#But yeah! I dunno! I sure hope I don't regret posting this!
yesmissnyx · 8 months
just something to note from your last poll… personally as a binary trans person i find it uncomfortable to be grouped with nonbinary people as opposed to cis people. because to me as a binary trans man i am a man the same way a cis man is, but not necessarily in the same way a nb man is. idk how others feel about it but to me it just feels othering, saying that we’re any different gender-wise. it would probably just be safer to have two more options, just an fyi :) also not meant to be any hate towards the nb options!! sorry if this is worded weird lol its late
Okay so. As a disclaimer, this might come off as condescending or snappish, but as a queer (vagueness intentional) in my 30s who's seen all kinds of identity discourse rise and fall since the 00s...I have a lot of feelings about orthodox terminology.
So. Forgive me if I'm being needlessly spicy.
It's going behind a cut, since this isn't the kind of energy I want on this blog, and I'm likely going to delete this later because I don't need T//er/fs and Tr//usc//um crawling around here if they find it 😤
This might be controversial, but I meant the slash as an and/or.
Because for me, and a lot of others, transness (and nonbinariness) IS inextricable from our binary gender experience.
I've known (and know) multiple people who identify as trans, nonbinary, AND male/female. (Myself included, depending on the day, weather, how the stars are aligning, etc. FYI.)
And...I think it's important to remember that something like a simple, quick-and-dirty poll like the one I ran...just plain isn't going to encompass the tapestry of how everyone experiences gender. And like? I think that's fine.
Expecting everyone (trans or cis or otherwise) to always express Gender Stuff in a way that fits OUR personal needs is, IMO, unproductive at best. And invalidating/hurtful at worst.
Not to mention, it's impossible. I'm not saying we can't try to be nice and accommodating toward others, but there is no simple set of rules that everyone has agreed on.
We can make requests and enforce our own boundaries, but the uncomfortable fact is that we all have our own needs, and those needs often compete.
Something that causes euphoria in one person is going to cause dysphoria in another. We all experience our transness differently, especially including the words we use to describe our experiences.
I certainly don't think the added "trans" in front of man/woman makes someone less of a man/woman. The same way I don't think lumping oneself in with nonbinary men/women does either.
Like...if you ID as a man/woman, you're a man/woman. If you ID as trans...you're trans. I separated out an individual NB option specifically because it excludes the male/female aspect, rather than includes it. (And that's not to say it even includes all the myriad nonbinary options out there, as well as people who don't use NB as an umbrella, etc.)
It's complicated. Intersectionality is complicated. Far more complicated than I'm qualified to get into, save for citing my own experiences and the experiences that have been shared with it.
Aaaand, that's all I'm going to say! Because this is something I can get really heated about, and I'm not about to go off in my happy feel-good horny time space any more than I already have!
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desultory-novice · 6 months
A-ahem. Starting over again...
@newthinkerer found THS post and said to me: "I'm sure the Kirby fandom has done something to grind your gears."
Which, in truth, the answer is not lately / not really no. ^^; But it wasn't hard to reach in and find some "comical outrage" style gear-grindy answers for those who find such rants entertaining! So, here those are for everyone's (hopeful) enjoyment
[Original Response Below] Ohhh? Did you want "Salty" Dess? XD Let's go down the list...!
Marx / Reduced to one single trait
Look, I know the games don't give people much to go on, but a lot of people (1) seem ha~ppy to come up with pages and pages of backstory for all the other characters - but Marx? Nope. Marx is the one character who people seem almost allergic to rounding out when he is RIPE with mystery and potential. "But the game doesn't tell us anything about him so maybe he isn't that big of a deal, Dess?" Tsk! The game tells us just as little about Meta Knight! The only difference is the number of appearances! Use your imagination, people!
It's like some folks are trying to invoke the Smash Bros conspiracy theory that Kumazaki and Sakurai have a rivalry (they don't) and just like Sakurai would NEVER put a Kumazaki-era character in Smash (...he already did in the form of the trophies) no one is allowed to characterize Marx cause he's from the Sakurai-era of Kirby where characters just didn't have personalities and lore! Pah, I say!
Oh yeah, if you want to see me destroy something, say "He was just hungry!" : ) in my presence. Do it. I dare youuuuuu...! 
:holds Magolor over a wood chipper:
Susie / They stole (...some planetary resources and MK's autonomy...) and fandom labeled them a hard criminal
You all knew this one was coming, right? ^^ But if I start up the Susie debate again, I'm going to regret it so, uh, let's move on...
Kirby / Popular headcanon so off-base it hurts. 
I fear the Metadad people have their hands over the block button right now. But it's not that MetaDad is necessarily wrong! MK can act protective, sure. It's "Baby Kirby" that is wrong! He lives on his ownnnnnn with a houseeee he does not need babyinnnng.....!!
Magolor / Constant (eh, semi-frequent??) misinterpretation
...I want to be as gentle as possible when I say this because I GET IT. Please believe me when I say I understand so, so much and as far as AU versions/alternate HC goes, it's fine! This isn't a call out!
But... Magolor being a shy, reserved kitty boy who just wants...f-friends... Look, Magolor may not have EVERY disease, but he does have a lot of them. However awkward he may be though, the form his awkwardness takes is very clearly extroverted! Again, it's super okay though because I get seeing yourself or an aspect of yourself you're dealing with in a character and wanting to make them more like you! Dess supports comfort characters! (Plus, my own version of Magolor is a little laser-sighted on his frustrated side)
...But he runs a shop and a theme park. He actually LIKES talking to/dealing with people! He gets along with Marx because he LIKES tricking people. He likes to get under people's skin! He doesn't fear it! Magolor is/has been sad and probably has some deep trauma, yeah. But he also deserves to be more than :gif of a sad cat:
DMK / The worst takes.... 
I'm not going to start up The Debate here, same as with Susie, but... The unabashed glowing adoration the fandom has for Meta Knight and you take away ONE good trait and enhance ONE bad trait and now he is Satan?!? Some of you people hate him more than HYNESS (:spoken by a Hyness fan:) and I don't know why?!
Maybe add on "He would never say that" for the people who do the opposite and make him exactly like MK but he says the F word
Daroach / ...Ignored
Like, the real crime (haha, get it? crime?) about Daroach is that he IS used occasionally. More than like, I dunno, Chew Kawasaki? But when he does show up, it's with his crew being "The Leader of the Squeaks" (showcasing that Dad Energy(tm)) or DMK's husband. (The thief and the murderer are boyfriends! Diversity win!) And...that's it?
Daroach has so much potential to interact with literally everyone?! He roasts Dedede IN GAME?! Why are people not running with this energy more?! (Also, shipping Darkroach because of that one picture is fine. I do too. Shipping Darkroach because you don't want to break up MetaDede and so you relent to "giving" him MK's mirror clone like buying a grieving kid a new puppy is...kinda weird? Just me?)
Adeleine / Reduced to one single trait (part two)
...This might sound like THE most hypocritical thing coming from the creator of "Apologies" aka, "Sad Siblings in Snow" but Adeleine potentially being from Shiver Star (potentially!) equating her to "The Little Match Girl." Now I love all kinds of Adeleine origin headcanons! And I also love Sad Adeleine on Shiver Star stories! I don't want to put an end to them or suggest they are bad thing! Never!
But... I worry e~very now and then THAT  is the thing people find most interesting about her. That she would/should be a sad girl when she's really not. Since writing "Apologies," I've gotten a handful of asks about how Adeleine must be really sad about Noir's death or asking if she will ever be able to smile again and... like...um...
...S-she is? Already smiling, that is. ^^; "Apologies" was crafted in a way to PROTECT Adeleine's innocence so that she can be happy and relatively close to the canon Adeleine! Adeleine being able to move on with her life and smile and make friends is exactly the thing Noir died for - so that Adeleine wouldn't have the life he did!
So, again, kinda hypocritical of me because I actually really like sad Adeleine art and "Adeleine the Human" HC, but I sometimes fear it might become all that she is.  :spoke by a contributor to this trend:
...TLDR, continue to write and draw Adeleine angst because it allows me to ignore the option I almost considered just for a second which was sexualiza...Nope. We're going to go back to forgetting about all that unfortunate Pixiv content right.this.minute!
(1) So, despite my tone and the things I said, I'm not actually upset at anyone for anything they'd done! I'm really happy that people are creating at all - whether you're writing sad Magolor or itty bitty Kirby or lol random Marx or PTSD Adeleine or trophy husband Daroach!
I don't even see a lot of the things I'm ostensibly complaining about anymore, honestly. Thus my reasons for posting less and less salt on this account! Outside of a few fandom kerfluffles in the last month (alas...) I would say we're actually in an era of peace as far as good content about the characters goes! People are thinking and inventing. People are having fun. People are being measured with their takes and anything "gear grindy" is really going to be remembered stuff from the past, not present flaws!
...plz don't block me...
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"reader doesn't follow boxer!stone into the locker rooms afterwards" my heart... ive just woken up and see that how dare you hurt me at 6am in my own home
so so so giddy over all of that tho and it raises a TON of questions as well. like, for example, would they have even been friends before that? or are they just workplace crushes?? i very clearly see reader now just avoiding any public appearances for a WHILE. bro probably cant open social media w/o being blasted w posts about it. maybe hes rejecting press interviews, guest appearances on shows, all that, because all they'd probably talk about is a) the kiss b) his sexuality, which i would presume was proooobably a well kept secret until that moment. hm.
but what does stone do. like. how does one react to that sort of impulsive decision. i doubt either of them *regret* it, but maybe can agree there was a better time and place for all of that
oh god imagine the talk between them both that goes down after this. HORRID. its a very very delicate thing to handle and they both know it
or maybe utterly worst case scenario, reader quits working with him. too much public attention over such a minor thing. sure the job probably pays well but is it realky worth the 'scandal' that the public makes it out to be? i know i would definetly become a damn hermit if this happened.
or maybe he enjoys and revels in the attention. "yeah *i* got to kiss him in front of all of you. thats *my* man, hell yeah !!!!! maybe he uses this sudden exposure to his advantage. i mean, its like a sales strat they *could* experiment with. or not. i dunno
~ love, a very much so half-awake rusty
CW: Angst
"Are you finally done ignoring me?" Stone asked, appearing beside you before you could scurry away from him like you've been doing for the past few days. He crossed his burly arms against his chest. "We need to talk."
You swallowed down the lump in your throat, nodding. "We do need to talk, about the kiss," you replied, sounding nervous. You weren't a nervous guy, usually, but you also weren't the type of man to kiss his best boxer. "Look, the kiss was because of the adrenaline, it meant nothing."
Stone held back his frown, feeling the hurt settle into his chest at the way you so easily dismissed the kiss he had initiated. "What?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"It was nothing, Stone," you insisted. It had to be nothing, he was your best boxer. You couldn't date him and risk losing your best boxer in case the relationship failed. "The kiss was due to the high of the moment. It's not going to change anything."
"I like you," Stone blurted out, his voice softer than usual. He stepped closer, towering over you like always. He looked so hopeful that you felt the same way. "I can't sleep without imagining you beside me, I ache for you. It was not nothing to me. I meant all of the emotions I poured into that kiss. You can't say you don't feel the same way too."
You did feel the same way too, you did. But the professional in you, the one who loved having a star boxer, pushed down your feelings. You couldn't let this get out of control like it had that fated night.
He'd get over it, you thought to yourself, even if this was going to hurt him.
Your eyes narrowed. "No, Stone. I don't feel the same." The lie felt bitter on your tongue, but you pushed through the discomfort. "You're nothing more than my prized boxer to me. You always will be. You're just a boxer."
Stone took a step back from you, physically recoiling from the wave of hurt that hit him like a ton of bricks. His brown eyes kept searching your face for a hint of you lying, but you had schooled your expression too well.
He couldn't tell you were lying. And that fact made his expression shut down, turning cold and stoic like always.
"Of course," he murmured, his voice so cold like always. "I'm going to go wash up."
With those words, he turned on his heel and walked to the locker room. He ensured no one else was in the locker room before he let a sob tear from his throat, pressing his back against the wall and sliding down to crumple onto the ground.
Stupid, he told himself, I was stupid for thinking anyone would love me.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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blueberry-gills · 5 months
I'm Gillian. Long for Gill, I guess? Uhh He/She! I'm a student at Blueberry Academy out in Unova! It sounded like everyone was signing up for this site suddenly, so I pitched in! Hope I don't regret it.
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(//Card credit goes to peachiehambo!! And here's the Picrew Link!)
Here's my Trainer ID! Hope you like it. Uh, you can ignore the scribbles!
Anyway, I really like battling, but I'm no good competitively. I'm in the BB League, too! Though, uh, kind of...looking at other clubs. You know how it is.
If you ever see me in school, feel free to say hi! I'm always down to talk- and battle, maybe! Um, what else can I put on here? I like hiking. My life goal is to see every type of Alcremie out there. I. Don't know what my goal is after that?
Oh! I guess I can talk about my team! That's what people like to do, right?
Sugar (Alcremie) - Sugar's my Alcremie! I caught her last year. And I've sort of...fallen down an Alcremie Raboot hole, if you couldn't tell ^-^
Spice (Flygon) - I also caught Spice last year! He loves flying around, picnics...sandwiches...and causing earthquakes! Kind of a problem :/
Locke (Klefki) - Locke steals my keys and locks me out of my dorm. He's a menace, only satiated by sweets/j. Most of team is, actually...now that I think about it...anyway, he's a darling!
Key (Toxtricity) - Key's one of my first Pokemon! She loves to play her bass organs thingies. I'm learning guitar right now to try and duet with her!
Salt (Garganacl) - Salt's one of my other first Pokemon! I got him and Key at the same time. He's one of those strong, silent types...but I think he likes me! I hope so, anyway. I. I hope.
Pepper (Scovillain) - She either loves me to bits or eats my bedsheets. It depends on the day. I adore her regardless <3
~Other Pokemon I own, just don't battle with!~
Sizzle (Salandit) - I received her from another Trainer on here! She's my hiking buddy, and is an absolute joy!
Baryon (Kingdra) - She likes swimming around in the Costal Biome and watching video documentaries with me.
Junebug ("Volcarona") - Uh. I met her after drinking a mocktail! Very long story, I'm not sure if I'd explain it all here...Anyway! They're a Volcarona! Not. Not anything else. 👍👍 yeah
Pelipper Mail is ON, Magic Anons are OFF, and Musharna Mail and Malice are both ON!
(OOC Stuff under cut!)
Hello! @skrelpson back at it again. This is the blog of like...a half-insert? If such a thing's out there lol. Also uh! Still working out Gill's design! So if the card changes every now and then it's because I'm chronically indecisive oof </3 Since this is a Roleplay blog, keep in mind there's a heavy unreality warning for the entire thing!!
Rules .。.:*☆:
No NSFW! I am a minor, as of writing this. I'm also just generally uncomfortable with that subject matter. If you send any asks in that nature, you'll be blocked.
Magic Anons are off! They'll probably stay off, too. Just not comfy with that 😎👍
Pelipper Mail is on...ish! You can send things in, but if it doesn't jive with what's going on, I'll ignore it. Nothing like...i dunno, wildly offensive? No gore, explicit things, etcetera!
This is a low stakes blog! Gill isn't out to save the world or endanger himself. She just wants to hang out and keep her grades up yknow
Speaking of, if you'd ever want to include me in some sort of RP (again, mainly low-stakes!), feel free to DM me! Just like specify what's going on. My writing RP skills are kinda rusty, but I can make it work! :]
Sapient Pokemon and the like can interact!
Basic DNI critera- Transphobes, racists, anti-semitists...etcetera...
Really sorry if I'm weird with reblogs/communicating! I'm god awful with online interaction, so I like to schedule posts so funny post button doesn't give me anxiety. If I take a bit to reply, it's because I'm working up a good response! >:) ooor I haven't seen it yet that one too
Any ask game I reblog will be permanently open!!! Feel free to send in asks for any of them. Just indicate which one are which, please!! Not just the emoji or whatever ;_;
That's all! Feel free to talk to this little guy about anything. I'm not very good with intro posts sorry ack
also get playlisted
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sara78 · 2 years
Family don't end in blood - Chapter 4
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Summary: Time moves fast while Y/N tries to juggle school and filming. When given a chance for a break, she takes it with a bit of hesitation to her decision and hopes for the best.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
Word count: 3,000 and some change
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I finally got around to posting this. Enjoy!
It's been almost three months since you started school. Some days were more challenging than others, but you surely fell into a routine. Jensen kept a close eye on you and ensured you were doing well. At first, you didn't like it when he was bossy and twisting your schedule around, but you soon enough realized that he was doing that for your own well-being. So, instead of bitching about it, you decided to appreciate the act of kindness, because you knew that he didn't have to do any of what he's been doing for months, ever since you moved in.
You were really excited about your fall break. The fact that you got a total of 7 days off of filming made it even better. You had a few assignments to turn in here and there, a book to annotate and a math test coming up, but you now had all the time in the world to do all of that without any stressing about not having enough time to do so.
You overheard Jensen talking on the phone with his wife, plotting a surprise for his kids. You smiled softly, only imagining the smiles on their faces as they see their daddy. You were really happy for him. You were happy for Jared and Misha too. They all missed their families like crazy, and this strict filming schedule was for sure rough on them.
Jensen's POV
"Hey sweetheart," I hummed, answering Danneel's call,
"Hi," she responded, "How's the filming?"
"Hm, Y/N and I got off early. Turns out when we don't film a scene with Jared, it takes us like 5 takes."
"That doesn't surprise me, like at all," Dee teased, "What's the plan?"
"Hm, packing," I began, "I got some toys for the little ones."
"And Y/N?"
"She sends some toys over for the kiddos too."
"That's so sweet of her! Tell her I said thanks. And what are her plans?"
"Huh, I dunno. I think she'll stay here and do her schoolwork."
"You told me she has a fall break?"
"Yeah, and a lot of schoolwork to turn in after it ends. She even mentioned a math test."
"That doesn't sound like a fun fall break," Danneel responded,
"Hm, true that. I was thinking of inviting her to come over with me. What do you think about that?"
"That's so sweet of you. Sure, why not?"
"Really?" I asked, not able to hide the joy at the offer. Truth to be told, I wanted her to meet Danneel and the kiddos. She could use a change of scenery and environment in general,
"Yeah! I'd love to meet her. She sounds like a great kid from your stories."
"I'll ask her then. You didn't blow my surprise, right?"
"Don't worry about it," Danneel responded, a scream going off on her end, "And that's my cue. Have a good flight, sweetie. I'll see you soon!"
When I walk out of my room, I see Y/N once again situated at the counter, singing something softly. I don't walk over yet, listening carefully to the melody, recognizing it right away. One of my songs. I smile to myself, approaching her. I let my hand on her shoulder, grabbing her attention. She takes her headphones off, looking up at me with a smile,
"Hey! You all packed up?"
"Yes sir," I smile, "That math?"
"Close. Physics," she responded, "I hate it."
"I believe you do," I giggled, "I got a question for you," she tilted her head sideways, making me chuckle, "Too much time with Misha, dude."
"I don't regret a second," she responded,
"Yeah, I agree on that one. Anyways, Danneel and I were wondering if you would be down to tag along with me?" she furrowed her brows in confusion, "I mean if you want to fly with me to Texas, change up the scenery a bit. I'm pretty sure you're bored of Vancouver by now."
"I... I don't wanna intrude," she whispered, "You're super excited to see your family. I don't wanna be in the way of that."
"You're not in way of anything. I'm serious, kiddie," I smiled, "You can come with me."
"I... Are you sure?"
"Hundred percent," she looked down, nodding, "Is that a yes?" I asked, making her giggle as she looked back up,
"Yeah, it's a yes."
"YAY!" I exclaimed, "Okay, go pack. I'll book another ticket for you," I said, walking away.
"Jensen!" she exclaimed, making me stop and turn around, "Thanks."
"You don't thank me just yet," I teased, "You've still to survive three hyperactive kids. I think you'll be thanking me for bringing you back to Vancouver in a week," she laughed, standing up and going to her room.
Your POV
You stirred on your side, humming quietly at the soft surface beneath you. You don't remember plane seats were this comfortable. You open your eyes for a hot second and you freak out, jumping up to a sitting position immediately.
"Hey, you're safe," Jensen's voice whispered, making you look back at his tired face, "We made it home."
"How did you-"
"I carried you. Jared got your bag," Jensen nod his head in the direction where he left her suitcase, "You didn't get a lot of sleep last night and we had no heart to wake you up. It's no biggie."
"Thanks," you smiled, Jensen returning it back,
"Always. Welcome home, kid," he said, "Well, we're in the guest room right now."
"You didn't go to your room?"
"No. It's literally 3AM. I don't want to wake her or the kiddos up. I always crash here when I make it late."
"Aww, you're very thoughtful," you said, "Thanks for inviting me once again."
"Hm, don't sweat it," he nod, "You didn't have a nightmare, did you?"
"No," you shook your head, "My eyes opened accidentally and I panicked cause the last thing I remember is sitting between you and Jared."
"Valid," Jensen giggled, "Now you don't have a moose hanging over your head and you can sleep."
"Yeah," you said, looking around the room before you giggled,
"You really do turn that doll away," you teased, pointing at the porcelain doll standing on a bookshelf. Jensen laughed, throwing his head back against the pillow,
"Haters gonna hate."
"You've been filming a horror show for 16 years now and you're scared of a porcelain doll. I find it cute in all honesty."
"In my defense, supernatural is different kind of scary. Besides, I've done enough of it to know that thing can be... suitable for possessions," he said, making you laugh, "Okay kid, go back to sleep now."
"Right," you nod, laying back down, "Sorry for waking you up," Jensen rolled his eyes before ruffling your hair,
"Don't apologize. Night night."
The next morning
"Good morning, Ackles household!" Jensen exclaimed, the kids screaming their asses off as they ran to Jensen, jumping on him and hugging him like there's no tomorrow. You smiled as you stood behind him, taking in the sight of the widest child smiles you've ever seen. While the girls hung themselves on Jensen's neck, Zeppelin let go of his dad and decided to walk over to you, giving you a wave. You giggled at the cute face he sported, just like his dad's. You crouched down to his level,
"Hi!" he exclaimed with a smile, "You daddy's friend?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "You must be Zeppelin, huh?" he nod, immediately walking over to you and wrapping his tiny arms around your neck. You gasped at the sudden movement but accepted the embrace, picking him up and sitting him on your hip. You heard a laugh, followed by Danneel who joined the gathering,
"Ackles junior already got you wrapped around his little finger, huh?" she asked, making you giggle as you rocked Zeppelin in your arms, making him giggle before he rested his head on your shoulder, "I'm Danneel."
"Y/N. It's nice to meet you," you smiled kindly, Danneel returning it,
"The pleasure is mine," she smiled,
"Ah, there's my boy," Jensen smiled, letting the girls down on the ground and coming up to you and Zeppelin, "You found a cuddle buddy, huh?" he teased Zeppelin who nod. Jensen kissed his temple before grabbing Danneel's hand and pulling her in for a kiss, you and the little ones cringing immediately,
"Daddy has cooties, mommy!" Arrow exclaimed, making everyone giggle,
"Well thank you very much," Jensen grumbled before kissing Danneel again, "You're gonna have to deal with it," he smirked, Danneel smacking him playfully before hugging him, "Missed ya."
You walked up to the girls who weren't really rolling with your presence, or at least that's what it seemed to you. You crouched down once again,
"Hi. I'm Y/N."
The girls didn't respond and it made you frown. You did expect kids not to like you but the expectation didn't prepare you for the sting you'd feel in the given moment,
"Hey, come on, introduce yourselves," Jensen said,
"Arrow," she spoke up first, smiling lightly,
"Justice Jay," she grumbled, turning around and walking away. You sighed but turned your attention back on Arrow who was still there,
"That's a very nice name," you commented, "Tell me, Arrow, how old are you?"
"Five!" she and Zeppelin exclaimed in union, making you smile,
"Unca Jare says we gonna be real big soon cuz we turn six and we show our age with both hands!" Zeppelin explained,
"Uncle Jared has a point there. That is really cool and you get to be big kids soon, huh?" they both nod,
"Breakfast is ready!"
After breakfast
"Okay, daddy wants to hear all about what you guys did in school for the past few weeks, so," he said, sitting down on the floor, "Bring it in!" you smiled as you watched the kids run out of the room to grab some of their stuff to show Jensen while you chose to help Danneel clean the table,
"Oh, you don't have to do that," she smiled, "You had an exhausting day yesterday, and a flight on top of it."
"This isn't much, really. It's the least I can do," you smiled back, feeling a little hand grab your shorts. You looked down, seeing Arrow, "Hey, what's the matter?" you asked, leaning down,
"Do you wanna come to my and JJ's teaparty today?"
"Oh, well since you asked so nicely, yeah, I'll come. Is your big sis okay with it?" Arrow shrugged her shoulders, "Okay, you need to ask your big sis first and then let me know, okay?" she nod, turning around and walking away to where Jensen was seated with JJ and Zeppelin,
"Listen, JJ might not be the most welcoming person at the moment, but she's a good kid. She's just-"
"Not trusting me," you smiled, "I understand. I was well aware of that possibility. It's okay. I hope that will change someday. Until then I'll respect her boundaries. She needs to know that I'm not here to steal anyone or anything nor interrupt or bother. Can you let me know if she begins thinking like that? I really don't want to cause problems to you and Jensen."
"You have to respect her boundaries but she has to respect you too. Jensen and I will have a chat with her. She's a big kid and she should know better than give you the cold shoulder. She's just hard-headed. Kinda like her mom. And her dad too. She's a bit of both worlds," she giggled, making you smile too, "Jensen told me you got a load of schoolwork to get done. If you need peace, Zeppelin can take you to the swing spot in our backyard. It's quiet there."
"Oh, thanks a lot. I'll definitely use it at some point."
"Women!" Jensen exclaimed, turning his head around, "You two gonna gossip all day or join us here?"
"Go," Danneel said and you nod, drying the last dish before leaving to where Jensen was seated with all of the kiddos,
"Okay, what are we doing?" you asked, sitting down on the floor and looking up at Jensen who dragged his suitcase over. Zeppelin sat on your lap, cuddling into you and you couldn't help but smile at the motion, wrapping your arms around him as he made himself comfy. Jensen smiled at you, opening his suitcase, "Let's see..."
"Hey there," Danneel smiled, sitting next to you after dinner, as you were reading a book. She giggled at Zeppelin, asleep in the hammock, "Well he's out like a light."
"We played soccer and were playing cars for the majority of the day. I'd be surprised if he were still upright," you commented, "How's the tea party?"
"Oh it's going fabulous," Danneel giggled, "Jensen is getting his manicure and pedicure as we speak," you giggled with Danneel, "You didn't join us," she mentioned,
"No," you shook your head, "I didn't really want to intrude. The girls missed their dad and Zeppelin was kinda all alone. I figured he'd like my company. He kinda dragged me out to play anyways."
"You don't feel obliged to do everything he asks you to. You have your work to do too."
"I don't mind him wanting to play with me. He reminds me of my best friend's little brother. He used to do that all the time when we were babysitting him. Brings back some nice memories. Besides, I'm honored to have some of his trust this fast."
"Hm, you want to know something?" Danneel hummed, making you look at her, "He's the shy one. I hide behind mom, dad and big sisters at all times shy. I didn't expect him to come up to you like that."
"Well, he is a spitting image of his dad, if nothing I expected him to have some of his personality. And believe me, I was surprised myself."
"I think he can sense a real good heart, like his dad," Danneel smiled, "So, tell me how are you handling all the stuff? Jensen told me you're a great student. You can balance it with work?"
"Yeah," you nod, "It's hard sometimes, but Jensen really helps a lot with everything he can. Also, if you see my character doing some research in a scene, it's usually me doing my schoolwork," Danneel and you giggled, "It's challenging but I really appreciate the teachers going out their way to help me and all."
"That's right! Jensen told me you're from Y/H/C. That's a long way from Vancouver."
"It is. I was really surprised to find out that the teachers were on board with the whole online school thing."
"Well, I guess they know you're a hard-working kid," she smiled, "And how do you feel about being on set? This is a new experience for you, I suppose?"
"Mhm," you nod, "I've never been close to a set before. And it's amazing. I was a fan of the show and a part of the family, and I really get to see now that this show and everyone working on it is just so kind and generous and I feel like I belong even though I'm the newest person there."
"I have to ask you one last thing before I take the lil' guy to bed - have you pranked Misha yet?" you burst out laughing, throwing your head back,
"Oh God," you said, finally catching a breath, "No, not directly. I just don't have heart to do that to him. I did stand by and watch the brilliant ways Jared's brain works though."
"Oh, finally someone who understands me!" Danneel exclaimed, making you smile, "Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Don't stay outside for much longer, mosquitoes are a pain and it's getting pretty dark," she warned, picking up Zeppelin gently, "Night Y/N."
"Night," you smiled, watching as she walked off into the house.
3rd person POV
As Danneel was tucking Zeppelin into his bed, he whined,
"Yes, honey?"
"Can Y/N stay?" he whispered shyly, "Forever?"
"Well I think Y/N has a family of her own, but she can come to visit us for sure."
"Okay," he yawned, closing his eyes again, "Night night mommy."
"Night night, sweetheart," she cooed, kissing his forehead before turning on her heel and leaving his room.
"Hey," Jensen whispered, "Girls are out like a light."
"So is Zeppelin. Y/N wore him out good."
"Yeah?" Jensen asked, coming up to Danneel and wrapping an arm around her,
"Mhm. She played with him all afternoon. She's very sweet. And the little guy likes her too."
"He does like her. He took me by surprise this morning."
"He just asked if she can stay with us forever," Danneel smiled, ruffling Jensen's hair, "You chose a good kid, honey."
"Thanks," he giggled, "Where's she?"
"I think she's outside," Danneel yawned, "I'll go take a shower."
"Wait up for me?" he winked, Danneel rolling her eyes,
"I'll wait for you in our bed, mister," she teased as she walked off, Jensen grumbling jokingly as he walked away.
"Kiddo!" Jensen exclaimed, Y/N looking behind her from where she was sitting on the grass, "You like to watch the stars?" he hummed, sitting down next to her,
"Mhm. Grandpa and I used to do that when I was little. He's one of the very few that was actually good to me."
"Yeah? You mention your grandpa a lot. You were close to him?"
"Mhm. I grew up without a dad. He was like a dad to me though. Taught me all the stuff and raised me. Maybe I didn't turn out perfect, but I like to think that he's proud of me for every choice I made."
"I'm sure he is," Jensen smiled, looking up at the sky, "He up there?"
"Yeah," she smiled sadly, "It'll be two years in December."
"Sorry," Jensen said softly, hugging her. She sighed, leaning in for a moment before pulling away,
"What else did you do with your grandpa?"
"We did a lot of gardening. I really miss doing that."
"Jared's wife, Gen, she has her little garden. I bet she'd love another helper."
"Maybe," she said, shrugging her shoulders, "It's late. Are the kids asleep?"
"Yup," Jensen nod, "Listen, sorry about JJ's behavior today."
"Don't be. I know that she's not very welcoming at the moment. I'm an unfamiliar face to her and that's okay."
"That is true, but she should give you a chance. Now, I wanted to ask if you would be comfortable with a little party tomorrow? I'm thinking of inviting the Padaleckis for barbecue."
"I'm fine with whatever you guys plan to do. I'm in your house after all."
"Okay then," he smiled, hugging her gently, "You should go to bed too."
"Yeah, I probably should," she said, yawning,
"Let's go."
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if I should send this non-anon or not, but preferred to keep my identity a secret, I guess.
Dunno why but felt like saying this after seeing your posts. I was once a shipper in the fandom, liking both canon x canon and canon x oc ships, until I saw something that made me uncomfortable with the first of the two. That is until I've reached your account.
Sure, I was cautious with ship content (not that I'm saying it's a bad thing. Just made me kinda uncomfortable after that incident) but when I let my guard down and saw some of your posts, I realized that maybe not every shipper is as....uh...y'know the type of people I'm talking about right?
All I'm saying is...thank you. Because of your adorable posts (and the balance of both types of ships [canonxcanon and ocxcanon. I love PriceRaven so much istg]), I tried to look for artists like you. Thanks to you, I can also go and try to find artists similar to yours in context of shipping. And I did and I did not regret it (even if I don't ship anymore, but it was delightful to see the things people create now that I've...healed from it?).
I'm still trying to be careful in the fandom with the things going on. But seriously though, thanks a lot! If there's one thing this fandom needs is people like you. Ones who don't cause a fuss and also knows boundaries when shipping as well. No hate, no discomfort. If people say otherwise and hate on you because of shipping content, damn them. They should be grateful if anything as you did nothing wrong and just wanted to create what you wish.
Anyway, sorry for the long ask (end up ranting. Sorry bout that). But yeah, hope you have a great day! Maybe one day, if you allow me, I could sketch out Raven? If it's alright with you.
Thank you again!
hi!! thank you for the ask and hey no worries, you're welcome to rant in my ask or share your experience
Im sorry for what you went through, fandom often do come with its uhhh moments to say the least, im glad you've healed from it and is able to enjoy things the way they are at your own pace
its definitely good to curate your own space, adjust your settings and block out on things that are uncomfortable, even though there are still some things that will definitely pop up despite the cautious measures, but hey! shit happens and the most important thing is to understand that you're not alone in this, and take a rest from the media once in awhile
Im actually really touched that you find my page a nice place to visit ((yes PriceRaven is like my bread and butter I cant live without them and will yap about them forever)) which also lead you to other artists!
im straightforward, Im okay with almost anything interest wise in the fandom (ships/dynamic/fics genre etc), if im not okay with it i'll just move on or mute/block certain words, simple as it should be.
Although people do find my angst stuff "threatening" LMAO but eh im over it pft if they dont like it then its fine let them be
as the saying goes "no matter how perfect the apple is, someone will still hate it" so fuck it yk, it is what it is (my life motto and also blog's motto HAHA)
Thank you for your message though, Im really grateful for it and im genuinely happy, enjoy your stay here
AND OFC YOU CAN DRAW MY OC RAVEN!! FEEL FREE TO SEND IT TO ME ONCE YOU DID :D (take your time ofc dont mind the excited goofball i am)
have a good day as well!!
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linterteatime · 2 years
Hi, I just wanna make a post to let y'all know that I deleted all my zadr/tagr posts, because I'm just tired af of... A lot of things surrounding those ships and I just wanna chill and not stress about it, although deleting them is already pretty stressful and I regret making so much ship art damn, dealing with it rn, I'm pretty sure I still have them on my computer if I ever decide to take them back from the dead in 5000 years but I doubt it, but yeah uh if you were following me only for that then feel free to go and yeah, I hope I can still love iz but dunno, also I don't wanna speak about this ever again lol
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dmclemblems · 1 year
A couple things confuse me about the "Edelgard was never the Flame Emperor in Hopes so that's why people are acting differently with her" thing people try to say to explain GW and SB.
1) 3H almost never makes it a narrative focus that Edelgard was the Flame Emperor, just that the Flame Emperor as a separate entity was bad. Barring Dimitri, barely anyone says "hey wow, Edelgard sure is a giant fucking asshole since we know she's the Flame Emperor" - they're more like "wow, can't believe she smeckledorfed us like that, not based and kinda cringe." So many people go "I don't wanna fight her tho, I regret having to fight her :/" as though the fact that she clearly never gave a shit about any of them, proven by her lying about being the Flame Emperor for damn near a year, doesn't mean anything to them. She's still their beloved classmate, no matter what she does to a lot of them, so I don't see why it's only now that they'd suddenly give THIS much of a shit about something they never put focus on before. And to the extent that they'd 180 on their characters just to be chill with her.
2) What actual, substantial difference is there between "I am willing to torture my citizens by turning them into Demonic Beasts," and "I will torture my citizens by slowly starving them through my war that is draining away the country's food supplies"? She is still needlessly and cruelly making her people go through suffering, just because it isn't as loud as Aegir mindlessly pillaging shit doesn't mean she isn't still responsible for mass suffering and death of her own citizens. And this isn't even getting into the rest of Fodlan either, who she is similarly ruining/ending the lives of in similarly cruel, torturous ways. But it's not specifically Demonic Beasts or specifically with TWS, so suddenly she's fine? It's morally acceptable for certain characters to join her for no reason other than her (lying) words? Hell, being a pragmatic, amoral asshole for a second - at least a weapon's being made with the Demonic Beasts method of slow and cruel death, the starving citizens do no good for anyone!
I dunno, just seems like a pretty thin straw to reach for to explain why certain characters (WINK WINK) act so wildly OOC :/
Preface after writing: I'm sorry, this is stupid long and two months late. I hope it being stupid long makes up for the wait. :D... :'D...
Yeah, the Flame Emperor portion of her character has nothing to do with Hopes. Between both games, Dimitri treats her completely differently because she didn't do the same things and he has a very direct attachment to her and TWS both, but other characters don't just like her more because she wasn't the Flame Emperor.
For example, Dimitri never spirals into the mess he became in Houses because Edelgard never hid her identity, and the Flame Emperor was very openly allied with TWS. Edelgard in Hopes broke off her ties with them as soon as the game really begins, i.e. post the prologue (in all routes, but you only see it actually be discussed in her route).
I do agree it's a flaw in the writing that they kind of switch on the whole "the Flame Emperor is a bad person" to deciding they don't agree with that anymore once they know who it is. What she did doesn't change just because she was "someone else" at the time, the same way Dimitri's actions don't change just because he was "someone else" for those five years. Difference being, there are actually allied characters who hold Dimitri accountable for it, and Dimitri holds himself accountable too. Just another instance of the writing making women wound like saints because they gotta sell their merch. I'm saying that as a woman, mind you, and it's frutsrating that gender dictactes how a story gets written. Gender also doesn't define someone's personality and who they are, so it shouldn't make a story geared around uwu waifu not bad, we don't wanna fight her.
The thing is, this is one of the problems people have with the narrative of Houses is not committing. It's true that Edelgard didn't care about a lot of people because she explicitly didn't let herself care, because she went into the year fully expecting and being aware of her inevitable "betrayal" (which I quote because she didn't really intend to be friends with them to begin with, so in her view it's probably not really a betrayal. It would be to them, but not so much to her).
It's also true that she decides to "care" about people who side with her simply for siding with her. Unfortunately the writing can't commit to kepeing her consistent as a character because they don't want her to be the villain because it's harder to market villains. That is, in part, why TWS exists, because they're meant to be the 'true villains".
Basically, TWS exists to make Edelgard look better as a person. Since they made her look pretty and cute, they didn't want to commit to making her a more villainous person, despite openly saying in an interview that they made her the villain. If she were a man, they would have made her more of a villain.
Regarding Houses and her evils:
The characters are sad about classmates being their enemies, but they set aside all the bad things as soon as they know the ringleader is a woman. Remember how they all considered her a horrible villain who had to be taken down when they knew her as the Flame Emperor? They thought the Flame Emperor was a man. As soon as it turns out that, that very same person was a woman they uwu went to school with, they don't think he's such a horrible villain who needs to be taken down anymore.
The point of the first half of Houses is that you're involved in all these happy academy days (as far as their relationships go, less so about the missions and stuff). They all trust each other and see each other as people they will one day have to work alongside. Suddenly they find out a pair among the students were plotting against them and weren't really ever on their side. The people they met in school were, in some ways, "fake". They weren't their true selves because they were in enemy territory the whole time (even if they were safe there, but in their minds these were enemies).
Like, personally, would I feel bad when I found out these people were lying to me the whole time and planned to kill me one day if I didn't agree with them? lol no. The characters went from thinking her actions were horrific to "well let's hear her out because she's actually our friend, even though for being our 'friend' we actually know nothing about her and our 'friend' lied to us the whole time".
Regarding Hopes and her supposed lack of evils:
In Hopes, even though none of that is there, it's still true she lied to them and was their enemy. It's still true she started a war and did all the same things from there, and in fact, some of it she actually had to do herself because she broke off with TWS. This includes trying to invade the Kingdom, which Cornelia was the one to do and succeed in doing in Houses. However, Edelgard herself, and the might of the Empire, is canonically not enough to subdue the Kingdom in Hopes. This does mean, however, that she had to do the deeds herself and cou;pdn't hide behind anyone else.
Breaking it down for why she seems less evil in Hopes though, we have SB. Technically both the Empire and Alliance took on the Kingdom, meaning that the Empire alone couldn't handle it. Reminder that, Dimitri, Dedue and Felix all survive SB, so the Empire can't take down three of the strongest fighters in the Kingdom (so less people die, because in SB she's not allied with TWS and does nothave the strength given to her by them, such as the beasts). Ingrid went out specifically to die because she planned to fight as long as possible so Dimitri could get away, meaning she never intended to survive that battle. Sylvain went out in a fit of rage seeking revenge for Ingrid, so his head wasn't on straight and he wasn't fighting with his brain, but his emotions.
Could they have taken these people down otherwise? Sylvain, no. He's too smart. If he wasn't so angry he would have backed off as soon as he realized he was overmatched in that battle. He wouldn't have died there because Dimitri wasn't there to die for, and neither was Felix. Also, he's not nearly as suicidal in this game. If he wasn't seeking revenge, he wouldn't have died, plain and simple. Could they have beaten Ingrid normally? No, because similarly, she would've retreated if she didn't go into the battle planning to fight until she died. She would've left to continue protecting her friends, home and king.
What this means is that she looks less bad because less people died, meaning her war killed less named and beloved characters. The difference though is that it doesn't make her less evil - it just means that alone, her might isn't capable of taking these people down. She needs to be allied with another army to win her war, which is why she took with TWS in the first place in Houses. Since they wanted her to look better in Hopes, she ditched them... but that means she still needs allies for her war. She knows she can't take down the Kingdom alone and they're allied with the Church, and she knows she can't take down Rhea because Rhea is a dragon.
Then there's GW, which just makes Edelgard look FUNNY. It's Claude who has to invade the Kingdom, because she can't break through the west front. Even after Claude fights in Fhirdiad, she still can't take down the west front. This means that, not only did the Empire have people do their bidding for what they weren't strong enough to do, but they had to take any other matters into their own hands for what TWS wouldn't help with in this story. It means Edelgard had to dirty her hands because they weren't there to do it, and she just wasn't strong enough to win her own war.
Remember, in SB, she doesn't win her own war. Her enemies kill each other, and the Kingdom is weakened because she allied with another army to fight them because she doesn't have the strength to do it herself. She looks less evil in Hopes because, being totally frank and not even saying this out of a hatred for her, she's weak. She's too weak to actually win and conquer, and she looks worse if she wins and takes control of all the lands she stomped on to win. When she loses, she looks better because she's not the tyrannical leader of all of Fodlan. In Hopes, no matter what route you're on, Edelgard does not win the war and does not achieve anything with her own army's strength. In CF, she does win because her allies are TWS for the entire game and they're only defeated post game because the game's duration is her war, which she needed them for the entirety of to actually win.
In GW, she doesn't win the war. She doesn't defeat Rhea, instead leaving that to Claude, who had Shez in his army (and was probably the only one with the actual power to rival Rhea's, for obvious reasons).
This also is why the kingdom survives and is never taken over. In Houses, it was never Edelgard's strength that conquered it. However, it does mean every single thing that happened in the war was on her head, because there was no TWS to take the fall for her the bad things that happened.
How it looks on her character:
So, looking at it from both ways, to sum it up... why are they so upset that they have to fight their classmate, who lied to them and was faking around them? Why are they upset about fighting her when she's been doing all this stuff in the war by her own desires and orders? There's no getting mad at TWS for what she does.
The Empire when pitted against the Kingdom can't win without allies, and Edelgard presumbly knew that in Houses and had allies - TWS. In Hopes, she gets Claude on her side because she can't do, well, jack shit to the Kingdom without him. Without something unexpected in the mix (the Alliance in Hopes, TWS in Houses), the Kingdom's strength is enough to defend.
Since TWS are her enemies in this story, she never actually wins. She doesn't lose, but she doesn't win. The only reason she doesn't lose is because she allied with another army (who she was canonically losing to in both routes anyway).
So basically, how do the writers make up for Edelgard not teaming up with TWS here? They have her use the Alliance instead, making her look better for not siding with TWS. To make her look even better, they have TWS do horrific things as a third party to it all, independently fucking around and making Edelgard have to go stop them. It makes TWS look like the worst of all scum, and it props up the "less evil" villains.
In GW, Claude does shady shit because ??? and that also makes Edelgard look better because she's very up front and doesn't do tactics the way he does. She's very forthright and if she didn't want to ally with the Alliance, she would have said as much and not have teamed up with them to stab them in the back later. Instead, that's given to Claude because, well, let's face it, it makes him look worse than her. She also gets no flak for killing Rhea in this game because she can't, because she doesn't have the power TWS gave her. She fights Rhea, certainly, even with Shez's power... but it's not enough. Rhea survives everything you do and only dies against Thales.
So basically, Edelgard is just weak and incapable of winning in this game, and it makes her look better and nicer, since she doesn't have the ability to use Demonic Beasts. The characters feel like upset because she did "less evil" things and killed fewer people (again, because she's not capable of doing so).
And again, I'm not even saying that out of hate. Edelgard admits they needed TWS in CF if they were going to win the war. Consequently, she doesn't win the war in any route in Hopes because she splits off from them in all routes.
No, it doesn't make her a better person or more worthy of people's pity, but they used Claude as a means of having someone else do worse things than her to make the characters doubt Claude while believing wholly in Edelgard for being so forthright. Since TWS is worse than Claude, it makes a tier of "bad", and she's at the very bottom of it. Thus, the characters see her in a better light and don't want to kill her.
Other stuff:
In AG it's actually kinda interesting, because even though the Empire has fallen because of Thales, literally nobody pities Edelgard for the situation she ended up in. Nobody feels bad about it and nobody thinks man, we should save Edelgard, she isn't the one who made the Empire fall into ruin like this. They still understand she's the one who started this war and enabled enough of a situation for TWS to take advantage of it. She gave them the opening instead of fighting them in the first place.
Even if you went along with her strategy of siding with the Church to take out TWS, but then she betrays the Church and starts her war against them because she also sees them as her enemy, that would have been the most reasonable strategy. Side with the Church, take out the strongest enemy first so they can't run around wreaking havoc while you ignore them to fight your war, then deal with the Church after when they won't have distractions and a potential other enemy creeping up on them.
Point being, it was stupid to start a war against the Church after simply driving out Thales from the capital. She should've waited to start the war until they'd taken out TWS completely. Why didn't they do this? Because they needed TWS in the story to make her look like a better person. Removing them too soon would mean she can't go back and stop their destruction. She can't seem like the better person because there's nobody worse than her. By making her strategy, well, let's face it, incredibly stupid to the point even Hubert told her outright not to do it/that he didn't agree with it, it made her look, well, honestly, dumb... but a better person in the long run.
Like I said, in AG it's done in a more interesting way because her situation doesn't get pitied by anyone. The people loyal to her are still loyal to her, but that's about it. None of her enemies feel sorry for her. None of them see that her war brought about something bad on her (i.e. being controlled by Thales) and went awww poor thing. She reaps what she sows and faces the consequeces of both starting a war and not being smart about it (i.e. dealing with TWS altogether at the start or remaining allied with them until the war was over like in CF). The characters in AG see it for it was, and Edelgard had to have known that there would be potential consequences of doing what she did.
Even at the very end, Dimitri doesn't pity her when she her mentality reverts to a child's. He doesn't feel it necessary to stain his hands with her blood at that point because the war is over. If she was still a threat they would defeat her but she wasn't, and she also didn't have any memory of starting the war, so killing her would be for nothing but personal gain, which at that point Dimitri didn't have. If anything, it might have staved off even more more because the emperor would be returned home safely, and possibly even by Dimitri (because I can't imagine the Church would do it after she declared explicitly on them, and I doubt Claude would even care to do it because he has no history with her like Dimitri does) or someone he trusts.
The Empire would need to focus on dealing with what happened to her, and they wouldn't be in a position to keep fighting or even need to since the person who wanted the war doesn't even have the memories leading up to why the war was started. All they could really do at that point was take care of her and decide what to do about leadership (and in this moment, we're going to prefend Ferdinand wasn't killed offscreen. They didn't say he was, so he wasn't! Got it? Yeah? Great!).
This last part doesn't really have much to do with your ask, but I wanted to add it in as a contrast to the way SB/GW were written and how they did make her seem like a better person than Claude. They made it seem like she was less bad for doing whats he did with her own hands this time because there was no TWS to do it for her. AG flips that on its head and says no, we don't care that she ended up in a bad situation because she brought it on herself. They said no, we're not going to pity her just because someone worse than her came along because she still did what she did.
Imo AG was just a much more refreshing and realistic take. They didn't look at her and see uwu classmate. They looked at her and saw the woman who started a war and knew what she was doing. Just because she lost in her own war and just because someone got the jump on her didn't make her worth pitying.
Instead, we get a wholly satisfying conclusion to the Duscur story, whcih was completely dropped in AM and probably because they ran out of chapters. We can bring a literal army of victims from that tragedy with us and have them be able to face the person who caused all of it. Since Duscur was also allied with Faerghus for a long while at this point, it wraps up that storyline in a nice, neat bow. The only thing left is to assume that things with Duscur went well and that Claude determined starting a new war over the Church just wasn't worth it.
Claude post AG (in contrast to him in the other routes):
Yes, I think Claude considered taking advantage of an existing war to fight the Church and might have done so in Hopes if Edelgard wasn't out of commission, because if she wasn't the war would continue. However, the war was over right then and there and more fighting on his part would just be a really stupid move that would turn everyone around him against him.
The war ended, the person who started it lost, and the third party was defeated. People would not want to fight another war just because Claude doesn't understand Fodlan at all in this game. Quite ironic that Edeglgard's rhetoric to him in VW about not knowing enough about Fodlan to lead it was completely true in this game... or maybe they did that on purpose to make her look better! Again! :D :'D
So yeah, Claude didn't start another war after AG ended. I say that, of course, assuming AG Claude has a brain and knows how to use it. Also, I don't think he would want to make enemies of the Kingdom at that point. If his goal remained to bring people together, he had already succeeded in getting every territory on the same page by allying with the sides opposing Edelgard in the first place.
The only people left are the Empire's people, who weren't in a position to fight and would probably just agree to an allying sort of truce so that all of Fodlan was on the same page. Even without Hubert or Ferdinand, they have Waldemar, and he's smart enough imo to make the right moves there. Claude has no reason to start a new war/renew an existing war that just ended when now that there's no war to just jump into to use as an excuse for something, he can just use words and his presumably route working brain to figure out how to work with the Church. Like, you know, he does in VW.
#this is two months late im so sorry ahjfgsahfd#also I recall it being somewhere in Houses that she knows their army can't win their war alone#hence allying with TWS. her army needed their power to actually get through her win#and I recall her saying that she has to wait to fight them specifically bc she needed them for the war#i.e. she knew if she ditched them too soon that she wouldn't win#that's what made her route sound initially interesting in Hopes bc she did ditch them#but it also proved her points in CF that she didn't have the strength to win the war she started#she was losing to the Alliance in GW and SB both iirc#the best way to win her war would be - well - to ally with someone better than her in strength#get the strong people on her side to fight her war for her bc she can't do it. TWS was also that in Houses#however in CF she actually wins while allied with horrific people. it makes her look worse#in SB she doesn't win no matter what route you're on and allies with normal people#in CF she crushes TWS after the story but she ultimately has an ending that expresses oppression#her ending mural and the fact that she started a war and destroyed all opposing powers is the evidence of that#in Hopes she crushed... nothing. nobody. her enemies crushed each other bc Rhea determined that TWS#was a much worse threat /for Fodlan/ than Edelgard was and so chose to die fighting Thales#presumably she figured whoever was left in Fodlan could deal with Edelgard later without her help#i.e. Claude and Dimitri who are still alive in one version of SB and Dimitri who is still alive in the other#so either way in SB there will ALWAYS be opposition to her war because /she will always be stuck between not winning or losing/#she doesn't get to win and be the big bad leader of Fodlan. it makes her look like a better person#ALSO (him in the other routes): is perfect bc it made a frowny face JKDGUJGF LOL#DCE Ask
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ratcandy · 3 years
Subcon Forest Analysis
Hi everyone I'm here to spill my aggressive overflowing thoughts on Subcon Forest and what it represents because it's been driving me insane since I finished the Sleepy Subcon time rift. Okay let's go. Obvious spoilers for AHIT ahead so proceed with caution.
This is also very, very long.
Disclaimer/warning: I will be discussing abusive/unhealthy relationships in this analysis. I mean. Vanessa. Come on. Also, there is a section on the nooses, and that delves, of course, into mentions of suicide. It will be sectioned off and easily skipped, but if you'd rather be safe and skip the entire post, that's completely understandable! Please stay safe. <3
Alright. Main point to be had here:
Subcon Forest is a giant extended metaphor for Snatcher's mind and character.
You all get to now listen to me spout nonsense about metaphors and symbolism because I'm a sucker for analysis and I'm given an opportunity to go ham. So perish.
The Ice
Let's start with the most obvious and most glaring thing in Subcon. The ice. It's everywhere. Not just outside Vanessa's manor, either; no, it's throughout the village, too. Shows up in the well and in random locations sprinkled about. When it comes to literal plot, we know that ice is just what lingers after Vanessa's wintery curse on Subcon. But going deeper and analyzing the meaning behind it?
Well, let's look at this from the perspective I've suggested. Subcon Forest being an extended metaphor for Snatcher's mind and character. A symbol for Vanessa then litters his mind, enough where it's certainly noticeable at first but blends in more easily once more of Subcon is unlocked to Hat Kid. This is clearly meant to be his lingering trauma, whether or not he wants to acknowledge it. Which he doesn't, as he never mentions it directly in his forest (that I can recall). Her influence plagues him, as to be expected with the traumatic experiences he went through with her. Breaking the ice is something Hat Kid must do in order to fulfill the wishes of the Fire Spirits (another subject I'll get into shortly), which, if self-indulgently playing with the found family idea, could mean that Hat Kid is helping him heal; if indirectly. Even if fulfilling the Fire Spirits' wish to die is... counterproductive, in that measure, which I'm now getting ahead of myself so hold on a sec!!
Vanessa. Ice. Everywhere. Traces of it all over his forest. That's the effects of an abusive relationship! Especially in a worst-case scenario where... yknow! One party in the relationship dies! So of course ice would be everywhere.
In and of itself, ice is a common symbol in literature and other forms of media. In this case, it's presented as an antagonistic force; emphasis is placed upon freezing and the harm that comes with it. The cold is unwelcoming, threatening, merciless. Snow can act as an insulating force, at least, but ice cannot. It can only make things colder.
A slight stretch: Seeing as this game deals a lot with time shenaniganry, I'm not sure if it'd be too out of left field to connect "freezing" with the theme of time. Yknow. Frozen in time. Both parties here, Snatcher and Vanessa, would be in this frozen state. One largely repressing it and never fully moving on, and the other doomed to her isolation ever since the event in question. They never moved past that moment after the Prince and florist's interaction.
The Fire Spirits (& the Portraits)
I'll put a slight warning here for suicidal ideation, if only because... it's the Fire Spirits we're talking about. It's not as grossly in-detail as the noose discussion will be, though, so make of that what you will.
To me, the Fire Spirits are a very interesting case. After all, they're fire. They're a direct contrast to the ice, thus being the only thing we're shown that could potentially melt it. The Fire Spirits, in my opinion, represent hope or a strength to continue. A strength to move on after troubles of the past.
...And that hope wants to die.
The Fire Spirits wish to burn out, to leave this mortal coil and abandon the forest to the cold. They make no effort to melt the ice, they simply dance, blissfully ignorant towards their surroundings. This being a metaphor for Snatcher's own hope for moving on is made all the more obvious by the fact he wants them gone. The first contract is to kill the Fire Spirits, to kill the hope. Perhaps he believes that sort of thing to be fruitless or naïve, so it only clutters his mind or has him foolishly optimistic at points. So, get rid of it. And the hope is happy to oblige.
(That, or their willingness to leave the forest to its own suffering and not aid in the ice's thaw angers him. Besides the whole "bark bark growl I can't get to parts of my forest because of them!!" which... also could represent a naïve hope clouding his judgement, not allowing him to see a bigger picture. But hope can't all be lost if one wants to move forward...)
A little side-tangent now on the portraits! And it's another slight stretch but the idea is in my head and I can't let it go. Portraits are another common symbol, usually being a physical representation of a memory or idea. For our purposes, let's say they're memories. I know in canon they appear to just hold souls captive or something but for now we're just Ignoring That(tm). The Fire Spirits have to burn the portraits to disappear. See where I'm going with this, maybe?
Instead of handling bad memories (or perhaps memories of the past in general) in any healthy manner, Snatcher chooses to forget/repress them, which just allows his hope to progressively die out.
I'm really hoping this is making sense because it makes a lot of sense to me but I might be insane rn
The Fact that this is a Forest
Forest symbolism breakdown! What's a forest usually mean in literature? "Traditionally, the forest has come to represent being lost, exploration and potential danger as well as mystery and 'other worldliness'." Okay. Yeah. Fair enough. That certainly works with the whole aesthetic we've got going on. Wood usually is life, growth and strength. But the trees of subcon are all dead. So what about that? It stands for death, big whoop, very spooky, we know Snatcher's dead and so are the children, yadda yadda wowie wowie. But. :) The trees in Subcon look a lot like trees that were scorched in a forest fire. Don't believe me?
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(You could also argue they're just regular marsh/swamp trees bUT SSHHSUUHSH HANG ON HEAR ME OUT LOOK LOOK,)
What I believe to have happened was a controlled fire to rid the forest of the majority of its ice and snow. Likely done by Snatcher. It leaves behind a very desolate, depressing, barren scene... but. What else do dead/burnt trees symbolize? Rebirth. After all, controlled fires happen to make way for new trees to take the place of old ones. Some trees only drop seeds in fires/hot temperatures, so new ones take root and begin anew. Weird. It's almost like... I dunno. Snatcher was given some sorta second chance, given he's not just a corpse in Vanessa's cellar. So were the subconites. Another life given then by Snatcher. All connected I tell ya!!
Generally, aside from that, forests have many connotations. Mystery, isolation, claustrophobia; a place to dwell on regrets, or the past; to worry over one's future; to seek escape from or escape inside of... hmgmrnmm!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T / W -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The Nooses
The t/w is given at the top and another cut-off point will follow the bottom of this, for those that would like to skip. This will delve into talk of suicide and abusive tactics used by abusers. Please don't read if it will upset you or make you feel unsafe!!!
Personally, I cannot stand the nooses, but that's just due to my own triggers. Were there a way to hide those from the game or replace the damned talking ones with anything else. I would take it. In a heartbeat. But I can still appreciate the potential analysis to be had with them. So now i'm gonna talk about it despite how uncomfortable it will make me to do so. yEa
So, what about 'em? There are three types of nooses seen in Subcon. At least that I remember but I didn't really go looking for them. Empty ones, ones containing empty subconites, and the talking ones.
Nooses in general obviously can hint towards suicidal thoughts or behaviors of the characters that interact with them. If saying Subcon is Snatcher's mind, it could suggest that he suffered from some sort of suicidal thoughts in life (or currently, if second death is possible... or if he never truly died... or maybe he's trying to figure that out...which has given me... a separate idea...uh oh). But. And hear me out. Different perspective.
A talking noose. I hate them with a fiery passion that is unmatched. But think of the packed symbolism of a noose that talks. And think more about what it says. "I wouldn't mind being strapped around a cute neck like yours." "Be careful now, I don't want to see you meet a miserable end anywhere, but with me." Oddly, a lot of what the noose says seems almost... endearing? One could argue it's a way of luring someone to put it around their necks, which in and of itself is a whole lot to unpack when it comes to suicidal thoughts beckoning one forward; painting itself as something romantic, almost. But. Here's a wild idea, now. What if the nooses, at least the talking ones, are another symbol for Vanessa?
They're tinted blue, after all. While Vanessa's scheme is more red, one could argue two things: One, ice. Blue. Ice. yeah. Or two, the fact that Snatcher's scheme is more purple. Blue and red... make... purple. So, for all we know, Snatcher's current state was a compound effort between suicidal thoughts and Vanessa's treatment of him. Perhaps he even found a way to put himself out of his misery before freezing/starving to death. (I know he has dialogue that argues against that, but... are we certain Snatcher would be the kind to admit suicide over freezing to death?... I don't think so.)
At any rate, a common threat by those in "control" of an abusive relationship is that of killing themselves should the other person not do as they desire. It's a cruel form of emotional manipulation to get their way, worse off if the other party is an empathetic individual. As a person who has been the empathetic individual in relationships like this... I would know. I've been here, unfortunately So, it's not completely out of the question to say Vanessa could've used some tactic like that, even before the whole... cellar ordeal. Did she? I dunno. I'm tossing ideas around. But if she did, the threats of such would sit around in the Prince's mind easily. Even if she has a reputation of not going through with it. It doesn't matter. That shit sticks with you forever, that scare, the potential of it ever being true, is horrifying and it ruins you. I'm projecting, Squirtle.
Still. A noose cannot hang itself. It has to have a victim.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T / W PASSED -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Misc. Ideas
- The spiders: Aside from the usual things spiders can be chalked up to symbolizing - toxicity, alluring danger, just... general pain - I like the potential wordplay that can happen here. Yknow. A black widow. Say the Prince and Vanessa were married when one died. What would that leave Vanessa? A widow. ...She's red and black, too. Yknow. Like a black widow. HA wordplay is fun isn't it?
- Snatcher's tree: Love this place, love sitting in here. But not the point! The inside of Snatcher's tree is such a harsh juxtaposition to the rest of Subcon that it kinda throws ya off guard. After all, the dark, purples and blues then contrasted with the bright warm colors of the inside. Even the music switches over. The thorns outside aren't present indoors. Ohh yeah this is gonna be on the nose as hell but the Tree(tm) is 100% representing Snatcher's appearance/put-on personality vs. his truer nature. Spooky outside with thorns, foreboding, unwelcoming. Then the more comfortable interior. VULnerable. Have I even mentioned that the tree is HOLLOW I mean COME ON. The sturdiness of that tree? Nonexistent. He's not a sturdy guy at all no matter how he fronts
- Intrusions are unwelcome: Snatcher does not like the fact that Hat Kid sticks around in his forest. His personal space. His mind. In fact he tries desperately to get rid of her after their fight, not wanting her presence in his forest at all. He has no problem providing more contracts later on with the Death Wish thing, and he finds great entertainment in messing around with Hat Kid, so it's not just a weird sudden hatred he has for her; it's the fact that. After she's finished being useful, he no longer wants her around, lest she find some things she shouldn't find. Now he's just uncomfortable with her in his personal boundaries. Could just be a denial that she's helped him heal (breaking ice, stealing from Vanessa, being something interesting for his kids to interact with) or just not really wanting a child to get wrapped up in. All that. Most likely the former. Considering the amount of joke-hints he drops regarding his background during his Death Wish dialogue. I see you funny man, making jokes out of your trauma as a coping mechanism. Punts him
Annnd I think that's all I got, for now! I'll make an update post if I get any more sporadic ideas. If you read this whole thing, thank you!! and also!! Wow that was a lot!! Hell world. Please feel free to elaborate on any of my points or debate with me on em!! I'm always open to other ideas, just be aware that if I disagree I am not shy when it comes to debate hehehe, tho I won't be aggressive to any extent I prommy!!
Alrighty. goes to sleep goodnight
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: When Fred finds out Y/n is planning on leaving the Wizarding World, he canalizes his feelings in the worst way possible, which leads to a terrible outcome that seems unfixable.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: angst
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: swearing
A/N: @meph1stophelian is here putting pressure on me to post this already so I'm apologizing for the poorly written ending lmaoo enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Fred, calm down." George begged me; he walked by my side, trying to talk some sense into me, but it was not the moment. "You gotta understand her— throwing a fit isn't going to help anyone—" I didn't even look in my twin's direction while he spoke. "Bloody hell, Fred—"
"Y/n!" I quickened my pace, leaving George behind after spotting her in one of the corridors, having a chat with a couple of Ravenclaws. "Can I have a word?"
"Sure— Oi!" I hadn't waited for her to reply before grabbing her hand and snatching her away to pull her into the nearest broom closet. "What was that about?"
"Tell me I heard Katie wrong and you're not actually leaving."
"I can't tell you that." She plainly responded, her voice steady.
A single, gobsmacked snide left my throat. "You're joking, right?" My heart ached as if it was being constricted when she shook her head no. "So you're fleeing?"
"Things are getting ugly so you're running away."
Her eyes dug into mines as she stayed in a very uncomfortable silence before replying with. "So what if I am?" When I averted my eyes from hers, she called my name. Her eyes were somewhat softer now, with a gleam of plea in them. "For the last two years we had nothing but tragedy. Diggory died, You-Know-Who is back and recruiting, the ministry is full on going against a teenager, this pink colored nasty toad is physically abusing us, and on top of that, I have to put up with my housemates' bullshit for having muggle blood— I'm tired!" Her voice had raised a bit, enough for me to know she was struggling to keep it at bay, but still managed to. "If I can have a life out of this then—"
"You're a coward."
"Fred." there was a warning on her tone, but I couldn't listen.
"You're leaving... people behind," she attempted to reason; I didn't let her. "Dunno why I'm surprised, really. At the end of the day you're a Slytherin for a reason."
Her eyes started to well up, and I couldn't tell if it was with anguish or fury. I knew I was getting under her skin, but that was exactly what I intended to do; if I was going to leave that room scarred, so would she.
"Self-preservation, you call it." I scoffed, feeling my own rage building up faster each passing second. "Pure cowardy."
"Is that what you think?" Her tone wasn't steady anymore; she was holding back the poison of her words, for my sake.
"Yeah." I wasn't capable of doing the same thing for hers. "And I don't want your cheap excuses and emotional manipulation to convince me otherwise." My face was probably red due to the anger, my jaw and fists hurt from clenching them; I was off the rails, and the person who would usually stop me was standing in front of me. "Better leave now so you don't have the chance to sell us out when shit goes down."
Silence fell upon us, our gazes locked, equally watery and with the same amount of fury and sadness within them.
And finally she snapped. "Maybe I'm a coward, but you're a self-absorbed prat who's not able to see beyond your own ego!" The way she said it hurt me more than the sentence itself. "This is not gonna be a DADA class, Fred! I don't want to fucking die because I was too slow casting Protego."
"Good luck, Y/l/n." I curtly wished her before stalking out of the broom closet I have initially dragged her into.
We avoided each other for a week. The following Monday, when I entered the Great Hall, I found George and Katie quite depressed.
"What's gotten into you?"
They shared a look before my brother turned to me, deciding to break the news himself.
"Y/n left last night." He gave me an apologetic look. "Thought she'd wait until the graduation—"
"But she's had enough." Katie finished, toying with her breakfast. "Honestly, I wish I had a life in the muggle world too."
My lungs were refusing to take the air inside; I felt as if I would choke if I stayed there, so I stormed out, jogging to reach the countryard.
I needed to breathe.
Even after the wind hit my face, that vital task felt like the most difficult thing in the world to accomplish.
I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her.
A sob escaped my chest, realising the harsh words I had spat at her were probably the last ones she would ever hear from me.
I love her.
A Year And A Half Later
I managed to apparate somewhere in the cornfield —the only place around the Burrow I remembered clearly.
I should have landed with a broom, but apparently, Mad-Eye didn't inform Lupin that I would serve as an extra escort for Harry if they were ambushed, so my broom was now smashed somewhere down the muggle road we had flown over.
Mentally cursing the damn moment in which I spoke to Shacklebolt in hopes of being useful in this war, I looked for the entrance of the Weasley home, which took me quite a while.
Funnily enough, it was Lupin who stepped out, wielding his wand and casting yet another hex at me that I somehow managed to block.
With a swift wave of my hand, he was propelled back into the house. "YOU!" A long-haired redhead I recognized as the eldest Weasley helped my old Professor up as I stalked to them with my wand up. "YOU HEXED MY BLOODY BROOM! I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!"
"Y/n, calm down—" Shacklebolt was now besides me with his hands up. "He didn't know you were coming— he was trying to protect George from further harm."
My brain was slow to process his words, but as soon as it did, I started to down my arm. "What happened?"
"Snape hit him with the sectumsempra." My eyes widened at Lupin's heavy words.
"Did everyone else make it?" The three of them remained silent, the ginger shaking his head no.
My breath caught up in my throat, but before I could ask if Fred was alright, another tall ginger flashed the corner of my eye, and my head snapped to the living room's door.
Everyone was scattered around the house. Ginny took Hermione and Fleur to her room; Ron and Harry made its way up too; Tonks went out —she needed a moment alone to mourn Mad-Eye—, and, while my parents and I stayed with George, Lupin, Shacklebolt and Bill went to guard the entrance.
I was still kneeling by George's side, holding his hand while our mother healed his wound the best she could, when we heard a yell followed by a strong blow in the kitchen.
I looked at my mum and dad, my eyes flickering to my twin while I reached for my wand.
As I got up, more yells were heard, this time clearer; the voice was familiar— I knew that voice all too well.
There she stood, at the entrance of my home.
Her eyes met mines as soon as she caught a glimpse of me, and my head started to spin. I knew I had no right to do what I was about to do, but after that night's events, in which the war became very much real, I couldn't help but rush to her and engulf her in a tight hug.
Surprisingly enough, I couldn't take more than two steps forward, since she did what I intended to do first.
"You're alright." She mumbled against my shoulder. My eyes shut, trying to block the tears that threatened to fall. "How's he?" She inquired whilst pulling away with a concerned frown.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded in the living room's direction. A quiet sough escaped my lips as she passed by, her hands lingering on my arms for a brief instant before she entered the room and took careful steps towards the settee.
I barely caught a couple of words from George and Y/n's exchange, my mind still buzzing due to the shock.
"What do you say, Freddie?" I frowned at my twin, regretting not listening to the conversation. "She can take my bed, right? I'm not gonna get far anyway."
"Right." I agreed, struggling for my voice to come out steady. It was Y/n we were talking about; I had known her since our fourth year, I had been friends and more with her, seeing her shouldn't be that nerve-wracking.
A couple of minutes later, we were all heading to our respective rooms, and as I closed my room's door behind me and Y/n, it dawned on me that I had underestimated the anxiety that could cause me being left alone with her.
Get it together, Fred.
"If you want, you can grab a shirt from the drawer." I finally managed to speak, motioning at the chest besides the window. She nodded and turned to it to look for one she could sleep in.
Now that I had the opportunity, I carefully observed her, and soon realized how much she had changed in the time we were apart. Not only when it came to her physical appearance; she stood a bit straighter, talked a little calmer; the joy with which she used to sparkle was dim now, eclipsed by a severe, worried attitude— a sign of us no longer being the kids who messed around at Hogwarts.
"I missed you" I knew right away that wasn't the best start for the conversation.
"It sure didn't seem like it." The bitterness in her tone stung my heart harsher than I expected.
"You're still mad?" The way I was conducting the conversation was making me want to bang my head against the wall.
She sighed, turning around now that she had the shirt on to meet my gaze. "A year and a half, Fred. You didn't contact me for a year and a half. I thought we were friends."
"You left me behind!" I talked back, partly because I panicked, but also because I, to my surprise, was still mad too. "What did you even expect?"
"A letter?" She questioned, throwing herself down on the bed. "I mean— I didn't really expect anything, but a letter would have been a good way to let me know you didn't fucking hate me." My eyes, now fixed on my lap, went wide when Y/n's voice broke at her last three words.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, quite ashamed of having to apologise while also being scared of saying anything that could harm her further. "I'm sorry about not writing and- uh... I'm sorry about what I said to you. I know it's not an excuse but I was really mad and..." I cleared my throat and felt the blush creeping up my neck even before I finished the sentence. "... and hurt 'cause you- I thought that maybe I wasn't important enough to you and- yeah, I'm sorry about what I said." I tried meeting her eyes but they were fixed on the wall before her.
"It's fine." She shrugged, "I guess you were right anyway."
"I wasn't right-"
"You were." She hugged her knees to her chest and hid her face there. "Wanna know why I'm back?" She didn't need my response. "They're hunting down my family." My heart stopped beating for a second due to the shockingly deadpanning tone. "A friend gave me a tip-off— they were tracking them down. I got to them just in time." I refrained myself from asking about them —the less I knew, the better. "So yeah, you're right, I was a coward and left people behind."
My body shot up and my legs carried me to George's bed; without me being fully aware of what I was doing or which consequences it could have, I sat down and pulled Y/n into my arms.
Though she was shocked at first, her body soon relaxed into the familiarity of my arms, and she let out a relieved sigh. "You're not alone on this." I whispered, pecking her crown. "I'm here, okay?"
"So you don't hate me?" She murmured against my chest.
Maybe it was the fragility of her voice, or the warmth of her embrace I missed so much; maybe it was this past year and a half of regret, or the night's events, but I couldn't hold back my words.
"I love you."
And even though she went stiff, even if I had just blurted them out almost in accident, I didn't regret saying them, because I, in fact, loved her.
She pulled away to look into my eyes. "You mean it?"
"Yeah." I replied, calmer than I had been in a while. "And I'm really sorry about everything, if I could turn back time—" words and air were cut off by her lips crashing against mines.
We had kissed before, but it was on a bet's behalf or to prank someone; this was different, this was her pouring her 'I love you' into actions, and I embrace it gladly.
"No more running away." I commanded when she pulled back. "From now on, we stick together." She nodded, her forehead resting against mine and her palms on my chest.
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kpop-rambles · 4 years
Goodbye 2019. Hello 2020.
To celebrate the new year - which a lot of people are celebrating right now, I’m sure, unfortunately not me yet - I decided to create this post. I don’t know how to explain it but if you like kpop, keep reading!
My Top 3 Songs of 2019
1. SKZ - Miroh
This song got me into my now ult group, Stray Kids. Those 9 boys have honestly made this year 10x better for me. Chan’s VLives definitely helped me when I was upset, and the members made me feel emotions by their side. I’m so glad that add of Miroh appeared and I chose to watch it because I may have not gotten into Stray Kids without it. 
2. ATEEZ - Wave
Again, another song that got me into the group. I heard the song in a video where they played huge jenga at Kcon... I think? Anyways, this song is another banger and you completely fall in love with it first listen. You won’t regret listening to this.
3. TWICE - Fancy
I got into TWICE when they released YES OR YES, but FANCY is the song that you can’t not fall in love with. I did on my 2nd listen and man, if you’re saying you didn’t learn the dance and bopped to this song, you are LYING because- let’s be honest - everyone said FANCY SOTY. 
Groups I began stanning in 2019 its felt like forever tho
Stray Kids - March 26th. You think I would forget? 
ATEEZ - August 18th. Another date I remember, because I spent a good 2 hours getting to memorize the members name and faces. Was so happy when I finally did it. 
iKON - Honestly, I was more of a Double B stan since January until Hanbin left. I loved their songs but I never got to know the rest of the members, except for Jinhwan. 
ChungHa - Snapping dragged me in. That’s all I gotta say. Although, ngl, Gotta Go was something I always tried to dance to. 
KARD - Again, Bomb Bomb just pulled me into the fandom. The rest of their discography made me stay. I sang along to Bomb Bomb everyday for a good 3 months. It was honestly EVERYTHING to me and then Dumb Litty came and stole my heart and KARD did it AGAIN.
Mamamoo - gogobebe. Do I really need to say anything else?
GOT7 - I’m pretty sure I got into them because, well everyone knows GOT7. They’re a name everyone knows if you like kpop, so I just wanted to get into them. Eclipse and You Calling My Name are songs I’ll dance and singalong to in the right mood and right part of the song. But their personalities dragged me in. I’m pretty sure BamBam also attracted me when he was on Stray Kids reality show. 
Day6 - Time Of Our Life. I decided to listen to it because Seungmin of Stray Kids was a big fan of them and I was like, it shouldn’t hurt to try. Seungmin made me want to watch and Day6 made me want to stay. They don’t make ANY bad songs. 
Everglow - March 18. Listened to Bon Bon Chocolat when it came out, and I was honestly scared ppl were gonna sleep on them cause ITZY debuted a month before. Fortunately, everyone noticed their talent. 
BigBang - I dunno just listened to one of their songs. And, of course, I fell in love. Too late to stan them while they were active, but I’m expecting something in 2020... just saaying.
NCT - All of the subunits. Honestly there were so many of them, I spent time taking tests to tell them apart. The struggle to stan these boys. Instantly fell in with the Dreamies. And then I found out they weren’t a fixed unit... My heart shattered. It’s still breaking because 4 OF THEM ARE LEAVING. or left. I dunno. 
Tomorrow by Together - They were probably the most anticipated group of this year. I remember ppl hyping them up in October of 2018! Predebut stan right here. (I just remembered that I thought the preview of each member was coming out in age order and thinking that Beomgyu was the youngest. And I was just like WHERE IS HEUNINGKAI FROM?!?!)
ITZY - remember when everyone thought that itzy’s debut was rushed because info about them was leaked. yeah, i forgot too. anyways, again I was a predebut stan. 
(G)- idle - i always listened to their title tracks and I began stanning them during Queendom after their Fire cover im listening to 2ne1 2015 mama fire performance rn lol.... omg bom’s han cover just started playing. spotify is watching me guys.
Somi - Birthday was a bop. fight me. outfits sucked, gotta agree with that opinion I didn’t rlly know much about IOI but I started stanning because Jenchu were fangirling to it i mean jennie twerked for it!
Jimin Park - I’m out here still streaming STAY BEAUTIFUL. honestly she’s so loveable. her personality and her voice are everything. how can you not like her
My Top 5 Groups of the Year
1. STRAY KIDS - A lot of the reasons I luv them are the same as ATEEZ. That’s why ateez are close to being my number one, but honestly these 9 boys are everything to me. 9 or NONE FOREVER. They have been through so much this year and I hope they STAY strong for 2020. In their 2020 seasons greeting they announced a full album next year, so I’m ready to follow these boys on their journey no matter how many stay or leave. I’m a STAY for a reason. 
2. ATEEZ - PERSONALITY. I’m also a sucker for groups that shove their love for each other in your face. 8 makes 1 team, y’know? Hongjoong and Mingi are amazing rappers, Jongho, Wooyoung and San’s vocals tho, Yunho and Seonghwa’s deep voices are the death of me, and Yeosang dancing. They’re talented and luvable and that’s all I need for an ult group. also all their songs are bops
3. Mamamoo - Honestly would’ve tied with Twice but these I’m a sucker for them as ppl as well, and I need that to luv a group. they ain’t fake, they slap information in your face and they are POWERFUL WOMAN. (Not saying twice aren’t ofcourse) And these girls vocals are on POINT. Moonbyul is rapper material, but have you heard the girl song? What an angel. Their songs are all slaps, especially the most recent ones. 
4. TWICE - This was their year? yes or yes. Fancy soty. Feel Special was a great title track, don’t get me wrong, bUT HAVE YOU HEARD THE FULL ALBUM. Every song is my AMAZING. omg rainbow is playing
5. NCT DREAM - These boys stole my heart, I only stanned nct because of them. Honestly seeing the 00 line leave breaks my heart.
My Top 5 girl group and boy group songs
gg songs were honestly so hard to pick, they thrived and SO many good songs were made in 2019. But here is my list. 
1. Fancy - soty
2. Hip - this song was everything from the choreo to the song itself to the girls energy performing it
3. Psycho - came out like last week but it’s in everyone's top 10 of this year. Beautiful song that won’t get outta my head. getwellsoonwendy.
4.Violeta - this is another song that won’t get out of my head. honestly none of these songs will. ok so the final dance part after the drop of violeta pisses me off because the dance could is so powerful and that part comes and it’s such a disappointment but it’s the only part I can do so i shouldn't complain  but the song itself is very catchy. I don’t want these girls to disband even if the votes were rigged because they make a good group and sing bangers. i don't want them to leeeave.
5.Lion - the song is just so powerful. other songs they’ve made are good, but the chorus is usually a disappointment because the pre chorus is so good but EVERYTHING is great about Lion. Didn’t like it at first for some reason, i dunno why, but once you give it a few more listens you’ll fall in love. 
Now onto the boy groups. They made quite a few bangers this year as well.
1. Miroh - It’s my no.1 of the year. watchu expect?
2. Wave - and this is my no.2. Again, what else would I put here?
3. Run Away - what. a. bop. still can’t get out of my head. Crown was a disappointment to me after 1000 listens but not Run Away. A bonus is the Harry Potter references. With that I just was head over heels in love. Txt didn’t fail to disappoint with their comeback even if it was pushed back. 
4. Boom - This song made me fall in love with the talent that NCT DREAM holds despite being so young. Sang along for a few months. Actually, it’s still in my head. 
5. Make It Right - I was doing title tracks for all these but then I realised there has to be an exception because I just really like this song, especially the one featuring Lauv. Boy with luv wasn’t it for me but every other song on Persona is a straight up masterpiece (ok an exaggeration but u get what i mean)
Now onto the soloists (they’re all female, sry not sry)
1. Chica - I was debating whether to put Snapping or this but decided with Chica. Honestly the vocals, the song, the dance, the MESSAGE, is everything. I love it, it empowers woman, it makes ME feel good, and it’s what some people really need sometimes. So, thank you ChungHa. 
2. Gotta Go - another bop by our queen ChungHa, she really ruled this year. I didn’t stan her when it came out but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do the ‘deulshi’ part whenever I heard it. iconic.
3. Twit - Again another iconic bop from this year. (i thought this masterpiece came out last year, i dunno why but it just is so 2018 for some reason? I dunno) Hwasa’s solo debut really was everything. So was Moonbyul’s which unfortunately didn't make it on the list but I would say it’s in between 5th to 7th for me. 
4. Stay Beautiful - Such a beautiful song, it was a shame Jamie had to leave but she left JYP saying that they lost smth PRECIOUS and they would regret it and she conveyed all that in one song without hinting at it. So many quote worthy lyrics were in the song and it just bring up my mood and my standard for vocals. Don’t sleep on this girl, y’all. 
5. Birthday - the song brought out mixed reactions from everyone but i LOVED IT. It did get a bit old but it’s still something you’ll find me singing along to every now and then. 
1. Bang Chan of Stray Kids. I love him. He’s such a great leader, he’s a loveable person, he’s all rounded and he fucks up sometimes but he acknowledges it and fixes it. He went through so much shit this year and he deserves so much more. I, along with many other STAYs are gonna make 2020 a better year for him and all of his group. Stay strong Chan! But besides his personality his stage presence, his rapping, his singing, his producing, his energy, his personality, it all made him someone who was always on my mind. 
2. Yeonjun of Tomorrow x Together. He’s also very well rounded and he really stands out to me from all the other 4th gens. Whenever I see a performance by TXT he always grabs my attention even when he’s not the main focus. I love his dancing, it’s very eye catching to me, along with his stage presence. He never loses his energy on stage and I expect a lot from him in 2020! His rapping and singing are amazing as well, especially for a rookie. Also when they first debuted he cried a lot, which was very heartwarming to me because idols showing emotion other than happy is something I appreciate, because it lets me remember they’re human too.
3. Seulgi of Red Velvet. She’s, again, very well rounded. I’m not really a Reveluv, but Wendy and Seulgi are vocalists who really stand out to me so those to kind of make me want to listen to Red Velvet’s songs. She’s an amazing vocalist, like words can’t express how much a love this woman's voice. Her stage presence is amazing as well, she’s just a really good performer imo.
4. Jihyo and Nayeon of TWICE. First of all I really like their personality and how powerful they are. Honestly a wink from them and I’m falling of my chair. Secondly, I don’t know if anyone's noticed but I really like powerful female vocals, and these two have extremely POWERFUL vocals. Have you heard them sing? Just... POWERFUL, that’s all I can really say to describe their voices. 
5. Mingi and Hongjoong of ATEEZ. They are rapper that are gonna blow away the whole industry with 3racha, I mean they already have. Did y’all see their performance in MAMA. The RAWEST vocals I heard that whole show. They were obviously not lip syncing, you could hear Mingi panting and he didn’t rap a whole line, and I LOVE that because it is RAW and we need more raw vocals or atleast breaths heard when the artists are dancing because it makes the performance more REAL. also stage presence is amazing from these two, they really know how to hype up a crowd. 
sorry my expectations are high for them, but they have stood out tome so much and i couldn’t stand to see them flop. 
1. TOMORROW X TOGETHER - they’ve been on this list quite a lot, and I really appreciate their individual talents along with them as a group. I REALLY want to see them improve and grow more next year because they were really pushed this year, being BTS’s juniors. I’m sure they were really stressed but I want them to become TOMORROW BY TOGETHER not BTS’s juniors. Probably won’t happen in a year but hopefully in the next decade.
2. ITZY - another group really known for theing the juniors of TWICE this time. The title tracks they released so far have all been listen to it the first time, you don;t like it, but listen to it the 2nd time and it’s stuck in your head for the next 7 months. Honestly if they keep going like this, it would be like a ITZY thing, and I honestly wouldn’t mind. 
3. EVERGLOW - i think everyone just saw bon bon chocolat, gave it a listen, and loved it. but i also heard it was produced by someone who helped produce Crown by TXT and Spring Day by BTS, so there’s another reason ppl may have liked it so much. Adios wasn’t a disappointment at all.  Of course, I would also love it if Everglow kept up the “nanana” thing in each of their title tracks.
4. ATEEZ - I don’t think they’ll flop at all next year. I know they just had their 1st year anniversary, but I wouldn’t mind a full album... either way, Imma stick with them because they’ve only released that good shit so far and I’m honestly expecting a somewhat mediocre song at least once in their career next year. Not expecting it though. 
5. ONEUS - I haven’t’t talked about them yet but all of oneus’s title tracks are absolute gold. I am a mess for Valkyrie, Twilight AND Lit. They’re all just AMAZING songs. I mean, what did we expect from Mamamoo’s juniors but. They are REALLY good. Just go listen to all their title tracks rn. 
And finally, wishes for 2020
- Of course, Wendy to recover after her tragic incident at SBS. Again, I hope she recovers well
- Mina to come back from her hiatus, only if she’s ready to, of course
- Of course, 4th gen to thrive along with 3rd gen and 2nd gen groups
- A full album from stray kids (which was confirmed) and again, maybe for ATEEZ? just maybe? 
- More attention for Mamamoo. They are underrated queens. 
- Less hate for Tomorrow By Together. People bash them just because they’re BTS’s juniors. they would be praised a less but definitely not doubted way more if they weren’t under Bighit. Yeah, they get luxuries other groups won’t but that doesn’t mean people should degrade them for it. 
And with that
I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May your next decade be filled with happiness and joy! omg fancy started playing
also i didn’t have time to properly edit this. then again i am a rambling blog, so what are you expecting?
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orangeccreamsicles · 5 years
Dirk: ==> update your BBF(best bro friend)
TT: It's so incredibly inconvenient that you're deleting. How am I supposed to tag you in horrible fashion choices and pro-arson-anti-establishment moodboards slash aesthetics? Actually send them to you, like some sort of mad man? How am I supposed to send you horrible anonymous messages meant to do nothing but make you question who the fuck has enough time on their hands to think of that shit? TT: And this? Body horror cw, but how can I possibly be sure you'll see this and understand it's for you? There's literally no possible way to be sure it'll reach you in any other form, even though I'm sending it to you directly right now. [TT] is sending the image(s) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/526894347430527000/575448556949995543/SPOILER_tumblr_p4nd82yl6e1t5zyeuo1_1280.png ! TT: Actually, it's mostly just poor fashion choices and cat gifs that end up in your tag, but there's a good few aesthetic pieces sprinkled in for flavour. There's a neon "Cherry Bomb" sign in this funky ass font that's recent, if nothing else. An elaborate :ok_hand: prank, too.
CA: Sorry, bud. You knowv howv it is. CA:Actually, you don’t, because you’re still there. Tumblr sucks so much chute. Can’t stand it anymore. Plus, I’vwe been so busy vwith my actual life. CA: But you can alvways just spam random shit at me on here. Just like that! CA: That’s perfect. TT: Yeah, well, you know me. No life, and loving to suffer. That's the Strider aesthetic and brand. We're all about putting up with things for the sheer sake of it(slash spite) and literally nothing else. Surely you must have picked up on that just a little. CA: Hmm, maybe a little. CA: Howv you been? Sorry I havwen’t been around. [TT] is sending the link(s) https://orangeccreamsicles.tumblr.com/post/182819433708 https://orangeccreamsicles.tumblr.com/post/183585507085/daggers-drawn-audacityinblack ! TT: These two are also very important. What's your Tshirt size? TT: Not super fantastic, but you know. The world keeps turning, nobody's died yet. It's cool man, you've got irons in the fire, balls in the air, etc etc etc. CA: Uh, small. CA: Not super fantastic? You vwannaaaaaa. CA: Talk about that? TT: Hahah, twink. CA: Shut up. TT: Ehhhhhhhh. It's all boring interpersonal shit that I'm not sure is even resolved yet or not. I got magicked into a mermaid for a couple days a while ago, so that's something. TT: I'm not really. On speaking terms with Bo anymore, that's another one. CA: Oh. CA: Damn. I’m sorry, man. CA: VWhat happened?? TT: Did I ever mention that he and Sock are rails now? CA: VWhaaaaat. CA: You mentioned Sock has a moirail but I didn’t think it vwas him. CA: That’s. CA: VWeird. CA: I don’t see it. TT: I didn't either, LMAO! TT: But it happened, guess I wasn't really paying attention. Seemed like Bo'd been more distant for a bit but I thought that was my fault for not asking how he was doing or initiating shit more often. TT: Anyway. Turns out I'm a jealous piece of shit. I lashed out at Sock, said a lot of shit I very much regret, and now. TT: I'm pretty much positive Bo wants me dead. As in like, he's mentioned killing me. Which is a cool thing. Sock says he doesn't hate me flat out but the trust is gone. I have done an absolutely piss poor job of rekindling any kind of friendship there. CA: Tch. That guy. CA: Not gonna get into it. CA: I’m not gonna talk shit. Gonna be mature about this. TT: Hah. CA: I’m just really sorry. I knowv you liked him a lot. CA: Howv you liked him, I don’t knowv. But. TT: I liked him so much. TT: He was so straight up about shit. That's a problem I have for sure, everything's gotta be behind seventeen layers of irony, but he just said whatever without thinking. It got him in trouble a fair amount, maybe he tripped over his words, but he said it. And he was trying so hard to be good; to help his kids and his crew and himself, to recover from [redacted]. And he was nice. Not to everyone, I know, but TT: Hm. We are now over the line of things I can just let air out on their own. That particular train of thought is being halted at the station, please reschedule all flights. TT: It's cancellations and delays all across the board. CA: Mmhm. CA: No going back on it, huh. CA: Yeahh. It happens. CA: I knowv. It really sucks. CA: It sucks.. losing someone you really cared about. Like fucking up so bad you can nevwer evwer recovwer vwhat you had. CA: You knowv I knowv vwhat that’s like. TT: Ughhhhhhh. CA: I’m not good at making people feel better. CA: I’m a realist and I’m telling you like it is. TT: That's probably for the best. At least in this case. TT: He knows so much shit about me. I know a whole load about him. What do I do with it now? I can't just toss all that information aside. Does it mean anything? TT: I don't know how to word what I'm feeling. TT: I willingly gave him information about myself, which is something very few people including yourself get access to, and now that we're nothing, what is he going to do with it? I hate it when people know things about me but I let him and the reasoning is gone but he still knows. It's like he's got this chunk of me with him and vise versa that we can't give back and I don't know what the fuck to do with it now! Especially because I still like him, and I can see when he gets bad, but I can't do shit about it, even if he wanted me to. TT: And he sure as fuck doesn't want me to, because he wants me dead! TT: God, this is fucking gay. CA: I dunno vwhat to tell you. I really don’t. CA: The best you can hope for is. Uh.. CA: Somethingbadhappenstohimcausinghimtoforget. TT: Har har. CA: I vwish I vwas kidding. TT: I don't want anything bad to happen to him. TT: I want only good things to go his way and for him to be unbelievably, unabashedly happy because I'm fucking stupid and gay. TT: (Imagine me hitting my head on a desk and doing the verbal equivalent of a keysmash here.) CA: I’m imagining it. CA: I’m sorry, man.
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