#I don’t like bugs namely and like burrowing into things
coconut530 · 5 months
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hoooo boy this one was tough to get through
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wineauntie · 1 month
Could you write about Evie coming home from preschool or kindergarten and saying she has a boyfriend and Quinn goes protective
boyfriend..? — family is family au
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Five-year-old Evie bounced through the door of the apartment, beaming from ear to ear as you followed close behind, hiding your giggles. Quinn, who was taking a rest day, grinned at the joy the two of his girls were displaying.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he spoke up, as you moved to peck his lips before you stepped aside for Evie to jump into his arms. “Hi, Bug, how was school?”
“I have a boyfriend,” Evie stated rather seriously, lifting her finger to show Quinn the jelly ring placed on her ring finger. “And he’s marrying me.”
Quinn’s eyes bulged, his face falling in shock as he simply stared at Evie.
“You…marrying…a boyfriend?!” Quinn stammered, his brain lagging as his agape mouth widened in shock.
“Mhmm,” Evie hummed happily, “He porposed!”
“Proposed, sweetheart,” you gently reminded her, tipping her chin lovingly before moving around to empty Evie’s lunchbox.
Quinn had yet to blink since her announcement.
He’d never quite felt the fierce feeling that was burrowing its way through his veins. He felt the sudden urge to wrap Evie up in her favourite blanket and keep her watching her beloved Disney movies until she was thirty.
“Who’s the boy?” He eventually choked out, ducking his head to meet Evie’s babbling self.
“Joey,” She grinned, admiring her ring. “He said he liked my hair bows and wants to marry me because he loves me.”
“And you said yes?!” Quinn spluttered.
“Yup, he gave me jellies,” the little girl stated, her eyes twinkling. “I love him.”
Quinn's mind scrambled to process Evie's unexpected announcement. He felt a jumble of emotions – the most dominant being a surge of protectiveness.
"Hey, Bug," Quinn began gently, trying to reign in his shock. "I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy, but marriage…it’s a big deal, y’know?"
Evie paused, her eyes searching his face for understanding. "But Winnie, Joey loves me," she insisted, her eyebrows scrunching together.
Quinn's heart melted at her sincerity. He knew he couldn't crush her innocence, but he needed to offer some guidance.
"I know, Bug," he replied softly, trying to keep it simple. "Love is more than just jellies and bows. It's about respect and growing together. It’s about loving someone enough to share your chocolate buttons with them."
Evie gasped, a haze of understanding flooding her eyes, if there was one thing the little girl knew, it was that her love for buttons was infinite and sharing them in your household was a no-go.
"But they’re my chocolate buttons,” she whined, “I don’t want to share them with Joey.”
“There’s your answer then,” Quinn mussed her hair as his arms around her squeezed gently. “Now, would you tell me what Joey’s last name is? And matter of fact, what are his parents' names?”
“Quinn,” You eventually chimed in, having spent the past few minutes laughing at the scene ahead of you. “No intimidating Evie’s classmates and their parents.”
“I just want to talk to them…I just want to know who they are, what they’re like and why their son wants to marry our girl.”
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kachowden · 1 year
Yandere Ex & Reader? Hell yeah.
Tw: Harassment, physical assault (not towards reader), weirdo behavior, Chris is a dickhead, suggestive mentions.
His skin prickled aggressively. Teeth clenched together, grinding against their own enamel.
“Christophe? man? You seein anyone new recently?”
His eyes trailed listlessly to the right of him. Nick wasn’t anything special in his mind. Average teen with slightly above average looks in the eyes of the campus. A constant pain in his as, but- useful. Very useful.
“You know I’m not. And don’t call me Christophe.” His tone did little to hide his irritation, though Nick seemed oblivious to it. Or maybe he just didn’t care.
“Yeah yeah whatever man. Does that mean you’ve gotten over that Ex of yours?”
Christophe’s shoulders tensed violently.
“So they’re on the market then right?”
“Fuck yeah dude!”
Two other members of their group laughed crudely, their names so insignificant that Christophe hadn’t made the effort to remember them. They weren’t useful.
His brows furrowed deeply in agitation, and he was quick to shoot the two teens a burrowing glare. “You shut your fucken mouth.”
Nick laughed awkwardly, patting the fuming blonde on the back. “Now now Chris…they’re just messing with ya…”
One of the other members didn’t seem to agree, his own confrontational personality showing light as he crossed his arms moodily. “I don’t see why your panties are in a twist. Last time I checked you two broke up sophomore year. Don’t you think it’s about time you move on and let the rest of us have a taste?”
The moronic teen made a crude hand gesture towards his friend, who seemed to recognize the tension in the air, and made the wise decision to glance away from the act.
Smart move on his end.
The thud of a body against tile echoed the empty corridor, the perverse male choked and sputtered against the hand that crushed his throat.
“I’d watch my tongue if I were you. With all the shit you spew I’m surprised someone hasn’t cut it out yet and saved the rest of us the headache.”
Blue eyes stared at brown eyes, so dark they looked black, and made quick work to try and wiggle his way out of Christophe’s hold.
“F-fuck Off-!” A fist in his gut made him nearly hurl, his eyes straining and bugging painfully in his sockets from the blood rising to his face. His stomach heaved incessantly, and at this rate he found he might die from asphyxiation on his own bile. Not that he knew what asphyxiation was.
Christophe watched boredly.
“D-dude chill out-“ the other nameless tried to de-escalate the situation, but was quick to stop when he saw the look in Christophes eyes. “J…just say sorry man..” that was directed at the pinned idiot, his smart mouthed friend.
The blue faced male was sane enough to try and spew out an apology, it sounding disgustingly gurgled, though it was the best he could manage while on the verge of passing out. Christophe sneared, dropping the male to the floor.
The blue eyed teen landed to the floor with a heaving thud, his body contracting in its vicious attempts to breath again, his buddy sliding next to him and trying to keep him alive.
“Let’s go.”
Christophe’s indifferent tone was appealing at best, as he made his way down the corridor.Nick was quick to follow.
“You think they’ll snitch?”
A scoff.
“No. He’s stupid. Not suicidal.”
There you were. Mindlessly reading. Fitting, since you were in a library.
This had become routine for Chris.
He found it in himself to admit he could stare at you for hours. And he had before.
It wasn’t hard too. What drew him to you now was the same thing that drew him to you before.
You were so….you. It was weird in a painfully charming way.
You were such a normal person. You had your own quirks, like everyone did. But you didn’t stand out. You weren’t popular. You weren’t a social outcast either. You were just…kinda there.
It was enthralling at the best of times. Irritating at the worst. Perfect at most.
He could acknowledge that your normalcy was intoxicating. Especially in his day to day life.
Christophe would never acknowledge however, the way he still clung to the sight of you after all these years. That your departure from him had affected him as much as it did. That would be soul crushing. Because it meant you still had power over him, which he very much knew you did. But he’d never admit it. Even to himself. He’d die parading it as some morbid interest in your breaking point. In his desire to study you like a lab rat. Someone he’d poke at until he got the reaction he wanted.
And he always got what he wanted.
But even then. Even if he claimed that, his interest in you was not romantic. Was not what it once was years ago.
Your skin looked so empty now, and he physically ached with the desire to leave marks on it like he once did.
He knew deep down he was lying.
The staring quickly became unsatisfactory, and with little hesitation he made his way over to your table, his hand slamming beside yours as he hovered over you, a cruel grin stretched on his lips.
“Looks like the nerd decide to hang out in its natural habitat today.”
He fucken hated when you ignored him.
“Your friends finally ditch you Y/n? Surprised it took this long.” He didn’t mean that. If your friends had any sense they’d never leave you alone.
“Go away Christophe.”
He loved it when you said his name. Something primal always sprang forward, and you were none the wiser to being the only one who could call him that without getting a broken nose.
“Why? I just wanna hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world~” his expression was pulled into a pitiful frown, though he knew you could see through his bullshit. You always could.
He growled deep within his throat, hand darting forward and snatching the book from your own
The sudden grin on his collar didn’t register until it was choking him, and his eyes were met with the sight of your scalding glare. Your noses bumped together, and it took everything in Christophe to not look at your lips, otherwise he knew he’d try to kiss them. He had very little self control in moments like these.
“Fuck off Chris. Give me back my book.”
Fuck he wanted to listen to you so bad, his thighs were quick to clench together in anticipation, licking his suddenly chapped lips as he trembled in your hold. Though not from fear like you probably suspected. If you were even paying attention to details like that, which- god he prayed you were.
“Careful-! Wouldn’t want the faculty seeing you manhandle their favorite student” He tossed the book to you, and once you caught it you dropped him to the ground.
His eyes darted upwards, the visual of you above him, staring at him like the filth on your boot was burned into his retinas.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“You’re pathetic Christophe. When are you gonna get over me.”
Never. Never, he would stay hooked on you for the rest of his life and he’d known that even before you both broke up
He’s craved you for years. Ages. You’d never know the true extent of how pathetic he was.
“Like I’d still be interested in someone like you Y/n. The end of our relationship was like a blessing. I’d never felt so alive.” Liar. Liar liar liar. It was painful saying these things. Even if your expression was exciting, the way he got to see it almost wasn’t worth it. They burned his tongue.
Being away from you was like being wrapped in heavy cuffs and weights. He felt more suffocated then ever. He needed you.
“Whatever. Just leave me alone this week. I have enough bullshit to deal with right now.”
He had so many questions. He wanted to ask what was wrong. To hold you and tell you that you could talk to him. That whatever, or whoever was bothering you, he’d beat the shit out of them if you asked. He’d do it even if you didn’t too.
But he stayed quiet. And he watched as you left him their on the floor. You cared so little for him.
He savored the backwards glance you threw his way.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
Lightning Bug - Chapter 20
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Warning: nightmare, mention of past trauma, Vision gets a little upset, panic attack, fluff and angst
Note: I took some creative liberties in one section of this story. I did do some research but my thinking is if there is a soul realm why can't every infinity stone have one.
Word count: 4.5k
You were exhausted both mentally and physically. You loved spending time with Natasha and Wanda as they brought you to Bryant Park and the New York Public Library (you did get a library card). At the end of your adventure, you got two slices of cheese pizza. Now back at the tower, you wanted to lay in bed and fall asleep. You didn’t realize how exhausting it would be so social. As the metal doors opened to your floor, you were expecting it to be quiet and empty. You were mistaken. Instead, you saw Kate, America, Yelena, and Peter on the couch with a dog. You gasped, eyes glued to the one-eyed Golden Retriever. “Puppy,” you whispered. Kate laughed.
“Well don’t just stand there come say hi,” you walked over, extending your hand to the dog for it to smell you. “His name is Lucky.”
“Or Pizza Dog,” America added on. Lucky licked your hand and it was you needed to drop to your knees and bury your face in his fur. You loved dogs. When you were younger, your next-door neighbor had a yellow lab named Buddy. Sometimes, you went outside to go sit by the fence and pet him. He was never afraid of you.
“Wait,” you said suddenly. “His name is Pizza Dog?” The group laughed which launched them into the story of how Kate found the dog. Which Yelena explained as a ‘cool way to die’ getting hit by a car to save a dog. Kate left the dog in her apartment in a panic and gave him pizza to eat.
“I mean what New York City dog doesn’t love pizza,” Kate defended herself. She had a point. “But Eleanor’s ex-fiancé watches him for me,” you weren’t going to question that one. “I’m thinking about bringing him to the Bartons,” she scratched underneath his chin. “They love him and I think he’ll enjoy all the land.”
“But I’ll miss him,” America said, burrowing her face in his fur. “I’ll miss him so much.” You giggled as the elevator doors opened and Tony walked onto the floor. He was holding an envelope.
“Bishop,” he said slowly. “Why is there a dog in the tower?”
“Because he’s cute,” you smiled, scratching the sides of his head. Lucky’s tongue hung out of his mouth. “How can you be upset with this face?” You looked at the billionaire, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. Tony sighed, admitting defeat with a roll of his eyes.
“I think Stark is having trouble saying no to you,” Yelena smiled. You merely shrugged, going back to giving your attention to Lucky.
“Is that a mission, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked, pointing to the folder in Tony’s hand.
“Oh right. I got distracted by that,” he pointed to the golden retriever.
“Please Stark you thought about buying an alpaca,” Natasha said from the kitchen.
“This is for you,” he walked over to you and handed it. You took it, not sure what was in the envelope. “It’s not bad. Just your test results.”
“Test results?” Wanda questioned. You looked at Tony and then back to the envelope, trying to figure out what he was saying. Then it hit you like a freight train.
“Oh. OH!” You said, opening the envelope. You noticed that the seal was opened already ripped. He must have looked into it.
“Want to fill us in, bud?” Kate asked.
“You didn’t tell them,” you cringed, placing the envelope in your lap.
“I forgot,” you defended. And you did. With everything going on it was the last thing on your mind. You sighed. “I took the placement test,” it was like you spoke a different language that no one understood how quiet it was.
“Why-why didn’t you tell us?” America questioned. You began to pet Lucky. He knew something was bothering you as he cuddled up against you.
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it,” you explained. “I asked Tony to not tell anyone then everything went to shit,” you heard Natasha gasp out a ‘language’ which made you giggle. “Then I forgot about. I’m sorry.” You had every intention of telling them when you found out your scores.
“So,” you looked at the witch. “How did you do?” Looking at Tony, you motioned for him that it was okay to tell everyone. He smiled.
“Well, our girl tested out of reading comprehension and writing,”
“Shocker,” Yelena sarcastically said. You giggled, hiding the blush on your cheeks. It was weird being the center of attention.
“According to the test, those two skills are at a college level,” he continued. You liked the smile on his face, it was like he was proud of you. A warm feeling filled your belly at the thought of someone being proud of you. “As for science and math, you tested around a 6th-grade level which is amazing considering you’ve never set foot in an academic building.”
“See!” Peter said, pulling you into a side hug. “I told you were going to do great!” You laughed, thanking him for helping you study. It was a chorus of congratulations and hugs were given to you. Your cheeks were hurting for how much you were smiling. For once in your life, you felt proud of your accomplishment. The negative words of your father didn’t reach your head.
You called Shuri immediately, getting her phone number from Peter, and she congratulated you. Stating that she told you so and that you had nothing to worry out. When you were done with your phone call, you found your friends in the kitchen on the common floor. “What are you doing?” You asked, walking over to them.
“Thank God! Your back,” America groaned. “She kicked me out of the kitchen.” She pouted and pointed to Yelena.
“She wouldn’t even let me help,” Peter mumbled, picking up a card from the pile. He and America were sitting at the counter playing Uno while Yelena and Kate were in the kitchen. Water was boiling on the stove and Kate was chopping a carrot.
“That's because she almost chopped my finger off,” Yelena said. “And Peter Parker, you burnt yourself boiling water. I can not trust you in the kitchen.”
“But you trust her?!” America exclaimed. Yelena sighed.
“Against my better judgment,” you giggled at Kate’s expression but it quickly vanished when Yelena kissed her on the cheek. They were really cute together.
“What are we making and what can I do to help?” You asked, washing your hands.
“Dumplings, fried rice, chow mein, and wonton soup,” Yelena told you.
“Bucky, Steve, and Rhodey should be coming back tonight and Yelena volunteered our services to cook,” America made Peter draw 2 cards. Which caused your friend to pout but it soon faded to a smile when he placed another draw 2 down. America gasped. “Rude!”
“You made me draw 8,” he defended. “It’s not the end of the world.” You smiled at the interaction. Yelena sighed.
“If I give you the dough recipe for the dumplings can you make it?” The blonde asked you. You nodded and she handed you a tablet with the recipe. There was a time in your life when you hated cooking. It meant that you were left alone and no one was there to feed you so you had to feed yourself. You remembered living off of toast and peanut butter because it was easy for you. You moved to make scrambled eggs and pancakes. But know you loved cooking with your friends around you and their laughter filling the silence. It was comforting. It was a gentle reminder that you weren’t alone.
“Dinner smells amazing,” Rhodey said, helping you set up the table. He was the first one back. You were told he had to make a trip to DC to clear stuff over with a few politicians about the Avenger’s work with the Wakandans and the mission that sent Vision and a few SHIELD agents to South America. You were a little jealous of all places the Avengers traveled to.
“I helped,” America proclaimed and Rhodey frowned.
“Then it’s poisoned,” you chuckled, walking back into the kitchen as the Avengers filed in to take their seats around the table. You put on hand warmers to grab the last dish from the oven.
“Need help?” You jumped at Steve’s voice and spun around to see the American super-solider. His hair was damped, he must have just gotten out of the shower. “Glad to see you up and moving.”
“FRIDAY alerted you and Bucky that I was hurt,” Steve nodded. “Can I have a hug?” Instead of answering, he held open his arm inviting you into a hug. His arms circled you. He was warm, felt safe, and comforting. “Thank you,” you said. Steve let out a shaky breath.
“Scared the hell out of me kid,” you heard a chuckle, pulled away from Steve, and saw Bucky.
“Did I just hear Captain America say a bad word?” Steve rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. “Glad to see you are safe, doll,” you smiled, taking a step away from Steve. Starring at Bucky’s hands, you found yourself starting to panic. You’ve felt his hands on you before. They were cold, and strong, and caused bruises on your skin. You swallowed the growing fear and held out your hand. You weren’t ready for a hug from him yet. Bucky raised his flesh hand.
“The other one,” you stated. “I trust you, Bucky.” You tried to keep your voice steady. Did he hear the slight shake? Or was he just as nervous as you were to notice? He hesitated and connected his metal hand with yours. Still, it was a shock to your system. You knew it was coming but the hairs on the back of your neck stood up and all you felt was fear. You dropped his hand and forced a smile on your face as you busied yourself with getting the last dish ready. “Hope you boys are hungry,” you said, leading them back to the table. “We made a lot of food.” You set it down and took your spot between Yelena and America. The blonde gave you a questioning look but you gave her a reassuring smile. You were okay. You had another hurdle to climb over.       
Dinner was fun. You laughed at the stories Rhodey and the two super soldiers told about their missions. Tony told the rest of the team about your test results. It reminded you of your father and how he gushed and bragged about a test Caleb did well on. But the entire time Bucky kept watching you. You wondered what was going through his head. Was he trying to remember you? Or did he remember and was too ashamed to admit it? Once dinner was done and cleaned up, you said your goodnight to the team and went to bed.
Well, you tried to sleep. You lay awake staring at the ceiling. You were exhausted, right down to your bones but you were afraid to fall asleep. “FRIDAY, can you read to me?” You asked the AI, turning onto your side. You hoped the sound would fight away any nightmares.
“Of course, do you have a specific book in mind?”
“The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin,” was a book on your TBR that you’ve been meaning to read. You figured now would be a good night.
“Right away,” you closed your eyes. “Let’s start with the end of the world, why don’t we? Get it over with and move on to more interesting things…”
You woke up with a silent scream. You barely had enough time to stop the sound from coming out of your mouth. His hands. You could still feel them as he pinned you against the wall or held you down as waves and waves of electricity moved through your body. Scrambling out of your bed, you fell to the floor and put your back against the wall. Breath, you told yourself, breathe. The tingle in your palms began to spread. You didn’t register FRIDAY alerting you that she informed Wanda and Natasha or when the door opened. “Sweetheart, can you open your eyes for me?” You weren’t sure when you closed them.
“Can’t,” the pressure was becoming too much. “Need,” you couldn’t form the words you wanted to say. Everything was a mess in your head. You needed a way to release this pressure without hurting yourself, the couple, or causing a power surge in the tower.
“I’ll be right back,” you heard Wanda say and rush out of your room. Natasha stayed, talking through your panic. It was helping, the pressure began to lessen. Finally, you heard Wanda and she pushed something into your hands. “Focus your powers on that. Let go, molniyenosnyy zhuk (lightning bug). We are here,” And you did. You heard the familiar sound of your powers dancing around your fingertips and the warmth it caused. You opened your eyes when it stopped, the couple was blurry from your tears but you saw their smiles.
“There’s our girl,” Natasha whispered, whipping away your tears. You surged forward, arms wrapping around her waist as you buried your head in her lap. “Sh, your safe. Your safe.” Your body shook against her and Natasha ran her fingers through your hair.
“Was it a nightmare?” Wanda asked, rubbing soothing circles on your back. You nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?” That was the last thing you wanted to do so you shook your head.
“That’s fine. We can just sit here until you are ready,” Natasha said. You turned your head to face Wanda. She held a battery, similar to the ones attached to the machine Tony made for you. Where did she get it?
“Tony gave us a few extras just in case you need them,” she answered your question. “But I do think we need to do some training, maybe it will help you regulate your abilities.” You nodded, rubbing your eyes.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” you forced yourself off the Black Widow and climbed into bed. Natasha pulled the blanket over. “Do you want us to stay with you?”
“No, I’m okay,” you finally said. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank us,” Wanda said, kissing your forehead. “Come get us if you need anything. Goodnight,” the couple left and closed the door behind them. You traced the spot Wanda kissed. You never received a goodnight kiss from your mother. She was afraid to touch you once you revealed what you could do. You sighed, twisting the blanket in your hands. You wondered what you did to deserve this life you were living and if there were any way to repay them.
You tried to go back to sleep but your room began to feel too small and suffocating. You debated on waking up Natasha and Wanda but you already disturbed their sleep. You began to walk the tower. You enjoyed the peace the tower provided at night. You were alone to figure out your thoughts but close enough to someone if you needed it. “Miss. Y/n,” you smiled at Vision, who sitting by the windows and illuminated by a nearby light. He was playing chess. “What are you doing up?” You walked over to him and sat in the empty chair.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you said. “How was your mission?” You asked him as he cleared away the game he was playing to start a fresh one.
“It went well,” he gave you the first move. “We completed the mission with limited injuries,” you both didn’t speak, finding peace in the silence as you played. Until he broke it, “The team informed me you were hurt. Are you alright?” You sighed, tracing the groves of the pawn.
“I’ve probably been the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been,” you took your turn. “But sometimes I worry this is all temporary, that the rug will be pulled out from underneath or my demons will come back to haunt me,” Vision stayed quiet as you continued, “Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning, unable to keep my head above the water.”
“Do you wish for advise or do you just want someone to listen?” He asked. You smiled, laughing slightly.
“If you have advice I’d love to hear it,” he smiled. There was something about Vision that made you feel connected. Unlike a few others in the tower, Vision could exist in silence. He didn’t want to be the center of attention and he was content with sitting back and observing. There was a natural calming presence around him.
“You were born to a family that didn’t appreciate you,” you recognized the quote from Matilda, the reference made you smile. “You bare the emotional and physical scars of those who hurt you and it’s very unfair. But,” you looked at him. “You are very special, resilient too. So if the carpet you are standing on gets pulled out from underneath you, you have the strength to overcome it. However,” his smile grew. “You have a family that will catch you.”
“Was that a Matilda reference I heard?” He nodded. “I didn’t expect you to be a movie lover.”
“I like to indulge in a guilty pleasure every once in a while,” you giggled.
“Thank you Vision,” you covered your mouth as you yawned. “I guess that’s my cue to try to get some sleep.” You stood up but before you went back to your room you stared at the infinity stone. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course. You can ask me anything,” you suppressed a sigh. You were curious that was why you wanted to touch it. You wondered if it would feel like Wanda’s powers.
“Can I touch the infinity stone?” He hesitated. It was the first time you saw him so unsure of himself. You expected him to say no and you would accept that but he nodded.
“Just be careful,” he warned. You nodded. Your hand shook as you raised it and moved your finger to the yellow stone. Before you even touched it, a short surge of electricity left your finger and the world around you went dark.
Your eyes slowly opened staring into the vast nothingness above you. You sat up, hands skimming the water you were sitting in but your clothes remained dry. Where were you? Where was Vision? Where was anyone? On shaky legs, you stood up. “Hello,” you called out. But your voice echoing back was your only reply. You began to walk unsure of where to or how to get back home. “Hello!” You yelled.
“There is no need to raise your voice,” you spun around but saw no one behind you.
“Whose there?” You questioned. “Where are you?” The voice chuckled. The sound bounced around so you were unable to pinpoint where it was coming from.
“That is an interesting question when I’m here but nowhere. I’m near but very far,” you heard footsteps walking towards you. Out of the darkness you saw yourself. It was like looking in a mirror. It wore the same clothes you wore now, the scar, even the color of your eyes. “I’m me but also you.” It mimicked the sound of your voice.
“Where am I?” You asked. The figure didn’t answer, instead, it titled its head from side to side and you couldn’t help but mirror it. You snapped out of the fog. “Stop that.” It laughed.
“You're in the mind realm, you stupid, foolish girl. Your lucky you aren’t dead,” Well that was a relief. You were beginning to wonder if this was some strange version of the afterlife. “But,” it raised its hands. “I can’t be too upset. I’ve been dying to talk to you,” it began to circle you. You stayed cemented to the spot, trying to call upon your powers but they didn’t answer you.
“What do you want with me?” You asked. Your voice was surprisingly calm.
“There is a problem, an imbalance if you want to call it that,” it stopped walking and stood back in front of you. “And you are going to be the savior or our downfall, the choice is yours.” Your stomach dropped.
“Me?” You questioned. “Why-why me?” You weren’t a hero. You were just-well you weren’t sure what you were. But you were just a kid, just finding your footing in this big scary world.
“Because I chose you. It’s very simple please try to keep up,” it turned on its heels and walked into the darkness.
“Wait,” it didn’t. “Wait, hold on.” You ran after the figure, the water splashing at your every step. “Are you going to tell me what this problem is so I can fix it?” The figure shook its head.
“Nope, I can’t do that. Sorry,” something told you it wasn’t but it did stop walking. “Think of it like a game of chess,” With a wave of its hand chess boards appeared in the darkness. At every board, you were sitting on one side and your opponent was one of the Avengers. “All the pieces have been placed,” you began to walk around, watching the games play out. “But there are thousands of possibilities that could be the outcome. You could lose,” a few captured your king. “But you could also win.” The boards disappeared, leaving one. It was you against Natasha. The image before you began to flicker; changing from you hugging her to you standing above her with a gun.
“No,” you whispered. You looked away as the gun went off. “No! I won’t let that happen.”
“Only time will tell and as the judge, I can’t change the outcome of how I want the match to end,” it closed the gap between you two. Grasping your chin in its hands. Its skin was cold against yours. “I want to make myself clear. I want you to win. Your loss will make my life difficult. But you aren’t ready,” it dropped the hold on you and its appearance began to change. You watched the mind stone form in the center of its forehead. “I gave life to the Vision, powers to the Maximoff twins, and Loki wielded me to enslave others and take over New York,” it smiled and began to float in the air. “I wonder what I’ll give you.” Its fingers began to glow, lighting up the darkness around you. It was like you were watching a movie, moments of your life flashed around you. “I wish you the best of luck and I do apologize, you won’t remember our meeting. You have to understand, it’s for the best.”
“Wait,” it was too late. The figure touched your forehead and you were forced back. Like a string was attached to your waist and someone yanked you back. You began to chant in your mind to remember. Remember. Remember. You had to remember.
You stumbled backward and you felt Vision grab onto your hand to catch you. “Are you alright? Should I get-”
“I’m fine,” you told him. He wasn’t convinced but you were. Your stomach was a little upset and there was a small ache in your head but you’ve experienced far worst.
“What did you see?” He questioned. You titled your head, eyebrows pinched together. “Tell me what you saw.” The grip he had on you tightened.
“Ouch,” he released you. His eyes said his apologies. You rubbed the spot on your wrist. “I-I didn’t see anything,” you said. “Honest. I wouldn’t lie to you, I promise.”
“Right,” he sighed. “I do apologize for my behavior. Have a goodnight,” you forced a smile, a little concerned by what happened.
“Goodnight, Vision,” And you went back to your room, holding onto the wrist that was going to bruise come morning.
Vision watched the young girl walk over the staircase and return to her room. He rubbed the stone, that gave him life, and Wanda her powers. He valued the power and responsibility that came with protecting the stone. Without it, he wouldn’t have been able to warn the Avengers of Thanos. Something was coming. He could feel it but the stone was silent, not indicate what the threat was. All he knew was it involved his new friend and that worried him more.
Taglist: @aestruvx, @toouncreativeforausername, @modedddd, @julilamoment, @mythixmagic, @yourmamacom, @vicmc624, @cherlenovix, @liliesandrosies, @whitewidowsbite, @clintsbigtoe,   @blackbirdv98   @arualdcg  @yoyo-w​  @natbelovasblog, @johnnyhulu, @blackwidow-3, @theenglishswiftie, @faith-olsen
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exceptional-z · 20 days
zed necrodopolis x reader
this is an au where zombies were never allowed to go to human high school. so zed is aged up (though age is never mentioned so you can imagine whatever) but has never been on the other side of the barrier. i attempted not to use gendered language but i tend to write with fem!reader in mind.
also please ignore any inconsistent verb tenses. english is not my first language and verb tenses are literally the bane of my existence. + i wrote this in like an hour
your family didn’t have much money growing up, hence why you lived so close to the gate. real estate was cheap since no one wanted to live near the zombies. but it also meant you learnt how to save money in as many ways as you could.
seabrook was all about perfection. if a mattress was two years old, it was time to throw it out and buy a new one. if a bike had a single scratch, it was thrown into the dumpster. all of the old items deemed as ‘garbage’ were brought to a warehouse that was emptied around every two weeks. and this was your favourite place to be.
you sneak into the warehouse. it’s late at night and there’s never any security around. you’re immediately greeted with piles of furniture and clothing and trinkets that are too unique to fit into the seabrook aesthetic.
you start to rummage through with the plastic gloves you always wear just in case any bugs or mice decide that this is a perfect place to burrow. lost in thought, you don’t hear the creaky door open, but you do hear the sudden shout that erupted from behind you.
your heart nearly stops beating at the sudden noise and your head swivels around. the lighting isn’t great, and you can only make out the vague shape of the person blocking your only exit. he looks fairly lanky, and if you squint you could make out some of his features. he doesn’t look much older than you and he certainly doesn’t scream “imposing”. he’s taller than you, but maybe if you caught him off guard you could knock him out with one of the many heavy objects splayed around you.
“i was told no one ever came in here,” the boy says. fuck, his voice is attractive.
“they don’t. in the three years i’ve been doing this i’ve never run into anyone else.” you answer, obviously suspicious.
“i’m uh- i’m just looking for a gift for my little sister,” he explains, “it’s her birthday soon and she said she wanted a new bike but we can’t really afford it.”
you relax a little at his explanation, sharing that you’d gotten into the habit of coming here to rummage for things since your family also doesn’t have much money. “i could help you look if you’d like? and even if we can’t find a bike, there’s a ton of cool stuff you can find if you’re willing to dig.” you offer.
you can’t be sure, but you think he smiles as he answers. “i’ll take any help i can get. my friend eliza told me to try coming here to look, but honestly, i’m a bit overwhelmed.”
you talk and laugh together for what must be at least two hours. you don’t end up finding a bike, but you find an old cheerleader outfit that looks to be in perfect condition. you can’t imagine why anyone would throw it out unless it just didn’t fit anymore. the boy -who still doesn’t have a name- literally jumped up in joy when he saw you holding the skirt from the set, doing a little celebratory dance that should have been embarrassing but was somehow endearing. (that’s how you figured out his little sister was obsessed with cheer).
eventually you have to part ways; it’s getting into the early hours of the morning and you both need to be getting home. he’s halfway down the street when you realise you never shared names and you yell out, “wait!”
he stops and turns around, and you jog to catch up to him.
“what’s your name, stranger?” you ask, “just in case we run into each other again.”
he tells you his name is zed, and you tell him your name in return. for a few seconds the both of you just stand in the street, memorising each other’s faces until you look away, shaking off the thoughts of how attractive he is under the starlight.
(bonus: when zed gets home, all he can think about is you. he wonders if eliza would recognise your name, or if he would possibly run into you if he chose to go to school for once instead of always skipping. he wonders where you live in zombietown, since he doesn’t recognise you and is sure he would remember seeing someone as gorgeous are you. he spends the next few days wondering, and then is in for the shock of his life when he sees you through the fence that blocks off zombietown from seabrook and learns that you’re human.)
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mama-qwerty · 2 months
Gone to Ground
Couldn't help myself.
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“Don’t you give me that look!”
The furrow in Knuckles’ brow deepened and he uttered a soft growl as he peeked at Callie from his hole in the dirt. He blew out a little puff of air from his nose, sending a small cloud of dust floating away from his snout.
“And don’t you growl at me, either. Get your butt outta that dirt and talk to me like a man.”
He disappeared underground again, a small mound appearing in a line as he dug to a different area. Old Looney Tunes shorts came to mind, of Bugs Bunny burrowing through the soil and leaving a trail of displaced earth behind him.
Callie uttered a frustrated grunt. She hated when he did this. Whenever he was mad at her, he went to ground. She normally didn’t mind when he dug—he was an echidna, after all, and that’s what they do. Well, Earth echidnas, anyway. Knuckles seemed to sport many instincts and behaviors of the Earth creatures that bear his species name, but she was always surprised when a new one popped up.
But this time it wasn’t for enrichment or entertainment. He was doing it to piss her off.
And it was working.
“Damnit, echidna,” she muttered, fast-walking to the hole he’d just disappeared down. She went to her knees, and peered down into the crater. “Knuckles MacPherson! You get out of there, right now!”
“NO!” The refusal was muffled, the dirt absorbing his deep baritone. “You come in here and face me!”
An angry grunt. “You think I won’t?! I’ll go get the shovel right now and dig you up like a rotten potato! How would you like that?”
“Do it!”
Another grunt, and Callie pushed herself to her feet, stomping heavily around the yard. She had no idea where he was, and truly no intention of actually digging for him and he knew it. And the fact that he knew it pissed her off worse.
“Look, I’m sorry I threw away your little stick dolls!” she called out, crossing her arms as her brow furrowed. “I didn’t know they were important to you.”
The ground trembled to her right and a red-quilled head poked up again.
“They were not dolls!” he growled, his lip curled in a snarl. “They were totems of protection! To keep you safe when I’m not here!”
She turned, throwing her arms wide. “I didn’t know that! I never would have touched them if I knew they were an important part of your culture! You need to tell me these things, kid!”
He blinked, the snarl fading into a look of confusion.
“My culture? Echidna do not need protection totems. We are mighty warriors, such things are unnecessary.”
Callie blinked back, reflecting his confused expression. “Then why were you making them?”
“Because he said you would like them.”
“He?” Her face cleared as realization hit. “Sonic.”
Knuckles nodded. “He said they were a sacred Earth custom. Especially if you use very old sticks, and make them look as unpleasant as possible. Then you place them in locations that allow them to watch over the one to be protected. Usually in shadowy corners, inside closets, or on the back of shelves.”
She let out a long sigh, massaging her forehead with a hand. Of course Sonic told him that.
“Knux, hon . . .”
She sighed again, and curled a finger in a ‘come here’ motion. The boy cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowing as if expecting a trick, but climbed out of his hole and came forward anyway, shaking off the bits of dirt that had stuck to his fur and quills.
“Did I misunderstand?”
“No, sweetie,” Callie said, sitting on the deck steps and patting the spot next to her. Knuckles sat, giving her a slight look of confusion. “It’s so sweet of you to want to make sure I’m protected. I’m really touched.”
He nodded slightly, the furrow in his brow deepening. “But?”
She pulled her lips tight. “But, what Sonic told you wasn’t true. While I’m sure some cultures do indeed have some sort of protection totem, it’s not exactly a custom known all over the planet. And it’s certainly not one I follow.”
The furrow deepened further. “He lied.”
“He lied,” she said with a nod.
“I will destroy him,” he said with a growl, fists clenched. “I will feed him his own quills. I will break his legs, then his arms, then punch him in the face so hard he’ll—”
“Hold on,” Callie said, placing a hand on the boy’s arm. “I’m sure he was just having some fun. No need to go all sparky throw down.”
“But he—”
“He played a trick on you. Not exactly a ‘beat him to a pulp’ offense. Besides, that would have Maddie here ripping me a new one, and I do not want to be on her bad side.”
He seemed to think about this before giving a small nod. “Fair. So I should simply be the bigger person and let it go?”
A little smile tugged at Callie’s lips. “I didn’t say that. He wants to play, we can play. Maybe he’s the one who needs some protection totems. As ugly and disturbing and creepy as we can make them.”
Knuckles blinked at her for a moment, before a little smile curled his lips. “Agreed.”
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kechiwrites · 2 years
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| kinktober week two | ♱ final girl ♱ | slasher!steve rogers x reader |
synopsis: “for steve, you are a very special victim.”
wc: 1k
cw: dark content, fem reader, noncon, creampies, unprotected sex, biting, bruising, violence, minor character death, stalking, pet names (pretty girl, sweetheart), dacryphilia. I am not responsible for your consumption babes. NO MINORS.
author’s note: first dark fic i’ve ever shared, and for my day one fixation, captain america. there’s something wrong with him. i just know it.
♱ find the rest of my kinktober masterlist here ♱
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Your head is spinning, the light from your neighbour’s halloween decorations cast your room in sickly orange and yellow light. Everything about it is making you ill, and you screw your eyes closed to keep your stomach from expelling its contents everywhere.
“Open your eyes, pretty girl. Please.” You can feel him shift over you, and when he pats your face, you open your eyes, glassy with tears, to stare at him. There’s sticky, drying blood covering the lower half of his face, and the dirty penny smell of it threatens to make you sick all over again. He smiles at you, perfect white teeth and pink lips, blonde hair and blue, blue eyes. 
“Go on, you can cry.” 
How magnanimous.
You’re covered in bite marks, some are shallow, some lightly bleed out of tender and broken skin. Where you aren’t bitten, there are hickeys, pockmarking his journey exploring your body, staking his claim on your throat and chest and hips and thighs. The bruises aren’t so bad, in the grand scheme of things, you can almost forget they exist when he isn’t pushing his thumb into them to watch you squirm.
Hell, they’re practically bug bites compared to the state of your boyfriend’s dead body downstairs.
He looms above you and he is so goddamn big, blocking out the hazy stream of your bedroom lights while he fucks you desperately. Hands roaming mindlessly, without purpose but with so much pleasure over the rise and curve of your stomach, your tits, your face.
You choke out, "Please don't hurt me." and his hips stutter, balls slapping against your ass and staying there, like he's trying not to come. You bear down on him, and a fresh wave of tears spills over your cheeks as you’re pushed over the edge, mind swimming in pain and sorrow and hot, hot heat. 
“Steve, please. I don’t want to d-”
"Shut up. Shut up. Please, shut the fuck up.” He groans, closing his hand around your tit and squeezing hard. He’s getting off on it, you realize. You want to live through this so badly, and that turns him on. “Can't -, I don't want to" he trails off when he starts pounding you again, the squelching, wet sounds of you taking him, letting him burrow deep within you filling the cramped, cluttered room, bouncing off your childhood toys and boy band posters. Your pink princess sheets are soaked with slick and sweat and two of his loads soaking your back that'd been displaced by the brutal thickness of his cock carving into you.
You grip at his arms as they hold you down, your nails digging into his skin, and he stops again, anchoring up and off you to peer at your face. 
"Be good, like I know you can be and it'll all be over soon. I promise."
You choke on your own sob, and bite down on your tongue to stop yourself from lashing out. He’s clearly sick in the head, and when this is all over, when he lets you go like he promised he would, you swear to god in heaven and the devil below that you’d wipe this all from your mind. You’d burn the sheets and maybe even your bed too. And a little voice in your head whispers over the sound of him messily, greedily fucking you open, that you’d need evidence, some way of proving that it was local hero, universally adored firefighter, Steven Grant Rogers that’d been killing people for the past year and a half. Steven Grant Rogers who had been stalking you for weeks in an unfamiliar brown sedan before he’d made his move. Steven Grant Rogers who’d taken his sweet time cutting your boyfriend to ribbons before he’d chased you up the stairs, two steps at a time and locked the bedroom door behind him, as if he was worried someone would interrupt. 
You didn’t need evidence. Because no one would believe you. If you even got the chance to tell them. 
Your body shudders, fear and pleasure tangling together and burrowing deep in the pit of your stomach, snagging on your insides like hooked burrs, only tearing free when he rips another orgasm from your overstimulated, woefully overworked body. 
“Good, so good sweetheart. There you are.” You can tell he loves it, the involuntary show of ecstasy, the way you’re too far gone to resist anymore, the way your legs wrap around his middle and push you ever closer without your permission.
But your permission doesn’t matter much, apparently.
His hands sink into your flesh so deeply you cry out, but what’s more bruises on top of the ones he’s already given you? What’s one more round of his seed fucked into you, soaking the walls of your cunt? What’s one more scream into the apathetic, inky black night?
Steve’s teeth dig into the flesh of your chest, then he laves the stinging spots with his tongue. A particularly rough thrust pushes you up the bed, and without missing a beat he follows your aching body, forcing your pussy to part around him, to welcome yet another rush of his cum within you. He tugs at your nipples with roughened fingers, calloused by the fireman’s axe he used to obliterate your front door. His lips cover your pulse, sucking hard at the skin, like he was trying to taste your heartbeat, erratic and sugar sweet. Your clit thrums, untouched and begging for attention, but Steve pulls out, rubbing the slick skin of his cock over the insides of your thighs. 
“You know, I was so sure I was going to have to slit your throat after this. And I didn’t want to, not when I knew you’d be tight, so sweet.” His voice is broken glass and black velvet, it cuts and soothes, wrings everything out of you before it forces you to swallow it all down, only restart the process all over again. 
“But now,” He sighs dreamily, whispering like he’s sharing a inside joke between two friends, “I have to keep you.”
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when my husband proofread this he said i was sick. :)
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blank-house · 6 months
i have returned 🧍‍♀️
ok so
1. do any of the characters have any phobias?
2. will we get to play games with percy?
3. this one's probably a spoiler but, what are their ideal date locations? if not that, then their dream vacation?
4. miiight sound a bit creepy but how do they sleep at night? sleeping positions, if they need white noise, sleep with a plushie, or any other quirks? im lowkey betting cam sleeps with a frog plushie
*waves* welcome back!
Yup. One, and it's Deja. She can't deal with bugs and creepy crawlies. It's why she's so particular about cleaning, she'd pass out on the spot if she sees a roach. Everyone else has got things they don't like but nothing as extreme as a phobia. (Though he does have… I mean it’s sort of a fear… though like there’s no scientific name for it… but it kinda counts? Oh well :p)
Yes! You do in the extended demo, twice. One's in a group setting, and the other's not really a video game, but it is a game! ^^
Hmm, I don't think they're particular about where to go for a date location. Maybe this is a cop out but so long as they're with their significant other, then it's already pretty ideal to them. But pfft lemme actually give you guys something-- let's see... Cameron would be thrilled to go on a museum date. They'd poke fun of some of the pieces while appreciating them. Deja would prefer to stay indoors so actually just curling up on the couch with a co-op is good enough for her. Percy's the same but he wouldn't say no to a movie where he can pull all of the cheesy moves, like reaching for the popcorn bucket at the same time or swinging his arm around his date mid yawn. Elio is raring to go for anything and everything, so long as it's an experience. Jamie would like a casual walk instead, just taking in the sights and checking out a new store. Reynah wouldn't mind where but she would like to plan out the date. For her, half the fun is researching haha
The cast’s sleeping habits has been brought to you by members of the writing team at, once again ass o’clock. Let’s do this:
Jamie sleeps like the dead. However, if someone is around he’ll kind of drape himself over them, like a backpack! Percy can attest to this when they take their naps. Jamie is also a blanket hog— he likes to pull them up to his nose so you only see the top of his head.
Lucky for Jamie, Percy can’t sleep with blankets! He also has a bad habit of burrowing his head into his pillows so he wakes up with bed hair every time. Also Percy has a night time playlist. He doesn’t listen to it often but he’s got it if someone ever needs it.
Reynah sleeps on her back and with eye covers. Though she doesn’t need it, she’s been turning her fan on or her music app before bed because she finds the white noise comforting.
Deja’s a side sleeper. She also snores a little. It wasn’t something she thought she did until a friend told her during a high school sleepover. But other than, no other quirks!
Cameron can sleep sitting up— it’s from all the times they fell asleep in their car waiting for a class to start— but when in bed they tend to starfish and kick the covers. MC and Deja also found out that they talk a little in their sleep. Sometimes it’s incoherent mumbles, other times it’s a full blown conversation (they have recordings heh). And you’re right! They have a plushie collection but they don’t need to sleep with one, especially since they all remain in their room at home :3
Elio sleeps on his stomach and would bunch the blankets up or drag a pillow to hug in his sleep. He also… he doesn’t know why this happens, but at some point in the night he’ll just strip down to his boxers?? It’s been a pretty consistent event. Even if he were to sleep shirtless, he’ll wake up without his sweats— so yeah, boxers it is.
Haha the last question was a cute ask
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konjkitkatty · 1 month
I have an idea for what the Boros mini bosses could be but I got to know, is their realm based off a desert? I’m guessing it is-
The Barren Sands is- as the name implies- sandy and barren. It resembles the inside of an hourglass with sand pouring from above and creating dune traps as well as a blistering heat forever present in every inch of the land. The only decorations are of the Old Faith’s- dusty tablatures, pillars, statues and ruins of temples of gods long passed and gods yet to bloom from their infancy. Clocks seem to tick endlessly.
It’s always daytime despite what the clock may read, so those foolish enough to travel through must do so quickly as to not boil and become the next source of refreshment for a particularly thirsty burrower. There is no plantlife, no trees, no life, only sand- which those who’ve made Barren Sands their home must adapt to if they wish to survive. The land is essentially enclosed in a glass container, which both serves to preserve it as Father Time’s own personal time capsule as well as amplify the heat to his liking. It wasn’t always like this, but this is the land’s new normal.
Due to the extreme heat and seemingly never-ending days, only few can actually survive in this realm- those who dont have their blood drained from them so the stronger can live another day without dehydrating. Followers usually range from camels, snakes, and bugs that can make homes buried underground. Fish, plants, amphibians, and even most reptiles don’t survive very long. There have been rumors of sacrificial beasts wandering around as the land was encapsulated before lamb slaughters began- but don’t be silly, not even Father Time- he who obsesses to live in the past- would think to keep a prophetic lamb in his company.
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f1shbonez · 1 year
🔪 You can dish it out but you can’t take it 🔪
The silence was getting to her.
The weird prisoner/house guest situation was just as confusing as it was frustrating. It didn’t take Jinx long to notice how half of the Firelight camp’s inhabitants scurried back into their burrows every time she was allowed out of her room. They were scared of her and even though Ekko didn’t like to show it, Jinx knew there was a part of him that was scared too. He wouldn’t be doing things this way if he wasn’t.
Where was Ekko, anyway?
He was supposed to be showing up any minute. It wasn’t like him to be late.
“Where is he?”
Jinx hissed, scouring the clearing at the foot of the tree from her window with a scowl. She was playing by his rules- doing the stupid chores and following stupid instructions. That was what he’d wanted, right? They were gonna hang out, do some stupid chores, then when Ekko saw that nothing was gonna blow up, they’d be able to have fun!
Sure, the chores were boring, but they offered valuable opportunities to widen her mental map of the camp. It offered the chance to meet people. See who liked who. See who was scared of a stranger and who was curious. Besides, nobody seemed particularly brave when it came to talking shit when Ekko was around. 
‘You really think spending a morning elbow deep in dishwater with you is what he wants?’
“Nobody asked you!” Jinx growled towards the snide voice at her back, tapping her fingers rapidly against the windowsill before reeling around to pace.
Caustic laughter sounded behind her and Jinx stopped, her eyes snapping shut to blot the disruption out.
No. Stop it! You’re not gonna ruin this for us.
Being able to leave the room and do even the smallest stupid things was a break from the maddening monotony of being a prisoner. No. It was going to be fine. Ekko was gonna come over and for a short window in the day, everything would be interesting again.
Jinx took a sharp, steeling breath, heading back to the window to check again. Aha! There he was! A rush of relief steadied the growing uncertainty and restlessness in her gut. By the time she heard Ekko at the door, an eager smile had replaced the growing agitation that had been there moments prior.
She was in a good mood today.
“Ekko!” Jinx was already halfway out of the door when Ekko opened it. If he was so busy playing boss, it only made sense that they got the boring task outta the way quickly so that they’d have more time for the interesting stuff!
Ekko didn’t look great. Kinda…clammy? Jinx scrutinised his face for a moment before clapping him on the shoulder.
“I don’t blame ya for not being excited, but you should really try to set a good example.” She chirped, leaning in with a conspiratorial air as they walked. His guard seemed to be up today. Why was that? Had somebody said something to him? Had there been a secret Firelight squabble behind the scenes? Maybe. But there was something else to the way he was carrying himself. Was he sick? He didn’t _sound_ sick. Upset?
“Y’know Piltover use these machines to do their dishes. Saw ‘em in a kitchen once. Kinda clever, but I get why you’d wanna keep things interesting. Remember when Mylo did dishes for Vander that one time and sliced his hand open?” She cackled, eyes lighting up at the memory.
  “There was so much blood!”
People were watching as they made their way through the camp. Jinx could feel their eyes on her, watching the way a flock of sheep eyed a wolf. There was something satisfying about walking past with Ekko. She wanted to stick her tongue out at them all- take that!
They arrived at their station to see everyone else assembled and making a start. Scar was there (because of course he was), along with another handful of people Jinx didn’t remember the names of. She narrowed her eyes towards Scar in an aloof acknowledgement, as though he were a bug she’d resolved to tolerate so long as it didn’t land on her. Great! Now that they were all assembled, they could start. Jinx glanced back to Ekko. Whatcha want me to do, then?
It became abundantly clear very quickly that Ekko had no intentions of sticking around. It also didn’t take much to notice that this came as no surprise to anyone else there. It was almost like they’d expected it. Were they all in on something? They’d been talking about her behind her back. This was proof. Confusion and a sudden surge of uncertainty flashed through Jinx’s eyes as she looked back to Ekko. He’d tricked her. This wasn’t the deal! They were supposed to do this together. So much for that.
As Ekko got further and further away from the group, the ugly feeling in Jinx’s chest got worse. In disbelief, she felt herself stare after him as though half expecting him to turn around at any moment and inform her that she’d passed some kind of stupid secret test. He didn’t turn around. No. Today was supposed to be going well.
She was in a good mood today, damnit!
Abruptly, Jinx’s gaze locked onto Scar.
“Guess that makes you king of the hill now, huh?”
((Starter for @m1sfit-t0y ))
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duckplosion · 11 months
Rabbit Miraculous Rewrite
This my first time doing this, but, I wanna cover Miraculous! More precisely, the Rabbit Miraculous. A couple of friends and I agree that it absolutely sucks, and so I took to rewriting it.
So, without further ado, let me share my thoughts:
First a little recap on what the rabbit miraculous is in canon. The rabbit stands for Evolution, and allows the user to travel through time via Burrow, which acts as a portal to a pocket dimension from which one can observe all timelines and open portals to any point in them. Aditionally, the transformation seems to possess a Wonderland aesthetic.
Now, the aesthetic and the concept I will buy, but the power needs to be fixed. The thing that bugged us was the fact that even though it is meant to be a last resource,the Rabbit is actually pretty used, and makes you wonder just why they don’t use it to get away with a lot of things.
It is specially infuriating  because it is suposed to be one of the minor miraculi. It’s a Zodiac Miraculous, it’s even lower than the Fox. I do not get how the Fox can be higher in the Miracle Box than the Miraculous with unrestrained time travel.
In my opinion, the role of absolute last resource should be granted to the reality altering Wish we already have, there is no need for an additional Miraculous that can bring about massive changes in timelines.
Not to mention, it renders the Horse and the Snake pretty useless, since it does what they do better, since the Rabbit can open portals through space too, like we saw Bunnix do during the battle with Time Tagger and during Chat Blanc.
So, in order to effectively fix the power of the Rabbit, just cut the portal part and just focus on time.
Now, the snake miraculous is inspired by the ouroboros, which symbolizes among other things cycles, aka, it has rewind powers. So to keep both Miraculi unique, the Rabbit must have powers related to forwarding. It even fits its concept, Evolution, going forward.
Therefore I would give the Rabbit the power to move forward in time. A useful secondary power would be increased speed, but its main power would be the ability of jumping forwards in time a total of five minutes. With this power, they could throw their enemies by surprise through dissapearing and then reappearing a couple of seconds of minutes afterward, thoigh they’d risk an ambush since they wouldn’t move in space.(This offers the chance for a tie to the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, they move through time and not space, so they risk being late) Aditionally, this way they could avoid attacks by simply jumping forward in time. And, it would also allow the user to escape a cycle set up by the Snake Miraculous, since each time the wielder used Second Chance, they’d have to prevent the user of the Rabbit from hopping after the cycle has ended. However, should the Rabbit use their powers first, the Snake could ambush them as many times as needed with Second Chance. This way, we balance these two Miraculous as well.
I don’t have many ideas regarding names for the power, the best I could come up with would be “Teatime!”
But that would be it! I am not used to writing posts, so I hope this isn’t too bad. But I hope you liked this, and if you’d like me to, I do have more ideas for things I’d rewrite about Miraculous.(Spoiler alert: There are many things, so many things I am gonna rewrite.)
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Very specific memories of Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies and other cartoons I watched when I was about 5:
The duck season-rabbit season-Elmer season bit - ‘We’re hunting Elmers!’
Daffy Duck stuck in the desert and crumbles into a pile of dust - ‘Anyone for instant duck? Just add water’
‘Shoulda taken the left turn at Albuquerque’
Bugs digging his tunnel and emerging in a bullring and doing some bullfighting
Bugs emerging in Napoleon’s?? palace? (I don’t remember, it was a long time ago) - ‘They take the low road and I’ll take the high road [or vice-versa] and I’ll be in Scotland[??] before them’ and Bugs singing the same thing later
‘You wouldn’t hit a bat with glasses on, would you?’ - Didn’t he also turn into a baseball bat with batwings?
The trick-or-treating in what must have been It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown - Charlie Brown having trouble with cutting the eye holes in his sheet and it being full of holes - Everyone recognising Pigpen with his cloud of dirt and he goes ‘how did everybody know it was me?’ - Getting back to the house after trick-or-treating and changing into their costume masks
Charlie Brown running a race, getting in the lead and then not noticing the track turns so he just keeps running in a a straight line off the track, eyes closed thinking he’s way in the lead
Sitting on the side of a baseball game and Lucy’s told told Charlie Brown not to talk or make or sound or she’ll never speak to him again (don’t remember why). He finally gulps and Lucy yells that shell never speak to him again ‘but I will yell at you a lot!’
Charlie Brown realising he’s not going to see the little red-headed girl again until September
Daffy as a private eye telling a femme fatale she’s guilty and that it’s written all over her face and the word ‘guilty’ appears al over her face before she covers it up with a powder puff
The channel I watched all this on (Boomerang. I guess we briefly had Sky around about 2001-2002? idk I was 5) doing a tribute to Chuck Jones in between programs with a portrait of him being ‘drawn’ with ‘we’ll miss you’
Noticing Chuck Jones’ name in the credits a lot and that sometimes he was credited as Charles Jones or Charles M. Jones
Bugs doing a take off of Liberace? where he’s playing the piano and gives Elmer a candelabra to take ‘to George’ which Elmer then carries very carefully but iirc the candles are actually dynamite
A cartoon where someone -I think it was Yosemite Sam- yells into a canyon and the echo is a telephone operator asking who he’s calling
Noticing that sometimes it was Looney Tunes and sometimes Merrie Melodies but not really knowing the difference or why there was a difference
That short with that giant furry creature that Bugs gives a manicure to at one point to distract him
Daffy Duck arguing with the animator. I think the screen gets split in half horizontally. And something involving barrels? (that might have been another short, idk)
A farmer/backwoods-type character and his father trying to shoot Bugs in his burrow, Bugs rigs a contraption so that the barrel points out the other end of the burrow where the old guy is, so that when he yells ‘fire!’ he gets shot, Bugs strolls off singing ‘I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover’ and every time he sings ‘before’ the guy shoots - Another time he sang about a three-leaf clover that he overlooked be-three
Bugs? Daffy? Bugs and Daffy? Someone else? in hospital and being assigned liquid diet while the patient in the next bed gets a big meal, so he switches the charts but winds up getting sick after the next meal and has to have bunch of holes poked in his stomach
I’m not sure, but I think I saw Rabbit of Seville?
A baseball-themed Bug Bunny short which might be the same one that starts with Bugs and his nephew looking at photos and nephew asks like ‘you was a baseball pitcher too, Uncle Bugs?’ and I’m pretty sure back then I misheard ‘pitcher’ as ‘picture’ bc I didn’t know what a baseball pitcher was
Other more vague/general memories:
Yosemite Sam and for years not knowing how ‘Yosemite’ was actually pronounced
Woody Woodpecker’s laugh
Lots of Tom and Jerry
Duck Dodgers in the 24th-and-a-half century!! (might have been that specific cartoon, I’m not sure)
The 90s Taz-Mania cartoon (mostly the theme song and Taz’s whirlwind thing)
Never getting to watch Thunderbirds bc it was on past my (early. bc I was 5) bedtime
A lot of Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote
The Flintstones
Top Cat
Linus and his blanket, Schroeder and his piano
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lordofhunger47 · 2 years
Stan Who?
“Should one of us pretend to be a ghost?”
“OR! One of us can pretend to be a zombie and THEN! together we do that famous dance from the 90s with some outdated disco cloth_”
“What!? At least I don’t wear a coat like I’m going to someone’s funeral!”
Ford rolled his eyes at his twin brother’s antics as they walked toward their other brother’s house, Shermie pines. Truly even in something as serious as telling their brother that not only his deceased sibling is alive, but also he pretended to be the other, his twin finds a way to make him forget about the incoming storm momentary.
After the Weirdmaggedon, the older Pines Twin decided to go on a trip with their boat together sailing around the world as they dreamt of when they were kids;however, they met with… complications concerning their identities during their travels.
First of all Dipper and Mabel’s parents for all they knew have sent their kids to Stanford not Stanley, secondly Shermie for all he knew the real Stanley died in a car crash and not least of all, people kept mistaking one to the other.
Ford found out about it to his irritation when he once tried to travel to a state before learning that his brother, even when he had… ‘burrowed’ his name, has managed to make himself banned to numerous states, since then he never let his brother live that out.
A Few months ago, On a deck near Portland…
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT YOURSELF BANNED WITH MY NAME BY TRAFFICKING PUGS!? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?” Ford shouted in outrage over the phone as Stan cringed and nearly got deaf by the sheer volume.
Or like that time when Ford got kidnapped by gangsters for believing that he was Stan, while Stan got kidnapped by some extra dimensional aliens thinking that he was Ford.
A month after the pug fiasco…
Somewhere in Columbia…
“Again I’m telling you, you have mistaken me for my twin!” Ford said in exasperation as he was rope to a chair in a deteriorated room in front of a dirty weared Columbian man with a shaggy beard, who he later finds out that is secretly a fan of Ducktective.
“You think you are being funny american? I watched a show with the same plot twist, if you are trying to con your way out, at least be original!”
“Gaaaaah!” this time, Ford groaned in exasperation
Somewhere else…
“You will tell us where your Quantum Destabilizer is!” BANG sound on a table Said a tall humanoid green bug with red eyes in front of Stan who is in handcuffs in what looks like some sci fi-scifi place with all the weird and alien tech geeks dreams about.
“Look gu-bug or whatever, you have mistaken me for someone else, I’m just a honest business man, I’m innocent!”
“You are anything BUT innocent!” The bug shoved a tablet with a picture of a wanted poster to his face, which had the picture of an Amphibian that for some weird reason wore Ford’s coat.
“Wait wait, sorry, wrong poster” quickly the alien did some changes in his tablet “I meant THIS!” this time shoved the tablet with a wanted poster of Ford’s face on it with a list of crimes, some of which includes:
Possession of an Infinite dice
Having more fingers than anyone That’s a hate crime!
Associating with a wanted drunk sociopathic criminal  Puff, you have a thing for psychoes, Sixer!
Stealing valuable materials
Teaching maths  Okay, now this is just ridiculous
Starting a revolution and overthrowing a government  Now THAT’S something!
Secretly having a relationship with a royalty  OHOHO!Never thought you had it in you!~
Rubbing an interstellar casino  Not so different, are we Poindexter?
And the list continued, “What do you have to say, milk drinker!” the alien bug spoke in a accusive tone.
“...I know I should be annoyed, but I feel too proud. “ Stan replied with almost teary eyes due to how proud he was of his dear brother. 
Needless to say, that was the last straw. So, they decided to change their official names back. It took some bribing, threatening with a blaster and brass knuckles and fake and real documents, yet they managed to return their original names.
Now they are in the hard part of their work, telling the family about.
Obviously, they couldn’t just tell them that Ford got stuck in the multiverse for the past 30 years or mention any of the weirdness, so they made an elaborate made-up story about Ford being involved in some government project and him getting isolated in a room for a long time in coma due to the radiations he absorbed, hence why he wasn’t shown for so long. The hard part is explaining why Stan pretended to be Ford for the past 30 years and for the sake of convenience, they chose to do this gradually starting with Shermie.
“In case you may have forgotten, this is no time for pranks!” Ford uttered.
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t plan to give Shermie a heart attack. At least I’m not the guy who is wanted in 9000 dimensions for stealing.” Stan stated in a humorous tone.
“That was only for science and finding a way to end Bill!” Ford protested.
Somewhere in the multiverse, years ago…
“Weee are the champions, my friendsss and weee’ll keep on fighting ‘till the ennnnd~”
Ford sang as he was walking inside of an ancient tomb, while casually doging the traps.
Back to the present…
“PUFF! That’s nothing compared to the list of other stuff I saw, Admit it Sixer, you love being a bad boy!”
“I don’t call being lost in the multiverse as a fun time.” Ford told Stan, blandly.
“Yeah, it wasn’t all fun during my younger days as a con-artist either, Still it seems to me that I have a competition in being the black sheep of the family!” Stan let out chuckles.
Ford wanted to protest, but there was no time as they became closer to Shermie’s home which was in an urban area with a small garden area with not much remarkable characteristics, other than having an old sense of fashion and look like a typical Grandfather house.
“Are you sure it is wise to start with Shermie?” Ford inquired.
“Trust me, he may be a bit cranky but he is a softie; besides, better him first than the kids’ parents.” Stan shuddered, let’s just say Dipper and Mabel’s mother can make even Manly Dan flinch with her gaze and probably used to be an interrogator, as for the kids' father? Not as bad but not good either.
“Fine, but remember we do this subtly.” Ford replied.
“Just let me do the talk.” Stan assured Ford.
When they reached the house, as they planned, Stan pushed the ring of the door, while Ford hid behind the door. Footsteps have been heard which clearly were the sound of Shermie’s walking as then, the door has been opened with the puzzled look of Shermie Pines.
“Stanley? What are you doing here?” asked the confused Shermie, though he didn’t shared the same womb with Stan and Ford during the birth at the same time, he had some characteristics of them combined with their father such as a grey hair with almost the same colour as Ford, their father’s nose and having an almost rectangle like head, with some differences like white lines on his hair.
“Hi ya sport! I have a surprise for you…” to Ford’s surprise Stan grabs him and brings him over “GUESS WHO AIN'T DEAD!” Ford tried to smile nervously. That's not subtle at all! Ford thought anxiously.
After a minute of silence as everything sat still with just the sound of the birds, “WHAT!?” Shermie’s exclamation interrupted the birds' peaceful activities.
“And that’s not just that! See the fingers?” Stan forcefully brought Ford’s hand. “He is the REAL Stanford, and I’M THE one and only Stanley! Not that geek I once punched by the way!” 
“BUT- you had your extra fingers removed!”
“All part of the prank!” Stan commented as he grinned What in the name of Axolotl are doing!? Ford thought in panic.
“But I saw your scars!” Shermie objected.
“ALLL made up! Real man isn’t afraid of doing some self-inflicted scars! Totally wasn’t by accident!” Stan refuted Shermie’s reasoning.
“Accident?” Ford questioned Stan.
“Bu-wha-hu?” Shermie kept babbling as his expression kept being erratically contorted.
“I think you broke him…” Ford said in warry.
“Wait for it…” Stan noted, except the reaction Shermie did was not what he expected as he expected him to cry.
Minutes past until “I-I-I’M GONNA MURDER ALL!” Shermie declared as his face changed to anger and suddenly moved toward Stan.
“Okay That’s not what I-GRKKK” Stan failed to finish as Shermie hold his throat by one of his hands, Ford tried to react but then Shermie with his other hand ramped around Ford’s throat.
“Since the-gkk- 30 years ago?” Stan state with a shy tone.
“30 YEARS!? YOU’VE BEEN FOOLING AROUND FOR 30 GODDAMN YEARS?!” Shermie’s grip on Stan got tighter to his discomfort.
“GRkK-Ford help!--” Stan uttered to Ford as Ford fearfully moved his head in a sign of Nope.
“AND YOU!” Ford winced at Shermie’s voice.
“We can explai-GK!” Shermie’s hold on Ford has become stronger when Ford tried to reason.
That was when they realized they were screwed.
One explanation and tough playing later…
What was heard was the exclaimed sounds of Ford and Stan as cold water was showering them from Shermie’s pipe, no need to say they weren’t enjoying this.
“I can’t believe all this time my grandkids instead of being under the wing of the well-educated brother of mine WERE learning pickpocketing from MY CONMAN OF A BROTHER!” Shermie remarked in a furious tone, his face has gone red.
“Look, I get that you are mad-YYEH! TOO COLD!” Stan again got attacked by an onslaught of a cold watery pipe.
“MAD?Nonono, I’M BEYOND FURIOUS!I knew you were a conman but petending to be your twin for decades? That's low, even for YOU!” Shermie retorted in anger, after which he turned his gaze to Ford.
“AAAAH!” Ford moved his hands defensively to block the attack, except that didn't happen.
“DON’T THINK YOU ARE OFF THE HOOK! EVEN BEFORE THIS, YOU RARELY VISITED BECAUSE “Oh my research is so important! Only I understand the integrity of sasquatches' feet on mud and their mating season!, the universe revolves around me! I'm the chosen one to bring balance!” Well, thanks to you both I just broke one of my pots so either you both pay for it or I WILL HAVE BOTH OF YOUR ASSES PADDLED MERCILESSLY!” They cringed at the retort as Shermie shut down the pipe and started walking furiously toward his home, leaving both Stan and Ford wet like sewer rats.
“....Well it could have been worse.” Stan said in a joking tone to alleviate the atmosphere, only to receive a glare from Ford.
“Next time… I will do the talking!” Ford noted to Stan as Stan looked a bit embrassed.
A few days later in piedmont…
“And that’s how we managed to reconcile with your Grandpa!” Stan announced to the live video of Dipper and Mabel who were currently in school from a computer.
“I wish it could have been less intense… still…I’m glad you all managed to get along!” Mabel retorted, being the twin who always sees the bright side.
“But wait, what about our parents? How did that go?” Dipper quiz, Always being the curious twin.
“Well, It was a bit heated but I managed to manage the situation before it escalated.” Ford answered.
“So no worries, your Grunkles are going to be jussst fine!” Stan reassures them, only for him to jinx it as the door of the room violently opens.
What they met was the outraged gaze of Dipper and Mabel’s parents as they looked particularly at Stan, the mother having the scariest gaze Stan ever saw as she sent chills to him from her cold fury.
“Care to explain THIS?” The resentful mother brought a phone which had the video of Dipper in his werewolf suit as girls were dropping money on him back in the Mystery Shack. Apparently one of the girls took a video of it and posted it on her account.
“Well gulping it’s a funny story…” Stan tried desperately to look unsuspicious, which failed as the mother’s cold gaze made him squirm from finishing it.
Ford let out a groan, knowing their fate had been sealed, This couldn't get any worse...
“Oh Hi mom, dad!” Mabel shook her hand in a gesture of hello “Did Grunkle Ford tell you that he gave me a crossbow?” Dipper facepalmed at his twin as the parents shrieked in rage at Stan and Ford.
This is going to be a LOOONG day Stan thought as he and Ford were being chewed alive by the angry couple.
Note:This my first crack fic, so constructive criticism is welcomed.
By the way, I secretly made references to two brands and made mentions of Journal 3, catch them if you can!
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featherburnt · 2 years
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Title: Introductions Part #: 0 Pairing: Hawks x m!OC Word Count: N/A Tags: None, but I feel it necessary to outline my intentions for this fic as well as the themes that will be present and give a special shoutout.
Story Summary: For three years, the hero Hellhound has been hunting, infiltrating groups of villains and probing for information in his search for one named Sonata, the former hero Prisma. A U.A. graduate, he should know better. He should be protecting civilians, hunting down villains when ordered, but his heart lingers on the pains of old memories, the hot desire for retribution burning in his chest. On one fateful night, when the enemy is locked in his sights, a man with vermillion wings snuffs the flames seated in his palms, using his words to burrow under his skin like a fowl little bug. What will he do then? Will he continue his hunt, or will boiling blood finally cool?
Bloodfeather Chapter Masterlist
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    Hello, and welcome! I wanted to give this story the proper introduction it deserves instead of just an ordinary, boring character file without any context because I know that doesn’t do it any justice, nor does it necessarily appeal to anyone’s interest whatsoever. Neither will an introduction, but hey, at least there’ll be an understanding of what’s to come and of the nature of the story itself. So, without further ado…
    As corny as this sounds, the entirety of this story is an experiment meant to test and push the boundaries of my own writing. I’ll be playing around with and exploring a number of ideas in terms of both technique and actual content. The reason for that is over time, I’ve grown insecure, disappointed, and dissatisfied with my writing, and my stints in roleplay have only caused it to suffer. It’s a lot harder to structure a story as it should be because I’m so used to writing one character at a time and waiting for another person to reply so I can continue. That constant game of reply, wait, reply, wait, ideas don’t match up and thread suffers, reply, wait, over and over again gave me nothing to really strive for. Like being comfortable in a dead-end job. Granted, I do believe roleplay has its purpose and, every now and again, I still enjoy it, but that’s beside the point. This story is meant to help me get a grip on story-telling as a whole, to get used to telling a story from different perspectives, to continue a scene, to try new ways of transitioning and implementing different stylistic choices as well as expand on my vocabulary, description, action scenes, and more. I don’t want to keep getting stuck in the same loop because, if I do, I’ll never be able to write the books I want to write or get published. And that simply will not stand.
    I have dreams and I aim to make them come true one day, like everyone else, and sitting here, letting my ability to write crumble away, will not get me anywhere close to realizing that dream.
    Now, onto the meaty bits.
    For all intents and purposes, I love Hawks, just as I love my original characters, but the story isn’t technically about him. While it does include him to a substantial degree, even to the point of a slow-burn potential love interest, a friend, accomplice and partner, it’s not really about him. For about half the story, it’s about Saryn, who is a hero unto himself despite some of the mistakes he’s made. It’s about Saryn overcoming his guilt and sadness, as well as his anger; Truly, it’s about a grieving young man who simply just can’t let go of the things that’ve hurt him so, even the things he’s forced himself to forget. It’s about a man who needs, desperately, a lifeline he can follow back to shore when he’s lost at sea. It’s about a man who needs a friend, someone who won’t use and abuse him. It’s about a man who, against all odds, comes to trust the people around him, to open up and accept the help or affections offered to him, and through that, he becomes softer. Gentler. Less hideously agonized or enraged by the world. It’s about that man learning to accept his own faults, to accept that things change, to accept that he can’t change the past, to accept that killing himself over it won’t fix anything or absolve anyone or himself of sin. Saryn is a deeply broken and misunderstood individual, always coming off as bristly and hardheaded. He doesn’t trust anyone, nor does he have any hopes that he will ever be able to live up to his own expectations for what constitutes as a hero, and he struggles with even wanting to be one at all. And while his story is long and, insofar, scene-by-scene, and while it may include a number of difficult subjects, this story is by and large about him meeting new people, rekindling old friendships, and regaining his place in hero society as well as proving he was always a hero, and maybe he needed a little help to become one for himself.
    That being said, Hawks will not fall by the wayside here. In fact, he plays a dominant role throughout the entirety of the story and just because the first half isn’t necessarily about him, I’m not going to forget about his story. He exists sort of side-by-side with Saryn, though his primary focus in the beginning will be Saryn himself. I plan to slowly reveal bits and pieces about him, or hint at them at the very least, but because I do plan to work in the PLF and War arcs, I don’t want to reveal too much too soon. As Hawks and Saryn deepen their relationship, more details will come forth but they will be sparing, as my interpretation of Hawks is certainly outwardly playful, confident, and the like, but not necessarily forthcoming about personal details. In effect, he’ll be tight-lipped when it comes to himself, and he may even make mistakes, stupid and easily avoidable ones, but my biggest goal is actually to humanize him. Bring him a bit closer to earth. Not that I don’t think he’s a down-to-earth type, but it’s my way of honoring his character in the manga. As cocky and playful as he sometimes is, he knows when he needs to be serious and he knows how much he can get away with before he arouses suspicion or gets someone angry with him. I know he has a big heart and is working toward his own goal, changing ‘hero society’ and the attitudes toward it in Japan, and, trust, this too shall be included. I know how important it is to him as a character, as it is one of his biggest motivations throughout the manga and anime.
    Overall, the tone of the story is going to be incredibly serious and while it may sometimes have the feel (hopefully) of an episode of an anime, it’s going to lack a lot of the humor. There will be some humorous scenes, some levity, but that’s not the genre and will never be a dominating aspect of this story. The goal is to address guilt, survivor’s guilt, various mental health issues, darker content in the vein of torture, canon-typical violence, drug use and trafficking, manipulation, abuse, memory alteration, murder, assault, sexual assault, revenge, character growth, overcoming fear and properly battling one’s demons, and many more. As I’m a fan of darker content and the complications of life, the goal with using these themes is to more or less marry reality to the world of MHA and deepen my understanding of these themes as well as the world itself. Moreover, a number of these themes I have very unfortunate personal experience with, so, in a way, this story will serve as a means of dealing with them. As an example, I didn’t lose my mother, but I did lose my sister last year, and I’ve never really had parents. I’ve lost a number of friends and gone through a disturbing amount of bullshit of my own, and while I may project just a bit onto Saryn, everything has been twisted and exaggerated to such a degree of hyperbole, it’s unrecognizable from my own life struggles. With that, I ask you to please understand the twists and turns this story will take and to respect that it’s going to be tough to get through, should you decide to read it through.
    Additionally, if anything jumps out at you, confuses or frustrates you, or you read something you really like throughout the story, I encourage you to leave a comment and let me know. I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions, or even just plain commentary! Please, tell me your thoughts! Tell me everything. Tell me what you like, what you hate, what you want to see more of, less of, tell me which characters you’re rooting for, tell me if you think Saryn’s a whiny baby (because he is). Tell me if you think Nogitsune or Tarot is a bastard. Tell me everything! I want to know, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, what you think. Any and all feedback is welcome, so long as it’s respectfully given. It’s feedback that will help me push the story forward, fix certain things, find motivation to continue writing, and so on. While I may be writing this story largely for myself, I chose to share it here for a reason. So! If you see something that jumps out at you, give me a holler! It would be much appreciated.
    Lastly, I wanted to issue one of many more thank yous to the artist I commissioned for the artwork I use in some of my headers. @galair​ does fantastic work always and I aim to continue supporting them in their craft for as long as they continue to create art; They are truly wonderful to work with and they always bring to life exactly what I imagine, and I'm incredibly grateful I came upon their artwork when I did. If ever you, the readers, are looking for someone to commission, please consider them!
    In closing, I appreciate you for having stuck around to read this and the story that follows. I hope I’m able to accomplish the goals I’ve laid out and that you enjoy the story as it unfolds, even the painful parts. It would bring me nothing but joy to know that it brings comfort, excitement, intrigue, or whatever else to anyone who reads it. It’s not perfect and likely never will be, but I hope to bring to the table a story many others can enjoy and characters some might feel a sense of kinship with, characters you might feel for.
    Thank you for reading!
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DISCLAIMER: I claim no ownership of any established characters in My Hero Academia. I claim no ownership over My Hero Academia. My Hero Academia is rightfully owned by Horikoshi. I do, however, claim ownership over my own original characters used in this story, including Saryn, Tarot, Nogitsune, Crovita, Black Knight, Faith, Zenko, Hatsukawa Teiko, Violet A'larosa, Lightbringer, Prisma, Kioku Nusumi, Saboteur, Ripper, Jawbone, Garrett Nolan, Bianca Everette, Yami-itsu no Mae, La Pocalypse, and some as yet unnamed characters. Any differences from canon are purely based on personal headcanon and interpretation and, again, I claim no ownership whatsoever over My Hero Academia or its established canon and characters.
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xpertprophet · 19 days
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@adamyatesart on twitter
clocked out spill
This is about a work crush and I'm dwelling on this because I'm avoiding other stress. Having a crush is not a big deal and they can take virtually nothing to spark but the little feeling is burrowing a hole in my chest and hanging out in the back of my mind. It doesn't bug me to have one, do not get me wrong. I haven't had one --at least not conscious i think-- but I am worried they've picked up on it. Like my eyes are saying something or a whisper has leaked out of my ear. ALSO, I am and will not be acting on it because they have a partner 😀 ! Never have, never will be a homewrecker. So, I just get to sit with it. THanks to my brain’s default, I overthink all of our interactions. My worry is, by doing that, doesn’t that speak volumes about who I am and how I feel?
How am I so friendly with everyone but not to them? I guess there is a good majority of FOH people that I don’t really talk to so that’s alright. Also I’m leaving in two (like one) days. Am I just making a fuss to seek attention? I do enjoy having it. Or just knowing that I might get to see them that shift. They’re so pretty. I swear their eyes twinkle. That’s probably just the luminescent lights though… BUT HOW am I supposed to cope with these feelings?? Making things is definitely the answer here. I want to chat with them longer than a server does with someone on a line.
I don't say this to demean myself but it is quite stupid to whine about a crush on a person who is in a relationship. Maybe not stupid, but definitely ignorant in some fashion. I don’t feel like my friends want to hear about it. That thought pattern however, is the product of a way that I’ve been thinking for a long time that I want to break out of. Anyway, they're like a song that you hear–maybe it’s playing in a coffee shop or in a car stopped at a crosswalk–that instantly speaks to you in a beautiful way. But you can’t get the name of it. The car drives away and you can only tread over the memory of it again and again. Trying to cherish what you heard and felt in that moment. Maybe you will find it again. Maybe it comes on again a year later and you recognize it in an instant. You’re able to learn the lyrics and have it play in your head on repeat. But who knows. You shouldn’t be afraid of making a crush show. Respectfully, to them and their partner, happy to see them in those short moments, each kernel of conversation. Just being able to know their name.
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i really like arachnids!!
hi! my name is jaime and i made this blog to showcase my favorite invertebrates! i’ll try to post a wide variety of species but i’ll admit i’m prone to bias as a spider lover. there’s a chance i may sneak in some other chelicerates and non-arachnid inverts on occasion, though everything will be tagged accordingly. i’ll also talk about my own pet arachnids and the arachnid-keeping hobby.
currently running on reblogs and queue but original species highlight posts are coming soon.
disclaimer: i am not an expert, i’m literally just some guy who likes bugs and wants to talk about them. i’m especially garbage at taxonomy. i will probably not be able to identify the cool bug you found. nothing on this blog is to be taken as a primary source- links and sources will be provided as much as possible.
more stuff below cut
my tarantulas <3 all slings who i’ve had only for a few months.
thistle (grammostola pulchripes)
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has almost doubled in size since i got them in july! awesome little t who loves landscaping and hiding from me. i’m very attached to them because they were my first spider.
pizza (brachypelma boehmei)
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b. boehmei is one of my absolute favorite species and i’m super lucky to have snagged pizza at an expo recently!
jean jacket (chromatopelma cyaneopubescens/GBB)
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recently rehoused them into a taller enclosure and i haven’t seen them touch the ground. i know gbbs are considered semi-arboreal but mine seems to think it’s an avic. super aggressive eater, loves webbing and going for walks around the perimeter of the enclosure.
mojave (tliltocatl albopilosus/curlyhair)
no pictures because they are criminally small and they flee to their burrow whenever i open their enclosure </3 got them for free at an expo and im prepared to have them be tiny for the next few hundreds of years. sigh
hapolopus formosus (sp. colombia, large)
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i’m glad this species grows fast because this thing is the size of a grain of rice. it was absolutely swimming in the tiny vial it came in and i almost couldn’t find it.
i also have a jumping spider, phiddipus audax, that i don’t have great pictures of yet but here she is
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