#Bugs are so confused they roam around in crowds any moment they see the sky
rollingpenguin · 2 years
We messed up the seasons so bad that now we don't have spring, we glitch from winter to summer like a broken lamp
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letitbefiction · 6 years
Iron heart and a spider shaped key- chapter 22
A/N: AfGkdlxkxhzgggsha IT IS TIME! It is THE END! I hope you all like it..I really do...thank you for reading this I cannot thank you all enough for all the love and support I got for this fic.
Feel free to read more of my fics: (X)
(I personally really like A Little ODD)
Warning-lap dance, drinking (mentioned) sexual touching (???) Peter almost being demolished by the avengers.
Paring- Peter Parker x stark!reader
Type: fluff
Word count: 8.1k
Staring at your mirrored figure, your dress was beyond beautiful. Sure it was slightly extra but it’s your birthday and it’s you, and if anyone had a problem with it you didn’t care.
Your light pink dress fitted perfectly to your y/s/c skin color, the lace detail extending the length about five inches after your fingertips and your cleavage is showing just the right amount a seventeen year old should show. “You look beautiful...” a familiar whisper crossed your mind, turning around you saw Peter. His chocolate eyes scanning you up and down with aw before locking eyes with you. “Thank you” you trailed sweetly before approaching the boy.
You approached the boy and ran your hands over his blue flannel, a light blush coated both of your cheeks. “Cameras...” you suddenly mumbled with a sigh, pulling your hand back to hold it with your own over your chest. But he still stood there, completely lost at your sight, you were beautiful. Your makeup was done on a professional level and hair was pulled into a half up half down ponytail with a few loose strings to frame your face, “Peter you’re staring..” You giggled embarrassed, nudging the boy with your elbow before taking a step back to sit on your bed.
Immediately snapping out of his thoughts he began mumbling an apology to which you laughed at, he was adorable and flustered, turning completely red when he stumbled trying to follow behind you. “My god..Peter just..sit down” you shook your head and he let out a small chuckle “I’m sorry it’s just...wow..y-you’re just..wow and I-uh..wow..” he trailed with aw. You closed your eyes with a soft smile as the mattress next to you sank a bit, He was close but not as close as you wanted him to be. Knowing that, he simply dragged his hand over to yours shyly a question rolling off his tongue hesitantly “when are we going to tell them?” “Can we just..run away?” You answered sarcastically.
Peter smiled at you, he knew you were nervous..which was a bit strange, but he knew because he was too. For days he had spent with your dad in the laboratory he was terrified he’ll be compromised or get too nervous and blabber it out, a small moment caught on security cameras or simply a text could send his ass flying from the Empire State Building! Yeah..he knew.
“Maybe tomorrow?...like..I don’t know..I—“ you started but he quickly cut your thoughts when he reached for your hand “hey..you tell him when you’re ready..until then I’m as quiet as a bug!” “Like a mosquito maybe..” you giggle and he pushed you away playfully, a sweet chuckle escaping his pink lips sending your heart racing even more.
“The Spider child is in her room!” Thor boomed “I know he’s in her room!” Tony retorted, eyeing the character beside him, covering his right ear as a soft ringing sound echoed in his mind. Then another blond one appeared on his left side “Should we call them in—?” “What are they saying?” Natasha spoke from behind interrupting Steve “I don’t know—“ “do you think they’re together?” Bucky cut tauntingly before being elbowed by Wanda “That’ll be so cute” Sam grinned causing Tony to tick with annoyance “that won’t be cute because she’s my daughter and—“ Wanda cheers cut, a large and teasing grin appearing on her lips “oh! when they’ll have children do you think—“ “NO ONE IS HAVING KIDS!” Tony burst, making the room go quite in an instant.
With a huff he turned to his teammates, immediately closing the tab that was monitoring the two of you, even though it was pure and innocent he couldn’t help but get slightly nervous of his little girl growing up.
“How did any of you got in here?!” He hissed, not sure to which member it was intended, Vision took the obligation to answer “They followed me sir.” He answered politely. Tony shook his head desperately, placing a hand over his eyes before looking at his creation with annoyance “really jar—vision. Really?” He caught himself, hoping no one would notice. No one did they all just spread out and began exploring on their own while the two walked off into a more quieter space. “Apologies sir.” He started “but maybe we should put all of our theories for a test?” Tony looked shocked at even the possibility of doing so, maybe he was a bit too arrogant to admit to himself that he might need to loosen up the grip. “What?” Your father asked rhetorically “I overheard a conversation y/n had with one of her friends. They were talking about going to a girl named Maddie after the party.” He answered quickly, “hey don’t touch that!” Tony pointed towards a confused Sam who touched some undeveloped tech, he scratched the back of his hairs before looking back up at Vision slightly confused. “Go somewhere? Why would she want to go—“ “I believe she said ‘just a few hours without any cameras around! That’ll be the best birthday gift ever’ “ he cut coldly.
A twitch of guilt stung your old man’s heart, yes you did say those words, but it was just because you were frustrated..having to hide even in your own house.
A few hours later, guests started to arrive, from your usual pretentious preppy teenagers to the sloppy lazy ones, all decided to try and dress up in a shallow try to impress one of the superheroes.
You had a special area in the compound specifically for parties only and that’s where you met everyone. Some people you weren’t sure you knew, they gave you presents in an attempt to gain your likeness, but presents nonetheless so you didn’t mind. Music blasted in your ears as your father and the rest of your family promised to stay away just for tonight.
More and more people began crowding the living area as dark settled in nicely on the velvet sky. Flashing red blue and green lights covering the walls while dancing shadows roamed within the room.
When finally seeing your friends you ran into each others arms with a squeal, compliments going back and forth with delight.
“This place is HUGE!” Jack yelled wide eyed, “Yeah well..thank you?” You giggled awkwardly, not sure how to answer the obvious fact and turned your attention to Maddison who laced her arms with you. “You’re —- coming — my hou— after —.. extra—-” she teased, her voice yelling over the loud music but still difficult to hear “what?!” You yelled dragging her away into a more quiet side of the room while the group left you so they could dance.
“I SAID—!” “Ow!” You cut, pushing her away for yelling in your ear. “Sorry” she giggled unapologetically “uh huh..” you rolled your eyes with a slight smile. “I asked if your still coming to my house after this?” “Oh yeah of course!” You answered excitedly before dragging her out to dance.
Music was getting louder, and somehow kids got drunker. Your eyes drifted away from the scene in front of you, your laughing friends mixing with the background as you locked eyes on your boyfriend. A slight jealousy sparked in you when you saw a girl approaching him.
She was a brunette tall girl, a royal blue tight dress hugging her curves. Her eyes flattering with heavy mascara that you can see from a mile away.
You tried to ignore it, you really did, just dancing and having fun with your friends and trusting him as your mind boomed with your favorite songs.
But things change and while the DJ replaced a song to one of your friends requests, you managed to hear a few words escaping the glossy mouth. “Wow Peter..you work out?” She asked sneakily, squeezing his arm making him feel more than uncomfortable and making you angrier by the second.
Why were some girls like that? It’s still a mystery to you and many others.
Peter felt really awkward with her touch, it felt..weird, empty and forced and above it all, it felt wrong that it wasn’t you.
His heart beat fastened, Ned was standing only a few steps away but he couldn’t see a thing. Peter was holding his apple juice cup in one hand, nerves pricking on the back of his neck. “I uh..I don’t r-really..can..you stop..?” He asked embarrassed, words tumbling out of his mouth awkwardly. Looking over his shoulder he managed to see you looking at him and then escaping his gaze, his heart beat stopped in an instant. Quickly and very annoyed, he moved the girl’s hand away harshly before turning to find you walking towards the hall.
“Peter!” You shrike as he put his hand over your mouth and dragged you into a small closet. “What?” You whispered raspy when he lowered his hand, a big grin crossed his lips “can I kiss you?” He mumbled confidently and you smiled.
He wanted to show that you’re his, and you weren’t going to stop him.
“you’re out here looking for danger boy..” “danger is my middle name!” He smirked with a playful smirk “Your middle name is Benjamin.” You teased before pulling him by his collar to close the gap between the two of you. Your butterflies were swirling inside with excitement, a smile creasing your lips as he pulled you close by the waist. You didn’t say anything but you could feel his bulge through his jeans, what? he was a teenager and so were you.
“Ok ok I have to go..” you cut shortly with a smile, your heart beat chanting in your
his hands slowly moving to your core and drawing small circles unintentionally as you slid your soft hands off his chest. He let out a slight whine of disappointment as you told him to wait a bit before getting outside, to give off at least a slight chance of not getting caught.
“Hey there Peter” Bruce called as he passed by when Peter opened the door. Wide eyed Peter was beyond flustered “h-hey Doctor Ba-aner..hehe uh I wh-what are uh what are you doing here I uh..” the scientist simply shook his head with a hidden smile behind his mouth “why are you in there Peter?” He questioned knowingly, after all he saw you leave that closet too just moments ago.
Peter felt like a doe caught in headlights, his heart was thumping loudly in his chest and it wasn’t you to blame this time. “Uh was just checking for uh snacks so..” his brown eyes scanned the closet they were in quickly, realizing it’s full of cleaning supplies. “I uh..tide pots! Yeah yeah well hehe..it’s uh it’s here so we’re good” he gave a thumbs up with a nervous laughter running from his as fast as he escaped Banner’s questioning eyes. But no such luck, he was lectured for maybe 15 minuets straight about the obvious dangers and toxicity of the product and that it’s not a joke, but peter was more than lost in that conversation seeing you swaying your hips to the music with your friends.
“Close one. Banner.” Peter whispered loudly to you as he passed by, his raspy voice sent slight shivers down your spine. You turned around but he was gone, approaching Michelle and Ned who sat by the couch and ate pizza with a whole lot of unopened snacks that you wondered where did they steal them from.
The night went on, and on..and on.
You had your birthday song played in the background when your three level cake was rolled in, all your friends by your side while other recorded it. But non was as close to the feeling you had feeling Peter hand reach for yours from behind, and that smile, the smile he gave you made you happier more than any cake or party could.
But of course, some idiot brought alcohol to the party.
Unlike Liz’s party, which you only heard from Michelle once, when the oh so expensive vase was shattered on the floor a loud alarm went off.
You can only imagine how everyone had reacted, teenagers scattered around, music stopped only to be replaced by the sound of yelling and screaming mixed with rushing steps.
Lucky panicking teenagers escaping your rushing superhero team.
“What Is going on?” Your father yelled, the loud alarm overcoming his voice as a teenager run towards the exit by him.
He searched for you in the crowd but you were gone, yelling your name while the rest tried to show everyone the right exit or help search for you and Peter.
You were quite difficult to find, having hearing the alarm breaking the music you rushed in an attempt to shut it down, and when that didn’t work you searched on why it happened.
Your friends rushing after you into the room where the vase was shuttered to the floor, panicking because damn this is one expansive vase.
In seconds the alarm stopped you looked up, “fuck” You muttered knowing damn well who was the only person who could shut it off.
“It’s fine it’s fine he..he won’t be m-mad right?” Emily said with a shaky voice to which you only paniced more. Yor friend mixed voices came in and out of your ear as you tried to come up with an idea..or rather an apology. “Y/n!” You heard your dad called and ran towards his voice “dad! I am so so sorry I swear someone must have—“ “oh my god your ok!” You father cut, creasing his hands over your arms with unsettled eyes. “Uh..yes.” You mumbled, escaping his touch slightly awkward when feeling everyone’s eyes on you. “What happened?” “Some idiot broke the vase in the—“ “wait. Please tell me it’s the one in the living room and not the guest room.” You kept quiet with an apologetic puppy eyes “not my 6000$ vase..!” He whined dragging his hands over his face before taking a deep breath “it’s fine I’ll..at least you’re ok..” he huffed and bring you into a tight hug.
“so...can I go to Madison?” You asked your dad innocently, turning briefly to look at your friends having a fan moment with your family. Peter stood by the other side of the living room, Michelle and Ned by his side.
“Take Peter.” He ordered and began walking towards the rest, cue for your whining and annoyed act. “but dad!” You trailed, following his steps with a pout. “He’ll just ruin everything!” You fake whined, but your father remembered his so called agreement with his teammates and he knew that if he’ll break it he won’t hear the end of it.
“Someone tell my kid I’m right” he spoke with a grin, the group turning their attention to him before looking at your annoyed attitude following behind. “What about?” Sam asked, placing his hands in his pockets while standing up.
“She needs to take Peter with her.” “No.” You crossed your arms, glaring at the others with anger. Steve simply agreed with your father, stating a simple “Yes.”, your stomach swirled with nerves and you turned to “Bucky! Help!” “Sorry kiddo I have to agree with —“ “ugh fine!” You cut. Inhaling frustration you yelled “PETER!”, the young boy popped his head nervously seeing your angered face but seeing the rest made somewhat sense in his mind. “Wh- uh what do you want?” He mumbled “You’re going with Y/N to uh..” your father trailed with forgetful eyes “Madison.” You sighed and he turned to the group with searching eyes. “who’s Madison?” He asked and your blond, and slightly intimidated friend raised her hand. “No drinking. No smoking and no drugs.” He ordered and they all nodded as a promise.
Your father clapped his hands with a proud grin “Great! I’ll call happy!” He grinned and left the room, only to return moments later “Peter..a word.” He raised a brow as they all exchanged looks.
The curly headed boy followed timidity after his mentor, both approaching a side room before Tony closed the door behind them.
“Pete” He started, placing an over protective hand over Peter’s slightly terrified shoulder. The young boy could be tackled by Steve and it’ll be less nerve racking than this conversation, “yes Mr. Stark?” He gulped, “you keep her safe. and you keep your hands to yourself. Am I clear?” Tony said coldly, Peter being too scared to notice the suited man was fiddling with his jacket simply nodded quickly with wide eyes.
“Good” Tony patted the boys back and left the room, leaving poor Peter anxious, heavy breaths of relief escaping his mouth.
While Peter disappeared you stared nervously at the closed door, you were nervous but only one seemed to notice.
A set of hands startled you, one is colder than the other as they rested on your shoulder. Turning your head around you were met with a pair of blue eyes, they seemed calm and understanding as the brushed your hair from your eyes “they still don’t know..” he whispered with a smirk and you simply sighed with a smile “thank god..” you muttered.
Bucky was the first, and only avenger who found about your secret. It happened by accident really.
Sitting in the lab you concentrate on fixing your boyfriends web shooters, your y/e/c eyes squinting at the small screws. “Hey y/n—“ a voice called and you let out a yelp, turning around you saw a very shocked and apologetic Peter standing in the entrance.
He was slightly blushing but non the less happy to see you.
“Sorry babe..” he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck as you rolled out off your chair with a delightful smirk, hearing him calling you babe just made your heart flatter what can you do?
It was the first day he was in the tower so you didn’t even noticed that the first thing was giving him a pack on his lips quickly before you two continued a conversation of nothing, perfectly sweet nothing.
It was about an hour later, he swung his legs back and forth, from time to time spinning the chair while staring at his phone quietly as you asked. You needed to work, but having him around just made it more easier.
Finishing explaining the new web combinations you added, he led you to the kitchen to a much deserved snack time.
You sat on the cold marble island as he leaned on the counter in front of you, both of you rudely snacking on someone else’s treats. Your mixed laughter was to be heard from a distance, that’s why Bucky approached it in the first place.
He was a mad shipper, a 100 and something year old super soldier wanted two teenagers to be together like he had nothing else to do in his life. And he was slightly proud of what he saw.
Peter teased you with one of Wanda’s Pocky sticks and placed on end in his mouth and one end empty for you. “Peter no..” you trailed with a tempt laughter “come on! I saw it in a some Chinese show once pwease?” He mumbled with puppy eyes and you had to give in, taking mental note to ask about why he was watching it in the first time.
“Jeez..Parker you’re going to be the death of me..” you giggled before biting onto the delicious pretzel like stick.
A few bites in and your lips met, his lips were sweet and had a slightly sour taste to them because of the gummy worms he had a few seconds ago. he came in closer, one hand held you by the waist and the other cupped your cheek delicately. You broke the kiss slightly just so you could swallow the pieces of sweetness, a soft smile creeping onto his lips when he stared at you lovingly. He closed the gap again and this time you wrapped your legs around his waist, you felt as if you were floating mid air and his touch was the only thing grounding you. It was right before he deepened the kiss that a cough made you both pool away, both shocked and embarrassed you turned in horror to see Bucky’s folded arms leaning over the door frame.
His eyes darted between the two of you quietly, you didn’t know what to say, or how long he’s been there. panicking you jumped off the marble surface with a plea “Please don’t tell anyone!” You begged, Peter quickly following your steps with the same helpless puppy eyes. “Please Mr. Barns I uh..I..” The young boy always felt slightly terrified of the long haired super solider, his heart beating increasing with fear as drops of sweat began forming on his forehead when the soldier simply raised a brow at him.
“I won’t.” He suddenly spoke, a kind smile appearing on his pink lips, slightly taken back you felt doubtful of his reasons. “Why?” You muttered, sure you were glad he won’t say a thing but why not.
“Cause you will”
“You’ll tell them. Just tell me when cause I have a bet to win!” He winked and brushed past you and Peter, “uh..what?” “A bet?” You both asked dumbfound.
“A bet yes.” He smirked and tried to find something to eat in a way to disguise the fact they’re the reason in the first place he followed into the kitchen.
Not sure how to react you turned to Peter who simply reached to your hand nervously.
“And Parker!” The man called warningly, giving both of you a heart attack as he was about to leave “You hurt her. I will hurt you. Don’t think I forgot how to hide bodies.” Bucky hissed, scaring the living hell out of the boy before ruffling your hair and leaving with an apple in his hand.
“He won’t kill you..” you trailed before cracking a smile, looking briefly behind your shoulder.
“I hope..” “you hope?!” Peter exclaimed as you dragged him back to the lab with a nervous giggle.
“You’re were supposed to tell them today” he reminded and you looked at the ground “I know I..I’ll tell them later” you scoffed and he raised a brow at your tone “you have up until the end of the day or I’m telling them kid.” He instructed before turning back to the rest.
Panic took over your mind, how the hell were you supposed to do that?! “What? Come on Buck!” You frowned, big doe like eyes begging the super solid to keep this secret for a while longer.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to you with a smirk “it’s for your own good! Because sweetheart...” he trailed with a shrug “you are being too obvious anyways” he chuckled “I am not!..” you trailed but he looked at you unimpressed, his finger pointing to his cheeks “you’re blushing doll face” he taunted with a nod “oh fuck..” you muttered “language” “bite me barns” you retorted quickly. “isn’t it Peter’s job?” He snickered and you turned completely red as you stormed off to your friends, but stopped mid step to see your father returning to the room with a shaky Peter behind him.
And so, this is how you found yourself walking to the car, you leading first and Peter strolling behind. “Bye sweetheart! Stay safe!” “Bye dad..” You giggled before motioning to Peter to close the door.
In an instant, the seating changed, Peter was by your side his hand shyly resting on your thigh drawing up and down strips.
You smiled at him and plugged in your phone, letting your friends play whatever song they chose to.
Time passed, and you arrived to her empty house quickly. Immediately taking off your jackets and throwing them messily in a closet room you each sprinted to the couch to get a good spot.
“Princess?” Peter bowed teasingly and motioning you to sit in the middle as he took a seat next to you “I’ll beat you up Parker” you shook your head, a laugh being held back behind a tight smile. Your legs automatically swung over his and he placed one of his hand over your thigh and the other over your bare shoulder. “Easy with the whole pda kids!” Bridget teased, throwing a bag of sour gummy worms towards you, only that Peter caught it moment before it hit you with a shy smile. “Nice reflexes Parker!” Adam commented before slamming himself next to Madison who almost dropped her bowl of popcorn to the floor.
After ten whole minutes of arguing what movie you should watch you decided on the incredibles, simply just to tease you for living with actual superheroes..and dating one. Not that they needed to know that.
You spent most of it focusing on the glowing screen, eating, laughing and even starting a food fight with each other.
And when saying mostly that you did those things, was because Peter’s hands were all over you, and yours was on him.
He rested his curly hair on yours as you laid across his chest, his fingers fiddling with your y/t/h hair as you drawn small circles on his chest. When the movie ended, the black and white credits rolled and everyone started starching, He looked down at you for a moment and smiled, your hair was slightly tangled in his hands but your lips were a vibrant color of magenta, practically inviting him to kiss you. He took your chin gently in his fingers and placing a heaven like kiss on your delicate lips.
Emily smiled devilishly at you first, not that you noticed, and then at the rest, who definitely noticed and mirrored her thoughts.
Her sudden movements grabbed your attention as you watched her rushed into the kitchen, everyone exchanged amused looks and quickly sat on the floor, you did the same, even though you were slightly confused.
But it all made sense as she brought back an empty bottle, a big grin on her face as she took the seat in front of you.
“Ok ok ok..we all know the rules right?” Adam asked, eyes directly moving to you and Peter “what level?” Bridget asked calmly, still looking at her phone.
“Level?” You, Peter, Michelle and Ned asked in unity, eyes darting towards each other with confusion. Madison turned to you with an awkward smirk, not sure what words to use “Uh yeah you know how..uh..well..” she trailed and your eyes widened “oh...OH!” You exclaimed, realization hitting your mind.
Turning to Peter you whispered to him that it means how sexual it might get. Heat rushed through his whole body, his neck ears and face turning a bright color of red.
Meanwhile in the avengers compound, your father sat in his office and stared at the large screen, his fingers tapping fast on a plastic keyboard in an attempt to fix the small camera.
The small device was one of the new spidercam Tony wanted to add to the suit, eight metal legs hit the wooden floor as he stared ahead at the small crack of light coming from beneath the door.
“What are you doing?” A voice startled. “Non of your business Rhodes..” He retorted, brown eyes still fixed on the camera movement. A small disbelieving chuckle was heard from behind before snarky words were to leave his lips “your spying on your own daughter man!” “Who’s spying on who?” Natasha stormed in with a smirk, Bucky trailing behind her quietly.
“Why are you in here again?” “Movie night Stark. Vision insists on you being there” she emphasized with jazz hands.
A pair of icy blue eyes scanned the screen, a group of teenagers sitting comfortably, their faces illuminated by different lights coming from an animated movie. “are you spying on y/n?” Bucky suddenly commented, eyes still fixed on the live video in front of him.
“No.” Tony slammed the laptop screen and with that the live video stopped. He crossed his arms with daring eyes but his judging friends kinda saw through him at that situation. “Okay yes I am-“ he said lifting back the screen “-but I’m just watching over her. You said it yourself! I don’t know those kids and—“ “ok cool can we watch this instead of Vision documentary!” Natasha grinned towards a very confused Tony.
After maybe a twenty minutes persuasion by The two most dangerous people in the compound, Bucky and Natasha won over your father stubbornness.
They were all getting snacks and drinks prepared to see what were you up to, while the true reason was to win the ongoing bet, that by now the price had gone up to 300$ to the winner by each participant.
They stared from behind at your illumined figures, not wanting to get too close and might risk the fact that one of you will smash it to pieces. They all simply enjoyed half of the movie you chose, trying to guess which one of those shadows is you and failing..sort of. They actually thought the couple cuddling on the couch was Emily and Jake, except for Bucky who knew damn well.
Bored out of his mind, Stark left the room for a moment, exactly missing the shared kiss, to fix himself a glass of scotch and answered a call from Pepper.
You already started playing though, silly dares really, ones that all the avengers laughed at and even tried mimicking you. Everything was fine until a very...unique one was heard through the muffled speakers.
“Uh..” Thor trailed, slight amusement in his voice followed by Loki more sarcastic tone “no...”.
“What? what did I miss I-oh HELL NO!” Tony yelled at the screen, his scotch almost slipping off his hands as his brown eyes widened feeling his overly as his overprotective father mode activated. Completely ignoring the avengers seating all comfortably and full of themselves at your father reaction to the spinning bottle. “Relax Tony..it’s just truth or dare.” Natasha grinned, maybe she was slightly nervous, you were after all a teenager...and a the daughter of Tony Stark so...but she managed to hide the fact she heard the are you were asked to do obviously.
Tony shot her a look, he wasn’t an idiot and he knew damn well what could happen if you choose to accept whatever they’ll tell you to do.
They all stared at the green bottle spinning in the middle of the giggling teenagers circle.
Tony immediately reached his phone, he knew that you won’t answer and neither will Peter, so he tried and get a better view for the planted camera and a better way to hear the muffled teenagers. Moments past and the screen finally stopped moving only to stop directly on you and Peter, leaving to another room.
“Tony?” Steve called, protection in his voice as he stood up from his spot “Shut up.” Tony called, his eyes still fixed on the small movements on his phone screen. “Tony.” Bruce was one to call this time to which Tony only huffed “I’m busy.” He grunted before smiling proudly to himself for perfecting the camera position “You might want to see this...” Steve trailed and just in time your father managed to see Peter entering a room and closing the door while your beloved friends howled in the background.
Realizing that you were no where to be in the circle, concern and anger fueled his body “oh he better not.” He hissed, eyes glued to the screen before seeing the group rushing from their seats to pin their head to the door.
They all had very pleased grins and giggled escaped their hand covered lips.
When the door opened again in less than 3 minuets, they all took a step back with anticipation and anxious eyes.
“We’ll do it.” You said shyly, peter holding your hand nervously but shrugging with fake confidence.
It started silly really, you don’t know how you ended up with a dare like this when only the game started. “Do an impersonation of Donald Trump” that Adam got, and preformed perfectly! “Go to the neighbour’s house and ask for a banana” which Madison got, and man it was a lot more funnier than it should have been. “Close your eyes and send a blind text to a random person” was something that Jack got, and thus is a start on how he’ll have to explain his aunt why he asked for a booty call, which was just....priceless as you can imagine!
Your stomach hurt with laughter, eyes flickering with tears of amusement. Peter’s laugh was rolling off his tongue with delight, even chocking when he tried to calm himself down.
But then..the bottle spun, and you stared with fear and anticipation as the object dizzied your y/e/c eyes.
“Truth..or Dare y/n..” Madison trailed. You gulped nervously, you had to choose dare! You just had to, you can’t break this unspoken rule and choose truth when everyone else chose dare, and the fact they’ll ask something about you and Peter just made you more nervous. Exchanging looks with the group you suddenly turned to Peter, his soft smile calming your nerves before your turned back to the dare devil.
“Dare.” You smirked, fake confidence shadowing you immediately. They all exchanged amused smirks as ideas were to be whispered to the blond girl. Her eyes twinkled with delight when Adam whispered the perfect dare, “do a lap dance.” She smirked and your eyes widened with embarrassment, heat rushed to your whole body and your eyes darted to the floor “On Peter obviously.” She insisted and you immediately looked at your boyfriend embarrassed.
Peter, felt a rally going inside his mind. Anticipation, fear, nerves, lust, embarrassment and awkwardness was showing with red heat on his pale skin. He didn’t look at anyone at first but feeling your gaze upon him he turned around immediately, and seeing your nervousness he had to do the right thing and calm himself down, or at least fake it.
He stood up, his shadow falling over your small character “give us a moment?” He spoke, his hand reaching for yours to walk you to another room.
He placed his hands on your back with a soft smile “you don’t have to..” he whispered, closing the door behind him. pulling you to his embrace.
Your stomach knotted with nerves, mind racing at the possibilities of the outcome. “I..uh it’s fine..” eyes locked at your shifting feet you finally spoke, breaking the anticipating silence. His soft hands reached for your tensed shoulders, grabbing your attention in an instant as butterflies unknotted the feeling inside. He smiled kindly at your wide eyes and brushed a hair our of your cheek quickly “y/n..you don’t have to. I’ll say it’s my fault” he smirked but you shook your head, feeling a slight blush creeping up on you “Peter..” “you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” He stated before roaming his hands to hold you by your waist, you unknowingly moved your hands over his shoulder with a slight grin “I love you” he whispered, his cold minty breath brushing agains your lips. “I love you too” you whispered and closed the gap.
You then held him by the hand and opened the door, a few of your friends stumbled inside and you had to bit your lip so you won’t laugh. You darted your eyes between all the characters before giving in “we’ll do it.” You said confidently.
Peter felt his heart pound heavily, fearing you might do it out of pressure. “Y/n?” “I am comfortable as long as you’re with me..” you answered quickly, giving him a small pack on the cheek and leaving to your friends.
“Ok go pick a song! Peter stay.” Jack instructed and you nodded, cringing at the instructions slightly.
“Wow..peer pressure. Thank god I don’t have many friends.” Michelle called from behind as you searched for your jacket.
You turned to her with questioning eyes, “it’s not peer pressure.” You insisted. “Is it not though?” She taunted, but truth is, she cared. And you knew it. “It’s not. because I’ve talked to Pete..and..I’m actually ok with it..” you shrugged, slightly lying but that’s just because you were nervous, not scared.
Finally finding the device you searched for a needed song, but she blocked your screen forcing you to look up at her.
“You don’t have to.” She stated again, her eyes trying to keep cool but failing to hide the care in her voice. “It’s ok chip. I promise.” You smiled genuinely and she let put a huff “fine..I’ll make sure no one will record this” she rolled her eyes, a small smirk tugging at her lips.
After maybe 4 minuets of finally finding a song, the two of you opened the door and turned down towards the living room.
“What’s going on?” “Why are they telling him to sit?” “Why is he standing up now?” “Why are they laughing?” “What the hell did my daughter agreed to?!” Those were just a few of Tony’s questions, his and the teammates eyes glued to the screen like it was the gospel.
“Don’t worry Peter. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it!” One of the guys called, patting on the shaking shoulder of the boy before slamming himself on the couch in front of the camera.
There was a big sofa left empty, Peter’s profile was seen through as he wiped his hands over his shirt nervously. “You ready y/n/n?” Madison giggled, and when you yelled back a yes they slightly dimmed the lights so the song could start.
(Song: strip that down-liam payne)
The beat started quickly, your mind came up with combination of choreographed music videos as you thought ahead before letting your body move.
Your eyes glanced at the group of teenagers and then turned to lock eyes with Peter while taking a few strides forward, your heels making a clicking noise over the wooden floor before coming to a halt. You swung your hips to the beat, hands slowly running over your curves. Your hands created an X over your waist before moving to circle your chest and go down to your core while leaning closer, your ass slightly swaying to the beat. You circled the chair he was sitting in with lustful eyes that drove him insane (like your family who was watching from the other side, but for other reasons). He licked his lips and bit the inside of his cheek as a reflex, his brown eyes following you with a mixture of nerves and anticipation, after all you were both hormone filled teenagers. Slowly tilting his chin to force him to look at you, you smirked devilishly and ran your hand in his curly hair before letting your thumb crease his bottom lip. With a flicker of his eyes you started face away from him, taking a few steps forward then flipping your hair as you lowered your ass to the floor, sending Peter a wink while rising up slowly, letting him have a good look as if you were all alone.
Swinging your hips to the beat you let yourself sit in his lap, your back to his chest so your ass is pressed against his growing bulge. He put his hands on your hips and your rose like scent made his head dizzy as his hands ran slowly over your unbelievably soft skin and incredible shape.
Slowly leaning back, you let your shoulders hit his chest and wrapped your right arm around his neck. He tried fighting it but he was defeated and gave in to look into your cleavage, that from the angle gave him a perfect view of your lacy bra.
You slowly arched your back and turned to kneel down, your big eyes scanning his features change as you ran your hands over his thighs. He gulped nervously the closer you got to his crouch, a sly and devilish smirk appearing on your lips as you stopped mid action.
You flipped your hair to the side and quickly straddled him, you could see him turn a bright shade of red as you bit your lip. A smirk appeared on your lips as you felt him hard beneath your dress. You run your fingers through his curls and slowly down his neck before leaning closer to connect your soft lips with his sensible skin. A quite moan accidentally escaped to your ears causing you to stop your actions.
He seemed embarrassed but your simply smiled devilishly, your hips beginning to press against his crouch while rocking back and forth. You could see him biting his lips as you stared into his eyes, and the moment he looked into you, you closed the gap between the two of you and gave him a passionate kiss as if no one was there.
A smile intoxicated your lips as you moved to his ear “you can go lower if you want..” you trailed before looking at his wide eyes, your movements not stopping for a moment. He slowly ran his hands down your thighs and you raised a brow hinting him a place to go.
And he did. His warm fingers tailed up your dress and reached down your ass. You could feel your heart beat increase with every second in a very bad, best way.
The song slowly came to an end with you kissing the very flustered boy, you simply smirked and shrugged at everyone’s applause as you all rearranged your seats. They threw some cheeky comments at the both of you, you simply rolled your eyes but Peter seemed to be in a different world. That was until Michelle stood up and pulled a small device from her pocket.
“Uh..” Michelle hand captured the small camera in her hand, thank god it was only one way hear or else she’ll be able to hear the shrike coming from the avengers. Her face coming extremely closer to the camera, fingers lightly pressuring the pieces making the screen twitch before she scanned the small device with careful eyes.
When showing the group the small, spider like metal device you almost, well, no. You had a heart attack the moment you saw it.
And sure, seconds after that, your driver seemed to have a hard time keeping his cool as he motioned you and Peter to go get your coats, “we’re leaving.” He spoke, oh fuck.
“Bucky?” “I just want to talk to him” he answered Vision motionless, his eyes glued to the now blackout screen. Nat slowly rose from her seat and glanced at the blond solider who’s leg was jumping up and down, “Steve?” She called, her hand reaching for the man’s tensed shoulder as if he was a beast. “We just want to talk to him.” He rose quickly, his bright blue eyes hooded by a dark shadow and a tight smile crossing his lips with hidden anger.
Finally Rodney turned to his friend, he saw Tony mad before, angry, frustrated, hopeless anxious depressed he’d seen it all...but not this, this was stone cold and undeciphered. “Tony?” He called, “I just want to shoot him.” He stated, quickly rushing to his feet and turning to leave “What?” “You can’t shoot him Tony he’s a kid!” “Did you see how he-ba dthen he reached for her.. and what why was he smiling like this huh?! And he looked down at her dress! I’m not an idiot! He’s dead!” “Tony. He is a kid. Let it go we can—“”Yeah well so is she.” He said coldly, the room stayed quiet for a few minutes, all exchanging looks not sure what to do.
(Except Bucky who was now over a 1000 dollars richer and planned on going to get some pizza after killing Peter).
“It was a dare. not much come on” “do not tell me how to raise my child Natasha” “if I may interject” “you may not” “I do know a way where we can insure y/n’s well being and also stabilize...their behavior.” Vision spoke, having a slightly hard time to process the very tensioning situation. “Oh yeah? Enlighten me then” your father hissed, a sarcastic smile planted on his lips as his eyes through dagger around the room.
“the fact I am accepting it does not mean I’m ok with that” Tony muttered as FRIDAY announced that your car had arrived.
It was a very...awkward and frightening ride for the two of you. And though Peter was extremely turned on, knowing he was watched and is going to die seemed to make it disappear slightly.
“Children.” Tony spoke, Happy’s hands resting on Peter’s and yours shoulder, squeezing it tight so you’d be unable to escape from your father just yet. You quickly locked eyes with Peter, both of you being consumed with fear.
“Y/n. Care to explain?” Your father spoke, both of you knowing damn well what he meant. You could feel the palm of your hands sweating with nerves as you tried to comment something smug on why had he followed you, your words rolling out of you lips with a shake. “W-why d-did you follow us huh..? A-and I uh..” “wow. Ok next.” You father shut, and you didn’t seem to fight it.
“Peter Parker.” His voice seemed so loud, even though in reality it was a normal volume. “You reached down..my daughter’s..skirt.” He hissed.
Happy let the two of you go and took a few steps back, not quite feeling like ruining is suite with blood. You darted your eyes between your talkative family and your quite boyfriend before whispering “Run.” He seemed to be the only one who heard you because in literally seconds you two sprinted into two different directions.
“Parker. Get off the wall!” Tony yelled, peter was standing ok the ceiling, his hair dangling upside down. Your heart beat was still having a hard tile settling down from running, it was a stupid idea but worth it if it gave Peter a few more seconds of being alive.
“Sir. Listen. It wasn’t what it seemed like—“
“Get off the wall!” “No no you have to listen I swear I treat her right please don’t kill me!”
“I can’t kill you! You are on the freaking wall!” Tony shook his head, his eyes drifting to his feet briefly and then looking back at the teenager “And also May would kill me..” He muttered, earning a snorted laugh from Natasha.
You quickly made your way to the “Papa..” he indicated a finger to your lips, with a brief glare before turning back “hush. We’ll talk about this later.” His eyes still locked on Peter’s form glued to the wall, almost falling as Sam tried to tickle him with a broomstick.
“You’re dating.” Your dad declared as you and Peter sat next to one another in the kitchen table. Behind his were your entire family, even Loki, all throwing you mixed looks. Some had amusement and a blessing while other planned on murdering Peter for reaching down you skirt. “Yep.” You answered quickly, eyes slowly drifting to Peter who seemed as terrified as anyone had ever been. “Yes..” he finally answered, swallowing hard as if someone was choking him. Your heart beat booming in your brain with every breath that left your lips “I’m...” your father started, taking a deep breath and looking to his sides before looking back at you. “not fully ok with..this.” He continued twirling his finger towards the two of you before pinching the bridge of his nose. “But fine.” He huffed with a hidden smile, and that word “fine” was enough for you to feel happy. You brushed your fingers over Peter’s as a soft smile tugged at both of your lips, but maybe it was slightly a little bit early to celebrate.
“Y/n. Go upstairs for a moment will you?” You both darted your eyes away from each other and looked at the group fearfully. “The guys and me want to have a private conversation with Peter.” Your father smiled tightly and you nodded nervously. “Good luck” you murmured as the girls escorted you to your room, and yes, like your friends, they too teased you about your ‘hidden’ skill.
“I have 10 condoms,25 more ruled we’ll need to follow and over 300 ways your family will kill me if I hurt you....” peter trailed shakily, his form leaning against your door frame as his eyes locked at the foot of your bed. You shook your head with a smile a shy chuckle rolled from your lips “good..I think” you smiled, slowly swaying your hips before pulling him inside with a kiss.
Iron heart Tag list (closed!) @pieceofhamiltrash  @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr @tom-parkers-girl@sterolinelover13 @fiesty5sos @jilyloveswolfstar  @floodinginstars @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw @spacequeenstuff @awesomefandomsunited   @for-my-mind @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality @raised-by-fandoms @malumkilledme @gelvscht @katielbowen @skeletalwolfca @smexylemony @blackpuppetplayer @spideyquackson @twlifeposts
Anything Tom Holland ️
@maroon-richie @unicorngummybear @thewondersofmysexuality @maroon-richie @tom-parkers-girl @embrace-themagic @saturn-aka-six @flowerchild8341 @pieceofhamiltrash @thgleslie @mooshoon
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bvckysmanbun · 7 years
Older!Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader
Request: Can I request a Damian x fem!Reader in which she is a mute musician and is invited by Bruce Wayne himself to perform in one of his galas and she plays the piano so skillfully, putting the whole room in such an hipnotic state that it ends up catching Damian's attention?
I hope you enjoy this, love bug! As always, comments highly appreciated! @jinxfangirl
The song that the reader plays is Chopin’s Nocturnes, Op. 9, No.2 in E-Flat Major
Tags: @dammianwayne, @jaybirdxarsenal, @theshortegg, @perforabuntsaggittis
Word Count: 1.7k
The soft yellow-white lighting illuminating the manor contrasted against the starless dark night. Cars pulled up to the front of the manor, valets opened doors and held their hands out to the women as they carried themselves gracefully out of the vehicles, large smiles plastered onto their faces.
 Dresses of all colors were floated all around, men in black or dark colored tuxes accompanied their dates; soft hands decorated in jewels sat on crooks of elbows upon entering the large doors of the Wayne Manor. The chatter and click of heels echoed through the home, laughter mixed in here and there. The echoes grew softer as the crowd made their way into the large ballroom.
 As they entered the ballroom, the crystal chandeliers were softly lit, giving the entire room a delicate and creamy sentiment. It was all soft. Servers danced around the crowd, foods and drinks on their trays, warm smiles graced their faces as they floated through the hundreds of bodies. Servers gave each other knowing smiles as they would go back and forth from the ballroom to the kitchen area, refilling the contents of their trays.
Women were glowed as they unknowingly boasted their attires and the jewels and gems that decorated their skin, around their wrists, necks, and ears. When they were done, they’d move on to topics of their relationships, their families, and then the gossip of the other women who would not show up or had arrived just yet.  Men would smile at each other as they brought up conversation about the newest knowledge on their businesses and negotiations. Some would speak of the manor, gloated that they could probably build larger manors or that it didn’t count because Wayne inherited the manor. Hypocrites, the Wayne boys would have thought when they heard the men.
 Lingering at the doors of the ballroom were the Wayne brothers, small and warm smiles displayed on their faces as they welcomed and thanked each guest for coming to their father’s event. Their smiles looked sincere enough to be believable.
 Soon, the number of guests that passed into the ballroom died down and the boys began to head in. Jason and Dick roamed around together, each taking a glass of champagne from the closest server. Tim looked at Damian as Damian looked around for his father. Tim followed Damian’s eyes, landing on their shared father. Tim patted Damian’s shoulder before nodding towards the center. The crowd had formed a circle around the center of the piano and the mic next to the piano.
 “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Bruce spoke into the microphone, a welcoming smile was splayed across his face. Damian made his way to the center edge of the front, not paying attention to his father’s reason behind tonight’s gala or the backstory of some girl. As Damian finally positioned himself in the front, in a place where he could see his father face, he looked around in search of his brothers, not noticing the girl walking to the piano.
 Damian’s neck strained to the right, spotting Jason who was talking to a girl in a red gala dress. Damian rolled his eyes. Typical. Just as he moved his gaze to the cuffs of his tux, fixing the gold cufflinks that his father had gifted him for his eighteenth birthday, a single note from the piano caused him to freeze.
  His eyes lingered on the cufflinks as more notes joined. He couldn’t move, his mind and heart would not allow it. If he was to look up, he’d see nothing more than the black piano. Damian moved his eyes to his right and to his left, taking note on how he was not the only one frozen. People all around him seemed to have caught their breaths in their throats as they watched the pianist.
 He could not recall how long it had taken him, but his head finally moved up, his eyes catching sight of a girl with her eyes closed. Her face was relaxed, a couple twitches here and there in her eyebrows, but her facial features remained relaxed, her body moving side to side as her fingers danced along the keys, acting as a dance floor of her hands.
 His eyes were glued on her fingers as he watched them make their way over the keys, never tripping over each other. They moved on their own, it was muscle memory. His eyes trailed from her fingers and up her arms to her neck and finally on her face. His eyes softened, and he let out a deep, but quiet exhale. He did not want to interrupt her, he did want the god-awful sound of his breath to mix with such…beauty was an understatement. It was the sounds that gods played when they bathed in fountains, it had to be.
 But it was not just her music, no. His clouded eyes cleared as he took in her appearance, another breath caught itself in his throat as she hit the higher notes. Her hair was pinned up, but not like a ponytail or bun, no; it was an up do that did not allow her fringes to curl around her face. Her face itself bore no makeup, at least it appeared not to, not to him. His eyes traveled to her neck and there laid a single, thin gold chain with a small heart as it’s pendent. Her dress was the most mesmerizing, not counting her fingers which were littered in rings. Her dress was black, and it had shimmers; she had taken the stars from the night sky and borrowed them for the evening.
 A smile creeped on to Damian’s face as he watched her fingers slow, the tune slowly died down to an end. She finally opened her eyes and a warm smile placed itself on her lips. His eyes met hers as she stood from the bench. He felt an unfamiliar heat on his cheeks, which caused him to tear his eyes away from hers; his eyes focused once again on the cufflinks.
 His father’s voice was heard again through the microphone, as he told everyone that the girl…[Y/n] he called her, was one of the many young adults with raw talent. Damian’s eyes flickered back up just as she bowed, her cheeks were brushed with a very thin layer of red and her smile never left her lips. He felt a smile tug on the corners of his mouth as their eyes connected once again. Her smile grew before her walked towards his father, her hand held out. He watched as his father grinned at her when he took her hand in his.
 He felt a ping of…this could not be jealously. No, he had not even learned her name. His ears perked when he heard the crowd’s applause die down. When did it even start?
 [Y/n] walked away, she smiled politely as she nodded towards people; they commented on her performance with wide smiles as they stepped aside for her, creating a path. Damian watched her until she passed the doors that took her into the corridor. He pivoted from her direction to his father’s, his strides were fast yet elegant.
 “Father,” he called out quietly as he got near. “Why was she not properly introduced?” Bruce raised an eyebrow towards his son.
 “[Y/n] was introduced before she even started playing. Did you not hear me?” Damian stared at him with blank look; Bruce took that as a no and he looked at his son in confusion.
 “Tt, your microphone was most likely off then,” Damian scowled, his eyes roaming back to door to see if she had walked back in. No, she had not. Damian’s eyes shifted back to his father, who now had a mischievous grin on his face.
 “Whatever you say son.” Damian narrowed his eyes at his father’s teasing tone, his eyes shifted towards the door one more time and this time, she stood there. Damian clicked his tongue and excused himself. He offered small smiles towards his father’s guests as he made his way towards the girl.
 He stopped in right front of her and watched as her small smile grew a little bigger. Heat built up in the flesh behind the skin of his cheeks. He held his out towards her. She placed hers in his as if they were about to shake hands. Damian grinned as he flicked his wrist, moving her hand so that it sat in his cupped hand and brought it to his lips, placing a small kiss onto her knuckles. Her blush grew brighter and she ducked her head, but her eyes still connected with his.
 “Damian Wayne,” he smiled against her knuckles. She giggled quietly as she gingerly pulled her away and reached into her small hand bag, He raised an eyebrow as he stood straight; he resisted the sudden urge to click his tongue. She pulled a small card out and handed it to him. His eyebrows furrowed as he took the card from her fingers, the same delicate fingers that hypnotized him mere moments ago.
 “[Y/n] [L/n]. I am a mute pianist. If you are patient and understanding, you will still get a conversation out of me. Thank you,” he read aloud from the card. His eyebrows shot up and he looked at her with both shock and adoration. He gave her an amused smile and held his elbow out for her.
 “Well, if you allow me, I’d love to have a conversation with you. Any girl who can play the piano, hypnotize me, and be so frank in such short words is a girl I’d like to get to know, if you allow it.” Damian smiled at her and then moved his hands, her eyes widened in shock as she understood what he gestured. “I do hope you allow me,” he signed.
 [Y/n] gave him a playful smile before she signed “I’d love to,” before she moved her hand to the crook of Damian’s elbow.
 From the sides, the rest of the Wayne siblings, along with their father, watched as the youngest of the family paraded around the ballroom with the pianist for the rest of the night; large and real smiles plastered onto their faces.
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monstabaebae · 7 years
Sunrise and Sunset (M)
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Thank you for the request anon! I hope this story is to your liking! Thank you for being so patient with me and requesting, I love and appreciate your support! Enjoy!
Characters: Shownu, Kihyun and the rest of Monsta X Genre: Assassin AU, Romance Warnings: Smut for one scene and it’s mostly vanilla, use of weapons/mild violence,  Rating: M Word Count: 5.5k  Plot: Why did the infamous Kihyun leave his job as a hitman for love? It all began with a fear of heights, murder and sunsets… Credit to the gif owner!
The sun was beginning to set over the Seoul skyline. High schoolers and adults moving like ants as they made their way to the nearest transportation to rest for the night. A long day of hard-work deserved rest in the shade of the world, if only for a few hours.
Except for Yoo Kihyun.
The dark-haired male was sitting on top of Seoul Tower, overlooking the view of the city below. Endless dots of people roamed the streets, every speck having some sort of destination in mind, the crowds growing smaller with each minute.
“Reminiscing, Kihyun?” A voice called.
Kihyun turned his head to see a man in a black trench coat, wearing a cat-like smile and a flicker of mischief in his brown eyes. Well, what could be seen of them behind his mop of floppy blonde hair.
“Why are you here?” Kihyun raised an eyebrow before returning his gaze back to the city.
“Well, word on the street is that you come here all the time so I thought I’d pay you a visit. Especially after everything that’s happened…” The man trailed off, reaching into his pocket to pull out a packet of cigarettes.
The cigarette didn’t make it to his lips as a small dagger cut through the cancer stick and pierced into the gated wall beside the blonde’s head.
“I won’t miss next time, Minhyuk.” Kihyun adjusted his sleeve, a smaller blade with a purple tint on the tip falling into his hand. His eyes never moved.
“I know you won’t.” Minhyuk laughed, putting the cigarettes back in his pocket and looking at the blade in the wall. “But to think how your skills have gone to waste, now that you’re a rouge.”
The blonde sighed, averting his eyes to the sky above, despite how close it was already. “Tell me, was he worth it?”
The only sound that could be heard was the wind hitting their clothing, the air suddenly growing cold. The sound was so sudden and loud, that Minhyuk almost didn’t hear Kihyun’s response.
“I see. Well, I hope it was for the best. I never knew that Yoo Kihyun would give up his assassin career and the dreams of a lifetime, for love. Then again, I never took you to be a fan of heights either.”
Turning towards the door, Minhyuk dropped the box of cigarettes on the ground with a wave of his hand. “I wish you luck. And maybe we’ll see each other again.”
Kihyun was left once again with his thoughts, the same thoughts that cause him to come up here in the first place. Despite everything he went through, he was still back to staring at everything below.
And to thoughts of him.
Kihyun hated heights.
The way everything looked farther away, the way his vision began to swirl as he imagined falling endlessly into the distortion below. All he thought of was crashing to the ground like a pancake, but whenever he looked up he thought of everything tall crashing into him like a bug. He hated being high up despite striving to be on top.
He was like that since childhood, always avoiding amusement parks and school field trips to any towers or tall buildings. In high school, he avoided class trips and even looking out of the window of the run-down house he and his mother lived in.
Kihyun had no idea why he hated heights so much or where the fear developed from. All he knew was that he had to keep his body and mind on solid ground, and never look down.
But when his mother passed away, he had nowhere to go but to the big city to live with his aunt. He had done pretty-well to stay clear of heights when he lived began to live there, but it was unavoidable in Seoul. There were tall buildings everywhere, not to mention the endless attractions and planes that filled the sky every day. He almost had a panic attack seeing everything, but he learned to cope.
Kihyun was 21 when he took someone’s life. He was walking home after a shift at a nearby café and had to get ready for an exam the following morning. He had to pass over the bridge to get to his house, when a group of men grabbed him from behind.
They were all covered from head to toe in black, reeking of cigarettes and booze. One grabbed him and tried to take his money, while the others tried to beat him to a pulp. He tried to shield his face, but the attacks were coming from everywhere. Soon, he couldn’t feel his limbs and his vision was blurry from the bruises.
Once his belongings were taking, the leader of the gang grabbed him by the wrists and pinned his body against the ledge of the bridge. The water was black, roaring and churning below, sending Kihyun’s mind in a panic.
“You ready to go for a swim, kid?” The man cackled with a smirk, pushing Kihyun’s upper body over the ledge almost playfully. He watched the boy struggle and laughed louder. “What, are you afraid of heights? Don’t worry, you won’t have time to be afraid when your bones snap.”
Whenever Kihyun was asked what happened next, he honestly couldn’t remember. All he knew was that his vision went red for a moment and when he came to, the gang was running away while the leader was nowhere in sight.
He was out of breath and all the pain seemed to set into his bones at one time. He felt as though his entire body was hit by a truck and all he wanted to do was rest. Slowly picking himself up, he attempted to take a few steps, only to feel a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, you alright?” The voice was unfamiliar, but Kihyun was too tired to fight back. If the guy wanted to kill him, he could. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“I…I need to get home…” He could barely keep his eyes open, but he caught a glimpse of the owner of the voice before he fell into unconsciousness. Tan skin, a handsome face and plump lips.
The next morning, he woke up in his bed with a pain that nearly knocked him out once more. Looking around blindly, he spotted TV on in the corner and slowly heard sound emitting from the device. It was a news report.
“…Have discovered a body in the water today. The identity of the man is known to be a local troublemaker in Busan and was last seen at a bar near Gangnam. There were no signs of a struggle, but the police believe that this act was no doubt, murder as the victim was pushed over the bridge to his death. If anyone has any tips regarding the case, please contact the police immediately.”
Kihyun felt his blood run cold. That man… he had killed him. Before the panic could set in, another picture popped up. A face that Kihyun had only seen for a moment, but it was engraved in his mind.
“Police have also caught sightings of Son Hyunwoo, famous thief and killer that tends to roam around Seoul. Please call if you see him, he is dangerous and a threat to everyone he comes across.”
Kihyun looked at the picture on the screen, then looked at his surroundings. Had he really seen the same man? What kind of “Dangerous threat” was that man to let someone who had seen his face, go home free?
The raven-haired boy looked at his hands, then blinked in confusion. Now that he thought about it, how had he made it home last night? He could’ve sworn he had passed out on the road, so how…?
Glancing at his bed stand, he spotted his wallet with a small note beside it. Deciding to read the note, he read through the chicken scratch with a hum.
Sorry, I used your I.D to find your address. I made sure to put it back, and I didn’t steal any money or any of your cards. I hope you get better soon. Make sure not to get caught up in any more problems, I won’t be there to save you every time.
“Hyunwoo…” Kihyun murmured, looking out his window with a hum. The weather seemed nice, despite the clouds of confusion surrounding his mind.
It wouldn’t be until much later, that Kihyun began to look out the window every morning from that day onwards, not even noticing his acrophobia.
Kihyun used that day as a push to work harder every day. He kept his job at the café and continued to go to school, but he was getting involved in special activities outside of his daily routine.
It started off as a hitman job. He had to kill one target and he would get enough money to pay off a semester of school. The job went without a hitch, and he went undetected. He learned from that first mission that he was a tactical killer and worked best with long range weapons.
One target turned into two, then a dozen before Kihyun began to lose track. He was becoming headline news, but no one knew where he could be found or what he even looked like. He worked at separate times on certain days, so his methods and targets couldn’t be connected. He killed each target a different day with a different weapon, like a true killer would.
No matter how many targets he encountered and no matter how much money he would receive, Kihyun always felt restless. He felt like he was searching for something and that by killing he would get closer to finding that ‘something’, but he always fell short.
He had been killing for over two years by this point, and had accumulated more stress than he had thought possible. He never went out to bars or clubs in fear of getting caught, but the pain in his temples was growing to be too much to bear.
Tucking his tools into his bag, he walked off to a local bar. The air was filled with the scent of whiskey, chicken and cheap cigarettes, but he didn’t hesitate to sit at the bar. He ordered a gin and tonic and paid in cash, when someone sat down beside him.
“Long time no see.” The man said, taking back a glass of water with a small grin.
Kihyun nearly spit out his drink in surprise. There’s no way, could it really be…? “Hyunwoo?” He whispered, not daring to speak any louder.
Hyunwoo nodded, his eyes focused on Kihyun as he smiled. “Minhyuk told me you were looking for someone.”
“Word gets around too fast at the Bureau.” Kihyun muttered with a blush. Once his killings had become more frequent and his description got passed around, Kihyun was picked up by an infamous, but very tightly secured, assassin’s group. Minhyuk was one of his colleagues, known for his gruesome way of killing and his love for his vigilante ways. Everyone on the street knew his name, so it was no surprise that a criminal like Hyunwoo knew who Minhyuk was.
“That’s what happens when you work with others, your business can get out pretty fast. But, to each their own.” Hyunwoo hummed, finishing his water and leaning against the counter, his eyes never moving. “So, what brings you out on this fine night? Do you have work?”
It sounded casual, but the word ‘work’ fell a bit too heavy on his tongue. “Not tonight. I just needed some fresh air and something strong to calm my mind.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“There isn’t much to talk about.” Kihyun shrugged, keeping his eyes on the counter of the bar. He honestly wondered if he was dreaming. It’s not like he knew Hyunwoo personally, and Hyungwon didn’t know him, so why were they chatting like they were old friends?
“It’s been two years since I last saw you. You’ve grown up well.” The older man commented, his tone casual, as though the last time they had seen each other Kihyun hadn’t just killed a man after getting brutally mugged and beaten.
“And you’ve been on the news a lot lately.” Kihyun sighed, then added, “Not that I care or anything. But you should be more careful.”
Hyunwoo smiled at this, his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as he considered Kihyun with a dimpled grin. “I don’t really care if I get caught. But I’ll see if I can take your advice and not get into so much trouble, as long as you give me something in return.”
“Something in return?” Kihyun echoed, eyebrows raised in curiosity. His drink was gone and he had only had one, but his mind felt strangely light for some reason.
Leaning in close so no one could overhear, Hyunwoo brushed his lips along Kihyun’s ear. “Spend the night with me.”
“What?!” Kihyun exclaimed, pulling away to look at Hyunwoo with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. The bar’s attention shifted to the two men, but Hyunwoo quickly pulled the boy closer to hide their faces. Soon, the patrons went back to whatever conversations they were having without a care in the world.
“I want to spend a night with you. It may sound sudden and strange but… I’ve been searching everywhere for you. Please, just one night.” The tanned male whispered, his voice filled with honesty and something like desperation.
Kihyun was silent for a moment, taking in the information with a purse of his lips. He wondered what was going on in Hyunwoo’s mind, to make such a decision so suddenly.
But then Kihyun remembered the day after the bridge incident, how confused and curious he was about the man in front of him. How he wanted to see his face again, to see if he truly was the man people said he was on TV.
And maybe, he wanted to do a little more than just talk as a thank you.
“My place or yours?” Kihyun mumbled. Hyunwoo laughed.
Hyunwoo’s apartment was simple. Clean hardwood floors with white furniture, a small kitchen and an even smaller bathroom. There were no picture frames or trophies, no signs that anyone truly lived here, save for the dirty plate in the sink and the toothbrush holder in the bathroom.
The taller man locked the door behind them, making sure no one was following them as he took off his jacket. He gently removed Kihyun’s jacket without a word, hanging it up in a small closet before putting on his slippers. (Bunny slippers, strangely.)
“Welcome to my humble abode. Please, make yourself comfortable.” Hyunwoo announced with his usual smile. “Can I get you water or some snacks? I just bought some double stuffed Oreos if you’d like.”
“I’m good.” Kihyun smiled, placing his shoes by the door before sitting on the couch with a nervous hum. “It’s so quiet in here.”
“Yeah, this area has always been a quiet neighborhood. It was perfect for me to do my jobs at night, since it’s in such a rural area, and it keeps me calm on my days off. Perfect place to read on a rainy day, trust me.”
Kihyun imagined Hyunwoo laying down on his bed, body fatigued after a long mission, before pulling out his favorite book with a pair of glasses perched on his nose as the rain pattered on the window. The scene was strangely out of context for the younger male, but it seemed to fit Hyunwoo in the most perfect of ways.
“So, tell me about you.” Hyunwoo pulled Kihyun from his thoughts, the large man sitting beside the younger with an open expression despite his large arms flexing to get comfortable.
“Not much to tell. Just a hitman that kills for money.” Kihyun avoided Hyunwoo’s eyes, focusing on the TV even though it wasn’t on.
Hyunwoo wasn’t satisfied, but kept his expression. “When we met, you looked like a college kid. Did you get your degree?”
The younger boy hesitated before nodding. “Yeah. In photography.”
“Oh? A photographer? Do you have any tips for me to brighten up this pace a bit? I could use an artist’s opinion.”
Kihyun thought the older was kidding, but saw nothing but an expression of curiosity on the male’s face. Man, talk about serious. Does he ever tell a joke?
“Maybe… some pictures of sunsets or oceans, to give the place a bit of color.” Kihyun suggested slowly, looking over the bare walls and empty table tops. “And some plants. They don’t have to be real if you aren’t good with upkeeping, but the green will give this place some life and the perfect amount of color.”
He turned his head to see Hyunwoo’s expression, to find him leaning in close to Kihyun’s face. The younger didn’t move, his heart skipping oddly in his chest when Hyunwoo’s lips were only a few inches away from his. The air was thick with anticipation, their breathing almost deafening in the silence.
“What is a beautiful man like you, doing as an assassin?” Hyunwoo finally whispered, his eyes never leaving Kihyun’s as he placed his hand on the younger’s cheek.
Kihyun didn’t flinch. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“Maybe we’re both just fucked up and like to kill for fun?” Hyunwoo suggested, his tongue slowly dragging across his lower lip and causing Kihyun’s breath to hitch in his throat.
“Or maybe… we’re just looking for somewhere to belong.” Kihyun could hardly hear his own voice. But Hyunwoo heard it and smiled.
“That stuff you were saying about colors. I’d like to work on that now.”
“Right now?” Kihyun echoed, slightly turned off by the change in conversation.
“Yeah. For starters, I love that shade of pink on your cheeks.” Hyunwoo smiled, and it was the last thing Kihyun saw before their lips connected and he let go of everything.
He had no idea how they made it from the couch to the bed. His mouth was moving eagerly against Hyunwoo’s, sliding finger’s in the older’s hair as he touched and kissed every inch of skin he could reach. Their mouths were desperate and playful, their eyes filled with happiness and hunger as Kihyun laid back on the bed.
They stripped each other of their clothing and kissed once more, Kihyun’s hands caressing the planes of Hyunwoo’s broad shoulders and arms, while Hyunwoo caressed Kihyun’s face and down to the smooth planes of his back. Every touch was searing to the skin and Kihyun’s face grew flushed as soft moans left his lips.
Soon, Hyunwoo was covering Kihyun in soft kisses and licks, marking the porcelain skin with sharp bites and pretty bruises. Kihyun could feel and see only Hyunwoo and felt his heart nearly stop in his chest as the older made love to Kihyun’s body.
All Kihyun felt was bliss, from the way Hyunwoo sucked him off, to the way Hyunwoo filled him to the brim when they became one. They fit like a lock and key and Kihyun was lost in the pleasure as Hyunwoo rolled his hips. It was too sweet to be called sex and too powerful to be called making love. But Kihyun felt both and he couldn’t get enough.
By the time he came, his lips were bruised and his body was worn and covered in marks but he didn’t care. He kissed Hyunwoo drunkenly, addicted to the intoxicating fire that was the older man. Hyunwoo didn’t seem to mind, as he held Kihyun to his chest and made love to him all night, both reaching their climaxes over and over again until the sky outside was beginning to fade into morning.
They rested for a while, Kihyun’s head on Hyunwoo’s chest, both bodies tangled under a thin sheet. Kihyun was drifting into unconsciousness with Hyunwoo’s fingers in his hair, when the older boy whispered. “Look at that beautiful sunrise.”
Turning his head lazily to the window, Kihyun took in the swirls of pink and purple along the horizon with a hum. He had his eyes forward, not looking anywhere else as he chuckled. “I have a fear of heights.”
“Why’s that?” Hyunwoo hummed.
“Dunno. I’ve always been like this.”
“I have a trick to help you.” The older sat up slightly, leaning down so he was face-to-face with the younger male.
“And that is?” Kihyun blinked.
“Whenever you’re up high, don’t look down. Always keep your eyes ahead, on the horizon. You need to focus on what’s ahead of you, not what’s below you. That always helps me whenever I’m up too high.”
“Does that really help?” Kihyun wondered aloud.
“I mean, it helped when I was making love to you. I was focused on you and your beauty, I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. You’re my sunrise.” Hyunwoo admitted with a grin.
“Oh, you’re good.” Kihyun blushed heavily, hitting Hyunwoo on the chest with a playful smile. “You don’t even know me that well.”
“Maybe not. But I don’t need to know you inside and out to know that you’re a man that comes along once in every lifetime. You’re special, and you deserve all of the happiness in the world.” Hyunwoo’s voice was gentle as he placed his hand on Kihyun’s cheek but his eyes were serious.
Kihyun rolled his eyes in a playful manner but it felt bitter. “I’ve already chosen my fate. I can’t go back on it now.”
“Maybe you could.” Hyunwoo smiled as he laid Kihyun against the pillows, kissing along the boy’s neck with a low rumble in his throat. “I have an idea.”
Kihyun blushed at the kisses but would never admit it. “Tell me after another round.”
“You have a crazy high sex drive for someone so small.” Hyunwoo commented with a laugh.
“Good thing you can handle it.” Kihyun grinned, pinning down Hyunwoo in a powerful kiss as they began another round.
As time passed, Kihyun and Hyunwoo began to learn more about each other. They weren’t romantically involved, other than the few rendezvous at Hyunwoo’s house whenever they happened to catch each other at the bar, but it felt like they had known each other for years. Kihyun didn’t have to feel guarded around Hyunwoo, while Hyunwoo didn’t have to hide who he was around Kihyun.
They went out to eat (in disguise) watched movies together, they even went shopping for groceries one night (“I want cookies!” “I’ll make them then, because store bought cookies taste like crap, Hyunwoo.”). Everything seemed normal, domestic even.
In Kihyun’s mind, he knew that it would be their downfall.
An idea had popped into Hyunwoo’s head one night while he and Kihyun were lying in bed. They both had finished their jobs for the night and Kihyun was curled into Hyunwoo’s neck. Sensing the male’s tension, Kihyun tilted his head. “What’s on your mind?” He whispered.
“Let’s run away.” Hyunwoo stated, his voice deep and sure.
“Runaway? To where?” The younger boy felt his eyebrows furrow at the thought of leaving, not a bad idea, but one that left a twinge of nervousness in his stomach.
Hyunwoo sat up, his eyes on the ceiling. “Anywhere but here. It doesn’t matter where we go. We’ll be away from this shitty city and we won’t have to hurt anyone just to survive… We can start our lives the way we want it to be. No more killing or hiding. We’ll be free.”
“There’s no such thing as freedom for people like us.” The younger male sighed, closing his eyes as he leaned into one of the forgotten pillows.
“Let’s make our own freedom.” Hyunwoo persisted as he looked at Kihyun, his eyes filled with longing and earnest. “I promise, I can get us our freedom. We can do this. Trust me, Kihyun.”
With some words of reassurance and extra kisses, Kihyun reluctantly agreed. He wanted to believe in Hyunwoo’s words, but he knew deep down they wouldn’t be able to achieve freedom.
They were going to get caught. There was no hope for criminals like them, but he wanted to believe in Hyunwoo. So he did his best to push the negative thoughts from his mind.
The plan was set a few months later in early April. They did their jobs as usual, staying under the radar as they killed and stole like normal. Kihyun’s higher ups didn’t suspect a thing, so if they were to act, it had to be soon.
Meanwhile, Kihyun was feeling more and more comfortable with Hyunwoo. He visited him weekly and practically lived at Hyunwoo’s place. He trusted the other with his darkest secrets, his fears and even his dreams. He began to trust Hyunwoo with his life and something even more precious.
Kihyun trusted Hyunwoo with his heart.
It didn’t take Kihyun long to figure out that he was in love with the tall, nerdy and strong dweeb that was Hyunwoo. Kihyun was so in love he could barely hold the confession in, but he intended to keep the emotions in check for the time being. He would tell Hyunwoo how he felt someday.
On the day of the operation, Hyunwoo sent Kihyun a simple message:
Seoul Tower, 6pm.
Making sure to hide his face under his favorite black hoodie, Kihyun made his way to Seoul Tower. He was fully armed, his eyes watching every person that walked by without fail. Always cautious and always aware, Kihyun was prepared for anything and everything.
He looked up at a large building, noticing a huge clock on the side of it. He stared at the time: 5:55 pm.
He had no reason to be worried He was always early whenever it came to meetings or missions. He decided to play on his phone while he waited.
Soon, it was 6:02 pm.
Then 6:10. Still no sign of Hyunwoo.
As Kihyun began to fidget in worry, he looked up at another skyscraper, the brightly lit sign showing a news bulletin that had just come in.
“Authorities have captured the infamous Son Hyunwoo, after a five-year man-hunt. The police caught him trying to head towards the inner parts of Seoul on foot and have taken him into custody.”
It was as though everything happened in slow motion. He saw the footage of Hyunwoo being taken away by two officers, his face panicked before it turned into something more calm, his body relaxed despite being cuffed.
All around Kihyun, people were stopping to watch the footage. Many people cheered, happy to have a “criminal like that off the street”, while others went on their way with the news report playing on their phones.
Kihyun was frozen to the spot. He wanted to scream to everyone that Hyunwoo wasn’t what the media made him out to be. He didn’t have a choice in what he did and he was truly a beautiful man from the inside and out. He was sweet and warm and kind, he knew how to give the best hugs and knew how to be sweet despite a dire situation. He was more than just a news headline but no one seemed to notice.
No one seemed to care.
Kihyun ran all the way to Hyunwoo’s apartment, hoping that it was just a dream. The older had given Kihyun a spare key, but Kihyun settled for breaking the door open with his foot in a wild panic.
There was no Hyunwoo in the kitchen making breakfast. No singing coming from the bathroom, nor was the TV on in the living room. The apartment was empty and it truly looked as though no one lived there.
With tears blurring his vison, Kihyun covered his eyes with his arms, doing his best not to break down. He knew this would happen, he knew that one of them would get caught. He never should’ve gotten involved with Hyunwoo, he never should’ve let his heart be so shaken…
No matter how much he tried to convince himself, he couldn’t find any regret in meeting Hyunwoo, for he loved the older man too much to regret meeting him. The love, the laughter and even the hope of running away, was worth it.
Tearing his arm from his face with a sniffle, he glanced around the room. It was quiet and it smelled of Hyunwoo. Sitting on the couch, Kihyun moved to get comfortable, when he felt something strange under his legs.
Moving to figure out what it was, his hand brushed over a piece of paper. Picking it up, Kihyun felt a smile fill his face as he read what was written on it.
This wasn’t the end.
Kihyun looked over the crowd from above, the letter sitting in his palm underneath his knife. He waited for a few minutes in silence before pulling out one of the guns strapped to his thigh.
Holding it up high, he pulled off the safety and fired one bullet. Then another.
The sun had finally set and the shots could hardly be heard from below.
But one person seemed to hear it.
Through the sea of people, one tall figure stood out above the rest in a black hoodie, ripped jeans and an unmistakable smile. A face that could be recognized anywhere.
Kihyun stood up slowly, gathering his belongings and leaving the way he came. The elevator took too long, so he decided to take the stairs, taking steps two at a time as his heart began to race in his chest.
When he was one story above ground, he saw the figure’s face and felt his face tug into a smile. The window separating them was open, so he climbed onto the ledge and jumped.
It wasn’t a far drop and the figure caught Kihyun with ease. His arms were warm and strong, his scent like a tranquilizer to the assassin’s heart. He clung to the male, whispering only one word, a name.
“Hyunwoo…” He breathed, his voice cracking.
Hyunnwoo smiled softly, hugging Kihyun close as he hid their faces from view, even though no one seemed to notice them. “You still up for running away? I got a car waiting for us and a month’s worth of supplies.”
Kihyun raised his head to look at the other with a frown. “I haven’t heard from you in almost two years and you suddenly appear out of nowhere? Did jail turn your brains to mush?!”
“I know you waited out here every day for me and that you left the Bureau. I know hiding isn’t easy and I couldn’t contact you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you wait, so let me make it up to you, my love.” Hyunwoo whispered, placing soft kisses on Kihyun’s face.
“So… we’re running away?” Kihyun mumbled.
“If my Sunrise will give me the opportunity, I would love to run away with you.” Hyunwoo blushed at Kihyun’s reaction to the nickname, his eyes soft.
“Since you kept me waiting until now, I guess I can let my Sunset take me wherever he wants to go.” Kihyun conceded slowly, his eyes playful as he hugged Hyunwoo’s neck.
Hyunwoo nodded, leading the way to where the getaway car must’ve been. Kihyun was silent as Hyunwoo walked, memories of the past few years filling his mind. How he had gone from a normal college kid to an assassin was beyond him, but there was something he noticed.
“Thanks for catching me. I’m not afraid of heights anymore.” Kihyun mumbled, hoping the other wouldn’t hear his raw confession.
But of course, Hyunwoo heard it and he stopped in his tracks to place a deep kiss on Kihyun’s lips. It wasn’t hungry or desperate, it was soft and passionate, and filled to the brim with enough passion and emotion to leave both gasping for air.
“I’ll always catch you when you fall, you have nothing to fear anymore. I love you, Kihyun.” Hyunwoo hummed, holding Kihyun tighter than he ever had before.
Kihyun let the other hold him for a while before he chuckled. “Let’s continue this conversation in our getaway hotel. You have a lot of making up to do.”
“Believe me, I’m never leaving your side again. You’re gonna get so much love from me, you may not be able to handle all of it.” Hyunwoo laughed, leading them to the car and helping the smaller into the passenger’s seat. Once they were settled in, they began to drive and left the city life behind them.
Sure, they both had fought and killed, but they were humans too. They found their freedom in each other, so maybe, just maybe, assassins can have a happy ending just like the movies.
But they’ll have weapons packed, just in case.
I hope everyone enjoyed my long-awaited return! I hope to do a lot more writing this time around, I’m working on another fic as we speak and it should be up by tomorrow night at the latest! Feel free to inbox me any requests or asks, I would love to hear from you guys! ~xoxo, Selena
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pinkcupofcherrytea · 8 years
[Fic] Storyteller
Title: Storyteller Summary: He promises fortune and happiness, beauty and power beyond the limits of man. He is the beginning of the stories told in hushed whispers by the fire – and he leaves destruction in his wake. Relationship(s): Dazai/Atsushi, mentions of mostly one-sided Atsushi/Lucy Rated: T Warnings: Dark themes, a rather twisted character, Dazai is the ultimate Disney VillainTM, character death (sort of).
Note: Written for BSD Rare Pair Week 2017, day 4: Things Left Unsaid//Fairy Tales// “Who knows the end? What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise.” - H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu.
He has many names.
Those who do not know of him call him fairy, for the shining bright light he plays with in front of their very eyes.
Witch, for the endless possibilities he presents those willing to pay the price.
Godmother, for the misgiving idea that he will become that which have been missing from their lives, ripped cruelly from grabbing hands.
"Evil," those who lives long enough to receive a farewell cries, "demon!"
Wishbreaker, cursegiver, the one who starts the story before leaving crestfallen people to fend for themselves. The beginning of the end. Constantly smiling with a spring in his step.
Devil, liar, thief. A god, a saint, a trickster with no qualms. He touches the ground for a flower to bloom but when he turns his back to it, it withers back to the earth where it came from.
He is Dazai Osamu. He is a dealer of fate and no name given to him is wrong, since he’s been them all, nor is it right, for he is also nothing.
The coat over his shoulders hide the body of its master; the fabric takes the colour of its surroundings, its master’s bones fade from wandering eyes. Only the faintest of taunting laughter can be heard as Dazai sweeps past some ignorant villager.
He is seen when he wants to be seen, or when the story demands it.
(It’s the same thing, in the long run)
He appears in the castle of an arrogant brat dressed as a prince. Laughs as he throws a useless rose – magic in name only – and leaves the prince a dark beast and the rest of his scarce household as furnishings.
Dazai stops to help a girl sneak from her duties in order to have one magical night in her otherwise miserable life. He gives her a shimmering dress and shoes of glass, tells her she can keep them as long as she wants. At midnight, the girl’s dress turns to rags, the glass slippers are stuck on her feet – impossible to remove – and an enraged step-mother chases her out into the night.
In the large, unforgiving woods Dazai whispers the locations of little red riding hoods to the hungry wolf.
Dazai writes out recipes using poisonous apples, turns lesser princes into frogs and crashes parties for newborn princesses.
Meanwhile, Dazai scribbles all their stories down on his own skin. Black ink that etches to the paleness of his arms, chest, and back. Before each new encounter he carefully wraps over each letter with bandage.
It’s not allowed to know another person’s story before knowing one’s own.
A young mermaid finds him in a cave. He’s been under water so long his skin changed colour and the hair against his cheek feels more like seaweed than hair. Shells grow on his skin.
It’d been a great place for a nap. Silent and with fishes streaking against him hesitating, wondering if they could eat through the flesh offered. Perhaps they could feel the lurking darkness under his ribs, because they didn’t.
The mermaid has carefully plaited hair glowing red in the deep, will of steel, blue eyes, her hands pressed together as she begs him for a way to breach the wall between sea and land – for a way to turn a creature of the deep into a creature of the earth
A young man.
It always is.
A prince.
Also a common one.
I love him.
Ah, there it is. The trigger, the reason, and the final nail in the coffin. That which has deceived many to an early grave. Dazai doesn’t know if he should feel jealous or not.
Humming quietly, Dazai leaves the mermaid on a beach close to the mentioned prince’s castle; naked, shivering, confused, and with legs that thrum with pain for each step she takes. She cannot give the pain a voice, for Dazai calmly plays with it in his hands.
The prize for a wish is always more than you expect.
The prince she yearns for is a lonely one. The youngest son of many, has no kingdom that awaits him, isolated from the world where Dazai moves his pieces. Dazai takes note of his bright hair and gentle hands as he helps the mermaid – maid – to her newly crafted feet before he leaves the story to take hold. To fester.
Usually, no interference is needed.
Dazai is planning another plot by the time he throws an eye at the pair again. He sees them dance, sees the former mermaid swallow the pain and drag the prince around the market. There’s a strong fragrance of flowers and freshly baked bread. They move with ease through the thick crowd with the prince’s hand gripping the girl’s so as not to lose her.
It’s all awfully smooth and simple.
Dazai knows, without questioning it, that this story is in need of a twist.
He chooses the prince. The little mermaid has already been promised – fooled – once, to aim at her again would be a mistake.
The prince however, is easy to single out.
Imagine Dazai’s surprise then, when the prince turns around and smiles at him before he’s even finished mumbling the spell. Dazai freezes, but the prince takes his hand and squeeze it gently.
“Hello,” his smile is shy. Light. “What’s your name?”
Normal question. Dazai hears it often. Rarely does he speak the truth.
Dazai swallows the unfinished spell and feels it buzz in his throat. He follows the prince, who truly is a fine dancer. Perhaps not in technique, for he stumbles a little and laughs while going red, but Dazai notices that once they’ve started they can’t seem to stop. He put a flower in the girl’s hair but gives Dazai a bouquet.
“Careful,” the prince says kindly, “they have thorns.”
So do he, but Dazai only smiles and drags his fingertips over the soft petals. These roses have neither poison nor curse. Normal, beautiful flowers.
Dazai keeps them even as they wilt in his hands. He presses over the dry thorns hard, the dripping blood turns the bandages close to his wrist red at the edges.
The prince is a supporting character, important but not essential. If only Dazai could remember why, for his sparkling eyes takes over the story completely.
They return to the castle late. The red-haired girl already in bed sleeping soundly, not having any worries for the story’s new progression. She has no idea.
(No one has)
The mermaid screams when she sees them closely entwined in the grand hall. Her screams are empty, only Dazai can hear them and only he sees as she runs away with her hands against her face.
Her sobs echoes empty in the hall. Soundless.
Dazai knows he succeeded. There’s a twist to it all, starting from his stomach and curling under clothes like a malicious bug. It creeps over the pages, sullies the parts Dazai deliberately left clean.
He can see the ever after closing in but no words appear sufficient enough to fill the remaining blanks.
She too knows of it, and as dawn paints the sky a pink hue she waits for him. Waves lick the soles of her feet, the sand feels coarse under Dazai’s own.
During all of this: Atsushi wakes from a dreamless sleep. He wonders where the man he fell asleep next to is. The bed is empty. As he pulls on a shirt and walks down the beautifully decorated corridor he notices that Lucy isn’t in her room either. Now a little worried he runs in the direction of the beach in hope of finding his friend and beloved.
 She doesn’t shake as the threads keeping her body intact loosens. Starting from her legs the lines separating her from the illuminating, rising sun begins to bubble.
The prize for a wish is always more than you expect.
“Curse you,” her voice is hoarse as she uses it for the first time in many nights.
The end is near, and in death there is enough freedom for anyone to speak.
Any last words, the winds blowing sand in their eyes asks coldly.
“Curse you,” she chokes, “don’t hurt him- your word means nothing, but don’t you dare hurt him.”
And maybe the little mermaid with hair like blood had some magic in her all this time, for Dazai feels her curse – her promise – wrap itself around the void in his chest. Tighten around the vague contours of a heart that’s started to appear in the darkness.
He is Dazai Osamu.
So he finishes the job and watches the former mermaid dissolve. She goes back to the sea where she came from, this time without legs, without fin.
The newly formed foam rides back and forward with the waves, seemingly attempting to drag Dazai with them. To drown him, maybe.
Dazai contemplates whether he should let the water take him or not, but then takes a step back.
After watching the burning sun long enough for dark spots to dance across it. Dazai closes his eyes.
When he opens them again the blanks spots settles at the edge of his vision, the last punctuation mark stretches wide and Dazai can for a moment see a long line dragging over the sand, to the castle, down the cliff, and then towards the horizon.
No end in sight.
Perhaps that’s alright?
The story moves with each step he takes. The bandages covering up his past unravels and falls to the ground as Dazai moves to meet up with the prince running his way.
They lived happily ever after.
   (Stories like these always focuses on the bitter things. The coat that covers the storyteller also covers the eyes of the reader. There is never such a thing like objectivity.
The despairing young lady runs through the woods. Wearing only rags and glass shoes, she finds an isolated castle with a beast of a man as its master. A prince with dark, slithering robes and a teacup for a sister.
A wolf roams the night, finds five lost red riding hoods and takes them in. They laugh, pull at his ears and pet his fur. He lets them be and they sleep together in a pile during the cold nights.
On the nights of the full moon, the ocean sings for the gentle prince.)
Author’s note: Ahhhh, I actually managed to finish this! I love fairy tail AUs, so when I saw the prompt I knew I had to write something. This turned out... a little different from what I’d originally planned, but I still hope that you liked it!
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