#COLOURS Newsroom
【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 COLOURS Newsroom
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】 COLOURS Newsroom
Bookshelf :: COLOURS Issue Cover Nikki
P.1 : COLOURS Issue 18 :: Youth Journey (青春纪行)
( About youthful love and dreams )
Continuously optimize the algorithm, and constantly pursue the optimal solution for clothing design.
After the parameters are tuned, don't forget to add the unique color of youth.
The emotion that sprouts in youth is one of the most difficult emotions to analyze.
P.2 : COLOURS Issue 19 :: Wonderful encounter (奇妙邂逅)
( Find hidden exclusive magic )
Tell you quietly, as long as you believe in magic, it really exists.
In ordinary daily life, there will be incredible encounters
Where will the wonderful magic that belongs to you be ?
No matter where, as long as you believe in magic, it will appear at any time
( Take a bite of summer sweetness )
P.3 : COLOURS Issue 20 :: Poetry in light wind (浅风沐诗)
( Waiting for the first wind of spring and summer )
Layers of wheat waves surged, outlining the shape of the wind.
The warm sun sprinkled a piece of yellow hope.
Yun and Tian looked at each other from a distance through the pmorning mist.
P.4 : COLOURS Issue 20 :: Light Sweet Late Summer (浅风沐诗)
The dense cream melts on the tip of the tongue and is sweet to the heart.
It’s a bit sweet, which is the mood of late summer.
Intention is the secret to making desserts more delicious.
Judge Designer ::
P.1 :: Ai (愛衣)
P.2 :: Susan (葉蘇夏)
P.3 :: Serena (仙希)
P.4 :: Yuka (佑果)
Attribute ::
P.1 :: Elegant
P.2 :: Cool
P.3 :: Sexy
P.4 :: Fresh
Date ::
P.1 :: 27/10/2022….
P.2 :: 02/03/2023…
P.3 :: 08/06/2023…
P.4 :: 14/09/2023…
Type ::
All stages cost 4 Staminas. None of the magazine stages will award the player with EXP. Players must reach S rank on each stage to get their rewards. Past stages cannot be challenged.
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bahoreal · 1 year
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samsungnewsonline · 1 year
La campaña 'See Beyond Colour' de Samsung ayuda a los perros de refugios a encontrar sus hogares definitivos - Samsung Global Newsroom
Refugios de animales alrededor del mundo están llenos de abandonos animales domésticos esperándolos para siempre Casa. Este angustioso Sin embargo, el estado de cosas tiene un resquicio de esperanza, como adoptar una mascota recientemente estado en aumento. Para sensibilizar sobre la adopciónSamsung Electrónico en alianza con miexpertos en refugios de animales entender completamente la…
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yeyinde · 1 year
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"Don't trust me?" "I don't even know you—" His hand lifts, metal fingers spreading lazily as he holds his palm in front of you. A peace offering. The sight of it makes you scoff.  "Fair. For what it's worth, I don't trust you much, either, but—" another inhale of his cigar. His voice is pinched when he speaks, his breath ghosting white with the smoke congealing in his lungs. "We have to make do with what we have, don't we, love?"
》 WARNINGS: allusions to political corruption, mild horror (maybe??), mentions of death and murder; more banter in a pub; Price has a past
》 NOTES: This was originally much longer but the second part delves heavily into the mechanics of the world (we FINALLY see MC—I'm not good at creative nicknames—go into the underground/black market and it is like, a Thing!!!!) and it felt like a bit of an overload with soooo much being revealed at once. So, I split them up. More Reader x Price in a pub. Bantering. Because, ummm, I’m so goddamn creative, lads. 
Makarov's outburst clots in the fibrils of your still reeling mind, replaying in an incessant loop that keeps you up into the early morning hours, unable to sleep. 
Each time you close your eyes, you see the unavoidable truth in blood looming before you. Inner Circle. Inescapable. 
All this time, you'd been under some false assumption that Makarov was the sole lender to whatever medical intervention was needed to bring you back from the clutch of death. It would make things easier. 
People die every day. 
It was the macabre ideal you clung to, digging into the notion until your nails cracked and bled. The only constant in your life that brought some semblance of hope. 
After all, the dead can't collect any debts. 
But a corporate entity can. 
You're pulled out of your reverie when the sound of a news alert fills the silence of your penthouse. The screen flickers to life at the apex of dawn, just when the indigo sky above splits into a varicoloured smear of pastel pink, ochre, and lavender. The looming horizon—sun a hazy flaxen—swallows the tenebrous that gnaws on the skyscape outside of your window. 
The vacuum fills the familiar jingle of your normal routine. A man sits behind a podium. The chyron below warns of a biblical rainstorm approaching, enough—
"—to wash the whole city away," the newscaster jokes as he jogs the stack of papers in front of him. A bead of sweat catches in the flushed light of the newsroom. The implants on his cheekbones flash; the chromatophore upgrade in his sleek skin shifting in a kaleidoscope of colour. "It comes at a good time, though, as reports of sickness are spreading through the medical bays. It must be flu season—," he titters before shifting his attention over to a man on the other half of the screen. 
He wears a black poncho and a wide grin. 
"A flu?" He echoes, the words swallowed by the passersby in the city square. The jumbotrons in the back bath him in a hazy, neon smear. "In this economy?"
They chatter in the background about a sickness spreading through the city, the storm looming closer, Atlas Corporation putting in a series of patents for some big, technological feat of engineering—Four Horseman has some steep competition this year! Atlas is the up-and-coming tech company that has new, innovative ideas and a focus on the environment!
It's the only mention of Four Horsemen Corp.
It doesn't surprise you. 
Money is a powerful tool. Those who weren't already in their back pocket were quickly added, and those who couldn't be paid off were—
Whatever Anatoly—his primary enforcer—couldn't do, an encrypted file deep in Makarov's secured vault filled the gap. 
The White Horse is a multifaceted venture. On its surface, a luxury club that caters to a specific clientele. Its exclusivity makes it desirable. People fall over themselves just for the chance to enter. The prestige alone from saying, "I've gotten an invitation," is worth more than money in the circle of the upper echelon. It's elusive. Draped in mystique. 
They want to get in so bad, just for the sole purpose of throwing their weight around and saying they've been, that they don't stop and think about the potential dangers that lurk. 
After all, a club funded by the Inner Circle and owned by Makarov—the White Horse—could hardly be dangerous. 
It's not the club they have to worry about but the man who owns it. The one who has people in high positions of power froth at the mouth for a chance to attend. 
It is impossible to convince a man with millions to risk his neck for someone else. 
But blackmail does the trick. 
From the utter silence of the media regarding this, barring a few fringe sites that are too small to bother with, you'd wager that your hard work was utilised now more than ever before. 
"—pull out your umbrellas, because—"
You reach out, pressing the power key. It clicks off. The hologram darkens to sleek black. 
Your face stares back at you, shaded in tenebrous. Empty. Vacant. Sometimes, you try to piece together what you might have looked like as a child, but all that surfaces is a void. Nothingness. 
It isn't a mental block, but an absence of everything. Anything. A gaping hole. 
You think of the missing man—Alex Keller—and something rotten gnarls between empty ribs. 
Six days. 
Three years. 
You wonder if anyone is still looking for you now. If your face is plastered on the communication poles on some distant planet. If the uncanny likeness of you is whispered in a neighbourhood in Al Mazrah where your family mourns. Or if there is now an empty spot at a dinner table that will never be filled. 
You doubt it. 
Nothing ever appears in the searches. No one ever stops you when you wander down the streets, and belts out an unfamiliar name. The closest you'd come to some sense of recognition was that man. The closest you'd come to thinking finally, finally, someone knew you. 
But he didn't. Doesn't. 
He isn't combing the shady side of down for you, but for Alex. A missing man who's been gone for six days—long enough for the man to tear through the redlight district and force your hand to aid him in finding out where Alex had gone. 
(You wonder if someone fought that hard for you.)
Ugly. Stupid. 
No one is looking. Makarov assured you of this when you asked him. 
You're a nobody, kitten. A stray. I picked you up off the streets and brought you back. You want your family? Well, all you have is me. Ain't that swell, kitten? What more could something like you ever hope for?
You're caged up like an exotic bird. A toy to be kept on the highest shelf until it's needed. 
A pet. A plaything.
But Makarov's reach is everpresent. His eyes are everywhere.
You can run, and run, and run—
You should know better by now. No one touches what belongs to me. 
—and he'll always find you.
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You have this recurring nightmare that started a year into waking up.
Makarov's idea of avoiding the hassle of you constantly asking questions about the unfamiliar world around you was to just preemptively teach you about it all. In a single session.
Despite the hesitation from the man administering the chip that would flood your mind with knowledge of the world, he pushed for it. And really—who is going to stand up to a man who not only pays their bills, but funds a vast majority of the country?
Against all codes of ethics, you were given the chip.
There is no way of describing the pain of suddenly knowing, but it left a mental scar on your psyche, one that is fundamentally irreparable. A bruise that's always there. A sore spot in your mind as it slowly heals itself from the aftermath of information overload.
But in that knowledge, came the awakening of something else.
Something that the man touched on briefly. Your lack of implants. Cybernetics. The flesh on your body is unblemished by technology, save for a small port where your spine meets your skull. It's always been there. You woke up with it.
It is covered by a layer of tissue meant to keep debris from getting in, and most days you forget about it's existence entirely.
Until, of course, days like these.
When you remember a piece of that overwhelming puzzle that was forced into your head. Artificial intelligence. Androids.
Project Sentience.
It's now considered a cruel, awful experiment conducted by the forefathers who founded the technological epoch that bloomed, by many accounts, out of control and transformed life within a few, short decades.
The project was started with good intentions. They meant to mind the gap between the limits of knowledge and erase the blemish of human error. Where they dreamed up the impossible, the AIs were meant to fill in the missing holes in the theorems and puzzles.
Working, together, for a better future.
But there was an unseen flaw.
The sentience wasn't foolproof. The android working with the engineers thought themselves to be exactly what they were: human.
It was then that project commenced in secrecy. They led the androids to believe they were real, flesh and bone, but when the flawed aspect of the human ego (a byproduct of their tweaked code to mimic the behaviours of humans to seem more passably real) led them to declare themselves the greatest engineers of all time, it was then that human engineers made it known what they were.
It wouldn't be so bad, maybe, if they were just confined to the lab. But they weren't. They were meant to be human, and so—
They led human lives. Love, dislike. Heartbreak. Some had gotten married. Some had lobbied against AI agency.
All had thought they were human.
The ripping of the veil was a nasty one.
Their partners were ostracised. Lives ruined. Their agency was taken away from them in fear of an insurgence from the androids who were now feeling the distinctly human emotion of abject horror.
Everything they knew was culled overnight over something so disgustingly simple as human envy.
It was deemed too cruel to continue. Public outcry made it so that any android made with sentience was told they were artificial, and treated as such.
The lawing of this pulled people in different directions. Subservience. Superiority. Purist.
You think of that experiment, and then of the many markers left behind that give someone an advanced understanding of their anti-humanism. The first, naturally, being a lack of noticeable enhancements. Why would something made to be perfect need an upgrade or an implant when they can just be designed with that specific feature?
The second is a sudden awakening into cognisance.
An emptiness. Nothing. And then—
They're awake.
You think of that as you stare at yourself in the mirror, but it passes just as quickly as it came. Your attention was stolen away by flickering light overhead.
They warned of an oncoming storm, didn't they?
It draws your eye, and you watch the light recede in small bursts as it struggles through the power surge of the grid. It's a common sight. Static in the air. The taste of rain.
You've always been more attuned to the change in the weather, almost as if you could feel the building of kinetic energy buzzing across your flesh.
From the prickling goosebumps ghosting over your skin, you know it'll be a bad one. Biblical, they said.
You turn back, mind blank, sluggish. It's weird. All of this is—
The face in the mirror is not your own.
Well. No. No, it is. It's—
Your flesh drips. Raindrops of flesh slide down your cheeks, dripping into the porcelain basin of the sink where it hits the ceramic with a sickening splat.
(Pat, pat, pat—)
It doesn't hurt. You don't feel anything. Nothing, nothing at all—
And you should, shouldn't you? Agony over the slippage of skin falling off of your face in wet flakes until the smooth curve of metal is shown—
Your chin dips. A mass breaks away, the ruination of Pangea, and falls into the basin with the rest until sleek gunmetal remains. Wires crossed, connected. You feel—
Nothing. You feel absolutely nothing.
Where terror should brim, you're empty. A vacuum.
(Made in his image.)
You force yourself to reel back, to fling away from the thing staring at you—the thing that can't be you, can't be, can't be, can't be—until you trip. Until you fall to the ground with a thud that you can only hear but not feel.
You know you're sitting down on the solid ground because you can feel the physical weight of gravity pushing against you, and meeting a barrier in the middle. Something stops it from sending you down, down, down.
The floor. Your fingers dig into the marble. The whine of metal across flat, recrystallised limestone meet your ears, but the breaking of your nails causes you no pain. No blood, either. Nothing. The uncapped tips of your carbon fingers leave scratches on the polished surface.
He'll kill you, you think, mechanical and distant. You ruined his floor.
It doesn't hit you the way it should. It doesn't do much of anything.
It feels like you're floating. Suspended. You can't feel the ground, or the floor, or the wall against your back. All that filters in is the knowledge that you are on a stable foundation, and not caught in a free fall.
You catch sight of yourself in the brass handle of the door.
A metal face stares back at you.
You open your mouth to scream but nothing comes out.
A blink back into wakefulness, and you're in your bed. The mattress is soft beneath your feverish body, the sheets saturated in your sweat. They cling to your skin, trapping you. You feel the weight of gravity. The solid frame of the bed keeps you up.
Your hands fly to your face, nails scratching against your skin.
—Skin. Skin.
It takes hours to calm down, and days to shake the terror of looking into a mirror.
You sit, huddled in your room, and wonder if maybe all the signs were there.
Sometimes you wish that if Makarov had really, truly, made you from scratch, he would have given you solid gold plates for skin, and diamonds for bones, so at least every pound of flesh would be worth something.
You are—)
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Your loyalty to Makarov is a tenuous thread, one frayed and knotted from the inherent sense of ownership he lays on you. An obligation of recompense for saving your life—something you'd never asked of him. 
And so, it doesn't really feel like much of a surprise when you pull the rim of your hood low over your brow, tug your mask high up the bridge of your nose, and sneak past your guard for the evening to meet him instead. 
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The place he picked is known as Industrial City—so aptly named for its abundance of postmodern buildings from somewhere in the mid-to-late twenty-first century. The crumbling ruins of an archaic homage to humanity's progress now sit abandoned in a cluster of rotting steel, cracked concrete, and mouldering asbestos. 
It's a haven for small-time gangs, and at one point, was thought to be the hideout of a notorious Purist leader who tried to sever the dependence on technology, and plunge the world back into a natural darkness. 
(He got as far as snipping a single wire from the Grid before he was detained for terrorism.) 
Bathed in an inky black, and void of the artificial neon smear of lights and LEDs, it looks almost haunting in the indigo gloam. A graveyard of the past. 
There's a prevalent feeling of unwelcomeness simmering low in the air around the abandoned buildings, one that grows ever-potent as you wander past it, and down the overgrown path leading to an old warehouse on the opposite side. 
Tension thickens the air. You feel it clot in your lungs. An uncanny sensation of being watched. Hunted. Your eyes skirt the row of crumbling industrial buildings, peering into the black voids of the smashed windows. Jagged cuts of glass, opaque from a thick layer of dust, grime, and the inevitable decay passage of time brings, gleam in the pale light of the moon suspended in the aether. 
It's dark. Uncannily so. 
The only light illuminating your path is the jaundiced glow of the moon and the buoyant flicker of the shuttles docking on the station. An infinitesimal dot against Tycho's vast, grey dip. Barely enough to make a difference in a place that leaks a palpable sense of unwelcomeness from the tenebrous surrounding you. 
Something shifts in your periphery. Your eyes dart to a third-story window of a vacant building. 
The stark, unfathomable blackness gives nothing away but you still feel the unmistakable sense of something, someone, glaring back into your eyes. Eye contact from the void. 
Your gaze drops to the underbrush. 
The static in the air grazes your skin. You're being watched. Stalked. Hunted. 
In the furze, you make out a depression in the dirt. Oval-shaped. Plain. 
It's a footprint. 
It rained all morning—a small appetiser to the biblical flood they promised: a looming thundercloud inched closer to the city each day—but the print in the wet ground was undisturbed. Fresh.
Above it, you find another. And another. Another. Until it disappears between a bottleneck of the two buildings. 
The path leads you back to the broken window—to the vat of black. 
The mini-gyrojet you stole from Yuri a long time ago sits heavy in the waistband of your trousers. Barely the size of your hand, and certainly less potent, but the laser is just as deadly as its parent. Comforting, almost. 
Your fingers twitch. You stifle the urge to grab it, and force yourself to turn around. Back to the enemy. Stupid. You know better. 
But whatever is looming in the shadows isn't a concern of yours. 
(And maybe, maybe, if they did shoot you in the back, you'd know once and for all what your insides were made of.)
Nails bite into the soft skin of your palm leaving a crescent indent against your lifeline. The flash of pain, of discomfort, quells the knot in your stomach, the one that curls tight around your organs, and claws its way up your esophagus. Fear. Anxiety. They pollute inside of you with each step through the industrial mausoleum and toward the dilapidated building in the distance. 
An old parking lot sits to your right. The cracked concrete is barely visible under the thick overgrowth that congeals around the space left behind. Nature reclaiming Her land. Against the hazy ochre smear in the distant horizon, slowly being consumed by the vat of indigo that follows swiftly behind it, the tangled vines of emerald green look ethereal in the gloam. 
It's a vivid glimpse into the past when this place meant something to the people who ventured here. Office buildings. A parking lot where archaic vehicles using gasoline to run once sat, wheels on the concrete. Feet on the ground. They wandered to the buildings—just another cog in the machine. 
You wonder sometimes what they would think if they could see the world today. The broken line between fantasy and reality where slipping a chip into their brain stem could create a gap in time, one that lets them wander through any period of history, any memory inside their head. 
They called it virtual reality. 
Another plane of existence they hadn't the technology to exploit fully. A digital dimension that lingered between the layered worlds. 
Some live inside that realm exclusively, refusing to risk themselves in the physical plane where an errant jet could end their lives. 
It's a strange juxtaposition from that to this. Where the graffiti that stains the crumbling ashlar is now considered with reverence to this world as a handprint in a cave was to that one. 
A noise echoes through the vacant lot. The sound of a cut-off shout. Your eyes dart to the left, taking in the sight of two men standing outside of a Burger Town, jostling each other over the last jetbike parked in the charging dock. 
Inside the restaurant, a man leans against the tinted glass, cigarette in his hand, watching the same tousle as you. Under the flickering neon sign, his lips quirk up in amusement when one of the men loses their balance, tumbling to the pavement. 
It's another odd juxtaposition. A rotting graveyard of the past, some buildings salvaged and converted into a strange array of low-brow pubs, and—
Neon lips open, a pink tongue glides over the plump line of red before disappearing into a closed-mouth smile. It repeats. 
—a pseudo redlight district for those who can't afford the rent on the main boardwalk. 
The graffiti on the wall of the building is faded. The paint peeling, and weathered from the passage of elements. But you can still make out the shape of a yellow dick on the wall. 
Bars. Fast-food. Sex. Testosterone. 
The world might be different, but the people certainly aren't. 
You pull your hood down lower over your brow, and quickly keep moving. 
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The converted warehouse doesn't have any markings on the outside to identify it as a pub, and you almost miss it until your tracker chimes, indicating your arrival.
Upon first glance, it's just a long, rectangular two-storey building made of chipped burgundy brick and scattered windows, all crusted with grime until it's tinted in a thick, opaque grey. 
You check the map again—just once to be sure—and send off a delayed alert with a timer set to go off an hour from now to Yuri. 
If you don't turn it off before the time runs out, he'll know where to find you.
(Or whatever is left of you.)
Everything about this, in hindsight, is pretty dangerous. Meeting a man who slings accusations at your saviour, and somehow knows about you, about your debt, in a graveyard that reeks of mildew and wet concrete is something people will hear about in passing, and wish you ill in the afterlife for being so stupid. 
But you're here. 
The choice has been made—whether or not it's a smart one has yet to be determined. 
Military. They have power. Influence. However pantomime it might be in the face of overwhelming wealth, it's still something. You thought they were all corrupted by the Inner Circle's clandestine whispers of affluence—sign here, Colonel, and we can give you armour and weapons beyond anything you'd ever seen before (just look the other way while we sell the antis to your enemies—can't let you get too powerful, after all). It seemed like they were. The parade of men and women who congregated at White Horse, or any of the other subsidiaries around the city, the world, was a testament to that. 
But he seems different. 
(And really, you've always had a thing for gruff men who'll disappoint you in the end. 
The heartbreak always tastes sweeter when they're worth something.) 
You glance down at the screen, staring at the timer as if it was your last lifeline, and hope, desperately, that you have. 
Your finger lifts. The screen fades to black. The white emblem of Four Horsemen Corp., gazes, almost accusatory, back at you. 
(If anything, Makarov will kill you before the man has any chance of breaking your heart.)
Turning back now is forfeiture, weakness. 
And you'd rather not walk through the graveyard again.
The door is made of rusted metal, and whines loud enough to echo through the barren landscape when you push it against the hinges. Muted gold leaks through the crack, spilling out onto the dirty pavement below your feet. Light catches on the motes dancing in the beam, and cuts through the murk of the falling night. 
Inside, you hear the fading tune of an old song playing out its last chorus. The scrape of a mug being pulled across wood. A low murmur. And nothing else. 
The normalcy of everything so far—or as normal as a strange retro pub in the middle of a mouldering neighbourhood could be—goes against the theatrics Makarov likes to pull, and you know from that alone that if this was somehow a trap, it wasn't his design. 
Anatoly would be jeering at you from the very top of Makarov's tower, fingers pushing against your shoulders until you were forced further back with each question you didn't answer. All the way to the ledge, where Makarov would intervene—always wanting to play the part of a saviour—and spare you. 
Just answer me this, kitten, and I'll put an end to it all. 
But the moment you opened your big, stupid mouth and gave him what you wanted, he'd begin monologuing by the sidelines, pacing as he speaks, until—
Well. We can't all be heroes. Sometimes, we need to be knocked down a peg. Anatoly would move closer, oblivious to your pleading demands for leniency, and Makarov would smile, sharp and shark-like, and say, as if it pained him: or a few stories. 
And you'd fall. Three hundred floors to your death. 
By the time you hit the pavement, you'd be a wet puddle of mush. Unidentifiable. They'd ensure it by removing your identity chip, and anything else that would give the mess of your remains a name. 
You've seen it play out enough times to know how it goes. The script might bend to fit the needs of the accused, but the plot was always the same. 
Theatrical. Dramatic. 
Your fingers curl into fists by your side, and find some solace in the fact that a two-floor drop probably won't kill you. 
This is survivable as long as you're useful. 
A new mantra is craved in the recesses of your mind. Useful. Useful. 
You repeat it to yourself as you pull the door open wider, glancing in the room warily. Hesitant. 
Whatever you expected, this wasn't it. 
It's normal. Archaic in design. 
Lanterns are strung across the rafters crisscrossing the ceiling, bathing the small room in a muted gold. It complements the raw topaz colour of the wooden decor inside—herringbone floors, shiplap-covered walls, dark spruce tables and benches—and something about it all feels almost homey. Comfortable. 
The size and cut of it err into intimacy or claustrophobia, and you wonder if that's why he picked it. 
On the opposite side of the entrance is a dark hallway. A flickering exit sign glows softly in the gloom. Two darker doorways branch off on either side of the back door. Washrooms. You can vaguely make out the light spilling from the insignia etched into the wood. 
It's flush against the rightmost wall where a series of old photographs sit, crookedly, on the panels. The images are too faded, jaundiced from time, for you to make out the shapes, but they all look human. Humanity from a bygone era. You catch sight of an old aeroplane, the vessel barely longer than the height of the man standing in front of the large propellers. 
The rest of them are of people standing together near old landmarks that no longer exist. 
Metals line the interior of one, kept guarded behind a new protective seal. They shine in the soft glow, and the label beneath reads: chest candy. 
These are personal photos. Family heirlooms. Staring at them, struggling to make out the full shapes of the children, the men, and the women, standing around and smiling happily make you feel a touch voyeuristic.  Gazing into a tomb not meant for your eyes. 
You pull away from the wall, glancing at the one that sections off the washrooms from the main room. It, too, is decorated in photographs, but these ones are less personal. Images of long-gone celebrities. Artistic renditions of landscapes that evolved over the last centuries into something new, something different. 
The theme of the wall is aerial. You make out old etchings of aircraft in all sizes. Commemorative pieces. Militaristic in its design. 
Three booths sit flush against the wall, all made of dark wood, and each seat empty. 
Against the leftmost wall is the bar itself, separated from the seating area by a long, oak countertop with six bar stools pushed up close. A mug sits, half-empty, in front of one. An empty glass in front of the other beside it. An ashtray in the middle of the two seats, filled with cigarette butts. One still burns away, wheedling down to a snubbed point. 
The wall is lined with bottles. A tap behind it. At the end is another doorway which must lead to the back area. The sign above says employees only. 
Near the only window in the room is where you find a solitary table with three chairs. In the seat facing you, back angled between the cut of the walls, shoulder turned to the bar, is where you find the man. Watching you. 
A glass rests in front of him, half-empty. A burning cigar in an ashtray curls wisps of smoke over his face. 
The implant in his eye glows sapphire blue, expanding as he reads the information in front of him. The other is darkened under the flushed light, almost black. Gazing right at you. 
It's a contrast that makes you shiver. 
"Made the right choice then," he says, words low as he lets them fade under the steady cadence of the song playing somewhere in the back of the bar. 
It isn't much of a perfunctory greeting, but you take the opening all the same, and make your way toward him.
"That's yet to be determined."
"You're still here." 
The wood is warm under your palms when you press them against the grain, shuffling into the bench across from him. Warm, and sticky. 
You peel your fingers off, glancing at them warily. "Not much of a choice, though—" your eyes find him, narrowing into slits when he snorts, shaking his head at the disgust in your gaze. "What's so funny?" 
He huffs and the blue light flickers out, fading into dark blue. "You," he offers as if it was obvious. The condescension bleeds from his lips when he speaks, and leaks into his clear eyes when you fold your hands into your lap. "Not the kinda place Makarov normally takes you, hmm? Ain't you spoiled."
"Makarov doesn't take me anywhere." 
"That so? What? You his dirty little secret?" 
Your brow furrows. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Nothin', love. Nothin' at all." 
He's baiting you. The condescending draw of his voice, thick with derision, sets your teeth on edge, and makes the knots in your stomach tighten. 
"Look," you start, sticky fists cleaned tight in your lap, irritating the indents in your flesh from earlier. It's enough to ground you. "I didn't come here for games. This is my head on the line, and—"
"Mine, too." 
You scoff. "You started this." 
"And it's my men who are out there, yeah?" 
He leans forward slowly, the wrinkles in his brow deepening under the hazy glow until all you see is darkness cascading over a rucked canyon. Anger pinches at the corner of his eyes, the near snarl of his mouth. 
He'd go for the jugular, you think. Sink his teeth into your flesh until a pound is ripped out, reaping his dues. 
You wonder if his fury is as animalistic as the teeth he bares in anger, in warning.
"Gettin' injured, killed. Goin' missin'. Fighting a battle your men are waging." 
"Makarov isn't waging anything. You don't know much about him, do you? The only thing he cares about is his stocks and his public image. Whatever you think he's doing, or he's behind, I can assure you—he isn't." 
"You sound certain. What, hmm? Ain't the kinda pillow talk he likes to indulge in?"
"Pillow talk?" His words make you reel back until you're flushed against the chair, eyes widening. "I think there's a massive misunderstanding here."
He says nothing, merely opting to reach for his forgotten glass of scotch and dwindling cigar. 
Pillow talk. "You think me and Makarov are—? No. No! That's—" you fight a shiver of disgust, knuckles digging into your thighs. "No. Makarov wouldn't—it's not like that. He's—"
"He's what?" He implores, resting his elbow on the countertop, cigar dangling dangerously between his lax fingers. The look in his eye is sharp, keen. 
"He's my—" 
You bite your tongue suddenly, stopping the familiar words from slipping out. It's the response you give when people ask what you are to Makarov—why he keeps you around on such a short leash. 
My saviour.
The words have different connotations inside Makarov's sprawling skyline palace. Where his guards simply nod, in understanding, and accept your words as is, because he, too, is theirs as well. A common ground where nothing else needs to be explained as one word covers everything. 
You won't find that here. Not with him. And maybe, maybe, some part of you is shying away in shame over the word. Saviour. You sound like the zealots running around proclaiming they heard god whispering to them in the grid, and felt Its holy touch when they plugged something in. 
Electric, they say, reverently. Our saviour is stuck inside the machine—!
(You wonder, now, if Makarov chose that particular word on purpose, and know, immediately, that he did.)
"I owe him money. Why wouldn't he keep me around with such a staggering debt?" 
Bringing it up gives you the opportunity you need to shift the conversation away from the game of Messiah and Disciples Makarov likes to play, and you knot your trembling fingers together tightly in your lap. 
"Speaking of—" you huff, gaze fixed on him. Taking everything in. You might not have the same implant that he does, one that allows him access to the net in an instant, and feeds it right to his cerebrum, but you've always been good at reading people. Catching their tells. "Makarov isn't the one my debt is owed to. It's the Inner Circle. Still think you can erase it?" 
He hesitates. Briefly, almost indecipherably, but you catch the dip of his cigar when his body tenses, fingers tightening too quickly on the stem. It twitches only once before he steadies it. His eyes cut to yours, impassive and unreadable, as he takes in the information you just offered. 
The Inner Circle banking division was notorious for having contracts upon contracts to avoid buyouts without some hefty fee attached to make up for the lost interest. 
It's a roadblock. Almost everyone you've met so far, ones with idealistic dreams of stealing you away from the clutch of Makarov, bulked at the number alone. This, this new piece of information, was bound to make him flee. Cut ties. Run. 
Another hero with too much on his shoulders to bear another burden, leaving you behind to rot. 
Tough luck, kid, one of them said after a three-week-long courting period that left you feeling moon swept and dizzy. Wide-eyed and jejune. Naïve little kitten, Makarov taunted the morning after you found yourself alone on the dock, bags packed, waiting for a man who'd never show. But Makarov met you there. Yuri, with sorrowful eyes, took the bags gently from your trembling hands, downcast as he murmured in your ear, you'll be okay, kitten.
Anatoly's biting laughter haunted you for months. Christ, he howled. You really thought there was a man on earth more powerful than Makarov? Damn, he swindled you good, dumbass. Was he at least a good fuck? I'd be so goddamn pissed if this happened to me and the idiot was lousy in bed. 
But it was Makarov's palm against your cheek that broke you the most. The icy eyes never softened despite the coo of sympathy in his voice. 
It hurts, doesn't it, kitten? Who knows if this is your first heartbreak, but I'm sure it feels like it is, doesn't it? Ahhh, You should know better by now. No one touches what belongs to me. 
"Now about this betrayal…" 
He had you locked in your flat for months, and everything iota of your time monitored in some capacity. The leash was shortened. The collar tightened. 
The punishment for your betrayal came weeks after, when a package arrived at your flat. A golden box weighed down with precious gems and metals. 
A holographic card popped up when you opened the package, hands shaking around the heavy box. 
Makarov's voice flooded the room. What's more precious than gold and diamonds? The latch on the box clicked. You lifted the lid. At first, it didn't make sense. Your mind blanked, wiped, as you struggled to figure out what it was you were staring at. 
A heart, kitten. His heart.
Horror. Stomach-churn terror.
Your hands snapped back, and the box dropped to the floor as mocking laughter met your ears, static and faded over the recording. 
The still-beating heart tumbled out, connected to an array of small wires that kept it alive without a host. Without—
Your hand pressed against your lips as you fought the bile rising from your throat. 
Betray me again, he said, and I'll make you cut it out next time. 
You stare at the man across from you and know that the wishfulness inside of you will soften his flaws, blur his lies until anything he says just sounds right. A dangerous precipice. The yearning knotting around your mouldering ribcage is hungry. Wanting. 
He'll ruin you. And you'll be forced to ruin him. To carve his heart out as Makarov keeps him alive the whole time. The last thing he'll ever see would be you holding his still-beating heart before Makarov makes you crush it between your trembling, bloodied fingers. 
The image surfaces—horrific, garish, gut-wrenching—and you wish you were a little more jaded, a little less idealistic, to have that alone snuff the last vestiges of hope from your rotting heart. 
"Doesn't change anything," he grouses, and then brings the glass to his lips. He downs the scotch in two swallows, and you can't pull your wide eyes away from the way his throat bobs, and stretches, as he tilts his head back. 
When he's finished, he huffs. The glass hits the countertop with a clang that seems to shake something inside of you. 
"They're all rotten," he snarls, words a rough rasp that makes you shiver. "All of 'em. Rotten to the fuckin' core."
The corruption never surprised you. Maybe the exposure to it all, feeding Makarov the names of the politicians and diplomats that wanderers through the club's door numbed you to it all, but seeing his visceral disgust over it makes something swell inside of you. 
He's not too different from the heroes you've met, the ones you read about, but where they cut their anger into pieces of understanding and compassion, he wields his like a claymore. A battle-ready man brimming with a fury that leaks from his marrow and into the icy blue of his steel gaze. 
He doesn't give you kind smiles or false promises. No, he gives you third-degree burns on your flesh from the molten heat of his rage. 
"Who are you?" You demand, the words slipping out before you can chomp them down. "And why do you think I can help you?"
It doesn't make sense, not really. 
The look he levels at you knocks the air from your lungs. 
Fear curls in your gut. Wariness. The urge to flee wells, and you just barely manage to push it down. 
"I told you already, didn't I?" He leans closer, drawing the cigar to his lips. "Heard about you, 'bout your debt." 
"Yeah, and you thought I was Makarov's—lover—;" the word nearly makes you recoil. "But I'm not. He tells me nothing. Still so certain I can help?" 
He takes a drag of the cigar, the tip burning through the dim interior of the empty pub. His eyes never waver from yours, but you know that this piece of information must, in some way, change things. He sought you out specifically because of your assumed relationship with Makarov. The precariousness of your debt has doubled into not just an inconvenience, but a legal issue with extra fees added. 
You're more trouble than whatever you might be able to weasel out of Makarov. 
More trouble than your worth. 
The smoke curls in front of him like a hazy shroud of white. The light catches the indent in his cheekbone, and down the side of his face where his implant sits, humming with kinetic energy even while unlit. 
Without the beanie on his head, you can make out more of the circular insignia on his temple, but the crest is unfamiliar to you. Unknown. You've never seen it before, and that unnerves you. 
You know all the clubs, the crests, the gangs that roam the streets. From the upper echelon of the Shepherd family to the 54 Immortals seizing the power gap left behind by the fall of Brakov in a neighbouring country. It comes with knowing the underground. With making friends in the shadows. 
But this one escapes you. 
He shifts, moving the cigar from his lips. A waterfall of smoke rumbles from his mouth when he breathes out. 
"Yes," he says, pinched from lingering smoke in his lungs. "I do."
"Told you, love. Heard 'bout you—from many sources."
The back of your neck prickles under his reproachful stare. Something in those cerulean depths makes you tense. 
"From who?" 
His metal knuckles clink against the glass when he nudges it out of the way, resting his forearm down on the wood, bringing himself closer to you. With your spine flush against the back of the chair, there is nowhere to run. It hits you, then, when he draws himself into the scant space separating the two of you, angling himself until he takes up the entirety of your periphery, that this was intentional. 
Of course, it was. Of course. 
"Oh, from lot's a'people a lil' thing like you shouldn't be hangin' around." Despite the derision in his voice, his brows lift, arching high until his forehead wrinkles, and you catch something that seems almost impressed when he dips his chin, staring at you from down his nose. "You get places most can't. That's useful."
"Useful enough to wipe a debt? How do I know you're good for it, and this isn't some scam?" 
"You don't," he answers simply, and something snaps inside you. 
"Are you joking—? Do you have any idea what Makarov will do to me, and you can't even give me some—"
"Like I told you, I know people in high places." He shrugs like it's nothing. Like it isn't your life in balance. "They want to remain anonymous, but can settle your debt." 
"Don't trust me?"
"I don't even know you—"
His hand lifts, metal fingers spreading lazily as he holds his palm in front of you. A peace offering. The sight of it makes you scoff. 
"Fair. For what it's worth, I don't trust you much, either, but—" another inhale of his cigar. His voice is pinched when he speaks, his breath ghosting white with the smoke congealing in his lungs. "We have to make do with what we have, don't we?"
It isn't fair. It isn't right. A part of you wants to rebel, to grab the cigar and crush it under the heel of your palm. The anger wells inside of you, white-hot and aching, and brings with it the strong urge to scream yourself hoarse. 
You believed him—if only for a moment, for a single second, but it was long enough for the vestiges of hope to claw their way up the prison you kept it in, and leak back into your marrow. A pollutant that wrecks you viciously. 
Maybe you expected this. It doesn't sting as much as you thought it would. He's never really committed, and said—
"But," he continues, and you wish he would shut up, shut up, shut up, shut—
"I promise it'll go away once we're done, yeah?" 
Your voice wobbles when you speak, soundly dangerously thick, and wet. You peer up at him and wish with everything inside of you, there wasn't a thin veil of tears gathering across your lash line. Weak. You haven't cried in two years—
(You look so cute when you cry, kitten—)
"You promise, huh?"
He lifts his hand to his temple and taps his index and middle finger against the strange insignia implanted there. The hard metal of the crest meeting the soft polymer cover of his fingertips makes a muted thud not at all dissimilar to your beating heart. 
"On my family name, I swear it." 
To go so far for someone he barely knows, and doesn't trust—
And then it clicks. It isn't about you at all, but some personal vendetta, a promise to himself, that he'll accomplish what he sets out to do, and so, making this little oath with an outsider, the pet of the enemy, is nothing to him. It's performative as much as it is sincere, and the warring contrast makes your chest ache, and heat bloom under your skin. 
"You—;" you start, but stop yourself. 
He's not at all unlike the heroes you've read about in fantastical stories or the ones you'd met. The one whose heart you held in your trembling fingers as it slowly stopped pulsing in the palm of your hand. Whose blood you scoured from your skin until it was raw. 
But where they offered a smile at the end of the promise they swore they'd keep, he frowns. 
He doesn't strike you as the type of man to go out of his way to make others feel better. He believes in himself, and his prowess, and speaks about that in clipped, gruff declarations that are not meant to sway, but reinforce what he knows. 
He will win. This isn't a question or a belief, but a statement. A truism. 
Hope surges. The levee cracks. 
"Who are you?" You ask, dazed. 
The man who cupped your cheek, and whispered to you about escaping the clutches of this festering city, of going so far away, that grasping hands could never reach you, and greedy fingers would never again touch your flesh, didn't fill you with this same sense of awe, of pure belief in the words he said. But this man, this man, makes you feel like anything is possible. Hope blooms, brims bright inside of your chest like an inflating balloon drifting up to the heavens—
His mental hand splays flat over the table. "Names John Price."
The man sitting across from you is someone you know. 
It makes sense, then. The insignia on his temple is the Price family emblem—a conglomerate in its own right, mostly composed of military men with staunch, unflinching moral codes. The incorruptible. The untouchables. 
They were the ones who led the counterattack on the coup that changed the political landscape from the Feudalistic tyranny of the past, to—
Well. It was meant to be free reign, or maybe democratic, but the technological boom a few years after the liberation from the iron fist made little things slip by as the world was suddenly painted a lovely shade of roseate. Why worry about mega corporations becoming richer than most of the governmental bodies, and countries, when they made this new piece of cybernetics that let you see like a hawk, that introduced a new colour spectrum to the general public, when sickness, injury, and even death itself came something that could be bartered over for the right price. 
The things that they let slip stacked up. It piled higher and higher until the free future the Price family, among others—Laswell, Shepherd, Walker, MacTavish—foresaw was smothered out in favour of the blatant mega capitalism that rules. 
It might not be with an iron fist, but it is with a monetary chokehold that always seems to get tighter. 
Their legacy is one founded on a strong moral core that is unbendable. 
It makes sense why you didn't recognise the emblem at first. 
The last of their pristine lineage—tarnished.
The man responsible for the power gap left behind by Brakov. The one who threatens his superiors, and uses brute force to get his way. John Price—the one who gave into temptation and was ousted from his family, and from the military, for taking bribes from people in low places. A man who'd side with anyone—for the right price. 
Political turmoil and espionage must run in the family, then, as you somehow find yourself sitting across from the man implicated in a failed coup. One that resulted in the collapse of Urzikstan.
John Price. 
Disgraced former captain. Rotten to his core. There's a graveyard filled with people who died because of his choices; a massacre that made headlines just a few months before you woke up. A man you know by sordid, rotten reputation alone, who somehow escaped condemnation for the people he indirectly (and, by many accounts, directly) killed. 
John Price. Swindler. Scoundrel. Swine. 
"John Price?" You echo, numbed. "The John Price?"
He leans back in the chair, posture relaxed, at ease, as if this wasn't a massive reveal. As if he wasn't a war criminal who was exonerated because of those friends in high places he so casually mentioned before. 
"So," he rasps, pulling his cigar back to his lips. Despite the ease in his mien, his eyes tighten. A cobra ready to strike. "You've heard of me." 
(—it blooms, and then all at once, it bursts.)
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Nothing says cyberpunk like a morally ambiguous character.
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myalgias · 1 month
Since October 7, mainstream Canadian journalists have struggled to cover the war on Gaza. Many of those who have attempted to explain the Palestinian experience, provide historical context, or include Palestinian voices in stories report being silenced or intimidated.
Inside Canadian newsrooms, there’s been a backlash against those who have spoken up. Some journalists, particularly journalists of colour, have been targeted, harassed, and in some cases, had their jobs threatened. Others feel they’ve been pushed out of the industry.
“There’s an unprecedented level of control over pro-Palestine coverage,” says one Toronto Star journalist.
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blessyouhawkeye · 4 months
hard to be autistic and also a movie watcher. "that's an authentic monet" no it simply is not. he would never use those colours you are showing a bad imitation of van gogh instead. also the actor holding the painting was in about seven minutes across two episodes of mildly remembered hbo show the newsroom. got any other minute details i can scrutinize. please say yes.
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grahamkennedy · 1 year
Dennis is sooooo interesting and we don't talk about him enough and any analysis I could make wouldn't come from any personal experience, but it's so interesting that as a person of colour he's one of the more conservative voices in the newsroom and even then playing the model minority won't ever get him where he wants to be, and he acknowledges this over and over but still tries so desperately to fit with the culture of channel six just so he can get something. And it just makes him bitter and angry and ready to punch down. Which you would, in that situation.
Like I've seen people talk about racism as it affects Noelene, but never how it affects Dennis. "Noelene is holding up the News At Six office" and so is he. He's just such a fascinating character and Chum Ehelepola is a fantastic comedic actor and anyway yeah. Dennis!
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danandphilupdates · 1 year
Phil Membership Post - 10/7/23
Hope you are all doing overly swell.
Here's a short burst of news from the Phil newsroom. Take it away Phil.
Thanks Phil - In film news I'm here to tell you there's a new video coming tomorrow and it features Dan making me do something truly horrifying! Cryptic screenshot attached.
In less exciting film news - I'm also off to see Mission Impossible tomorrow, I secretly prefer Mission Impossible to James Bond and that makes me feel like I'm betraying my country. I've also got tickets to Oppenheimer but NOT Barbie yet.I feel like a bad gay. I did buy a barbie t-shirt though so I am supporting the cause and I will go to see it.
In cactus club news things I'm planning to revamp the cactus club and memberships with some brand new perks and tiers! There's also an option of two MORE cacti colours beyond rainbow now (I think for 3 and then 4 years?) but I can't imagine anything more cooler than a rainbow cactus so I think I might just let that stay as the ultimate one!
If you have any perk ideas you'd like to see from me let me know, or anything you like that other youtubers have been doing. Thanks to all of you that have been around since the start!
In gaming news I've started TOTK and my car building skills are exactly as strong as you would expect. (horrible disasters)
In the weather - looks like Phil has an extra 37 freckles.
In sport - I still don't like sport
Thanks that's all for today
Thanks Phil.
No worries Phil.
Over and oot (that is goodbye in Scottish)’
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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is  that  golshifteh  farahani?  oh,  no,  that’s  nasrin  shirazi,  a  forty  two  year  old  doctor  at  valparaíso  centro  médico  who  uses  she/her  pronouns. they  currently  live  in  valparaíso,  and  the  character  they  identify  with  most  is  sloan  sabbith  from  the  newsroom. hopefully  they  find  their  own  little  paradise  here  in  el  país  de  los  poetas!
name  :  nasrin  shirazi. nickname/s  :  nas/naz,  sahar  (“dawn”  in  persian),  rinni.  pronouns  &  gender  :  she/hers,  cis  woman.  sexuality  :  biromantic/sexual.  date  of  birth :  november  2,  1982  (  42  ).  place  of  birth  :  california,  united  states.  current  residence  :  valparaíso,  chile.  ethnicity  :  iranian/american.  religion  :  non  practicing  muslim. language/s  :  english,  farsi,  spanish.  occupation  :  doctor  @  valparaíso  centro  médico,  the  all  knowing  meme  mom, mo  salah’s  #1  fan. 
mbti  :  intj.  temperament  :  choleric.  (  +  )  :  determined,  humble,  mischievous,  loyal,  observant.  (  -  )  :  stubborn,  hypocritical,  argumentative,  private,  distant. likes  :  long  drives,  fresh  fruit,  cute  stationery,  tres  leches  cake,  day  trips,  reading,  discounts,  slow  mornings. dislikes  :  the  smell  of  disinfectant,  traffic,  arrogance,  meetings  that  could’ve  been  an  email,  stairs,  late  shifts,  sirabi.
height  :  5'6".  eye  colour  :  brown.  hair  colour  :  dark  brown,  mostly  worn  in  a  ponytail/bun  while  at  work,  and  worn  down  during  her  days  off.  piercings  :  ears  only. she  did  consider  a  septum  piercing  in  medical  school,  but  knew  her  mother  wouldn't  hesitate  to  fly  over  to  kick  her  ass  (just  like  she  did  to  her  younger  brother  when  he  actually  went through  with  his  👀  #dumbass). wardrobe  :  low  maintenance  is  the  key. if  it  takes  more  than  five  minutes  to  put  together,  she’s  not  interested!  jeans,  plain  shirts,  simple  dresses  —  a  neutral  colour  palette  is  preferred,  but  she’s  also a  sucker  for  cute, bright  prints/colours.
father  :  amir  shirazi. mother  :  jamileh  shirazi  ( née  kasebi ). partner  :  aksel  hėroux  (  the  most  adorable  grump  around  town  ). children  :  aleksei  (  the  light  of  her  life  ). siblings  :  nozar  shirazi  ( older  brother—ate  her  last  chicken  nugget  when  she  was  six. she  cried  for  two  hours  straight ),  nasim  shirazi-li  ( older  sister—nags  just  as  much  as  mom ),  navid  shirazi  ( younger  brother — dresses  similarly  to  dad,  which  is  horrifying ). other  :  mina  shirazi-li,  alice  shirazi-li,  rachel  shirazi  ( nieces, an absolute hoot in the family group chat );  jonathan  shirazi,  nathaniel  shirazi  ( nephews, ate the last baklava at the last party. she's still bitter ). various  cousins,  aunts  and  uncles  scattered  all  over  the  globe.
the  expectation  is  there,  left  unspoken  yet  certainly not overlooked. her  parents  have  done  too  much,  sacrificed  too  much,  to  be  rewarded  with  absolutely  nothing. it’s  only  fair,  then,  that  the  second  youngest  seek  to  make  use  of  the  opportunities  handed  to  her  in  a  country  they've  considered  ideal  for  her  and  her  siblings  to  flourish. to  be  good,  to  be  great,  to  be  somebody. 
her  youth  is  often  spent  following  in  the  footsteps  of  her  older  siblings,  listening  in  on  their  conversations  as  they  discuss  grades  and  classes  and  other  topics  that  she  can't  quite  wrap  her  head  around. it's  a  feeling  that  doesn't  sit  well  with  her,  of  not  having  a  clear  idea  of  what  she  plans  to  do,  though  they  reassure  her  that  she'll  figure  it  out  soon  enough. 
they  may  not  have  much,  but  her  father  tries  his  best  to  fill  the  emptiness  with  what  he  can offer. friday  nights  are  spent  crowded  around  their  tiny  dining  table,  fruit  juices  and  milk  boxes  in  hand,  as  he  leads  discussion  on  school  and  friends  and  whatever  plagues  the  mind  of  his  children. it's  a  tradition  that  is  maintained  throughout  the  years  (  and  one  she  chooses  to  adopt  for  her  own  family  ),  and  keeps  everyone  close,  despite  the  various  paths  they  take.
she's  regarded  as  filial  yet  mischievous,  bright  yet  blessed  with  a  sharp  tongue  that  never  fails  to  leave  her  mother  shaking  her  head  in  disapproval. her  reputation  in  school  is  quickly  established  as  the  go  getter  :  the  sports  captain,  the  vice  president,  the  reliable  debating  team  member. nothing  remains  out  of  reach  for  long,  not  with  her  desire  to  succeed  in  whatever  she  gets  her  hands  on.
as  her  older  siblings  venture  further  along  with  their  chosen  pathway,  she  decides  to  carve  her  own. an  avid  interest  in  science  leads  to  a  desire  to  pursue  medicine ;  a  journey  that  prompts  her  to  pack  up  her  belongings  and  relocate  away  from  everything  she's  known,  everyone  she's  known. (  it  takes  an  entire  year  for  the  loneliness  to  wear  off  ).
it  becomes  a  running  joke  in  the  family  that  her  whereabouts  can't  often  be  pinpointed. whether  she's  working  at  a  part  time  job  or  backpacking  in a country  halfway  around  the  globe  or  merely  lingering  off  the  grid  somewhere,  no  one's  not  too  sure. what  they  are  sure  about,  however,  is  that  she'll  always  turn  up  with  something. new stories, new gifts, new dreams.
routine  is  comfortable,  but  it  quickly  bores  her. residency  is  partially  spent  wondering  if  she  can  achieve  more  or  if  this  is  the  price  to  pay  for  being  a  pain  in  the  ass  during  her  teens. at  the  suggestion  of  a  colleague,  she  tries  her  luck  to  look  elsewhere  to  regain  some  sense  of  belonging  and  finds  herself  relocating,  permanently,  to  a  place that  feels  right and  with  a  family  she  adores  wholeheartedly.
while  close  with  all  her  siblings,  her  younger  brother,  navid, holds a special place in her heart.  mostly  due  to  the  fact  that  they  were  both  born  in  the  states  compared  to  her  older  siblings,  and  there  was  a  different  set  of  expectations  that  were  bestowed  upon  them. and  because  he  entertains  her  with  funny family pictures  when  she's  working  late.
keeps  up  with  the  latest  lingo,  thanks  in  part  to  her  nieces/nephews  who  explain  it  in  detail  whenever  she's  confused,  and  also  because  there's  no  way  she  wants  to  be  out  of  the  loop  when  lex  runs  through  his  day.  
an  early  bird  who  enjoys  waking  up  at  5  am  to  make  a  tea  and  prepare  herself  to  be  a  productive  human  being  (  can't  relate  ). 
despite  her  busy  schedule  at  times,  nasrin  will  always  insist  on  attending  all  the  school  events,  remembering  all  the  teachers  and  committing  to  memory  classroom  gossip  for  future  reference.  it's  important! 
has  travelled  extensively,  counting  kenya,  laos,  finland  and  chile,  of  course,  as  some  of  her  favourite  places.
incredibly  sentimental.  she'll  keep  whatever,  receipts  to  clothing  tags  to  candy  wrappers  as  long  as  it  has  a  happy  memory.
listen,  she  doesn't  lose  her  cool  often,  but  on  the  days  when  lex  rocks  up  with  homework  that  doesn't  make  sense  and  she's  tried  to  decipher  it  from  8438498  different  angles,  she  has  to  stick  her  head  out  of  the  window  because  "why  can't  they  write  shit  normally????" 
can  cook  pretty  well,  ranging  from  your  typical  spaghetti  bolognese  to  bozbash  that  her  mother  used  to  make.  she's  big  on  adding  spices  to  things  for  a  lil  "extra  feeling". 
once,  mo  salah  waved  at  her.  she  cried.    
a  friendship  group  who  meet  up  often  for  dinner  and  drinks  because  she  doesn't  have  much  of  a  life  outside  work  +  family,  haha.  
the  bff  who  sees  through  her  cool  doctor  facade  to  the  idiot  underneath  (  don't  be  fooled,  it's  there  ).  
youths  who  need  a  responsible  parental  figure  to  keep  them  on  the  right  path  and  pack  them  cute  mini  lunch  boxes.  
frenemies/rivals  because  while  she  tries  to  be  the  better  person  on  most  occasions,  she  can  be  preeeeetty  petty.  
former  friends  who  maybe  had  a  fallout  or  aren't  as  close  due  to  their  different  paths?  idk  i  just  love pain.  
patients  she  sees  around  the  hospital  more  than  usual,  like  "you're  back?  again?  seriously."
totally  won't  object  to  any  cousins  wandering  around  (  happy  to  discuss  potential  fcs  btw!  ).  
i  like  brainstorming,  so  i'm  always  interested  in  popping  across  ideas  that  could  work  for  both  of  us!!!  
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By: Jacob Freedland
Published: Jun 8, 2024
Non-white applicants to the BBC’s flagship journalism training scheme were almost two and a half times more likely to get in than their white counterparts.
Since 2022, an average of 22.5 per cent of applicants were classed as coming from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME).
However over that same two-year period, BAME individuals made up 41 per cent of participants on the scheme.
In contrast, whites made up an average of 77.5 per cent of applicants but only 59 per cent of participants, since 2022.
This means that non-white applicants were 2.4 times more likely to be given a place on the highly coveted scheme than their white counterparts.
The two-year scheme, referred to as the Journalism Advanced Apprenticeship, provides participants with training and a potentially permanent role at the Corporation.
Females also had stronger chance
The findings were released via the Freedom of Information Act. Female applicants also had a stronger chance of getting in than men, but by a lesser degree.
Since 2022, an average of 60.25 per cent of applicants were women. But in that same period, women made up 71 per cent of participants.
In contrast, men made up an average of 39.75 per cent of applicants but 29 per cent of participants, meaning that womens’ chances of getting onto the scheme were 1.6 times higher than their male counterparts.
Neil O’Brien, who until the election was the Conservative MP for Harborough, said: “Unlike previous BBC schemes which have stated they are BAME-only, this scheme markets itself as open to anyone. But in practice there is discrimination.
“These practices will go into overdrive if Sir Keir Starmer becomes prime minister.
“People are not being treated fairly. We need to get back to hiring the best person for the job rather than basing it on the colour of your skin.”
‘Offer places based on merit’
In April, the Telegraph revealed that one in three participants on the scheme identified as white British.
A BBC spokesman said: “Similarly to The Telegraph’s Newsroom apprenticeship scheme, our apprenticeship courses enable people from a range of backgrounds to enter the media industry. We always offer places based on merit.
“We’re committed to our recruitment processes being fair to everyone, and attracting applicants that represent all parts of the UK, and like the Telegraph Media Group we’re committed to creating a diverse and inclusive culture at the BBC.
“The BBC runs many apprenticeship schemes, so it’s unclear what analysis can be determined from applications made to one course.”
DEI is systemic racism and systemic sexism, by definition.
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voskhozhdeniye · 7 months
'Switch on War' a dream state synthesis of nights watching live TV coverage of the 1st Gulf War, the reduction of colours to an electron midnight blue, the long periods of nothing really happening, the contrasting landscapes, (the desert, the city at night, the newsroom), the sudden hurtling through space, through a doorway, a camera on the nose of a missile, the bearing of silent witness slowly turning into complicity and mute acquiescence. At the back of the mind the thought that all this would soon be reduced to snapshot memories, archive, newsreel, history.
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nursc · 8 months
lots of ooc mun stuff below:
favourite colour(s): for my entire life it has been a light powder blue, but in recent years it's become pink. i use pink in everything, i'm currently taking notes with a pink pen.
favourite flavour(s): huge fan of all things chocolate (milk chocolate -- very sweet preferably). i love mint, i'm a mint chocolate chip defender. huge fan of spices and peppers.
favourite music: i'm more of a pop girlie. i love broadway soundtracks ( hadestown shows up regularly as one of my top artists ). i've been listening to a little more country lately which i also really like and also classical (especially ballet)! but mainly pop and music i can dance to!
favourite movie(s): princess bride is a top one for sure. you've got mail, the librarian quest for the spear.
favourite series: star trek. all star trek (yes, even enterprise, especially maybe enterprise). gilmore girls, greys anatomy, fleabag, west wing (newsroom and the rest of the sorkin universe), community
last song: The Nutcracker, Op. 71, TH.14 / Act 2: No. 14, Pas de Deux: Intrada - Variation I/II
last series: chicago fire
last movie: ticket to paradise
currently reading: the third atlas six and anna karenina
currently watching: chicago fire
currently working on: studying for my test on monday (this is a break shh)
tagged by: @xiidoctor ( thank you! )
tagging: @abenzstern, @forgaeven, @horroreius, @liibertysdream, @respondedinkind, @he1msman, @penvcnens, @basementboat,
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Thanks for the tag @dysfunctional-deity ! 🤓
favourite colour: Navy blue
last song: La leçon particulière (Bande originale du film "La leçon particulière") by Francis Lai
last movie: Only Yesterday (1991)
currently watching: The Newsroom (2012-14), Babylon Berlin (season 4) & Letzte Spur Berlin (season 11)
other stuff I watched this year: House of Hammer (2022), Niemand its bei den Kälbern (2021), L'Innocent (2022), Kriegsseileren (2022), Extrana forma de vida (2023), The Gilded Age (2021), The White Lotus (2021-22), Sex and the City (1998-2004), A Discovery of Witches (2018-22) and a high recommendation This is Going to Hurt (2022)
shows I dropped this year: Breeders (2022)
currently reading: Nothing special
currently listening to: Italo disco
currently working on: My communication skills
current obsession/s: Mina's Ancora, ancora, ancora (Mark Ronson Remix) & Animes!
Tagging: @missholson @unwillingadventurer @electricnormanbates and anyone who want's to join this
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 11 months
I'm almost done grinding for my 5th Star Sea echo and I'll finally be able to finish the new colours newsroom🙏
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lupismaris · 1 year
I was tagged by @calamitys-child in the ask meme
Relationship status: In a relationship, bisexual, long distance polyamorous but also looking for another local partner as well.
Favourite colour: rich greens, golds, anything ocean shades
Song stuck in head: currently oscillating between Need Never Get Old by Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats and Jackson by Trixie Matel Ft. Orville Peck.
Last song I listened to: Roses Are Falling by Orville Peck was just playing from my The Walrus playlist. It has now switched to We’re Having A Party by Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats ft the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, which is a great dancing in the kitchen or in the garden with friends. It is also on The Walrus playlist lol
Three favourite foods: (i hate this question lol) currently homemade carbonara (pasta in general), NYC style pizza particularly with good pepperoni, Fried Oysters (Purple Parrot in Rehoboth has my favorite)
Last thing I googled: AP Stylebook, since I’d left my copy at home and needed the right copy edit rules for a newsroom proof.
Dream holiday: I really want to spend a month or more driving around Italy, including a tall ship cruise that takes you along the coasts and to Sicily. I have cousins that still live on the Island that I’ve never met and my great grandmother’s birth home is still in the family as well. My other dream trip is a month in Ireland and Scotland, to see friends and get into my druid practice and family history as well.
Anything I want right now: the anti-trans violence and legislation to fuckin die, terfs to fuck off, death of capitalism, 50k and a paid sabbatical, a local bear to wine and dine me regularly, to name a few
not sure who has and hasn’t been tagged yet so if you’ve been double tagged or don’t feel up to it no worries! @jaynovz @queer-crusader @oswlld @halewoods @thegreatblondebalrogslayer ✨💕✨
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nikkiissleepy · 1 year
for anyone else whos been slacking on colours newsroom like me: theres skip button there too now!!
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