#CBD isolate US
gencannaus · 2 years
CBD isolate is a form of pure cannabidiol that is derived from hemp plants. It is a highly potent form of CBD that is free of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and other impurities. Here is how you can make your own CBD isolate in bulk or wholesale quantities
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cbdnorthcanada · 26 days
CBDA vs CBD: What's the Difference?
CBDA vs CBD: CBDA and CBD are similar and belong to the same family; they have different interactions with the body caused by their different chemical structures. Explore the the Differences, benefits and use.
Among the growing world of wellness and natural remedies, CBD has gained popularity and is praised for its numerous advantages. Yet, there’s a lesser-known compound making waves: CBDA. The argument of CBDA vs. CBD gains popularity by the day as many people appreciate the subtle differences between closely related compounds. Though both provide distinct benefits, consideration of the differences…
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
Things that have been helping me lately in this high conflict relationship:
For Self Care
Learning about the Stress Cycle and how to complete it, that completing it does not require changing your stressors. 
Polyvagal strategies for self regulating more quickly, especially using cold packs on my neck and chest (see also: mammalian dive response)
Walking - even just around the apartment can help me work through the impact of a fight much much more quickly; walking workout on YouTube too.
CBD - it’s not for everyone but boy oh boy is it for me; I never slept great but during high conflict phases I would only get 3 hours of sleep for 12 hours of trying, with CBD I can get a solid 7 hours and recover from fights faster.
Tapping/EFT - It’s very woo and I don’t believe it does everything it says it does but I am almost always better at the end of a session than when I started so I keep using it; the free version of the app is working fine for me
Puzzles/Solitaire -  I have no clue why it’s helping but it really is, just so calming to sort something, put it together, and take it apart on my own terms. 
Stretching routines - mostly on YouTube; yoga’s not my jam but stretching out all these tight muscles is both satisfying and helps me move through the stress faster.
Microjournaling; I don’t have it in me to long entries so microjournaling has been pretty great; it helps to just dump my thoughts somewhere without bothering other folks
Dharma Talks; some of my favorite teachers are Ajahn Brahm, Ven. Robina Courtin, and Hillside Hermitage. Plum Village is also very good. 
Getting outside; I know it gets talked about a lot but yeah, it’s good. Very healing. 10/10 recommend. 
Find ways to give and contribute; I write letters for the World Needs More Love Letters, Letters Against Isolation, and Random Acts of Cards as I’m able
For Dealing with High Conflict Partner
DEEP - Don’t Defend/Engage/Express/Personalize; it’s so hard but every time I stick to this, I have much lower conflict days, helps me know how to handle an interaction I’m already in
SMART Contact - Stop PUSH behaviors, Manage business items together, Allow them to start conversations, Remain calm, strong, and gentle, Take it one day at a time; helps me know whether I should contact her if we’re not currently interacting
Medium Chill - similar to DEEP but more about a general approach to conversations; especially with drama or baiting involved
DEAR MAN - for when I need to set a boundary or make a serious request; still doesn’t always work but it helps me continue on when I get dramatic or abusive responses.
Having tried a lot of strategies, I don’t personally recommend Nonviolent Communication because it makes no good distinctions for how to deal with gaslighting/lying/manipulation. While it works great in other relationships, it’s invited more abuse in my high conflict relationship. 
“How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen” has been recommended to me enough times I feel like it deserves a spot here but I haven’t gotten the chance to read it yet. 
“How to Stop Walking On Eggshells” also has some good strategies if you’re comfortable with validating or over validating the High Conflict Partner; I have read that one and can vouch. 
Hope this helps someone else! 
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snapdragonhemp · 2 years
We take this news with a very heavy heart. Professor Raphael Mechoulam pioneered modern cannabis medicine with Professor Yechiel Gaoni by being the first to synthesize and isolate Delta-9 THC in 1964. He also went on to isolate CBD, CBG, and various other cannabinoids that we know as major phytocannabinoids today. We have lost an amazing person and a key figure in this world, but we will never forget the better part of a century Raphael Mechoulam spent helping us understand this magical plant. Rest in Peace. #raphaelmechoulam #raphaelmechoulamphd
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the-greenery420 · 7 months
1 Week of THCA with Huntington's Disease
So I've been a stoner for a long time, but primarily was smoking marijuana which is illegal here, luckily with more recent advancements with cannabis and legislature we have options here that are now just as effective. I was curious what would happen if I switched to pure THCA bud because the reason I smoke and have been smoking marijuana on and off since I was 8 was because at the time my dad said it would help with my ADHD (it did as well as my depression although I REALLY don't recommend giving it to an 8 year old lol, my dad was not exactly a "think things through" type of person though).
Over the years the constant fear that I'd get busted and sent to the pen for a completely non-violent "crime" really was hard on my mental health, and even though cannabis provided me with tremendous benefits, it was hard for me to enjoy the benefits with all the fear and anxiety from the possibility of getting locked up like a lot of my friends.
When CBD and Delta 8 got so big, I did experiment with Delta 8 but I felt like even though there was a benefit it wasn't quite "hitting the spot" where I needed to be to stop my tremors which have been getting worse from my neurodegenerative disease, I used it quite a bit at night to put me to sleep (especially edibles), and it did help more than not taking any form of THC but, I definitely needed something else.
I didn't want to take the reeeeeally synthetic forms of THC that they came out with just because I had experiences with K2 with my dad and was weary about anything blatantly synthetic (mainly because I can't know if there's going to be side-effects eventually), so I just stuck with Delta 8 even though it's a concentrate / isolate and you really have to check that the companies test them to make sure the solvents are gone.
I stumbled across THCA bud in the local headshop before it closed down recently, but it was 35$ for 7 grams so I figured I could find a better selection for cheaper online like I do with my kratom. I came across a distributor called JKDistro, and they have 1oz smalls for 50$ sometimes, best investment I ever made. Now I'm smoking in the morning and then some at night to wind down and within 1 week I've seen drastic improvements in basically every aspect of my life.
I'm not joking, it's as good as OG cannabis but now the fact I'm not always fearing the cops makes it so much easier to enjoy it. I like that I can go out on my porch and spark up a joint too since JK sends me a card to carry each time I get some bud from them so if I got stopped cops would know it's legal. Cops don't really care here anymore so much because of progress in legislation but it really helps me feel better.
Some of the biggest benefits I noticed from dosing in the morning and at night:
Sleep Quality
For people with Early Onset Dementia from diseases like mine, our brains can't shut down and typically we have a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep. I got to where I was only getting about 1-3 hours of sleep a night if at all before I started dosing like I am now. The first few days I literally slept (3 days nearly straight) and it was really nice because I know my body desperately needed the rest to heal. Now I'm sleeping 6-8 hours a night and that's literally amazing because I'm waking up feeling way better. A bit groggy sometimes if I smoke a bit too much or take too much cannabutter but, overall much better than I was feeling before.
Crazy enough I have an interview on Wednesday for a job in sales, funny thing is I HATE talking to people, especially on the phone. Once I started the THCA regimen I've gotten so much more talkative, relaxed, and social than I was. I am diagnosed with ASD, and the main way mine significantly limits me is communication and being anxious around strangers. It's amazing that I was able to get an interview and now I'm about to go back into the workforce for the first time in 12 years.
I have a big issue with getting really depressed (which apparently is very common among Alzheimer's and HD patients). Since I've been on the regimen, I've been a lot happier, more relaxed, less irritable. It's been really nice and I've felt myself smile a lot more. I know I'm a lot more pleasant to be around and I've not been near as emotional as usual.
Anger / Emotional Regulation
Once again, I have a real issue with emotional regulation. I think a lot of that goes back to ASD but then the HD doesn't help at all. I've been a lot more chill and more pleasant to be around. Not as irritable / fussy, and able to interact with people more patiently. I get frustrated usually pretty easily but I've been able to be more chill than usual which is nice. I'm also not "all over the place" as much, my mood swings are a lot better.
Pain / Inflammation / Soreness
I have a lot of issues with inflammation. On every test I get (blood test) it always shows my inflammation levels to be very high due to my body being full of a toxic protein called Huntingtin. This also causes pain in my joints sometimes and because my muscles are slowly deteriorating some they are sore a lot and I have to constantly work them out a lot to not lose muscle. I'm not in near as much pain as I was before I started up the THCA, which is huge because it's been freezing here and usually I can't get out of bed when it's this cold. My muscles aren't near as sore and I'm not near as stiff either.
Overall I feel like the THCA is doing me a lot of good, I'm excited to see where I am in a month or even a year. I have found it very useful for me. If y'all want to check out JKDistro and see if you can find something you like that would help you, you can use my link and get 20% off your purchase. They have great deals, and VERY good quality stuff. I literally swear by them, and I've been smoking for a VERY long time. You can click here and it'll take you with the link for a discount! I hope it helps you like it helped me!
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The Entourage Effect: How Terpenes Enhance Your Cannabis Experience
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In a world where the nuances of cannabis use are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the concept of the entourage effect has emerged as a critical piece in understanding the plant's full potential. Rather than focusing solely on the individual components, this theory suggests a greater benefit derived from the synergetic interaction of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds found in cannabis. Here, we delve into the entourage effect and its implications on how we experience this multifaceted herb.
What is the Entourage Effect in Cannabis?
- Synergistic Interaction: The entourage effect refers to the synergistic collaboration of various cannabis components that result in enhanced therapeutic benefits.
- Cannabinoids: While THC and CBD are the most well-known, there are over a hundred cannabinoids that play a part in the entourage effect, bringing diverse effects and benefits.
- Precedence over Isolation: The theory posits that the combined effects of cannabis constituents are greater than the sum of their parts. This suggests that isolating individual components may not provide the same level of efficacy as utilizing the full spectrum of compounds.
- Complex Interplay: The scientific investigation into this phenomenon is still unfolding, with researchers exploring how different cannabinoids and terpenes interact to influence the efficacy and experience of cannabis.
Understanding the Role of Terpenes in Enhancing the Cannabis Experience
- Aromatic Compounds: Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis, that contribute to the scent and flavor profiles.
- Therapeutic Effects: Beyond their sensory impact, terpenes are believed to offer various therapeutic effects, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and analgesic properties.
- Modulation of Cannabinoids: Terpenes may modulate the effects of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, potentially affecting the onset, intensity, and duration of their effects.
- Multiplicity of Terpene Profiles: Each cannabis strain has a unique terpene profile, which can play a significant role in determining the overall perceived effects of that strain.
- Potential for Personalization: The understanding of terpenes expands the potential for personalization in cannabis therapy, as users can select strains with specific terpene profiles to target certain experiences or therapeutic outcomes.
The exploration of the entourage effect, and the role of terpenes within it, underscores the complex nature of cannabis as a botanical medicine. Rather than a simple sum of its parts, cannabis reveals itself to be a tapestry of compounds that hold the potential to interact in profoundly beneficial ways. The journey into this intricate sphere of plant science continues to challenge our understanding of cannabis and its myriad of applications in the wellness sphere.
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potsmart · 10 months
Great Edibles for Beginners That Can Be Delivered in Canada!
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Everyone has either heard or lived the horror stories of consuming too many milligrams of THC on accident while getting carried away eating edibles. It’s a stereotype at this point that at the very moment anyone says “These edibles ain’t shi…” they hit with a vengeance. Paranoia, anxiety, spins, racing heart and more can be the outcome of too much too fast. Some people throw up. Clearly this is an outcome nobody wants. It’s even worse when you accidentally do it to someone else with a simple cookie. So, how can you avoid that?
Well, unsurprisingly it’s pretty simple. Monitoring your dosing and waiting sufficient time between eating more is the key. For beginners who don’t know their tolerance level this can be difficult. A good amount to start with is 10 milligrams of THC. Wait an hour after ingesting and see how you feel. Proceed with caution with the next dose and wait again.
Many initiates to edibles think the dose isn’t working and keep stacking. Next thing you know, they’ve eaten the entire bag of gummies or chocolates and are blasting off into a very uncomfortable space. Similarly, some folks just don’t know how hard each milligram will hit them and end up downing an entire 100 mg drink for their first experience. (Drinks hit faster) That’s sure not to end well. Make sure when shopping to find products with a low dose per piece. This will be paramount to you successfully enjoying your time baked. Below we will explore some good options made by a company called Boost, a cannabis brand passionately owned and operated by fellow Canadians who share your deep affection for the herb, and are on a mission to showcase their array of offerings to the nation. Their specialty lies in the creation of meticulously hand-crafted edibles, carefully designed to accompany you through your day. With a commitment to excellence, Boost exclusively infuses each of their creations with the finest distillate extracts, ensuring a pure delight that can be relied upon.
Dedicated to ethical and sustainable practices, they proudly employ organic, non-GMO, and cruelty-free ingredients, epitomizing the kind of integrity we all seek in a cannabis company. This translates to an all-natural, plant-based indulgence, promising both mental and physical well-being—provided you don’t indulge too enthusiastically, of course. Let’s look at some of their products.
1:1 CBD THC Gummies
CBD counteracts some of the psychoactive effects of cannabis, so these one to one ratio CBD/THC gummies with 10 milligrams of each per gummy are a great choice for people looking for a little buzz and a little pain relief. People love CBD and many report it helps with insomnia, pain and inflammation. Also, who doesn’t love Blue Raspberry flavoured candy?
These gummies are a versatile solution, ideal for both medicinal purposes and for achieving the right mindset before tackling new challenges. The company has successfully retained the delectable flavour of their gummies while delivering the full spectrum of benefits from both cannabinoids. These gummies contain Ascorbic Acid, Citric acid, colour, gelatine, glucose syrup, MCT oil, sugar, sunflower lecithin, THC distillate and CBD isolate. The use of distillate and isolate with MCT oil means that the flavour won’t be weedy and the body will uptake the cannabinoids through the fat in the coconut oil.
Green Apple THC Gummies
Boost, a cannabis company hailing from the Great White North, is dedicated to delivering a trifecta of excellence – quality, purity, and potency – through their delectable THC and CBD-infused edibles. Despite their relatively recent introduction to the cannabis scene, Boost is rapidly etching its mark, captivating enthusiasts with a tantalizing product lineup and the use of top-tier ingredients.
Their green apple gummies contain 10 milligrams of THC each. Just enough for the novice to feel, but hopefully not enough to send them to the dark side of the moon.
Variety Pack THC Gummies
Struggling to make up your mind when it comes to selecting your THC-infused gummy flavour? That’s cool bro. Boost has an enticing solution in the form of their THC Variety Pack, You’ll get an assortment of delectable flavours in one convenient package. This delightful assortment includes four of their most sought-after gummies: Sour watermelon, sour green apple, cherry, and strawberry-blue raspberry. In each of these chewy candies, a delightful 10 mg dose of pure THC distillate awaits. The worst part about this pack is that you’ll want to try one of each flavour immediately. I know I would, and without a decent tolerance, you’re blasting off.
Just remember if you ever eat too many edibles, it will all pass and you’ll be fine. Fire up something stupid on Youtube and bliss out until the spins stop. You’re not going to be the first person in history to overdose and die from weed consumption��or are you?
By Meso Potamia, Ganja Guy, for Potsmart
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Is CBD Oil Safe and Worth Your Money?
A medical cannabis expert weeds the hype from the truth about the herbal cure for pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
You can’t turn on a daytime TV program or flip open a lifestyle magazine without hearing or reading about CBD, short for cannabidiol. It’s the biggest buzzword in holistic health news, and statistically speaking, it is expected to reach around 1.8 billion dollars in U.S. consumer sales by 2022, a whopping increase from around half a billion dollars in 2018.
What exactly is CBD?
CBD is the non-intoxicating component of the cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis plants can either be classified as hemp or marijuana depending on the quantity or percentage of THC in either plant. This distinction was established by the FDA: Cannabis plants with 0.3 percent or less of THC are considered hemp and those with more that 0.3 percent are consider marijuana.
So in a nutshell, CBD that is derived from hemp will not make you high. You should also ask your primary physician about using CBD while taking medications.
Kisha Vanterpool, medical director of Medicinally Jointed, a medical cannabis spa and alternate health practice located in South Philadelphia, says the biggest misconception her patients have is understanding the difference between CBD and THC.
“Some associate CBD solely with cannabis (marijuana) which carries its own stigma of being used to attain a high,” the board-certified internist explains. “But really, cannabis is an herbal medicine that has many benefits. Through educating my patients around the plant as medicine and how it interacts within our bodies, patients then become more open to its use.”
What is CBD used for?
Studies show consumers are using CBD — sold in oils, lotions, balms, bath salts, coffee, oral sprays and gummies — as a specific therapy for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Depending on the product, prices range from $20 to $100.
Nira Hyman turned to CBD three years ago to help manage chronic back pain and joint inflammation she’s endured for about 15 years. The 46-year-old was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, a type of rheumatoid arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis, which affects the spine.
“Chronic pain is quite isolating, so I’m open to trying almost anything. My research led me to THC, then to CBD. It helps mute the pain. It’s still there, but the volume of the pain is dialed down. CBD doesn’t manage my pain on its own, but using that along with other stuff on my regimen can make a difference,” she says.
“Most of what I use is handmade. It’s expensive but worth it. Friends ship balms or soaks to me. And yes, the sellers are Black. I believe strongly that Black women belong in the cannabis industry, so the louder our voices the better.”
The Brooklyn, New York, native also uses CBD to alleviate anxiety. “It may be a placebo effect, but I do feel it helps my anxiety. And I prefer using something that’s natural and naturally medicinal. I’d much rather take CBD — and I do use high doses — than opioids. My doctors agree, off the record,” says Hyman.
Vanterpool recommends CBD to her female patients to help them with anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, menstrual cramps, endometriosis and other chronic pain. When shopping for CBD products, she suggests consumers research the product “to ensure that it truly contains CBD and has been tested for contaminants such as pesticides, bacteria and fungus/mold.”
Is CBD FDA-regulated?
Not currently. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published a consumer update on its website (FDA.gov) that addresses the claims that cannabinoid (CBD) is a cure-all, risk-free miracle drug.
Although the FDA is presently gathering data from health professionals, cannabis industry representatives and patients to learn more about the efficacy of CBD, the agency wrote, "there are many unanswered questions about the science, safety and quality of products containing CBD.”
Where can I find CBD products in my area, and is it legal in all fifty states?
Remember the 69-year-old grandmother from North Carolina who was arrested at Disney World for packing CBD oil in her purse?
Federal law says CBD oil products are legal to possess if they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, and CBD products are readily available online. Do your research to find products that are safe, effective and legal. Consumerreports.org has an informative guide. Be aware, however, that some states like Florida, Ohio and Texas generally don’t differentiate hemp from marijuana. So before you purchase or travel with CBD, check the state laws.
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BioBlend CBD Gummies Reviews: Price & Ingredients or Benefits For Customers?
“Order Now! BioBlend CBD Gummies - Visit the Official Website”
Item Review 👌
Industry 👍
Best CBD Gummies ☘️☘🤩
Base Ingredients 👍🎉
Any Negative Effects
No Major Side Effects ❣️❣️🏋️‍♀️
Benefits 👌👌
Who can use it?
Above 18+ 🏋️‍♀️
Maximum Results Time 🤷‍♀️
2-3 Months (Results May Vary Person to Person) 🚶‍♀️
Online Details ☘️☘️
► Product Name — BioBlend CBD Gummies
► Composition — Natural Organic Compound
► Side-Effects — NA
► Help In – Pain Relief
► Availability — Online
► Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
► Where to Buy ⇨ Official Website:- BioBlendCBDGummiesstore.com
✅📣Sale Is Live Now 👉 Click Here
✅📣Sale Is Live Now 👉 Click Here
✅📣Sale Is Live Now 👉 Click Here
BioBlend CBD Gummies :- In our busy international nowadays, many human beings are managing health troubles. These can be bodily, like feeling unwell often, or intellectual, like feeling stressed and now not drowsing nicely. Because of this, many are searching out herbal ways to experience higher. One of those answers is “BioBlend CBD Gummies“. It’s turning into greater popular because many accept as true with it enables with pressure, sleep troubles, and pain. These gummies are clean to take, taste appropriate, and may be a easy manner to introduce CBD into your each day recurring. They might be a terrific fit for folks who are searching out a herbal method to coping with their fitness challenges.
Let’s dive into extra about how those gummies work and what benefits they might offer.
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What are BioBlend CBD Gummies?
BioBlend CBD Gummies are holistic fitness boosters. Packed with complete-spectrum cannabidiol, they aim to address troubles like irritation, strain, and joint aches. Its big name issue is CBD isolate that ensures they’re natural and dedicatedly useful. Other key substances encompass:
Hemp Extracts: Refined to make certain almost whole THC elimination, they carry temper and decrease pressure without any hallucinogenic facet outcomes.
Green Tea: A powerhouse of antioxidants, it augments standard health.
Calcium: Strengthens bones and decreases physical discomfort.
Thanks to its powerful formula, these gummies sell better sleep and boosts the immune system. These gummies are easy to apply and discreet. You simply want to chew one gummy and experience the candy flavor. The CBD will enter your bloodstream and start operating in minutes. You can take those gummies at domestic, at work, or at the go. They’re free from THC, making sure no addictive outcomes. Plus, the kind of flavors makes them enjoyable whilst ensuring protection with FDA-approval.
Science Behind BioBlend CBD Gummies
To recognize how those gummies work, it’s essential to recognize approximately our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS performs an crucial role in many of our frame’s tactics, together with regulating sleep, coping with appetite, and even controlling temper. BioBlend CBD Gummies work by interacting with this gadget. When consumed, the elements inside the gummies help the ECS paintings higher, growing a sense of balance in our body. By doing this, the gummies can help in decreasing discomfort, managing stress, and enhancing ordinary nicely-being. One of the motives many people consider BioBlend CBD Gummies is due to the studies in the back of them.
Numerous medical research have regarded into CBD and its effects, and lots of those studies have found nice results. This research gives human beings confidence that these gummies are not simply any other wellness fad however have proper advantages which could make a difference of their lives.
Visit Official Website_Purchase BioBlend CBD Gummies
Guidelines for the consumer:
To get the fine outcomes from the BioBlend CBD Gummies, you ought to comply with the endorsed dosage. One gummy an afternoon is enough, but you can take greater in case you need, so long as you wait at the least six hours among each gummy. If you are pregnant or under 18, you should no longer use those gummies. You need to additionally be conscious that a few human beings may also experience minor aspect consequences like dry mouth or drowsiness. These are not extreme, but you can alter your dosage if they bother you. Most humans do not have any problems with these gummies, though.
Where to shop for:
You can simplest purchase the BioBlend CBD Gummies from the business enterprise’s respectable internet site. They are not sold in another locations, like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, and so on. The proper news is that you can get loose delivery whilst you order from the website. But you have to hurry, because the supply is restricted and there are only some bottles left, consistent with the agency. Here are the fees and applications you could select from:
1 Bottle of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 1 Free: $sixty four.Ninety nine each
2 Bottles Pack of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 2 Free: $47.Ninety five each
three Bottles Pack of BioBlend CBD Gummies + 3 Free: $39.99 every
The enterprise is certain that their CBD product will make you satisfied. That’s why they provide a one hundred% pride guarantee. If you aren't happy with the gummies within 30 days, you could ship them returned and get a full refund. No questions requested. You can touch the corporation’s aid crew through their internet site if you have any questions or worries.
If you’re searching out a natural approach to address day by day stresses and fitness worries, BioBlend CBD Gummies is probably really worth considering. They provide a simple, tasty, and research-backed way to doubtlessly enhance your overall fitness and nicely-being. They offer the benefits of natural hemp oil in a tasty, on hand format. By improving mood, assuaging ache, and selling higher sleep, they’ve end up a fave in lots of wellbeing workouts. Online reviews echo their effectiveness, showcasing their pivotal position in enhancing intellectual and physical health.
Visit Official Website_Purchase BioBlend CBD Gummies
☘️☘👉OFFICIAL WEBSITE {SALE IS LIVE}=>> bioblendcbdgummies.com
☘️☘👉OFFICIAL WEBSITE {SALE IS LIVE}=>> evergreencbdgummiescanada.com
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Always happy to throw random information around :P
I'm about to go down a research rabbit hole one of these days, because I've been very curious about natural remedies these days...
It's been bothering me how natural remedies are not taken seriously - in so many directions.
First off, people don't do research, and just parrot what others have said etc, and there's a booming industry of charlatans, so like a lot of stuff doesn't really have a proven effect, or maybe it's totally contrary to the claim etc.. so people just take these supplements kind of randomly, hoping for the best..
Which not only leads to people paying for ineffective bullshit, it also leads to people taking something that may not be good for them!!
Because, and this will come to no surprise to someone who has ever smoked weed or done mushrooms, compounds found in nature can absolutely have very significant effects on us!!
So I wish people would stop putting random stuff in their body thinking "it's just a harmless supplement"... Like you either gotta take it seriously as a bioactive drug (which means looking into effects/side effects, interactions etc), or not take it at all, you know?
Like the people who think no natural supplement could ever have an effect are also silly, but at least they put their money where their mouth is.
The idea that something can be both so harmless/meaningless that people don't bother to look up effects/side effects, interactions etc, yet will pay money for the product just confuses me...
Recently I've been curious about natural supplements that show promise for symtoms of adhd, and I've isolated a few that I need to study further..
Primarily these things fascinate me, because they hint at how much we don't know about all this stuff..
Like modern medicine for psych stuff is usually very straight forward action on one or a few things that seem logically directly related to the issue as we perceive it.
Meanwhile some of these supplements will come out of left field with a totally unexpected mechanism of action, hinting at the insane complexity of our brain, and the disorders that plague it...
That sounds like a really interesting rabbit hole and I'm here if you wanna infodump about what you're discovering. It is indeed stupid to assume that "natural" remedies are always harmless and always healthy - just ask someone who's been on a shitty mushroom trip... As you know I'm not opposed to natural remedies, as I am taking CBD oil for my anxiety. But you gotta do research before putting anything in your body. Even if it's "completely natural"
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
I've never heard of mmj helping fatigue, could you say more on that? I don't like the way recreational mj makes me feel spacey and forgetful, this increases my anxiety even if I'm more "relaxed" but as a person with a fucked up gi system (undx, but nausea & vomitting feature prominently in my day to day) and dysautonomia that causes debilitating fatigue, I might be interested in trying it in a medical capacity if it really assists with fatigue and nausea. Is there any way to feel less spacey amd dissociated when you use it?
So this will definitely depend on the person, but since you're a lot like me, I'll speak from my experience!
I think the mechanism of the person's fatigue is what really influences how they respond to cannabis. Now that I've isolated that I'm getting adrenaline dumps (and then fatigue afterwards) I'll have to experiment with my medical usage to see how it helps to manage or pad that reaction.
When I use CBD dominant or equivalent strains and items I find that it's able to manage that sedative effect more. I personally have to use high THC for my nausea/vomiting, but I try to get a 1:1 if possible, or at least something with .15%CBD or higher if it's a concentrate or flower. You can also try low dosing and/or microdosing on pills, like RSO/concentrate capsules to see what your lowest effective dose is for nausea without the overwhelming fatigue.
Trying to lean towards sativas and sativa dominant strains helps me as well, but I know that there's Discourse (TM) over whether or not those really make as big of a difference as we anecdotally claim they do. I think it has to do with the terpene profile specifically. Any of the OG strains I've found boost my energy and creativity, and Fire OG is my absolute favorite strain for the high CBD/THC and the nausea relief.
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gencannaus · 1 year
Are you looking for a safe and affordable way to get high-quality CBD isolate? Look no further! Gencanna has an extensive selection of CBD isolates, so you can choose the perfect product for you. Our products are lab-tested for purity, potency, and safety, so you can be sure you're getting the best product available. Whether you're looking for tinctures, e-liquids, edibles, topicals, or vape juices, we've got you covered. Shop our selection of CBD isolate today and get the relief you need!
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our-inspire-verse · 1 year
Kiba: realizing that microdosing on cbd is helping me hold a front for long, solid periods.
Realizing that I've been rapid-switching and struggling with anxiety, delusion, and other ptsd related symptoms, which is dragging me into a depression and making me unable to be there in ways i would like to be. For myself and others.
Realizing that i had opportunities to stock up. Didn't. And thinking with a headshake at all those times Mitten's hubristic nature made her laugh in the face of gentle waste. "Another hit won't hurt. I know what you're thinking, 'save it!' I tell you, we are living, my love!" She would cackle.
(Bout to be a long ish post. Meant to just check in briefly but i like to talk. )
Tisk tisk. This is why occasionally we tell her no. No, we will not get drinky drink. We are saving money. "It is only 2 dollar!" Yes. I am aware. How many 2 dollar have you spent? How many are we making? When will we make more?
And the quastion circles back, my little feathery feline. When can we start properly dosing on cbd again? Mitten. When will we have more.
Her stupid little cat smile. Silly little masochist. She knows it could be some time. She knows what we are feeling, and sure it could be good to suffer and feel what she so missed: the very low and agonizing sensations of being in pain. We have a perspective that controlled, healthy pain, is very necessary for healing. However: we could simply dose for sleep, for tummy problems, and unsolvable brain scrambles. Meditation could not save us on the porch, or in the office(references to things.) Water, walking, calm and nature cannot always be the only solution. As I've lived for a long time, I've solved on my own. I have fought and clawed and suffocated. All alone.
And Mitten and the others, of course, have always been there, but together we are isolated. But cbd, preferably thc and flower, hopefully one day edibles mostly, have always made us feel closer. More real, together. Louder. Warmer. Clarifies us, makes it so i can hold a front. So a switch does not hurt and feel dizzying. I just wish it did not come at such a harm to very specific parties. I just want to be a comfort and helpful, but things strain, and i am weak in my little dog knees.
I'm so so weak lately and my mind is faltering. Headaches, pretty regularly if i fight too hard against the dying of my light, if i rage against my self loathing and succeed especially, as I've successfully and painlessly done this past year, i falter and fail now. I cannot hold front, none of us can. We cannot see who we are, and even the most formed and solid headmates find themselves half there and floating away and possibly regressed or scared. I do not fear that i am addicted to cbd, i know who i am and how i am processing and what addiction does feel like. I've avoided it with this successfully this far.
My issue is that others may perceive it that way if i reveal what desperation i feel. Truly, it is the mark of a man who found a very helpful, consistent and aquirable remedy, and a man who took his rest from it for health, as well as for proof of his comfort in lifestyle as one who can regulate and self care. It is the mark of someone, long past the promised date of return to the substance, and unable to come back. Unable to ground, or process, or meditate the way i need to be doing to stay stable in an insanely unstable environment. I'd pay a dollar per hit at this point. Give me 1 boof off a boogn. Please.
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pure5extraction · 1 year
Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Cannabis Extraction Equipment
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As the cannabis industry expands, the need for superior cannabis extracts rises correspondingly. The process of Cannabis extraction plays a pivotal role in separating and acquiring cannabinoids, terpenes, and other valuable compounds from the plant material. To achieve optimal results, it is essential to invest in the right cannabis extraction equipment. This article aims to provide you with valuable tips for choosing the most suitable equipment to meet your specific needs.
Why Cannabis Extraction?
Cannabis extraction is essential for various reasons:
It allows for the creation of concentrated cannabis products such as oils, tinctures, and concentrates, which offer users more potent and efficient     consumption options.
Extraction facilitates the isolation of specific cannabinoids and terpenes, enabling researchers to study their therapeutic properties in more detail.
Extraction is vital for manufacturers who seek to produce standardized cannabis products with consistent potency, flavor, and quality.
Types of Equipment available in the market for CBD extraction
Before diving into the tips for choosing cannabis cbd oil extraction equipment, let's explore the different types available in the market:
Closed-Loop Extraction Systems: These systems use solvents such as butane or CO2 to extract cannabinoids and terpenes. Closed-loop systems are known for their efficiency, safety, and ability to produce high-quality extracts.
Ethanol Extraction Systems: Ethanol extraction involves soaking the cannabis material in ethanol to dissolve the desired compounds. This method is popular for its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and versatility.
Supercritical CO2 Extraction Systems: This method employs pressurized carbon dioxide to extract cannabinoids and terpenes. It is considered a highly efficient and precise extraction technique, but it requires more complex and expensive equipment.
Rosin Presses: Rosin extraction utilizes heat and pressure to squeeze resin from cannabis flowers or hash. It is a solventless extraction method that has gained popularity due to its simplicity, safety, and preservation of terpenes.
Tips for Choosing Cannabis Extraction Equipment
The following tips will help you choose the best equipment for your CBD extraction business:
Determine your Extraction Method: Start by understanding the extraction method that aligns with your goals, resources, and regulatory requirements. Each method has its advantages and limitations, so select one that suits your specific needs.
Consider Scalability: If you plan to expand your operations in the future, choose equipment that allows for scalability. Investing in scalable equipment saves time and money in the long run, as it minimizes the need for equipment upgrades or replacements.
Evaluate Safety Features: Safety should be a top priority when selecting cannabis extraction equipment. Look for features such as built-in safety mechanisms, explosion-proof designs, and compliance with relevant industry standards to ensure the well-being of your team and compliance with regulations.
Efficiency and Yield: Efficiency and yield are critical factors in the extraction process. Consider equipment that maximizes the extraction yield while minimizing solvent consumption and energy costs. Look for systems with innovative design features that enhance efficiency and optimize productivity.
Quality and Purity: To ensure the success of your business, it is imperative to prioritize the quality and purity of your cannabis extracts. It is essential to select equipment that is constructed using top-notch materials and adheres to industry standards, guaranteeing impeccable quality and compliance. Additionally, look for systems that allow for precise temperature and pressure control to maintain the integrity of the extracted compounds.
After-Sales Support: Investing in cannabis extraction equipment is a significant decision, and having reliable after-sales support is essential. Choose a reputable manufacturer or supplier who offers comprehensive technical support, training, and maintenance services to ensure smooth operations and minimize downtime.
Choosing the right cannabis extraction equipment is crucial for achieving high-quality, consistent, and safe cannabis extracts. When choosing cannabis extraction equipment, prioritize a reputable Cannabis extraction company like PURE5 Extraction ensures that you can achieve high-quality extraction processes for your cannabis products. For more information and to explore their range of reliable extraction equipment, visit pure5extraction.com today.
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
For Cathala: 2, 18, 36 & 57?
Oh man, lots to answer >:) (below the cut, that is. Also warning for brief discussion of PTSD and drug use.)
2: What’s their biggest regret?
Starting off with a heavier one here. It’s without a doubt that she didn’t successfully, or at least do more to, get her parents and sister out with her during Teldrassil. She barely remembers anything other than single, isolated images, but years later she still tells herself she could have done more, should have done more. It’s survivor’s guilt at work, unfortunately. And it’ll take her a long time to work through it :(
18: What’s their dream job?
I like to joke Cathala’s about 50% unconditional love and 50% unquenchable bloodlust and that’s actually quite appropriate here. When she got stranded on Pandaria, she had to of course learn to speak, read, and write Pandaren. ((Taking inspiration from real-life Chinese here, which I don’t speak in any capacity, so bear with me)) In the process, she fell in love with Pandaren poetry: how there’s words in the written language that barely exist or don’t exist at all in the spoken language and yet still have meaning, how masterfully pandaren poets could use that to their advantage, how many words can have multiple meanings, and generally just how the written language practically gave itself to being an art form. She’d dabbled in poetry on Kalimdor, but this was like someone had handed her a massive blank canvas and all the fanciest paints and inks in the world and told her she could do whatever she wanted. So she wrote really shitty poetry until she figured out what she was doing and got better at it. By now she’s actually quite good. She’s written Tarinne quite a number of Darnassian love poems too, but always says she wishes Tarinne could read the Pandaren versions in Cathala’s head.
All that to say, she’d choose to be a poet if she wasn’t also a fighter. It’s hard to sit down at her writing desk for days on end when she knows for a fact she could be out in the world righting wrongs by kicking all those wrongs in the head. She isn’t sure which she’d rather do. For the time being, she tries to do both. Her hands are equal parts stained with blood and ink, she’s said. Take that how you will.
36: What’s their favorite thing about themself?
I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s her number one favorite thing about herself ((I couldn’t name my favorite thing about myself)), but what’s pretty high up on the list is how good of a cook she is. She takes after her father with her love of food, and being among pandaren for so long certainly intensified it. She always puts in 110% even when all she has to work with is travel rations like salt pork and four and a half dried peppers. And you can bet she’s putting all four and a half of those peppers in the pan. You wouldn’t catch her dead making anything that didn’t make you tear up at least a LITTLE. Lastly, her family were fishers, so seafood is a specialty of hers.
She’s also not shy about her skill in combat. From an objective standpoint… she’s not a good monk. She’s not about honor in combat (she has VERY strong opinions about that), she’s not about inner peace and balance, or any of that. But she is a good brawler, and is good at using her monk training to end fights as quickly as possible. She’s not above paralyzing an opponent just so she’ll have an easier time killing them when they’re defenseless on the ground. And, rightfully or not, she’s proud of that. She believes that’s how things should be done. It’s certainly won her a lot of fights, and she doesn’t quickly forget that when people start voicing opinions about her fighting style.
57: How do they feel about drugs?
She doesn’t give a single shit. Use them if you want, don’t if you don’t, and if you do, don’t hurt yourself. Post-Teldrassil she always carries around a vial of mountain silversage oil — which is basically just irl CBD oil — for when her anxiety/episodes become too much to deal with. ((I use this blog for pretty much all of my herb lore, or at least for inspiration.)) She used to smoke it too but the oil’s easier to deal with on the road because she doesn't need to carry around a pipe or anything. But even before Teldrassil she’d use whatever sounded fun just to wind down. Her self-control and sense of self-preservation are a little fucked up so she’s definitely had more than a few bad trips as a result of mixing things or taking too much of something, but it’s fine. After a good eighteen hour nap she’d be back to normal. But nowadays she can’t afford the more exciting stuff so really all she’s got is silversage for anxiety and, like, whatever the two pandaren are smoking in that little book sitting on the balcony behind The Lazy Turnip in Halfhill (which is also probably just Fantasy Weed but different). ((Also log on and go read that book, it's probably my favorite in the game))
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highlifeboat · 1 year
i couldve sworn we’ve had this RE8 weed discussion before…. and i shall bring up the point again that alcina would be the biggest hypocrite ever and dislike weed (historical propaganda) but most likely has taken opium prescribed by some old timey doctor when she was a human or something.
I see your point, but I do wanna say there's kind a difference between "This was ingested because it was used for medical purposes at the time" and "Haha smoke the funny plant cause it makes me feel funky'' and given the Village's isolation, and I assume Miranda's hatred for it, they probably aren't really... up to date with how weed can be used medically and what not.
So it's not really hypocritical, just kind of Alcina being misinformed and thinking weed will turn her kids into hippies. Hypocritical would be if Alcina smoked the ganja herself then got mad at others for it.
But also it's so much more fun to think about Bela specifically being big into the mary janes and trying to hide it. Like she mainly does CBD for her stress/anxiety but sometimes the girl just wants to be high. And I like the idea that she mixes her shit up one time, and while Alcina is talking to her later she's suddenly hit by the high and is slowly failing at being normal.
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