#But ft crystal stabbed in the heart
myrkar · 9 months
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What survived is not kind
10 notes · View notes
eris-snow · 2 months
Tags: Revelation (Deku's birthday series 2024), izuku x fem!reader, revelation, stabbing, blood, angst, no fluff, sorry, pain, this is late, ft bakugou and ochaco,
15th July: Doomsday.
Class starts off normal. Yeah, that’s it. Cool, normal, totally not like your childhood best friend is burning holes into you like you were going to get slammed by a semi-truck at any minute.
Izuku’s eyes are pools of crystal lakes. Like Narcissus looking into his own reflection, Izuku’s eyes compelled you to look his way. Maybe it was sorcery or witchcraft—his eyes seem to sparkle, and they’re mesmerising beyond any precious jewel.
I get it. It’s your birthday. Doomsday.
And maybe, you were just the slightest bit peeved at his actions. All through yesterday, he’d been avoiding you like a plague. Wouldn’t talk to you, speak to you, hell, he wouldn’t even look at you. Then all of a sudden, he decides that he wants to shower you with his gaze and attention, or peer at you with those fucking eyes like he hadn’t been avoiding you these past few days.
You thought you knew dense, but this? Izuku was a fucking mineshaft.
Just as you’re about to address his intense gaze during homeroom, Aizawa calls you out for the second time in the span of one week. You pretend you don’t feel all eyes on you as you exit the classroom. There’s a certain aloofness you can never mirror from Kacchan. There isn’t the “I’d die for you in a heartbeat” mentality ingrained in your bones just like how it is for Izuku. You wish to emulate both of them, for a trait special to your personal, but when you stop to think about it, you draw a blank.
Ugly, ugly, plain and boring, you remind yourself, as you step out the classroom to meet Aizawa. You’re getting called out so often because you can’t even act fine correctly.
There’s a hand in your face before you know your mouth is open. “My turn first,” Aizawa says, dead serious. “You aren’t in trouble, and this isn’t about Midoriya.”
Your mouth clangs shut, and your throat constricts. What else would he want to talk about?
“An opportunity has been presented to you,” Aizawa says, trailing off a little. “By Star’s former agency in America.”
The world tilts sideways, and you actually stumble to keep yourself on your feet because of the floor’s disequilibrium. “W-What…?”
“One of them wants you there as a sidekick.”
That’s more than, what, 6000 miles to the great wild West. The land where dreams came true (supposedly).
“Ever since you aided Stars and Stripes in her last battle, the agency’s been keeping an eye on you. There’s an interview, and paperwork, and a contract but I suspect those are simply formalities.” Aizawa says nonchalantly, but you can see the pride in his eyes. The pride of a teacher, when his student has soared high. That battle was intense, but it was ashes compared to Izuku’s heart-moving victory that had saved the world.
“B-B-But…” You stutter, “I-I don’t think I’m the best candidate! Won’t they want one from the Big Three? Did they get the wrong person? Ask them to double-check because I don’t think—”
Aizawa gives you an unnerving stare, and his words that come out flat. “Kid, they phoned me 14 times. Pretty sure they got the right person.”
Hesitation lines your face, as Aizawa pats your shoulder. “More details will be given should you accept. They want you from next year onwards, which I am willing to compromise for as long as you have fixed times with you to revise the necessary topics. You, Bakugou and Midoriya have finished most of the syllabus, correct? Should you feel necessary, I possess revision materials and suitable dates should you want to take the final exam earlier.”
It’s a beautiful opportunity. A ‘I-found-a-golden-ticket-in-my-chocolate’ kind of opportunity. It was so tempting to take.
You were just 17. A teenager that won the lottery, who now had to deal with consequences. What about family, housing, language, oh God, your English was so bad you would die before they asked you ‘dine in or take out?’ And besides…
Aizawa sees the look on your face, and sighs loudly. How many times are you going to stupidly throw your life away for Izuku?
You can’t keep doing this, but clinging to Izuku and this ever burning love you have for him is all you ever know. Running of to America? You don’t think you could comprehend the distance across oceans paired with the distance of time. Aizawa stares at you and shakes his head in disappointment. “Give it a thought. It’s okay to be selfish sometimes, L/n. Don’t let anyone hold you back from chasing your dream.”
You swallow thickly. It’s all you’ve ever wanted, someone wants you, and you’re being called to help other people, be a real heroe and drop the ‘in-training’, to fight crime and kick as in a country with crime rates so high they could rival the Empire State Building.
You’re a terrible mess, and when you think about it more, the more miserable you get.
It’s my dream to be a hero, but what if my dream is you too?
“We need to talk,” Izuku’s voice is gentle, but it’s plush pillows wrapped up in caution tape. Assessing him doesn’t take too long, because by the way he grips your wrist as your foot is halfway out the door, he wants to tell you something, and it’s urgent.
Shrugging his hand off, you fold your arms and project aloofness, although it’s not very convincing. You feel your lips threaten to break into a false smile, and mentally slap yourself when it almost flits across your face. Izuku had caught up to you on that ever since his fragmented memories started returning, so you’d tried to stop.
Bad habits and sticky fingers.
“What is it?” You try to soften the edge of your voice like sandpaper, but you still see the way he flinches at your voice. Patrol is in half an hour, and if you don’t book it, you’ll be late. “Oh, and if this is about your birthday party and how you don’t want it, too bad, Mina already bought silly string and Sato bought ingredients for the cake, so you can’t—”
“It’s not, about my birthday.” He insists, shoving the topic aside. A hand runs through his curls, as if trying to soothe his nerves, but you can see the way he has to forcefully drop his hands to the side and avert his gaze. His outer shell had slowly crumbled off the longer he was around you, little fragments chipped off until gone is Hero Deku, and underneath is a more human Izuku, with nervous habits and mistakes.
“Look, I’m sorry I haven’t been…around.” He says, trying to phrase it nicely. It does him no favours. “There were a couple of things I had to figure out and rearrange in my head, it’s just—”
He looks desperate, and you’re feeling bad. Emerald green washes over your eyes, mirroring the calm of a forest even though he’s nothing but.
“I’ve gotten hold of how the Quirk Accident happened, and-and a way to lift the Quirk, but…” He swallows thickly, before his eyebrows furrow. “Are you even listening to me?”
Your eyes had strayed to a clock, thoughts wandering, but you jerked back to reality when a scarred hand tugged your own. “A way to lift the Quirk?”
It’s only when you repeat his words do you really understand the weight of them.
Joy bubbles up and exudes from you like an air freshener on crack.
Hey, aren’t you excited? The little child that always hoped for another way whispers, tugging your arm with a beautiful smile. Izuku’s gonna remember you.
But the logical side of you, the side with squandered hope and broken dreams makes you think through your feelings. The longer you think about it, the more it doesn’t make sense.
If Izuku had found a way to lift this curse, then why hadn’t he done it yet?
The clocks tick, and the minute hand moves. How many minutes do you have left until he forgets?
“Yeah, but that can wait.” He says in a rush. “There’s some guy I met—on the streets! He’s related to my Accident. I don’t think he’s the exact person, but close, brother, probably, since he said ‘Nii-san’—”
Your heart rate spikes and colour drains from your face. Chisuke and Izuku made contact, oh God, and you didn’t even know. Now that you see it, you can’t unsee it. The redness on his neck, like he’d been held at knifepoint. Worry blossoms in your voice.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone? Why didn’t tell Sensei?”
“I just met him yesterday,” Izuku defends, eyes blazing. “And he’s not targetting me like you thought, he’s targetting you!”
Time slows. The declaration was like a veil lifted from your eyes, a shiny revelation that stares at you in the face. The target…
Is me.
Your eyes flicker back to Izuku’s face, huffing and puffing like he fought a bull to stand down. You stare at him. He’s all muscle, baby fat thinning, freckles sprinkled across his face like stars in the sky.
“It’s me?” You whisper, voice small.
Izuku watches you look at him dumbly, words caught in your throat.
“Please,” He whispers, features lined with worry, the same worry you once felt for him now reflected right back at you. “Don’t go for patrol, stay here, where it’s safe. Starlight—”
The name feels like ants on your skin.
“You’ve done so much already,” he takes out a hand, the same one as in that dumb, snow-white hospital room when he got concussed from pushing himself too hard.
I’ve done nothing.
“I…” He swallows. “I don’t want to lose you when I’m this close to figuring it all out.”
The last time you’d taken his hand it tasted like victory. Everything felt perfect, as if fireworks had painted the sky a vibrant colour shows, an artist’s masterpiece for all to see. But now, as you lock eyes with his hand, you can’t help but wonder if it really mattered anymore.
It doesn’t matter if Izuku remembers or forgets—Chisuke would still be hunting you down, looking for a way to wipe your emotions until the heroes lock him up.
All the memories, flashes of moments he’s gained from agony and tears—they’ll be locked behind reinforced walls by the stroke of midnight.
The karma of this exact day, 7 years ago is finally catching up to you after all this time. What will Chisuke do this time? Cut you up? Drown you in your blood? You taste ash on your tongue, throat clogged up.
If it really comes to it, maybe it wasn’t completely undeserved.
Isn’t that for the best? Someone whispers in your ear, voice a whispy and taunting.
Because this entire fiasco is because of you.
The minute hand ticks again, and your phone buzzes. Your patrol, your shift—
Izuku’s still there, waiting for you to take his hand.
Walls constrict on you, and feel your ribcage squeezing the air out of your lungs.
You’re gonna die, you’re going to flatline, you’re—
You only hurt when you let it hurt, and it all goes away when you don’t think.
Don’t think.
The answer comes to your hazardous grappling, and you’re so desperate to stop spiralling, you do something that you haven’t done since Izuku started talking to you again.
It comes as easy as breathing, as you let that rope snap. Up goes the walls, and gone your thoughts.
Don’t think.
Dissociate, detach, let go, don’t cry, you can’t start now.
Eyes flash upwards, and you force yourself to steel. Stars aren’t supposed to break.
Izuku’s eyes widen at your shifted demeanour, and his legs carry him out of my way as his face collapses with confusion. “Starlight, what’s wrong with you?” He whispers, pleading for you to listen. “Starlight—”
“I’m going for patrol,” You exhale sharply, looking at him with dull eyes. Expressionless, head empty, come on, just a little bit more, don’t break now—
“I’ll be careful out there, and I’ll come back safe.” Maybe.
“Starlight, you’re not listening to me—!”
“You never listen to me either, so I guess we’re both even!” You shout, swinging the door open.
The anger is foreign at your fingertips. You’ve felt disappointed, sad, longing and desire, all shrivelled up in balls of tissue paper as you wake up screaming at night. But anger? It was fresh, a band-aid ripped from raw skin.
“We’re both shitty teenagers who want to do what we think is the best for each other, and there’s nothing more to it,” You whisper, rubbing your eyes at where the tears start to leak out. This is bad, you’re out of practice, and the mask is peeling off so quickly.
You’re just so, so tired.
“Leave me alone, Midoriya.”
Hurry up and get your memories already.
“I’m not worth it.”
Haven’t I waited long enough?
Tears prickle Izuku’s eyes, pools of green watering. He’s always been such a crybaby.
Voice shaky, he echoes. “You’re worth it.”
A terrible, unsightly smile crawls up your face, and the laugh that drops from your lips is bitter and humourless.
“Goodbye, Midoriya.”
The door slams shut, and Izuku’s tears bubble over. What hell of a birthday is this?
A shadow creeps up on him, and, oh look it’s Kacchan. He messed up big time, of course he blew it with you. Furiously, he wipes his tears away and sniffles. He has no right to cry.
“God, dammit nerd, what the fuck was that?”
“I know—” He sobs, as Katsuki punches him in the face. The burn is well deserved, as the blond yanks him by the collar and spits in his face. “Good job, dumbass! You lost someone who’s been chasing after you for fuck knows how long. How’d you manage that?”
Katsuki’s voice is like a slap in the face, one he knew he very much deserved. “What, you gonna sob about this like a baby? Fucking man up, Izuku! You have a game to play, asshole. Ball’s in your court, so what’s your move?”
His mind whirls, gears turning. You’re probably halfway to the station, he knows how fast you run. Especially from him, always, always him.
“Oi, shitface!” Katsuki spits, red eyes blazing with fire from the Underworld. “What’s. Your. Move?”
A sharp bolt stabs his cornea, making him writhe in agony. Kacchan’s yelling recedes into the background, his mind sprouting words like it was trivia night on Saturday.
White lies, eyes, smiles, laughs—
He squeezes his eyes shut, pain blooming.
Starlight, Zuku, Secrets—
He gasps, unable to breathe.
His mind glitches, and images flash. A lush forest that’s always lathered in colour, beautiful branches like streamers with a lake as pure as waters from springs.
Almost instantaneously, One For All crackles from the ends of his hair to the tips of his toes. Izuku tosses himself out of Kacchan’s grip, eyes wild and frenzied. “I need—” He cuts himself off. “I need to go.”
He zips past Kacchan, and bolts out the door.
Fuck the bus, he’d get there faster on foot. He knows exactly where he’s going, because he’s going back to where it all started.
Back to the memories that resided in your glade.
The overcast sky greets your gaze as your hero partner frowns. “Oh, man, it’s gonna rain!” She wails, lamenting the bad weather. You look up, watching the sun disappear behind the curtain of grey clouds.
What’s a little bit of pain without a little bit of rain?
Izuku never ran so fast in his life. He’s probably a flying, leaping safety hazard, but he doesn’t care. Stormy clouds roll in, as the sun bids farewell for the day. The news drones on about the rainy forecast prediction. 
Yeah, no shit. He thinks, as one drop lands on his jacket.
Not a minute later, it pours.
Trespassing seems like a small feat too, as he leaps over the fence and stumbles. He doesn’t fall, though The rain makes everything slippery, so it’s a fight for balance as he reroutes his way to his destination like his body is a satellite.
The voice, your voice, gets louder and louder as he nears the clearing. It’s splitting his skull in half, and he’s fighting to keep himself from doubling over.
“Save you—”
“I’m so sorry—”
“Come back to me—”
Gritting his teeth, his hand brushes past the leaves that reveal the toneless clearing that you’d adored so much. It’s so bare, without its colour. A step forward is all it takes for his legs to buckle, forcing him to kneel as his hands trace the willow tree’s rough bark.
“Who are you?” “I’m Y/n! What’s your name?”
“Race you!”
“I’ll call you Zuku! It’s shorter, and nicer!”
Wax on bone, flesh peeling and blood dripping. He screams, loud and broken, the pain more than he could ever imagine.
“I’m not a transfer, I’m not a stranger—”
“Izuku, please—”
“I love your eyes.”
“I love your smile.”
“Don’t leave, Zuku. Stay here with me.”
“I love you.”
The world is burning, and upside down, right? The cool pitter-patter on his skin feels like acid, oh, make it stop, please make it—
Tit for tat, this for that. A brother for a brother, and pain for bits and scraps.
You want to find your memories? I understand. My Quirk is simple, very simple. Pain is not worth the weight of knowledge.
The world goes dead silent, as his heartbeat thumps in his chest. Erratic, frantic, as the world seemingly explodes. Izuku isn’t so sure if he’s dying, though it certainly feels like it.
“I love you.”
The words thrum in Izuku’s head like a martyr, echoed in your voice at all different ages. Fragmented across different timelines, the world stops, and along with it, silence engulfs his being.
He blinks, and he’s standing in front of the wall again. It’s fragmented so badly, his breath hitches at the beautifully ugly sight.
In the silence’s place, is the faint but distinct sound of a heart monitor beeping.
Izuku looks up to see the wall crack once more, and shatter in front of his very own eyes.
Your trade is sufficient.
In return, I’ll return you everything that was once yours.
It all happens instantaneously. Suddenly, someone dials the decibel level back up to max, and Izuku’s memories arrive like a mountain avalanche. 
He jerks his head up, the ringing in his head fading as he’s thrown back into the world of senses. The rain pours, and the thunder booms.
His mind feels comfortably full, sharper, and he’s horrified he didn’t realise how empty it was in the first place.
“Oh, Starlight,” He whispers, voice wobbly as he sorts through the different years. So many things make sense now, from your words to actions and your expressions that always screamed help me. A hand comes up to cover his mouth as he lines the memories with gold. He’s been so daft this entire time, and you—
Guilt rises to his mouth and it tastes awfully like bile. It’s getting very difficult to breathe.
How could I ever forget you?
Arms wrapped around himself, he lets out a strangled cry, shame chewing him up more and more because this? This was what you went through? 7 years of obliviousness, white lies, and a whole-ass relationship that he was never meant to have with Ochaco. 7 years of putting up to him, clinging to him, oh gosh, this year was such a dumpster fire—
“I love you.” Your voice rings in his head, and his words pile on top of each other in his throat. The revelation is warm sunlight in the cold shower of rain, and he sobs when he finally understands the gravity of them. 
I love you, even if I can only have different facades of yourself.
I love you, so I’ll chase you as long as I have to.
I love you, even though you will never love me back.
“I love you too,” He whispers brokenly, gathering up the pieces of his ruined memories in scarred hands. “I’ve always loved you.”
It was always meant to be you, that’s why nothing ever felt right.
From the times you brought him your bentos in middle school when the bullies would throw his own away, to the times you sat there with him for hours. Those times you never said anything but just listened to him, made him feel heard and respected and—
Izuku knew he was whipped the moment the nickname ‘Zuku’ sprouted from your mouth in that sandbox all those years ago.
Can’t even survive a Quirk Accident right, some love, he scoffs at himself, staggering as he pulls himself to his feet.
Your trade is sufficient. The voice at the back of his mind reminds him, causing blood to drain from his face. There’s only so long that you can overlook one factor, and this one was a ticking time bomb that got his brain throbbing and searching hungrily for the answer.
What exactly has he traded?
His phone alarm blares in his pocket, causing him to fumble with it as it automatically starts to play the latest news.
“—Currently facing off against a villain! Two of them, although it’s difficult to see as one of them has a wind manipulation Quirk. It seems he’s at least partially responsible for the storm right now. Hero/n and Everblaze continue to push for the capture of the villain behind the recent cases police cases of officers found waking up unable to feel joy—”
All colour drains from his face. There’s nothing more that needs to be said. He pockets his phone, fires up One For All, and leaps for the city.
Izuku’s lost you once. He refuses to lose you again.
Seeing Chisuke tastes like shit. Not that you would know or anything, but this is how you’d imagine shit would taste like.
Izuku was right, of course he was.
Chisuke was here for you.
You dodge the incoming blow swiftly, back to back of your senior. The rain pours, but it doesn’t stop the attack, because you’re a lighthouse in a storm.
“This lot is targeting you, Hero/n, what did you do?” Everblaze grits, flipping her smoke bomb of to buy time.
“Something stupid that involved crashing into a man at age 10.” You mutter, hands lighting up with your Quirk.
She curses, before reporting to comms. “Hero/n and Everblaze on the scene, requesting for backup now!”
“The guy with the knife, get him first.” You say, a strange calm settling under your skin as you navigate through this with professionalism and detachment. “He’s the most dangerous, in terms of long-term setbacks.”
You never know when he’s going to strike. A warped version of Toga, but at least Toga loved her victims. This person…he just liked stabbing people and getting revenge.
With the precision of a neurosurgeon, you toss the man sneaking up on you over your shoulder pinning him to the ground.
Cold blue eyes stare up at you, with a twisted smirk framing his face. He’s older than you last saw him, stubble growing fuzzy under his chin and hair shaggy in the rain.
“Starlight, I found you!” He breathes, cackling you when you twist his arm behind his back. The laughter will forever haunt your nightmares. “I finally found you…”
“Don’t call me that,” you hiss, digging your elbow into him even more. Everblaze’s voice is radio static in your ear.
“Deal with Knifey, I’ll manage the Whirlwind!”
“Copy,” You grit out, struggling to hold him down. “Backup ETA?”
“10 minutes, counting!”
A flash of silver flickers in your peripheral, and you lunge back the minute he takes a swing at you. Water makes you slip, and he contorts his body, pulling yours forward as he lifts up his knife and—
Your thoughts evaporate like steam over a hot pot. He wedges the dagger between your shoulder blade, and its acid corroding your bones. Grunting, you yank his knife out of your shoulder, tossing it to the side. 
You look back just in time to see him pocketing a vial of your blood.
“Two more to go!” He cackles over the thunder as he brandishes a shiny new knife.
Dread pulls in your gut as you clasp your shoulder. Water makes the blood runny, and if it weren’t for the adrenaline, the pain would have exploded like fireworks on the 4th of July.
“Backup 8 minutes!”
The rain drones on. Donning dirty clothes and an ugly smile, he looks feral, crazy, and the determination behind his voice rivals yours.
“Pay your price, Starlight!” He yells, eyes gleaming. “Give my brother back!”
What comes around goes around. The tables have turned, and the roles have swapped. The water blurs your blood into a murky red, and you grind out your response.
“No can do, Chisuke.”
You don’t have the heart of gold Izuku does. The heart to understand, to hear him out or try to empathise. Maybe for other villains, but this was too close to home.
You move expertly, but with his wild knife swings that looked random but were deadly accurate, you’re forced on defence and the back-burner. Kacchan would be so mad because you aren’t moving well. Your defenses are sloppy and the rain makes everything worse. You feel like you’re back in year 1 again, still a fragile bird learning how to fly.
Even still, you’re wearing him down because of the puffs of his breaths that are ragged and rushed. Good, you think, just as the knife lunges too close.
Oh, shit–
There’s another stabbing, and you kick him off just as he grazes you with his knife. Blood drips from your cheek, and you bite your lip when the pain flares.
“That’s two!” He beams, knife dripping red.
“Back up ETA 5 minutes!” screams the voice in your ear.
I don’t have five minutes, shit I don’t even know if I have one! You want to scream, but you know you have to pull this out. Quickly surveying the field for something useful, you hastily grab a discarded metal rod from a broken fence just as he’s about to plunge the dagger into you. It collides with a clang, and now that you see his face up close, you see the myriad of emotions flashing across his face like a light show. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, and refuse to feel a thing.
No feelings, no pain, no feelings, no pain—
“You should be grateful,” He whispers, eyes wide with light. He genuinely believes that he’s helping you. “I see it in your eyes, that agony and sorrow…you want it all gone, and I can help you with that.”
Panic shoots up your legs like it’s water from a fire hydrant, but you hold firm. It’s difficult to see in the pouring rain, but his expression is too hard to miss. “You don’t have to hurt anymore, isn’t that great?” He says, rain falling like confetti on someone’s birthday.
“You don’t have to love anymore.”
You hate how deep his words cut.
Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think—
Pain explodes in your abdomen as your eyes widen. Chisuke deflects your rod with ease.
It isn’t his knife in your chest.
“Three.” He whispers, smile widening further.
There’s a small body behind you, one lithe and quick. The face doesn’t even look at you. “Got her, boss, just as you said.”
It isn’t the Whirlwind guy.
There was a third? You think helplessly, staggering as the knife is drawn from your chest. Maybe if you’d had been more observe, better prepared, you would have caught it.
But you weren’t and now, you’re paying the price
Not vital, of course not, he doesn’t want me to die—
Your hands burn with blisters, and when you look down, they’re coated in red.
“No—” You lunge forward, but your legs buckle beneath you like your body is nothing but lead.
The ringing in your ears blooms, along with the pitter-patter of the rain. “What did I tell you, Starlight?” He coos, fingers locking around the final vial.
“I don’t miss twice.”
Izuku arrives on the scene and sees you drenched in blood.
“Sir, please, I need your ID—oh! Deku—” The police officer stumbles over his words in surprise, apologising profusely, but his eyes never leave your frame.
His heart rate racks up, and he’s staggering to your lifeless body with his world falling apart around him. No.
He starts to run, slipping on wet tiles as he stumbles to your side, your blood tainting his hands.
“Starlight,” He whispers, checking your pulse in a desperate attempt to convince himself you are alive. It’s weak, but it’s all he gets and isn’t a cause for celebration. 
You don’t look fine at all.
Red soaks your entire body, battered up and bruised as your shoulder twists at an awkward angle.
“No, no, no…” He yanks his jacket off and covers the nasty gash on your stomach. There’s water running down his face, but it isn’t rain.
“She’s still alive,” calls a voice. Izuku whips his head to the source, and finds himself staring at smug blue. “It wouldn’t be any fun if Starlight dies from this.”
The whole world is painted red.
Chisuke looks at him, pearly whites glistening as the rain dampens his ragged hoodie further.
“Do you like my birthday present, Izuku?”
He may be in Quirk cancellation cuffs, being sentenced to a hell worse than his brother but he looks so happy.
“Why would you do this?” He whispers, pulling you closer. His voice is wobbly, soaked to the bone in rain. The last time he felt this defeated was when he lost Kacchan to the League over two years ago.
Look at this, a voice in his head whispers.
You’ve lost Starlight too.
“If you wanna say anything to her, you should do it now!” He yells from the police car, getting shoved in. “I hope you like my gift.”
Izuku’s breathing is all that he hears, as he stares desperately down at you and your wounds, your face, everything, everything, everything—
This is all my fault.
“Zuku…?” You cough, eyes wandering and searching for his. His heart jumpstarts to life. “Hey, don’t say anything,” He shushes, trying to project a smile. It’s too shaky to pass off as one.
Your eyes find his, and a lazy smile spreads across your face. “Hey, it’s you,” You whisper, eyes so bright they could be stars in the sky. “You’re Zuku.”
Raindrops splatter around you, diluting your blood and hiding your body. Izuku almost breaks on the spot. 
“Yeah, it’s me.” He says, holding you tightly in his arms. “I’m back, Starlight.”
The smile on your face doesn’t widen, but the tears that fall are painfully washed away. You’ve done such a good job all these years, always his ray of sunshine. Now, he’s seeing all your feelings suppressed underneath. 
“Welcome back,” You wheeze, as if it’s difficult to speak. It probably is.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
This isn’t how it was supposed to end.
Your trade is sufficient.
In return, I’ll return everything that was once yours.
Izuku shakes his head, a sob bubbling against his throat.
“I never meant for this to happen.”
You force out a laugh, and then wince in pain. Izuku misses your laughs. “I’m the one that got stabbed, so stop crying, you crybaby.”
“But you were never supposed to go through this.” He whispers, cradling you gently, but hugging you tight. “I’m so sorry, Starlight. For not knowing, for not trying to know, just…oh God, when I think about it, I want to slap myself so hard, get Kacchan to Howitzer Impact me a couple of times too when we get back. I didn’t know, and I hurt you so, so badly.” He inhales, looking around, eyes surveying his surroundings. Frustration builds, and his desperation grows. “Goddammit, where’s the ambulance? Why aren’t they here yet?”
Hurry up, save my Starlight.
“Zuku, it isn’t your fault,” You rasp. His first love is someone strong enough to move hearts on the daily, and has patience that spans as wide as the Pacific Ocean. His first love is someone extraordinary, even though no one will acknowledge it as deeply as Izuku will.
“Starlight—” Izuku chokes, watching your eyes go glassy. “I love you.”
I love you so much, please, please, please, please—
There, where the wind blows strong, and Izuku’s eyes spill tears, you reply with a breathtaking smile.
“I love you too.”
His lip trembles, and he does his best to shield you from the rain.
“Zuku?” You whisper, voice cracking like spoilt leather.
“I’m tired.”
The life is slipping from your eyes, and Izuku shuts his eyes and tries to find the right words to say. “I know, Starlight, just hang on a little longer. You can do it.”
Your voice is thick with a sob. “I don’t wanna stop loving you.”
There’s a fire that lights in Izuku, as he clenches your body tighter.
“Then don’t go,” He says, voice a whisper. “Stay with me.”
The tables have turned, and now it’s his turn to say those words. Please don’t go. Stay.
Your eyes shift upwards to the sky. Even through the rain, stars peek out from behind the clouds, mapping out a land unknown.
“The stars,” You rasp. “They’re so beautiful tonight.”
Izuku’s laugh is endearing, clogged up with snot. “They are. You’re prettier, though.”
You look at him, eyes pearling with tears. “I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” You heave, eyes ever-gentle and love everlasting. “But it’s so nice to see you again.” You murmur, breath shaky.
“ ‘m love you, Zuku,” you whispers, breath floating out from your lips like an angle from above. Your eyes shut, and you don’t reopen them to meet his gaze.
The sobs that are jamming in his throat bubble over, and he weeps, and cries and screams because you were never meant to be coated in red like this.
Your trade is sufficient.
In return, I’ll return everything that was once yours.
“Why?” he wails miserably.
Why did I have to lose you to find me?
Your heart beats steadily, as someone screams in the background.
And then all of a sudden, a rope snaps.
A torch snuffs out, and plunges the world into darkness.
The trip back to U.A is a beaten path. It’s 2 buses from the Central Hospital and a hundred metres from the school entrance. You open the double doors to dorms, only to be bombarded by your classmates whispering sentiments of worry and concern.
“Oh, Y/n, thank God you’re okay!” Ochaco fusses over you like a second mom, and the others all give you relieved smiles and offers to help you catch up with homework.
There’s a boy edging the group, barely inside your peripheral. He’s a boy with green eyes and a heart made of gold, someone you’re supposed to care for very, very deeply. Your mouth opens as you lock eyes with him, drawing up feelings that you knew were once your entire world.
You draw a blank, and grasp at nothing.
“Welcome back,” Izuku says quietly. You look…better, albeit after being brutally stabbed. Your eye bags are slowly disappearing, and you look lighter than you had ever been before.
Your mouth shifts upwards to a smile, and it feels genuine for the first time in a long time.
“Yeah,” You say, giving him a half smile.
Ochaco drags you over to the couch and distracts you with food. You hold his eye contact for a moment, before breaking it in favour of food.
Huh, you wonder, the weight of love dispersing into the soil down, down below.
What a strange, foolish person I was, falling in love with him.
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amvixy · 6 years
Falling In Love
So I wrote this not long ago and felt like I needed to post it. It’s not fanfiction or one of my other stories I write. Just a random story I came up with. The way I wrote this is not the typical way I write either, but it was something I wanted to try. I’m not proud of it and it’s not the prettiest, but it is finished. So I hope someone enjoys it and I’ll have a link to it on my Wattpad account.
[ ❣ Warning ❣ Sensitive topic(s): Death]
All he saw was the radiant glow of amber that haloed around the freckled porcelain face of the elegant woman before him. It never seemed to matter how many times he had seem that gorgeous sight, she still had the magic to take his breath away.
He still could remember the day he first saw her; standing 30 ft in the air on nothing but a silk stretch of rope, walking along with all the grace and balance of an angel. He could tell from the way she moved the many hours of practice and discipline she would pour into her routine, every motion of muscle moving like the fluidity of water. She was flawless, sensual, and captivating. He knew from that moment, this divine creature would change his life.
After her performance, he made a point to interact with her as much as possible. Looking back on it now, he must have looked like a crazed fan that would have been considered too creepy to ever allow to be in her presence ever again. Yet, she smiled warmly, opening herself to his company. She never once turned him away, all the while smiling and laughing with her attention fully on him.
From there, everything had seemed to be like a miraculous dream. He managed to get a job in the circus to be with her, their friendship blossoming into a passionate romance that could shame even the most moving authors of past. She was the fire that fueled his life and he became her sanctuary.
The love in their eyes never faltered even as he stood in their shared trailer, watching her add the finishing touches to her ensemble. The brilliant shine of her hair being held up by various waves of gold ribbon was such a marvel to follow with his eyes. He trailed back over her tight, sleek fabric suit of patterned splashes of pink and gold, standing out with her black net stockings. She was alluring and it quickened his heart to know only he would ever have the right to see and touch the subtle skin that hid underneath it all. He truly was blessed to have someone so magnificent in his life.
She turned to look at him with those gentle eyes, so crystal clear to him that he could see the joy, kindness, and mischievous look that made up the charming woman he had fallen so hard for. The cherry color that stained her lips pulled into the radiant smile that could melt even the coldest of heart and had his skin prickling as a shiver of delight ran down his back. She was his everything.
And after tonight, he could only hope that she would agree to be his forever...
The show had long begun at the amphitheater that the circus was renting from, the metal bleachers filled to max capacity with excited viewers from the young to the old. The next act was about to begin and he stood just off to the side of the amphitheater, taking a break from his work as he leaned on the handle of his rake. Not even the foul smell of the animal pins that surrounded him could keep his smile from wavering. The next act was the aerial silk act- her special dance she choreographed with him in mind.
Even at a distance, he could still recognize the striking glow of her soft locks as the spotlight lit up her figure from the ground floor. She danced for the audience as the unique melody of a violin and the bells of a music box played in the background. He mused over the thought that she was like the ballerina in the box, springing to life and coming out for all the world to see her beauty.
She danced her way toward the two strands of red ribbons that hung from the metal rafters placed above the stage. She draped them over her like a crimson waterfall of silk before wrapping her long, slender leg around one and twisting the other in hand. She climbed up the makeshift ropes, showing off her lean, but powerful muscles as she towered up over 20 feet in the air. She used her performance skills, dexterity, and her own weight to twist herself in and around the thin ribbons.
Even though he had seen her practice for this new act time and time again, he still couldn't help but become so amazed at how natural she made it appear. The gasps and applauds from the audience were such an understatement to her grace and power as she danced above the world. It was like she was swimming in a tangle of red tentacles as they would wrap around her, holding her up as she twirled, flipped, and spun with them. The ends of the ribbons that dusted the floor just added to the mystique of her craft as they danced and twirled with her motions, creating such a magical atmosphere in her performance.
He studied how the ribbons held her body so tightly as she would twist them over her limbs and waist, tangling herself in the crimson waves of fabric. It reminded him much of how it felt to fall in love with her. From her beauty to her skills to her personality, all wrapping around his heart in such a strong, but warm embrace that lifted him much higher than he ever thought possible.
He could only smile as he subconsciously twirled the metal band that was in his pocket, a ring of gold and silver twisting around each other from both ends to hold up a fiery ruby at its center. He would give her the world if he could, but for now, this would be small promise of things to come should she agree to be his for the rest of their lives.
As the finale of her act was coming up, he watched as she dangled from one ribbon with one arm as the other twirled it's silk partner in a mesmerizing spin. She used her own dangling body to twirl with the ribbon before it was twirling around her delicate frame. She would twist and climb up more before using the other ribbon in her grasp to twist around her as well, practically tangling her from abdomen to thigh in the vibrant strands. She then let go and he felt his heart jump in his throat like it would each time he watched this part of the act. She would fall as the ribbons twirled her body with rapid speed toward the ground below.
But with a sudden jerk, the ribbons stopped her from falling half way down, dangling her in mid air in a butterfly pose as she showed the crowd her open arms with her head tilted back to see them.
The eruption of cheers and hands clapping was almost deafening even from where he stood as he sighed out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. Truly, it was amazing act - her masterpiece.
Yet over the roar of the crowd, a small sound cut right through the cool air. It was just loud enough for him to hear and it came so quick, it would have almost been forgotten. But that cringing sound of a tear would forever be branded in his mind as he watched in horror as the taunt fabric at the top of one of the ribbons began to sag. It all happened so quickly, there was no time for anyone to react quickly enough.
He could only watch helplessly as the experienced woman's body was jolted from the sudden instability. The torn ribbon was now sagging so much there was nothing to support her as gravity continued to unravel her, twirling her too quickly toward the stage. He could see her throw her arms up frantically to grasp on to the still stable ribbon, but the smooth material only slipped from her clawing hands.
And then she screamed.
That was all that rang out even past the courtyards of the amphitheater after her scream. He had only managed to move two steps before hearing that horrid sound, freezing him in place as his eyes laid upon the broken figure of his love that was now sprawled so unnaturally on the stage. The deafening silence that had fallen over them all was quickly broken by random screams and cries that came from all directions. Yet he couldn't make a sound...he couldn't even move another step.
The chaos that was breaking out in the amphitheater bleachers seemed to only mirror what was going on in his head as his body began to quake. He gripped his chest as his heart stopped and jumped so randomly, burning him with such agony that brought him to his knees. His lungs were burning for air, but he didn't have the will to grant it. Vicious, stinging tears quickly swept over his eyes and even as they ran down his face, more came in to flood his vision. He was collapsing on himself, drowning in grieve that was stabbing every part of his being.
She was gone. How could this be? He didn't even have time...
Anger grew up from the pit of his stomach, almost as if he was going to be violently sick. He forced its way past the lump in his throat, boiling up in the heat of his rage as he finally screamed out. His grief and anger were in complete control of him now, jerking his body in spasms of sobs and small, but brutal punches he made into the ground.
It felt like his soul was ripped from him so savagely, like skin from muscle. The pain...it was too much to endure. It was so unbelievable that his beautiful dream was so quickly turned into a hideous nightmare. He looked back up to still see her broken body, but the circus owners and paramedics were slowly surrounding her now, hiding her from the mortified audience. He clawed at the ground beneath him, trying at his best to make his way to her.
He had to hold her one more time.
Kiss her face just one more time.
One more time.
That's all he was asking - begging for.
Just one more time.
What he would give for just...
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actualteammom · 7 years
List the last 15 songs you listened to
tagged by @chan0saur , thank you for tagging me
(feel free to yell at me. it feels like forever ago that you tagged me, but it’s only been 16 days??? time isn’t real???)
i’m tagging: @aspiring-ssr-agent , @jinkernoodle , @candradm , @bookdragonthings , @uniqs-topp, @st-yoongi, @1991shinwoo, @ihavenonametospeakof , @96kwon , @ikonichanbin , @softjno , and as always, this is completely optional
1. heart shaker (twice) (this is my second favorite twice song ever)
2. jazzclub (BoA) (this is suCH A BOP)
3. ain’t my fault (zara larsson) (i’m gay for her)
4. snow crystal (bts) (those vocals tho???)
5. ddd (exid) (they’re bringing sexy back with a bop - the beginning reminds me of sexyback)
6. lip & hip (hyuna) (such a female power bop)
7. better than i know myself (adam lambert) (i have no excuse)
8. take back (adam lambert) (he’s such an icon)
9. runnin’ (adam lambert) (and his voice is amazing???)
10. merry & happy (twice) (festive without being, idk, like every other christmas song)
11. love (psy ft. taeyang) (i really only watch the mv for this, but it’s still a good song)
12. coma (b.a.p.) (i was cured)
13. cover up (taeyeon) (such a pure voice)
14. ugly heart (g.r.l.) (i want to go stab a man now)
15. nasty (brooke candy) (this song cracks me up every time i listen to it)
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deannathebambi-blog · 7 years
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[BIC] This Template was by [Zatanna Zatara|http://aminoapps.com/p/ns1q7c] ☆☆♡♡♤♤◇◇♧♧☆☆♡♡♤♤◇◇♧♧☆☆ #ARTContest102017 🌌🌌🌌----------------------------------------------------------🌌🌌🌌 [BIC] Quotes [IC] "Oh its on ..be prepared to get burned " [IC] " im not a team player ..mainy because people get hurt" ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ [IMG=GPF] 🌌🌌🌌----------------------------------------------------------🌌🌌🌌 [BIC] Full Name: [IC] Deanna Rebecca Constantine [BIC] Pet Name: [IC] Chicken Nugget [BIC] ID Number: [IC] 36800881 [BIC] Signature: [IC] D.Constantine [BIC] Gender: [IC] Female [BIC] Sexuality: [IC] Bisexual [BIC] Real age: [IC] 21 [BIC] Age apperance: [IC] 23 [BIC] Birthday: [IC] 04/08 [BIC] Birth place: [IC] London [BIC] Zodiac Sign: [IC] Leo ♌♌♌----------------------------------------------------------♌♌♌ [IMG=7SI] ⚸⚸⚸----------------------------------------------------------⚸⚸⚸ [BIC] Spicies: [IC] Human / Homo Magi [BIC] Ethnicity: [IC] English [BIC] Blood type: [IC] O Negitive [BIC] Preferd hand: [IC] Right [BIC] Facial shape: [IC] Oval [BIC] Eye colour: [IC] Blue [BIC] Hair colour: [IC] Pink - Good [IMG=9YN] [IC] Black - Evil [IMG=0KC] [IC] Dirty Blonde - When her powers shut off [IMG=3IH] [BIC] Hair style: [IC] Depends on the colour of her hair [BIC] Skin Tone: [IC] Fair [BIC] Complexion: [IC] Light [BIC] Makeup: [IC] Heavy Eyeliner, Mascara and Purple Lipstick [BIC] Body Type: [IC] Small frame [BIC] Height [IC] 5 Ft [BIC] Weight: [IC] 6 Stone [BIC] Cup Size: [IC] C [BIC] Shoe Size: [IC] 5 [BIC] Birthmarks/scars: [IC] Sevral stab wounds ⚕⚕⚕----------------------------------------------------------⚕⚕⚕ [IMG=0F2] ⛋⛋⛋----------------------------------------------------------⛋⛋⛋ [BIC] Memory: [IC] 5/10 [BIC] Senses: [IC] 8/10 [BIC] Allergies: [IC] None [BIC] Handicaps: [IC] None [BIC] Phobias: [IC] Spiders [BIC] Addictions: [IC] Alcohol and Nicotine [BIC] Mental Disorders: [IC] ADHD, Anxiety, Depression ☽☽☽----------------------------------------------------------☽☽☽ [IMG=Z21] ⚝⚝⚝----------------------------------------------------------⚝⚝⚝ [BIC] Style: [IC] Emo [BIC] Habits and Mannerisms: [IC] Bites her lip ⚜⚜⚜----------------------------------------------------------⚜⚜⚜ [IMG=W03] ⚴⚴⚴----------------------------------------------------------⚴⚴⚴ [BIC] Lovers: [IC] Second Gen Justice League Universe : [Wonderbat - Alex Wayne|http://aminoapps.com/p/6tlcq7] [IC] Second Gen Justice League Dark Universe : [The Demon Tribute - Ray Grant|http://aminoapps.com/p/4vnqlz] [IC] Universe: [BIC] Marital Status: [IC] Second Gen Justice League Universe: Married [IC] Second Gen Justice League Dark Universe: In A Relationship [IC] Universe [BIC] Type: [IC] Careing [BIC] Turn-Ons: [IC] A Good Smile [BIC] Turn Offs: [IC] Being Evil ☊☊☊----------------------------------------------------------☊☊☊ [IMG=4JO] ⚹⚹⚹----------------------------------------------------------⚹⚹⚹ [BIC] Mood: [IC] flirty [BIC] Stability: [IC] 3/10 [BIC] Expressiveness: [IC] 1 /10 [BIC] When Happy: [IC] Smiling [BIC] When Depressed: [IC] Listens to Music [BIC] When Angry: [IC] Self harms ☙☙☙----------------------------------------------------------☙☙☙ [IMG=OEL] ⚚⚚⚚---------------------------------------------------------⚚⚚⚚ [BIC] Current Residence: [IC] House Of Mystery [BIC] Family: [IC] Mother:Zatanna Zatara [IC] Father: John Constantine [IC] Sister : [Zamyra Constantine|http://aminoapps.com/p/kh4kmc] [IC] Brother: [Johnny Constantine|http://aminoapps.com/p/k1hh1c] [IC] Brother: [Mitchell Constantine|http://aminoapps.com/p/cgo3au] [BIC] Friends: [IC] [Zoe Kyle-Wayne|http://aminoapps.com/p/s5xkew] [IC] [Emily Kent|http://aminoapps.com/p/ieygfv] [BIC] Enemies: [IC] Lucifer [BIC] Bosses: [IC] Her Mother [BIC] Pets/Familiars: [IC] A Pet Cat Called Lucky ☿☿☿----------------------------------------------------------☿☿☿ [IMG=93M] ⚕⚕⚕----------------------------------------------------------⚕⚕⚕ [BIC] Wardrobe: [IMG=1VA] [BIC] uniform: [IMG=H8W] [BIC] Weapons: [IMG=MV6] [IMG=S6S] [BIC] Trinkets: [IMG=L48][IMG=7FC] ⚪⚪⚪----------------------------------------------------------⚪⚪⚪ [IMG=HBM] ⚸⚸⚸----------------------------------------------------------⚸⚸⚸ [BIC] Powers / Abilitys [IC] She has to say her spells in backwards Latin [IC] Blast Power [IC] Dimensional Manipulation [IC] Earth Manipulation [IC] Electricity Control [IC] Fire Control [IC] Flight [IC] Force Field [IC] Healing [IC] Hell Fire [IC] Ice Control [IC] Illusion Casting [IC] Levitation [IC] Magic [IC] Stamina [IC] Telekinesis [IC] Telepathy [IC] Teleport [IC] Time Manipulation [IC] Time Travel [IC] Unarmed Combat [IC]Weather Control [BIC] Deanna uses magic Crystals for most of her spells. [BIC] Here are the crystals and there uses to her [BIC] AGATE  [IC] Eases stress and pain of a loss. Reduces anxiety. [BIC] AMBER  [IC] Fossils from pine tree resin, they add strength to magick and spells, attract love and increase beauty. [BIC] AMETHYST  [IC] increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, used in divination and psychic work. [BIC]APACHE TEARS  [IC] Apache Tears are "transparent" black obsidian. It is said that these are the tears that Apache women cried when warriors did not return from battle. Simply hold them up to a light or the sun and you can see through them. Good for Protection, grounding, good luck, and they may used for divination. [BIC] AVENTURINE  [IC] increases mental powers, perception and creative insight, gambler's stone. [BIC] BERYL  [IC] Attracts Deep Romance and Love. [BIC] BLOODSTONE  [IC] increases physical strength and courage, brings victory in the courtroom, used to banish, exorcise. [BIC] CARNELAIN  [IC] Promotes self-confidence and peace, eases depression. [BIC] CLEAR QUARTZ  [IC] Holding or increasing energy [BIC] CORAL  [IC] Protects against the evil eye, all spells intended to harm the wearer, natural disasters and unfortunate occurrences. [BIC] DIAMOND  [IC] Reconciling differences between those who have quarreled. This stone is said to symbolizes peace, fidelity and opulence. [BIC] EMERALD  [IC] Precognition and the ability to see into the future. It is said to nurtures love and beauty, and turns all negative spells back to the sender. [BIC] FLUORITE  [IC] Reduces emotional involvement, used to gain perspective, increase mental power. [BIC] GARNET  [IC] Enhances strength and endurance, protection, healing, enhances self-esteem and encourages success in business. [BIC] HEMATITE  [IC] Legal Matter, Victory, Healing [BIC] JASPER  [IC] Can protect from pain and guard one's independence. It is said to bring the wearer good fortune and protection from the controlling influences of others. [BIC] JADE  [IC] Good Luck, Protection from disease or Evil spirits. It is said to enhance one's occult powers. It presents serenity and immortality. [BIC] LAPIS LAZULI  [IC] Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, psychic awareness, healing. [BIC] LEPIDOLITE  [IC] A calming stone, this is carried for peace, spirituality and to drive off negativity. [BIC] LODESTONE, GREEN  [IC] Draws money, employment, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings [BIC] LODESTONE, RED  [IC] Draws love, friendship, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings [BIC] MALACHITE  [IC] Draws money and protection, guards wearer from danger [BIC] MOLDAVITE [IC] Form of Tektite. Made when meteorite hit the earth thousands of years ago,...it's getting very rare, as it is only found in a small region of Russia. Said to have links to extraterrestrial energies and will greatly enhance the power of other stones. Brings you into communication with your higher self. [BIC] MOONSTONE  [IC] Draws love, hope and protection, promotes unselfishness and helps settle disputes, induces prophetic dreams. [BIC] OBSIDIAN  [IC] Used for grounding and centering, divination, and increasing spirituality [BIC] OPAL  [IC] Good luck, and extra mental powers [BIC] PETRIFIED WOOD  [IC] Good for past life work, nervous conditions, and grounding. [BIC] ROSE QUARTZ  [IC]Draws love and happiness. Helps heal broken heart. [BIC] RUBY  [IC] Qualities of Power, Loyalty, and Courage [BIC] SAPPHIRE  [IC] Radiate Gentleness and Peace. It is said that this stone helps bring Justice and truth to light [BIC] TIGER'S EYE  [IC] Draws wealth and money, protects travelers, increases clarity of thought. [BIC] TOPAZ  [IC] Give protection to warriors, has the qualities to put demons to flight and vanquishes the evil spells of sorcerers. Can be used for Divining purposes. [BIC] TURQUOISE  [IC] Believed to bring love and courage. It is said to be a protector against violence in thought and deed. Also good for reducing bodily and mental tensions. [BIC] ZIRCON  [IC] Attracts fame and fortune. It is considered to be a wishing stone. It is also a protector against accidents or natural disasters. ♒♒♒----------------------------------------------------------♒♒♒ [IMG=AHD] ♆♆♆----------------------------------------------------------♆♆♆ [BIC] Favorite Colors: [IC] Black [BIC] Favorite Animals: [IC] Cat [BIC] Favorite Mythological Creatures: [IC] Dragon [BIC] Favorite Flavors: [IC] Cheese [BIC] Favorite Foods: [IC] Chicken Nuggets [BIC] Favorite Drinks: [IC] Whiskey [BIC] Favorite Movies: [IC] Annabelle [BIC] Favorite Music: [IC] Pop Punk [BIC] Favorite Bands: [IC] 30 Seconds To Mars [BIC] Favorite Songs: [IC] City of angels 💠💠💠----------------------------------------------------------💠💠💠 [IMG=YQ2] ⚹⚹⚹----------------------------------------------------------⚹⚹⚹ [BIC] Accent: [IC] British [BIC] Alignment: [IC] Good [BIC] Song : [IC] Better Of Dead - Sleeping With Sirens [BIC] Backstory [IC] Born to Zatanna Zatara and John Constantine Deanna was brought into the world. She trained with the JLD and was happy [IC] She grew up getting training from both her parents. She turned out more like her father then her mother. [IC] Deanna became a demon hunter. She went against a demon that was to powerfully and she was dragged to hell. [IC] once in hell Deanna was tortured and raped by Lucifer. Because of this she gave birth to his child. Daniel, Deanna was saved from hell by her father but unfortunately she had to leave Daniel behind. [IC] Aswell as a demon hunter Deanna has a singing career. She mainly.sings punk / Pop punk. She performs magic on stage as she sings . [IC] Deanna is a Satanist, she gets defensive when people say that she harms animals and little children. When she doesn't . [IC] Sometimes Deanna does magic shows but she always has a different crystal to her power . During the shows she wears the corresponding crystal to the magic she will be using
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obtusemedia · 5 years
In Ascending Order: Top 50 Songs of the ‘90s
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The ‘90s have become sort of an idyllic period that many Millennials and Gen Xers look fondly upon. It makes sense — the economy was good, Seinfeld ruled televisions, we weren’t worried about either the USSR or North Korea nuking us — but if there’s one thing that has really kept the ‘90s beloved, it’s the music.
There’s something for everyone at the end of the 20th Century, from grunge to gangsta rap to boy bands to Britpop. The ‘90s featured rock’s final years of pop relevance, as well as the blossoming of its underground movements. Hip-hop became a massive cultural force. And although pop wasn’t as strong as it was in the ‘80s, it did have a nice bounce-back period near Y2K.
Capturing the essence of the wildly-divergent ‘90s in just 50 songs is difficult, but I took a swing at it anyways. Let’s dive in:
> “Even Flow” by Pearl Jam (1992): Since I’m a Puget Sound native, I should love Pearl Jam more than I do. But sorry, I’ve never been able to muster too much love for the iconic grunge act. That said, “Even Flow” has a great, energetic groove that goes nicely with Eddie Vedder’s bellow.
> “Not If You Were the Last Junkie On Earth” by the Dandy Warhols (1997): By 1997, Nevermind seemed like a century away, as bright-and-shiny pop tunes took over from Alt Nation. So how did indie rock respond? By making a snarktastic, uber-catchy power pop jam about how “heroin was so passé,” complete with a music video featuring dancing syringes. The ‘90s were wild, guys.
> “Crash Into Me” by Dave Matthews Band (1996): If Greta Gerwig gets to admit that this song is actually good despite the oddly skeevy lyrics at times, then so do I. Just forget about the time they dumped 800 pounds of poop in the Chicago River and let Dave’s froggy voice whisk you away.
> “Metal Detektor” by Spoon (1998): America’s most consistent indie rock band wouldn’t reach their heights until the early 2000′s, but “Metal Detektor” is a solid lo-fi preview of the groovy, nervy tunes to come.
> “All Star” by Smash Mouth (1999): Forget the memes and Shrek and remember that this song is iconic for a reason. Did it age badly? Absolutely. But that’s part of its dorky, wonderful charm. And like every young Millennial, I know every word by heart. HEY NOW
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#50: “Inbetweener” by Sleeper (1995)
One thing I love about Britpop is its fondness for character vignettes. Pulp were masters of this, and Blur occasionally dipped their toes in that pool, but even the B-listers knew how to nail a depressed-suburbanite character study.
“Inbetweener” tells the story of a married couple who settled for each other. They weren’t each others’ first-choices, they were just supposed to be “inbetweeners.” By the time they’ve settled into adulthood, their lives have descended into complete boredom, but they’re also too lazy to change anything. It’s the black hole of mediocrity.
Sleeper does a stellar job making the story pop, with a sunny sound to balance out lead singer Louise Wener’s deadpan vocals. In a way, it’s a bit ironic that a pop-rock song with a chorus this anthemic would be about the most boring lives imaginable, but I imagine that was sort-of the point.
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#49: “When I Come Around” by Green Day (1994)
Bay Area legends Green Day went 100 percent into the pop side of pop-punk with the infamous graduation anthem “Good Riddance.” But I’ll always prefer their earlier, snottier side, which balanced the two genres perfectly.
“When I Come Around” is a song so maddeningly catchy that it doesn’t even matter that drummer Tre Cool utterly fails to stay on beat, occasionally slowing down and speeding up. Thank god for Billie Joe Armstrong’s timeless melody and crunchy guitar tone, both of which keep this song afloat, along with a solid slap-bass. 
Honestly, the amateur vibe of “When I Come Around” is endearing nearly 25 years later, when most mainstream rock feels aggressively focus-grouped. Even Green Day would become much more polished later on (not that this was always bad), so it’s nice to see the youthful energy and passion on display.
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#48: “Jesus Freak” by DC Talk (1995)
There were many subgenres that peaked in the ‘90s that I’ve already mentioned, but there’s one more movement that had its prime years in this era: Christian rock.
...wait, wait, don’t click away yet! I’m not trying to proselytize here — some ‘90s Christian music could pass as the real deal. A few, like Jars of Clay, even notched a mainstream hit. But no Christian rock band was bigger among the youth-group set than DC Talk, who never really crossed over to secular audiences. And their signature song, “Jesus Freak,” is absolutely ridiculous — and that’s what makes it great.
Christian music in the ‘10s is mostly bland and focus-grouped to death. If you can tell one Hillsong or Lauren Daigle tune apart from the next, you have better ears than I. But “Jesus Freak” was a strange beast. Instead of joy or thankfulness, its primary emotions are defiance and rage. They even worked with the same music video director as Nine Inch Nails! Amy Grant would never. (although she certainly had her mainstream pop sellout moment in the ‘90s)
Does “Jesus Freak” have some embarrassing lyrics about John The Baptist’s belly? Of course. Does it blatantly rip off “Smells Like Teen Spirit?" Definitely. But, most importantly — is it a banger? HELL (err...heaven) YEAH.
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#47: “Vapour Trail” by Ride (1990)
Shoegaze is definitely a sound that I respect more than I actually like. Personally (as you’ll see later on this list), I prefer its more structured, catchier cousin, dream pop.
But Ride managed to find the sweet spot between My Bloody Valentine and top-40 with their sweetly melancholy “Vapour Trail.” It definitely has all the hallmarks of shoegaze — it’s very spaced-out, the lyrics are both romantic and depressing, and there’s a definite wall-of-sound feel to it — but there’s also an actual hook. Thanks to its jangly guitars and orchestral coda, it almost feels like The Smiths’ take on the subgenre.
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#46: “Enter Sandman” by Metallica (1991)
Why yes, I am that loser that’s never been able to get into metal, yet loves the simpler pleasures of “Enter Sandman.” What can I say — it’s a total jam and the hooks are plentiful.
It’s honestly kind of hilarious that this song became a massive success right as R.E.M. and Nirvana were rapidly shifting what popular rock sounded like, because “Enter Sandman” leans much heavier towards cheesy, over-the-top hair metal than grunge. I can’t get enough of James Hetfield hamming it up on the mic, literally cackling like a Disney villain at a few points.
For me, the corniness is part of the fun here, along with the raw energy that the band brings to the song. “Enter Sandman” let the masses headbang along with the metalheads, and for that, I’m grateful.
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#45: “...Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears (1998)
Here’s proof of how massive Britney Spears’ debut single was: I was in preschool when it was released, and I knew it just as well as the Sesame Street or Arthur theme songs at the time. “...Baby One More Time” was a staple of Radio Disney, which was my main exposure to non-Christian music before elementary school (that, and Thriller, of course). Those opening piano stabs were etched into my brain from a very early age.
There’s a good reason it’s stuck with me: Britney’s breakthrough smash is a pop classic. “...Baby One More Time” captures the passion of a teenage crush better than almost any song from its era. And Max Martin’s crystal-clear, melodramatic production is untouchable. Frankly, it might still be Britney’s best song, over 20 years later.
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#44: “Animal Nitrate” by Suede (1993)
One of the first major Britpop anthems, “Animal Nitrate” is a swaggering, cocky ode to the UK’s finest glam rock. Marc Bolan would’ve killed to write something this seedy and catchy.
In a way, it serves as sort of the mid-point between Blur and Pulp’s winking snark and Oasis’ hard-charging stadium-fillers. Just add a nice dose of sleaze. Suede weren’t able to keep up the momentum from their landmark debut, but at least they have classic singles like “Animal Nitrate” that cemented their legacy as pioneers.
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#43: “Born Slippy .NUXX” by Underworld (1996)
I’m not normally a fan of super-long electronic songs. In fact, this will be the only representative of electronica — a fairly popular scene in the late ‘90s — to show up on this list.
But “Born Slippy” is special. First off, to be completely honest with y’all: I’m a bit biased, since the track was famously featured in Trainspotting, one of my favorite ‘90s movies. So it was always going to have positive connotations for me. Beyond that, “Born Slippy,” more than any other classic electronica song of its time, is bonkers. After a long, atmospheric intro, it’s essentially five and a half minutes of rambling, drunken chaos over a thudding drum beat (with one little break in the middle).
It’s both minimalist (a good chunk of the song is just a drum machine and chanting) and maximalist (IT’S SO LOUD). “Born Slippy” is the audio equivalent of losing your mind, and I love every second of it.
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#42: “Groove Is In The Heart” by Deee-Lite ft. Q-Tip (1990)
And here’s a dance song with the complete opposite vibe! While Underworld turned their thumping beats into cold, confusing chaos, Deee-Lite only has one mission with their classic one-hit-wonder: to soundtrack the greatest party of all time.
“Groove” just about succeeds in that goal, too. The bassline and clattering percussion are untouchable, the lyrics are pure nonsense in the best way (more dance songs should throw in Dr. Seuss references), and the group even snagged funk legend Bootsy Collins to throw in some random ad-libs here and there. 
Q-Tip, a budding legend in his own right, contributes a nice verse, but the real draw here is Deee-Lite’s aggressive quirkiness. Where else will you find a dancefloor filler that includes slide-whistle solos?
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#41: “This Is How We Do It” by Montell Jordan (1995)
New Jack Swing — the subgenre that mixed R&B smoothness with hip-hop beats and attitude — might have peaked in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, but its best track came way after its pinnacle.
“This Is How We Do It” will always be an effective crowdpleaser. Somehow, Montell Jordan found a way to balance street smarts with a squeaky-clean jam perfect for a Bar Mitzvah. He essentially perfected Will Smith’s formula, but Jordan had an extra advantage: his golden vocals. Yeah, his rapping is a bit corny, but you can’t deny that voice.
The ‘90s had plenty of gangsta-lite party jams like “This Is How We Do It,” but thanks to Jordan’s charisma and a deathless chorus, this one stands above the rest.
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#40: “Movin’ On Up” by Primal Scream (1991)
If you’re going to rip off the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” you might as well go for the jugular and only steal its massive ending.
“Movin’ On Up” is absolutely shameless in that regard, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t effective anyways. This gospel/classic-rock pastiche is four minutes of straight euphoria: Uplifting lyrics! Jazzy piano! Soaring guitar solos! And of course, a gospel choir so powerful that their voices break through the noise like the Kool-Aid Man. 
Primal Scream were smart enough to let the choir take over the second half of the song, just letting the vaguely-religious vibes ride itself out. Because of this brilliant decision, “Movin’ On Up” is somehow more danceable than the rest of its album, the acid-house landmark Screamadelica.
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#39: “Just A Girl” by No Doubt (1995)
Riot grrrl, an aggressively feminist brand of indie rock, was an important ‘90s subgenre, but rarely a commercially successful one. Still, there were some acts that polished up that style of angst and packaged into something different yet still great, and one of them was No Doubt.
Although Gwen Stefani might be more well-known to most millennials for teaching us all how to spell bananas, her best song might still be “Just A Girl.” It’s a pretty simple concept — woman is righteously upset by how society coddles her because of her gender — but Stefani sells with her flexible vocals and loads of personality. She shifts from an exaggerated Betty Boop pastiche to a Californian alt-rock wail within seconds.
The rest of No Doubt are able to keep pace with their frontwoman, bouncing back and forth between the springy verses and mosh-friendly, speedy choruses. It’s a good fit for Stefani’s manic energy, and a nice burst of bright energy to bring a close to a dreary era of rock.
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#38: “Ruff Ryders’ Anthem” by DMX (1998)
Forget shiny suits: If I’m listening to late ‘90s hip-hop, I’ll take the rawer pleasures of DMX every day of the week.
On his breakout hit “Ruff Ryders’ Anthem,” DMX began to hone his now-legendary untamed style, although it’s a bit more subtle than how he would sound a few years later. It’s not quite as bombastic, but in some ways, that makes this feel a little more like the real X. It literally sounds like a mobster making threats, and it just happens to rhyme and be over a killer beat.
There’s all the ridiculous lyrics you’d expect from DMX here — highlights include the wonderfully emo couplet “All I know is pain/all I feel is rain” and a coda that’s simply a machine gun firing and X yelling “TALK IS CHEAP, MOTHERFUCKER!!!” But for the most part, it’s proto-DMX, and it’s interesting to see a larger-than-life figure somewhat grounded.
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#37: “Friday I’m In Love” by The Cure (1992)
The first couple years of the ‘90s are flooded with awkward ‘80s leftovers, but one wonderful (and very ‘80s) song that snuck into the next decade is “Friday I’m In Love,” The Cure’s final hit.
It’s shocking that something this bouncy, simple and optimistic came out the same year Nirvana and Pearl Jam dominated the airwaves, but great music can succeed at any time. Robert Smith’s nursery-rhyme melodies and lyrics are so simple that it’s shocking that this song wasn’t actually written ages beforehand.
And it’s refreshing to hear a band famous for getting angsty pull out a happy-go-lucky love song tailor-made for romantic comedies. At some point, Smith had to write an upbeat song, right?
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#36: “Everlong” by Foo Fighters (1997)
There’s an argument out there that “Everlong,” written by Foo Fighters frontman and former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, is better than any Nirvana song. I cannot remotely agree (spoiler: Nirvana places much higher on this list), but I can understand why “Everlong” has such a strong reputation.
Easily the best Foo Fighters song, “Everlong” is everything you’d want in a radio-friendly alt-rock single. It’s catchy, but still has some legitimate grit and bite. Propulsive and anthemic, yet still angsty and relatable. Grohl somehow took a grimy post-grunge banger, added romantic lyrics, and made it work. I certainly can’t imagine Bush or Everclear pulling that off.
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#35: “Wannabe” by Spice Girls (1996)
In less than three minutes, five British women kicked down the doors of alt-rock and birthed the late-’90s bubblegum pop boom with one song. And what a glorious burst of energy that song is.
"Wannabe” might be the most purely fun song on this entire list. From the springy piano beat to each of the five girls showing off their bold, feisty attitudes (except for Posh Spice...sorry, Victoria), to Scary and Ginger Spices’ cheeky rap breakdown at the end, it’s impossible not to like. The song is a bit repetitive, yes, but when you have nuclear-grade weapon hooks like these, you might as well use them. ZIGAZIGAHHH
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#34: “Fake Plastic Trees” by Radiohead (1995)
And now to the exact opposite side of British music!
Not to be that annoying contrarian, but I’ve never been able to get into Radiohead. A lot of their music is too cerebral for my tastes — I don’t mind thoughtful lyrics or experimentation, but I need a hook or a groove to grab onto.
Still, I do have a fond spot for their early years. And “Fake Plastic Trees,” my favorite song of theirs, is the perfect midpoint between grunge angst and sweeping Britpop balladry. 
The lyrics are abstract, yet Thom Yorke’s yearning, cracked vocals convey more than any words could’ve. Like one of my favorite modern acts, Japanese Breakfast, his voice acts simply as another instrument to convey the heartbreak. Match that with a slow-burn power ballad fit for a rom-com credit roll, and you’ve got an instant classic. It’s really too bad Radiohead got bored with this sound...
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#33: “It Was A Good Day” by Ice Cube (1992)
Ice Cube is not normally a happy guy in his classic songs. Whether he’s pissed at the cops or his former bandmates, he’s usually in a bad mood for some reason. But for his most beloved track, Cube imagines what a day with no problems would be like, and it’s sublime.
He nabs a triple double on the court without trying. He gets to bang a chick he’s been trying to have sex with since high school. He seemingly wins every game of bones and craps he plays. And most importantly, the police and gangs didn’t hassle him.
Many gangsta rap songs are about turmoil and chaos, but “It Was A Good Day” shows that even the toughest thugs just wanted some peace and to have a good time.
(although if it was a really good day, the Supersonics would’ve beaten the Lakers...)
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#32: “Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog (1991)
This song is so Seattle that the CD single probably came with a complimentary damp flannel, a Dick’s deluxe, and coffee stains.
It’s a bit surprising to me that there hasn’t ben any Seattle artists on the list proper yet, seeing as the city was the epicenter of ‘90s culture. Obviously, grunge played a role, but this was also the decade when Starbucks, Microsoft and Amazon blew up; the decade when the Sonics and Mariners had superstars like Gary Payton and Ken Griffey, Jr. (the Seahawks had to wait another decade to hit their stride); the decade where the Emerald City’s reputation changed from South Alaska to one of America’s iconic locales.
And before Nirvana and Pearl Jam took led that charge, “Hunger Strike” was the first grunge breakthrough, and for good reason. In a way, it’s sort of the Watch The Throne of grunge, with Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder exchanging vocals. The chorus, when Vedder sings the hook while Cornell bellows “I’M GOING HUNGRAAAAAAAAAAAY” like a madman, gives me goosebumps every time. 
Honestly, I like this lighter-waving ballad more than any of Pearl Jam or Soundgarden’s actual songs. Not sure why this connects with me more — perhaps it’s the four minutes of raw emotion and wailing vocals over gorgeous harmonizing guitars. Vedder and Cornell work shockingly well together, too. I wish the duo made more music.
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#31: “Connection” by Elastica (1994)
There is no Britpop song that’s cooler than “Connection.” While most of the subgenre is all about wink-wink cleverness or gigantic classic-rock riffs, Elastica dispenses with both of those for Justine Frischmann’s snarling attitude.
Elastica kept things very simple on their most iconic single. There’s a rudimentary guitar riff (which yes, they stole from Wire, but who cares), a steady beat, and Frischmann rolling her eyes over the whole thing. “Connection” is not a song that needs a lot of explaining: one listen, and you’ll instantly understand why even American teens couldn’t resist the snark.
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#30: “Alison” by Slowdive (1993)
Slowdive’s masterpiece, Souvlaki, might have been a bit late to the shoegaze party by 1993, but it and its iconic leadoff track, “Alison,” have stood tall over the movement regardless.
My favorite shoegaze song, “Alison” is a hazy soup of distorted guitars, hypnotic drums and hopelessly romantic lyrics about a druggy (and possibly imaginary?) relationship. About half of the lines are about drugs and confusion, and lead singer Neil Halstead describes the titular woman as his anchor through the chaos of life. It’s a slow-dance made for a goth prom, and it lingers in your brain long after it’s over.
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#29: “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-a-Lot (1992)
“Baby Got Back” has unfortunately become sort of a punchline by this point. Not because it’s a clunker —I think most people seem to love it as much as I do — but because of its constant feature in kids’ movies (I first heard it in Shark Tale as a child...the early ‘00s were a strange time) and the fact that the song has been boiled down to just a few lines. 
“I like big butts and I cannot lie.” “Oh. My. Gawd. Becky, look at her butt.” “My anaconda don’t want none unless you’ve got buns, hon.” Those moments define “Baby Got Back” more than anything else.
Which is a shame, because it’s a masterpiece of trashy fun. Seattle icon Sir-Mix-a-Lot somehow found out how to make solid punchlines about booty for four minutes — you try coming up with that many iconic moments in a short timespan! And the dizzying production, with its sharp horn bursts and super-tight bassline, is no joke.
"Baby Got Back” might be a goofy novelty track, but there’s actual effort put in. It’s a formula more artists should strive for.
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#28: “California Love” by 2Pac feat. Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman (1995)
Yes, this is the cliché 2Pac choice. But “California Love” is difficult to resist.
Backed by a rowdy Dre beat (and a great opening verse from the Dr. as well), Pac’s comeback single after being released from prison is truly timeless. You go to any L.A. party or sporting event and it’ll inevitably be played (partly because it’s strangely clean for a gangsta rap anthem). And 2Pac is game to shout out the entire state — he even gives Sacramento props over 20 years before Lady Bird!
Pac has some deeper, more introspective songs than “California Love.” But sometimes, the basic pick is the right one.
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#27: “Summer Babe (Winter Version)” by Pavement (1992)
Pavement has always been the cool kids’ ‘90s band. While the massive alt-rock acts put their raw, bleeding-heart emotions on display, Pavement kept things sardonic and snarky. They were willing to poke fun at The Smashing Pumpkins. They’re essentially the Jim Halpert of rock — kind of lazy and self-removed, but with too much charisma to ignore.
Yet, for all their snarky bonafides, my favorite song of theirs is one of their more emotional. “Summer Babe” still features Stephen Malkmus’ famously flat, dry vocals, but the song has some real heft to it regardless. The deep-fried guitar shredding its way though the track and the noisy drums work well amongst the sloppy-but-charming sound. It’s meandering, but when Malkmus puts some juice in his vocals for the final minute, it still strikes a chord. 
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#26: “Deceptacon” by Le Tigre (1999)
By the late ‘90s, punk icon Kathleen Hanna had already moved on from her massively influential riot grrrl band, Bikini Kill. Distorted guitars were so 1992. What was next? ‘80s nostalgia, of course!
“Deceptacon,” by Hanna’s other famous band, Le Tigre, is a sizzling slice of new wave perfection. With its proudly-analog synth stabs and dance beat, the song perfected the indie-band-goes-disco formula 10 years before everyone else tried it. Seriously, this sounds way more like 2009 than 1999, and it’s shocking that its somehow from the 20th Century.
But “Deceptacon” isn’t purely a Duran Duran tribute — there’s still that same fury that Hanna was famous for. Her raw vocals make for a strange, yet captivating combination with the poppy beat. It’s a punk song you could dance to, just like the Ramones always wanted!
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#25: “Fantasy (Bad Boy Remix)” by Mariah Carey feat. Ol’ Dirty Bastard and Puff Daddy (1995)
There might not have been any ‘90s popstar bigger than Mariah Carey. She racked up 14 number-one hits, including “One Sweet Day,” a monster R&B collaboration with Boys II Men that is still tied for the longest stay at the top of the charts (if only it was a better song). 
However, she’s never been my favorite — overwrought R&B ballads really aren’t my thing. But she did release one single that I unabashedly love, and that’s partly due to an assist from one of hip-hop’s weirdest stars.
I’m still not sure why the powers that be felt that Carey, a super-polished pop balladeer, and Ol’ Dirty Bastard, a rapper who sounded and acted like a homeless man on bath salts, was a good combo. But it worked beautifully! ODB’s weirdo charm proved to be a nice balance to Carey’s more sanitized sound. And the pop structure reigned in ODB just enough — although that didn’t stop him from spending the first 45 seconds just shouting out random places (“JAPAN ARE YOU IN THE HOUSE?!?”) and later quoting Donny and Marie Osmond. The man was a maniac.
But arguably what makes the song work better than either artist’s contribution is that sparkling production. The remix of “Fantasy,” helmed by Bad Boy mastermind Puff Daddy, strips back the original song’s heavier sampling of the ‘80s classic “Genius of Love” to just the groovy bassline for most of the song, letting the synth burbles wait until the chorus to pop. The result is one of the few truly great American pop songs of the mid ‘90s.
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#24: “Blue Jeans” by Blur (1993)
Despite their relatively low placement on this list, Blur are my absolute favorite band of the ‘90s. They helped create one of its prominent movements, Britpop, with their 1992 single “Popscene,” and went on to dominate the subgenre. And when they got bored with that sound five years later, Blur proved they could do angsty, distorted alt-rock just as well as the Americans. (And five years after that, lead singer Damon Albarn started a fun little side project — you might have heard of them.)
But my favorite song of theirs doesn’t really fit into either Blur’s eras. Technically, “Blue Jeans” was released on their first Britpop album, Modern Life is Rubbish, but it doesn’t really have the same witty, uber-English vibe as their hit singles from that time. Instead, it’s a low-key, almost dream-pop song that’s simply about being content in a relationship. 
Sounds a bit boring, until you actually listen to the track — Albarn’s melody here is stunningly beautiful, yet down-to-earth, and the quaint music backing him matches the vibe of the song exactly. And his lyrics nail the early stages of love — “I don’t really wanna change a thing/I wanna stay this way forever.” There’s few songs that capture the simple joys of a romance like “Blue Jeans,” particularly in the honeymoon period.
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#23: “Forgot About Dre” by Dr. Dre feat. Eminem (1999)
The defining sound of West Coast hip-hop — the squealing synths and trunk-rattling bass of G-Funk — was mastered by one man in the early ‘90s. Dr. Dre’s The Chronic was a landmark for the genre in 1992, and his iconic style can be heard from MCs throughout most of the decade.
But by 1999, things had changed. The biggest names in hip-hop sounded nothing like Dre’s signature sound, from Puff Daddy’s sample-heavy pop-rap to the chaotic Southern twang coming from No Limit Records. Dre was seen as a has-been, a relic.
However, “Forgot About Dre” ended Dre’s slump that year. The funky Chronic beats were supplanted by a sharper-edged, metallic production over which Dre publicly shamed the world for ignoring him and his legacy. It’s a ballsy move to already anoint yourself as a legend just 11 years after you burst onto the scene, but with Dre’s track record, he could afford to do so. And although he’s not the greatest rapper technically, he spits with enough force and charisma to sell his snarling lines.
Dre also had a partner to give him a boost: the then-newbie Eminem. A lot of Em’s big 2000′s hits have aged badly in my opinion — the production is awkward and there’s too much homophobia — but he sounds sharp as hell on “Forgot About Dre.” His verse is arguably the song’s highlight, as he unleashes a rapid-fire, charmingly random verse with endlessly quotable lines.
“Forgot About Dre” cemented Dre’s status as a titan of the industry who could seemlessly create new trends and stay afloat through multiple decades. And with it being one of Eminem’s breakout moments, it also proved Dre could be a kingmaker.
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#22: “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morissette (1995)
The ‘90s were the decade of angst. So what better climate was there to release a scathing takedown of an ex, who may or may not be one of the dudes from Full House?
Okay, so it’s never been confirmed that “You Oughta Know” is actually about Dave Coulier. But that doesn’t lessen its rage and impact. Morissette is seething with rage about this breakup, writing all-time classic lines like “Does she know how you told you’d hold me until you die/’Til you die, BUT YOU’RE STILL ALIVE” and of course, “Are you thinking of me when you fuck her?!”
Morissette perfectly uses the era’s classic quiet-loud dynamic shifts to her advantage, creepily whispering at the start of the verses, and slowly growing louder and angrier until she’s screaming her lungs out by the chorus. Her ragged, off-kilter vocals perfectly capture the blinding emotion she feels. It’s a karaoke staple for those who’ve just been dumped for a good reason.
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#21: “Big Pimpin’” by Jay-Z feat. UGK (1999)
That Timbaland beat. Dear lord. How can it sound so good against three radically different flows?! The man is truly a genius.
Yeah, Hov and Bun B and Pimp C all deliver here too, but let’s not pretend that beat isn’t the reason why this is a top-shelf Jay-Z single.
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#20: “Larger Than Life” by Backstreet Boys (1999)
Yeah, it’s better than “I Want It That Way.” Not by a lot — they’re both perfect — but I’ve always preferred upbeat boy band songs to ballads.
“Larger Than Life” was named accurately. From the second the thumping beat kicks in, the song is a stadium-filling anthem, the kind arena-rock bands would’ve written a decade prior. Does it have a chorus that’s easy to scream along to at concerts? Check. Does it have a beat you can awkwardly groove to? Check. Does it have a bad-ass guitar solo thrown in? Shockingly, yeah.
Boy bands were the true rockstars of the late-’90s (apologies to, uh, Matchbox 20?), so it would only make sense to have one of them create a bonafide rock anthem. And when you match the Backstreet Boys’ sugary hooks with a roaring atmosphere worthy of Def Leppard, you’ve got a classic on your hands.
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#19: “The Fly” by U2 (1991)
‘90s U2 is the best U2. I love Joshua Tree and Unforgettable Fire as much as the next guy, but I’ll take their weirdo, aggressively-ironic decade over their more earnest years any day.
Perhaps no song encapsulates U2′s ‘90s ethos better than “The Fly.” It’s got a slinky, nocturnal feel to the music, with The Edge’s guitar distorted slicing through like a machete. The swirling, tripped-out guitar solo here might be his greatest ever.
But like many U2 songs, “The Fly” belongs to Bono. In it, he plays the titular sleazebag from hell (literally — the song is about a crank call from down there), whispering sweet nothings into the listener’s ear. Do the lyrics actually mean anything? Honestly, I’m still not sure, but they still somehow sound transgressive and witty, if a bit corny. But you’ve got to expect a little corn when U2 is involved. And when Bono duets with himself on the sublime chorus, both as The Fly and in a piercing operatic falsetto, it’s one of the best hooks of the band’s career.
“The Fly” was the world’s introduction to the new U2 in 1991, and although it might have shocked people expecting another “With Or Without You,” it’s aged beautifully over 25 years later.
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#18: “Heaven Or Las Vegas” by Cocteau Twins (1990)
Cocteau Twins are usually held up as dream pop’s forefathers, helping create a distinct, hazy sound that would inspire future artists from The Cranberries to Beach House to Washed Out. One listen to “Heaven Or Las Vegas” proves why the Scottish trio was such an inspiration.
“Heaven Or Las Vegas,” the title track to Cocteau Twins’ flawless 1990 album, is one of the most immaculate, gorgeous songs of the decade. Invoking both heaven and Las Vegas was accurate: the track is graceful, yet also drenched in neon synths and glitz. It perfectly toes the line between holiness and kitsch.
And here’s where I admit that, like most people, I can’t make out 90 percent of what vocalist Elizabeth Fraser is singing. Beyond belting out the title of the song in the chorus, the rest sounds like French, or speaking in tongues. Regardless, her ethereal alto is a perfect compliment to the swirling keyboards and gauzy guitars floating around her in space.
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#17: “All The Small Things” by Blink-182 (1999)
In the classic video for “All The Small Things,” Blink-182 spends the entire runtime clowning on the TRL-era boy bands of the time. Here’s the ironic thing about that video: “All The Small Things” is secretly the greatest boy band song of the ‘90s (yes, that means *NSYNC didn’t make the list...their best songs came out in the early aughts, sorry).
Blink-182 are technically a pop-punk band, not a boy band, but you wouldn’t really know that from their most iconic, and best, hit. “All The Small Things” is direct, punchy and has a monster sing-along chorus. Sure, Tom DeLonge’s nasal whine isn’t a typical teen heartthrob voice, but young Justin Timberlake had an unusual voice too (“IT’S GONNA BAY MAAAAE”). 
The fact that “All The Small Things” is basically a bubblegum Trojan horse for Hot Topic kids is exactly what makes it so great. Chugging guitars can peacefully coexist with a TRL-ready melody and surprisingly romantic (if simple) lyrics. 
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#16: “Gin & Juice” by Snoop Doggy Dogg (1993)
Nowadays, Snoop Dogg is probably more known for his intense love of weed, unwillingness to turn down collaborations, and friendship with Martha Stewart more than any new music. But Snoop’s earned the right to ease into being a hip-hop elder statesman, thanks to his landmark album Doggystyle and its standout single, “Gin & Juice.”
The young Snoop (only 22 at the time!!) had already nailed down his trademark, chilled-out drawl by 1993. He uses it to great effect on “Gin & Juice,” describing a wild house party filled with sex, drugs and alcohol like it’s just another regular day at the office. You can practically hear his knowing smile in the verses, and the chorus sung by D-Ruff is infectious as hell.
Of course, major credit has to be given to Dr. Dre’s G-funk production. It’s my favorite beat of his from this era, and its dog-whistle synths and shuffling beat perfectly fit the early-’90s California party vibe. 
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#15: “Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind (1997)
This is probably the only song in history to take heavy lyrical influence from the Doug theme song and simultaneously be about crystal meth.
It shouldn’t be hard to explain why “Semi-Charmed Life” is a classic, right? It turned an insanely bleak topic into one of the sunniest, most propulsive jams of all time. The rap-singing in the verses is a blast to keep up with, and that falsetto “goodBYYYYYYYE” in the chorus is the ‘90s equivalent of the high note in “Take On Me”: often-attempted in karaoke, with a very low success rate.
The late ‘90s had no shortage of great, weird pop jams, and “Semi-Charmed Life” is near the top of the pile.
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#14: “Say It Ain’t So” by Weezer (1994)
My favorite ‘90s album will always be Blur’s Parklife. But my second choice would probably be Weezer’s self-titled “Blue Album,” a nerdy power-pop masterpiece. It’s an angstier mirror of The Cars’ 1976 debut, also self-titled; appropriate, seeing as Cars frontman Rik Ocasek produced Weezer’s first album.
The record’s centerpiece is the heartbreaking “Say It Ain’t So,” a perfect power ballad. The band nails the quiet/loud/quiet dynamic shifts from the mumbling verses to the supercharged chorus. There, Rivers Cuomo scratches his vocals, displaying his emotional wounds after alcoholism tore apart his family. 
For a band known for very silly songs like “Buddy Holly” and “Beverly Hills,” the passionate bridge, where Cuomo first wails away vocally before making his guitar do the same in a fiery solo, is truly heartbreaking. “Say It Ain’t So” proved that California dorks could pull off sadness just as well as the flannel-wearing Seattleites, if not better.
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#13: “My Heart Will Go On” by Céline Dion (1997)
Earlier this year, Avengers: Endgame moved past Titanic on the all-time box office charts. As much as I enjoyed Endgame, this feels wrong. Sure, Marvel is a big deal, but was Endgame as much of a phenomenon as Titanic? No. Frankly, it’s not even a top-5 Marvel movie (although it is better than Avatar, which Endgame could pass soon for first place). 
Why has Titanic cemented itself in pop culture history? Part of that is because the movie is a stone-cold classic, featuring a frothy romance between two of a generation’s greatest actors that ends in unspeakable tragedy and heartbreak. But I believe there’s another aspect to the film that’s helped keep its legacy strong: its unsinkable theme song.
“My Heart Will Go On” is one of the greatest movie themes of all time, precisely because it mirrors its movie. Like Titanic, Céline Dion’s signature song starts as a tender, soft romance, before bursting into a dizzying climax that pummels the audience into submission, forcing tears.
I don’t think I need to emphasize that Dion is a fantastic singer — there are very few singers that could nail both the cooing opening and the Whitney Houston-esque belting at the final chorus. But “My Heart Will Go On” is still occasionally considered a punchline, and that’s just wrong. Any song with this much emotional heft and force cannot be taken lightly.
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#12: “What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?” by R.E.M. (1994)
Two of Gen X’s longest-lasting and most important acts, U2 and R.E.M., switched roles in the ‘90s. U2 shifted their image from overly-earnest arena-rockers to weirdos dabbling in underground sounds. Meanwhile, their American counterparts went from mumbling college rock jams to radio-friendly ballads.
Not to be a total snob, but I’ve always preferred R.E.M.’s jangly ‘80s sound over their blockbuster early ‘90s albums. But the lead single off their underrated 1994 record Monster might be my favorite song of theirs.
“What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?” sounds like very few other R.E.M. songs. There’s no mandolins, and Michael Stipe’s lyrics are much clearer (although they make little sense). Instead of being bouncy and light, the guitars are a blast of crunchy distortion, not far off from a typical Smashing Pumpkins song.
In fact, Peter Buck’s guitar work here is what makes “Kenneth.” His echo-y sound adds a raw texture to the tune. And although the lyrics are a bit cryptic (apparently it’s about Boomers trying to advertise to Gen Xers? I have no clue), Stipe’s melody is on-point, as usual.
Although the sound of alt-rock had long passed by R.E.M.’s original style, “Kenneth” showed that the Georgia legends were more than able to keep up.
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#11: “Steal My Sunshine” by Len (1999)
This sunburnt ode to being young and dumb in the gloriously young-and-dumb late ‘90s is the greatest summer anthem of all time. And the greatest one-hit-wonder of all time.
“Steal My Sunshine” is the soundtrack to driving with the windows down, goofing with your friends and pretty much any positive aspect of summer. Gloriously dumb and kitschy-fun summer songs like this are perfect examples of why the late-’90s was a golden age for pop.
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#10: “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” by Shania Twain (1997)
While we’re talking about that late-’90s pop boom, how crazy is it that the era’s best single is technically a country song? 
Of course, “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” is barely a country song — yes, there’s some violins and slide guitar buried in the mix, but there’s also a thundering synth riff and Twain barely has a Southern twang (makes sense, seeing as she’s Canadian). And there’s no mention of any country tropes like pickup trucks or whiskey in the lyrics.
What “Man!” does bring to the table is a tongue-in-cheek, groovy pop-rock jam that’s just as easy to love as it is to make jokes about. Sure, it’s corny as hell — see the obvious joke in the song’s title — but Twain is clearly having way too much fun to care. And in a decade filled with angst and irony, a super-cheesy pop jam like this probably seemed like a needed salvo.
And the Mutt Lange production on this has some serious oomph to it. Before his extensive work with Twain, his then-wife, Lange was arguably best known for mastering the roided-out arena rock sound of the ‘80s, assisting on classic tunes from The Cars, AC/DC and Def Leppard. He even gave us this beautifully ridiculous Billy Ocean track, which might be the greatest song ever written. Lange brings some weight to “Man!”, making Twain’s female-empowerment anthem an actual anthem.
Listen, if this song isn’t for you, I get it. But for those of us who have the prerogative to have a little fun, “Man! I Feel Like A Woman!” is the pinnacle of one of pop’s greatest eras.
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#9: “Check The Rhime” by A Tribe Called Quest (1991)
A lot of ‘90s rap hasn’t aged well, even if it’s still a ton of fun. Albums from Dr. Dre and Puff Daddy and even Jay-Z can sound like time capsules. But that’s not a problem that A Tribe Called Quest has, as their smooth jazz-rap still sounds timeless and perfect.
“Check The Rhime” is the Queens group’s brightest highlight off of their 1991 magnum opus, The Low End Theory. It’s a simple setup: MCs Q-Tip and Phife Dawg introduce the other rapper by reminiscing about freestyling on street corners back in the day. Then, both Tip and Phife get their own verse, each stuffed with playful lines and life advice — Industry Rule 4080 still holds to this day.
Unlike a lot of ‘90s hip-hop that was trying desperately to either be menacing or cool, Tip and Phife ooze effortless charisma on their verses in a playful, almost childlike way. Phife starts his verse reminding everyone “how nice I am” (before proclaiming that he flips off “punk MCs”). Tip even seems to diss MC Hammer by saying “rap is not pop/if you call it that then stop,” but apparently, this was meant as a defense of the then-megastar. Maybe.
“Check The Rhime” works partially because of its funky, minimalist production, but also because the Tribe’s two rappers were born to spit non sequiturs and awkward brags over a jazz-rap beat until the end of time.
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#8: “I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone” by Sleater-Kinney (1996)
I’m not sure how flamingly hot of a take this is, but I’d say Sleater-Kinney is the greatest band in Northwest history. Yes, better than Nirvana. 
1997′s Dig Me Out is a flawless masterpiece, and there’s not a single dud in their eight-album discography. Unlike many of the major Washington acts from this era, the Olympia three-piece never lost relevancy, releasing some of their strongest work in the 2000′s.
But Sleater-Kinney’s best single, “I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone,” is actually from one of their early albums. And it serves as a thesis statement for the decades of great music to come.
Legendary guitarist Carrie Brownstein takes over vocals here, nailing both the sardonic verses and the thrilling, off-kilter chorus. “Joey Ramone” tackles an interesting subject: how almost all of indie rock’s heroes up to that point had been male. So when Brownstein wails about wanting to be Joey Ramone or Thurston Moore, she’s placing Sleater-Kinney in the pantheon of rock greats. And this was just their second album.
Luckily, Sleater-Kinney had the goods to back up their chutzpah, and “Joey Ramone” became prophetic.
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#7: “Supersonic” by Oasis (1994)
Just a couple months after Kurt Cobain’s death, two unibrowed guys from Manchester (and the rest of their band) completely upended the rock world with their band Oasis’ debut album, Definitely Maybe. After a few years of gloom-and-doom dominating the genre, it, along with fellow hit albums from Blur and Pulp, helped usher in the brighter world of Britpop in the mid-’90s.
That album’s first single, “Supersonic,” is still the greatest thing Oasis ever produced. (Yes, it’s better than “Wonderwall.”)
“Supersonic” is a blast of rude, snotty rock-n-roll cranked up to 11. In an era of irony and sarcasm, lead singer Liam Gallagher was spouting out nonsense lyrics like they were the most important and coolest thing in the world. And for the four-and-a-half minutes of this song, they probably are.
Everything about “Supersonic” is boneheaded perfection, from the thunderous drums to the dual guitars, one crunchy, one soaring; all the way to Liam’s sneer. This is prime Oasis, the band running on all cylinders. Based on how ramshackle this sounds, it’s no wonder the band only stayed great for two albums. But at least we’ll always have that legendary start.
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#6: “1979″ by The Smashing Pumpkins (1995)
On the opposite end of the cool spectrum as Oasis and Sleater-Kinney, you have Billy Corgan — singer/songwriter/control freak of The Smashing Pumpkins and alt-rock’s most weaselly, petty figure. But say what you want about him as a person, Corgan wrote some incredible alt-rock pop nuggets.
“1979″ is a major outlier in the Pumpkins’ discography. It’s not an angsty shoegaze/grunge banger or an orchestral power ballad. It’s a low-key, skeletal new-wave track that perfectly captures the boredom and aimlessness of youth.
While many songs about being a teenager capture either its euphoric highs or angsty lows, “1979″ is one of the few classic songs that nails the in-between moments. It’s the feeling of walking to the 7-Eleven with your friends, cracking jokes that you’ll probably forget the next day. It’s about sitting in a parking lot and just waiting to leave your hometown.
"1979″ isn’t a grand gesture, but in a backwards way, that makes it even more profound. And from a band who typically dealt in soaring, intensely emotional songs, it was a brilliant change-of-pace that will no-doubt be relatable to teens for a long time to come.
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#5: “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill (1993)
Two massively important alt-rock movements came from the Puget Sound in the early ‘90s. One is grunge. The other is riot grrrl, centered around a group of furious, political women-led bands in Olympia. And although Sleater-Kinney may be the subgenre’s longest-lasting act, its brightest moment came in 1993 with Bikini Kill and their incendiary single “Rebel Girl.”
Lead singer/songwriter/punk icon Kathleen Hanna is the focal point of “Rebel Girl,” wailing away on the microphone about an unnamed woman who is just the absolute coolest. The woman is described as a confident, revolutionary lesbian figure who would serve as an inspiration for angsty teens across the globe.
And oh yeah — “Rebel Girl” absolutely shreds. It sounds like there’s maybe 18 guitars going at once on the track, and Tobi Vail’s drum work is fearsome. Just to give more rock cred to the song, it was produced and features guitar work from Joan Jett. The rock legend and Bikini Kill made a great pairing, creating a song that sounds angry, with its distorted guitars and punk drums, but is actually a triumphant feminist anthem for the ages.
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#4: “Linger” by The Cranberries (1993)
In an early-’90s rock scene filled with distorted guitars and raw angst, The Cranberries broke out in 1993 with a song that sounded nothing like the crowd. And over 25 years later, their stunningly gorgeous single “Linger” has aged far better than most of the grunge and alt-rock it was surrounded by.
The Irish four-piece took inspiration from Cocteau Twins’ and Galaxie 500′s dream pop and just made the hooks even more bulletproof and melancholy. “Linger” is the kind of ballad that’s a perfect fit for a longing prom slow dance and for crying with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s on the couch after a break up.
The late Dolores O’Riordan’s lilting vocals are a miracle here, able to express both hope and resignation. Her heavy Irish accent helps the vocals become another instrument in the band’s sweeping wall of sound, alongside the jangly guitars, marching-beat drums and orchestral swells.
It’s the most beautiful song of an ugly (in a good way!) decade, and arguably the greatest dream pop song ever written. The Cranberries would later adopt the heavy guitars of their Seattle peers, but “Linger” is still a high-water mark for the subgenre.
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#3: “Juicy” by The Notorious B.I.G. (1994)
The first verse alone could’ve gotten “Juicy” into this list’s top 10. It’s one of the most-memorable and quotable verses of all time, exquisitely detailing The Notorious B.I.G.’s rise to fame. And then we get two more stellar verses?! 
“Juicy” is frequently cited among one of the greatest hip-hop songs of all time, and it’s deserving of that reputation. Biggie penned the definitive rags-to-riches story in just five minutes (honestly, more like four, as he and producer Puff Daddy let the beat ride for a bit at the end) and then blessed it with his silky-smooth, commanding flow.
What separates “Juicy” from other come-up anthems is the vivid detail Biggie gives us, both about his impoverished Brooklyn upbringing (“We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us/No heat, wondered why Christmas missed us”) and his stunning rise to fame (“Girls used to diss me/Now they write letters cause they miss me”). He even brags about owning a Super Nintendo AND a Sega Genesis, which was the biggest early-90′s flex possible.
Of course, knowing the tragic ending of Biggie’s story, “Juicy” has a bit of a bittersweet feeling to it now. But its ‘80′s-retro beat and infectious glee can still bring a smile to my face every time I hear it.
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#2: “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana (1991)
Well, duh.
There is no song that encapsulates an entire decade and generation like “Smells Like Teen Spirit” does for the ‘90′s and Gen X. It famously changed the entire rock landscape nearly overnight from sleazy hair metal to grimy alt-rock. It’s one of the most famous and iconic songs ever written. And shockingly, it still retains all of its revolutionary power nearly 30 years later.
How does “Smells Like Teen Spirit” pull off the balancing act of being a time capsule, yet still sounding remarkably fresh? I believe it’s because it captures the raw feeling of visceral rage and confusion better than nearly any song. Most angry songs have a target, whether its racist politicians, stuffy adults, or even a crappy ex. “Teen Spirit” has no tangible reason for its angst. Kurt Cobain’s lyrics are famously nonsense. And that’s what makes the song so brilliant.
Because the song is so emotionally powerful in a visceral way, it really doesn’t matter that the lyrics are meaningless. All you need to love the song is to connect with the anger buried deep, and start moshing the moment Dave Grohl’s instantly-recognizable drum fill meets the clanging guitars. It’s a total banger.
Cobain might not have had the intent of creating a generational anthem that would last beyond Gen X. But as long as people feel “stupid and contagious” alongside a creeping rise of angst, waiting to burst, “Teen Spirit” will remain relevant.
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#1: “Common People” by Pulp (1995)
For a subgenre entirely built around a particular country’s culture, most major Britpop acts surprisingly refrained from politics. Oasis never sniffed the subject, and while Blur got close, songs like “Parklife” or “Stereotypes” were more winking jokes than bold statements.
Then there’s Pulp. Their most beloved track, “Common People,” is a scathing attack on the British upper class who indulge in poverty tourism, unaware of how the other half really lives. And it’s the best song of the ‘90s.
There are few things I love more than a perfectly executed story-song, and lead singer/songwriter Jarvis Cocker gives listeners a doozy here. “Common People” is about a rich woman talking to, well, a common person, and she decides she wants the poor guy to show her how to “live like common people.” Cocker’s songwriting is very literary, going into detail about the woman’s history and her botched attempt to act poor while shopping for groceries, as well as all the lower-class problems the wealthy will never understand. As Cocker bluntly puts it, “If you call your dad/he could stop it all.”
“Common People” is just as furious as “Teen Spirit,” but Cocker has clear targets here: the one-percent, and the misguided idea that poverty is somehow cool. The song starts calmly, almost at a whisper, but by the final, heart-pounding climax, Cocker is wailing away, condemning the upper-class with gusto.
The swelling disco-rock groove channels this anger into an absurdly catchy tune — an odd combination of musical tone and lyrics, but one that’s effective. It’s a giant middle finger that you can sing along to.
Britpop might have ended, but the sentiment of “Common People” is still fresh today as a righteous anthem for the trod-upon. 
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chocmarss · 7 years
long looks at the sun
Summary:  A poorly kept secret is a disaster that’s waiting to burst into their faces.
voltron. sheith. anna karenina au. T (ao3)
I started this out of impulse after watching Anna Karenina ft. Keira Knightly, and I thought I'd continue this until it'll turn into a full fledge fic but it didn't and, well,
But I really like this piece and I recommend watching the movie because it's so aesthetically pleasing. Enjoy!
A poorly kept secret is a disaster that’s waiting to burst into their faces.
“You're beginning to look desperate,” Allura murmurs against the rim of the flute glass, letting Keith feather a kiss onto the silken glove of her knuckles. “It's unattractive.”
Perhaps, but the thought doesn't bother him as he merely ignores the stares from the people milling around the room, and instead accepts another glass of the same red wine that's been passed into his hold while he makes himself comfortable on the empty space beside her. He takes a sip, and he knows how hard she's trying to not roll her eyes at his dismissal. “Is there any chance that he'll come?”
Because the flows of dresses and fitting suits doesn't impress him as much as the event should, where lovely men and women alike hide their laughter from the other in such peculiar way of embarrassment, since they think dignity is more important than showing their full honesty.
He thinks they're wasting their time, and takes another sip when one of the older women gives him a look that could wilt a weak heart.
Ah, so the news of what he's done a few days ago have spread. Of course, Keith knows this to be a fact that the bystanders hated to not see him woo the prince they've all been rooting for; the lovely blue-eyed beauty would surely look stunning with the sergeant, and the sighs and whines of those doesn't get a chance with both of them would be silenced into defeat by then.
But, it’s not entirely his fault he sees the same steel stare making an appearance at the ballroom, and they have been as striking when he first sees them on the train.
“Now that he knows you exists?” He doesn't bother to glance at her as he searches past waiters and extravagant furnitures that has been bought with her money. “I wouldn't doubt it. But, I heard his husband is here as well.”
He stills, but makes a show of twirling the glass to the side, as if to aspect the fine art that’s barely visible on it. “They came together?”
“I've suspected that Shiro would came here first alone,” the accusation under her tone makes Keith shift his gaze towards her, but the blank look she dons doesn't par with the words leaving her mouth. “But, of course, Count Lotor doesn't usually have the time to attend to these things without having the need to be somewhere else, so there's a chance he's coming here in favour of not leaving his husband alone again.”
Keith doesn't reply, but the dissatisfaction that churns in his gut makes him set aside his wine a little too noisily, just beside his service cap, where it takes a moment for him to pull out the little silver casing from his suit pocket and popping the cigarette into his mouth.
He's already lighting up the stick when a certain hush falls over the room.
Keith thinks that's a grand entrance if it's needed to be said.
Taking a slow drag, he releases the smoke above his head while Allura fans the remains of it away from her face, watching their new guest walk in.
Broad shoulders fills in the black suit he wears, the silvers cuffs near his wrists gleams dimly under the lights while his feet bore the shoes of a man who has everything what humanity nowadays keened for. It's a posture of someone who knows he's forbidden to be seen alone when his spouse should be by his arm, but the gait of his strides suggests he doesn't care when his eyes zeroes onto Keith.
A small upturn of his lips, Keith stands up with a grace that suggests the faint whispers doesn't bother him as he stabs the butt of the cigarette into the crystal ashtray.
Allura greets Shiro with a hum when he kisses the back of her hand. “Shiro, darling. I thought that you weren't able to join us.”
“I did too,” Shiro responds with a small laugh, straightening up to his full height. “But, you insisted.”
She chuckles. “Yes, well, I wasn't going to leave you out of my party now, would I?”
“I suppose.” Then, he moves his gaze towards Keith, who's silently amused at the attempt of a neutral face Shiro tries to make. “Sergeant Kogane.”
“Count Shirogane,” Keith greets with an offer of his hand, letting Shiro return the formalities with a firm shake. “Good to see you again.”
“Likewise,” Shiro mutters when Keith raises their connected hands to his lips, leaving a kiss onto Shiro's knuckle while not breaking eye contact. “I didn't expect you to be here either.”
“Allura let me use her house as my second home,” Keith tells him, taking his time to slip away his fingers from his hold. “She's a very dear friend, sometimes.”
“Yes, because my father insisted you stay here whenever you visited,” she says with a faint touch of annoyance in her tone, but her eyes sparkles with mirth. “You don't know how grateful your mother is to have a brat like you under tight leash.”
“When has that ever stopped me?” Keith questions with a quirk of his eyebrows, and Allura scoffs lightly before sipping her drink.
Then, she narrows her eyes at the entrance, before getting up with a smooth motion as she hooks her arm into Shiro's, surprising the man as she tugs him towards the table of beverages at the side of the room. “Come, Shiro. You're probably thirsty.”
Keith watches them leave before allowing his gaze to stray towards the door, where he sees the white hair of Count Lotor making his way in, sharp yellow eyes looking over the crowd with a sweep of his lazy gaze.
It takes Keith that moment to leave the lounge before he's seen, his cap in hand. He walks towards where Shiro and Allura stands, and they're talking in a low tone as she passes him a shot glass of clear liquid.
His shoulder brushes against Shiro's as Keith stands beside him, where the taller man glances at him in enquiry when he begins to speak, “I'll have to make my leave,” Keith says, meeting Shiro's gaze unwaveringly. “Mama would want see me at the moment, and I can't make any excuses not to or she'll have my head.”
“So soon?” Shiro asks, and it looks as if they're alone again in the middle of the marble floor.
Keith realises this would be a hard habit to pick out if they don't prevent it.
“Unfortunately,” he answers, giving a smile that doesn't reach his eyes, and faces Allura with a bow. “I'm sorry this has to cut so short.”
“You'll miss the fireworks.” She warns, where the people are already gathering for the show in the middle of the clearing as the roof begins to slide open. “and the after-party that comes with it.”
“Another time, maybe,” he says, turning around to take his leave. “I'll send both of your regards to Mama.”
Keith manages to avoid Lotor on his way out, inhaling the cold air of winter as he escapes the suffocating cloud of the room, before he hears the smack of footsteps against the floor becoming louder.
“You're leaving.”
The statement makes Keith pause on his way down the small stairs, and he turns around to see Shiro standing behind him with something scorching in his eyes, one that Keith tries not to think of too deeply. “I'll be going to Saint Petersburg for my promotion,” he says quietly, rubbing his thumbs against the white cloth of his cap. “Mama thinks it's best for me and my future, but seeing you made contemplate that all over again.”
“When do you leave?” The demand is weak even to Keith, but the heat of determination is unmistakable underneath it.
“Tomorrow, if I decided to take up the offer,” Keith studies the man, who looks as if he’s preventing himself from going nearer towards Keith. “Do you want me to go?”
Shiro let's out a breath of laughter, running his hand over his hair in disbelief. “Don't make it seem as if it's about me.”
“Do you want me to go?” Keith repeats his words, and Shiro looks away. “I'll be stationed there for three years before I'll come back here, but that's not even a guarantee.” He pauses, letting the words sink in properly. “I'll probably stay there for a long while.”
“And I can't make you do anything,” Shiro says. “It's what you want.”
“What about you, Shiro?” Keith shoots back, holding onto his gaze. “What do you want?”
Shiro clenches his jaw. “Nothing.”
It takes a second longer for Keith to study Shiro's total disregard of pulling himself back together, where he exposes what he feels without a care of his title or what it means to slather his husband's name with the kind of actions they shamelessly committed.
Then, Keith nods shallowly, wearing the service cap on his head. “The train leaves in the morning, I won't be able to see you until my three years are up, and I apologise if I overstepped my boundaries the whole time we were in the same room.” He tips his head. “I'd like it if we remained as friends, if that isn't-”
“Don't,” Shiro cuts him off sharply, taking a subconscious step forward. “I don't- you know we're not just friends.”
Keith gives him a chance to collect himself, and Shiro meets his eyes again with a clench of his jaw.
“You can't make it look that way,” Shiro continues, back straightening. “You can't leave while denying what we have.”
Death wouldn't be as quiet as the air between them after that; it wouldn’t be as cold, nor as stifling as if its long and bony fingers clasps around their airways with all the eagerness of a raging bull.
But Keith pushes them all away with a small smile. “Of course.”
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