#But I really don't think the dog would care if it got kibble
pushing500 · 10 months
Hi Gracie, I'm hoping you might have some advice for me. My colonists are starving, because I have more people than I know how to feed. Is there any way I can tell them to stop feeding their meals to the animals?
They keep cooking meals, feeding the meals to the animals, and then eating raw meat and being sad about it!
It's mostly the dogs they're feeding the meals to, too, because the haygrass finally grew enough for the pen animals. And dogs can eat raw meat just fine, so it would make way more sense to feed the dogs the meat instead.
(I am trying to solve the underlying problem by 1. assigning more people to plants so they will sow the fields my current farmers are apparently neglecting, and 2. increasing the population cap of my animals so that they produce more excess, but both these things take time and in the meantime they are constantly running out of food and I'm hunting pretty much every wild animal that wanders onto the map to keep my colonists alive.)
Hello! I have this issue a lot, too. Those silly colonists want to prioritise their beloved animals over their own comfort, which is sweet, but very airheaded of them.
I can usually stop animals from eating meals on their own by simply changing their allowed areas to prevent them from accessing the fancy "people food", but it gets trickier when tending to injured animals or training them.
I have found a mod called 'Animal Controls' on the Steam Workshop which says it adds animal food restrictions, however, I haven't had a chance to test it out myself yet so I'm afraid I can't vouch for its effectiveness. Perhaps I'll test it out in my next RimWorld game!
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oddballwriter · 8 months
Puppy Love
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Summary: Jake asks if you want a puppy, you think he's joking, but now you and the boys actually have a puppy.
Warnings: Nothing really. Just a little blurb about you and the boys getting a fur baby. 
Author’s Snip: My and my family recently got two puppies, pugs, and idk I just thought of this.
Notes: I believe and support "adopt, don't shop". Always make sure you do research and look into where you get your pets if you want one to make sure you aren't buying from mills. Also, please look into rescues and fosters too, they deserve a chance at getting happy homes. Okay my PSA is over. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 758
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When Jake asked you "Do you want a puppy?", you thought it was a joke, and you laughed, but when he looked up at you from his phone on his place on the couch you felt like maybe it wasn't. "Are you serious?" you question.
Jake turns his phone so that you can see the screen, revealing a picture of a large litter of what looked to be cocker spaniel puppies. "I know this guy. His girl's dog got out and got knocked up." Jake explained, "She popped out ten puppies and they want them out.". You look at the picture for a bit longer, maybe looking a little too softly at the litter since Jake asked if you want one.
"I don't know." you say, "What are the others thinking?" you ask. Judging off the smile Jake does, Marc and Steven have no idea about this. "Who cares. It's a puppy. Everyone likes puppies." Jake shrugs. "They won't be a puppy forever, Jake. And we live in a flat," you attempt to list off. Jake rolls his eyes, "I know. These dogs aren't that big though. It'll do fine. There are parks around, we can walk it around one of them." he explains. You think about it for a moment, not too sure what to say. Jake also picks up on that and says "Think about it.".
"I'll think about it and we tell the others about it." you say.
Marc wasn't too thrilled, but he also didn't really oppose it either. "It's a lot of work. We have to train it. And pay for vets and food and all that." and so on which Marc seemed to not like the sound of. "You were able to pay rent for a flat and a storage unit, Steven has a million books and trinkets, and Jake owns a bunch of cars. We all can sacrifice some money for them." you mention, and Marc acknowledged your point. "Okay. I'll think about it." he said.
Steven seemed more open, more focused on having the idea of having another pet than the price tag attached that had Marc on the fence. "It would be nice. Have a new addition. After all, the Gus' doesn't really do much other than swim around." is what he said about the idea. "We'd have to get one that's very calm though. So that we don't get a complaint about barking." he commented in a mutter.
And with that, and Marc letting up and going with the idea, you and Jake drove to his friend's place to meet the pups. On the way there Jake said to keep yourself together and not show any emotion because "He might want to get rid of them as quick as he can, but I'm sure he wants to make some good money while doing it.". It wasn't easy, but you managed to do good when interacting with them to see which one you wanted.
Going off of what each one of you wanted in your potential future dog you managed to find one that was more interested in sniffing and laying down on you than playing and running around like the rest of their siblings.
"That one doesn't do too much. He just lays around and chews on a toy every once in a while. The most I've seen him do is whine when he wants food and bite his siblings if they're trampling him." the guy says, "Good if you want something that just lays down with you." he remarks.
After some more talk, you decided that he was the one that you would take home. After Jake paid and the guy making a comment about getting the puppy fixed as soon as possible, the rest of the day was a long trip to the pet store to get everything he needed. Kibble, bowls, a bed, a collar, pads, a few toys, the whole lot. By the end of it, Jake's car was full of stuff and his pockets less full than when he left.
"You owe us, beba." Jake smirked nudging you playfully. "Jake. Not in front of the baby." you scold back in the same humor making him laugh.
"So," Jake said, "What are we naming him?" he asked. You look at the little thing in your arms and think for a moment. "Jake Jr." you joke. Jake laughs and says no, and the joke goes on with suggesting Steven Jr. and Marc Jr. until you shrug and settle on figuring that out some other time.
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hazard-and-friends · 10 months
i'm soooooo glad i got hazard first.
not just because he's a good mentor for puppies (although he is) and not really because he's improved my dog training skills (although he has)
he and k'seil are so different and they think and learn so differently; the skills i developed to work with hazard are either irrelevant or preinstalled for k'seil, and my problems with k'seil are largely not problems i ever had with hazard. i don't need to teach her how to eat outside, or how to refocus on me after getting distracted by the environment, or how to care about what i care about--
and that's what i'm grateful for, because k'seil is such a sport puppy and her problems are sport puppy problems. if she was my first dog i would've returned her already i would not be so able to help my clients and would not be so empathetic to them, because k'seil and sydney have a lot in common in terms of approach to training--sydney i could train for an hour. any context. any location. with kibble. she would be glued to my hand. i could be sloppy about my mechanics, push her, put social and spacial pressure on her to do what i wanted, and she would follow through--and, largely, so does k'seil.
so if those were the two dogs i had exposure to, because one is a wellbred aussie and the other was a puppy mill doodle, i would think that this was just dogs! dogs are like this! not being like this is something that should be fixed!
and spending 3 years with just hazard, who refuses to be pressured, who requires buy-in before doing difficult things, who cannot be lured or teased or tricked--and those aren't things i'm able to (or WANT to) change about him, they're just who he is, as a cattle dog/shar pei abomination--
like yes the training skills also good but just the understanding of the diversity of dog behavior, that not every dog is a border collie analogue--that's important
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otterandterrier · 8 months
Hi! I’m thinking of getting a cat but I’m scared it’s gonna be more work than anticipated. Do you have any tips or things I absolutely should know?
Hello there! Okay, yes, I have thoughts that I can share, but first of all I want to preface this with ADOPT, DON'T SHOP if you do end up getting a cat (or dog!) 😊
So, first things first: yes, cat are work! as they are living beings that have needs! like a dog or a kid! and people often don't think that's the case when they adopt a cat, and some cats are fine and their people are fine, but some are not! And some cats might have special needs you don't know about! And whether it ends up being bearable work or not also depends on your attitude/mental health/energy levels/workload/etc.!
If you're worrying about whether it's going to be too much work for you, I'm guessing you're not a chill, laissez-faire person, which... same! Tbh more people should be a little bit more like us and think things through 😛 (That said, too much worry can be anxiety making up monsters in the tall grass.)
I don't want to scare you off adopting, but I will tell you my experience (under the cut because it got rambly):
So I have a black cat that we adopted with my family at their house, with a backyard and places to go. Obviously, he has needs and quirks and all, but he grew up as outdoors/indoors, in a house with three people who could take care of him, and is fairly aloof and independent. He has other issues going on but I won't get into that here.
Now I live alone in a studio apartment with no balcony or patio. For a while I really wanted a cat, and then at one point I was like "you know what, I'm good". Then this perfectly domesticated young cat showed up at my parents', and finding a family for him was too much trouble when he seemed like such a good fit for an apartment, so I took him in, and... yes, he is a pretty good kitty, but:
It turns out he can't keep down dry food and is a glutton, which means he can't be left alone for long periods of time since I can't leave a full bowl of kibble. It also means I have to clean up vomit often. I did not know this beforehand. My solution has been to moisten his kibble in advance because I can't afford wet food weekly, so I basically have to prepare food for him every day.
If I don't keep him up during the day, he stays up all night. He still wakes me up several times at night (I've been sleeping like shit since october) and he likes to bat things off surfaces. Which means I've pretty much had to clear my dinner table, and every night I have to secure the things on my desk, and put a pillow on my night table, so instead he zooms across the bed (: Oh, also, I'd just gotten a new bedspread and sheets, which I had to temporarily stop using because he'd scratch at them.
Since I live in an apartment with no airflow, I need litter that works. I don't have many options and some of them are expensive. Silica gel, for example - costs a lot, and the brand I got didn't even last the four weeks it promised. The litter I've found that really absorbs pee smell and isn't expensive is pine pellets, which track a lot. My sort of solution: mix it with regular (non-clumping) litter (little white stones) so that it filters out some of the sawdust. I still have to sift it daily, which is work! I also have a little box with a curved border, but litter still gets out.
Darcy also has long-ish hair, and has a cardboard scratching triangle he loves, so again, I have to clean very often (or suck it up). I bought a vacuum cleaner for this reason.
I thought having a big window would keep him entertained, but he's not a huge fan of the outside, so since he has nothing else to do (and I don't want him to sleep all day!), I need to play with him through the day, which I can only do because I work a lot from home.
Where I'm going with this is that adopting him meant changing my life a lot to accommodate him. Maybe someone reading this is like "wtf?? that's nothing! why are you scaring this person off adopting a cat over normal cat experiences??" But that's what I mean: people are different, and cats are too - and you can't control how your cat is going to be like. I love Darcy and wanted to give him a home, but sometimes I miss when I could be lazy in bed for as long as I wanted without a little guy crying for me to get up even though I just fed him! or leave for the day without worrying about coming back early because the little guy hasn't eaten since this morning! Adopting him pretty much reinforced my decision to not have human children.
As for general tips that I can think of:
If you're worried about it being too much work, get an adult cat - kittens are so much more work, they're more destructive, and you don't know what their personality is going to be like.
One of the most important things you're going to have to invest in is food - get good food! If you're worried about your cat liking/tolerating the brand, get a small bag and see how that goes. Kibble is not evil btw.
Closed litter boxes seem like The solution, but not all cats like that. So if you can't really splurge on one, just don't - it might be a waste of money. Try a box with a curved border instead, or one of those with a sifter if you go with pine pellets. Don't line the bottom with a bag, I haven't tried it but I've read cats aren't a fan. Also, the box should be fairly big for the cat! Mine is on the small side because I overestimated things... occasionally his butt misses it 😬
Don't throw cat poop down the toilet because it's bad, and don't put the cat poop in your regular trash bin even in a separate, closed bag because it will stink up the room every time you need to open it. My solution: I got a small steel trash can, lined the bottom with some litter (because inside it's a removable plastic box), and put the poop in a bag that I close. It keeps the smell in for at least a full day. The important thing is that wherever you put the poop in has a fitted lid I think. Some people might use fancier stuff like diaper genies?? but that's super expensive here and not common.
A scratching thing is your cat's bff! Darcy has one of these triangles, which he took to immediately (I'd bought it for my other cat years ago and he never used it). My mom also made him one of the regular ones like this, but he only uses the carpeted base as a scratcher 🤷‍♀️
If you have plants, you need to be careful because many indoor plants are toxic to cats. I was super worried about it because I do have several of those, but luckily Darcy doesn't want to chomp down on my plants. But it's something you have to watch out for, and if you're too worried, get rid of them or put them somewhere the cat can't reach. AND get him a little planter with cat grass he can munch on! That way he'd be less inclined to look for a tasty plant.
A lot of cat toys are going to be a waste of money. Start with a wand, if you can get two wands to switch them up, even better. You can improvise a slow feeder ball and other types of puzzles with cardboard tubes to see if your cat likes that! Try DYI toys before buying something expensive. They say cats love water fountains too, but they're also expensive and what if your cat doesn't love it? Also, catnip? Neither of my cats gives a crap about that.
It's more work, but it's better if you don't let them to feed freely, especially if they're indoors and neutered. What I do is play 5-10 minutes with him before feeding him. Also, you're supposed to feed 3-4 times a day a certain amount according to the cat's weight... HA. I feed Darcy a spoonful of moistened food every three hours. It makes no difference if I give him more food in one meal - he's still going to want to eat in three hours (and might throw up because, gremlin). That's about 8 times a day in total.
They say the only way to get a cat to stop waking you up at night is to ignore them... but how can you do that if they're trashing up the place?? It's not going to happen. BUT try to make it harder for them to mess up the place, and try to hold on anyway. So like, I feed him every three hours even when he'd like to be fed every one and a half. It's going to suck, I'm still holding on to hope that it might change lol.
You're going to want to brush him, and you might try to clip his nails but... it doesn't make that much of a difference tbh. Do not declaw him.
Okay I think that's pretty much it, this is long enough 🙈 To end on a positive note, if you're feeling alone and you're up to the task, pets are your little buddies; if you struggle with your mental health, they might help in giving you purpose and grounding. But at least to me having this cat pretty much feels like having a toddler (including the constant babble!), and... that's work 😅
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l-estappen · 6 months
Leashes and Lust ❦
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The pet store buzzed with the scent of kibble and the cheerful squeaks of chew toys. Max and I agreed that getting everything Leo needed was a top priority. We had already selected Leo's bed, bowls, toys, carrier bag, and a few cozy blankets, but a small dilemma arose as we approached the leash section. 
“What do you think about this leash?” Max asked, holding up a navy blue one. 
I wrinkled my nose. "Red would look so much better on him." 
"Navy blue is classic, sophisticated —” 
"Are you saying red isn't classy?" I interjected, raising an eyebrow. 
"Of course it’s not," Max replied with a grin, "It’s too flashy." 
“Watch it, Verstappen.” I glanced between the red and navy blue leashes, contemplating our options. "You know, we could always get both.” 
"Two leashes? Isn't that a bit excessive?" 
I shot Max a playful smirk. "Says the guy who insisted on buying Leo five different toys just because he needs variety ." 
Max rolled his eyes, but a grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hey, a dog's gotta have options, Charles. You wouldn't want Leo to get bored, would you?" 
"Right, because a dog's happiness depends on the variety of chew toys he has," I teased, nudging him playfully with my elbow as we continued browsing the leash section. 
Max chuckled, shaking his head. "You know you love spoiling him as much as I do." 
"Guilty as charged," I admitted, glancing at Leo nestled in my arms, snoozing away without a care in the world. 
"Alright, let's compromise,” Max suggested, placing both the red and navy blue leashes into our shopping basket. "I suppose that could work.” 
"Exactly," I stated triumphantly, pleased with our resolution. "We should get some stuff for Jimmy and Sassy as well, so they don’t feel left out." 
With Leo resting in the crook of my arm, Max and I made our way to the section dedicated to felines, and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart. I couldn't shake the memory of Sassy's reaction when we first introduced her to Leo. Her suspicion and unease were palpable, her cautious approach to the new addition a stark contrast to Jimmy's immediate curiosity. 
"How about a cat tower with a scratching post?" Max suggested. 
"Good idea," I said, my voice tinged with remorse as I recalled Sassy subdued response to our puppy. 
Max must have noticed the regret lacing my voice because he paused, his gaze softening as he met my eyes. "Don't worry too much about Sassy, Schatje. She just needs some time to adjust."
"I know, it's just... she seemed so unsure... I don't want her to feel neglected or overshadowed." 
Max placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "She won't, trust me. We just need to give her the space and time to get used to Leo being part of our family." 
I couldn't help but smile at his comforting words, and before I could stop myself, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his as a silent thank you. His tongue traced a delicate path along my lips, seeking entry, and I willingly parted them, inviting him in. 
"You're distracting me," I mentioned. 
"Is it working?"  
I chuckled softly in response and Max reached for a robust cat tree adorned with various platforms and scratching posts. As we made our way to the checkout counter, Max couldn't resist adding a few more items to our growing collection of pet supplies—a feathered wand toy for Jimmy, a plush mouse with a bell inside for Sassy, and a sturdy rope tug toy for Leo. 
"Looks like someone's really embracing their inner pampered dad," I remarked as we waited in line to pay. 
Max laughed, shaking his head. "A good pet parent makes sure all their babies are happy and well-cared for." 
"Sure, sure," I teased, "Next thing you know, you'll be scheduling spa days for them." 
Max raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider it. "That's not a bad idea. The cats could use a little paw massage." 
After paying for our pet supplies, we made our way out of the store and towards the Café de Paris where Alexandre already waited for us. 
"Looks like we've got a bit of a crowd today," Max observed, glancing at the sea of eager faces already making their way in our direction. 
Before I could retort, a group of excited fans approached us, their phones at the ready. "Charles! Max! Can we get a picture with you guys?" 
Max flashed his signature grin, "We are in a hurry! Just one quick snap, alright?" 
I smiled in agreement, though I couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness as I pulled Leo closer to my chest, shielding him from the grabbing hands. 
As the phones started to click away around us, Leo stirred in my arms, the sudden sounds waking him from his peaceful slumber. His tiny yawn elicited a chorus of "awws" from the onlookers, who were quick to snap a few more pictures as we continued on our way to the Café. 
Leo, now fully awake, squirmed in my arms, his curiosity piqued by the new sights and sounds surrounding him. His tiny paws pushed against my chest as he craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the commotion around us. 
"Easy there, little guy," I murmured, adjusting my hold on him as we navigated through the growing crowd. Tuned in to my emotions, Max stepped in front of me, effectively blocking the eager fans from getting too close. The hand that was not burdened with shopping bags found its way to my waist, offering a reassuring squeeze as he led the way. 
As we finally reached the entrance of Café de Paris, a wave of relief washed over me. Max held the door open for me, and I stepped inside, grateful for the respite from the bustling crowd. Just before Max followed me in, he turned back to the fans gathered outside, a warm smile on his face. "Thanks, guys. We appreciate your support." 
"That was nice of you," I commented when Max finally stepped inside the café, joining me at the door. 
Max shrugged modestly. "Are you okay? You seemed nervous..." 
“I was nervous because of Leo," I admitted, glancing down at the small bundle of fur. "I don’t want him to get overwhelmed by our legion of fans." 
Max's expression softened as he reached out to stroke my cheek gently. "I understand, Schatje. But it's something that he will need to get used to." 
I leaned into his touch, finding solace in the warmth of his hand against my skin. "I know, Max. It's just... I want everything to go smoothly from now on." 
Max's thumb brushed lightly against my cheekbone, his gaze unwavering. "And it will, Charles. We'll make sure of it. Stop worrying, Sassy will come around." 
I nodded in response to Max's reassurance as we made our way through the café, but inside, doubts still lingered. Despite his comforting words, the worry for Leo's well-being and the adjustment to our newfound family dynamics weighed heavily on my mind. 
Our friend Alexandre was already waiting for us on the terrace, a warm smile lighting up his face as he waved us over to join him. As we settled into our seats, the vibrant atmosphere of the terrace and the familiar sight of our friend provided a welcome distraction from my worries. 
As the music's sensual beat shifted, Amazónico morphed from a restaurant into a vibrant bar, the air now filled with sensual Bossa Nova rhythms. Laughter and chatter mingled with the music, creating an atmosphere of celebration befitting Joris's birthday party. Dim lights cast a seductive glow over the space, sparking excitement within me as I watched Charles lean closer.  
"Care to dance?" he asked, his mouth mere inches from my ear.   My heart skipped a beat as I met Charles's playful gaze, a surge of affection warming my chest. Despite the tensions we faced earlier at home with Sassy, seeing him carefree and playful now was a welcomed sight. 
"I'd love to," I replied, feeling a rush of excitement as he took my hand, the pull of his strong grasp urging me onto the dance floor.  
Charles swayed his hips to the beat, and I couldn't help but admire the fluidity of his movements. We navigated through the throng of people, my hand resting on the small of his back as we searched for an open space on the dance floor. When we found it, Charles pressed his back against my chest, his hips undulating in a slow, sensual rhythm that sent shivers down my spine.   
“Do you have no shame?” I questioned into his ear, my hands instinctively finding their place on his hips, pulling him closer.  
"Pas du tout," he admitted.  
As Charles ground back against me to the pulsating rhythm of the song, I instinctively moved in sync with him, and when he pressed his ass against my growing erection, a deep, resonant groan escaped my lips.  
"You're driving me crazy," I confessed, tucking my fingertips up the front of his t-shirt and pressing against his stomach as I nuzzled his neck.  
Charles turned in my arms, his hands hooking around the back of my neck. My gaze flicked down to his mouth for a fleeting moment before meeting his eyes again, our hips bumping and grounding into each other.  
"And you are making me hard," Charles added.  
Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Our mouths met with a fierce urgency, every stroke, every nip and tug, sent sparks of pleasure shooting through us. I slid my thigh between Charles’ legs, offering him a firm surface to grind against, and was rewarded with the reverberation of his moan against my lips. His hands roamed over my back, drawing me closer, as he shamelessly ground his hips against my thigh.  
Fuck, this is getting out of hand and I was the one to blame.    
"Charles," I warned between kisses, “We need to slow down.”  
"I don’t want to slow down," he breathed against my skin. "I want you."  
I pulled away slightly to reason with him, but my heart raced with desire as I took him in. Charles's usually emerald-green eyes darkened to a shade of forest green, burning with an intensity that told me that there was no backing up.  
"Don't fight this," he whispered, his voice husky with need, "You want it just as much as I do."  
I swallowed hard, torn between the magnetic pull of his desire and the rational voice in my head urging caution. But when Charles's tongue darted out to moisten his swollen lips, rationality seemed to fade away, drowned out by the primal urge that surged through me. With a knowing smirk, Charles reached for my hand and tugged me off the dance floor. Someone from our group whooped and hollered at us as we passed by, and with that fleeting devil-may-care attitude, which came out to play once in a while, Charles was quick to flip them off.  
My pulse raced with anticipation as he pulled me towards a dimly lit hallway and swung open the first door he found.  
"Here," Charles said, pushing me inside what I assumed to be a stall designated for people with disabilities and closing the door behind us with a resounding thud.  
I edged across the small space, crossing my arms nonchalantly against my chest as my back hit the opposite wall.  
“Quite a show that we put on the dance floor. I'm sure the internet will have a blast,” I remarked.  
Charles shrugged. “Couldn’t care less.”  
As he began to close the distance between us, a commanding tone crept into my voice. "Stop right there."  
"Pourquoi?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of neediness.  
"Because I said so," I stated firmly, my gaze unwavering as I held his.  
A flicker of defiance danced in Charles' eyes, but he thought better of it and took a step back. Pleased with his reaction, I let my gaze roam over him, taking in every detail of his disheveled appearance. His beige Dior t-shirt hugged his chest just right, emphasizing the contours of his muscles, while his dark, loose jeans hung low on his hips, drawing my attention to the slight bulge beneath. My eyes lingered on the subtle outline of his erection, a testament to our dance floor rendezvous. His chestnut hair was tousled, his lips swollen, and his eyes, dark with desire.  
"Enjoying the view?" the tease prompted, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.  
"You bet I am," I replied, my tone low and husky. "Get over here."  
As my order hit Charles's ears, the only defiance glinting in his eyes was, Try and stop me. But tonight, I wasn’t waiting for him to comply. As soon as he was within my reach, I grabbed his hand, pulled him towards me, and spun him around so that he was facing the wall against which I was leaning.  
My body was an immediate presence behind him - one of my hands moved around to the button of his jeans, my mouth came down to his ear, and as my breath brushed against it, a shiver of anticipation raced up his spine.   
“I’m so fucking hard for you right now,” I moaned when he ground his ass back against my erection, “And I haven’t even gotten your pants undone yet.”  
Charles blindly reached for the hand I was now using to unzip him, and when he found it, he guided it inside his open pants, behind the material of his trunks, and then he curled his hand over the top of mine where he most wanted it - on his aching dick.  
“Oh que oui.”  
My chuckle was arrogant as hell, and the strong, solid strokes I began had his hips punching forward to fuck my fist.  
“That’s what you want?” I wondered by his ear, and Charles’s hand left his trunks to come out and grab at my thigh for something to hang on to.  
“C'est ça,” he agreed, as I twisted my hand around the tip of his cock and he thrust into the touch. He bit his lip as he continued to rock his hips, my hand providing the perfect amount of friction to torment but not quite get him there.  
“So…what’s next?” I asked. “We can’t just stand here like this all night.” I stopped moving my hand, and Charles clenched his fingers in my thigh.  
“Putain, ne t'arrête pas.”  
“Then answer my question.” My demand had his dick throbbing. “Come on, Schatje.” My teeth nipped at the shell of his ear, and Charles’s jaw bunched. “I’ll do anything. But I wanna hear you ask for it.”  
“Take my goddamn pants off.”  
My fingers were in either side of his jeans, yanking them, and his trunks, over his ass to his thighs. “Hands up. Legs spread. As wide as these jeans of yours will let you get’em.”  
Charles placed his palms against the wall and widened his stance. I then crowded in behind him, and the rough denim grazed Charles’s naked ass as I planted a hand by either side of the ones he had on the wall.  
“Mmm.” I smoothed a palm over the rounded curve of Charles' ass. “It’s gonna be a real tight fit in here tonight.”  
"Sainte merde, Max." Charles swore, bucking back against me, needing some kind of contact.  
“So…what’s next?”  
"Maybe I just want to rub against you," the teasing taunt slipped past Charles's lips before he thought better of it, but being in the mood I was in, I wasn't about to let him get away with it.  
"Like this?" I asked, feeling the anticipation rising as I began to roll my hips, grinding my erection up and down his crack.  
Charles’s desperate plea escaped his lips, "Mon Dieu, Max. Get rid of your fucking clothes."  
The familiar rustling of fabric filled the confined space as I quickly shed my clothes and fished a lube packet from my wallet. It didn’t take but a few seconds, and then I was back, wedging my lubed dick right where Charles wanted it most. The sound that escaped his throat as my cock slid along the slick crevice of his ass was nothing short of desperate. 
“Verdomme, Charles,” I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through the pre-cum I’d left all over his skin, making him shudder. 
“Dedans…” Charles erupted on a rush of air. “Mon Dieu… Put something in me.” 
I slipped my slick fingers down the heated skin of Charles’s narrow cleft, and when the pads of my fingers found his hole and massaged over the top of it, he cursed. I then pushed a finger in nice and deep, the way he loved it, and when his head fell forward and his shoulders bunched, my cock throbbed. 
“Yeah, Charles. Go crazy for me. I wanna watch,” I proclaimed as I withdrew my index finger and then slid it back inside. 
“Max,” Charles roared as I added a second to the mix, rubbing and pushing at the entrance I was stretching. 
“Vraag me erom.” At my words, Charles turned his head, and I saw that his pupils were blown and his teeth clenched. “I want to hear you. Ask me, Charles.” I added slight pressure to his hole, and his breath rushed out. 
“Tu vas payer pour ça.” 
“I’m looking forward to it,” I declared, chuckling at his threat as my fingertips entered him. “Now come on…” I continued, twisting my hand. “Beg me for it.” 
“You goddamn sadist. If you don’t hurry up and fuck me with something, I—” 
That was as far as Charles got because, as far as begging went, that demand was music to my ears, and I was right there thrusting two fingers inside him. Charles arched back, pushing his cock through his fist as the intense pleasure of having my fingers inside him hit. Pulling those fingers free, I added a third, massaging over Charles’s prostate. 
“Putain,” he swore, clenching his tight fist around the base of his cock. 
My mouth found his neck as I dragged my tongue up the line of it, biting down gently. My cock bumped against Charles’s ass cheek as I continued to slowly stretch him, bringing him to the brink time and time again. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” I declared against his cheek, withdrawing my fingers. His hole clenched at the loss, craving exactly that. My hand landed on the back of his neck. 
“You might want to brace yourself,” I suggested, giving him a rough shove forward. His left hand shot up to support himself against the wall. 
“That’s it,” I said as my other fingers dug into his hip. The head of my cock nudged against his entrance. “Now, Charles. Say it.” 
And the words flew from his mouth, unstoppable. “Baise-moi, Max. You—”  
I was balls deep inside him before he finished his demand. His whimper echoed around us, just as I had predicted. 
The hand that I had in the back of Charles neck tightened as I withdrew, then thrust forward, drilling into him. The strength of that thrust had him stumbling slightly, but I pulled him back against me, his spine flush against my chest. 
“Nom de Dieu, that’s…” His voice cracked, leaving him as my arm wound around his waist, taking hold of his cock. 
“Diep. I’m so fucking deep, and your ass is so tight.” I stroked my fist up to the head of his dick, and he groaned at the intense pleasure. 
“Any final requests?” I asked, my voice ragged. 
“Fuck me until I can’t walk.” 
I close my fist around his cock, and I gave it a rough pull as my hips surged forward. Then I plastered him against the wall with his arms drawn up over his head, holding them in place as I drove inside of him. 
There was nothing gentle about what happened next. I grabbed his hip to hold him still as I fucked into him relentlessly. 
“Ah putain…merde,” he exclaimed, his voice failing him. 
“Give me your tongue,” I demanded, and his head turned so my mouth could find his, and then Charles went wild. 
His hands twisted and clawed above him, trying to get leverage, until I pinned them in place. My cock throbbed inside him, and he shut his eyes, surrendering to the greedy, dark side of himself. 
“Déplace-toi,” he uttered between clenched teeth, and when I held his stare, he whipped his head to the other side, sinking his teeth into my bicep. 
“Fuuuck” I cursed loudly. My arm stung where Charles had just bitten me, and as I held onto his hips, I relished the feeling. 
With his hands on the wall and his legs barely parted due to the confines of his jeans, Charles's hot hole was a challenge I was enjoying getting my dick in and out of. I couldn't seem to temper my own fevered response to the way he was reacting to me, and hell if I wanted to. 
"Yes. Mon Dieu. Fucking harder, Max." Charles's words were clipped, his movements now methodical as his hand moved in time with his pistoning hips as he ruthlessly chased after the climax building in him. 
The grunts echoing throughout the floor were accompanied by curses and threats that made my lips curl and my balls tingle. I'd always loved a good argument with Charles, and I enjoyed the fight for dominance between us during sex. And hell if I wasn't about to bask in the satisfaction I was about to take in filling Charles's ass in the most primal way I could. 
With one hand on Charles's hip, I raised my other to grip the back of his neck again, and the second I did, Charles started to beg. Deeper, harder, more, now—Charles wanted anything I was willing to give, and, luckily for him, tonight, that was everything. 
I wasn't sure how long it took the two of us then. Minutes? Seconds? I had no clue. It was as though time stopped as every nerve ending in my body lit on fire. 
A harsh growl left my throat as Charles's entire body arched back into me, his muscles tightening around me as if trying to draw me even deeper inside him. 
"Maaax," he whined, his body trembling against mine, and I could feel the pulsating waves of his release as he came all over the wall. 
Watching him lose himself in the throes of ecstasy only heightened my own arousal, and I continued to move within him, driving deeper and harder until I couldn't hold back any longer. With a primal grunt, I came, emptying myself inside Charles's ass. 
As the waves of ecstasy subsided, Charles and I remained entwined, our bodies still humming with shared pleasure. With breathless moans, we let gravity take hold, and sort of just fell onto the hard floor, holding onto each other tight. 
The sudden change in perspective brought a new intensity to our closeness. I felt every beat of Charles's heart against my own chest, every rise and fall of his breath as he nestled against me. The floor was cold against our skin, but being tangled up together made it feel cozy.  "You okay there, Schatje?" 
Charles let out a contented sigh. "Mmm, more than okay," he replied, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.  
I chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through our entwined bodies. "Glad to hear that," I said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But seriously, I might have gone a bit hard on you there. Are you sure you're not sore?" 
Charles shifted slightly, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm sore in all the right places. I think you might need to carry me out of here." 
"I will give you a piggyback ride," I whispered against his lips, my heart swelling with love. 
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iridescentclaws · 9 months
x_x So many numbers to worry about. Anxious about seeing doctor again on Tuesday and also other appointments that haven't been arranged yet.
I think I'm doing okay so far. i think I'm mostly used to the needles/poking myself since it's not as bad as I thought it'd be. Fucking annoying I have to do it before every meal + before bed. At least before bed it's just for checking blood sugar but still. I miss not caring about what I had to eat. I wouldn't say my diet before was healthy but also wasn't the worst. I miss being able to eat comfortably, have sweets every now and then. I miss my microwave udon and ramen. Miss my hot cocoa. Didn't get to enjoy at least one candy cane before I got diagnosed
I did sleep okay last night, didn't wake up several times. But I still feel so tired. Feel like I have no time for anything because all this is taking up so much real estate in my head.
And I think I've been doing better to manage my feelings and stress over this. It had to have been impacting my blood sugar because I've been eating so little, doing my best to keep carbs, sugar, fats, and sodium down. Everything. Because of that it's also been a struggle to make sure I'm actually getting enough calories. It's such a headache. And all the advice I see when I google is just like "Cook a 20 ingredient dish that would take you easily an hour or more to make!"
And I know it's healithier and better that way but I just don't have the energy. I was depressed before, how do you think I feel now?
I keep telling myself to go look up recipes so we can get groceries to do so and every time I go and look I'm just feeling like "I can't do that.."
I've been having bell peppers with cream cheese and smoked salmon for the past 3 days I think it's been. I don't mind cooked bell peppers but I've been having them uncooked cause it's fast. also Idk I'm sure it would alter the nutritional values if I did. And it just sucks. Especially with such a tiny amount of cream cheese. It's the texture, a lot of foods if the texture is off I can't enjoy it. I can get it down but sometimes it's a struggle. Having shitty plain oatmeal sucked, was like eating cement. I added a bit of cinnamon but that barely helped. And I know there's more things I can add, like sweetner or fruit or whatever. but for me it's still a lot of work and thinking, and I didn't have anything like that around so that's what I had.
I've been trying to find apps and stuff to just plan meals for me but it's such a headache and a lot of them you gotta pay a subscription. I just want to be able to prepare everything without thinking so hard about it. I don't think I have dyscalculia but I'm often running numbers through my calculator over and over and over again + asking others to check my math on top of that. Re-reading over and over. I get so paranoid and its justt dfghdghhh
I just wish I could have something like dog kibble and just have that for every meal. would it still make me feel depressed just having the same shit over and over again? Maybe, but I'd KNOW for a fact I'd be getting all the nutrients I need and very easily and efficiently. So that fear is just eliminated. also sometimes watching like mukbang/food review channels while I eat helps. It makes me feel like I'm eating that instead of the fucking air I've been eating.
I'm trying so hard not to feel one way or another about this because like I said I'm worried about my stress levels affecting my blood sugar, whether or not that's something that can happen but i've been told by others it can. and ofc it was really bad those first few days and also the entire week. I feel scared to cry, to be angry, to have any kind of stressful emotions and it's making me feel so numb like I have to be a robot. having anxiety and paranoia on top of that, something I can't fully help it just makes things so hard
also i've had to take insulin every single time after I was given it. there has not been one time where it was not over 130, cause anything at that or lower I don't have to take it. But I have that and metformin and still it's been higher than that. doing my best to walk for at least an hour after every meal to help that.
i wish I could've somehow had a day to be like.. the last day I can just enjoy food and not care. I wish I could've gone to a seafood buffet one more time, had as much as I wanted. had as much sushi as I wanted, had as much dim sum as I wanted, as much soup and stew and ice cream and cake and fries and potatos.
oh well.
there's really no point in complaining about it
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trulymadlysydney · 2 years
Okay I would wait until you have them to post so you don't jinx anything lol. Sooo my two cats are not related at all. one is currently 2 years old and the other one is only 6 months. we got them 4 months apart from two different shelters. I would say get two because they'll keep each other occupied and not lonely. I think my older cat has anxiety issues, when she was the only one, i would often hear her whining when she thought she was home alone. once we got the younger one she doesn't seem to do that as much. Yours being sisters might help them get along better though. my older one was not too fond of the younger one at first fjzhdfg
I would say go with your gut, if you were automatically drawn to both, I'd say get both. Cats, are very low maintenance. idk if you have had cats before, but they're not like dogs where you constantly need to pay attention to them all the time. I work from home so I guess it's a different situation but cats mainly keep to themselves anyways. they sleep all day and really only bug you if they're hungry hefbjzshf. what I do though, is I feed them wet food twice a day. once in the morning and once at night but they have a kibble bowl that's always out so they can munch throughout the day. I never had cats before them either, I grew up with dogs, but cats are very very easy to take care of.
AH thank you so much for all of this! I've grown up with pets my entire life and we've had a cat since 2012, but obviously she lives with my parents out in AZ and she's not just mine. She's always had dog brothers so she kind of thinks she's a dog lol but I don't think I could ever see her being the only pet. And now that I live away from my parents and her and the dog, I'm realizing how bad I want a little companion of my very own.
I would love to have a dog but I just know my lifestyle is not a good fit for a dog right now, whereas a cat (or cats) would be perfect. And I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your message!! It's genuinely so helpful and it makes me so excited to hopefully own some kitties of my own soon  🥺
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ferricadooza · 5 years
#// death#// death of pets#everyone i know is either too happy or drunk or distracted to listen to me mope right now#but i really need to let it out so i'm just gonna write it all out in here#feel free to ignore#so i'm dogsitting for about a week for my mom's best friend#and i knew it going in but her oldest dog has been pretty sick for a while now and i don't think it really hit me properly until now#i have to give him a pill half an hour before he eats in the morning so he can digest his food#except it's not working and every afternoon/evening when i come back to check on them again i find another mess to clean up#and it's not the mess i'm worried about#he literally hasn't kept a single meal down since i started taking care of him this week#all of his food has been cooked and prepackaged by my mom's friend because he's afraid to eat kibble bc that's what he was eating#when he first got sick. and at first he would sniff a few meals and eat the one that smelled the best to him#but since he's been throwing them up every time now he's started refusing to eat all of those now too#so he's just not eating. and my heart is breaking because i can't Force him to eat. especially not when it just makes him sick.#and i'm just. watching him lie on the floor where it's a little cooler and he's not really moving and i can't stop crying.#because i know they're gonna have to put him down soon if he doesn't die before then. and i just really need him to hold on until sunday.#because that's when my mom's friend and her family get back and i want him to be surrounded by the people he loves y'know#i just hate this. dogs deserve to live forever and i'm sad#anyways. this is depressing. sorry.#// illness
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heedra · 3 years
I have a sort of, maybe, weird question. Some day, down the line, when I'm in a better place, my fiancee and I would love to have some other animals. We love rodent/prey animals for being super cute, and we have considered rats. I guess I'm curious how expensive they are to take care of? I've had guinea pigs before and they weren't too bad, but I know they're not entirely comparable, so I'm wondering how much they are to really take care of, say on a monthly basis, so I can make considerations far in advance of taking on new animals.
this is a good question! they definitely don't compare to dogs and cats in terms of upkeep costs, but they're absolute not as cheap as a lot of people would assume. gonna break it down by talking about some of the main cost categories i'd say there are below the readmore
Initial supplies: $200+. Nearly any suitable rat cage on the market that's not also a pain and a half to use is going to be 100 dollars or more unless you're lucky enough to find one used. Rats also need a cage that's pretty heavily furnished with sleeping areas, climbing aids, hides, and enrichment objects. If you're starting from scratch I'd be prepared to put down at least two hundo towards the initial setup (but investing in a good setup, especially a sturdy cage, is well worth it) Food: Varies, about $12 a month for me for their base diet kibble. Definitely the cheapest of their regular necessities. It's good to give them healthy fruits, veggies and treats to supplement on occasion, but they can eat a lot of things you'd buy for yourself, so I don't find I spend too much extra on that. Bedding/Litter: Varies, I pay about maybe $50 a month. Probably the priciest monthly expense for me, because if you're using a bedding the rats can dig in, which i would highly recommend over fleece because it's way better enrichment, the downside is you're going to have to replace it with clean stuff every week. i use crinkle-paper or shredded paper bedding myself, which can be handmade if u got a shredder and a lot of newspaper, but will cost you like 15 bux a pop from a pet store (I'm trying to look into cheaper ways to get it in bulk atm bc its definitely crazy frustrating to have to spend that much on shredded paper, but i consider it worth it in the meantime because its so much better at allowing them natural behaviors than fleece would be) I also use unscented newspaper cat litter for their boxes, but I use this up way slower and wouldn't consider it a prohibitive cost at all. Honestly I think what I spend is way more expensive than I need to be so I’d take this price here with a grain of salt. Enrichment: Varies. Rats need new stuff in their enclosure to interact with, constantly, or they get bored. You technically don't ever have to spend a cent to do this bc there's plenty of enrichment you can make out of objects in your home (and plenty of more stuff you can get at the dollar store alone) but it's worth considering. Medical Expenses: Varies, but DO anticipate it. I think this is the least anticipated cost of owning rats, but a critical one. Rats are pretty delicate creatures and it's pretty common for them to get upper respiratory infections that require antibiotics to treat. Male rats can also become hormonally aggressive when they hit sexual maturity and require neutering to coexist with their cagemates. Rescued rats or rats purchased from feeder outfits may also require treatment for mites. While the cost of these procedures has, in my experience, been way cheaper than any medical expense for a dog or cat, it's still not cheap, per se. Think the 50-150 dollar range.
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A Fateful Meeting (John Wick x Reader)
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You led a fairly average life, working as a part-time barista in a bustling New York cafe to help pay the med school bills. Today was one of the rare days you got to get off of work early. You began your walk home and started thinking of all the things you wanted to do today. Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft whine at your feet, you stopped and glanced down. Your heart melted, a sweet grey pit bull nuzzled at your feet, you kneeled down and held your hand out to him before softly stroking him. "What are you doing out here little guy?" You said softly, the dog almost seemed to comprehend your question as he trotted back from where you came, pausing to see if you followed.
You sighed, realizing none of the items on your mental to-do list would be checked this evening as you followed this dog. I mean, you couldn't just leave that lil cutie all alone! Nothing could've prepared you for what would come next, you gasped as you turned the corner into a dark, damp alleyway and saw a beaten and bloody man sprawled on the concrete. The pit bull whined again and gently licked at the man's face.
You sprang into action, kneeling down beside the man. He was unconscious, his long dark hair was damp and clung to his face that was littered with small cuts and bruises. Even on deaths door he had a beautiful face. You moved down his body, applying pressure to the still bleeding wounds on his abdomen and shoulder. He was still breathing, although it was becoming more ragged as time went on. You thought for a moment, your apartment only a few blocks from where you were now, and foot traffic was light at the moment. Whether it be through pure willpower, or adrenaline, or a combination of both, you had managed to half-carry half-drag the much larger man to your apartment. Holding his muscular arms over your shoulders, you tried to ignore the looks from pedestrians as you heaved the man into the elevator and slammed the buttons as soon as the pup was clear of the doors. The dog sat and smiled up at you, tongue poking out a bit. "You're one loyal pup, aren't you?" You whispered, sighing as the elevator doors opened and you managed to get the man into your home and onto your bed. The pit bull following John's form and laying at his feet.
You swiftly and carefully grabbed all of your supplies, a few first aid kits and some sutures for some clearly needed stitches. You began to strip him of his clothes, your eyes widened as you took off his suit jacket and bullet shells rained down onto your hardwood floor. You shrugged it off, more focused on making sure this handsome stranger didn't die in your bed. You set his various guns and knives on your bedside counter. You couldn't help but take a quick second to admire his physique as you striped him of his blood stained dress shirt and tie. He was incredibly strong, but his chest was littered with scars of different ages and bruises all over. You focused your attention on the gaping wound in his side, you gently cleaned around it with a wet cloth, and took a deep breath before applying a disinfectant, knowing it would be painful. You looked up at his face, it contorted in pain and his eyes flashed open for a moment, before closing them again.
His eyes were brown, they were so warm and chocolatey, you wondered how someone with eyes so kind got himself into this predicament as you began to prep your needle. You took a moment to steady yourself as you began to stitch him up as gently and precisely as you could. He didn't react to the needle piercing his skin so you assume he must've faded out again. After you finished stitching up and cleaning up his major wounds you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. You began to gently wipe some of the sweat and dirt from his face, your body leaning over his. After you were content with your treatment of him, you began rummaging through your closet to try to find some clothes that weren't covered in blood that would fit this tall man. You eventually found some sweatpants from an old ex and an oversized tee shirt. After that you started to run a bath, he was kind of filthy, and you could only do so much with a rag. Just as you got the temperature right you heard a shift on your bed and you whipped around.
John came to, confused and a first on high alert until he felt the presence of his dog at his feet. He looked around, looking down at his now stitched up and torso and the room he was in. You had a desk with medical textbooks piled up, your laptop next to it. He looked down and saw he had stained your blue bedsheets with his blood, he let out a small sigh as he began to slowly lift his head. He heard water running, and soon saw you peek out from behind the bathroom door. Your cheeks were flushed, hands still had a bit of his blood on them around your nails. Your hair thrown into a low pony tail. How did someone so cute and small manage to get him here? John couldn't help but let the hint of a smile tug at his lips. His eyes met yours, "Thank you." He said simply.
His voice sent shudders down your spine, it was almost like a growl, so gravelly but yet so sweet. The flush on your face grew redder as you looked at him. You looked to the sleeping pit bull at his feet. "You should really be thanking your pup, he led me right to you." You replied, your voice still soft as you approached him. "I uh, ran you a bath, I thought it might help with the..." You trailed off as you stared at his various wounds, "aches and pains." You finished. Looking up into his brown eyes, you held out your hand, not sure if he wanted help to the bathroom. He seemed to be on the quieter side, as he wordlessly took your hand and with some effort got out of your bed and into the bathroom.
After getting him situated, you helped him take off his shoes. "My name is (Y/N), by the way." You said as you swiftly unlaced his dress shoe.
He began to undo his belt, "John." He said, tossing his belt to the ground. You blushed, unable to resist the dirty thoughts that crossed your mind as he threw his belt.
You smiled, "John." You repeated, finally being able to put a name to this gorgeous face. You stood up, "Well, I'll leave you to it, John. Just holler if you need anything." You said before leaving the bathroom to give him some privacy.
You walked into your kitchen, the pit bull following behind you. You smiled and gave him a pat, rummaging around to find him something to eat, you set out a bowl of kibble and some water. You sighed softly, propping yourself up on your kitchen counter. John, that was his name. Even when he was beat to shit he was gorgeous, his beard perfectly framed his face, and his physique was nothing to scoff at. You tried to not think about it as you began to throw together a quick meal for you and John, but you couldn't help it. After all, it's not everyday something like this happens. Why me? You wondered, why did this dog pick you out of everyone on the street? You were glad it was you, you didn't know if everyone was as equipped to handle situations like this, most people would've just called the cops and been done with it. But you knew he wouldn't have lasted long out there, whoever hurt him was probably still out there.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of raining water and shuffling as John entered the room, his hair was combed down, dripping with sparse beads of water and his arms glistened slightly under the overhead lighting. He gingerly sat down at the table as you slid a plate and a glass of water towards him, along with a bottle of painkillers.
John gratefully took them, downing a handful. He turned to face you, eyes staring calming into yours. "Why did you help me, (Y/N)?" He inquired, his voice smooth and steady.
You fiddled with your fork, "Well, I... I couldn't just leave you there, you looked like you were on deaths door. I don't even know how you're already up and moving." You said, looking back up at him. "I want to help people, that's why I'm trying to finish med school." You continued, watching as John mulled over your words.
He took a sip of water, "It's hard to find kind people in this world." He said, he seemed to stare past you as if he was remembering something... someone. You reminded him so much of Helen, you didn't hesitate to help him when he was in need. You were kind and gentle, and your smile was adorable. He looked down at his plate, he couldn't afford to get attached. He was back in the game, and there was no looking back now.
He abruptly stood up, "John? What are you doing?" You inquired, getting up shortly after him and following him back into your bedroom.
John sighed, turning around to face you. "I can't stay here, (Y/N)." He dragged his hand thorough his freshly washed hair, "The people who did this to me won't stop until I'm dead or I kill them first. The longer I'm here the more you're in danger." He explained, beginning to gather his things.
Your heart dropped, you didn't want him to leave. You felt the need to protect him, you didn't want to see him get hurt again. You continued to walk closely behind him, "John, you can't leave, you're still injured and I can-"
He cut you off, "I really do appreciate your help, but I have to go." He said, his voice a bit harsher this time.
You grabbed his arm and pulled him to face you, you laid a hand on his face, his beard hair tickling your skin. "John..." your voice was barely above a whisper, "Please be careful." You said, your stomach doing flips as you worried about him.
He suddenly look your face in his hands, his rough hands gently stroking your skin, he pulled you into a kiss. Your eyes widened, then fluttered shut as you melted into John's strong arms, continuing to stroke his beard. He held one hand on your head and one on your hips. He pulled away, leaving both of you breathless. His eyes were dark and lustful, but he knew he couldn't stay. "I will." He said, before turning and leaving you.
You stood for a moment, catching your breath. Something told you you'd cross paths with this dark, mysterious man again. You couldn't wait for the next time he'd come through those bedroom doors, hopefully this time with less life threatening stab wounds.
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Queequeg's Resurrection
For: Astrid // Berenbos
Oh my glob. Oh my glob. Oh my glob. I think that's what my human, Mommy, says. There was a big thing like another doggie but with no hair and lots of teethies. I think it wanted to eat me! I got away but he ripped out some of my feathers. My feathers are little perfect fluffy hairs on the back of my legs. That's what they are called - look it up. I swears. 
My poor feathers. BUT - I runned away and now I'm hiding. It's very wet here and the grass is higher than me. This isn't like where Mommy and me live so’s I hope I find her. She has red hair like me and always smells nice and gives me treaties. She is nice and soft to lay on when she watches the glowy box. 
I don't hear the toothy dog anymore, so I am going to see if I can move from here. I poke my nose out and sniff the air. I don't smell its weird stinky smell so I think I might be OK to walk around. I want to see if I can sniff out Mommy. I start out with one my nose to ground but I keep checking with my eyes because that doggie was so quiet. I move real slow and then I catch it - a whiff of Mommy!! Oh my glob!!
I move faster but I'm still looking a lot. Mommy's fren Muldo thinks I'm dumb. I heard him call me 'dumb dog' but I am not dumb. I am a smart doggie and I will show him. I will find Mommy. 
Mommy... Mommy... Mommy... 
If I keep saying it in my head maybe I will find her quicker. OH! I hear her. MOMMY!!
I burst out from the grasses and there she is wrapped in a binky. She is all wet - no wonder it took me some time. She is standing next to Muldo - HE is the dumb one. I arf and arf and she spins to look at me. 
"Queequeg!!" Mommy yells bending down. I run so fast I almost fall. It's my Mommy! She picks me up and I gib her all the kissies. She holds me close and she starts to cry. No cry, Mommy - I am here. Be happy!
"Holy shit - maybe you're not such a dumb dog after all." Muldo says and I want to growl at him but I am just so happy to be safe with Mommy that I don't. She gibs me more cuddles and then says "I can't believe it! You're ok." I gib her more kissies. She buries her head in my fur and gives me one last huggie. 
That was a close one! I won't be leaving Mommy's side again!!
I get overwhelmed when I see that little tuft of red hair coming my way. I can't believe it - my little guy is OK. I don't think I realized just how much I love him until now. Tears are welling up in my eyes and I don't even care. I hear Mulder saying something about my "dumb dog" not being so dumb but it fades in the background as I give him more hugs. I think before he entered my life, I didn't realize how much love I had to give - now I have someone to give it to and I need this little ball of floof in my life. 
"You're ok - my little floof." I murmur as I hug him to my chest and begin walking back towards the motel. Mulder trails along behind me muttering more things I don't hear in my still-shocked state.  
I unlock the door to my room and, only then, do I release him to the floor. He proceeds to hop around excitedly at my feet. My smile beams and I bend over to scratch behind his ears. Mulder has followed me into my room and sits down in the chair near the small table. He has stopped talking, probably realizing that I wasn't listening anyway. 
"Want some food, little man? I bet you're starving!" I say as I move to open a bag of kibble. I was still in too much shock to throw anything of his away yesterday. I put down his bowl and smile as he happily stuffs himself on the dry food. 
I sit down on the chair opposite to Mulder and watch Quee eat. 
"Sorry, Scully - I guess I didn't realize how much you loved him." My brows furrow as I look at him. Am I that much of a robot in his eyes? That I couldn't even love my dog? I think he knows how I took it within a second. I watch idly as Quee hops up on the bed across from us. 
"He's my dog. Of course I love him." I say flatly. 
"Hey, Scully, I didn't mean anything by it... I just..." he trails off, looking embarrassed. 
"It's fine." 
"Clearly it's not - I didn't mean you're incapable of love or anything..." Oh, Mulder, shut the fuck up before you get yourself in more trouble. I roll my eyes to the ceiling then close them. "Of course you are capable of love... like with your mom and stuff...." Has his mind left the building? I give him a look that conveys this.
"I just... it makes me think of all the things you must want for your life but don't have because of this job." 
"Mulder, I have Quee *because* of this job, remember?" 
"Yeah... but he's just one step closer to a normal life. You're just missing the husband and 2.5 kids." 
"Mulder, where is this even coming from?" 
"I don't know - our conversation out there on that rock. Am I really the stubborn captain dragging you around on a fruitless quest? I don't want you to miss out on things that could make you happy."
"Mulder. First of all, I wouldn't be here if it didn't make me happy and leave me with a sense of fulfillment. Second, you are not dragging me anywhere. I wouldn't be going with you if I didn't want to be there. I'm not Ishmael or the rest of the doomed crew. I'm my own person and make my own career and life choices." I said, somewhat offended about the way he's making ME into the hapless puppy dog of this situation.
"I didn't mean to imply that you don't have agency here... just that... I want you to be happy," He said, it's his turn to be the puppy dog with the big sad eyes.
"I am happy. I know this job can be hard and challenging but it's one of the reasons I love it so much..." I am trying to convey my truth to him in my eyes. "I was never the kind of little girl who dreamed of her wedding day or had her children's names picked out. I wanted adventure and to make a difference and I'm living that life so I'm happy. I'm happy with... you."
He gives me a shy smile. "Are you with me?"
Shit... this has taken a turn. "I... could be... if that was something we both wanted."
"Is it something you want?" It is just me or has his voice gotten deeper? Also it's gotten about 10 degrees hotter in here. I open my mouth but nothing comes. He saves, and slays, me with his next comment. "I want it."
"You do?" I squeak out. Jesus, is that even my voice? 
"I'm not going to lie and say I haven't been thinking about you and I... for a long time. I never knew what I wanted out of life as a kid. I never knew where life would take me. I certainly didn't expect you." He says with a fond smile quirking his lips. "But maybe that's the best part of life - those things that come out of nowhere and surprise you. All of a sudden, you have everything you didn't know you wanted right in front of you."
"Is that what I am to you?" I can't even believe I got those words out - I'm so shocked. This has been the most bizarre few days. I need to hear him say it - say those words - what he wants,
"Yes - you came out of nowhere and turned my life upside down. I didn't know that I would ever, or could ever, feel this way about someone. So... yes... you're all I want."
"You're all I want, too." I whisper but he must hear it because suddenly his face is right in front of mine. He moved lightning fast from his seat to kneeling in front of mine. His hands are light on my knees as he looks me straight in the eye, asking for my permission. I give a small nod and then we're kissing. I can't believe it. How did this even happen? We're kissing and his hands are in my hair and my arms are linked around his neck.
What is dis?! He looks like he's gibbing her kissies. Only I am allowed to kiss mommy!! I have to put a stop to dis!
I jump off the bed and run at them...
I can't believe it. I'm finally kissing Scully and it's perfect... exactly what I thought it would be. I knew we would be so good together...
I pounce!!
Her dog is attacking us! Well... not attacking but he jumped into her lap and is now barking incessantly.
"I knew your dog hated me," I say dejectedly until I look up at her face. There is so much love and joy in those baby blues. We grin at each other and then we're laughing hysterically. This whole thing is ridiculous but I can't believe I finally got to kiss her. I'm actually giddy with it and I don't think I have ever felt this way, at any point, in my life.
“Scully, I don’t think is going to work…” I start and her face drops. “If your dog is going to jump on us every time I kiss you because I plan on doing it a lot.”
Her face lights up. “Oh two men battling for my affections!” She puts on a fake southern drawl that makes me chuckle. “I mean, Queequag does share my bed at night…”
“We’ll see for how much longer…” I lean in and give her a soft, slow kiss until the damn dog jumps up between us again. “Think you can make room for a fox, as well as a hound?”
She groans and rolls her eyes. “That was bad, even for you. But yes, I have plenty of room for both of my boys.” She gently pushes the pup off her lap and places her hands on my cheeks, her nails lightly scratching the 5 o’clock shadow there. She leans in and I meet her halfway for a kiss that somehow feels more intimate than the others before it. “Mulder, you know I love you, right?”
“I hoped, Scully, I hoped you loved me as much as I love you,” I say, touching my forehead to hers. She captures my lips again and I do my best to push the furball back. “So… when we get back… think maybe your mom can watch the hellspawn for a weekend? I really want you all to myself.” 
“Mmm… that is definitely possible.” She makes me happier and happier by the minute. 
Mommy is acting weird. Ever since we got back from the swampy place she is jittery… as jittery as me. She is walking around moving our stuff and playing with her hair. It’s really weird.
There is a knock at the door! I love visitors!! 
Mommy lets them in and OH MY GLOB! It’s grandma!! I run toward her and leap into her arms. “Hello, my little fluffy one!” she says and I gib her all my kissies. “You’re coming to stay with me for the day! How about that?”
Sounds great, gram - you gib me lots more treaties than mommy. You say it’s our secret so’s I neber tell her. 
“Dana, don’t you look nice… expecting another visitor after me?” She winks her eye at mommy.
“Just asking, dear!” she says and throw her hand that’s not holding me up. “Just… maybe you could give me some details when you come to get furry man tomorrow.”
“We’ll see…” she said, grabbing my baggie with all my stuffs and handing it to gram. “Thanks again for watching him, mom. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She kisses gram on the cheek and ruffles my head fur. Then gram and I are off to the place with tons of treats. We pass Muldo  in the hall and after he says ‘hey’ to gram, he ruffles my head fur too. He smells like the woods, not the swamp. I guess he’s ok. I guess I can let mommy keep him.
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@xfilesfanficexchange here it is!! I hope it lives up to the expectations of the prompt writer (prompter? Is that even a word?)
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