#Business Loan without Interest
financing007 · 1 month
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financesevaloan · 2 years
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Home Loan Eligibility
Every lender, be it a bank or a housing finance company, assesses borrowers' home loan eligibility before sanctioning a home loan eligibility is mandatory that are conducted by several banks and financial institutions. . This is especially important since home loans are high-value loans. Typically, lenders provide finance ranging from 60% - 85% of property value as a housing loan amount and the loaned amount can be somewhere between several lakhs to a few crores.
Therefore, lenders need to ensure whether borrowers have repayment capability or not and that the loan will be repaid on time, without any defaults or missed payments. Below are the factors that help lenders to determine whether a borrower is eligible for the home loan:
Salaried Individual Eligibility Criteria
Under the home loan eligibility criteria; Individuals in permanent service in the government or reputed companies.
Applicants must be above 21 years of age at the time of loan application and up to the age of 60 years at the time of loan maturity. Moreover, you can check the amount you need to pay as EMI with the home loan EMI calculator.
Professionals Eligibility Criteria for home loan
Professionals such as doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, architects, chartered accountants, company secretaries and management consultants are eligible for a home loan.  
Applicants above 21 years of age at the time of home loan interest rate application and below 65 years or less at the time of home loan maturity meet our home loan eligibility criteria.
Self-employed individuals eligible for home loan
Any individual filing income tax returns can apply
Applicants should be above 21 years of age at the time of the commencement of the home loan and up to 65 years or less at the time of maturity of the home loan
Applicant must be above 21 years of age at the time of application and below 65 years of age at the time of maturity of the home loan.
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loans121 · 2 years
An Overview of 5 Different Types of Loans for MSMEs
MSMEs—or micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises—are businesses that fall into one of those three groups based on the number of employees working for the organization. These companies are often smaller than corporations or large businesses, but they still play an important role in the economy. To help MSMEs thrive and continue growing, many lenders have created special financing programs to meet their unique needs. While many types of loans may seem similar at first glance, there are several different financial products designed to address specific challenges that MSMEs may face when trying to get funding. Here is a brief overview of five different types of loans for MSMEs you should know about.
 What is an MSME Loan?
An MSME loan is financing specifically tailored for small to medium-sized businesses. While there is no official definition of an MSME, the most common benchmark is that these companies have anywhere from 1-49 employees. Lenders offer many different types of loans for MSME, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. MSME loans can come from a line of credit, asset-based financing, term loans, or a business cash flow loan. Different types of loans also have different terms and conditions designed to meet the specific needs of MSMEs.
 Working Capital Loan
A working capital loan is designed to provide a company with exactly what its name suggests: capital for working expenses. MSMEs often have trouble getting these loans from traditional lenders due to the high risk associated with them. Working capital loans can take a few different forms. These types of loans often allow a business to draw down funds as needed without needing to provide collateral. Typically, the lender will take a lien on the business owner’s assets, such as their home or car. These loans are ideal for businesses that need a healthy amount of cash to pay bills, purchase inventory, and cover other operating expenses.
 Equipment Loan
An equipment loan is designed to provide a company with the funds needed to purchase new equipment. The lender will often take a lien on the purchased asset, which acts as collateral if the business owner fails to make their loan payments. Because MSMEs often have trouble getting these loans from traditional lenders due to the high risk, equipment loans are often offered by specialized equipment financing companies.
 Business Growth loan
A business growth loan is designed to help a company fund a specific project that will help it expand and increase its revenue. They are often used to expand the business’s product line or provide new services to customers. Business growth loans typically have a fixed interest rate and payment schedule, making them a safe investment for the lender. However, it’s important to note that these loans are not guaranteed. The business owner must prove that the project will generate enough revenue to repay the loan.
 Revolving Credit Loan
A revolving credit loan is designed as an ongoing source of funding for a business to cover various operating expenses. They often include a line of credit, which allows the business to borrow as much money as it needs and repay the loan however often it wants. Revolving credit loans are ideal for companies that need consistent access to a steady funding stream. These loans are great for covering short-term expenses that are too large to be covered by the company’s cash reserves.
An MSME loan is a type of financing tailored for small to medium-sized businesses. Lenders offer many different types of loans for MSMEs, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. MSME loans can come from a line of credit, asset-based financing, term loans, or a business cash flow loan. Different types of loans also have different terms and conditions designed to meet the specific needs of MSMEs.
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botanicalsword · 3 months
Venus ✧ how you pursue love and beauty ♡⁀➷
Where Venus is located, that house is the area where we easily find satisfaction and happiness, a field where the energy of love and beauty manifests.
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♡ Venus in the 1st House
This brings a beautiful appearance and a gentle personality to the Houser - They are skilled at dressing themselves and have good taste and temperament. They generally make a good first impression. Even if their genetics are not strong, they have great fashion and makeup skills.
♡ Venus in the 2nd House
Houser with this placement have a pursuit of a good life, and their way of earning money is related to art or luxury goods. They are willing to spend money to improve their quality of life as long as they are not severely afflicted by Saturn. Usually, they can easily earn money, and their quality of life is quite high. However, if they are heavily afflicted by Saturn, they may easily become materialistic or even take loans to consume luxury items.
♡ Venus in the 3rd House
People with this placement are interested in art or emotional intelligence. Generally, their communication style is pleasant and gives people a refreshing feeling. They have a great sense of aesthetics and tend to be specialist in the field of beauty. It is very comfortable talking with them without much pressure.
♡ Venus in the 4th House
This position indicates a strong concern for the home environment. They have high requirements for comfortable living and enjoy spending money on decoration and arranging their living environment. In childhood, they often come from families with love or artistic heritage tendencies.
♡ Venus in the 5th House
People with this placement have a strong sense of love and know how to indulge in romance and pleasure. They seek to experience and appreciate the beautiful things in life, such as art and music. They often have a good relationship with children as well. The 5th house represents children and Venus, a planet associated with femininity.
♡ Venus in the 6th House
In this position, the work atmosphere is usually good, or the work is related to art and beauty. Additionally, this is the house of health. Venus placed here can easily lead to problems due to unhealthy or indulgent habits. Venus is not a planet of discipline but rather seeks beauty, so it is natural to indulge in things like drinking milk tea occasionally - attention should be paid regarding healthcare.
♡ Venus in the 7th House
This position is quite favorable. The native understands interpersonal relationships well and has high emotional intelligence. They are particularly good at making themselves comfortable through one-on-one relationships, whether it is finding a partner or a business collaborator who can make their life better. However, they should be cautious not to develop a mindset of pleasing or appeasing others too much, nor should they become overly dependent or immersed in relationships.
♡ Venus in the 8th House
This position is beneficial for financial investments. They are adept at utilizing collective resources and have a keen sense. They often have good luck in inheritance and are interested in mysterious matters. They tend to have a deeper understanding of things.
♡ Venus in the 9th House
This is a sign of having exotic love affairs. People with Venus in 9th House are easily attracted to people from different cultural backgrounds and are likely to encounter romance and adventure during foreign or long-distance travels. They also enjoy different cultures and artistic topics. They are experts in discussing popular brands from abroad.
♡ Venus in the 10th House
They are highly concerned about their public image. They channel the energy of love and beauty into their careers and spread love and beauty to the public. They tend to work in industries, such as wedding photography, beauty salons, cosmetic procedures, makeup artistry, and image consulting, all of which are fields dedicated to spreading beauty.
♡ Venus in the 11th House
This benefits forming collaborations with like-minded people. People with Venus in the 11th house are often popular in groups, and they are skilled at finding common ground and creating a harmonious atmosphere. They tend to have many friends and acquaintances.
♡ Venus in the 12th House
This is a hidden placement, it often indicates the hidden traits of Venus. On one hand, people with this placement tend to be reserved in matters of the heart, which may lead to unrequited love or similar experiences. This can be used for understanding, but not for definitive judgments. Additionally, people with this placement have a good sense of art and often possess a unique charm.
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Wealth Building: Money Topics You Should Learn About If You Want To Make More Money
Budgeting: This means keeping track of how much money you have and how you spend it. It helps you save money and plan for your needs.
Investing: This is like putting your money to work so it can grow over time. It's like planting seeds to grow a money tree.
Saving: Saving is when you put some money aside for later. It's like keeping some of your treats for another day.
Debt Management: This is about handling money you owe to others, like loans or credit cards. You want to pay it back without owing too much.
Credit Scores: Think of this like a report card for your money habits. It helps others decide if they can trust you with money.
Taxation: Taxes are like a fee you pay to the government. You need to understand how they work and how to pay them correctly.
Retirement Planning: This is making sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you're older and no longer working.
Estate Planning: This is like making a plan for your stuff and money after you're no longer here.
Insurance: It's like paying for protection. You give some money to an insurance company, and they help you if something bad happens.
Investment Options: These are different ways to make your money grow, like buying parts of companies or putting money in a savings account.
Financial Markets: These are places where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. It can affect your investments.
Risk Management: This is about being careful with your money and making smart choices to avoid losing it.
Passive Income: This is money you get without having to work for it, like rent from a property you own.
Entrepreneurship: It's like starting your own business. You create something and try to make money from it.
Behavioral Finance: This is about understanding how your feelings and thoughts can affect how you use money. You want to make good choices even when you feel worried or excited.
Financial Goals: These are like wishes for your money. You need a plan to make them come true.
Financial Tools and Apps: These are like helpers on your phone or computer that can make it easier to manage your money.
Real Estate: This is about buying and owning property, like a house or land, to make money.
Asset Protection: It's about keeping your money safe from problems or people who want to take it.
Philanthropy: This means giving money to help others, like donating to charities or causes you care about.
Compounding Interest: This is like a money snowball. When you save or invest your money, it can grow over time. As it grows, you earn even more money on the money you already earned.
Credit Cards: When you borrow money or use a credit card to buy things, you need to show you can pay it back on time. This helps you build a good reputation with money. The better your reputation, the easier it is to borrow more money when you need it.
Alternate Currencies: These are like different kinds of money that aren't like the coins and bills you're used to like Crypto. It's digital money that's not controlled by a government. Some people use it for online shopping, and others think of it as a way to invest, like buying special tokens for a game.
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poohsources · 1 year
[ 📲 message sent: ]  do you smoke pot? cause weed be cute together. [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you believe in love at first swipe or should i match with you again? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see me in your future 🔮 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't see you right now but i bet you look great [ 📲 message sent: ]  can you send me a selfie? i just want to show my mom what my future partner looks like. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you http? because without you i'm only :// [ 📲 message sent: ]  i believe in following my dreams ... so you lead the way. [ 📲 message sent: ]  should we get coffee? cause i like you a latte. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see you like tequila ... does that mean you'll give me a shot? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you know what's beautiful? read the first word. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i bet you smiled when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now. [ 📲 message sent: ]  take a guess. which emoji did i place next to your name on my phone? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm sending you hugs and kisses 😘 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i just accidentally walked into a pole because i was thoughtlessly staring and smiling at your text messages. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i never believed in love at first sight until i saw your profile picture. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i do not think much. i do not think often. but when i do, i think of you. [ 📲 message sent: ]  just so you know, i'm not flirting with you. i'm just being extra nice to you since you're extra attractive. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you're so beautiful that i actually forgot that i was supposed to send you a pick-up line. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you see, i really suck at starting conversations. do you want to try? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you free for the rest of your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  ugh, i have to go to some boring event. will you come with me to make it fun? [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, my name is trouble, and i'm looking for my soulmate. mind if i ask you if you have room for a little trouble in your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't figure out if i should start this conversation with a compliment, a pick-up line, or a simple hello. you choose. [ 📲 message sent: ]  they say nothing lasts forever, so will you be my nothing? [ 📲 message sent: ]  well, here i am! what are your other two wishes? 🧞 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hey, you're pretty and i'm cute. together we'd be pretty cute. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i would flirt with you, but i'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness. [ 📲 message sent: ]  when our friends ask us how we met, what are we going to tell them? funny answers only. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i had the best pickup line on the way, but i saw you and now i'm speechless. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple 🍍 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, i know your name is [name] but can i call you mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you a bank loan? cause you have my interest. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you religious? cause you're the answer to all my prayers. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm researching important dates in history. would you like to be mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you look like you know how to have a good time! i like it. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i know you're busy but please add me to your list of things to do. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if i told you that you had a great body would you hold it against me? [ 📲 message sent: ]  complete this sentence: you, me, and ___ [ 📲 message sent: ]  dinner first or can we go straight for dessert? [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you like sleeping? me too. we should do it together some time.
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janeyseymour · 2 months
La Cosa Nostra- pt 1
*clears throat* ...hi. i present to you, the first part of the fic that @schemmentis are co-writing. and damn, if i do say so myself.
Summary: You're a part of the mob. Melissa is a part of the mafia. Together... it makes for an interesting life.
Let us know what you think because we are having an absolute BLAST with this!
WC: ~3k
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You really don’t know how you ended up in this position. 
One day, you were working at the local hair salon, the next, you learned that your boss was tied up in the mafia and needed some help getting out. Luckily for him; you already had contacts. Just not on the side he was with. Which means you couldn’t entirely get him out of trouble but you could help. And you did. You had called your “Uncle'' Joe for a favor. A big one. Taking the loans of your boss at the hair salon off the Italian’s books and claiming them to the Irish instead. At least then, you knew exactly who needed to be spoken to for the loans and what was owed. And that’s how you met Melissa Schemmenti.
Melissa had been sent on behalf of the Italian’s. To negotiate taking the salon’s books. She hadn’t given it up easily. The only saving grace was the fact that the Irish taking the books meant the Italians didn’t have a problem to worry about anymore. It was hard not to want to agree from the Italian side of it. They had nothing to lose. And you were indebting yourself a great deal to your own “family” by taking it on. Except you knew you could turn a profit if you were given the chance. You argued with the red-head spokeswoman tooth and nail, like your life depended on it. Yours didn’t, not yet. Your boss’ life did, though. 
When Melissa finally agreed to turn over the books, she’d shaken your hand with an all too satisfied smile. One that you hadn’t forgotten since. You went around everyone in your extended “family” to ask her out. You half expected her to cuss you out and make it extremely well known you had tried. Instead, she’d said yes and told you to pick her up at six.
Fast forward seven years: you now own the hair salon, that red headed woman is your wife, and you have two beautiful little girls together. Everything is great- you would even dare to say perfect. Your front is working perfectly while still being one of the best hair salons in all of Philadelphia, your wife’s restaurant has taken off and she’s been named one of the most up and coming restauranteurs in the city, and your two children are well on their way to blossoming into two of the smartest kindergarteners you know.
The day your daughters were born is second only to the day you married Melissa in the happiest day of your life. Deciding to start a family as soon as possible, you began to lay down the foundations for a family. It had been decided that you would carry while attempting to find a donor that was as similar to your wife as possible. 
The two of you had tried a few times before and hadn’t managed to get pregnant. The day that you went in to take a test and the doctor told you that were indeed pregnant was one that you’ll never forget- Melissa jumping out of her seat and tackling you in a hug, her hand already resting gently on your flat stomach. And when you found out that you were blessed enough to be pregnant with twins, Melissa had gripped your hand, making a cross over her chest with the other. She thanked God for blessing you with two; she thanked you for carrying them since she couldn’t imagine being the one to. 
Having you carry was risky though, and it never left either of your minds through the entire pregnancy that you were technically on the forefront of this illegal business that you found yourself a part of now. But you were able to make it through your entire pregnancy without a hair on your head touched (you’re fairly certain Melissa had threatened both sides that if you were even looked at the wrong way they would be taken care of). 
Melissa, even five years later, is positive you were only flattering her when you had requested to name one of your girls in honor of her. She was the love of your life, after all, you had argued. Caterina Ann had been born first, and two minutes later her sister followed. Melissa named her Rosalina Marie. Gifting one of her sister’s middle names despite their estrangement. When the two of them did finally reconcile and Kristen Marie met your rays of sunshine, she wept at their names.
And then, it all comes crashing down on you. You’re out with your wife to pick up the girls from their day at school when your phone rings- and not your personal phone: the phone that you use specifically for your business.
“Hello?” you answer softly.
“Y/N,” the manager on call replies. “We have a bit of a problem over at the salon.”
“You can handle it,” you roll your eyes. “I’m out getting ready to pick up the girls.”
“They ain’t takin’ no for an answer,” he says lowly. “Insisting you come speak to them directly.”
You hazard a glance at your wife, who is looking at you with furrowed brows. “Let me pick the girls up, drop the family at home, and then I’ll be in.”
“Make it quick.”
“Don’t speak to me like that,” you reprimand your employee. “Don't forget I can fire your ass.”
“All I’m sayin’ is, if you don’t get down here sooner rather than later, there’s gonna be a much bigger problem on our hands than we have now.” He hangs up.
You stuff your phone in your pocket, look up at the sky, and audibly ask the question, “Why?” All you wanted to do was pick up the girls and have a nice family night. You’d finally been able to take the day off after almost a month of straight work. Now though, that was being taken away from you, and you couldn’t even get a clear answer as to why.
“Why what?” your wife asks you, clearly concerned.
“After we get Cat and Rosie, I have to head down to the salon,” you huff. “Tony called and said someone is down there specifically asking for me over some sort of problem. So, I’m either giving out a ridiculous credit or I’m dealing with...” you trail off, knowing she’ll understand.
Melissa squeezes your hand. “Go. I can handle ‘em. Just... please be back for bedtime, because then I have to head to the restaurant to prep for tomorrow."
“I’ll do what I can,” you promise her. You peck her lips, and you turn in the direction of your business wondering what the hell you’ll be walking into.
You walk in through the staff entrance of the salon, swiftly ducking into the back office before anyone up front can notice. You dig through desk drawers and the small filing cabinet in the corner. You quickly slip one binder, the ledger of the illegal side of the business into the space between your belt and back before you tuck your blazer coat back over it. You grip the other binder you’d grabbed, the legal ledger, as you step back out of the office and towards the front.
“Tony,” You greet your manager with a big smile. Your eyes flashing your annoyance at him. “Who do we have here?” You quickly turn your attention to the two individuals standing in front of Tony. You hold your hand out to shake. 
Instead of a handshake, a badge is flashed from each of the suits now focusing on you. “Agent Danik, and this Agent Shaw, FBI. You own this establishment?”
“I do.” You confirm. “What can I help you with?”
“We have reason to believe this salon is laundering money. We’d like to ask you a few questions,” Danik tells you lowly.
“I’d be happy to answer what I can.” You say, attempting to seem cooperative. You know it won’t help you to dig your heels in. “But I can’t imagine where you’d get the idea of money laundering. I’ve owned this salon for almost a decade.”
“And you bought it from Bobby Esposito, is that right?” Shaw asks, brow raised.
“That’s right,” you tell them honestly. “I worked for Bobby for a few years before that; managing the office and schedules. All that.” What you’re saying is true- for years you had sent out schedules, managed different finances, and became the best stylist your business has to offer.
“Were you aware Bobby was murdered a few years ago?”
You blink. You did know. It would be next to impossible for you not to know. “Uncle” Joey had ordered the hit on Bobby and informed you about it so you wouldn't be surprised. Now, you make an effort to look shocked. “Bobby? Murdered?” You echo, your brow furrowing. “Why would somebody do somethin’ like that? Bobby’s just…an old man by now.”
The agents’ faces don’t change. You feel a shot of ice down your spine at the thought they don’t believe you. “We were hoping you might have an idea about that. The PPD has been kind enough to lend us a room. You mind coming down to the station with us, have a chat about all this?”
“I don’t mind.” You answer as calmly as you can. “But I have two little girls waiting for me at home. I promised them a bedtime story and all, you know how it is. Couldn’t I meet you down there tomorrow?”
“I know how it is.” Agent Shaw answers with a sigh. “I have a little girl myself. Unfortunately, you’re gonna have to miss the stories tonight.” He does seem a bit regretful at the knowledge of you having children, but it doesn’t change the fact that they need you down at the station tonight.
You curse in your mind. Not only are your girls going to be disappointed; so is your wife. Not to mention the binder you’re still hiding that is definitely going to be noticed at some point.
“Right…” You murmur, glancing away from the agents. “Tony, call Mel for me, won’t you? Let her know I’m gonna be late tonight.” You say before starting to follow the agents out. “Oh,” You say, pretending to remember something. You glance over your shoulder. “And tell her to take that ziti of hers off the menu, huh?” You pretend it disgusts you to even think about it. It’s something you’d never dream of saying seriously. Which is why you say it now. When Melissa hears you said to pass that along, she’ll know something is wrong. Very wrong.
As you make your way out of your business and are escorted to one of the cars out front, Tony practically shits himself inside. He knows what’s happening, and he does not want to be the one to have to relay this information to your wife. Still though, an order from the boss is an order from the boss. He calls her cell phone on his own.
“Hello?” she answers as she juggles making dinner, assisting the girls with their reading, and making a list of things she needs to purchase for her own business tomorrow.
“Melissa? It’s Tony,” your manager sighs into the phone. “Don’t shoot the messenger when I tell you this, but Y/N ain’t gonna be home for bedtime stories tonight.”
Your wife nearly fumes. “What do you mean she isn’t gonna be... yeah, Rosie, that says ‘think’, good job sweetheart... What do you mean she isn’t gonna be home tonight?”
“She’s handling her business,” Tony states. “And you need to handle yours. Y/N said to take your ziti off the menu- it’s lacking.” And then he hangs up.
Almost immediately, the redhead knows something is wrong. That anger that had been there just a few seconds ago disappears in a flash- you’re in trouble somehow. You would never, ever tell her that her ziti is lacking. It’s your favorite dish of hers, and has been- it was the first dish that she ever made for you and had secured a place for her in your heart. It was the dish that you insisted be at your wedding because you knew that it would only make the one of the happiest days of your life even better. 
She knows she has to call her manager and let her know that she won't be in until late tonight, if at all. The restaurateur is able to relay this information, along with the ingredients that she’s managed to put on a list to go shopping for, before turning her attention back to your girls and the meal that’s being made.
Once dinner is on the table, Cat and Rosie chat your wife’s ear off about their days- and while she would usually listen avidly, her mind wanders to you and what you could be dealing with right now.
“Mommy?” Rosie waves a hand in front of her mother’s eyes.
Melissa blinks a few times. “Sorry, baby. Mommy’s a little distracted thinking about the restaurant right now. What were you saying?”
She makes an active attempt to stay as engaged with the girls as possible. And they’re fine, up until bedtime. They know you’re supposed to be home by now; you had promised them that you would be home for a family night and to read them a story like you haven't been able to for a bit now.
“Mam is running late,” Melissa tells them regretfully. “But I’m sure she’ll read you a story another time, so can you please just let Mommy read and get to sleep? You have school tomorrow.”
That throws both of your girls into absolute conniption fits, and your wife can only get them to settle with her in the bed that the two of you share, each of them clinging to one of your pillows. The woman who so desperately needs to attend to her own business sighs as she settles into the middle of the bed, one of your twins on either side of her, and prays that you’re okay.
You rub your eyes as you sigh. Both Agent Shaw and Agent Dinek are sat across from you at the small table. The small interrogation room feels even smaller than it did when you entered. It’s warm with its lack of windows. It takes a good portion of your concentration every few minutes to remember you can’t remove your blazer despite the Agents having removed their’s a long time ago.
“For the fifteenth time,” You grit out between your teeth. Your hand falling away from your eyes to thunk onto the metal table. “I have no idea who would wanna hurt Bobby. He was a nice enough boss even if he was clueless about how to balance his accounting. I didn’t wanna hurt Bobby. I bought the salon from him years ago, which would have been the only thing he’d have that I’d want anyway.”
“Y/N, you know that just telling us the truth would get you out of here a lot faster.” Agent Dinek says. She doesn’t lean forward or uncross her arms that are over her chest as she looks at you. She looks bored now.
Your hand on the table curls into a fist. You’ve let the interrogation go on this long, hoping it would just be a few questions you could bat off. A couple answers and then home. Now, it’s nearing three in the morning and you’re still sitting in the uncomfortable chair. The agents are still staring at you from their seats next to the door. You swear the thermostat has risen a couple times since you’ve been here.
This, being in an interrogation room at the PPD with FBI agents, is dangerous. Asking for your lawyer is even more dangerous. If you have to resort to that; you’re well and truly fucked. In the few times you’d been in interrogation rooms, you’d only had to answer a few questions, clear up a timeline. That was it. Those moments though were never with the FBI. 
They had only been with the PPD. Police officers you were more than familiar with. People from your neighborhood. People who knew you. People that came to the salon or your wife’s restaurant. A small handful on the force know exactly who you are and what your business really is. Those people though are in the families pockets. Irish or Italian, or both. Paid for their information their unique positions give them access to. 
Agent Shaw and Agent Dinek aren’t in anyone’s pocket. They seem to know exactly who is, at least on the streets, though. They’ve brought up plenty of names you’re overly familiar with over the last twelve hours or so. Triple checking how you know them, and how well you know them.
You’re reaching your limit. If you don’t ask to speak with your lawyer, force the “interview” to end, your only other option is to come clean. You think about emerald green eyes. The eyes you fell in love with practically the first time you looked into them. You think about little faces that look like little minis of your wife even though she claims they look more like you. If you come clean it isn’t just you paying for this. Nevermind the people beneath you and the rest of the families. 
What kills you to picture is your wife and your daughters paying for it. You don’t really care what happens to the Irish or the Italians at this moment. The entirety of Cosa Nostra could fall apart and you wouldn’t give a damn. If your wife or your girls are touched even the slightest, even just inconvenienced, you would raise hell. 
You slowly lean back in your chair, feeling the binder beneath your blazer press into your spine. “I’d like to speak with my lawyer.”
TAGS, and let me know if you want to be added! : @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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At long last, a meaningful step to protect Americans' privacy
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This Saturday (19 Aug), I'm appearing at the San Diego Union-Tribune Festival of Books. I'm on a 2:30PM panel called "Return From Retirement," followed by a signing:
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Privacy raises some thorny, subtle and complex issues. It also raises some stupid-simple ones. The American surveillance industry's shell-game is founded on the deliberate confusion of the two, so that the most modest and sensible actions are posed as reductive, simplistic and unworkable.
Two pillars of the American surveillance industry are credit reporting bureaux and data brokers. Both are unbelievably sleazy, reckless and dangerous, and neither faces any real accountability, let alone regulation.
Remember Equifax, the company that doxed every adult in America and was given a mere wrist-slap, and now continues to assemble nonconsensual dossiers on every one of us, without any material oversight improvements?
Equifax's competitors are no better. Experian doxed the nation again, in 2021:
It's hard to overstate how fucking scummy the credit reporting world is. Equifax invented the business in 1899, when, as the Retail Credit Company, it used private spies to track queers, political dissidents and "race mixers" so that banks and merchants could discriminate against them:
As awful as credit reporting is, the data broker industry makes it look like a paragon of virtue. If you want to target an ad to "Rural and Barely Making It" consumers, the brokers have you covered:
More than 650,000 of these categories exist, allowing advertisers to target substance abusers, depressed teens, and people on the brink of bankruptcy:
These companies follow you everywhere, including to abortion clinics, and sell the data to just about anyone:
There are zillions of these data brokers, operating in an unregulated wild west industry. Many of them have been rolled up into tech giants (Oracle owns more than 80 brokers), while others merely do business with ad-tech giants like Google and Meta, who are some of their best customers.
As bad as these two sectors are, they're even worse in combination – the harms data brokers (sloppy, invasive) inflict on us when they supply credit bureaux (consequential, secretive, intransigent) are far worse than the sum of the harms of each.
And now for some good news. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, under the leadership of Rohit Chopra, has declared war on this alliance:
They've proposed new rules limiting the trade between brokers and bureaux, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, putting strict restrictions on the transfer of information between the two:
As Karl Bode writes for Techdirt, this is long overdue and meaningful. Remember all the handwringing and chest-thumping about Tiktok stealing Americans' data to the Chinese military? China doesn't need Tiktok to get that data – it can buy it from data-brokers. For peanuts.
The CFPB action is part of a muscular style of governance that is characteristic of the best Biden appointees, who are some of the most principled and competent in living memory. These regulators have scoured the legislation that gives them the power to act on behalf of the American people and discovered an arsenal of action they can take:
Alas, not all the Biden appointees have the will or the skill to pull this trick off. The corporate Dems' darlings are mired in #LearnedHelplessness, convinced that they can't – or shouldn't – use their prodigious powers to step in to curb corporate power:
And it's true that privacy regulation faces stiff headwinds. Surveillance is a public-private partnership from hell. Cops and spies love to raid the surveillance industries' dossiers, treating them as an off-the-books, warrantless source of unconstitutional personal data on their targets:
These powerful state actors reliably intervene to hamstring attempts at privacy law, defending the massive profits raked in by data brokers and credit bureaux. These profits, meanwhile, can be mobilized as lobbying dollars that work lawmakers and regulators from the private sector side. Caught in the squeeze between powerful government actors (the true "Deep State") and a cartel of filthy rich private spies, lawmakers and regulators are frozen in place.
Or, at least, they were. The CFPB's discovery that it had the power all along to curb commercial surveillance follows on from the FTC's similar realization last summer:
I don't want to pretend that all privacy questions can be resolved with simple, bright-line rules. It's not clear who "owns" many classes of private data – does your mother own the fact that she gave birth to you, or do you? What if you disagree about such a disclosure – say, if you want to identify your mother as an abusive parent and she objects?
But there are so many stupid-simple privacy questions. Credit bureaux and data-brokers don't inhabit any kind of grey area. They simply should not exist. Getting rid of them is a project of years, but it starts with hacking away at their sources of profits, stripping them of defenses so we can finally annihilate them.
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I'm kickstarting the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet to succeed the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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financing007 · 3 months
Unsecured Business Loans for Paving the Way to Success?
Introduction to Unsecured Business Loans
Unsecured business loans are a vital financial tool for entrepreneurs and business owners, offering a means to access funds without the need for collateral. Unlike secured loans, which require assets like property or equipment as security, unsecured loans rely on the borrower's creditworthiness and business performance. This chapter will delve into the definition of unsecured business loans, highlighting their unique characteristics and how they differ from secured loans. Understanding the nature of unsecured loans is crucial for business owners considering this financing option. We will explore the criteria lenders use to assess eligibility, such as credit scores, business history, and cash flow. The chapter will also address common misconceptions and provide insights into the advantages and potential risks associated with unsecured business loans. By the end of this chapter, readers will have a foundational understanding of unsecured loans, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of their role in business growth and success.
Evaluating Your Business for an Unsecured Loan
When considering an unsecured business loan, it's crucial for business owners to understand how lenders evaluate potential borrowers. This chapter will delve into the key factors that lenders consider when assessing a business for an unsecured loan. These include the business's credit history, financial performance, cash flow, and overall financial health. We will provide insights into how to prepare for a loan application, including tips on improving credit scores, presenting financial statements, and demonstrating a solid business plan. The chapter will also discuss the importance of understanding the lender's perspective and how to effectively communicate the strengths and potential of your business. By the end of this chapter, readers will be equipped with the knowledge to evaluate their business's readiness for an unsecured loan and how to enhance their chances of approval.
Navigating the Application Process
The application process for unsecured business loans can be complex and daunting for many business owners. This chapter aims to demystify this process, providing a clear and concise guide to help entrepreneurs successfully navigate their loan applications. We will discuss the various stages of the application process, from initial inquiry to final approval. The chapter will detail the necessary documentation required, such as business plans, financial statements, and credit reports. Additionally, we will highlight common pitfalls that applicants should avoid, such as incomplete applications or unrealistic financial projections. Tips for a successful application will also be provided, including how to effectively communicate with lenders, the importance of being transparent about your business's financial situation, and strategies for negotiating loan terms. By the end of this chapter, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the application process for unsecured business loans and be better prepared to approach it with confidence.
Managing Loan Repayment and Financial Health
Securing an unsecured business loan is just the beginning; managing loan repayment and maintaining financial health is crucial for long-term business success. This chapter provides strategies and tips for effectively managing loan repayments and sustaining financial health post-loan approval. We will explore various aspects of financial management, including creating a realistic budget that accommodates loan repayments, strategies for improving cash flow, and tips for reducing expenses without compromising business growth. The chapter will also address the importance of maintaining a good relationship with lenders and the impact of timely loan repayments on future creditworthiness. Additionally, we will discuss contingency planning for financial challenges and the role of financial planning in ensuring the business's long-term stability and growth. By the end of this chapter, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of how to manage their unsecured business loan repayments effectively while maintaining and improving their business's financial health.
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Exploring Alternative Financing Options
While unsecured business loans are a popular choice for financing, it's important for entrepreneurs to be aware of the range of alternative financing options available. This final chapter explores various other sources of funding that can complement or serve as alternatives to unsecured loans. We will delve into options such as venture capital, where investors provide funding in exchange for equity in the company. Crowdfunding, another innovative financing method, allows businesses to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. Additionally, the chapter will cover government grants and programs designed to support small businesses and startups. Each of these alternatives has its own set of advantages and challenges, and the chapter will provide a balanced view to help entrepreneurs make informed decisions. We will also discuss how to evaluate which option is best suited to a business's specific needs and circumstances. By the end of this chapter, readers will have a broad perspective on the various financing options available beyond unsecured business loans, enabling them to make strategic decisions for their business's financial future.
In conclusion, unsecured business loans offer a flexible and accessible means for businesses to fuel growth and achieve success. As we've explored in this article, understanding the nuances of these loans, from application to repayment, is crucial for making informed financial decisions. For businesses looking beyond traditional lending, alternative financing options present a diverse landscape of opportunities At Mpower Credcure, a leading loan lending company, we are committed to empowering businesses with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate these choices effectively. Whether it's through unsecured loans or other innovative financing solutions, our goal is to support your business's journey towards sustainable growth and success.
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financesevaloan · 2 years
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Home Loan Eligibility
Home loan eligibility criteria has common parameters across all banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs). However, there could also be specific criteria that is applicable for each lender according to their requirements.  
It is essential to understand the criteria that is required to be eligible for a home loan eligibility. It helps to ensure that the process of application becomes smoother and easier for you.
Eligibility Criteria for Home Loan
Age                                    18 – 70 Years  
Income                               Rs. 25,000
Credit Score                      Above 750
Employment Status         Salaried or Non-Salaried
Work Experience              2 Years  
Loan Amount                    Decided by the Lender  
Residence Type                Permanent resident or Non-resident Indian (NRI)
LTV Ratio                          Up to 90%
Property Type                   Completed /Under Construction Project, Land/Plot,                                               build on own Land, Buy Land and Build Home
What are the Factors Affect Home Loan Eligibility?
Age Limit: The limit of age foremost factor a lender/ financier considers when one applies for a housing loan. Normally, financial institutions attempt to limit the house loan term to the primary applicant's age of superannuation.  
Income: The applicant falls into, a steady and regular source of income is a must. Basically, there are fewer risks in loaning money if the applicant is an earning individual.
Rate of Interest: Home finance eligibility is always inversely proportional to the rate of interest. If the rate is higher, eligibility will be less and vice versa.
Loan Term: If you opt for a longer tenure, your eligibility will improve. EMIs too will be lesser and manageable. But the downside to this is, that you will end up paying more home loan interest rate.
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she-is-ovarit · 9 months
I am on government insurance (Medicaid). Out of pocket, my psychologist's rate is $225 an hour. He went through a decade or more of school, obtained a PhD, and graduated with student loan debt. He didn't state how much, but I can imagine it's likely in the hundreds of thousands considering he still has this debt and graduated with his PhD in the early 2000s.
He shared with me that out of that $225 rate, he obtains about $25 from one Medicaid client's insurance company. The insurance company pockets the rest. My friend, another therapist, has a similar story. She makes $75 off of Medicaid clients usually when her rate out of pocket is $200.
Most therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists are no longer accepting Medicaid/Medicare insurances because of this reason, which people who are poor are on. Over half of mental health professionals are no longer accepting insurance, period. I think we all understand that low-income people and low-income communities struggle the most with mental health issues, and if you are a person of color in the US you are more likely to be low-income. If you are a domestic violence survivor turned homeless because you left your significant other, you are also more likely to be on Medicaid. If you are a first generation student, you are most likely on Medicaid. If you are formerly incarcerated, you are most likely on Medicaid. And so on.
Additionally, if you are a human being of the female sex, you are far more likely to seek out therapy than someone of the male sex. Overwhelmingly men don't seek out therapy unless their female significant partner pleads with them, pressures them, or gives them an ultimatum which influences them to make an appointment. What does this mean when the vast majority of mass shooters, rapists, pedophiles, and domestic violence abusers are male?
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Figure 2. Percentage of adults aged 18 and over who had received any mental health treatment, taken medication for their mental health, or received counseling or therapy from a mental health professional in the past 12 months, by sex: United States, 2019
Pair all of these details with the fact that mental health professionals are in such high demand right now, that even with private insurance the wait list is anywhere from three to six months out. Insurance agencies are business, and the corruption inherent. Many focus on prioritizing coverage for acute crisis rather than treating long term underlying conditions (which in turn prevents acute crises), don't provide coverage for co-occurring conditions, are advertising that more providers are accepting their insurance than there actually are, and are solely driven by financial interest.
I wonder how much domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, poverty, hate crimes, generational trauma, and overall suffering within individuals and in their societies can be reduced by valuing mental health and holding insurance companies accountable for their financial exploitation.
We talk about the US healthcare crisis without talking about the US mental health crisis.
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enhaheeseung · 21 days
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warnings: age gap, crying, angst, heartbreak, I think I’ll post like three more chaps before the end I hope you all enjoy
• Masterlist
• WC: 2,127k
Finally, it was your birthday today, and heeseung had almost everything prepared.
The gifts he had gotten you still needed to be wrapped. He bought a book with writing prompts in it since you were still struggling with the continuation of your book.
He also got you something really really special and really really expensive so expensive that he’d be even more late paying off his student loans but for you it was worth it without a doubt.
He made a strawberry cake from scratch, remembering that you loved anything that included strawberries.
He smiled to himself while he worked on the final touches of your surprise in the kitchen.
It’s crazy cause just a couple months ago he didn’t know how to cook and he barely had a penny to his name and now he’s baking you cakes from start to finish and buying you luxurious jewelry.
He decided to forego the candles on the cake since you were always so conscious about your age for reasons he did not understand.
He didn’t mind the age gap, truthfully; he kind of actually liked it at first. Yeah, he was just interested in having sex with an older woman, and that’s very douchey, he’ll admit that, but now there's so much more to you than sex.
Don’t get him wrong, sex with you is amazing, perfect, absolutely marvelous, but now that he’s grown to learn more about you, everything with you is amazing, perfect, and marvelous, even the little things.
Chatting with you is fun, cuddling with you is fun, going out with you is fun, and watching you concentrate and write your book is fun. Things he never even liked doing before are now some of his favorite things to do. He loves reading books to you, and he used to hate reading. He’s usually an outdoor person, but he loves staying indoors with you. Cooking was the last thing on his list of things to do, and now he wakes up early in the morning to happily prepare breakfast for you just so he can see your eyes light up with joy.
He’s so in love that he’s doing things he would have never even dreamed of just to make you happy and give you what you deserve.
He put his whole heart into decorating the cake and the kitchen where he’d be throwing your little party later on. “You think mommy’s gonna love the surprise?” He bent down, patting Bruno on his little head.
Heeseung had dressed him up for the occasion, a blue bow tie around his neck identical to the one he was wearing.
Meanwhile, Bruno was busy trying to lick the frosting off the tip of the frosting bag. “Bad puppy,” Heeseung sighed and stood up so he could put the finishing touches on everything and make it perfect for you.
About 30 minutes later he was done everything was set up nicely and he snapped a few pictures before he gave you your gifts.
“Hee can I come down now?” You asked anxiously half nervous half excited you’d be stuck in your bed all day since morning.
Your mind drifts back to earlier when you both woke up in the morning and the soft loving touches he left on your body.
You cupped your flushed cheeks you could still feel his hands on your skin you could still remember the way felt inside you and you could still hear the sweet nothings he whispered in your ear.
That was the perfect way to start your birthday morning, and it was even more perfect when he brought you breakfast in bed.
Hints why you’ve been in bed all day he treated you like a princess and wouldn’t let you lift a single finger today.
He smiles looking in the direction of your voice. “Wait one more minute darling!” he picked up Bruno and set him on the kitchen counter making sure their bow ties were neat. “Okay you can come down!” He called to you his phone in hand so he could record your reaction and it didn’t disappoint.
You took one last step down the stairs and walked to the kitchen, turning the corner to see your whole entire dining space completely decorated with all your favorite colors there were balloons a banner that said happy birthday and then there were your two boys looking at you. “Surprise!” Heeseung said with a bright smile on his face.
“Oh my gosh,” you cupped your hands over your mouth in awe of what he had prepared just for you.
“Happy birthday, baby. I hope you love it,” he said shyly, and you ran over to him with your arms spread.
“Thank you I do love it hee so much” you kissed his cheek and looked at Bruno. “My boys are so handsome” you patted his head. “But I love you more” you said wrapping your hands around his neck kissing him properly this time.
“Hmm” he grins gripping your waist. “I’m glad baby now are you ready for the presents?” He asked rubbing your lower back softly as he ended the recording and set his phone on the counter top.
You nodded, smiling excitedly with anticipation.
“Wait here love I’m gonna go grab them from upstairs” he jogged upstairs he was so excited for you to see what he got you.
“Daddy the best, isn’t h-?” Your words were cut through when a ding on heeseung’s phone went off.
The phone lit up for a few seconds with a message and dimmed a few moments later.
Heeseung was rummaging through his drawer in search of your presents he opened the box with the piece of jewelry and when the light hit it just right it was mesmerizing.
He wanted to buy a promise ring for you, but he also didn’t want to rush into things so quickly and risk making you uncomfortable or feel pressured into anything, so he opted for something that you could still wear every day, just without the heavy commitment.
It was a custom piece a half heart made out of white gold and tiny little diamond’s with his initial on it the other half identical except it was made out of onyx and it completed the heart when put together.
He though it was a perfect idea cause now that way you both could always have a piece of each other close to your hearts.
The notifications on heeseung’s phone were nonstop, so you decided to look at them. He kept his phone unlocked, so you doubted he’d care. Plus, with as many texts coming in, it sounded urgent. You called for him upstairs, but he just responded with. “I’ll be down soon, baby,” as he was wrapping the last of your presents.
You shrugged and took a peak just to make sure everything was fine, and you wished you hadn’t.
“Bro, you’re never going to believe this.”
“Answer me!”
“Or can you not because you’re fucking your boss again?”
“When are you going to stop stringing that poor girl along just make the money and leave like you said she probably thinks you love her.”
Your hand instantly cupped your mouth and your heart was racing as you read the texts over and over again.
Your body moved in its own and you charged upstairs to confront him. “Y/n? What are you doing up here you’re gonna ruin the surprise” he chuckles turning his back so you can’t see anything just yet.
“You mean this surprise?” You hold up his phone, walking over to him, and shoving it in his face so he can read the messages and his face drops. “What the fuck is this heeseung?!” You shout on the verge of tears.
“Baby…” he looked over at you, his eyes filled with fear.
“Don’t fucking baby me. Just what is this heeseung?” He flinched from your yelling, his expression softening as he tried to think of what he should say.
“T-that’s not true, y/n. I do love you; I jus-”
“Then why is your friend talking to you about this?” Your voice gave out while you searched his eyes, hoping to find some type of answers.
“I-I,” he sighs, stumbling over his words before he decides to just tell you the truth. “In the beginning, it was true, and I know I’m wrong for that baby. I’m so-“
“Don’t” you stopped him right there that’s all you needed to hear. “And don’t call me that anymore.”
“Y/n, please just let me expl-“
“There’s no explanation, heeseung, just go,” you told him weekly and tossed the phone on his bed in disappointment. You really thought he was different turns out he’s just like the rest, but with him, it hurt just a little more than all the others.
“Y/n…” he tried to reach for you before you left.
“I said go!” His mouth was parted open for a moment and it closed as you were walking away he reached for you again but you shook his hand off and this time you turned around smacking him right across his face the loud slap echoing in the silent room.
He gasped at the sting of the slap, his eyes getting teary.
Bruno was upstairs now, barking loudly at heeseung as you both stared at each other with hurt in both of your teary eyes.
He cupped his cheek, his heart breaking in his chest as he tried to register what was even happening. This couldn’t be true. This all had to be some type of cruel, sick joke.
In the morning, you both made love and now you’re fighting.
For the first time in a long time, he was finally happy, and now this happens.
“Just get your shit and go” You left the room, Bruno walking on your trail as you went into your bedroom to try and make sense of what just happened.
Heeseung stood there speechless, swallowing the lump in his throat as hot tears trickled down his cheek.
He sat on the bed holding your necklace in his hand, clutching it tightly.
“They’re all the same, aren’t they, buddy? But you would never do that to me, huh?” You grabbed his small body, sitting him on your chest, and you didn’t even cry. You’ve been hurt too many times for that. You just stared lifelessly at the ceiling, and you knew only time would make this pain and disappointment go away.
Heeseung had slowly packed all of his things his limbs feeling heavy with every move and within an hour the room looked like how it did when he first got there.
He couldn’t believe he was actually leaving. It just didn’t feel real.
But the heavy suitcase in his left hand was enough of a sign that this was indeed real.
He knew you probably didn’t want to talk or even see his face right now, but he can’t give up on you like this.
He had to at least try.
“Y/n?” He knocks on your door softly, and you don’t respond. Resting his forehead against the wooden door, he tries to twist the knob, and he’s not surprised that it’s locked. “Please, baby, open up. I love you I love you so much. Everything you saw is true, but then I got to know you, and I just couldn’t help but fall for you. In the beginning, I was just young and dumb. I wasn’t taking life seriously, but when I met you, you were just so open and mature. You told me about your past, and I felt for you. I could see how hurt you were, and I knew you couldn’t trust people, so I wanted to take that all away. I wanted to show you what trust and love could really be like. I grew into a man you could love and be loved by, and you’re just so perfect I can’t lose you now, darling.” he waits a solid five minutes, and it’s nothing but silence other than his cries by the tenth minute with no answer he gets up off the floor grabbing his luggage and wiping his tears. “I love you, y/n,” he says one last time before walking down the staircase.
He looks back at your mansion a sad smile on his face when he saw your birthday decorations still up how could such a special day end up like this.
He leaves his spare key on the lampstand and walks out, locking the door behind him.
He walked the path downstairs a frown on his face when he saw the sunflowers that you both planted together starting to bud.
He wouldn’t be around to see them bloom or your guy's relationship.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night♥️
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starsomens · 3 months
ceo Noah is making me foam at the mouth star WHAT DID YOU DO ?!?! MORE PLEASE
Girl me too I already love it
CEO Noah who only has eyes for you, you and you!
No CEO Noah being the man that he is has a well-known reputation that goes around, which means a lot of women know about him and once they do see his face, they are foaming at the mouth, but do they know that this man wants nothing to do with any other woman except for you
So they want to invest into their business only to walk into his office in a giant portrait of you looking down on
Attempt, and usually when they do, he denies their request for a business loan 
Whenever it comes to business designs and colors, he calls you for approvals and suggestions. Listen to them when he has you???? M he could be having the worst day at the office and all it will take is for you to walk in with that pretty smile of yours and his day just feels so much better
Man is literally stressing anyone that comes to his office. He tells him to just get out but as soon as he sees your head pop in 
Like I said when it comes to you, this man is a big baby. He talks to you in a baby boy even though he’s this very 6’3 CEO that’s basically a Doberman in human form. But then he gets all bright and bushy tails once you appear.
Literally buys you everything and anything you want and that includes anything that you just look at or pick up out of interest and put it back.
He does pay attention to things like your shoes and your make up so whenever they start to run low or wear out, he replaces them without telling you and you been a lot longer than you anticipated.
Did you ever have to make any speeches that event that he has to the first person he always thinks is you because you’re literally his motivation and reason as a CEO and stay in business and perform to 100%.
He has had cases where his employees try to hit on you and knowing that you’re his wife. Two things happen, either they get fired within the hour or they get a load of work then no one wants to touch and has put a side for months.
You may be his wife and they may all understand that you’re his but sometimes he needs to remind them that is your presence because he worked and still works to be a man worthy of you
Many of his foundations and any kind of charities or organizations that he has created or named after you or named after a pet name he has given you
Every month he does donate to charity of your choice. And he asked you how much you want to donate.
It may be his business and his work that he started from the ground up. But at the end of the day, you’re the whole reason he keeps going.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Robbed and gifted (5/6)
[ arranged marriage • modern!Aemond x female ]
[ warnings: sex content, angst, smut, fluff ]
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[description: (Anon Request) She and Aemond are faced with a situation, where they must form a fictitious marriage. They are complete strangers to each other, who cannot find themselves in a new reality. When his wife stands up for him at a family dinner, something changes between them. Smut, angst and a lot of sexual tension.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Several weeks have passed since their mutual decision to try and give their marriage a chance. He was surprised at how effortlessly they slipped into everyday life where they were suddenly talking to each other. His wife respected his privacy and responsibilities, not disturbing him as he worked locked in his office.
They got to know each other slowly and unhurriedly, knowing that they had time. Both of them didn't want to burn out prematurely, to take a one step too much.
He was pleasantly surprised that his confession didn't cause her to bombard him with messages or questions. She didn't need to know right away how he lost his eye, what his relationship with his father was like, what his childhood was like, what his favorite color was.
They used to talk to each other over dinner about how their day had gone. He found himself complaining about clients and his job in front of her, finally having a person who would listen to him and not judge him.
When she didn't understand something she asked in-depth questions, which he answered willingly, glad that she was able to admit that she didn't know something. He delved into the subject of his interests and the complicated world of banking, loans, deposits and money laundering under the table.
She listened to him as she ate, carefully analyzing everything he said. She did not refer to business or banking solutions, because she herself admitted that she did not know anything about them, but she was talking about something else. About the experience with the client and the care and hygiene of work.
“Your fatigue will not increase your productivity. You are frustrated and tired. You are chasing results that are impossible to achieve. Even when you achieve them, your father will surely set you higher, even more unattainable." She said with a shrug, taking a piece of carrot into her mouth. Aemond stared at her intently, toying with his glass in his hand.
"What do you propose?" He said dispassionately, knowing somewhere in his mind that it was exactly as she said. He wanted to hear her fresh perspective on the whole thing. She sighed softly, looking down at her plate in thought. She didn't say anything for a long moment.
"I don't know what your relationship with your father is like. Honestly, I don't understand him and I don't know what he expects from you. Anyway, I think you should start thinking about yourself. Start working for yourself and your own satisfaction, because your father will never be satisfied. Let go of extra things, sitting after hours if you think it's pointless. Find time in life for your passions and self-fulfilment, because if you don't achieve what you wanted in life, what will you have left?” She asked, looking at him anxiously. She had been worried about his condition for a long time now, but she knew that it was a sensitive topic and tried to be careful with her words.
Aemond pursed his lips as he sipped the last of the wine from his glass. He looked to the side, thoughtful, pondering her words.
The truth was that he gave up all his passions for work and had nothing without it. He graduated from business studies even though he wanted to study law, because his father decided so. He worked in the family bank instead of as a solicitor, because that was also what his father decided. He recognized, embarrassed, that little in his life had been his decision. Even the marriage they were in was his father's will. He swallowed hard at the thought.
"My father told me that if I tried hard enough, he would hand over the company to me." He said suddenly, looking at her expectantly. He saw her mouth drop open in surprise and blink rapidly.
"Do you want this?" She asked quietly and uncertainly. He nodded slowly, determination in his eye.
"I want this so - fucking - much." He whispered.
He saw that she was slightly confused, not expecting such an answer. He wondered if it would overwhelm her and how she would act. After a moment's thought, she answered.
"Wait and do your thing. Just don't cause problems. Aegon is probably not taken into account because of the way he behaves. With Jace and Luke backed up by Daemon it only takes a moment for them to slip up. Make you the only sensible option by elimination. Don't be pushy and don't be desperate. Keep Jace and Luke close to know, what they're doing." She spoke with certainty as if she were telling him about a plan,that she had literally just hatched in her head.
He stared at her, a wide, dangerous smirk spreading across his face, that sent shivers down her spine. He tapped his fingers on the table, looking at her.
"Maybe you should work with me." He purred, squinting at her expectantly. She swallowed hard and shook her head, terrified.
“I would go crazy there. After all, you need someone who will look at the situation from the outside. I'll be your double agent." She said proudly, drinking the rest of the juice that she had in her glass.
He chuckled lowly at the thought, shaking his head in disbelief. She was the last person he would suspect of such words. Maybe that's why they got him like that.
She was willing to do anything for him, to support him in his plans. Her discernment mixed with her sweetness, her cropped t-shirt and shorts had him just taking her to bed.
True to his promise, he fucked her almost every day. Sometimes, when they came home tired from work, they simply fell asleep in each other's arms, unable to do anything else. She studied and prepared for exams in her room, but in the end she always came to sleep in his bed.
Even when he had had a terrible day at work and came home angry, he was comforted by the thought of falling asleep in her arms. He told her everything with frustration and resignation, and she stroked his hair, letting him talk and calm down.
It made his burden a little lighter.
He fell asleep cuddled against her chest, wrapped in her arms, protected from all the troubles that awaited him outside their bedroom.
One day, his wife came to him and gave him an envelope. He opened it, surprised, and saw a lot of bills inside. He furrowed his eyebrows at her in surprise.
"What is this?" He asked uncertainly. She smiled at him, obviously proud of herself.
"I'm giving you back some of my collage money. I will now give you a specific amount each month from my paycheck. It will take me a while, but slowly I will give you back everything." She said pleased. He looked at her like a madwoman.
"Are you crazy? I do not want it." He said, holding out his hand with the envelope to her, angry, but she stepped back, refusing to take it.
“Take it. I don't want to be in your debt." She said with confidence in her voice that surprised him. He sighed heavily.
"Do not make me angry. I changed my mind. After all, paying for your studies was part of our marriage contract." He said impatiently. She pursed her lips at his words.
"My uncle didn't tell me, who he was taking the money from." She said with genuine regret that made his impatience soften a little. He sighed softly.
"It does not matter anymore. I want you to study. Let me pay for it." He said a little calmer, looking at her expectantly.
"Why would you pay for my studies?" She asked, obviously distraught and surprised that he was resisting her so much.
"Because you are my wife." He replied softly, looking at her with an unreadable expression.
"What I did and said to you when we first met was cruel and stemmed from my own need to take it out on someone. I will probably never get rid of the shame that I feel for my behavior for the rest of my life." He said as he walked over to her, handed her an envelope and kissed her forehead tenderly.
"Keep it. Maybe we'll need it someday if I go bankrupt." He muttered under his breath.
She sighed heavily and gave up. Wanting to cheer her up and distract her a bit he asked her if she wanted to order something to eat. He suggested that they rest together, maybe watch a movie, and then go to bed. She pursed her lips at his words, shifting from foot to foot.
“I'm sorry, but I arranged to meet some of my college friends for a drink today. I thought that you'd be working late." She said hesitantly, glancing out of the corner of her eye at his reaction.
He felt a strange, unfamiliar sense of disappointment and a slight jealousy at her words. However, he decided that he had no right to change her plans and dictate her time as he wanted, since she approached his bizarre daily schedule with such understanding. He shook his head.
"No, it's okay. I didn't tell you that I had such plans. We can do it tomorrow, and today, indeed, I will finish some reports." He replied, trying to be light. She smiled broadly at his words, kissed his cheek, and went to her bedroom, not noticing his disappointed expression.
After a couple of minutes she left the room for the corridor, looking at herself in a large mirror. She was dressed in a light, girlish, cream dress that was nicely fitting her waist.
He pursed his lips, noticing from a distance, sitting on the couch with the laptop on his lap, that she wasn't wearing a bra as usual. For some reason this detail frustrated him.
The thought that other people, other men, would look at her breasts, which now belonged only to him, which he had caressed and sucked so greedily during the last weeks of their harmonious cohabitation.
"Do you want me to drive you?" He asked casually, wanting to keep her safe at the same time, but also to clear his head and see who she was meeting.
She looked at him with a smile, fixing a strand of her hair that had fallen out of her intricately arranged hairstyle.
"No need, don't distract yourself from work, I ordered a taxi. But thank you!" She said warmly as she picked up her small backpack, peering into it to make sure that she had her wallet and phone.
When she was sure she had everything, she glanced at him, wished him a good evening, and told him to call her if he needed anything. Then she just left.
He swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in his stomach.
He wondered why he felt so uneasy. He realized that she was a really wonderful girl, beautiful, intelligent and good. Every day he treated her with more and more respect, but he also felt that he was putting himself at risk of suffering.
He wondered what he had to offer her besides his money and problems. Will his eternal complaining and scheming not bore her.
He pursed his lips at the thought, trying to focus back on his work and the email he was replying to. He decided that he just had to trust her without a word just like she trusted him.
Take an example from her when it comes to patience.
However, he couldn't help but glance at his watch. After five hours, when it was late at night he began to get nervous. He was fighting with himself whether to write to her or not.
He hated imposing himself or asking someone to contact him. On the other hand, he thought that something might have happened to her. He decided to swallow his pride and write her a short message for his own peace of mind, to make sure she was okay.
A: Is everything alright?
He wrote and sent it, sighing heavily. He occupied his mind with tables in the program in which he calculated the creditworthiness of his client, but he nervously glanced at the screen of the phone, lying next to him on the table. He jumped in his seat when he saw after a few minutes that she had written back to him and quickly checked the message.
Y: Yes, we are waiting for a taxi. I'll be home in about 20 minutes.
He sighed softly, closing his eye. He was surprised how much relief he felt. He had to admit to himself that he was really beginning to care about her. He felt a pleasant shiver at the thought of seeing her soon.
Indeed, after several minutes he heard the sound of the lock turning on the door. He looked down the hall, sitting on the couch, watching her every little move. She smiled at him, her face all red and warm, her eyes dreamy slightly.
She was drunk.
"Aren't you sleeping yet?" She asked quietly, taking off her shoes with some difficulty.
She wasn't as drunk as he'd first assumed, but she'd definitely had a few coveted drinks. She pulled off her backpack, sighing heavily as if she had just shed a great deal of weight, and walked lightly into the living room, looking at him.
"Did you have fun?" He asked calmly, a little cooler than he'd like, but she nodded happily, glad he'd even asked.
She sat next to him on the couch and began talking quickly about her classmates, how funny their were, and how glad she was to have such a close-knit group in her year.
She finally pursed her lips as if it took her a moment to remember that she had been distracting him from his work.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you're still working. I won't disturb you and go to sleep." She said softly as she got up from the couch.
He felt a cruel sense of disappointment that made him coldly force out his next sentence.
"You're not even going to kiss me goodnight?"
She looked at him, surprised, completely not expecting such words from his mouth. He looked at her intensely, his lips pressed together. He thought he was a desperate idiot, like a child craving a parent's attention.
He felt embarrassed by his words and wanted to get back to work, but he saw out of the corner of his eye that she had turned back, walking slowly towards him again.
He looked at her in surprise as she gently took his laptop in her hands and placed it on the table next to him. He couldn't utter a word as she straddled him, running her hands over his chest.
He inhaled deeply as she began to rub her panties against his manhood, which pulsed hard in his pants. She smiled innocently at the feeling, her pretty, shiny lips parted slightly.
“Forgive me for not taking care of you properly today, husband. This is an unacceptable oversight.” She spoke softly, sensually, sweetly, her hands running tenderly over his face, neck and hair.
He felt a strong shiver go through his body at her words, his cock went completely hard. He pressed his bottom lip together, leaning his head against the back of the couch, looking at her expectantly, his hands gripping her hips, starting to massage her buttocks in circular motions.
"Indeed." He purred low and cold, raising an eyebrow as he saw her nipples harden at his touch. His one hand gripped her breast, his thumb pressed hard against her nipple, drawing a sudden, startled moan from her lips.
"Your colleagues could also look at your nipples in all their glory? Hmm?” He asked low, dangerously, his breathing getting louder as he felt her press against his cock harder and harder, her movements painfully slow and sure. She pursed her lips at his words, holding back a smile, her eyes sparkling.
"No. This is a view reserved only for my husband.” She whispered sweetly, licking her lip involuntarily, her tiny fingers slid to the belt of his pants, undoing him with a one, quick movement. With an ease that turned him on even more, she released his swollen, throbbing, hard cock, completely ready to possess her.
He inhaled loudly as he saw her rise, pushing the fabric of her panties to the side with her fingers, and began to lower herself onto him, causing them both to moan loudly and helplessly in pleasure.
He felt her hot and wet inside, his cock throbbing greedily inside her, demanding fulfillment. He began to pant softly and parted his lips slightly as she slowly began to rise and fall on his lenght, placing her hands on his shoulders on the supports, looking at him with delight written on her face.
"I promise that it won't happen again." She hummed, squeezing her eyes shut at the wonderful sensation. Her fleshy walls pressed against him, sending spasms of pleasure through him every time she lowered herself to the very end. His fingers gripped skin of her buttocks tighter.
"Yeah? Are you going to behave yourself?" He hissed, starting to push his cock deeper into her with confident, intense movements, his hands tightening around her waist, forcing her to speed up. They both began to pant loudly as she fell on him with a loud, wet slap of her juices. She looked at him with misty eyes.
"Yes, I'll be good. So, so good, my husband. Please, cum inside me as many times as you want." She mumbled and he moaned low at her words, surprised and even thirstier, thrusting into her with all his might, responding to the slightest movement of her hips, making sweet, helpless moans from her.
"Oh yes? Do you think, you deserved your husband to cum inside of you?” He was panting low, looking at her with delight, he had never seen her in such a state before, so confident, so dominant, taking what she wanted.
"Please, I need it, please, please, please!" She sobbed, her hips rising and falling against him in a fast, intense rhythm, his thighs responding brutally, filling her all the way, making her tremble and moan every time he entered her completely.
"Kiss me" He whispered, surprised at his own words, and she immediately leaned in, pressing her lips greedily into his, sucking and licking him with her tongue, moaning into his mouth.
He gasped loudly into her throat and cum inside her, his hand gripping her hair tightly, not letting her pull away, his other hand teasing her clit. A few moves were enough for her to sob into his mouth and come too, sinking into him with a sound of wonderful, hot relief that filled her body.
Only then did he let her pull away, her hot, shiny, swollen lips red from their kisses. They both panted, looking at each other contentedly. She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder, swallowing softly, still sitting on top of him.
"I love you." She whispered softly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He felt himself freeze for a moment, his heart pounding hard in his chest, his cock throbbing hard inside her. He stroked her hair involuntarily, pressing his cheek against her head, breathing unevenly.
Her contented purr answered him, the alcohol completely relaxing her and the orgasm made her drift even further, leaving her on the verge of dreaming and waking. He felt her fall asleep in this position. Only then he moved his lips to her ear to whisper a few words before he carried her to bed.
"I love you too."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses
Others: @thedamewithabook @godrakin @snh96 @statixcane @toodlesxcuddles @yentroucnagol @iloveallmyboys @echos-muses @jennifer0305 @shessthunderstoms @bbyaemond
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hannya-writes · 1 year
When they save you from a brothel (Zoro Edition)
Title: The perfect Girl
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Zoro x Reader
Other characters: The Owner
Category: romance, adventure
Warnings: there's a Kiss! Zoro is a bit Ooc because I couldn't found a way to make this happen 😅, as before there is kidnapping and violence in this chapter, there's no smut in here, walk away, horny people!! (No wait come back!!)
Author's note: just like with Luffy, this happens 6 years in the future, so Zoro would be 27 years old, why did I wrote this in the future? Bc I thought only that way Zoro would change enough to take the decisions he does (?) Nah, I just like characters to be older! Anyways, to the story we go!
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You didn't started working there because you wanted.
When you were 15 your Mother/Father were sick and you wanted to help them.
You started cleaning the floors, washing dishes, serving the woman who needed help with make up or hairstyles.
The owner of the place tried to make you work for them as a prostitute, but you didn't wanted to.
So they started to pay less, at first just some berries. But those berries lost made you unable to pay for your parent medicine.
After a month without the medicine your parent started to feel worst and worst.
And like a balm, the brothel owner offered you a loan, just the right amount for the medicine.
And you thought the owner was a good person, that you would be able to pay back. :readmore:
But one day some one robbed you and the owner give you more money.
In another occasion someone stole your clothes as it was drying in the sun, the owner gave you money to buy yourself some clothes.
You couldn't pay the owner back and somehow the loan got bigger and bigger until it became an impossible amount.
Then the owner offered a deal: You could pay working for them as a prostitute or he could turn you to the police for stealing.
That time there was no room for you to say no.
Since then they gave you a room, nice clothes and even a maiden to help you with everything you needed.
Close to no clothes, very tight clothes or the worst: Lingerie and a silk robe.
And you do what you are forced to do.
There are clients that are gentle but there are those who get violent, who creep you out, who enjoy when you say no.
It's a nightmare so you try to escape. At first you sneak out but get caught.
Then you jump from the window of your room, but the guards save you from a sure death.
When they realize that you are trying to kill yourself they start to drug you.
And that's the worst because then you can't leave, you need the drug if you don't have your dosage you start to feel ill. You feel like dying but without dying.
And then you just… give up.
Unlike Luffy, Zoro actually had the pleasure house as his objective.
However, it wasn't to exchange his money for sex. He was only interested in the Sake. The pleasure house you were trapped in was famous because of theirs.
The thing was, the place was full of people. Men with women at each of their sides. Women with skimpy clothes and big smiles.
The bar was packed too, but he was lucky as a men decided to stand up and leave with a woman.
He took the open spot and he would have ordered sake but the bartender was too busy.
"Oh god, here comes the golden bitch" a woman commented by his side and Zoro tried to not pay attention to her
"Ugh she's the favorite but she's so arrogant, who does she think she is? Boa Hancock?" The other woman complained and suddenly he got interested, he had met the ex-shichibukai but in his opinion she wasn't as beautiful as everyone said.
He followed the gaze of the two annoyed women and saw "the golden bitch" (aka you) walking towards the bar.
Zoro had seen his fair share of women, princesses, queens, warriors, samurais, minks, giants, mermaids, etc. but in all that time he had never seen a woman quite like you.
You were elegant dressed with a black dress that accentuated your figure, with a turtleneck and window in the shape of a heart. At first sight you seemed arrogant and intimidating, but after further inspection Zoro noticed how empty your expression was.
However it was easy to overlook your expression with all that gold jewelry in your wrists, neck, ears and hair. You were so eye-catching, he even felt there was a halo around you.
'Golden bitch' he almost laughed because of the accuracy of the nickname. He turned back to look if the stupid bartender was free but to no avail "the fuck do I have to do to get some Sake?" He thought to himself.
"Excuse me" you said, taking the seat by the side of Zoro before bending over the bar, almost giving everyone around an excellent view of your ass hadn't been for the dress.
When you sat back there were three bottles of sake in your hands and a sakazuki cup on your cleavage.
"I believe this is what you want to drink," you said calmly, putting two of the bottles and the cup in front of Zoro, suddenly turning into the most beautiful woman he had ever met. "I apologize for the wait the bartender is having a hard day"
"Sure" he said as you got down from the seat with your bottle of sake "thank you" he added as you turned to look at the two women who had spoken before.
"If you two have time to bad mouth me, serve the clients and stop being a couple of common bitches" you said and Zoro actually enjoyed seeing you metaphorically bite them.
After that he poured his sake on the cup and tasted the very first sip of the famous drink.
You on the other hand walked back to the side of the room, to the owner of the pleasure house, just on time to hear someone inform him that a very important pirate was there.
The owner asked who it was and the person informing showed him a wanted poster of the man you just had helped.
Which explained everything, after all you had heard his thoughts over those of everyone else.
Some time ago you had eaten a devil fruit in hopes of getting a power to escape from the pleasure house, but all you got was a power to hear people's thoughts, desires or intentions. The more powerful they got, the louder and clearer were the voices.
Moments ago all you had been able to hear was "sake, sake, sake" and the person giving you a headache with his desire for sake had been Roronoa Zoro.
"Come on, darling" the owner told you as they took you by your hand and dragged you back to the bar. "You got a special assignment" he added as he pushed a little bottle of poison on your cleavage.
'I'll get so much money if I kill him' the owner thought to himself and you felt dread filling your body.
You didn't want to do this, not again. If Roronoa Zoro discovered you were trying to poison him he would certainly kill you.
"Don't make that face, it makes you look ugly" the owner ordered you before caressing your cheek. They disgust you, with a sigh of defeat you composed your face."That's it, much better"
The owner walked to the swordsman and introduced you, adding that you will be serving him his drinks in a room since he was one of the most wanted pirates of the world and he didn't want some marine to appear and try to stop him from having fun.
Zoro accepted without a doubt, after all a place away from all those people sounded good.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Roronoa-san" you said when you got in the room.
Zoro only hummed. not wanting to give the impression that he was interested in you since you were a prostitute. He knew that give you attention would only make you try to get physical with him.
"Do you always do this?" He decided to ask as you poured the drink for him.
"Only for very special clients" you admitted without lying since this wasn't the first time you were forced to do poison someone.
"What kind of clients?" You could literally feel his distrust, it was like a needle piercing your chest.
"Ummm…" you thought for a moment, feeling that if you lied he'll know, and you weren't wrong, Zoro was studying your face. "famous clients" you smiled but he noticed the happiness didn't reach your eyes.
"How did you know I wanted sake?" He continued and you felt a cold sensation wash down your back.
"It was a hunch, I also like sake, I know how a sake lover looks like" you lied and mixed it with a truth, you liked sake, you could recognize someone who liked it.
"Get another cup then, you'll drink with me" he decided and you looked at him surprised. He hadn't took that decision as a safety measure to avoid getting poisoned, but out of a whim. That made you giggle, he seemed invincible.
"Roronoa-san is very generous" you commented and that time when you smiled a spark of life appeared in your eyes. Zoro liked that spark of vitality, he wanted to see more.
You left for a moment and when you got back you had brought the cup and more sake.
That time Zoro poured the drinks and you took a sip that made you sigh.
"Roronoa-san, you must have many stories, would you share them with me?" You spoke to him with respect and fake admiration but so naturally he almost believed it.
"I'm not good at telling stories" he answered and he immediately regretted it since you simply accepted and drank another sip of your drink with a slightly disappointed expression.
"I met my captain the day I was going to be executed…" he started his story and was instantly rewarded with an expression of surprise and happiness on your part.
'How cute' you heard him think at some point of the story when he described his friend Chopper and you got excited.
Usually men thought you looked hot, sexy, fuckable and those kinds of things. No one saw you as someone cute, it made you blush and Zoro enjoyed the unrestrained emotion his thought had provoked.
"It's your turn" he said when he ended his story and you looked at him with a confused expression.
"My turn?" You asked frowning.
"Your turn to tell me your story, it's how it works" he explained and for a moment you got trapped in a flashback, a succession of escapes ending bad, hits, lightened cigarettes being pressed on your back only for someone of the staff to "erase" your scars with the power of a devil fruit.
"I'm afraid that will kill the good mood" you commented but since he had told you a story, you decided to humor him. "This story is not mine…" you said as you started your narration.
You were creating the story as you told it but everything made sense, it was about a Swordsman, since Zoro was one.
Zoro enjoyed the story, as you were telling it, he noticed how relaxed you were, how your vacant expression came alive every now and then.
"You are good at telling stories" he praised you making you blush again.
"Thank you" you answered with a smile that made Zoro's ears turn red, how were you doing that? How were you managing to get all of his attention?
"Could you tell me another story, Roronoa-san"
"Sure, why not?" He said and noticed how you leaned forward on the table expectantly.
"Wait, Roronoa-san, I'll go for more sake" you interrupted him moments later as he told you about Enies Lobby, he nodded and you left in a hurry wanting to hear more.
"What is taking so long?" The Owner asked you when he saw you in the kitchen.
"He asked me to drink, I can't poison him" You explained and the man slapped you across the face.
"Stop being useless and find a way" he said angry and left you there.
When you got back to Zoro it was with a tray in your hands that had three bottles of Sake and a plate of snacks you ordered to poison.
"What happened?" He asked the moment you crossed the threshold.
"I'm sorry I took so long…" you started to apologize but Zoro wasn't listening, his gaze was on your cheek. In the small amount of time he had seen you, you had shown to be a level headed, smart and elegant woman who didn't bother anyone… So, who had slapped you and why?
Fuck, why was he so fucking angry about it? Has Sanji's character rubbed off on him?
"What happened?" He asked curious, pointing at your cheek and you touched it softly
"I made a mistake" you said without thinking, touching the burning skin where you had been hit. "It's ok, I deserved it"
'no, you don't' his thought warmed your heart, it made you wonder how could such a rough looking man be so sweet.
"I thought you were the favorite" He said frowning and you laughed without happiness.
"I'm just a caprice of the owner" you said, offering him a cup full of sake that he gladly took. "I'm their precious canary, but that doesn't mean he won't hit me" it took you a moment to realize what you had said, you had spoken your mind without thinking, showing him the real you.
"What an idiot" he said, still bothered every time he saw your red cheek.
Feeling his annoyance directed at the owner made you comfortable but wary, no one was that good.
"Why? Would you treat me better if I were yours?" You teased taking a seat on the table, by his side. "You know what's my work?"
'of course' Zoro answered in his mind but only looked at you with a serious expression. You leaned towards him and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"I'm a whore I kiss men, I make their fantasies reality, I let them use my bo…" it was his hard gaze that made you shut up.
Why were you saying that? Why were you discouraging the infatuation the swordsman had on you? Why did it bother you that he had made you drop your act of the perfect girl?
'how annoying…' His thoughts made you smile, a weird sensation prickled on your brain and it took you a long moment to comprehend what your devil fruit power was catching on him.
Yeah, coexisting near the love cook had finally rubbed off on him because he wanted to hold you, kiss you… get you to a safe place.
'protect' was what you were catching from the swordsman. He wanted to protect you and you were building walls to reject feeling like a damsel in distress.
"Roronoa-san…" you whispered before pushing away the sake for you to sit right in front of him with parted legs in an inviting way. Your hand took his and you guided it to your thighs. Maybe if he fucked you he'll forget about his attraction to you "It's fine if you want me" you guided his free hand to your chest but he suddenly reacted by getting away from you.
He couldn't do it, he was not made of stone, he felt things, he had urges but he didn't want to do that with you. No when you were doing it because it was your job. It would be like taking advantage of you.
"Roronoa…" you followed him with your eyes only, knowing he didn't want you to touch him, knowing what he was feeling because you were in synchrony with him.
"Shut up" he told you and you obeyed "Stop trying to get in my pants" his choice of words made you blush and laugh, laugh for real.
With a huff you hopped down from the table and he watched as you went to the very lavish bed in the room. The very same bed Zoro had been actively ignoring from the beginning.
"You aramazing...Your feelings are overpowering me" you finally said as you lay in the bed hugging a pillow.
"What?" Zoro asked, taken aback by your words.
"You have a crush on me but you respect me, you think I shouldn't be here, that I should leave" you said so softly that Zoro got closer to hear you.
"I don't…" Zoro was blushing big time.
"I ate a devil's fruit, I can read minds, so don't bother denying it" you cut his sentence.
A slight blush stayed in his cheeks.
"Fine, whatever" he almost went back to the table but noticed that you had in your hand the last bottle of sake "hey, what are you…?" He saw you drink from the bottle, his eyes followed the path of the sake that spilled from the corner of the bottle's mouth forming two very appealing rivers that traveled from your mouth to your chin and then down your throat.
He hated his sudden urge to lick the sake from your skin.
"There's been others like you," you said when you drank, taking him back to reality. You cleaned the corners of your mouth and continued. "You think you are heroes, but you just want to chain me, hide me where no one else but you, can see me" Zoro got closer and tried to take the Sake from you but you pulled your hand away to avoid his hand. "I mean, it's kinda an implanted fantasy, look at these" you showed your wrists with bracelets that covered almost half of your forearm. "This scream shackles, this says save me! Be my Prince charming" you mocked
"Pathetic" He suddenly said and you looked at him bewildered since you were able to feel his very clear desire for you but his words and attitude were the opposite. "You have embraced your cage" he leaned over you, you felt his intentions of taking the sake from you.
He was right, you were able to read minds but you felt like he was the one reading yours.
You were afraid, you didn't want to get your hopes up only to crash and discover he was a liar.
'Say the word' his mind was saying and your movement to get away from him staggered at that.
Word, what word? What was that supposed to mean? You tried to retreat but in a blink you were caged between two strong arms, the bed and the body of Zoro.
You took the last sip of the sake but before you drank it Zoro lifted you from the bed and put you over him, straddling his lap. The gravity did its job and the sake went from your mouth to his as you graced his tongue with yours slowly, so very slowly and sensually.
'Ask for Help' he thought and you pressed closer to him, wanting more if only for him to stop asking that of you.
"I'm not a damsel in distress...They sent me to kill you, Roronoa-san" you confessed not expecting anything from him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"And how would you do that?" he asked amused, taking you by surprise. You tried to get away from him, but his hands kept you close to him.
"With poison" you answered with seriousness and he smirked.
"Poison" he repeated in a mocking way dismissing you "I'm no prince charming, you know? I'm a pirate" one of his hands gently pushed a strand of your hair away from your face.
You didn't have time to even be confused by his words because the idea in his head slipped inside yours: kidnap' Your eyes grew bigger and the smile in his face let you know that he was aware that you knew. You opened your mouth to tell him not to do it, but with an easy move he put you over his shoulder and started his escape.
The next minutes were filled with people trying to stop him and you giving him directions to get out of the brothel.
But Zoro is terrible with directions, so of course he turned in the wrong direction and of course he entered the wrong hall and somehow he ended up destroying the whole place.
When you finally got out, you looked in disbelief at the building in flames. How had that happened? You were not sure, but sake was flammable so…
"Roronoa-sama, you are amazing" you said as he walked away from the crime scene "wrong direction" you let him know and he stopped, turned in the other direction and started walking again.
"Your welcome" he said and you groaned in his shoulder.
"It would be easier to get you to your ship if you put me down," you said, resigned to your future.
"I'm fine, I don't need…curly brows?" When he said those last words you frowned.
"Marimo?" A man's voice answered, leaving you in the dark "that is no way to carry a lady!" He complained and Zoro growled.
'I forgot about the love cook' you heard Zoro think and you were puzzled wondering what could that mean.
The swordsman put you down and you looked at the blond man before you with an expression that made Sanji's eyes become hearts and you were able to hear his thoughts, all of his thoughts.
And Sanji's dirty and sweet thoughts at full speed scare the shit out of you, making you hide behind Zoro and fist your hands into his clothes.
"Oi! You scare her!" Zoro complained annoyed. There was a small discussion and finally Sanji guided you two to the ship where Zoro had a short conversation with the captain, who got closer to talk to you minutes later
"Y/n, do you want to be a pirate?" Asked Luffy in front of everyone and you looked at him seriously.
"No, I just want to stay by Roronoa's side"
Luffy laughed, satisfied with your answer.
"Then, welcome to the crew!"
• • •
Next... ?????? Edition
Who's edition should I write now?
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danieyells · 1 month
How Much Is An SSR Worth?
Summary: Ren gets Taiga's help. SFW.
The Sinostra students looked up at the approaching stranger. Their looks were clearly unfriendly, untrustworthy, and some of them even reached in their blazers as if for weapons(were they allowed to walk around campus armed!?) Ren froze and grit his teeth, looking at the little group of gangsters and at the blood red mop of hair of their leader who didn't even turn around to acknowledge him. He was starting to regret thinking this could work--there was no way this was worth it.
Before he could start to back away, the Captain of the Sinsotra house tipped his head further back, directing a pair of bright yellow eyes at him from where they'd been staring emptily into the ceiling. Ren froze. The slow blink he received reminded him of a cat video he'd seen online, albeit significantly less cute and even less likely to be a sign of affection.
". . .who're you?"
Ren briefly felt like he'd been transported into a mafia movie. It was the gravel in his voice, or maybe the cold look in his eyes.
He floundered for a bit, trying to come up with a way to bring up why he came over that didn't sound ludicrous to a normie. Just looking at this guy, he wouldn't know a thing about what he was talking about or needed--but he knew he might be his only hope right now. Maybe Taiga caught on to that hopelessness, or maybe he was amused by the fumbling, because his dull expression became a curious and interested one.
"Oh. Ain't you one of Harry's kids?" Harry? Did Haru know this guy!? Somehow that made it worse. Taiga spun around in his seat to look at Ren properly, his excited expression showing off his shark-like teeth. Those might be cool, if not for that he followed this question up with, "you here to bring me my lunch?"
"Your lunch?"
"Yeah. One of my guys promised me he'd get me something to eat." Taiga gave a sideways nod to the Sinostra students who were sitting with him. "And Harry's place is full of all that fresh meat, ain't it? You ain't here to deliver anything for me?"
"Fresh--" He wanted to eat the anomalies? Was anybody in this place normal? "N-no, I'm not here to bring you anything!"
"Oh." Taiga deflated and pouted. "So, who the fuck are you then? You got a debt to pay? Lulu doesn't like me doing business outside the casino without him around, but I can still handle that."
This was definitely starting to feel like Ren was in over his head.
"I just. I heard some things."
"Oooh." Taiga, once again, thinks he's got it and smiles. "You need a loan? You want some illicit goods? You want somebody to turn up in Tokyo Bay?"
"What!? No!! Are you seriously saying all that shit in broad daylight!?"
"Maybe I'm not serious about it at all!" Taiga laughed, seeming amused by Ren's increasing discomfort.
"I don't need things from Sinostra! I heard some things about you! I need something from you!"
Taiga was quiet for a moment, head tilted and eyes wide like he wasn't expecting personal business. Then he pouted again, looking off to the side. "Is Lulu trying to. . .nah, he wouldn't do that. Not without tellin' me. . .selling someone's organs would be a lot more lucrative than whoring me out anyway." He muttered to himself for a moment, while Ren fished his phone out of his pocket and thrust it towards him.
He immediately jumped back as the Sinostra students drew weapons to point at him. Taiga held up a hand to stop them from gunning someone down in the cafeteria and stared dully into the screen.
". . .the fuck is this?"
"I don't have a lot of resources and I don't have a lot of time--and I heard your luck is incredible, and I just need you to press this button here."
Ren pointed at a confirmation button on the screen, careful not to tap it. Taiga stared at it as if it weren't two sentences worth of text and it was taking a long time to read.
He reached forward and tapped the screen, then snatched Ren's wrist when he tried to pull away and protest being taken out of it. A few colorful characters appeared from behind the darkened screen of the confirmation popup. The link advertising rates immediately caught Taiga's eye, and he tapped at the screen, scrolling through the numbers with increasing interest.
The rates for the most artful of characters were insanely low, and a quick tap of the gems in the top of the screen said they cost a pretty penny. He idly committed the prices and numbers to memory(where they were lost as soon as he moved away from the screen) to calculate the value of.
"What're you doing!? I just--you just have to do the pull! You don't need to look at anything else!"
"This is gambling!" Taiga said cheerfully. "Some real shit odds at that! What, you're going for that one? It looks kinda like you, kid!"
He pointed at a character near the top of the rate screen. "No, I pulled that one already, somehow. . .it's the topmost one I'm after. Everybody says it's completely overpowered and all of the new meta's based on this unit, not to mention the art--"
Taiga nodded along, the gacha having had drawn some of his interest as a gambler. Way less fun than a game with anything of interest on the line, but it still seemed interesting. Not the characters or units or anything of that sort, but the act of pulling for things of value. . .he supposed it was named after gachapon machines. But the virtual nature of it meant less limited potential. . .so the artificial scarcity was formed by limited time features like this.
Quite the business tactic. Romeo might like it.
"So you just need me to press this button here, yeah?" Taiga navigated back to the gacha as though he'd been playing the game since release. He was almost invested now. "And you want me to get you this thing or whatever."
"Yes!! If you can!!" Taiga sneered and popped open the confirmation menu.
"Kid, I don't lose bets--"
Once again guns were pointed at Ren as he grabbed Taiga's finger before he could do the pull. Not appreciating the contact, Taiga smacked his hand away, and he winced at the feeling of his rings colliding with his palm.
"You--" he swallowed, trying to ignore the threats. The look on Taiga's face almost made him want to call it quits again. This was already way more effort than it was worth. . .to a normal person, anyway, but this pull could be the true beginning or the end of his playing this game. "You need to hold down on the screen, after you press the button. It doesn't seem like it does anything, but I swear I've gotten better pulls that way--"
"I don't need your superstitions, brat."
With that, Taiga tapped the button without even looking at the screen, glaring uncomfortably into Ren's face. At first, he was frozen, before the audio cue prompted him to spin the phone screen to face himself. "Wait, you did a single pull!? You were supposed to do a ten, the rate is higher that way!"
"Don't need it."
"But if I don't get it that's a waste of my--!!!"
Ren's jaw dropped as the screen flashed a multitude of colors. The gacha music faded out, and a new track began to play, a popular voice actress' recorded line playing accompanying the subtitled dialogue being spelt out across the screen. His eyes went wide as the SSR's unique animation played, and he watched on as his desperately desired pull came through on a single, effortless shot from a stranger.
"Holy shit you got it." Taiga grinned, looking over Ren's shoulder at the new unit, completely unaware of what it meant. At most, the art was kind of nice. Ren looked like he was holding in tears--or maybe a scream. "You actually. . .in a single pull!?"
"Gyahahaha! Told you I don't lose, kid!" He threw an overly friendly arm around Ren's shoulders. Ren looked at Taiga like he was a hero. Of course he did, until Taiga said, "hey. . .you ever heard the expression 'there's no such thing as a free lunch?'"
For a moment, Ren remembered all of the things Taiga mentioned before. Debts. Deaths. Illicit substances. His face fell, and Taiga gave him a squeeze and a friendly shake and a smile that was more sinister than sincere. For a moment, Ren wondered if he'd gotten himself into something he couldn't get out of. Did this single gacha pull just pull him into a life of crime? Was he about to be some sort of drug runner for the local organized crime house? Did he need to kill somebody? Could he kill somebody?
". . .What do I owe you?" It was just a gacha pull! Why did he go to the guys who look like the mob for a gacha pull!? What a stupid idea, just because he overheard that the captain of Sinostra had some unbelievable luck. The triumphant music playing from his phone and the animated character on the screen offered him no comfort and Taiga bore his sharp teeth in a grin.
"I'm glad you asked! Lulu throws a little bitchfit whenever I do somebody a favor without a price, even if it's a personal favor and not a Sinostra one." He leaned his cheek against Ren, tapping painted nails against his chest. "And I'd guess you'd ordinarily need to do a lot more than just one pull to get what you wanted, yeah? Maybe ten, maybe even a hundred?"
Ren nodded stiffly. The rates for this game were abysmal. But it was addictive.
"So the value. . .it's way more than just one, isn't it." He couldn't remember the numbers he'd seen earlier exactly, but he could do some calculations in his head. If he bothered to. But he knew enough people with gambling addictions to know how Ren's mind worked. This service was nigh invaluable to him. "And I saved you money. That's practically worth interest."
"W-wait a second!" Ren pulled away--or, perhaps Taiga let Ren pull away. "This didn't cost you anything but a few seconds, maybe a couple minutes! The gems you spent on the pull, they weren't even 1,000 yen in total! I could pay you that out of pocket and--"
"Y'know what? You're right. It didn't cost me a thing, what'm I even saying!" He laughed and smiled in a friendly way. Ren didn't trust the sudden change in attitude in the slightest. He'd let his guard down. But it couldn't stay down. "Hell, it was even kinda fun. All the flashy lights and pretty sounds--and you got your little drawing out of it, right? Not to mention, you're one of Harry's kids, aren't'cha!"
"Eugh. I am not his. . . ." Ren stopped himself, then grit his teeth. This could save him. Haru could be of use for once. "Y-yeah, I uh. . .he's a great. . .father. . .? Anyway, if you had fun and I got what I wanted, then we're even, right?"
"Sure, sure!" Taiga clapped Ren on the shoulder. "Hey, you got more of those things you want? It was pretty fun, I wouldn't mind helping you out again if you ever want more!"
This appealed too heavily to Ren's sensitivities for him to stay on guard like he wanted. ". . .really? If you don't get results, I'm not asking you again."
"Yeah, really! I'm waiting on my lunch anyway, what else've you got?"
". . .and I don't have to pay?"
"Nah, no cash. No crazy favors. Don't even worry about it."
That specific wording should have tipped him off that he wasn't entirely off scott free, but the idea of more free SSRs in his account catalogue enticed him too much. Taiga looked at his phone screen and tapped through to the gacha again.
". . .well. . .the unit gets stronger if you manage to pull it a second time--or, up to five times. So we could try pulling for it again. And there's another unit I wanted to get--oh, and in a different game--"
Taiga went along with Ren's increasing excitement, tapping away at the screen. Ten-pulls glimmered with high rarity units and supports even as games were switched. A few times Ren even asked Taiga to perform actions in the game for him, cheering quietly when he got him through difficult story missions that had been keeping him stuck in place for weeks.
All the while, Taiga insisted there was no charge.
But he didn't say anything about no debt.
And he may have said that Ren didn't have to pay, but that didn't mean he wouldn't extract value from him in other ways. In a few weeks Ren would be staring into the pen for some anomalous animal, wondering how he would get it all the way to Sinsotra without arousing suspicion, and trying not to think of the way he saw Taiga eat raw meat and bone that day, complaining to the student who'd brought it for him that it wasn't fresh enough but it'd do.
He refused to blame himself for all of this though. It's not his fault the guy with improbable luck was a mafia boss. It's not his fault the mafia boss was an underhanded carnivore. And it sure as hell wasn't his fault he was assigned to the house full of animals!
And it wasn't his fault that the gacha rates were so low he went this route either. It's capitalism's fault! It's the fault of companies preying on gambling addictions! He's not to blame for this! He refused to be!
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