#kitty watches transformers
I want to give them all a cat sticker based on their colors of their plating, specifically a black cat for Nightshade and an orange cat for Twitch
(Nightshade - Black Cat, yellow eyes «—» Twitch - Orange Tuxedo, green eyes «—» Hashtag - Grey Tabby, amber eyes «—» Thrash - White, blue eyes «—» Jawbreaker - Ginger, yellow eyes)
Nightshade: Oh, thank you! And I love the cute white grey and purple roses on it’s head. It’s very cute! I’m sure I’ll find somewhere to put it. :)
Hashtag: Yo, sweet. I’m gonna put this on my tumbler. Well, presuming they’re at least kinda waterproof, if not I’ll put it on my tablet. B)
Jawbreaker: Aww, thank you! I don’t know where I’ll put it, but I’ll try to find somewhere good! ^^
Thrash: hehe, murder mittens. >:3
Twitch: oooh~ thank you! It’s so cute! And it has little cake bits on it’s mouth! I’ll put it on something, to keep with me! Thank you!
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Just thinking about tfp Megop a d Silverlight fluff, because they're gonna need it
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seivsite · 10 months
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includes: lyney x fem!reader. lyney knows reader but reader doesn’t know lyney, he’s a cat like the one in his hat, soft kisses, fluff, lyney is a flirt & a tease, not proofread — wc: 570
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“Ah, hello there, kitty,” you whispered softly, your fingers gently caressing the small cat’s fur.
“What brings you out here all alone?”You picked up the cat, feeling it nuzzle against your knee with a gentle lean.
“Alright, little one, I’ll take you home. Just remember, no wreaking havoc on my couch,” you playfully cautioned, cradling the cat tenderly as you made your way back home.
Upon arriving home, the cat gracefully hopped out of your arms, already making itself at ease in its newfound surroundings.
“Why so restless, huh? You’re already at home,” you teased, watching the ebony feline’s paw gently tap at your pants.
As night fell, you embarked on your customary routine—slipping into comfortable pajamas and placing a glass of water on your bedside table. The dark cat followed suit, sauntering into your room and settling onto your bed, finding a cozy spot as you nestled in.
“Come here, kitty,” you coaxed, spreading your arms and the blanket invitingly. The cat nestled in close, its content purrs of delight filling the air as you held it close.
“Goodnight, kitty,” you murmured, bestowing a tender kiss upon its nose before surrendering to a tranquil slumber.
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Nestling closer to the warmth beside you, you sleepily enveloped it with your arms.
To your astonishment, you realised an arm in your grasp, and tracing further down, your fingers met another hand. As your eyes shot open in shock, you were met with the sight of an ash-blond man in your bed.
“WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED?!” you exclaimed, launching a pillow at the man, who adeptly evaded it.
“I’m Kitty, or you can call me Lyney," he replied, his innocent smile attempting to defuse the situation.
“The magician? How and why were you a cat?!” you persisted, only to be silenced by his finger pressing gently against your lips.
“Well, Madam, it appears I accidentally imbibed a potion and found myself transformed into a cat. Thankfully, you stumbled upon me and came to my rescue. So, might I offer you anything in return for your kindness?” he inquired playfully, conjuring a rainbow rose in his hand and extending it towards you.
“I’m not… quite sure,” you mused, holding the rose delicately in your hand. Suddenly, you felt his finger gently lifting your chin.
“How about bestowing me with another kiss?” he teased, leaning closer to you.
A rosy hue tinted your cheeks as his enchanting smile held you captive.
“That kiss was meant for the kitty, not you,” you stammered, nervously pressing your lips together.
“Hmm, but I’m still the kitty in human form, aren’t I?” he persisted, his playful tone lingering in the air.
“Come on, just one little kiss,” he pleaded, his eyes sparkling.
“Not a chance.”
“Not even on the cheek?” he pouted, his playful charm impossible to resist.
“Ugh, fine,” you relented, your exasperation evident in a soft groan. You leaned in to plant a swift peck on what you believed to be his cheek, only to find him moving his head, causing your lips to meet his in a surprising twist.
“Thank you for the sweet kiss, my lady,” he whispered, a playful wink accompanying his words.
He chuckled softly as he watched your cheeks turn a delicate shade of red. Your endearing display of shyness only deepened his affection for you, making him fall even more head over heels.
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NOTES. he’s very writeable, i keep thinking about cat noir whenever i write about him
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jymwahuwu · 5 months
Hello, I guess I didn’t bother you too much, because I’m very embarrassed to ask (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
But I got an idea because of this I wanted to share
What about Cat!Jing yuan x reader
Reader takes care of and cares for Jing Yuan
You know Jing Yuan is very jealous if you communicate with people Or worse admire with other cats.... He will never mate with other cats
He is an affectionate cat, but has never wanted to mate with other cats, Because he loves only you and no one else
But one day he will bring a kitten that will look like Yanqing, you will not be able to stand such a defenseless and cute kitten, And you also accept him as your own animal
But one day Jing Yuan will turn into a human (in front of you), And he will mate with you (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;
this is always on my mind… affectionate meow jing yuan 💖💖💖
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cw: yandere, jealousy, manipulation, mating, non-con
✧- Meow Jing Yuan is a big white fluffy cat. He mysteriously arrives at your home one day, showing no signs of being a stray, clean and charming. Whenever you lift him up and kiss him, the white hair will float in the air, and his fluffy and smooth tail will sway, indicating his good mood.
✧- If you're focused on work or watching something like Youtube, Jing Yuan will press his fleshy paws on your body, licking your cheeks and arms, inviting you to pet him. No matter how much you teach him to sleep on a pet mat, he will curl up in your arms and sleep with his face on your chest, purring.
✧- His golden eyes stare at you every quiet night, guarding your home and alerting you to any possible threats.
✧- You once joked and asked him if he liked the neighbor’s kitten. Jing Yuan didn't even look at the other cats. He licks the back of your hand to show his loyalty to you. You giggled, not really knowing what he meant.
✧- Absolute jealousy and manipulation. Pretend to be pitiful. You catch your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse "hurting" your kitty!! Break up with them and block them.
✧- One day, Jing Yuan came to you while biting the neck of a puff-colored kitten. That's so cute. You think they are a father and son who took in the kitten and called him "Yanqing" according to the name on his brand.
✧- Jing Yuan's transformation begins during the estrus period. You panicked to find that you were pressed under a tall, white-haired man with broad shoulders… mating… He licked your cheeks affectionately, as if you were a delicious piece of cake, before kissing you deeply…
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
kitty w/ wooyoung
i crochet in my spare time and i cannot get my mind off of how annoying cat hybrid wooyoung would be while you’re crocheting. he would not be able to keep his hands away from your balls of yarn, smirking to himself as he pushes them off the sofa and watches them unravel. he just shrugs when you tell him off, acting like it was an accident and you didn’t just see him batting at it with his hand.
but the problem with that is that once he’s pushed everything off of the sofa, there’s nothing more for him to play with. he’s not exactly going to get on the floor to play with the yarn—he may be part cat, but he still has human dignity—and he really can’t be bothered to tidy it all up so he can play with them on the sofa again. unfortunately for you, that means his only option is to play with the partially made blanket that sits in your hands.
he pokes it with a finger at first, just snickering at the glare you give him before reaching over and tugging at one of the corners. the sigh you let out is cute, as is the way you slam your hands down on your lap, frustrated at wooyoung’s constant need to disrupt your peaceful crating time. it only makes him want to annoy you more, loving the adorably way you lash out at him with your whiny voice and your pouty lips.
“wooyoung, i will banish you to your room if you don’t stop annoying me,” you watch as his smirk grows. annoying little brat, that’s what he is. it’s a good thing he’s cute, because the way he purses his lips and quirks his brows lets you know that he has absolutely no intention of behaving himself, “wooyoung, i’m warning you.”
“oh, you’re warning me, are you?” he giggles, a glint in his eye as his hand comes to rest atop the crocheted square in your lap. he kneads his palm against him, purring a little as he feels the soft yarn beneath the sensitive pads of his fingers, “you want me to be your good boy? sit here patiently while you ignore me for your pile of wool? i’m bored; i just want something to play with…”
“wooyoung, i—”
he cuts you off when he grabs your face, smushing your cheeks until your lips form a little pout. a cocky grin rests on his lips as he pulls your face in close. dangerously so, actually. you see the way his eyes sharpen, pupils transforming from their usual sparkling boba pearls into slits. as if that wasn’t enough to send shivers down your spine, he pulls his lips into a nasty sneer and runs his tongue along his top row of teeth. he pays extra attention to the sharp canines that will no doubt be used against you when your feline boyfriend finally decides to pounce.
“oh, little mouse,” you try and ignore the way his voice dips to a dangerous hum; a dark hiss, that sends electricity running down the length of your spine. you gulp down a whine, silencing yourself before wooyoung’s twitching ears can hear how weak he has you already, “be a good toy and let me play, won’t you?”
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
the kitty chesire bit is mostly her power to disappear and teleport + love for chaos
as always reader is gender neutral!
[sequel to this fic]
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“YOU. . . HAVE A FOX FORM ? !”
Your team member, Garfield, shouted into your ear as you untied him and the rest of the members after a battle you won.
Via tricking them of course. You were meant for stealth and illusions, not fighting. Most missions with the Titans had you as a scout or back-up. Rarely were you in the heat of the fight.
It was mostly due to your penchant with being a liability. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, placing you with the main group was a recipe for disaster.
It was a perfect role for you. Cause really, who enjoys sitting back and watching everything unfold? You did.
And after watching your friends getting their asses handed to them and laughing for several minutes while invisible (so that they could definitely hear you but you wouldn’t get captured). You came in to save the day.
“Oh, how could you not know BB. I thought we were friends!” You sighed dramatically while finally untying the last member and leader, Robin.
Despite your close proximity, you fail to notice the rare grin on his face.
“Hey, that’s my line! How could you not tell your best friend, huh?!”
“To be fair, it should have been obvious.” Rachel commented. Her cape had gotten covered in some unknown goop, so her voice came out strained as she tried flicking it off.
“Yeah, Garfield. Kitsune, Fox. It’s hard not to know about it.” Jaime added. The scarab on his back’s eyes glow red in agreement.
“I feel wounded, hurt, unimaginable pained—“ Garfield grasped his chest. “But you know what would make me feel b-“
“In your dreams.” You quickly answered. Already knowing what he’ll request. It wasn’t as if you didn’t like turning into your fox form. But you had a plan,
and that plan was chaos.
“I didn’t even finish!”
“Give or take another hundred years or so, then it’ll be a maybe.”
“But- But why—?”
“My kitsune form is not a party trick or just something that can be shown at a whim. It has to be special, as is the person I show it to.”
“Wait, so that’s why you didn’t show me? I thought it was cause you couldn’t do it for another hundred years or so.” Rachel perked up as soon as she heard your words. The remaining goop on her cape forgotten.
“I thought it was because only humans or other beings from Earth could witness it.” Kori crossed her arms.
“You mean it isn’t dangerous for you to turn into one in case you aren’t able to turn back?!” Dick, Jaime, and Victor all screeched in unison.
“Excuses may vary from person to person.”
Ah yes, all according to plan.
It wasn’t that long before you all had another mission to accomplish. It wasn’t that hard really, in fact the enemies seemed a lot weaker in comparison to the previous ones.
So why were you and the rest tied up?
“Oh no, we’re at risk of dying. Whatever could we do?” Garfield feigned a moan of pain.
“Maybe if [Y/N] shifted into their Kitsune form and got out of their restraints—“ Victor tried suggesting but, like what you did with Garfield last time, you shut him down immediately.
Everyone instantaneously gets out of their restraints. No effort at all.
These goddamn desperate little shits—
It had been a month or so since Garfield and the rest found out you weren’t turning into a fox simply because you didn’t want to and they have yet to lose gas when it came to motivation.
It had even gone to the point where the Justice League and heck, even some villains and other unaffiliated vigilantes joined the mix. It was as if every moment someone was trying to coerce you to transform.
“Guys let’s have dinner!” Dick called out from the tower’s kitchen, not bothering with the intercoms since he knew you were close by. As a Kitsune you had a fantastic sense of smell, as such you were already hovering the kitchen since the start.
“Is that . . . [Favorite Food] and - and [Favorite Drink]?” Your mouth watered as you gazed at the dining table. All of your favorite meals, snacks, and beverages were all laid out. Ready to be consumed—
“Ah, ah! Let us see your Kitsune form first.”
You took one long stare at him before disappearing, literally. “I’m ordering take out.”
“God damn it!” The rest of the team all exit from their hiding spots, absolutely saddened by the lack of reaction and that they couldn’t spoil you with your favorites for once.
(It’s not like they can forget about your fox form and just give you everything on a silver platter. Hell no!)
You trudged to Damian’s room. Still invisible until you were sure you entered without anyone seeing you.
You reappear with a smile before shortly turning into a miniature [Favorite Color] fox.
“Tired?” Damian asked, still focused on his computer while you jumped to his lap and made yourself comfortable.
“Mm. Not really! They’re really funny when they’re like that.”
He nodded at your response and began petting you. His other hand reached forward to his phone, “Hey, are you still open? … Yeah . May I have [Favorite Food] delivered at this address…”
You faked a gasp. You knew he had been watching over you since the beginning. Normal people would have freaked out and questioned how knew but you didn’t. How could you? He is your boyfriend after all. Him knowing everything was expected. At least, that’s what he always says, and you didn’t really mind so . . . “You’re the best, Damey!”
“I know.” He finally gazed at you. The love in his eyes are as clear as day, “Now, get off. We have to pick up our order.”
General Batfam Taglist: @the-sander-fander
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solannn · 7 months
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Haikyuu x Cat!male!reader
description: which,a cat human,[M/N] tries to forget his human past as a cat but it’s isn’t it's not easy as he thought
remember : this story implied male reader and I’m really strict about a fem aligned about reading it you can read it just don’t fetishized it please there’s no nsfw bcs the character aren’t adults so minor are accepted.
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You had 2 owners, one is named Kuroo and the other Kenma.
Kuroo is the one who adopted him alone on a desolate street
Kenma sometimes visited you because you lived with Kuroo. Now you've been living with him for about 2 years, you've gotten used to seeing him leave first thing in the morning to go to class.
You decide to go to his room and the first thing you notice is his volleyball, do you remember seeing her playing with Kenma, won't it do any harm if you try to copy their actions?
You transform into a human and take the ball in your hands, at first you didn't understand the basics so you forced yourself to watch tutorials on the computer.
It's 1:30 p.m. you went to eat for your lunch break, you picked up the ball and started playing again for hours but you forgot that your owner came back around 8 p.m. and you made a mess of the house
The door opened, Kuroo was the first to notice he had his mouth open when he noticed you he exclaimed
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ??" He enters the house and looks around to find his cat.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY CAT? ARE YOU AN ANIMAL KIDNAPER?? A THIE-” he noticed that you had cat ears and a tail.
“…” He looked you straight in the eyes you didn’t know what to say the room became silent before Kenma arrived.
“I didn’t know you had a b-” Kenma started to say appearing from behind making Kuroo jolt. Kuroo cut him off “I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND."
“Are you trying to tell me you’re my cat, Kitty?” You were sitting on the couch talking everyone thought you were crazy in this room.
Oh yes, you forgot that they called you 'Kitty' because of Hello Kitty and the lack of originality.
You sigh trying to find your words “Touch my ear” The 2 boys raised their eyebrows Kuroo took your ear and pulled it very hard, he could tear it off you cried out in pain.
“I SAID TOUCH NOT PULL.” “YOU NEVER KNOW OK!!” he shouted back. Kenma was massaging his tampons because they were screaming so loudly.
“See I’m real!” You said letting a sigh escape your mouth you didn't know why but you couldn't transform yourself maybe from one to stress or something else probably.
You closed your eyes trying to concentrate, you took deep breaths and relaxed your shoulders. A few seconds passed and you became a cat again, you meowed. Kuroo & Kenma look at you in pure shock.
“Now I believe you it wasn’t so hard to do that” said the boy you gave him a glare,a death glare.
You turned back into a human to talk to them, you sighed “Calling me [M/N] is better than Kitty” you said, scratching the back of your head.
“Why was Kitty a good first name?” Complains Kuroo “It was shitty and no originality 😐” said Kenma “hey! I had no idea ok?☹️”.
“Actually, if you went to high school, that would be great, wouldn’t it?” “Yeah..” Kenma replied with his eyes on his console.
Kuroo smirked, imagining scenarios where you were in high school “ you should hide your tail and your ears” you nodded Kuroo already had an idea in mind.
"But how old are you? In your human form ig" Kenma asked curiosily if you didn’t mind "I’m 16 years I think I should be in second year" Kenma nodded
“Ah! I almost forgot, [M/N]” a warm smile appeared on his face before disappearing “you clean the house 😘". You sighed
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Hellooo may I ask if you plan to continue the kny cats series?
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KNY Kitties | 4
Sooner than the quadruple had liked your friend had returned and was eager to take her cats home
And while the sad mews from the kittens broke your heart it was nice to see the Magenta and Waterbug reclaim their role as guardians
Once again alternating between following you around the house and watching the kittens
While you’d like to say all was back to normal it was not
The blonde Turkish angora with rainbow eyes seemed to be finding himself at your place more often 
With a new friend named Snowflake 
Turns out your friend who owned him did return from her trip 
But she had fallen in love with the idea of traveling and had convinced her boyfriend to do the same
Which meant you were left to take care of both of their cats for the foreseeable future
As disappointing as that was having the new short hair around helped balance everyone out
Keeping the mischievous Angora busy 
Otherwise, life was good 
You were hanging out even longer with your new landlord
And cracking down on the only cat that seems to be escaping from your home:
“Okay, my babies! I’ll see you all in a bit I just have to make a quick run! Behave please!”
The sound of your voice suddenly disappearing behind the door caught everybody off guard. As far as they were concerned you were just getting a snack in the kitchen, you’d said so after getting up from cuddling with Magenta. The kittens who had previously tried to fall asleep beside Giyuu immediately snapped awake to go to the door to mew sadly. As though their crying would bring you back they held their little protest for a few minutes, deciding to sit by the door to wait. Giyuu figured he’d check on them before speaking to Muzan who was taking this opportunity to rub himself all over your clothes. 
“Oi Muzan. Aren’t you stretching yourself too thin?//”
Without looking up the former demon king only intensified his scent smothering. 
“How so?//”
“All week you’ve been jumping between being a cat and the ‘landlord’s son.’ Is there no stress on your body to be switching so often?//”
“No, I’m as infallible as I was in the past.//”
Giyuu hides the distasteful flicking of his tail at the prideful assumption. He didn’t really care if Muzan was caught, he was only worried about the rest of them transforming. If that time were to come.
“Ne ne Akaza-chan! Who do you think will be transforming next?”
The striped short hair groaned trying to slink away from Doma as they entered the bedroom. Giyuu’s ears twitched as he made his move to stay on the bed. Better to stay out of their way but still watch the Uppermoons.
“For all you know, it could be me!”
“Please we’d all be in trouble if it’s you.”
“Why wouldn’t you like it if we all go and live with our Master?”
Muzan perked up from the folded clothes to do his best to glare at his subordinates continuing to make biscuits on them. 
“I wouldn’t let you live with me.”
“What?! Master why?!”
“(Y/n) would get the wrong idea about me and I will not have you disrupting my relationship with them.”
“How mean! Would you say the same with Akaza?”
Giyuu refused to say anymore jumping off the bed to the front door. He planned to check on the quiet kittens rather than listen to the useless drivel that was this conversation. He hoped none of it would be considered true. But if this was going off of physical prowess from their past lives that would be a likely scenario rather than Tanjiro. Giyuu was disappointed to see that Tanjiro hadn’t had the same changes he noticed Muzan was having before he first transformed. 
When he finally entered the kitchen and doorway of the house he found the kittens precariously stacked on each other while standing on the counter, attempting to grab some treats. Recently you’ve been trying to teach the kittens some commands and tricks. Unfortunately for you, the kittens were smart enough to wish they could have those treats all the time. 
“Tanjiro, Nezuko, Rui! What are you all doing?//”
A series of ‘uh oh’ and hushed whispers told him all he needed to know. Easily he hopped up on the counter to safely break up the little stack they had going on. They proceeded to whine and complain as he sent a scathing look to all of them–specifically at Tanjiro.
“Tanjiro what is this? I would’ve expected more from you.”
“It’s just that they were both hungry and they were crying–”
“That’s no reason to do this. If you’re so hungry you’ll wait until (Y/n) gets home.”
“No, buts. Off the counter.”
But of course, as the kittens begin to slink away preparing for the drop-down, Muzan intervenes. 
“What seems to be the problem.”
Giyuu prepares to speak only to be beaten by Rui. Who proudly tattles as though Giyuu was in the wrong. 
“The old man says we can’t eat even though we’re hungry!”
Muzan probably already aware of the true situation coyly sits at the bottom of the counter. 
“Well, that’s not right then.” 
With a smooth snapping of bones, the human form of Muzan stood tall and more than able to reach for the treats. The kittens cheered letting out happy mews as he opened the bag and began leaving some food out. Giyuu groaned in the only way a cat can. 
It is then his dark blues spot the small device above the refrigerator.
Before he could get it out the door swung open. It is then that Muzan turns completely naked to look horrified at the main doorway where you had your phone’s light flashing with a picture and your jaw hanging open. 
“OH MY G–”
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Here's a cursed ship:
Danny Fenton, out of his parent's grasp, now as an adult, goes to explore rumours of some rotten ectoplasm somewhere in some place called Nanda Parbat.
There he meets the one person that came the closest ever to killing him. Her sword was already in his very human chest before he transformed on instinct, barely avoiding a very painful injury that could've threatened his core.
Naturally, what is a guy to do? Fall head over heels, and gift her with a newly purified pool of ectoplasm that can help heal injuries without the Rage and Madness. Maybe gift her a throne of starlight after he deals with her manipulative old bastard father.
Oh, she has a kid from a prior relationship? Well, if she's ok with it, he'll do his best to help her raise him.
The League shift from indiscriminate murder to more Assassin's Creed-like "maintaining Balance" ideals.
Naturally, this confuses the Bats. They come to investigate.
No one was expecting to see Talia al Ghul sitting on a very comfy-looking throne, with an unknown but clearly powerful guy sparring against a small Damian, while the kid looks like he's having the time of his life.
Of course, as soon as their presence is noted, he's at Talias side, holding the tiny kid in his arms as she delivers her speech.
Oh, he's King of the Infinite Realms? Yeah, but this is the Living Realm, so he's going to defer to his Queen.
Talia initially tried plotting to take the Crown from Danny, but Ember and Kitty (who I headcanon both having dated Danny at different points of his life) laugh as if she told them a joke, and Grandpa Clocky takes his new Granddaughter-in-law aside to show her how her betrayal and manipulation would bring about Dan, stopping that plan in it's tracks then and there.
Ellie floats into the room in the middle of their discussion, and to add further confusion for poor Brucie, scoops up Damian and loudly announces she's taking her half-brother out for ice cream (female clone, from a boy's DNA? Yeah, Talia's DNA was exactly what was needed to stabilise her permanently).
Bruce is in a crisis.
Jason is laughing his ass off, now that Danny took the rotten ectoplasm out and put in fresh ecto in it's place, and he can properly appreciate the situation, especially how Danny looks like he could be related to Bruce, so naturally Talia also has a type.
Tim is three seconds away from asking for his spleen back.
Cass is dangling from Danny's shoulders after, in classic Ghost customs, she tried to attack him as an introduction. She's fine being carried like a sac of flour, Jason does that with her, too.
Dick, Duke, Steph and Babs stayed behind to protect Gotham, but Babs is always watching and/or listening, and she's a horrible gossip.
It's also Jason that comes to the horrifying realization that, the reason why Danny is still with Talia, is because Ghost culture is weird enough to be normal for the League, he's a similar type of dumbass as Bruce, without the elaborate revenge plot, AND he's a simp for women who could kill him.
Essentially: Danny is the cute lovable dumbass, who's Into That when his Love Interest has the capacity to easily kill him or snap him in half, if it weren't for the Ghost thing. And Ghost instincts are the kind of feral that Damian vibes with, so Damian likes this random guy Talia found on their doorstep, who's so stupid and yet competent he comes back around to being attractive, and is Commited to his new family.
I have yet to hear a friendly stepdad(?) Danny prompt before and I am loving it
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sillylittlelemon · 3 months
There is something that has been stuck in my head for a long time now so I was wondering if we could get a Saiki Kusuo with a s/o that loves cats?? And that he would maybe transform into one for special occasions (like birthdays etc..) and cuddle?? I would literally find that so cute!! I'm a girl but you can do general if you're more comfortable!!
(I hope my request follows the rules😭
Of course! This ask is adorable!🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️ as a cat lover myself Im very excited to write this, thank you anon!!
Also- i just tell you guys, the Saiki K fandom is carrying my blog rn, like- almost allthe interaction im getting is for my Saiki content/saiki requests (and i love it, dont feel bad and dont stop lmao)
This took way too long im sorry babes 😮‍💨
(I don think its saiki but damn either way hes a good looking fella)
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One he starts caring about you and worrying about your safety he 'occasionally' tails you as a cat. Following you around town, sometimes meowing at your feet foot attention, 'keeping up the act' you know.
When he finally gets enough of you begging, because hun, you begged, he will give in and take you to a cat cafe, reluctantly taking off his shoes as you enter, paying for 2 hours, and then leading you over to a little table in the back corner (so he can watch the windows and door, yes like a war vet would, my dads a veteran so i can confirm the habit has been instilled in me and comes in handy) he buys you a hot drink, and himself a coffee jelly
Now we've seen him interact with cats. It's not exactly polite. But i feel like him and your cat have come to a tense agreement to both be able to love you and so far that's working in all of your favors
Saiki would, under much very much fake annoyance, turn into a cat for you. Only after that do you realize the 'stray' that you mysteriously see all over town is in fact your boyfriend. Youre obviously estatic, maybe a little weirded out that he followed you around, but mostly estatic. He sighs as he 'rElUctAntLy' changed into his cat form for you, grouching about how he always feels itchy afterwards and finds fur in his hair and wah wah wah, till finally he's a pretty little white cat, purring and settling in your lap, letting you soak up all the kitty cuddles you want.
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bugs1nmybrain · 7 months
Crusty Kitty~Neko!Shigaraki x Reader Smut 🩵✨️
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Notes: I hate myself
Summary: Tomura and his girlfriend end up in quite the predicament after a job gone wrong.
Reader is Described as: having fluffy hair, curvy body, short, female, she/her pronouns, reader wears a skirt, grey/black colored ears and tail.
Warnings: Explicit pet play, 18+ (MDNI), fem reader, breeding, kitty boy Shigaraki AND kitty girl reader, BITING, furry themes?, biting, unprotected sex, dom Shigaraki, unapologetically horny and clingy Tomura, titty sucking, reader is resistant to Tomura's quirk, mention of murder, cringe use of "nya" and other variations of it, mommy kink, cunnilingus, Tomura has white ears and tail, Tomura calls reader a slut, season 5ish Shigaraki (blue hair), shiggy has a noncon-ish thought at one point but the sex itself is entirely consensual, not proofread yet
This was bad.
It wasn't uncommon for Tomura and his crew to run into some people with crazy quirks. Sometimes they'd do the strangest things to their bodies. This one though, it was about to kill Tomura. His newfound tail would not stop wagging and curling itself around his leg, trying his hardest from not grabbing you as you stood in front of him, brushing your hair.
Yesterday, you and Tomura had gone to a little interview to see if this mid-level criminal you two had heard of was willing to join the League. They were well-known in the underworld and had great connections. Tomura hoped to have gotten something good out of the encounter, but he soon discovered what he usually did. Another tryhard who was looking to steal his spot as the ruler of all things evil. So, there was a little tastle, to say the least.
In attempt to protect you, Shigaraki had gone after the villain with physical force. Before he knew it, you and he had been sprayed with some nasty smelling odor, left coughing up a storm. Tomura had managed to snatch ahold of the cocksucker, crumbling him away.
"Achew!" perfumes or anything like that always made Tomura's sinuses act up. "Good riddance. Let's go."
The next morning, you and him woke up to a surprise.
Both of you were decorated in ears, tails, claws, fangs, the whole nine yards. You still looked like people, but...catlike. Like a neko that you'd see in hentai. Tomura couldn't begin to describe the shock that washed over him when he saw you laying next to him with greyish-black ears and a tail of the same color. At first he thought it was just you, but when he felt something fuzzy hit the black of his legs, an instant "oh no" shot through his thoughts.
You two tried acting as if everything was still the same. Okay, so you guys were like this. Didn't mean that operations had to cease, right? Even though the looks that the League gave Tomura made him want to knock each one of them on their asses.
Ujiko said that the effects of the quirk should wear off in maybe a week. That's a long time to have these fuzzy ears and stupid fucking fangs that bit Tomura's tongue when he was least expecting it. Oh yea, his tongue was rough now too. What the fuck.
You. Were NOT helping. Actually, you were adorable. He'd watch as your tail would swerve along around your ass and when your ears would perk up when he asked you a question. Your figure was as breedable as it always was, but something about having the accents of catlike features made him leak. He could smell you now, too. This kitty boy transformation was embarrassing. Not only because of the way he looked but also because he was unbearably horny.
Tomura was horny as fuck already, but this little predicament had him fidgeting so bad and sweating as he looked at you. Your breasts seemed fuller than normal, and your ass was always bucking outwards. You must've been feeling it, too, huh?
It didn't really occur to him that you were both young adults, at prime "mating" time. And it wasn't like you and him were going to get spayed or neutered. It was also super convenient that this had happened right as you were at a high chance of pregnancy within your reproductive cycle. If that didn't make you horny enough, you sure as hell were now.
He watched you brush your fluffy hair, trying to avoid hurting your ears. He wondered if you'd tingle if he touched them. "Let's see..." he thought.
When Tomura stepped toward you, his tail immediately started wagging eagerly. Your eyes darted at him and you noticed how much taller he was than you, making you tingle. You wanted him to dominate you so bad.
"Do you know how bad your cunt smells right now?" Tomura husks, nuzzling his face into your hair. He breathes in your lady musk and grinds his groin against your back.
"I'm sorry..nyuahh..."
"Are you serious? Hehehe!"
"Shhh..mmm...back your ass up again..."
So you did. You rubbed your ass up on his crotch, tail flicking in his face. God, you made him throb so baaad. You looked up to his face while you coated the crotch of his pants in your soaked cunt, seeing his dilated red eyes that screamed "I'm gonna breed you so bad."
"You're such a sexy kittyyy,,,nyah.." he teased. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but the way he rutted against you gave you the impression that he was yearning. He teased his fingers on your ears, scratching behind them while you mewled. The way you reacted made him snicker. He bit your neck without warning, eliciting a yelp from you.
"Mmm! Tomuraawwhh~ what are you doing??
"I need you mommy...let me fill you with my kittens..nnyeow..."
Your cunt arched back on instinct. Tomura hiked up your skirt, showcasing your ass and cunt. It was dripping wet, begging for him to stuff you. He swore he could even see your clit twitch. Oh he wanted to fuck you silly, but he'd feel bad leaving you hanging. And he always got so sleepy after he came, and his catboy transformation made him need naps all the time. His white tail raised up as his cock leaked more at the thought of tasting your pussy.
"Get in bed," he commanded. Without hesitation, you nodded vigorously with a beaming "mhm!" and got in bed. You lie down on your back with your legs spread. You still had panties, but they were perfectly drenched, and there was glossy fluid glazing your thighs. Tomura took their handles and yanked them down, admiring the sight your puffy clit.
It didn't take any time before his mouth was latched onto your hot, wet cunt. Your smell was driving him feral, making his cock leak and twitch with vigor.
"Nyaahh...~!" you screamed. Your cunt was insanely sensitive and Tomura's rough tongue was relentless on your clit. The texture against your cunt drove you crazy as you rolled your hips. But Tomura held your thighs and devoured you, determined to have you cumming in minutes. You went to tug at his thick blue locks, petting his white ears as you did so. His teeth clamped down, though he tried to keep his mouth away from your pussy as he did. Even he respected that a bite to your pussy wouldn't feel very nice.
He mixed in some finger action, too, though he hadn't even thought that his claws may hurt you. He scratched your thighs gently while he continued attacking your cunt with his mouth. He looked up, seeing how full your tits looked underneath your tight tanktop. "Change of plans", he thought.
Tomura came up to your neck, licking and covering you in love bites while he pulled your shirt below your tits. Your nipples were flushed and incredibly sensitive, as you trembled at the slightest touch of his fingers. He cackles a bit and then latches his mouth onto your breast, sucking as if he was feeding on you. He made sure to rub your clit while he did it, hoping to have you cumming while he sucked your titties.
Bingo. With just a few precise motions and his rough mouth, you spasmed on his fingers and cried out in agonizing arousal, creating the most animal-like noises. Fuckkk...
"Ehehehh..what is it? Does my kitty slut need to be stuffed..rrr~..."
He was purring! fhzjdijfas
"C'mere, then..."
Tomura manhandled you and flipped you onto your stomach. The sight of your supple ass made him buck, freeing his cock from his painfully tight jeans. His cock was pulsing and almost red from how pent up and horny he was, tip leaking with plenty of pre. He slapped his cock over your hole a couple of times and then proceeded to sink himself inside of you deeply.
FUckk...was he drooling? Your pussy felt SOOO wet and hotter than the Sahara. And yet, you were still suffocating him and unbearably tight. He plunged his cock in and out of you, making you scream underneath him. You sounded so gooey and wet and his cock kept thrusting in and out of your soaked cunt, and the added bonus of his hips smacking against your ass made it evident to the whole League that you were getting a good serving of Shigaraki right now.
Your mouth hung open for your cute fangs to show. Tomura shoved his fingers into your mouth, feeling around your sandpaper tongue. You bite his finger on accident, making him shout.
"OW! You bitch!"
He wasn't mad, though. He just cackled and growled to himself with his sore finger rubbing your lips as he pounded your cunt relentlessly. You were so small underneath him, making his dominant instincts fuck you even rougher, knowing that if you wanted to leave he had all the power to keep you under him. Your pussy fluids were leaking your your thighs onto the sheets. Fuck, you two smelled AWFUL, too. "This will need much needed cleanup," Tomura thought.
"Mmm!~ Nywah~ you love my kitty cock filling you up, huh??~"
He sounded just as loud as you right now, crying and mewling out and in desperate need to pump you full of his cum. He bit your sensitive ear while he tugged on your tail, causing your ass to lift higher. His cock shoved itself into your core repeatedly and his balls slapped your ass. He bruised your cervix while he rammed you and he was going to cum soon, you could tell by how rough he was getting.
He didn't respond with words, instead driving himself in your body a few more times before eventually slamming deep into your cunt with a final yowling groan...Tomura rocked his cock into you even after he came, his sensitive cock aching terribly. When he pulled out he watched as his cum dripped out of your cunt, making him cry.
"I loveee yew~"
"rrrr..yeaa. Cuddle me."
It wasn't a request, but rather a demand, as Tomura wrapped his arms around you and practically trapped you in his grasp. He purred in your ear while he smothered you in his embrace, nipping at your ear and neck.
"Mhmhm what?"
"That hurts."
"But I love you~" his raspy voice mewls.
"rrrr whatever..."
"Say it back."
"I love yeww Tomura~ you know I do."
What a wild turn of events, he thought. Your smell was still driving him crazy, but now that he made you his little cumdump he was ready to nap, and he wasn't going to allow you to leave. Both you and Tomura drifted off into slumber, purring in each other's arms, snuggled as close as humanly (..) possible.
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sephifrog · 12 days
Catboy cloud
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Grumpy and prefers being a stray, until he met you a kind hearted human
Although when you first tried to feed him cat food he swatted it out of your hand and you both just kind of stared at each other
You brought him salmon next and when he reached up to swat it a whine left your lips
“That was expensive kitty!”
He stops and narrows his eyes at you before moving to eat it
Your clueless and still think he’s a normal cat
The next time you fed him he placed a feather on your window seal as a thank you
After seeing him around for around a week you coax him inside
Setting up a bed for him on your old beat up couch muttering a “sorry it’s not much”
He unintentionally starts to pur in endearment
After you head to bed and he makes sure your asleep he transforms into his hybrid form, looking at himself in the mirror for the first time in months-he feels his eyes stun but clears his throat and starts to explore
He wants to make sure it’s safe if he wants to stay
Washing his face in the kitchen sink he feels his throat itch, from being thirsty or holding back his tears he doesn’t know
The next morning you wake up to the cat at the end of your bed curled into a ball and watching you
“Your eyes are so pretty, I’ve never seen such a color before”
He tenses when you reach for him but when he feels your hand softly scratching his ears he relaxes
He could get used to this
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asukiess · 4 months
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something really gets me about how it's always-responsible, always "watch out kitty, you're about to transform back!" Ladybug who turns the clock off. who stops time continually to be with her partner.
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f9clementine · 2 months
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enchanted to meet you ⋙ 24. the amulet pt. 3
⋙ written part included 『••✎••』
Minho’s heart lurches, watching you dangle in San’s grasp, little cat eyes dazed and confused. He knew better than anyone that you were probably very lost, mind racing to catch up to the sudden shift to being a cat. His own transformation had been a blur, kicking his fight or flight instincts into high gear as he had booked it out the front door, leaving a shocked Innie behind. 
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” San declared, holding kitty you a little higher as he forced Minho’s attention back to him. “You’re gonna go get me the amulet and no tricks this time. Or else Y/n’s gonna stay a cat for a long, long time. Do you understand?”
Minho gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay calm. “Just give it up at this point, Choi. You don’t have the upperhand anymore. Let her go and you can just walk away.”
“You’re wrong, Lee. I can’t just walk away,” San sneered, giving you a tiny little shake as he continued to hold you aloft. “Not without that amulet. So, I suggest-” 
It seemed the sudden jolt San gave you snapped you out of your daze. With a sudden yowl, you swiped up, dragging your claws alongside the hand holding you up, drawing blood. San let out a hiss of pain, dropping you. Minho darted forward to try and grab you, but the second your paws hit the linoleum, you were gone, a little furry bullet out the door. 
Minho let out a curse, about to follow you out the door but first, he turned to San, who was cradling his bleeding hand and looked about to follow as well. 
Not gonna happen.
Without a second thought, Minho raised his fist, striking San directly in the face. He winced as his knuckles began to throb from the impact, but watching the taller man crumple to the floor without a sound was satisfying enough to make it worth it. When San didn’t move, Minho realized he hit him hard enough to knock him out. 
Even better.
“That's for kidnapping my girlfriend and turning her into a cat.” Min spat, even though he knew there was zero chance of getting a response, before turning on his heel and running out the door. 
He watched as you ran down the hallway before pursuing after you.
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Minho ignored his phone's rapid beeping, focused on following you as you fled for your furry life. “Y/n, c’mon!” He called, watching you ignore him before adding ‘psspsspss’ sounds, which you also ignored. 
“I’m getting so sick of running through this school, Y/n,” He mumbled, turning the corner after you into a hallway ending in a door to the outside. 
You slid to a stop in front of it, your tail extremely fluffed up as you paced back and forth, kitty mind trying to figure out where to go.
Minho slowly approached you, holding his hand out as he kneeled down to your level. “Y/n… c’mon jagi, come here and we’ll get this fixed okay?” He spoke to you quietly, watching your ears twitch back and forth as he did. “You make such a pretty kitty but I’m sure you want to be human again, right?”
You took a tentative step forward, slinking low to the ground before taking another step. 
Minho let out a relieved sigh and fought the desire to lurch forward to grab you, knowing you’d be calmer if he let you come to him. “That’s it, that’s my girl. We’ll get you right as rain again, okay?”
You were finally within reach, little nose sniffing along Minho’s fingertips, taking another small step closer before your fur was suddenly standing on end, hissing at something over Minho’s head.
Before Min could react, he watched a hand suddenly reach into view, lifting you by the scruff again.
“Woah, Y/n’s a cat now? What did I miss?” Wooyoung asked, glancing from you to where Minho rose to his feet. 
“Give her back. God, I’m so sick of you guys kidnapping her, I swear to god.” Minho complained, reaching out to take you back but Wooyoung stepped back, pressing you to his chest as he looked around, frowning. You let out an annoyed sound, wriggling in his grip to no avail.
“Where’s San then?” 
“Somewhere knocked the fuck out. Hopefully with some brain damage.” Minho took another step forward, trying to keep his hands steady as he reached out to tug you back into his arms. “He probably needs help. So give me Y/n and I’ll tell you where I left your boyfriend.”
Wooyoung hesitated, glancing between you, who was still struggling in his arms, and Minho, weighing his options. “Okay, fine,” He said after a beat, holding you out to Minho. “Tell me where-”
Both men jumped as the door behind them suddenly burst open, a tall man in a dark coat striding in. 
Wooyoung gulped audibly, quickly pushing you into Minho’s arms before backing up further. “Seonghwa hyung, h-hey…” 
Minho glanced between Wooyoung and Seonghwa, deciding to keep his mouth shut and instead move out the way as Seonghwa kept advancing on Wooyoung, a furious look on his face. 
“Wooyoung, I am going to kill you.” Seonghwa growled, reaching out and grasping the younger man by his shirt, pulling him in close. “I am going to kill you and San both for all the shit I’ve been hearing. And then Hongjoong is going to kill you after I’m done.”
Wooyoung let out a nervous chuckle, holding his hands up in defense. “Hyung, it’s not that bad. A-and you know why we’re doing this-”
“You were told,” Seonghwa cut in, “to wait. We were working on a solution that wouldn’t involve grand theft and fucking kidnapping.” He looked up from Wooyoung, glancing at Minho before looking around. “Where is the poor girl that you’ve dragged into this?”
“Uhm, she’s here.” Minho answered, raising his arms where you sat content, seemingly enjoying watching Wooyoung get chewed out by his hyung.
“...That’s a cat.” Seonghwa deadpanned.
“Ah, yeah, it’s a long story but San turned her into-”
Seonghwa let out a loud curse, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Wonderful. And here I thought this couldn’t get any worse. Where’s San?”
“I-I was about to go get him,” Wooyoung explained, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder. “He’s apparently knocked out in a room somewhere. Minho was about to tell me where.”
“We’re going to get him and we’re going to go back. You’re going to leave the amulet behind. I don’t care.” Seonghwa gnashed, cutting off Wooyoung who looked like he was about to complain. “We’re leaving before-”
“Before the Enforcers get here?” Everyone turned their heads to see Hyunjin and Felix standing in the hallway, Hyunjin with a rather smug look on his face. “They’re already here, so…”
“San’s on his own. Let’s go.” Seonghwa grabbed Wooyoung by the back of his shirt this time, pulling him close.
“No, but-” Wooyoung sputtered, upset as he let the older man pull him. “I can’t leave him!”
“You can and we are. You and San knew what the risks were and you did it anyway. Maybe they’ll go easy on him but you and I are leaving.” Seonghwa glanced at Minho, letting out a little sigh. “I’m sorry for how the idiotic members of my coven have behaved. I hope you can get it all fixed.”
Seonghwa mumbled a few words as Wooyoung hung his head, dejected. A ball of light quickly rose from the ground, swirling around them and before Minho could blink, they were gone.
“Hyung, are you okay?” Hyunjin called out as he closed the distance between them, Felix trailing behind him.
“Yeah, we’re okay… mostly.” Minho sighed, readjusting you in his arms. “But Choi San is the world’s biggest asshole.”
“You’re kidding me!” Felix exclaimed, eyebrows raised high. “This day has been extremely fucked up.”
“I’ll say.” Minho shrugged, glancing between the two. “You still have the amulet, right? Let’s change her back quickly.”
Hyunjin sighed, running a hand through his hair. “About that… I don’t have the amulet.”
“What? Where is it? Who has it then?” Minho demanded.
“We gave it back to the Blackpink Coven.” Minho looked up to see Chan heading down the hallway, Jeongin leaning on him as exhaustion was evident on both their faces. 
“I…” Minho trailed off, lost for words as he looked at you in his arms. “Then how do we reverse this? Go back to square one with trying to figure out what spell it was?”
“C’mon, let’s meet up with the others.” Chan said instead, nodding his head towards the doors. He and Jeongin passed by Minho and after looking over his shoulder, Jeongin leaned in towards Min.
“Channie hyung has a plan. Just play along.” He whispered, taking a second to pat you on the head before heading through the doors.
Minho frowned, watching Hyunjin and Felix follow suit before trailing outside after. He followed them around the school, heading to the parking lot where he could see groups of people standing around. 
One group he recognized instantly as the Enforcers, the men standing around dressed all in pitch black, down to their sunglasses. He recognized the man sitting on the ground in between all of them, his arms cuffed behind his back as his face was beginning to swell from where Minho had struck him earlier. “They arrested San quickly.”
Hyunjin glanced over his shoulder at him, nodding. “It was crazy; they all ran in and there was so much yelling. Especially when they found San in that classroom.” he winced, remembering it. “It was… a lot.”
Minho nodded, pulling his attention away from the Enforcers and San, instead heading towards he could see Changbin and Jisung talking to a woman with long dark hair. “Who’s-” He started to ask but was interrupted by Chan.
“I can’t believe that someone would curse Y/n!” He declared loudly, everyone in the parking lot turning them as they approached. “That’s awful!”
“WHAT?” Changbin yelled, abandoning his conversation to run over, “What did he do to Y/n?!” 
You mewed pitifully in Minho’s arms, tail waving sadly.
“She can’t go to school if she’s a cat! What the hell?!” Changbin lamented, turning to glare at San where he sat, returning the stare until one of the Enforcers lifted him up by his arm, escorting him away.
“We’re unfortunately going to have to wait until the Enforcers can tell us what curse he used before we can change her back, too.” Chan sighed heavily, and Minho frowned, wondering why they were putting on such a show until the woman from earlier walked up, followed by Jisung. “Jennie, this is Y/n, the girl who’s roommate stole your amulet.” Chan said and Minho blinked, realizing who she was.
“I can’t believe the nerve of some covens, y’know?” Jennie rolled her eyes, a hand on her hip. “Theft, murder, kidnapping, and a transmutation curse? Like, when is enough, enough?” She bent down a little, looking you in the eye as she spoke. “Poor thing. I can’t imagine how scared she probably is.” She looked up at Minho, “And you’re the boyfriend, right? Chan explained how you found our amulet and instead of returning it, ran off to rescue your girlfriend.”
“I… uh, well…” Minho stuttered, wondering how to respond when she suddenly flashed him a grin.
“Love makes fools of us all, right?” Jennie reached into her pocket, pulling out the amulet. “I’ll do you a favor, so you don’t have to wait for the Enforcers to speak with Choi San. To be honest, I think you’d be waiting a long time for them to get the info for you. That man is severely cursed so that’s going to be their main concern.”
“San’s cursed?” Felix asked, glancing around the circle that had formed. 
“Oh, like I’ve never seen. That explains why he’d go to such lengths for the amulet,” Jennie shrugged, “I just can’t say with what exactly. But they’ll figure it out and then work out how exactly to sentence him. That’s out of our hands, though. But in the mean time, ready?” She held up the amulet and Min nodded, stepping forward.
He watched as Jennie whispered something to the amulet, the center of the stone lighting up before engulfing it completely. She lowered it, letting it dangle over your forehead before the light increased, so bright that everyone turned their heads and closed their eyes.
The weight in Minho’s arms suddenly increased and he grunted, surprised as he turned his attention back to you.
You blinked up at him, arms around his neck as you waited for the streaks of lightning to clear from your vision. You were both quiet for a minute before you let out a small smile, “Hi, Min.”
Minho almost fell to his knees in relief, instead clutching you tighter to him. “Hi, jagi.”
“Oh, damn.” Jennie exclaimed and both of you turned your attention back to her. “It cracked!” She held up the stone and you squinted, but you were able to make out a crack racing through the once smooth stone. “Wow, what kind of curse did Choi use to use that much energy? Or maybe it’s been going nonstop for a while?” She mumbled the last part to herself and you watched as the Skz coven exchanged worried glances before Chan let out a little laugh.
“I-I mean, they probably kept trying to break into Y/n’s apartment, so it was probably on a lot. But hey, let’s give Y/n some space. She’s probably crazy exhausted.” He put his hand on Jennie’s shoulder, gently steering her away as he continued to ramble.
“Thank god for Chan hyung’s charisma or else we’d probably would’ve been busted a long time ago.” Hyunjin mumbled and Jeongin nodded in agreement.
“It comes with the old age.” He snickered and Hyunjin joined in, the two drifting behind Chan and Jennie. 
Minho turned, leaving what was left of the group, still carrying you, and walked over to the building, sliding down the wall until he sat on the ground, groaning a little. “I need a nap.”
You giggled, sitting up and pulling away from him as you started to shuffle out of his arms, “You definitely earned-” You stopped as you felt his arms tighten around you. “You can let go of me, Min.”
He shook his head, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder. “Nope. Not gonna happen for a long time.”
“Oh yeah? How long is a long time?”
Minho shook his head again, turning to peek at you with one boba eye. “I was thinking forever, to be honest.”
You blinked, feeling your blood rush to your face as your cheeks burned. “I… that’s a long time.” You mumbled.
Minho nodded, reaching for your hand and threading his fingers through yours. “The longest… unless you don’t want that?”
You shook your head almost violently, “No, no, I-I do, I promise.” You gently squeezed his hand, entranced as Minho gave you a huge smile, his ears bright red through his hair.
“Good.” was all he said before leaning in, gently brushing his lips over yours. His lips were warm and soft, even though they were a little chapped from the day’s exertion, but felt so perfect over yours. You expected your heart to maybe stop, but instead you felt relaxed, like this was where you were meant to be.
Soon you both pulled away, noting his lips were a little swollen and his cheeks bright red. You couldn’t help the little giggle you let out, knowing you probably looked exactly the same. Min chuckled, ducking his head into the crook between your head and shoulder. You took your free hand, gently running it through his hair. 
You sighed, "I gotta say, I'm exhausted." You muttered, eyes fluttering shut.
"Getting kidnapped and turned into a cat will do that to you." Minho replied and you looked up to catch his gentle smirk.
"In that case, I definitely deserve to sleep in tomorrow."
You watched as Minho grimaced, the tips of his ears turning red. "About that..." He trailed off awkwardly and you sat up, tilting your head to catch his eye. "I kind of destroyed your room looking for the amulet. Your bed is in pieces and I pulled up the floor boards to find the amulet." He finished, shaking his head. "But I'll put it all back together as soon as we get ba-"
"It's fine." You interrupted, settling back against him with another sigh. "I'll just sleep in your bed tonight."
You felt him stiffen, his head turning to look at you. "W-what?"
You shrugged, unable to help smirking a little. "It wouldn't be the first time, after all."
Minho groaned quietly and you could practically feel the heat radiating off him as his blush deepened. "You're going to be the death of me, jagiya."
"So that's a yes then?"
You felt his hand tighten on your waist, before a soft kiss was placed to your forehead. "Whatever you want."
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THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR PATIENCE! I'm so sorry it's been so long for me to finish this chapter but I'm so excited to finally be able to post. There's just the epilogue which I've had planned since I first came up with this idea so that'll be easy peasy (and won't be another six months before it gets posted)
Tag list: @mal-lunar-28, @kpopsstuffs, @cassidymb121, @brooklynie, @owotalks, @honey-pop, @hanniemylovelyquokka, @chlodavids, @abbiestearsricochet, @maexc, @seungmyynie, @brinnalaine, @kalopsian-thoughts, @jiisungllvr, @asherthehimbo, @pinxeajin, @vampcharxter, @jluvselandabs, @bettybeako, @borahae-reads, @raehawthorne, @yongbbokkie, @skzhoes, @lauraliisa, @meloncremesoda, @cutiespaghetti, @beaann, @thesassy-mia, @sclassstay, @twobluegoldfish, @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad, @hyuneyeon, @hyunniethepooh, @thecararcticmonkeys, @sunnibearr, @miserablywasted, @feybin, @inniescandy-01, @autumn-lv, @mushrooms-moon, @mae-is-cute98, @bada-lee-ily, @amelee23, @caravm, @sunshinessky, @skz-streamer, @realrintaro, @urmomma0324, @redstayrosie, 
also I couldn't tag a lot of names on my list 😓 if you were on the tag list and changed your url, please let me know so I can update it!
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Welcome back!!! :) We all missed you
Could you please write one in which MC is an animagus and the characters react to them transforming?
Thank you so much and take it easy 😁
A/N: since no animal was specified, we're going with the classic kitty cat :3
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MC finally did it! After months of prep, and some good luck, they completed the animagus ritual....only to become a silver tabby. Not as epic as they would have hoped, but still cool. They needed to show their friends IMMEDIATELY.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Well aren't you adorable." He chuckles as he kneels down to pet MC. "I'm not surprised you became an animagus. I'm just disappointed you didn't ask me to become one with you." He picks up MC and carries them off. "Now I have a perfectly valid excuse to call you Kitten."
OMINIS GAUNT: "You know, I don't find it funny when you tell me you want to SHOW me something. My wand has its limits." He huffs and waits for MC to do whatever they were so eager to do. His eyebrows rise in shock. One moment he detects a person, the next, a small animal. "What in Merlin's name? You're an animagus??" He hears MC meow and rub against his leg, just like the castle cats. He smiles a little and reaches down to pet MC. "Whatever will we do with you?"
ANNE SALLOW: "Oh, not fair! I was going to go through with the ritual myself but the blasted mandrake leaf wouldn't stay put. Even so..." She picks up MC and cradles then in her arms. "Since you're here. You can be my lap warmer while I study transfiguration."
IMELDA REYES: "You're as mad as I thought. You risked your life to become an animagus, only to become a cat? I'd get my money back if I were you." She watches MC flop over and make some air biscuits with the biggest eyes. "...I see your point."
NATSAI ONAI: She has stars in her eyes and immediately changes in her gazelle form. She and MC dance around each other happily and run down the corridors to cause some havoc. It was entirely worth the detention.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Brilliant!" He watches in awe as MC transforms and starts purring against him. He picks them up and puts them on his shoulder. "Let's go raid Professor Sharp's storage room. He'll never suspect a cat." He now has a new mantra: Gain kitty, do crime.
LEANDER PREWETT: He looks around to see if anyone saw what MC just did. He leans down and harshly whispers to them. "You do realize that ritual is against the rules here right!? It's so dangerous! You could have died! Let alone the fact that you aren't registered. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught." MC flattens their ears and growls, he puts his hands up defensively. "I won't tell, but be more careful. I'm serious."
AMIT THAKKAR: "By the stars, that's incredible! Was the ritual as hard as it sounds? How many times did you attempt it? Was it difficult to actually keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for 30 days? These are questions I must know that answers to." MC just meows at him. "Oh...right."
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Whoa! That's amazing! Could you always do that?" He kneels down to scratch MC under the chin. "Hey, I need a favor." He grins devilishly and points at a distant group of students. "See the tall one? I need you to scratch the hell out of his legs. No questions. I'll pay."
POPPY SWEETING: She nearly screams from how cute MC's cat form is. She immediately scoops up MC and cuddles them close to her chest. "Please, for the love of Merlin and all magic, let me put little hats on you. My grandma knits all sorts of little hats and sweaters for her cats and I just KNOW they would look adorable on you." MC is locked in her arms. There is no escape.
ELAZAR FIG: "Extraordinary!" He was sitting at his desk when MC came in to show him their new trick. MC jumped onto his desk as a cat and slowly blinks at him. He reaches forward and gently pets their head. "I've always known you were capable of strong magic, and I'm glad you trust me enough to show me this, but do be cautious. Being an unregistered animagus is a big deal to some in the Ministry. Tread carefully. For now, you're welcome to nap on my desk."
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megatraven · 2 years
A Run In Autumn
Written for @peakwonderfulness ! It wouldn't let me gift to you on AO3 for some reason, but thank you so much for this! I had fun writing it! :)
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairing: Ladynoir Summary: On her morning run, Marinette spies someone who reminds her too much of Chat Noir. When she falls, he offers her a hand, and realizes that really is her partner- and he recognizes her as Ladybug.
The air nips at her nose as she runs, the cool autumn wind making Marinette glad she chose to bundle up that morning. In a ladybug-spotted hat that Alya had gotten her the previous year, and a new, bright red jacket that her parents had gotten her to match it, she was perfectly warm enough to run without much fear of catching cold. Plus it was sunny out, when it'd been storming the last week- she didn't want to waste it, nor the opportunity to wear the sunglasses she'd made again.
Taking a path outside of her usual running route, she was hoping to find something to inspire her next fashion project. Autumn was one of her favorite times to find inspiration in the way the colors of the trees change, how the warm colors contrast with the cool air, how people begin to change into warmer clothes while trying to hold onto the heat of the summer a little while longer.
It wasn't hard to keep an eye out as she ran; her time as Ladybug made her more vigilant than ever. For the first leg of her run, she made a mental note of different things: couples wearing matching outfits, the few people who properly blended summer and autumn attire, the colors of the city and how the late morning light danced on them. 
It's only halfway through her run that she notices him.
The other runner, who's been keeping pace with her for the last half-mile or so.
He's running on the opposite side of the street, dressed in all black, including his hat that's adorned with kitty ears. Bits of blonde hair stick out from underneath, and its unruliness reminds her of Chat Noir's.
In fact… the way he runs reminds her of him, too. The eyes, maybe, but he's wearing sunglasses just like she is, and of course, there's no tail… but she can picture one behind him pretty easily.
She's so distracted watching him that she doesn't notice the uneven sidewalk in front of her, her foot catching on it and sending her down to the ground. So much for vigilance. With a groan, she brings herself back up to her knees, checking for any injuries, and only finds a few scrapes on her hands. No big deal, and easy enough to take care of once she gets home.
"Are you alright?"
Startled, she looks up, the other runner in front of her now, holding his hand out to her.
"Never better," she says, a little sarcastic, though she does take his hand, appreciating the kind gesture.
Standing face-to-face with him, she tries to see through the dark lens of his sunglasses, and she thinks his eyes might actually be green underneath. He glances at her hat and grins, and she wonders if he's thinking that it's funny, both of them being out wearing Ladybug and Chat Noir attire specifically.
"Might wanna keep a better eye on the road," he says, not unkindly, " …my lady." 
And then he smiles wide, as if he just told the world's funniest inside joke.
Except, she's the only other person actually in on the joke.
"Chat Noir?"
The shock on his face freezes him still, and it's only when he stiffens that she realizes his hand is still in hers. She carefully takes her hand from his, and he jumps back a little.
"... Ladybug?"
"Chat Noir."
The shock quickly leaves him, though she's still reeling from it. Instead, he looks a little bashful, sticking his hands deep into his coat pockets- probably to protect how his ring looks outside of the transformation. She's suddenly glad that her hat covers her ears and keeps her earrings from being seen, although hers are pretty generic.
"Funny meeting you out like this. Civilian patrol?" he asks, and the awkward question makes her smile.
"No, just out for a run. It clears the head, you know?" She pauses. "Wait. Are you?"
"No! No, I'm out for a run, too. Before it gets too cold."
She nods, understanding. Once winter comes around, she won't be able to get many runs in herself, unless she's wearing her actual Ladybug suit. Akumas are a holiday season staple, unfortunately, and the cold tends to make people more miserable than not.
"Is this… I'm not asking to pry, but we probably shouldn't be catching the same running paths in the future, so is this one of your regular routes?" she asks.
"Yeah, I come this way a lot. It's pretty quiet, not much traffic… I've never seen you running in this area before though. At least, not at this time."
"I am a little late to run today," she admits, cheeks warming slightly as she shifts her weight from one leg to the other. "But I don't usually come down this way anyways. I'm just looking for a little inspiration and thought I'd change up my route today."
"Inspiration?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. The ears on his hat move, too, and she has to stifle a laugh.
"Oh, you know, trying to figure out a certain kitty's gift for this year." A lie, but not really. She does want to figure out something nice to get him, even if it isn't the purpose of her run today. "What about you? Why're you out running?"
He shrugs, rocking back and forth on his feet, which is a little funny to see from her partner.
"Just getting some fresh air."
"Oh, okay."
They stand there, neither one moving as the wind rushes past them. It's… more awkward than Marinette would like to admit, and she's sure Chat Noir feels the same, but she doesn't want to leave him quite yet. Even if it's dangerous for them to be meeting like this- unplanned or otherwise- she never truly enjoys saying goodbye to him.
Struck by that particular realization, she peers up at him, and smiles.
"So, do you-"
"Do you want to-"
"Sorry, wait, you go on-"
"No, you first," he says, gesturing with his arm to let her go.
"Alright, well," she begins, clearing her throat. "Do you want to finish our runs together? We can pick a new place to stop and split up from there."
Chat Noir's expression lifts, and she can imagine his cat ears perking up, his tail swinging side-to-side from excitement. It's a silly thought, but then, she knows her partner's mannerisms better than anyone, and that includes the cat components that are absent on his civilian person.
"I was going to ask the same thing!"
"You know what they say about great minds, don't you, Chat Noir?"
He beams at her.
"Of course, my lady. After you," he offers, letting her take the lead so that she can set their pace.
She accepts it, starting off at a brisk jog before ramping their speed up to a run, the same pace as before. He runs right beside her, ring clenched in one of his fists, and she grins. Pushing herself a little bit faster, she watches him match pace with her, speeding up as she does, and slowing down when their path requires it. 
Each time they stop at a stop sign or traffic signal, they don't stop, running in place. Marinette laughs when Chat Noir presses the cross button for the wrong crosswalk, and he returns the favor when she just barely stops herself from crashing to the ground again.
They don't talk much between catching their breaths, but it's still one of Marinette's most enjoyable runs to date. Turns out, running with someone- especially someone you like- makes the experience that much better, and when she thinks of what she could make for her project, ideas swarm her mind. She has a much more clear vision than before, but she's pretty sure chat Noir has more to do with it than the run itself.
When they finally come to a stop, they're both breathing hard, but they just smile at one another. When she raises her fist up to him, he connects his fist to hers. The touch is electric with no suit to keep them apart, but it fades just as fast.
"Bien joué!" she says, letting her fist drop.
"Bien joué, my lady."
"I'll see you later for patrol, okay?"
"It'll be my pleasure."
With an over-exaggerated bow, in typical Chat Noir style, he splits away from her, and she watches him until he disappears at his next turn. Feeling a little too warm for her hat, she just barely fights off the temptation to take it off; protecting her identity came first, but just barely. Her morning runs have never left her feeling so warm, and once again, she's pretty sure that she has Chat Noir to thank for that.
Turning away, she starts home, reinvigorated and ready to take on the rest of the day.
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