#By the end of rebels he's 40-ish
mayawakening · 5 months
Shout out to Kallus' knees, probably sounds like someone opening a bag of chips when he stands up.
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
The Jedi got their own Doctor as well.
I haven't written fanfic in years but I might actually write this.
The unhinged, slightly incoherent Doctor Who/Star Wars crossover meta-ish long post no one asked for
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Ahsoka season 2 needs to give me the backstory between Ahsoka and Huyang. How did they find each other? Was it after Ezra rescued her on Malachor? Was it before that? We have no idea what she was doing leading up to those events because she only showed up on Rebels for a handful of episodes.
And the last time we saw Huyang, he and Ahsoka and the younglings were having to deal with space pirates (HONDOOOOOO) and then General Grievous. Ahsoka was much younger in that time and we never saw Huyang again after that.
At what point in canon did they run into each other again? I think he's the only one who knows that Anakin = Vader based on a cryptic reply he gave to Hera when she asked him what Ahsoka's master was like. All he said was intense.
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He's so used to Ahsoka's chaotic nature that every time she's like "I'm gonna do the thing" he's just like yeah okay because he's been dealing with the Jedi for 25,000 years and they are going to yeet themselves into the unknown whether he thinks it's a good idea or not. He remembers what Anakin Skywalker was like, after all.
This is one of my favorite things about Huyang's "history" though.
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The idea that even the Jedi have their own version of the 10th Doctor is hilarious to me, and that rumor started somewhere.
But I also love what another droid says about Huyang in this passage.
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Huyang is 25,000 years old so he's had plenty of time to become the one the Jedi go to when it comes to lightsaber construction. He helps the Jedi build weapons that are meant to be used as tools of self-defense because lightsabers are, in fact, extremely dangerous. This sounds like something the Doctor would do because the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, and it makes you sad when you realize that Huyang had to watch as the order he had devoted himself to for 25,000 years to were killed in a genocide that turned the Jedi's closest allies against them by removing their free will and forcing them to kill their Jedi generals, and it was all planned over centuries by the Sith who intentionally kept their numbers small.
When he ran into Ahsoka again, what was it like for him? She was one of the few survivors of the Jedi Purge. He remembers her as a child and now she's in her 40s. She was one of the few who was able to grow up because she survived.
What was going on in his head when he handed Ezra the emitter he was looking for because he somehow knew Ezra was looking for one like Kanan's? Huyang somehow knew it would be important to keep a second identical part around when he watched Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus) construct his very first lightsaber.
How much does Kanan's death weigh on him? Kanan was another child who survived the Purge. He met Kanan as Caleb not many years before the war ended and the Jedi were wiped out. Caleb had to change his name because he watched the clones gun down his master and he ran away exactly like she told him to before she died. Running away is what lead him to sacrificing his life so the rebellion would survive. Kanan fell in love with Hera, fathered a child he never got to meet, and now Huyang is getting to know Kanan's son (and will absolutely not be teaching Jacen how to construct a lightsaber "thank you very much your mom already said no" and the Tenth Doctor is used to angry moms slapping him in the face.)
Huyang spent 25,000 years living in one galaxy and teaching generation after generation of Jedi how to construct lightsabers. He was given the title of Professor because of the wealth of knowledge he carries around inside of him, and he only uses it for good, and he shares insightful wisdom and knowledge with the Jedi Order century after century after century.
And because he followed Ahsoka into the mouth of a space whale so they could travel to a completely different galaxy altogether, he is now stuck in another galaxy far, far away with Ahsoka (present), Sabine (future), Baylon Skoll (past), Shin Hati (new), a bunch of pacifist turtles, the force ghost of Anakin Skywalker, and the images of the Father, Daughter and Son that are carved into the mountains somewhere (and for some reason the Daughter's head is missing).
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Now he can pass the tale of the Jedi across the universe. On the same planet where the Mortis gods are worshipped. It's going to link directly to the fact that Ahsoka is connected to the Daughter, both of whom were killed by the Son on Mortis, but Daughter allowed Anakin to use her remaining life force to bring Ahsoka back to life.
Is this going to turn into the story of how Huyang has to say goodbye to Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi and survivor who became a dear friend and travel buddy?
Is Seatos calling her back home? She possesses a gift that comes from an actual god. It's the only reason she's alive. And why Ezra had to reach into the past and save her from dying on Malachor at the hands of Vader. It would have tied the light side of the Force to a Sith temple.
There is only one other person Ahsoka shares such a strong bond with, and that's Captain Rex (is he alive, is he dead, if he died offscreen I am going to fucking sue Disney). Yeah I know he's old now, but he deserves a proper send-off. The Clone Wars was, as Dave Filoni has said, a story about Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. Captain Rex is her best friend and the one who was standing by her side when the Clone Wars ended. Neither of them would have survived without the other.
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Ahsoka knew there was no way she would be able to save the other clones, but she refused to be the one who killed them. She couldn't do it. They might have all shared a face but all of them were unique and important to her, and she could never ask Rex to save her life by killing them. It made getting out a lot more difficult because the clones were able to just get back up again and start fighting a few minutes later since Rex was only stunning them. (Interesting how that happened on Seatos too but this time because the troopers were zombies.)
Ezra was able to escape Seatos in Thrawn's ship but Ahsoka, Sabine and Huyang got left behind.
Did Rex even find out Ahsoka was alive after she came back from Malachor? If so, this means he's losing her yet again. For the fourth time in their lives. If not, then he's still on his third time (which was Malachor).
Also interesting how he was found on a planet in the Seelos system, and it was just a barren wasteland like Tatooine. Seatos and Seelos sound alike. Satine and Sabine sound alike and were both Mandalorian. How Sabine built a deadly weapon called The Duchess when she was being trained by the Empire that was able to disintegrate soldiers wearing Mandalorian armor, and it was named after Satine, the pacifist who turned Mandalore into a peaceful planet. And ironically now it's at peace because the Mandalorians were wiped out after the fall of the Empire. And think about how the clones all came from the DNA of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter with blue and silver armor (and described as genetically perfect specimen by the Kaminoans).
Huyang is watching all of this unfold, but he's so old that it's just one of countless adventures he's been on, only this time he bonded with a former Jedi after a war that devastated their order completely. He might be a droid, but he's also more than that. He's ancient and wise and found a friend in Ahsoka Tano, the one who is imbued with the life force of a god and comes from a lineage that stands out above the others because it's the lineage of the Sith as well.
And as Huyang has now famously said...
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How is it all going to end? If he is the Doctor, how did he become a droid too?
One day I might write a long ass fic about this if I ever have the energy to do so.
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milolov3nutella · 2 years
My Ocs info
ok I make info here so I can pin this. You can ignore this if its in your recommendations.
Cod zombies ocs
Wei Fu Xiu (main) Primis: (20's) Chaotic good /Ultimis: (40's) Lawful good (November 2nd)
• likes spending time with Tak and Tae, has a family of 4.
• Primis: energetic, loyal, always see thing as fun. Kinda immature, loves his family.
• Ultimis: loyal, trustworthy, kinda depressed from his daughter unexpected disappearance. Helped Taeko with the rebellion.
• born into a upper-middle class family. Has a family fan that have spikes. 5'9
• taught to fight by Tak's father.
• the fight-breaker
Taeko Masaki (Takeo's sister) (40's) True Neutral (April 15 / 10 minutes older than Tak)
• Takeo's twin sister. Downright taller than him like 5'11, no one knows why
• loves her brother but still bicker alot with him
• a rebel, while Tak's a patriot.
• has a husband and 2 kids
• looks alot like Tak but female (I cannot imagine)
• loyal, bad temper, loves foods, energetic
Mei Yu Lan (main) Primis: 20's Lawful Good/ Ultimis: 40's Neutral good (9 January)
•They both are loyal, trustworthy and caring. Primis is less merciful and serious while Ultimis is tired but calm.
•work in France to pay for hospital bills
•friends with Kora (my friend's oc) since childhood
•became Xiu's enemy to his spouse
•she like spears, I mean alot
•Ultimis, she is calm, but if she is traumatized by something she won't let it go.
Cod black ops cold war ocs
Andros "Bell" Lenkov (supposedly main, cuz the game let us make him as anyone. But I don't own him.) (40's) Chaotic Neutral (wip)
• loyal, loves cats, trusting (depends),
Height: 5'8
• like the storyline, he is brainwashed by the cia
• (good ending) former kgb, hates the group for lying to him, but forgives them later. Takes a little liking to Adler but still hating him at the same time. Good friends with Sim and Park. Best friends with Hui cause she save him many times and he does the same. Neutral with Woods, Mason and Miles.
• (bad ending) now with Perseus, he is the most loyal agent in the field. Perseus's right hand man. He does miss some of the crew but always returns to the fact that they betrayed him.
Wei Hui Shan (Xiu's granddaughter) (25) Chaotic good (wip 1956)
• Always wants to find her family's friends. Kind of a stalker. 5'6
• loves surprises, join the cia because she believes she can protect her home country, China or Taiwan, depends on the timeline.
• kind, loving, cares alot about her friends, social, airhead. Looks up to Adler, Bell's best friend
Cod modern warfare 2
None yet.
For people that likes history, join countryballs or u just need to draw hands and legs, then join countryhumans (please don't see the cringe side of the fandom)
Countryhumans (past)
None (cuz I threw them away ;-;)
(Overwatch) 2070 (ish)
Giotto "Ombrello" Ranallo (male) (made on 2030s)
•Advanced omnic, former Italian mafia, calm, loves wine (even tho he cant drink it), classy, 5'8, Damage, Sicily Italy, was fixed and hid by Alina.
•Joined Blackwatch before Overwatch
•weapon: a fedora with spikes, gunbrella (sniper).
•wears an armored suit, he disguised himself to hide from getting killed during the omnic war.
Alina "Soceress" Markovich (female) (29)
•Afro-Ukrainian, 5'10, Support, energetic, caring, 5 May 2051, Kyiv Ukraine
• Ukraine's top medic, a patriot, daughter of a deceased surgeon, in love with sorcery, best friend of Giotto.
• weapon: sorcerer's star (a necklace that grants her the healing power), a random pistol for defense, can transform into air and reappear in a few seconds.
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notsomeloncholy · 2 years
How old are your OC’s? Do you have any specific ages in mind?
OKAY SO you're opening a can of worms my friend my ocs have a lot (a lot lol) of background info that i hope to go into more detail at some point in the future but for now:
Assume this is all very close to/right after the empire falls :>
Cucu and Tefir are about 26 and 27 when they meet (they aren't an official Couple for another 2 ish yrs tho)
Albara and Orull are in their early early 30's, they're like mentor/sibling figures to Tefir
Nerida is around 29 when the republic falls, how I usually draw her, but most of her story takes place in her 40's-50's
Wörm is about 4 when he's found mucking about in the temple, and 7 when the clone wars start; his story has a few time skips but ultimately he ends up a rebel in his early 20's thru early 30's
Andddd Winter is baby baby, barely a year old when the empire falls, toddler when i usually draw him
Soo yes, pretty specific ideas!
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gggoldfinch · 9 months
actual footage of me reading your response:
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goldfinch rant supremacy🫡
hi yes ma'am now that I'm more well educated, I'd like to order the "ultimate blorbo Darth Maul's backstory" with extra hot sauce (details) and a side of "what makes you love Rogue One above all the other movies?" please and thank you 😁
also will b sure to binge all the movies and then read your fanfic after, I really love your character art for your OC btw! she's so so pretty, and that backstory you gave on her in the post makes me want to read more about her story! ily 🩷
Okay here’s the Ultimate Blorbo Darth Maul Backstory Speedrun: basically he was born to a powerful witch on the planet Dathomir where there’s a lot of segregation (yikes) and interesting tribal dynamics; he gets stolen by Darth Sidious aka Palpatine (because Palpatine is weird rivals with Maul’s mom), and is raised/groomed/ abused to be the perfect assassin & Sith Lord apprentice. Then at 22 years old (tragic, should’ve been at the club), during a battle with Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn (who he kills) and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is cut in half at the waist by Kenobi and thrown down a garbage chute. He SURVIVES THIS on sheer willpower and Sith rage alone, and spends the next 12-ish years descending into complete madness and Kenobi-fueled desire for revenge on a far-removed landfill planet. It’s here he builds himself spider legs out of literal trash and scrap and terrorizes the local fauna. A regular old Shelob (LOTR reference ba um tss). Then he’s rescued by his biological brother, Savage Opress (who’d been tasked with this by their manipulative mom), who brings him back to Dathomir to be “healed” by their witch mother. He’s now got a swanky new pair of robo legs, his insanity is “cured”, and he runs around shirtless for the foreseeable future. This takes place during the Clone Wars so lots of Clone Wars stuff goes on in the meanwhile. Eventually Maul and Savage overtake the planet of Mandalore (where the Mandalorians are from) and Maul becomes the Mand’alore (the king basically. Oh and he’s wearing clothes now womp womp). During this time a lot of stuff happens: they create a crime syndicate, Palpatine tries to cast aside and kill Maul (seeing as he’d replaced him twice by this point), Savage is murdered, and eventually after plot conflicts Maul is chased off Mandalore. Then Order 66 happens and the rise of the Empire and, with the rest of the surviving Force-users, he fades away to avoid detection. Here’s where my knowledge gets slightly hazy because the tail end of his story makes me sad and I Don’t Perceive It + I haven’t watched Rebels in its entirety: Maul joins up with the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn and ends up ruling it from the shadows, does this for another decade-ish, then fades into obscurity some time in his late 40s/ early 50s to dodge the still-rampant anti-Force sentiments in the Empire. He resurfaces again to pester this “post-Jedi Order” Force-sensitive kid, Ezra, and seems to have mellowed out greatly since his time as a ruthless Sith Lord (probably due to LITERALLY NEVER CATCHING A BREAK EVER). He confronts his long-time rival and the man who he sees as having ruined his life, Kenobi (he screams and rants and raves about him a lot, it’s pretty entertaining, if sad) one last time on Tatooine, is bested in battle, and kinda gives up and dies. Which is a mood, but yeah. Kenobi, who has been tolerating this guy’s feral insanity and hatred for him for decades, gives him an honorable Jedi funeral and burns his body, and I cry if I think too much about that! 😁 His story is rife with tragedy and violence and I doubt he’s ever happy except in the company of his brother who he fails to save, and he’s never loved or been shown love in canon and it’s heartbreaking because his entire life is a hurricane of abuse and misery and never getting his way and never being loved except by the one person he cares about but can’t save AGHHHHHHJJH
On to why I love Rogue One before I spontaneously combust: visually, it is PHENOMENAL! The characters (though I can’t name a majority of them) are easy to love and root for, and at its core it’s a story about the everyday little people who make big sacrifices along the way. It follows several people on their mission to retrieve the information that holds the plans to destroy the Death Star, to be delivered to the Rebellion, and each and every one of them dies in the process— yes even the main characters. It is a modern tragedy and you know when you start it there’s only one way it can end, and I hate to admit it makes me cry before the opening scene even begins to play. Not even joking, last time i watched I was sobbing at a black screen. Plus Mads Mikkelsen is in it 🫣 It isn’t necessarily my favorite, but that spot is taken by The Phantom Menace, but I def think it’s the most well-done Star Wars movie
And thank you for the lovely compliments, it means so much that you’d be interested in getting into the fandom for my silly fic. That’s genuinely so special to me 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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lexa-ocean · 1 year
i would like to hear about this animatronic fan band if you're comfortable sharing 👀👀
I haven't shared abt my ocs in so long, i'll be honored!!
(Even tho i don't really have any art on these guys and i haven't given them much thought in a long ass time... meh)
So!! My idea for these guys came by thinking "man... it'd be really cool to have an animatronic band in my country (Argentina)" bc we don't have any of that here. So all these guys are pretty much argentine, and would sing mostly songs for here (and generally songs from latinamerican artists), with most being animal species commonly found here too!! (Most, not all)
There were 5 of them:
First off, Silvia, the pianist!! She would be a dog (poodle, to be specific) in her 40s. She'll be a complete old diva, dressing with very expensive and elegant ballroom-like clothing, which was meant to fit with her playing a grand piano. The idea for how she'll look like on-stage would be her being in a bit of a 3/4ths angle to the audience, so the piano was more visible. I was kind of inspired by actual argentine actress Mirta Legrand and Susana Gimenez while thinking of her!!
Then there was Tamara, the lead guitarrist!! She was a black cat and more of a rebel type, fitting her instrument, and in her mid 30s. She would dress in a bit of grunge fashion, with an old flannel over an old band shirt, ripped jeans, boots etc. She was meant to be a foil to Silvia, with her being very proper and elegant while Tamara was messy and casual about everything. On stage, she would even be sitting on Sil's piano, facing the audience more directly. Her guitar would be all black and red with a few stickers on it even.
Then there was the Actual Old Guy of the team, Don Sergio (Note: Don as in, 'Mister' but more casual) he's a Tatú Carreta (AKA a Big armadillo) in like, his 70s or so. I even envisioned him with a grey beard and the whole thing. He would be dressed like a gaucho, with a big ol hat and pancho, boots, etc. He would play an acoustic guitar, meant to sound more 'melancholic' and stuff. He was very much a grandfather type, more focused on playing tango and charreras. On stage, i saw him sitting on like, a log with a whole mate set up by his side
Then, there was the youngest guy, Ciro!! He was a carpincho (capybara) on his teens, 15/16 yrs old!! He'll be the baterist, and be sarcastic and bit of a joker, but still a very sweet kid underneath it all. He would wear very typical, but still modern-ish clothes, a coya hat and a sweater of llama wool, both green like his drum set. He'll have his whole little space on stage, with some fairy lights behind him and the band's name spray painted on the bass drum (i did never give the whole group a name tho).
Then, there was Iliana, the bassist!! She was a Aguará Guazú (Maned Wolf) on her 20s. She was pretty high-energy and easily excited, very friendly and outgoing generally. She would dress very colorfully, i hadn't really thought about it as much but she would def wear bali pants. Her bass would also be brightly painted. On stage, she would be standing, one of her feet resting on the amplifier.
That's everything i had for them, basically!! It's been years since i thought of them, but it was nice to revisit these ideas!!
To end things off, some songs they would definetly cover
Mariposa Tecknicolor - Fito Paez
Y Dale Alegria A Mi Corazón - Fito Paez
Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño)
De Esas Que Te Hacen Llorar - Jorge Rojas
Ojos De Videotape - Charly Garcia
Canción Para Mi Muerte - Sui Generis
Don - Miranda
Alfonsina Y El Mar - Mercedes Sosa
Luz Delito - Wos
Arrancarmelo - Wos
Ojos Color Sol - Calle 13
Latinoamerica - Calle 13
3 Estrellas En El Conjunto - BZRP feat. Duki / La T y la M
¡Corre! - Jesse & Joy
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio - Shakira
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A list of my AUs/writing projects
Rexsoka AUs & fics
soft au - I plan to start working on this sometime soon. Everything’s the same as canon except Order 66 doesn’t happen. Palpatine has a heart attack and/or is actually killed by Dooku, and Ahsoka stays with the GAR and the 501, though not (yet) as a Jedi. Rex and Ahsoka’s feelings evolve naturally onward from Mandalore. It’s slow, relatively calm, and incredibly soft and sweet. Rex realizes his feelings first
Married! AU - Distant future project (I’m low-key waiting to see if I get married before I write this). I’ve got the basic frame, but it still needs a bit of development. The war drags on a bit longer (but less intense) than in canon; Palpatine probably got killed by Maul, Savage, Dooku, and maybe even Ventress all at once (they’re all still at large, though, and there’s lots of Palps-remnant corruption in the Senate). At any rate, Ahsoka never fully left the Jedi (at least not for long), and she and Rex end up sorta-accidentally getting married on a mission with just the two of them (it was a weird, “you either marry or we kill you” situation with the natives, long story). Anyway, they decide to stick with it instead of ignoring that it ever happened, and they have to figure out how this works with Rex still being in the GAR and Ahsoka still being a Jedi. It’s a stressful, dangerous mess of a situation. But they find that their complex, confounding, wonderful marriage is something they’d stand hand-in-hand against the Galaxy to protect. Featuring emotionally-charged conflict, a developing emotional and physical relationship, and 
Trained by Ventress! AU - Potential near(ish) future project. Instead of being a Jedi, Ahsoka was found and trained at an older age by Ventress, who herself left Dooku much earlier. She shies away from using the dark side as her mentor does, and operates as a bounty hunter. She ends up stranded alone with Captain Rex and they have to survive together. Ahsoka is impressed enough with his integrity that, even after they part ways, she repeatedly seeks him out and asks for his help or offers him information useful to the Republic (or at least the army). Ahsoka is a little older in this AU, and very forward and flirty. Rex brushes off her flirting and tries to ignore her advances, but her more genuine efforts to impress him gradually draw him in.
Mer! AU - I definitely want to work on this in the not-too-distant future. It’s got such a beautiful aesthetic and setting, though, that I might just have to do it as some sort of comic, or at least heavily illustrated. There’s a lot, so I’ll just give the basics: This is my most canon-divergent AU: this Galaxy is much more...mythical? I suppose? And the war is much less intense. The 501st have a home-base planet that’s very much a Scottish/Irish coastland sort of place, all cliffs and coves and stone, green rolling hills and ruins and fog and rain. Ahsoka is a selkie-like mermaid, who meets Rex by rescuing him when he nearly drowns in a storm. Rex gains a deathly fear of the sea from the experience, and a deep draw to Ahsoka, which only grows the more time they spend together (secretly, even from most of Rex’s brothers). The feelings are mutual, though Ahsoka takes a good while to catch on, leaving Rex to pine painfully. Extra visual perks of this AU: aside from the gorgeous, green, moody setting, the clones also have to wear more normal cloths to keep the natives’ trust. And the planet is cold and wet. Translation: clones in sweaters, scarves, trousers, boots, and coats.
Future! AU - Probably a future project. I like it, but it would need a lot of development. A post-Rebels alternate future featuring (what else?) reunited Rexsoka (and the search for Ezra probably). Angst, de-aging, an original species, 40-somethings in love, and wing-woman Sabine. All the good stuff.
OC fic(s?)
Little Galaxy in Your Eyes - two clone troopers defect from the early Empire to raise a Force-sensitive child they were sent to kill. I’ve done a little bit of work on this one, and even posted it on AO3, but I think I’m going to hammer out the story a bit more and re-write what I’ve already written.
That Comic I’ll Probably Never Actually Write - A story that’s been rattling around in my head since I made my first Clone Wars OC a couple years back. It features my original Clone squad, Victory, and my self-sona, nicknamed “Sister”. There’s a lot of reasons I might never actually put paper to pencil for this story, most of them personal. Whether I actually write it or not, though, you will be seeing a lot more of these characters on my blog in the (hopefully) near future.
Post-S2 angst Mandomera - I’m hoping to work on this sometime soon, since it is a shorter project. Din goes back to the village on Sorgan after the events of the season 2 finale, just to recover and find himself again. It’s the safest, calmest place he can think of. 
Feel free to send me asks about any of what’s written here! Characters, how I came up with the idea, worldbuilding, why I’m working on a fic sooner or later, if you really love one of these ideas, if I’m open to collaborating on any of them, anything at all. 🐱‍👤(ninja cat, ‘cause why not?)
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missholland · 4 years
Lan Wangji (mostly, his love)
LAN ZHAN! I read somewhere that this was said 102 times by Wei Wuxian in The Untamed. It feels like an understatement, cause I’ve watched the show so many times now I could hear ‘Lan Zhan’ being called in my sleep...
My first time watching the drama, I was full on Team Xianxian. I mean, who would not be? He’s the central character of the story, he’s the first thing you see within the first few seconds of episode 1, and who could resist his sunflower aura? I was not into Lan Wangji at all. I remember this clearly because I just found an old Instagram story in my Archive on the day I first watched this show: a screenshot of Wangji’s face in episode 3 and my caption was: ‘OMG how could Wei sunshine fall in love with this dry and boring man?’. And just like how Wangji eventually swallowed all of the statements he had made about the young Wei Wuxian (’I don’t touch other people’, ‘We’re not close’, etc.), I am not the same person on that fateful day tuning in the first episode on Netflix. I am now Team Hanguang-Jun through and through!
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What I’ve been enjoying so much these days is watching random earlier/later episodes just to compare how Wangji’s attitude changed toward Wei Wuxian over 16 years-ish. It’s probably so obvious for everyone that he definitely falls in love first, even when the drama purposely made their early relationship a lot more intense comparing to the novel i.e. showing Wei Wuxian somewhat feeling the same way about Wangji in his first life, with the constant flirting and mutual pining (don’t even get me started...). Now that I kinda understand what the character is like, it makes a lot of sense the way he processed his feelings for Wuxian in his youth. I wonder how different he would have reacted without the push from the best brother/wingman in the cultivation world - Lan Xichen. Sure, Jiang Cheng had a lot to say about this too, but mostly out of a slight envy (I reckon) over Wuxian’s new subject of desire. But Lan Xichen sees through his brother, and has been pretty much WangXian fanclub admin since day 1. I don’t have a brother, but man, I wish Lan Xichen could be mine.
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In my humble opinion, the fact that we were given 3 versions of Wei Wuxian throughout the series kinda gifts us 3 versions of Lan Wangji too in a way - the straight face, the confused heart, and the national boyfriend/husband. Considering the number of times I rewatched the latter half of the series i.e. episode 33 onward, I just want to write down all of my thoughts about the national boyfriend/husband Lan Wangji, and not just because that version seems to have the most lines comparing to the other two.
There are several details that were not explained much in the series (although shown on screen) so I have to read from the novel later on. But oh my god, the stuff I found... I never realized that the scene before Lan Wangji went to Mo’s manor where his guqin was playing behind him standing on the balcony referred to how he used Inquiry to find Wuxian. What Jiang Cheng said to him about having gone to a lot of places for 16 years and searching for someone completely went over my head in the first watch, and imagine how I scratched my brain revisiting that part. That plus ‘oh I’ve never seen you at a cultivation conference before’ in episode 41 - my goodness, because he was spending ALL of his time LOOKING FOR Wei Wuxian.
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Another thing I hope would have been addressed in the series was the hot iron mark on his chest. I thought the story of him drinking wine and giving himself a mark identical to Wuxian’s was the prime work of a broken heart. He must have thought about their conversation in Xuanwu cave, about the mark staying on his skin forever and how Wuxian was convinced Mianmian would never forget him. Was that how Wangji was making a point of never forgetting Wei Wuxian? If that scene made into the drama, I would have thought Wangji’s character song Buwang to be play in the background. The lyrics fit the situation so much.
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Personally, everything from episode 33 onward was perfection for me, finally getting to see Wangji embrace his feelings and ACT ON THEM toward the romance-blind idiot Wei Wuxian (yes, he totally is). All the caring touches and details played out so astonishingly. One of my favourite (which doesn’t seem to be a popular one since I have not seen many gifs of it on Tumblr) was when, after interrogating Huaisang, Wangji comfortably moved over the other side of the table and picked up Wuxian’s left leg to CLEAN THE EVIL SPELL - think of the level of intimacy this act is! Although that came after the romantic piggyback under the moonlight, I thought that speaks volume for someone who doesn’t even physically interact with his family members, and serves as a great follow-up right after he, again comfortably, pulled up Wuxian’s trousers to check his leg.
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What I thought was always presented so beautifully is every time Wangji serves Wuxian liquor. The way he carefully picks up his sleeve, prepares the cup (I know they’re probably not called ‘cups’ but I can’t find another word), pours the liquor and slides it over to his partner is so well demonstrated and shows how much he wants to properly take care of Wuxian. Would you put so much effort in such a tiny mundane act if you’re not doing it for the most important person in your life? 
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In a way, I feel like everything he does is making up for what he could not do the past 16 years, including remembering so many tiny details and keeping all sort of Wuxian-related things. My favourite Wangji keepsake moment, despite being a very short one, is the butterfly talisman at Yunping City which he gave to Wuxian to rescue Wen Ning. I don’t know why that moment makes me really really happy, probably because that was one of the earliest items Wangji could have kept hold of from Wuxian’s. That tells us how way long before he was developing feelings toward this little rebel. Not to mention, we did see Wangji even use this very talisman in episode 11 when he encountered Wen Chao on his way back to Cloud Recesses.
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Yes, the ‘I knew he was Wei Ying all along’ while having all the swords pointed at you is highly pivotal as it’s basically the censored version of ‘I love you’. BUT, the moment all leading cultivators of all major and minor clans ran to Burial Mounds just to witness Lan Wangji standing proudly without flinch on the other side with Wei Wuxian makes me appreciate that whole arc a lot more than the big revelation in the last 3 episodes. Wangji ignoring his own Grand Master, Wuxian once again standing against every single person in the cultivation world but with so much confidence this time around - to me, is beyond satisfying. I love this arc so much so I wrote a separate piece about episode 44-45 - if you’re interested in more of my random thoughts, feel free to have a read here.
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Thinking about all this, I’m absolutely in awe of how protective national boyfriend Wangji is to Wei Wuxian even before knowing he lost his golden core. They either have insanely accurate GPS, or just really good telepathy. Wangji’s constant attention to his partner (without having to verbally find out where he is) blows my mind every time. Remember how proud Wei Wuxian was having Lan Wangji come out just in time to fight Xue Yang at Coffin Town? That’s how much Wangji’s love and trust empowers Wuxian and makes him so so so secured, even when everyone was walking around in the fog hiding from the most notorious killer and his puppets. 
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The one detail that pushed me over the edge completely (thanks a lot Lan Xichen) was the story of Wangji’s mom. Oh my god, baby Wangji sitting in the snow really messes with my head. I cannot believe it took 40 something episodes for us to learn about Wangji’s emotionally damaged upbringing and what shapes him into a stubborn lovebird as we know today. It adds A LOT more context and sadness to his famous phrase ‘bring a man back to Cloud Recesses and hide him’, as well as Lan Qiren’s statement ‘have you not learned from your father’s lesson’. I revisit the ‘bring back and hide him’ scene with a completely new perspective and can sense Wangji’s pain and confusion that Xichen described. The desperation in that statement of Wangji was a lot heavier in my eyes now that I understand the back story. If I were Wei Wuxian listening to all of that from Lan Xichen, I would probably have a meltdown right there at the doorsteps of the Silence Room.
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Now we all know the source of inspiration of the infamous ‘I want to bring a man to Cloud Recesses. Bring him back and hide him’ in episode 25:
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So after all of Xichen’s effort in telling Wuxian how Wangji actually feels about him through the tear-jerker story about their parents, Wei Wuxian STILL asked Lan Wangji WHY he was willing to seal Bichen and his own spiritual power so that Jin Guangyao would not hurt him. This dense man, of course, brought up the guilt card i.e. ‘Oh you don’t owe me anything’. I mean COME ON NOW YILING PATRIARCH! CAN YOU ACTUALLY BE THAT OBLIVIOUS WHEN IT COMES TO THE MAN THAT TOOK 300 LASHES ON HIS BACK FOR PROTECTING YOUR LEGACY? 
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I know it went the other way in the novel, where the big confession happened. Maybe a bite from Fairy could do you some good, or just talk to Lan Xichen some more and then you can start appreciating your soulmate the way he deserves.
The silver lining after being deprived of an epic love confession is everything that happened in episode 50. It might have not been spelling-it-out clear as in ‘I love you’ ‘I love you too’ because of the government censorship, but it’s easily the most obvious yet emotional type of ending the production team has worked to hard to deliver. If you are still having trouble processing the allegedly ‘ambiguous’ finale, I can help with that - here. Just a heads up: it’s a happy ending. 
Good to know Wei Wuxian has the rest of his life making up to Lan Wangji. Everyday means everyday, because Wangji deserves THAT much!
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seesideways · 5 years
Musings on Sun Ruowei, a life of debt reset to zero
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The story starts with Jing Ruowei, child of an official of Ming Dynasty’s Jianwen Emperor. The Jianwen Emperor’s 4th uncle had rebelled against the authority of the emperor, and he emerged victorious by the end as the Yongle Emperor. Ruowei’s parents are killed during a purge of those who served Jianwen. She and her younger sister are saved by a family friend and luck respectively, but are separated in the process.
Sun Ruowei’s initial goal is revenge through the assassination of the Yongle Emperor. When the situation spirals quickly out of control, she is forced to reconsider the value of her goal, and whether the death of Yongle would actually bring anything meaningful into existence. So her early development traverses from revenge to personal sacrifice for the pardon and return of the exiled families of the Jingnan Rebellion.
The personal sacrifice she makes, as a payment for the pardon, is her freedom. Ruowei marries Zhu Zhanji, thus entering and committing to the imperial family until her death.
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It’s a bit strange to talk about the Sun Ruowei character. She is, technically speaking, the main protagonist, as the story begins and ends with her. But the other cast members get significant screen time and a lot of development of their own, so the show overall is not extremely focused on Sun Ruowei. There is even a portion of the show developing a bunch of other characters, and Ruowei ends up in the background for that chunk of plot progression.
Because of the awkward pacing of her development, and also a rather drastic character attitude change after the death of her adoptive father, Sun Ruowei comes off as an uneven character. I do think Tang Wei, the actor who plays the part, did her best to grasp Ruowei, but sometimes the character is molded to the necessity of the story (and by extension history, since there is a degree of historical accuracy required by Chinese govt), so her actions often seem to stretch the limits of her personality.
Ruowei gets full time to shine again after essentially the death of 90% of the cast of the first half (40-ish out of 60-ish episodes).
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Strangely enough, the early part of her son’s reign is something of a portrayal of the more ‘everyday work’ of a ruler would be. Sun Ruowei shifting through reports late at night, making decisions on the design of currency to be used through the empire, juggling conflicting interests at the court, etc.
What happens in the second half of Ming Dynasty is an exercise in annoyance and absurdity. Ruowei is clearly shown as capable, hardworking, and disciplined. One could even consider her ‘reign’ as how the reign of the short-lived Hongxi Emperor could have been, had he lived longer.
Yet Ruowei’s competence (which is very evident to us, the viewers) makes the additional cast of the second half super frustrating. We are treated to the scheming idiocy of her son, the limited worldview of her mother-in-law, the endless selfishness of her sister, the cowardliness of her nephew, and some quite cartoonish villainy from the eunuch that almost destroys the country.
But of course, it would be total treason and cultural madness to have a Female Emperor. Best leave the country to legitimate sons, even if they are super stupid.
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The story arc of Sun Ruowei thus becomes one of tragedy.
Before he dies, Zhu Zhanji asks Ruowei if she regretted her life; Ruowei answers firmly that she did not, that when she sees her parents in the afterlife, she will have the accomplishment of freeing the Jingnan exiles to show them.
Years later, her son staged a coup to claim the throne again, this time from his brother. Sun Ruowei witnesses her son perpetrating the exact atrocity she sacrificed her freedom to repair: the killing of officials because they served his predecessor. Her son callously tells her the only irreplaceable part in the country is the Zhu family at the head.
Afterwards, Xu Bin visits an ailing Ruowei who has lost her will to live. She tells him that her life has been a waste, a stark difference from her confident answer to Zhu Zhanji years ago.
Early in the story, Yongle made his three sons and grandson swear that if they kill another of the Zhu family, they would live short lives and die miserably. The Zhengtong Emperor may not have sworn this oath himself, but he chooses not to kill another Zhu family member. In the context of the show story, ‘Zhengtong’ is only able to exist and be emperor because of the love and forgiveness of others; his release of the officials breaks away from a cycle of revenge, preventing another tragedy.
These are the seeds that Sun Ruowei harvests, at the end. Not a particularly optimistic takeaway, considering the fate of Yu Qian and weaknesses of her son. Those at the top who live rich, sheltered lives, accustomed to power and pampering, would not know or remember to sympathize with those more unfortunate than they. Perhaps leaving with Xu Bin is the best Ruowei could hope for, after spending all of her youth and energy on a family that chewed itself apart.
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survivingcapitalism · 6 years
The rebels, donning the yellow breakdown-safety vests they are required to keep in their cars by the government, have been on the warpath for three weeks now. Spurning all political parties, the Yellow Vests got organized on social media and acted locally. The broadcast media, although highly critical, spread the news nationally, and the Yellow Vest movement spread across France, blocking intersections, filtering motorists, and gathering to demonstrate, more and more numerous and militant, on successive Saturdays.
Why Saturdays? “I can’t go on strike,” explains one woman. “I’m raising three kids alone. My job, that’s all I have left. Coming on Saturdays is the only way for me to show my anger.” Women – receptionists, hostesses, nurses-aids, teachers – are present in unusually large numbers in these crowds, and they are angry about a lot more than the tax on diesel.
To begin with, inequality. Like Trump, Macron has showered corporations and millionaires with huge tax cuts, creating a hole in the budget which he has compensated by cuts in public services (hospitals, schools, transit, police) and by tax increases for ordinary people (up to 40% of their income), large numbers of whom are struggling hard to make ends meet and going into debt. “We’re hungry and we’re fed up,” said Jessica Monnier, 28, who works in a watch factory in the French Alps. She earns $1, 140 a month, and said: “Once I pay my bills, I don’t have enough to eat. We’re just hungry, that’s all.”[2]
This anger has been building since last Spring, the 50th anniversary of the 1968 worker-student uprising, but was frustrated when Macron won the stand-off with labor over his neo-liberal, pro-business counter-reforms. This labor defeat was facilitated by the leadership of the CGT and other unions, played the same negative role in the 1968 sell-out to de Gaulle. A half-century later the French union leaders, eager to keep their place at the political table (and on the government payroll), avoided a major confrontation, met with the government behind the scenes, and only went through the motions of carrying out strikes, spreading them over months and tiring out the workers. (Please see my “French Labor’s Historical Defeat.”)
Macron is also hated for his truly monarchical arrogance, ruling alone like Louis XIV, imposing his will by decrees, ignoring his opponents and patronizing the common people in a pedantic style that humiliates and enrages them. By dismissing the Yellow Vests, haughtily refusing to address their issues, and then violently repressing them despite their popularity, Macron has revealed the vast gap between his authoritarian, neo-liberal regime and the mass of the French population. The French elected him in 2016, in the run-off following the first round collapse of the traditional parties of the Left and the Right. Macron was a stop-gap to prevent the election of Marine Le Pen of the extreme-right, openly racist National Front. He has no real mandate and no political party behind him, despite an unorganized parlementary majority.
This Saturday, the demonstrators were heard booing the TV network people on Place de la Concorde, furious at being been presented as deliberate vandals, calling the press “Usurpers,” “We wanted to come and demonstrate calmly,” said one fifty-ish Yellow Vest interviewed by Médiapart. I came by train, I had my ID card in my pocket. They threw so much tear-gas at us that we ran like rabbits.” He then held out a rubber cartridge. “They even fired Flash-balls at us” he added as two nearby women nodded. “Who are the Vandals?”
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wanttoshine-a · 6 years
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National № - 477
Gender - Male
Full name - Kháron
Species - Gripper Pokemon
Height - 2′5m ( 8′2″ )
Weight - 110kg ( 242,508 )
Abilities -  Pressure
Level - ???
Moves :
Ice Punch
Shadow Sneak
Shadow punch
Full name: Kháron
Nickname/s: Dusknoir
Gender: Male
Age: 40-ish
Height: 2′10m ( 6′88″ )
Always wears a scarf, a large coat and gloves.
Pale skin, grey hair and red eyes that give the impression of him being albino.
His ‘human eyes’ don’t work at all, he sees through the one on his forehead.
Body full of scars.
Constantly cold to the touch, dead looking.
Literal ghost in most verses.
Comes across as very charming, maybe even humble at first. Used to seem very selfless and eager to help, yet doesn’t bother to keep that front as much nowadays.
Has serious anger issues.
Sarcastic and proud.
Very curious and inquisitive, though usually will resort to manipulation instead of outright asking.
Is more prone to help when needed nowadays but it’s honestly on a case to case basis, really.
Doesn’t like his things being touched, can become enraged if the his mental order is disrupted even a little bit.
( Pre-Game )
When Kharon was first hatched as a duskull, he was reborn into one of Dialga’s Temples, one of the most influential ones dedicated entirely to the Time Goddess and taken in by the ghost types who ran it.  
Indoctrinated since he was a young kid, he was never really well versed in the art of getting in and out of Giratina’s realms, nor the in depth information about soul’s travels from one realm to the other. He focused instead wholly on Dialga, gathering information about anything and everything and her temple’s protection.
It was then when Dialga first manifested in the temple, her abilities confined and fluctuating in a way that made this locations the easiest to access. It was here when the corrupted Time Goddess (unknowingly to the pokemon that listened) started gathering her followers, making them run errands here and there that would inevitably lead towards the Frozen Future.
She took Kharon and a few others ‘under her wing’; those who were strong enough to fight and blinded by faith to the point of almost mindless servitude.
Finally realising their mistake as time started slowing and even stopping in certain areas some pokemon tried to rebel, which was when Kharon was forced to make a choice: those pokemon or Dialga. Dazzled by pride and trust he was manipulated into picking the legendary, hence becoming her henchman.
( In-Game )
Fights and rebellions were everywhere at first; yet by the time those arose and other legendaries realised what was going on it was already too late. Almost every single one was slain or succumbed to the harsh conditions and by that time there was nothing left to Kharon but Dialga.
The sweet and persuasive Dialga he first met was all but gone as she gave into the Darkness, becoming abusive, demanding and cruel. Punishments that never used to be directed at him start happening more and more often and the blame is always, always put on him. He believes her too… after all she didn’t use to be this way when he wasn’t failing her, right?
Things stay like this until yet another rebel group comes along, Grovyle with them. They keep things under wraps for quite a while so the dusknoir is completely blindsided when he learns not only of the human they’ve somehow recruited but the fact that there’s a celebi amongst their ranks.
He ends up having to go to the past in an attempt to stop the plan to change the future, where he’s suddenly forced to remember how things used to be, when he start to doubt for the first time in who knows how long. But he has to survive, he has to. He’s no longer what awaits for the dead now, and even as a ghost time he’s scared. But even more than that; Dialga told him to.
It isn’t until he’s forced back to the past and gets a real chance to talk to Grovyle that his fate is sealed, forcing his hand against the master he had been trying to please for so many years.
( Post-Game )
There’s no real rush of relief once he’s back, finding himself lost and purposeless for the first time in his life and feeling guilt weighting heavily on his shoulders he retracts to a small little cabin in an isolated place, devoting himself fully into the studies he vaguely recalled loving back before everything went wrong.
That’s pretty much all he does until Celebi and Grovyle come knocking on his door one day and asking him for help to track down the one he says started everything. Although very reluctant to agree, the ghost feels like he’s heavily indebted not only to the world but specially for Grovyle and ends up trailing along.
He sometimes hates him, sometimes uses him as a replacement for Dialga but at least it has forced him to get out of his self imposed isolation and it becomes clearer and clearer that he’s mainly avoiding to confront most of his issues, making coexistence complicated sometimes.
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I was tagged by @rebelsfromstars in a resurrection of a meme from LJ circa 2007. Thanks for the tag :)
Writer’s Meme: Sometimes it’s ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five(-ish) favorite fics you’ve written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn’t about the BEST things you’ve written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same: @theangeloffate, @roguelibrarian , @herasyndlla , @prepare4trouble , @bedlamsbard
I’m going to keep this to the rebel fandom since there’s really only one story outside it that I’m really proud of but don’t really want to pimp it here since it’s technically not finished... I only have 7 stories in Rebels but what the heck.
5) The Undeserving 
So this is my big piece in the Rebels fandom. Currently 24 chapters, will probably be close to 40 by the time it’s done. I can’t wait to start posting again. This story is so fun to write. I love writing about abused and hurt people, but only because I love the comfort that comes afterward by father/big-brother figures. 
This fic surprised me as I wrote it. I was planning on just focusing on Ezra’s recovery and development, but it also very much became about Kanan’s. And I’m incredibly proud of how I’ve written Kanan. I wasn’t sure how I would do writing a parental type. He is really difficult for me to write, but it’s been soooo satisfying. Especially since it has made me more... introspective of my own problems. 
4) These Bonds We Make
This was just incredibly fun to write. These scenes throughout season 1 were already headcanons in my head, so the gift exchange was just an excuse to put them on paper. The scene from Gathering Forces is probably my favorite. Just a sweet scene of Kanan helping Ezra, with just a bit of Kanan’s past with Depa dropped it. In my head, it conjured a really beautiful scene that really shows their relationship starting to develop.
3) It’s Over
This is just a small drabble, but it was my estimation of what might happen before the finale aired. As I said there, it was inspired by Iroh from Avatar The Last Airbender. It was cathartic for me to write. Like, telling myself that Kanan would always be honored and remembered by his family. By his son. 
2) Part 1 of Always Here 
I don’t like part 2. I wrote it because I felt like there should be a companion part to the first chapter. I shouldn’t have forced myself to write something just because I felt like it should have been a thing.
Part 1 on the other hand... I wrote it randomly one day. Just hit by some inspiration. I was surprised by the result because Hera is so hard for me to write. But I also felt that this scene was so needed. How was Hera doing in the months following Malachor? She didn’t just drop out of Ezra’s life like Kanan did so... what were her interactions with Ezra like? How did she try to help? How did it go?
I felt that my interpretation was realistic. The ending is pretty bitter because of the nature of it, but it still felt like a really solid oneshot. 
1) Silence Reigns
Honestly, this is my proudest piece of Rebels work. By far. Oneshot written a few weeks before Jedi Night aired. I was randomly listening to star wars music, pretty tipsy, when the music switched over to some sad instrumental stuff. I got inspired. While I desperately wanted Kanan to live, I knew at this point that there was more than an 75% chance of him dying. And dying in the next episode. 
So I guess I preemptively started coping with it by writing this. How would Hera and Ezra deal with his death, no matter how it happened?
This piece was probably the most atmospheric piece I’ve written, in a style different than what I usually use. I have no idea where the style came from or how to describe it. But I really like it... and don’t think I’ll ever be able to reproduce it. 
Something specific I was proud of, which I didn’t realize until I had written my first draft, is that I never use Kanan’s name. Not once. I didn’t need to. And it was vaguely symbolic. Kanan was gone. Even his name. All that was left was the absence, and that’s what was painful. It’s probably the most emotional and successfully empathetic piece I’ve ever written. 
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shotfreed · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel
Remember to repost, not reblog!
Name: Jade
Prefered pronouns: he/him
Selectivity: p selective apparently??
Favorite animal: Siberian husky I miss my floof kids
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: hmm probably literally none of them. Maybe Libertus Ostium?
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: literally all of them I'm so inactive rip. I really want to get on Ridley Duchannes. Give her an OW verse idk.
Most identifiable fictional character: oof difficult... I usually ignore characters I am like in favor of ones I like. I've always had an affinity / identified with Jaden/Judai Yuki I guess. Admittedly a little bit of Lena Duchannes in her artistic but isolated spirit, being outcasted and Ethan Wate with his suffocating small town trapped feelings. They're from same series Ridley is from.
What color your aura is/think it is: red of some sort. Either metallic or a deep maroon.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): Aries sun, Cap moon, Scorpio rising has pinned me well. ENTP lmao. Chaotic Neutral with spices of Lawful Evil. 356 ennegram. I forget all my wings. Slytherin biiiitch. Wand make up was super legit tho. 12 3/4 inches. Cedar w/ Dragon Heartstring core. Slightly springy.
Do you think you’re a good driver: I'm better than not, I guess. Generally speaking I'm pretty passive but I do tend to speed. Not like 55 in a 35 but like 40-45. So normal ish?
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): honestly ice cream w/ fries amuses me. It's not even disbuted anymore but it's funny to me. RAISINS ARE GROSS. that's a biiiig discourse in my family. Torbjorn is a valid support healer covince me otherwise.
Favorite vine and/or meme: hi welcome to chilli's.
Why did you choose this muse: because I didn't like him. Now i hate him.
Favorite rp memory: realizing @cafveinated 's mun was in this fandom like !!!! ROOK !!!! bc we've been in a mutual fandom before n I love rook :')
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: "One step at a time," is one. "Just live. Live until you find a good reason to." Seraph of the End, actually. That one means a lot to me. Finally probably the biggest but most like... difficult to explain context is a lyric from Nickelback's "Far Away." "I love you, I have loved you all along / and I forgive you, for being away for far too long."
Give a shout-out to someone: @loosedhope for just like????? Being a real good friend like dude wow. You've genuinely made a huge positive impact on my life in the short time we've known each other. Thank you for advice and ear you've lent (all the too many times) I FRIKKEN LOVE MALLORY we should plot more RIP im lame. Ty for indulging my ot3 and for having such an awesome soldier76, jack, and hopefully a third mans for my muses EVENTUALLY UHHHHH LMAO I love the people I've met through this fandom but like I probably wouldn't have done this much with my muses if not for u I promise I'll get on max too FML HAHAHAHAH
Tagged by: me. I made this on my main lmao.
Tagging: everyone. All the aforementioned. @engclsgleich @nichtangell @raddare @strike-at-the-heart @scxtterarrow @seethroughdragoneyes @kitakaze-no-ryu @shinbou @haltandhug @indiana-gold @the-rad-doctor and @floweringeclipse just tag me on libs or main smth LMAO <3
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willorcs · 6 years
If I can ask, (not trying to argue) but what makes a star wars movie feel like a Star Wars movie? What could Disney do to make their movie feel more like Star Wars?
I just feel Disney tried to make Star Wars into a modern-ish Disney movie rather than a real Star Wars movie because they want to attract the youngest fans so basically they tried to make a bad remake of the original trilogy + Disney vibes. Also, the characters are really boring, they are nothing interesting at all. The tried to make the characters look “cute” and funny, but that doesn’t make the characters better. Don’t get me wrong, Finn, Poe, Rey…are still cute but that’s all. They are nothing special neither interesting but tbh I don’t feel sympathy or love for most of the characters, just like their relationships which are pretty boring. The villain, K*lo R*n is annoying and whiny. He is more like a rebel teen rather than a descendant of Darth Vader. Also, they changed the original trio completely : Han, Luke and Leia.
First of all, Han. Han would never leave Leia’s. In the EU, they’re happily married for +40 years and counting. They lost 2 sons, Chewie, Mara and many other friends…but still, they keep fighting together, and mostly they’re deeply in love. They continue supporting each other till’ the end.
Luke, the real Luke Skywalker would never leave his family and friends behind. He built the New Order, he trained a new generation of Jedi, including Leia, Jacen, Anakin, Jaina  (Leia and Han’s kids), Ben Skywalker (Luke and Mara’s son)…and many other Jedi. He never gave up. Never. Of course, he made mistakes, and he was so broken when Jacen (Darth Caedus) killed Mara. At that moment he almost falls to the Dark Side, but only when Mara dies, but at the end, he kept fighting and protecting his family like the real Jedi he is.
Leia is a Jedi in the EU too. Also, she has some “daddy issues” just like Luke, because she is still traumatized about her father. Unlike Luke, she can’t forgive him but at the end, she redeems him and names her third son after him. 
The EU was a mess, I could never deny it, but for better or worse. It felt like the real Star Wars, most of the characters are awesome, the way Luke, Han and Leia are portrayed, how they build a family together, the storyline, yes like I said, it was a mess, but it was freakin awesome too. I read these books and I think, yes these are the POST-ROTJ stuff we deserve and not those stupid movies. Through the years we see how they stay together no matter what, their stories, how they support each other like the family they are.  In the EU, neither Leia, Han, Mara, Jaina would allow Luke to leave like that, but that wasn’t necessary because the real Luke would never do such a thing.
In the sequels they totally ruined Luke’s character. Even Mark said that. This is not the real Luke Skywalker. Luke would never hide on an island for +14 years only because he fucked up. NEVER. Also, he would never say things like: “It’s time for the Jedi to end”. WHAT?. In the EU, many many years after his death he shows up as a ghost!force to his descendant Cade Skywalker to call him out: Every generation has its challenges to face, its own battles to win. Why should yours be any different? Running away from your responsibilities won’t solve anything…hhhhmmm totally the opposite of this Disney!Luke. Right?
Like I was saying, Disney wanted to create a new whole Star Wars saga to attract the new generations, so they basically decided to get rid of the classic characters, among other bullshit they make with Star Wars…so how can we make a Disney movie feel more like Star Wars?. Not letting Disney making a Star Wars movie. As simple as that. For better or worse the prequels (which are really trashy) feels more like Star Wars, The Clone Wars animates series are pretty good and the Expanded Universe stuff of the prequels is way better than the movies.
Since TFA was announced back in 2014-ish, I knew I would never have the Old Canon in the movies. I knew Mara, Jacen, Jaina…would never be in the movies. Still, I was so willing to accept the new canon. Like, okay maybe it’s also good…but I completely changed my mind when I realised how clingy these movies would be. I felt so disappointed because I wanted to accept the New Canon, but I couldn’t….. and I would never accept it. So to me, Disney!SW is nothing but pure fanfic. It’s okay if people enjoy it, I have nothing against people loving the new movies…but I can’t feel the same.  
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liibertus · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel but not as much bc it’s actually munday now
Remember to repost, not reblog!
Name: Jade
Prefered pronouns: he/him
Selectivity: kind of selective. also all my blogs are private now so theres that
Favorite animal: Siberian husky I miss my floof kids
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: honestly probably libs 
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: literally all of them I’m so inactive rip. I really want to get on Ridley Duchannes. Give her an FFXV verse idk.
Most identifiable fictional character: oof difficult… I usually ignore characters I am like in favor of ones I like. I’ve always had an affinity / identified with Jaden/Judai Yuki I guess. Admittedly a little bit of Lena Duchannes in her artistic but isolated spirit, being outcasted and Ethan Wate with his suffocating small town trapped feelings. They’re from same series Ridley is from.
What color your aura is/think it is: red of some sort. Either metallic or a deep maroon.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): Aries sun, Cap moon, Scorpio rising has pinned me well. ENTP lmao. Chaotic Neutral with spices of Lawful Evil. 356 ennegram. I forget all my wings. Slytherin biiiitch. Wand make up was super legit tho. 12 ¾ inches. Cedar w/ Dragon Heartstring core. Slightly springy.
Do you think you’re a good driver: I’m better than not, I guess. Generally speaking I’m pretty passive but I do tend to speed. Not like 55 in a 35 but like 40-45. So normal ish?
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc):honestly ice cream w/ fries amuses me. It’s not even disbuted anymore but it’s funny to me. RAISINS ARE GROSS. that’s a biiiig discourse in my family. Torbjorn is a valid support healer covince me otherwise.
Favorite vine and/or meme: hi welcome to chilli’s.
Why did you choose this muse: actually it was bc i didn’t really care for him at first. I choose characters im not very interested in or don’t like at all if I have any i feel that strongly for and take those canon muses up. Also i typically pick up the small corner niche muses and as I took lib up right after KG came out lmao
Favorite rp memory: realizing Rook was also in the fandom I moved too asdjdfhsa I literally screamed 
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: there’s a ship I’m writing in the OW fandom that’s curing my depression and indulging a stupid au idea. and it’s my otp in that fandom jkfdkjfkashj
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “One step at a time,” is one. “Just live. Live until you find a good reason to.” Seraph of the End, actually. That one means a lot to me. Finally probably the biggest but most like… difficult to explain context is a lyric from Nickelback’s “Far Away.” “I love you, I have loved you all along / and I forgive you, for being away for far too long.”
Give a shout-out to someone: @floweringeclipse who’s basically made my fandom experience the best askjf ily ate <3 <3 <3 
Tagged by: me. I made this on my main lmao. 
Tagging: everyone. @floweringeclipse again lmao  @thekingsshield @gingersmiith @croweoftheglaive @nyx-ulric-of-galahd @warpstrikeassassin @battlexfodder @tenebrianflower @insomniasprince @somnusvincitomnia @bestchocobro  @kidsofthekelvinhero EVERYONE I TAG EVERYONE there are so many of u i am afraid bc its been so long dhasfh BUT I LOVE YOU ALL STILL 
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eddycurrents · 7 years
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For the week of 11 December 2017
Quick Bits:
Amazing Spider-Man #792 continues the “Venom Inc.” crossover and it’s just as much fun as the Alpha issue. Ryan Stegman also provides art for this issue and he proves once again why he’s one of the best at Marvel, particularly when it comes to illustrating Spider-Man. The interplay between Flash, now as Anti-Venom, and Peter is an interesting dynamic, especially with how far Flash has come since high school, and it’s well-explored here.
| Published by Marvel
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Animosity #11 gets into some of the divisions that have occurred following the Wake, some of the different groupings and reactions to animals other than humans gaining a spoken voice, and illustrates what animals will find acceptable in propagating their own survival. In this case the subjugation of bees, because they can’t be heard, because they’re little.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Archies #3 throws some more kindling on the fire for the troubles of the band, both figuratively and literally.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Astonisher #3 is interesting in that just as it looks like Magnus is finally getting the hang of the superheroics, dedicating himself to something more than just his own self-interest, a huge monkey wrench is thrown in his way. Other than just the red worm infecting those affected by the meteorite, there seems to be another insidiousness in the title. Alex de Campi is doing some great work here, both with plot and character.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Black Panther: Long Live the King #1 is a digital first comic from Nnedi Okorafor and André Lima Araújo and it’s wonderful. Okorafor sets up an interesting mystery amidst what could be a natural disaster, could be something more, as Wakanda’s capital is struck by an earthquake. T’Challa sees a Lovecraftian monstrosity during the quake, but he seems to be the only one, leading others to question his leadership. Aided by Chris O’Halloran’s colours, Araújo’s artwork is just the icing on top.
| Published by Marvel
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Bloodshot Salvation #4 is a flashback issue spotlighting the trouble childhood of Project Omen’s director, the Scarred Man, and his brother, the man who will become Rampage. This issue is wholly illustrated by Mico Suayan, with Diego Rodriguez, and it’s as beautiful as the story itself is troubling.
| Published by Valiant
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Brilliant Trash #2 takes us a bit deeper into the world of genetically modified superbeings, mixed a bit with social media and political activism, but not too far. We get glimpses of both sides in this battle, introducing us to more of the players, but we’re still left wondering what’s actually going on.
| Published by AfterShock
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Coyotes #2 delivers on the promise of the first issue, following it up with more compelling storytelling, delving deeper into the mythology of the coyotes, where they’re likely coming from, the Victorias, and Red’s family. Sean Lewis and Caitlin Yarsky have something amazing here, with some strong world-building, fascinating characters, and stunning artwork.
| Published by Image
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The Damned #6 begins a new old story-arc, reprinting the Prodigal Sons arc from the second mini-series, now with colours by Bill Crabtree. I think it’s still worth it for the colour if you’ve already read the originals.
| Published by Oni Press
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Giants #1 is a fairly impressive debut from Carlos and Miguel Valderrama. It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where kaiju rule the surface of the Earth and humans have taken to the underground, forming gangs to survive. Gogi and Zedo are two kids trying to join the Bloodwolves, serving as our entrance point to this world and giving the book a bit of heart.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Grass Kings #10 switches to Maria’s perspective this time as she and Shelly discuss what’s been going on in the investigation into Jen Handel’s death, deciding that it’s time to confront Archie in what he knows. Once again, I’m highly impressed by how Matt Kindt is telling this story, as a mix of Robert Altman and Geoffrey Chaucer, using an ensemble mosaic to propel the narrative.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Harrow County #28 features Emmy versus Kammi for all the marbles, with an ending that you don’t necessarily see coming, which is going to leave you questioning what Cullen Bunn has just done to us.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Judas #1 is one of the most beautiful looking books this month thanks to the stunning artwork by Jakub Rebelka. His art was one of the highlights of Namesake and now he’s elevating this series. I particularly like the black halo following Judas’ death, it’s just a little touch that adds a lot. The story itself by Jeff Loveness is also interesting, giving a kind of bleak, existential crisis from the point of view of Judas Iscariot, trying to figure out his afterlife and how he fit into the story of Jesus’ death.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Jughead: The Hunger #2 nicely expands upon the factions, adding new players and family members to broaden the story, just as Jughead is recognized by a store clerk, drawing down upon himself the police. Frank Tieri’s setting up the pieces for what should be an interesting confrontation between the Coopers and Jughead.
| Published by Archie Comics / Archie’s Madhouse Presents
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Kid Lobotomy #3 starts getting to the root of Kid’s metamorphosis and Kafka obsession, while unearthing some of the skeletons of Big Daddy and the Suites’ closets. All through Peter Milligan’s nutty story, Tess Fowler’s art brings it to life wonderfully.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Maestros #3 gives Will and the world a giant pile of crap as Rygol and Mardok join forces to destroy his capital and kill his people. Just when we thought Steve Skroce’s mad fantasy story couldn’t get stranger, it does.
| Published by Image
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Monstro Mechanica #1 is off to a good start. The premise of Leonardo building a robot is interesting, as is his assistant, Isabel, allowing it to learn and grow despite Leonardo’s instructions otherwise, but it’s the political intrigue that’s really going to hook you. Along with the art, Chris Evenhuis has a clean, smooth style that really suits the subject matter.
| Published by AfterShock
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Port of Earth #2 gets into the implications that the corporations signed the deal with the aliens and sold out the Earth on the basis of sheer greed. It’s not far-fetched, given the current political climate, but there’s also a hint that the port was going to happen anyway, the deal being the only thing that kept humans alive. The bulk of this issue, though, deals with our POV ESA security agents continuing to chase down the rogue alien “visitor”. From it, it appears that there’s a broader scheme hatching.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Retcon #4...so...aliens. And we’re done.
| Published by Image
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Rumble #1 is something I’ve been looking forward to since John Arcudi announced that James Harren was leaving the title and David Rubín was taking over. I absolutely loved the team of Arcudi and Harren, and they really made the first volume of Rumble something unique, but Rubín is probably my favourite new-ish artist to begin working in the North American market in recent years. His art and style is just stunning and fresh, making every character and scene he illustrates something interesting. And he does not disappoint in this first issue.
Arcudi’s humour and quirks, the monstrous and odd characters, the setting, all perfectly mesh with Rubín‘s artwork creating something special. There is a recap of sorts for new readers, albeit biased, so you need not have read the first volume. I still recommend reading it though.
| Published by Image
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Runaways #4 is actually a nice moment of respite for the reunited youngsters, as they get introduced to Molly’s grandmother and actually get to relax and be safe for an afternoon. I suspect that the revelation of what Molly’s grandmother has been up to, what they’ve been hinting at since the first issue, is going to be nefarious, but still...somewhat happy issue. Plus, Kris Anka draws some of the best cats.
| Published by Marvel
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Slots #3 gives us Stanley’s first fight, as well as giving a look at how Les is an asshole to his “friends”.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Star Wars #40 shows some cracks appearing in the alliance between the Rebels and the remnants of Saw Gerrera’s extremists on Jedha, as Benthic takes a particularly lethal approach to defending what remains of the planet. The artwork this issue, from Salvador Larroca with colours by Guru e-FX, is very impressive.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Aliens: Dead Orbit #4, All-New Wolverine #28, Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #11, Cable #152, Daredevil #596, Dept. H #21, The Despicable Deadpool #290, DuckTales #4, Falcon #3, Gravetrancers #1, Hack/Slash vs. Vampirella #3, Invader Zim #26, Jean Grey #10, Jenny Finn #2, Killer Instinct #3, Punisher #219, Royal City #8, Royals #12, Secret Warriors #10, She-Hulk #160, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #4, Slam!: The Next Jam #4, Superb #5, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #27, Weapon X #12, The Wicked & The Divine Christmas Annual, X-Men Blue #17
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man: The Clone Conspiracy, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Brave Chef Brianna, The Defenders - Volume 1: Diamonds are Forever, Faith and the Future Force, Kim & Kim - Volume 2: Love is a Battlefield, Lady Killer - Volume 2, Lobster Johnson - Volume 5: Pirate’s Ghost, Misfit City - Volume 1, Motor Girl - Volume 2: No Man Left Behind, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man - Volume 1: Into Twilight, Rocket: Blue River Score, Star Trek: Boldly Go - Volume 2, There’s Nothing There
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d. emerson eddy understands the mysterious nature of the Schwartz. No, he will not teach you.
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