speakingplainly · 11 days
Bro this is merely a drop in the ocean.
Please ensure any of your IoT devices that connect to your home internet and stay on there do not connect to a server in another country. This includes literally any device that you connect your phone to to control lights, plugs, and anything else.
A hole is cyber security that is rarely discussed or when it is people pass it off. Don't think because you have nothing worth collecting that you are excluded from collection or that it isn't damaging. So much information is passed online.
Be safe, be cautious.
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marketresearchglobal · 5 months
Borderless Access - Awareness Trial Usage
Our specialized atu market research scrutinizes the impact of your marketing efforts on key healthcare stakeholders. ATU analysis assesses physician’s reactions to brand promotions by conducting targeted surveys, measuring engagement metrics and analyzing sentiment. By evaluating physician reactions, refine your promotional strategies for optimal engagement. Gain valuable atu consumer insights, enhance brand resonance and ensure your marketing efforts resonate effectively with physicians for a stronger market presence.
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marketxcel · 8 months
Executing a Successful Market Entry in the USA: A Research-Driven Guide
Explore our research-driven guide for a triumphant market entry in the USA. Navigate complexities, understand consumer behavior, and make informed decisions for success.
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cipheramnesia · 14 days
Everything about the USA will make you feel as if your whole ability to reason and think coherently has just flown away.
I'm thinking right now about a radio advertisement I overheard for Indeed - a theoretical jod search website. The advertisement, however, was directed at companies who were searching for employees. Presumably these companies pay Indeed to serve as a hub for their job postings and applicants. So Indeed wants people signed up, because more accounts shows more potential applicants and they can get more money from companies looking for employees. There's no money in actually connecting applicants to positions, so you sign up, make the account, discover you signed up for a portal that just sends you to other company's jobs pages with the same info and spams you with jobs you don't want, and you leave forever. Money in the bank.
Meanwhile on the hiring side, job postings make a business look good. If you always got job postings, you're growing. But keeping fresh postings in rotation is time consuming, especially when you're lean staffed on purpose with investors who demand you show an infinitely growing rate of improvement. So you pay Indeed a monthly fee to upload a bunch of jobs you aren't hiring for and use that to hook more investors to pay the first group.
And you end up with a company that gets paid to do nothing but generate fake data by other companies paying them to do nothing but post fake information, and the only part we (the ones looking for income to survive) play in this transaction is lending the process just enough legitimacy to make it legal. Money that doesn't exist cycles around between people doing nothing and as long as none of us can afford groceries or a home, the economy is considered "doing well," but the second one investor caves and demands to be paid, the economy collapses and suddenly 99% of the population in the USA can afford to eat again.
All you have to do is multiply that by a thousand companies doing it a thousand times a month and that's the USA baby, except also we supply billions of dollars of weapons killing people around the world.
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earthstellar · 1 year
Imagine Cybertronians on Earth, already trying to get their translation systems/linguistic programs to figure out organic chirpy noises (human talk)
Like, the Autobots on the Arc (which landed in the USA) finally figure out English and probably like various forms of locally relevant Spanish etc. (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and so on) just to be Extra Sure they can communicate with different humans in their immediate area
And then they find out there are multiple types of English, and the confusion begins
UK Person: "I have a hen party on Sunday!"
Cybertronian: "A party for the Chicken animal??? Or is it about the Chicken animal?"
USA Person: "They mean a Bachelorette party."
Cybertronian, furiously searching language banks: "Your mating rituals are fascinating; Based on your perception of traditional and cultural concepts of gender, you gather similarly gendered humans, isolate yourselves from your mate immediately prior to your bonding ceremony, and get arrested while severely intoxicated as a way to celebrate securing a beloved partner??"
Humans: "Uh, yes. Although getting drunk and arrested isn't--"
Cybertronian: "Do they arrest the chickens as well? Organics are strange, why does avian incarceration factor into your bonding celebration?"
Humans: "What? No, I mean, a lot of people will eat chicken--"
Cybertronian: "You consume your bonding celebration animal??? Is this the 'hen party'? Teletraan's data banks contain historical texts on ancient human hunting tactics and behaviours, but these do not elaborate on modern human culture. Do you remove the chicken to a preferred hunting terrain for the ritual?"
the entire conversation makes everyone involved feel delirious by the end of it, lmao
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The future of innovation and efficiency that many governments and private companies dream of runs into ecological and geopolitical limits. But AI does not rely on raw materials only during the construction of its physical infrastructures; it does so throughout its cycle. For instance, data centres and servers need large amounts of water to cool down. According to a study published in Nature in 2021, Google and Microsoft declared using respectively 15.8 billion and 3.6 billion litres of water. We don’t know if these numbers are trustworthy. As a telling example, Microsoft has been involved in a scandal regarding the water expenditure of one of its data centres in the Netherlands. Whereas the technology company declared to the Dutch authorities that the centre consumed between 12 and 20 million litres, it transpired it was actually consuming 84 million. Meanwhile, in August 2022, Thames Water announced reviewing the water expenditure of data centres in London due to the drought scenario the capital faced that summer. While the average annual cooling system consumption of a small data centre in the US is estimated to be 25 500 000 litres, that of a person in Nigeria is 12 410 litres – 2 000 times less. AI is also energy intensive. The more data to be analysed, the higher the energy consumption. More sophisticated algorithms, which need long computational time, consume even more. For example, it is estimated that training an algorithm to automatically produce text uses 190,000 kWh; that is, 120 times more than the average annual consumption of a household in Europe in 2020. To generate this energy, raw materials such as organic matter, uranium, coal or water, among others, are again needed. Although some of the big tech companies claim that their energy is produced sustainably, the data shows another trend. In 2019, Greenpeace published a report about an Amazon Data Centre in Virginia (USA), which is considered to be one of the most important in Amazon’s global infrastructure. Greenpeace warned against the important growth in energy consumption in the region due to this data centre’s activities. Despite Amazon’s pledge to invest in “green” energy for this data centre, the reality is that its investment in fossil fuels has increased shamelessly. In 2021, data centres were estimated to consume 0.9-1.3% of global electricity demand. Given AI’s high energy consumption and the current energy crisis, the techno-optimistic dreams of governments and Silicon Valley’s companies could be dashed by the high price of energy.
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literary-potato · 1 year
Hey USAmericans! I don’t normally bring up work-related stuff here because this website is a clown car. But it is a clown car filled with people who disproportionately like privacy and love complaining about stuff that's terrible. So here’s some terrible stuff you can complain about. (Yes the blog post linked is from the company I work for. No, I'm not one of the authors. I would say please don’t dox me but… honestly if you do manage I’d be impressed and want to know how you did it for professional reasons. So like, I guess go for it, but don’t be creepy or violent.) The blog post does a better job summarizing it but here’s the gist:
If you’ve ever lived in the USA as an adult, it is extremely likely that anyone can Google you and find out personal details like where you live for free.
Even if your information is not THAT widely available, then it is still almost certainly true that someone could pay a data broker to obtain that information about you. Not like an insane amount of money, a normal amount of money that could reasonably be in a stalker’s budget.
This is because the USA has basically zero regulation about protecting people’s personal data. Data brokers are gross and take advantage of this.
It is EXTREMELY difficult to opt out of data brokers. It is doable, but it’s A LOT. Trust me, I do this for work, and it’s an enormous pain in the ass. I have worked for major tech companies in Silicon Valley — in other words, I have a lot more technical knowledge than the average consumer. Imagine how people who aren’t super tech savvy feel trying to do this work.
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is taking comments RIGHT NOW because they’re thinking about doing something about the current state of affairs. If you have a spare 5 minutes and you are creeped out by the possibility that anybody could find your personal details at any time, please submit a comment! The CFPB wants to hear consumer complaints, so complain!!! The blog includes a link to a template you can personalize, so you don’t even have to think that much about organizing it! This is especially true if you are someone who has real-life, serious reasons why people having access to your address would be dangerous. If you are LGBTQ+, if you are involved in activism, if you are a survivor of abuse, if you’ve been targeted by harassment or stalking or anything like that… PLEASE make a comment and explain specifically why this situation is dangerous for people like you. This is a serious issue that affects people’s mental and physical wellbeing, and the more Consumers (TM) that can write in directly and attest to how harmful it is, the better.
ETA: THE COMMENT PERIOD IS CLOSED. No need to share this further.
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slythereen · 11 months
apologies if you’ve answered this before or if there’s not really a specific gathered resource, but you seem knowledgeable about such things!— i am interested in learning more about f1 racing, do you have any recommendation for where to find a beginners guide/‘f1 for dummies’/place to begin learning more?
hello!!! i am also rather new to the sport and had to consume massive amounts of content from all over the place and frankly am still learning a lot all the time, so i'm not exactly an expert. what i can share are resources i relied on in my own ✨ descent into madness ✨ though !
so, my incomplete and questionable guide to selling your soul to f1:
it's all about how you like to learn and consume media tbh. i tried to watch a race initially, was confused, regrouped and started exploring. personally i watched all of dts up to the current season and then watched the first few races that i had missed while obsessively trawling twitter to learn more and waiting for my first live race (aka australia this year — massive rip). but it's up to you how you dive in!!
drive to survive
don’t get me wrong, dts has its issues — they invent drama, have some misleading portrayals, like to splice together clips from different race weekends together. it’s definitely more of a creative project than a straight up documentary. 
that being said, it also explains a lot of the lore and history behind the sport, teams, and drivers in an entertaining fashion. it’s newcomer friendly so it explains the rules. yes, will buxton gets a lot of heat for stating the obvious, but some of those obvious explanations are helpful for the clueless. 
there are also a lot of very cool shots and some good exclusive interviews that they get. sure, you can probably find them clipped on youtube, but may as well just watch dts. the first season is a little slow if you’re like me and want to see charles immediately (worth noting not all teams had agreed to participate s1), but that’s just me. 
(plus: it’s entertaining. i live for drama. just take said drama with a grain of salt and assume it’s probably invented or blown out of proportion.) 
the tiktok girlies 
again: tiktok can be a bit hit or miss. you’ll see a lot of bad takes and pure cringe if you linger too long on f1 tiktok. but i started watching content from a few f1 girlies who seems reliable and had friendly introductory content. they’re generally very nice and happy to answer questions. 
after a while i stopped watching them just because i no longer needed the intro information or explanations, but they did help fill in gaps and point out some of the inaccuracies of dts. 
some who helped me learn more:
@/lissiemackintosh (okay she's an f1 presenter but she's cool as shit i love her queen of the paddock etc etc)
@casxf1 (intro content is sort of her Thing)
@formula_dev (she was my go-to girlie for learning)
f1tv content 
i am pretty sure f1tv isn’t available in all countries, but i have always watched races through f1tv. there are a lot of ways to watch races live illicitly if that’s what you prefer, and other countries have sky or other channels they can watch on (USA also has espn), but i prefer f1tv because i’m too lazy to find streams and don’t want to worry about stream issues mid race. 
plus: f1tv comes with a whole archive of past seasons and a host of other media content during race weekends (ie, the fia press conferences on thursday, post-quali and post-race). they have a tech talk series that explains some of the technical aspects, do weekend warm-ups each race weekend that gives an update/context, and have been adding more intro content on the platform. there’s an app, which is convenient. 
the f1tv stream also allows you to use the channel switcher to choose between your commentary options (f1tv or sky’s commentators), or to see the live timing data, or to see any of the driver onboards. it’s quick and you can switch back and forth easily. (if your computer can handle it — my mac often can’t — you can use multiviewer with your f1tv subscription to set up a bunch of different screens and panels to watch, for example, the main stream and a driver’s onboard. or multiple onboards. or whatever you want basically. personally i usually put the race on my ipad and the onboard on my phone, because that streams perfectly and multiviewer likes to kill my laptop.) 
the downfall of f1tv is that they don’t have a smart tv app yet. idk why. it’s very irritating. it also might be a bit expensive to some, but i think it’s worth it. 
f1 twitter (hell)
it’s a minefield out there. truly. BUT my next big question, after starting to get into watching races live and watching some old seasons and learning how it works, is how people seemed to always be in the know about paddock gossip. i wanted to know about it as it was happening and see the ~drama~ unfold live and feel like i was part of the season actually occurring. 
so: twitter. follow your teams, follow your drivers, the for you tab is actually your friend here because it’ll bring new journalists and f1 commentators into your orbit as you learn who is who. some of the big driver fan pages operate as sources of information and updates with relative stealth if not immediate updating. 
at this point i follow enough people (and have infected my algorithm enough) that i tend to see gossip and updates across most of the teams. big news tends to get shared by everyone anyway. 
if you prefer tumblr, you can still get A Lot of updates on drama and gossip pretty quickly. there is a bit of a delay between information hitting twitter and information hitting tumblr (partially because none of the official teams or drivers have accounts on tumblr; partially because of the amount of people on f1twt versus f1blr). BUT, a lot of us tumblr girlies liveblog during the races and sessions and bring any crucial content over from twitter to share here, so the info will probably be here eventually/soonish. (following the race tags each weekend will prob give you a lot of the quick updates live.) 
some great charles specific update accounts
others i follow for the 🍵 (not necessarily CL fans/i follow some ppl i disagree with for the intel) 
@fiadocsbot (😭) / @f1 / other official accounts press etc. 
@scuderiafemboy (actually also has tumblr)
there are certainly more i see on my timeline all the time !!! this is just skimming through my following on the train 😭
tbh if i started trying to list tumblrs with hot takes that i follow we might be here all day. note to self: make my following list public lmfao
introductory posts & masterlists & others
full disclosure: these are resources i went hunting for out of curiosity and never actually used myself, but they looked fun and funky so yaknow. if there are iconic masterlists that i am missing, rip, someone please feel free to add or correct me. some of these are definitely seasons of old (aka like last year) but you get the point.
f1chronicle has this guide!
f1 put out their own beginner's guide to f1 video but it's like......5 minutes (and here is their longer intro video for 2023)
this much longer intro to the rules video by school of sports looks promising
apparent f1 also has a whole category of articles in their beginner's guide series
@babssionate's ppt guide to f1 and drivers intro
@shuntedmate's (sister's) ppt beginner's guide to f1
pitwall's beginner guide to f1 ppt
@race-week's guide to getting into the technical side of f1 (and whole blog appears to be some cool info on drivers and histories etc)
here is @lestappenforever's glorious guide to charles' driving style that i re-found while trying to figure out if i have a reference list tag (i dont)
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
i'm sorry if this causes any misunderstanding, however are you a supporter of p0rnhub? it's known that it tracks children and such if i am not wrong. and that there are teens being abused by that platform.
answered out of order:
don't worry i think i understand the question!!
your statement is loaded and complex because of the depth of the issue and theres no way i can really touch on everything with the nuance it requires- shortly, i personally don't really watch 'porn media with actual people' and stuff because it's just generally uninteresting to me. there's not a single video or actor out there who can outdo or cater to my personal interests better than my imagination so it's just pretty much a waste of my time to even bother with it. so in general i'd say no, i'm not a supporter of something i don't even consume
as for the rest of your statement that's a pretty big claim and i absolutely believe it, i don't doubt there is a fair but if truth to it but the problem is not solely the porn sites.
recent legislation in the usa has been insisting that banning "pornography" is the only way to "save the children" which is a gross oversimplification of the issue and is mostly about being able to censor media and mine personal data under the guise of "protecting children and teens" because the usa does not give a shit about children and does not care about trafficking or teens getting abused on porn sites. but that sentence is also loaded and filled with a pretty big oversimplification of cause and effect 'porn hub traffics kids, so we should shut down porn hub' because that statement isn't fully true and shutting it or other porn sites down doesn't actually FIX or address the issue of children being abused.
so just to put things in perspective of generally how these things go: in 2011 reddit (a site not solely dedicated to pornography) got into hot water when CNN did a story on one of their most controversial subs called r/jailbait which was a subreddit filled entirely with pictures of exposed and naked underage girls/girls who LOOKED underage (but many were definitly underaged) reddit didn't see that and decide to shut it down themselves, no. they only did it AFTER pressure from the public and negative media attention.
because websites/organizations/basically any institution you can think of from charities to universities and governments can be corrupt and prioritize money over doing the right thing and p0rnhub is not different.
they particularly have a history of corruption, it like all other porn sites, allowed revenge porn, and people's filmed sexual assaults to be posted and allowed to remain up, refusing to take both down because it was making them money despite victims pleading them to. its not until courts and legislation FORCED them into action that many changes were made to websites.
so yeah "support" for p0rnhub is not something i'd expect from anyone because of it's past actions and general lack of initiative to creating a platform where people who do consume porn are able to view it ethically. but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in the sex industry because for many sex workers it's how they make their money, how they make a living, which they DO have a right to do because it is legitimate work and they earn their pay as much as anyone. but the problem the online sex industry has are many.
(the sex industry in general is like a colander and things that shouldn't happen or be allowed to occur DO.)
filmed porn existed before the internet. actors and crews filmed elaborate adult films to be made into vhs tapes and dvds and i'm not saying exploitation didn't occur there as well. but the introduction of the internet meant there were no longer the safeguards in place for that work like age verification, consent forms, documentation, etc. but doing that with the internet is harder because if you enforce digital ID verification that kind of thing can FOLLOW sex workers and cause them problems like if they ever want to travel (there are plenty of accounts of sex workers being detained by very conservative countries and border agents when traveling). that plus the data issues of that personal data being collected and stored and what will happen to people if that data gets leaked or breached?
with the internet anyone anywhere can upload videos and that opens a lot of doors for things to happen and people to be hurt.
websites have a responsibility to ensure trafficking and abuse material is reported to authorities and removed from platforms so the victims can't be further victimized by people seeing them like that.
p0rnhub and porn sites have their problems but never forget that it is ultimately the fault of the people making those abuse videos and materials (them and all the contributing social factors that allow for people to be trafficked and exploited in the first place) . the people conducting the abuse are the source of the issue along with the people who form the demand for that material. pornhub or pornography sites are a method of distributing it whether voluntary on their part or not (and if pornhub makes money from those videos the process to be sued by victims should be significantly easier)
p0rnhub is the world's largest pornography website so they have much more of an obligation to addressing the issues faced within adult material and the internet than others and until they're willing to take that responsibility and do the right thing because its the right thing and not because it will make them money then i don't see much reason for why anyone can or should "support" them. (and since i've never seen a company fail to place profits over people i don't see that happening. just like reddit in 2011 they will drag their feet on everything until their arm is bent backwards and they're FORCED to make those changes)
even if they do improve they're not truly entitled to business or profit because of their failures in the past. if you are a frequent watcher there are other sites who have more of a dedication to being fully transparent and ethical like websites seen here.
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popontomarlie · 8 months
i don't really like making theories for two reasons: one, i like to let the creators tell me a story and consume it without interrupting first and then analyze it; two, i don't really like to make assumptions on so little data, six episodes are not enough there is soooo much room for surprises left.
however i do want to articulate my thoughts on phi and jin because my brain's been rotting about them since the trailers. and i like jin for whatever subjective reason. also, i do want to be wrong about everything because i want to be surprised!
i want to summarize everything they showed us in the trailer, flashbacks, flashbacks of the flashbacks and current timeline scenes.
we know that phi and jin used to be fwb and jin apparently does not have feelings for phi. however phi kept lurking at jin and asked him about moving to usa and just leaving everything behind. maybe he didn't mean their past relationship but their connection to non. maybe non is dead or maybe he moved, and phi and jin became close because they both were in love with non? or maybe phi and jin became close and then jin realized that phi was plotting something and broke things off? and he was easy for phi as he said himself, maybe this is why he can't stand phi now?? because he let phi use himself so phi could get closer to others? but jin does not stop him because he also wants his friends to be punished??
i believe that jin is not just a victim here and somehow behind all of this too. that smile in the end of episode 4?? he is not that simple. what if he somehow blames phi? like, he had a crush on non, then he knew that phi and non were fwb/bfs, and he wondered why phi did not protect non until it was too late?
there is also a chance that they're working together.
now let's focus on pre-release trailer, which has no plot just vibes but things like this usually have a lot of hints. it's obvious that it's phi who is beating someone behind the glass door. so, i believe this hints that phi is gonna take revenge. jin is filming this, so this might mean that he is with phi/plotting something on his own, but he won't be haunted like top, por and tee. and his smile in the end? this boi is definitely up to something!
while talking about pre-release trailer, tee is gonna suffer a lot, this is what i think. to think so, por was just an asshole, top was a bigger asshole, liar, coward and every curse word that exists. but tee? he got non involved into money laundering. he is gonna be the last to be murdered and it is gonna be painful.
i still don't know what to think about scenes with por, he is probably dead already, but maybe he is haunted/regrets his actions while in high school? (upd: was too occupied with phijin that i forgot about the moment when por sees janga in his camera! boi is gonna be haunted since hs!)
also don't know about white for sure. it's understandable why he has scenes with tee in pre-release trailer, but that scene where he hugs jin, and then they shove each other, and then white appears in the mirror near jin? white surely doesn't know a lot but what if he takes jin's side by the end of the series?
also! i do believe or at least i want to believe that it is not just a person killing them, but this janta god is haunting them. what if non sacrificed himself so his offenders are punished? what if jin did something in that temple? remember that in the first scene we saw non and jin running in the woods.
(i have some wildest guests about the teacher and possibility that jin killed him protecting non/making sacrifice; or maybe non, jin and the teacher went to that temple and something happened to the teacher and that's why non and jin were running in the first scene?)
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hamptercatapult · 1 month
the 60s in the usa was just . "hey lets shoot bombs and missiles over native lands to test how chemical warfare and biological warfare can propagate itself in nature and how it disperses over time"
i just read about the govt shooting bomblets full of a bacterial agent often used to disperse ANTHRAX into the forest south of hilo hawaii, to see its effectiveness and how well it disperses in a rainforest environment. as of today, over 15% of the population of hilo lives below the poverty line and i see no mention of reparation paid to anyone who may have been adversely affected by this "yellow leaf" munitions test
another example is the same bomblets loaded with a different bacteria [franciscella tularensis, aka the bacteria responsible for tularia] shot into a historically native-occupied valley [evidence of occupation as well as sacred sites in this area are over 10000 years old] in alaska during the winter; this test was referred to as "red cloud"
there is an extremely limited scope of information publicly available about these tests as well as any related biological munitions tests performed during this time [referred to as project 112]. the existence of this government program was categorically denied until an outside investigative report was published in 2000, over 30 years after these tests were performed.
and these are just 2 examples of tests performed within the united states. tests considered "too dangerous" to perform on usa soil were performed elsewhere in the world. the same project performed aerosol tests in the Philippines, the results and data of which have been lost or otherwise classified to the public for 50 FUCKING YEARS NOW because documentation exists exclusively in a fucking summary sheet!
they fucking infected wheat and rice crop in okinawa with fungus [those strains associated with "wheat rust" and "rice blast" specifically. the mycotoxin released in these blighted crops can cause sickness in humans and animals when consumed], methodically, purposefully, in order to further develop defoliation and anti-crop weaponry. and they started doing this BEFORE the "official" launch of project 112, when the prefecture still labored under the rule/"ownership" of the usa
theres not really a "point" to this post. the empire of the united states has only a legacy of bloodshed and disease that has literally infected the entire fucking world and my heart aches for the people and communities and ecology irreperably damaged by the twisted reality of """"the greatest country on earth""""
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bradleyhblog · 1 month
Is Shein Shaping the Future of Fast Fashion?
Shein has made a statement in fashion with their low prices. They turn trends into overnight sensations. Fast fashion is getting faster. Young buyers rush to Shein. The brand has really grown fast. Shein now has over 100 million users worldwide. This success is fueled by social media. Influencers flaunt Shein hauls. Trends on TikTok are very fast. The brand's reach is very quick. Customers have endless choices. New items drop every day. Fashion in real-time. Shoppers feel more connected. But can this pace last?
Shein thrives on instant demand—quickly moving along with trends. Designers work on small batches. In case of style selling, they make more. This very flexible system cuts down on waste. The traditional brands face stock issues. Shein moves to the beat of the buyer. At work here are data-driven strategies. Algorithms pick the top styles really quick. This gives Shein an edge, tech-savvy and all. Consumers want what's hot now. Shein satisfies that urge real fast. Their secret? Efficiency and speed. But there is a catch.
Fast fashion raises moral questions. Shein is increasingly under scrutiny. People doubt that workers are treated well. The environment also suffers. Fast cycles mean textile waste. Still, Shein does not slow down. The company sweeps the issues under the rug. They assure practices will get better. To so many consumers, cost comes before ethics. Shein's prices are unbeatable. For many, affordability is a winner. But how long might that last? Fashion just keeps changing. Shein is leading now. But that is the uncertain future. Would they be able to continue their growth with responsibility? Only time will tell how far this model holds up.
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realdataapi1 · 2 months
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masllp · 3 months
Streamline Your Business with Outsource bookkeeping services in USA by MAS LLP
Introduction: In today's fast-paced business environment, staying on top of your financial records is crucial. However, managing bookkeeping in-house can be time-consuming and costly. That's where outsource bookkeeping services come into play. If you're looking to Outsource bookkeeping services in USA, MAS LLP offers comprehensive solutions designed to meet your business needs. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of outsourcing bookkeeping and how MAS LLP can help streamline your financial operations.
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The Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services
Cost Savings Outsourcing bookkeeping can significantly reduce your overhead costs. By partnering with MAS LLP, you eliminate the need for hiring full-time staff, training expenses, and costly accounting software. This allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in other critical areas of your business.
Expertise and Accuracy At MAS LLP, our team of professional bookkeepers possesses extensive experience and knowledge in managing financial records. We ensure that your books are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with the latest regulations. With our expertise, you can avoid costly errors and ensure your financial data is reliable.
Time Efficiency Outsourcing bookkeeping frees up valuable time for you and your team. Instead of spending hours on data entry and financial reconciliations, you can focus on core business activities such as sales, marketing, and customer service. MAS LLP takes care of your bookkeeping needs, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.
Scalability As your business grows, so do your bookkeeping needs. MAS LLP provides scalable solutions that can adapt to your changing requirements. Whether you're a startup or a large corporation, our services can be tailored to meet the demands of your business at every stage.
Advanced Technology MAS LLP utilizes cutting-edge accounting software and technology to streamline bookkeeping processes. Our cloud-based solutions offer real-time access to your financial data, ensuring transparency and enabling you to make informed decisions quickly. Why Choose MAS LLP for Outsource bookkeeping services in USA?
Comprehensive Services MAS LLP offers a wide range of bookkeeping services, including accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliations, financial statement preparation, payroll processing, and tax filing. Our comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your financial management are covered.
Customized Solutions We understand that every business is unique. MAS LLP provides customized bookkeeping solutions tailored to your specific needs and industry requirements. Our personalized approach ensures that you receive the support necessary to achieve your financial goals.
Reliable Support At MAS LLP, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team is always available to address your queries and provide the support you need. We build strong relationships with our clients, ensuring that your business receives the attention it deserves.
Compliance and Security Maintaining compliance with financial regulations is critical for any business. MAS LLP ensures that your financial records are in line with the latest standards and regulations. Additionally, we prioritize data security, employing robust measures to protect your sensitive financial information. How to Get Started with MAS LLP Getting started with MAS LLP's outsource bookkeeping services is simple. Here's a step-by-step guide: Initial Consultation: Contact us to schedule a consultation. We'll discuss your business needs and determine how our services can best support you. Customized Plan: Based on our discussion, we'll create a customized bookkeeping plan tailored to your specific requirements. Onboarding: Our team will guide you through the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition to our services. Ongoing Support: Once onboard, you'll receive continuous support and regular updates on your financial records. Conclusion Outsource bookkeeping services in USA with MAS LLP can transform the way you manage your business finances. With cost savings, expert accuracy, time efficiency, and scalability, our services offer a strategic advantage for businesses of all sizes. Contact MAS LLP today to learn more about how we can streamline your financial operations and help your business thrive.
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6.17.24 Monday
9:10 am
Still,have windblow...
Well, probably Ely is still sleeping... I need coffee, will just use this old drip coffee that I saw...
Still,angels everything is "intentional" on my loans and creditz why the Philippines is removing me on "work-force"? I'm a college graduate...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"? I wonder where is she now...
Best consume from the past years.... But no actual expiration that is coffee...
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Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are here again? Coz I know last night they went out and they are here again....
9:37 am
Still,have windblow...
Thank God for this great green ointment ( like my lil great green fingers). Barbie is back....Became Wolverina ;)
I need to maintain ointments coz I'm supposed to be Barbie....
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10:19 am
Still,have windblow...
It is really funny I say say that my persona is a combination of "cottage fairy & Cecilia Blomdahl".
There are days that I love to be calmed and at peace with myself and with hoping and praying a positive energies...
I do agree on "cottage fairy" that meditating and journaling can nourish your mind and rewarding for your spiritual needs.
But still looking forward for vanity and some progress in me... Cottage Fairy is an artist that she wanted to calm every woman in the world, to embrace the solitary moment of your life for you to learn to embrace yourself and understand your surroundings and to be able to fight the unfair negative energies in this world.
It is so funny that one of her fans asked her about her secret on being fit... I can really see her perfectly fit body but I see no muscle but perhaps it is hidden,underneath... ;)
10:56 am
Still,have windblow...
12:08 noon
Still,have windblow...
Hating some Eagle DJ's I'm not into super Tagalog talagah... I don't like this DJ POY teach him to talk in Taglish...
Anyways, I'm thinking of money and job and how to pay my creditz... I'm not for sale but I'm really a Barbie but singing for me is really a 10k pesoses, it is my emergency skill to pay on something... In USA they pull-up their shirt to get free stuff... Me? I sing from the soul to pay that 10k pesoses.
My nana is requesting for a "sungka" coz we used to play it... These days I really want to buy board games coz I used to have it way back... My other half-siblings here on my biological mother's side didn't know the value of board games. Board games are not only for kids but it is for adult as well... It is bonding, nourishing your mind to think like on playing "chess" or even "sungka".... Sungka is a Filipino wood game, it is not a board game... There are holes and each hole must have 7 shells that you have to maintain each hole to have shells....I was thinking if shells symbolize money.
I have no circle now and I was left behind here... One of the reasons I'm hating my some old friends....
Days and years that our family were on its peak of having a good life... I mean we were on the real upper middle-class....Our family used to play board games with our adult members such as our Aunt's and Uncle's and... We used to play charade as family bonding.
It is my frustration to have an upper friends again to grow and to have some vanity and adventures in life...
I don't know how to pay my creditz these days... If only I can monitize my story here hahaha I know the world doesn't like me.
I want my money back...
12:51 noon
I did click the "sungka" coz I pity my nana here... It is for her mental exercise,angels...
3:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
Hahaha Funny,I thought German, she is Spanish....
Garret is so white white....Spanish is yellowish skintone...
Why, is it they have the same face feature...
These are the circles???? Are they cousins???
German but Spanish???
3:14 pm
Still,have windblow...
I'm just really enjoying watching these people and their art is really artistic and creative. I have windblow and not really happy here,down here...
Having data or wifi is really an important thing for me to have... I'm so broke, I haven't seen the world since 2007 and I really do feel ugly,fat and old just for nothing..
They didn't tell me here in the Philippines that they are just wanting or planning for me to be ugly and fat and to make my skin ugly... I made a loan just to buy or creditz some cheap beauty soaps, lotions and some serums....You get my point angels....They remove me in "work-force"! What am I gonna do? I can't make a youtube coz I don't have money and I don't know the world hates me... But I still want my vanity and my progress as a "Child Of God"... I need to have money guys/angels!
Everything will be intentional angels...
4:01 pm
4:15 pm
It is so good to have a basement in the house... Probably, I can be a doctor again with Willa, Joyce,Rose and whoever I wanted on my batch mates.... We are all Biology graduate...
I chose my super close friends...Just a thought...Just a thought...
It is so good to have a basement in the house... I can go back to medicine school with my group without them I can't.... Only my Biology friends if ever...
Whenever my heart aches I just wanna study and learn and beautify but with my super close friends with Dr. Mitch???
Reserve my spot basement and attic...
I hate being flat and ugly....I will still do nose perfection...
4:29 pm
I feel so frustrated here in the Philippines....They didn't tell me they just want me to be ugly and fat and old for nothing since 2007... It is so funny that they remove me in "work-force" that I needed money...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"???
4:41 pm
Hey! Mitch I miss you... Where are you???
6:52 pm
I feel bitterish angels... ish ish... bullshit... I have no twin here....
9:40 pm
Bullshit to Cashmum very fakers loan app on chrome only... They need a payslip right away... I put I'm from ilocos...
I'm not stupid! Charge on ilocos! Supposed to be...Give me this moment Borgy to be a rebel in this country! No shame at all!!!
Don't dare to kidnap my cousin white Borgy! That cousin white is for me!
Clarissa Manotoc/
The rebel...
10:02 pm
Fakers cashmum... Will try the other loan on apps not on chrome...
11:12 pm
Still,have windblow...
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen went out again...
11:15 pm
I have skin discoloration due to my sweat rash... I wanna fix this skin patches at my back and nape... If it is hot, the itchy and sting sensation is returning... This is their plan to make my skin ugly!
11:25 pm
I wanna do gluta and I need creams to even out my discolaration patches at my back and nape...
This is their only plan to make me fat,ugly and old for nothing... I hate it!
11:28 pm
I wanna get ish2x... I want my power... Ish2x is my cousin white... I feel bitterish will still beautify myself!
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xpertsapp-blog · 5 months
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And How Exactly Does it Work?
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best marketing strategies to provide long-lasting results in terms of traffic to your site. Having that in mind, you may ask, “How does search engine optimization work?” If you ask an expert SEO consultant: It is easier to know how it works once you know about the actual tactics of SEO to develop a certain amount of traffic for your website. Furthermore, you will understand what SEO (search engine optimization) is and how it works for your digital presence to gain more traffic.
Click Here to get the best SEO Services.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
You’ve heard that SEO service can boost your website’s ranking on Search engines and increase traffic, but you need more clarity on how it operates or what areas to concentrate on. Discover what every digital marketer needs to know about SEO by reading on. “Search Engine Optimization” often known as SEO, is the practice of obtaining visitors via unpaid, editorial, or natural search results in search engines. It seeks to raise the position of your website in search results pages. Remember that the more individuals view a website, the higher it appears on the list.
Numerous diverse tasks go into effective SEO, including:
Finding appropriate terms with high potential for search traffic
Creating valuable content of the finest quality and optimizing it for both consumers and search engines
Including relevant links from reputable, high-ranking websites
Evaluating the outcomes
(SEO) Search Engine Optimization marketing is one of the most beneficial tools to gain organic traffic for your website.
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What are the Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization?
Knowing how to get your brand, website, or company noticed by searchers is an essential skill for anybody working in digital marketing. The best SEO service providers conduct business online, and keeping up with the best SEO solutions and trends can assist your website stay on top of your game. Although SEO constantly changes in small ways, its core principles remain constant. The best SEO service providers may divide SEO service into three main pillars or components that you must be aware of and practice regularly:
Technical Optimization:
It is the process of finishing tasks on your website that aren’t directly related to content but are intended to boost SEO. Behind the scenes, activities are frequent including Website functions like loading speed, theme, and many more.
On-Page Optimization:
On-page optimization is the procedure you employ to ensure the information on your site is appropriate and offers a beautiful user experience. A content management system can help you accomplish this by choosing the proper keywords to target inside your content. Additionally, many other components are involved in On-page Optimization, including image optimization, meta tags, and descriptions for every webpage of your website. It can quickly be done with the help of effective content management systems. Content management systems like WordPress, Wix, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, Shopify, and Expression Engine are typical examples.
Off-Page Optimization:
Off-page optimization is raising your site’s ranks in search engines by engaging in activities off-site of your website. Backlinks, which help to establish the site’s reputation, are a significant factor in this. However, many forms of backlinks come to use while the best SEO company in USA and most regions implement off-page strategies for SEO link building, like profile listing, business listing, forum commenting, blog commenting, and guest posting.
How SEO Improves Your Search Engine Operations?
They use search engines when someone has a question and wants to look up the answer online. Search engine algorithms are computer programs that indicate through data to provide users with the precise results they want. Search engines use algorithms to identify websites and choose which ones to rank for a particular keyword. Search engines go through three stages to find information: crawling, indexing, and ranking. However, Crawling is the discovery stage, indexing is the filing stage, and ranking is the retrieval stage.
The Crawling is the initial action. Search engines send out web crawlers to discover new pages and collect data. These web crawlers are sometimes known as robots or spiders. They aim to find new websites that are available and to frequently check previously viewed pages to determine if the material has changed or been updated. Search engines use links they’ve already found to crawl web pages. When a search engine searches your homepage, it will look for another link to follow and may follow the link to your new blog post if you have a blog post connected.
The indexing process comes next. A search engine determines whether or not to use the content it has crawled during the indexing process. A search engine will include a crawled web page in its index if it is worthy. At the end of the ranking process, this index is employed. A web page or other piece of material that has been indexed is filed and saved in a database so that it can be retrieved later. Most websites that offer specific and valuable information are indexed. A website could be excluded from the index if:
Its content is regarded as duplicates.
Its content is regarded as being of low quality or spam.
No one could crawl over it.
There were no inbound links to the page or domain.
SEO consulting services recommend that the ranking comes as the third and ultimately most crucial phase. Only once crawling and indexing are finished can order take place. Your website can be ranked once a search engine has crawled and indexed it. Search engines use more than a hundred ranking factors to categorize and rank content, and they all fall under one of the three SEO pillars: technical, on-page, or off-page Optimization. For the best SEO company, Search engines employ a variety of signals to determine how to rank websites, as follows:
Presence of keywords in the title tag:
Whether or not there is a use of the term or a synonym on the page and in the title tag
Web page loading time:
Whether the website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly
Website Reputation
Refers to how well-regarded the web page and website are for the subject we search for.
SEO is optimizing web pages for search engines such as Google or another search engine. The best strategy to rank your pages at XPERTSAPP as the best SEO service provider is through holistic SEO, which focuses on optimizing every component of your website. Avoid using black-hat SEO techniques because doing so will eventually hurt your rankings. Instead, focus on sustainable SEO while keeping your user in mind; you will gain over time. Our Team of experienced SEO services and experts has distinct strategies to boost your rankings on search engines organically.
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