#But He's Still A Layered Boi
hinamie · 2 months
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*catboys ur shounen protag*
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magpiedraws · 1 year
Wouldn't lizard fashion be something like spikes and scales and a frilled lizard collar?
Like so?
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(Bonus art under the cut)
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ratatatastic · 3 months
happy to see it was in fact ekky and matthew who caused benny to topple over into the sea, practically drown and almost lose the 131 year old tincan to the beloved domain of poseidon where he might reclaim it as a shiny new toy not unlike a crow might
great going lads keep it up 👍
WPLG Local 10 | 6.25.24 (x)
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
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Song - Taking What’s Not Yours by Tv Girl.
(I learnt my lesson from last time so here’s the animated version in the original post)
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skiitter · 1 year
I'm noticing an interesting trend regarding Astarion and his fandom characterization. Let me preface this by saying I know how damaging trauma can be and I know how difficult it is to unlearn those things. That being said, I feel like there is this habit of equating Astarion being an asshole with the trauma he went through at Cazador's hand. And like, fundamentally Astarion is a selfish person, not necessarily a cruel one, but his selfishness does often lend itself to cruelty. This is especially obvious in Act 3 when, even after you've done his full quest-line, even if you've gone the "good" route, he still disapproves of kind actions. Like helping the clothing shopkeeper whose literally in the process of being murdered by that weird serial killer dwarf. One could argue it's a discrepancy between the cut-scene conversations and the gamplay at large but lbr that's not the way fandom tends to view things. An argument could be made that he has two centuries of damage to heal, but I think it is also just as likely that Astarion is an asshole. Like, fundamentally just kind of a dick. Lord knows villains get woobified at the drop of a hat, and I'm sure he will inevitably will be, but this strange justification of his behavior bothers me. He's still just as a valid as a victim of Cazador if he's not a kind person. His selfishness feels very baked in, very intentional and honest. He can be both, ya know? He can be traumatized and in need of therapy/healing, and he can also be aware that his actions are selfish enough that they frequently come off as cruel.
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homielander · 3 months
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You called me "Squirt," silly. Remember why? [No.] Oh, Marty— okay. But you do remember, though, that I used to be left in there for hours, days on end. Completely alone, right? Only — I was never really alone, was I? Big Brother was always watching. You were always watching, weren't you, Marty? Huh? But... growing boys have certain... needs, shall we say.
THE BOYS 4.04 | Wisdom of the Ages
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
bezz ignoring PECCO (one of his two favorite besties to pantomime gay sex with) specifically to beeline to marc (who had a BIG smile on his face. probably due to winning but. thinking of the post divorce podiums when him and vale would REFUSEEE to spray each other and would just shoot that shit over the railing or at their little engineering friend.) and NAILLLL him in the face with his symbol of homoerotic adrenaline friendship. was also. the thing is. bezz. buddy.
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katabay · 1 year
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this tweet & this scene from the mystery of the abyss movie
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
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Hero of Power my beloved punching bag ❤️
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makorragal-312 · 5 months
Honestly, I'm just waiting the Eddiesol relationship to be the breaking point for Chris and he goes off on Eddie about all his past relationships and how annoyed and tired he is of his current one:
Eddie: Chris, why are you so adamant on not getting to know Marisol?
Chris: Why are YOU so adamant on trying to find me a new mom?!
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hinamie · 3 months
Yuuji: Bye, im going to the fire nation!
Sukuna: Not dressed like you aren't.
Proceeds to give Yuuji a boob window in his clothes
ngl anon i took this bit way too seriously n got carried away thinking abt what yuuji's fire nation alternate fit would look like ,, then after figuring it out I thought well now I /have/ to draw air as well ....
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
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the captain's quarters
inspo by @omgkayplays and thanks to everyone in the comments of my last post <3
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I fixed it!!!
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dykestriders · 5 months
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camping filler arc means new outfits so says me
made for my dave & my girlfriends karkat because theyre going together and semi-matching (badly)
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scarletttheclown · 1 month
micheal afton is BALD!!!
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nanomooselet · 8 months
Episode Eleven: To a New World
Deep breaths. Uh, pre-emptive apologies; I keep the tightest grip I can over my tone, but this ep sliced me off at the knees. There's a lot of anger in it.
I like Wolfwood. Lots of people do. And I like Knives. Besides Vash himself they pop up on my dash more frequently than any other character. Maybe I like Knives more than Wolfwood because I enjoy poking his horrible trash brain with a stick, but Nick's certainly got his charms.
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But I can't get around it. This is the episode where Knives... violates Vash. And this is the episode where Wolfwood turns his back as Vash is screaming in pain and despair, reliving all the worst moments of his life. For reasons (I'M WORKING ON IT and they're not that Meryl is The Girl), Wolfwood was never going to be the one to save Vash from his agony. Back in the initial watch, before I knew anything else, I knew it just wasn't going to happen.
So, sorry, Nick - you’ve had a rough time, but I still giggled when Meryl kicked you in the shin as you tried to pretend you didn't give a shit. I needed the levity. Off you go, brood over your sins and the whatnot. I'm sure Vash is gonna be just fine.
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And you, Millions Knives. Today it's the tire iron.
This is the first time we finally see him fully revealed - full face, cloak discarded, even his thoughts themselves laid bare. (By the way, he's not actually naked; that's just a very, very tight bodysuit. I think he wears it so he looks like his idea of what a Masculine Plant is, like an Italian Renaissance sculpture. Also pretty sure he made it himself. Without it, he'd look just as human as Vash does.) Knives spends a lot of time talking, often very passionately... but you still cannot trust anything he says to be the truth; not about himself, not about Vash. At best, there might be a tiny sprinkle of truth prettying up a great big lie. Or he genuinely believes what he's saying; it's just that he's confidently wrong. I don't doubt, for instance, that Vash really is motivated by a lot of guilt over the Fall, not least because Knives was the one who put that guilt on Vash and left it to slowly consume him. Nonetheless I always think back to the line, "Does their praise cure it? The loneliness?" because, well, no? It doesn't? Because that’s not the point. Vash doesn't do what he does for praise or to avoid loneliness. If you try and tell him he's good at something he brushes you off - "just lucky!" and then he's vanished through the backdoor before you can thank him.
Similarly, we see a moment where Knives just straight up changes reality to suit his narrative - when poor Rollo called for Vash, he said that he wanted to live. In Knives's world, he begs Vash for death.
When Knives says these things, it's not accurate criticism of Vash, or of his philosophy, or even anything to do with the Plants. It's not the truth. It's not an argument. It's a probe.
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Especially in this episode. Knives is trying to rip Vash open. He’s searching for the points where he can apply pressure - the most efficient means to break him down. How true his words are is not relevant. Only whether or not they hurt Vash, weaken his resolve, undermine his ego and confidence - which he already barely has anyway because of Knives.
Why the hell would he do this? I mean, as much as I can be sure of anything with this guy, I’m sure that Knives loves Vash very much. His brother might well be all that he loves - all that he has left. We can argue about what kind of love (though it's really not a debate I want to get into, so I’ll capitalise the words Very Normal and leave it at that). But it is love. Forget about the higher plane and the dependent Plants (which is to say I'll try and find a way to get down my thoughts on them, but not at this time). Knives is doing what he’s doing because he loves Vash.
Specifically, he’s doing it so that Vash won't leave him.
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Imagine how the moments before the crash must have felt for Rem. Every second counts in an emergency, and yet she took the time, perhaps selfishly, to ensure her children escaped before anyone else. I think she'd already decided to go back for the sleepers, but the longer she went without doing so the less possible it became and the harder it got to keep her resolve. Still she took those precious moments, the last they ever had together, for the love of her boys. A chance was all she had to give them, but her work was done too soon.
And Nai. With the knowledge of the rest of the series he was acting so calm because he planned this, and it went just the way he expected it would – until the moment he reached out his hand, and Rem said no. We don't see his face, but we do see Vash, pleading desperately, thrown hard back into his seat, and it was Nai who did that when Rem refused him.
Remember? Nai offered Rem a choice.
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So to Knives, that left Vash to be only thing in the world that matters as much completing his crusade. I suspect he views the two as the same goal – having Vash back means killing the humans, and killing the humans means Vash is his. His and Vash's safety, togetherness, and freedom means there must be absolutely nothing left of humanity.
Even if it's the intrinsic humanity of his brother. (And of him. But he's not going to acknowledge that. Nope.)
So Knives didn't simply want Vash without his memories. Knives is a perfectionist - he hates to even admit to the possibility that he might have made a mistake, to the point where he assigns all blame for his actions to Vash. Vash's emotional development under his total control would be too unpredictable, too likely to fail. If given a choice, Vash could make the same choice that Rem did (again), and that risk is simply unacceptable.
So what Knives wants is for Vash to be without autonomy, devoid of independence - a shadow that he casts, empty of agency save that which Knives enacts through him. A graven image. Depending only upon him. Needing only him. If it means he'll finally be first before humanity, rather than alongside or behind them, he won't be all alone. It's only together that they can be perfect, because it's obviously what Vash is for.
After all, they're twins. Vash was born to be with Knives.
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I'm sure he's just happy to be useful.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Hey I finished this one! Wow! :D
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