#look jack is that friendly spooky child
witchofthesouls · 1 year
Because I love the TFP!Other!AU, here’s more shenanigans.
:: Ratchet. :: Bulkhead commed.
:: Bulkhead, I’m busy. And nothing better be broken in that room. ::
:: Do humans have crotch unicorns? ::
Raf complained for a moment in his arm before tucking back into sleep. The tiny dragon didn’t like it when he hauled the newspark by the scruff and booked it to the open area, but Ratchet refused to leave the metal-eater unattended by his welding equipment.
The sparklings were curled upon the nest of scavenged cushions. Ravens squawked at the medic’s run, glossy feathers ruffling before back down into Jack’s neck. Miko was chewing on her plushie, the material squeaking with every bite. Both of them deeply fascinated by the TV as was Bulkhead but with morbid curiosity and horrified disgust.
On the screen, there was a dissected teddy bear with actual organs with soft piano music and calm narration over the “surgeon” taking a scalpel into something soft and squishy: “What is wrong with teddy’s courage? The doctor looks inside teddy’s courage sack.”
Bulkhead made a high-pitched noise as a gloved hand pulled out cockroaches from the spilling organ. “Oh look, teddy is riddled with fear. He is afraid. Look at what fear does to your courage sack!” 
“Poor teddy,” Jack said, stroking a raven in his lap. Red eyes glinting and feathers warping as it chuffed and allowed metal fingers to scratch its head. “That’s too much fear for a little thing.”
Miko’s squeak get faster, wings flicking.
“No. The doctor replaces with it curiosity, but Chickadee says a little fear is good for your health.”
“Where’s the remote!?” Ratchet shouted. Of course, the screen paused when the “doctor” was searching the massive heart that was far larger than the toy itself. 
“Aww, we didn’t see teddy’s heart’s heart.”
“No. No more. This was supposed to be an animal playlist.” Ratchet clicked back, eyeing the channel name: Ze Frank and the numerous True Facts videos.
“But bears are animals,” Jack wheedled.
“Kid got you there.” Bulkhead commented.
“Don’t you dare start with me,” Ratchet pointed his digit to the Wrecker and then turned to sparklings. “Alright, shower time. Up, up, up.”
Miko shrieked excitedly at her favorite set of words, dashing away and leaving behind a fluttering mess of blankets and a well-chewed squishmallow that every so slowly plumped itself back its original shape. Both of the mechs quietly shuddered at it. Her squeals echoed throughout the base as she raced to the shower rack. 
Jack hopped down and silently landed with a quick use of anti-gravs, following at a far more leisurely pace by the medic’s side. Bulkhead already pulled ahead to keep Miko from swinging from the water locks, utilized due to the incident of the pink-plated femme flooding the base when everyone else was asleep or focused elsewhere.
“Can we listen to the radio in there?”
“That’s fine.” Ratchet replied, absentmindedly readjusting Raft as the Predacon sneezed.
“Can I choose the station?”
Ratchet internally winced because Jack had a peculiar talent of tuning into nonexistent stations -ominous words, weather reports that were stranger songs, and senses left lopsided with cold sweats, insomnia, and, in Bumblebee’s case, the inability to speak in nothing but clips by the hosts’ voices or a disturbing tone of white noise.
“Not this time, there’s a podcast I want to catch up on.”
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Halloween Movie Marathon.
fictober masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this one gives me all the feels, ngl, what i would do to have a cuddle on the sofa with harry.
word count - 3.3k
in which, it's your first halloween where your children finally understand the concept of what it is, after having taken them out trick or treating, the four of you all cuddle up on the sofa, hot coco in one hand whilst the other dips in and out of there sweet bucket, a movie marathon where the films are child friendly halloween films which both you and your husband can't wait to show your children, creating not only a family tradition but memories to last a lifetime.
trope: husband!harry
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On a crisp and moonlit Halloween night, you and your husband Harry excitedly prepared for a tradition you'd been waiting for since your children were born: taking Malachai, your four-year-old, and Winnie, your freshly turned two-year-old daughter, out for their first real trick-or-treating experience.
The excitement was palpable in your household as you helped your little ones into their carefully selected costumes.
Malachai's face lit up with joy as he twirled around in his Batman suit, a reflection of his unyielding enthusiasm for all things superhero. His deep blue cape fluttered dramatically behind him as he posed with a playful grin, ready to conquer the night.
Winnie, on the other hand, had been dressed as Wednesday Addams, a character she seemed to have an innate connection with, despite her tender age.
She didn’t really smile a lot, only when she was near her father, the two of them had an exceptionally close bond.
The tiny, sombre costume suited her perfectly, with a jet-black dress, pale makeup, and her dark hair held in two braided pigtails. She looked both adorable and eerie, a striking contrast that only added to her charm.
As you stepped out into the cool, autumn evening, the streets were alive with the flickering glow of jack-o'-lanterns and the sounds of excited children and their parents.
Your little family joined the Halloween revelry, with Malachai leading the way, exuberantly shouting, "Trick or treat!" at each house you visited.
He expertly wielded his plastic Batmobile bucket, a constant companion throughout the evening, eagerly awaiting candy from each doorstep.
Winnie, being at the tender age of two, was just starting to grasp the concept of Halloween. She clung to your hand, her big green eyes (much like her fathers) filled with curiosity and a hint of wariness, occasionally practising her very own version of "trick or treat" in the sweetest toddler lisp. Her tiny fingers couldn't quite manage the task of holding a candy bag, so you and Harry took turns collecting her treats.
The decorations adorning the houses in your neighbourhood were nothing short of breathtaking. Cobwebs, pumpkins, and eerie silhouettes of witches and ghosts adorned every porch. Your little ones were enthralled by the captivating displays, each one sparking their imaginations as you ventured from one house to the next.
As the night wore on, a gentle chill settled in, prompting you to pause at a neighbor's fire pit where families gathered, toasting marshmallows and sharing spooky stories.
Malachai and Winnie marvelled at the dancing flames, their faces illuminated with the warm glow of the fire. It was in moments like these that you cherished the closeness of your family.
After several hours of trick-or-treating, the excitement began to give way to sleepy yawns and drooping eyelids. Malachai's candy bucket had grown heavy with the spoils of the night, while Winnie's adorable little face was smeared with chocolate from her first-ever Halloween treat. You decided it was time to head back home.
Walking hand in hand, you strolled back through the now quiet streets, your hearts full of love for your little superheroes and the charmingly spooky Wednesday Addams. With Malachai's cape fluttering in the breeze and Winnie's pigtails swaying, it was a Halloween night that you would cherish for years to come,
As you step through the front door, a warmth envelops you, not just from the inviting atmosphere of your home but from the joy and contentment of your Halloween adventure with Malachai and Winnie.
Harry, with a gentle smile, looks at you and says, "M’gonna get t’kids changed into their cosy pyjamas, and y’can work y’magic on the hot cocoa. They're going t’love it."
He leans down to pick up Winnie, who snuggles into his neck with her tiny Wednesday Addams costume. She clings to his shirt, and her tired eyes still hold a glimmer of excitement from the night's adventure. Malachai, gripping his plastic Batmobile bucket, eagerly extends his hand to Harry, who takes it with a reassuring squeeze.
"Okay, y’two," Harry says as he starts to make his way up the stairs with the kids in tow. "S’time t’get into y’warm PJs and then we'll come down f’a treat with Mommy."
Winnie, in her sleepy state, mumbles something unintelligible but content into Harry's neck, and Malachai excitedly chatters about his favorite houses and the candies he collected. You can hear their footsteps gradually ascending the stairs as they disappear from view, leaving you alone in the cozy living room, already picturing the smiles on their faces when they taste the hot cocoa.
He makes his way to Winnie's bedroom with his precious Wednesday Addams in tow. The room is bathed in a soft, comforting glow from the nightlight, casting gentle shadows that dance on the walls.
He eases her out of her costume, chuckling softly as she fumbles with the little buttons and zippers.
"Y’doing great, m’sunshine," he encourages her, his deep voice filled with warmth.
Winnie's little diaper-clad bottom wiggles as she chooses her own pyjamas from her drawer. Her tiny hands reach for the set with pumpkins, as if she instinctively knows that it's Halloween. She tugs the pyjamas out and turns to her father, holding them up with a proud grin.
Harry can't help but smile at her choice.
"Pumpkins, huh? S’perfect f’tonight, m’little pumpkin," he says, bending down to scoop her up in his arms. Her small frame is light and warm against him, and he revels in the sweet scent of her baby shampoo and the feeling of her little arms wrapping around his neck.
With gentle precision, he helps her slide into her pumpkin pajamas, making sure every button is secure.
"There you go, all set," he whispers, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. Winnie nestles into her father's arms, feeling safe and cosy in her Halloween-themed sleepwear.
With Winnie all set in her cosy pumpkin pyjamas, Harry turns his attention to his energetic four-year-old superhero, Malachai.
"Alright’, buddy," he grins, sweeping Malachai up in his arms. "S’go t’y’room."
Malachai's face lights up with excitement as he's carried off, his tiny Batmobile bucket still clutched in his hand. His little heart races with the anticipation of choosing his pajamas. Harry gently lowers him onto his lap, their faces almost level, and begins to help him out of the Batman costume.
As he peels back the cape and unzips the suit, Malachai can't help but giggle.
"Daddy, I got so many candies!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.
Harry chuckles, ruffling his son's hair. "I saw that, buddy! Y’were an amazing Batman out there."
With the costume finally off, Harry tells Malachai,
"Okay, go ahead and pick out your pyjamas." Malachai doesn't need a second invitation; he eagerly darts off to his dresser, a whirlwind of excitement and enthusiasm.
In a matter of seconds, he's back, holding up a pair of Batman-themed pajamas, complete with a little Bat-Signal on the shirt. Harry can't help but laugh at his son's choice. "Well, I should've guessed you'd pick those, m’little superhero."
Malachai grins from ear to ear as he hands over the pajamas to his dad, ready for the last transformation of the night before they both head downstairs to enjoy the hot cocoa and some Halloween treats.
As Harry is helping Malachai change into his Batman pyjamas, he suddenly hears a commotion coming from the nearby bedroom. Laughter and the sound of fabric rustling are unmistakable signs that Winnie is up to something.
He gently advises Malachai, "Almost done, buddy. Just a moment."
He heads to Winnie's room, where he finds his little Wednesday Addams in the midst of a rather energetic quilt-throwing exercise. Quilt pieces lie strewn about, and her mischievous giggles fill the room.
With an amused smile, Harry asks her, "Win, what are y’doing, sweetie?"
Winnie looks up, her big green eyes holding a glint of mischief, and she simply replies, "Bored."
Harry chuckles at her honesty, realising that she's probably looking for some excitement after the adventure of trick-or-treating.
He kneels down and gently gathers her into his arms. "Well, how about we go downstairs and have some hot cocoa? Would that be more exciting than bothering your lovely bed?"
Winnie nods, her pumpkin pyjamas crinkling with the movement.
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Fifteen minutes have passed since you and Harry managed to get the little ones settled into their cozy pajamas and had some quality bonding time. Now, the living room is a hub of activity as the two of you prepare for a movie night to round off Halloween in style.
You've both changed into your comfortable pajamas, creating an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation. Harry wears a simple t-shirt and shorts, while you've slipped into a pair of his boxers and one of his well-worn t-shirts that still carries the scent of his cologne. It's a comforting aroma that wraps around you like a familiar embrace, making you feel even closer to him.
Together, you're setting up the living room for the perfect movie night. The TV is on, casting a soft, inviting glow across the room. A cozy blanket is spread out on the couch, waiting to envelop you both in its warmth as the night progresses.
In the kitchen, you can hear the gentle hum of the microwave as the popcorn starts to pop. The tantalizing scent of buttered popcorn fills the air, promising a delectable treat for the evening's entertainment.
With the popcorn timer set, you and Harry adjust the cushions on the couch, fluffing them up for maximum comfort. The remote control rests on the coffee table, ready to transport you to the world of your chosen Halloween movie.
Harry glances at you and grins.
"M’gonna come with y’t’ get t’hot cocoa, so we don't have t’keep getting up during t’movies," he suggests, knowing that once you're all settled in on the couch, it's best to minimise interruptions.
You nod in agreement and turn toward Malachai and Winnie, who are perched on the couch, their eyes fixed on the TV.
"Alright, kiddos," you say playfully, "we'll be right back. Be good for a minute."
Malachai nods, his little Batman eyes shining with excitement, and Winnie gives you a mischievous grin.
"Behave, you two," you say, smirking at them, knowing that their idea of "being good" might be open to interpretation.
In the cosy kitchen, you and Harry stand side by side, the scent of popcorn filling the air as the microwave hums to life. The sound of kernels popping is rhythmic, a soothing backdrop to the conversation between you two.
As you prepare the popcorn, Harry can't resist leaning in and brushing a playful kiss to your cheek.
"Y’know," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye, "you wearing m’shirt does something t’me."
You chuckle and play along. "Oh, does it now? And what might that be?"
Harry's lips curl into a gentle smile as he takes a step closer.
"Well," he begins, "it makes m’want t’hold y’like this." He wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into a warm embrace.
You feel your heart flutter at his touch and tilt your head toward him, resting it on his shoulder.
"What else?" you ask, curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Harry's warm breath tickles your ear as he continues, "It makes m’want t’kiss y’until we forget all about the movie night."
His words are filled with affection and desire, and you can't help but blush. The microwave dings, signalling that the popcorn is ready, and you both turn your attention to the hot cocoa.
You grab the mugs and pour the steaming chocolatey goodness, while Harry retrieves a can of whipped cream from the fridge. As you finish garnishing the cocoa, you feel his presence close behind you.
He places a soft kiss on your temple and whispers, "And y’laugh, especially in m’shirt, s’m’favorite sound."
You turn to face him, sharing a sweet, lingering kiss as you exchange mugs, ready to head back to the living room with the popcorn and hot cocoa, cherishing this tender moment and the love that surrounds you.
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The living room is now perfectly set up for a family movie night. The soft glow of the TV illuminates the room, casting a cozy atmosphere that envelops you all. Winnie's choice for the evening is "Hotel Transylvania," and it's playing on the screen. She's curled up on her father's lap, a warm blanket cocooning her tiny form.
As the movie begins, you can't help but smile at the sight. Winnie's eyes are wide with wonder as she watches the colourful characters on the screen. Harry wraps his arms protectively around her, his gentle voice whispering, "S’this y’favourite movie, sweetheart?"
Winnie nods, her sleepy eyes twinkling with delight, and she snuggles deeper into her father's embrace.
On the other side of the couch, Malachai is cuddled up against you, his little head resting on your shoulder. He clutches his favourite superhero plushie tightly in his hand, occasionally glancing at the screen with rapt attention.
The atmosphere is filled with warmth, love, and the soft sounds of the movie, punctuated by the occasional giggle from Winnie.
The movie progresses, and as the characters in "Hotel Transylvania" embark on their comical adventures, a series of shared giggles and gasps fills the room.
Winnie, with her fascination for the animated world on the screen, occasionally points at the characters, and Harry, ever the doting father, indulges her by asking, "Do y’like Dracula, sweetie?"
Winnie grins widely, her tiny face alight with excitement, and nods, "Dracula funny!"
Meanwhile, Malachai is engrossed in the movie's action, his big brown eyes wide as he follows every twist and turn. He occasionally snuggles closer to you, as if seeking comfort during the slightly spooky scenes.
As the family settles in, you reach for the bowl of popcorn and hand a piece to Malachai, who takes it eagerly and munches away, the crunch of popcorn providing a delightful background sound to the film.
With a warm, contented sigh, you nuzzle your son's hair and steal a quick glance at Harry and Winnie. You can't help but appreciate these quiet, precious moments when it's just the four of you, lost in a world of animated monsters and a shared love that binds you.
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Midway through the movie, as the animated characters face a comical conundrum, Malachai can no longer resist the allure of the candies he's collected during the night.
He sneaks a hand into his Batmobile bucket, selects a piece, and with a sly grin, he turns to you, his wide eyes shining. "Mommy, want a candy?"
You can't help but chuckle at his irresistible charm and accept the candy he offers. After taking the treat, you lean in, gently pressing a soft kiss to his button-like nose. He lets out a joyful giggle at the unexpected display of affection, his heart warmed by the simple gesture.
With the candy indulged, you both return your attention to the movie. The lively characters on the screen continue their quirky adventures, and the living room echoes with shared laughter and the occasional gasp at the on-screen antics.
Harry, from his spot across the room, watches with a fond smile. His heart swells with love as he sees the bond between you and Malachai, a mother and son sharing moments of pure joy.
He can't help but chime in, "Hey, don't forget to save some candy for me!"
Malachai grins and offers the candy bucket to his father, who selects a piece with a playful wink.
As "Hotel Transylvania" nears its conclusion, it's evident that the long and exciting day of Halloween adventures has taken its toll on the little ones.
Malachai, his eyelids growing heavier with every passing moment, has shifted from his snug spot at your side to rest his head on his father's lap.
Winnie, nestled under her blanket and clutching her favourite plush toy, is in a half-dreamy state as she gazes at the screen.
The movie's ending is met with a quiet stillness in the room, punctuated only by the gentle, even breaths of your two precious superheroes.
The soft glow of the TV paints a warm, comforting picture. Harry smiles down at Malachai, who is slowly surrendering to sleep, and he gently strokes his son's hair, a loving and protective father's touch.
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In the quiet moments of the evening, the soft lamplight casts a warm, gentle glow in the living room. The day's activities have left Winnie tired but still full of curiosity and energy. She's been trying to settle on her fathers lap like she does most nights but now she has a different kind of need.
As you sit comfortably on the couch, Winnie's inquisitive spirit takes over.
She crawls over to your lap, her bright eyes filled with a mix of innocence and desire.
She pauses in front of you, gazing up with a look that seems to convey, "Mommy, can I?"
You smile down at her, understanding her silent request. In response, you lovingly adjust your position, allowing her to crawl onto your lap. Her tiny hands, warm and soft, reach for your shirt, her fingers fumbling to lift it up.
You ask her, "Do you want some mommy milk, sweetie?"
Winnie's face lights up with a happy nod, and she whines softly as her efforts to lift your shirt all the way are met with a bit of difficulty. Her determination to satisfy her hunger is apparent, and her love for "mummy milk" is a testament to the special bond between a mother and her child.
With a gentle, motherly touch, you guide her to your breast, and she latches on with eager determination. As she begins to feed, you brush her soft hair away from her face and stroke her cheek. The connection between you two deepens, and in this intimate moment, you cherish the unique and profound love you share.
As your youngest settles into her peaceful breastfeeding session, the living room is not devoid of activity.
On the sofa, you can see Harry and your eldest still seated together.
Malachai's eyes are heavy, his little body leaning comfortably against his father. The remnants of their family movie night are visible in the traces of popcorn that litter the coffee table.
Malachai glances up at his father, his sleepy gaze meeting Harry's warm, tender eyes.
With a quiet understanding, he says, "Daddy, I love our family."
Harry's heart swells with love, and he replies, "I love our family too, buddy. And y’know what? We're all so lucky t’have Mommy, aren't we?"
Malachai smiles, his sleepy face lit up with affection. "Yeah, we're the luckiest. And Winnie's lucky too."
Harry chuckles softly. "Y’absolutely right, m’little superhero."
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The night has fallen, and the house is immersed in a comforting stillness. You and Harry have just put both Malachai and Winnie to bed, their innocent faces wrapped in the embrace of slumber.
The room is now your own, and the two of you lay side by side in the cosy intimacy of your double bed.
Harry, the moonlight gently caressing his features, turns to you with a thoughtful look.
"Do y’ever think about trying f’another baby?" he asks, his voice laced with curiosity.
Harry's question hangs in the air, you go quiet, and a small, enigmatic smile plays on your lips. Harry notices your silence and turns his head to look at you, his eyes searching for your thoughts.
“S’that smile for?" he asks with a curious, quizzical expression.
You take a deep breath, your heart beating a little faster, and with a soft chuckle, you say, "I don't think there's much 'trying' to do."
His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment, but then your hand gently guided his, placing it on your stomach. As he feels the gentle, subtle curve of your belly under his touch, realisation dawns in his eyes, and his gaze locks onto yours.
A beautiful mix of emotions washes over him, and with a joyful and surprised grin, he whispers, "Are y’saying...?"
You nod, your eyes shining with love and happiness. "Yes, H, we're going to have another baby."
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A Different Path AU Halloween headcanon post!
-He always has the best candy and all the kids in his apartment complex always stop by his apartment to trick or treat he also has a separate bowl for kids with allergies that's full of silly little Halloween toys (and yes he'll also give a handful of the toys to kids without allergies).
-When he's not dealing with trick or treaters he's binge watching any horror movie that catches his intrest.
-He used to dress up a lot as a kid when he lived with Gray and he still tries to dress up but if Halloween ends up on a work day he just takes things easy that day.
-When Rachel (and eventually Eddie) come to live with him his apartment will be spookified and he and his two adoptive siblings absolutely love it. The decorations don't get taken down until the end of the first week of November.
-He will also join Eddie and Rachel for trick or treating to not only keep an eye on them and keep them safe but he will also carry one of them if they get to tired from all the walking.
-Suprisingly Zack knows how to do makeup(*coughs*heusedtovoluteerforhauntedhousesasakidandtheotheractorstaughthim*coughs*)and he helps both of the kids be as scary or as cool/cute as they wanna be.
-Only Rachel and Eddie get full size candy bars from him shh don't tell anyone.
-She hand makes her costume and she always looks amazing even Cathy and Lucy is impressed by it.
-She and Eddie have a mini rivalry every Halloween to see how much candy each of them can get they always come home with their bags full and one of them is being carried home by Zack.
-She makes a lot of hand made decorations as soon as October starts.
-He is either Scary Spooky or Cute Spooky there is no in-between fear his power.
-He makes mini gravestones with silly Halloween-esce descriptions like "here lies Johnny who died of fright" or "I told you I was sick". And he decorates the apartment (then later home) with these little tombstones, He also makes sure they're lightweight cause the first time he made one he put it on a table and the table broke.
-Has the most energy out of all of them and tends to last the longest on trick or treating but does sometimes end up being carried by Zack because he tired himself out.
-FULL SIZE CANDY BARS (he's a doctor he can get away with it)
-doesn't really decorate besides a few simple decorations and a jack o' lantern (that changes when he meets Zack, Rachel and Eddie).
-He like Zack, Just takes things easy when Halloween falls on a work day and he'll either be reading a book or watching a scary movie or two.
-he doesn't really dress up and hasn't since he was a child the most he'll do is wear a little devil horn headband or something along those lines that is until he meets Zack and the others.
-He owns a silly little jack o lantern themed Mug thay was given to him by a coworker a few years ago and he breaks it out every October it's become a tradition for him to use it but it doesn't get much use outside of that month.
-The coolest Reverend on the block he personally always gives out candy on Halloween.
-The church has all of the typical wholesome halloween decorations as well as family friendly activities. The parents are grateful for a safe place to trick or treat and the kids get to have fun so it's a win win.
-Also serves free food as well as runs a food drive for anyone who wishes to donate.
- Can't help a smile as Zack and his adoptive siblings stop by to make their own donation as well as just check in with Gray.
Cathy and Lucy:
-You know how some malls will hold an event so the kids can go trick or treating there? Yeah that's what they do but they're part of a business strip. The entire strip has all agreed that every Halloween they'll give out candy and be a safe place to trick or treat at for families and they get a lot of foot traffic because or it.
-Couple costumes and it's all hand made by themselves. One year they went as witches and everyone loved those outfits so much that the outfits became exclusive Halloween outs that they only sold/made in mid September to mid October.
-Those jelly stickers you put on windows? Yep those are put on their boutiques windows as well as a few decorative pumpkins.(they make sure to use only the cutest ones because they do have an image they like to uphold.)
-They will always dress up for Halloween no matter what day it falls upon and when things finally wind down they'll close up shop,head home and watch a movie or two before bed.
-Rachel and Eddie during October if they're not doing homework they're either making Halloween decorations,are planning/making their costumes,route for trick or treating, or are planning on how to decorate their home.
-Zack does let Rachel and Eddie watch horror movies but he makes sure to keep the really bad(I.E. the most violent and not safe for kids AT ALL) away from them and mostly sticks to the classics plus they're not allowed to watch said movies past a certain time just in case.
-Zack and Danny are the only two people who can and will rip out pumpkin guts with their bare hands(Zack always removed his bandages to do this) everyone either has to use the scooper or have Zack or Danny gut their pumpkin for them. Danny and Gray later bake the seeds for a snack.
-when Zack,Rachel and Eddie get home from a night of trick or treating he makes them go put on Pajamas and they all watch one or two of the family friendly Halloween movies a tradition Zack has had ever since he was a kid and Rachel and Eddie always love it. They love it even more when Zack makes them hot chocolate if it was an especially cold(and/or rainy) night. Rachel and Eddie also tend to fall asleep on Zack and he carries them both to bed without a second thought.
-Gray learned to love Halloween thanks to Zack (Halloween is Zack's favorite holiday) and he looks forward to it every year especially since everyone comes to visit the church to hang out for a bit and enjoy the festivities.
-When Danny and Zack eventually start dating they do couple costumes and they both tend to go absolutely ham on it. They both always have a lot of fun with it as well. Sometimes they even do group costumes with Rachel and Eddie and Danny is grateful that he gets to join such a loving and fun family.
-Speaking of dating when Zack and his siblings eventually move in with Danny his house is not spared from Eddie and Rachel's decorating escapades. Danny is actually roped into helping out which he doesn't mind at all and has a lot of fun with, a lot more than he thought he would. He's also very amused by the mini graveyard Eddie has set up in the front lawn. Once they're done Danny has to take several pictures as this is the most his house has ever been decorated since he moved in!
-Once the kids are in bed after an eventful Halloween night both Danny and Zack go back to watching horror movies cuddled up on the couch drinking tea and hot chocolate respectively with Zack drinking out of Danny's silly jack o' lantern mug which eventually becomes Zack's (he loves it so much he thinks it's hilarious) and it makes Danny smile as he's glad to see that mug not only getting more use, it's also making Zack happy as well.
-Everyone visits Cathy and Lucy on Halloween to not only show off their costumes (some of which were made by them way ahead of time) but to trick or treat and hang out. If it's a rainy Halloween and not many people are out the girls close up shop and everyone heads to Danny's home for snacks and Halloween movies and essentially have their own mini Halloween party.
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Yeah jdndnd
That reminds me—I had a bit of an idea for a spooky month oc?
I'm thinking about naming him Andrew. But Andrew is around 25 years old. And his dad, wanting to keep control of him, has basically been not letting him ever leave the house ever and has blacked him from seeing the outside world and it's knowledge. His dad constantly tells him it's just because of how dangerous it is and that he wants to protect him, so Andrew doesn't ever question him. But due to the way he has been raised, Andrew is mentally the age of a child and is incredibly naive. He is energetic, happy-go-lucky, and innocent and friendly. But he is way too trusting and is kind of stupid due to the zero knowledge his dad gave him. But one night, he escapes on accident kinda? He gets curious when he sees the outside world through the window, and decided to open it so he can crawl out and see it all for himself, but he plans on going back to the dads house after he just "takes a look around". However he ends up staying out longer than planned, and is then found by Jack and John who question him after seeing him just walking out of the forest with no shoes on and looking like he hasn't seen the light of day in years.
This poor guy... I like him but someone get him a textbook
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
 Note! This list doesn’t judge SCPs off of their morals, personality, utility, or overall Objective Goodness. This list is a judge of whether or not I think the SCP would care for, look after, or otherwise benefit c!Tommy with its presence. List is under the Read More and is purely personal opinion. 
#1: SCP-682
Okay I know this is a wacky start. But listen. C!Tommy, yes? C!Tommy? Baby? Baby boy starchild darling bubble blessed by the golden sun itsefl? Lover of the Unloved? Tell me, if you can, that c!Tommy would not be the ONE PERSON on this bitch of an earth that could turn this omnicidal regenerative monster of endless adaptability into a Whole Ass Puppy Dog. He could! He could do it. He could do it very easily, and SCP-682 would be so disgusted by the server’s treatment of the boy that he’d go on a rampage and make everyone pay. Would that be the most moral thing for him to do? No. Would it be very fun and incredibly satisfying to see. Abso-FUCKING-lutly. 
 Feed! C! Doomsday! Trio! To! The! Murder Lizard!
#2: SCP-3887
This one probably makes more sense upon a first glance. SCP-3887-B, AKA Grenda, is a very sweet boogeyman-type creature that acts in a protective manner towards the human woman she’s been attached to since she was a little girl. She could easily latch onto Tommy, and given her generally friendly, lighthearted, motherly/big sisterly jokester demeanor, I think C!Tommy would warm up to Grenda very quickly once he got over the initial shock of her popping out from under his bed(likely located in the attic of c!Tubbo’s old house as that’s the most secure locate).
 However...there is ONE issue with Grenda being Tommy’s personal guardian. That being that Grenda’s species of monster adapt their physical appearance to look like a fusion of whatever it is there human is most afraid of. And given that c!Tommy’s current(and 100% valid fear) is that of his obsessive murderous abuser, I fear that Grenda’s body could possible change in a way to resemble c!Dream, even if she herself doesn’t wish for it to do so.
 Unless Grenda can control her shape-shifting! In which case maybe she’d just stay as a stereotypical monster that Tommy could giggle at. Maybe something vaguely bovine to feed into his love of cows! That’d be cute.
 Then there’s the topic of Grenda’s diet. Grenda eats off of the fear of those around her. She doesn’t need to harm them physically to do so, nor does she act in a violent manner unless prompted to by seeing her human in danger. Tommy is a very anxious little fella, and as such would be the perfect source of nutrition, and once he gets to properly heal and settles down some, she could easily just drag people like c!Puffy or cBad down into her cave dimension to spook ‘em a little to get a bit of food, as well as to give them a Very Firm Talking To about using a child’s triggers against him. She could tell them off!! It’d be very good.
#3: SCP-131
Eyepods! Little goobers! These little dudes might be a bit spooky at first, but I think they’d make for both good company as well as good security. They could keep an eye on his home at night! Peep into the dark to spot any wrongins! Either run upstairs to alert Tommy so he can get away, OR more humorously, kill c!Dream or anybody else who’d want to break in via a series of Home Alone style traps. It works either way.
#4: SCP-999
 This needs no explanation.
#5: SCP-963, AKA Dr. Jack Bright
Now listen. I know Dr. Bright is a nutcase. An utter madlad. A bit of a jerk. Sorta an agent of chaos. He’s wacky, he’s weird, he’s got a whole list dedicated to stuff he’s not allowed to do, and overall he’s not the sort of man you’d want to let around a traumatized barely 18 year old boy.
 But listen.
 Bright knows FULL DAMN WELL the horrors of forced immortality. He knows the pain it causes. He knows the damage it brings to ones mental state. He knows how awful it is to be forced into living forever, so I think if he knew that C!Dream was trying to bring such a fate onto a young boy, he would lose his Utter & Complete Shit and classify the cunt as a Keter in need of immediate termination.
also he and tommy would do crime together and it would be good
I’ll add more to this list as I read more articles. This is how I’ve been coping with lack of Good Lore. Please lord help me /hj
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psychomeows · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! Have the Nightkiller family in costume lol. I wasn't going to write anything to go with this but I couldn't resist! So here's a little one shot!
Nightmare belongs to Joku Killer belongs to Rahafwabas Miracle belongs to me
It was Halloween, the nights were longer, it was getting colder, rain poured down from the heavens and the castle was fully decorated. The whole place already looked spooky but that didn't stop the Murder Time Trio from putting up fake spiders' webs and weird witchy things that made noises when you walk past. Jack-O-lanterns were placed around the castle as well, with battery operated candles since Nightmare couldn't trust them with real fire. Plastic bats hung from the ceiling; there was a themed wreath on every door and banners and paper chains on the walls. Nightmare couldn't go anywhere without seeing something Halloween. Even the cushions in the common room and library were replaced with Halloween ones and cutlery, plates and cups were replaced too.
It had been like this every year since the boys joined. At first Nightmare had been mad about it but as time went on he stopped caring as much. If it kept them quiet and out of his way then so be it, plus it did keep to his aesthetics. Things had been slightly different for the past few years though. As soon as Miracle was old enough to do arts and crafts and understood more about what Halloween was, little decorations made by the child were added to the 'bought' ones. Mostly it was drawings or paper cut outs but there were some things Miracle had made out of food packaging that Horror had saved for him. Spiders, pumpkins, witches' hats, etc. Nightmare couldn't help but be happy about that; his little prince was so talented.
Miracle loved Halloween. That wasn't really surprising with who he was raised by. The six year old was so excited about it that he'd come running into his parents' room on the first of October to shout about it and beg to start decorating.
Halloween day and night weren't what they used to be. Gone were the days where the Murder Time Trio played drinking games, watched 18+ horror movies and played 18+ horror games. Replacing that was child friendly games and cartoons. There was still the same amount of sweets and cakes but everything was made suitable for the child.
Another thing Miracle loved doing was dressing up. As much as Nightmare liked seeing his son happy, he always dreaded Halloween evenings. At least it wasn't something they did all day and kept it for after dinner but still! Nightmare cringed at the thought of the previous year where Miracle had wanted him to dress as an octopus with him and cried when Nightmare said no. Nightmare had tried to put his foot down on it but the crying wouldn't stop and the Murder Time Trio were already in their shark costumes… Even though Nightmare had told Killer no pictures he was sure that there were some… He just hoped they weren't shared; that would be so embarrassing! He had the reputation of a tyrant to keep!
He just knew he'd be roped into another costume this year as well. They'd just had dinner and Killer had taken Miracle to his room to get changed. Nightmare was always kept in the dark about what it was because Killer knew he'd try to say no. He was just waiting for it and dreading it as he read a horror novel by the fire in the library. He knew Miracle would come running in at any moment now...
"Daddy! Daddy! Look! Look!"
...And there goes his peaceful reading time. Nightmare slipped a bookmark into his novel, put it aside and turned to face his son. A small smile spread onto his face at his little witch costume. He had on his normal black shorts but had a dark brown long sleeved tunic with a thick lighter brown belt holding it closed. He had a different red cape from his normal one with stars all over it and a matching witch's hat with his crown put on over the hat. He was even carrying a little broomstick.
Miracle ran right up to Nightmare and jumped up onto his lap, his hat almost falling off in the process but he managed to catch it. Nightmare managed a little laugh; this wasn't so bad. It was normally matching costumes Miracle insisted they do and a witch's covenant was at least made of three witches. While a witch wasn't the first thing Nightmare would choose to dress as this wasn't nearly as bad as an octopus.
"Hello, Little Prince," Nightmare said as he made sure he had a good hold of the excited child. "Or should I say Little Witch?"
Miracle giggled and grabbed the end of his cape so he could hold it up to show it to his father. "Mama got me a really cool costume! Look, it has pretty stars on it!"
"I can see that, very cool," Nightmare said as he looked around for Killer. "Speaking of your mother; where is he?"
"Oh, I left him behind. He's still changing."
Nightmare sighed and playfully pulled his son's hat over his eyes making him giggle again. "Well, maybe we should go find him. I take it he's a witch as well?"
"Nuh uh," Miracle said, shaking his head as he fixed his hat. That caused a sinking feeling in Nightmare's metaphorical stomach. If Killer wasn't part of a witch's covenant, then what was he?
"Here I am!" Killer called happily as he teleported in. "And here's your costume, Moonlight!"
The black cat onesie was tossed in Nightmare's face as Killer stood in front of them with his hands on his hips and wearing the same onesie.
"Oh hell no!" Nightmare called as he looked at it. "I'm not dressing as a cat!"
"What else would accompany a witch?" Killer asked with a smirk. "We're the familiars!"
"Other witches," Nightmare said as he glared at Killer. From the look on his face it was his idea or he put the idea into Miracle's head. "There are at least three witches in a covenant! And we have a real black cat!"
"Yeah but Horror and Dust are the other witches," Killer said. "And Diamond looks like she's gonna be Horror's familiar since he's carrying around cat treats so she follows him. I think he liked the idea of having a real cat for his familiar."
"It's funny! She keeps trying to steal the yummies in his pocket!" Miracle giggled and grabbed up the onesie. "Please, Daddy. I want to have two familiars!"
Nightmare glared at Killer again. He was a King, the Guardian of Negativity, a deity, he'd killed thousands and made thousands more suffer… And he was being reduced to a six year old's familiar for Halloween.
"Come on, Babe," Killer said as he perched himself on the arm of Nightmare's chair. "It's just for one evening and it'll make Miracle happy, won't it Kiddo?"
"Please~ I'll be extra good! And do extra homework!" Miracle begged looking up at Nightmare with big eyes.
"He'll probably cry for hours again if you say no," Killer whispered, making Nightmare sigh. He really didn't have much choice unless he wanted to listen to his son scream and cry, which he very much didn't.
"Fine, but no photos of me!" Nightmare gave in. He knew there probably would be photos anyway but he would still make sure Killer knew he wasn't happy with that.
"Yay!" Both Killer and Miracle shouted as they hopped off and did a little victory dance before giving each other a high five.
Nightmare rubbed his eye and sighed as he grabbed the onesie and stood up. "Give me a minute to change and I'll be right back…"
There was no point in leaving the library to change so Nightmare simply went into another aisle. He scowled at the onesie as he held it up to look at it. "It's just for a couple of hours," Nightmare muttered to himself, "and it's for Miracle…" He'd never thought that one day he'd be dressing like a cat but if it'd make his Little Prince happy then so be it. Besides, he'd done really well on the last test…
With a sigh Nightmare pulled off his clothes and put on the onesie. It fit perfectly which was annoying; if it didn't fit he'd have an excuse. As it was he'd have to go out there and face his gang dressed like this…
It was best just to go for it so after folding his clothes neatly and putting them in the corner, Nightmare left the aisle and went back to his family.
"Mama! Look!" Miracle called out when he spotted his father coming over. "Daddy's wearing it!"
As much as Nightmare hated the costume, seeing Miracle so excited did make it worth it even though he still glared at Killer when he laughed.
"Looking good~" Killer said with a wink as he met Nightmare half way. "Just one thing…"
"Hey!" Nightmare called as Killer grabbed the hood of the onesie that Nightmare hadn't put up and pulled it up. While making sure to pull further so it covered Nightmare's eye.
"There, now it's purr-fect~" Killer said while actually making a purring sound.
Nightmare sighed again as he fixed the hood so it was on right just as Miracle came running up and giggling.
"Now I have my familiars! Can we go now?" Miracle asked as he bounced a little and looked up at his parents with big starry eyes.
"Of course we can," Killer said as he scooped his son up into his arms while being careful of the broom Miracle was holding. "Come on, Babe. This party will be lots of fun!"
Nightmare sighed. He knew there was no getting out of this so he might as well just go for it. He began to walk off with Killer quickly following behind him while encouraging Miracle to sing "Spooky Scary Skeletons." Nightmare just shook his head but couldn't help but smile; he hated his own costume but Miracle really was cute.
The common room was the most decorated room. Banners were stuck on the wall, balloons filled the room, the table was covered with an orange and black table cloth and filled with cakes, sweets and a cauldron filled with juice that would probably end up spiked when Miracle went to bed. There were Jack-O-Lanterns as well and more fake spider webs plus most of Miracle's decorations. Even the lights were dimmed, ready for the party.
Nightmare opened the door as Miracle stopped singing. He looked inside and spotted Horror and Dust wearing matching witches' costumes but while Miracle's was red; Dust's was purple and Horror's was green. Nightmare turned to Killer with a raised brow making him laugh.
"Found all this in a costume store. The witches' costumes came in different colours for adults but only red for kids. It was too perfect so I got 'em. At first I thought we could be witches but Miracle suggested we be the familiars instead so I swapped the adult costumes for the right sizes for Horror and Dust and got us the cat onesies."
"Of course," Nightmare sighed as he turned back to his friends.
Dust was laughing as Diamond tried to get into Horror's pocket. Even the cat had a little orange cape on. "Maybe you should just let her have the treats," Dust suggested as Horror dodged a grabbing paw.
"But then she won't follow me! I want a familiar too!"
"Never thought I'd see the day when you would refuse to feed someone."
"She's been fed! She just ate all the food in her bowl like an hour ago!"
"She's a cat," Killer said as he put Miracle down so the child could drop his broom and go running to the cat and gently pick her up. "She smells the food and wants it."
"Oh, hey guys!" Dust said as he quickly stood up and laughed lightly at the sight of his boss in a cat onesie. "You two look great!"
"Shut up, Dust," Nightmare said as he glared at him which only made him laugh more.
"I'm super kawaii!" Killer called out and lifted his arms to pose like an anime cat girl.
"Never say or do that again," Nightmare scolded Killer as he turned to him. "That is the cringiest thing you've done!"
"Aww but don't you think I'm super k-"
"Don't say that again! You sound like a weeb!"
"That's the point!"
"So, Killer's going to be hyper again this year?" Horror said as he watched Killer stick his tongue out at Nightmare.
"Looks like it," Dust agreed, "now he's the one you should be denying food to. He doesn't need a sugar rush on top of this."
Nightmare's and Killer's banter stopped when there was a little meow as Diamond rubbed herself against their legs in a greeting. It seemed she was distracted from the cat treats in Horror's pocket for now. Miracle giggled at the sight and pointed to his parents and the cat. "Kitties!" He called out and ran up to them. "All the kitties together!"
"...I've been reduced to a 'kitty'" Nightmare muttered as he watched Miracle pick up his broomstick again.
"It's just for one night, Moonlight," Killer whispered. "Once we put Miracle to bed you can change."
"I plan on it," Nightmare replied and he summoned his tentacles and slipped one around Killer's waist. "And I plan on taking you-"
"Hey guys, say cheese!" Dust called out suddenly making the three of them turn around.
Miracle giggled and lifted a hand to wave at the Polaroid camera that Dust was holding while Killer made his anime cat girl pose again. Nightmare just stared deadpan at the camera and before he had the chance to tell Dust not to take the picture, it was taken.
"Dust!" Nightmare snapped as he watched him take the print out and put it face down on the table.
"What? The costumes are cool."
"I only agreed to this if pictures weren't taken."
"Oh… Sorry, Boss," Dust said as he put the camera down and backed away from it.
"Don't worry, Babe," Killer said as he walked further into the room and picked up a chocolate eyeball to eat. "No one but us will ever see that picture. I promise."
"Make sure of it," Nightmare said with a sigh as he walked in as well and took a seat on the sofa. He really hoped there would be no more pictures with him in them. If the others wanted to take pictures of themselves that was fine and he knew Killer would want to take lots of pictures of their son.
Miracle looked really happy right now as he came running over to the box of games that had been put in the corner and placed his broom beside it so he could take out a game. Most of the games were normal party games with a Halloween twist. They had bean bag toss but with pumpkin shaped buckets, instead of pin the tail on the donkey Dust had drawn up 'pin the spider on the web,' Killer had set up an 'eyeball hunt' with eyeball bouncy balls and Horror had made a ghost piñata. There were also plenty of Halloween balloons to play games with.
The four adults watched as Miracle pulled out the bean bags and came running back to them. "Play time?" Miracle asked hopefully as he looked up at them.
"Yep," Killer said as he took the bean bag that was handed to him. "There are lots of games and lots of sweets to get through."
"Don't eat too many sweets," Nightmare said to his son as he ran up to him to give him a bean bag as well. "You'll get sick and be too hyper for bed."
"But-" Miracle tried to argue but stopped when Nightmare raised his hand to shush him.
"No buts, the sweets will last; you don't have to eat them all at once."
Miracle pouted but nodded as he looked to the table. "...Can I have the toffee apple now?"
Nightmare glared at the treat, (he really hated having apples in the castle,) but sighed and gave in. "You can, but because it's the biggest treat you can't have as many of the little ones now as well."
"Okay~" Miracle sang as he quickly gave a bean bag to his uncles and grabbed the toffee apple off of the table before he ran off to set up the buckets as he started munching into the apple.
Nightmare watched as the game began, taking his turn quickly and deliberately missing or getting the lower scoring buckets to make sure Miracle was winning and happy. The night was going to be full of joy and laughter but Nightmare didn't mind if it meant his son was having fun. He'd just have to work extra hard tomorrow.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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your-sweetsilence · 3 years
Happy Super Late Halloween
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Naima and Leland Bailey-Moon were spotted at the annual Spooky Festival. The three day event that has all the spooks of a haunted house, the Zombie Run for those who are athletic (or just want to try it out), the local cemetery tour, hauntingly good food and snacks, and performances from fan favourite artists. Some 5,000 carved pumpkins line the 1/3-mile park Take in a truly illuminating event with elaborately carved jack o lanterns light the way. The Spooky Day Festival kicked off Friday at 6 pm and lasted until Spooky Day 11:59 pm. 
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The couple showed up Saturday morning and spent the day greeting fans and enjoying all the festival had to offer. As pictured above, they had a few photos snapped in front of the giant pumpkins at the far end of the park. They looked to be having a wonderful time and stayed until the end, getting in the fray with the other festival goers when the music started and the night became not so child friendly. The couple had a blast and it was great to see them out and about after the last two months out of the spotlight. 
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Legless On Maim Chap. 10: Epilogue: Aliens, Ghosts, And Humans! Oh My!
Vee’s a bastard, Danny’s a bastard, Eddie’s a bastard, ClockWork’s a bastard, Lewis’s a bastard; everyone’s a bastard. And multiple minor characters say why the fuck not and join the bastardly fray.
Danny sighs and turns his head back towards the kitchen, “Lewis! Come collect your monsterfucker boy toy!”. Eddie rolls his eyes like he’s heard this a fair few times.
Lewis walks over, “Eddie? Really? I mean one, kid’s not healed. Two-”, grinning, “-thanks for winning me a bet”, and side-eyeing Danny.
Danny points at him, “hey, doesn’t mean-”. Eddie doesn’t even let him finish that, smirking, “oh it does mean”. Danny sighs and hands Lewis what he thinks is a twenty though really? He’s kinda amused. Smirking at Eddie, “congrats, first dude to ever figure things out on their own”.
Sam shakes her head grabs everyone but Lewis and drags them out of the house. Lewis shakes his head, sips at his drink, and heads back over to his friends; Danny could handle Eddie.
Eddie blinks as they stop getting dragged by the goth, “are you serious kid? You look nearly identical with the glowy bullshit edited out”.
Sam smirks, “people are stupid and Danny’s a walking existential crisis”, looking to Tucker and Danny, “so much for Vampire Dad 2 I’m guessing?”.
Danny immediately points at them, “no you go, illegally record it or some shit”.
Tucker rolls his eyes, “you just don’t want us around Mr. Murders And Eats People without checking him out”.
Literally both Eddie and Danny respond with, “hey and I’m taken”.
Tucker blinks, “okay that was fucking weird”, while Danny and Eddie side-eye each other. Sam shakes her head and pulls Tucker off, knowing damn well Danny will just become a ball of overprotective.
Eddie shouts after them, “let it be known! We don’t eat kids!”. Which makes Danny wheeze when some dude at a stoplight shouts back at them, “good! I’m supposed to be getting my mom some blue hydrangeas from the goth! Doubt I can get then from a digested corpse!”.
Eddie mumbles, “everyone in this town is fucking weird”, looking to the side, “shut the fuck up bitch”. Which just makes Danny laugh more. Eddie looks to him, “anyway, you smell fucking weird and those are the most convincing fake leg crap ever”, sighing, “no, we’re not taste-testing”.
Danny snorts and kicks a rock as they start walking randomly, “actually totally do, I’m curious and, I’ve got legs for days”, and slides his hand down his leg with mock sexiness.
“Do you have a death wis-”, before going wide-eyed and suddenly getting bodily flung into Danny, “no! I don’t think he’s serious!”, regardless they end up in a bush with Danny muttering ‘ow’ and missing a bit of shoulder.
Danny stands himself up easily -a bush is by far not the worst thing he’s been bodily shoved into- and rolls his shoulder, Vee’s got some sharp teeth. Damn. Eddie untangles himself and staggers up, making some faces and muttering, “that’s it, no Lindor for you”. Danny lifts an eyebrow when a little black oily snake or something just sprouts out of the guys' shoulder, seemingly sneering all teeth, “HE OFFERED EDDIE”. Eddie grabs the head? and shoves them at his shoulder muttering, “back in, bitch”.
Danny starts wheezing as Eddie looks to him, “also you- oh”, turns back to the bush and promptly throws up. Making Danny fall on his ass laughing, so much for can eat anything! Snapping a probably not flattering pic of the guy bent over a bush, captioning it ‘guess who’s inedible’, and throws it in the Phantom chat.
Eddie hacks a bit, hands on his knees. Wiping his mouth, “ugh”, blinking down at the weird black/green bubbling sludge on the ground, that was slightly dissolving the bush leaves, “what the Hell are you made outta, kid?”.
Danny laughs loudly, “death!”. Laughing more at the little black snakehead popping out of the guys' neck and sticking out their tongue at him; he thinks they look either disgusted or slightly ill.
Eddie rights himself and quirks an eyebrow at Danny’s totally healed shoulder, “fuck you heal fast”.
Danny chuckles some more, standing up off the sidewalk and giving his shoulder a little pat, “Lewis lied, I’m completely healed. Family just don’t know. And to actually answer your question, ectoplasm and human stuff too”, pointing at the bush, “but that was probably the ecto”.
“Well I guess I ain’t eating fucking ghosts anytime soon”.
“JUST SPIT DON’T SWALLOW”. Danny wheezes more at the little head and Eddie looks to them, “the Internet was a mistake”.
“BUT WHERE WOULD YOU WATCH POR-”. Eddie smashes them against his skin, “no! He’s actually a minor. And we’re in public, asshole”. Looking to Danny, “how the fuck were you in Egypt though?”.
Danny shrugs, “eh, I’m tight with the god of time”. Eddie blinks and mutters to the side, “fuck me”. Danny chuckles, “no?”, which Eddie actually laughs at.
Eddie looks around, “alright, since someone made me lose my perfectly fine lunch, there a hotdog stand or some shit?”.
Danny snorts, “no clue if you’re referring to me or Vee”, tilting his head, “huh, that rhymes”, smirking, “cool”, looking back at Eddie, “if it’s food you’re after then the Nasty Burger’s the place”.
Eddie tilts his head and shrugs, “eh you made us eat at a place called fucking Flavours Of Negros ‘cause you thought they served people”. Danny decides against commenting on that one for so many reasons.
Danny walks and points in the direction of the place, “if it’s anything, it used to be the Tasty Burger before someone stole the T”.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow, “that explains nothing”.
Danny shrugs, “there was a public vote and adults hated how all the teens loved the place. One mayor even banned teens from there”.
“Oh the stinking rich one that’s definitely shady as fuck and is kinda like you but for some reason is rocking some vampire bullshit?”.
Danny pauses and blinks at the guy, what the fuck? “How the- okay I get how you figured me out, I literally challenged and baited you. But how the fuck did you put Vlad and Plasmius together?”.
Eddie gives a goofy grin, a very smug one, “I didn’t, but thanks for confirming”.
Danny grumbles, “sneaky bastard”, but is smirking the whole time, “how’d you narrow him down to Plasmius though?”.
Eddie shrugs, hands in his pockets, “ego the size of the moon and rich people are always into weird shit”, pausing and rolling his eyes, “babe, we’re an alien/human cluster fuck. We absolutely are one of them fucking rich people into weird shit”.
“There’s a lot of ways I could take that”, Danny tilts his head, “wait, you’re rich?”. What?
Eddie grins like an idiot, “Life Foundation paid me out big for infecting me with a venereal disease- I mean Symbiote”. Danny just watches as the guys' legs seemingly gain a mind of their own and walks him straight into a pole.
Danny shakes his head at the guy not even seeming phased by that. “Well, I got jack shit for dying”.
Eddie points at him, “so you legit straight-up fucking died? Not just falling in a vat of ghost acid like some fucking spooky Joker bullshit, but less ‘murder a bitch in a burning pile of cash’ more ‘I actually think spandex looks good like a damn fool’”.
“Hey, don’t diss the supersuit! That shit’s my skin man”, shrugging, “at least a layer of it. I fucking died in that shit. On that note, don’t walk into giant vortex tunnel portals to alternate dimensions fuelled by four billion volts of electricity built by explosion prone people who leave switches inside stuff and want to punch holes into the afterlife for funsies, science, and a little bit of mild torturing”.
“Huh. Well fuck your life too then kid. Literally”, rolling his eyes, “not that literally. We don’t kill kids and I don’t think we can make someone double dead”.
Danny sticks up a finger, “actually that happens. And I’m only half-dead, motherfucker. Check yer facts”, smirking, “I’m a real dead-ringer for life, and too bad doc gave away my scraps. ‘Cause if I tossed ‘em in the portal I could really have one foot in my grave”.
“I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to do that- bitch that is exactly why our ass will never be a doctor”, almost looking genuinely offended, “hey, you leave my intellect out of this, you cunt”.
Danny wheezes a bit, does this guy really just talk like this? “How have you not been forcibly admitted to a mental asylum? And no he ain’t but can’t let torture happy gov dogs have my shit”.
Eddie grins wide at that. “You know so I give precisely zero fucks. And nice, fuck the government. I think we’ll get on fine”.
Danny snorts, “oh I have serious beef with the gov. Fuck them. I absolutely have blown up government bases before”.
Eddie nods approvingly and actually fist bumps Danny, “fucking same, and I have enough dirt on people I could ruin their lives if they came after me”.
Danny grins almost menacingly, “the government section that’s here is a literal government secret and completely ignore any and all laws. Wouldn’t put it past them to experiment on child corpses or assassinate the president if he seemed ghost friendly”, shrugging, “Tuck keeps tabs on them, dudes a damn good hacker”.
Eddie tilts his head and nods, “I could use one of those”.
Danny snapping, “not for murder you don’t”.
“You’re too moral”.
“You’re not moral enough”.
Both of them wind up laughing at that since neither actually sounded serious or genuine.
Eddie shakes his head, “anyway, what’d Dan do with your leggy bits?”, muttering to the side, “Dan doesn’t eat people, Vee, and you’re never going to convince him to try”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “gave it to a ghost, Skulker was probably tickled green to get even part of my pelt”, pointing at Eddie, “he’s a poacher. He would cry tears of joy over successfully skinning me”.  
Eddie stares at him, Vee’s little head popping out and opening their mouth very wide, “WHAT THE FUCK”.
Danny smirks, he effectively freaked an alien; talk about life, or death, goals, “I have issues. Many of them. And they like to shoot at me”, glancing around at the finally clear street before full force grabbing Vee’s face, “I’ve held off but, oh my Ancients alien sofuckingcoolohmyancientsfuckingfuckyoufeelsofuckingcoolwhatsyourchemicalcompositionlike?canyoueatEddie’seyesandleakdownhischeakslikeblackmurderspacetears’causeIhadareallycooldreamaboutthatdoyouhaveanyspacerocks?ohmyAncientshowfarawayisyourspacerock?isitevenrock?orgas?floatylava!oh!oh!isitallblacklikeyou?orisblackrarecolouringforsymbiotes?redwouldberealcoolbutkindalikebloodwhichweirdrightgreenwouldbefunnycauseI’mallgreenydoyourcoloursevenmeananything?you’relikealittlevoidahungryvoidandohmyAncientsyoureyesaresocoolhowdotheywork?whatcoloursdoyousee?whatsyourfavourite?canyouseethroughEddie’seyeslikenormalhumaneyesoraretheyallenhanced?doesourplanetlookprettytoyou?andohyourteethwhataretheyyoudon‘thaveanybonewhataretheyconnectedto?wheredotheygocanyoumakeEddieallteethy?seemlikeyou’dbiteyourtongueallthetimewhichouchyourtonguelookssomuchmoredetailedhowmuchcanyoutaste?What’syourfavouritenotpeoplefoodLewissaidyou‘resuperoldsoyou’veprobablytastedsomuchshitfromallovertheuniversewhichjustlikeholyshitAncientsendmeZonecomethandgrantmesweetreliefwherehaveyoubeen?whatplanets?whataretheylike?madeoutof?thesmells!whataboutthesmells!?!yousmelllikebutterandcandiedeelandcigarettesmokewhichmustbeEddie’sfaulttellhimhe’sbadyoumustbesoconnectedthenthoughwhat’shisbodylikeversesotherspecies?whatotherspecieshaveyoubeenwith?what’stheirmusculaturlike?howdotheybreathandseeandhearandeverythinghowfarhaveyougone?whataboutallthestars?howdifferentaretheysetupelsewherearetherestarswecan‘tseehere?haveyoubeenonastar!oh!canyoueatastar?haveyou?waitwaitIforgotwhatdoyoutastelike?youbitmesotittatit’sfair”.
Eddie watches in slightly stunned disbelief as Vee desperately tries to get out of this kid’s grip but the kid's nails -claws actually?- are somehow clinging really well and he just leaves the ground and gets dragged with. Knocking everyone over again and licking? Vee. Then prodding their teeth, but that gives Vee the chance to get comfortably back inside him; feeling obviously super confused and startled.
Eddie has to practically kick the kid off him when he literally sticks his hand through Eddie’s collarbone where Vee disappeared through. “Ohthat’ssocooltheyslipthroughyourpoursandskinsuremyectoplasmdoesthattoobutit’snotanalienohmyAncients”.
Eddie stands, basically holding the kid at arm's length in the air, “Christ on a shit stick kid chill, holy shit”, muttering, “now I get why Dan said you like space with a little smirk”. It felt like the kid was literally vibrating under his skin and fuck, it just hit him how fucked up this is. He’s holding the hero of Amity Park up in the air by the waist. This kid’s got an entire year on his ass and doesn’t, like, y’ know, murder people. And the kid just went all fucking uncle tickles on Vee. “Everything you just said was unintelligible garbage”.
The kid stares at him with eyes almost painfully bright green, “you think your freaky long adult arms are gonna do shit?”, and proceeds to just make a whole ass nother half body out of his fucking shoulders. Eddie scrunches up his entire face, “I’ve never been on this end of the body horror, oh god”, as the kid's new pair of hands grab for his face.
Vee takes over going big ass Venom, because this is some bullshit, and holds Danny away with their claws by the kid’s shirt, like he’s an over-aggressive kitten. Danny just puts his hands to his face, the extra body sorta dissolving into green misty stuff, eyes sparkling, “so cool”. Which both Eddie and Vee think is a bullshit reaction.
“Howdoesthatwork?whatdoesthatfeellike?you’reinafuckingaliendudeohmyAncients”, grabs Venom’s wrist and makes some kind of weird staticky squealing noise, “ohitfeelsthesamebutmorestructuredandtheveiningislittledifferentandohyoumotherfuckeryouareablackandwhitelittlebitch”. Danny makes a few faces and talks like a normal breathing-required person, “you stole my colours bitch”.
Vee doesn’t say shit, just retreats into Eddie’s body and drops Danny; who doesn’t seem to give a damn about landing on his ass, standing back upright in seconds.
Eddie makes a bunch of faces at him, settling on just looking tired as fuck, “kid, what the fuck?”. Rubbing his face and grumbling, “I’m too sober for this shit”.
Danny chuckles, dimming his eyes some, “sorry not sorry, I like space. And Vee is an alien from space”, shrugging exaggeratedly, “sure I’ve been to space but totally not the fucking same”.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, “you’ve been to space?”.
“I can fly and don’t need to breathe, of course I’ve gone to space”, shrugging again, “sure so has my girlfriend but she has a hoverboard. And bitch yes I’m dating a ghost hunter who used to want to murder me real good. Occasionally still makes light stabs at my half-life”, smirking, “we both enjoy the little love taps”.
Eddie blinks and mutters, “well damn Dan, kid’s a mini-me... minus the murder, and probable alcoholism, and job, and probably the piss shit and vinegar childhood; heck he’s still a child-”.
Danny cuts in, “you really do just mutter to yourself in general huh? Not just to Vee”.
“You're weirder than Dan. He’s just chill chill ‘bout me having an alien up my ass, you’re enthusiastically chill. He just goes ‘huh, guess this is happening. Hi new friend, please don’t eat me’ and you’re over here like ‘let me touch theeeeeeeeem!’. Almost enough to make me regret coming mildly”.
Danny blinks, oh Hell no, “no, no taking the alien away from me. Also, Lewis is way weirder than me”.
Vee pops back out, Danny not even bothering to hide his grin, and looks at Eddie’s face, “ARE ALL HUMAN CHILDREN LIKE THIS?”.
“Hey, I’m almost seventeen I’ll have you know. That’s almost adult”.
Eddie looks at him and laughs a little, “no kid, no it’s not. I’d say twenty-four is the cutoff. And you feel like a kid too, and I don’t mean that in the human way”, scrunching his eyebrows, “and the fuck did Dan do? For you to think he’s weird. And why the fuck do you use his last name? You don’t scream pompous formal snob”.
Danny blinks, “oh! You can sense peoples ages? Or childness”, tilting his head, “sure adult ghosts can do that so you’re not special, but whatever”.
Eddie grumbles, “fuck you too buddy”. While Danny continues, “what hasn’t he done? Guy hid me in a thermos while having happy personal time with the bone saw when the government-sponsored anti-ghost militia came to abducted and probably torture me, and he hardly gave a shit. Guy doesn’t even react to ghostly supernovas. Super great dude though”.
Eddie grins, his opinion of this kid going up a few levels, “oh I know, he’s great”.
Danny nods immediately, “just the best. Totally stan”.
The conversation then becomes a solid ten minutes of just ‘Dan Lewis is just a really great dude’ and ‘I know right?’.
Danny chuckles, “and pompous snob is more my evil villain uncle’s thing. Lewis is a Lewis because Dan is an evil version of me that, like, low-key annihilated humanity once”, tilting his head, “who I’m oddly less traumatised by now. Eh, I blame Lewis”.
Eddie blinks, and Eddie thought his life was utterly fucked, “I usually blame him whenever anything goes right in my brain square”. Vee looks to him and practically screams, “STILL NOT A SQUARE EDDIE!”. Eddie aggressively shoving them back in when someone inside the building yells, “Jesus fuck!”, and sticks their head over their balcony, “oh, it’s the fucking Fenton boy. That explains it”, and disappears back into the building.
Eddie looks back to Danny, “I’m guessing you get away with a fucking lot”.
Danny shrugs, “me and my friends are the town weirdos. My parents, the town crazies”.
“Wow, you were screwed the day you were born”, shrugging as they continue walking in genuine yet again, “granted my dad liked to hit me with a shovel so fucking same”.
“Eh, mine used to be really into trying to dissect me. Liked shooting at me, but my dad’s a terrible shot. Though the little couple day torture session in the dungeon was not my idea of a good time”.
Eddie blinks, “I’m literal nightmare fuel and I’m telling you your life is a fucking nightmare. What the fuck”. Vee sticks their head out from Eddie’s jacket, “WOULD YOU LIKE THEM EATEN? WE ARE ALREADY GOING TO EAT EDDIE’S IF THEY EVER SHOW THEIR COWARD FACES”.
Danny immediately snaps, “no. Try that and I’ll impale you with a flaming shank”, and points a pointy chunk of ice that he got from somewhere at them. “My parents are great. Little bigoted, but we’re working on that. Oh and on that, they don’t know about your whole ‘alien up the ass’ situation. So maybe don’t go all chest-burster on them. Also don’t know I’m Phantom, neither does the girlfriend”. 
Eddie shakes his head, “so you’ve been doing hero shit without any parents or any other fucking thing?”. Eddie thinks that’s some major bullshit.
Danny shrugs, “eh, I got some adult ghost friends and clockpops, even of I seldom see any of them”. Danny chooses to ignore Eddie aggressively whispering ‘Vee’ and ‘no’ repeatedly to the side. “Vladdie tries to be a father figure but he’s a fucking fruitloop and probably spends, like, half his time finding new fun ways to taser me or maybe he’ll try the whole ‘I’ll murder your friends and family’ schtick again”.
Vee forms half a head on Eddie’s head and basically shrieks, “THAT’S IT! WE’RE ADOPTING BABY GHOST HYBRID PREDATOR!”, and whacks Danny on the head with a tendril.
“What?!? No! ‘Ready got parents, human and ghost!”.
Eddie smirks and rolls his eyes, “too fucking bad. Not literally. They’re just saying you’re a small blob to be protected. Which like, the fuck kid, you're on par or worse than my fucked up life”.
Danny rolls his eyes, though ‘protected by an alien’ sounds fucking awesome. “I could beat the shit out of you”.
“Is that a challenge? That feels like a challenge. And Vee does get bored of smashing around squishy humans sometimes”.
Danny grumbles, “you are way too fucking cool with murder”, and shakes his head with a smirk, “Lewis told me your weaknesses. My strongest ability just so happens to be a supersonic wail. I could level a city, you ain’t winning shit. Also a pyrokinetic, so double fucked”, Danny finger guns at him and shots little blue flames out; Vee, in typical fashion, hisses.
Eddie groans and dramatically sags, though not putting any real effort into it. Trying to play off the discomfort Vee sends his way over fire being so close. “I’ll admit, the Internet is all over the fucking place on what you can do. Some seemed like some crackfic bullshit. Same goes with the theories about you. Found one group that think you’re literally bloody fucking Satan coming to deceive the youth and bring about the end of times or some bullshit. Even a shoot off that you’re determining the merit of our souls and indoctrinating humanity into peace with the dead”, waving his hand around, “and some other crap about you being death itself”, pointing at him, “the stories told around you are just as fucked and wild as us”.
Danny blinks and squints at the guy, “okay, now I’m curious because that’s disturbingly close to the truth”.
Danny quirks an eyebrow and smirks, “what? Did Lewis not mention that? The whole prince and eventual king of the dead thing? My defeat of the previous king was kinda a big deal, especially since it got the town abducted into an alternate dimension for a bit and attacked by a skeleton army”, smirking more and shrugging, “and co-existence is defiantly a goal of mine. And kingy is considered the will of the Zone so that is pretty much being death itself. And soul judging comes with the job”, tilting his head, “more of a passive thing though”.
Eddie blinks, “yup. In over our head. My soul is probably pretty fucked”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “no clue man, I ain’t king yet and hopefully won’t be for a few hundred years”.
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “so you’re vaguely immortal? We really are too similar”.
“Oh?”, Danny’s face lights up, “oh! oh! Does Vee’s weird healing of you stop the effects of ageing? Any cells or shit that gets damaged or worn they can just rebuild, reform, or replicate?”.
Eddie gives an almost impressed nod, “yeah, how the fuck did you guess that?”.
“Dude, alien’s meat puppet? Before dying fucked my vitals and physiology I was on my way to being an astronaut. My entire family are scientists, I have my own scientific patents, and my sister’s a certified genius pioneering a new field of psychology. Ancients, Lewis is bartering to get me into med school because he wants me to work with him. And my archenemy is a hardcore mad scientist. If I was dumb and not creative, I’d be deader. Dead with a side of dead sauce”.
Eddie shrugs, “I’d say I’m a dumbass so that’s different, but while I’m a dumbass, I’m a smart dumbass”.
“Fucking same. Investigative reporter probably requires a good head and creativity”.
Eddie chuckles, “yeah, I would have died long before Vee dropped on my ass. The whole situation that led to Vee was me biting a fish bigger than I could chew”, Danny then watched him go all Sauron demon voice and have suddenly very sharp plentiful teeth, “NOW WE ARE THE BIG FISH”, and grinning all teeth,
Danny eyes the teeth and grins, “so cool”, shaking his head, “not the biggest though and no snatching my guppies”, and grins, all fangs.  
Still using Eddie’s mouth, “LOOK EDDIE! IMPRESSIVE TEETH TOO! TOLD YOU, PREDATOR!”. Eddie seemingly takes back his mouth, teeth staying though, “I think I noticed, babe”, pointing at Danny, “big ass fangs you got, pretty sharp yourself”, and he has no clue why the kid is looking at him with awe and wonder; probably the alien/space thing again, which is probably going to be a running theme with this kid. Poor Vee.
Eddie gets his real answer when Danny mutters, or attempts to mutter anyway, “hoz? Wiz youvz so goovz at talkin’z? Iz canz barey fuckin’z zveekz”.
Eddie blinks, sputters, and promptly starts laughing. That explained that! The kid hadn't learned how to speak while being sixty-percent teeth yet! Hahahahhahaha. Bending over, hands on his knees and wheezing. Granted, his first time rockin’ shark teeth had been god awful and Vee had judged him so hard. Speaking of Vee, they pop out of Eddie’s jacket yet again and squint at Danny, “BABY. HASN’T EVEN LEARNED TO SPEAK PROPERLY YET”.
“Fuzz youv. Dizt”.
Eddie bursts out laughing more and has to sit down on the sidewalk, “hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha”.
“Shovz tit. Thvez nez!”, and promptly stabs his lip, which Eddie laughs so hard at that he tears up, Danny just scowls, “adulvez fanz, chilz faze; dozen worz”.
Eddie lays on the grass, “hahaha I have no idea what you said kid! Hahaha! You’re really good at the whole unintelligible garbage schtick, aren’t you. Haha”.
Danny flips the guy off, switching to ghost speak which was perfectly easy to do with his fangs, since it was all scratchy echoing warble static. Made by vibrating ectoplasm, different teeth (since each tooth had different density or number of pores or solidity), clicking his jaw, and only a small amount of actually moving his mouth, “t̵he̶͞y͏̕’̵͜r̵ȩ̴͟ ̕n̡o͢t ͜m̵̷ad̡e̷̴͢ ̵̸fo҉̶r̶͏̨ ̵E̡̛ņ̛g̸͢l͠͞įs̸͠h̸̶͟, a̸s̛͡s̷̕h͟o̸͞l̢e̕.̶ ͏̷T̵͟h̴͏e͢y’̕re͜ no̧ţ͟͜ ҉̧͜e̛v̴͟en҉ ̨̛̕ma̸̕d̶̡e̡ f͢ơ͟r̷̡ ̢f͟͢͞l̡͘e͝s̶h ͠͠a͜͡n̡̛ḑ͘ ̨͞b͏͟o҉n̢̛͘e͠,͠ ̨͘e̶͡c̛͏t̛͠o̕’̕͏s̶ al͝wa͟y̨s͢ a̸̧ ̵l̸̨i̵͝t̢͢tl҉ę̵ mor̨͝e̢ ̵̕f͜o̵͡͡r͏g͢i̷̶͞v͏i̸̴n̸g̵̢.̧͡ D҉̕ic̴k̨͢͠”, then deciding to be a real asshole and put some serious power behind it after checking no one was around,
“y̰̠ͬ̄ͭͣ̈́̚ȍ̜̹̚ú̡̖̺̘͓́̔ ͍̖͈̫̗̺̫͆ͧ͒w̛͒̀̿ī͇͊͝l̹͖̝̖̻̹̳͛̅̍̾̓͒l̯̗̻̲ͣ̄ͭ̚̕ ̧̝̻͕̈̽d̵̹ͮ͊̃̏͒i̦͎̝͔̻̭ͤͫ̎̓͂ͮ̐͡ͅe̹̝̲̠̞ ̢̬̘̈̑͐͐ͮ̄o̩͇̰̻̎ͬͨͬ̂ͮ̽ṅ͔̘͙̮͍̋͊͋e̗̳͉̽͆̚ ̙͎͍͙̠̫͘ͅḋ̗̩̱ͪͧ́ͅä̡̺̰̩̺̺͖y͉͔̞̺̦̩̣͋̇͋͆ͤ̅ ͙̭̠̩̬ͪ̄͐̉ͬ͐ḁ͆̅n̫̤̤͈̭͌̽̋̅ͨ͛̚d̦̘̬̻̹ͭ ̧͓ͤͫ̋͂̐I̴͉͍̟̪͈͗ͭ̍̎͒̋͂ ͕̘̳͇̝̤̅ͭ͋͛̃w̸̱͙͖͇̫͕̯ͫ́͌ͯ͆̊̑i̛̒̒̆̓͊̚l̼͉̩͍ͦͪͨl̲̗͍͙̲͚̖̈̍̐̈̚ ̳͍̒̆b͓̹̅ĕ̮̖̣ͨ ̪̹͉̘̉̅ͨt̛͉̲͍̖̬̩͙͐h͈̹̥̥͓͗ͣe̬r̛͖̘̺̱̥͍̆ͮͪͮ̑ͦͬe̎̆̍”.
Eddie blinks from the ground, promptly sitting the fuck up as a shiver ripples down his spine and through Vee; who instinctively hides back in Eddie, which honestly weirds Eddie out a bit. The kid smirks down at him, meaning scaring was literally the goal here. Blinking at him, “the fuck. Alright your voice is officially more frightening than Vee’s. The fuck. That sets off every bloody alarm bell, damn. I’m supposed to be the one that scares the piss outta people”, pushing himself up and staggering only a little, “well, Vee technically. Guess we’re both scary little monsters”, smirking down at the kid, “emphasis on little in your case”.
Danny pointedly retracts his fangs before speaking, “fuck you, I’m gonna be, like, seven feet tall one day”. Eddie just rolls his eyes at that, not even considering the fact that Danny is absolutely correct.
Vee pops their little head back out and immediately moves to hiss, all teeth, in Danny’s face; who hisses right back. Eddie thinks it’s like some weird asserting dominance thing. Which seems exactly like what Vee would do, gotta try to save face after going all hiding whack-a-mole. Though with the temperature dropping and what’s up with the colour palette of this town?
Symbiote and halfa stop and grin toothy at each other.
“So cool”.
Eddie shakes his head and points at the sign in the distance, “would you look at that, I think I see your favourite poorly named restaurant in the difference”, this kid is going to inflate Vee’s ego at this point.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “says the alien up my ass“.
Danny’s cheeks go noticeably red, puts up his hands startlingly fast, turns on his heels, and half shouts, “nope! Hello Nasty Burger!”, and starts walking.
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head, least the snarl-fest is over. Though feeling like they just exited a surreal pocket dimension after a bit because suddenly there are people around again, it’s warmish, the colours are normal, and leaves are falling slowly. “Your town is some weird bullshit”.
Danny laughs and grins at the guy meanly, “it’s a ghosts lair, what do you expect?”.
“The whole town? Talk about overkill”.
Danny mutters, “fuck you. Ghosts are dramatic”, as he pushes open the doors.
Eddie gives the most sarcastic, “You don’t say”, he can muster. “Sure makes driving interesting”, tilting his head and chuckling a little, “okay, yes, and fun”.
Danny snickers, flicks his hip hard enough to make a metallic ping, “guess I’m not the only one that has a hard drive”.
Eddie doesn’t get a chance to respond to that as some kid shouts, “holy Zone it’s Eddie Brock!”.
Danny tries not to laugh as Dash of all people runs over, “dude the complication videos of you bashing people’s faces in and shit are fucking legendary”.
Eddie blinks, “I like that’s what I’m known for”. And some ginger kid mutters, “I prefer his exposé”, gets up and points at Danny, whisper sneering, “I hope he exposes your ass, Phantom”, and stalks out of the restaurant.
This gets Dash to actually notice Danny’s existence, “Fentit! The Zone’s a weak loser like you doing with someone famous?”, looking Fenton up and down before smirking, “you look not dead, soooooo”, and moves to snatch that weird basketball kid’s half-empty drink off the table. He doesn’t get a chance as Valerie -who’s honestly scary as fuck- shouts, “if you even think about it I will make you eat that cup and clean the floor yourself!”. Dash puts the cup down when the manager also shouts, “and I’ll let her!”.
Danny snickers meanly and points at a clearly confused Eddie, “Oh didn’t you know? We’re friends”.
Dash snaps, “bullshit”, and shoulders his way past Danny.
Danny shouts after him, “oh I dead ass am!”. While Valerie walks over, in uniform, and hugs Danny, “Zone I’m glad to see you up and about”, grabbing his shoulders and looking him up and down, “your parents scare me”.
Eddie does know how to take a queue, ten bucks says that’s the girlfriend, and just goes up to order. On that note, the fuck is a triple death meaty mighty? I mean, he’s totally ordering that, whatever it is. “-and I’ll have whatever qualifies as strong coffee”. He’s pretty sure Danny and the girl are making out, low key but still.
The cashier glances at Danny and back to the -holy fuck this dude’s famous- Eddie Brock, “you know the Fenton kid so I’m just gonna give you what he orders. One Deathspresso”.
Eddie smirks and laughs.
Eddie’s gonna take that compliment.
Eddie ignores that. Watching the kid just get his ‘usual’ whatever the fuck that is. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow at the girl when she joins them at a table. Not even having to ask as she goes from zero to murder a bitch in a split second, smacking a hand on the table and pointing the other at his face, “eat anyone and I’ll blow your ass up with a missile launcher. Even try to eat Danny and you’ll find me standing over you with a cattle prod”.
“Been there, done that”, and gives an award-winning sultry smirk.
Danny chuckles, “this a bad time to mention they already tried a sample?”. Eddie nearly chokes on his coffee due to one, fuck this is impressively strong. And two, the girl actually pulls out a weirdly shaped cattle prod. Danny snatches the weapon away, “we’re cool Val. ‘Parently I’m inedible”.
The girl grumbles, “fine, but I'm watching you”, and sounds aggressively serious about that. Eddie watches as Danny straight up chugs half his Deathspresso; fuck this kid’s worse than him. Which is definitely not a compliment.
Valerie turns to Danny, “so obviously you’re running your cyber stuff well, but the spooky stuff? Did you, maybe, get a spooky visitor drop in?”.
“If by ‘drop-in’ you mean fell through the ceiling laughing and mildly scaring the piss outta me, then being tail bros? Then yeah”, shaking his head and taking a few bites, “seriously, what the fuck, Val?”. Obviously he has to cover his Phantom ass.
Eddie just sips his coffee, pretending this conversation makes any sense.
Danny points to the manager who’s giving Valerie some serious side-eye, “you might want to get back to work, but first”, Danny leans over with mock sexiness, “I’m glad we started dating during this time of year”.
Valerie asks cautiously, “why”.
Danny grins, “‘cause we’re autumn mated”, and points a thumb outside at the orange trees and leaves on the ground.
Valerie sighs, “fuck you”, and shoves him through the window -which had been broken not too long ago- and into a bush. Getting up and brushing herself off before giving Eddie another threatening finger point and walking off.
Eddie tosses out the trash and walks out to watch the kid pull himself out of the bush, “I’m really fucking confused that you let people push around. Pretty sure you woulda let that jock kid dump stuff on you”. Vee sneaks their head out, “EAT THEM”.
Danny brushes off his pants, “not gonna happen”, straightening up, “if Dash spends his time beating me around then he doesn’t have time to beat up the ones that can’t handle falling twenty-something feet from a flag pole or being force-fed rotten food”.
Eddie groans, “oh god, you’ve got a fucking hero complex”, as they start heading back to the kids -really fucking weird- house.
“Lewis says you do your thing for hero-y reasons. Dishing out justice, without the mercy”, squinting at the guy, “or do you just do it for the meal”.
Eddie can practically smell the judgmental disapproval coming off the kid, “kid, no offence Vee, do you really think I’d be munching on people without my little alien hitchhiker?”, shrugging and sticking his hands in his pockets, “sure we only hunt people down when we need the meal, but I’m a thorough motherfucker; they’re always bad guys. Both guys that I would have come after anyways, minus the gratuitous murder. And guys that I couldn’t go after before on account of them probably fucking murdering me”. Danny looks like he’s actively determining his worth and truthfulness.
Danny nods after a bit, “alright, you seem believable enough. You’re the moral compass of Venom, at least it seems you actually are moral”.
“I don’t know ‘bout moral kid. The filth of the world is our prey and happily so”.
“Woah, chill your tits there Jeffery Dahlmer”, anything else Danny was going to say getting cut off by a shiver travelling through his body and a little plume of icy mist, “hold that thought, Hannibal, I’ve got a job to do”, and slips off into an alleyway.
Eddie grumbles, “like I haven’t heard that one before”, and chooses to lean against a building and finish his drink.
Not two seconds later does Eddie hear that echoey voice shout, “well looks like I’ve gone from one foodie to another! Surely you’ll find me a more flavourful delicacy! But no! You aren’t allowed to divide my existence away into servings! Though I’m certain I’m a perfect recipe for heroic tendencies!”.
Eddie watches as the black and white kid, who looks waaaaaaay less blurry in person, seemingly gets blasted out of the alley by meat? Like a legit literal floating river of meat. Eddie thinks this is already some major bullshit.
Danny dodges a meat axe, having a hard time not laughing his ass off at catching Eddie’s major ‘what the fuck’ face. The Lunchlady predictably pausing after Danny blasts apart the meatsuit -he’s gonna have to figure out where all this meat came from in the first place- with a couple well-aimed blasts. She looks him up and down, and shakes her head with a scowl, “YOU'RE STILL TOO SKINNY! Cookie?”.
Danny sighs, putting his chin in one palm, “no”.
“THEN YOU WILL FRY!”, and slams him into the ground with an oversized frying pan.
Danny just shoots a beam at her from the small crater he’s in, “the only thing I need to sweeten myself up is coffee!”.
The Lunchlady stops again and deadpans, “that’s bitter dearie”.
“Do I look like I care what my taste buds think!?! I’m Death flavoured anyway!”, floating back up, “and I think these battle flavours need the added spice of my fist!”, and promptly socks her across the jaw. Talking a bit quietly at her, “you and Boxy aren’t having issues are you?”.
She waves him off, “oh hardly”, and throws him into a building via a meat fist.
Eddie eyeballs a bit of steak that smacked into the ground with an oddly satisfying thwap. Muttering as Vee uses his leg/foot to poke it, “babe, that’s gross. Don’t eat that”. He might not have standards, but he has standards. Though if the steak wasn’t cooked Vee would probably eat it anyway.
The Lunchlady flies in after Danny and presents a little serving tray, taking off the lid. Danny takes the little paper while giving her some serious confused cautious eyebrows. Laughing when he sees it’s actually a bloody baby shower invite! The Lunchlady nods curtly, “I’m well aware you rather your humans not know, dearie”.
Danny nods, “truth”, and floats up, smirking, “should I bring a boxed lunch”.
She shakes her head, “I'm not going to question how you knew her name”. Danny just snickers meanly before, “surprise thermos!”, and sucks her into his thermos.
Eddie grunts, “so you seriously use a thermos? And your enemies invite you to parties? Honestly?”. Bullshit. That is bullshit.
Danny turns and looks at Eddie who’s sticking his head in through a hole, “you know, most people run away”.
“What is ghost lady gonna do? Kill me?”.
Danny blinks and wheezes, changing back human and wiggling his tail about, “we’re weirdly similar”, shaking his head, “and she would have tried once. Ghosts know better than to genuinely try to kill my humans though”, floating over to snatch up the discarded CyberSteps and reattach them, “also, I’m more like frenemies with most of my enemies”.
“You’re stupid”. Detachable robo legs were a new one but Dan had not failed to mentioned getting stab and hack happy with the kids lower half or that the kid's parents were trying, and apparently succeeding, at playing pin the legs on the teenager.  
Danny points at the guy, “hey, all ghosts fight each other. It’s a little something called socialising; not that you know much about that”.
“Cut deep why don’t you. You little fucker”.
“I’m only five-four!”.
Vee takes over Eddie’s mouth, “BITCHES”, apparently feeling left out.
Danny tilts his head, hearing a very particular engine, and grabs Eddie’s jacket to physically yank him to the side; just as the mini GAV -which is honestly just a reinforced minivan instead of a suped-up mini-tank monster truck hybrid thing- barrels through the wall, his dad clearly being the driver. Eddie yelping, “god fuck! Holy shit!”.
Maddie sticks her head out of the door, bazooka in hand. Lowering the weapon and clearly raising her eyebrows as she spots Danny, lifting her goggles, “oh! Sweetie!”, looking down and likely checking her scanner, “darn, missed It... them, missed them”.
Danny mutters, “they’re trying at least”, before waving at her, “hey mom, don’t worry, I’m fine”.
Eddie grumbles as he stands up, “don’t mind me, I'm good too”, only to slip on a chunk of debris and land right back on his ass.
Eddie grumbling, “she’s in head to toe spandex, I don’t think she cares”. Danny rolls his eyes, “it’s useful spandex”, he’s over being embarrassed by his parents ‘fashion’.
Eddie just snickers at the kid as his mom walks up and starts checking him over, “you alright? The ghost didn’t hurt you or anything? Or were they one you’re... friendly with?”.  
Danny bats away her hand, “mooooom, cut it out. I told you I’m fine”, Ancients he hated being babied, especially in front of others. Having to make a point to keep the snarl out of his voice, can’t help the teeth-baring though, “seriously”, huffing though glad when she gets the message and cuts it the Zone out, “and it was just the Lunchlady”, shrugging, “‘parently BoxedLunch was born”. She just blinks at him.
Eddie turns to the side and laughs, “well those are... names”, and laughs a little more. Danny points aggressively at him.
Maddie smiles a little stiffly, “ghosts names usually have a meaning of some kind”, gesturing to the mini-GAV, “how about I- or Jack I guess, drive everyone back to the house?”. Jack, as if summoned, sticks his head out and waves.
Eddie shrugs, following the adult and teen into the... ‘vehicle’ thing. While Danny nods, “yup, BoxedLunch will be able to telekinetically control boxed and canned food products”.
Eddie shakes his head, “that’s stupid”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “could be Obsession based too. Usually a mix”.
Jack nods and guns it, speaking while Eddie shrieks and chants ‘no’, “Phantom seems to be the exception. But! We’re pretty sure he’s a different kind of ghost! A needed one! A spirit!”, looking to Danny, “like ClockWork!”.
Eddie just side-eyes Danny while clinging to the door handle.
“I do believe I mentioned we are called NeverBorns”. Startling nearly everyone. Eddie muttering, “oh fuck me- no not you”.
Danny tilts his head up a little, child ClockWork appearing with their arms crossed on his head. Danny chuckling slightly awkwardly, “hey Clocky, uh, whatcha doing?”. Is ClockWork showing up randomly around his parents going to be a routine?
Maddie gives a stiff nod of greeting, “hello... ClockWork”. Jack waving erratically and giving a far more genuine, “hello! Again!”.
Eddie catches on damn quick, based on the stiffness the lady seems ridiculously similar to homophobes trying to tolerate or not be an utter ass around an out and proud queer. So she was what? a speciesist? Genuinely it seems. Well that’s fucking stupid and bullshit. The guy seemed more like the ignorant type that’s actually totally cool once they know better and actually believe it. And these guys were supposed to be the creme de la creme of ghost research? Wow, fuck that bullshit. “I’m not even gonna bother pretending to understand what the fuck is going on with the baby ghost, but aren’t you guys like the fucking ghost scientists of the world? I’m detecting some speciesism crap here. Studying the whatever the fuck that you’re bigoted against is stupid and is exactly how you do bad science”.
Danny holds up a finger, “uh, actually the government’s pretty well the same and did try to nuke the Ghost Zone; which would have pretty much destroyed the universe”.
Eddie points are him, clutching the door harder when the vehicle takes a hard turn, “that’s exactly what I mean. Studying while high on the bigotry train equals making stupid decisions”, gesturing wildly, “like blowing up an entire dimension. That’s stupid. I’d metaphorically punch someone in front of the camera for that. If I were a ghost I’d probably terrorise people trying to blow my home up or shoot me for the crime of existing too”.
Maddie opens and closes her mouth a few times, “well we didn’t believe them capable of emotions-”.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow, trying to not look pathetic while clinging to the door, “oh? Just like women aren’t capable of being rational, right?”.
Maddie makes a series of faces, “that’s not the same”.
“Isn’t it?”.
“Ghosts are a different species”.
“And? Women are a different sex”.
“They’re dead”.
“The have an absence of life, so logically it made sense they’d lack things of the living”.
“Women lack balls, which those old assholes clearly thought had something to do with being fucking rational. And do I even need to start on the whole genitalia related hysteria theory bullshit?”. Danny chokes a little and covers his eyes at that. Eddie smirks, “I know jack shit about ghosts, but I can taste bullshit when I smell it”.
ClockWork sticks up a small finger, “that is not how that phrase goes”.
Eddie only glances at them, “do I care? No”.
Jack parks and stands, “to be fair, every time anyone had encountered ghosts they had been violent”.
Eddie practically peels himself off the door, “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never ran into a friendly shark”, adding like he’s almost being forced at gunpoint to, “sharks are cool as shit though”.  
Danny gets up too, ClockWork not moving from their spot on his head. Danny’s almost impressed they’ve stayed in child form for so long, means there’s probably a reason though. “Sharks are pretty cool. Awesome teeth”, and gives a meaningful smile; he’d throw in his fangs if his folks weren’t around.
Eddie gives a small smirk back, a bit of sharp teeth visible. Then turning back to the parents, “science and biased opinions don’t mix, like milk and lemon juice. Nothing is fact until proven otherwise and if someone says it’s fact, prove them wrong; your bloody well self included. Screw your heads on straight”.
Danny looks to him while his parents gape a little, “I think I get why you get punched and abducted so much. You’re, like, super confrontational”.
Eddie points at him while walking up to the door, “and you’re not?”. Which Danny will admit is a bit fair. Eddie continues, “though yes, I do tend to egg people into throwing down. There is little better than punching pompous money-grubbing jackass that fuck over the lower classes in the face”. Danny can’t ever disagree with that either. ‘Cause well... ‘cause Vlad. Though he absolutely hears Eddie mutter to the side, “okay fine, yes that’s better. Only reason I like it now is your oily ass-oh yeah you and me both-fuck off”.
Maddie bites her lip a little but nods, while Jack goes over and gives ClockWork a pretty awkward handshake; considering how small their hands were at the moment.  
Lewis opens the door just as Eddie had muttered, “fuck off”. “Lovely to see you two too”.
“Jesus fuck, God sorry Dan. Not you, you already know that though”, looking to the side again, “shut the fuck up, you cunt”. Lewis just chuckles and moves to let everyone in.
Lewis points to ClockWork, “why’s the ghost godparent slash Guardian here?”.
Eddie turns to Danny, eyeballs the tiny ghost, “who the fuck makes a child someone’s godparent?”. ClockWork immediately changes to their adult form, moving to float next to Danny. Eddie blinks, “or not a child”, then looking offended, “oh yeah mock me why don’t you”, probably being mentally laughed at.
Maddie looks to the ghost, “Dan is right though, is there a reason or do you just... hang out”.
Eddie looks to her, “let me guess, ghosts ‘don’t hang out’”. Lewis gives him a fond smile that absolutely conveys that this is pretty typical Eddie.
Maddie actually does look slightly embarrassed, which might have something to do with Eddie’s tone, “we didn’t use to think they did”. Which both Eddie and Danny huff at.
ClockWork sticks up a finger, “we do simply spend time in each others company here and there. I’ve gotten him quite good at chess and better read”. Eddie coughs, muttering, “he plays chess???”. ClockWork keeps going, “though I do have my reasons for my appearance now”.
Danny sighs, moving to sit in the kitchen, “let me guess, either has to do with Eddie showing up or-”, popping his ankles up on a chair and crossing them, “-the leggies”.
Eddie shuffles off to the living room, pulling out a shitty-looking beat-up journal; when the ghost points at the kid’s metal legs. Now that he’s confirmed a few hunches he might as well work on recent stuff he can actually get paid for.
Danny sighs, “the timer I’m guessing? Some ability or purpose you left out because it wasn’t the right time?”. Danny totally one-hundred percent saw this coming. ClockWork usually had, like, a bajillion reasons for things.
Jack laughs when ClockWork smirks and nods, “you sure know them well! Danny-boy!”. Maddie smiles genuinely at that.
ClockWork taps at the timer with their staff, “as was said, such things can alter time around the wearer. And I must say, the Observants are quite displeased over your now patchy and difficult to interpret future”, both ghost and halfa share a malicious-looking grin over that. Before ClockWork continues, “but much more importantly, you could certainly go on a nice little jog through time. A quaint little stroll down the time streams road. Hop from spot to spot on the timeline”.
Danny blinks and chuckles, putting his chin in his elbow and resting on the table, “so a free built-in pass through time? You out here making me a little optional time hopper huh?”.
Maddie leans forward, “are you saying you gave Danny time powers through his legs?”, how is she even supposed to react to that? Sure he technically had ‘powers’ already, the floating and the cold of his Core; a healing factor arguably too. Probably more, that he might or might not know about.
ClockWork pats Danny’s head, “in a way. Far less timely than me, and I will see anything he gets up to or tries. Quite suiting for a timely apprenticeship”.
Danny blinks, “if I start accidentally falling through time, I’m blaming you”. ClockWork knows how he is with new powers. Though fine, being the ‘child of time’ probably means he should have some kinda timely stuff. Jack can’t help but laugh at that, he could see just how much trouble Danny could get up to with that! Good thing this ClockWork fellow seemed responsible, which super strange to truly see from a spook! Maddie can’t help but see this as like them liking his tail, wanting him to be more like them; which she’s trying not to view negatively. Parents usually wanted their kid to be similar to them.
Lewis leans forward, “interesting choice of words, ‘apprentice’ implies job”.
Danny tilts his head, right they had told him they had a job for him. Sighing with a smile, “you’re really just making me crank my internal clock rapidly towards death”.
ClockWork gives him another little pat, looking to the parents, “traditionally child ghosts always take something like an apprenticeship under their guardian; through the passing on of power. My binds simply don’t allow for it”, smirking, “at least not through traditional means”. Danny grumbles incoherently at that. ClockWork looking to him and changing to their elderly form, “now the title proper would be ‘prince of time’ of course, being that I am the lord”.
Lewis shakes his head, Danny seriously couldn’t get away from the prince title now could he? Ghost Prince, Time Prince. Though he’s pretty sure the second is not even kinda a ruling title.
Jack blinks then looks a little excited, curiously excited, “‘prince’? Like royalty?!?”. Danny thumps his head on the table and leaves it there. ClockWork changing to a child and wrapping their tail around his neck, giving him a kinda weird neck/shoulder massage thing, “cloooooockyyyyyy”. Though relaxing and melting a little.
Lewis can’t help chuckling at that, giving him a very mocking, “awwww”, and getting a very mumbly, “fak yo”, in return.
Maddie shaking her head and a little surprised to find herself fighting back a smile, “I’m more interested in the binds thing. Your power level means you really should be a six, but you’re not”. ClockWork fiddles with Danny’s hair, leaving him to answer. Danny turns his head to the side, “they make sure the universe goes along the best and longest path. And that is all they are to do. Rules they physically have to follow. Restricts how much they can interfere”, sighing and shifting against the table a little, “can only do all this stuff with me ‘cause Guardian. Only Guardian ‘cause of circumstances and whatnot”. ClockWork nods with a hum, letting a content pleased smile be very obvious.
Jack and Maddie grin at that, both pretty damn certain now that this ghost genuinely liked and cared; no villainous motives. And if they were really thinking on that right now they'd probably cringe, obviously they’ve been wrong and probably about a lot. And Danny knew that. He was involved with ghosts, liked some, and very close with at least one. They had screwed up really, because they had hurt him in a way. He’d always been constant and firm in his opinions. His friends the same but seemingly more disappointed in them about it; probably out of protectiveness. Vlad said it like it was obvious fact but didn’t give a damn if they agreed or not. Dan was gentle and arguably objective, though he had probably talked with Danny at length. And this Eddie had pretty much come up and smacked them.
Lewis decides this probably qualifies as a ‘family moment’ so makes possibly awkward attempts to leave them alone, getting himself coffee and leaning against the entryway between the kitchen and living room. Smirking a bit to himself at spotting Eddie, who’s scribbling down his chicken scratch while rubbing little circles on noodle Vee’s head; Vee looks quite content with the situation.
Meanwhile, Maddie eyes the bit of the clock timer peaking out off Danny’s pants. Obviously the ‘prince of time’ thing wasn’t an actual royal title but more ‘family of someone important’, which was still strange. ClockWork calling it ‘apprentice’ definitely confirmed they were teaching him things beyond just chess; a bit mind-blowing ghosts played boardgames. She wonders though...
ClockWork speaks up, Danny looking a little zoned out all the while, “I prefer to allow him to teach himself. A guiding hand, rather than an authoritative voice. The latter weathers with time and often leads astray; the lessons less true and less useful. Request before you demand. Advise before you tell. And listen before you think”.
Jack grumbles, “I don’t think I quite get that”.
“To demand is to control their actions. To tell is to control their beliefs. To think without listening first is to control their voice. You have done plenty of this in the past. Demand fear and hatred of ghosts, scorn those that refuse to listen. Tell tales of your decided truth as if fact, and speaking louder if someone stuck their fingers in their ears. Thought of only others' nativity and how to reinforce yourselves when others spoke their grievances. Now you’ve tried the other path. And though it can be filled with hurt and discomfort, you’re already richer for it you'll find”, smirking faintly, “and yes, Daniel does do jobs for me; though not officially or with any real request from me. I merely pushed for timelines that aligned best and things worked themselves out as they so often do. Now I can request of him in genuine, and him of me”.
The two blinks at them, a little overwhelmed. Both pretty sure Danny might be the only one who doesn’t find them overwhelming. And Danny was probably the only one whose opinion ClockWork actually even cared about. Maddie leans back a little, “so you’re kind of like the... god who can’t truly interfere and simply must let people live their lives? Let fate play out?”.
“And, to use the phrases of mortals, I lose no sleep over that”, shifting to an adult and easily moving Danny to be practically curled up in their lap/against their chest, “I care not whether you live nor die. Whether you know happiness or suffer greatly. Beyond the effect of that upon Daniel and upon the continued existence of the time stream”.
Maddie could choose to take time that incredibly negatively, she could almost call this emotionless; but really? It was more someone whose priorities were far beyond individual beings. And besides, this meant that ClockWork would do what was best for Danny; everything and everyone else be damned. If anything, she could technically trust them with him more than anyone else. Maybe it was the bond Danny explained, or maybe it was simply them as a Being.
Jack’s more focused on how Danny absently grabbed ClockWork’s cloak and sorta snuggled up to it, very adorable and Danny would probably be so embarrassed if he wasn’t practically dead to the world. Danny seldom seemed really relaxed, so it was really nice to see! Then watching the ghosts blue hand pull out a necklace from under Danny’s collar, the one Danny always seemed to wear but never over clothing. Jack honestly has no clue what that necklace looks like and according to the paramedics it literally vanished as soon as they got his shirt off. Seeing the little silver CW charm dangling off the thin chain, he knew that thing had to be ghostly! Neither parent even has to ask.
“I gifted him this after becoming his Guardian proper. And now-”, taping the chain and suddenly a little gear charm appears on it, “-I find this to be another moment to commemorate”, letting go and the necklace simply phases through the shirt. Looking to the parents, “he prefers to keep it over his Core, which is typical for children. Symbolically saying that to truly hurt them you’d have to go through their Guardian first”, ClockWork puts in some emphasis to make the message very clear. The parents give a little nod and are actually genuinely happy to hear that.
Then they hear what they’re pretty sure is a string of swears and thud; turning their heads and seeing Dan choke on his drink a little. Danny -and ClockWork but that’s besides the point- is the only one to actually hear Eddie’s grumble about being bit. Which Danny smirks over and promptly bites ClockWork. Jack laughs while ClockWork chuckles, ahhh the joys of having a trickster who’s still growing into his fangs under their cloak. Danny does crawl off them right after though, moving to make his own coffee and obviously trying to play things off. Which gets Maddie to giggle.
Eddie stumbles in, grunts at Danny, “you like murder coffee, pour me some”, looking to the ghost, “fuck, you’re still here? Don’t you have things to do? Decrepit houses to haunt? Or children’s closets to hide ominously in?”.
ClockWork smirks, “I’m hardly the type. You should watch your local news, I believe”. Eddie rolls his eyes and shuffles back to the living room; reclaiming the couch. Danny sighs and looks to the ceiling, something going wrong in someone’s home when they leave was exactly his luck. Turning around and sipping his coffee while leaning against the counter; everyone (minus ClockWork)feeling just slightly awkward now.
So Jack jumps up, looking to Maddie, “after today I say we need to get right on rebuilding the GAV!”. Maddie looks from Jack to ClockWork to Danny, before smiling; it would probably mean a lot to Danny to just trust ClockWork alone-ish with him. Turning to Jack, “sounds like a plan, hon”.
Danny grins like an idiot to himself after they head down the lab stairs, they had changed so much! Looking to ClockWork, who grins, “one more thing, Daniel. Here”, and hands over folded fabric.
Danny looks at it, only having to fold out the hood to know it’s a freaking cloak or maybe mini cloak, “oh Ancients, ClockWork. Thanks”. ClockWork just laughs a little before throwing the cloak around his shoulders and disappearing. Leaving Danny grumbling fondly, “can’t even say goodbye”. Then looking to Lewis’s stupid smirk, “shut up”. Lewis chuckles and moves to sit in the living room. Danny electing to follow.
Danny leans over the back of the couch, looking at the absolute mess that is Eddie’s writing, “whatcha doin’?”.
“Adult stuff you’d never understand”.
“Fuck you”.
Eddie chuckles, “filling in details on the little interview I had with Cletus Kasady”.
Danny blinks, “ain’t that guy a serial killer?”, he’s not sure he even wants to know now.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t look away from his notebook, “surprised you know that, dudes whacky”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “nice, another frootloop”, leaning over even more purely to be obnoxious, “I should show you how to write with a proper quill, could make this look even more illegible. And writing with a fucking quill in public is a total power move”.
Eddie mutters, “that’s actually a decent argument”. While Danny squints at the words, sounding mildly unsure and tilting his head; attempting to read it, “‘there’s gonna be carnage’?”, snorting and moving to actually flop on the couch, “well someone took lessons from us spookies on being ominous”.
Eddie snorts and rolls his eyes, “more like typical bad guy trying to be intimidating”, smirking, “doesn’t really work on an actual predator though”.
Danny snickers, “tell me about it”.
Lewis sips his drink, watching the slight sharp toothy grins. Maybe those two were going to be like oil and fire, which might not be a good thing. Eyeing the short cloak that was honestly closer to a shawl, whatever, it was probably out of his hands now. Least the kid had some omnipresent god looking out for him. Positives Lewis, positives. Vee’s noodle head being suspiciously quiet is more than a little ominous though.
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faded-euphoria · 4 years
Heyyy!!! I loved the underage! Alice headcanon so I would love a hc for the black army or the neutrals of underage! Alice! (also I LOVE ur headcanons 🥺) thank you! ❤️
I gotchu bb!!!
(a/n) I set this up in a similar timeline as Oliver's route. So Alice is working as his assistant, at the beginning. And once again, you're sixteen in this. I hope you like it!!❤️❤️
The Black Army and Neutrals with Underage!Alice!
Obviously, Oliver was the first to find out since he looks like a child during the day time.
He never really reacted when he found out, he just kinda had a look of 'It figures' on his face.
Blanc some how already knew you were a baby child teenager thing
It's the carrots i guess
He got big brain
As you were in Oliver's 'workshop' one day Loki comes in
And Loki being Loki, he gets as close to you as possible-
and asks you on a date.
Of course Oliver slaps him and tells him you're a c h i l d
and then you argue and tell him that you're not a child, that you're almost an adult, "At least I'm closer to being an adult than you are small fry!"
Haha you ded
After Loki leaves, Oliver gives you the silent treatment, putting you in a bad mood.
So when Fenrir comes to get you that evening, you look a little pissy.
So you tell him on the way back about what happened, and when you tell him what you said he's all like
"Wait.... You're not an adult?"
and you're like "Nah I'm Sixteen"
And he just kinda nods, and keeps walking.
But now he's even more determined to keep you safe cuz you really are a child to him.
When you both get back to the headquarters, Fenrir immediately goes to tell Ray.
"Ray this is important didyouknowthatAliceisanactualbabylikeshe'slegitnotevenanadultyetshe'sachild-"
Ray.exe has stopped working
"Wot in tarnation" personified
The next morning you're talking with Seth while on your way out the door when Ray walks up to you and says
"Little missy, tell me w h y you didn't say you were only SIXTEEN!?"
-Papa Bear Ray Has Entered The Chat-
-Momma Bear Seth Has Entered The Chat-
"Excuse me?"
* Narrator voice* At the moment Alice knew she f*cked up
"I just didn't think about it??" You'd say thinking you'd slip by with out death
s i k e
"Didn't think about it? What if the Red Army got a hold of you?? Or anyone from the Magic Tower?? You would be in so much danger- and the fact that you're still g r o w i n g?? Sweetheart we gave you WINE at dinner Monday!!"
That was Seth btw
Ray went on a similar rant.
An officer when to tell Oliver you're grownded.
Sirius kinda brushed it off after the initial shock
The last one to figure it out cuz no one really talked about it after that was Luka.
It was at lunch, everyone was quietly eating when Fenrir said,"Alice when do you turn 17?"
Luka kinda just looked up from his plate of spaghetti like 'you mean when did she turn 17 right?'
"Oh in a few months, why?"
Que him staring at the noodles like they were the thoughts in his head; j u m b l e d
"She's so young.." He mumbled under his breath.
He heard Sirius snicker to his left,"You didn't know?"
He shook his head and then glanced at you, you were now smiling and laughing at Seth and Fenrir.
Sirius sighed,"I miss being that young, I felt like I had all the time in the world.."
The Jack, King, and Queen of Spades all watched as Alice laughed along with the Ace and 10 of Spades
a few weeks later you were out with Sirius, he had asked you if you wanted to get out of the headquarters for a minute and walk with him to see an old friend.
You(of course) said sure.
Not really knowing what to expect you just quietly walk along slightly behind him.
Until you get to a forest.
It's kind of dark so you're like 'huh creepy ok sure yea nice'
que spooky noise
The next thing Sirius knew was you were wrapped around his arm.
Vice grip of a scared little girl.
Thats the first time he'd actually seen you as a little girl since that one lunch.
I mean he was fine with it, it was indeed his job to protect you.
When he stopped walking was when you ended up letting his arm go in favor of his hand, clasping it between your smaller two.
He walk the both of you up to the door and knocked on it softly before a tall, quite handsome man opened it.
He let you in, Sirius introduced you both.
Harr gave you both some tea before sitting down across from you with his own.
The two older men started a friendly conversation, catching up a small bit before talking about you.
"You seem like a wonderful woman, Alice." Harr commented after you gave a small description of your life back in your world.
"Oh ho, she's not quite a woman yet." Sirius chuckled,"She's only 16." He nudged you smiling like a dad who just came up with a new dad joke.
Harr quirked an eyebrow up,"16? You'd pass to be my age and I'm over a decade older than you."
S h o o k A l i c e
"A decade- but you barley look 19???"
And then down the rabbit hole you three go talking about aging.
^^hehe get it👀
When you get back to headquarters, its lobg passed bed time and you're half asleep.
You sigh remembering you have to climb two flights of stairs to get to your room.
The Queen looks down at you as you yawn, and gently places a hand on your back to get your attention.
Having a silent conversation with your eyes, he carefully picks you up, and heads to your room.
He sets you on your bed and takes your shoes off before pulling the blanket up to your shoulders and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Goodnight, kiddo."
"Goodnight, Dad-"
whaT DiD yoU jUsT SaY-
"Sirius- Goodnight, Sirius.."
"Dad... You can call me dad while you're here."
There was a fond smile on his face as he walked out the door.
After it was closed he thought to himself
'She called me dad.. maybe I should look for a wife..'
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found--family · 4 years
‘Supernatural’ season 15, episode 15 screener secrets: We’re ‘Highway to Heaven’-ing this bitch
[everything is from this Hypable article] 
This week on Supernatural, Amara returns and are angels solving people crimes now? Hypable previewed Supernatural season 15, episode 15 “Gimme Shelter,” so read on to find out more.
After a sweet and fun return to ease us back into the world of Supernatural last week, things are heating up pretty dramatically – I knew there wouldn’t be much more time for messing around.
“Gimme Shelter” sees Supernatural dip its feet into what the Winchesters currently believe is their big plan – eliminating Chuck by also taking down Amara, resulting in what they believe will be a cosmic-being-free balanced world. But first, they have to find her. Sam and Dean get a pretty good lead on her location, which results in a very interesting conversation between Amara and the boys – especially with her most favoritest Dean, of course.
Meanwhile, Castiel is persuaded into taking Jack to investigate a nearby case in Missouri – which all three adults suspect is probably the work of a human criminal – for the sake of humoring Jack and keeping him both busy and supervised. On the way home, they have a very interesting conversation of their own.
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Spoiler Warning: This article contains generalized spoilers for Supernatural season 15 episode 15, “Gimme Shelter.” If you do not wish to be spoiled at all, do not read this article in advance of the airdate.
The official synopsis for Supernatural season 15, episode 15 reads:
MATT COHEN DIRECTS — Castiel (Misha Collins) and Jack (Alexander Calvert) work a case involving members of a local church. Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) go off in search of Amara (guest star Emily Swallow). Matt Cohen directed the episode written by Davy Perez (#1515). Original airdate 10/15/2020.
If you want to know what to expect from this week’s Supernatural, here’s 10 teasers plus 15 single word clues from our advance viewing of Supernatural season 15, episode 15 “Gimme Shelter.”
‘Supernatural’ season 15, [10] episode 15 screener secrets 
1️⃣ During the filming of this episode (27 January – 5 February) Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles both spent much of the week at home with their families in Austin, a detail which was made clear on their and their wives’ public social media accounts – possibly the result of scheduled time off as they’ve mentioned occasionally requesting? The result is that the episode is weighted much more towards Cas, Jack and the murder investigation they’re chasing than towards Sam and Dean, but on the flip side, the Sam and Dean arc is more crucial to the long game of the show, so what it lacks in minutes, it makes up for in impact. 
2️⃣ However, the episode still begins and ends in a grounded family group way, at home in the Bunker – one of those “we know we should be doing this together but there are Reasons we have to split up” situations. This detail, in my opinion, really speaks to the motivation of the creative team towards honoring the four leads as parts of a whole – in earlier days, this kind of episode would have been two entirely non-touching threads. This one is, if not a tapestry, at very least a braid – tied up together at both ends, and intertwined in the middle.
3️⃣ You might have seen pictures or ominous trailer footage of Castiel and Jack digging a hole at the crossroads. We all know what that means! However, don’t worry. They simply want to talk – and the demon they summon has some really interesting – and dare I say positive? – news about the state of Hell under Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Rowena. Let’s just say the demon is actually pretty friendly… and extremely bored.
4️⃣ The two main guest stars on Cas and Jack’s side of the episode are both actors who have been briefly featured on the show before, in a couple of pretty famous episodes – one from season 2 and one from season 5. I don’t think there’s meant to be any meta or Easter Egg element to this, just the usual Vancouver casting industry cycle (see the ‘Weren’t You In Another Episode‘ reference page on the SuperWiki) but one of them is one of those cute “I appeared on Supernatural as a child and now I’m here as an adult” situations, and the other, well… the original character’s very name has become the stuff of Supernatural legend, and if I were in charge of this episode I would have put the actor in a particular piece of footwear and made sure we got a shot of it, just for kicks.
5️⃣ Castiel steps into a prayer circle when the church group members are meant to give a testimony – presumably of their journey so far and their relationship with faith. That’s what Cas chooses to share, at least – in a non-specific, humanized way – and fans of the character will be moved to hear the ways he verbalizes his own growth.
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6️⃣ Speaking of growth, some of Dean’s is spelled out for him in the most miraculous way by Amara. After Sam and Dean meet up with her and have a conversation about Chuck that’s ultimately a bit of a non-starter, Dean returns to ask her another, more personal question. Her response gave me legitimate chills. It’s a very weighty mic drop and the combination of the level of impact and the level of clarity (it’s entirely airtight, no room for interpretation) feels like the culmination of all the self-actualization work the show has been doing on Dean in the last four years. (I wish I could tell you Sam got a big special moment like this in the episode, but he doesn’t. Amara’s return was always going to be Dean’s thing.) Amara’s speech to Dean… it doesn’t feel isolated, like the idea of it was invented just for this episode. It feels more like concrete evidence of what the show has been trying to prove for ages. And the funny thing is, Amara is the anti-Chuck, right, and all season, we’ve learned about the version of the story Chuck thinks is good, and we’ve been told to root against that. Chuck’s version of Supernatural isn’t how the writers really feel. But I think Amara’s might be. Dean has obviously struggled to see what she tells him, all in one piece, but here it is – this was the point, laid out on the table, from the entity behind the curtain – both onscreen and off. Amara knew what she was doing, and so did the writers. This was always, always the point.
7️⃣ Even before this massive scene, Amara’s return is just great. Emily Swallow does such an incredible job with this character – she really is the anti-Chuck even without the whole writer comparison. Swallow imbues this character with such an incredible peace and stillness in comparison to Chuck’s histrionics – this was true in the way she spoke and behaved even in season 11, but this Amara also feels kindness and patience and tolerance. She radiates power, even when she’s also slightly goofy. There’s no fight, there’s no antagonism, but the boys in her presence are like little fish in a vast ocean – they quickly realise they have no real control in this conversation. The way that we leave her indicates she’ll be back and has more to say or do, and what she shared during her reunion with Sam and Dean makes me really curious about the role she’s due to play in the show’s endgame.
8️⃣ I’m not very religious but I really like the version of a church group or ‘faith-based community,’ as they say, featured in “Gimme Shelter.” Supernatural has a shaky history in terms of how the show portrays people in-universe who believe. Sometimes they’re treated like a joke, or stupid, or dangerous, or hypocrites, but occasionally civilian acts of faith are shown as great and powerful things, even in a world where we know that what they believe in isn’t strictly accurate. That concept became an even bigger question mark for me when we got the reveal that Judeo-Christian God is not only absent, but our actual villain. However, this was a really nice look at why faith can still be a framework for a good way of life – loving thy neighbor – for some people, no matter the truth about Chuck. The episode also features a callback to writer Davy Perez’ very first Supernatural episode “American Nightmare” in terms of the way that some people have weaponized faith and religion to the detriment and harm of others or even themselves, but this factor does not negate the positive point mentioned above.
9️⃣ Supernatural alum and newly minted director Matt Cohen really got the full old-school Supernatural episode experience when it comes to leaning into the spooky horror element. The murderous case-of-the week featured in this episode is heavy and lingering on the gore and even contains a little bit of a jump scare, so view responsibly.
🔟 So, um, you know that line, in this week’s teaser trailer? The line that a lot of people are freaking out about because it seems to pertain to something important that we know about Cas’ fate that Dean and Sam aren’t aware of? Yeah, it is 100% absolutely not about that at all. It is about something super important, but it’s not that. It’s also the last line of the episode, but trust me – it’s not a cliffhanger and it’s not a red herring and it’s not a twist. The information is gleaned within the episode and you’ll know exactly what Cas is telling Dean about after seeing it – narratively, that’s the reason it isn’t in the episode, because the show clearly assumes you’ll get the picture and can skip a rehash of information. But what you were probably expecting – maybe even hoping for – it’s not that. You’re gonna have to hang on for that one.
Finally, have 15 random yet significant words from this week’s episode without any context whatsoever: Gaia, Ronald, mother, pierogies, cats, philosophy, target, blind, permission, lockdown, Kool-aid, buffet, gift, trial, choice.
‘Supernatural’ airs Thursday at 8/7c on The CW
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Top New Horror Books in April 2021
Where horror meets speculative fiction you’ll find inventive fears and chilling uncertainty. Here are some of the horror books we’re most excited about and/or are currently consuming…
Top New Horror Books in April 2021
Whisper Down the Lane by Clay Chapman
Type: Novel Publisher: Quirk Books Release date: April 6
Den of Geek says: A quasi-historical novel dissects memory and moral panic. What could be a flat story about mistrust has set itself apart with positive reviews praising both the fun and the terror.
Publisher’s summary: Inspired by the McMartin preschool trials and the Satanic Panic of the ‘80s, the critically acclaimed author of The Remaking delivers another pulse pounding, true-crime-based horror novel.
Richard doesn’t have a past. For him, there is only the present: a new marriage to Tamara, a first chance at fatherhood to her son Elijah, and a quiet but pleasant life as an art teacher at Elijah’s elementary school in Danvers, Virginia. Then the body of a rabbit, ritualistically murdered, appears on the school grounds with a birthday card for Richard tucked beneath it. Richard doesn’t have a birthday—but Sean does . . .
Sean is a five-year-old boy who has just moved to Greenfield, Virginia, with his mother. Like most mothers of the 1980s, she’s worried about bills, childcare, putting food on the table . . . and an encroaching threat to American life that can take the face of anyone: a politician, a friendly neighbor, or even a teacher. When Sean’s school sends a letter to the parents revealing that Sean’s favorite teacher is under investigation, a white lie from Sean lights a fire that engulfs the entire nation—and Sean and his mother are left holding the match.
Now, thirty years later, someone is here to remind Richard that they remember what Sean did. And though Sean doesn’t exist anymore, someone needs to pay the price for his lies.
Buy Whisper Down the Lane by Clay Chapman.
The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon
Type: Novel Publisher: Gallery/Scout Press  Release date: April 6
Den of Geek says: You won’t want to go near a body of water for a while. Highly-praised author McMahon looks into the deep as an author one critic called a fitting heir to Shirley Jackson.
Publisher’s summary: When social worker Jax receives nine missed calls from her older sister, Lexie, she assumes that it’s just another one of her sister’s episodes. Manic and increasingly out of touch with reality, Lexie has pushed Jax away for over a year. But the next day, Lexie is dead: drowned in the pool at their grandmother’s estate. When Jax arrives at the house to go through her sister’s things, she learns that Lexie was researching the history of their family and the property. And as she dives deeper into the research herself, she discovers that the land holds a far darker past than she could have ever imagined.
In 1929, thirty-seven-year-old newlywed Ethel Monroe hopes desperately for a baby. In an effort to distract her, her husband whisks her away on a trip to Vermont, where a natural spring is showcased by the newest and most modern hotel in the Northeast. Once there, Ethel learns that the water is rumored to grant wishes, never suspecting that the spring takes in equal measure to what it gives.
A haunting, twisty, and compulsively readable thrill ride from the author who Chris Bohjalian has dubbed the “literary descendant of Shirley Jackson,” The Drowning Kind is a modern-day ghost story that illuminates how the past, though sometimes forgotten, is never really far behind us.
Buy The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon.
Near the Bone by Christina Henry
Type: Novel Publisher: Berkley Release date: April 13
Den of Geek says: Isolation often makes for some good, character-focused horror (maybe this year in particular). A mix of human and monstrous violence haunts this mountain.
Publisher’s summary: Mattie can’t remember a time before she and William lived alone on a mountain together. She must never make him upset. But when Mattie discovers the mutilated body of a fox in the woods, she realizes that they’re not alone after all. 
There’s something in the woods that wasn’t there before, something that makes strange cries in the night, something with sharp teeth and claws. 
When three strangers appear on the mountaintop looking for the creature in the woods, Mattie knows their presence will anger William. Terrible things happen when William is angry.
Buy Near the Bone by Christina Henry.
Top New Horror Books in March 2021
Later by Stephen King
Type: Novel Publisher: Hard Case Crime Release date: March 2 Den of Geek says: Stephen King, author of The Stand, The Shining, and many more, needs no introduction. The top name in horror is sure to be the one everyone is talking about.
Publisher’s summary: The son of a struggling single mother, Jamie Conklin just wants an ordinary childhood. But Jamie is no ordinary child. Born with an unnatural ability his mom urges him to keep secret, Jamie can see what no one else can see and learn what no one else can learn. But the cost of using this ability is higher than Jamie can imagine – as he discovers when an NYPD detective draws him into the pursuit of a killer who has threatened to strike from beyond the grave. 
LATER is Stephen King at his finest, a terrifying and touching story of innocence lost and the trials that test our sense of right and wrong. With echoes of King’s classic novel It, LATER is a powerful, haunting, unforgettable exploration of what it takes to stand up to evil in all the faces it wears.
Buy Later by Stephen King.
The Second Bell by Gabriela Houston
Type: Novel Publisher: Angry Robot Release date: March 9 Den of Geek says: Horror meets legend in a different take on the werewolf. Author Gabriela Houston has been praised for her character work and mixture of grounded realism and chilling fantasy.
Publisher’s summary: To the world you are an abomination; a monster with unholy abilities. You’re shunned and left to fend for yourself. Your only chance of survival is to tap into that dark potential – would you do it?
In an isolated mountain community, sometimes a child is born with two hearts. Such a child – a striga – is considered a dangerous demon, which must be abandoned on the edge of the forest to protect the community. The only choice the child’s mother can make is whether to leave her home with her infant, or stay behind and try to forget.
Miriat made her choice. She and her nineteen-year-old striga daughter, Salka, now live a life of deprivation and hardship in a remote village, where to follow the impulses of the other heart is forbidden.
But Salka is headstrong and young, and when threatened with losing everything, she is forced to explore the depths of her true nature, testing the bonds between mother and child.
The Second Bell by Gabriela Houston.
Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall
Type: Novel Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers Release date: March 16
Den of Geek says: This YA pick reminds us pleasantly of Twin Peaks or Alan Wake. A spooky setting and a protagonist with a strong hook to its location promises a tightly constructed story.
Publisher’s summary: In 1973, the thirty-one residents of Bitter Rock disappeared. In 2003, so did my mother. Now, I’ve come to Bitter Rock to find out what happened to her–and to me. Because Bitter Rock has many ghosts. And I might be one of them.
Sophia’s earliest memory is of drowning. She remembers the darkness of the water and the briny taste as it filled her throat, the sensation of going under. She remembers hands pulling her back to safety, but that memory is impossible–she’s never been to the ocean. 
But then Sophia gets a mysterious call about an island names Bitter Rock, and learns that she and her mother were there fifteen years ago–and her mother never returned. The hunt for answers lures her to Bitter Rock, but the more she uncovers, the clearer it is that her mother is just one in a chain of disappearances. 
People have been vanishing from Bitter Rock for decades, leaving only their ghostly echoes behind. Sophia is the only one who can break the cycle–or risk becoming nothing more than another echo haunting the island.
Buy Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall.
Top New Horror Books in February 2021
The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor
Type: Novel Publisher: Ballantine Books Release date: Feb. 9 Den of Geek says: A spooky thriller set in a small village promises ghostly visitations and weird happenings that a single mother and her daughter need to investigate. Evil lurking in churches and exorcisms are a horror staple, but the historical grounding here gives it a unique texture. Publisher’s summary: A dark history lingers in Chapel Croft. Five hundred years ago, Protestant martyrs were betrayed—then burned. Thirty years ago, two teenage girls disappeared without a trace. And a few weeks ago, the vicar of the local parish hanged himself in the nave of the church.
Reverend Jack Brooks, a single parent with a fourteen-year-old daughter and a heavy conscience, arrives in the village hoping for a fresh start. Instead, Jack finds a town rife with conspiracies and secrets, and is greeted with a strange welcome package: an exorcism kit and a note that warns, “But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known.”
The more Jack and daughter, Flo, explore the town and get to know its strange denizens, the deeper they are drawn into the age-old rifts, mysteries, and suspicions. And when Flo begins to see specters of girls ablaze, it becomes apparent there are ghosts here that refuse to be laid to rest.
Uncovering the truth can be deadly in a village with a bloody past, where everyone has something to hide and no one trusts an outsider.
Buy The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor.
What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo
Type: Novel Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux Release date: Feb. 2 Den of Geek says: Fans of the human side of werewolves or the everyday life of the Addams Family may like this story of a student returning home to a strange place after a taste of the outside world. Written for a YA market, but the inventive concept means it has crossover appeal. Publisher’s summary: Eleanor Zarrin has been estranged from her wild family for years. When she flees boarding school after a horrifying incident, she goes to the only place she thinks is safe: the home she left behind. But when she gets there, she struggles to fit in with her monstrous relatives, who prowl the woods around the family estate and read fortunes in the guts of birds.
Eleanor finds herself desperately trying to hold the family together―in order to save them all, Eleanor must learn to embrace her family of monsters and tame the darkness inside her.
Buy What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo.
Never Have I Ever by Isabel Yap
Type: Short story collection Publisher: Small Beer Press Release date: Feb. 23 Den of Geek says: At Den of Geek we’re always looking for horror that mixes with science fiction and fantasy. Isabel Yap does exactly that. A well-established writer with short stories in genre pillars like Tor.com, Lightspeed, and Strange Horizons, her stories are vivid and unsettling. She’s garnered praise from authors including Tamsyn Muir. Publisher’s summary: “Am I dead?” Mebuyen sighs. She was hoping the girl would not ask. Spells and stories, urban legends and immigrant tales: the magic in Isabel Yap’s debut collection jumps right off the page, from the joy in her new novella, “A Spell for Foolish Hearts” to the terrifying tension of the urban legend “Have You Heard the One About Anamaria Marquez.”
Buy Never Have I Ever by Isabel Yap.
Top New Horror Books in January 2021
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In the Garden of Spite by Camilla Bruce
Type: Novel Publisher: Berkley Release date: Jan. 19
Den of Geek says: This novel for fans of the line where true crime meets horror follows Belle Gunness, a real life serial killer. This looks like a darkly fascinating portrait of a wicked and deadly woman, showing how the “Widow of La Porte” clawed her way through history, leaving victims in her wake. Publisher’s summary: They whisper about her in Chicago. Men come to her with their hopes, their dreams–their fortunes. But no one sees them leave. No one sees them at all after they come to call on the Widow of La Porte.
The good people of Indiana may have their suspicions, but if those fools knew what she’d given up, what was taken from her, how she’d suffered, surely they’d understand. Belle Gunness learned a long time ago that a woman has to make her own way in this world. That’s all it is. A bloody means to an end. A glorious enterprise meant to raise her from the bleak, colorless drudgery of her childhood to the life she deserves. After all, vermin always survive.
Buy In the Garden of Spite by Camilla Bruce.
In Darkness, Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish
Type: Novel Publisher: Flame Tree Press Release date: Jan. 19
Den of Geek says: Intentionally disorienting fiction can be hit or miss, but in this case it sounds like the non-linear storytelling adds to the intended feeling of a nightmare. Old-fashioned Gothic horror fans with a taste for dark fantasy might enjoy this one. Publisher’s summary: In a luxury apartment and in the walls of a modern hospital, the evil that was done continues to thrive. They are in the hands of an entity that knows no boundaries and crosses dimensions – bending and twisting time itself – and where danger waits in every shadow. The battle is on for their bodies and souls and the line between reality and nightmare is hard to define. Through it all, the words of Lydia Warren Carmody haunt them. But who was she? And why have Carol and Nessa been chosen?
The answer lies deep in the darkness… 
Buy In Darkness, Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish.
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Type: Novel Publisher: Nyx Publishing Release date: Jan. 31
Den of Geek says: Dracula retellings are common, as are takes on the famous vampire’s wives. This one sets itself apart by focusing on a relationship between the wives themselves, coloring in the classic story with what the author calls “sapphic yearning at the opera.” Publisher’s summary: Saved from the brink of death by a mysterious stranger, Constanta is transformed from a medieval peasant into a bride fit for an undying king. But when Dracula draws a cunning aristocrat and a starving artist into his web of passion and deceit, Constanta realizes that her beloved is capable of terrible things. Finding comfort in the arms of her rival consorts, she begins to unravel their husband’s dark secrets.
With the lives of everyone she loves on the line, Constanta will have to choose between her own freedom and her love for her husband. But bonds forged by blood can only be broken by death.
Buy A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson.
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Psycho Analysis: Halloween Special Villains
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Ah, Halloween, that magical, spooky time of year where ghosts and goblins come out to play and children dress up in the hopes of getting some delicious Halloween candy. But what about all of us who are trapped at home on the night of this pagan costume and candy festival? What do we have to keep us entertained?
Why, Halloween specials of course!
If there’s one thing Halloween delivers on almost as well as Christmas does, it’s spooky Halloween-themed episodes of cartoons, where the show is allowed to get darker and more disturbing than it usually does in some cases. And what is any special without a special one-shot villain? Gotta have someone stirring up some Halloween trouble on this spooky night. And since these characters are usually one and done with little in the way to go super in-depth about, I’d figure we’d look at five of them at once! They are:
Jack O’Lantern from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Pumpkinator from The Fairly OddParents
Bun-Bun from Underfist
Fright Night from Danny Phantom
Ron Tompkins from Toy Story of Terror!
I’m sure some of you feel there are some glaring omissions. Where’s the Flying Dutchman? Where’s Stickybeard? Well, I decided that this time around I’d go with characters whose major appearances and debuts are Halloween episodes; both those guys had major roles in non-Halloween episodes as well, so I’ll be saving them for full reviews at a later date. Also of note: I am aware the story of Toy Story of Terror! does not take place on Halloween, but it is aired as a Halloween special, so I’m counting it.
Actor: So if there’s one thing these guys aren’t lacking in, it’s the actor department, and this isn’t a huge shock since when you’ve got a holiday special you want to splurge a bit, you know?
Jack has one of my favorite actors ever, the always-awesome Wayne Knight. Knight just has that sort of voice that’s perfect for smug jerk characters like Mr. Blik or Dennis Nedry, so really it’s pretty fitting for a pranking trickster like Jack, though I will say that it’s hard to match Knight’s voice to the human version of Jack when you see him in a flashback.
Ron Tompkins isn’t too far behind in the impressive VA department, being voiced by none other than Stephen Tobolowsky, who you may remember as the overbearing Ned Ryerson from GroundHog Day (and how can you forget him? You see him repeating the same scene about thirty times). He does a great job at making Tompkins cartoonishly evil and mostly enjoyable, a tall order for a character who steals toys from children to sell online.
And if you thought the list of awesome actors was done, boy were you wrong! Star Trek’s very own Michael Dorn voices the Fright Knight, and Dorn’s voice is absolutely perfect for a cool, evil, undead knight.
Bun-Bun is voiced by Dave Wittenberg who is an insanely prolific VA, playing characters such as Henry Wong from Digimon Tamers (AKA the beast season of Digimon) to none other than Kakashi from Naruto. I think it goes without saying a VA this versatile manages to make the role work.
And finally, we have the Pumpkinator, who is played by Dee Bradley Baker, and if I sat here listing all the notable roles this man has played we’d be here all night. But here’s a small sample: Appa, Momo, Squilliam Fancyson and Bubble Bass, Klaus the goldfish, Cow and Chicken’s dad, Cinderblock and Plasmus, the Alien and Predator in Mortal Kombat, Lion and Frybo, Numbah 4 and the Toilenator, Remy Buxaplenty, most of the animals in The Legend of Korra… you get the picture. This guy’s a legend. He’ll do any sort of role, big or small, so even if he’s not playing the most complex character here, he’s at least giving it a unique spin with his voice because man, this guy has RANGE.
Motivation/Goals: Jack has a rather simple motivation: revenge. You see, ages ago he managed to steal Grim’s scythe when he was about to be reaped, and bartered for the scythe’s return, asking to be made immortal. Grim reluctantly gave him this, but, as Grim is not someone who likes being tricked, also cut his head off. As anything cut off with Grim’s scythe is permanently cut off, Jack had to replace his head with a pumpkin (of course). This lead to him being shunned as a freak, which just made jis desire for vengeance even stronger; I mean, wouldn’t you want revenge if you could only go to the ding-dong grocery store to get pudding once a year?
If you want to get even simpler, the Pumpkinator is your guy! He exists simply to blow up planets. Tat’s it. He’s very much just an obstacle Timmy needs to overcome so that he can undo his wish for every Halloween costume to be “real and scary” before the consequences end up destroying the world.
Bun-Bun is rather simple as well: he just seems to be a jerk. But they don’t just make him a simple jerk, no, this is a Billly & Mandy spinoff so things have to be taken to their ridiculous extreme. Bun-Bun turns out to be behind numerous extremely petty actions that affected the lives of the main heroes, having haunted Hoss as a child and made him afraid of monsters, made Billy afraid of spiders which estranged him from his son Jeff, and, uh, sawed off Fred Fredburger’s tusks. The fiend! As you might guess, there’s no real rhyme or reason to this, it’s just goofy absurdist over-the-top sort of thing you’d expect from Maxwell Atoms.
Ron has a relatively simple motivation, but frankly it might be the most evil out of all of these: the man steals toys from the children who stay at his motel to sell them for monetary gain. Yes, this is more evil than attempting to blow up the planet, you heard me. I have no idea how sick and twisted you have to be to think that stealing toys from children is acceptable. Funnily enough, this is the same sort of motivation Al (who was played by Wayne Knight, funnily enough) from Toy Story 2 had, though Ron takes it above and beyond.
And finally that brings us to Fright Knight, Much like most of the ghosts on the show, Fright Knight seems to just want to cause a ruckus after he’s released, attempting to take over Amity Park when Danny foolishly releases him. Later in the show he is freed to serve Pariah Dark, and after Dark is beaten he joins up with Vlad. In his final appearance of any consequence he is seen serving the Ultimate Enemy in the bad future. Basically the guy is just a really cool overhyped henchman.
Personality: So let’s get the easy one out of the way first: The Pumpkinator doesn’t exactly have a personality, because it is a big generic doomsday villain meant to act as an obstacle for Timmy to overcome. However, when it returned later in the episode where Timmy goes to Unwish Island, it did have one notable personality trait: an undying hatred for Timmy Turner, It’s a pretty relatable trait the more into the series you watch.
Bun-Bun is also rather evil and simple. He’s just a petty jerk, as can be seen by his crimes listed up under motivation. There’s not much else to him, same with Fright Knight who, again, is mostly just an overhyped henchman who acts as the hardcore badass serving whatever big bad of the week is out to get Danny (or he would have, but more on that later).
Out of all of these, Ron and Jack have the most personality. Jack is an unrepentant prankster who, at least when alive, was heavily implied to just not get he was taking it too far with his pranks (“too far” in this case being tricking people off of cliffs, at the least), and simply morphed into a bitter, jaded, vengeance-seeking supernatural entity after hundreds of years of rejection by society and isolation. Jack’s honestly pretty tragic in that regard, though it obviously doesn’t excuse his actions.
Ron is just a straight-up jerk, putting up a facade of being a charming, friendly motel owner while stealing toys from under his guest’s noses. As the truth comes out about him, he becomes more cartoonish and hammy, which really doesn’t help his case at all, and in his final scene he actually does something so cartoonish he almost feels like he doesn’t belong in the Toy Story universe.
Final Fate: Funnily enough, Pumpkinator actually gets the happiest ending out of anyone here: after being unwished by Timmy, he goes to Unwish Island and, after Timmy eventually journeys there, gets to have fun tormenting Timmy clones for the rest of time.
Ron probably has the second happiest ending, for a given definition of “happy.” Bonnie’s mother calls the cops on him for his theft, and when they show up, he somehow manages to trick them, run away, steal their car, crash it into a telephone pole when backing up, and then run off before they even move a muscle. It’s ridiculously cartoonish, and there’s no way this guy is gonna be getting off easy after that little display.
Onto Bun-Bun. Bun-Bun made one simple mistake: he put any trust at all int Skarr. For those not in the know, Skarr was the “Starscream” to Hector Con Carne, always hoping to overthrow him and take over his world domination schemes for himself before he ended up retiring from that life and becoming a reoccurring character on Billy & Mandy. So, when he joins up with the villain by betraying Underfist, what do you think he does? He betrays the villain, pushing Bun-Bun into hot cocoa and melting him, using his power of treachery and backstabbing to help his team save the world. It’s pretty amusing in that classic Billy & Mandy way.
Good ol’ Jack ends up getting sent to the underworld this time since Grim wasn’t putting up with his crap anymore, and it seems Jack still hasn’t learned his lesson about pranking. When last we see him, he’s now tormenting demons, who all start moving in on him while he laughs at his dumb pranks. The screen cuts to black and we hear a squishing noise. It’s safe to say he won’t have to worry about that pumpkin head causing him problems anymore.
Fright Night is easily the most tricky one to talk about because his entire intended purpose in the show got aborted. After he was brought back to serve Pariah, he ended up under Vlad’s control by episode’s end, but for some reason, nothing ever came of this and it was never mentioned again – well, except in the “Ultimate Enemy” special, in which the Fright Knight cameos at the beginning, acting as something of the hype man for Dan Phantom, softening up Amity Park for Dan’s attack. After that, though, he’s basically out of the series, save for a couple of brief cameos here and there.
Best Scene: Jack has the flashback to his origins, because not only is it perfectly dark for a show’s Halloween episode, you have to give props to anyone who managed to outwit Grim, even if he did end up paying a steep price for it.
Ron has his aforementioned escape from the police. I do think it’s a bit too cartoonish and silly for Toy Story, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t pretty hilarious either way.
The Fright Knight has the aforementioned scene where he mentions he’s serving The evil future Danny. Considering that’s his last real role in the series, at least he got to go out on a high note, though it still sucks nothing ever came of the plotlines set up for him.
Bun-Bun’s best scene is when he revealed that he was the architect of most of the protagonist’s woes. Again, it’s just classic over-the-top Billy & Mandy silliness, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
The Pumpkinator… just doesn’t have one. Sorry.
Best Quote: While most of these guys aren’t exactly a goldmine of quotes, Jack has one of my favorite quotes from anything, ever, and I even already referenced it above: “Three hundred and sixty-four days a year, I can't even go the the ding-dong grocery store to buy pudding! And do you know why?" The why, obviously, is the fact he has a pumpkin for a head.
Final Thoughts & Score: Frankly, this batch of Halloween hooligans is a very mixed bag. We didn’t fare quite as bad as Charlie Brown did on Halloween, but we only got one King Size candy bar out of this lot.
I guess let’s just start with the black licorice of the bunch: Fright Knight. God, I wish I could love Fright Knight, I really do, but considering the overwhelming quality of most of Danny’s rogues gallery and just the fact this guy was totally shafted and everything set up for him was ignored there’s just no excusing how lame this guy looks, Michael Dorn or no. He has a great design and a cool concept, and the ideas for interesting stories with him were there, but he ends up being a 3/10, saved only by his cool first outing, great voice work, and awesome design.
Worse still is the pile of weirdly flavored candy corn that is the Pumpkinator. He has a cool design, but he’s not much of an antagonist to be honest. He’s just a cool-looking robot who wants to blow up the planet. That’s about it. There’s really not much to say about this guy, and his only other appearance doesn’t really add much. I suppose he serves his purpose, but I have to wonder, why even bring him back if he wasn’t going to do anything remotely interesting? I don’t like generic doomsday villains at the best of times, but if you’re gonna bring one back, at least try and do something interesting with them to justify their existence, otherwise they’re just gonna end up getting a 2/10.
Finally, we get into the good candy! Let’s start off with the tasty marshmallow bunny we got, Bun-Bun (isn’t that more of an Easter candy? Weird). Bun—Bun is a funy, goofy, cartoonish villain, perfect for the first (and sadly, only) outing for Underfist. The fact they went above and beyond to cement him as this ludicrous mastermind who just screwed with everyone’s lives for no apparent reason other than the fact he’s a jerk is pretty funny. I don’t think he’s gonna win any Villain of the Year awards, but I think a 6/10 is good enough for this above average nuisance.
Oho, what’s this? A… candycane? Well, it’s a bit out of season, but it’s still tasty! And that’s kind of where Ron is. I do like just how unabashedly scummy he is, and there is precedent for people like him in the Toy Story universe, but I feel he takes things to a cartoonish extreme. For crying out loud, the guy has a trained iguana that acts like a dog! He feels like he belongs in a different series than this one, but again, I don’t really think that’s a bad thing, because at the very least he is funny. He gets a 7/10, a bit higher than usual just because I love how ridiculously nasty his whole scheme is. Stealing from kids, what the actual hell.
YES! A King Size candy bar! Just what I was looking for! It’s just a generic Hershey bar, but hey, that’s a lot of chocolate, so who’s complaining? And that’s Jack, he is simply put a perfect Halloween special antagonist. Most of this comes from his voice work, since Wayne Knight is a national treasure, but his backstory and concept are worth praising too. His origin story is something of a twist on the old legend of “Stingy Jack,” the origin story of the Jack-O’-Lantern appropriately enough. While obviously there are liberties, such as substituting Grim for the devil, it’s a mostly accurate retelling, something that would go over most people’s heads unless they’re really into classical folklore. Jack’s a lot of fun as a character, earning himself a nice big 8/10, only being held back from a higher score because despite being rightfully beloved by audiences, he never really had a major role again, getting a minor shout out in Big Boogey Adventure and… that’s it. I think Jack could have been a really entertaining reoccurring antagonist in the same vein as fwllow ensemble darkhorse Eris, but alas, it was not to be. Maybe if Underfist had been picked up he could have been brought back for that, but the fact is it just didn’t happen. Oh well, might as well appreciate what we got.
And that’s it for this batch of Halloween goodies. Halloween specials seem a lot less prevalent than Christmas specials, but they’re no less important or fun, and as you can see, they do produce at least mildly interesting villains, sometimes. If only they could produce a villain so devilishly Halloweenie that he could perfectly embody the spirit of the holiday…
Hey, what’s that at the bottom of the bag…
Wait… is that…
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showmeahero-a · 5 years
as it’s spooky season, friendly reminder that i have the following horror/supernatural related muses:
mircalla, countess karnstein | carmilla - AKA the lesbian vampire
baz grimm-pitch | carry on - AKA the gay vampire 
dr. john “jack” seward | dracula - AKA the borderline mad scientist who’s really just trying his best
elizabeth lavenza frankenstein | frankenstein, w/ influences from kiersten white’s the dark descent of elizabeth frankenstein - AKA frankenstein’s fiancée who really didn’t deserve any of this nonsense
dorian gray | the picture of dorian gray - AKA the narcissistic trash can who ruins the lives of everyone around him & then thinks doing one sub-par good deed will be enough to make up for it
erik | the phantom of the opera - AKA the genius who’s gifted in practically everything except looks, love, & making moral choices
raoul, vicomte de chagny | the phantom of the opera - AKA the daring hero who risks his life to save the girl he loves from a masked stalker, but is somehow slept on by the majority of the fandom in favor of said masked stalker
isabella “bella” swan | twilight - AKA your average teenager who just so happens to attract danger like a magnet & has supernatural creatures for friends
arthur kipps | the woman in black - AKA the rational solicitor who gets stuck with the harrowing task of settling the affairs of a recently deceased woman whose house is haunted by a child-murdering ghost
hamlet, prince of denmark | hamlet - AKA the extremely dramatic prince with the extremely dysfunctional family who just can’t make his mind up about anything. also, there’s a ghost.
crowley | good omens - AKA the really shitty demon who’s best friends with a really shitty angel & has a car that really has a thing for queen.
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Nineteen
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
September 14th, 2008
Jessica was hanging close to the wall outside at recess. All the kids were running around and being loud and wanting to play in groups, but all she wanted was to sit and talk with someone. She didn’t have any friends here to talk to, though.
“Hey,” a boy said, walking up to her and leaning against the wall to her right. “Don’t wanna play?” he asked.
Jessica shrugged. “I like talking better than running,” she said. “I’ll play if it’s something I like, though.”
The boy thought over this. “Do you like hopscotch?” he asked.
Jessica nodded. “I like it a little,” she said.
He grinned and led her over to one of the hopscotch paintings on the blacktop. He grabbed a pebble off the ground and tossed it in the air a few times. “My name’s Jack,” he said with a grin. “What’s your name?”
“Jessica,” she said. “But I don’t like my name. I prefer to go by Jess.”
“Can I call you Jessie?” Jack asked. Jessica wrinkled her nose. Jack laughed. “Guess not.”
“Just call me Jess, Jack,” Jessica said. “And let’s play.”
March 16th, 2019
Logan was nervously bouncing his leg as he sat on the couch and texted Jack. Are you sure you wanna meet @ my house? My brothers are loud he wrote.
It’ll be cool to meet your bros, man Jack replied almost instantly. Besides, I wanna see your new house. I never got to see the other one you moved into
Logan shook his head. That’s the only reason I’m allowing this he replied.
Jack sent back a laughing emoji and Logan rolled his eyes. He knew Jack was likely poking fun at him muttering under his breath as he drove over. He was infinitely jealous of Jack; he had his license. With everything that had happened with him and his brothers over the past few months, Mister Remy and Mister Emile had promised they’d teach him soon, no later than April, but he still had to wait.
When he heard the tell-tale signs of a car parking outside, Logan sprinted to the front door, flung it open, and ran out just as Jack rounded his car, and Jack just laughed and opened his arms, allowing Logan to hug him tightly.
“You’re feeling huggy today, that’s a rare thing,” Jack teased lightly even as he squeezed Logan gently.
“I’m just really happy to see you, is that a crime?” Logan asked defensively. “Also, this is a big day. You get to meet my dads, and possibly my brothers, if they don’t mind their own business.”
“Oh, yeah, I really want to see your dads outside the times they drop you off at school and drive away,” Jack said. “I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.”
“You flatter them,” Logan said. “Mister Emile is a giant dork, and Mister Remy isn’t much better. But they’re good dads, legally speaking.”
“Personally speaking?” Jack asked.
Logan shrugged. “I’m a little unsure on whether or not to call them my dads to their faces, especially because I don’t know how I’d differentiate them, but I do enjoy them on a personal level too.”
“Only you could make that sound so clinical,” Jack teased.
Roman dashed out the front door and Logan only got to see a brief flash of red shirt as he stepped back from Jack before he was roughly shoved a few feet away. Roman scrutinized Jack closely, looking him up and down. Jack glanced over at Logan. “One of your brothers, I take it?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Logan huffed. “Roman! Don’t do that!”
“Do what?” Roman asked innocently. “I just want to get a look at your boyfriend!”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Logan said with a scowl. “He’s a boy, yes, and he’s my friend, but not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend, and there’s nothing ‘just’ about that.”
Jack laughed. “Wow, Lo, you’re awfully defensive about our friendship.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Ever since I started referencing you when talking about school, Roman has been referring to you as my ‘mystery boyfriend’ and I’m sick of it.”
Jack just smirked. “You know, if you like me that way, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I know. I don’t care if I’m gay or you’re gay or whatever anyone else is,” Logan said. “I just don’t like Roman trying to poke fun at me.”
“Fair enough,” Jack conceded. “I probably wouldn’t like that either if I had to deal with it all the time.”
“Hey, I’m still here, you know,” Roman huffed.
“Yeah, and have you ever considered you might not be wanted when I’m hugging my best friend?” Logan asked.
“Don’t be such a—” Roman stopped himself, clapping a hand over his mouth. “Sorry. I’ve been spending too much time around the jerks at lunch who never leave me alone. I shouldn’t have even started that sentence.”
Jack hummed. “Hey, you caught yourself, and you apologized. That’s okay in my book. You actually mean the apology, too. Not something you see often from a greasy middle-schooler.”
“I’m not greasy!” Roman protested in shock.
Logan snickered. “Jack, you’ve been listening to far too many musicals,” he declared.
“Maybe so,” Jack allowed. “But at least I didn’t call him a greasy little nobody.”
“He’s not a nobody, so of course you wouldn’t say that,” Logan said.
Roman pulled out his phone and said, “Hey, Logan, can I get a picture with you and Jack? Just to prove to the others that he’s real?”
“You’re ridiculous,” Logan scoffed with a laugh. “Sure.”
Roman held out his phone and Jack started to laugh. Logan pulled a face and made a peace sign, while Roman jerked a thumb in Jack’s direction and let his jaw hang open. He took the picture and grinned. “I’ll leave you two alone...for now,” he said, making spooky noises. He ran back into the house and yelled, “Patton! Virgil! You’re not gonna believe this!”
Logan sighed. “So that was Roman. Yes, he’s always like that.”
Jack shook his head. “I can’t even imagine what that must be like.”
“Annoying. Very annoying," Logan said. “Let’s head inside.”
When they walked in, Logan led Jack to the kitchen, asking, “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”
Jack shrugged. “Do you have...I dunno...that weird fruity lemonade stuff you were obsessed with when we were twelve?”
Logan laughed. “You mean raspberry lemonade? It’s not weird, it’s good, and even if we don’t have it, we should have regular lemonade.”
“Something can be weird and good. I mean, have you looked in the mirror lately?” Jack asked.
Logan turned and narrowed his eyes at Jack. “I can kick you out and you can continue to wonder what my family’s like for the rest of time, you know.”
“Aw, but that’s not nice, or fun!” Jack protested.
Logan rolled his eyes and grabbed lemonade from the refrigerator. “Not raspberry, but still lemonade. That fine?”
“Yeah,” Jack dismissed with a wave.
Logan poured two glasses of lemonade and passed one to Jack, while they took a seat at the island. “So this is a sweet pad,” Jack said.
“Do you have to say it like that?” Logan asked with a sigh.
“Yep!” Jack said cheerfully. “But seriously. Nice house. Sweet digs.”
“Yeah, it’s a nice place,” Logan said. “Much bigger than the townhouse we were all squeezed into before.”
Jack winced. “That’s rough. You told me you had to share a room with Roman.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t great,” Logan said with an eye-roll. “When he wanted to annoy me he’d sing Disney songs, and when he didn’t he’d sing Broadway, or show tunes in general. He never shuts up.”
“As opposed to you, who never says anything unless we’re alone,” Jack teased.
Logan stuck his tongue out at Jack before taking a sip of his lemonade. “Do you want to meet Mister Emile or Mister Remy first?”
“Either,” Jack said with a shrug.
Logan nodded and gestured for Jack to follow him, heading to the basement, where he knew Mister Remy would be working on taxes and the like. He knocked on the door to the office, and not getting a response, opened the door. He yipped and turned beet red when he saw Mister Emile and Mister Remy both kissing passionately, Mister Remy on the desk and Mister Emile standing way too close to just be friendly. He slammed the door shut again as Jack cackled. “Logan, buddy, that was the funniest noise I’ve ever heard you make!”
“Shut up!” Logan hissed. “You didn’t just see your parents making out in the basement!”
Jack laughed harder and the door behind Logan opened, and Logan was still red as he turned and saw Mister Emile standing there, about as red as Logan was. “Sorry about that, Logan, we didn’t realize you were looking for us.”
“It’s okay, though I’m never unseeing that,” Logan said with a shudder. “Um. This is Jack.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jack said, shaking Mister Emile’s hand. “Logan and I have been friends since kindergarten. It’s nice to see he’s with a family who cares about him.”
“Yeah,” Mister Emile agreed. “We’re happy to have him.”
Mister Remy walked out and cleared his throat. “Next time, we’ll remember to break away and yell to give us a minute, Logan. That’s our fault.”
“Let’s just...not talk about this and pretend it never happened, okay?” Logan asked.
“I can do that,” Mister Remy said. “So you finally invited Jack over, that’s nice. It’s nice to see him in person rather than behind a couple inches of glass and metal as I’m driving away from the school.”
“It’s nice to see you, too,” Jack said, laughing. “But I gotta admit, that was the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile.”
Mister Remy didn’t blush, but he refused to look Jack in the eye after that statement. “Um. Logan, why don’t you take Jack upstairs or outside? Emile and I actually need to do taxes for our businesses, before we get distracted again.”
“Yeah, okay,” Logan said, ushering Jack away.
Logan’s cheeks were still on fire and they only worsened when Jack said, “Your dads seem to enjoy each other’s company very much.”
“Jack, I will pay you to shut up,” he hissed.
“Never,” Jack crowed. “You are never getting me to shut up about this, man, not happening!”
“If you tell any of our friends no one will find your body,” Logan threatened.
Jack held his hands up in surrender. “Chill, man, I’m not that cruel.”
“I know,” Logan sighed. “Doesn’t mean that I’m not going to worry for a while.”
Jack shrugged easily. “That’s fair, but know I wouldn’t purposefully hurt you, okay?”
“I know,” Logan said.
As soon as they got upstairs, the younger gremlins of the Picani family were swarming Logan and Jack. Patton was staring up at Jack with awe and Virgil was giving him a glare. “So you’re Jack?” Patton asked.
“Yep,” Jack said.
“If you hurt Logan, I’ll make sure you’ll live to regret it,” Virgil said, cutting right to the chase.
Jack laughed. “Noted.”
Logan facepalmed. “Guys, he’s not my boyfriend, chill out. You don’t have to give him a shovel talk.”
“We don’t have to, but we want to,” Dee signed.
Logan groaned. Jack laughed and signed back, “I won’t hurt your brother,” after putting down his drink.
“You know sign?” Dee asked, surprised.
“Yeah,” Jack signed. “Logan and I take ASL in the same class in high school. It’s cool and it’s really useful.”
“Agreed,” Dee signed, before running off to do whatever it was he wanted to do at that point.
Patton and Virgil hung around for another couple seconds, before Logan cleared his throat. “You two done interrogating Jack or should I grab a chair?” he asked.
“We’ll go,” Patton said. “I wanted to play a game or two in the basement.”
Logan snapped to attention. “Uh, probably best to wait for a bit, Pat,” he warned, turning red. “Mister Emile and Mister Remy are down there right now, and they want some privacy.”
“Oh, okay,” Patton said.
“Why?” Virgil asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Logan stared him down. “If you’re looking for trouble, you know that whatever it was got a rise out of me already. Don’t push your luck and stay out of the basement for a bit,” Logan advised.
He and Jack went out the back, and Jack whistled. “Nice yard,” he said.
“Thanks,” Logan said. “It was one of the big appeals about this place that Mister Emile and Mister Remy liked enough to put on their list. Lots of space for the gremlins to run around in.”
“And lots of space on a deck to hang out," Jack said, grabbing a chair.
“True,” Logan agreed. He sat down next to Jack and sipped his lemonade. “Do you feel better having met my new family?”
“Yeah,” Jack said. “I definitely didn’t want you to be stuck with people like your folks or worse, but they’re better than I could have hoped for you.”
Logan smiled and nodded. “Yeah, they’re amazing,” he agreed.
Jack grinned at him and they sat in silence for a minute. Then, Jack ruined it by asking, “So did everyone think I was your boyfriend?”
Logan groaned. Jack laughed at his response.
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fairysmolsxoxo · 5 years
Unwarranted Destruction before Halloween!
It was a quiet evening at the shop,with Al managing the front and the little market while Jade is away on business. It was slow and the caretaker decided to get some new ingredients for the new items  to introduce into the shop. Halloween is coming up after all and the shop itself is pretty empty. The shopkeeper and alpha dragon skeleton bitty agreed that it will be a nice change of pace...And there is hardly any excitement in the front end, while in the back in the her packs and prides is a whole different story.  So Jade gave him the duty of being the Shop Manager for the time being.Though it was getting late, Jade usually comes back around this time yet none have yet to see her. Al was getting worried, he even called up Shy and the other adoption centers that Jade had recently visited but no one had seen her… 
That until... there was an explosion coming from Jade's living quarters...And the sound of a familiar yet eerie scream of pain echoed throughout the shop...It made all the bitties magical essence that all their creators that put the time and love into, to give them life? It felt like all their life had been sucked out of them when they know who's scream it was…
Every submissive and child bitty started to cry confused and scared at the scary scream…
Why is Momma/Missus/Mistress/Jade screamed? Is she okay? She has to be right? Please be okay! 
Every  calm minded bitty quickly was set on alert as they went around to keep the rest of their pack safe and ready for the word of the alphas on their command… Some even started to patrol that area.
Every aggressive bitty that was kept away from the rest of them in their own started to claw their cages their doors was crawling their prison…The scent of blood and the scream made them have even more need for violence...
All the leaders of the packs and pride let out a snarl their body and soul screamed in the most primal way…
 Al teleported just a few feet away from the closed door of Jade's Room and He was soon joined up with the leaders of each pack and lone pride.
Navy, Jade's Alpha Sans "Prince"  bitty and the Head of The Night Wind Whispers Pride was the second to appear before Al… He usually stoic and cold expression and personality that he had shown toward bitties that isn't in his pride and the other alphas is replaced with tense irritation and concern toward his caretaker as he nodded at Al in acknowledgement. Both Marigold, Jade's Alpha Papyrus " Stray" bitty who is in charge of the Blood Venom Sky Pack and Ramil, Jade's Alpha Grillby bitty, head of Golden Sun Burst Pride was sprinting quickly toward the room. Marigold was snarling as he charged through and slammed the door open, followed by his Alpha Leads. All of them cried out their fairy caretaker name to be greeted by the sight of her room in shambles and abominations in what was left of her room…
They did not see the fairy but a sobbing  voice of the fairy made it clear...They need to defend...They need to protect...They need to kill…!
The Aftermath
It took awhile for the Alphas to get rid of the monstrosities but they made quick work, leaving a big mess behind...They were tired and tried to listen for the fairy but the sobbing stopped halfway during the battle...They calls out the fairy's name…
But no one answered…
That til a few moments of silence later, a pile of destroyed piles of rumble started to shift and shake as a figure started to get out and under it. It was Jade, clearly hurt with cuts but that wasn't the only thing that was different about her...She looked a little nightmarish than her usual self...She seems relieved for some reason but also annoyed as she tried to morph herself back toward her more friendly form...but it deemed useless...She was injured in a way that she can't control her magic to shift back to her usual form...It would take some time to heal and it is a little annoying...At least no one saw her true form when she was injured from earlier by the beasts...She never want anyone to see her like that...at least her appearance is much preferred and it matches with Halloween. She seems calm now and the Alphas quickly mothered her as soon as she stood out of the rumble...She whined at the attention as she eyed the remains of the abominations in what used to be her room and her doorway toward her lab…
Hours later… Jade appears with her more Halloween theme appearance with still a gentle smile on her face. 
Jade: Hello my favorite dreamers…It is your friendly bitty loving dream fairy...I must apologize for my current appearance… It seems like my encounter with the unsavory sort, have made my magic glamour gone all haywire...So instead of taking off my glamour or overexerting myself with no desired results,I have managed to make a different appearance for the time being...just until my magic get sorted all out… Thank goodness for my adeptness in all sorts of dreams and illusions...So bonus points being a jack of all trades with that…
But worry not after all this experience, Al had made it his goal to keep me coop in the safety of the shop and quarantine my room and portal doors to the Realms...Just until things calm down I hope..
That being said… I hate being here… bored...with nothing to do...So I have some exciting news! 
We got some new companions to add to the shop! Along with some amazing new staff who will be introducing these delightful yet spooky treats and exclusive items for the month of Halloween and The Days of the Dead!
Please come and introduce yourselves everyone!
Monty: Ello' I am Montgomery Duvall...Please call me Monty… I am human?At least from what I know…I used to have a business of my own...that I had to close down because…*He cleared his throat.* of my personal problems..I will be taking over as a part-time caretaker for Ms. Jade bitties at the store and would be taking care of the delicious confectionery and delights of the store… I have a bit of experience with management and done some cooking as a hobby… I also worked at a bitty center recently. So I have some experience in that department as well...
Jade: *pushed the old gentleman aside* He is much too humble I swear! He is going to be the entrepreneur who is going to help start up better alternatives for our bitties nutrition! So what you are going to see in our food display is going to be from his amazing mind!
Monty: *blushes* Ms. Jade please...no need to praise an old man like me…
Jade: Nonsense! You are an amazing human…
*Another figure stepped before them, a small timeless young Japanese woman stepped in a kimono. She look like any normal girl if only it weren't for  her hair that seems to move around like it was a part of her...Like her hands…This was Mina, she was monster from where Jade was from. She was close acquaintances of Jade she still lived there...She was a Futakuchi onna...a yokai..Japanese spirit or monster… Even her hair was pulled up in a loose bun, what is hidden underneath will show you why she is a monster...*
Mina: Konnichiwa...I am Mina it is a pleasure to be here and be in presence… I am going to be Monty-san partner in the food department. I am the person who is going to help his ideas come to life in the things we cook. I am quite the expert when it comes to making food and tasting it. It will be quite desirable...I specialize magic infused food though I have experience in some human cuisine as well...
*Monty let out a sigh, having to deal with Mina quite well at this point, he knows of her sneaky eating habits… He could see the hungry glint in her eyes*
Monty: Ms. Mina...please refrain from eating our examples… We had to do several tiring and time consuming replacements, over the course of several accidents...
Mina: *Pouts* I have been good, what sort of person you think I am? * Both her and her new elderly acquaintance started to head back toward the small cafe located near the front desk of the bitty shoppe*
*Monty and Mina started to get the future item for this month in big trays…*
This irresistible sweet is great for all humans and monsters all alike who like a little sweetness in your day or night. 
This mildly buttery smooth,light  yet creamy delight is excellent for this time of year when welcoming the autumn weather and scenery. Don't eat too much of this though, it may be good for the heart and soul but too much of this addicting sweet, will cause the bitty or humans get plump in certain areas like the stomach, chest, hips and rump…
This delicious sweet yet sour treat is literary borderline poisonous to make.One wrong move, this treat can be down right deadly. But if done right, it can be quite refreshingly sweet and have healing properties, especially toward other infections and heal terminally sick humans and bitties. Make sure that your chef is well versed in with their ingredients and a well educated doctor is nearby, just in case. Must sign a waiver if it just for the thrill or taste these delight. So are you are willing to take the risk and sign your death wish?
This pastry literary came from the abyss! Don't ask how our dreamy fairy  got her hands on these rare ingredients to make these but do know it is quite a pain to get them. But it is the number one item back home that the majority females,  foodie, health and fanatics sought for. This is a strudel not only it won't cause you to gain weight from eating it, but also eat your weight away. Well technically not eat away but store it elsewhere. Don't worry it effects are quite safe. It is all different for everyone but know this after a couple of days  will stop it effects. Get it while it lasts!
This treat comes in sweet and savory fillings that makes you come back hungry for more. It's just that you need to have the speed and determination to catch it. Prefect for your more active bitties and humans that wants a little challenge catching their food or bitties have the need to hunt something “live”. As of right now for the month of halloween the bun buns will have a little more monstrous appearance and more of a spattering filling when bitten into. 
Inspired by the different fairies back home and words from another bitty caretaker that Jade looks up to , these little delightful creations are certainly fun to catch and eat. Having different various set of wings and fruits, these are perfect for staying in a healthy diet while having fun at the same time as you dance with these fluttery snacks. Ideal with bitties that want a little change in their meaty diet and have something sweet with still the fun of being the hunter. Great for baby bitties and beginners.
A savory tasty pie for all races, the fog fowl is quite hard to catch due to is shapeshifting way of hiding and avoiding beings, but true a delicacy back home for Jade. And a luxury item to make, once you eat this fowl beast, it will provide a sharpness of the mind and improvement of stamina and energy. This is great for those sluggish days off for both humans and monsters. You will have energy and stamina for days Get it now for a limited time only. These fowls are hard to come by after all. Side effects include a sudden lightheadedness, nausea, lack of sleep, and sudden fatigue out of nowhere. Basically crash and burn out of energy ten-fold. So heed this warning...
 Just decent stacked  sandwiches made and shaped as your favorite skeletons of your choosing with witch/wizard hat or riding a broom. Made by human hands, Monty’s specifically. Safe for everyone...Monty works so hard on these...Don’t shame him...
Another Monty idea but infused with Mina magic, this scary horror pastry topped with your favorite cereal shaped into a little murderous killer that will come after you. But worry not, due to their squishy insides and their less than intimating "weapons", they will kill you with their cuteness instead. Little angry muffed yells and grunts as they try to kill you with their pretzel pitchforks… Will definitely make you scream in laughter instead. Though hurry and eat them while they are fresh, before they figure out that their weapons are stupid and look for stuff they can use to actually hurt you… 
Normal coffee...Were expecting more?...Of course you were! The coffee beans are potent! These beans were carefully harvested from the Land of Nightmares.These are for those who want to stay up a few days before during the days of the dead or planning something big that requires no sleep? This is the coffee for you, for experienced coffee drinkers that needs more oomph than the plain normal human coffee. Must drink one cup a day and no more! If drink more than 1,it effects will last for more than a week depending on how many cups you drunk...You will develop hallucinations and maybe see an entity that follows you around...waiting for the moment you finally crash...and well sweep your soul away...Not before scaring you and cause the most horrible nightmares you have ever faced…It is advised that you seek the local dream fairy, Jade(despite her constant warnings and the waiver you signed) as soon as you see them so their hold on you aren't strong…Your local dream fairy will try her best to deal with the situation but keep in mind...This is a dangerous situation that you could have prevented if you had only listened, so be prepared to trade something of equal value… Something that will cause you utter despair and can not live without can't not replace… Don't lie because both local dream fairy and the entity knows… Make the right decision or it will murder your soul one way or another… Please don't let your bitty have a sip of this since they are more prone to this and these entities would love little morsels like them...
If you need that coffee pick-me-up as you pass out candy on Halloween but aren’t a huge fan of pumpkin flavor, you may love the homemade dirty chai latte. If you want to make it extra dirty for those legal adults out there we will offer some pick me up concoctions from your friendly fairy to add to delicious drink.
This creamy cold delight was made with the crushed teeth of ice wraiths...And of course being magical they will make the ice cream enchanted to stay cold for a long time. And it will scream as you take a bite out of them. Not in pain but just because they wish to not interact with anything. The screams are small, squeaky and quite exaggerated. Like " Ahh!.... Ahh!..." like it was trying to process what their next word should be...Don't worry if you think the screaming is annoying, just scoop where their screaming mouths would be and there no more screaming and you can enjoy the treat. It comes in common human flavors and new ones that Jade that bring back from home...
Enchanted little candy mice that has three layers. A candy coat, a chocolate coat, nougat center. . You saw right there are mice in the kitchen but don’t  fret, health inspectors or lawsuits won’t hit these store anytime soon.  these It is so good that will make all you chocolate lovers want some even though the scurry around and those who are a bit afraid of their counterpart reconsider. 
*Monty let out a soft smile as both him and Mina finished introducing those new treats.*
Monty: These are the items we order in the cafe as of right now… But we also cater to all our customers needs...So of their any item you want, we shall make it our goal to provide it for you…
Jade’s Medical Counter 
These magical wraps will help heal lacerations or scratches more quickly than any normal bandage. These are soaked from plants from Jade's home and is high with magical healing properties.
These chews will brighten anyone's day with a smile or fresh breath. Eating these will help your bitty teeth glow and grow strong and bright with minty freshness that is out of this world. Beneficial for skeleton bitties.
Citrusy and ginger mixed together to help with that sore throat or rasp. But these bites back, well more like gumming since they are gummies and it doesn't hurt you when it bite. Those who likes gimmicks and enjoy the soothing sensation of their sore throat melting away.
            *Jade smiles sheepishly at her stock. * 
Jade: This seem to be the only items I can provide at the moment but I will come up with new ones I promise! And unfortunately, we still need a tailor but it is okay...*She grins excitingly as her wings fluttered* Now the main event! You see during the mishap with the abominations destroying my room...They possibly... well... got into my lab and my bitties samples got well...contaminated with these dark creatures… They are still amazing mind you and I love them all the same! 
*She went into the back and brought out a basket that is covered with a blanket. She had a mischievous look on her face as she pulled the blanket away.*
Sugar Bites: ( a zombie candy-gore candied  dragon skeleton. A monster kid variant.)
This precious one was going to be part of the angelic series of her bitties but the dark magic got to him first. He is made from candy and from his ectoplasm, horns,  bones made from strong sugar and accessories. He is candy. Though he is a zombie as well...He is a zombie that likes eating candy...so you get the picture what he does to himself since he is close proximity to himself… To prevent from the bitty eating itself you need a durable muzzle to put on this sweetie and feed them candy daily. Don't take the candy away from his ectobelly please he needs it. Baby will cry. Don't eat the baby, he already knows he is delicious. Besides that he is a healthy bitty that tries to get along with everyone, if not a little hyper from his sugar intake.
BC: ( bad luck shadow cat skeleton. A sans variant.)
This bitty oozes bad luck, not like he wanted to...it was just how he is made. And it took him and his creator a few cuts and bruises to get his magic under control. He is aloof bitty with a permanent grin on his face and bones as black as the night. He loves to be in the shadows and often hangs around those younger and innocent...Not because they are cute and needs protecting...he likes to tease them and give them a little bad luck. He loves scaring them too...Though he means no harm...Don't be alarm when bad luck suddenly happens to you for the first few days of keeping this bitty. He is cautious and always will always know that he has a loving place to return to if he deems the owner unsuitable for him. Though once he realizes he is here to stay and you actually care about him, expect this mischievous feline to wake you up with him laying on your face and him constantly meowing for food, when you know well that he could talk...He also your personal stalker...He goes everywhere with you as long you have a shadow. He will be there...no buts and if about it...He won't be upfront with confrontation but he is vindictive...and has a quiet fury when it comes with the people he cares about...So if your bully suddenly gets pooped on by seagull then suddenly gets a thousand more seagulls droppings...You know who did it...He won't stop either...even if you tell him to stop...he will feel bad and make sure that he torture your bully more selectively and quietly when you are not around...as I said he is a vengeful thing…
Omen: ( Voodoo Doll...Nice Cream Guy variant )
 This bitty is bigger than most nice cream guy  bitties and more plush than most but you best not to underestimate him. This fluffy bitty can curse you if you ever look at him wrong. He is jaded to most of his emotions due to the fact he is a doll for curses and he could always transfer his pain somewhere else to the person he decided to curse...He is an amazing addition to the family and can easily be mended up. He has his own soft toy soul that he usually keep it away from his body. He will only hand it to the person who he trusts and those who his soul get to control him...Though I recommend not to...Let him be your plush buddy and let him keep his soul close to you can see the bae give you those rare happy buck tooth smiles. He comes in different varieties from the brownish coloring with X button eyes to the typical pure black with skeleton markings...We also have the original coloring… Though we have different varieties of "skins" that if you want to change his looks available. It is like changing clothes for the Omen bitty and won't hurt him. If remove his outer layer, he will disappear momentarily. Don't fret though, as long you let him know that you want him to change into a different layer. And leave the "skin" you want him to change into where he disappeared... He will disappear where his soul is (which is always nearby)...
Make you compliment him on his new look when he appears again afterward because he will love you for it…
*Jade smiles gently as she pet them affectionately.* 
Jade: As of right now they are available for the month of Halloween! So get them while they last...the merged magic that made them could only made them last for so long…
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