook his head. “No… ‘m nauseous,” he mumbled. “Just ‘unna sleep.”
“You’re nauseous?” Yoongi pressed a hand to Hoseok’s neck. “You didn’t eat at all this morning, right? That’s probably why…”
Hoseok barely grumbled in response. But he needed to eat something to take the medicine, or he’d regret it later. Yoongi sighed, patting his shoulder again. “Come on, just a little juk. It’ll help.”
Hoseok whined again, but opened his mouth, as if expecting Yoongi to feed him as he was. Yoongi laughed. “You gotta sit up or you’ll choke, Seokseok.”
“Hyungie, no…” Hoseok whined. He brought an arm to rest over his eyes and just frowned. Yoongi wasn’t going to give him a break, given the gentle patting, but he smiled when he felt Yoongi’s lips press on his cheek.
“Come on, Seokseok-ah… Juk is warm, got chicken in it.”
“I’m gonna throw it up.” Hoseok whimpered at the idea. But he nodded gently at Yoongi’s coaxing and lets the older man pull him to slouch against his shoulder. He leaned forward as Yoongi leaned, and his head almost dropped forward.
Yoongi sighed and grabbed the bowl and spoon. “We’ll try just a little, okay?”
“Just… just a little. Okay.”
Yoongi moved slowly and began to spoon feed Hoseok, giving his boyfriend ample time between bites to slowly chew the soft rice. Hoseok seemed to be enjoying it, opening his mouth first after a few bites before Yoongi managed to scoop the spoonful. Around a third of the way in, Hoseok shook his head, turning his face into Yoongi’s shoulder. Pressing a kiss to his temple, Hoseok smiled. “You did so well, baby. Now, ready to take medicine?”
“Noooo,” Hoseok whined.
With a soft laugh, Yoongi replaced the bowl and instead reached for the water bottle and the tablets, pulling them from the pack. He tapped Hoseok’s cheek, and Hoseok merely opened his mouth.
“They’re going to be bitter on your tongue…”
“It’s okay,” he mumbled.
Yoongi set the pills against his boyfriend’s tongue and lifted the water bottle to his lips, letting him take a cool sip. Hoseok took a second before lifting his mouth, moving his face away. He then went absolutely pale, cheeks puffing as he took a breath. Yoongi didn’t even have time to move, startled that Hoseok was about to throw up on everything—but he soon let out a heavy burp and sighed in relief.
Oh, good.
Yoongi helped lower the dancer back onto the bed and covered him with the blanket again. “Rest, okay baby?”
Humming, Hoseok was quick to fall asleep again. Yoongi took the time to wipe his face and neck with a cold washcloth, whispering soft apologies as he noticed Hoseok’s face scrunch in discomfort in his sleep. His breathing was even, if not a little congested, and Yoongi could only hope he’d stay asleep longer. He left the door open, creeping back to his studio down the hall. He left his own door open, sure he’d hear if Hoseok woke from his nap. Deciding to focus just on quieter tasks instead of turning open the soundboard, Yoongi just made sure to save his work a handful of times before opening his email. He typed up a quick message to his boss to let him know there may be a day or two delay, then began reading through the other messages he’d gotten over the day.
Only a few minutes in and his phone went off, a quick text message from Jimin: ‘He dropped his keys off at the front desk, Suran had them’.
‘Thank god,’ Yoongi replied. Goodness knows he didn’t want to worry about trying to get a locksmith and replacing the locks of Hoseok’s car, so that was one less thing to worry about. Jimin followed up his response with asking if Yoongi needed any errands run, and while Yoongi began brainstorming a gag errand to send him on when he heard a gagging of a different kind.
A loud, pained retch, followed by a splash, and a hiccup. Jumping from his desk, the musician abandoned his phone and ran to the bedroom, grimacing at the sour smell that hit him from the doorway. Hoseok, eyes half-lidded and very much out of it, leaned over the side of the bed and coughed up another mouthful of white-yellow sludge, splashing the blanket and the rug by the bed with it. His knuckles gripped the side of the bed, white from the effort, but the next mouthful splashed on his fingers immediately. Yoongi quickly jumped over to grab the trash can from the bedside table, holding it under Hoseok’s mouth. His other hand reached over to pat his back.
“Oh Seokseok, it’s okay, let it out,” he murmured to him.
Hoseok choked up another wave, barely able to catch his breath before another retch overtook him. His stomach cramped fitfully, and Yoongi could spot tears forming in his eyes from the effort it took just to keep going. He merely rubbed his back, trying to stay comforting as Hoseok rid himself of the little bit of porridge he had managed to take down, along with what looked like yesterday’s dinner. It took a few good minutes longer, but soon Hoseok was merely retching out what little bile he could choke out, forcing himself to spit. He took a deep breath before his head dropped on the pillow, obviously spent by the extra effort.
“Yoongi,” he mumbled, voice hoarse and shaky. “Yoon-yoon, that… that hurt…”
“I know, baby, I know. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Setting the trash can next to the mess, Yoongi pulled the blanket back before pulling Hoseok to sit up. He took the washcloth he’d used earlier, which had been sitting next to a bowl of warming water, and used it to wipe away his mouth and his fingers of any excess vomit, just for Hoseok’s comfort. His boyfriend needed to change anyway, as he noticed the vomit had gotten on Hoseok’s sleeve as well as the blanket. His shirt seemed damp with sweat anyway, so perhaps a change was in order anyway. Yoongi just tossed the washcloth onto the floor and reached for his boyfriend’s arms, helping lead him off the bed, cautious of the original splash mess on the floor.
“Yoon-yoon… I gotta clean…” The dancer’s eyes watered as he looked down at the mess, color draining from his face save for red splashes across his cheek as he began to work himself up.
Yoongi shushed him immediately. “Let hyung worry about that mess.” Reaching a hand to cup Hoseok’s face, he stroked his cheek gently with his thumb, smiling at him. Hoseok’s breath hitched, but he did his best to try and calm down as he listened to Yoongi. “I’ve made worse messes. You want a bath? Wanna soak a little, or just want to sleep?”
The answer came quickly: “Bath later? I don’t…”
“Bath later.”
It took some maneuvering, but he got Hoseok to sit on his studio’s small couch in just his boxers, a blanket wrapped around him and trash can next to him just in case. Another dose of medicine just in case, a few sips of water, and Hoseok seemed content to doze there which gave Yoongi time to take care of the mess. He carried the entire bed’s linen to the washing machine and shoved it inside, tossing in more soap than necessary and turning it on. The rug went outside for later him to deal with. Then some mopping on the hardwood floor, some spraying down, wiping it down, replacing the bedlinen, and cracking open the window, and within twenty minutes the bedroom smelled normal again. For extra measure, he took the trash bag from the small trash can and put it into their bigger trash can downstairs, spraying that down too. Between every step, Yoongi checked on Hoseok to be safe, rather glad when he realized his boyfriend really had just fallen asleep curled up in the blanket.
Yoongi really didn’t want to wake him up after that, but he knew he needed to. Fetching clean cotton pajamas, he slipped back into the office. Dressing Hoseok was easier than he’d thought, Hoseok’s half-asleep self quite agreeable as he let Yoongi feed his arms through the sleeves, and clinging lazily to Yoongi’s back as he stepped into the pants. Once Yoongi pulled up and tied the drawstring, he led his sleepy boyfriend back to the clean bed and helped him lay down again, stroking his hair gently.
“Mm… Yoongi…”
Smiling, Yoongi stroked his cheek again, before Hoseok’s hand found his. “Yes, baby?”
“Stay?” Hoseok mumbled. With a soft laugh, Yoongi nodded. Anything else could wait, he had his phone with him… but honestly, a nap sounded pretty good too. “Anything for you, Seokseok.” He crawled over Hoseok onto the other side of the bed, pulling the dancer close to him. Hoseok moved his hand to his stomach, and Yoongi found himself rubbing his stomach lightly, soothing his sick boyfriend back to sleep. It didn’t take much longer for him to drift off right with him.
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crystalsnow95z · 5 months
your allergy fics are so good! would you be able to write one with jungkook? any caretaker, with jungkook coming into contact with something he's terribly allergic to but he wants to enjoy (like a bouquet of flowers or a cute kitten idk) and it sets him off sneezing a ton, with a super itchy nose. thank you!
I have plenty of mostly finished projects, but I can't bring myself to post them, so I keep working on new ones, and after months, I finally made one I like!
"Jaykay...Jungkook-ah.. wake up.. we're landing.." Hoseok shakes the mankae when his gentle approach doesn't work. "Jaykay your face is so puffy.." Hoseok smiles fondly, grabbing Jungkook's face and smooshing his face in between his fingers.
Jungkook moans in complaint, his eyes fluttering open to look at Hoseok. "Hyung..what time is it?" he grabs Hoseok's wrist to get him to stop attacking his cheeks, rubbing at his eyes. "It's morning still?"
"It is..Good morning Junggukkie." Hoseok smiles, feeling pride in successfully getting him to start moving. "It's because of the time difference. Remember?"
Jungkook studies his surroundings perplexed before his eyes widen with recognition when the sleep that fogged his memory dissipates, replaced with excitement. "Oh! I know! We're filming a music video!I'm so excited! We're going to be filming by a real waterfall and going to a garden with hundreds of different flowers and we're going to work with birds!" The memory of the meeting floods over him.
"We're going to get amazing photos. I wonder if we'll get to see a real toucan." Taehyung adds in his own excitement, leaning forward to talk to Jungkook.
"Toucan? Do you really think we can see a real one? I've seen videos of them and they don't look real." Hoseok adds in.
"Everyone, please return to your seats and buckle up." The boys hear the announcement, gathering up their things.
"Namjoon-ah do you have everything?" Yoongi asks, placing his tablet into his bag.
"Of course. You gifted me a holder for my passport after that incident in japan.." Namjoon pulls out the passport that was tucked into his shirt.
"That's because we almost couldn't perform.. you're lucky that man found it in the bathroom for you.. What about your headphones?"
Namjoon opens his airpod case, ears reddening when he sees there's only one inside, feeling around his seat until he finds it. "You knew i lost one didn't you hyung.."
"It fell out when you were sleeping." Yoongi smiles, then gasps in surprise when the turbulence hits, clutching onto the armrest, his stomach churning uncomfortably.
"You okay Yoongi?" Jin asks, taking out his headphones when he feels Yoongi's hand brush against his arm.
"I'm okay, my stomach just fluttered.." Yoongi swallows the saliva that filled his mouth, taking a deep breath. "It'll pass.."
"We're almost on the ground, and we'll have a few hours to rest." Jin reassures the daegu rapper, taking his hand.
"Thanks hyungie.." Yoongi speaks softly, squeezing Jin's hand.
"You don't have to thank me. Just take it easy until the shoot okay?" Jin gently runs his thumb across Yoongi's knuckles.
"We landed!" Jungkook says excitedly, unbuckling himself, but Hoseok puts his hand on Jungkook's thigh.
"Let's wait a bit to get off Kook-ah." Hoseok orders gently side eyeing Yoongi, who still hadn't regained the color in his cheeks.
"Yes hyung..." Jungkook settles back in, eyes sparkling. It doesn't matter if I have to wait. I'll be able to film with the birds and see the waterfall and take pretty photos for army.
"Is everyone finished changing?" Namjoon asks, looking over his team, frowning when he notices Jungkook's darker outfit in comparison to everyone else's vibrant colors."Jungkook, that's the wrong outfit..that's for the garden shoot.."
"Aish..I'm sorry Hyung.." Jungkook quickly starts stripping to switch outfits. "Everything looks so pretty from the carride and the hotel view..I got excited.." he casts his eyes down guiltily. I'm not some teenager anymore.. I need to concentrate and not make such rookie mistakes.. I should've noticed I didn't match..
"It's okay, just pay attention from now on, alright? We need to focus on filming. We only have so much daylight with outside shoots." Namjoon rubs Jungkook's back, helping him get changed to make it quicker.
"I'll pay attention from now on.." Jungkook promises shyly looking away from Namjoon. After switching to match the others in the mankae line, the seven boys leave the dressing room, Jungkook fighting the urge to run towards the sound of the waterfall.
Hoseok and Jimin links arms with Jungkook, keeping him at pace with the others. "Calm down Jaykay you don't want to risk getting hurt on this uneven ground before we even get there." Hoseok scolds him gently, leading him around a tree root.
"I'll be careful, sorry hyung.." Jungkook watches his feet carefully stepping over branches and stones that made it on the path. Taehyung and Namjoon walk ahead of them, taking photos of the scenery in front of them. "Why can't I run free with Rapmonie hyung and Taehyungie-hyungie?"
"What? You don't want to walk with me?" Jimin pouts, letting go of Jungkook. "Fine, go play with them."
"I didn't mean it like that Jimin-shii.. I just wanted to go ahead too.." Jungkook relinks his arm with Jimin pulling him and Hoseok to walk ahead with the others.
"Look Hyung! That tree.. it's filled with birds." Jungkook points our, his voice scaring the birds into fleeing in several directions.
"Kook-ah you scared them away." Namjoon frowns, watching them go with disappointment.
"I'm sor..ah..ah.." Jungkook puts his hand over his nose with an itch forms, breath hitching. "Ah..heygifh!"
"[Bless you]" Jimin speaks in English. "You okay? Not catching a cold are you? You did sleep the whole plane ride.."
"No, no I'm okay..my nose just had a bad itch.."Jungkook sniffles, wiping his nose with the side of his hand. "A feather must've tickled my nose or something..I haven't felt sick today."
"I can see the waterfall!" Jin announces, everyone looking forward, trying to spot it through the trees.
"Oh wow, it's bigger than I thought it would be.." Yoongi's eyes widen when he sees it, the boys rushing to get closer.
Jungkook bends down to take a photo of a cluster of flowers,trying to ignore the itch that annoyed the tip of his nose.
"Don't get too close to the water, Jungkook-ah. You need to stay dry for the shoot."
"I won't hyung..I'm just looking at the flowers.." Jungkook's breath hitches when another sneeze builds up, but he gently rubs it away. I can't be getting sick now.. we're spending four days in a tropical paradise.
"Did you get water in your nose Gukkie?" Taehyung asks when he approaches Jungkook, the younger jumping when he sees Taehyung next to him.
"Aish, Hyung you scared me.. I didn't hear you coming over the water. I don't know what's wrong with me, but .ah..agh..heh'ticgish!" Jungkook quickly covers his face, Taehyung grabbing the back of his shirt to keep him balanced. "Ugh. Thanks Taehyungie-hyung. I was fine earlier..I don't know why I'm sneezing all of a sudden.."
"Maybe it's all the flowers.. maybe you should take some medicine just in case.." Taehyung suggests, pulling Jungkook away from them.
"But I want to get some good shots for Army to see." Jungkook whines, but makes no attempt to pull away.
"We have to work now. We can take photos together later, and I can take photos for you if you can't get close." Taehyung promises leading him back to the others. "Is there any way we can get allergy medicine for Jungkook? His nose is getting red and stuffy.."
"I'm sorry, but we would have to go back to the resort for that.. I'll send someone to go get some. Do you think you can film until then Jungkook-sii?" The manager asks.
"Yes, I'll be okay. It's not that bad. It's just an annoyance.. I can still film.." Jungkook replies politely.
A female staff member digs in her purse, handing him a small packet of tissues. "Here Jungkook. Blowing your nose might help."
"Thanks Noona.." he bows, turning away from the others to try to clear his nose of the clear goo. "That's much better.."
As soon as the seven members get their makeup redone and the director gives them their directions, the boys get right to work going through the scenes and choreography.
"Jimin-ah..you weren't looking in the same direction as the others and you led on the wrong foot.." Hoseok scolds him when they were reviewing the clips, noticing Jimin was looking at Jungkook who couldn't stop sniffling, fighting off the urge to sneeze.
"I'm sorry.. can we do it one more time? I'll get it right this time." Jimin bows in apology to his members, looking at Jungkook when he does it. Jungkookie looks uncomfortable..I need to get it right the first time so he can get some time to rest.
Jungkook tries to hold back another sneeze when he sees Jimin's worried gaze staring back at him, but Jimin could see his nose twitching as the itch builds up.
"Noona will be back soon.." Jimin gently uses his thumb to wipe the tear that formed in Jungkook's tear duct. "You don't have to be tough for us, okay?"
"I'm not crying..my eyes are just watering because of my allergies.." Jungkook sniffles. "I'm okay..it's just irrita..ah..itdgitch! Heh'itchu!"
"Bless you.." Hoseok frowns, hugging Jungkook from behind. "My poor baby.."
"Jungkook-sii I got..you the medicine." The staff member who ran to the resort calls to him, out of breath from running back.
Taehyung rushes over to get the medicine from her, popping the blister pack to get the round pink pill for Jungkook, bringing it back to him. "Here Jungkookie, I got it."
"Thanks Hyung." Jungkook swallows the pill Taehyung gives him, Jimin getting him water to help it go down quicker. "Let's do the shoot again."
"You don't want time for it to kick in?” Jin asks, fretting over the youngest.
Jungkook shakes his head."No, I already got us behind schedule with all the touch ups.. I can do it.."
Jungkook and Taehyung rush ahead of the other members despite the older members calling to them,unable to hear them over the sound of the birds.
"Oh wow.. it's so pretty!" Jungkook's pupils take over his irises, his eyes becoming to round black discs, taking in the special guests for their music video. "Oh wow..This one's purple..I never seen a purple bird before!'
"This is [purple honeycreeper.] This one rescue. I thought he would be perfect for you ." The bird handler smiles when he sees the boys look surprised at his Korean skills.
"[Purple honeycreeper..]" Jungkook repeats the name in English. "[What's bird name?]"
"[Ah, right introductions...] I'm Gary and this bird here is Viola."
"Can I touch?" Jungkook asks, ignoring his body's warning. The medicine helped him yesterday, but at the moment he felt just as bad as he did the first day they were filming.
"Hold out finger." Gary tells him, showing Taehyung what to do by getting Viola to go on his finger. "[Step up Viola.]" He gives the command, letting her climb onto his finger.
The other members catch up, taking in the sights of the colorful birds surrounding them.
Jungkook holds his to Viola, gasping when he feels the bird use its beak to balance herself while she climbs onto his finger. "Look Hyung..i'm holding a bird!" Jungkook sniffles, turning to the man. "Can i pet?"
"As long as you only touch her head and neck." Gary gently ordered.
"You can't touch a bird anywhere else or it will think you want to mate." Yoongi tells Jungkook.
Jungkook turns to the handler, who blushes."Ah, that's true. It.. excites them if you touch its wings or chest too much.."
Jungkook nods, gently touching Viola's head, gently ruffling the feathers. Oh no.. not now..
Jungkook quickly places his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, hoping the bird would have a safe escape from the sneezes he could feel coming despite his efforts to hold them back. "Heh'heh..heygifh! Heh'itchu! Higtcvhsgh!"
Viola screeches, flapping her wings in fear jumping off of Jungkook's hand and jumping onto Taehyung's head, trying to get farther from the sound that startled her.
The other birds go into panic at the sound of viola, Hoseok clinging to Namjoon when they take flight.
Jungkook covers his face,trying to muffle the sound, but when the birds take flight the feeling only worsens. "Hehtichih!"
"[Woah, Woah. It's okay Viola.. it's okay..]" Taehyung tries to speak English for the frightened bird, Gary trying to calm his other pets down.
"Somethings wrong you need to get away.." Jin starts leading Jungkook away from the chaos, his heart racing in fear.
I can't breathe..I need to calm down..
Jungkook staggered away from the others, Jin keeping a tight grip on the mankae"Woah Jungkook I got you.."
"Heh..hehitxgh! Heh'itchu! Hey'itchi!" Jungkook let out another flurry of sneezes, holding Jin tightly. It wasn't the flowers..
"Here Jungkookie, look at me.." Jin gently leads his chin up, taking a nasal spray from the bag he was given as an accessory. "I got this just in case.."
"Thanks hyung.." Jungkook sniffles, taking it from Jin. "Heh'itchii! Hey'itchi!" He sneezes as soon as he puts it near his nose only amplifying the itch that plagued his sinuses.
"Here let hyung do it." Jin gently grabs Jungkook's chin, tilting his head upwards. "Try to sit still for me. I'll make it quick..okay?"
Jungkook nods, holding his breath to try to avoid sneezing on Jin as he swiftly sprays the medicine into one nostril than the other.
"Hei' etfhitch! Heh'itchu!" Jungkook's eyes water as he sneezes. "I'm sorry Hyung.."
"It's okay baby.. I know you aren't feeling well." Jin rubs the back of Jungkook's neck. "I think your allergic to birds Jungkookie.."
"I was around birds before..I was fine.." Jungkook sniffles, rubbing at his nose to try to ease the itch that threatened to cause more sneezes to erupt from him.
"You can develop new allergies Kook-ah.. I know how excited you were to play with them, but outside of filming I think you should avoid them." Jin tells him solemnly.
Yoongi goes up to them with a small packet of tissues,giving it to Jungkook. "They got the birds under control, but they want to give them time to fully calm down."
"That's good. I was worried I ruined the...heh..heh.." Jungkook felt the sneeze building, but it was only a false start. "Ruined the music shoot.." he finishes, his voice coming out as a nasally whisper, trying to clear his nose to see if that would ease the discomfort that was making him miserable.
"It's not your fault, Jungkookie. We could always make changes. What's important is that you don't suffer for the shoot. Even if you push through it, army will be able to see how much you're suffering." Yoongi puts his arm around Jungkook, pulling him close.
"I'll go get the others so we can see what our next move is. We'll figure this out together, okay Kookie?" Jin leaves to the filming site.
"Hyung I really wanted to play with the birds.." Jungkook sighs, knowing that all the members would agree with Jin.
"I know. Life sucks.. now you and Jiminie can suffer together." Yoongi teases him lightly, getting a small smile out of Jungkook.
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sickiesope · 3 months
Hi I hope your having a good day:)
Can I request a sick jm with a throat infection so bad that he has a high fever (maybe delirious) and when tries to talk he can’t and the caretakers shush him
Caretaker Jin/Hobi/Yoongi
Heere is a cute Jiminie whump!! :) 💜
No words
Sickie: Jimin
Caretakers: Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok
Jimin noticed his throat was getting sore one late afternoon. They had a recording session recently and Jimin felt a bit warm. Over time, it steadily got worse..
Then at a meeting Jimin's voice started to go. He sounded hoarse and everyone gave him worried looks. Jimin felt like no one was actually listening to him, just focusing on how rough he sounded. Whenever he tried talking every word scratched his throat and he couldn't finish. Not only is it painful, but annoying too.
Jimin tried to eat his lunch but found it hurt to swallow. The pieces of food slipping down his throat felt like scraping. Jimin winced in pain and held his throat. He couldn't finish but he didn't care, his throat felt so inflamed.
Jimin grew increasingly fatigued and felt too warm to be wearing a sweater. "It's h-hot in here--" His raspy voice cut off with a squeak.
"Jimin you don't sound too good" Yoongi mentioned. "What's wrong with your voice?"
"I s-sound fine" Jimin tries to say but it isn't convincing at all. His throat feels so itchy that he wants to scratch it with a straw. (As weird as that sounds.)
Jimin tries to sip from his water bottle but it hurts to swallow too much. He whines and holds his throat despairingly.
"My t-throat h-hurts--" Jimin can't finish his sentence, his throat is so raw he wants to cry.
"Awwh, Jiminah" Yoongi rubs his shoulder and runs his hand through his bangs. "Shh, don't try to talk..Oh gosh you feel warm too!"
They quickly wrap up the meeting that was almost done.
When Jimin gets home he's exhausted. His fever spiked and he can't think straight. Seokjin and Hoseok walk him to bed it feels like he's floating.
Jimin's fever is so high he's getting delirious. He can't tell where he is despite being in his own bed. He keeps thinking he hears things outside and tried getting up twice but his hyungs stopped him.
"There's nothing out there Jiminah, I promise" Hoseok coaxes.
"H-hyung--" Jimin tries to say, his voice wheezing.
"Shhh, don't strain yourself baby" Hoseok murmurs to the younger. "You'll just make it worse."
Jimin pouts in frustration; he can't speak and his throat is on fire. When he heard that they'll be recording next month Jimin worried inside. What about his voice??
Seokjin can tell he's stressed. "Try to relax Jiminah. I'll make some tea with honey for your throat."
Jimin just nods, his eyes half open. Jimin desperately wants to sleep but his throat hurts too much. He tries another lozenge, halfway done the pack. They help a little but only temporarily.
Jimin could've sworn he heard something again, like weird muffled voices near his door. (It's just Yoongi and Seokjin talking about Jimin seeing a doctor for his throat.) Jimin's eyes widen and he sits up more. The voices sound stranger and he can't understand what they're saying. His fever is still playing tricks on him.
Jimin hears the door creak open and it freaked him out. He gasped and almost fell out of bed.
"Whoa Jimin, it's just me, Jin hyung" Seokjin comes in with tea. "It's okay baby. You're in your bed, at home, with your hyungs."
Jimin sighs with relief, sinking back in the bed. He accepts the cup, feeling silly for freaking out like that.
Jimin sips on the tea and can really taste the honey. Seokjin put a lot in there but it helps coat his throat and brings some relief.
"Dont worry so much Jiminah. You'll be fine again well before next month." Seokjin rubs his arm.
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soft-for-yoongi · 11 months
Hello author!
2. 🏝☀️🥵🌡😵‍💫🤢🤮🚑 My idea is here with Jungkook sick and OT7 Caretakers, if possible! (I miss them :( So, they're enjoying a vacation together, in a private place. Its hot, and Jungkook cant handle well with it. He starts to feel week, dizzy and pale. Feeling like a low blood pressure. Everyone looks at him worried. Jungkook faints while drinking some water and after he's wakes and is a little conscious, throw up the water he has drank. The members get desperate and go rushing to a hospital, calling a ambulance, bc maybe jk gets a insolation
Sick: Jungkook
Caretaker: OT7
Tw: emeto, vom**, puking, dizziness, fainting, heat stroke, mentions of hospital, ambulance called
Word count: 795
Emojis: 2. 🏝☀️🥵🌡😵‍💫🤢🤮🚑
Yayaya two people requested sick jk with this prompt so I combined them again!! I hope you enjoy and it's what you wanted!!
(I'm also unsure of how many more I'm going to write but I think around 2-3 more!)
Searing heat, thick humidity, a private and breathtaking oasis by the beach. With only seven of them present, there are no intrusive cameras or rigid schedules, just pure relaxation. And that's why Jungkook is so upset he's not feeling well. The thought of ruining the holiday is ten times worse than the dizzying nausea and sweat trailing his back.
Jungkook's hand shakes as he brings a water bottle to his lips, he's hiding under his hair so the others can't see how pale and sickly he's looking (and feeling). They're at this small private beach, practically in the backyard of their temporary house. Taehyung and Jimin are playing about in the water, throwing soggy sand at each other. Jungkook was with them originally, playing in the warm, crystal-clear water before the heat started taking a toll on him.
He couldn't deny the nausea and slowly made his way back to the blanket and shade they set up. With every step, his legs felt like jelly, and the world was spinning around him. He plopped onto the blanket, and now he clutches onto the water bottle with his remaining strength.
The others are frolicking about in the sand and water, laughter a comforting sound. Jungkook hoped the shade would help but now he just feels isolated and achy. Just as he was about to take another sip of water, the beach towel rustles next to him. Jungkook turns to find Namjoon, who's sat down with a book in his hand, now looking at him with concern.
"Jungkook you don't look so good, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon reaches a hand to touch the youngest's cheek, feeling unnatural warmth. Jungkook tried to laugh it off, but it came out weak and shaky. "Yeah, I just need some rest." He replies, Namjoon isn't convinced. "No, Jungkook I think you should lay down. You really don't look good." Namjoon's brows pinch together. Jungkook swallows audibly, his head is really starting to pound.
Jungkook has no clue what Namjoon just said. His ears are buzzing and he's struggling to keep up right. He can see a few others start to walk over, confusion on their faces. He registers the water in his hand and goes to take a sip, but it just ends up spilling down his front. Woah, he doesn't feel good. He feels blood pumping in his ears before losing consciousness.
"—unkook! Jungkook, hey. Nono don't sit up—" Jungkook feels his stomach lurch, hands on his body and the worried voices of his bandmates. All he can do is whimper before throwing up to his side and then clutch the nearest person. "H-hyungie—" Jungkook cries, beads of sweat on his forehead. "Kookie, Kookie shh, calm down, Jinnie-hyung has called an ambulance. You're gonna be okay." Jimin smooths Jungkook's hair and Namjoon fans his face with his book.
"I'm gonna be sick- don' feel good.." Jungkook mumbles, Yoongi thinks quick and he grabs one of their empty snack containers and shoves it under his chin. Taehyung takes a bit of a clean towel and pours some water on it to rest at the back of Jungkook's neck and try cool him down. He burps and buries his face into the container.
He pukes clear liquid and Jimin trails his hand up and down his back. His head throbs with each gag and the bright sun still hurts his eyes even in the shade. Letting out a miserable groan, the others are jittery with worry. "Guys the ambulance is here, make room for them." Hoseok instructs and the members move out the way, except for Namjoon who holds Jungkook and the container steady.
Jungkook still manages to be shy and embarrassed as the paramedics check his vitals and ask a couple questions. "Jungkook-ssi how are you feeling right now? Still like before?" A middle aged woman asks, "n-not as bad.." Jungkook turns to Namjoon, hoping he can provide some more details. "He was super pale and dissociated. He's thrown up twice now but I think it was just the heat that got to him." Namjoon explains.
The paramedics strap something to Jungkook's arm and say that they should take him in to administer an IV. "So this is a mild case of heat stroke, two of you are able to ride with him to the hospital if you'd like." One of them suggests.
Seokjin and Taehyung are quick to volunteer and the others promise to meet them at the hospital. In the ambulance Jungkook feels a mixture of emotions, shy but also too sick to suppress his need for his hyung's dotting. He holds Taehyung's hand and asks Seokjin to play with his hair. Looking forward to feeling better, Jungkook vows to always stay hydrated when going to the beach.
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