#Bucky barnes x desi reader
sunshine-on-my-mind · 2 years
Your eyes are so beautiful
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Desi (South Asian) Reader
a/n: This came out of no where, as I was listening to this song. Is it obvious I'm falling in love with Bucky Barnes? Happy Valentine’s Day cuties. Yes this is my love letter to Bucky <3
warnings: fluff, love, cuddles, kiss
song: Aankhein Teri (Maula Mere Maula)
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The weather got colder. Your boyfriend decided to wrap you under a blanket, wrap you in his arms to keep you warm.
The room lit with fairy light, candles here and there. Your fingers tangled in your man's soft brown hair. A lazy smile on his face.
"There's this song I really like, you may not understand the lyrics, but I really want you to hear it."
You played the song on your phone as Bucky closed his eyes gently to listen. Those very eyes you wanted to dedicate the song to.
Your love for Bucky cannot be expressed in words. The song might do the work.
Aankhein teri kitni haseen
Ki inkaa aashiq mein
Ban gaya hun
Mujhko basa le in me tu
If you were gifted with the talent of poems, you know there'd be a library worth of books you'd write for your man.
The beautiful sight in front of you, made your heart warm, Bucky pulled you even closer, if was possible. Hiding his face in the crook of your neck, he listened intently to the song, felt the music.
Love for Bucky Barnes came to you more naturally than anything else in the world. You were meant to love him.
Pressing a soft kiss on his cheek, you traced his smile with your thumb.
When the song was over, Bucky looked at you with a new found love in his eyes, as if he was falling in love with you all over again.
"It's beautiful, just like you. You're more than everything I could have ever asked for. I'll spend the rest of my life to make feel you as special as this feels."
His lips found yours, your hand found his. Entangled forever and after.
tagging some of my desi cuties: @madscape @christhickevans @moonstruckbirdie @bluemusickid
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itsprashimusic · 9 months
A Barnes Birthday
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Summary - You are celebrating baby barnes' birthday, which is on the same day as your husband's birthday.
Pairings - Bucky Barnes x wife!Reader
W/C - 1.3k
Warnings - fluff, little cussing...i think, no use of y/n, your baby's name is not mentioned, neither is there any description of you or the baby. let me know if i missed anything. Happy reading<3
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At around 4 am you awoke, bursting with excitement. It was your baby's first birthday. And also, one of your husband's. It was difficult for you to fall asleep in the first place, so you thought you might as well get up from your light, restless sleep and get things ready for the day.
Knowing Bucky, he would most likely be knocked out asleep by now and wouldn't wake up till around 8:30 - 9 am. Normally your husband tends to be a light sleeper, but off late he has been sleeping like a log and you hope that carries on to tonight as well. You prayed to the universe he would not wake up when you silently moved out of bed.
First things first you freshened up, ate a quick meal and started decorating the house. Thankfully earlier in the day your baby managed to exhaust himself to a point where he would sleep the whole night without waking up once. You got streamers and balloons out of a box. Some easy to clean up confetti. You gritted your teeth as you tried to move the heavy couch around. You strong husband would have been useful here if this wasn't for his birthday.
You gave up on trying to blow the balloons and decided to bake the cake to get rid of some steam. Figuring out what Bucky would like was not that hard. Ever since Oreo came out, he has absolutely loved it. And with oreo having so many variations now-a-days than just biscuits, it's been the only thing Bucky eats when he wants a snack. Not the healthiest option but the man likes it and needs to eat.
You found a very simple oreo cake that you could make. You got started on making it. Flour, milk, butter, oreo biscuits obviously. By around 6 am the cake was in the oven getting ready. With nothing left to do, you got back to decorating. But there was an issue. You still needed to move the couch to another location.
At that exact moment your phone started ringing loudly. You ran to the kitchen and answered it, mentally kicking yourself for putting in on vibrate. You just hoped Bucky had not woken up. Thankfully he had not. Putting the phone to your ear you whispered-yelled into it, "What?!"
"I get it that you forgot to put your phone on silent?" Sam chuckled on the other side of the line. You blew an irritated breath out as you rolled your eyes. "Yes, I did. You need something Sam, cuz I'm kinda busy with trying to move my heavy ass couch."
"How about you open the door first and then we can figure out if I need something."
You moved from the kitchen to the front door and opened it to reveal a smirking Sam Wilson on the other side. You lowered the phone from your ear, cutting the call. "You son of a-" you say shaking your head a bit, a smile making it way onto your face. You both go in for a quick hug and you invite him inside. Not that he needed the invitation. He practically lived there at this point.
"What are you doing here at this ridiculous hour in the morning?"
"Helping you prepare for a double-birthday party." You didn't know how any man could be as generous as Sam Wilson. It was just a little past 6 in the morning and here he was in your house ready to lend a helping hand in getting your home ready for a birthday party. You smiled a grateful smile and told him about the couch and where you needed help in moving it. He hung his jacket on the coat hanger and got to helping you with whatever you needed.
You left in the middle to bring the cake out of the oven and let it cool. By that time the couch was moved along with some more furniture, balloons were hung and so were some streamers. With the extra help you were able to have the house decorated by 7 am with snacks and everything else ready. That was when you heard some cries coming from the bedroom. Realising that your son was awake, you quickly headed to the room to sooth him before Bucky woke up with the sound.
Bucky was dead asleep. A small part of you was worried with how deep his sleep was, but you knew it meant he was sleeping peacefully. "Hi my baby!" you greeted your son with a soft voice. "You're awake, yes. It's your first birthday." you said while cuddling him. He needed that after he woke up. His cries died down; he was wide awake and cheery. "Yes, its papa's birthday too. We'll wish him later, first let's get you ready for this double birthday."
You got to work bathing him and dressing him up in some adorable but comfortable clothes which would be easy to clean. Sam had headed back to his place to freshen up a bit before your son woke up. It was now past 8 am and you were getting dangerously close to when Bucky would wake up. You took 20 minutes for yourself to look presentable since there would be photos.
Bucky woke up just as you finished changing your clothes. "Doll?" he called out when you weren't found in his sight. "Coming." you replied and walked out of the closet he had built for you. Before fatherhood, Bucky had a big passion for construction. It kept him busy, allowed him do something for you and learn some new skills in the process.
"Happy birthday honey." you say with a smile. "How old are you turning today?" you joke, tilting your head to the side. He opened his arms and pulled you in for a hug. "Ha ha very funny. But thank you." saying the first part with mock annoyance, he pulled away and just stared at you for a good 10 seconds before he asked, "Where's the little one?" You said nothing and just smiled, gesturing him to follow you.
You jogged out of the room making him chase after you. You pick up your son who was waiting with Sam in the living room and stood there waiting for your husband. He walked in and Sam set off a confetti popper in his face which surprised for a second but then he hugged Sam. Bucky pulled back, looked around and then at you holding your son. You took the baby out of your arms and kissed him all over his tiny adorable face.
Bucky wasn't a man of many words and preferred to show his gratitude in actions rather than words. He pulled you close and just kissed the top of your head. You left his side when Sam came closer, "Happy birthday man, and happy birthday little man!" You then came out of the kitchen with the cake and lit candles and set it down on the table. In the moment Bucky couldn't be any more grateful for his little family. You, his son and Sam. They were his motivation for everything he did.
The candles were blown out and the cake was cut and fed to everyone. Your son got to devourer whatever cake was left on an already dirty towel laid on the floor. Sam played the role of a photographer for free, only because it was his nephew's birthday.
"it's been a year already." you say.
"Time flies fast, no?" he held you by his side as you both watch lovingly as Sam plays with your son. Bucky still remembers the time when you were pregnant with him, the random cravings you would have and the mood swings from time to time. There were a few hellish moments, but they were all worth it. Reminiscing about the past only made you more appreciate the present moments even more and anticipate the future.
"Happy birthday once again J."
Bucky didn't reply. But he did kiss you deeply.
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A/N - this has been sitting in my drafts since 2022😐 I wanted to get this out. It started as a random idea which took me forever to write. Hope you enjoyed reading.
If you want to find out more about me or my works, you can head to my navigation.
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gaysindistress · 11 months
Cece and Schmidt wish they were us
Bucky x desi!reader mood board
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest.
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thesecretwriter · 1 year
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a desi!reader inspired mood board for upcoming desi!reader fics
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- Another Desi imagine!!! I hope you all like this.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Mistakes Are Common
Sebastian Stan x Desi!Reader
Summary- One small mistake and the process starts again...
Tag List- @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @lastwandastan, @eudximoniakr, @girlnred, @hc-geralt-23, @minaxcarter, @tonystarksbitch, @moon-light1415, @hermosa4285, @narcy, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @instabul, @b-tchymoon
GIF Credits to @speckled-jim
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Punches were being thrown left and right, pants and breathy shakes audible as necessary comments were spoken.
She smirked as she landed the perfect punch on his side, making him growl like an enraged animal. The reply of the punch was a series of precisely placed punches and jabs, which she dodged rather easily.
"It seems your skills have rusted with time," she said smirking as she landed a kick on his knees. Another grunt of pain was heard, making the smirk widen.
"Come on, old man. I know you can do better," she taunted. She felt her combat boots' heel meet something hard, tilting her head back to find her back lightly meeting the wall.
She felt a heavy thing collide in her left side, realizing the reality a bit too late. A hand wrapped around her neck, pressing her into the wall hard and lifting her up.
"What happened now?" A voice came, sounding a bit restrainted. "How about... you help me?" She asked, gasping for air as she clawed at the metal arm. A groan was the voice's response.
She said the man's name as she clawed his hand.
And that was the mistake. Wrong name. She was supposed to say Bucky but what came out was Seb.
Sebastian let out an airy chuckle, carefully placing her down on her feet. Laughter from the crwe filled the studio. The loudest of them belonging to Robert, Chadwick and Sebastian.
"I hope you are recording them," Sebastian turned to the cameraman, grinning ear-to-ear. Just the opposite of what he was a few moments ago. "Yes boss," the cameraman replied with a salute.
"I am sorry," (Y/N) mutters under her breath, taking a deep breath. "This is the sixth time, (Y/N)," reminded Joe, trying hard not to chuckle. "Fifth," (Y/N) said defensively, folding her hands in front of her. "Of course, babe," Sebastian said teasingly with a smirk.
"Sebastian," Robert said, mimicking (Y/N) as he made a pout and continued, "come and give me a kiss." (Y/N) could feel herself glaring as she felt embarrassed. "Seb baby," Chadwick joined Robert, placing his hands on Robert's shoulder and making a smooching noise.
"Chup yaar," (shut up guys) (Y/N) whined, her mother tongue slipping out softly. "What was that?" Robert and Chadwick asked at the same time, tilting their heads to the side.
(Y/N) felt her face burn with embarrassment, turning to face Sebastian. "Shut up, guys. Let the girl live," Sebastian said with a chuckle, wrapping his hands around her waist and hugging her.
"You will get your chance of whining my name when I wrap my hand around your neck at home, darling. Let's give Russos their shot and be done, so we can go home early," Sebastian whispered, winking at her.
"Main maar dalungi tumko," (I will kill you) she replied, voice barely audible as she hid her face in his neck in embarrassment. "You have already killed me, my love," Sebastian said, smiling dreamily. Placing a kiss on her head, rubbing his nose against hers.
"That's enough, guys. Let's do this from the top," Anthony announced, smiling pityingly at (Y/N). "Oh yes. So that (Y/N) can whine our metal man's name again," Robert said with an eye roll. "I will not mess it up this time," (Y/N) said with determination.
Hums of approval met (Y/N)'s determined statement. She looked up, praying to the God to help her. "I would not mind you saying my name again," Sebastian whispered, making (Y/N) growl and punch him in his chest.
Sebastian let out a laugh, making the Russo Brothers roll their eyes in annoyance. "That's enough, guys," Anthony said. "Let's start from the beginning everyone. Take your positions all." And with that everyone made their way to their initial positions.
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cynic-spirit · 1 month
Alliances i
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Bucky barnes x ofc Maahira
In the dimly lit backroom of his upscale club, James Buchanan Barnes—known in the streets as Bucky Barnes—sat behind a mahogany desk that exuded both authority and opulence. His piercing blue eyes, sharp as a hawk's, scanned over the paperwork sprawled before him. The walls were lined with dark oak paneling, adorned with vintage photographs and an assortment of rare liquors that reflected his penchant for both luxury and danger.
Bucky’s reputation as a mobster was forged through a combination of ruthless efficiency and an unyielding code of loyalty. His long, dark hair fell over his forehead, contrasting sharply with the hard lines of his jaw and the neatly trimmed beard that added to his imposing presence. He wore a tailored black suit, the kind that hinted at wealth but concealed an edge of menace. A silver wristwatch glinted on his wrist, a token of his success and a symbol of his calculated demeanor.
The room was filled with a tense anticipation as Bucky awaited the arrival of Ajay Singh, a formidable mobster from India seeking to negotiate an expansion of their illicit operations. Bucky’s trusted circle of friends—Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson—stood nearby, each of them a testament to the ironclad loyalty and strategic acumen that Bucky valued above all else.
Steve Rogers, Bucky’s childhood friend turned loyal enforcer, leaned against the wall, his imposing figure a silent reminder of the strength that backed Bucky’s decisions. Natasha Romanoff, with her quick mind and lethal skills, stood with a calm yet alert demeanor, her eyes scanning the room for any hint of danger. Sam Wilson, sharp and resourceful, kept a watchful gaze on the entrance, ready to react at a moment's notice.
The door to the room creaked open, and Ajay Singh stepped in, flanked by his own entourage. Singh was a man of imposing stature, his presence commanding immediate respect. His tailored suit and sharp eyes spoke of both his wealth and his ruthlessness. Bucky rose from his desk, extending a hand in greeting, but his eyes remained wary, measuring the man before him with a practiced gaze.
As Singh and Bucky exchanged pleasantries, the room was charged with an undercurrent of tension. Both men were acutely aware of the stakes involved. Bucky’s club, with its clandestine backroom dealings and opulent façade, was a front for much darker operations. Singh’s interest in expanding into Bucky’s territory was a move that promised to either solidify a powerful alliance or ignite a dangerous conflict.
The meeting began with courteous words and calculated smiles, but the true nature of their discussion lay beneath the surface—a negotiation that would determine the future of their criminal empire and test the limits of their trust and cunning. In this high-stakes game, Bucky Barnes remained the enigmatic and dangerous figure whose every action was calculated to preserve his power and expand his influence.
As Ajay Singh arrived at Bucky Barnes' club, his imposing presence was matched by the entrance of his sister, Maahira Singh. She moved with an air of quiet elegance that immediately drew attention despite her reserved demeanor.
Maahira was strikingly beautiful, her appearance radiating an understated grace that captivated anyone who glimpsed her. Her long, jet-black hair cascaded in smooth waves down her back, contrasting with her porcelain skin. Her eyes, a deep and mesmerizing shade of brown, seemed to hold a world of unspoken thoughts, framed by delicately arched brows. Her features were refined, with high cheekbones and a slender, graceful nose that gave her an aura of timeless beauty.
She wore a flowing, deep emerald-green dress that accentuated her figure while maintaining an air of sophistication. The dress hugged her silhouette just enough to highlight her elegance without being overly revealing. Maahira's silence spoke volumes; she moved through the room like a whisper, her presence both delicate and powerful, commanding respect without uttering a single word.
While her brother engaged with Bucky and his team, Maahira kept to the periphery, observing with a calm and thoughtful gaze. She offered no greetings, her focus solely on her brother and the proceedings of the meeting, embodying a serenity that contrasted sharply with the charged atmosphere of the room.
As Bucky Barnes observed Maahira Singh, he found himself unexpectedly enchanted by her quiet beauty. Her serene presence, marked by an elegant grace and an air of aloofness, stood in stark contrast to the rough-and-tumble world of his club.
Her every movement was a study in subtlety, her long, dark hair shimmering under the dim lights and her eyes—deep and reflective—captivated him. While he maintained a professional demeanor in his interactions with Ajay Singh, his gaze frequently drifted toward Maahira. There was something profoundly intriguing about her reserved nature, a sense of mystery that piqued his curiosity.
Bucky, known for his usually composed and strategic demeanor, found himself momentarily lost in thoughts about her. Her understated beauty and the calm aura she projected seemed to pull him in, creating an unexpected diversion from the high-stakes negotiation at hand. Even as he engaged in business discussions, part of his mind remained preoccupied with the enigma of Maahira Singh, contemplating the allure behind her quiet composure.
After the deal was finalized and Ajay Singh, along with his sister Maahira, departed from Bucky’s club, the atmosphere in the room shifted back to its usual rhythm. Bucky, however, remained uncharacteristically distant. His thoughts were consumed by the image of Maahira Singh, her quiet beauty and reserved demeanor lingering in his mind.
His friends—Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson—quickly picked up on the change in Bucky’s demeanor. Steve, leaning against the wall with a thoughtful expression, noticed the distraction in Bucky’s usually sharp gaze. Natasha, ever perceptive, caught the subtle shift in Bucky’s focus, while Sam, with his characteristic sharp wit, observed the uncharacteristic depth of Bucky’s thoughts.
“So, what’s with the distant look, Bucky?” Steve asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern. “You seemed pretty engrossed in the meeting.”
Natasha, joining the conversation, added, “Something on your mind? You’re not usually this lost in thought after a deal.”
Sam, with a knowing smirk, leaned in and teased, “Yeah, you’ve been staring at that spot on the wall like it holds the secrets of the universe. Something or someone catch your attention?”
Bucky glanced up, shaking himself from his reverie. “Just thinking about the deal,” he said, attempting to deflect. “Ajay Singh’s people are… intriguing.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Intriguing? That’s not the word you usually use.”
Natasha’s gaze remained steady, her analytical mind piecing together the clues. “Or maybe it’s someone in particular.”
Bucky’s usual composure faltered for a moment before he masked it with a half-hearted smile. “Just caught me off guard. It’s nothing.”
His friends exchanged knowing looks, understanding that Bucky’s distraction was more personal than professional. As the evening wore on, the club’s usual bustle continued, but Bucky’s thoughts remained fixed on Maahira Singh, her image haunting him in a way he had not anticipated.
Steve’s comment hung in the air as he raised an eyebrow, his tone a mix of teasing and curiosity. “Maybe it’s his sister that has got your attention, Bucky?”
Bucky's gaze flickered briefly before he managed to regain his composure. He took a slow breath, trying to process the unexpected turn of the conversation. His friends were perceptive, and it was clear that they were not going to let this slide easily.
“Come on, Steve,” Bucky said with a wry smile, attempting to play it cool. “It’s just… she has a certain presence. Nothing more.”
Natasha, who had been observing closely, leaned in slightly. “Presence, huh? You seemed pretty captivated. She didn’t even say much.”
Sam chuckled, “Looks like someone’s a bit smitten. You’ve been off your game ever since they left.”
Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, fine. Maybe I was a bit distracted. She’s just… different from what I’m used to.”
Steve’s grin widened. “Different in a good way, or…?”
Bucky shrugged, though his eyes betrayed his genuine intrigue. “In a way that I didn’t expect. I don’t know what it is, but she’s been on my mind.”
Natasha nodded thoughtfully. “Sometimes it’s the quiet ones that have the most impact. Just don’t let it get in the way of business.”
Bucky chuckled softly, appreciating the support from his friends, though he knew this was a distraction he couldn’t easily shake. As they continued their conversation, his mind kept drifting back to Maahira Singh, the enigma who had managed to capture his attention and stir feelings he hadn’t anticipated.
part 2
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Conversations With The Devil (Part 2) - Bucky Barnes
Summary: For the week 2 writing game by @the-slumberparty i chose to continue one of my first one shots submitted to a challenge, Conversations With The Devil (part one) can be read here. My opening line prompt was 'He was at a crossroads and whichever path he chose would ruin someone’s life.'
Pairing: Soft!Dark!Devil! Bucky x Desi! Female!Reader
Word Count: 6.9k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, seances gone wrong, Oral F and M receiving, horror themes, smut, having sex with the devil?, a smidge of demon cock (nothing explicit just demon p grinding against human v), overstimulation, p in v, multiple orgasms, magic, sort of god complex, a little dark, whump, possession of a family member of the reader (not very horror-esque), protective bucky, horny bucky, devil bucky is a menace. please proceed with caution, you are responsible for your media consumption.
Masterlist || AO3
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He was at a crossroads and whichever path he chose would ruin someone’s life. Not that he ever cared for either kind of critters that littered the realms he roamed. Bucky was more so concerned with himself, always himself and his concerns.
Even months ago when he stumbled across those three little humans during the seance. 
He stares at the gold gleaming around his wrist, it was surprising this piece of magick. Remaining uncut by the most demonic and angelic of swords. The fire of hell did not melt the gold. Incantations that would have worlds collapsing did not break the chains.
A curse or blessing upon the human’s family. He scoffs, at least they were no longer binding his neck and right hand. Only one remained around his left wrist keeping the two of them coterminous across realms. He licks his lips remembering her taste on his tongue. His cock hardens, then Bucky focuses his eyes back on the demons arguing in his court. He resists the urge to roll his eyes at their repetitive blabber.
Tear apart limbs this, possess little red haired ragdoll that; Bucky groans internally. 
Then a wicked smile stretches across his face. He should check in on his own little Doll. She did just tempt him. It had been days since he teased her from his throne. The tendrils bellow softly beneath his throne, making their way to the portal he had hidden.
Closing his eyes, Bucky visualises her, hmm, a different outfit than he’d seen her wear before. The long skirt shifts delicately with each step. 
His gaze takes you in, your brows furrow as you turn in the empty corridor trying to discern why the feeling of being watched creeps up your spine. His fists clenched as he stopped himself from allowing you to feel his touch.
You would have to wait.
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You’re at yet another boring pre wedding dinner with the entire family. Distant cousins, uncles and aunts all gathered around. The loved by all elders and hated by all cousins, cousin Shaiyana, beams brightly as she shows off her man. 
Only the women in the family can see the faint gold chains that extend from her own bracelet to the boy’s neck and hands. You bite the inside of your cheek.
No one knew yet of Bucky or the fact that the chains had reduced from three to one over the span of six months. His intermittent visits and the one instance where he–no, he wasn’t there because of you. He had to cage that demon. He wasn’t there for you. 
Your mind still brings forth that night, from four months ago. 
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Four Months Earlier.
Martin shrugs you off yet again, saying this time the seance would be foolproof. Lesser candles and Misha’s confidence lured you into the plan yet again. So there you all sat, fingers on the planchette. 
Dread filled every crevice of your chest. The hairs on your body rising as the temperature dropped enough for you to see Misha’s breathy exhale followed by Martin’s sniffle.
“Why does this happen to us?” Martin questions, the planchette moves to the letters.
The two of them stare at you with accusatory gazes as your name is spelled out.
“What–,” Your words are cut off as the three of you are yanked into corners of the room. You wheeze out as a pressure builds upon your chest, your hands placed down an invisible force holding you down. 
Misha’s voice echoes with the prayer followed by three claps, you breathe hard as the pressure vanishes. 
“What the fuck was that?” They ask you. 
You shake your head, “I don’t know.” 
Checking your hands, three long lines manifest across your forearm as though scrapped. No words or responses form. Wordlessly you help them fix their living room and leave for your own home.
The studio apartment greets you as you had left it. Every little common sound, reasonable thump has you on edge. Part of you wonders if Bucky would know what that was, if he would even appear again. 
The last time you saw him was when he raised his head from between your shaking thighs and licked his fingers and lips. Then he left. You knew he was still bound when your bracelet gleamed with three chains that seemingly went nowhere. As it did every day since that night two months ago.
You stare at the bracelet yet again and sigh a part of you sought him out. Wanting to know more, wanting to talk to him, feel him pressed against you again. Shaking the thoughts away, you go through your routine before bed.
Soon enough your earlier dread returns just on the cusp of sleep. Before you can utter the little prayer to defend yourself, the weight on your chest returns, heavier than before and you can hear the low growl above you. 
Your bracelet shifts closer to your palms, your folded fingers brush over the chains. Your mind brings forth his deepening azure eyes. 
The presence yet again holds your hands down. It reminds you of sleep paralysis only occurring when you’ve had the most tiring of days. 
“Please–,” You rasp, “Let m-me g-go, p-please–,” The pressure adds onto your throat the tears pooling now brim over. 
You can feel one breath remaining, it's a long shot you know. 
“Bucky.” You whisper into the room, only resulting in the pressure intensifying on your chest.
There is a snarl from the edge of your apartment, darkness shrouds a tall looming figure. Your eyes widen fighting the urge to close. Your struggles increase and the figure moves closer, the shadowy tendrils move across the space wrapping around above you, around nothing and they pull. As soon as they pull away you cough the ability to breathe freely returns.
The darkness now towers above your bed. You watch the invisible creature appear with crooked limbs and bottomless pits for eyes. It is pulled to the ground and a portal closes just as it is dragged under ground. 
You look up at the darkness, it clears, a horned creature watches you, its face covered in cracks as though marble damaged. The colour of its skin is a mix of grey and the cracks seemingly gold.
Its eyes blazing red with a catlike shape, trained upon you as it levitates upside down, you watch the gargoyle-like wings not open to their full expanse given the space, its lower body still covered by the bellowing tendrils. The demon settles across you on your bed. 
It saved you. 
Tilting its head it observes you silently. Lips unmoving just watching you. 
Your hands move to where the other demon’s scratches grave your forearm, its eyes follow the movement. It grabs your forearm and pushes up your sleeve. The demon’s face morphs into surprise you think. 
Maybe it wondered why you were not screaming? Or reciting pages of a holy scripture at it. 
Your brows furrow, its touch is familiar. The long fingers with dark nails begin to morph as they hold your hand, its eyes once again angry. In a practised sequence the horns and wings disappear, then the body, hands and face turn more human.
“Bucky?” Your surprise makes him look away from the scratches. His eyes still red, he blinks and you’re greeted by the familiar azure.
“I’ll make him pay.” He assures, before the tendrils wrap around him, his hands begin to disappear.
You panic again, “No!”
“What is it?” His voice sounds irritable.
“I,” you swallow before meeting his hard gaze, “I wanted to say thank you for answering my call…”
“Your call?” He snorts, you feel his hand better again, “I’ve been trying to find that demon, he’s fucking up all my plans. Made a mess in hell. You think I would answer a mortal’s call? Isn’t that what your almighty above is for?” He sneers, thumb tracing delicately over the scratches a stark contrast to his words.
You watch as they fade, “Oh, well, thank you for um, getting rid of it?” you change the words around. He rolls his eyes.
He stands creating distance between the two of you. 
“Don’t do anymore seances.” He warns, his demonic form taking over yet again before he disappears.
As Bucky stands before the bound demon, he raises his hand and forms a fist. The demon cries out in pain as all three hooked fingers on each of its four hands are crushed.
“You do not touch what is mine. You do not scare what is mine.” Bucky speaks calmly but his threat is clear.
“I’m sorry, Sire. My King I didn’t know that stupid mortal was your plaything–,”
The click of Bucky’s tongue has the demon cower back, the circle engraved onto the ground would not let the creature escape.
“You do not insult what is mine.” Bucky inhales, then closes his eyes, smiling as the demon’s pained screams surround him.
Days later Bucky watches as you go about your day, he’s noticed how you look at your bracelet with a sense of longing. Each time you do, there is a soft tug on the chains on his end. He was surprised when the other demons and creatures could not see the chains. It appeared only you and him could see them.
He follows you around, when one of your co-workers gets a little too close and reaches for your shoulder his unheard to you growl has the man retract his hand. You tilt your head as the co-worker scurries away. Bucky looks down at himself in disgust, what kind of human emotions was he resorting to, jealousy? He glares at you now and claws at the stupid chain around his neck. 
When you return home, you squeak in response to seeing him lounging on your bed, legs crossed and arms behind his head. A pleasant yet devilish smile on his features. If he was stuck with you might as well have some fun.
“What are you doing here? Another demon escaped? Is Cerberus not guarding properly?” You set your bags down on the table.
He chuckles, “It's cute you think I have a pet dog.” 
“What are you then? A cat person–creature?” You correct yourself, trying not to laugh at his exasperated look.
Blue eyes narrow and then rake over you, he did like the outfit. Your leggings tempt him to tear them away. One of his tendrils wraps around your ankle caressing it. You look down at it.
“Bucky, why are you here?” 
The tendril moves higher, wrapping around your thigh.
“You didn’t thank me properly the other night.” He reprimands you, more tendrils superimpose the earlier one, you’re lifted off the floor and brought to him.
“I said thank you.” You tug at the hold on your hands.
“Hmm, I’d prefer if you thank me by getting on your knees.”
“I’m not–,”
“You know I can feel you because of these?” The chains appear then, then fade away, “Every little emotion that overtakes you,” He levitates to meet you above your bed, “Your joy, sadness, pain,” his eyes move to your bare forearm, “Even your arousal.”
Your chest tightens and your clit pulses at his words. He licks his bottom lip, teeth sinking into the pink flesh. Teasing you. 
“Just as right this moment, she misses me doesn’t she?” Bucky chuckles as he feels your arousal permeate through his own body. He cups your mound, warmth seeping through your clothes, the tendrils make you grind against his palm. 
You whimper, trying to close your legs.
“Admit it.” He urges, the tendrils tear apart your top, your bra tattered too, his tongue swirls against your nipple and you feel it circle your clit too, you cry out.
“Admit it, Doll.” He moves to the other, hardening it into a peak as well.
He rises above you, tendrils supporting you, your hands behind your back making you assume a kneeling position. You’re face to face with his cock, leaking precum. Your body thrums in remembrance. 
“Admit it and you can have anything you want.” He cups your cheek, pushing away the stray locks. 
“Want you.” You lean into his touch.
“Open your mouth, Doll.” 
Your lips part, Bucky traces your bottom lip with his tip then sinks into your mouth inch by inch. You moan around him, his hand grips your head. 
“Breathe, Doll. Taking me so well. So pretty with your mouth full.” 
“You better keep that jaw slack, Doll. Gonna fuck your pretty face and then I’ll fill you up.” He promises, “Now,” He grunts as he thrusts and guides your mouth over his thick and veiny cock, “Remind me once we’re done to ask you about the little thought you had about my demon form.”
Your eyes widen, your body betrays you gathering more arousal over your folds. Bucky laughs. He guides your head over his cock, “Fucking velvet, so good. Fuck.”
He pulls out completely, “Oh, I’ll fuck you in my demon form too.” For a moment he morphs into his demon form, his cock thicker that your thumb and fingers wouldn’t meet wrapped around his cock. 
You swallow at the size of him, “It won’t, it won’t, um, fit.” Your voice a rasp, his thumb traces your bottom lip.
“It will fit, you were made for me weren’t you?” He questions, ignoring as the chains glow.
You nod, the two of you are turned, he slides his cock over your folds, the more prominent veins rub over your clit and folds you jolt under him. He morphs into his human form, repeating the movement, drawing out the same response. 
“Oh I’ve missed this pretty pussy wrapped all around me.” He taps your clit with his cock, making you shudder. 
Your hands grip his arms, Bucky sinks into your waiting pussy, both of you moan in unison. Your walls pulse around him. The chain from around his neck fades away as he begins to thrust into you. 
One leg around his waist the other thrown over his shoulder he sinks deeper, you cry out as each thrust is against your gspot, he builds your orgasm, his mouth around your nipple and one tendril tweaks the other. You feel his tongue flick your clit as well, all in tandem with his thrusts. 
Your lips part in a plea of his name as pleasure floods your senses and you arch off of your bed, against Bucky. Your nails rake down his chest, marking him. He hisses.
Your walls spasm around him, coating him in your cum. He smirks as you thrash in his hold, he doesn’t allow you respite, repeating the same movements sending you barrelling into your second orgasm. Tears brim over your eyes, down your cheek to your neck. 
Bucky lets go of your nipple, licking your sweet sweat-slicked skin and moaning at the taste of your pleasured tears. 
“So good, Bucky–,” Your words cut off by a cry as you’re turned, now on top of him, his cock buried deeper, your arms reaching for his shoulders. Bucky watches as you meet his eyes with glazed over eyes, he cups your cheek. Leaning in he kisses you, bruising the tendrils and his grip on your hips guide you over him. 
The tendrils tug and pull at your nipples, “One more sweet Doll, so fucking pretty, such a good girl aren’t you?”
You nod through the pleasured haze, “Your-yours,” You sob as his thrust is deep. Pleasure blooms like hellfire from your toes to your head.
“Mine, all mine.” He growls nipping at your flesh. 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky–,” Your third orgasm shatters through you, “Fill me up!” You cry out. 
Bucky gives a few more hard thrusts before he moans your name, his cum coats your walls, you slump against his broad chest, sniffling as the aftershocks run through you. 
“You’re still milking me, Doll.” He groans as your pussy clamps around him, keeping him inside you. Taking all of his seed. 
You only hum in response, your head nuzzled into his chest. Taking in his scent your hands tracing over him lazily admiring him. 
“You’re pretty, both forms.” You whisper, he laughs.
“I belive I’ve fucked you stupid.” He declares making you frown. Pulling away to look at him.
The urge to quell your sadness overtakes him,
“Doll.” He warns. This, what the fuck was all this emotion?
“I said you’re pretty.” Your index finger presses to his chest.
“Find a better word than pretty.” He bargains.
“Can’t think too much cum.” You shrug, if he could act coy so could you.
“Is that right?” He raises a brow, “Too bad, I wanted to go a few more times.”
“Hmm, I do have to thank you properly.” You agree with him, “So are you a demon or a devil?” You ask, holding onto him as you’re turned again laying on your back.
“Pillowtalk? Buy a devil dinner first.” A tendril tugs on your nipple and you swat it lightly.
“A few minutes more.” You pet it, Bucky blinks at your actions.
“What? I don’t have any pets of my own.” You shrug the tendril wraps around your wrist, you smile.
Bucky shakes his head, after round two, he’d leave. Create distance again. 
He could not have your emotions meddle into him. 
He is ruthless, calculative. 
He is cunning. 
He takes what he wants; he cares for no one but himself. 
A king of Hell.
When you fall asleep, he gently moves away from you. 
The tendril you petted pulls the blanket on you better. Bucky stares at it, hands on his hips.
“What part about no attachments isn’t understood?” He whispers. The tendril turns towards you then back at Bucky. “We are not involving ourselves with a human.” He warns the tendril.
The tendril points to your bracelet. As if to say we’re already involved. 
“Just, open the damn portal.” Bucky huffs, as he descends into his realm, he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest and the way your hand sleepily seeks him out, you shifting closer to his residual warmth.
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Warmth floods you at the memories. 
It had been three weeks since his last appearance. Your legs begin parting under the table, the familiar tendril stokes your inner thighs and the remaining drag your lehenga upwards. 
You shut your thighs, pushing the fabric down. 
That blue and red eyed menace. 
“Still three chains?” Your grandmother tuts, your eyes snap to her. 
“I, it’s just been five months—,” Shaiyana stutters, her blonde highlights flailing around her, “It takes time…”
‘Hmm, we’re down to one chain, Doll.’ Bucky’s deep baritone whispers against your earlobe; you feel his teeth graze your flesh. You shudder; he isn't actually here. 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, this is one of his horny tricks. 
“Stop it.” You whisper, his lips ghost over your neck. 
‘I quite like the neckline of this outfit, your chest looks fantastic and this skirt, hmm, could bend you over and just—,’
“Bucky.” You chastise, reaching for your bracelet, the thin gold chain appears and you yank it. 
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Bucky’s arm tugs him sideward on his throne. He grasps his end of the shared chain and yanks it as well. 
His court of demons stare at him. Silence takes over the court. 
“What are all of you looking at? What's next I don’t have all the time in the underworld.” He roars at them. 
They look at him and then scutter about before resuming the arguments. 
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As a result you knock into the waiter putting the entrées onto your cousin brother’s plate, “I’m so sorry!” 
“I’m not.” Your cousin beams as more food is dropped onto his plate, “These are my fave chicken tikkas.” 
‘Where is my apology Doll?’ Bucky asks, you swat at the tendril on your knee. 
“Y/N?” Your aunt looks at you with a raised brow.
“Oh just a fly.” You swat the other tendril you feel. You glare at the tendrils, they know you mean no harm.
‘You’re being a brat.’
“You were supposed to be here, we had a deal.” You remind him, trying not to let the disappointment get the best of you. 
‘First explain about the chains. Also, I’m busy ruling.’
“You need to be here to ask grandma about it. And stop trying to demon mode sex if you’re so busy ruling a part of hell.” You grit out in a whisper.
“Who needs to ask grandma what?” Your grandma eyes you from where she stands coming to greet everyone at the table. 
“Um just about the ch-,” Bucky’s ring circles your clit, “ah-chains.” You grip the seat of your chair cheeks heating. Oh this little devil of yours is going to pay. 
‘It's cute how you think you can get revenge on me. You're getting tied up today, Doll.’ Bucky warns, all traces of him disappearing. 
“Well?” Your grandmother asks yet again. 
“Why do the chains—,”
“Grandma, if you could just see how good we are together.” The apple of everyone’s eye pleads cutting you off. 
Your cousin brother mimics her whining, the cousins at your table suppress a laugh but giggles escape.
Your aunt shushes everyone.
“The chains are important dear. They tell everything.” She pats her head and then turns her eyes to the empty seat next to you. You wince. Her questioning came from her astute intuition. 
“He’s preoccupied.” You answer, “Meetings, on his way though.” 
She eyes you warily but moves on from your table. 
You slump in your seat. You meet the gaze of your parents and they are disappointed. For an open minded desi family they are disappointed in the lack of presence of your love life compared to your cousins.
What would you tell them? 
A devil creeps into your bed every few weeks? 
That you wish he would stay? 
That you googled how Persephone went to Hades just to know if it's viable for you to move there to hell? 
You’ve laughed to the point of tears over this situation. You could only hope the lesser number of chains meant he would be freed. 
Your theories of the chains fading because of sex was disproved earlier, the second only faded when he had appeared at the club your friends had dragged you to, where you got sick, the nausea from those weird mocktails and greasy food hadn’t agreed with your system. 
All you remember from that night was Bucky carrying, well flying you home after your friends had disappeared with their various hook ups. You had woken up to him scowling at you all while thrusting tylenol, water and then your favourite food in your hands. 
You didn’t think a devil would or could lecture you about parties, but there he was, eyes flickering between red and blue. Voice switching between demonic and human. The tendril you had befriended first had wrapped itself around your wrist offering comfort and Bucky glared at it.
“You cannot possibly think she isn’t to be told off.” He stares at the tendril.
It raises its body then lowers it like a shrug.
“Oh, alright, hm what if she got hurt?” He pauses then, masking his worry with ire.
“I didn’t mean to make you worry.” You look up at him, doe eyed. He inhales then exhales. The worrisome thought crosses his mind yet again. You feel his worry in your chest.
“I was not worried.” Bucky yells, voice fully demonic, you look away from him. His gaze softens.
He cups both your cheeks, “You need to be careful. We don’t know what these chains mean, I try to keep myself out of trouble too. You need to do the same, Doll.” It was the first time he used your nickname without a sexual context.
You both had watched then how the chain undid itself from around his right wrist. 
Something in Bucky’s chest cracks, he swiftly ignores it. The little pang of worry that he may lose you sooner rather than later. 
The hall doors swing open murmurs break out in their presence. You’re pulled out of your thoughts. You watch as Bucky walks in, crossing the threshold that held sacred verses over it with ease. Your jaw drops at his navy traditional sherwani attire. There are intricate velvet patterns on it that give it a raised emboss look. He dressed like that one Indian Film actor did in that one movie that you can no longer recall. All other images gone from your brain apart from this one.
The women of the family all turn to look at you. The chain speaking for Bucky and you before you could. Your grandmother takes your name as she eyes Bucky. He smiles at her. You stand walking to meet him halfway.
“I apologise for the delay, Grandma.” He takes her hand kissing the back of it. Her eyes narrow between the two of you.
“One chain?” She questions.
“We wanted to ask you about that–,”
“After the festivities. Enjoy the dinner, James.” She cuts you off then moves to her original table.
He raises a brow but only gives her a half smile. Bucky turns to you. 
“You like?” He winks, admiring the way your cheeks heat.
“I-, you came?” You ask, Bucky hides his own mirth at the happiness blooming in your heart replacing the earlier loneliness he could feel.
Bucky wants to say something else, you feel his hesitation, “We had a deal.” He runs his hand through his hair, his ring gleaming in the light.
“Let's meet your parents.” He suggests taking your hand and leading you to their table.
The lies flow easily from Bucky’s mouth.
Who is he? 
How the two of you met? 
What does he do with his free time? 
He even has pictures of his white fluffy cat on his phone– Alpine. You raise a brow.
“Cats are nice, misunderstood but nice.” He whispers, his lips brush over your earlobe, “You better not forget what your punishment is,” One arm moves to rest across your chair, his other rests on your thigh. The tendrils begin to work their way up again. 
Bucky’s face is inches from yours, you look up at him. He smiles at you.
“Smile.” He says, you blink, “Smile, Doll.” The tendrils tickle your side, you giggle and the flash occurs. Bucky’s smile widens, taking over his face at the sound of your laugh.
Your younger cousin hands you the polaroid, it's still developing as you lean closer to him.
Your breath ghosts over his neck, “My little devil,” you giggle yet again as you feel his irritation, 
“I’ll show you what’s little–,” He takes a sharp breath when you tug his earlobe and kiss the spot on his neck you had discovered the third time he slept with you.
“As I was asking, will you be in the picture?” 
He sighs exasperated, your questions about all of this ranged from actually fun to answer to can he shut you up in creative ways using his mouth, fingers or cock?
“I’m not a vampire.” He shakes his head, the arm resting across your back softly traces over your arm.
“Hmm, cranky like a hungry one.” You tease.
“Well I haven’t eaten my favourite meal in days. I could eat and no one would know, well if you keep quiet, Doll.” His eyes switch colours, darkened with red rims.
Your brows furrow as you spot a bead of sweat. Before you can stop yourself you wipe it from his temple.
“This sherwani is warmer than I anticipated.” He brushes it off, the waiters place food on Bucky’s plate as well. You don’t look away from him.
“Is it the scriptures?” You ask, he chews the kebab then nods, eyes shifting to the books kept.
“You all prayed before this, correct?” 
“I’m sorry, Bucky I didn’t realise it would be more than what is comfortable, do you want to go outside?” Your hand is placed on his chest.
He licks his lips, “Let me eat my dessert, it's a sin.”
“Are you sure it will help?” Were you actually considering this?
“Hey man, it's so nice of you to come down, she was getting all lonely staring at her phone.” Your cousin interrupts the conversation. 
“Ah yes I was texting her minute by minute.” Bucky nods, you want to laugh. 
You didn’t even have his number. 
“So what do you do?” Bucky questions your cousin. Your mind blanks momentarily as you feel Bucky’s lips ghost along your inner thigh. 
Your cousin replies but you hear nothing, you feel Bucky’s tongue delve through your folds. You grip his hand resting on your thigh. 
‘Not a sound, Doll.’ He warns, ‘So fucking sweet. All for me.’
His moan reverberates against your core, you bite your lip as you feel his fingers delve into you. Thick digits curving deliciously. You reach for the glass of water, your fingers clamp around it as you feel yourself stretch around his ring. 
‘Could stay between your legs for aeons, Doll.’ 
You feel him suck on your clit and you whimper, Bucky next to you presses his lips to your temple. Grounding you. 
‘You love it when I get like this, taking you apart then putting you back together.’ 
His movements gain pace, sweet oblivion within reach and he stops. Your lehenga righted and he kissed your temple again. 
“Seems like we aren’t the only sinners here.” He murmurs. You look at Shaiyana and her partner. The chains are down to two from three. Her hair dishevelled. 
You glare at Bucky. 
“Oh, no this is part of the punishment.” He grins. 
“Bucky.” You all but whine. 
“Needy little Doll aren’t you?” He whispers, “For each orgasm I deny I’m going to reward you.” 
Around you both dinner continues, Bucky teases you relentlessly during the entire time. Thoroughly enjoying the way you squirm for him. Turning into his needy little mess. His greedy little, Doll. 
The fifth time he edges you. You can’t take it, you know distance doesn’t matter he can always use his powers on you. You still excuse yourself from the table, heading to the washrooms. Your cheeks warm, flushed because of Bucky. You fix your dupatta’s draping in the mirror. 
“You have got some nerve.” Shaiyana observes exiting the stall. 
You raise a brow. 
“Oh come on your boyfriend suddenly appears just as I debut mine and one chain? How many times has he fucked you?” She turns to face you. 
“They don’t disappear just because of sex…” you trail off. 
“Oh please, Grandma’s rules clearly state about bonds and binds. How they forge forever and how they break.” She scoffs, flipping her hair back. 
“Shaiyana, how does the bond break?” You swallow, wondering if it is what you wanted, to lose Bucky. 
She looks back in the mirror meeting your gaze through it, “Finally you’re away from, Sire.” 
Her eyes turn fully black, no whites nor her dark brown irises visible. You take a step back. 
“You have him distracted. We don’t like distractions. The only thing good about you? Your mortality.” Her voice haunts you, gooseflesh raising across your skin. 
“He won’t appreciate you hurting me.” You warn, moving towards the bathroom door. You try not to let fear consume you. 
You try to reach out to Bucky through the bond. You feel nothing. 
Shaiyana cackles, “Aw, he isn’t your knight in shining armour.” She steps closer towards you. Her voice is akin to chalk screeching against a board.
You look at the bracelet, the chain does not manifest. You look back at your cousin just as her hand comes in contact with your cheekbone. The force of it pushing you against the granite counter, you groan as the corner hurts you.
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Bucky’s brows furrow, you aren’t back yet. The side of the bond that allowed him to reach you was subdued. He walks up to your Grandma, she turns sensing him. 
“I see your curiosity cannot wait.” She smiles standing up, he offers her his hand. She grasps it, leading her towards the balcony. His gaze everywhere trying to find you. 
The tendrils move along the edges of the room, taking over the venue to find you. 
“How did you know my name?” He questions her, there is a thrum around her, iridescent old magick exuding from her aura. 
“I know quite a bit about the demons and Kings of Hell, boy. What I should be asking is what made you choose a mortal?” She raises a brow at him. 
“I didn’t know about the curse until the binds—,”
“You know what I mean.” She gives him a knowing look, “You do know before the binding you were asked if you will explore this with her.” 
Bucky looks out onto the city lights. He remembers the ancient words, he remembers his affirmative reply. He wanted you. Then reality seeped in. Bound to a mortal? Bonds that work across realms? Forcing himself to not seek you out for two months.
He looks back at her, “She was not supposed to become more.”
“And now? You want to break it?” Your grandmother watches him.
“What do the chains mean?” He questions.
Unease trickles across him as the tendrils return with no news. He looks at her. She senses his emotions.
“I have to find her.” Bucky returns to the hall then out into the hall.
He frowns, there was a corridor to the bathroom here why can’t he see it?
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“You’re going to break the spell you have on our Master.” Shaiyana’s nails dig into your cheeks. The water overflowing from the taps, the cold seeps into your back. She was slamming your hand into the floor trying to get the bracelet to break. 
There was something possessing her. You had to do something.
“I didn’t!” You cry out in pain that breaks across your knuckle. Moving up your palm. 
“He keeps visiting this realm. He tortured demons over you. His own kind.” Shaiyana snarls and you feel the sting of a slap. 
“He wants the bond gone.” She tells you. Your tear stained eyes meet her obsidian ones.
“How to break it?” You ask, “Did he send you?” 
She smiles, “He did, oh you fell in love? You fell for the King? You, a mere mortal? Be worthy of him?” She laughs. 
In her distraction you begin to pray, she takes her hands away as if burned by your skin. You push yourself away, slipping as you make your way to the door. Shit, shit, shit.
Shaiyana stands again, you pray again, slamming your hands against the door hoping someone would hear you. “Bucky!”
“Stop calling his name!” She warns moving closer to you.
Bucky hears a thump, he turns to the seemingly placed wall. He places his palm on it. It scalds his flesh. His eyes turn red. A seal placed upon the door. He presses both palms to the wall. 
It begins to give way, he hears your pained cry of his name. 
“Doll!” He calls out.
The tendrils slither through the cracks, the seal was drawn outside the door. As the tendrils latch onto it, “Get away from the door!” He yells. You step back, pausing the prayer. Shaiyana yanks you back by your hair.
The door burns as Bucky steps through it. The flames disappear, behind him the cream coloured door now blackened. He stands there anger coursing through his veins. The image of him right now exudes power. 
You whimper as Shaiyana smiles up at him, her nails digging into your scalp, “I did as you said, Sire. The way to break the bond? Break the bracelet or kill her.” She adds.
“When did I place such a command? Are you trying to overthrow me?” He raises a brow, “Release her.” 
“Bucky break it–,”
“No.” He cuts you off.
“I fear it is worse than we thought. He cares for her.” She taps her foot thrice.
A portal opens beneath the three of you. Bucky sends the tendrils forth to break your fall. He switches to his demon form. The tendrils pull you to him. Tucking you to his side. He snarls at the demons gathered around. Shaiyana lays on the ground, unconscious. 
“You have to make a choice, Sire. A bewitching mortal or your duty as King.” The demon that was possessing her procures a blade. Your eyes widen. 
Your hand grips his forearm, he looks down at you, “They would kill you?” 
“They wouldn’t dare.” He looks back at the demons.
“Bucky, let me break it.” You plead.
“Why? Do you not want–,”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
“I won’t.”
The glimmer of the blade shines through the fires burning, you do the most mortal thing Bucky expects. Covering his form with yours, “Are you insane?! I need you alive!” He yells.
The blade is stopped by his hand. It burns his flesh.
“What is this sacrificial human bullshit? You do not die for love! Be selfish! Stay alive damn it.” He yells, throwing the blade back at the demon. His wings expand, covering the two of you and Shaiyana from the blades and hexes that are sent your way.
“No. I don’t want the bond to break. Do you know I was asked before the binding. If I wanted this? I agreed.”
“Then why were you gone?” You demand, the tendrils begin to branch out. 
He raises the cracks in the ground. The demons around you stop their attack. All pausing because of the sigils made into the ground.
“I wanted you, Doll. Do you see this? The insubordination?” He glares at all the demons, he turns back to his human form.
“I kept a watch on you. I wanted to know what the chains meant. I dived into research but this is heirloom magick passed down between generations. Not kept in any scripture.” He explains, you blink several times.
“Wait, you said love?” You ask him, he stares at you.
“Just, just sit here and do not look at or touch anything.” He makes you sit on his throne before stepping away. 
He turns back to look at you.
“I don’t want the bond to break too.” Your words make him smile, the familiar tendril wraps around your wrist.
The gold chain around his left wrist disappears, in its place a gold chain bracelet remains. 
The two of you share a look, the bond thrums steadily between the two of you. 
“Now let me go take care of these fools before I return to have you ride me while I sit on my throne.” He winks at you before turning yet again.
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Your grandmother looks at Shaiyana asleep on the couch of the hotel lobby, then you, then Bucky. 
“She was possessed?” Your Grandma questions. 
Your devil and you nod.
“She was taken to hell?” 
The devil and his human nod again.
“You both verbalised not wanting the bond to break?” 
You both nod yet again.
“I see. Well I’m not going to deal with the six month crap Demeter had imposed.” She stares at Bucky.
“She’s free to travel realms.” He answers, thumb stroking over your hand.
“Hmm, trust the one who loves horror to snag a devil.” She teases you, “Alright now head on home. I’ll get someone to help with her.” Your grandmother heads back to the banquet hall.
Bucky chuckles, lips pressing to your temple. You close your eyes, when you open them you’re back in the throne room.
“I have to reward you.” He says sitting down on his throne, the tendrils help your lehenga bunch around you as you straddle him, his length pressing to your core.
“That you do, my little devil. My King.” You nip at the skin of his neck, he growls hands gripping your hips.
“Doll.” He warns, moaning as you grind against him.
“Yes?” You continue tracing your lips over his flesh leaving your own little marks upon him.
“After what you achieved today, exposing those who stand against me? You’re going to make a fine Queen and your first order of business?” He lifts you up, clothes melting away from your bodies, slowly he guides you down on his hard length. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you moan against his lips.
“You are to scream your King’s name, my Queen.” He tugs on your bottom lip before kissing you deeply, as he pulls away, “Did you know ancient heirloom magick is one of the strongest forms?” 
You feel so full, the tendrils tease your nipples, “Bucky–,”
“I sensed the magick in you the minute I saw you.” He raises you and has you slide down on him again, controlling your movements. 
You meet his eyes, they have red rims around the darkening irises. Bucky smirks, as he brings you closer to him. Your clit grinding against his trail of hair. You moan, he grasps your chin. 
“You and your magick are both to be mine.” He kisses you then as you feel yourself fall backward, landing on a soft mattress, Bucky’s hands move over your skin. From your hips over your sides one hand remains around your neck, the gold chain of his bracelet gleams. 
“All of it was for the magick?” You rasp, he studies your features. 
He thrusts into you, your walls quiver around him, “Always so fucking beautiful and tight, such a good girl for me.”
Your nails leave little indents into his biceps, “James, answer–Oh–,” 
You moan as his tip brushes over the spot that sparks the pleasured waves to thrum through you.
“All of it,” He thrusts into you deeper, rutting against you, your legs wrapping around him tighter, “Was for you, Doll.”
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AN: i never thought i'd get to writing a part 2 for this one shot but here we are, i'm quite proud of it and i hope you enjoyed reading!
Permanent Bucky Taglist: @slutforsexyseabass
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brandycranby · 1 year
asian reader moodboard series masterlist
While my inbox is always open for general writing and moodboard requests, this series is a special project dear to my heart. I see very little Asian representation in self-insert community spaces and personally, it hurts a lot. But what we make is what we see so here I am.
Currently, I make moodboards for mostly C. Evans characters, Bucky Barnes, and some other S. Stan characters. Feel free to inquire in my inbox. I do not do RPF (real person fiction).
You can be very specific in your reader request (such as Tamil!Reader, Shanghainese!Reader, Khmer!Reader) or more general (EA!Reader, Desi!Reader, SEA!Reader) but please include the aesthetic/vibe/prompt/colors you want as well. You're very welcome to specify that you want a darker model!! (FUCK COLORISM)
Anyone can request and anyone can reblog. In fact, please do or else no one will ever know about these 🥹
*The pictures I use are not mine, all are found on Pinterest*
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A Morning in Mumbai - Bucky Barnes x Desi!Reader, for @emyearns (June 9th, 2021)
These Idle Hours - Ransom Drysdale x East Asian!Reader; light academia (December 17th, 2021)
Where the Green Grass Grows - Jake Jensen x Korean!Reader, for @babyjakes; cottagecore (July 3rd, 2023)
Glitter on Your Lips - Robert "Mr. Freezy" Pronge x Desi!Reader, for @astrorogers; 80s disco (September 1st, 2023)
m. masterlist
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uselesssomebody · 7 months
blog rules!
this blog is a safe space for the lgbt+ community as well as p.o.c., so please never feel unwelcome. anyone against these values, please just keep scrolling. be polite in requests/interaction. i love a bit of constructive criticism, but keep it contructive. heed 18+ warning and smut/trigger warnings
writing disclaimers!
i am mostly a romance blog, i.e. i write with the intention (usually) of some romantic conclusion between the two characters. i am also a (pretty much) strictly 'x reader' blog; if you have requests for two canon characters, i will most likely not be able to help you.
writing do's!
request anything to me, guys! i will be alright if you request things with triggering content, i will be alright if you choose real niche characters, and i'll be alright if you send a real specific, super self-indulgent request. of course, some asks will be neglected (due to time or other inability to work on it), but, generally, i attempt to complete works that i am alright working with.
writing don't's!
☁ no under-18/kid readers as part of plot (highschool age for e.g. stranger things & teen wolf is fine as long as the actor is over 18 - so no s.t. kids!) ☁ i'm not qualified to write about stuff like eating disorders, self harm or other mental illness especially from a reader's perspective ☁ kinks like ddlg/age play, anal penetration, bodily fluids (besides blood and cum) ☁ I do not write real person fiction ☁ while generally POC reader requests is okay, i can't write specific races for charcaters besides desi readers (cause i'm desi myself)
who i write for! (always updating)
☁ from stranger things, i write for eddie munson, robin buckley, billy hargrove or steve harrington ☁ from marvel, i write for bucky barnes, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, jake lockley, marc spector, steven grant, layla el-faouly and miguel o'hara ☁ from harry potter, i write for cedric diggory, fred weasley, ron weasley, remus lupin, sirius black, regulus black and james potter ☁ from star wars, i write for poe dameron, or din djarin (the mandalorian) ☁ from triple frontier, i write for frankie morales and santiago garcia ☁ miscellaneous oscar isaac characters i write for include basil stitt, jonathan levy, duke leto, kane and orestes (agora) ☁ miscellaneous pedro pascal characters i write for include joel miller, javier peña, jack daniels (agent whiskey), dio morrissey ☁ miscellaneous sebastian stan characters i write for include lee bodecker, carter baizen and charles blackwood ☁ miscellaneous dylan o'brien characters i write for include thomas (maze runner), stiles stilinski, and stuart (the internship) ☁ other miscellaneous characters include felix catton (saltburn) and paul atriedes (dune) and tess servopoulos (the last of us)
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murdockbarnes · 3 years
colour me with your love
pairing: bucky barnes x desi fem!reader
summary: bucky just loves the henna on your hands
wordcount: 1.2k words
warnings: smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, p in v, henna kink?, mentions of nikkah but i feel like you can imagine it however you want?, hickeys, breeding kink, bucky barnes in a kurta and sherwani is a big fucking warning
A/N: this is my first time writing ~serious~ smut so irdk how this is going to be received. also lmao i am extremely bad at titles, so let's please disregard that. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. have a great day!
*not edited, all mistakes are mine*
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the wedding was magnificent and as you had always dreamed, maybe even better. the perfect celebration of bucky and your love, a celebration of both of your cultures and families and friends coming together. it was days filled with laughter and fun and unbridled joy and love for each other. it was days of functions and exhaustion and countless flowers, but neither of you would have it any other way. plus, you got to see bucky in several kurtas, so really, who won?
the day of your nikkah was undoubtedly one of the best days of your life, seeing the love of your life looking as handsome as ever, you fell deeper for him. as for bucky, he had never seen someone more gorgeous than you. as gorgeous and fun as the festivities were, it was also exhausting. which is why, rather than consummating your marriage, the both of you fell asleep faster than you could say "married".
blinking sleep from his eyes, he opens them to find you still fast asleep beside him and smiles a tender smile, not believing his luck. he admires you, the sun shining brilliant tiny embers on your sleeping form and bucky thinks he could die that instant a happy man. his eyes take in your sleeping form, eyes stopping on your hands. he had seen the henna and thought it looked really pretty, but he hadn't gotten a closer look. he gently traces the intricate patterns adorning your arms from fingertip to elbow, the gentle curves and graceful swirls, swooping patterns and delicate flowers and blooming colour against your soft skin. you had told him that the deeper the colour, the more love there would be in the marriage. and damn if yours wasn't deep. it stirred something primal in him, awakening something he didn't know he had in him, a possessiveness, a surety in the love and trust you had for each other.
slowly, you rouse from your slumber and flash him a sweet half lidded smile. bucky pecks your lips once, twice, a third time, but his eyes are quickly drawn back to your arms and the intricate patterns there. you watch, amused, and turn your hand and ask him to find his hidden initials in your henna. he concentrates, lower lip between his teeth, and traces the design with the softest of touches until his fingers brush over the exact spot where the initials J.B.B. were. bucky looks up, smile as bright as the sun and kisses your hands once before kissing you with everything he had in him, conveying all his love for you.
it doesn't take long for the kiss to become heated, hands pulling each other closer, breath fanning over each others' faces, both of you panting and wanting to get impossibly closer to each other. he slides his tongue against your lips, groaning when you gently bite his lip and pull the hair at the nape of his neck. he gently rolls you under him, tender as ever, as he places kisses down your jaw and neck and thrusts his clothed hip against yours gently, pulling a moan from you. bucky continues kissing down your body until he reaches the hem of your t-shirt and slowly pulls it up, tracing the increasingly exposed skin with his lips and tongue until he completely pulls the clothing off your body.
his lips latch right underneath your heaving breasts, licking and sucking marks there, tongue tracing over to circle your areolas until he takes a nipple in his mouth, making you arch your back off the bed. the wet heat of his mouth combined with his tongue circling your bud makes you moan and bucky groans, sending vibrations through you and you clutch him closer to you, not wanting to let go.
"fuck, baby, you're the sweetest thing i've ever tasted. can't believe how lucky i am."
he takes off your pajama pants after you claw off his t-shirt, sitting back on his haunches and staring down at you. the intensity of his stare and his lust blown eyes further ignite the fire already burning in your lower stomach, and you throw your head back and cup your breasts as your fingers pinch your aching nipples. bucky just stares, entranced, as your henna'd hands form the prettiest bra around the swell of your breasts, your wedding ring shining on one finger and your face contorted in pleasure.
"fuck, sweetheart, never knew henna looked so good" bucky groaned, sliding his fingers through your wet folds before he licked a fat stripe from your aching hole to your clit, making you jolt and moan louder. bucky moaned with you and the vibrations only added to the coil steadily building in your stomach. you were chanting bucky's name as he inserted two fingers and began pumping them at a fierce pace while his mouth applied suction on your clit. it only took him hitting that spongy spot inside you once before you were gushing all over his fingers and mouth.
he kissed you as you were coming down your high and slowly pushed in, groaning when he felt your walls flutter against his cock. he whispered sweet nothings into your ear while he thrusted deep, his pelvic bone kissing your clit with each.
"i love you" you said between moans, kissing him, untangling your hands from his to scratch at his scalp.
"i love you too, so fucking much" he said, before flipping you over so that you were on top. you lean back and slowly swivel your hips, your hands resting on top of bucky's thighs and his hands guiding you. his cock reaches deeper into you at this angle so you take your time before increasing your pace. bucky groans as you once again cup your breasts and start playing with your nipples, and he speeds up inside you, lifting his hips and meeting you thrust for thrust, reducing you to a moaning mess.
his hands feel like fire on your overheated body and they make you want to fly away but anchor you at the same time. your nails gently scratching his chest and nipples and your pretty hands brushing over his chest just make him grunt and hold onto you tighter as he fucks up into you more earnestly.
"faster, buck! fuck me harder, please, oh god-" you choke on a moan as he hits that spongy spot again and again and his fingers rub circles on your clit.
"yeah, you like that, baby? fuck, i'm gonna fill this pretty pussy up and watch you grow all big with our child" bucky said, the room filled with the sounds of your combined moans and skin slapping, and the bedframe repeatedly hitting the wall with how hard he was fucking up into you.
"yes, bucky, please fill me up. f-fuck, y-yes" you jolted above him, his fingers applying more pressure as your clit brushed against his pelvic bone, triggering your release.
"fuck, yes baby, milk my cock, milk every last drop. come on, sweetheart, i know you can take it" he grunted, thrusting deep and spurting thick ropes of cum in your fluttering pussy. his arms circle you as you fall onto his chest and he kisses the crown of your head, cock still buried in your pussy, your mixed releases slowly leaking around it as you both come down from your high.
"so mrs. barnes," bucky starts after a while, his cock getting hard again. "think you're ready for round two?"
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hissterical-nyaan · 3 years
The Promise
Pairing - Bucky Barnes/Desi! Female reader
Warning - Angst, sad ending, more angst
Summary - Bucky Barnes broke one promise that meant the most to Y/N
Word count - 1.5K
A/N - This is my first ever fanfic, I am very anxious so please be gentle with me :) This was created purely to make y'all cry lol. This is a songfic of "Lag ja gale" of Lata Mangeshkar ji. I absolutely adore that song and found it quite fit for this story!!! Also English isn't my first language and there might be grammatical mistakes. Thanks to @soradragon for beta reading this and helping me complete it, you are a blessing. Love you 💙 happy reading folks!
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It was  peaceful in Wakanda, a cool night had taken its place from the hot humid air of the day, the stars were shining bright and serenity hung in the air.  It was impossible to imagine what the next day would have in store for everyone. No one had a clue that tomorrow was the day that would change everyone's lives forever.
There was the sound of soft humming coming from the modest hut which housed the one and only the White Wolf and his lover.
Inside was you, singing songs softly in your mother’s tongue before the two would go to bed for the night. It was a nightly ritual the two of you shared. For Bucky had found your voice so soothing it would chase away the recurring nightmares that would haunt his sleep every night. Bucky Barnes was unable to sleep without his love in his arms, without her angelic voice singing for him, and without her soft hand weaving through his hair. 
You had an awful day today, throughout the day you felt anxious and restless. As if your mind has been screaming at you that something bad was about to transpire. You had no idea what, but it was bad. if there is one thing you hated most, it would be not knowing what will happen next.
You liked being prepared for everything! Your distressed state made you itch for your ma's presence and her wise words. So the next best thing to feel like she was there was to sing your ma's favourite song. It was a song you had  beautiful emotional memories attached to.
Lata ji's masterpiece ‘Lag ja gale’. The song that always left you peaceful.
"What's on your mind, chaand? No cheesy love songs today?" Bucky teased lightly, slightly puzzled by the song choice. Normally, you would sing more happy, sweet love songs when you were in a good mood, not to forget how out of character you acted the entire day. 
"Acha? You said you don't like my cheesy songs na, so I thought today I will comply with your wish and not sing my ‘overly romantic, Shona Babu songs.’”  You shot back, poking your tongue out as not to worry him. Bucky pouted slightly.
"Arre baba okay now don't pout, I was just joking. I will sing the cheesy songs again tomorrow, right now this song just feels right to me.” Hearing that, Bucky mumbled a quiet yes and snuggled deeper into you, holding you tightly and moving his head ever so slightly to listen to your voice.  
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Jaa Gale Ae Ae… (Embrace me, dear, who knows whether or not this beautiful night will ever come again. Maybe in this life we may or may not meet again)
You remember the first time you met Bucky, in Shuri's lab. You were a   good friend of Shuri. You were a researcher staying in Wakanda with T'challa's permission and eventually befriended the Princess. The two of you loved to talk about anything and nothing. One day Shuri told you about the Winter soldier staying here in Wakanda. You had heard many things about him, but never had you seen him in the flesh. Till you saw him come into the lab, bruised and eyes swiming full of emotions, but the distraught was the most clear in those blue piercing eyes.
It was at that moment that you had decided you would help him, and try to soothe the aches and scars that had been covering his fragile heart. He was put in the cryo soon after your first encounter, but you couldn't help but think about him often.
Ham Ko Mili Hain Aaj Ye, Ghadiyaan Nasib Se
Ji Bhar Ke Dekh Lijiye, Ham Ko Qarib Se
Phir Aap Ke Nasib Men, Ye Baat Ho Na Ho (I have been given today, this time by destiny. To your hearts content see me closely, who knows, if your destiny, may present this situation again.)
Six months later, Bucky came out of the cryo and on his request, was given a small hut away from the palace in the fields. You often saw him, with his tiny herd of goats. You remember how one tiny goat - which Bucky had endearingly called Steve -  was the one who caused you to talk to Bucky. Maybe that's why he was still your favourite goat, afterall he was responsible for giving you the love of your life.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Your phone rang suddenly. Bucky moved his head from your lap as you moved to get the phone, it was your brother who was calling you. It puzzled you, it was nearly midnight in India. "Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." You went numb...The words didn’t make sense, you couldn’t make sense of them... Ma papa? No, no this can't be happening. You...you just talked to your mom a few hours ago! Bucky’s arms wrapped around you, holding you so close. He whispered some words into your ear trying to soothe you. But you couldn’t hear them, your mind just kept repeating your brother’s words inside your head like a mantra. That’s when the tears fell, soaking Bucky’s shirt. You didn’t remember you screamed. 
Paas Aaiye Ki Ham Nahin Aaenge Baar-Baar
Baahen Gale Men Daal Ke Ham Ro Le Zaar-Zaar
Aankhon Se Phir Ye Pyaar Ki Barsaat Ho Na Ho (Come closer to me, as I will not be able to come to you every time. Put your arms around me and let us cry our hearts out. Who knows, if our eyes will ever see these tears of love again.)
You couldn’t imagine what you would be without Bucky, your Bucky. He was your rock, You couldn't live a day without him. From the day you confessed your love for each other till today, not a day has gone where he wasn't showering you with love. Even through all his trauma and pain, he did his absolute best to be there for you, his sweet, sweet Y/N.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Remembering the past left you in an emotional mess, you didn't even realise when the waterworks started.
"Chaand? Hey, no shhh why are you crying? Is everything okay? Talk to me."
"Haan chaand?"
"Promise me that you will never leave me." You uttered in a broken whisper
"I promise."
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He broke that promise. Bucky Barnes broke his promise and left his chaand. It happened so fast, the Avengers fighting Thanos, and suddenly everyone turning into dust.
You felt helpless and scared, numb and cold. what was happening? Bucky had told you to not come out of the palace unless told. He didn't want you to be in harm's way. No, his Y/N was too precious, he can't risk it. You reluctantly agreed, but you weren't of much use on the battlefield anyway. You just hoped your love would return to you very soon.
Steve broke the news, and your whole world collapsed in front of your eyes.
"Steve, no..no it can't be... please tell me you are lying. This isn't the time to joke around! Where is he!?" you couldn't help but scream at him. All your dreams, hopes and future with Bucky shattered. He was gone, in just a snap.  It couldn’t be real, this was a sick joke. that had to be it. A sick joke…
But deep inside, you knew it was real. All of it was real. The world around you seemed to crumble, all of it came down, it was as if someone let a glass cup fall and it shattered in a million pieces. Unable to be put back together again…
Now you had no one, no mom and dad, no Bucky...He was your rock wasn't he? He wasn't supposed to go...
After a few days, Steve offered to take you to America with him. The least he could do for his pal was to make sure the girl who had his heart was taken care of. But you couldn't go, it was too painful. Brooklyn will always remind you of Bucky, and you promised him when the time came to go back to his home, you will go together. No, unlike him Y/N L/N knew how to keep her promise.
You went back to India, to start a new life. A miserable one. If only you would have known that the last song you’ve sung to him would come true. 
You never sang your mother's favourite song again
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Tagging - @spiderrpcrker @a-dragon-under-the-stars @lil-stark @jacquessouvenier @soradragon (I hope you won't mind me tagging you!) And I also hope you liked it :))
Translations (please let me know if I forgot to translate something) -
Chaand - Moon (an affectionate term in this context)
Acha - Really (in this context, it can mean many things otherwise)
"Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." - "Y/N please come fast here, mom and dad were in an car crash, I am so sorry but we couldn't save them" (ma = mom, papa = dad)
Haan - yes
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mysterioh · 4 years
Saajan Ji Ghar Aaye - Chapter Two
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Bucky Barnes x Desi!Reader
Synopsis: After a brisk romance in London, Bucky follows you back to your home in Upstate New York where the preparations for your marriage to the son of a family friend are well underway. As the inevitable countdown to your wedding begins, Bucky remains optimistic in his pursuit of your love and your family’s acceptance.
Arranged Marriage/Forbidden Lovers AU
“Saajan Ji ghar aaye” means “your beloved has come to your home”.
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𝑻𝒖𝒎𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒍 𝒌𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒊 𝒋𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒚𝒂 𝒌𝒂𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒏. 
 𝑯𝒐 𝒈𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒊 𝒌𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒂 𝒚𝒆 𝒌𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒚𝒂 𝒌𝒂𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒏.
“Hit me up?” 
Your nose scrunched in disgust when you read the note. Who the hell did he think he was? 
Eik shareef kandan ki larki fraternizing with strange characters? 
Over your dead body. 
In a rush of anger you ripped up the paper and threw it in the trash. You flipped the lights off and cozied yourself underneath the cover. 
“Kuttay da bacha.” 
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“I’m losing my damn mind,” Sam groans. 
“What happened?” Steve questioned, looking up from his paper. 
“This place is too fucking fancy for me,” he waved his arms around. “They gave me three different forks to eat my pancakes with and I don’t know which one is the right one.” 
Steve chuckles. “Just pick any, no one’s gonna judge you here.” 
“You just had to marry rich, didn’t you?” Sam nagged playfully. “Couldn’t just pick a simple girl from Brooklyn.” 
“I’m marrying Peggy because I love her, not for her money,” Steve retorts. 
“The money’s just a bonus,” Bucky cuts in as he approaches the two. Steve frowns as Sam turns his head to watch Bucky walk into the hotel’s dining hall. 
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Sam teased. “Rest well, Sleeping Beauty?” 
“Like a baby,” Bucky replies, as he slides into a chair next to the two. He takes his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans and places it on the table so he can sit more comfortably. 
“Holy shit these pancakes are so good,” Sam fawns as he stuffs his mouth. 
“This is a five-star hotel, have some manners,” Steve hisses. 
“My deepest apologies, mother, I won’t do it again,” Sam chides him. 
Steve takes a sip of his coffee, shooting a glare in Sam’s direction, who’s hardly paying any attention to him. His eyes flit towards Bucky, who’s too busy frowning at his phone to entertain their daily squabble. 
“You’re not hungry, Buck?” 
“Hmm?” he looks at Steve. “Oh no, not really,” he shakes his head. 
“Still tired?” 
“Nah,” Bucky denies. 
“Did that girl ever text you?” Sam asked. Bucky kicked Sam’s leg. Sam winces. “What?” 
Steve’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What girl?” 
“The girl he met on the plane,” Sam informed their other friend. “He slipped his number in her book.” 
Bucky hides his face in his hands. 
“You slipped your number in a random girl’s book?” Steve repeated. “How’d you even do that?”
“She fell asleep on his shoulder and he decided to go through her stuff,” Sam deadpanned, taking another mouthful of pancake in his mouth. 
“No!” Bucky defended. “It was nothing like that. The book was right there so I decided to just slip it in.” 
“It’s fucking creepy, man,” Sam stated. 
Bucky sulks in his chair and plays with his fingers. “She was pretty alright?” he murmured. 
Steve straightens his paper like an old father. “That doesn’t change the fact that it’s creepy.” 
Bucky groans. “What if she was on a connecting flight? I might never see her again.” 
Sam rolls his eyes. “You’re so dramatic. No girl in their right mind would contact a complete stranger that they’ve only exchanged two words with. Especially one that looks like you.” 
Bucky sits straight. “What’s wrong with the way I look?” 
“You look like something I’d draw with my left hand.” 
Steve snorts behind his paper, earning him a glare from Bucky. “I mean he’s not wrong.” 
“Imagine having two best friends that roast your ass instead of console you,” Bucky shades them. 
“Don’t worry, Buck,” Steve assures him with an easy smile. “There’s plenty of girls out there. You’ll find another one.” 
“But I liked that one,” he grumbles. 
“You don’t know anything about her. Move on already,” Sam retorts. Bucky pouts in his seat like a child. 
“Peggy’s cousin is holding a party tonight and you’re obviously invited,” Steve informed, before returning to his paper. “I know without a doubt that you’ll find someone there.”
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Inconsequent polite chatter, canapes, and wine. The three main ingredients for a fancy party held by a social elite. 
The ballroom on the top floor at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower was already brimming with people when you arrived. 
Then again, any party hosted by the one and only Tony Stark would be. 
“Farhan!” Tony greets as he approaches the two of you. His arms were spread out in a welcoming manner with a glass of champagne in one hand. 
“Tony! It’s been too long,” your brother gives him a side hug. 
“And this is…” Tony looks at you completely clueless as to what your name is. 
“Uh, my sister,” Farhan introduces, motioning a hand towards you. “Y/N.” 
“And Farhan’s sister!” he exclaims.
“Nice to finally meet you,” you extend a hand. Tony takes it and gives it an over-excited shake. Must be the champagne. “Farhan’s told me a lot about you.” 
“Hopefully not everything,” Tony laughs. He places his hand on Farhan’s shoulder and shakes it a bit. “Y’know me and him,” he points between the both of them. “We both got into so much trouble at St. Joseph’s, but somehow this motherfucker always got out of it.”
Farhan shakes his head in embarrassment. You look at him with a raised brow paired with an amused smile. Oh how you wished, Abbu was right there with you. 
“You’re lying,” Farhan tries to cover up. “It was all you. I would tell you not to do it.” 
“I’m lying?” Tony retorted, ready to spill all the dirty details from their highschool days. “Remember that time you—” 
You turn to see Peggy running towards you, her perfect auburn curls bouncing as she does. She slams into you, almost toppling you over. “You’re finally here!” she exclaims. She lets go, but keeps you in arm’s length. “And you look gorgeous. Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” she pulls you back in for another hug. 
“I’ve missed you too.” 
“I was so worried you wouldn’t make it,” Peggy said. 
“Me? Not make it to your wedding?” you replied, “Not in a million years.” Your chuckles mingled with hers. It’s been so long since you felt this happy.
“Oh, Farhan,” Peggy notices him behind you. “You’re here too!”
“Of course I’m here,” he teased. “You thought I wouldn’t be?” 
“No,” she shakes her head in amusement. “You’re just so busy these days being a hotshot in The City.” 
“I’m never too busy for a friend.” 
“Aww, aren’t you the sweetest?” Tony teases. “You use that kinda talk when you're buttering those geezers up?” 
“Well, if it means the best for L/N Enterprises then I see no harm in it,” he shrugs with a pompous grin . “Maybe Stark Industries should take a tip or two from me.”
“Farhan,” you gasped, a habit you picked up from Ummi. 
“Let’s leave these two here,” Peggy told you, taking you by the hand. “Let me introduce you to the wedding party.”
“Alright,” you nodded as she pulled you through the crowd leaving Farhan and Tony behind. 
“Steve!” she calls for the blonde at the bar. He turns around, a smile spreading on his face when he sees his fiance. She scurries up to him with you right behind her. “Look who finally made it.” 
“Y/N!” he greets. “Thank God, you’re here. Peggy was about to raise hell. She’s been driving me nuts all evening.”  
“If she’s driving you nuts now then you sure you want to get married to her?” Sam jabbed walking towards them with a blue-eyed stranger that looked far too familiar beside him. 
Bucky’s eyes light up when they meet yours. He grins at you from ear to ear which you return with a tight-lipped scowl. 
“I am sure,” Steve affirms. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He grins, pulling Peggy into his side and planting a sweet peck on her temple.  
“Y/N, these are Steve’s friends,” Peggy introduces. “Sam and Bucky. Guys, this is Y/N, we were roommates in university.” 
“Nice to meet you,” Sam nods. 
“You too,” you whisper, feeling uncomfortable with the energy that your reunion with the freak had created in the room.
Bucky chuckles to himself, unable to contain the giddy excitement within him.  
“What’s so funny, Buck?” 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. You bit your lip, eyes everywhere but on him. His eyes sink you in, etching every detail that he missed into his memory. “It’s a small world after all.” 
You lock eyes with him, and there’s just something about his gaze that you’ve never encountered before. 
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A cool London breeze brushes against your arms. You managed to slip out of the party and right under Peggy’s nose for some well-needed fresh air out on the balcony of the high-rise ballroom. 
Farhan was God knows where. Most likely surrounded by colleagues and business partners who had a long list of topics to discuss with him. Topics that you had no interest in and quite literally bored you. That’s why you decided not to go into business and instead went into the medical field. 
Not like you needed to anyway. Farhan was fully capable of taking care of the entirety of L/N Enterprises by himself, and if you had to be honest, you were glad he was. You could call yourself selfish and lazy, but having the weight of Abbu’s legacy resting on your shoulders was something you weren’t capable enough to handle. 
You let out a deep exhale, while leaning against the balcony and looking out at the city skyline that glimmered in the dark night. 
You hear footsteps behind you and turn to see who it was. 
“What are you doing here?” you snapped, standing straight with a tight fist, ready to swing if it came to it. 
Bucky grins. “Just getting some fresh air. You?” 
“I was just leaving,” you stated, walking past him in large strides. 
He catches your hand by the wrist. “Wait up.” 
“Don’t touch me,” you pull your hand out of his. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes with a nervous smile. “Did you get my note?” 
You look away, embarrassed. “I did,” you mumbled. 
“Then why didn’t you reply?” 
You look at him incredulously. “Me? Reply to you?” you asked. “I don’t even know you.” 
“Oh of course where are my manners,” he lunges towards you. “I’m Bucky. I’m twenty-six years old from Brooklyn and a mechanical engineer. How about you?” 
“Leave me alone.” You turn on your heel and head towards the door. 
“Don’t you think you should give me a chance?” Bucky asks from behind. “The fact that we’re meeting again can’t just be a coincidence. I think it’s fate.” 
“Fate?” you repeated with a raised brow. 
“Yeah,” he nods. “I mean just think about it. We met on the plane. There’s like a one in a million chance that we would’ve landed on the same plane. And the fact that our friends are getting married and we’re meeting each other again to celebrate?” he brings a finger to his cheek as if he’s thinking. “Uh, I think the universe is plotting something here.” 
You feel a migraine unleashing. “Stop you’re making my head hurt.” 
“All I’m saying is that a guy like me and a girl like you have some sort of connection.” 
“Wrong.” you state flatly. “A girl like me and a guy like you have nothing to do with each other. So if you’ll please excuse me, I have to go. And if you ever try speaking to me again, it will not end well for you.” 
Bucky hands hugs his hips as he watches you leave. He lets out a deep exhale, wondering what your deal was. 
Was he really that ugly?
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Eik shareef kandan ki larki - Daughter of a honorable family. 
Kuttay da bacha - Son of a bitch. 
Permanent Taglist: @murdermornings @marshyrebelcloud @chuckennuggets1213 @miraclesoflove @fckdeusername @undiadeestos @hailmary-yramliah @andiebell2023 @anjali750 @gabbie-is-sad @drayshadow @the-wayward-robot @vxidnik @ivvitm1109 @myboyfriendgiriboy @thecurlsofgod @fanfic-fangirl @thinkaboutmara @desibarnes @niall2017 @lestersglitterglue
Bucky Barnes Taglist: @infinity-saga @marvelloonie @chewymoustachio @my-drowning-in-time @shoesonpointe @inactivewhore
SGA: @regainedworld @saintsebastian-stan​ @fanfuckingtastic04​
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themotherofblood · 2 years
fucking finally you stopped writing about those faggots
If you mean Steve and Bucky. Then screw you. At least have the balls to say this from your actual account. Stucky will always be in my heart.
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itsprashimusic · 2 years
You Make Me Strong (part 2)
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Summary - After coming back home from a really long mission and breaking down in your arms, all Steve wants to do is fall asleep in your arms. But after being woke up by a nightmare, a realisation dawns on him.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x desi!wife!reader
Word Count - 985
Warnings - rescue mission gone wrong, explosives/explosions, hindi words with english translations in brackets, 1 or 2 swear words, steve speaking hindi, small dancing scene
A/N - this was inspired by One Direction's ‘Strong’ and in my opinion one of the BEST romantic bollywood songs “Mast Magan”
also the summary is shit, the 'realisation' bit is actually pretty short.
Part 1
masterlist is pinned
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Steve had come back home from a very long mission. He was covered in dirt but neither of you cared when all you wanted was to feel each other’s embrace. It was late at night when he returned. After all the initial hugs, kisses and tears, he went to freshen up while you put the things from his back away.
You warmed up his favourite aloo parathas. “इश्क़ की धुनि…” (the flame of love) you sang under your breath, a bollywood song stuck in your head. Swaying back and forth you got more into the lyrics, the yellow light setting the right atmosphere, it somehow raining outside at the perfect time. Just as you closed your eyes and twirled around, your husband caught you, spinning you once more before slow dancing with you. 
“मांगे है तेरी मंजूरी..” (have sought your permission) he sang where you stopped. It always warms your heart whenever Steve would learn the songs you love just to sing them to you. Especially the hindi songs, since those took effort to both learn and pronounce correctly. The beeping microwave made you break apart, but not before he kissed the back of your hand, then letting you go. Always the gentleman. 
Telling him to sit down at the table, you bring out the food and let him eat. Assuming by how quickly he finished his meal, he was hungry. “Now that beat the shitty sandwichs they gave us to eat,” he said while finishing up. Before he could get up you take his plate to the sink and wash it. Steve doesn’t say anything. Instead he just watches you with only love in his eyes. 
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Later you both were getting ready for bed. He had already brushed his teeth while you were in the bathroom doing the very thing. He could hear your paayals making a little noise as you went shuffling around the bathroom. 
He noticed his favourite hoodie sitting on the sofa-chair in the room, as if laid out to be worn. It got Steve thinking. She knew that he was coming home today, did she leave it out for him to wear? Or was it being aired out since she probably wore it during his absence? Either way, it made him smile for no visible reason. 
You made your way to the bed while switching the hallway light off outside the room. Once you pulled back the covers and got yourself situated in the bed Steve immediately held your waist and smoothly pulled you closer to him. 
“How are you feeling राजा?” you asked him, softly. He replied in the same low, breathy tone, “a couple of things, but mostly tired right now.” You could see the red in his eyes and how he was fighting sleep just as much as you. “How ‘bout we go to sleep and tomorrow we can stay in bed all day, that sound good?” he asked, freckling kisses all over your face. He got a soft hum in response from you. 
He turns to switch the bedroom light off and pulls you closer to him while slowly drifting off to sleep. 
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“You both head in from the east, we both will enter from the west. Team Alpha will free the hostages and get them to the aircraft. Team Beta is on takeout duty. You see any figure from the opposing party, take them out instantly. And finally Team Charlie will sweep the place once all the hostages are on the aircraft and will set the explosives. Is the plan understood?” 
“Are all the hostages out?” “Apparently yes Captain, but they are searching the premises once more just to be sure.” “Good, once they’re out the explosives will be set off.”
“THERE ARE STILL HOSTAGES IN THERE?!” “Cap, they already sweeped the place thrice and no more hostages were found. And the dynamite timer is already set, there is nothing we can do” 
‘Images of the building exploding and screaming coming from the rescued people. Most of the commotion being the people saying how there were more hostages that just got killed’
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Steve woke up with a jump. He had a nightmare about the innocent people he accidentally killed. He had ordered the explovies timer be set when the team leader had confirmed there were no more hostages in the structure. But yet there were. They had not searched hard enough to find them and now the hostages were just mere ash and burned bodies lying underneath bricks and rubble. 
Even though Steve woke up, you were still fast asleep, no longer in his arms but still on his side of the bed. He was breathing heavily, his face, neck and hands sweating profusely. He turned the bedside lamp on. But when he turned to face you, slowly his breathing evened out. 
The serene and peaceful look of your face smushed in the pillow was all he needed to see. To see that you were safe, you were unharmed and most importantly right next to him, alive. He looked at you and softly said, “I’m sorry if I say I need you, but I don’t care.” “There is so much I wish I would’ve done differently. But I didn’t and I made mistakes. Mistakes that have cost the lives of innocent people… Is it wrong for me to say that I need you to be strong for me? There is only so much I can do, so much I can hide. Especially in a situation like this when you’re not nearby, cause when I’m not with you I’m weaker.” Steve uses the back of his hand to swipe away the stray tear. 
He turns the lamp off and lies back down in bed, cuddling close to you. Little did he know that you woke up with all that movement just in time to hear him say this, “You make me strong.”
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@madscape @joelsflannel @moonstruckbirdie @nana1000night
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janetsnakehole02 · 3 years
The time I told my dad what fanfic was and it backfired
Me: *reading smut on my phone*
Dad: what is it that you’re always looking at on your phone you’re not even watching anything
Me: should i tell him fuck it i’ll tell him i’m just reading a story
Dad: what kinda story
Me: it’s like regular fans write stories about their favorite movies and tv shows sorta exploring what could’ve happened if not the original plot
Dad: wow
Dad: that’s actually so interesting and creative
Me: *doesn’t think he’s being serious* *goes back to getting eaten out by Loki*
Dad: why can’t you do that too
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aynanasstuff · 3 years
Wilsons' Residence// Sam Wilson x Desi!Reader
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Mama and Evil Eye 🔮
Bucky and Sam had been on a string of missions. They were successful in each one of them, thankfully, but kept getting beat up more than you know they usually would. So you did what your grandma taught you: took off their nazar.
"Come here and sit your asses down!" You order.
They know better than to question when you get like this, so Sam and Bucky quietly make their way to your couch. Bucky sees the bowl of salt and dried red chillies and quirks a brow, "Is she a witch or something?" he whispers to Sam.
"Yes. Yes, I am. Now zip it."
Sam smirks as Bucky raises his hands in surrender.
You take the bowl of salt and chillies and move it from the top of their heads to their feet, then moving it in a big circle around their forms a couple of times, cursing out the evil eye. Bucky seems more confused.
"Spit," You bring the bowl in front of them.
"Do what now?" Your husband's friend looks at you his brows up to his hairline.
"Man, you spit in it to burn the evil eye." Sam answers, like it's the most obvious thing.
"James, I don't mean spit like an old man chewing tobacco, I mean a little, just pretend."
"Fine, I guess."
You take the bowl into the backyard and burn the contents with camphor.
"What the hell was that?"
"She's pretty woowoo with this shit, noticed we were getting beat up even though we're better than what they were throwing at us, so she concluded that it was evil eye which, if you look before you, she is currently burning."
You run back to them, "Is it tickling your throat?"
"No?" Bucky answers.
"You, baby?"
"Damn, that eye was strong. No wonder y'all kept getting your ass beat. The fire's whistling, too."
"We just have to train more, it wasn't evil eye or whatever it is you believe it to be." Bucky replies gently, not wanting to disrespect your beliefs.
Sam smirks, "Man, if she says it's evil eye, it probably is evil eye."
"It's okay if you don't believe it but I promise you, next mission? You're not getting a scratch on your bodies."
Bucky chuckles, "We'll see, doll but knowing him we probably get more than just scratches on our bodies."
Sam scoffs, "You know what? You are the evil eye. Baby, do something about him!"
The next mission finished successfully and as you'd predicted, no unnecessary injuries. Your smug smirk was enough to make Bucky stop questioning your 'woowoo'.
The next morning, you were all getting ready to drop the kids off at school. As they leave the door, you call out to them,
"Kids! Wait a minute!"
Sam comically halts with Paul and Riley, both stopping in their tracks and turning around, watching you walk towards them. "I forgot something," You swipe your ring finger along the edge of your eye to gather the kohl and place the black behind the boys' ears.
"There, safe as can be."
Sam chuckles at your gesture and turns his ear to you, teasing you. You gather some more kohl from your eye and do the same to him, kissing his forehead, "You know it works," You shrug with a smirk.
A/n: So i hope you like this one and it isn't too niche hehe. This one is completely inspired by my grandma, she's the cutest. Please reblog, comment and like- keeps me going! Love y'all!!
Tags: @lil-stark @janetsnakehole02 @blueberrynonnie @chrisfucksblog @fluffycutecevans @fluffyprettykitty @nelleana @turbolisedcomet @commonintrest @sunflirt @fantqsha @withyoutilltheendoftheline <3
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