#CIA Comrade in America
findmovies83 · 2 years
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CIA Comrade in America (2022) Hindi Dubbed Download . Just Click on Link 🔗🔗...
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apas-95 · 2 months
Hello, I'm sorry for bothering.
A lot of fellow comrades have been posting quite a bit about anarchists lately and I've noticed that they seem to be the majorly from North America (predominantly the US).
Do you think the heavy anti-communist propaganda in these countries is a big influence on, at least online, people's radicalization into anarchism and the aversion to us as "authoritarian takies"?
I've always felt like anarchism is not demonized as much (most anti anarchist propaganda, if you could even call it that, is the propagation of the rule-breaker rebel teen that cares for no one stereotype) because it simply isn't a threat to the capitalism like socialism and communism are. It feels like they'd prefer that people get radicalized into anarchism as it would be both improbable to have a revolution and if it did happen power would be easily taken back. Am I crazy, or does this make sense?
In general, yes, anarchism is significantly more popular in the imperial core; and during the cold war all sorts of 'anti-authoritarian' currents of thought were promoted by the west states as a means of countering Marxism-Leninism.
The most popular anticommunist works, like 1984, which was internationally published and adapted directly by the CIA and British intelligence, are ones that promote a supposedly 'leftist' opposition to socialism. The bourgeoisie would much prefer to deal with anarchists than Marxist-Leninists, which shouldn't come as anything of a surprise, given the last 100 years have been defined by their existential scramble to try to defeat Marxist-Leninist projects composed of hundreds of millions of politically-conscious workers armed with the most advanced weaponry and industrial bases - and the most successful anarchist projects have been, at best, small states formed in the power vacuums of civil wars led by Marxist-Leninist parties, or, more commonly, some sort of protest camp/community garden that gets destroyed as soon as a single cop walks into it.
Also posting the image to clown around a bit fhfhfh
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Call of Duty: Callie “Snipe” Graves 🇺🇸
An American woman who is related to the Commander of the Shadow Company! A sister actually. Born and raised in America. Proud to be one. Having that cocky attitude just like her older brother. A Lieutenant standing by the Commander’s side. She is the ride and die with her older brother and the team. And do be careful when talking with her. You may never know what lie she’ll tell you about.
🇺🇸 Name: Callie Graves 🇺🇸 Alias(es): 
Cal (by Philip and some close friends)
CC (by Philip)
Snipe (by Philip and some comrades)
Lieutenant Graves
Lieutenant Snipe
Shadow 0-3
Cowgirl (by Kanoa)
🇺🇸 Gender: Female 🇺🇸 Age: 35 (MW2), 36 (MW3) 🇺🇸 Birthday: July 31st, 1987 🇺🇸 Nationality: American 🇺🇸 Place of Birth: Texas, USA 🇺🇸 Home: Dallas, Texas, USA 🇺🇸 Spoken Languages: English 🇺🇸 Sexuality: Heterosexual 🇺🇸 Occupation:
Lieutenant of the Marines
Lieutenant of the Shadow Company
Second-in-Command of the Shadow Company
🇺🇸 Eye Color: Blue 🇺🇸 Hair Color: Blonde 🇺🇸 Height: 5’9”/175 cm 🇺🇸 Scars: 
Wounds: Bullet wound in the palm of her right hand (caused by Tiala), Stabbing wound on her left thigh (caused by Tiala as well)
Scars: Scars on her knuckles from fighting (fighting an enemy in Las Almas), scar behind her neck (from an enemy)
🇺🇸 Face Claim: Dakota Fanning
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🇺🇸 Color: Lemon Yellow 🇺🇸 Food: Burgers. Just burgers and fries. 🇺🇸 Drink: Whiskey 🇺🇸 Flower: Sunflower 🇺🇸 Hairstyle: Always putting it up in a ponytail or in a bun when she's at home. But putting it in a braid during work time.
Shadow Company:
-Commander Philip Graves
-Sergeant Sheree "Reed" Norcliffe ( @justasmolbard )
- Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham ( @applbottmjeens )
Warriors Task Force:
- General Alana Kalani
- Captain Kanoa Toa
-First Sergeant Tiala "Shark" Koa
- Sergeant Agnes “Blast” Falagi
- Sergeant Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison
Task Force 141:
- Captain John Price
- Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
- Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish
- Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
- Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin ( @sleepyconfusedpotato )
- Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton ( @revnah1406 )
- Annabelle “Kit” Pham ( @applbottmjeens and later on being part of the Shadow Company)
Para Special Forces: ( @welldonekhushi )
- Captain Arjun
Second Commando Regiment: ( @kaitaiga )
- Sergeant Damien Whitlock
- Station Chief Kate Laswell
🇺🇸 Myers Briggs Type: ESTP Callie is a VERY outgoing person. She has always been ever since she was little. Always loves to go outside for an adventure with her older brother. She’s also the kind of woman who would do ANYTHING for her brother. Whatever he said she’ll do it. Well…some of it.
🇺🇸 Loyalty: Her ONLY loyalty is with her brother, Philip Graves. For he has always been there for her when she needed him most. So she will do the same for him no matter what the cost.
🇺🇸 Action-Oriented: Whatever Graves asks her to deal with something. She’ll do it in the most CREATIVE way to deal with the enemies. And she’ll do it in a HEARTBEAT.
🇺🇸 Pragmatic Problem Solver: Even though she will follow her older brother’s orders without questioning. But she sometimes wanted to listen to her OWN thoughts before following his orders.
🇺🇸 Manipulative: You could say she got that from her brother. She does that with other soldiers if they crossed the line with her. Whenever anyone argues with her. She’ll turn the table around by sharing something that will STRUCK into their core. (She also secretly read your files and got some from other people you may know so she can find your weaknesses.)
🇺🇸 Bossy: Most of the Shadows kept complaining that she’s being too bossy. Always telling them what to do while Graves put her in charge. And yelling at them every small little thing when they do something wrong.
🇺🇸 Narcissists: She is a NARCISSIST. Always trying to prove someone else is WRONG. Even doing that to Philip too. She didn’t even BOTHER listen to other people’s perspective and just kept saying that they are wrong. (Spoiled brat)
🇺🇸 Liar: She’s a GOOD dirty liar. Always got away just by saying her creative words. Even if there are ways that don't make sense. She’ll MAKE it sense.
Skills and Abilities:
🇺🇸 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and Boxing
🇺🇸 Weapons: A6 bolt-action sniper rifle and Benelli M1014
🇺🇸 Distinct Weapon: Sig Sauer Model P320 and gutting knife
🇺🇸 Special Skills:
Dealmaker: She got good info on things when it comes to making deals with someone. She just needs to learn more about this person before giving them what they actually wanted and needed.
Assassinate: Give her the order of assassinating someone. And she’ll get it done without hesitating or even questioning it.
Unnamed Father (Father, Alive)
Unnamed Mother (Mother, Deceased)
Philip Graves (Older Brother, Alive) 
🇺🇸 She is the younger sister of the Commander.
🇺🇸 Callie has always been deceived by her father because she was at fault of her mother’s death
🇺🇸 Philip is the only kind of brother who always look out for her
🇺🇸 She’s not like any other kind of girl. She likes to get her hands dirty and would join with her older brother to do something fun or troubling.
🇺🇸 At 16-years-old, Callie had developed a habit of making deals with other students. Like giving them some drugs or cigarettes or even handing out tests with some answers. Surprisingly, she didn’t get caught.
🇺🇸 She enjoys riding on horses with Philip. Almost feels like she is FREE as she feels the wind through her golden hair.
🇺🇸 Snipe is the nickname that Philip had given her because of how her words affected others without a care. Which he is very most proud of. And also, she’s really good at being a sniper.
🇺🇸 Been with her brother in the Marines Corpse and into the Shadow Company. She’s very proud of him and accepted being his second-in-command.
Background Story:
On July 31st, 1987. Callie was born in Texas. And on that same day is when her mother passes after giving birth to her to come into this world.
THAT is when her father started to distance himself from her and despise her. But not her older brother, Philip Graves. Whenever her father left her alone and didn’t bother to care for her. Philip stepped in and took care of her himself. Ignoring their father’s harsh words about leaving Callie alone. Philip chooses not to and continues to care for his little sister. Philip was only 5-years-old when Callie was born. He may not know WHAT to do but he knows that he has to protect his little Callie.
When Callie had started to learn how to walk, this is when she was 13 months old. She wanted to walk up to her dad, who was drinking at the moment and he disgustingly looked at her. Walking up to him reaching out with her tiny hands. He scoffed as he stood up and was about to deal with her before Philip ran in and grabbed her. Saying to his father that he’ll keep an eye on her while he watches TV. The father just rolled his eyes and went back to sit down while Philip took Callie, who was being fussy, to the kitchen to get her something to eat. Which he remembers about his mama telling him about babies drinking milk. So he did his best to make it for his little sister and make sure she stayed put before his dad might get pissed off if he sees her wandering off again. But he did make some small gifts for Callie to be able to walk! Philip was only 6-years-old when Callie was 13-months-old.
When Callie was 12-years-old, she had done her very best of trying to get her father’s attention. Which really annoyed him as he ignored her and paid attention to his son. It upset Callie very much but when she saw Philip giving HIS attention to her. She believes that’s all she needs as she shows or tells her older brother about anything! And it warms Philip’s heart to see his little sister yapping about her day. Callie was very happy when Philip secretly spoiled her with their father’s money. Giving her small gifts, food, candies, snacks- ANYTHING that big older Phil can give to his little sister. She appreciates it REALLY much.
When she turned 15-years-old she had started to pick up a habit of selling some things in the school grounds to other kids. Selling and stealing drugs, giving other teenagers some cigarettes, she also can trade them with answer sheets on their homeworks. All of that and hadn’t got caught. And that’s how she got some money from them too. Which Philip was questioning when he saw his little sister coming home with some of it in her hands. She just straight up lied to her older brother that she was doing a canteen for her school. And just left it at that. Philip didn’t even think about it and just took her words for it. Their dad has still been drinking and couldn’t care LESS of what Callie is doing.
Callie had also participated in some of the sports. Mostly baseball and she was hoping that her dad would come and watch some of her games. Just like he came to watch Philip’s football game. But as expected from all those years…he never showed up. The only person that came to most of her games, is none other than Philip. She appreciated it and she’s happy that someone she knew had come to her games. But it still hurts that her own father didn’t show up. Philip had told her that he TRIED to drag his ass out of the house to come to her game but he wouldn’t budge. Which annoyed him so much. She just shrugged it off and asked him if they could get some burgers. Philip smiled at her as he would do anything for her. So they went out to get a burger from McDonald's. Callie was 16-years-old when she started to participate in sports after the summer.
When Callie became a Junior in High School. She has been called into the Principal’s office. As she was caught red-handed having some drugs in her bag since she was about to sell it to one of the students. Instead of her father coming over. Philip was there instead. So after the conversation the Principal had said that they would expel Callie from campus for she had been doing this for a LONG time. And they can’t risk having her around for she might do it again. So she and Philip left the school without saying a word to each other. Callie doesn’t know how he reacted to this situation before they reached home. As soon they stepped in, the two paused to see their father was on the chair with a belt in hand. Does he know about Callie being expelled? Yes he does. How? Because HE was the one who answered the call from the Principal but he let Philip go instead of him. And he didn’t tell his son why he didn't want to go. He just wants to prepare himself to punish Callie when she gets home. The poor girl was scared to see her father with the belt and was about to be grabbed by him too when he stood up and walked over. But Philip stopped him, telling their father that she wouldn’t have done this if he would PAY ATTENTION to her. The father scoffed at his son’s words before pushing him back as he grabbed Callie. Saying that this girl is a LOST CAUSE ever since she was born and had caused the DEATH of her mother. Those words had really struck her so badly as she started to tear up. It upsetted Philip so much to see his little sister being scared. So he stepped in as he grabbed the father’s wrist and pushed him back before putting Callie behind him. He warned his father to NOT touch her like that and told him that they’ll be moving out. He’ll take care of Callie if he doesn’t want to. The father scoffed with no caring looks in his eyes. So he let them leave as Philip took Callie somewhere else. FAR away from their father. He was only 22-years-old while Callie is still 16-years-old.
When Callie had finally graduated from another school, WITHOUT causing any more trouble, the Graves siblings decided to sign up for the Marines together. And they have worked together ever since. But Callie could see her older brother’s eyes as if he’s not pleased or satisfied by these military systems. Seeing how the other higher ranks had to pull back men like the two of them. So she heard that Philip was going to leave the military and she wanted to join him. Which he doesn’t mind. So the two had left the military in 2017. And Philip had made his own private military company. Callie was very proud and impressed of her older brother’s work and she had accepted his offer by being his second-in-command. This was when Callie was 30-years-old and Philip was 35-years-old.
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momxijinping · 14 days
By 1965, the PKI had three million party members – adding a million members in the year. It had emerged as a serious political force in Indonesia, despite the anti-communist military’s attempts to squelch its growth. Membership in its mass organizations went up to 18 million. A strange incident – the killing of three generals in Jakarta – set off a massive campaign, helped along by the CIA and Australian intelligence, to excise the communists from Indonesia. Mass murder was the order of the day. The worst killings were in East Java and in Bali. Colonel Sarwo Edhie’s forces, for instance, trained militia squads to kill communists. ‘We gave them two or three days’ training,’ Sarwo Edhie told journalist John Hughes, ‘then sent them out to kill the communists.’ In East Java, one eyewitness recounted, the prisoners were forced to dig a grave, then ‘one by one, they were beaten with bamboo clubs, their throats slit, and they were pushed into the mass grave’. By the end of the massacre, a million Indonesian men and women of the left were sent to these graves. Many millions more were isolated, without work and friends. Aidit was arrested by Colonel Yasir Hadibroto, brought to Boyolali (in Central Java) and executed. He was 42. There was no way for the world communist movement to protect their Indonesian comrades. The USSR’s reaction was tepid. The Chinese called it a ‘heinous and diabolical’ crime. But neither the USSR nor China could do anything. The United Nations stayed silent. The PKI had decided to take a path that was without the guns. Its cadre could not defend themselves. They were not able to fight the military and the anti-communist gangs. It was a bloodbath.
Red Star Over the Third World Vijay Prashad, November 2017
The fourth way that anticommunist extermination programs shaped the world is that they deformed the world socialist movement. Many of the global left-wing groups that did survive the twentieth century decided that they had to employ violence and jealously guard power or face annihilation. When they saw the mass murders taking place in these countries, it changed them. Maybe US citizens weren’t paying close attention to what happened in Guatemala, or Indonesia. But other leftists around the world definitely were watching. When the world’s largest Communist Party without an army or dictatorial control of a country was massacred, one by one, with no consequences for the murderers, many people around the world drew lessons from this, with serious consequences. This was another very difficult question I had to ask my interview subjects, especially the leftists from Southeast Asia and Latin America. When we would get to discussing the old debates between peaceful and armed revolution; between hardline Marxism and democratic socialism, I would ask: “Who was right?” In Guatemala, was it Árbenz or Che who had the right approach? Or in Indonesia, when Mao warned Aidit that the PKI should arm themselves, and they did not? In Chile, was it the young revolutionaries in the MIR who were right in those college debates, or the more disciplined, moderate Chilean Communist Party? Most of the people I spoke with who were politically involved back then believed fervently in a nonviolent approach, in gradual, peaceful, democratic change. They often had no love for the systems set up by people like Mao. But they knew that their side had lost the debate, because so many of their friends were dead. They often admitted, without hesitation or pleasure, that the hardliners had been right. Aidit’s unarmed party didn’t survive. Allende’s democratic socialism was not allowed, regardless of the détente between the Soviets and Washington. Looking at it this way, the major losers of the twentieth century were those who believed too sincerely in the existence a liberal international order, those who trusted too much in democracy, or too much in what the United States said it supported, rather than what it really supported—what the rich countries said, rather than what they did. That group was annihilated.
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade & The Mass Murder Program That Shaped Our World Vincent Bevins, 2020
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faint-petrichor · 1 month
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I don't have a lot to put in a pinned, but here goes:
i am a committed marxist-leninist, expect a lot of readings and analysis. i have no patience for imperial chauvinists or cia parroting. 80% of my posts/RBs are politics
the rest is shitposts/art/anime/yuri mostly
family abolition now and forever
I am multiply disabled and autistic, and not in the cute quirky way unfortunately
I am a white/mixed usamerican, tho I have lived in latin america for a number of years now for personal reasons. ESP ok etc but it's still a work in progress
ruthless criticism of all things that exist. we criticize each other so we may be better. I welcome criticism, and all forms of earnest discussion/argument for that matter
I design/develop both video games and ttrpgs but I don't post about it here. sometimes I post game design analysis. I like rpgs, card games and strategy games a lot
my dms are open if you're a fellow comrade or tgirl. always happy to make more friends
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dan6085 · 1 month
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, often simply known as Che, was a key figure in the Cuban Revolution and a symbol of revolutionary movements worldwide. Here’s a detailed profile of his life, ideology, and legacy:
### Early Life and Education
- **Full Name**: Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
- **Birth**: June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina
- **Family Background**: Born into a middle-class family of Spanish, Basque, and Irish descent. His family held liberal, left-wing views, which influenced his political thinking.
- **Education**: Guevara studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. During his medical studies, he traveled extensively across South America, which exposed him to the widespread poverty, inequality, and social injustice in the region. These experiences were crucial in shaping his Marxist beliefs.
### Political Awakening and Early Activities
- **Motorcycle Diaries**: In 1952, Guevara embarked on a motorcycle journey across South America with his friend Alberto Granado. The journey, later immortalized in his book *The Motorcycle Diaries*, deepened his awareness of Latin America's socio-economic disparities and fueled his revolutionary spirit.
- **Guatemala**: After completing his medical degree in 1953, Guevara traveled to Guatemala, where he witnessed the progressive government of Jacobo Árbenz being overthrown in a CIA-backed coup. This event reinforced his belief in the necessity of armed struggle against imperialism and capitalism.
### Cuban Revolution
- **Meeting Fidel Castro**: In 1955, in Mexico City, Guevara met Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl Castro. Inspired by their plans to overthrow the U.S.-backed Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, Guevara joined their July 26th Movement.
- **Granma Expedition**: In November 1956, Guevara, alongside the Castro brothers and other revolutionaries, sailed from Mexico to Cuba on the yacht *Granma*. Although the initial landing was disastrous, with many revolutionaries killed, Guevara survived and retreated to the Sierra Maestra mountains.
- **Guerrilla Warfare**: Over the next two years, Guevara emerged as one of the key leaders of the guerrilla forces fighting Batista's regime. He demonstrated exceptional leadership, strategic acumen, and a ruthless determination, which earned him the respect of his comrades and the Cuban people.
- **Battle of Santa Clara**: In December 1958, Guevara led the decisive attack on the city of Santa Clara, which effectively sealed the fate of Batista's regime. On January 1, 1959, Batista fled Cuba, and Castro's forces took control of the country.
### Post-Revolutionary Cuba
- **Government Roles**: After the revolution, Guevara took on several important roles in the new Cuban government. He was appointed as the head of the Department of Industrialization, later becoming the president of the National Bank of Cuba and the Minister of Industries.
- **Economic Policies**: Guevara played a key role in shaping Cuba's socialist economy, advocating for rapid industrialization, land reform, and the nationalization of major industries. However, his economic policies were controversial and met with mixed results, contributing to economic difficulties in Cuba.
- **Internationalism**: Guevara was a strong advocate for global revolutionary movements. He traveled extensively, representing Cuba at international forums and offering support to revolutionary groups in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. His most famous international mission was in Congo in 1965, where he unsuccessfully attempted to inspire a Marxist revolution.
### Bolivia and Final Years
- **Bolivian Campaign**: In 1966, Guevara left Cuba to lead a guerrilla movement in Bolivia, aiming to spark a continent-wide revolution. However, the campaign was poorly planned and lacked local support.
- **Capture and Execution**: On October 8, 1967, Guevara was captured by the Bolivian army, which had been trained and supported by the CIA. The next day, on October 9, he was executed by a Bolivian soldier in the village of La Higuera. His last words to his executioner were reportedly, "Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man."
### Legacy
- **Iconic Image**: Che Guevara’s image, particularly the famous photograph taken by Alberto Korda, has become one of the most recognizable symbols of revolution and resistance worldwide. His face adorns countless posters, T-shirts, and murals, often symbolizing rebellion, anti-imperialism, and socialist ideals.
- **Controversy**: Guevara remains a polarizing figure. Supporters view him as a martyr who fought against imperialism and capitalism, while critics condemn him as a violent revolutionary responsible for executions and human rights abuses.
- **Influence on Global Movements**: Guevara's writings, particularly *Guerrilla Warfare* and *The Motorcycle Diaries*, continue to inspire revolutionary movements around the world. His life and ideology have been the subject of numerous books, films, and academic studies.
### Personal Life
- **Family**: Guevara married twice. His first marriage was to Hilda Gadea, with whom he had a daughter, Hildita. His second marriage was to Aleida March, with whom he had four children: Aleida, Camilo, Celia, and Ernesto.
- **Personality**: Guevara was known for his austere, disciplined lifestyle. He was a voracious reader and deeply philosophical, often reflecting on issues of social justice, ethics, and human dignity.
### Writings
- **Notable Works**: Guevara authored several influential works, including:
- *Guerrilla Warfare* (1960): A manual on conducting armed revolution, drawing on his experiences in the Cuban Revolution.
- *Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War* (1963): A firsthand account of the guerrilla struggle against Batista’s forces.
- *The Motorcycle Diaries* (published posthumously): A travelogue that reveals his early thoughts on inequality and injustice in Latin America.
### Conclusion
Che Guevara remains one of the most iconic and controversial figures of the 20th century. Whether admired as a revolutionary hero or condemned as a radical militant, his life and legacy continue to resonate in political and cultural discourse around the world. His commitment to the idea of a united Latin America and his willingness to fight for his beliefs, even at the cost of his life, ensure that he will remain a subject of fascination and debate for generations to come.
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zooterchet · 2 months
The 13 Lucky Stars
Father's Side:
Diane: The tribute to a dominatrix, as the heterosexual male. Therefore, homosexuals, function as gigalos, for fine food.
Michael: The placement of a team of arts, essential to league play, as against the prime team of reform. The eternal flaw in a gem, removed, by placement in ring.
Steven: The riot, as preservation of our rights as citizens, under Kennedy's code; not the police as dominant, but ourselves as citizens policing each other.
Ellen: The comic book, as the essential core root of any intelligence organization. Therefore, any new character, as a shortcut through a tax accommodation, the placement of skin as the most essential form of logic.
Mother's Side:
Gene: The madness, of a toy, having succumbed a country. The love in the simple, as Mao Zedong would intend.
Marie: The hidden South, as anyone seeking a new redemption. Lincoln as his proper stafford, a secret ale house; any guided in, having found America, Judea.
Evelyn: The affair as the consummate on heart, to marry, in any way possible. A whole crop of affairs, out of one, to truly understand the double way path crossed of law. The criminal bacterium, as the real affection for a woman.
Danny: The return to mother as if original religion. A sex offender, as a bondage top.
Roberta: The branched path, as the lie of the service; hence any obseleted logic, as removed, through the children; those feeling popular, as civilians.
Jimmy: The absolute horror in war, as having betrayed by own comrades, on the hunt for a new terror. The only way out, working for the CIA. "Pinkville", the My Lai Massacre.
Timmy: The elimination of three poor figures, from the lower populaces of the Senate; the three improper leaders, the scandal, and the resumption of progress, in the culprit of populaces scorned slashed through ribbons of each; hence, the new common news broadcast, at book of congress, not Congress.
Francis: The dragging of a potato, through Southie, to attract a bunch of micks, the Iranian-Jews claiming Irish. Horatio Alger, a real love story, of the political families of Boston; those refusing Jewish heritage, for Boston pride. Not the place you're from, but the place you are.
Alice: The theft of records, as countered by print through the Mossad, and the live field assassin, as having raised children of all ages and origins, as "Mega Man"; the spouse.
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findmovies83 · 2 years
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CIA Comrade in America (2022) Hindi Dubbed Download . Just Click on Link 🔗🔗...
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hardynwa · 1 year
Frank urges FBI to probe Chicago varsity over refusal to release Tinubu’s academic records
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A former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank, has called on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to urgently investigate the authorities of Chicago State University over their refusal to release President Bola Tinubu’s relevant academic records of Bola Tinubu. Frank said this in a statement issued Friday, noting that the probe became necessary to determine the authenticity of the certificates offered to Americans who graduated from the University. “Tinubu’s records are public documents because the Chicago State University is a public academic institution and not a secret cult organisation. After all, the fake certificate being paraded by Tinubu are on the website created by CSU for fake certificates and that of Tinubu is there as a bad imitation of the genuine Bola Tinubu (female). “Tinubu is also a public servant that is duty bound to be accountable to Nigerians if he has nothing to hide or if the academic records he claims from the university are genuine. “Or better still, if there is nothing fishy between him and the university. We believe the university should be proud to showcase the records of its former students by releasing them on demand except they have been compromised. “If Tinubu’s certificate is genuine and something he is proud of, he should have allowed the university to release it to the public because he’s serving the public as he claims. “There is no difference between what they are doing in America and what is being done in Nigeria. So, the US should do everything to give Nigerians the records required with all urgency. “We appeal to the judge in the State of Chicago court to order the university to release those documents they way it would have been done if a U.S. citizen had made a similar application,” he said. Read the full article
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Let the ultra scream and throw all the tantrums they want,Deng was right in his actions and was actually based
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤮 Alla fine di maggio, gli "studenti attivisti", foraggiati da Soros, sostenuti da Zhao Ziyang e imbevuti di propaganda Occidentale, chiesero apertamente la rimozione dal potere del Compagno Deng Xiaoping (❗️), il ROVESCIAMENTO del Partito Comunista Cinese (❗️) e la nomina di Zhao Ziyang a «Nuovo Leader Capitalista e Democratico della Cina» ❗️❗️❗️
🚩 Il Partito Comunista Cinese, guidato dal Compagno Deng Xiaoping, non permise a Zhao Ziyang di distruggere il Sistema Socialista della Cina, e salvò la Cina dalla sua disgregazione e dalla sua trasformazione in uno stato-fantoccio devastato dalla penetrazione capitalistica Occidentale 🌟
🚩 Il Partito Comunista Cinese bandì George Soros e cacciò la sua ONG dalla Cina, e il traditore Zhao Ziyang fu epurato e posto agli arresti domiciliari ⭐️
🤮 Un altro traditore, Chen Yizi - consigliere di Zhao Ziyang, un altro traditore nel CPC - fuggì negli USA, per paura di essere arrestato 🇺🇸
🤔 Abbiamo citato la CIA, con la figura di Lilley, così come Soros, vediamo nel dettaglio cosa fecero:
🤮 Gene Sharp, autore del documentario "How to Start a Revolution", si recò a Pechino durante il periodo della "protesta", e lavorò a stretto contatto con la CIA, il NED e il Pentagono per fomentare il rovesciamento del Partito Comunista Cinese 😡
🇺🇸 Durante le proteste a Pechino, milioni e milioni di Dollari USA affluirono ai teppisti anti-CPC e alle figure pro-golpe dagli USA, dall'UK, dal regime-fantoccio di Taiwan e da Hong Kong, all'epoca ancora posta sotto il giogo del Colonialismo Britannico 🤮
❔ Il media più attivo durante quegli eventi? Voice of America, servizio ufficiale radiotelevisivo del Governo federale degli Stati Uniti, che diffuse ogni genere di fake news sugli eventi, diffamando il Partito Comunista Cinese 😡
🤡 L'influenza dell'Occidente in quegli eventi è evidente, anche osservando i cartelli in protesta contro il CPC, in lingua INGLESE, in CINA ❗️, che esprimono le classiche ed ipocrite parole d'ordine degli USA: "Democracy", "Freedom" 🇺🇸
😱 Due anni dopo la "protesta", nel 1991, Nancy Pelosi e due Membri del Congresso si recarono in Cina, disturbando l'ordine pubblico Cinese, tentando di iniziare un'altra rivoluzione colorata, che fallì ⭐️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤮 At the end of May, the "student activists", bankrolled by Soros, supported by Zhao Ziyang and imbued with Western propaganda, openly called for the removal of Comrade Deng Xiaoping (❗️) from power, the OVERTHROW of the Communist Party of China (❗️), and the appointment of Zhao Ziyang as "China's New Capitalist and Democratic Leader" ❗️❗️❗️
🚩 The Communist Party of China, led by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, did not allow Zhao Ziyang to destroy China's socialist system, and saved China from its disintegration and transformation into a puppet state ravaged by Western capitalist penetration 🌟
🚩 The Communist Party of China banned George Soros and drove his NGO out of China, and traitor Zhao Ziyang was purged and placed under house arrest ⭐️
🤮 Another traitor, Chen Yizi - adviser of Zhao Ziyang, another traitor in CPC - fled to USA, fearing arrest 🇺🇸
🤔 We mentioned the CIA, with the figure of Lilley, as well as Soros, let's see in detail what they did:
🤮 Gene Sharp, author of the documentary "How to Start a Revolution", traveled to Beijing during the "protest" period, and worked closely with the CIA, NED and Pentagon to foment the overthrow of the Communist Party of China 😡
🇺🇸 During the protests in Beijing, millions and millions of US dollars flowed to anti-CPC thugs and pro-coup figures from the US, UK, the puppet regime in Taiwan and Hong Kong, at the time still under the yoke of British Colonialism 🤮
❔ The most active media during those events? Voice of America, the official broadcasting service of the United States federal government, which spread all kinds of fake news about the events, defaming the Communist Party of China 😡
🤡 The influence of the West in those events is evident, even by observing the signs protesting against the CPC, in ENGLISH language, in CHINA ❗️, expressing the classic and hypocritical slogans of the USA: "Democracy", "Freedom " 🇺🇸
😱 Two years after the "protest", in 1991, Nancy Pelosi and two Members of Congress traveled to China, disturbing the Chinese public order, trying to start another color revolution, which failed ⭐️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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islandtarochips · 6 months
Call of Duty OC: Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison 🐿️
An American (And a bit of Scottish) male Sergeant who joined forces with the Samoan team. Use to be part of the Shadow Company before deciding to join with Captain Toa after the incident from Las Almas. Wanting to make up everything of what happened from the past. And now starting to make a new beginning for himself and for his new team.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🐿️ Name: Nigel Harrison 🐿️ Alias(es): 
Squirrel (by Kanoa)
Squirrely (by Agnes)
Sergeant Harrison
Sergeant Squirrel
Sergeant H (By his teammates)
Shadow 0-5 (Use to be called that by Philip Graves)
🐿️ Gender: Male 🐿️ Age: 28 (MW2), 29 (MW3) 🐿️ Birthday: February 20th, 1994 🐿️ Nationality: United State America 🐿️ Place of Birth: Virginia, America 🐿️ Home: Alexandria City, Virginia 🐿️ Spoken Languages: English, Scottish (Conversational), Spanish (Learning), Samoan (Learning) 🐿️ Sexuality: Heterosexual 🐿️ Occupation:
Sergeant of the Marine Corps
Sergeant of the Shadow Company (Recent)
Sergeant of the Warriors Task Force
🐿️ Eye Color: Green 🐿️ Hair Color: Ginger 🐿️ Height: 6’0”/182 cm 🐿️ Scars: 
Wounds: None
Scars: A big cut on the palm of his hand (caused by an enemy with a knife on the boat during Dark Water mission), Small scar on his neck in front and on the corner of his lip (caused by Tiala)
🐿️ Face Claim: Jake Austin Walker
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🐿️ Color: Light Green 🐿️ Food: Haggis and Hamburger 🐿️ Drink: Sprite and Whisky 🐿️ Flower: Thistle 🐿️ Hairstyle: Short hair but do like it braided nicely (he asked Agnes to French Braided)
Shadow Company:
-Commander Philip Graves
-Lieutenant Callie Graves
-Sergeant Sheree "Reed" Norcliffe ( @justasmolbard )
-Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham ( @applbottmjeens )
Warriors Task Force:
- General Alana Kalani
- Captain Kanoa Toa
- First Sergeant Tiala "Shark" Toa
- Dr. Aelan Kalani
- Sergeant Agnes “Blast” Falagi
- Tama Nikau
- Special Officer Emma Tabua
Specters/Team Charlie: ( @deeptrashwitch )
- Captain Alicia “Origin” Marchant
- Lieutenant Luke “Harlem” Michaelis
- Sergeant Jackson “Doc” Blackwell
- Sergeant Edward “Eager” Jackson
- Corporal Noah “Cobalto” Garcia
Mexican Special Forces/Los Vaqueros:
- Colonel Alejandro Vargas
- Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra
- Special Officer Alyssa Martinez ( @alypink )
Task Force 141:
- Captain John Price
- Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
- Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish
- Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
- Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin ( @sleepyconfusedpotato )
- Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton ( @revnah1406 )
- Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham ( @applbottmjeens and later joined in the Shadow Company)
Para Special Forces: ( @welldonekhushi )
- Captain Arjun
- Sergeant Aditya Tripathi
- Staff Sergeant Yuvraj Chaudhary
Second Commando Regiment: ( @kaitaiga )
- Captain Lachlan Jones
- Sergeant Damien Whitlock
- Station Chief Kate Laswell
🐿️ Myers Briggs Type: ESFP Squirrel has a very playful nature. Always making pranks and jokes with his friends and the Captain. Just like he still was when he was younger.
🐿️ Sneaky: Nigel has a habit of being so sneaky. Like you could barely hear him coming in. Most of his comrades from his old team get even MORE annoyed with that. But he finds it amusing.
🐿️ Loyal: This boy is as loyal as a DOG. Always shows his support for his family and friends. 
Negative Traits:
🐿️ Wanderer: Nigel has a habit of wandering off. Whenever you’re with him and you are busy looking at one thing. 5 seconds later, he’s gone. Like POOF. So it’s better for you to keep a leash on him.
🐿️ Unpredictable: Nigel was having a hard time to focus on things. Well…he CAN but when it comes to the situations that he can't handle (mostly emotionally) then that’s a problem. And his team, even Graves, are getting annoyed by it. So he tried his best to stay focused. 🐿️ Mischievous: Everyone could see it. Nigel has his ways of being a mischievous fella. Always planning on striking his next victim. And that’s what got his team worried even MORE.
Skills and Abilities:
🐿️ Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and kickboxing 🐿️ Weapons: AT308, M16 and MK14 🐿️ Distinct Weapon: M17 and Night Stalker Knife 🐿️ Special Skills:
Marksman: A very good sniper. Knows how to take a bullseye on his targets.
Hiding: They have put him in as a sniper for a REASON. Hiding in plain sight is his specialty if he doesn’t want his enemy KNOWS that he’s around. Not only can he hide himself. He can also hide any objects as well. Only small objects. That’s why no one can find his secret stash.
Nick Harrison (Father, Alive)
Rona Clark Harrison (Mother, Alive)
Iona Harrison (Younger Sister, Alive)
Finely (Rona’s dog, Alive)
🐿️ Nigel is the eldest son of his family and the fun one too.
🐿️ He is a BIG prankster ever since he was a KID. He loves to see his victim getting into his trap but he knows his limits if he goes too far. He doesn’t want to HURT them. Just wanna have fun with them in his pranks.
🐿️ The nickname “Squirrel” is what he got called from Kanoa (his new leader). Because of how fast he could run and how fast he reloaded his guns. And also, he always stuffed his stash somewhere for safekeeping. (Like an ACTUAL Squirrel during winter to hide their nuts)
🐿️He really likes to dance. It made him feel like he could express himself more. Even with others. Him and Agnes would always have a dance battle whenever they are out of work.
Background Story:
On February 20th, 1994, Nigel was born. In a city in Virginia. Red hair like his mother and the face of his father. A few months later after Nigel was born. His father had to go back to work as a CIA Agent. So he’s not always around. But will always be on the call whenever he’s available. For he does want to know that his son is doing okay with his wife. Nigel understands his work when he grew up a little bit older and he’s very amazed of how he did his job. So he wouldn’t mind his father not being around since he has his mother. Nigel was only 5 months old before his father left.
And while growing up. A mischievous little red ginger boy who always plots to have the BEST pranks in HISTORY. He always does. Even for a boy who was only 10-years-old in Elementary. He got in trouble for pulling a small smoke bomb in his class making the teacher think there’s a fire. His mom was in the principal office and he got an EAR FOLD from her. In 2004. 
When Nigel was already 12-years-old, his mother had given him a surprise that he’s going to have a little sibling! Which excited him so much. So he started to help out his mom as much as he could before the BIG arrival. He even told his friends and his teachers about the news. He wouldn’t even stop talking about it. Until 9 months later, his baby sibling had arrived and what’s even BETTER is that his dad was there as well. And he decided to take his leave until the mom is back on her feet again. Nigel had seen he had a baby sister. A beautiful and cute baby sister. He somehow felt SO happy to see the joyful looking baby. And he had promised that he will fight the whole world to make sure that she is safe.
During high school, he talked to his mom about his future career. He wanted to become a CIA Agent just like his dad! For he wanted to help the world against crime. His mother is a very passionate woman of helping others and hearing this from her own son. It made her feel with glee and pride. She accepted! But not his father. He’s not UPSET. He’s just…worried for his safety. Since he’s been working as an CIA Agent for a LONG time and through his experience. He doesn’t want Nigel to go through it and he does want his son to stay home to take care of his mom and little sister. Nigel understands but he wanted to do something GREAT. Helping the people. Helping the world. He really does. His mother could see that so she suggested to him that he can join the military. She threatened to talk with his father about it. Surprisingly he agreed and let Nigel join the marines.
Nigel joined the Marines at the age of 20, since he wanted to help out with his mom and his little sister first. In 2014.
He’s been in the Marines for only 3 years and is already a Lance Corporal at that time. Most of his higher officers praised his useful skills. His fast movements of taking down his opponents. Fast of changing his loads of his guns and quick enough to shoot down his enemies from near and far. His skills had gotten the attention from the Commander. The leader of the Shadow Company.
Philip Graves.
Graves had seen great potential in him and decided to recruit him into his team. Nigel was very excited for this as he quickly accepted without questioning. He was 23-years-old at that time when he joined the Shadow Company. And he’s been working with them ever since. After the incidents from Las Almas. In 2022. Nigel had decided to join the Warriors Task Force. As he wanted to make it up after what happened. He was 28-years-old when he transferred from SC to the WTF.
Mood Board
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More of Nigel Harrison posts
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Was Thomas Ward a CIA Paymaster in Bolivia?
From a post by “Frank Frivolous,” posted on the old ‘What Is On The Moon?’ blog on December 3, 2014:
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Here is an article that was published thirty years ago in Der Spiegel. Reprinted again in the U.S. by a leftward periodical called Covert Action. The other articles are also interesting but scroll to the last one first.
I will paste a sample here just to give you a taste. Please appreciate the fact that this man secured this story at the risk of his life as the Nazis involved in the Bolivian Cocaine Coup were trained killers.
“Two days after his recruitment by the CIA, says Mingolla, he met the Old German in the courtyard of the Bolivian General Staff. Mingolla came out of department VII of the intelligence agency; Barbie came out of department III. Barbie greeted his colleague—as Mingolla remembers it,                 Hello, comrade, what do I hear? Are you working for a new employer? Mingolla answered with surprise, For what, for who, then? Barbie: `Na, for Mr. Ward, for example. Mingolla feared reproach. Yes. Doesn't the organization allow that? Barbie laughed. It's okay. There has to be cooperation. Mingolla says that it was first clear to him on that day that Barbie had become a top man for the CIA. Because only two people knew the names of the other agency employees. The Moon man Tom Ward was Klaus Barbie’s CIA contact man only preceding and directly after the putsch of 1980.”
That is all I will post here because you really need to read the article. Mingolla was a member of Argentinian intelligence and Klaus Barbie was a German Gestapo officer during WW2 who was secreted to S. America  by the C.I.A. after their surrender. No surprise that the story wasn’t carried in the American media. After this you may want to confront Tom Ward about it next time he shows up at a church function. Please report back to us his reaction. 
Thanks, FF 
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lateriter · 7 years
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Lal salaam - Malayalam film in 2017
Oru Mexican Aparatha dir. Tom Emmatty
Comrade in America dir. Amal Neerad
Sakhavu dir. Sidhartha Siva
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animefreak1145 · 3 years
What Could Be(Adler x Bell!Reader)
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Read This First
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Summary: Bell and Adler try to figure out their path from here. Everyone else can only watch in entertainment or in annoyance.
Or where Bell tries to find her feet and takes control.
Warnings/Tags: Trauma, Recovery from Trauma, Mental Anguish, Brainwashing, Manipulation, Major Character Death, Post!Solovetsky, Post-Canon, Bell!Lives, Implied Sexual Content, COD:BOCW Season 6 Outro Spoilers, COD: Vanguard Pacific Trailer Spoilers, COD: Vanguard Spoilers, Past!Stitch x Bell
A/N: Sequel Fic to What Could Never Be. Happy Anniversary to Cold War!
Words: 5.2k
▞ ▚ ✯ ✯ ✯ ▞ ▚ ✯ ✯ ✯  ▛ ✯ ✯ ✯ ▞ ▚ ✯ ✯ ✯ 
“What are you thinking?”
You started from your desk, pausing your scratches to your papers and glances to screen of your computer in the safehouse of Verdansk to see Adler stood behind you, his eyes for you to see as he glanced at the papers in front of you. Your quiet corner in the small safehouse, small compared to the previous one in Berlin, mostly dark outside your desk lamp.
And, you took a glance behind Adler to see Hudson left, unguarded. You looked back to find that Adler was eyeing you. At least somewhat.
You closed your eyes, releasing a sigh as you rubbed your face and raked a hand over your hair to take some stray strands out the way as you faced back to what you were doing.
“Where we go from here,” you say, looking at all the papers in front of you. From one’s you wrote to reports and files that Hudson deemed to be too unimportant or not important enough and therefore safe for you to look through. “It seems this will only get harder. Based on what Captain Butcher said in the bunker and everything else he’s told us since coming with us here, our attention’s may be split.” You stared at the computer screen, blinking at you as you bit the bottom of your inner lip as the name Perseus seemed to say hello and wanted your attention. You looked away back towards the papers, motioning a hand towards them as Adler went to your side. “Finding and figuring out the next Perseus. Cleaning up and solving what Stitch did as Perseus. And now covert operations done by Nazi loyalists all over the world. All of these seem to take precedence but I don’t even know where to even start.”
That, and you finding out a piece of your past has made you once again wonder if the world loves to torture you.
You told Adler and the others about the German WWII bunker, where the other side was where Adler planted his decoy bombs when he wasn’t himself. Adler’s stoic expression almost faltered when you mentioned it but you kept going, reassuring that a Perseus agent known as Fuze handled it but the CIA type made bombs isn’t the reason you felt like they should go down there. Hudson’s suspicious questions and stares didn’t make you falter as you relayed to them that this bunker was a point of interest for Stitch due to it having information about a Projekt but that’s all you got, and they should take the chance and find out what it is before they leave to America. Mason heard German bunker and didn’t seem to need much more convincing and Woods, ever the comrade, didn’t need much either. Especially when you mentioned that agents could be down there trying to collect information too now that Stitch and Naga as well yourself have gone quiet and will be seen as KIA. “What are we waiting for than? Let’s fuck ‘em up!” Hudson was still suspicious, unsurprisingly, with his questions and implications of it being a ploy but the reminder from Adler that you could’ve killed him in those woods would make Hudson silent. It didn’t make his suspicious glare towards you lessen though.
They went inside the bunker, Mason leading with you and Adler next with Hudson and Woods behind. You finding the Nazi paraphernalia just as distasteful but the group was being loud, so it’s no surprise when they entered the only lit room within the bunker that the one inside stated he heard them, his British accent a comfort and his speech making one calm. It also helped his words of what he said to them, the man Captain Butcher and with the Vanguard. You recognizing the name as they all lowered their weapons, you in between Adler’s and Hudson’s side as the man began his story. About all the Nazi’s left. But as he spoke, the Captain kept glancing at you. As if searching your expression. You were confused as to why, until you finally found a part of the story of the Captain’s you couldn’t help but question. Ever the analyst.
“If there are these many covert operations happening, why haven’t we been informed?” Captain Butcher turned his stare at you, squinting his eyes slightly as if he didn’t expect you to speak. You felt Adler shift next to you, arm brushing yours as he adjusted subtly the hold of his gun, but didn’t feel his stare, nor Hudson’s. Seems they were wondering too. “This seems serious. The war wasn’t that long ago and yet there’s a chance of resurgence based on your words.”
“A Russian.” The man said instead of answering, your Russian accent mixed with the American able to be heard as he hummed curiously as he glanced at the others. “And here I thought you American’s will have your spats with Russia forever.”
You kept still but your eyes did slightly tighten at the reminder.
“That shit doesn’t matter,” Mason answered, stepping up slightly now that it’s been long confirmed the man before them is a friendly. “As long as we fight together for the same reasons to make sure the world we live in stays standing, we don’t care who’s from where.”
Captain Butcher chuckled, crossing his arms as he stood and threw a subtle nod in approval.
“No need to remind me. It wasn’t that long ago we all worked together. Us Brits. You Americans. And,” the retired SOE officer glanced at you, “and the Russians. Why do you think I shared the story about the Vanguard? Besides thinking I’m an old wanker desperate for listening ears, that is.”
His amused smooth raspy voice with that accent would make you calm, but his curious stare did not leave. The others noticing as well, Adler stepping slightly in front of you as he squinted his eyes at the Captain, your eyes almost meeting your once handler’s shoulder that would block your vision but you kept your eyes on the elderly scarred man.
Woods took a step forward, confrontational as always as his face formed into a slight scowl.
“What the fuck are you looking at her for than?” You noted that both Mason and Woods took your returning appearance easily. Well, easily compared to Hudson when it was clearly implied if you weren’t there at the grave site with Stitch, Adler would lay dead and they probably would’ve been too. That and all the work you did while with Perseus helping the CIA. You would say it was almost back to how it was before in the safehouse, except they seem to be more protective. You felt odd each time you noticed. Woods made a swooping gesture with his hand towards you. “All that talk about us being Allies once got your—your what, knickers in a twist?”
“Woods,” Hudson warned as Captain Butcher laughed goodnaturedly while Woods exclaimed what but Butcher just waved the comment off.
“Nothing wrong with jokes. It’s just been awhile since I seen that face, darling.”
You blinked, realizing he was talking to you.
“You know me?” You asked, incredulous.
“No, not you personally.” Your confusion grew, brows furrowing deep. “Your mother. Polina. Surprised you didn’t ask more questions about her.”
You felt yourself freeze, jaw hanging as you felt the others look at you just as shocked. Adler moved his gaze back towards Butcher, brows furrowed.
“Polina? Polina Petrova from the Vanguard? What makes you so sure that they’re related?”
Captain Butcher scoffed lightly.
“I’ve worked with the woman for years. That and have seen her files probably more than all the royal families. Despite you seeming to favor your father’s side, darling, I can recognize Polina’s face in you. That, and I heard the woman settled somewhere years ago. ” This time, his brows furrowed as he took in your slack expression. “Why? Don’t tell me none of you knew?”
“I—“ you felt tongue tied, the revelation making your head spin. “I was an orphan. No one raised me.”
You got that when you were with Perseus and the others. You, by yourself, finding supplies near a gulag to sell yourself. Just a child. A kid. One that Perseus picked up. You apparently didn’t share much even when you were young, but Perseus told you it was clear you were alone when you told him once you had no one to go back to.
Lady Nightingale? My mother? That can’t be true.
Captain Butcher didn’t help though, when he said that couldn’t be true before asking where you were born. With you stating Volgograd, which only seemed to hammer it farther when the Captain pointed out Volgograd used to be known as Stalingrad—where Polina grew up. And where the Captain heard she settled once more in the 50’s, him hearing from others that she had a child. You growing paler and paler when you recalled Portnova and Kitsune teasing you once that you were high and above them with you only being three to four years older than them in age.
1953. I was born in 1953. I was in Stalingrad. I have Polina’s face. Perseus saw me. He picked me up. I was his second. I was going to—
You took a stumbling step back, feeling nauseas at all the bits of past you never had before but all falling towards you now. Adler catching you by the arm and even Hudson putting a hand to your back as you felt breaths escape you, seeing from the corner of your eyes that Hudson and Adler shared a look. The both of them seeming to come to the same conclusion and realization you did.
This changes things, you distantly thought as Captain Butcher asked them if he could accompany them to the safehouse with the information he gathered and they can go on what to do next from there. Feeling stares on your person constantly even with Mason’s pat to your back and Woods making dark Nazi jokes promising their deaths to your ear, even you felt their glances towards you. The strongest stare being Hudson’s, which you can’t blame him. You never seem to be able to. This changes everything.
You raised your eyes to meet Adler’s grim ones, his eyes holding yours and having that knowing glint that made you look away with teeth harshly biting your bottom lip. His words at the grave site echoing in your ears.
“They were manipulating you.”
Perseus knew. They all did.
The trip back to the safehouse they had in Verdansk was quiet. Captain Butcher, not seeming to understand the somber serious mood and thinking it’s only because you felt abandoned by your mother a hero, said some additional stories to you about her. But this is so much bigger than being abandoned. The probable root cause of your dangerous loyalty. The others knew it too. So when they arrived to the safehouse, Mason and Woods quickly distracting Captain Butcher and helping him put the files down and make some calls to find out more about the bunker—Hudson and Adler took you to a separate private room where you sat with your hands holding your head with your elbows leaning against the table. The room being your interrogation room a few days prior, but it had a couch across the room from where you sat so you guess it can be a comfort.
But Hudson was a hound in a hunt, determined to get the game.
“You didn’t know? They didn’t tell you anything?”
He didn’t seem like he could believe it, but you couldn’t either as you kept your face hidden in your hands as you quietly said no. The man, who still had his war paint on and glasses free where you can see his tight eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose.
“This is fucking fantastic. Perseus managed to grab a hero of Russia’s daughter, a hero that helped the Allies and therefore us. The man may be dead now, but he knew what he was doing.”
You thought of kind pats to the shoulder and fatherly ones to your head. Your hands tightened on your head, slightly scratching yourself as your throat felt tight.
“Perseus had a fail safe,” Adler agreed, lighting up a cigarette with a click and blowing upwards as he stood more behind Hudson’s form who was across from you in the table, hands splayed on the wood. Adler was frowning deeply, staring intently at you as he took another deep drag in the dimly lit room, the fluorescent lighting above not as bright as it should be. “Able to have a war hero’s daughter for your cause will have anyone want to join it. Just mentioning how great of a soldier Lady Nightingale was in the war and having her daughter be related to her in your group. . . You have a certain pull that other groups and organizations that are like Perseus don’t have.”
A hero of Russia turned terrorist.
You have luck and irony laughing at your face with this.
A war hero’s daughter, to terrorist, to tool of America, to hero herself, to dying on the cliffs. You thought in bitter dark amusement as you stared at the grains of the table before lowering your hand as Hudson and Adler went back and forth on what this could mean and what having you in U.S. land could cause if Russia found out they have you. Whether captured for questioning or on their side. The effect you will have on the Cold War is huge. Adler always said I was the key. He just didn’t know how big.
“You guys must know now,” you toned, eyes staring ahead between the two men who turned to you, your body tense in the seat yet shoulders drooped as you shut your eyes. “This wasn’t how I wanted to say it. . .”
“Say what?” Hudson questioned sternly. You can tell his face was morphed into one of severe lines and narrow eyes. “You have something to add?”
You sighed loudly, mussing your hair as you opened your eyes half lidded as your eyes moved from the frigid Hudson to Adler’s inscrutable expression. Your eyes meeting his studying ones, the hand holding his cigarette keeping the stick a shadow away from his mouth pausing and twitching down and brow arching an uptick, before looking away back towards the couch across from you against the wall that was between their forms as your hand stayed tangled slightly in your hair.
“You guys know. I explained further what Stitch told Adler already. The ways of Perseus. The leader. How there’ll always be one. But this. . .this. . . what Captain Butcher said I—shit.” You chuckled breathlessly as you moved your gaze to the side, hand going over your mouth before saying the curse once more and lowering your to hold your chin. “This. . . is all kinds of fucked up. Ever since that airfield. . .” You turned your gaze to meet Adler’s as you nodded at him with a bitter smile. “You truly got lucky, Adler. You had Perseus all along. At least, the one meant to be before Stitch.”
The silence that followed was a tense thing. You maintaining your stare towards Adler to see a change.
You figured it out when you were with Perseus and the others. The connection of you being his second, the way Perseus spoke to you and the times you were before—you believing in his cause and the actions he did and just being the foolish loyal woman you are for ambitious men. “You put your faith in me, radnaya. The chance to make way for the path, the true path, of what Russia is supposed to be. No gulags. No suffering. Everyone equal.” He flashed an airy smile at you. “We still have much work to be done, my little mouse.” It wasn’t just him. If the others weren’t looking at you with gazes of sympathy or pity, you can spot the glint of deep respect there. Especially when you made an order or command to another for an assistance with a code, they easily fall and listen. And Stitch. . .
Well, Stitch always looked at you as if you were something more.
“You can carry the world, zaya.” He said, lips ghosting over your naked shoulder and leaving a trail all the way up to your neck, voice rough and low in your ears. “Just say the word, and I’ll carry it with you.”
Vikhor. . .I’m sorry.
You feel used and fooled, yet the memories with them, and the past ones they would share to you—you can’t help but look back on. It felt real.
And yet the safehouse did too.
As you stared at Adler, all he did was arch an amused brow at you with his eyes glinting to match along with a ghost of a smirk as he tilted his head at you.
“I got that almost immediately after I saw you in those trees, kid. Combine the information of what Stitch said and the fact of how high up you were in the Collective, well,” Adler took a drag of cigarette, blowing it cooly as he stared down at you and your troubled expression. “It didn’t take much thinking.”
“That is the exact reason we have to hurry back and sort all this shit with Black,” Hudson stated, crossing his arms as he had his narrowed eyes at you. You feared his reaction the most. Adler promised he wouldn’t kill you, didn’t mean others wouldn’t. Hudson than shook his head and released a heavy sigh. “This is just one thing after another. This complicates matters and muddies the water even further on where to go from here.” He than lifted his head and you were pinned beneath his glare, the war paint on his face just adding into how cold he looked as he came closer to your table and putting a flat hand to it. “You complicate matters. Do you understand just how much of a mess you’ve made?” He asked accusingly, harshly.
You can understand the hidden implications of what he wanted to say though.
Do you understand how your life has ruined so many others? A Perseus agent willing to kill millions. Meant to die and be swept under the rug only to go back to Perseus again. With the face of Russia’s greatest.
You bit your tongue, your shoulders straight as you met Hudson’s glare with a subtle sharp look of your own.
Adler broke the tension by telling Hudson to back off, there’s no point in going through these hoops again with you. The fact of the matter is you were one of them now and how to handle having Polina’s daughter with them to the CIA. And to of course keep Captain Butcher hidden about how you were before but you felt like that was a given, with Hudson saying that was an expectation while giving you another scathing look to giving one to Adler when the scarred man added that he was sure you would meet every expectation like before. You felt like Hudson had a sharp retort to that, but they got interrupted by Mason knocking on the door.
That was just yesterday, and now you’re here basically being guarded constantly but making it seem like nothing due to Captain Butcher’s presence. The British man can’t know who you were before. Thankfully, with the work he’s focusing with the covert Nazi operations and trying to track a suitable team for the job has been keeping him busy.
And you?
You’re just trying to make sure you’re of use. And if that means trying to juggle Perseus and this Nazi business. . .well. You always seen yourself as a multitasker.
Adler, who was silent as he thought about your question, moved and leaned against your desk by your chair and grabbed a paper you were writing on as you blinked.
“Let’s start with this.”
You glanced at the paper he took and was studying, leaning your back against the chair.
“That is one of the layout’s I was able to memorize during my time with them. A safehouse close to Kyrgyzstan,” you explained as Adler scanned through the paper before picking up another one, you easily switching the topic without him having to say anything. “Another safehouse we transferred to the Netherlands. In Emmen. We bounced around a lot. They were really careful when it came to not staying in one place for long.”
Adler hummed, looking at the drawn layouts of buildings and some parts where you had question marks if you weren’t able to fully explore the building.
“How many safehouses you went through exactly?”
“Seven,” you answered as you peered up at the man, observing how well he looked compared to days prior. Hair styled once more compared to how disheveled it was when you first saw him after three years. His beard trimmed but not shaved to the point of what you remember, with the slight shadow. You wonder what he would look like cleanly shaven. Your eyes darted to the papers he had in his hands when he glanced at you, hoping he didn’t notice. “Some stays were longer than most. But never a set building. I don’t think we ever went to a place that can be seen as the main headquarters. . .” You muttered almost to yourself, your suspicion of the others knowing only growing. Now only being muddled with the information you’ve learned.
You felt Adler’s stare at you at your last sentence but focused back onto the papers and over his shoulder to the desk to see the others you have.
“Are you still working on the others?” He picked up another paper, holding the information you know of the Perseus’ agent—Fuze. “And the other agents?”
“Yes and no.” Adler gave you an inquisitive stare as you moved on, tapping a finger against your desk and throwing the man a slight smile. “I’m waiting on what exactly we’re going to do from here after we go to America. I know you meant what you said, Adler. But that doesn’t mean Hudson or Black won’t like to see me flayed for being a commie bitch. Besides, we’ll have to plan accordingly on what we’re aiming for.”
You saw Adler’s expression turn unreadable outside squinting down at you slightly when you mentioned Hudson and Black, tilting his head down more to stare down at you and you took note that his hair moved with the movement to be more across his forehead. Adler lowered the papers back on your desk, hands leaning against on either side with the one closest to your side and your own hand mere inches away.
“You shouldn’t worry about those two, although I get it. Still, it would be more an advantage if they keep you.” Adler explained calmly and trying to meet your eyes but you were focusing on the computer screen once more. The Perseus letters flashing as you listened. “You’re too valuable, kid. Even without the knowledge of your parentage and who you are. You have knowledge no one else does, even though you think it may not be much. It’s enough.” Your gaze lowered, biting your inner cheek. You know all your value is in what you know, like before. Still. It stings. Seeing that he could catch your gaze, he sighed through his nose and gazed ahead, moving a hand to his dark pants to take out his box of cigarettes. “Besides, we might not even go back yet. You said yourself that those with Perseus were interested in the information in the bunker. Perseus being mixed with Nazi’s, it won’t bode well.”
You shook your head as Adler put the nicotine filled stick in his mouth, preparing to light it with his customary zippo.
“I doubt it’s for that. We hate those vermin like the rest of the world. . . they may be interested in these covert Nazi operations as a sort of inspiration, however. Perhaps use them for a time but kill them once they got what they wish. A Projekt that Captain Butcher mentioned or something.” You than glanced at him, the click of his lighter creating the flame as he lit the cigarette, frowning. “We shouldn’t stay here this long. We’ll need rest. You—” that got his attention as his eyes moved down towards yours as he took his first drag but you already moved your gaze towards his arms that were exposed, where you spotted the pale spot on his skin basically a week prior and where he looked exhausted despite his straightened shoulders. “You were recently deprogrammed, Adler. That. . . isn’t something to make light of. Trust me. And I understand. The longer we wait the more they can plan together now that. . .that Stitch and Naga are gone.”
You almost slipped that time. You do not think Adler will like you calling Stitch by his real name instead of his moniker. But it’s been getting difficult.
Still, you find this Adler an odd thing. He’s been acting different you noted. Not just with the stray touches the past few days, but his stares towards you were different. You felt like in the safehouse, with his glasses on his head, he would study you as if you were a curiosity that he wished to unveil. Intense in his assessment at times you recall, but closed off to his thoughts due to those shades that served as a wall. He was careful.
But here, without his aviators and his face being more open due to you being able to see his eyes, you can gather that he still wants to observe you. But it’s more considering looks, searching in a way where he always seemed to want to grab your chin to make sure their gazes can meet. His expression still being seen as apathetic to others but more languidly casual to you. Yet,  he’s turned rash.
Not to say you aren’t aware the man can’t be reckless with how he works. You still have your memories of Vietnam after all. Recklessness and impulsiveness may be needed for missions. It’s the difference of death or survival. So you are accustomed to his ways where others may deem his actions insane.
But the fact that he purposefully brought a light team to meet Stitch at the mall, knowing it was a trap yet not bringing or calling for backup, the way he easily went straight towards the mission after just being deprogrammed, how he didn’t pause to consider that Stitch may have backup in the forest with the grave site and went in alone, and how he wishes to even go even further without any rest or downtime. . .
He’s grown desperate throughout the years, you realize with another tap to the desk and in deep thought. Blinded to catch a mere whiff of Perseus where he throws his well-being and even others out the way. As long as he catches him.
But now he’ll never catch him. Because Perseus is dead.
Yet, not really. For there will always be another Perseus. A cycle that can be as never ending like how there is life, there will be death.
Adler couldn’t even be satisfied in another way. You stole his revenge to Stitch and even Naga from him.
But you found you killing them yourself was necessary. For if you didn’t kill Naga, he would’ve most likely killed either you or Adler next if you shot Stitch before him. And Stitch. . . You had to kill Stitch because. . .
“Mon zaya.”
Because. . .
. . .
You had to.
Did I ? What did I create if Adler beforehand was already hungry for blood? How far will he go now for just a drop of it in order to take Perseus as a whole down?
You would grow pale at the possibilities, if you weren’t a monster yourself. Loyal that you are.
The one who was willing to kill millions for one and save millions for another.
“He loved you. And you killed him. Did you?”
And who killed someone who loved you.
Adler’s voice echoed in your mind once more, the way his gaze seemed to bore up into yours in the forest. It was strange. The lighting on his face. For a moment, his eyes appeared green instead of blue.
“So you understand.”
Understand what?
This time, the Adler next to you leaning against your desk, spoke. His words making you start and eyes dart towards him.
“You loved him,” he said, tilting his head towards you and clear blue eyes on you with smoke trailing up from the cigarette in his left hand. You could only stare, silent. Words trapped on your tongue from the man’s hawkish gaze. He took a slow, steady drag, his next words being accompanied with smoke but careful to not have it go towards your face. “At least, in your own way. Even after finding out that they were using you. Tell me. How can you love a man like that?”
I love a man like you.
You kept your mouth shut, biting your tongue.
You didn’t bother being surprised at his observation. He can read you easily. He knows you more deeply than anyone. More than you know him, even though the only other who knows him as equal as you is Sims. And yet, you still can’t read his thoughts as well as he can do you.
You’ve long gotten over the frustration of that. Instead just feeling annoyed acceptance at the fact.
You wonder if he even knows what he’s asking. Because the way he set up the question, it’s not meant to be surface level and taken at face value. Which already answers enough.
For Adler always knows what he’s doing.
Seeing that you will keep your silence, your eyes lowering back to the papers on your desk and how close their hands are, Adler switched tactics. Using the ash tray on the shelves on your desk over you to tap his cigarette against it.
“Look at me, Bell.”
He’s been calling you by that name since the reunion. The others as well. And the stray touches he’s done has been more than a comfort than anything, so his fingers grazing your hand as he said that wasn’t to blame either. No. All you heard was his commanding tone, voice firm and you were transported back into the gurney with an equal firm touch to your jaw and you flinched. Pulling your hand quickly back to your lap, as if burned and your head bowed with gaze to your lap and heart pounding against your chest. From the corner of your eye, you could see Adler grew tense before he released a defeated sigh along with a quiet apology and snuffing out his cigarette as he said he’ll leave you to it.
He was gone by the time you raised your gaze and before you could think to stop him.
▞ ▚ 
▞ ▚ 
A/N: I watched the Vanguard Campaign, saw Polina , and basically the whole time I was watching it I was thinking to myself that I hope she lives because that would give Bell an in canon familial relationship with someone.
It would also make sense that Perseus would want someone that is Polina's offspring. Really good for his brand. Now, Perseus is nice, but he was using Bell in a way. But he uses everybody. Just like everybody uses anybody. Still, that must've stung for Bell. Adler, like always, seems to know best.
And since I watched the campaign, and even before with that Pacific trailer--I've been thinking to continue this universe with Adler x Bell x Past!Stitch and just expanding it. I may have gotten out of hand but oh well. Expect the next chapter soon! This is for fun and for the anniversary of Cold War! Thank you to the OG's of this fandom, love you guys! <3
Tell me if you wish to be tagged for my future works or to not be tagged.
Tags: @tr1ppylady @parkeepingparker @weirdoartist21 @gojocat247 @mayaibnlaahad @dallmaistir-deactivated20211103 @salvija @kylezkie4adler @asaltryefl @stupid-stinky @aurora-windu @zombiequeennxx @writer-of-various @holy-crap-i-am-russell-adler @zulema117-blog @kylezkie4adler
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hungry-hobbits · 2 years
writing prompt: james bond goes to dennys at 3 in the morning post mission
okay you asked for it
Felix was charged with looking after Bond while he was on duty in America. The comradery between MI6 and the CIA was welcomed in situations of shared interest, especially when it came to the tricky landscape of the US.
At 3am the two agents descended upon one of the few places that was open, Denny's, and chose to situated themselves gingerly in a booth at the back. They were bloody and exhausted, but Bond was assured by Felix that this was the most appropriate way to re-energize before they got back to work. Of course, it was the double-oh who was out of his element for once, having never actually stepped foot inside an American styled diner. The unimpressed gazes of the waitstaff did little to make him feel like he wasn't standing out like a sore thumb, but it was easy enough to follow Felix's lead as he'd done most of the trip.
"They probably don't have the kinda tea you posh Brits drink. The most they have is Lipton, I think."
Bond, while busy ruining the provided cloth napkins by using them to dab at the cuts on his face, gave Felix a look of sarcasm-laced delight, "Then it's a good thing I don't drink tea."
Felix knit his brows and laced his fingers, peering at Bond with a squint, "You don't drink tea?"
"I don't."
"What do you mean?" Felix pushed himself forward partially across his segment of the table in an attempt to get into Bond's space, "Aren't you Bri'ish?" He questioned his comrade in a mocking, cockney accent that definitely did not phase Bond in the slightest.
"I'm Scottish on my father's side," The double-oh picked up his menu and began to scan through it, ignoring the other agent's gaze.
"That's still British." Felix shook his head while leaning back against the cushions of his seat. Some part of him was disappointed to find this out about his brother from across the pond, "Never met a British person that didn't like tea."
Bond shrugged, "You never met my aunt. She was a firm believer that coffee was the drink of civilized societies."
"Dunno about that one. I always thought tea was what smart, fancy people drank."
"Fancy people drinks are things stomped by the feet of an aging, sweaty Italian man then sealed in a bottle for forty years until it's sold at a mark up of two hundred quid." Bond laughed at the disgusted look of Felix, who undoubtedly thought wine grapes were only crushed by the most gentle, unblemished feet of belle donne in the Sicilian countryside.
Obviously wanting a way to shake the image out of his head, Felix picked up his own menu, "…Let's just hurry up and order, huh? HQ should be texting us soon about our flight and I'm not flying on an empty stomach again."
Bond made an affirmative little noise that was followed by incredulous muttering, "What kind of breakfast place serves pot roast?"
"The kind of place that serves fucked up lookin' guys like us without calling the cops! Now are you gonna order or do I do it for you like we're on a date?" Felix lowered his menu and groaned at the double-oh batting his eyelashes at him.
"You know… I do so love a man that knows how to take charge."
"James, you can fucking walk."
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CIA Comrade in America
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