samandcolbyownme · 3 months
A snippet or something of Colby just being extra cuddly in the morning and not wanting reader to leave him alone in bed, and maybe begs her by whining and pouting to get under their skin and have them stay? Love u 💜💜
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Stay With Me | Colby Brock
Warnings: none, fluff
I love you 🖤
You stretch over, grabbing your phone off the night stand to silence your raging alarm. You sigh as you rest your head down on the bed, before feeling hands slide over your hips and pull you back across the bed.
You giggle as you feel Colby nuzzle his face into your neck as he whines, “Don’t go yet.” He slides his arm over your waist, “Please.”
“I need a shower, plus-“ He wines at your words but you keep talking, “-I told them yesterday I’d be in early.” You pout, running your hand over his arm, “Todsy’s y/n hates yesterday’s y/n.”
He sighs dramatically against your neck, chuckles as he presses kisses to it, “You’re just so soft, and warm.” He pulls you against him more, “Please stay with me. All day.” He whines, “Please.”
The begging was getting to you. Seeing Colby all soft and sleepy made you want to do almost anything he wanted you to do.
You groan as you roll over to face him, hands lying flat on his chest, “I would love nothing more than to stay here all day with you, but I have to be there today, baby.”
He pouts, eyes still closed, “Fine.” He tightens his grip, smirking at what he’s about to say next, “But, If I’m correct, I believe you have another twenty minutes, or so to spare..”
Colby knew you always set an alarm a little before you actually needed to get up, you called that the ‘time to contemplate on whether or not you really needed this job’.
You smile, giving him a nod before laying your head under his chin, “You would be correct.”
I know this is super short, but it’ll eventually become a full one shot! Thanks for reading! I love you all so much!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
candid // colby brock
A/N: i know yall…. it’s been so long since i last posted anything. my apologies on that one. i just haven’t been in the mood to write anything. but shoutout to these pics of colby bc the moment i saw them, i knew i had to write a fic about them. this one is sweet and basically just a blurb, but i promise i’m coming out with a longer fic soon. i got a lot i gotta make up for, and this is just the beginning lol lmk what you think and hope you enjoy !
prompt: your boyfriend looks good one day and you decide you need to take a picture of him. || colby brock x reader
trigger warning: none, super sweet and fluffy 🙂
word count: 853
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“You look so handsome today.” I smiled sweetly, staring up at Colby.
He glanced away from his phone to me, his brow furrowing sassily. “What?”
“I said you look handsome.” I repeated.
He looked down at what he was wearing: a big t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. His feet were bare, and his hair was not completely done the way he usually did it: straightened and with a bit of gel to keep it so. He had woken up from a nap an hour ago, his hair losing its flat texture for a more wavy, messy type.
He looked so beautiful, truly. But when didn't I think of him that way? I always found him beautiful, even well before we started dating.
He hid a smile at the corner of his mouth, “Really? I look a mess.”
“Not at all.” I shook my head, stepping closer to him.
He slid his phone into his pocket, locking eyes with me. His voice was low, bashful. “But you always say that about me. That I look nice…”
“Have I ever lied?” I questioned.
He twisted his face jokingly. “I feel like you probably have at least once.”
I gasped, swatting at him. “Absolutely not! You take that back.”
He grabbed my wrist, sliding his hand into mine. A playful smile rested on his lips. “You're too kind to me.”
“Maybe you need to see what you look like…” I pulled my hand from his grasp, taking my phone and pulling up the camera.
“Aww, c’mon babe. No.” He walked around the island in the kitchen, laughing halfheartedly.
I followed after him, “What? You don't want me to take a pic of you?”
“Not really, no.” He shook his head.
“Oh, coming from the guy that takes pics of me when I sleep?” I argued.
He turned to me, still backing away from me. “I only did that twice, and both times you looked so cute.”
I scoffed, “My hair was going in six different directions, and I was basically drooling!”
He grinned, his dimples appearing. “And you still looked beautiful to me.”
I held my breath; damn he was attractive… “Exactly how I feel about you.”
He groaned, covering his face. He stopped moving away from me however, leaning his one hip against the counter.
“Move your hands.” I grabbed his one arm, pulling it down. Both of his hands followed and I snapped a quick pic. His face was still partially covered, his eyes being the only part really showing.
“Maybe next time warn me about the flash. I'm blind now.” Colby blinked harshly, his eyes unfocused.
“Oh relax, you big baby.” I murmured, pulling up the pic. “See! Look how good you look.”
He gazed down at my screen, giving me a quizzical look. “You think I look good?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. He was so stubborn sometimes. “Yes.”
“My hair is so messy. I think I need a haircut.” He remarked.
I bit my lip, staring up at his hair. “I like when your hair is a bit messy.”
“I know you do. I don't, though.” He replied. 
“What? I never knew that.” I deadpanned.
He glared down at me, rolling his eyes and walking to the living room.
“Let me take another one!” I called after him.
He huffed, walking through the living room. “No. No. I think we're good with the candids today.”
“C'mon Colby, I whined, catching up to him. “You really do look so nice. Just let me take one more.”
He reached the stairs, ready to go up. “I think one is enough.”
I cut him off, jumping in front of him on the stairs. “Please.... just one more.”
“Why are you so adamant about taking a picture of me?” He snorted.
“I don't know, babe. Maybe because you're my boyfriend, and I love you, and I want as many pics of you as I can get in this lifetime?” I admitted, placing my hands on my hips.
He turned his head to the side. “Really?”
“Yeah. Plus you look really hot.” I added, winking.
He stared at me, his piercing blue eyes playful. He sucked his teeth dramatically. “Fine. But just one more.”
“Okay. Just one more.” I lined my phone up, "Pose for me, baby."
He rolled his eyes, placing one hand on his face, the other on the banister. I took the picture quickly, whispering a perfect under my breath.
Colby leaned over me, looking down at the picture. I smiled brightly. “Aww, this one is so good. What do you think?”
“It's not too bad.” He mumbled, shrugging.
“You'll grow to like it, I bet. Especially since I'm making it my background.” I smiled, already changing it to my background.
He took his phone out, following my lead. “I'm gonna make the one of you sleeping my background then.”
“As if you haven't done that before.” I raised an eyebrow at him, our eyes meeting.
Colby smirked at me. His eyes softened and he leaned in, kissing my lips. “Love you.”
My face warmed at his touch. “Love you too.”
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ellavatorz · 2 years
Kiss me Plenty || c.b. x reader
summary: you play the “I can’t stop kissing you,” prank on colby.
tags/cw: implied smut, kisses (lots of ‘em), tooth-rotting sweet fluff, established relationship, youtuber(s) relationship.
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a/n: there isn’t much for me to say except that I have a very strong yearn for colby to be kissed 24/7. if that man isn’t being kissed at every second of the day like he deserves, then the world is a cruel joke of a place.
and a huge thank you to everyone who enjoyed my last work, you guys are so sweet T.T happy holidays!
- - -
You have the camera set up first thing in the morning. It’s hidden out of visible-sight and is focused on Colby’s usual spot; his desk, where he normally films intros to videos amongst other tasks in respect to his shared channel with Sam.
The plot of your video to be filmed today is explained to your audience. All while a grin is spread on your lips. “Today’s goal is to annoy the shit out of Colby by kissing the hell out of him. I don’t know how he’ll react considering he’s hyper-affectionate as it is… but its also normally something he does rather than me initiating it. So maybe he’ll suspect something right off the bat? Who knows!”
By the time Colby has migrated from your shared bed to his desk, you’re just outside the door, anxiously prepared for whatever may come of the situation. Without much of an extravagant entrance, you move toward where he is and stand behind him. His eyes are glued to the screen and you pretend to seem intrigued by whatever it is he’s looking at.
A yawn escapes his mouth as he reaches an arm behind himself, subconsciously searching for any part of you to grasp onto and reel in. “Good morning, baby.” He rasps, last night’s rest still grappling at his body.
“Morning,” you reply, allowing him to pull you closer. You take this as an advantage to wrap your arms around his shoulders from where you now stand beside him. “What are you working on today?”
Colby’s gaze is still caught on the screen when his own arm is snaked around your waist. His eyes flicker from one end to another, clearly focused on whatever he’s reading. “Just emails right now. I have a bit of review and editing tasks to get done on the apparel website too..”
“Ah, I see.” You sigh. Your eyes flash a mischievous glint toward the camera before you begin leaning into his space to plant a soft peck to his cheek. “Do you need anything? Water? Snacks?”
Still enraptured by work, he acknowledges your question half-heartedly. “No, love. Thank you though.”
You feign a frown at his response and begin swaying his chair left to right when the hold on your waist is replaced by the computer’s mouse. He scrolls through several pages, reading what he can manage to as you continue rocking his chair.
“What time do you think you’ll be done?” You question innocently, though you both are aware that his work is capable of enveloping the entirety of his day. He shrugs, too focused to respond. You take this as an opportunity to leave a kiss on the crown of his head, moving behind his chair to loosely circle your arms around his neck. “I think I’m gonna finish my Christmas shopping while you’re still here.”
He hums and it’s evident that he isn’t regarding your presence to the full extent that it’s normally at. You huff and lean over his shoulder to litter butterfly-light kisses along the side of his neck. He unconsciously cranes his neck, providing you with more access to the skin.
“Shouldn’t you come and eat breakfast first? You haven’t eaten anything.” You ponder aloud, and this time, he shakes his head.
“I’m fine, babe.“ he mutters, eyes squinting in the analysis of his emails. Your tongue comes out to swipe at your lips, wetting them before leaning further into his space and kissing him straight on the mouth. At this, he cocks his head to the side, granting you access for more.
You continue to press into him, feeling accomplished when you realize that now he’s fully focused on you. The kiss is languid and feels good enough to praise, but before you can fully enjoy it, Colby is pulling away with a pitiful smile. You don’t even have to question him because he’s apologizing in an instant.
“I’m sorry, petal. I really have to get these things done. I promise as soon as I get this out of the way, I’m all yours.” He says and you can’t help but feel a tug at your heart. God, he really is the cutest. With the way his eyes glimmer at you, you’re confident with the idea that this man could un-alive your childhood pet and get away with it by just looking at you with those damned ocean eyes.
“Just a minute more?” shaking off the thought of ending the video early out of awe for your boyfriend, you continue your antics. You plead instead, batting your lashes tauntingly while returning to his side.
He blinks owlishly at you and ultimately accepts, pulling you into his lap by the hips and allowing you to straddle him comfortably. You grin, wasting no time and diving straight in for a passionate kiss. His hands snake around you to land on your ass, giving a gentle squeeze to which you groan into his lips for.
For a second, you’re convinced that this moment would last for an eternity with the pace that he’s taking. Theres not a doubt that he’d absolutely waste an entire day just to kiss you, and in this case you want this to be one of those days. His kiss is smooth, gentle, yet fierce and meaningful. Your hands move on their own accord; one pressing into the broad of his chest and the other entangling into his hair.
There’s a moan serenading your ears after a few rough tugs to the strands on his head. However, before you know it, he’s giving you one last playful tug to your lip and placing a good space between the two of you. While you’re grateful for this moment to breathe, you also fall clueless as to why the hell he stopped.. until, of course, you remember that you’re filming a video, and he’s working. Hello!
“Do you know how distracting you can be?” Colby chuckles, and you take a few seconds to take in his appearance; hair tussled, eyes dark and dilated, lips swollen with a few teeth indentations caused due to your own accord. You almost want to spend the rest of the video admiring your work, but conclude that the show must go on.
“What ever do you mean, coleslaw?” You quip, pushing against his hands from where they’ve been placed on your shoulders to distance you from him.
He immediately motions for you to get off of him, his hands already shoving at your chest. “Coleslaw? You’re done. Get off of me.”
You laugh and reluctantly remove yourself from his lap only to make an attempt at lifting him up with you. As if knowing exactly what you’re about to do, he drops his weight into his chair. You grunt, tugging on his arms with all your might. He doesn’t budge.
“Baby,” you whine, and add a childish stomp for emphasis. “Can’t you just take today off to spend time with me? Please?”
He falls limp at your words, tossing his head back against the chair’s headrest and huffs in thought. “We already hung out yesterday. The entire day! What do you want to do anyway?”
Pouting, you take advantage of his loose posture to throne his lap once more. Again, circling his neck with your arms and trying to pull him impossibly closer. Though, he does his best to keep a stoic expression and an emotional stiffness to prevent persuasion.
“I miss you,” the words seemingly fall on deaf ears as he remains unfazed, eyes wandering around the room; in other words, anywhere but you. “..just wanted to kiss you today.. but i guess you don’t want my kisses. guess I’ll just find someone else who does—“
His sigh mimics one of defeat. His hold on your tightens in protectiveness, as if afraid you may be taken from him. You begin to feel that bubble of mischief rising to your cheeks, tugging your lips into a smile. Yes! It’s working!
“One more kiss, and i seriously have to get back to work, okay?” He gambles, and suddenly your smile is fading into a frown. He directs his stare back to you, a small quirk at the corner of his mouth. “What, isn’t that what you want? Take it or leave it, baby.”
You bare your teeth in grimace, eyes twinkling with competitiveness before you dive in. Planting your lips on his, you nip and lap at the opening he gives you. Without much hesitance, he’s reciprocating in eagerness. Your tongues dance in the heat of the moment, teeth clashing with force. It’s clear how much you two want each other. And it’s even more evident just how far you’re willing to go for it.
“God, what’s gotten into you?” He manages to slur through the daze you’ve entrapped him in. The intimacy in the kiss exceeds even deeper when you apply pressure against his crotch, gaining a desperate reaction in return. He whimpers against your lips, bringing you impossibly closer to his form as he ruts against you.
“just.. really.. want.. you.” Your voice tapers off into a moan with each breath you take in between. And that’s when you realize. Oh shit. he’s hard.
A probing feeling at your clothed entrance is all it takes for you to pull back and freeze, hands instantly darting for the camera from where it was hidden just a few minutes ago. You focus the rest of the footage toward you, regarding your boyfriend’s lustful daze as a sign to come clean. Placing one hand on his cheek while the other holds the camera, you give a breathy and worried giggle.
“Are you—“ you start, motioning toward the evident tent in his sweats. His eyes waver from your face for a mere second to assess the situation before returning to you. “Colby?”
“Is this is a prank?” He mumbles, cocking his head toward the camera in your hand. You nod, curtaining your smile by placing a palm over your mouth. “Oh,”
“Colby, It’s a prank. I didn’t expect it to go this far!” You admit, and suddenly the giddiness you had been shielding from escaping you throughout the video is released. You laugh in embarrassment. “Oh my gosh. Guys, if you saw anything…. No you didn’t. Haha! But seriously, my poor baby suffered today so if you enjoyed the video, be sure to like and subscribe. Until next time, bye!”
The moment the video comes to an end, Colby is cursing you up and down for the scheme you had hidden from him. However, his scolding shortly concludes with a soft, and admittedly disappointing, “—had me all excited..”
“Oh my poor baby,” you coo, both of you now free from an audience’s presence via camera. Holding his face in your hands, you apply pressure to his cheeks, forcing his lips to pucker when you go in for a gentle kiss. “‘M sorry. The fans really wanted to see what you’d do.”
“Well now they know, so can we please not do that again. you’re very irresistible and convincing you know that?”
You press a gentle peck to his cheek and huff. “Yeah I’ve heard it a few times from my boyfriend.”
“Wow. I feel bad for your boyfriend.” Colby jokes playfully.
“Do you? Hm. Guess I should be a little nicer to him.”
“Maybe.” He pouts his lips toward you, proceeding to lift you from where the two of you sit on his office chair. Your legs wrap around his middle as he travels toward your shared bed. “I think your boyfriend deserves it.”
“I think so too,” you smile. Continuing from where you had left off, you both spend the rest of the morning doing exactly as you begged for; spending the day together. And making out, of course. And maybe a little more than that.
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peachpitlover · 1 year
i really can’t stop thinking about colby and like a softer reader:( like she’s got a really soft and sweet personality and maybe sometimes has trouble saying no.
when you’re out with friends he always keeps an eye on you to make sure you’re ok cause it’s kinda loud and he’s worried about you feeling overwhelmed
at parties he’s always fetching you drinks and his hand is on your lower back:( and he likes to be close to you
you know he’d much rather be watching a movie with you in bed than at a party
you go on walks and hikes together, and he plans matching outfits for the two of you
since he can’t cook, you sometimes meal prep for him during the week and he loves to sit with you in the kitchen while do cook
he doesn’t like to have a specific day of the week for a date night cause he loves surprising you and being spontaneous
he lovesssss kissing you in front of friends to make you all shy and flustered cause he loves his shy girl
he’s so protective:(
he opens every door for you and holds your hand getting in and out of the car:( i cant
if someone is kinda pushing your buttons or making you uncomfortable he’ll always stand up for you, but sometimes he likes to try get you to stand up for yourself
and he always kisses all over your face and says he’s so proud when you stand up for yourself or say no to someone
again he loves to kiss you in public to make you flustered like our to dinner with friends he’ll kiss your neck so casually and you’re just so 🧍‍♀️😧
sometimes he likes to act oblivious to get you to ask him to make you feel good
all like “colby, please” and he’s all like “please what? what do you need baby?”
and he’s so sweet kissing in your face and making sure you’re not hurting when he’s pushing in:(
he says the dirtiest things cause he knows it makes you needy and you love it
he totally teases you about being such a sweet girl but loving to be dirty for him
omg and aftercare is his absolute fav cause you’re all mushy and warm and he loves to have a bath with you afterwards
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jensenacklesantidote · 6 months
Colby FEEDING US ALL with these pictures today on his instagram story😮‍💨🫡🤚
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
Memorabilia- Colby Brock x Reader
word count:2695
warnings: fluff, this is also my first fic for Colby so I really hope you guys like it! feedback is always welcome!
summary: Colby comes home from The Conjuring House for the second time and you decide that going down memory lane will give him some peace of mind.
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(gif not mine!)
There was something about fear that had always intrigued you but lately, you’d garnered more and more of it, not for you, but for your boyfriend. He had continued his journeys and adventures to haunted places and you could tell it took a toll on him. He had most recently visited The Conjuring House for the second time. You had reassured him that you would go with him but he told you not to. He said to you that it was best if you stayed home. You didn’t want him or Sam to go and stay there alone. It worried you to death, and honestly, you knew a part of him was worried too. 
He had called you when the morning came and you could tell how exhausted he was. It broke your heart that he did that so much, but you knew he loved what he did and worked so hard. You just wanted him to have a break every now and again. You could hear through the phone that the night had not gone very well for either of them and you just couldn’t wait for them to get home. All you wanted was to have him back in your arms and when he finally got home you knew it was going to be a rough few days. It was something he showed no one but you, how truly scared he was. 
The sound of the door opening caused you to leap out of your bed and quickly walk down the hall. Your apartment wasn’t the biggest but it was home, and to Colby, it was a truly safe space for him. You could see the bags under his eyes as he looked at you. Your heart broke at the small, tired smile on his face.
 “Hey baby,” he said and you immediately engulfed him in a hug. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I missed you, Colby,” you said softly and cradled his head while gently letting your nails scratch his scalp soothingly. His hands were splayed across your back gently pulling you closer to him. 
“I missed you too, so much,” he said and slowly pulled away from you. You placed your hands on his cheeks while his stayed on your back. “You seem, tired love,” you said and let your thumb trace soft lines under his eyes. He hummed quietly and closed his eyes. “Just a little,” he admitted. “Why don’t we get you comfortable, and we can lay in bed and watch whatever you want?” you asked. He nodded his head slowly. “Yes please,” he sighed and you leaned up to kiss his cheek. You felt your heart break at the sight of him so exhausted both mentally and physically. It always hurt to see him in a state like that. 
You interlaced your hands and tugged him to your bedroom. “Do you want to take a shower?” you asked softly as you sat him on your bed. “I took one before I got here,” he said and you nodded, “Alright, well I have your clothes here for you,” you said and rested them next to him. 
“You know, I really did miss you,” he blurted out and you looked at him with a soft gaze. 
Stepping in front of him and between his legs, you set your hands on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head against your stomach. You moved your fingers through his hair.
 “I missed you too, so so much love. I miss you every second I don’t see you,” you said and leaned down to kiss his head. You felt him place a kiss on your stomach before pulling away. “I’m glad you weren’t there though,” he said and your brows furrowed a bit. “And why is that?” you asked, still, softly running your fingers through his hair. Sweeping it from across his eyes, so you could fully see those beautiful blues. “It was one of the scariest nights in my life,” he told you and your gaze softened. 
“Well, it’s over now and you’re home. You’re safe here,” you told him and smiled softly down at him. You could tell that he still had a bit of tension and so you had an idea. 
“Love,” you said and gripped his chin lightly to make him look up at you. “Hmm,” he hummed in acknowledgment. “You put these on and I’ll be right back ok?” you asked and gently swiped your thumb over his bottom lip. You could feel him smile a bit and it made you smile too. “Ok,” he closed his eyes and nodded his head. You leaned down and kissed him softly before moving to walk out of the room. “(y/n), wait,” you heard him say and you turned around. “I love you,” he told you and you smiled brightly at him. “I love you too,” you said before exiting the room. 
You heard a soft sigh and shuffling. Your heart ached to see him so worn out, but you knew something that always made him feel better. It was something you didn’t do often but when you did you could always see the gleam in his eyes that made your heart skip. You thought it would be a good idea to go down memory lane for a while. 
You went to grab the photo album that was sitting on your coffee table from when you looked at it the other day while he was gone. 
You picked it up and smiled knowing all the memories it held. It was such a special thing for you both and you were always adding to it. 
You walked back to your room to see the door open and Colby lying on the bed with his face smooshed against your pillow. You chuckled softly, “Colbs, I have something for you,” you said softly and sat on the bed next to him. He opened his eyes and sat up a bit. “What might that be?” he asked. You placed the photo album in front of you and you saw his eyes light up as a smile eased its way onto his lips. “We haven’t looked at this in forever,” he said and picked it up. “Right, and you know what else you haven’t seen?” you asked with a big grin. “What?” he asked with a raised brow. 
“I have collected some things over the course of our many years together. And I think it’s time you should see them,” you said and moved to your closet to pull down the box. He looked at you with a big grin and the softest gaze. “You have a box full?” he asked almost in disbelief. “Yup, plus some things scattered around the room,” you chuckled. Glancing at the sticky note on your vanity from a random note he left you.
You sat back down on the bed and set the box between you. “Alright, the album first,” you said and scooted closer to him. You nudged the box aside so that you could curl up next to him. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss on your head. He opened the book and there on the first page was one of your first pictures together. It was a group photo from a while ago, it was Colby, Sam, Jake, Corey, Kat, and you. “That was forever ago,” he said and sighed. “Yeah, that was when we were awkward around each other and they forced us to stand together. Neither of us knew what to do so we kind of kept a distance and smiled,” you laughed at how awkward the two of you were. “Yeah, you have no idea how nervous I was,” he told you and you looked at him in mock surprise. “Really? I thought you were just weird,” you said and he rolled his eyes. “You were nervous too,” he said and poked your side. You squirmed a bit and he chuckled. “I was actually, I mean standing so close to literally the most handsome guy on earth is pretty nerve-wracking,” you said and looked over at him with a teasing grin. You could see the blush on his face. “Oh shut up,” he said and nudged you. You chuckled. “It’s true!” you defended. He just chuckled and shook his head. 
You looked at the other page and laughed out loud, it was you and Sam on your birthday. You could tell that you were tipsy and you were both in the middle of laughing at something. Big smiles were on your faces and tears from laughter were shining in your eyes. You had a birthday crown and made him wear a feather boa. 
“I love that one. You took it, remember?” you asked and looked at him. He nodded his head, “I looked at you and knew I needed to remember that moment. My best friend and the girl I’d fallen for. I mean, that’s my favorite picture of you two,” he told you and you smiled up at him. “Well just to let you know, I’d fallen for you too,” you said and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Oh really?” he asked with a raised brow. “Definitely, I don’t know how anyone could’ve stopped it,” you said and he leaned down to kiss you softly. He pulled back and you rested your head on his shoulder as the pages flipped. The next one was of you two after you had gotten together. You had gone out with friends just to hang out for the night and your feet ended up hurting because of the heels you wore. 
He sat you down on a bar stool and kneeled down to take your shoes off for you. You smiled sleepily at him. He chuckled, “Let’s get you, home babe,” he said and kissed your knee softly before getting back up. “Yeah, we’re gonna head out too, see you guys!” Sam said as you all walked out of the bar. Kat chuckled at how sleepy you looked, and how adorable it was that Colby was holding your shoes for you. 
“C’mere,” Colby stopped for a second before scooping you up into his arms to carry you the short walk to the car. Kat quickly reached for her phone and took a picture making sure to send it to you. You fell asleep with your arms around his neck and your head resting on his shoulder.
“That was a really good night,” you said and chuckled at the memory. “I swear you were about to fall asleep standing up,” he said and you both laughed. “I did fall asleep when you picked me up though,” you said and he held you tighter. “Yeah, you did. I promised myself that you would always trust me to carry you home,” he said and you smiled up at him softly. “I trust you more than I trust anyone,” you told him and he swore his heart melted. 
He took a glance at the box by your feet, and you noticed. “You wanna see the box now?” you asked. He nodded excitedly. “Yeah, I really do,” he said and you chuckled. 
You grabbed the box and set it down in front of you both. Opening it you smiled when you saw the ticket from the first movie he took you to see. You had so many memories just sitting there in one space that it was almost overwhelming. In the best way possible. 
“You have the movie ticket?” he asked in surprise. “Of course, I do. That was our first date,” you said and picked it up. You handed it to him and he held it like it was one touch away from disintegrating. He quickly set it down when he noticed a flower petal, “What’s this one from?” he asked. “Remember that night I called you crying about my dog passing away a few years ago?” you asked. He nodded his head, “Yeah, I remember that,” he said. “You came over as fast as you could. You brought me flowers to cheer me up,” you said and smiled fondly at the memory. “I tried so hard to find the best ones,” he recalled. “Well you did, and now I have that memory forever,” you said and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. 
“This one is my favorite,” you said before picking up a tube of lipgloss. He looked at you in confusion. “Do you know what this is?” you asked with a big grin. “Lipgloss?” he asked and you laughed. “It is lipgloss. It’s the same one I was wearing when you kissed me for the first time,” you told him. His eyes softened as he looked over at you. You had kept it all these years, you had kept so many things over the course of your relationship and it just warmed his heart that you loved him so much that you didn’t want to forget a thing. 
“C’mere,” he said and took the lipgloss and put it back in the box. You looked at him in confusion, “is everything ok?” you asked as you closed the box and set it on your nightstand. “Of course, everything is fine. Just c’mere,” he said and tugged your arm. You moved closer to him and he grabbed you gently placing you on his lap. You smiled softly at the look in his eyes. They were bright and so gentle. 
“I can’t believe you keep those things,” he said and ran his hands up and down your back. “Of course I do, everything, even if it’s small it’s a memory with you and I want a piece of that memory forever,” you said in sincerity. Placing your hands on his cheeks you let your thumbs sweep under his eyes. His eyes were shiny and glossed over with a layer of unshed tears. You smiled sadly at him.
 “Why are you gonna cry my love?” you asked as he shut his eyes tightly. Tears streaked down his cheeks, the droplets hung from his lashes when he opened his eyes. “ I guess I just didn’t know that a movie ticket could mean so much. Seeing all these things makes everything come flooding back. It makes it all so vivid. It made me realize how much I want to make memories with you forever,” he told you and you smiled softly.
 “Well then, now you know, and starting right now I promise, that we’ll make memories forever no matter how small, and I’ll keep them all not just in my heart, but right in there,” you said and pointed at the box. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you nuzzled as close as you could. “I love you (y/n),” he said and kissed your head. “I love you too Colby,” you said and pulled away slightly so you could place a proper kiss on his lips. Your arms were around his neck and his hands were placed on your face, gently holding you in place. His hands were warm and his lips soft as ever. If there was one way he showed his love to you it was through his kisses. It was one thing you couldn’t live without and you were sure you’d never have to go without them. 
He pulled away and sighed. “I hope you know that most of the memories we make for the next few weeks will be here, right here, just you and me for as long as time will let me have you to myself,” he said and you giggled softly. “I don’t know if you remember this, but you have a home too you know? Plus, you have editing to do, so we can’t always be here,” you teasingly pointed out. He sighed heavily and rested his head on your shoulder. “I don’t care, these next few weeks it’ll be me and you. I don’t care what we do or where we are. Just me and you,” he told you and you smiled tenderly at his words. “Just me and you,” 
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Chapter 1 - midnight cuddles - Colby Brock x y/n
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SUMMARY: this is to chapter one of a Colby x y/n fanfic in this chapter y/n has a bunch of nightmares the night before they are going into the sallie house so she goes to Colby for comfort ( I took small inspiration form Katniss and peeta )
CONTENT WARNING ⚠️ fluff , lime at most, nightmares
I wake with a start I have been having had a horrible nightmare I remember demons dragging me back and ripping my skin apart . I’m shaking and crying when I wake up. I get shivers as I think about it. I walk around my hotel room getting water. I try to calm myself down but I can’t and I can’t go back to sleep either. I feel so weak that I haven’t even been in the sallie house yet but I’m having nightmares. I try to go back to sleep for a bit but I’m too scared. I want someone to comfort me.
I was always close with both Sam and Colby that’s why I’m coming on this adventure. But I was close with them in different ways. Sam was like a brother to me whereas Colby….. I’m not sure of my feelings for him. He is a great friend and he is very very attractive. I have a crush on him. With Colby I feel safe. Could this be love? I feel like he protects me, witch he does. More than anyone in our friend group he Protects me the most. Always looking out for me and making sure I’m safe. But I’ve always felt this certain way about him. Like I have this stirring inside for him and only for him. Right now I needed his comfort.
I got of from my bed. I am wearing pajamas pants with stars ✨ on them and a moon 🌙 on the t shirt. I quietly tip toed out of my room closing the door, and into Colby’s hotel room right across from mine. I walked across the hotel floor in my slippers. I hesitated…. Would he be mad at me for waking him up? What if he was asleep? But Colby was never one to get mad at me he was sweet. So I knocked lightly on the door.
I was surprised that he answered. The door opened and the frame of the fit Colby Brock appeared in doorway he leaned against the doorframe you could clearly see his abs and his hair was messy but he didn’t look disheveled at all. He Looked very hot.
“hey you okay?it’s late” he said in a husky voice that caught me off guard “ I’ve been having terrible nightmares I haven’t been able to sleep”
“ come sleep with me then” he said with a smile. He took by the hand and led me into his room closing the door. It was dark in the room but I could see him blushing and so was I. He turned on his bedside lamp and we sat on the bed together.
“ to be honest I couldn’t sleep either” he said “I’m glad you came” he smiled I looked into his eyes we were both blushing. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a slow passionate kiss. He pulled back though “ I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me I-“ I stopped him by pulling him back and saying “Do you know how long I have been wanting you to do that?” And kissed him even harder these kisses turned into a passionate make out session where Colby rubbed my thighs and gave me hickeys all over even in visable places. They felt so so impossibly good and he was by far the best kisser i have ever met. But we were to tired to do anything else and collapsed into each other’s arms. Colby was now shirtless and had my head rested on his chest, In awe of his abs. “Will you be my girlfriend y/n” he said. “ we’ll considering the fact that I just made out with you I think you know the answer” she smiled As we snuggled we drifted off into a nightmare free sleep. And both y/n and Colby were finally dating their crush.
the end of chapter 1 , am going to make into a book and post it all on here please don’t be harsh with me this is my first time ever writing fan fiction and I put a lot of work into this and worked really hard and it took time Ty for reading if you think they are moving too fast then know that both Colby and y/n had a crush on each other for a long time
Also lime means it’s not quite smut but there is kissing and stuff
I worked very hard on this
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katieraepakulak · 2 years
When the world went Black Chapter one
Maeve's POV
I don't remember very much of what happened but I do remember that my lungs felt weak like I couldn't breathe. "You said you were ok, Why did you lie to me?" my older twin brother Elton asks me with a serious tone to his already deep voice. Elton is tall and handsome with his dark brown hair and greenish-blue eyes. He looks tough though he is a teddy bear inside. I know I can't respond because of the tubes that's keeping me alive but yet the memories keep me awake other than the nightmare while I was dying in the icy cold ocean.
"You come back here Maeve Lianne Castee" My drunk father yelled at, I tried to run to get to my brother Elton but I was too slow. BAM! my head hit the wood stairs because of HIM. Elton ran down and well I don't remember what happened to him or myself because the world went black for me. “Elton, please wake up! Please Elty wake up! I can't lose you too Elton” I was yelling while the tears streamed down my porcelain face. I was black and blue all over my porcelain body and my gray eyes were full of tears when I finally woke up after about 15 minutes and ran to the bridge..... but my brain was fogged from him, from everything that I just went through… I already lost my mom. I can't lose Elton too. Him the pain he caused me. Wait why am I seeing white, I remember seeing a average sized blond haired man along with the slightly taller brunette man running towards me as I jumped off the edge of the suicide bridge. Damn it I jumped I never meant to jump off that bridge but I did and at that time I don't regret it
"You said you were ok, Why did you lie to me?" I could move past him saying that I could do this anymore… So the world went black.
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sugarcombsw · 2 years
I'm really sorry for never posting the Jacob day imagine, some shot happened and also I got a writing blockage
I'm willing to do headcannon/blurbs for him, and also Sam and Colby and Kian Lawley if anyone want
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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Y/N was in her shared bedroom with Chris, lying on the bed above her favorite duvet while answering some emails from her work on her pink macbook. Her body was already showered and covered in her boyfriend's blue pajamas, comfortable enough to sleep as soon as possible.
At one point, her ears were filled with the sound of voices and loud laughter, which the girl was unable to recognize. Y/N lifted her head, frowning as she focused on the outside, trying to distinguish them.
When she was unsuccessful, she slowly got out of bed, leaving her macbook and phone on her pillow. Her hands turned the handle, pulling the door open and moving her body through the frame.
The girl climbed the stairs in slow, mute steps due to the socks that covered her feet, only tilting her head up when she reached the last one.
Y/N's eyes widened when she saw a group of nine people in her living room spread out across the sofa, puffs, and floor. The conversation flowed normally between them, some comfortably using their phones while nodding their heads to something others said.
Her eyes quickly met Larray's, who was facing the top of the stairs that led to her and Chris room. The boy's face automatically lit up when he realized it was her, a smile expanding across his cheeks.
An excited scream escaped his throat as he stood up from his seat in a puff, running towards Y/N.
That caught the attention of everyone, who raised their eyes and focused on Larray's figure and, consequently, on Y/N as well.
"Hey girl! I missed you so much today." Larray spoke excitedly, pulling the girl into his arms, hugging her tightly.
A laugh escaped Y/N's lips, who wrapped her own arms around Larray's waist, returning the gesture.
"Baby!" The sound of Chris's voice echoed through the four walls.
Y/N slowly moved away from Larray, dodging his body and walking towards her boyfriend, who was almost jumping in place in excitement at seeing her still awake.
A shy smile took over her features as she received so many looks at the same time, focusing her orbs on Chris.
Chris frowned when noticing her tired eyes and slumped shoulders.
"I'm sorry, pretty girl. Did we wake you? I didn't realize we were being so loud-"
"No, baby! No, I was answering some emails before going to sleep." The girl responded in a low tone, shaking her head and allowing Chris's arms to pull her into a tight hug, his lips sealing her forehead lightly, keeping his arms around her.
"Y/N, this is Tara, Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby. Guys, this is Y/N, our confidant, best friend, and Chris's girlfriend." Nick quickly made introductions while still seating, momentarily pointing to each person as he said their names.
Y/N smiled, feeling her cheeks burn in shyness. She raised her right hand, waving briefly at the people there, a small "Hi" escaping her lips.
"Hi, girly! Oh my God, I saw you in several of the triplets' videos, and I was dying to meet you!" Tara quickly broke the ice, standing up from her seat and walking over to Y/N, bringing her in for a quick hug before pulling her to sit next to herself, ready to start gossiping.
The girl glanced at her boy, who was already looking at her with eyes full of love and joy at seeing his girlfriend socializing with his new friends, and people he knew would become important to him and his brothers.
It was just as important for him to have her approval than anyone else's.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Just a really little blurb, I stopped for lunch and could finally see the triplets' new posts with the others, and I needed to write something!!
I did it in 20 minutes, so I'm sorry if it sucks 😚😚🩷🩷
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samandcolbyownme · 17 days
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*you’re investigating with Sam and Colby*
Y/n - *pointing towards colby* “Knock, knock.”
Colby - “Who’s there?”
Y/n - *shaking your head* “No, Colby. There’s a knock, knock.” *Pointing behind him*
Colby - *sighs* “Again. Who is there?”
*Two loud knocks scare Colby*
Y/n - “Told ya.”
Colby - *leaning up against the wall, trying to act cool* “Yeah, I totally got what you meant, I was just.. joking..”
Thanks for reading. Liking and reblogging is majorly appreciated!
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
privacy please // colby brock
A/N: me, posting more than once a month??? INCREDIBLE. i was midway thru writing "let's fall in love for tonight" when this idea popped into my head and i just had to write it down. part of this is inspired by a tiktok i saw of a girl talking about a time she was hooking up with a guy. i wish i could find the tiktok and share it with you all bc the moment she said what she said.... i just knew i had to include it in a fic at some point lol so shoutout to that girl. this is a short fic/blurb bc i have some other fics lined up that are gonna be full blown smut so i don't want to tucker myself out writing smut only. and if you see me using what happens in this fic in other fics.... say nothing sksks lmk what you think and i'll see you guys next time <3
prompt: you and colby just want some privacy, but the only place you can get it is in his car. || fem!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: light smut (no actual sex), cursing, making out in a car, fluff, already established relationship
word count: 1363
"This is so ridiculous." Colby groaned, pulling away from our kiss.
I giggled, staring up at his annoyed face. "No it's not, it's kinda fun."
"How is this fun? I feel like I'm gonna pull a hamstring." He scoffed.
I sassed him, rolling my eyes. "Well, it's your fault you don't have a car big enough for your five foot eleven ass."
"I don't think I was meant to lay out horizontally in my car." He replied back, just as snarky.
"Well, blame Toyota," I sat up on my elbows, huffing. Does he think I'm comfortable in this cramped back seat? "Or better yet, Sam and Kat for wanting to have their friends over when all we want to do is fuck."
"Maybe if you weren't so loud, we could have sex in my room without everyone knowing." Colby raised an eyebrow at me daringly. I could see his bottom lip quiver as he tried to hold back a laugh.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "You never seemed to have a problem with my screaming before. I'll gladly remember next time you're begging me to say your name to be quiet."
He gasped, legitimately upset. "Begging?! I don't beg."
"'C'mon baby, say my name.'" I mocked in a deep voice. "What's that sound like to you?"
"Commanding!" He barked.
"Not when you're breathy it ain't!" I jeered sarcastically.
Colby sat up quickly, pouting jokingly. He kept my legs on his lap, his hands cupping my ankles. I sighed deeply, smiling up at the ceiling of the car. "Are you really not enjoying this?"
He chuckled, the 'tension' in the car defusing. "I enjoy any time I get to be alone with you."
I hummed, "Good to know. I think this is kinda exciting. It feels like I'm a teenager again, sneaking around with a boyfriend my mom doesn't know about."
"Am I, like, your edgy boyfriend?" He questioned, side eyeing me.
"Oh yeah. You have tattoos, wear all black, curse, drink..." I gasped, "Oh my God, you're, like, so cool."
Colby bit his lip, staring at me intensely. "Get over here."
He grabbed my wrists lightly, pulling me up. I straddled him, a soft grunt falling from his lips as a I settled onto his lap. "Much better." He murmured.
I studied his face for a moment, taking in all the little details I could. The way his hair fell, covering his forehead. The lovely shape of his eyebrows, manicured without him trying - which was honestly the most annoying thing about him. He also had surprisingly long eyelashes for a man, something I was jealous about as well. His eyes - which of course were to die for. So blue and deep. I had stared into them so many times I had lost count. I never saw the end of them, never studied them long enough to know every intricate detail about them. I don't think there would ever be enough time to do that.
"Hi." Colby whispered, softly smiling.
A light blush came to my cheeks, "Hi."
My hands cupped his face sweetly, his eyes closing at the feeling. I gazed at his cheeks; how adorable they were. I would try my best to remind him that even though he didn't like them himself, I enjoyed his "chubby" cheeks. His dimples. Oh my GOD, his dimples. If I could, I would take a picture of every time I was able to make his dimples appear. I would fill a whole photo album of just his face smiling. And I can't forget his nose. His nose was so... masculine, in an interesting way. It fit his face perfectly. Angular with a slight point.
And then of course his lips. I've had dreams of just kissing him. Of just staring at his mouth. Sometimes it's hard to pay attention to him when he talks because all I can think about is his lips and what they've done to me, and what they plan to do.
He laced his fingers through mine, finally breaking the silence in the car. "What's going on in that head of yours? You look so lost in thought."
"I'm just... looking at you." I confessed.
"You like what you see?" He mumbled.
"Love." I emphasized.
He nodded his head, his eyes filled with adoration. He rested his forehead against mine, our lips brushing. His hand slid out of mine, meeting his other on the small of my back. "You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me."
"The feeling is completely mutual." I agreed.
"Good to know...." He leaned in and pecked my lips gently, almost taking my breath away. He pushed my body into his, pressing me as closely as he could. I deepened the kiss, my fingers tugging on his hair. His tongue slid into my mouth, a moan leaving my lips. My hips naturally grinded down onto him, his hands gripping my waist a little harder from the friction.
He moved his mouth from mine, kissing down my neck and finding the perfect spot in seconds. I lulled my head back, allowing him to attack my neck with his lips and tongue and teeth. I whimpered, my hips bucking against his. He pushed his up, grinding just against the right spot to make my breath hitch. I could feel him getting harder under me, pressing against me in the most sinful way. His hands drifted to my thighs, rubbing up and down them.
"You know..." Colby chimed in, breathlessly. "I really love these fishnets."
I uttered, in a daze. "Wha-?"
He continued his motions, causing goosebumps to form on my skin, "I really like that you wear fishnets. They look so sexy on you."
I cleared my throat, finally able to think again. "Um, thank you."
"It's too bad they just take forever to get off." He somewhat grumbled, dropping his head.
I shrugged halfheartedly. "Yeah, I guess."
"How many pairs do you have?" He asked, looking back up at me.
"Of fishnets? Like five or so." I guessed.
Colby nodded. "And how much was this pair?
"What?" I squinted at him, confused. He blinked, wanting me to continue. "Uh, they were like $25."
"Okay...." He paused, his hands resting on top of my thighs. "Remind me to pay you back."
Before I could say anything, Colby's grip tightened on the fishnets. His fingers laced through the holes in the material. He pulled his arms back, ripping the fishnets with ease. I shuttered at his action, gasping in awe, anger, and lust at seeing him tear them without any problems. Feeling them rip from my body, my skin now exposed, caused heat to rush to my sex. My underwear grew even more wet as my eyes met his dark ones.
"Colby! What the fuck?!" I yelled.
"Don't tell me you didn't like that." He grew close to my face, his voice lowering, "Don't lie to me, baby."
I stammered, trying to form words under his lustful gaze. "T-That's not the point. What are you, an animal?"
"Only with you, darling." He whispered harshly.
My breath raced as I glared into Colby's eye. He had such a devilish look to him, and while I was pissed he would rip my favorite tights, it was also extremely hot.
"Fuck, I hate you." I yanked his face forward, forcing his lips onto mine deeply. He smirked against the kiss, humming a response playfully. I snaked my tongue into his mouth, needing to taste him.
He pulled away, catching his breath at my expense. "Are you sure you want to do this? I can't exactly get on top of you."
"If you have to fuck me in the trunk, then so be it. I just need you to do it now." I gripped his shirt, wanting it off his body.
He laughed darkly. "I don't know... you're demanding a lot for someone that's very breathy."
"Colby, don't fucking tease me." I grabbed his hand, sliding it into my underwear and putting his fingers against my heat. I breathed, "I'm so wet for you."
He swallowed hard, his pupils dilating. "Okay... I think we can manage something."
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ellavatorz · 2 years
Fear Me || c.b. x reader
prompt: Colby is there for you when the Stanley hotel becomes too much.
tw/cw: violence, angst-y(?), mainly cute protective colby.
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photo is not mine, found on Pinterest
a/n: this is for @tealeyewonder, ty for requesting this! it was fun to write & I hope you enjoy <3
It wasn’t long after you all had arrived that shit began to happen. In fact, it took exactly five minutes into filming for Amanda, Mackie and yourself to begin hesitating in proceeding with the investigation.
The guys—per usual—begged for you all to stick around just “a little longer!” And so here you five were; vibrating with adrenaline and high off of the aura that the hotel room reeked in.
“Colbs, I’m serious. Are you sure we should continue?” you and colby are isolated from the others, pressed against the entrance, just outside of the shared—and one of the infamously haunted—room 428.
He reaches a hand into your hair and tugs a lock behind your ear, breaking the silence with a gentle and monosyllabic “it’s fine.”
With an eye roll, you shovel your hands into the depths of your jacket’s pockets and drill your gaze into him. Seemingly prepared for your rebuke, Colby proceeds with a cautionary voice.
“I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, okay? It’ll just be for a few more hours and then if you really want to, we can find another hotel nearby and book it. Free of ghosts, alright?”
Sighing in defeat, you settle for his reassurance and choose to remain as calm as you can for the rest of the night in the hotel—albeit still littered with deafening ghost trails and paranormal activity.
Colby’s voice resonates around the room as he recites an excerpt from some sort of yelp review left by previous guests of the hotel. The girls and yourself huddle together in front of where he sits on the mattress, watching and listening intently.
“It’s said for a male entity to lean over female guests and..” he quirks a brow and chuckles before continuing, “tries to kiss them.”
“What?” You blurt, eyes enlarging in size before the other two girls are laughing. “Naughty ghosts!” You say jokingly.
“Maybe we should dress up as girls tonight?” Colby jokes, and you all begin to feel the air purify it’s way into peace as you continue.
Suddenly, you all decide to move toward the lone, dark and eerie corners of the Hotel, the staircase which is known for its Vortex.
There, Amanda retells a memory of having imagined an entity following Colby around. Shocked, you latch onto his arm and give him a shake.
“Shit, you’re gonna attract all the ghosts tonight!”
His face replicates mortification as the rest of you laugh cheerfully, silently wishing for the idea of your boyfriend having an attachment to fall through.
“There’s definitely someone here already but I can’t make out who it is exactly. They keep hiding behind the handrails.” Amanda states, pointing at the solid fixture just behind you and Colby. Mackey agrees with a hum and drags her gaze elsewhere.
“It feels.. strange.” You murmur, looking at yourself in the reflection of the mirrors. Colby appears behind you, circling your waist with his arms and smiling contently.
“Oh definitely, but look at how cute we look!”
“Colby.” You smack at his shoulder. “Really?”
“What? It’s true.”
“Alright I say we move back to the room and get some footage of the rem pod.” Sam appears from behind you two and the group agrees.
“Great,” colby says after he’s finished setting up the equipment. “Again, if anything comes and touches this device it’ll light up and make a bunch of noise.”
You all nod in understanding, deciding to stand a good distance away from the footing of the bed where the device lies. Instantly, the REM Pod goes off, the red light shining along with it.
“Hello?” Sam greets, mouth wide open in shock. “Do you recognize us? We’ve been here before..”
“Nah, he only cares about girls, man!” Colby jokes, though the device begins sounding off. The girls and yourself move back, stunned at the reaction.
“Holy shit, did it just agree with what you said?” You look over to Colby in surprise. He nods, just as startled as you.
“Do you like girls? Kissing them?” You ask, biting your lip in anxiousness.
The device goes off.
“Do you like us being here?” Amanda asks.
It’s silent.
The five of you share a look before Sam continues. “Can you do something to show us who you are? Are you Flora?”
You room stills, air suddenly thickening with something akin to a suffocating material being held against your face. You blanch are the feeling, trying your best to shake it off until there’s a bang just inches behind you.
The five of you turn in fear and you immediately dart to Colby’s side, feeling an intense amount of pressure in your head. “Okay guys, my head is seriously killing me.”
Mackie gasps, pointing a finger in your direction while moving closer to you. Colby wraps an arm around your middle, turning you to face him as he analyzes your features.
“Your nose is bleeding,” he notes aloud and you frown. “Are you okay?”
“No I just—I don’t know? I felt weird and then the noise happened.” You explain, holding a napkin to your nose that Mackie had gotten for you. Sam brings the camera close to your face, to which you scowl at.
“Dude, give me space will you?” You mutter and Sam apologizes, moving away and pointing the camera towards the other girls instead.
Colby worries his lip, chewing at the skin with a drive to settle his concern. You pat his shoulder, reassuring him that you’re fine.
The series of questions continue but still, your headache worsens and the air doesn’t feel any lighter.
“Did you follow us from somewhere else?” Sam questions. There’s a pregnant pause before the device begins going off. You make eye contact with Amanda as she steps forward to shut off the device.
“That’s enough,” she states firmly, eyeing the duo before requesting the cameras to be turned off. Sam agrees begrudgingly, moving to sit on the edge of the mattress along with Colby and Mackie. You and Amanda stand close, her hand wrapping around your wrist protectively.
“I don’t feel safe here anymore. I think we should take a break.” She says and Colby tilts his head, brows furrowed.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“There’s something here and I don’t want to talk about it.” Amanda huffs, looking towards the door. You distribute your weight from one foot to another anxiously.
“Maybe we could come back later? Let’s just take a breather outside—“
“Y/N, what’s on your arm?” Sam ponders and reaches to bring you closer to the flashlight.
You look down and notice a slew of thinly sourced abrasions on your forearm. “What the hell?”
“This isn’t right, we have to go.” Amanda urges, to which you all hurriedly concur, rushing for escape.
It’s when you’re one foot out of the door that you’re suddenly shoved and sent crashing into Colby’s back. Being the last one out, you physically startle and feel your hands beginning to tremble.
“I just—it just pushed me,” you stammer, eyes darting behind you to where the door to the room is shut. Amanda pulls you in close and recites a quick prayer before pulling you into her embrace.
After everything that had happened to you, Colby had had enough. His body began to boil with a protective instinct as he rushed back into the room, heart slamming against his chest.
“I dont care who you are or what you are, but you have no right to touch us. I didn’t give you permission and you sure as fucking hell don’t deserve it. You can’t follow us home and you better not follow us to any other location either.” He sneered, voicing his thoughts aloud to a visibly empty room.
“Colby,” Sam tries, placing a hand on his shoulder in attempt to pull him out, only to be shaken off and ignored when Colby continues.
“You could’ve touched me, hurt me, or whatever the fuck— but you touched Y/N and that’s where I draw the line. Get your disgusting ghoul fucking hands off of them and don’t ever touch them again.”
Staggering back with a winded breath, Colby returns to your side and holds you tightly between his arms. You reciprocate the action and try to smile, though it comes out as more of a lopsided grin.
“Thank you, colby.” You manage to utter from where he holds you against his chest. He sighs, clearly affected by your experience. You nudge him off gently before pulling him along with the rest of the group; moving to the entrance of the hotel without hesitation and making a beeline to the car.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you,” Colby murmurs once you’ve all packed into Sam’s rented vehicle. You and Colby sit thigh to thigh in the farthest pair of seats. “I promised I would.”
“Colby, it isn’t your fault. Amanda didn’t even know what it was, so seriously.. you couldn’t have known that was going to happen.” You ease his worry with a hand to his leg, rubbing miscellaneous shapes into the fabric of his jeans.
“I just wish it didn’t happen that way. I wanted this to be fun for you. And.. and I was hoping we could’ve had a small investigation together at some point in the night.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess this was Colby’s attempt at convincing you that he’s fine. However, you know him all too well to know that his facade is weakening with every thought that washes through him. The pout in his voice is nearly visible before you’re leaning in to place a kiss to his cheek. Pulling his gaze to you by gripping his chin gently, you smile at him.
The soft look he shares with you is enough for you to see just how much love he holds for you in the blue ocean of his eyes. Inviting yourself to dive into him, you lean your head against his shoulder and pull his arm closer.
“You don’t always have to be the hero, Colby. I know you love and care about me, but there’s always going to be things that you just can’t protect me from.” You say, and feel his weight drop to comfort. Smiling to yourself, you squeeze his hand.
“I love you, and thank you for bringing me along today. Despite it all, I enjoyed my time spent hunting ghosts.. just.. maybe next time we won’t visit a spirit who seems to have it out for girls who are taken, hm?”
At that, Colby chuckles. His fingers intertwine with yours impossibly tighter and he leans down to kiss the crown of your head.
“I love you too. And I promise I won’t put you in any more danger. No more mean grumpy ghosts. Maybe just the creepy kid ones.”
“Sick, no.” Sam calls from the front of the car, and you all laugh.
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peachpitlover · 1 year
Can you write jealous/overprotective Colby fic? Or maybe just sth abouth where his and reader relationship is seen like idk they're cuddly in front of the squad and they're all like aww or sth (I'm sorry, I can't express my words properly 🤦🏻‍♀️😅)
all good i understand! let me know if there’s something more specific you want!! also thanks for the ask!!!!! i decided to go with jealous bff!colby I hope you like it i wrote it after my exam lol
She’s so out of my league
I’m falling again, again ,again, again
Colby really couldn’t contain himself anymore. With the way her hand rested on another man’s shoulder and her head thrown back in laughter, he felt anger rise in his chest. All these guys that asked for her number and flirted with her at parties didn’t have a chance. They didn’t know Y/n like Colby did, didn’t care for her like he did. If only he’d grow up and tell her.
Something snapped in him as he watched the guy brush her hair away from her face; he stood abruptly and walked over to them with a clenched jaw. He got to her and separated the two as subtly as he could.
“Excuse us,” he grumbled and pulled Y/n away by her elbow. Colby’s hand slid from a tight grip just above her elbow to a gentle hold on her hand as he took her upstairs with him.
“What’s wrong?” Y/n worried as Colby closed the door behind them.
“Who is he?”
“Nate, he’s in my criminal law class,” she huffed as if it was obvious. “Why?”
“I don’t like him.”
“Again why?” She pressed with furrowed brows.
“I just don’t.”
“Colby, you’re being annoying. If you won’t tell me what you have against him, I’m going back downstairs. I’m a grown woman.” She crossed her arms and huffed once again. She was getting frustrated with him, he needed to take a chance.
“He’s not good enough for you,” he expressed.
“You don’t know him! You’re being really fucking ridiculous, you know?”
Colby looked almost defeated as he ran his hand through his hair and tugged on his necklace.
“If you know if or he’s done something just tell me that.”
“Those type of guys won’t treat you well,” he said as he ran his hand up her arm, sliding to her back as he walked her into the door. Her breathing hitched as her back touched the door and she subconsciously arched into him.
“Who will?”
“I will, if you let me,” his right hand slid into her hair. Just by her body language, he knew his answer.
“Took you long enough, Cole Robert.”
My Masterlists
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jensenacklesantidote · 5 months
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I’m just so incredibly happy for colby🥹
and I really hope the fandom doesn’t fuck up his happiness, otherwise i’m throwing hands😤
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
Take Me Home- Colby Brock x Reader
word count:2153
warnings: fluff, kisses
summary: the heater in your house breaks in the middle of winter, and so to keep you warm Colby suggests going on a drive.
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(not my gif!)
It was the middle of winter and lucky for you, your heater had gone out and you were stuck in the cold. The only good thing about this situation is that your boyfriend was with you, and he was somewhat like a human radiator. You were curled up next to him and shivering every now and then. He looked down at you and sighed, “Still cold babe?” he asked and you nodded your head that was hidden in the crook of his neck. He could feel your cold nose brush along his neck, which made him shiver. “I’m sorry,” you said and held him a little tighter. “Why are you sorry?” he asked and kissed your head. “I am clinging to you like this, it’s probably really annoying,” you told him and began to pull away. “No, no, please don’t go,” he said and you looked at him with a raised brow. “Are you sure? I feel like I'm being unnecessarily suffocating,” you said and looked down at your sweater-covered hands. 
He placed a finger under your chin and lifted your head so you’d look at him. He had a soft smile as he looked at you. “Is it bad to say I’d love to stay like this forever?” he asked. You laughed softly and shook your head no. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead. “C’mere,” he said and pulled you close again. The tv was turned to a low volume as some random show played. Colby was on his phone and you were sitting snugly next to him, your face was once again placed in the crook of his neck. You sighed in contentment and moved to kiss his jaw, feeling him smile made your lips upturn. 
“You’re so warm,” you said quietly and he chuckled a bit. “You’re still cold,” he said and reached up to run a hand through your hair. “Hey babe, I have an idea,” he said and you hummed in acknowledgment. “Why don’t we go for a drive?” he asked and you pulled back to look at him. “You can warm up in the car,” he said and you smiled at the thought. “Yeah, I’d like that,” you said with a nod. 
He turned off the tv and got ready to stand up but you kept him on the couch. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Can I have a kiss at the stoplights?” you asked softly. His smile grew at your request, “of course you can babe. Here I’ll give you one now,” he said and leaned down to press his lips to yours. You gently held his face in your hands, you lingered for a few seconds before pulling away. “Thank you,” you said quietly and he smiled. “Of course,” he said and kissed you one more time before pulling away and standing up. 
You got up after him and slipped on your shoes before grabbing your phone. “You ready babe?” you heard Colby ask and you nodded your head. He quickly guided you out to the car and opened the door for you. You kissed his cheek in thanks before getting into the car. You settled into your seat and clicked your seatbelt in place just as Colby opened his door. He turned the car on and you smiled as you turned up the heat. He chuckled at your trembling hand and reached out to hold it bringing it to his lips to place a kiss on it. 
Once he put the car in gear you grabbed his free hand and placed it on your thigh. He laughed softly and ran his thumb across your leg. You let your head lean on the head rest as you turned to look at him. You lifted your hand to run through his hair, you felt him relax and you smiled. You could see the yellow streetlights outline his profile, almost like it was gold. “You’re really pretty,” you said and traced his jaw with your fingers. You could see his cheeks slightly redden and you grinned. “Especially under the streetlights,” you said and he let out a huff of a laugh. “What?” he asked and took a quick glance at you. “They outline you in gold, it’s really pretty,” you said softly as you admired him for a few more seconds. 
“You know, one of my favorite things about driving with you is the silences,” you said and let your hand hold the one placed on your leg. “Why is that babe?” he asked. “They’re so comfortable, I just get to be with you,” you told him. “You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met, did you know that?” he asked and intertwined your fingers. “That can’t be true, you know so many people Colbs,” you said and took a brief look out the window at the passing city lights. “Sure, but I have never met a single person like you, and you’re the sweetest,” he told you. 
“So does that mean you like me?” you joked a bit. He chuckled and nodded. “Actually, it means that I love you,” he said and you gasped and placed a hand over your heart in mock surprise. “I had no clue. I love you too,” you said and smiled brightly over at him. He came to the first stoplight and looked over at you. “Really?” he asked and you nodded before leaning over and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. It was quick but made him melt nonetheless. “Really,” you confirmed.
He quickly pulled you in for one more kiss, you giggled as he pulled away. The light was green and you’re not sure how long you had been sitting there you were just lucky no one was around. You were surprised at the vacancy of the streets around you.
 “It’s so quiet tonight,” you said softly as if you’d disturb the peace. “Yeah it is, I wonder why,” he said as he glanced briefly at his surroundings. “They’re probably all at home with their blankets and heaters reading or watching some shitty tv,” you thought outloud. “I’d rather be here in the car to get warm than at home with a heater and a blanket,” he told you and you looked over at him with a grin. “Me too,” you said and traced patterns on the back of his hand. You flipped his hand over and traced the words ‘I love you’ from his wirst further up his arm. He could feel what you were doing and it made him love you even more. “I love you too,” he said and you smiled down at his arm. You knew that he knew what you wrote. 
You picked up his hand with both of yours and placed a few kisses against his wrist right over his pulse point. He hummed contentedly and felt you smile against his skin. “So, I have something to tell you,” you said and squeezed his hand. You could see the confusion on his face. “Did I do something?” he asked and you immediately shook your head. “No,no,of course not. I did actually,” you told him and looked out the window. He felt his heartbeat speed up at what you said. “You can tell me anything,” he said despite how scared he was of what you might say. 
“I might have stolen a pair of your socks,” you said and shut your eyes tightly. He let go of the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. The car was silent for a few seconds before he let out a laugh. “What?” he laughed. “My feet were cold!” you tried to defend yourself. “So you stole my socks, didn’t you have some on?” he asked with a huge grin. You groaned in slight embarrassment. “Yeah, but they weren’t warm enough. I had to double up, I had no choice,” you said and he laughed again. “You had no choice but to steal my socks?” he asked and you shook your head. “No choice at all. What was I supposed to do walk around with cold feet all day?” you asked. “Do you still have them?” he asked and glanced over at you, chuckling at the blush on your face. “...Maybe…” you trailed off and tried to angle your feet out of view. “You’re wearing them aren’t you?” he asked and you had to stop yourself from giggling a bit. “I don’t know how you didn’t notice earlier honestly,” you said and gave him a soft smile. It truly was a funny situation, “Well, I’m not looking at your feet all the time,” he told you and you chuckled. “I wear them all the time actually,” you said and he laughed. “Seriously?” he asked. “Yeah, I mean they’re comfy,” you shrugged. “You’re so weird,” he laughed. 
“You do know I’m keeping them right?” you asked and he shook his head with a smile. “I didn’t expect anything less,” he said. He stopped at another light and you leaned over to kiss his cheek. “No, no, no, I want a real one. I deserve it for letting you hijack my socks,” he told you and you let out a laugh. You once again leaned over and pressed your lips to his, letting go of his hand you held his cheek. He smiled against your lips before pulling away, “Better?” you asked and he nodded his head. “Much,” he answered. 
“Is there anything else you’d like to admit?” he asked with a raised brow. “No, I think that’s it,” you said. “I would say I have a stash of your sweatshirts but I think we both knew that already,” you said and he just smiled over at you. “I don’t think I’ve seen you wear a single thing from your own closet since we first started dating. That was years ago,” he said and you laughed. “That’s not true, I wear my own stuff,” you defended and he shook his head. “I don’t think so,” he told you and you crossed your arms and looked out the window. “Oh c’mon babe, you know I’m joking,” he said and placed a hand on your leg. “I think you’re making fun of me,” you huffed and kept your eyes on the window. “I’m not making fun of you, I think it’s adorable, c’mon,” he said and unfurled your arms to tangle his hand with yours. “Promise?” you asked and he held back a laugh. “I promise,” he told you and so you slowly looked back over at him. His eyes were focused on the road and you couldn’t help but smile at him. 
“I think we should pull over,” you told him and he gave a quick confused glance. “Are you ok?” he asked and held your hand tighter. “Yeah, I’m fine, just wanna see something,” you said and so he pulled into and empty parking lot. 
Putting the car in park he unbuckled and turned toward you to see you had done the same thing. 
“C’mere,” you said and leaned forward bit. He leaned closer and you placed your hands on his cheeks. Looking at you with curiosity he smiled softly. “What are you doing?” he asked. “I’m looking,” you said and moved as close as possible, and he did the same thing. 
You swept his hair away from his eyes so you could look into them better. “Your eyes remind me of the ocean,” you said softly and let your thumb run under his eye. You could feel his face warm up and it made you smile. “Like royal blue sapphires, almost crystalline when the light hits them,” you explained softly as you kept your eye contact with him. 
“Crystalline?” he asked with a raised brow. “Yeah, crystalline, sharp and clear like crystals,” you said and rested your forehead against his. His hand reached up to hold the back of your neck, gently griping and lightly tugging strands of your hair as he pulled you in for a kiss. You let out a soft hum as his lips moved against yours. You shifted slightly in your seat so you could get the slightest bit closer. His hand slipped down to cup your jaw tilting your head to the right and then you felt his fingers glide down to place a firm but gentle grip on your throat. The cold feeling of his rings made you shudder and he smiled into the kiss. 
“You’re so pretty baby,” he whispered against your lips. He could feel your soft breathing, you said nothing as you felt his thumb stroke the column of your throat. You moved one hand from his face to grasp his hand and slowly pull it from your neck to place a kiss on his palm as if accepting his compliment. 
You opened your eyes slowly to see him already looking at you. You smiled softly and tangled your fingers with his.
“Take me home?” 
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