#But that is more like whatever headcanon you have for clones mourning during the war
Clones mourning the Jedi
Ok, so, bear with me, my brain is constantly making up scenarios that I want to happen in Bad Batch Season 3. Most of the time I don't do anything with them, but this one today was especially emotional, so I just can't keep it to myself. Even though it doesn't fit into the story at all and is probably also very out of character. So… I need the connection between the clones and the Jedi to be appreciated, right? So my brain was like: How about we have the clones collectively, in their little community that they built, (which will also totally happen, right? I mean… clone rebellion?!?…please?!!), mourn the Jedi? And I was just: Umm… I don't think… And my brain went: Shut up, I've already made up a whole fucking ceremony and the precise camera angles and shots it will be shown in. So anyway, it starts with the Bad Batch needing Rex's help for a mission or something, so they go to him, and Rex is like: "Sure, but not today." So Hunter asks why, and he just says: "It's Empire Day." No missions till tomorrow morning." "Why? You're celebrating?", Wrecker asks jokingly. Rex huffs and flashes a sad little smile: "We're mourning."
Empire Day would be roughly the day Order 66 happened, right? I mean, I have no idea how space time works so I just assume that. So anyway, they go inside and meet all the other clones from Rex's little Network who sit together, talk and laugh, and many of them, most of them, are doing some sort of pottery. Echo is also there (which doesn't make sense because at this point he would have been back with the Bad batch already, but honestly, I don't care when this happens. Could also be way earlier. Actually, that would maybe be even better, so we can have Tech and Omega on board as well) so after some big hellos, of course the Bad Batch asks what's going on with this pottery stuff. Rex has excused himself at this point, but Echo shows them they're making little bowls and explains that it is part of the ceremony to honor the Jedi. At this point, it becomes a bit awkward for the Bad Batch since they never had such a connection to the Jedi and also experienced order 66 differently. But it gets better when Wrecker asks if he can make one for the little Padawan (Caleb), even though he hopes he survived. Just to remind of him. And Echo beams and says "sure" and shows them the bowl he's making for Ahsoka. He started it, still thinking she died during Order 66, but then Rex found out, teared up, and told him everything. He still makes her a bowl. To remember her. Because wherever she is now, even though she survived, the sassy, lighthearted, funny little commander he knew is definitely dead. So the Bad batch mixes with the other Clones. Wrecker makes his little bowl; maybe Hunter and Omega (if she's there) make one for Shaak Ti and Tech (if he's there) helps with the technical preparations for the ceremony and makes some valuable improvements. (Um, yeah, I have no Ideas for Crosshair. I'm open for suggestions! As said, not following any continuity/timeline here.) In the evening, everything is ready for the ceremony. It goes this way: Everyone who wants to has made a bowl for a specific Jedi, or several bowls for several Jedi, one bowl for multiple Jedi at once, or just one for all of them or no one in particular. They fill the bowls with a special material that will create a colorful flame when burned. Normally, they choose the color of their Jedi's lightsaber.
So for the ceremony, one after another lights up their lanterns, takes them to the little shrine or altar they built, says the name(s) of the one(s) they want to honor/remember maybe adds a little prayer if they feel like it, and then returns to the group to watch the flames leaping up to the sky. A colorful, beautiful mess, so bright, so hopeful, just like the Jedi were. Many bring blue ones for Shaak Ti, their beloved guardian on Kamino, who was killed by the ones she protected and watched over so lovingly. I'm thinking some of the Ryloth clones, the ones from Howzer's squad, maybe served under Mace Windu before they were stationed on Ryloth after the battle, so we get a few beautiful, strong purple flames. Wollfe brings one for Plo Koon, and his hands, ever shaking, now that his mind is no longer trustworthy, are steady when he sets down the bowl. His eyes, that are now mostly clouded by thoughts he can't voice, are clear for once as he remembers the brave man he fought side by side with, that he knows died wrongly even though his mind, corrupted by the chip for far too long, won't let him believe it. Cody's Hands (of course Cody is there, why wouldn't he be?) on the other hand are shaking as he brings forth the bowl he made for his general. It's not the only one for him on their little shrine, but it is probably by far the brightest and the most detailed. "Obi Wan Kenobi", he says, his voice is not shaking, but it's oh so quiet. He swallows hard and thinks for a moment before he adds: "Wherever you are right now… be safe. I miss you. I'm so sorry, love." And he wants to say so much more, but he doesn't know how, and now it's too late anyway. Echo's lantern for Ahsoka burns bright in the yellowish green he remembers, so fresh, so young, and so free. Rex is the last one to set down his lantern. "Anakin Skywalker", he says, making sure to place it right in the middle of the shrine, next to the bright blue flame that is Cody's lantern for Obi Wan and in front of the green one that is Ahsoka's. His voice does not shake, his steps do not falter, as he walks back to the group and turns around to watch the lights. (We see Hunter shooting Rex a quick, slightly worried, slightly curious glance because he's still convinced Anakin and Rex had something going on after that very suspicious scene in season 7.) We see the Bad Batch exchanging glances because they kind of feel like intruders. Because they suddenly feel grief over something they never even really knew. But then again, did any of them? We see Omega holding on to Hunter, deeply moved but not completely understanding why or what this is all about. We have a wide shot of all the clones standing in front of the lights, watching them with varying stages of grief. Some of them look deeply hurt; some of them smile sadly or even relieved as they watch the bright light resembling their friends, their mentors, their comrades, their idols. Only a very few of them are crying. Because even after all that's happened, they're still so strong. So used to the losses. Most of them watch the lights and gain strength. Grow a determined look on their face. They're going to make up for this. If there's one thing they can do, it's fight, so you bet that's what they're going to do. Cut to Rex staring into the flames and putting on his brave face for his brothers. His strong face as the leader. The determined face that makes it so easy, natural to follow him. He stares into the lights and knows this is his fight, the role he plays, the task he is set to fulfill. He is setting himself to fulfill. Their destiny is in their own hands now. And they're going to use it to make the galaxy the Jedi couldn't. It's what they owe them. And, most importantly, it's what they want to do, too. They were made to protect the galaxy, and damn well, they will. Because the Jedi gave them hope. Showed them that it can be different. Taught them to believe in themselves. In the human in every single one of them. 
Cut to the Lanterns burning on the table, the colorful dancing flames, and it slowly zooms in on the bright blue flames of Anakin and Obi Wan burning next to each other.
But it doesn't stop there. It continues zooming in on Anakin's flame. And slowly, through the flickering light of Anakin's flame, we catch our first glimpse of Darth Vader. I'm thinking a Kenobi-like reveal. With dramatically swelling music and then just…breathing.
And then the screen goes black, bam episode over, bam Vader is the villain of Bad Batch now.
I know none of this makes sense, but it made me emotional, so….
Anyway if somebody else is having feels now, go listen to "Goodbye" by Ramsey, it's the song that was stuck in my head while writing this and it makes everything 100 times sadder :).
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whatanoof · 3 years
Cal Kestis Headcanons that No One Asked For
So I’ve slowly been going through story mode of Jedi: Fallen Order, and I’m about to go to the Fort Inquisitorius so I haven’t even finished yet but I’m absolutely in love with Cal Kestis, so here are some hc about him, romantic and non-romantic.
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Cal x female!reader
You both love it when you play with his hair. The first time was almost an accident on your part, because you were just sitting behind him on the bunk while he’s tinkering with his saber and staring at the back of his head. It’s so red, and you’d honestly rarely seen such a bright color naturally occurring, much less growing out of a human head? Your hand brushed a strand almost of its own volition, and you both just froze. He slowly turned to look at you, and you almost stopped breathing because Did you just mess up did you just fuck up the relationship oh shit shit shit--. And he just whispers, “Uh, could you do that again?” And you’re in such a state of shock and relief that you just scoot back on the bunk and gesture at your open lap. Cere walks in on the two of you later, him dopey and almost asleep with his head in your lap, your fingers running through the silky strands. She doesn’t say anything, even when Greez points out the two small braids that you left at the nape of his neck.
He’s so competitive. Like come on, this man refused to back down from  two or three separate fights against fully-fledged Inquisitors and one insane Jedi Master while he was still technically a Padawan. So he won’t let you beat him. At anything. You’re watering the latest seed that he brought back from a planet? Bam, he’s got Greez’s special plant food and he’s giving every single one of them a five-course meal. If you’re a Jedi, and you’re meditating in the back of the Mantis? You open your eyes after ten or so minutes and he’s right there in front of you, doing that little concentration face that you fell in love with so easily. If you’re a Jedi, you’re evenly matched in almost everything that you do in terms of abilities, and you teach each other where you’re not. Greez is terrified of watching you two spar, because you don’t hold back, but you’re also so equal to him in skill that it’s a whirl of light and blocking known attacks. 
Him and BD-1 were a package deal, but as soon as you were welcomed aboard the Mantis, Cal couldn’t believe how easily the little droid warmed up to you. Of course, BD sticks with Cal and is his right hand man on adventures, but Cal no longer occupies 100 percent of BD’s free time. You refuse to tell Cal exactly where, but you found a spot right behind BD’s “head” where if you scratch it, the droid is on the ground and kicking a leg in the air in happiness. If you’re a mechanic, you can usually be found in the back, tinkering with BD’s processor to make it run more efficiently, or oiling his joints again, or designing new paint jobs for the happy little droid. Either way, you’ve stolen a decent fraction of the droid’s affection, and none of the Mantis crew has any idea how you did it. It’s actually the first thing that urged you and Cal to start spending more time together, and you remember BD’s happy little hops after you’d finally kissed Cal for the first time.
There is absolutely no backing for this, but I think that Cal can sing. Nothing fancy, of course, it’s not like there are vocal lessons available on Bracca or in the Jedi Order, but he can carry a tune. It’s sometimes the only way you can fall asleep on the Mantis, because even though Greez and the crew make it cozy, it’s not home. But as soon as you’re curled up in the twin-sized bunk, and Cal starts humming to you, you’re out before he’s finished the chorus. Sometimes the songs are happy, but they’re often little ditties that he heard from the clones before Order 66, or mourning songs that fellow workers on Bracca would sing during the night when the rain was pounding on the metal and creating a natural rhythm and harmony for the tired mechanics. They’re songs of lost love, fallen brothers, and vague longings for newer, better lives. You fall asleep to his soothing voice, but you often wake with an ache in your heart for the suffering and pain that Cal has experienced and witnessed in his short life.
He’s ticklish. He hates that you know. He hates that you told Merrin, and now she can blackmail him into getting her favorite foods from supply markets. But you love the childish giggles that you’re able to pull out of him when you finally corner him and run your fingers over his neck. Tickle fights always end in make-out sessions.
+18 NSFW under the cut
So... Cal never had the chance to understand wanting intimacy before you, sexual and non-sexual. He was terrified the first time he looked at you and didn’t recognize that strange feeling in his chest. He’d never felt it before, was there something wrong with him? Was he sick? It takes a sit-down with Greez for him to figure out what’s going on, and it’s even scarier than the possibility of illness. Jedi were forbidden to love, it had always been a taboo in his mind, even if he had never had the opportunity to find out what it felt like.
He pushes it away at first. He ignores the flutters in his chest when you’re laughing with Merrin at dinner. He denies the complete shorting out of his brain when he accidentally brushes too close to you while trying to get to your shared bunk. 
He has his first wet dream, and wakes up absolutely throbbing with the memory of the dream that involved you and him and way too little clothes for his repressed childhood. He tries to grit his teeth and go back to sleep, but it’s too uncomfortable, and he can’t get the image of your body out of his mind. Jedi Masters always gave their Padawans the sex talk, and Jaro Tapal was nothing if not a good Master. So Cal knows basically what he has to do to relieve the tension so that he can get a little more sleep. He just doesn’t expect to lose control of himself to the point where he grunts your name when he comes. His heart just about stops when he hears the bed above him creak, and he yanks the sheets over his head until he’s sure that you’re not awake. He gets up early the next morning so that he can clean up without fear of you catching him.
After you get together, Cal is even more scared of the relationship. He had checked with Cere, and though she skews more traditional in her beliefs, she knows that Cal’s trauma and overcoming of it is more than she could hope to understand. Maybe this relationship could bring a stability to his life that nothing else could provide. She cautions him on the power of Dark Side, and how the fear of losing love dragged many great Jedi astray. But she also trusts you, and she knows that you would never do anything to hurt him. She hadn’t missed the lovesick puppy eyes you’d been sending his way.
You start out promising to take it slow. Neither of you had much experience in the areas of relationships and dating, much less sex, so at the beginning, you make sure to clarify that there’s no pressure to rush through anything. It’s mostly just spending more time together, slowly exploring each other. You both learn about each other’s pasts, and spend time talking through the different experiences, rationalizing and comforting each other. Before you even begin to experiment in bed, he’s become your best friend.
When you finally do, it’s short and sweet and perfect for two people who are trying to take their relationship slow. You teach him about what you like, and he gasps out in between moans what feels good and ohhh, what feels even better. 
Okay, a bit of a time skip here, but after Cal’s more experienced, he is a sucker for you riding his thigh. He’s built and strong, so the ridge of muscle beneath you and rubbing against every single spot that sparks delicious warmth in your belly brings you to climax so much more quickly than you could have expected. He loves looking up at you, mouth open and eyes half shut in ecstasy as you chase your high, your heat leaving sticky wetness on his thigh that only serves to make him harder. He’ll grind his leg up if only to hear that heavenly little squeal and whimper that he can get out of you. You’re beautiful to him even on the worst days, but when you’re above him, sweaty and on the brink of coming all over his thigh? Stars, you’re the most glorious thing he’s ever seen, and he rode a shyyyo bird over the untouched forest of Kashyyyk.
Sadcanons. Don’t read if you don’t want sad feels tonight
There is no denying that Cal’s not a whole person at the beginning of the storyline. He definitely regains some of himself back, but there are parts of him that I believe died with the clones and died with Jaro. There are times where he has nightmares, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t want to be with anyone. Even you. He’ll lapse into silence for hours and days at a time, staring at the blank wall while you try to get him to eat or drink something because damnit it’s been days and he hasn’t so much as moved. Your heart breaks at every sign of his damage, because you know that there is only so much you can do to help. This is a journey that he has to complete independently, though it doesn’t mean that you won’t be here for him when he wakes up.
You trace his scars to comfort him. He’s insecure about them, and is terrified of the memories that they bring back. But when you’re there, loving even his jagged edges, it’s all marginally better and he can bear to live with himself a little more.
He comforts you too. Whatever your background, the Clone Wars and the Purge gave everyone a little bit of damage, and you were no different. He holds you when you’re crying, and comforts you after your nightmares. He’ll purposefully pick a happy song to sing when he knows that you’re down, and he never fails to make you laugh through the tears.
His psychometry allows him to understand your trauma better than you could hope to understand his. Before you even allow him to sense your past, you make him promise to not internalize any of it. You know that he would, though it makes no logical sense. He promises. 
Oops I made myself yearn. Now back to our regularly scheduled program of single life. School’s kicking my ass right now, but this made me feel better so I can’t complain too much.
But in all seriousness, I recommend this game 10/10. The Star Wars content is absolutely impeccable, the graphics are gorgeous, it gives me a thrill in my chest to know that every single second is canon. Cal is a beautifully written character, and even though his story breaks my heart, it’s written so well. He doesn’t lash out in anger, rather internalizing his fears and pain in a way that I can relate to, and he’s scarily powerful. It’s a feel good story for me despite the pain, and I’m looking forward to finishing it this weekend!
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Got any headcanons on Obi-wan, Cody, Waxer, Boil, and the 212th?
Oh, dear Chaos where do I start?
First, I’m going to list two fanfictions I wrote which are literally the answer to this wonderful question. Here and here. But I also know not everyone wants to read such things so here’s a giant condensed list of random headcanons that are in the stories and a few bonus ones that are not.
At the beginning of the war, Cody would freak out and panic every time he lost his General because “it’s a clone’s responsibility to see their General stays alive” Obi-Wan was not happy when he found out about this
Obi-Wan has tried to get his men to call him by his name and not “General” or “sir”. It hasn’t really worked out for him
Wooley is made a captain at some point and becomes Cody’s right-hand man in the 212th
Waxer and Boil come from different batches. They met each other after their respective batchmates were wiped out, leaving both alone. Waxer needed someone to watch him and Boil needed someone to watch.
Cody and Obi-Wan often drink tea at their briefings and strategy meetings. Sometimes these meetings go late into the night and they both end up falling asleep on the floor/console.
Cody is a pillow to everyone... because reasons (read the first fic and you’ll understand)
Waxer is a prankster. Boil tries to make him stop and fails miserably.
212th pillow piles in a training room after a long hard battle or whenever the men just feel like it.
Cody is the best hand-to-hand combatant in the GAR.
Obi-Wan runs away from medical bays and will refuse medical attention until he passes out. It happens a lot and every time it happens Cody gets annoyed and prepares another lecture for when his General wakes up.
((Canonically, the 212th has no canon medic’s listed. So I went ahead and made two (technically three now that I’m thinking about it but whatever).))
Stitch- OG head medic of the 212th, a batchmate of Cody’s, can curse in 7 languages, amused by some of the General’s injuries (mainly how they happened), and loves to tease Cody about watching the General better. Patient, kind, and willing to put his foot down when someone is trying to escape (Obi-Wan). Died in a small skirmish and Cody had some depression after that.
Bacta- transferred from the 616th,  grumpy, loud, yells at his patients and will sedate them if they try and escape. Refuses to call anyone by their military title (”Kenobi, have you seen Cody?”) and hasn’t been court-martialed for it for reasons no one can figure out. Also refuses to call any clone by their number (and if they don’t have a name yet then he just calls them “kid” or “vod”). Armor has the first letter of every brother he failed to save on it (which is a secret to everyone but him. And a shiny who is blackmailing him over it). He’s killed after Order 66 because he refused to remove his armor. So the Empire shot him.
Bacta chases certain people (Waxer) around with a sedative if he catches them touching his medical equipment
Obi-Wan is secretly terrified of Bacta to a degree because he always seems to know when he’s trying to escape the med bay.
Waxer was learning Twi’lek from Obi-Wan before he died. Boil started learning after Waxer died.
The 212th was told Obi-Wan died during the Rako Hardeen incident and had their own funeral for him and spent the next few weeks going through the mourning process. When he came back they were relieved, then ticked
Obi-Wan talks in his sleep sometimes. It’s how Cody found out about Qui-Gon Jinn
Most of the time Obi-Wan goes missing and the 212th panic and look for him, usually finding him with the 501st or up a tree (it’s happened more than once, weirdly enough)
But when Cody goes missing, Obi-Wan also freaks out and when the General is obviously worried, the rest of the men panicx100. Long story short, Cody is not allowed to go missing anymore as told by his General, all of the 212th, General Skywalker, Rex, Wolfe, Commander Tano, and General Yoda himself.
Cody constantly asks how General Skywalker turned out the way he did. Then Obi-Wan makes one of his dramatic entrances/exits and he’s like, “There it is.”
Obi-Wan loses his saber more than Anakin. Cody doesn’t bring it up to anyone.
Cody and Obi-Wan are bros, in my head. Nothing more, nothing less.
Obi-Wan has been turned into a dog at some point (see the second fic)
When the 212th and the 501st get together, they have a big party. The 212th brings tea and the 501st brings fireworks. Neither are surprised the first time it happens.
After Order 66, Vader can’t stand the sight of Obi-Wan’s men so he disbands them and scatters the men. However, he keeps Cody in the 501st because he can’t let it completely go. (Meanwhile, CC-2224 is looking at Commander (whatever Appo’s # is) and can’t help but think that’s not the right man in charge of the battalion. It’s supposed to be someone blonde)
Post Order 66, Boil somehow escaped from the 212th and went to Ryloth (I think he had his chip removed by Rex later or something). He stayed there protecting Numa until his dying day (which involved getting killed by Wooley who was under the chip’s influence)
Also post-Order 66, Wooley became a purge trooper with one of those electro-staffs and was most likely killed by a certain ex-Padawan on the run (looking at you, Cal Kestis) Yay!
Post 66, Cody served the empire and was eventually found by Rex, who took the chip out. Cody then had a mental breakdown and was looked after by Rex until he left the rebellion. Cody had enough fighting in his life, thank you. In an ideal world, Cody found Kenobi hiding on Tatooine and got to apologize to him.
And I’ll stop there because dang this is getting long.
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ooops-i-arted · 5 years
15 Day SWTOR OC Challenge
11. Canon divergence. Are there parts of their story that don’t line up with in-game information? Why? Where?
Definitely.  My opinion of KotFE/KotET and their bland, boring, pissy villains and their meandering plot and their gotsdamned railroading is barely above my opinion of Kyle Ron and the 3D Clone Wars, and y’all know how much I don’t like those lmao.
*cracks knuckles* I’m just gonna do Avei and Illi and everyone else together since it’s easier.  Let’s do this.  Under a cut because I know no one but me cares this much lol.  Another unnecessarily long post ahoy!
Skye Lir and her master, Derran Kanis, are asked to go on a joint Imp-Pub mission into Wild Space to hunt this ~mysterious threat ooooh~.  Skye asks her pal Avei along since she’s handy in a fight and has plenty of experience navigating galactic-level threats.  Avei is reluctant to leave her family, especially her three-year-old daughter, but agrees to just one more big-stakes mission.  The Jedi Knight crew goes along; the smuggler crew is off elsewhere in space.
Chapter 1 happens like in canon.  Derran, Skye, and Avei try to prevent the ship’s destruction but fail.  Skye instructs her crew to escape and warn the others and they do so.  Avei decides to buy time for the crew to escape, and they are all captured.
Right as the ship explodes, across the galaxy in Avei’s ship the whole smuggler crew is woken by Kiva screaming bloody murder.  They all come running; Kiva cries repeatedly for her mommy.  Corso finally gets out of her “Mommy’s ship blew up.”  He tells her it was just a bad dream and gets her back to sleep.
Chapter 1 continues.  Derran is the canon Outlander; Skye and Avei are treated as her accomplices.  Derran refuses Valkorion’s power but he still possesses her when she “kills” him.  Arcann has Derran, Skye, and Avei all carbonited.
Kiva is still upset and not herself the next day when the smuggler crew gets a call from Kira, who tells them what happened.  They book it to the site of the wreckage to help the Republic forces Kira also called comb the desert wreckage for survivors.  Kiva is distraught and keeps repeating that Mommy is gone.
At some point Kira and Corso talk and Kira mentions she can’t feel Skye or Derran in the Force anymore (I believe she mentions this in her letter to a romanced JK) and Corso mentions how weird Kiva was acting the night before they got the news.  They put their heads together and Kira tells him more about Force abilities and a whole puzzle Corso didn’t realize he was putting together falls into place - all the times Kiva nabbed a toy or treat supposed to be out of reach, her strange knack for getting through doors he could’ve sworn were locked, her uncanny ability to know which room he and Avei were in, and now her strange dream - and Kira confirms Kiva is very likely Force-sensitive.  She offers to bring Kiva to the Jedi Temple but Corso refuses; he’s lost enough family and he won’t send his daughter away.
The Republic and Empire go to war with the Eternal Empire, blah blah.  I refuse to believe they were instantly crushed by sooper speshul Zakuul so this goes on for a while, at least a year.
Risha leads smuggling jobs but Corso isn’t really involved with that, as his hands are full with a preschool child dealing with the loss of her mother with separation anxiety from hell, and also the fact that her now-frequent tantrums make things move around the room.
Kiva is three so her mindset is “Mommy left and didn’t come back, so if Daddy leaves he won’t come back either.”  Also one of her best skills with the Force is sensing emotions, so not only is she dealing with her own grief, she’s being bombarded by everyone else’s through the Force, and hasn’t learned to regulate any of her Force abilities yet.  (I majored in Early Childhood Education so the idea of how a Force-sensitive child would operate, so to speak, is endlessly fascinating to me.)
Corso reads everything he can on the Holonet about using the Force, and between him and Guss’s memories of his training, they are able to slowly teach Kiva how to at least not lose control during tantrums.
Over in the Empire Illivrin is having the time of her life.  Illi hates the Empire and her two goals as a Dark Council member were 1. self-preservation and 2. running the Empire into the ground.  She’s doing great at the second but not so much at the first, because her top subordinate Sali’ra is busy gathering every scrap of info she can to overthrow Illivrin before she gets them all killed.  Sali’ra is coordinating her efforts with her uncle, Av’en, and her cousin, Furi’sa, both who want Illivrin gone for the good of the Empire.  (My headcanon is that literally everyone else in the Empire looks at Illivrin as one of those crazy power-mad Sith who always die in a week from their own schemes, except she keeps not dying somehow.)
Vae’ra and Torian get married!  Yay!  It’s a Mandalorian ceremony.  Vae’ra bridesmaids or equivalent were Sali’ra, Mako, and Blizz.  Gault got ordained on the Holonet for the make-it-Empire-official part of the ceremony.
After the better part of a year Sali’ra has turned enough of Illivrin’s forces onto her side (and attending Dark Council meetings while Illi is off pointing the Silencer at everything she can, and showing the Council what a better option she would be) and is ready to make her move.  Furi’sa comes to the latest Dark Council meeting and accuses Illivrin of being an enemy of the Empire and not having the Empire’s interests in mind, etc.  When the Council backs Furi’sa, Illivrin - cornered, desperate, and dangerous - attacks Furi’sa.  Khem and Xalek back her while Sali’ra and Furi’sa’s father, Av’en, are on her team.  Team Illi vs Team Furi is brutal and vicious and very cinematic in my head.  Illivrin finally strikes Av’en a mortal blow with her lightning.  Enraged, Furi’sa beheads Xalek and tosses his head at Illivrin’s feet.  The two fight fiercely but they’re burned out after the fight already.  Illivrin tries to kill Furi’sa with lightning but is too tired to make it a death blow; Khem barely saves her from Furi’sa’s killing strike.  Khem tells his master to run; Illivrin doesn’t want to leave him but ultimately decides on self-preservation and runs while Khem mows down the Sith guards that swarm him.  Khem is finally subdued and while Furi’sa almost kills him, she instead has him imprisoned back in the tomb of Naga Sadow.  Sali‘ra takes Illivrin’s Council seat as Darth Colubra.  Furi’sa mourns her father and swears she will have revenge on Illivrin.
Illivrin successfully escapes Korriban and flees into exile in the Outer Rim.  For the next decade-ish she’s gonna wear rags and eat whatever she kills with her bare hands in some desolate Outer Rim jungle.  She snatched Xalek’s mask before she ran and keeps it close, swearing she will avenge her murder son and her murder bro.
Vae’ra alerts Corso that Furi’sa and Illivrin are loose and on the warpath.  Wanting to hide his Force-sensitive daughter from the Sith and also give her a stable, normal childhood, he takes the ship and moves out to Dantooine, where they will be anonymous and fairly hidden, and takes a job on a farm.  Kiva gets to go to school like a normal kid.  Corso forbids her from doing any Force stuff in public (she has better control nowadays) but she’s always curious and there’s a convenient abandoned Jedi Temple not too far away, so he occasionally goes and raids the databanks for anything that will help her learn, and lets her practice her Force abilities in the privacy of Avei’s ship.
The rest of the crew sticks with Risha, who works on reclaiming Dubrillion.  By the time the five years are up, she is Queen like she should’ve been.  Guss also gets some Jedi training.
Vae’ra and Torian adopt an orphaned Chiss girl, Iseli, and a Zabrak boy, Jerro.
Seren has been in contact with Theron.  Together they try to piece together what happened and track down Skye’s sister.  With Lana and Koth they start setting down the foundations of the Alliance.
Eternal Empire conquers a lot of stuff.  Illivrin stays hidden.  Furi’sa hunts her and any other threat to the Empire.  Corso and Kiva stay on Dantooine.
Picking up with our unfortunate carbonite blocks, Derran is the one forced to chat with the Lamest Villain.  Affected by his presence, Skye has dark visions of the Republic’s fall, while Avei has terrible dreams of her crew and family dead.
KotFE picks up from there.  Lana and Koth rescue the trio.  They are suffering from carbonite poison but Avei most of all, because she couldn’t use the Force to enter a meditative, preserving state and also because she was bashed over the head to get her in the carbonite mold and she had an open, bleeding wound when frozen.
Blah blah KotFE continues.  (I was much more interested in the implications of the five year skip, can you tell?)  They flee, they meet Senya, find the Gravestone, etc.  Avei hits it off with Koth and suffers increasing symptoms from her carbonite poisoning and does not give a shit about anything but locating her family.  Nobody likes or trusts Lana.  Skye and Derran don’t like Senya much but Avei understands her Mom Vibes and gets along with her okay.  They make it to Asylum.  Skye recognizes that psycho murderbot her sister picked up.  Arcann and his Kyle Ron Knockoff Sister show up.  Derran gets stabbity stabbed and Avei finally succumbs to her carbonite poisoning.  I can’t be assed to remember all that stuff, it was mostly boring.  HK-55 doesn’t die because I love him, and remains Derran’s loyal bodyguard and friend, although he has a rivalry with her other HK droid, HK-51.  (Derran loves HK droids.  The Jedi politely look away as long as she keeps them under control.)
They make it to Odessen, where Seren and Theron have been overseeing the start of a base.  Seren is overjoyed to see her baby sister; Skye cannot handle this level of emotion and is awkward but glad Seren cares this much somewhere deep inside.  Avei is dragged to the medcenter, still very sick, and refuses to get in a kolto tank until Skye swears she will call Avei’s family now that they have secured communications and it is safe to do so.  Derran is named Alliance Commander.  She probably develops a drinking problem.
Skye calls Avei’s ship and finds Corso and a (now eight-year-old) Kiva and tells them Avei’s not dead.  Corso immediately flies the ship straight to Odessen.  (I refuse to believe that Corso, whose chief character trait is loyalty, waited a whole nother year to be reunited with his wife.  I REFUSE.)  Avei is out of the kolto tank and doing much better by the time he arrives and SHE FINALLY GETS TO SEE HER FAMILY AGAIN AND THEY ALL HUG AND IT’S ADORABLE.
Then Kiva says “HEY MOM WATCH THIS” and throws a rock with her mind and that’s how Avei finds out her daughter is Force-sensitive.
Skye gives Kiva some formal training but is mostly busy with helping her former Master run the Alliance.
Avei sticks around the Alliance for a month but decides screw you all, my family is more important, and leaves.  She continues to suffer lasting sickness from the carbonite poison, and it takes at least a year for her to truly recover.
I haven’t decided for sure how to manage it but basically KotFE and KoTET are condensed into one without all the nonsense like Iokath or whatever.  (Also, obviously they can’t recruit say, Torian because he’s off with his wife.  Or Vette, because she’s off with Furi’sa.  etc.)  Skye sticks with Derran; Seren is also a major player in the Alliance.  Arcann and Vaylin are both killed and no one misses them.
Derran finally kills Valkorion in her head (without any part of being Valkorion, because screw you for making me play your pretentious crappy villain sue oc) but the mental toll of having a pretentious college philosophy major in her head makes her decide to use her Jedi Exile Retirement plan, and she peaces out to a nice beach planet with her HK droid pals.  She hangs out there until years later, Kiva comes to pester her for training.
Seren takes over as Alliance commander.  The Iokath stuff probably doesn’t even happen because I didn’t like it.  The Theron’s-a-traitor arc does, but I haven’t played it all yet so I haven’t decided how much I want to tweak.  All I know is Seren is pregnant but doesn’t know it til after Umbara, because I enjoy maximizing angst with basic tropes.  She and Theron do stay together and name their daughter Caeles, after Theron’s ancestor Revan/Caele.
Idk about the rest but the Alliance does disband and its resources go to strengthen the Republic, but while Seren stays a free agent because of all the issues the Agent storyline gave her, she’s basically Republic at this point.  Skye is very proud.
Years later Illivrin shows back up and Furi’sa discovers Kiva is Force-sensitive and lures her into her van shuttle with candy the promise of Force training; Kiva escapes Furi’sa and goes to train with the Jedi.
Over the course of a lot of years the Valaris Legacy gradually teams up to finally kick Illivrin’s ass.  Kiva is the only one strong enough in the Force to challenge her and seals Illivrin inside a tomb on Yavin 4, where she remains trapped for all time, eternally separated from Khem Val, the only being she ever cared about.  (This is how you treat a villain, Rian Johnson, just saying.)  (Also Furi’sa kills Khem Val and avenges her father, though she dies doing it.)
All the post-Theron-traitor stuff is all more loosely sketched out and also it’s midnight rn and I need to go to bed, so let’s leave it at that.
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voxiferous · 7 years
prompts for @domesticfluffsimulator. Believe it or not, I remembered all of these off the top of my head - we’re only missing ONE. I spent so long making them that i couldn’t forget them! :D
2. f/f pairing of your choice on a date at the citadel skywalk (i think this would be good for crowna but idk, please feel free to pick whoever you want :D)
3. gladnis soulmate au where what you write appears on your soulmate’s skin. ignis secretly has gladio’s tattoos (this was consensual)
4. au where prompto burned or cut off the barcode in high school and noctis is finding out about it now some months later (promptis)
5. au where prompto dies in zegnautus keep. but first, he programmes one of his clones with his memories and feelings, in the hopes that it will replace him so that noct never has to mourn for him.
6. au where prompto meets one of his clones during episode prompto. this clone is remarkably similar to versus xiii prompto, ohoho. he helps out ffxv prompto somehow
7. ignis is caught crossdressing by his bros, and is really embarrassed about it, so gladio, prompto, and noctis go out and buy kilts so four of them can wear skirts together and look cool :D
8. dfab transgender cor on roadtrip with regis, clarus, and cid
9. something inspired by this photoset - aliens? demons? angels? curses? magic? robots? dreams? you decide!
10. ravus with hanahaki - flower disease - where when you’re pining for someone you start coughing up blue flowers (sylleblossoms?) until they eventually kill you, unless you confess to your crush. i think ravus/noctis for this one, but any ravus pairing is good, just not ravus/ardyn or anything like that
11. during the dark world, noctis appears to the bros in the form of (an) animal(s) - cat, chocobo, dog, maybe even stuff like voretooth or anak - and they always know it’s him cuz his fur/feathers/whatever are always black. he does this to protect them, and also just because he misses them, sometimes
12. ignis and coctura having a cook-off. bonus points if they are flirting, dating, or married
13. gladio x aranea - one of them asking the other out, or their cute first date
14. noctis, prompto, or ignis meeting their younger self (30 > 20, or 20 > 8-10)
15. this is a long shot, but since you are the queen of rarepairs, could you please write ravus x noctis’s noncanonical older brother mors (who was named after his grandpa)? (mors is better at being a king than our dearly depressed noctis, and a little more outgoing < i recognise this is practically ravus x oc though so if you don’t want to take this one it’s fine!) pov of an outsider is fine, like maybe noctis sees them kissing and is like ‘oh no, now both princess of lucis are gay’ lol idk
16. fic set in the au where lucis will win the war as per your meta (maybe nyx perspective???? idk)
17. Okay, I originally was going to ask you to do something inspired by 2 of my meta posts, the colour symbolism one and the one with my headcanons for the chocobros in skirts. Well, my blog got deleted, so i can’t link you to those posts. but i can copy/paste both metas in their entirety into this post. so here they are (to be clear, this is TWO prompts):
Colour symbolism
black is the royal colour. this one detail could really have a big effect on the worldbuilding, but we don’t really see any evidence of said worldbuilding in game. so… here are my thoughts on it. I headcanon that commoners do not wear black at all. or rather, that there is a specific shade of True Black that they can’t wear. the school uniforms we see Prompto and Noctis in in brotherhood are an approved shade of off-black. a lot of times, a rich, dark navy blue (”formal blue”) is substituted for occasions where people of other nations would wear black. the closer one is to royalty, the more black one is allowed to wear on one’s person. In the past, there was a strict colour hierarchy, but that has relaxed over time. Now it’s just True Black vs. off-black, which is ranked in the same category as formal blue, dark green, and dark purple. Dark brown is not particularly popular in the modern day, but in some parts of Lucis it is the traditional formal colour of choice. a Lucian tourist may still be shocked to see people in Altissia or Tenebrae wearing shades that look suspiciously close to True Black. also, it would be a huge diplomatic faux pas for a diplomat, noble, or politician from a foreign country to wear black in the presence of Lucian royalty. Noctis only ever wears black, as does Regis, of course. Noctis would have a terrible time dressing himself if he were told to wear something that isn’t black - he has no idea how to match colours in an outfit. Gladio generally wears black on the job but enjoys wearing other colours for more casual activities (as we’ve seen by his green-jacket outfit). in contrast, Ignis’s suit, unlike many Lucian commoners’ suits, is True Black, which anyone who sees him on the street would be amazed and a little intimidated by. Prompto doesn’t wear much black, of course, but I like to headcanon that Noctis gave him his True Black wristband. Anyone who sees Prompto wearing that would instantly know that Prompto has won the favour of someone in a noble house. and anyone who sees the Regalia in street would immediately know that a member of the court must be inside, at least until Noctis gets around to customising it. in the distant past, white was the colour of mourning and only worn at funerals, as in many real world Asian cultures. it would be super cool if Luna’s white dresses were not intended to symbolise religious purity, but actually represent the link between the Oracle and the Astral Realm, or death; a reminder that the Oracle is the last thing between a Starscourge victim and a funeral. btw, this makes Ravus essentially a goth. though whether he wears white out of love for his sister or because he just likes the colour is unknown. of course, we’ve also seen that Luna’s wedding dress is white, but that can be attributed to newer cultural interactions between Lucis, Tenebrae, and whatever countries existed before Niflheim became an empire. Thus, her wedding dress and Oracle garb contain symbols coming from two different cultural traditions. the fact that the wedding dress is white is actually a symbol of Niflheim’s control over the wedding, since the Oracle is traditionally allowed to wear another colour on the day of their marriage. The traditional colour of marriage garments is yellow, to symbolise that the person you are marrying is the light of your life. The traditional colour of healing and purity is royal blue, like Luna’s sylleblossoms. lastly i would like to remind everyone that if my headcanons are in any way accurate, then wearing black underwear would probably be as gauche as printing the american flag on your butt. and if commoners aren’t allowed to wear True Black, then all black lingerie that exists must be the regulation approved shade of off-black anyway. noctis has to get his boxers hand-sewed
clothing-has-no-gender skirt post
skirts are for everyone. boys in skirts need more love, so here they are, feat. iris. pls love them
disclaimer: all the skirts depicted in this post are good skirts and HAVE POCKETS
noct and prompto’s school has both skirt and pants options for their uniforms. prompto switches between skirts and pants depending on the season and how he feels that day. noct doesn’t like the uniform skirt because it matches the ties so it’s not black
noctis prefers dresses to skirts because he’s lazy and dresses mean no need to pick a whole outfit; and prompto prefers skirts because that boy loves layers just look at his crownsguard outfit; but both of them will wear either skirts or dresses as the mood strikes them.
gladio hates wearing dresses because he finds them impractical. he only owns like, two, and one of them has a hole in it. ignis prefers dresses to skirts because he likes the way they look. he regards both dresses and skirts fashion items more than anything
ignis is the chocobro most likely to wear a skirt or dress as formal wear, including as part of a suit. he attends court in skirts a lot
gladio is the kind of practical guy who wears short skirts with spandex underneath them (like female athletes irl)
neither ignis or noctis will wear miniskirts. i’m torn as to whether prompto would wear them, since he’s known to have body image issues, but since he is a runner he may feel that his legs are nice enough to pull off the miniskirt look, with or without spandex. headcanon this one at your own discretion
the only other skirt gladio really wears is essentially a utilikilt (the cargo-shorts equivalent of a skirt, basically). these things are really practical and fashionable, so after seeing gladio in his utilikilt, all the other chocobros want one too. no word on who actually gets one
prompto has at least one regular kilt, if that distinction even matters in a world where any man can wear a skirt. what i mean is he likes pleats and plaid
noctis has been known to wear leather skirts. he pulls them off surprisingly well, as well as a mean combat-boots-and-skirt combo
noctis prefers to warp in pants because he’s afraid of flashing the MTs, but warping in skirts feels really cool so sometimes he does it when no one is around. also, skirts that are too long will mess up the landing, so he refuses to own any that go past the knee, just in case
noctis loves handkerchief skirts. ignis thinks they are awful
this makes ignis the most likely to wear floor-length skirts. prompto will wear them, but it’s not a style he prefers except maybe in formal wear
yes, iris does get gladio’s skirts (and shirts, she likes sleeping in them) as hand-me-downs. she has to take in the waists to be able to wear them. one time she prematurely took one of gladio’s skirts that they both liked and altered it in before he was done with it. they still argue about it to this day
ignis wears the fewest skirts on the roadtrip because all of his are fancy. he has a couple of nice ones for the wedding (T.T) and for galdin quay. noctis wears the second fewest because he is the most comfortable warping in pants, so his are also primarily reserved for rest stops. then there’s gladio in his spandex-and-skirts combo and prompto in a kilt, kicking ass and taking names. fuck yeah.
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