#But AAAAAAAAAAAAA I-I that was rough
coconut530 · 5 months
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hoooo boy this one was tough to get through
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zzleepywulf · 3 months
The AMOUNT of Huskerdust content I made for the past few weeks:
Fave scenes from the reel
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Some wips
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And loootttsss of doodles (especially when most are from my phone notes😭)
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Your honor, they are so in love♥️🖤💖
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I would've added more doodles but apparently I've hit the 10 posts limit mark-
Part 3 will have its own can of sketch comp next time! So have these in the meantime >:]
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risustravelogue · 4 months
Gentle Lover
Wriothesley as your gentle lover.
Wriothesley, gn!Reader
Minors DNI! Fluff, mentioned marking and rough sex. A traditional drabble (wc: 100).
Soft!Wrio has such a hold over me. I want him so bad AAAAAAAAAAAAA-
🔗 AO3 | masterlist 🔗
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Wriothesley’s love is gentle.
It’s in the shared glances and silent touches, as he carefully takes your hand and squeezes.
It’s the way he embraces you: strong, protective, warm.
It’s the soft pressing of his lips against your temple, cheeks, and lips.
It’s the way he worships your body every night, peppering kisses all over; even in the way he leaves marks on your exposed skin.
It’s the way he thrusts into you again and again; even in rougher lovemaking sessions, he makes sure not to break you completely.
Wriothesley is a gentle lover, and he’s gentle because of you.
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© @risustravelogue 2024 • FEEDING THIS WORK TO GENERATIVE AIs IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. • do not repost. • reblogs are precious. • feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. 💖
the gorgeous mdni banner template by @/cafekitsune 💙
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More Captain Marvel Time Travel AU Snippets (2)
Clark fingers the tears in his clothes and considers his options.
He’s sitting by the abandoned dock at the lake by his house. The rushes here are overgrown enough that the other kids out to give him a hard time will never find him here, and its close enough to his place that if he does a little discrete flying, ma and pa would never know the difference from him just walking all the way back home from school.
It’s just – the tears.
Clark doesn’t get hurt no more, skin invulnerable to the usual boyhood scrapes, but his clothes can’t say the same. Not getting pushed around would help a hell of a lot with that, but beating on kids weaker than him, even if they ain’t exactly smaller, wouldn’t make pa happy; and deep down, Clark knows he’d probably regret it after, considering the lack of control he had when he got mad.
He just – he wishes he knew what to do. Knew how to control himself – Had someone, anyone to teach him because his ma and pa were fantastic, and Clark Kent would never let anybody say otherwise, but they didn’t always understand-!
The golden medallion under his shirt, fashioned in the shape of a lightning bolt, warms against his skin.
And suddenly he hears someone land heavily on their feet beside him.
Clark whips his head around.
To his credit, the man looks as confused as he is, but his face immediately brightens up at the sight of Clark, morphing into another of his genuine sunshine grins.
“Hey Clark!” He greets him cheerfully, coming down to sit next to him at the dock, never mind the neat business-type clothes he was wearing. “Something bothering you bud?”
Clark flushes, hand coming up to grip the medallion. Right. Billy (and it was still weird that he was calling a grown-up by their name, ma and pa would have never let him cause it was rude, but Billy said Billy was a kid’s name, so it was technically okay so - ) said he could call on him whenever he needed help. But the medallion could pick up when he was feeling bad? Clark couldn’t call him over for every little thing!
“Whoa, whoa, hey bud, it’s okay.” Billy says, a little more panicked now. His hands hover, open, but don’t touch him. Clark appreciates it, since Billy always asks first unlike some of the other adults and listens and –
Before he knows it, Clark is spilling his story. Every little detail, every little hurt and pain since they’d last met, and more besides. The things he didn’t want to tell his parents because they’d get that sad look on their faces like they were blaming themselves and it wasn’t their fault, never was their fault, it was just the world that sometimes –
And Billy sat through it all. He didn’t interrupt him or try to comfort him, but his precense was huge, warm and comforting by his side and it was good. It helped. Billy felt like – well kind of like pa, but he already had a pa, and so maybe kind of like an uncle if he’d had one, solid and there.
Clark eventually winds down and is surprised to find himself sniffling.
Billy waits for a beat, then says, “That’s rough, Clark. I didn’t know you were feeling like that. Um, well, I don’t know anything about bullies, since I never got rid of mine,” He grins sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head at Clark’s disbelieving look, “It’s true! But as for your powers and anger issues…well, I wouldn’t mind helping you with those if you want.” And of course Clark wants, training like that would be amazing!  ”Oh and-” Billy sticks his tongue out a little, like Clark does when he’s concentrating, and then snaps his fingers and Clark’s clothes sparkle, sealing up like they’re nothing. “Ta-da!” Note:  Meanwhile Billy (a superpowered troubled youth) looking at young Clark Kent (another superpowered troubled youth) going aaaaaaaaaaaaa internally.
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ok the further I get from the night the more I am able to be semi-rational. last night was bad bad bad lots of hysterical sobbing from pain that was probably worsened by the fact that I’d been so so hopeful the meds would help right away. the despair crash is so rough!! same thing happened after the cortisone shots + the oxycodone failed.
here are the scary parts:
the pain is progressive not static… it gets worse every night and it’s just scary to be in that much pain alone in the night!
the daytime stiffness and loss of mobility is progressive not static… for example typing used to be something that didn’t bother me at all bc my hands are mostly flat on the keyboard, but now increasingly my fingers are so stiff/numb/arthritic it’s hard to even do that which means it’s hard to do my work
nothing is working so far :( and there’s so much time left to go
I feel guilty for taking meds I feel like I’m selfishly putting him at risk even though I know that’s stupid the risks are low and he’s going to be fine and my health/mental well-being also matters
I think my plan is:
push for an induction at 39 weeks even though I didn’t want to be induced sigh
push to get disability leave approved so I can leave work earlier—this will reduce my intense boss-related stress and will allow me to sleep more during the day
keep taking the meds in hopes that they kick in and offer some relief
aaaaaaaaaaaaa just survive it
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hyenabeanz · 4 months
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They're not good pics, and it was a rough game, but I was stoked because we accidentally got seats behind Minnesota's bench, next to the tunnel, and I WAS SO CLOSE TO THEM AAAAAALL AAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Cava's, Greco's, and Coyne's rainbowed sticks made my heart full. This game honestly had way better promo pieces airing too on the jumbotron than the Wild pride game I went to a couple years ago. It felt authentic 🏳️‍🌈💜 cool that Brian Burke came over for this game too.
Also finally got a look at Rooney's bad ass mask with the First Ave stars motif. 🤩 Be still my heart.
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dois-funnyzone · 2 years
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Theo, Sofia, Lynette, and Viola from Octopath CotC, aka my favorite five stars in that game! Felt like doing some rough drawings of them.
.......ok i made these a while ago and posted them on instagram and only a few days later did i realize i should probably post it on tumblr too. but then TODAYYYY they announced OCTOPATH TRAVELER TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A FUN COINCIDENCE!!!!!
wary of the new region, i am very too intimate with the lore and world of orsterra so it feels a little sad stepping away from it :,) but i cant wait for the new game and characters aaaa!!
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
Im so attached to Nona, i hope this doesn't have any consequences😭
chapter three was rough for her in many ways. she was supposed to have two more scenes, but as i was working on it, i realized that'd push the fic to around 20k words GJLKS a victim to budget cuts </3
maybe after the fic is done i'll finish those scenes for funsies because i loved the ideas behind them, but felt it didn't serve the plot enough to justify being in an already long chapter...
basic summary of the two cut scenes:
nona tosses around the idea of going on strike.
n darling complaining, 'ever since you read the robot’s guide to unionization 5th edition all you do is threaten to go on strike.'
nona jokingly refers to n darling as an enemy to the working (robot) class and n darling genuinely gets flustered by this. nona keeps needling her about why robots don't deserve rights, culminating in n darling getting fed up enough to shout:
'i support robot rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
nona absolutely losing it, lear trying not to laugh out of the kindness of his heart.
n darling whipping her head to see blade unable to meet her gaze for a moment.
blade coughs into his hand to hide a chuckle.
n darling's kaneki ken moment
n darling asking what nona thinks happens after death.
nona goes on to tell this tale she heard growing up, where after you die, you're let into an empty casino. the valet then gives you unlimited casino tokens and says if you hit the jackpot, you're free to enter heaven.
the person subjected to this eventually comes to realize they'll never be able to win and that they're already in purgatory.
this anecdote is mostly for the purpose of establishing nona's rather bleak outlook, beneath a humorous veneer. this monologue got replaced with the macabre wish nona relays to n darling during their first scene together.
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imustbenuts · 6 months
talk to me about your fic ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
🥺!! I will buy u boba...
so ive written this big piece and finished it after a few years of hiatus bc I got stuck rewriting chapter 7 over 60 times and am overall quite happy with the end result:
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but the problem is. It's a heroes fic
And the core problem of writing a heroes fic that takes itself somewhat seriously is how it runs against the fandom impression of it being fanservicey, or being a cross over fic
and I'm not writing it like one... the summary is a red herring, and I'm mostly interested in what elements of heroes can be bounced off the other series, not the other way around
so when the comments pick up on it I get super happy! and when people say "wow this is an unexpected treat", or "wow I like this Kiran" I'm like mission accomplished, yes!
...but these comments are few and far between. especially even earlier where I'm like "do ppl get it, are they catching it, this isn't really a fic about awakening and I'm not following fanon, do ppl hate this". the lack of feedback is rough
there's a big part of me who wonders if it's not getting as much attention as it could have too. Bc again, the crossover nature of feh and how Kiran is often written as an OC or a self insert over a character in fanon. my fics' Kiran is not about that (mostly) but I genuinely don't know how to sell the idea of it.
and now I'm writing another fic with a similar premise, but I've removed non heroes characters as focus...
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But tbh, these past couple of months has been rough and I've been unable to write. (screaming in the bg)
there's a lot of meta theming and commentary I've been putting in and might be taking it too seriously :/ (yelling in the bg)
so all of that and the writers block and irl and seasonal moodiness and attention seeking (no point lying about this) and I'm just aaaaaAAAAAAAA I want explode. Fic writing hard.
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roetrolls · 1 year
I just wanna say real quick that um. Your art has such nice feeling and so much heart to it and your characters have so much personality that when I see someone like Veylin I get so happy like just realizing there was a Veylin post to read helped pick my mood back up after a real rough day and um. Yeah. Compliment noises, you make me wanna try and put more love into my own characters
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I don't even know how to RESPOND to this, it's so sweet 🥺 I really do pour my soul into these guys, so this is genuinely one of the nicest things you could say to me about my characters, it means a lot
I think desire to put love into your characters is all it really takes to do that!! As long as you care about them and they mean something to you, you've already succeeded!
argh o(-< this is seriously so so kind thank you,,
I hope tomorrow is a better day for you <33
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this is thw dumbest thing to stress abt but stressed i am
stress sewed a whole 18th century outfit in a MONTH, bought a wig, fixed up shoes the whole nine yards so i could have smth good enough for venice but like
i might not fucking wear it at all in venice i hate this
the wig looks like ass, i have no idea how to style this shit i spent 5 hrs on it yesterday and it's soooo rough despite being a really good base, so if that doesnt work out then i cant wear a wig and if i cant wear a wig i cant do 18th cen so
it's so dumb but every bitch on insta got their wig looking smooth with perfectly sized buckles and mine is a fucking monster by comparison, so i would rather not
this is what i get for befriending people who know their shit im AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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white-eyed-girl · 1 year
My personal top 37 for Eurovision 2023 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 I dont' even know what to say anymore, it has been the most exhausting ESC season ever for me and I just want this Saturday to come and go
11) Italy - song is alright (it actually grew on me in these weeks), Marco is a great singer and a cool guy, but half because I didn't want it to win Sanremo and half because I have actual favourites I'm spending the season worrying to death about, I have exactly zero interest about what happens to Due Vite in Liverpool
10) Moldova - how often does it happen to have two returning artists from the same year? Seeing Pasha and Loreen meet again was so cute! (and the fact that Ivi Adamou was there as well made the whole thing even better asdfghjffg) Anyway lol the song is awesome, Moldova incredibly managed to find a middle ground between genuine ethnodance and the amateurish country fair performance from last year, and I'm happy about it Lautar is also one of the few songs I actually love from 2012 btw, just as an add-on :'' He looks hella fine too but shh
9) United Kingdom - purely and simply a bop, it almost makes me forget how much of a tamarrata* it is asdfghjk As for its chances in Liverpool, if the pre-parties are of any indication, there's no way in hell this will get a top10 like many seem to predict, more like it will be lucky to get out of the bottom 5 :'' (*tamarrata = something camp and cringy and excessive, that sometimes you like exactly because of that lol)
8) Czechia - I usually adore songs with a women-supporting-women narrative, this one is no exception, and it also has a double reading which makes it even cooler I was a bit afraid that if they kept the aesthetic of the video on stage it could end up looking messy and uncoordinated, but luckily they decided to make it tidier and in fact their performance on Tuesday was amazing
7) Austria - This, this is how you do clever and funny This could have ended up being an apocalyptic level of trash but, ironically, the nonsense narrative keeps its feet on the ground Thankfully it seems like it's not a Halo 2.0, though the performance could have used being a lil bit more whimsical and energetic
6) France - I love how this starts tango-ish and then catches rhythm! I have no idea how it will go, France was my winner last year and I never would have imagined an almost last place for them, so yeah :'' I don't think they can snatch the win but I'd be on board with them trying purely because that would mean a new Sweden vs France death match which, like, AAAAAAAAAAAAA
5) Norway - this is the first song from this year I listened to and I'm still bobbing my head from that first time ahah This sounds like a song KEiiNO could have sung, which in my book is always a compliment We'll give her a wagon of points as soon as the commentators let it slip that she's Italian lol
4) Finland - This is me having a drunken dream while also never having been drunk in my whole life :'' Look, I love this song, or it wouldn't be in my top 5, it's a banger, it's fun and it's been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it in the studio version (the live rendition sucks, I know you all know but choose not to acknowledge it c:), I actually like the way it has two very different styles and the moment it leaves the rappish part to basically become the Carameldansen makes me fall from the chair every time It does deserve to do well. Does it deserve to win though? Ehhhh personally no, I don't think this is enough
3) Serbia - This year every time I think I have listened to the most feverdream-ish song of the line-up there comes another right after to prove me wrong lmao This is so weirdly composed, it pulls my nerves right out of me but like in a good way?? The part where Luke starts ''unplugging'' the dancers and his voice becomes low and rough gives me such a fine tingle in the stomach AHHHHH Serbia wants a win and it damn well shows, and maybe it won't happen this year but if they keep this up I don't think they will have to wait for much longer
2) Spain - this is genuinely amazing and I think it grew to be the only song that wouldn't make me want to set fire to the universe if it won in Sweden's place lol just because it's so ethnically artsy and well-sung and it has such sad melancholic good lyrics, plus I think Blanca would actually make a good winner ''Ay child, when I die let them bury me on the moon so that I'll see you every night, every night except one'' Best damn lyrics of the year hands down! This >>>>>>>>>>>>>> booty hypnotic
1) Sweden - The way she claims exactly every bit of the stage that she needs to, the way she shapes sound between her teeth, the desperation in her voice in the final part, the actual tattoo element which is important in her Berber culture, the creativity in the desert environment with both sand and sky, the double reference to the Atlas myth and the Atlas mountains, there's so much cool shit around this even if you don't like the song and so much to be happy about her participating again and so many people are choosing to stay mad for some of the most ridiculous reasons I've ever heard Unbelievable Not to mention that ''it's a song contest!!'' only when it fits their narrative I know she probably won't, it would be way too perfect and eurofans this year have decided that making literal history isn't cool, but IF she does…
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softladyhours · 2 years
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I posted 2,174 times in 2022
97 posts created (4%)
2,077 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 550 of my posts in 2022
#rat&lt;3 - 156 posts
#softie speaks - 77 posts
#markiplier - 42 posts
#unreality - 26 posts
#matt murdock - 25 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 24 posts
#goncharov - 24 posts
#fic rec - 23 posts
#not mine!!! - 21 posts
#markiplier egos x reader - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also this is making me realize that i think i would be a werewolf if it came down to vamps or werewolves and i…. idk how i feel about that
My Top Posts in 2022:
how babey are the egos on a scale of 1-10
dark: 1/10. most of the time he is smooth sexy bastard man but sometimes he is just in need of cuddles. but even when he wants cuddles hes just like in denial about it
damien: 10/10 the most babey ever . constantly 🥺 at you in search of cuddles and kisses the boy is so touch starved when u kiss him he melts every time
actor: 4/10 usually just whiny little dog of a man not really babey material but when hes sleepy he is just 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕
illinois: 5/10 too suave and cool and sexy to be babey usually but sometimes he just cant stop himself from uwu-ing
yancy: 10/10 OHH BABEYYY !!! <3333 the snuggliest man ever. constant heart eyes constant need to be held constant hand holding just sksdfhjfgdd!!!! owo
engineer mark: 7/10 when around the crew he is Not Babey (well… 99% of the time he isnt…) but get him alone and the boy is just 😄💞🥺☺️💘💗🥰😍 he is so touchy he just gotta grab u and just need to look at ur pretty face
Omg these boys make me so softyttttt
- Dark is ofc a big house cat and so he’d VEHEMENTLY DENY any desire for affection or whatever but then he’s practically laying across u ANY chance he gets jshdjsjskskdj I just want him to rest his head in my lap while I give him head pats😭
- DAMIEN WOULD BE ALL NUZZLY N SHIT HES ALSO A HOUSECAT BUT ONE OF THE SUBER CUDDLY AFFECTIONATE ONES (dark has to get it from somewhere right? Lmao) I feel if ur touching damien, the moment your hand leaves his body he unconsciously shifts closer chasing ur touch. Same w kisses I lub he
- Actor is, in fact, a pathetic wet puppy dog of a man and now I’m imagining him coming home from a day of filming and maybe he had to do a really emotionally draining/intense scene and just had a rough day in general so the second he sees you when he gets home he just kind of does sad puppy dog eyes and grabby hands at u and then u both take a bath and have some wine just tryna get him out of that headspace rUAHH I WANT TO TAKE CARR OF HIM!!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺
-illi 67% of the time is just,,,, the hORNiEsT MAN A L I VE and just always trying to fluster u or act super suave and hawt and shit but then you do something super endearing he just internally screams and can feel his soul leave his body for a sec🙃🫠🫡 (bonus points if he’s silently pining and just miserable bc ur just sO PRECIOUS HE PHYSICALLY CANNOT STAND IT!!!!!
- YANCY WOULD HAVE HIS HAND IN UR BACK POCKET EVERY CHANCE HE GOT!!!!!!!!!!! He’d just be so casually affectionate and touchy bless him you’d be just hangin out at lunch and y’all are listening to the conversation at the table and he just kinda wraps an arm around ur waist with a little kiss to ur jaw and it’s just !!!!!!!!! SO NICE!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like despite his anxious/insecure tendencies whenever he’s in a comfortable atmosphere he’s just casually very confident and self assured and I just😩😩😩😩
- DONT! GET! ME! STARTED! ON! ENGINEER! MARK! HES SO NEEDY AND BABY AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! Like yes he is a very capable hard worker who’s very passionate about his work but also he sees you doing your work as captain sometimes and his heart just kinda palpitates a bit sugrisudjdj no matter how much he’d deny it he PREENS under ur praise and will do almost anything just to make i smile and I just AAAAAAAAAAAAA the second u get him alone he’s putty in ur hands and just wants love and affection. Give it to him. Now. Do it.
248 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Drew a little something based off a pic from bestie @rat-that-writes 🥰🥰
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251 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Darkiplier x GN!Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of, just domestic fluff with a sprinkling of angst :)
Summary: Dark is feelin sappy and sentimental (with a sprinkling of heartache, for taste)
AN: I’m obsessed with the concept of freckles and moles being the places where past soulmates loved to kiss you the most, so I took that and ran with it -- I hope you enjoy!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It is a quiet Saturday evening.  You have been able to keep Dark away from any extra work successfully, using your sweet kisses and loving promises.  After spending the day in each other’s quiet company, away from the chaos of the other egos, you’ve found yourself laying across the couch with your legs across Dark’s lap.  His gentle caresses along your calf and knee never fail to spark a few butterflies in your stomach.  He had set up the record player to play a variety of moony love songs—as much as he tries to conceal his inner romantic, it makes you so giddy.
You have a book in hand, one that you’ve been trying to make time to read for ages, and Dark simply sits with closed eyes in quiet contemplation.  You can’t recall the last time you had seen him quite this relaxed. His features are soft, angelic even, and occasionally he quietly hums along to whatever song is playing, his deep bass rattling your bones ever so slightly.  It is in this meditative study of your lover that you notice a single freckle, right to the side of his chin.  You can’t help but recall a video you had seen in passing on the internet.
“Hey, Dark?” you ask, careful to keep your volume low.  There is honestly a good chance he has fallen asleep—he could be such an old man sometimes.
You hear a gentle Hm?  His eyes open slightly to look at you, bleary but full of affection.
“Did you know that, apparently, some people think that prominent moles and freckles are the spots where your soulmate in a past life kissed you the most?”
He smiles gently, “That’s fascinating, darling.  May I ask what prompted such an observation?”
You set your book to the side, readjusting so that you’re sitting next to Dark, halfway in his lap.
“I can see that your soulmate in a past life loved to kiss you right—” you place a gentle kiss, “—here.”
It takes everything in Dark to maintain his composure as he is overcome with visions of the past.  He remembers the way that you would kiss him—no, not him but Damien—in that exact spot every time he passed an exam with flying colors.  He remembers noticing the handful of freckles across his chest or the mole on his shoulder, but now realizes that those were never there on Damien’s body. They were, however, placed in almost the same exact spot you would litter kisses whenever Damien would let you be in control for the night.  An almost foreign heat rises to his cheeks, but then he sees you.  He notices the small spot under your jaw where he—Damien—would kiss you to tease and fluster you.  He sees the place on your forehead where Damien would always place a gentle kiss to calm and comfort you.  But Dark can see you now, your brow furrowed in concern.  He forces himself back to the present, placing a kiss on your forehead and pulling you into his arms.  
You’re caught a little off-guard, but you reciprocate immediately.  You’ve seen that look in his eyes before, mostly here and there when you first met.  It was a sort of deep sadness, as if he knew something you didn’t.  You’d always wanted to voice your concerns, console him if needed, but you had been so shy then.
“Is everything okay, Dark?” you ask, timidly, not wanting to upset him further.
He squeezes you tighter, taking a shaky breath.  “Everything’s fine, my heart.”
The pet name makes you blush.
“I suppose I’m just feeling sentimental tonight,” he continues, pulling away from you, but not too far.  He still holds you close but can’t seem to look you quite in the eyes.  “I am simply so grateful to have you in my life.”
You smile at him, gently turning his face to yours and kissing him tenderly. “I love you,” you murmur, pulling away to look at him.  He looks back, his dark eyes soft and adoring.
“I love you too, my sweet.”
You both settle back into each other’s arms, appreciating the music and each other’s presence. Resting your head on his shoulder, you close your eyes, allowing yourself to doze.  Dark breaks the silence one last time.
“Also, just for your information,” he whispers, “I’m sure that you are the reason I have that freckle on my chin.”
You smile and let out a small huff of amusement before replying, “Yeah, sounds about right.”
As Dark hears your breathing even out, it takes everything within him to not let his glassy eyes shed a tear.  His brain is swarmed with painful nostalgia and the misery of having to keep your entire past from you.  The secret bears heavily on what little soul he has left.  He won’t succumb to the misery, though.  You wouldn’t want that.  He instead chooses to focus on the fact that you are here now and that, in and of itself, is more than he could ever deserve or ask for.
273 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
how egos respond to u going “pspspspsps” at them
dark: i mean it gets his attention but he will be grumpy about it afterwards
damien: the boy is so clueless as soon as he hears it he is looking around all concerned then he sees u and just “darling!!🥰💕”
actor: is GREATLY offended that u would do this to him. absolutely heartbroken. he still responds to it tho
yancy: he does it BACK AT YOU like a CHALLENGE
illinois: IMMEDIATELY responds and walks over to u, what a good boy
wilford: will put out his gun, probably
I’m LOSING my MIND over this oml
Dark would give you a death glare but I think if you pet him affectionately he would begrudgingly accept his new role of house cat
DAMIEN!!!! Y/N and Celine would have a running bet to see how many times Y/N can get his attention that way without him noticing anything wrong. Let’s just say Celine owes Y/N a LOT of money
Actor would be such a pissy bitch baby about it but I think as long as you gave him some good love and affection he’d forget about it quickly lol
YANCY???????? The mental image of Yancy and Y/N aggressively spspspspss ing at each other has me ROLLINGGG
I think illi would lowkey like it just bc he’d feel special being the only one you pspspspsp at sjhfjejsj
yea Wilford’s a simple man. You spspspsp and he pulls out his gun idek skdjjdjs
660 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Inspired by @your-local-eddie-munson-slut ‘s Matt Murdock version—I couldn’t resist lmao
2,044 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
aaaa im so happy that people like my cyno art concept!!! my brain is doing a happy little tap dance!!! :')
to the anon who asked to use my art as a pfp : yes!! ofc!! just credit me by using @ghosti_blu as it is my twitter handle, otherwise go off!!
also i completely forgot about the wind chimes oh my LORDDDDDDD no wonder it felt off!! i added it vry quickly, but my next cyno concept piece will be a lot more refined then this lmao ;-; i also rendered his face a little more and cleaned up the edges ^^
also also, here's the very very rough sketch of the sorcerer!cyno design! i apologize for how messy but i hope you enjoy it <3
some more things about the rough design :
i originally wanted to give him more layers, but i kept it minimal as the belt + multiple layers underneath would look too busy
i wanted to use the handle of his signature polearm as a stick to hold his lantern, but i had so much trouble trying to find a way to add a strap that i just gave up LMAO
was unsure if i should keep the anubis eye necklace, but i kept it as it made the chest window feel less empty :)
i wanted to make his lantern feel more whimsical, but i just opted for a normal lantern to draw more focus on to his design
anyways uhh yeah that's it lmao ;-; sorry for the big word vomit, i like rambling about my thought process n stuff,,, thank you again for liking my art aaaaaaaaaaaaa :'00 that means the world to me <33
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just… wow. again, i have no words to describe how awed i am by this. you just… you’re amazing. wow.
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I just wanted to let you know that I always love seeing your url pop up on my dash. I know it’s going to mean great memes, or good art, or funky mushrooms. You brighten up my day, and I know plenty of other people feel the same way. Even though your brain is telling you differently right now, you matter, you make the world a lovelier place, and you are loved so much more than you know.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you anon….. I’m blessed that you’re blessed!!! Brain is already feeling better but w o u g h it’s rough out here sometimes
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icequeen-07 · 2 years
Haven't yet gotten around to listening to all of the songs of your Laura+Max playlist, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far! :) And I've got a couple of song suggestions you might wanna check out: Vance Joy - Mess is Mine; Eric Arjes - Find My Way Back; Roy Orbinson - I Drove All Night... Also, if you're interested in fun/cute/whimsical songs for them: The Moldy Peaches - Anyone Else But You; Barry Louis Polisar - All I Want is You; Ingrid Michaelson - You and I... Hope you'll like them!
aaaaaaaaaaaaa I was having a really rough shift today so this made me GRIN!!! I'm glad you're liking it :D
I drove all night had me making some SERIOUS eyes because YES??? It's like sweet and sexy?? It's so perfect?? NOW THE VERSION OF IT OOF. I love the Celion Dion version and the Roy Orbinson so I am having a time lmao. I literally went 'oh fuck yeah' out loud at that suggestion thank you!!
And I cannot wait to check out those other songs, thanks so much for the recs!!! ^^
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