#Building Materials Derby
canadianfangirl-95 · 3 months
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Benny Miller- Sugar Daddy edition
Third and Final Chapter!
Summary: Your gym crush becomes unmanageable when he is suddenly thrust upon you as your new boxing trainer. After a drunken hook up at a night club opening, you begin to explore your feelings as you continue to learn new and exciting things about him.
About: Continuation of the sugar daddies AU Triple Frontier collection. See Frankie’s story or original teaser post for more information.
Characters- Kayla and Tasha are undescribed, so you can imagine them as your own friend group.
Chapter Warning: 18 + minors, DNI, age difference, reader is early 20s, Benny is late 30s, smut, alcohol, oral f and m receiving, fingering.
Chapter Word Count: 6k+
The next few weeks flew by, with your exams and Benny’s trip to Texas, you had gotten together as much as you could. Your dates varied from watching a movie and eating popcorn in your apartment with the unwelcome accompaniment of Kayla to dinner at a 4-star restaurant. Each date grew your feelings for him more and more. His smile and kindness far outweighed the luxury and high life he promised you.
It was finally the day of the Kentucky Derby. Benny would be picking you up to drive the few hours to the event and then you agreed to stay at his place out of town to save him the drive through the city traffic at the end of the day. You waited patiently for Benny, dressed in your new dress, shoes and jewelry Benny had given you. You looked at the time on your phone, he should be here soon. Your mind started to drift back to earlier this morning, when you had been startled awake a by a dream that seemed all too familiar. It felt like the events of the drunken night with Benny were slowly returning and materializing in your dreams. You leaned on the kitchen island and closed your eyes, allowing your memories to swim through your mind again. You could picture Bennys buff frame and dark hair trailing down his stomach to the head of his cock. He was playing eagerly with your nipples, drawing obscene moans out of your mouth as he rocked slowly into you. His hair was tousled, and he bit his bottom lip, groaning with pleasure. His hand slid down and down until it found it’s home on your clit. He began drawing circles with his index finger as you dug your nails into his chiseled back. You were just about to finish when your alarm went off and jolted you awake.
The ping from your phone snapped you out of your trance this time and your eyes flew open to realize Benny was now waiting downstairs for you. You touched your chest, hoping you hadn’t gotten too flushed from your daydream. Your core certainly enjoyed the brief entertainment as you felt your lace panties slide on your clit with the arousal that had pooled there. You and Benny hadn’t done more than kiss since that night weeks ago, but tonight you would be spending the night with him, and you had full intentions of trying to relive that night, with better memory this time. It was hard keeping your resolve with Benny, but you had both agreed to have better timing next time since your first time together was a bit preemptive.
When you exited the building, you were once again met with the view of Benny leaning up against his Ferrari. He was wearing a black fitted suit, white button-down and a light blue tie that matched his eyes perfectly.
“Hey Bun-Bun.” He cheered, bringing you into one of his famous hugs, lifting you up off the ground and spinning you around before placing you firmly on your heels.
You giggled, “Really? Bun-Bun?”
“Just trying it out, you’ll always be my bouncing bunny in that ring.” He shrugged with a wink, taking your overnight bag from you and placing it in the trunk.
Soon the city disappeared, and the countryside calmed your nerves. You had made good timing with the traffic in town and were swiftly on your way to the Derby.
When you arrived, the area was buzzing with excitement. Benny followed in line with the other luxury vehicles for the valet parking. When he came to a stop, your door was opened by an attendant and a hand was offered to help you out of the vehicle. You quickly placed your fascinator on your head and grabbed your new purse before taking it and slinking out of the low car. Benny rounded the front and buttoned his jacket back up before offering his arm, which you gladly accepted. Wrapping your hands around his stiff bicep in his suit jacket and offering him a thankful smile. He kindly returned your smile and leaned down to offer a quick peck on your cheek before you were whisked away into the mayhem of the Derby.
The wealthiest people in the state were all adorned in beautiful jewels and clothing. The fashion was stunning and the fact that you didn’t at all feel out of place made you grin. It should make you nervous, but with Benny on your arm you were surely learning that you were worth so much more than what your ex made you think.
Benny held you close as you were shown to your box overlooking the fairgrounds. It was filled with complimentary food and drinks, far more than the two of you could manage. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and popped the top off, cheering as it went flying into the ceiling.
He grabbed a champagne flute and poured it for you, “Here you are m’lady.”
You smiled and took it graciously, “Thank you. This place is amazing. I can’t believe we’re here.”
Benny chuckled to himself, “Well, get used to it Bunny, because as long as you stick around with me, you’ll be doing stuff like this all the time.”
Swallowing deeply, you asked before you could bite your tongue, “Do you want that?”
He looked up at you from the food that he was about to dig into, “Do I want what?”
“For me, for me to stick around.” You stated. Your lips parted and your chest swelled as you awaited his response, the champagne flute hanging callously in your fingertips.   
His shoulders straightened and he started towards you, holding your shoulder in his hands like he had done in the clothing store. Benny looked at you intently, “Yes, yes, I do. I know-, I know it’s only been a month since we met. I just, really like you and I hope that’s not too much for you to hear. I think you’re beautiful, I mean damn, have you looked in the mirror today?” He stopped to bask in your smile that inevitably grew on your face. “And I think you’re really kind, you have a good heart, and most importantly you’re loyal to a fault. I can see it with how you are with your friends, and how you’ve treated me. Loyalty is really important to me. It’s the only way I made it out alive during my service so, I don’t really accept people into my life if I don’t see that they carry the same kind of loyalty, that, my friends, and I have for one another.”
Your mouth went completely dry at his confession and your heart may have grown two sizes. He looked at you with all the desire and passion in the world but also offered a sense of stability you longed for. He was strong, not only in body but in my mind and soul. You felt nothing but honored for him to want you in his life and you’d be damned if you let some ex that did a toll on your self-esteem ruin that.
“Benny, I-,” you started to say.
“You don’t have to. It’s okay if you’re not there yet. I understand, I know I can be a lot sometimes. I’ve been told by a few women that I-, I fall too fast and love too hard. I never thought that would be a bad thing but, um, here I am still single and my forties just around the corner, so I don’t know.” He looked somber and down casted, like his heart had been stomped on by too many stilettos who either used him for his body or his money.
Your heart couldn’t take the way he looked at you, you knew you had developed strong feelings for him, but you didn’t know how to express it until now.
“Benny,” you started again, leaning into his touch. “I’m sorry you’ve had such a negative reaction to your big heart so far. I want you to know that I don’t feel that way about you, I love people that love hard, and I really really appreciate what you said about me as well. I just, I just want you to know that, even though it’s early, I’m really falling for you.”
His eyes darted up to yours and a faint smile grew on his face, “Really? You mean that?”
Nodding you replied, “Yeah Benny, I do. I know we have quite a big age difference and that could cause some issues but I, I don’t know I feel like we fit together like a couple of puzzle pieces. You know?”
Benny’s head bobbed faster than you knew possible, “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.” He chuckled to himself and took a step back, “Huh, sorry I just. I didn’t think this was how today was gonna go. I was hoping you’d be impressed by the event, but I really didn’t think we’d have this conversation.” He looked relieved, like a dozen bricks had been removed from atop his chest.
"Well, I was impressed by the event but honestly you’re the part I’m the most excited about.”
His smile grew once more and he stepped in, taking you in his arms and squeezing you tightly. He pulled apart just enough to pull his hand up and hold your chin, guiding your mouth to his. He enveloped you with a passionate kiss that made your head spin. He held you tightly as you granted his tongue access to your mouth. You licked into his and felt your heartbeat begin to race. You could feel his growing cock hard against your hip, his hands slipped down to your bare thighs, and he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He stepped towards the couch in corner of the room and sat himself down with you on top, thighs spread on either side of him. It was all tongues and teeth as you grinded lightly on his length through his dress pants. His hands glided on your back and tugged at the top of your dress. You pulled at his tie to get his body closer to you, warming your chest.
With puffy lips you finally break the kiss and pant, leaning your head on his. “We should um-, we should probably stop. I don’t think this room is entirely private.”
Benny groaned, “Yeah, don’t need to scare a server.” He said, before holding your face and placing one final kiss on your pursed lips.
He helped you climb off of him, adjusting himself in his pants as he stood. You took his hand and led him back to the food table. He immediately started filling his plate with the hordes of expensive fruits and pastries available.
You grinned to yourself. He caught your eye and asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing just, I like how much you eat. I really like to cook for people with big appetites because then I get to really go crazy and not just make a salad or whatever.” You said casually, watching his smile grow as you spoke.
“You cook?” he asked, eyebrows perked.
You nodded in response and began to collect yourself a plate.
Benny bit his lip and looked you up and down, “Well, damn Bunny, I love a woman who can cook. Because yes you are right, I do love to eat. I have to with the amount of exercise I do. What’s your favourite thing to make?”
You hummed for a moment, “I love South American food. I find it very wholesome and filling. I also love spice, so I get to play around with it quite a bit with those dishes.”
Benny clasped his hand over his chest, “A woman after my own heart. I was stationed in South America a lot, so I absolutely love the food. Also, my buddies Fish and Pope are both from down there, so they cooked for us all the time in the service.”
You pulled your eyebrows together, “Fish and Pope?” You asked with a chuckle.
He rolled his eyes at himself, “Sorry, military nicknames. I don’t think I’ve talked to you about them like that.”
You rounded him and leaned against his back, placing an arm on top of his shoulder, “It’s okay,” You said before stretching up on your heels and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek, “We’ve got the time.”
Benny's head followed yours, “We’ve got the time.”
Later in the evening, you found yourself back in Bennys car and awaiting your arrival at his home outside of the city. You were travelling down country roads, mansions laden atop rolling hills. You waited eagerly to discover where Benny called home and to see how he would turn that space into his perfect oasis.
“This is me.” Benny stated, as he began to pull into a long lane way.
The lane way was in the middle of two generous pastures. There was a large white cottage style house at the end of the drive with a spacious garage and a barn to the left of it.
“Do you have horses?” You asked upon analyzing the property.
He grinned, “Yeah, I do. I’ve always loved horses, wanted to be a cowboy growing up. Maybe we can do riding in the morning.”
You beamed with excitement, “Only if you wear a cowboy hat.” You winked.
Benny looked at you and smirked, “Bunny, I’ll wear assless chaps if you want me to.”
You laughed and swatted his arm playfully.
The car pulled to a stop inside the large garage, you spotted a large vintage pickup truck on the other side of the garage before you and Benny entered the house. It was obviously large but not oversized for a single guy. Each room featured a very masculine energy. From the large leather couches to the log cabin style walls in the living room to the vintage boxing posters on the walls in the hallway. It was very Benny, wholesome and classic.
Benny approached the bar that lined one side of the dining room. It had stones cascading down the wall with an oak wood finished bar top and black leather bar stools. Behind the bar looked like something out of a real restaurant, every liquor and wine type you could imagine perfectly coordinated. You noticed how neat and tidy the house was compared to the disarray that you normally were presented with when you would go to a college boys’ house. They typically decorated with beer flags and stolen mugs from chain restaurants.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” he asked, as he took off his jacket. He slung it over the edge of the bar and then pulled at his tie. Upon freeing himself from the restraint around his neck he popped a few buttons open at the top of his shirt and started rolling his crisp white sleeves up his muscular arms. Veins flexing with each movement of his tan skin which made your mouth water.
Remembering your rule of not being drunk tonight, you replied. “No, actually it’s been a long day I’d love to just go to bed.”
Benny’s head whipped around and caught your devious smirk on your face, “Oh really?” he asked.
You nodded, biting your lip. He rounded the bar and wrapped his arms around your waist, “Should we, pick up where we left off at the Derby?”
Wrapping your arms around his neck you perked up on the toes of your heels, “I’d love that.” You said, planting a loving kiss onto his lips. His head followed you slightly as you pulled away and smiled.
“Well then, right this way.”
Benny took your hand and led you through the house to the bedrooms. It looked like he had three guests’ bedrooms that you noticed while he sped you through the halls. You approached the room at the end of the hall that had two doors, Benny grabbed the black handle of one of them and swung it open.
You stepped across the threshold and looked around the large bedroom. It had a king-sized bed in the middle of the wall with a navy comforter and brown finished bed frame. The walls had no paintings or art of any kind, only photographs of what you can assume are family and friends, as well as a bunch of his army friends. It was so Benny, keeping his loved ones as close to him as he could.
Noticing a framed picture of 4 guys all dressed in army gear on his dresser you stopped, picking it up and analyzing it. Benny looked so handsome in his younger years, though he hadn’t changed much. You noticed the blonde man on the right side, Benny had told you all about his brother Will and how they served together. You spun in your spot and looked up; to realize Benny had just been watching you enjoy his room the whole time.
Looking down at the photo again you commented, “I can see the resemblance between you and you brother.”
He took a few steps towards you, craning his neck to look down at the photo as well. “Yeah, heard that before.” He chuckled, “That one beside him is Santiago, who I called Pope, and then that one is Frankie, or Fish, that I visited this week.”
“Are they all in relationships like Frankie?” you ask.
Benny shook his head, “I don’t really know what’s going on with Pope, not sure he’ll ever settle down, maybe for the right girl but he hasn’t met her yet. And then, Will was telling me when he was down about a girl, he met at a coffee shop that was going well, so I guess we’ll see how that goes.”
You nodded, “Do you guys keep in touch well?”
“Oh yeah, we don’t see each other a lot but I talk to each of them, once a week at least.” He said, as a smile grew on his face.
“That’s really nice.” You say, gazing into his dreamy eyes.
Benny hummed and popped the picture out of your hands, “Speaking of nice,” he started, placing the frame back on the dresser, “I have the nicest comforter you have ever seen.” He jokes, taking your hands and leading you to his bed. You followed happily, a beaming smile radiating on your face.
He slowly turns you and has you sit on the edge of the bed. Dropping to one knee, he removes your shoes and lays languid kisses up your leg. Your head falls back from relaxation and a soft moan leaves your lips as his fingertips trail up your legs to your hips under your dress. All the while his mouth and tongue dancing on your inner thigh.
He hums, “Bunny you have no idea how much I’ve thought about that night we spent together. I could hardly wait until tonight. This week was torture thinking about you underneath me.”
His words pulled a pin from your chest, and you bit your lip, unsure how he would react to your truth from that night. You brought your head to your chest and peered down at him, still peppering kisses to your legs and inching up your skirt with lust-fueled eyes. “Um, Benny? I have a confession to make.”
Benny perks up on his spot on the floor, caressing your thigh. “What is it?” he asks, his face growing with concern.
“I, - I was a lot more drunk than I thought I was that night, and so I uh, I don’t actually remember all of it. I’m so sorry.” You say, hoping he could see your regret in your eyes of how you missed out on such a special night.
Eyebrows furrowed; Benny’s face turns further down the worried path. “Oh, I’m really sorry I didn’t realize you were that far gone that night. I shouldn’t have gone home with you; I feel like I completely took advantage of you.” He pulled his other knee down and sat back on his haunches, hands on his knees and chewing the inside of his cheek.
You immediately sunk to the floor with him and held his face in your hands. Speaking softly, you assured him “No, no Benny please, - please don’t feel like that. I don’t regret it one bit. The only thing I regret is missing out on what sounds like a really nice night.”
His gaze was brought back to yours, eyes softening. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes Benny please I wanted it that night and I want it tonight. I promise.”
Nodding, he brings his hands to your waist and leans in to kiss your worried lips.
He perked up and smiled to you, “It really was a good night.”
“Sounds like it, I wish I knew what happened.” You replied softly.
Benny ran his hands up and down your arms slowly, sending a shiver up your spine. “Want me to show you?”
“Show me what?” You asked.
“What happened that night.” He said with a wink and his thin smile grew.
You matched his smirk and nodded.
Benny took your hand and helped you up off the ground with him, guiding you to the bed. You sat on it and scooted backward as he crawled atop you, caging you in underneath his thick thighs.
“First, you were pretty eager at getting my shirt off, said something about how sexy my chest was, so I guess we’ll start with that.” He said with a wink.
You bit your lip and lifted your body off the bed as you reached for his shirt. Nothing but deep breaths could be heard as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it out of his dress pants. You glide the fabric off his shoulders, and he reaches his arms back to pull at the sleeves and remove his hands from the cuffs. Tossing it aside he leans back a bit as you admire his body. Your hand glides down his plush chest and the familiar dark treasure trail you had a faint memory of resting on his chiseled abs.
A deep exhale comes from your nose as your eyes trail up and down his body, finally meeting his gaze, “What happened next?” You ask.
He grins, “I took off all your clothes.”
“Well, by all means.” You reply with a sly look on your face.
Benny leans forward and reaches behind you to clasp the zipper on your dress, gliding it down as he rests his face just inches from yours, intensifying his gaze. He brings his hands up to the shoulders of your dress and begins pulling it down, your bare breasts springing free from the material and Benny tries to suppress a primal groan at the sight. You lift your hips so he can pull the rest of the dress off your body and watch as it’s thrown to the side.
He hummed, “Now it’s time for one of my favourite parts of that night.” He said leaning forward, causing you to press your shoulders back into the bed.
“And what pray tell is that?”
“You’ll see.” He winks before slotting his mouth onto yours, pulling a soft moan from your throat. His lips soon break from yours and trail down your neck, sucking softly at the sensitive skin. He continued teasing down your collarbone to your chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking. Your back lifted off the bed as you tried to find friction for your aching core, begging for stimulation.
His rough hands glided down your body with his tongue, squeezing you tightly and pulling devastating moans out of you before reaching your panties. With a quick pull of his hands your panties were discarded somewhere in the room with the rest of the clothes.
For as big and rowdy as Benny seems, he is so delicate as he licks an agonizing stripe up your folds. A moan pulls from your throat, and you can feel a smirk dance across his face. His tongue moves in slow motion on your clit with soft flicks, before sinking deeper into your opening. He dips his tongue as far as it can go as his nose presses up into your clit, causing an unbearable sensation that has the knot in your stomach twisting and turning.
Benny continued his assault on your tender core as your hands flew to his hair, taking it tightly in your fingers, he let out a groan that vibrated into you. As he sucked firmly on your sensitive mound your orgasm flushed into you, arching your back and pressing into his face as he let you ride out your high on his tongue. Your pussy puffing out and enticing his tongue to keep going. He sinks two thicks fingers into your pussy for you to squeeze on and the stretch builds the pleasure even more. He finally pulls his fingers out with a flick and licks a final stripe up you to your belly button and offers you a smug grin as you pant, trying to calm yourself down.
You rest your wrist on your forehead, “Fuck, was that as good last time because I can’t believe I would forget something like that.”
He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and crawled up your naked body grinning. You took his face in your hands and pulled him in for a tongue filled kiss, tasting your arousal on his lips.
“So, what’s next cowboy?” you ask.
Benny grins and looks away shyly, biting his lip. “Uh, huh- well I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Your eyes widened, “What? We did I do?”
“You sucked my dick so,- yeah.” He chuckled, “But like I said you don’t need to if you don’t want to.”
“Don’t want to? Benny,” you say forcing his gaze to meet yours. “It would make me the happiest woman in the world, to suck your cock.” You giggle as he nods against your head.
You push him off yourself and onto his back, unbuckling his belt and pulling his dress pants down with his socks. You crawl back up and grab the waistband of his Calvin Klein boxers, pulling them down as well as Benny arched up slightly. His cock sprang free, and your mouth went dry at the sheer girth of his length. You cannot believe you ever forgot a cock as good looking as his.
Your hands slid up his thick hairy thighs as you watched him through your lashes. His flexed arms crossed behind his head, looking at your lustful desire.
Taking his hard manhood in your hand, you lick a stripe from bottom to top and he elicits a moan as the sensation. You grin, before taking the rest of it deep down your throat, working what you can’t take in with your hand. Flicking your tongue back and forth, you peer up at Benny and see him squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip to keep the inevitable moans at bay. After working him for a while you drive his cock deep into your throat until you gag and then hold it there momentarily, earning yourself a “Fuck baby” from Benny.
Popping him out of your mouth and placing one last kiss to his red tip, you climb up his body with your legs on either side. He meets you with a smile and a loving kiss.
“Oh I’m-,”
“On birth control and clean. I know baby, we covered that last time.” He said with a wink.
You smile, reaching your hand down between the two of you, taking his length in your hand again and lining it up with your entrance. Slowly, you slide down on him, your head falling back at the stretch and burning feeling. It felt too good to stop though, so you pressed on until you were sat down on his pelvis. You braced your hands on his chest, and he pulled your hips as his head rolled.
“Fuck Bunny, you feel even better than I remember. Such a tight fucking pussy for me.” He said through gritted teeth as you started rocking back and forth, rubbing your clit on his pubic hair.
“You feel so amazing Benny, biggest I’ve ever had, holy fuck.” You say, squinting your eyes as the feeling from your clit starts to build again.
Benny chuckles, “You said that last time too.”
You smile at him and speed up your pace, revealing in how his girth fills you up more than any other guy or toy ever has. Your pace starts to get sloppy as your orgasm nears, crying his name as it sweeps over you. You come to a halt and lean on Bennys chest to brace yourself as the pleasure erupts inside you. Benny takes a firmer holder of your hips and begins thrusting into you from below, stretching out the intense feeling of your orgasm.
Finally coming down you breathe deeply, before releasing Benny has brought his back up from the bed and was taking you in his arms and flipping you over onto your back.
Now above you, he takes your leg and throws it onto his shoulder before thrusting back into you. His thrust are hard and fast, hitting that amazing spot deep inside you that has you teetering between intense pleasure and pain. The tension building again just from the pure force and stretch of him.
He bites his lip and looks down between the two of you, “You look so fucking good taking my cock baby. You’re so fucking beautiful you know that right? Can’t believe how much of a lucky son of a bitch I am to be here with you right now.”
“Ugh Benny-, fuck I’m so happy to be here too.” You manage to stutter out as your eyes slowly roll inside your head.
Suddenly Benny comes to a stop and spills himself inside your core. The swelling he achieves when he comes sends you over the edge into another harrowing high. You try to keep your eyes open as you squeeze his leaking cock with your walls, taking in the sight of his face tensing up and grinning, shaking his head slightly as he tries to get through his high.
Panting deeply, he pulls out of you and sits back on his haunches. “Whew.” he says, wiping his hand on his face. “That uh-, fuck that was the best by far. Like ever.”
“Yeah, me too.” You say grinning back at him.
“I’ll be right back.” he says, peeling himself off the bed and disappearing into the ensuite. He returned with a washcloth and began wiping you down, bringing you back your panties so you can pull them on once you’re clean.
You pull your tired body into his bed, pulling the comforter tight to your neck.
Benny slides in beside you, bringing his strong arms around you and pulling you tight into his chest. Taking a deep breath he says, “Everything I said today was true, just wanted to make sure you knew that.”
Smiling into his soft skin you reply, “I can tell, this comforter really is as nice as you said it was.”
You felt his body shake with a chuckle and he squeezes you tighter, “Alright Bunny, let’s get some sleep. Got lots to show you tomorrow.”
The sun shone in the sky across the pasture. The entire property was calm, save for the horses trotting about. You and Benny had been riding around one of the pastures lining the laneway for hours already, talking and laughing to one another, leaning over to steal kisses.
Benny wore the cowboy hat like he promised, with brown boots, distressed jeans and a tight black t-shirt stretched over his firm chest. You gazed at him, still not comprehending how stunningly handsome he was.
Lost in thought, Benny trotted up beside you on his horse. “What’s up Bunny? You look like how you looked in the restaurant on our first date.”
You nodded, “I’m fine just-, I don’t know this is so perfect. This place, this day, you.” You say offering him a smile, “It just sucks thinking of all those boring corporate job interviews I have this week. That I’ll be spending all summer working from dawn to dusk getting people coffee and making photocopies instead of doing what I want to do which is, spend it with you.” You say shyly.
He smiles and nods, “Well, I was planning on taking some time off this summer actually. Doing some travelling, which mans I won’t really be around much.”
You nod, understanding, you had only been together for a month and are just now becoming serious. It makes sense he had vacations for the summer.
“So, since you don’t want to be in an office all day, and I don’t want to go all summer with you. I guess you should just come with me.” He says with a devilish grin.
The statement even surprised your horse, as it stirs slightly. You fumble with the reins to bring it back to your place beside him. “Um, what do you mean come with you?”
“Come with me, on my trips this summer. I was planning on going back to Europe, seeing the tourist parts of it and not the dark military side that I only got to see while over there. You should come with me; it’ll be an adventure.” He had the biggest smile of his face like he’d never been surer of anything before in his life.
Your breath hitched as you tried to take in the idea, “But I, I really don’t have money for that, and the summer jobs help me pay for my regular expenses during the school year.”
He shakes his head, “Bunny, look around you.” He says, spreading his arms wide as your eyes scan over the multi-million-dollar estate you currently sat upon. “You don’t need money, or a job with me. If you want to stay in school and work that’s totally up to you. But at least for the summer, I’ve got every bill, every takeout order, every plane ticket and every resort taken care of. And then in the school year I’ll take care of that too, okay? Please, I have all this damn money and no one to spoil but the fucking horses.”
You smile, patting your horse on the neck, “They do look pretty spoiled don’t they.” You say, taking everything he said to heart.
He chuckles, “Yeah, can’t help it they’re too cute.”
“Um-,” You start to say, fully thinking of the implications of this decision and the fact you would now be in a truly serious relationship with this man. This perfect, perfect man. “Alright, Benny. Fuck it, let’s do it. Cowboy, take me away.” You say, throwing your hands in the air with defeat.
He cheers and claps his hands, earning himself a huff from his horse as he scrambles to calm it back down. You laugh as you watch him get the horse down and pull over to you. Leaning in and placing a kiss to your lips. You smile against his as his scruffy mustache prickles your skin.
“Got all the time in the world, to show you the world, Bunny.” He smiles at you.
Biting your lip you reply, “I guess it’s a good thing you had the time to take on my boxing lessons huh?”
Shaking his head, “Honestly, I didn’t.” You looked at him confused, “I saw your name on the list and offered to take you while Carlos was gone. I had a fully packed roster though, had to give one client away.”
Blinking rapidly, you ask, “You said they transferred.”
“Nah, just thought he was a prick and wanted to get to know you. Was sick of staring at you from the other side of the gym all that time.” He chuckles embarrassingly.
Your mouth gapped, “You were staring at me? I was staring at you!”
“Fuck really? How did I not notice?” he asks rubbing his hand on his chin.
You shook your head, “Guess we were just looking at different times huh?”
“I guess so.” He laughs. “Oh well, I’ve got you now and that’s all that matters.”
Smiling and taking his hand you reply, “Damn right, now we get to make up for spare time.” Benny kisses your hand and his blue eyes gaze lovingly at you. Shining brightly in the Kentucky sunlight. Your breath hitches as you think of spending the summer travelling the world with him. Eating the most amazing foods with him. Going to the most amazing stores with him. Seeing the most amazing sights with him. And most importantly, building the most amazing life with him.
Previous chapter
@rmwarn90 @meveispunk
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Chloe’s Lament: Ripping Apart
Chloe’s attempts to improve her situation…didn’t work out, to say the least.
Mostly because in her mind, improving things for herself had to involve tearing down others to build up herself by comparison. Something she was easily able to do in the previous world when she was the ‘Princess of Paris’ with the power of her father and her social status to push her demands.
Here…she didn’t have that. At all. Which to Chloe’s ever-growing frustration, made her efforts entirely uphill battles.
She didn’t even have the Ladybug Miraculous to either set things right or to use to her advantage. She didn’t know who the new Ladybug or sidekick were, either. And unfortunately for her, her disregard for people unless she needed something immediately meant that she hadn’t paid attention to the old man Hawk Moth was attacking and thus didn’t know where to start looking for the Guardian or the Miracle Box to at least get the Bee again. Even worse, she hadn’t thought to bother with Hawk Moth or his sidekick once they had been stung, meaning she was just as clueless as everyone else was on the villain’s identity, so she couldn’t try to target him for his Miraculous either!
What she did have, however, was future knowledge of events—or at least what she bothered to notice outside of her own activities in the previous timeline. And one in particular stood out the most:
The hat contest.
Dupain-Cheng was still very much a fashion enthusiast despite the changes in this reality. That meant if nothing else, she would still take part in the contest once it came around.
And Chloe knew it would. She even checked to make sure! Even if Adrien despised her, she was still his ‘friend’ as far as Gabriel was concerned. Thus, she was still allowed to visit the Agreste Mansion. Sure, she had to make an appointment and didn’t have as much freedom to go about as she pleased, but she was able to slip away and confirm Gabriel’s intention to hold the contest.
So that meant she already knew what was coming! And with her foreknowledge, she was sure to win!
The plan was simple: recreate the famous feather derby hat for the contest before Marinette could. 
Without the signature this time.
This way, when the would-be designer tried to reveal Chloe as the thief, Chloe would have the upper hand. With no signature to prove Marinette’s claim and more than enough time to build proof that she had created the design first, Chloe would succeed in gaining fame and simultaneously crush Marinette’s dreams of being a professional designer. She would be branded as a cheater and blacklisted from any further design competitions. Gabriel would certainly never trust her again. And Adrien—poor Adrien would obviously need Chloe’s shoulder to cry on once he learned that Miss Perfect Marinette was only using him!
But as it turned out, there were three problems with this plan that Chloe had not accounted for…
Originally, Chloe was able to send Marinette’s hat design sketch to a professional hat maker to bring to life within the deadline.
This time, Chloe had neither the influence nor the funds to get any decent professional to make her design. Her attempts to use her mother’s channels didn’t work either when she couldn’t replicate the original design for them to use as a base.
“They’re feathers! What’s so complicated about it?!”
She also didn’t have the original sketch this go around.
And her less than eloquent efforts to explain the appearance, make, or materials of the desired hat to the interns only got everyone involved both frustrated enough to set off an argument that quickly got her mother’s attention.
Audrey Bourgeois was still very much the famed Style Queen and had no patience for Chloe or her tantrums. And without Andre’s position as Mayor or hotel owner to at least make him a business associate that could exert influence, it wasn’t like Chloe was in a position to make demands. And with only so much time to Paris Fashion Week and not to mention the other shows in the meantime, Audrey didn’t have the people or the patience to spare.
Audrey promptly told her to leave the workers alone unless she had something revolutionary. And despite her insistence to the contrary, a half-formed idea of a hat made with feathers of all things did not count.
As such, there was no one Chloe could get to make the hat for her.
This meant that if she wanted to create this hat and crush Marinette, she would have to make it herself.
Which led to the second problem with Chloe’s plan: for all that she prided herself in knowing and wearing fashion, she had no idea how to actually make it.
Sure, Chloe had a head start on the contest, but that was a very limited advantage for someone with little to no experience in sewing and an unwillingness to learn. Instead of taking the time to plot out a process, figure appropriate fabric, and learn the steps to make a hat, Chloe decided to jump into trying to just make the hat from her memory.
It couldn’t be that hard, right?
As such, by the time the competition actually started, what Chloe had was not so much a hat as…
“What is that? A gaudy balloon?”
“It looks like someone tarred and feathered a plastic bag.”
“I thought it was a deflated football?”
It was a sad-looking thing that could hardly be called a hat. Sunken and lumpy with a few feathers sticking out in odd directions. Chloe’s attempts to make her hat by hand resulted in a complete mess, and she had only a number of burns from the hot glue gun and bandages over her fingers from pricking herself to show for it.
“It’s…definitely unique.” Bustier said, clearly trying to be supportive.
Okay. Fine. So her hat was a failure. But she had wasted no effort in building proof that it at least was solely her creation. She could at least still get Marinette on theft of the idea. Maybe she could even claim sabotage if she spins it well enough!
And maybe she could have, except that there was still the final problem with her plan…
She had been assuming all this time that Marinette would be entering the contest with the same hat as before. That she would experience the same lack of inspiration and go to the same place and thus gain the same idea to enter into the contest.
All of which were very vital steps that Marinette would have to go through to reach the desired outcome Chloe had intended to achieve. All were steps that Chloe could not ensure Marinette would follow.
…all were steps which would be completely pointless when Marinette didn’t even compete.
“Wait—what is she doing in the stands?!” Chloe demanded, pointing to Marinette in outrage.
Marinette, for her part, had been sitting in the stands with a notebook in hand and surveying the various entries. She had been taking notes or drawing or who knew what until she looked up in confusion at the yelling.
“Chill out, Chloe. It’s an open contest.” Nino said, frowning at her.
“Yeah. People are allowed to watch.” Alix added.
“No!” Chloe shook her head furiously. She spun on Marinette. “I mean why are you THERE instead of HERE? It’s a hat competition! Aren’t you supposed to be competing?! Where is your entry?!” She demanded.
Marinette blinked in surprise.
“Well, I’m not competing. I’m just here to cheer the others on. And maybe observe. The officials said it was okay.”
And just like that, all of Chloe’s less than carefully laid plans were thrown out the window.
“What do you MEAN you’re not competing?!”
Because Marinette HAD to be competing! That was the entire point of Chloe even wasting her time with this stupid contest!
Marinette shook her head. “I’m friends with Adrien, and he’s the son of the man holding the contest. And the one who will be modeling the hat. While I don’t doubt Mr. Agreste would be impartial, there are rules against this sort of thing for a reason. It would reflect poorly on his integrity. And I don’t want people to question anything I create because of any potential bias.”
That was—!
“Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”
What was even the point of having connections if you didn’t use them? What kind of socialite was Dupain-Cheng supposed to be, anyway?! It was like she didn’t even know anything!
Marinette was an idiot! She had this amazing position and the world at her fingertips and she couldn’t even use it right!
Chloe stormed out of the auditorium, ignoring the voices and attempts to call her back.
It was…
That was so…
It wasn’t fair!
Marinette was just being lazy! Not using her position or appreciating what it gives her! Not doing anything to prove herself to anyone and show just why she deserved her role! And yet everyone just loved her anyway!
And that…that was the worst part!
Previously, Chloe had to fight tooth and nail just to get people to so much as acknowledge her greatness. She had stayed on top of trends, learned how to navigate the world of the elite, and dealt with anyone and everyone to show why she was not one to cross. She showed why being the “Mayor’s Daughter” was such a pivotal role and why she most deserved it. She had learned to take advantage of any mistake to use to her own ends and end up on top. From Daughter of the Mayor to Queen Bee to Miracle Queen, Chloe had earned her kingdom.
And yet Marinette Dupain-Cheng…she wasn’t doing any of that! She was rich and didn’t use it. She had the power of the Mayor’s Daughter and she didn’t defend it.
She…she was doing nothing and people loved her.
It wasn’t fair!
It wasn’t FAIR!
It wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair it wasn’t fair 
Chloe jerked up at the voice and immediately wiped her eyes.
Bad enough her plan had been such a failure, she didn’t need people knowing she was crying over it, too. She had nothing left in this world but her dignity. She couldn’t be seen as weak to anyone.
Even if it was Bustier.
“Chloe, I’m sorry. Were you upset?” The teacher asked as she approached cautiously.
“No.” She denied immediately. Because she wasn’t upset! That would suggest her plans had gone completely wrong. And they hadn’t! Because she hadn’t lost yet! She could still find some way to turn things around!
“Chloe, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Chloe refused to look at her.
It wasn’t like Bustier could understand. It was more than just the hat. It was more than a single contest. How could she even begin to explain it all? Everything she’d had? Everything she’d lost?
Bustier—in true ignorance, smiled kindly and rested a hand on Chloe’s shoulder.
“Your hat was your first attempt, wasn’t it? It clearly had a lot of effort put into it.” She said, soothingly. “I think I could see what you were trying to do with the design. You must have felt rushed with the limited time to work with.”
The words didn’t help. They did the exact opposite of help. Because Chloe had known the contest was coming. She’d had more time than anyone to put her entry together. And she still failed.
“With a bit more practice, it would have been a very beautiful hat. I’m sure it would have won.”
It would have won. In another world, it did win. She hadn’t expected it to be so hard to put a hat together. Why was it so hard?
“Oh! Here’s an idea!”
Chloe blinked as Bustier clapped her hands together, smiling brightly at the sudden thought.
“If you’re interested in fashion, maybe we can ask Marinette can help you?” 
“It’s hard when you’re first starting out and trying something new—”
It was like she was underwater. Bustier’s words washed over her, but she could barely hear them. Just sound. Just noise. Somewhere above her but its meaning unable to reach her.
“—maybe with a bit of guidance, you can make your hat even better—”
It was like she was falling. No ground beneath her—no stability. Free falling, but fully aware of her own weight dragging her ever downward, not knowing just how far the hole went…
Chloe gripped her creation harshly. Her ugly, pathetic imitation of a masterpiece that even her mother had praised.
“—Marinette loves fashion and knows a lot—”
Marinette must have cheated. There was no way she could do something like that in a few hours without help!
Neither of them noticed as the seams began to unravel and tear in the force of Chloe’s hold.
“—perhaps what you need is a mentor?”
“—volunteer to tutor you—”
“—very talented—”
“—a lot of love to give—”
Unraveling apart.
“—always willing to lend a hand—”
Just like her world.
“—I’m sure she’d be happy to help you improve—”
Just like her life.
“—don’t we try to ask her? I can even go with you and—”
Until it all ripped apart—
Bustier jerked back in shock at the outburst. She was actually acting as though Chloe had hit her or something—which was ridiculous! Because Chloe was the one in pain right now and nobody would see or try to help her!
“I’m sick of hearing about Dupain-Cheng and how special she is! I don’t need her help! I don’t need anything from her!”
Her teacher frowned, looking confused. Like she didn’t understand. Because she couldn’t see it.
No one could see it!
“Chloe, what are you—”
“She’s a thief!” Chloe yelled. “She knows what she’s doing! I’ll bet she planned this! She must have!”
“What are you talking about?”
She stomped her foot in rage. “This isn’t hers! None of this is hers! She only has it this good because she stole it from me first!”
“Chloe, you’re not making any sense!”
“I didn’t Wish big enough the first time! Why did I even bother with taking everything from her? I should have just Wished for her to disappear!”
But she just stormed away.
Out of the hall. Out of the building. Out of the school altogether.
But no amount of walking would take her out of this life she’d Wished herself in to.
All she left behind were the torn remains of an amateurish hat and fragments of her idealized hopes that were just as broken as her plan for revenge.
The only witnesses were her own teacher.
…and a classmate who had seen the whole thing.
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
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Whoops! I forgot I still had things to post for this ^^;
Anyway, this room is interesting because it's not really clear what it is. As far as I know, it was likely the old location of her desk/workspace, but after Sarah's death and the beginning investigation into the Blueblood Killer, Luna chose to utilize the wall space in the living room.
Still, there's some interesting finds in here! Transcriptions for any relevant material (e.g., awards and the small bulletin board) below the cut!
Certificate of Achievement
In recognition of brave and dedicated service and commitment to our community n the occasion of your being presented with the Police Officer of the Year Award by the Exchange Club of Yonkers.
Age is guesstimated at mid-thirties. Sex is male. Height between 5'11" to 6'. Weight between 150 to 180 pounds. Build is athletic and compact. Hair color is unknown (length and color covered by a dark-colored beanie hat). Eye color is unknown. Complexion is light but could be darker. Race described as white. Nationality is unknown. Occupation is unknown (could be unemployed or ex-law enforcement). Scar and marks were not noted. Remarks from witnesses describe an odd gait, wide shoulders, possibly left-handed, large eyes, and above-average ability to [???] urban enivornments. Last seen wearing a black beanie hat, dark lower face mask, black hooded sweatshirts, and black slacks.
Unknown. Wanted for the murder or 12 police officers, 2 criminal prosecutors, and 1 criminal analyst.
Steetly chapel is 850 years old
The ancient Chapel of Steetly All Saints is 850 years old this year — and to mark the occasion there will be an open air service in the Chapel garden a week on Sunday at 3:15.
The singing will be led by Whitwell Colliery Welfare Prize Band and the preacher will be the Right Rev. T. R. Parfitt. Assistant Bishop of Derby.
The [???] [???] shows that Steetly was held shortly after the [???] Survey [???] by Gley de Briton, by whom it was probably built. It is one of the most complete and beautiful specimens of [???] work on a small scale that can be [???] with anywhere, though there is a similar chapel at [???] Quevilly, near [???], France. The south doorway has three receding semi-circular arches and shafts richly ornamented.
The exterior of the [???] east end is also [???]. The [???] is supported by five round-edged plaster buttresses connected by a broad [???] [???] {???], delicately carved with interlacing foliage and above this unique [???] are three small round-beaded windows.
The Chancel arch is one of particular beauty. It is ornamented with triple [???] of mouldings. The [???] on the north side are carved with a representation of St. George and the Dragon.
The arch into the [???] is surrounded by the [???] moulding and the [???] are carved with foliage.
Four well-moulded ribs, or [???], with the [???] design, support the vaulted roof and at their junction [???] [???] oval medallion carved with the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).
The capitals of the shafts from which the ribs spacing are also carved, one representing the temptation of Adam and Eve.
Behind the altar is a stone which formerly lay outside the south door and is believed to have marked the grave of Lawrence de [???], a clergy-man who was inducted to Steetly a year before the Black Death in [???]. Its rich carving includes a [???], a chalice and a hand stretched out as if giving a benediction.
The Chapel fell into ruins at the [???] during the reign of Henry VIII.
A visitor to Steetly in 1698 wrote: "In a green meadow [???] a [???] well-built [???] all arch-roofed [???] and [???]. The [???] that covered the same is all [???] away so that the weather begins to pierce through [???] [???] to [???] [???] decaying."
When [???] George Edward Mason became a [???] of Whitwell in 1874, Steetly Chapel was in a sorry state.
The roofless, doorless ruin had an interior overgrown with [???] and [???] and was a shelter for sheep and cattle and, it is said, was used as a cockpit in the days when cock-fighting was the sport of residents in the surrounding villages of Whitwell, [???], [???], and Steetley.
He could mourn its former beauty, and felt that it could be restored.
A year prior to his coming to Whitwell, the Chapel had been visited by members of the British Archeological Society, who also could see what a masterpiece it had been.
One deeply interested was the Victorian Prime Minister, William Gladstone.
[???] Mason secured the services of Mr. J. L. Pearson, one of England's most famous [???] architects. It was he who restored the ruin to its present beauty.
The diminutive Chapel is 58 feet in length and is divided into three parts — a [???], a [???], and an [???]. The [???] is 16 feet wide and the [???] 14 feet. Under the eaves outside are hideous gargoyles.
The restored Chapel was [???] on 2nd November [???] by the Bishop of [???]. As it was the day after All Saints' Day, it was named Steeley All Saints. The original Chapel was dedicated to Our Lady and St. [???]
— [???] P. Gallagher.
By Thom Gross
Of the Post-Dispatch Staff
Vinita Park police are appealing to the public for clues in the unsolved murder of Linda Sue Sherman in 1985.
All leads have been exhausted, Lt. Michael Webb said, "But we have reason to believe that there are members of the public who may know something about it."
Sherman was reported missing April 24, 1985, by her husband, Donald Sherman, of the 8300 block of Monroe Avenue. She was 27 and the mother of a 9-year-old daughter. Two days later, her yellow '71 Volkswagen was found in a short-term parking lot at Lambert Field, absent any sign of struggle.
Further investigation led police to suspect that she was the victim of foul play, Webb said.
In 1990, a skull was found in Bridgeton, and it was turned over to the St. Louis County medical examiner's office. Vinita Park police learned of the skull in September 1991 and matched it with Sherman's dental records.
No other remains were recovered.
People with any clues about the case are asked to call Webb or Vinita Park Police Chief Robert J. Hartz at 428-7373. Webb said any information would be kept in strict confidence.
[This article is impossible to read, with some supplemental material only just legible. As such, transcription was not an option.]
[This article is impossible to read, with some supplemental material only just legible. As such, transcription was not an option.]
There are numerous books in the room, and are as follows.
On the chair — Tactical Crime Analysis: Research and Investigation (First Edition) by Derek J. Paulsen, Sean Bair, & Dan Helms. Official description is as follows:
Research has shown that the majority of crimes are committed by persistent or serial offenders, with as little as seven percent of offenders accounting for approximately 60 percent of all crimes. By focusing police efforts on these prolific offenders and learning to identify, analyze, and resolve the crimes they commit, the law enforcement community can protect and defend the public much more effectively. Tactical Crime Analysis: Research and Investigation provides a comprehensive discussion on both the theoretical and practical aspects of crime series analysis, making it a critical resource for those engaged in crime prevention and investigation.
On the table — Two unlabeled books, and Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected by Jason Hanson. Official description is as follows:
The New York Times bestseller that reveals the safety, security, and survival techniques that 99% of Americans don’t know—but should
When Jason Hanson joined the CIA in 2003, he never imagined that the same tactics he used as a CIA officer for counter intelligence, surveillance, and protecting agency personnel would prove to be essential in every day civilian life.
In addition to escaping handcuffs, picking locks, and spotting when someone is telling a lie, he can improvise a self-defense weapon, pack a perfect emergency kit, and disappear off the grid if necessary. He has also honed his “positive awareness”—a heightened sense of his surroundings that allows him to spot suspicious and potentially dangerous behavior—on the street, in a taxi, at the airport, when dining out, or in any other situation.
In his engaging and empowering book Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life, Jason shares this know-how with readers, revealing how to:
• prevent home invasions, carjackings, muggings, and other violent crimes • run counter-surveillance and avoid becoming a soft target • recognize common scams at home and abroad • become a human lie detector in any setting, including business negotiations • gain peace of mind by being prepared for anything instead of uninformed or afraid
With the skill of a trained operative and the relatability of a suburban dad, Jason Hanson brings his top-level training to everyday Americans in this must-have guide to staying safe in an increasingly dangerous world.
Then there are the... emblems? On the wall, which are just various stock badges with no real significance. And the photo of Sarah, which can be seen here:
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This is just a stock photo which can be found here, created by someone who seems to have a niche for criminal justice stock photography.
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icyhotheartwritings · 4 months
Tl;dr of the unasked for Pat Parelli rant
-Pat Parelli is a con artist who beat his wife and scams people out of their money using extremely clever language
-Don’t even get me started on Parelli’s use of “horsenality” which assigns the stupid left-brain right-brain thing to horses. Along with introvert/extrovert but that’s semi-excusable. But, seriously… he’s advertising these horses as left-brain extroverts and right-brain introverts. Which, as I’ll touch on later, appeals to one market which makes the whole thing feel a bit suspicious.
-Liberty work IS an extremely valid way of working with horses, I partake in some level myself, but Parelli touts his methods as the only valid way while charging hundreds of dollars to “move up” levels in his program (where you aren’t even “allowed” to ride until level 3).
-Parelli’s website will sell you the same shit you can get at Tractor Supply or your local feed store for double the price, sometimes more.
-The most egregious item might be the Pat Parelli’s Rancher Roper, priced at $6,250. You can get a custom saddle fitted to your horse for less. My most high end saddle cost a staggering $600.
-Don’t have a horse? Don’t worry, Pat Parelli has your back! For the low low price of $5000-$150,000 (NOT a typo), you can get your very own Parelli trained horse! Purchases less than $25,000 even get levels 1-3 of the online program for free! Wow! Purchases above the price of a small down payment can claim 10 whole days of training with Pat Parelli himself! Just think, what else would you have spent that money on? I mean, a normal trainer costs about $3k/mo, what a deal Pat Parelli is giving you! For the cost of 8-50 months of training you get ten whole days with him and a horse!
-The most expensive horse at the moment, a 12 year old German Warmblood priced at $150k, only scores an 84/100 on the Parelli assessment… with a 6/10 on “Parelli Training.” It might just be me, but if I was buying a horse for more than some homes cost I would want that number to be a little higher in the training department than the 9.5/10 he got in “Look.” I’ve seen him sell an 11 year old gelding for $300k whose top characteristic was “very handsome.” Over half of this year’s highly bred Kentucky Derby horses cost less than that.
-For a quick horse price reference I have never paid $1k for a horse and my current budget is a bit over $5k. For $5k I had the opportunity to buy a dead broke papered quarter horse gelding under 10 years old. I would be hard pressed to pay $5k for a horse over maybe 13 years old unless it had like, insane breeding and/or training. Pat Parelli is selling a 16 year old mare for $15k.
-If you need more Pat Parelli in your life, you can join his campus program for 24-48 weeks for just $1000/week, where you’ll perform exciting horse training activities like building fences, a skill specifically mentioned in the application! Of course, you can only apply for this course after you’ve paid your hundreds to thousands for mere access to the online courses and additional materials and your $60 fee for each video application to move up a level! What a bargain!
-For his next in person event, you can lease a horse for the bargain price of $600/week on top of the $6500-10000 tuition for the two week program!
-Parelli’s program very clearly appeals to new, young, inexperienced horse owners. On the application to join his $1000/week program it’s asked how many hours you have spent riding a horse across your life. I’ve owned my own horse since I was 5 and started taking lessons at 4. My horse riding experience is old enough to join the US military. No way in hell would I be able to even BEGIN to calculate the amount of time I’ve spent riding. (I’m sure there’s something to say about the fact that this mostly appeals to women, and the former comments about how he treats his wife…)
-Pat Parelli’s cult feeds off of some weird form of elitism. Everyone who follows another method is wrong and abusive. Only members of Parelli’s program are good horse owners, and the more people you can convert to his methods (and website) the more good you do for horses. You’d never see a fan of Monty Roberts saying that.
-For context on training prices I’m taking an hour lesson with a trainer on my buddy’s horse to see if I mesh with the trainer for $70. Highest I’ve personally seen was under $200 a lesson and she’s a HUGE name in a specific breed. Dominates the show scene. Everyone knows her. Even the aforementioned Monty Roberts, one of THE big horse training names for DECADES only charges $300/hr for a 1-on-1 video call. Sending your horse off for training with 1-3 lessons a week usually runs $3k/mo.
-Pat Parelli isn’t fit to kiss my fucking ass.
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curatedattire · 9 months
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Hey there, gents! Today, I want to take you on a journey through my personal style evolution and how I crafted what I like to call my “legacy wardrobe.” It’s been a labor of love, a testament to patience, and a deep exploration of craftsmanship and timeless style. So, let’s dive right in.
The Foundation: Learning About Garments Building a wardrobe that stands the test of time requires a solid foundation. I knew from the get-go that I needed to educate myself about materials and construction. You see, great style isn’t just about the way a garment looks; it’s about how it’s made. So, I immersed myself in the world of fabrics, stitching techniques, and tailoring.
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Understanding the difference between a high-quality garment and a run-of-the-mill piece was crucial. I delved into the intricacies of fabric compositions, learning to appreciate the luxury of cashmere, the durability of merino wool, and the timeless elegance of silk. This knowledge became my compass in navigating the vast world of menswear.
Defining My Style: Luxury Business Casual in Neutrals After the research phase, I needed to discover my own personal style. It’s not just about what’s in vogue; it’s about what makes you feel confident and comfortable. I found my sweet spot in a style that I call “luxury business casual,” characterized by clean lines, impeccable tailoring, and a refined yet relaxed aesthetic. It allows me to wear the same outfit with a pair of split-toe derbys or a pair of suede sneakers.
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Neutral colors became the cornerstone of my wardrobe. Black, white, and gray with shades of brown and camel dominated my color palette. These hues exude sophistication and versatility, allowing me to mix and match effortlessly. I wanted a closet where I could get dressed in the dark, knowing that everything would harmonize perfectly.
The Art of the Hunt: Discounts and Deals Back in my younger days, I worked in retail, and it was during this time that I learned the art of the hunt. I discovered the incredible discounts that could be unlocked with just a bit of patience and timing. This skill became invaluable as I embarked on my journey to assemble a wardrobe of luxury items from esteemed brands like Loro Piana, Brunello Cuccinelli, Kiton, Tom Ford, Edward Green, John Lobb, and many more.
You’d be surprised how many hidden gems you can find when you know where to look and when to strike. It’s not about breaking the bank; it’s about making strategic investments in pieces that will last a lifetime. These deals allowed me to build a wardrobe that reflects my style without the heavy price tag.
Sharing the Shortcut: My Legacy Wardrobe Unveiled With this New Year, I hope to reveal the shortcut I took to finally get here. I want to share my journey, the lessons I’ve learned, and the secrets I’ve uncovered to help you build your own legacy wardrobe. It’s about quality over quantity, timelessness over trends, and confidence over conformity.
So, if you’re ready to embark on your own style journey and craft a wardrobe that exudes elegance and authenticity, stay tuned. Together, we’ll navigate the world of menswear, one timeless piece at a time. After all, style is a journey, not a destination, and the path to sartorial excellence is worth every step.
Happy New Year, and keep curating!
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FIRSTLY: this is mostly based off of 2012 with some rise influence.
In this au splinter is absent for most of their early lives due to him believing his kids would be safer without the foot targeting him (i promise there’s a plot to this but for now its gonna be silly). And since theres gonna be a plot thats about it ! Oh also they met april at 11 yrs old I think and Casey just a little bit before the story starts
Casey tries to do their own facial piercings
The piercings almost always get infected
They have to go to donnie for help
April wears her iconic hat to hide her dark roots (shes not a real ginger!!)
Leo is technically the second-oldest they just have a complex
the turtles steal most of their food
April goes to a bouldering gym and can scale buildings
Casey plays roller derby
donnie is the oldest despite the fact that they’re all 15
None of them could cook until the age of 12
They all play dnd passionately
donnie is the oldest because he said he scientifically proved (lied) it and everyone else called dibs on who would be next oldest (raph and Leo agreed to tie)
now take some character blurb thingies that go by age
April: april is 16 and has a driver’s license (could technically be a junior in hs but she’s not), shes very cool and accidentally went ginger at some point then just decided she liked it?? No one knows. They go to a lot LOT of concerts and also rock climbs and she loves women. Also a drummer in a band called smth that i will figure out later. Definitely takes a lot of responsibility for the wellbeing of the turtles due to their situation but like subtly. they for sure got their own issues but chooses to ignore em a lot of the time. Only child (lameee)
Donnie: hes 15 and pretends hes biologically the oldest (he is not they’re all the same age). he made all the blueprints for the lair once it was decided it was too small. hes very good at stealing stuff which is how he gets most of his materials, learned how to hack into ATMS a while ago but thinks it’s morally wrong (only used in desperate measures). Doesn’t mind not being the leader since he knows his claims of being the oldest are total bs but definitely adopted an oldest child mentality. Keeps a lot of problems a secret from his “younger” brothers and mostly talks to april about it. Extremely silly. Main doctor but also very squeamish specifically about bones (not broken bones, just the concept). Purple everything. He has access to every one of his sibling’s internet accounts he just doesn’t tell them about it. Also the main cook, since he would try and read whatever books they could find in dumpsters, especially when they were kids. Shares leo’s space interests less because of a show and more because of science stuff. Didn’t like Casey at first but they got close super fast later on. He is the best thief out of all of them (shhhh).
Casey: also 15, in april’s grade. Knows april from Spanish tutoring despite the fact they’re latine (haha if im violently whiteified my little guys have to be too) very into punk subculture and roller derby and also engineering/mechanics (I’m very excited to show off his vigilante equipment). Constantly does dumb shit for no apparent reason. Very much similar to 2012 casey (says “thats so metal dudes” anytime anything horrifying/dangerous happens). They also have had weird unspoken tension with everyone completely by accident and cant stop falling off of buildings. They have zero fighting skills or training but somehow haven’t died yet. Missing one tooth, top of the mouth next to his right canine (replaced with a glow-in-the-dark plastic one don’t ask them how it stays in).
Leo: 15, self-proclaimed second oldest and leader. (they have a complex probably) they’re only the leader because [HAHAHAHA PLOT AND BACKSTORY] and everyone else just stuck with it. They try very very hard to be silly and goofy but are also constantly anxious, not specifically about their siblings but like in general. Very very hesitant, prefers stealth (and stupid jokes) to direct confrontation. very close with raph since they’re “twins” (all of them are the same age). Intense sci-fi/space obsession, they’ve watched every single episode of their world’s equivalent to Star Trek (and all the movies) and also had a huge nonfiction phase which is still ongoing, fueled by stolen textbooks and endless internet videos . They also write fanfiction (secretly and make fun of other people who do to throw off their siblings it doesn’t work at all). They are so so lame and i love them so much.
Raph: 15, also second oldest, very very overprotective but like low-key about it. Super close with april and leo. Does all the confrontation and has accidentally been confused to be the leader of the team (CONSTANTLY ends up in hostage situations to the point it’s almost funny). ALLERGIC to Feelings he will Die if he has to talk about things so he mostly vents by tearing up his room and then feeling bad abt it. Made donnie help him find leo’s fanfics and then swore him to secrecy forever. Very distrustful, secretly super artsy, weirdly obsessed with messing with ppls hair (probably because he is surrounded by bald ppl). Also secretly a fashion icon, he has a disguise specifically so he can go to the mall with april and look at clothes for fun. He is physically the strongest out of everyone and has a really bad habit of using himself as their meat shield. Accidentally very very silly dude.
Mikey: 15 the Absolute Youngest by request. He is objectively the best fighter but is constantly being sidetracked by his siblings taking hits/taking out enemies for him (look theyre all just Like That). Really really smart when in a crisis, but for some reason not in a low pressure situation. She tries to cook but ultimately prefers baking. He’s also good at building things, so he usually hangs out with donnie in his workshop and made a lot of the lair’s furniture though he somehow can’t build anything from ikea. Also knows about leo’s fanfic career and accepted a bribe of a hubcap chandelier (?) to not tell anyone. Leo never made him a chandelier but at this point she has completely forgotten about it. Is secretly a beta reader for the fics and pretends she doesn’t know leo, except for when he describes very very distinct details of their home as suggestions for a room or something. Will continue to do this until leo either has a nervous breakdown or realizes it’s him. 
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zebee-nyx · 10 months
CalmWriMo Day 20
It is Monday once again and once again I wish it were any other day lol. Aside from that, wow it's already day 20! This month feels like it is flying by at this point. ('^.^) Not sure how I feel about that... Anyways, could only really write the blurb today. Not feeling horribly ill, but not well either today. (~^~) Is unfortunately enough to be hampering my ability to do the things. Hoping whatever it is has pasted by the morning.
2 Hour Writing Goal: ✅
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: ✅
Reading: ✅
Blurb: The Junkyards / Junkers / Junk Races
The "Junkyards", often referred to simply as "the yards", are the landfills that wrap around the city. These stretches of land are absolutely covered in tall mounds of trash. From the uppercity and midcity trash is carried here on garbage collection trucks and airborne barges. From the undercity trash just slowly filters outwards as people occasionally push it over to neighboring areas, typically closer to the edge of the city. Either way, eventually all of the city's waste either ends up here... or in the lake.
Common sights include black plastic garbage bags, rusty beat up cars, murky ponds of maybe-water, discarded chemical waste, unused building materials, the occasional corpse, small garbage fires, among other delightless attractions. Naturally the smell in this place is sickening and quite possibly toxic.
While inherently a rather unpleasant place to exist there is a niche local community of "junkers" that call this hellscape home. Small hamlets with tin sheet roofs and plastic walls dot the yards. Most who live here are scavengers, exiles from the city, outdated and trashed androids, or simply had the misfortune to born here. Surprisingly enough though these communities are fairly close knit and any sort of wrongdoings between individuals within these communities is quite rare.
One of the more intresting features that have appeared here is complex race tracks. These centers of junker entertainment are in a near constant state of flux as the trash heaps shift and fresh wrecks are added to the tracks. The dangerous races held here can be more described as a demolition derbies on linear paths with a very "anything goes" approach. Vehicles are slapped together with scavenged parts and reinforced with whatever trash can pass as armor. Racers often are armed or otherwise find creative weapons to install on their vehicles. The winner of such races is determined either being the first past the finish post or simply the last one standing... Most of the time it is the latter. Streams of these races have gained some popularity within the city proper as another way to feed the insatiable hunger for entertainment. Locally, these events have become a perceived ride out of the yards and into a comfortable lap of luxury should a racer distinguish themselves (in a survivable way).
Bonus character fun fact: Nat is from the yards, where she spent most of her childhood. She was a scavenger/mechanic and racer before <event redacted> which led her moving into the undercity to work with Doc.
[Not many notes on the yards yet, hasn't been at the center of my attention since most of stories planned out/considered happen in the uppercity or undercity. So! Will probably have more to say about the yards as I have more ideas. (^^) Anyways and always, hope you had a lovely day, peace (^.^)v]
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fzzr · 11 months
What I'm Watching, Fall 2023 Anime Season
New Stuff:
16bit Sensation: Another Layer - I hate making galge in the current industry, so I got sent back in time to the 90s to make galge then. Wacky concept, let's see where they go with this.
Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S-Rank ni Natteta (My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer) - An overpowered fantasy character series, but this time it's heartwarming fun.
Boushoku no Berserk (Berserk of Gluttony) - If Eminence wasn't getting its second season right now, this would be my pick for edgy trash of the season. As it is, I'll enjoy some bottom of the barrel sludge with an overpowered edgy MC and no subtlety.
Bullbuster - Provisionally watchable. You take what you can get with mecha sometimes. This one is about fighting ugly cg giant beasts but also deployment was delayed until liability coverage was confirmed, and further by the broken printer.
Hametsu no Oukoku (The Kingdoms of Ruin) - I'm concerned this will turn into a lot of indulging in violence against women as shock material, but continuing with it for now since the setting raises some potentially interesting questions.
Hoshikuzu Telepath (Stardust Telepath) - Cute girls doing (psychic) friendship things? It's probably nothing, but I'll give it a try.
Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo (The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You) - Now this is garbage! After a double meet cute comes a double confession and double acceptance of same. A shenanigans-type romcom where a poly harem end is supernaturally enforced, and I am here for it.
Konyaku Haki sareta Reijou wo Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto wo Oshiekomu (I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness) - Not that kind of naughtiness! No ecchi tag! Kinda looking like a nothing show, but I'll give it some more time.
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries) - This one is starting late, so actually a placeholder for if I get to it later.
Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su (Shangri-La Frontier: Crappy Game Hunter Challenges God-Tier Game) - Another full-dive MMO game, but this time it's about a dude who is just having fun being a minmaxer and speedrunner. No angst, just a side of very light romance. Imagine a show about games also being about having fun!
Sousou no Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End) - This one got started fast, so I'm already several episodes deep. Tagged in advance as the likely show of the season, it's a slow and thoughtful show about a near-eternal elf mage learning to understand the fleeting humans in her life. Very much a "vibes" show.
Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari: Dantoudai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story (Tearmoon Empire) - We Have Marie Antoinette At Home gets to re-do her life after getting the guillotine. I'll go with it for now, why not.
Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki (A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life) - Did this trick me into watching a cooking show? Maybe. It's fine I guess.
Undead Unluck - This is excellent. So much fun. David Production was the right studio for an anime where a character climbs buildings by severing his own limbs and use the force of them growing back for propulsion.
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou. (I'm in Love with the Villainess) - Yuri Villainess? Sure I'll take it. Looks fun.
Dead Mount Death Play Part 2 - More of the excellent edgy reverse isekai from earlier this year.
Dr. Stone: New World Part 2 - New World part one shaped up in the second half, so here's hoping they keep that momentum.
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season (The Eminence in Shadow Season 2) - Yessss. Eminence was the highlight of the excellent Fall 2022 season and I am super ready for more.
Spy x Family Season 2 - Oh boy, time for more Anya antics!
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 - More horse girls? Don't mind if I do!
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023) - It's Rurouni Kenshin again. Actually nevermind, I'm just not going to continue with this.
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto (Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead) - This one is mostly done, just keeping track since it ran over a season.
Hall of shame (Shows I dropped after just one episode):
Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou (The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch) - Meme about weird that it happened twice for adopting a daughter you found in the woods. This one is about a 200 year old loli and her 16 year old daughter with giant anime tiddy. Pass.
Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon (The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess) - Dog Days meets Liar Liar? I liked those things, but together, nah.
Bokura no Ameiro Protocol (Protocol: Rain) - Didn't even get through the first episode of this one. Painfully ugly and awkward. If you're going to make a show about a fake esport, make the fake game look good and make the players not play it like shit.
Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai suru Hanashi. (Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me) - Again dropped halfway through the first episode. Just such a drag. Not worth it for the trash.
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cmweller · 2 years
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Challenge #03617-I329: And the Winner is...
Just for the fun of it, some Havenworlders, who've grown braver over the last few years, decide to build a small racing track in the station that was built for all species, including humans. Human children LOVE it as the humans call the sport "Gravity Racing". Havenworlders, surprisingly, find it fun, too.
Aka - Soap Box Racing, aka Box Kart Racing. -- DaniAndShali
Humans play games with gravity. The severity of these games depends entirely on the human. This is, after all, a species that hurls itself off of cliffs with little but a special suit and some nominal safety gear - just so they can 'fly'[1].
Only some of their gravity games involve vehicles, or are safe for Havenworlder participants. This one is known as the Lopside Station Gravity Derby.
The rules are allegedly simple. The vehicle must have no motor, possess some form of brake, four wheels, and a form of steering system. The singular pilot must wear a helmet. For Lopside Station, there is one more condition - Materials to make the vehicle must be scavenged or salvaged, not printed.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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shivangipriyaaa · 20 days
Solid Polo T-Shirts: A Timeless Wardrobe Essential
When it comes to versatile fashion staples, solid polo t-shirts stand out as a must-have in every wardrobe. These classic pieces blend comfort with style, making them suitable for various occasions, from casual outings to semi-formal events. In this article, we explore why solid polo t-shirts are so popular, their key features, and how they can be styled to create different looks.
Why Solid Polo T-Shirts?
1. Versatility
Solid polo t-shirts are incredibly versatile. Whether you're dressing up for a casual day at work or heading out for a weekend brunch, these shirts offer the perfect balance between laid-back and polished. Their simplicity allows them to be paired with anything from jeans to chinos, making them a go-to choice for a variety of settings.
2. Timeless Style
The appeal of solid polo t-shirts lies in their timeless style. Unlike patterned or graphic tees, solid colors offer a clean, sophisticated look that never goes out of fashion. This makes them a reliable option for those looking to build a capsule wardrobe centered around classic, enduring pieces.
3. Comfort
Made from breathable fabrics like cotton or cotton blends, solid polo t-shirts provide comfort throughout the day. The soft material ensures that you feel good while looking stylish, making them ideal for all-day wear, whether you're at the office or on the golf course.
Key Features of Solid Polo T-Shirts
1. Collared Design
The defining feature of polo t-shirts is their collared design. The collar adds a touch of formality to an otherwise casual garment, making it suitable for both relaxed and more structured environments.
2. Button Placket
Solid polo t-shirts typically feature a button placket at the neckline. This allows for adjustable styling – you can button up for a more formal look or leave a few buttons open for a relaxed vibe.
3. Range of Colors
Solid polo t-shirts are available in a wide range of colors, from neutral tones like black, white, and navy to vibrant hues like red, green, and yellow. This variety ensures that there's a polo shirt to match every personal style and occasion.
4. Fit Options
Whether you prefer a slim fit for a modern look or a regular fit for comfort, solid polo t-shirts come in various fit options. This flexibility ensures that you can find the perfect fit for your body type and style preference.
Styling Solid Polo T-Shirts
1. Casual Look
For a laid-back, casual look, pair your solid polo t-shirt with jeans or shorts. Add a pair of sneakers, and you're ready for a day out with friends or a casual evening gathering.
2. Smart Casual
To achieve a smart-casual ensemble, tuck your solid polo t-shirt into chinos or tailored trousers. Add loafers or derby shoes, and finish the look with a belt that complements the shirt's color.
3. Layering
Solid polo t-shirts also work well as a layering piece. Wear them under a blazer or a lightweight jacket for an effortlessly stylish look that transitions well from day to night.
Solid polo t-shirts are a wardrobe essential for men who value style, comfort, and versatility. Their timeless design makes them suitable for various occasions, from casual outings to semi-formal events. Whether you're building a capsule wardrobe or simply looking to update your collection, solid polo t-shirts are a smart investment that will never go out of style.
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Environmental Benefits of Using Ready-Mix Concrete
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As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation, industries are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. The construction sector, known for its significant environmental impact, is no exception. One of the promising solutions gaining traction is the use of ready-mix concrete.
Reduced Waste and Efficient Use of Materials
One of the primary environmental benefits of ready-mix concrete from Readymix concrete supplier near me is the reduction of waste. Traditional concrete mixing methods often result in excess material that goes unused, leading to waste. Ready-mix concrete from Ready Mix Concrete Supplier in Nottingham, however, is precisely measured and mixed to the exact specifications required for a project. This precision minimizes waste, ensuring that only the necessary amount of concrete is produced and used.
Improved Quality and Longevity
Ready-mix concrete from Readymix concrete supplier in Derby is known for its consistent quality and durability. High-quality concrete structures have a longer lifespan and require less frequent repairs and replacements, which translates to a lower environmental impact over time. Structures made with ready-mix concrete from Ready Mix Concrete Supplier in Nottingham are less likely to experience early degradation, reducing the need for additional materials and energy to maintain or rebuild them.
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Sustainable Sourcing of Materials
Many ready-mix concrete suppliers from Ready Mix Concrete Supplier in UK are committed to sustainable practices, including the sourcing of raw materials. They often use recycled aggregates and industrial by-products, such as fly ash and slag, which not only reduce the demand for virgin materials but also divert waste from landfills. By incorporating these sustainable materials into their products, ready-mix concrete suppliers contribute to a more circular economy.
Reduced Transportation Emissions
Transporting materials to construction sites can significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Ready-mix concrete from Readymix concrete supplier in Derby can be delivered directly to the site in specialized trucks, reducing the number of trips required compared to transporting raw materials separately. Additionally, suppliers often optimize their delivery routes and schedules to minimize fuel consumption and emissions.
Supporting Green Building Standards
Using ready-mix concrete from Readymix concrete supplier near me can help builders meet various green building standards and certifications, such as LEED. These standards emphasize the use of sustainable materials and practices, and ready-mix concrete can contribute to achieving these criteria. By choosing ready-mix concrete from Ready Mix Concrete Supplier in UK, builders can enhance the environmental performance of their projects and gain recognition for their commitment to sustainability.
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cempump · 3 months
Uses of Concrete Pumping Derby – Get the Best Pumps from Cempump
The use of concrete pumping technology has revolutionised traditional building methods. Concrete pumping, facilitated by state-of-the-art equipment like those offered by Cempump, plays a pivotal role in enhancing construction efficiency and project timelines across the city. Concrete pumping Derby expedites the construction process by delivering concrete swiftly to even the most challenging locations. This efficiency minimises labour requirements and accelerates project completion, thereby reducing overall costs.
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Accessibility to Difficult Areas:
Derby’s diverse terrain often presents accessibility challenges. Concrete pumping eliminates these obstacles by reaching inaccessible areas with precision and ease, including high-rise buildings and narrow construction sites.
Quality Control:
Cempump’s advanced pumping solutions ensure consistent concrete placement, maintaining the quality and durability of structures throughout Derby. This precision also reduces material wastage and enhances overall construction standards.
Safety and Environmental Benefits:
By reducing manual handling of heavy materials, concrete pumping promotes a safer working environment. Additionally, it minimises the carbon footprint associated with transportation, contributing to Derby’s environmental sustainability goals.
Versatility in Applications
From residential developments to commercial complexes and infrastructure projects, concrete pumping by Cempump supports a wide range of construction applications, adapting seamlessly to diverse project requirements.
The adoption of concrete pumping technology in Derby, supported by Cempump’s reliable services, represents a significant advancement in modern construction practices. It not only improves efficiency and safety but also upholds the high standards of quality synonymous with construction in Derby. For builders and developers aiming to streamline their projects while maintaining excellence, Cempump stands as the trusted partner in delivering superior concrete pumping solutions across the city.
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tuffmixuk · 5 months
What You Need to Know About Concrete Delivery Services in Derby and Nottingham
When it comes to construction projects in Derby and Nottingham, having a reliable concrete delivery service is crucial. Whether you're working on a small residential project or a large commercial development, the right concrete supplier can make all the difference. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about concrete delivery services in Derby and Nottingham, including the benefits they offer and how to choose the right supplier for your needs.
What is Concrete Delivery?
Concrete delivery involves the transportation of freshly mixed concrete from the supplier's plant to the construction site. This ensures that the concrete is delivered promptly and is ready to be used immediately. With concrete delivery services in Derby and Nottingham, you can save time and labor by having the concrete delivered directly to your project site, eliminating the need for onsite mixing.
Benefits of Concrete Delivery Services
Convenience: With concrete delivery services, you can eliminate the hassle of transporting and mixing concrete onsite. This saves time and labor, allowing your construction project to proceed more efficiently.
Quality Assurance: Professional concrete suppliers ensure that the concrete is mixed to the correct specifications, resulting in a high-quality end product. This reduces the risk of errors and ensures that your project meets the required standards.
Cost-Effectiveness: By outsourcing your concrete delivery needs, you can avoid the expense of purchasing and maintaining your own mixing equipment. This can result in significant cost savings over the course of your project.
On-Time Delivery: Reliable concrete delivery services ensure that your concrete arrives on time, allowing your project to stay on schedule. This is essential for meeting deadlines and avoiding costly delays.
What to Look for in a Concrete Delivery Service
Experience: Choose a concrete supplier with extensive experience in the industry. This ensures that they have the knowledge and expertise to meet your project's specific requirements.
Reputation: Research the reputation of the concrete delivery service by reading customer reviews and testimonials. A reputable supplier will have a track record of delivering quality products and excellent customer service.
Reliability: Look for a concrete supplier that offers reliable delivery services, with a fleet of well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers. This ensures that your concrete arrives on time and in good condition.
Flexibility: Choose a supplier that can accommodate your project's schedule and requirements. Whether you need a small quantity of concrete for a residential project or a large volume for a commercial development, a flexible supplier can meet your needs.
Concrete Delivery in Derby
In Derby, construction projects ranging from residential renovations to large-scale infrastructure developments rely on dependable concrete delivery services. Whether you're building a new driveway, patio, or foundation, having access to quality concrete is essential for ensuring the success of your project.
Concrete Delivery in Nottingham
In Nottingham, construction projects are thriving, with new developments springing up across the city. From residential housing to commercial buildings, concrete is a fundamental building material for construction projects of all sizes. With reliable concrete delivery services in Nottingham, contractors can access the materials they need to complete their projects efficiently and effectively.
Choosing the Right Supplier
When choosing a concrete delivery service in Derby or Nottingham, it's essential to consider factors such as experience, reputation, reliability, and flexibility. By selecting a reputable supplier that meets your project's specific requirements, you can ensure that your construction project proceeds smoothly and successfully.
In conclusion, concrete delivery services play a vital role in construction projects in Derby and Nottingham. By outsourcing your concrete needs to a reliable supplier, you can enjoy the benefits of convenience, quality assurance, cost-effectiveness, and on-time delivery. When choosing a supplier, be sure to consider factors such as experience, reputation, reliability, and flexibility to ensure the success of your project. With the right concrete delivery service by your side, you can build with confidence and achieve outstanding results.
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flyinghawk02 · 5 months
Discover Flying Hawk Company’s Fine Branded Formal Shoes for Men in India.
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Discover Flying Hawk Company’s Fine Branded Formal Shoes for Men in India.   Nothing compares to a pair of branded formal shoes for flawless style and understated grace. The Flying Hawk Company provides a carefully chosen selection of high-end formal shoes that will enhance your look and make an impression. Explore our selection of branded men’s formal shoes and turn heads everywhere you go:    1. Classic Oxford Shoes: These classic Oxford Shoes will provide a touch of refinement to your formal wear. These shoes radiate sophistication and class since they are made from the best leather and have great attention to detail.    2. Stylish Derby Shoes: Wear our Stylish Derby Shoes to turn heads. These shoes give every ensemble a dash of modern flair thanks to their elegant design and fine craftsmanship.    3. Elegant Monk Strap Shoes: Wear our Elegant Monk Strap Shoes to enter the world of luxury. These shoes, with their distinctive buckle fastening and excellent design, are ideal for individuals who value sophisticated fashion.    4. Fashionable Brogue Shoes: With our Fashionable Brogue Shoes, you may infuse your outfit with personality. These sneakers will catch eyes thanks to their fashionable style and elaborate perforated patterns.    5. Versatile Loafers: Wear our Versatile Loafers to embrace style and comfort. These shoes provide easy style and all-day comfort, making them suitable for both formal and informal settings.    6. Classic Boots: Wear our Classic Boots to make a striking impression. These boots are ideal for giving a tough edge to your formal ensemble because they are long-lasting and made of high-quality materials.    7. Sleek Dress Shoes: These shoes radiate elegance and charm and are ideal for special occasions. With their elegant design and high-quality build, these shoes are a wardrobe essential for any man.    8. Formal Slip-Ons: These are the ideal option if you’re looking for the utmost in comfort and style. These sneakers are perfect for people who are often on the go because of their sleek appearance and simple slip-on style.    9. Contemporary Wingtip Shoes: Our Contemporary Wingtip Shoes will give your formal wear a contemporary edge. These shoes, with their classic wingtip shape and modern accents, are ideal for the stylish man.    10. Luxurious Leather Loafers: Indulge in opulence with our selection of leather loafers. These loafers are the height of comfort and style since they are expertly crafted from the best leather.    With the branded formal shoe collection for men in India from Flying Hawk Company, discover the pinnacle of sophistication and style. With our stunning designs, you can uplift your formal attire and go out with poise and confidence.
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arisesolarau · 5 months
Enhance efficiency of solar panel with professional cleaning and maintenance
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In the modern day, Solar panels have been widely used for generating the power supply in their premises. These are extensively helpful for saving more money on utility bills. Regulating the performance level of solar panels is an efficient option for ensuring they deliver their full potential.
Sometimes, the dust, derbies and many others could be reducing its efficiency in capturing the sunlight for generating electricity. Hiring the best solar panel cleaning services is essential for ensuring all panels are thoroughly cleaned.
Best solar panels cleaning:
Normally, the solar panel needs to be cleaned as they are exposed to harsh weather conditions, dust, derbies and many others. Many people need help to clean the panels. Whether you have a larger rooftop solar panel system, it will be quite a difficult situation.
Cleaning the solar panels is not quite the same as cleaning the doors or windows at home. It is essential to seek skilled technicians offering solar panel services. These solar panels are cleaned with specialized techniques to ensure they provide good results.
Solar panels maintained properly:
Solar Panels especially have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years based on the Type of Solar panels. When the solar panels are not maintained properly then it does not deliver the same productivity and efficient output.
Cleaning the solar panels helps to easily enjoy the massive benefits for a longer period of time. These do not produce any kind of hindrance in capturing the solar or even need for replacing them.
Proper cleaning of the dust and debris on the solar panels helps to easily improve efficiency in supporting the power supply. These panels are required to be cleaned with the appropriate materials.
Aesthetic appeal:
Normally, stained, and dirty solar panels would also be affecting the aesthetic look of the house. These could be giving a ragged look to your house. It is best to make proper and regular cleaning of the solar panels.
The surface of the panels needs to be cleaned and shiny automatically, giving the premises aesthetic appeal. Apart from these, the grime and dirt build up on the photovoltaic panels would be reducing the energy production.
Cleaning the solar panels is the better option for maintaining the maximum efficiency even without any hassle. Cleaning solar panels is quite a simple option with appropriate tools and safety measures.
These would be extensively producing the best results for the system, so seeking professional solar panel cleaners would be a great option. Availing the comprehensive solar panel cleaning service is suitable for keeping the solar systems cleaned even in all the weather conditions.
Improve ROI time:
ROI or Return on Investment is the time guaranteed for the solar panels from the installers. Normally, the cost of solar panels is higher but you would be getting better returns for the long term.
Investing in solar panels and properly maintaining them helps to reap the maximum ROI. It is quite common that the dirt and debris on the solar panels affect the way of generate power for your house or business. Cleaning the panels thoroughly would be a great option for getting a prominent solution.
Improve efficiency:
Are you looking to save your money on utility bills by installing solar panels? Many numbers of businesses have achieved greater results by gaining more efficient power-saving options.
Proper cleaning of solar panels plays a major role in maintenance for getting higher efficiency. Save your money by hiring the best solar panel services for the annual maintenance and cleaning of the panels.  
Arise Solar is the leading in offering the range of services completing solar panel systems. Experts are well versed in solar panel cleaning and maintenance to enhance its performance.
Also Read:
Ultimate Things To Notice About Solar Panel Systems Forever
Grab The Top Notch Process Of Getting Solar Panel Maintenance
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fortunewindows1 · 6 months
Beyond the windows, uPVC windows that create infinite views
Beyond the windows, uPVC windows that create infinite views (Khidkiyon se pare, uPVC windows that create infinite drishya)
Have you ever noticed that windows are the eyes of your home? They are what bring the outside world into your home and give your home a special identity. With uPVC windows from Fortune Windows you can not only ensure the safety and comfort of your home but, these beautiful windows also provide a unique style to your home.
Fortune Windows is a well-known company in Jaipur that provides high-quality uPVC and aluminum window systems. Their windows are strong, durable and energy-efficient.
Let's see how Fortune Window's uPVC windows can make your home special:
Timeless Design: Fortune Windows offers a choice of a variety of window styles and designs. You can choose Classic, Modern or Contemporary style as per the architecture of your home. The beauty of these windows is that they never go out of fashion and will always give an aristocratic and attractive look to your home.
Panoramic View: The windows of Fortune Window are large and wide enough to bring natural light and air into your home. These windows give you the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views around you. Whether you want views of a tranquil lake, lush green mountains or a vibrant city, windows from Fortune Windows will connect your home to the outside world.
Durability: uPVC is a strong and durable material. Fortune Window's windows are built to withstand corrosion, sun and weather conditions. These windows are long-term investments that will provide you with beautiful views and comfort for many years.
Bring natural light and beautiful views into your home.
If you want to infuse positive energy into your home and enjoy beautiful views, then uPVC windows from Fortune Windows are a great choice for you. They will not only ensure the safety and comfort of your home but will also provide a unique style to your home.
Contact Fortune Window today (Aaj hi Fortune Window se sampark karen) and build your dream home!
Visit the website by clicking on the link 🌐https://fortuneshoppe.com 🌐www.fortunewindow.co.in 🌐 https://fortune-windows.business.site/ Phone: 091166 31603 Message Fortune on WhatsApp. https://wa.me/message/4HBPH72G4EKPN #frenchswingdoorinstallation #bifolddoorinstallation #residentialdoorreplacement #weathershieldwindows #floridawindows #roofing #windowcompany #nonimpactwindows #hurricanewindows #glass #home #residentialwindows #homerenovations #daytonabeach #doorsandwindows #design #siding #madeintheuk #framefast # manufacturer #framefastderby #madeinbritain #windowfitters #manufacturedinderby #derby #conservatories
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