#Bumblebee Toy AU
werethehellami · 1 month
Runaway Toy Bumblebee Au. Please send asks is you want to know more!
Shout out to @cozzzynook who's Pleasure Bot Bee was the main inspiration behind this Au!
-first up, Bee is a runaway "Toy", where specific bots are more or less just put up for display. They aren't seen as capable of taking care of themselves, they aren't taught to read, or write, no education at all. Every moment of their lives is monitored and controlled.
-Bee was a sparking when he was practically rip from his home to be one of these "Toys". While he never has to worry about food or shelter, he was basically just a glorified pet to a very rich mech.
-Bee is however a born fighter, and eventually mange to escape and hide out, and was declared dead by his old master. However Bee simply survived on the streets.
-Bbeing small and quick, Bee was practically a born thief, stealing a few credits from a mech, and a energon cube from another. Life wasn't easy, but Bee survived by being quick and using whatever he could get his servos on to his advantage.
-He eventually stole from a mech who mange to catch Bee, and was impressed by Bee's adaptability. So he decided to adopt him, the mech being StromHunter(OC) .
-from there, bee got a sorta decent education. His motives to join the elite gard was find others on his position, lost, Owned by someone else, and generaly desperate. But thing didn't go to plan.
-joins team prime normally, and find amusement in messing with them. His past is generally kept a secret from them, as Bee really doesn't want other to know about it. However his past comes to find him, as his old master finds out that Bee was alive and wanted his "Darling little thing" back. His master hired a bounty hunter (haven't decided if lockdown should be the bounty hunter, or someone else).
-cue prime finding about about "Toy" Bee, as he goes feral over wanting to keep being free. Team prime beats the breaks off of bounty hunter, and some long talks are had.
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compaculaaa · 1 year
Can I holding ur Bee?🥺
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Careful now, he’s a feisty one 🐝
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blueikeproductions · 10 months
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A study where I was considering “title cards” being based on the Sherwood kids’ interests. Naturally because Braverman and JD are the focus, it ties into a shared interest in Transformers and their backstory with Bee representing Braverman and Fangry JD.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Okay so I have some possible names for my self indulgent au (I need a better name for this au) (Okay tronus breaks down to trone so I decided to do a royal meaning because I just got wealth themed names with million)
Rex - king, funny tie back to beast wars
Rory - Red king
Maximilion - has million in it, means greatness
Or Erik to tie him back to Magneto
I'm very lost but I atleast have options
Cute Orion and Reincarnation of Megs things
Megs childhood plushie was a shark he still has it
Megs and Orion Wana make it to the ocean one day
Starscream is the first one to truly befriend Megs reincarnation
Orion Befriends Bumblebee almost instantly after learning this car isn't possessed and won't kill him
Those are some pretty good options!!
Ohhh aww yes
Bring Megs to the aquarium ^w^
This new dynamic between Megs and Screamer has gotta go in interesting directions
Makes total sense Ori would get along well
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realizinau · 3 months
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HI GUYS UHH- So while i'm pondering the next post, time for filler posts again yippie!
I FINALLY MADE AN OC. Took me long enough sheeesh. Anyway this is Bailee Bumblebee, last few images has @iidgm's wonderful THE Roxie Reedcycle
He was made after the Catnap toy recall as a sort of damage control. Not necessarily a replacement, just a "hey look at our new environmentalist character! Wow bees are so good for the environment and they're hardworking and you should totally trust our new bee character"
But apparently they didn't learn from the Catnap debacle since Bailee plushies had something similar to the red smoke, except it was more meant to cause relaxation and happiness. The side effects of it were less obvious, that being short term memory loss, so it flew under the radar for the most part. Must be that chamomile scent of the plushies eh?
In the realizin au he'd be a cool dude. He's like in the middle of Catnap and Dogday energy wise. Bit of an ambivert, likes people but needs his space. Excitable but not hyper, loyal and independant, all that good stuff. Though he does have memory issues and that's entirely due to that different smoke he has. Woops
Within the game, I. Okay so I drew what he might look like if he was in the actual game, and it's under the cut so I don't jumpscare anyone LMAO
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He would be a bastard in game. Count your memories cus you'll forget some of em
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dragonsgirl572 · 5 months
Whatcha got on Optimus and Bumble bee? They were always my favorites!
-bored anon
Optimus and Bumblebee: Transformers Prime
Optimus Prime: Headcannons
-an absolute sweetheart
-Orion Pax and Optimus Prime are two different mentalities. Kinda like Split Personality Disorder. Sometimes, Optimus lets Orion "take over" and kinda hand out with Ratchet
-Optimus never wanted to be a Prime
-Alpha Trion found Orion on the streets and raised him.
-Ultra Magnus was meant to be a replacement of Optimus because Optimus started questioning the Council. Alpha Trion was having none of that and introduced Optimus to Ultra Magnus as his brother.
-Elita-One and Optimus are twins. Elita is older. (I just hate Elita and Optimus being in a relationship)
-Optimus is a total nerd, it's one of the qualities that stuck with him after the Matrix was given to him.
-Optimus and Ratchet got Amica Bonded before the war. They still are bonded to this day.
Bumblebee: Headcannons
-Jams out to "Sweet Little Bumblebee"
-Optimus found Bee in a ruined city when he was a sparkling. (This is a side AU. I have a main one, but if I reveal it, it'll give spoilers to one of my stories)
-When Bumblebee was a youngling, he found one of Ratchet's knives and accidentally stabbed himself. He still has the scar on his left arm to this day.
-Bumblebee calls Optimus "sire" sometimes. Never fails to make the Prime teary-eyed.
-Bumblebee is the youngest in the entire Autobot army. When he was found and brought to the base, everyone came together to raise him and give him the closest thing to a childhood before he wanted to fight in the war.
-Ratchet created toys from small pieces of scrap metal for Bumblebee. Bee still has the toys, but he won't tell that to Ratchet.
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ciipher-arts · 1 year
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Been working on a small horror-centric TFA AU for the last couple days, currently very much in the WIP phase and I'm not sure how much I'll post about it. Not sure what to call it either.
It's about Sari and her dad moving into a creepy house, and Sari finds a toy left in the attic. The toy reveals itself to be alive, possessed by Bumblebee. He and his fellow Autobots crash-landed on Earth along with a group of Decepticons led by Megatron himself after a battle over possession of the Allspark, something during the conflict having mutated the sparks of both parties and separating them from their bodies. While Bumblebee's spark ended up in a host body, the other Autobots are only spirits, spirits only Sari can see. Sari tries to help them get their bodies back, while the Decepticons at the same time are trying to do the same for themselves, and terminate the Autobots' sparks before they can return to their bodies.
I don't have much else other than this and a few miscellaneous ideas for it right now. Maybe I'll have more in the future.
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Yandere shattered Glass Transformers Au
The autobots each have their own way of having you. Optimus Prime would be the type to treat you as a pet and a prisoner would treat you as a personal toy just for his own personal benefit. Meanwhile, Ratchet would be the type to play physical games, he would use said games to break you. If you cheat in his games he will have no other option to take away some privileges. His favorite part of you is when you say "I love you" while you cry trying to prevent him from sewing your mouth for the first time. Bumblebee or rather Goldbug likes power better. That's why he likes to see you so weak and powerless before him. He will always love how you tremble when he brings his weapon close to you. Don't worry, he will never hurt you... well, not one who could kill you. It would be a shame if that happened. The Autobots have their own problems. ways of loving or rather of playing not so nice games with you as long as you don't disobey their rules, maybe you will survive, they will still use your corpse as a doll, at the end of the day it's still you... right?
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Fledgling | KNJ
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Pairing: Namjoon x Vampire!Reader
Genre: supernatural, slight fluff, slight smut, strangers to lovers, Vamp!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, feeding, turning, mentions of blood, allusions to slaughter, implied sexual activity, references to broken beds, mentions of chains and being restrained, Namjoon is essentially a golden retriever in vamp form
Word Count: 1.2K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Your beloved is full of surprises.
A/N: Vamp!Reader and her lovely little human Namjoon are back! Couldn't stop thinking about them, decided to write a little more. This is dedicated to @herecomesjoon - Satvrn, I wanted to have this ready for your birthday, I'm sorry it's late! I hope you enjoy a little bit more of our favorite vamp boy toy. 💜
Unbeta'd as usual.
Previous - Hungry (For Your Love)
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The one undeniable fact about Kim Namjoon, your beloved - he is full of surprises. 
Like the day he informs you that he knows you’re a vampire. It comes much faster than it ever did in any of your previous relationships, only a few weeks in. He’s not scared or angry when you confirm the truth. No, he’s curious, and spends the next few days following you around, eagerly asking you question after question, until you finally promise to tell him all about your ancient life, but slowly and over the course of your time together, not all at once. 
Then there is the day he asks you to turn him. You had assumed he would want to remain a human - that he understood how precious his mortal life was and would want to protect it. But as he explained it to you again and again, every time you asked him if he was certain, “Baby, there are three things I know for sure. I want to explore the world. I want to be with you. And I want to do both of those things forever.” 
You still make him wait. An entire year comes and goes, and his answer never changes. Then a second passes. After the third, when it seems his aspiration remains unwavering, you oblige him. Take him to bed, drink of his blood, then make him drink of your own. Drunk on your venom, he tells you that your blood tastes like honey. Calls you his little bumblebee, says your sting felt better than he’d ever imagined. You laugh at your silly human, knowing that the morning will bring so much change with it. 
Given how much he’s always surprising you, perhaps you should’ve expected that his turning would be different from others. You’d prepared for a rapacious fledgling, having learned your lesson after London, when your lover had succumbed to her feral bloodlust and gone on a tear across the city, leading you on a chase that lasted for days - that was a messy experience you wish to never repeat. When the morning comes, Namjoon willingly slips into the chains that keep him bound to the bed, also wanting to avoid a bloody scene.
The thirst comes upon him almost immediately, eyes opening with an unearthly glow. He begs and cries for blood, but he never tears at his restraints, never tries to free himself and disappear into the night like the dreadful creature he’s become. 
No, he isn’t overwhelmed by his new thirst, thankfully. Although, his newfound nature seems to… amplify… his human hunger. For you. If you thought he had a voracious appetite before, it’s completely insatiable now.
Being chained doesn’t stop him from breaking the bed that night. It’s just the first of many to end up as splintered ruins. 
Tonight, though, he’s excited for a different reason, because you’ve decided it’s safe for him to finally go outside. Even though you’re sure he’s not going to go on a killing spree, you’re still on high alert, remembering vividly that the first time a fledgling ventures into the world with their heightened senses can be… intense.
It’s about midnight when the two of you leave Namjoon’s house. You lead him towards the woods, away from town and the overpowering scent of humanity that hangs there like a tempting cloud. As soon as you reach the park at the edge of the tiny forest, Namjoon takes off, exploring his new vamp speed by zipping around. He’s a blur even in your unnaturally sharp vision. 
“This is amazing!” he shouts as he whooshes past you to the tree line. 
With his enhanced hearing, your giggles remind him of the bright tinkling of bells. “Look at you, bouncing around the woods like a little bat. My little bagjwi.” 
Namjoon comes to a dead stop, eyes widening. “Wait, shit, can I turn into a bat now? I never thought to ask!” He takes off again, and with a running leap he jumps up several meters into the air, landing in the bough of a towering pine. “Whoa, did I just fly??”
“No, darling, I’m afraid that one is a myth. You can run and jump better than any animal, but we do not possess the gift of flight.”
He pouts, but only for a second before he drops from the tree, gracefully landing on his feet. And then he’s off again, whirling around you as he tests his limits. 
“How fast can I go?” He pauses at your side for a moment. “What’s the fastest a vampire’s ever gone? Do I go faster if I’ve fed than if I’m hungry?”
“So many questions,” you laugh, cupping his cheek. “I truly hope you never lose your sense of wonder, my love.” 
He leads you further into the woods, where the moonlight shining from the clear sky above lights a shadowy path under the canopy of the tall trees. Namjoon marvels at how well he can see now. “I don’t need my glasses anymore, do I?” 
You shake your head, smiling as he runs off again, darting between the closely-grown trees with incredible ease. He won’t need corrective lenses ever again. Or hearing aids, or any of the other devices humans have invented to help themselves as they age. He doesn’t even need a coat tonight, running around in a t-shirt even though it’s late autumn. As long as he continues to nourish himself with human blood, his body maintains the perfect temperature. Everything about him is perfect, now. Or more perfect, really, considering what he was like to begin with.
The two of you reach a small clearing in the forest where several trees have been cut down. Long limbs and round stumps litter the area. Namjoon pauses near a pile of wood.
“Wait a minute - I want to try something.” He grabs one of the thicker stumps lying on the ground. “I saw this in a movie once.” With a cheeky grin, he proceeds to rip the stump in half with his bare hands, dimples flashing as he laughs. “Holy shit, it worked!” 
Well. It’s an odd trick, for sure, but you don’t care, lost in admiring the way his biceps ripple as he tears the wood apart with his vamp strength. You do so love it when he wears those sinfully tight t-shirts, the ones that hide absolutely nothing from your lustful gaze. 
Namjoon’s head suddenly snaps up. A pair of golden eyes gleam at you. “I can smell you.” 
“Of course you can, darling. Enhanced senses, remember?” 
The look on his face is darker than you’ve ever seen as he walks towards you. Purely animalistic. It weakens your knees, and sends a wave of desire flooding through you. 
“It’s more than that. I can hear your heart thumping, too. It just got louder. Faster.”
He continues to advance, and you wonder if this is what your prey feels like when they see you coming. It’s a thrilling sight, at once arousing and terrifying. 
“Baby,” he purrs, wrapping one hand around your waist while the other strokes your cheek. “I can smell how wet you are.” He inhales, nostrils flaring, and hums a low note of satisfaction. “Fuck. You smell delicious.” 
As his strong arms lock around you, you sigh contentedly, gazing into his gorgeous face. How lucky you are, to have found such an extraordinary soul to spend your eternity with. 
“Then you better take me home, little bagjwi, and have your fill.”
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Please don’t be a silent reader! 🥺 I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Because I love the TFP!Other!AU, here’s more shenanigans.
:: Ratchet. :: Bulkhead commed.
:: Bulkhead, I’m busy. And nothing better be broken in that room. ::
:: Do humans have crotch unicorns? ::
Raf complained for a moment in his arm before tucking back into sleep. The tiny dragon didn’t like it when he hauled the newspark by the scruff and booked it to the open area, but Ratchet refused to leave the metal-eater unattended by his welding equipment.
The sparklings were curled upon the nest of scavenged cushions. Ravens squawked at the medic’s run, glossy feathers ruffling before back down into Jack’s neck. Miko was chewing on her plushie, the material squeaking with every bite. Both of them deeply fascinated by the TV as was Bulkhead but with morbid curiosity and horrified disgust.
On the screen, there was a dissected teddy bear with actual organs with soft piano music and calm narration over the “surgeon” taking a scalpel into something soft and squishy: “What is wrong with teddy’s courage? The doctor looks inside teddy’s courage sack.”
Bulkhead made a high-pitched noise as a gloved hand pulled out cockroaches from the spilling organ. “Oh look, teddy is riddled with fear. He is afraid. Look at what fear does to your courage sack!” 
“Poor teddy,” Jack said, stroking a raven in his lap. Red eyes glinting and feathers warping as it chuffed and allowed metal fingers to scratch its head. “That’s too much fear for a little thing.”
Miko’s squeak get faster, wings flicking.
“No. The doctor replaces with it curiosity, but Chickadee says a little fear is good for your health.”
“Where’s the remote!?” Ratchet shouted. Of course, the screen paused when the “doctor” was searching the massive heart that was far larger than the toy itself. 
“Aww, we didn’t see teddy’s heart’s heart.”
“No. No more. This was supposed to be an animal playlist.” Ratchet clicked back, eyeing the channel name: Ze Frank and the numerous True Facts videos.
“But bears are animals,” Jack wheedled.
“Kid got you there.” Bulkhead commented.
“Don’t you dare start with me,” Ratchet pointed his digit to the Wrecker and then turned to sparklings. “Alright, shower time. Up, up, up.”
Miko shrieked excitedly at her favorite set of words, dashing away and leaving behind a fluttering mess of blankets and a well-chewed squishmallow that every so slowly plumped itself back its original shape. Both of the mechs quietly shuddered at it. Her squeals echoed throughout the base as she raced to the shower rack. 
Jack hopped down and silently landed with a quick use of anti-gravs, following at a far more leisurely pace by the medic’s side. Bulkhead already pulled ahead to keep Miko from swinging from the water locks, utilized due to the incident of the pink-plated femme flooding the base when everyone else was asleep or focused elsewhere.
“Can we listen to the radio in there?”
“That’s fine.” Ratchet replied, absentmindedly readjusting Raft as the Predacon sneezed.
“Can I choose the station?”
Ratchet internally winced because Jack had a peculiar talent of tuning into nonexistent stations -ominous words, weather reports that were stranger songs, and senses left lopsided with cold sweats, insomnia, and, in Bumblebee’s case, the inability to speak in nothing but clips by the hosts’ voices or a disturbing tone of white noise.
“Not this time, there’s a podcast I want to catch up on.”
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werethehellami · 1 month
Runaway Toy Bee AU
TW: objectification, previous non-con body modification, unconsentual touching (non sexual),
Don't read if you are in any way uncomfortable or triggered by these, remember to take care of yourself and your mental health.
B-127, or Bee was silently fuming as he was shown off like a Fancy toy. His small frame being handled by strangers, pulling at his limbs and shaking him about. He couldn't help but grimace at the action.
Bee hated his 'master', hated his slimy grin, hated his sea green paint, loathed his large almost giant hands. Yes, Bee hated a lot of things, he has hated these things for years now. But that didn't matter here, not as StoneEater paraded him around as the toy he saw Bee as.
Bee didn't know when his Master, StoneEater, first got ahold of Bee. All Bee knew was that he had a family before, a sire and a carrier who would kill and die for him in the same breath. That he was stolen away from them. Not that. It mattered, while StoneEater paraded him around like the toy he saw Bee as.
Bee sat in the plam of StoneEater's hand, so small compared to the fingers alone. His tiny frame rattled with each step the giant took. Unfamiliar faces jeered and quaked at him as if he was some exotic pet, and not the individual he was.
"He is so tiny, how do you even manage to feed the little thing?" Someone asked, their finger too close to Bee's face. A bot a little older than Bee but much taller stood by the stranger's side. "Oh that was a fairly simple obstacle, just some simple hand feeding, and a little bit of convincing to get him to corporate. He still needs a little bit more training, but soon he'll be ready for tricks." StoneEater said with nothing but enthusiasm.
Bee's teeth grinded against each other, listening to them talk about him like he was a pet. Oh how he wanted to start them apart. But he was small, weak, and currently on a leash. If he tried to swing, throw a punch, kick to the pit and back, it wouldn't do anything. At most it would lead to Bee being locked up in a kennel for a couple days again. So Bee bit his tongue and tried to focus on literally anything else.
Bee's fingers twitched, wanting to touch his neck, his fingers brushed up the smooth metal collar around his neck. It was a gaudy looking thing, silver in color but adorned with yellow and orange gems, it was uncomfortably tight. If Bee were to breathe too quickly, he'd probably choke for second. He was half tempted to just let it choke him out, if it got him out of this place. But knowing his luck, it would only end up with more restrictions on what little crumbs of autonomy and choice he had. StoneEater had the unfortunate ability to know what were genuine accidents and what was Bee's own doing.If choosing what color of shiny rock to fit a collar meant to keep you lock up counted as a choice.
Bee silently hissed as the bright lights burned into his optics. Everything about this stupid party was overwhelming and exhausting to look at. Bee glanced at the ground, and decided he loathed the neon colors for the floor. Bee closed his optics, his arms wrapped around his legs. He really wanted out of this.
"looks like the little thing tired himself out, it's almost his bedtime anyways," StoneEater chuckled softly. His thumb rubbing against Bee's back. If he had his voice Bee would scream at StoneEater, but Atlas, his voice was the second thing Bee lost.
Bee wondered how long until he lost everything that made Bee himself.... He didn't want to know that. He wanted his family back, his voice, his future. He wanted his life, his choices back. Bee wanted to steal them back, tear them from StoneEater's servos and beat him with them.
Nee couldn't help but wonder about how hard and futile it would be. He couldn't help but also think about the satisfaction of his defiance. But Bee was but a sparkling, and the collar had purpose besides showing off his master's wealth. A painful shock shot through Bee's body, and he opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out.
"Oh little one, did you think I didn't notice that ugly expression earlier? It was quite embarrassing, you know, having to explain it away. And here I thought you were trained enough to handle this. No matter, I shall see to that your are next time" StoneEater said as he clutched Bee in his hand, fingers painful tight.
Bee wanted to snarl, hiss, bite, and growl like that animal his master thought him of. But no noise escaped his mouth. Yet he struggled, squirmed wildly, and kicked. All of his movements meant nothing, they didn't scratch the paint, didn't dent the metal; However it brought a smile to Bee's face when he saw the disappointed face of his master. It was oddly satisfying to be half hardly thrown into the metal kennel.
Bee would get his freedom. He would fight and steal for it. Maybe even kill, but that would happen much later.
Please send asks or comments as much as ya want! I hope everyone enjoyed this and that they stay safe. @cozzzynook here's an update
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TFP AUs I Probably Won't Expand Upon
Exactly what it says on the tin. Just little AUs I've thought about but probably won't do anything with.
Masterforce AU - In which several headmaster and powermaster transtectors land on Earth. Three of them are found by the Autobots and are used by Jack, Miko, and Raf, while a fourth has been snatched up by Silas and MECH. Whether or not this means Breakdown avoids being used as a suit by Silas is anyone's guess.
Terrorcon Cliff AU - In which Cliffjumper's death was recent enough that the dark energon truly reignites his spark. Aside from a new uncanny valley effect and hearing the voices of Megatron and Unicron, he's as healthy as ever.
Out of Body Experience AU - In which Bumblebee is able to fight off Megatron and prevent the Decepticon leader from returning to his own body. Unfortunately for Bumblebee and the Autobots, it means the base now has a new permanent resident.
Earthspark AU - In which the kids get lost in a cave and stumble upon the Emberstone. Their Terran partners would all be original characters.
Action Master AU - In which Bumblebee's T-cog, while functional, isn't as reliable as it used to be, leading to him becoming stronger, faster, more alive to make up for the loss of his vehicle mode.
Miko & Arcee AU - In which Arcee is Miko's Autobot partner. I'mma be real, this is just an excuse to her face off against Airachnid.
Seaspray Lives AU - In which... well, you can figure it out. He and Wheeljack hunt down Dreadwing for trying to bump them off and decided to stay on Earth. To the surprise of nobody, Seaspray's alt mode is a boat.
Primal Mode AU - In which Optimus actually uses the T-rex mode he acquired in Rescue Bots. Whether this leads to the other Autobots taking on beast modes remains to be seen. At the very least, Bumblebee takes on the raptor mode one of his rescan toys had.
Fourth Human AU - In which Smokescreen picks a fight with one of Jack's classmates at the beginning of Legacy and they need to be brought back to base. Smokescreen is assigned to be their partner, which doesn't go well considering their initial meeting.
Actual Beast Hunters AU - In which Project Predacon is successful and the Autobots begin hunting the beasts before they can harm humanity.
Pretender AU - In which an unaligned Pretender lives among the humans, but comes out of hiding when the Cybertronian war threatens the humans they've come to care about.
Operation: Bulkhead AU - In which Bulkhead is the one to be captured by MECH, and whose corpse is later used to save Silas' life.
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
an idea about bee being Megatron's missing sparkling?? interesting! do you have a developed idea of it? if so, can you tell us, or me pls :3
if not, do ya have anything in mind? I'd love to know more :]]]
Well, i had a series of ideas "what if bee had a family and didn't know about them?"
Which included the ideas of him having a twin sibbling, him being from an abusive/real bad family(like the crime one in the other post), him having lost his family in a horrific way as a sparkling, him being abandoned because he was a runt and him being separated with his family when he was little. (yep, i pack a lot of angst in these)(please don't ask, it's way too much to type all of these out and they're not even good. i don't like OC inserts much)
The last one had few variations on who will be Bee's parent(s) and sibblings but recently an idea of him being Megs' missing Sparkling popped up.
So it takes place in Cons are Good AU, obviously. I imagine it happened when Megs was on a mission with his fleet and they were investigating the ruins of some city ways away from Iacon. He was in the middle of checking the big building when he made some noise- and then crying came to his audials. He went further and found a tiny yellow Sparkling- dirty and damaged. It was laying in one of the broken cryopods, the size and location of it told him it had barely onlined when Starscream's attack happened. (he was making trouble even back then, the structures like energon mines and Carequarters were not supposed to be the ones damaged under any circumstance.)
There were few other cryopods but they were either empty or completely destroyed, meaning that the little one was abandoned. There was nothing but a toy and a nametag that said 'Bumblebee' in his cryopod. He decided to take it and find it a new home- which somehow backfired and he ended up raising a tiny Sparkling.
As scary and cold he might have seemed he was actually caring and protective of the little one. He worked from his quarters in Kaon so he had as much time with the little one as possible, sometimes he had him in his lap when they were discussing strategies and schematics.
Then the Autobot Council decided to do a bold move- they send units to attack Kaon and get rid of the Decepticons on Cybertron. Unfortunately, Megatron was on a mission and the sparklingsitter was with tiny Bee. The Elite Guard bursted in the buildings and stole away everything- including raiding Megatron's private quarters. Bee was about few stellar cycles old, barely begginning to talk, he was taken to another Carequarters- that was the start of his awful sparklinghood of abuse in the carequarters and living in the streets later on.
Megatron was both furious and devastated. While he still had duties as a leader he never stopped looking for his Sparkling. Each general had a picture of his little one and a direct order to immediately inform him if they come across a Sparkling looking like this. He himself took part in raids, attacks or scouting the large areas in hopes to find his little Bee again.
But as the decades passed, there was no trace, the pictures obviously became outdated but Megatron still pressed on. He never gave up on finding his Sparkling.
And that's when they caught a signal of the Allspark. The came to investigate it and bumped into a group of Autobots. In amidst the fight he heard a name being called by one of the Autobots- then he saw a little yellow mini with horns and bright optics. He didn't get a chance to say anything to him before he was put down and "offlined".
When he got some of his consciousness back, he realized was was stuck- one of his special comms haven't got destroyed- that one was assigned to Lugnut.
In the meantime he got to learn what happened from the organic-looking beings that wandered around what was left of his frame. He took notice of the little one's energy field, learning it was cybertronian in a way- her name was Sari. He overheard the other organic- Professor Sumdac, talking about strage metals and beings and learned the little techno-organic had his metal and probably energon in her, making her his Sparkling. He watched her grow and then talk about weird car-robots to the Professor she called 'dad' His nearly detached Spark twirled the moment she mentioned a yellow one named Bumblebee. He knew Lugnut would do as he said so he gave him and whoever he was with strict orders to not offline the yellow minibot.
Once he regained his frame he went back to business- but not before taking hostage the not-that-little-anymore minibot the first chance he got.
I imagine it like the Hiccup and Valka situation- Megatron is oddly weird about the whole deal, he didn't even cuff Bee before interrogating him in some deep cave. Bee didn't know this mech, heck he feared for his life! But when Megatron started speaking and asking about certain things from his past he didn't know how to answer- especially when Megatron showed him the toy he vividly remembered loving and revealed he was his Sparkling. Bee didn't believe it one bit- he stung Megs in the faceplate when his guard was down and ran away.
Bee didn't tell his team. He didn't tell anyone. It was clear something was up but he never said anything or just brushed it off as being something personal.
Then few days later he got abducted during a patrol by Lugnut and brought to Decepticon base. He was yet again standing before Megatron- except this time, he seemed sadder, more... vulnerable? This was something Bee didn't expect, which might have been the reason why he let him speak and explain everything.
"You must think I'm a horrible Sire... but I never stopped looking for you." Megatron confessed when they were talking about their past together. Bee told him about his sparklinghood and events in his life that led up to this moment, Megatron internally promised to kill everyone who hurt his little supernova, especially that Sentinel mech... (btw, the reason he's that small is because he was heavily underfueling as a sparkling)
And so, everyone involved on earth is given an order to leave the yellow minibot alone and never under any circumstance offline him. Nor the organic that kept the key.
Bee is given a secret communicator to message and speak with his Sire. He learns the Decepticon cause and the bad side fo Autobots, which makes him warm up to the Warlord more.
Now i don't know how this would pan out- in he dates Blitzwing i don't think he'd tell him cuz Megatron told him to not tell anyone so... yeh there are few awkward moments where Blitz walks in on Megs talking with Bee and Megs tried very hard to make it seem like he's interrogating him. Blitzwing really bugs Bee about what the frag is he doing with Megs but the way he learns is because he overheard one of their conversations... and got caught immidiatelly, he would be punished by Megs if it wasn't for Bee yelling he was his Sparkmate.
Yeah... that was a long talk.
So yeh, that's done and now is the part where Bee gets the premium pass to the 'con base and the information is out in the open- to earth Decepticons at least. Megs didn't want Bee getting treated poorly now. He also has a close optic on Blitz- don't get me wrong he likes the mech, they have somewhat of a father-son relationship already but he is suspicious of him, especially near his Sparkling.
I imagine Starscream would kidnap Bee and immediately regret ever seeing the minibot when Megs comes to rescue him.
At one point when Prof. Sumdac is missing- Megatron tells Bee to bring Sari with him on the visit and then they learn that they're sibblings- and Sari gets to know she's techno-organic. That- is the most exciting and wild news they heard so far. I imagine the way it happens later is that Prof. Sumdac is set free and they both keep their mouths shut about everything.
That's until Bee and Blitz get caught and Sari accidentally slips when the other Autobots are discussing(or rather arguing) about what to do. So now the secrets are spilled and Team Prime have a grudge against both Sari and Bee, with Sari being on the lighter end cuz she's just a Sparkling.
And i don't wanna make this too long and you basically know the rest of the story from the other AU posts so yeh. That's it. Hope you are satisfied!
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Transformers Animated Swap au.
(Be warned any ficlets of this au is written in no particular order and some things may be subject to change as I progress with this au)
Along Came a Spider
The Space bridge repair crew have been on Earth long enough for the seasons to have changed. According to Sari the humans have this tradition called Halloween that seemingly lasts the whole month of October but is really just the last day of the month, only artist celebrate the whole month with a practice known as Inktober. Which is why Bulkhead, Wasp, Sari and Elita-1 were at a pumpkin patch picking out which pumpkin they would like to crave. Well, only Sari, Wasp and Bulkhead were choosing pumpkins, Elita was staring at the faint fake spider hanging above the entrance of the pumpkin patch.
Memories of that awful day were threatening to resurface after years of trying her damnist to forget them. Elita may have been on the fast track to becoming a member of the Elite Guard at one point in her life but after Archa 7 Elita tried to forget about that and and pretend that she was always a maintenance bot. If she knew Earth had spiders she would have reconsidered staying on Earth for a long as they have and went full force with repairing their ship but now it was too late for that.
Elita shuttered at the fake spider and returned with the rest of the group. Soon after Bulkhead accidentally destroying the pumpkin that Wasp and Sari picked out and Wasp playfully making fun of Bulkhead for it. Bulkhead's expression sored a little bit but soon brightened back up. From what Elita understood Wasp and Bulkhead were apart of the same platoon back when they were in Autobot boot camp, that Wasp wasn't the nicest of bots back then and that something happened that, from what she could infer from Bulkhead and Wasp's arguments was Wasp's fault, that Bulkhead and his best friend from boot camp wer sperated to never see each other again. It painfully reminded her of the friendship she once had with Optimus and Sentinel before Archa 7, but thankfully their time on Earth and with Sari's interference the two have begun the slow process of actually becoming friends.
When they got back to base the trio immediately started to think of what they should dress up as.
"Oh, Wasp, you should dress up as a fuzzy little bumblebee, since you know you're like a, well wasp, and bumblebees are like wasps but cuter and still pack a sting!"said Sari full of energy.
Bulkhead's face dropped and turned into one of somber while Wasp's flashed with anger for a moment.
"No," said Wasp bluntly and a little too quickly.
"Yeah Bumblebee did have quite the sting," whispered Bulkhead in a quite tone that no one else in the room heard.
Sari's smile faded upon seeing Wasp and Bulkhead's reactions.
"Or maybe you could go as a vampire?" asked Sari nervously.
"Of crouse I would," said Wasp whose expression immediately softened up.
After a few more hours and the team accidentally discovering Elita had a fear of spiders when Sari decided to prank her with a toy spider, Wasp, Sari and Bulkhead were all ready to go. Bulkhead had somehow found a sheet big enough to fit his whole body to complete his ghost costume and falling through with his promise Wasp was dressed as a vampire. Sari had said that her costume was a surprise so she didn't tell them what she was going as until she arrived fully dressed. Elita was definitely surprised when Sari showed up dressed up as her. A cardboard box was wrapped around her little buddy drawn and coloured to look like Elita's body and she was even wearing a blonde wig in a ponytail to emulate Elita's head.
After her failure on Archa 7 to save her best friend, someone she would dare to call her brother, Elita didn't think that anyone would be looking up to her, unless they were shorter than her which was true for Sari, but here Sari was dressed up as her to go trick or treating with the two youngest members of their team. Elita had said that she was flattered but she wasn't going with them.
It had only taken a few hours for everything to go to scrap. Elita was listening into Wasp and Bulkhead's conversation via their com links when she heard that Wasp had spotted something that resembled a giant spider. Upon hearing that Elita had immediately let her easdropping known and left for their current location.
Elita and Optimus were defending themselves from the giant organic spiders that were surrounding them from all sides. They had no other choice but to blow up the energon that was stored in the Decepticon warship. While escaping the explosion the worst happened. Optimus' grapple missed it's mark, which until then was something that had never happened, and the young autobot fell to his death. If it wasn't the explosion that killed him the spiders definitely did. Primus did Elita hope the explosion is what offlined her old friend and he wasn't eaten by the spiders.
Suddenly a giant spider dropped down in between Wasp and Bulkhead. Bulkhead was frozen in shock while Wasp immediately activated his stingers and took aim at the giant spider. Shocking everyone there even more than they already were the giant spider transformered into a 'bot. It transformered.
The first thing they noticed about the mech in front of them was that he had two long spider legs that shot up attached to his back and the back half of a spider attached to his waist. The mech was painted black and purple with gold highlights with some dark blue thrown in. The next thing they noticed was that he had four eyes, each glowing in a menacing red. The final thing the trio noticed was the Decepticon logo on his neck armor, the logo itself looked beaten up and had scratch marks all around like if the 'con had tried to remove it.
The 'con moved fast and in a blink of an optic was right in front of Wasp.
"Now hold still so my friend could actually see you this time!"yelled Wasp, calling Bulkhead had a bitter taste in his intake after everything he had did to him.
The 'con looked a Wasp lowering himself to the minibot's eye level. Wasp was taken aback by this, not just the fact the menacing 'con was now making eye contact with him but the look in the 'con's optics. Wasp didn't know how to describe it, the 'con somehow looked tired, angry, calm and sad at the same time.
"I'm not here for you two I'm here for something else, something that, probably wouldn't give me fully my old life back but something close, and an escape," said the 'con, even though he sounded calm on the surface but he underneath the calmness he sounded tired.
"I'm not sure we have what in the Pit you're talking about but we have nothing that could help you and if we did we won't help a 'con like you," spat Wasp taking aim at the larger bot in front of him.
The 'con laughed at the smaller bot's comment before turning his body to look at Sari. That was when it hit them he was after the key.
"You're not taking my friend's key!"yelled Bulkhead as he turned servo into a wrecking ball and started to go into place to swing it.
Before either of them could make a move the 'con had sturked them both with some kind of vemon that knocked them out.
"I wasn't asking," said the 'con coldly.
The 'con turned to the little girl and tried to give her a reassuring smile, which failed miserably seeing as that he had just knocked out two of her friends and he had razor sharp teeth.
"Don't worry they're not dead just unconscious," said the 'con as Sari tried to use her key to wake them up, "also my vemon is organic and the key of yours doesn't work on organics".
Sari looked up at the 'con that was towering her with fear in her eyes.
"What do you want?" Sari asked with wide eyes.
"I think I said that already, I'm looking for something to give me an escape and my old life back," said the 'con, "and I think that key of yours would be helpful in that".
Sari was unsure of what to think the 'con seemed genuinely upset about something and angry lashing out at anyone and anything. But, then again he had hurt her friends but they did went to attack him first.
The 'con dropped down on one knee to be closer to Sari's height. He tried to give her a soft soft smile before beginning to speak once more.
"The others back on the warship called me The Black Spider, I had a different designation a long time ago but now that's in the past," said Black Spider sounding genuinely sad while telling Sari he used to have a different name in the past.
Black Spider suddenly got up and went to grab Sari's but before he could Elita had arrived and tackled him to the ground. The two begun to fight with Black Spider pinning Elita to the side of the building.
"Look, Elita, I just want that key to try something," said Black Spider through gritted teeth.
Elita looked surprised for a moment before regaining her composure.
"How do you know my name?" Elita asked the larger 'bot.
"Everycon knows the name of the 'bot who supposedly defeated and offlined Megatron," said Black Spider but for a moment he also seemed surprised to be asked that.
Black Spider picked Elita up and threw her before making a break towards Sari. Black Spider used his webbing to tie Sari up before using it make to escape.
"Sorry, change of plans," said Black Spider to the frightened child.
Sari struggled against the 'con before Elita using Wasp's stings managed to hit Black Spider sending both of them crashing on the top of a building. Upon getting up Black Spider gently put Sari down onto the ground before using his webs to tie her to a wall. As soon as Elita landed the two immediately began to fight each other.
"I know all of your moves, Elita, pure textbook Autobot Academy," said Black Spider as he dodged all of Elita's attacks.
"Do I know you?" Elita asked genuinely confused on how he knew all her moves.
"I don't forget things as easily as you forget your friends!" Black Spider spat with venom in his voice, "but you did manage to remember Sentinel!".
Elita's energon ran cold as she finally recognized her combatten.
"Optimus?" Elita hesitatedly asked.
"Oh now you remember me, not that I blame you I look every different nowadays," said Black Spider sounding rather sad whilst confirming his identity to be that of Elita's long thought dead friend.
Elita took a step back her head was figuratively spinning because of this knew information. Elita looked saddened at the Decepticon symbol on his neck armor.
"I see you've joined the Decepticons," said Elita sadden to see her former friend join the Decepticons.
"Not like I had a choice in the matter!" Black Spider yelled dangerously close to breaking down while falling to his knees.
Elita approached her former friend and placed her hands on his shoulders in other to comfort him. Elita took note of how he flinched when she placed her hands on his shoulders. She will hurt whoever made him so afraid.
"Then tell me, old friend what happened?" Elita asked with genuine care and sadness in her voice.
Black Spider embraced into Elita's touch. Elita could tell that Black Spider was severely touch starved. Elita was definitely going to hurt someone. When Black Spider remained silent Elita asked again.
"Who did this to you?"
"That son of a glitch Decepticon scientist, Shockwave, he did this to me!" Black Spider yelled.
Black Spider wrapped both of his arms around Elita's stomach area and pulled her into a tight hug. This was a genuinely distressing for Sari to watch. She wondered what kind of horrors took place during the war that the others didn't tell her.
"After I fell, I tried my best to fend off the spiders but eventually a good number of them bit me sinking their venom into my body, I should have died, but instead I went into a sort of stasis lock mode, and when I awoke I was in a laboratory strapped to a medical breth with a purple warframe with one optic and clawed servos
"I immediately recognized that he was a victim of the empurata procedure, which has been banned by the high council after the war had ended so I knew that he was an old 'bot that likely has been around since before the war, I later learnt that his name was Shockwave, I slipped in and out of conscience for the next few solar cycles and each time I woke up I was different, he turned me into some techno-organic freak!
"After being fully situated with my 'new and improved', as he called it, body they branded me with the decepticon logo and forced me to be one of them, I didn't want to but I had no choice because even if I somehow escaped I would never be expected back into Autobot society as part organic, you know how much the others hate anything organic," Black Spider explained sounding like he was going to snap any moment.
Black Spider's story was a truly upsetting one to hear. Sari was shock to find out that most Cybertronians hate organics but was thankful that she meant the ones that did like them. Sari felt truly bad for Black Spider and wished she could help him, maybe she'll let him try use the key on himself to see if it could restore his original body or at least fix his broken mind, even then Sari knew you can't just magic away trauma.
"Nonsense you were practically Ultra Magnus' sparkling even before we joined Autobot Academy together," said Elita whilst giving her broken friend a hug.
"No, he would be the first to say that they need to lock me up and experiment on me," said Black Spider looking up at Elita from where he was kneeling.
Elita looked away from her old friend, she didn't know Ultra Magnus how he would take something like this or respond to it.
"Look, Optimus-".
"It's Black Spider now,".
"Black Spider, there's always a place for you in team E-1, I'm sure the others wouldn't mind, I'm sure they'll give you a nice warm welcome, maybe not Wasp but I'm sure with some encouragement from the others he'll come around," said Elita to the kneeling mech and saying the last bit with Wasp with slight humor.
Black Spider looked up at Elita before beginning to raise.
"Maybe one day I'll take you up on that offer, but for now I'll like to figure things out on my own," replied Black Spider.
Soon after getting up and unbinding Sari from the wall he left. Elita looked guilt ridden, angry and sad, mostly sad though. Sari felt like Elita wouldn't want to talk about what had just happened so for now Optimus being Black Spider and the Cybertronian equivalent of a human experiment was going to be a secret between the two of them, at least until Elita was ready to talk.
The two made their way down the building just when Bulkhead and Wasp arrived.
"Aww come on, we missed the action!" exclaimed Wasp.
The two females didn't say anything to Bulkhead and Wasp which tipped them off to the fact that they didn't want to talk about whatever had happened. Without a word Elita transformed into vehicle mode while Sari claimed into Bulkhead and begun their trip back to the plant and Bulkhead's to Sumdac Tower to drop Sari off.
"Hey Bulkhead, how would you take it if one day your best friend whom you thought was dead suddenly showed up one day and was a decepticon?" Sari asked the large 'bot.
"I would never recover from the fact my best friend was a decepticon and spend way too long grieving over the person I thought I knew," replied Bulkhead thinking about his boot camp days.
'That is what I've been doing for stellar cycles now,' Bulkhead mentally added.
Sari fell silent and the rest of the ride was like that in complete silence. Both Sari and Elita hoped that sooner rather than later Black Spider would take Elita's offer of becoming a member of the team up.
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rocketyship · 8 months
That poll is so hard to vote for cause on one hand, it feels like Tiff would fit the best because of her incredibly unreliable narration matching Ted's while it would still be a subversion of the original because of the reason why she's unreliable(rose tinted glasses and extreme devotion to BE as opposed to the stuff Ted's got going on) and her pov on and relationship with BE would just be so fun to see explored and the horror of the situation being a subtle thing thats swept under the rug could be so cool.
But on the other, Evan would also kinda match with the original due to his open emotional distance and disconnect from the girls, AND it would bring a lot of fun, fresh stuff! Seems like Evan is the one who pays most attention to AM, and seeing what's happening there from his pov would be so interesting! He, just like Ellen if she would've narrated could bring up how things like being the only one of the opposite sex and gender in the group and (from what we know from the short story at least) only dark skinned person would like.. idk change perspectives on things?? I'd also love to find out more about him!
Oh, not to mention Naomi!! Having narration that is pretty damn reliable would make worldbuilding and exploration much easier and she's also got that disconnect due to her age and crystal clear memory, being able to see things as they are and were could be really refreshing in a ihnmaims universe and i really want to know what her whole deal is! Being born toward the end of the war must've made quite a difference to how a person would process everything, Ted's whole "I'm youngest so my experience is different because i barely had time to live as an adult before the nukes" wouldn't have shit on someone who wasn't even like... done w puberty.
Ooooh they'd all make for such fun narrators 😭 It's really too bad that writing takes so much time and effort or it would've been amazing to see all three's povs! I still don't know what to vote for or how the results are looking so far but im really looking forward to seeing what the results will lead to!
Maybe you have a character you have the most ideas for or would like to write most? Cause if so, that'd def help me choose what to vote.
Sorry for the wall of text(would you believe me if i said i wanted to write more? This is me trying to show restraint, didn't even write about the potential AM could have as a narrator), and i hope you have a good day!
Okay so first off, I love-love-love this response. You have such fun perspectives on these silly little au characters of mine and it makes me a little sad that you didn’t write anymore cause I definitely would have read it, especially what you were thinking about what an interesting narrator AM could be.
As to which character I have the most ideas for, is such a difficult thing to answer cause well I have so-so many. But I do want to put them out there for you so here they are:
Tiffany: narration wise, I imagine the stuff she says can and does come across as nonsensical and border line trigger happy, however sometimes she occasionally lets something slip that clues into her true feelings and that a part of her may indeed be aware of the gravity of the groups situation, however she shuts it down as she has severe attachment issues and cannot fathom how she could possibly survive without BE. Another thing I pictured is that she very often quotes the bible and other religious texts, as BE doesn’t present herself as machine and genuinely as a divine entity. I also have been toying with a scene similar to the one in the radio drama, where AM is talking to Ted about bumblebees and getting high r something. Where it is set up as the reverse. BE showing Tiff the horrors of what the radiation and world has come to (in a way that is seriously deceptive) and claiming that all she has to do is snap her fingers for it to return. It would definitely read as a story where there is total tonal whiplash from one scene to the next, so that is something to consider.
Evan: I have come up with so many pasts for all these survivors before they were “rescued” by BE, however one thing to note is that I don’t really think of these characters as just “genderbent versions of the originals”. Evan is one of the key examples of this, as in this au he is technically the original Ellen’s older brother, however he left home when she was around 12-13ish, as he didn’t like the life, college and job his family set out and tried to push him into. Unlike Ellen who was a successful engineer, who may have been a hopeless romantic based on the original text. Evan was and very much still is kind of a massive party animal. I picture him very punk but like the old kind of punk. Like he was the kind of guy to go motorcycling around the country (even into war-devastated bits, cause it was a thrill), he went to underground clubs and concerts, and sure as heck slept around and had no shame in it (both women and men if you are curious). He doesn’t want to get sentimental, he wants to live his life on the edge and BE doesn’t allow that. He constantly tries to upset her, get some kind of intense reaction from her. He tries to escape, he kicks and tries to tear open parts of her internal network. This man has tried to kill Gloria (Gloria kind of deserves it thou) and the only reactions he gets from BE is her finding him cute, amusing, or as if he just needs to be put in a corner to calm down for a bit. Truthfully he is someone who just wants to go back and experience life again, recognising that BE’s utopia isn’t living and refusing to buy into it.
Naomi: I won’t lie, Nimdok is so boring in the og story, and they definitely tried to do “something” with him in the game. I don’t like it, again different ramble. So like Evan, she is a different person. Like you said she has barely started puberty and because of BE neither her body or even her mind has really aged in anyway and she is horribly aware of this. Due to the war she has had her childhood taken from her, but now because of BE she shall never experience adulthood or growing up. Her memory hardly anything particularly helpful. She remembers exactly what BE did to the others when they first got brought to the compound, she has seen what goes down in the labs, she knows what pills are and aren’t sleeping pills, developing a habit where she will pretend to take one and spit it out if she is able to. As stated in the survivors master post, she knows BE’s blind spots and will often go there on her own. Not really to do anything, just kind of sit around. Further more, she and Evan have a way of communicating, number of blinks, which fingers moved when you spoke to them, that kind of stuff. Still she doesn’t want to escape, she knows she’ll die if she does, generally she acts more like a mediator in the group. As a narrator, I did have this idea for a few odd habits she has learned over the years. Example is that she constantly counting, time and routine is import to her, as she notices when something is wrong and that freaks her out. She also has this habit of just staring at the others for very long periods of time, especially Gloria. She clearly remembers seeing her on tv during her old life, and also remembers how she attacked her when Naomi attempted to mention it to Gloria.
Writing does take so much effort, especially for me, cause truthfully I’m always jumping back and forth on what I’m working on. On top of this au and the fic, I’m also in the process of finishing the final script and sketches for a different web comic I’ve been planning for a while, as well as a completely unrelated world building project that I’ve been at for two years now. Anyhow!! Tell me more please
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dollpuppets · 4 months
It's take two au is made by @pjberribear
Who wanted to make a project and here I'm working with her or him in the works.
I've wanted to add Allie Sweetie in the role in the au as the background character but it's so tricky now that Julie is a role of Rose and he'll have to be another character in the au! Probably a fitting as the boss character the bumblebee queen or other background character. I also imagined hecould be their youngest child and an a sibling of julie. But Rose is the only child in the original story. This is tricky to find him a place that he be role as. So I've made a poll to think he should be the best in this project.
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