bbyshifts · 2 months
I think I mini-shifted to Hogwarts.
I turned around a corridor and I ended up in another kind of corridor. There were yellow hufflepuff things attached to the walls and the first thing I told myself was “Damn I shifted to hogwarts” but then I opened my eyes in my CR. It lasted a few minutes only
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chaysreality222 · 6 months
Introduction to my Hogwarts Dr Self!
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hey guys, it's c! in this post i'll be introducing you to myself in my hogwarts dr :) i feel it will give you guys a more in depth of my hogwarts dr. to put it out there to not confuse anyone, i have not yet shifted to this dr. i merely want to share about it so that when i do shift, you guys have some backstory <3
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my time ratio is 1 hr = 1 week. i'll be shifting to 4th year- a little before 4th year technically. my first day will be the day of the quidditch world cup which is also the day of my birthday! i'll wake up on an early morning at my house by my s/o (i scripted in my irl boyfriend!!). i made my bf a potter meaning he'd be harry's older brother (also because when he wears glasses i and other people say he looks like harry potter).
ps: i am shifting for the plot but i've changed it a little bit and have included myself in the story instead of fully making myself the main character. meaning i don't want to take harry's place but always somehow be connected to the things that happen.
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introduction + backstory
name: c(real name) authorne-lestrange hogwarts house: hufflepuff year: 4th blood status: pureblood patronus: a dragon wand type: 13 in. Ebony wood intertwined with silver, glistening unicorn hair
backstory: so in my dr, i am the daughter of leta lestrange. due to the lestrange reputation, she wants me to go by the last name authorne which was supposedly my father's name who has passed long before i was born. also so that it would make it hard for voldemort and the other death eaters to find me, due to my mother making an unbreakable vow that she and i would be by voldemorts side when the time was right. trying to imply that it's the destiny for all lestrange to serve voldemort. leta has constantly thought of any and all loop holes out of the vow. she doesn't want that life for me and so she got dumbledore to take me in at hogwarts thinking i'll be safer there.
disclaimer: i understand that the timeline between fantastic beasts and when harry exists is like a 70 year long stretch but i'm shifting to a reality to where she is alive to be my mum.
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my house
located: cambridge, england exact address: unknown
here are some pics of the house! go to my pinterest board to see more details or rooms of the house to get a better look. of course, the middle photo is my bedroom where i'll be first waking up in my dr! i'm really excited to wake up there and take a look around. i'm also excited to be here on break or holidays!
you may have some questions on why the address is unknown. i scripted it to be like that because i felt that's something leta would do to keep me safe. also adding to the fact, i scripted she placed a protective barrier around the whole property that leads anyone who's looking in from the outside to hear nothing and see nothing but a thick forest.
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my pets
their names are soren and sage! soren is my male barn owl and sage is my female cat. i'm allergic in my cr so i scripted that out so i can experience having a cat lol. i just had an idea that maybe i should script that sage fly's around on sorens back?? imagine how cute that would be.
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my dorm at hogwarts
so i scripted that i have a personal dorm there at hogwarts and honestly, i'm kinda in love with the room and bathroom <3 as you guys can see here, i have a pics of my dorm! the first image, that door is the entrance into my room and then the second door in my third image is the door to my bathroom. for the last image, i added one pic of how my bathroom looks like.
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i think that's pretty much it! i'm so excited to shift to my hogwarts desired reality and finally experience life as a wizard. i'm working on my shifting routine as of right now to help me get in the mood and get ready to shift! get ready for shifting storytimes <3 as always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c.
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maebyshifting · 11 months
my golden trio uni dr!
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━━━ background info ━━━
i’m pretty sure i was 16 when i originally scripted this. since then i’ve revised and changed things as i’ve gotten older.
originally i was shifting to 4th year, now i’m shifting to 1st year!
i’m a hufflepuff
i think this was also the second script i ever made after my tmnt one
━━━ about me ━━━
my name is mal parker and i am american!
i am 18 years and starting my first year at hogwarts
i'm going to hogwarts with two of my cr friends and one of my friends is already there and we'll be dormmates!
i have a 1 year old dog named nebula and i love her so much
the family owl is named celeste and she is a cutie as well
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i am a hufflepuff!
since hogwarts is a university we get to major in a topic and i just don't know what to major in right now, so i will have to make decisions about it since the first two years are general classes before you take the classes focusing just on your major if that makes any sense
my wand is made of pear wood with a dragon heartstring core
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━━━ extra details + hogwarts ━━━
though i do have a dormmate, our room is set up so that when we sleep we don't see each other/are even in the same room. our dorm is set up with a little study area in the middle and our rooms are attached opposite to each other
it is 2023! i wanted a modern dr because just imagine the group chats i can't wait
quidditch players have letterman jackets + captains have a captain patch on theirs
there is also cheerleaders for quidditch games to promote house pride
some inspo i used for my script:
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there is a bioluminescent pool under hogwarts and the 7th years choose the password each year, the teachers do not ever go in it as they don't have the passwords
hogsmeade has some more shops in it, such as: tattoo parlor, crystal/spiritual shop, clothing shops, yule ball shop, muggle store, school supplies, and coffee shops/cafes
i don't think i even mentioned it but voldemort does not exist here
while i am moving to england and going to hogwarts, i am already friends with neville :)
we met through social media and are good friends!
we'll meet for the first time in person when the train gets to hogwarts! i am going to wife that man up
i think thats it really- if there's any questions let me know! this has been a dr that i've held close to my heart for a while now
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
Part Three Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff Reader Cho Chang x Hufflepuff Reader (unrequited) CW: angst
You and Draco had been together for around a year but as you both approached 7th year you could no longer see him the same way as before
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
previous part
"What was it?" You asked.
"What was what?" Hermione asked with a confused face.
"The spell? I'd never heard of it before." You tried to sit up in your infirmary bed but your body ached.
"I don't know but Harry's being punished for it." She placed a hand on your leg.
"He's been expelled, that's good." You let out a sigh of relief.
"Well…" Hermione looked down.
"You're joking. He could have killed me!" You exclaimed and Hermione looked up with sad eyes.
"I don't understand either. Even if it was to be used on Draco it's barbaric." She stood up and before walking away said, "I'm sorry, I just feel so awful about it all."
A few minutes later Draco came in and sat by your bed, he looked like he'd been crying and you put a hand on him to try and comfort him but it just made him well up.
"That bastard he could've-"
"I know. But he didn't." You said softly.
"I've been berating Snape for not expelling him but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. What kind of curse was that anyway?" Draco asked and you shrugged.
"Hermione was here earlier and she had no idea, I've never heard of it." You lay your head back on your pillows, "At least all the wounds are fixed. I just ache like shit."
"I don't think I could deal with it if you weren't here," he looked down at the floor and you sat up with a start.
"Pull yourself together, Draco! Every time I need you to be emotional you're cold and distant making yourself the center of attention. But this has happened to me, I don't need your fucking tears I need your stability if you want to help me." You ran your hands through your hair and turned over.
"I…." He trailed off and you heard him walk away with heavy footed steps.
You fell asleep after that and it wasn't until you were discharged the following day from the infirmary that you received an unwelcome guest for the second time that day.
"Oh, not you." You groaned as Potter approached your bed. "I thought the worst thing you could do was curse me but no, you're here now."
"How are you feeling?" He asked timidly, standing by his bed awkwardly not knowing if he could sit in the chair set to it.
"Just perfect," you shot a fake smile in his direction and he nodded.
"I deserve that. I don't even- I'm so sorry and I don't know how to make up for it all." He fidgeted with his hands.
"You can tell me how you knew that curse for a start," you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"It was in a book. An old textbook I found in Slughorn's cupboard." He didn't sound like he was lying but it sounded like bullshit.
"Right. That kind of thing was just lying around then? I don't have time for all of this, Harry." You stood up.
"It wasn't meant for you! I would never want to hurt you." He held your arm gently. "Please. Tell me you know that?"
"After the last few weeks I'm honestly not sure, Potter. Whatever Draco did or has done, why do I deserve the brunt of your verbal abuse? We weren't together but on that day you still treated me like that. Why?" You asked, looking at him with angry eyes.
"Because I hated you for it. For being with him when you knew what he was like to others." He paused. "I see how hypocritical that is now."
"Draco didn't try to kill someone, or at least to my knowledge he never has. I've never claimed he was a good person but, fuck, Potter. That curse could have killed him if it hit him." You sat back down on the bed and put your head in your hands.
"And I'm so incredibly sorry for putting you through all that mental tennis of whether I was going to treat you well or not each day. I was taking things out on you when it's not your fault." He crouched down and took hold of your hands.
"We were close. It crushed me when you started treating me like this especially when Ron and Hermione don't even go near that." Your eyes began to well up.
"We can be close again. If you would like that?" He gave you a small smile.
"I'll need some time to forgive you for all of this." You said softly.
"I'll do all your homework for a month?" He offered with a laugh and you shook your head, smiling.
"So I can get lower grades? No thanks, Potter." You took a deep breath.
"If there is anything, please tell me. What I did to you was fucking awful." Harry gripped your hands and you shook your head.
"I'll mentally reach forgiveness, I always do. I just need time to process all of it myself." Smiling at him weakly.
"Okay, do you need any help getting to your dorm?" He asked standing up.
"I'm aching Harry, not infirm." You raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed.
"I'll leave you to it then," he squeezed your hands once more before walking out.
Over the next few days you stayed out of Draco's usual haunts, not willing to discuss how upset the whole thing had made him and just focus on your work. Maybe it was selfish but you had more going on in your life than the problems of Draco Malfoy. Trying to help him had resulted in you almost dying, and after everything with the dark mark you couldn't see a way that a relationship with him would end well for you. He made bad choices and didn't seem to properly understand the severity of it all. You didn't believe Harry would get that angry over nothing, so what had he done? You were pulled out of your thoughts when you fell back on your arse after bumping into someone.
"Watch where you're-" Snape started to say but realised it was you. "Oh, how is your recovery?"
"A lot worse now I know you're not expelling him." You scowled at him in a new lease of confidence.
"Excuse me?" Snape asked in a deeply offended voice.
"I knew you made special affordations for Draco all the time but for Harry? After you've despised him for so long, he nearly kills me and gets detention?" You paused. "I didn't realise your backbone was conditional," you spat out before walking past him. Snape didn't argue because you were right, but he couldn't expel Harry. It would reveal so much about himself that he wasn't prepared to admit.
Draco had been watching you from a far recently, making sure you were recovering alright but not bothering you at the same time. He couldn't bear to be away from you and whilst he knew it was wrong, he needed to see you. The only class you two had together was potions and he had gradually been getting closer to you with his position in the classroom until he got there early and was standing at your desk to be your partner.
"Hello, Draco." You said in a monotone voice where he couldn't detect any emotion at all.
"How are you?" He asked.
"Healing up nicely, thank you for asking." You gave him a half smile and he swore under his breath.
"Y/n. Come on, don't freeze me out." He begged in a quiet voice.
"After all the months you froze me out I think you deserve it." You started setting up the experimentation equipment for the amortentia potion you were making today. "Did you sit next to me for today's experiment?"
"It wasn't deliberate but I thought after a few weeks you might want to talk," he suggested but you knew Draco better than that, knowing what your potion smelled like and knowing it would smell like him gave him some kind of mental power over you.
"Yeah, that's believable," you said to yourself before crossing your arms and going silent till the experiment began.
"What does yours smell like then, Malfoy?" Goyle asked with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Fuck off, Goyle," Draco hissed and you rolled your eyes.
"Well what does it smell like?" You whispered and he sighed.
"You know what it smells like," he looked into your eyes with such a desperately sad expression.
"Aren't you going to ask me?" You changed the subject and he nodded, "Well, it's…I'm getting cologne and just a hint of…terrible decision making and maybe a smidge of daddy's boy." You raised your eyebrow at him and he smiled.
"Alright, arsehole." He shook his head and you elbowed him jokingly.
"We're okay aren't we, Draco?" You paused. "At least as much as we can be in the situation."
"I hope so, I never know when to stop or when to shut up. Not really anyways unless I'm in one of my depressive 'freeze out everyone' moods." He ran a hand through his hair.
"Let's go to the room. After this lesson." You smiled slightly and Draco nodded.
As the two of you left together, it wasn't surprising to see people stare at the two of you, regardless of the fact you'd been dating for a while you still made an extremely odd pair. Whilst you disagreed with pre-set personality groups like houses, both of your houses probably interacted the least. Especially when younger kids who didn't know you saw someone in yellow accent robes with a Malfoy, it would seemingly make them double take in the corridor.
"I don't think I ever really get used to people staring," you said quietly to Draco and he smiled.
"I suppose I've always had it, whether it's because of me or my father." He paused, pondering whether to touch your hand with his as you stood still and the staircases moved. "But I suppose I was always worried that was something you would dislike me for."
"It was definitely the worst when we first started dating but only because I wasn't used to it." You looked up at him and got lost in looking at all of his features that all together ruined your innocence when you met him. They were impossible to not get lost in.
"Come on," Draco said softly as you walked up the staircase and down the quiet corridor before standing before where the door usually was and just thinking about the reasons you wanted it along with Draco.
"Sometimes it feels like you're fading, that I'm losing bits of you and it makes me so angry. An anger that goes down to my stomach because I want to absolutely despise you, but I don't. I know I could despise what you become and that's what scares me," you pulled your knees up towards you to comfort you as you both sat on the sofa in the room of requirement.
"The way I feel about myself is like there's things written on my body and my brain but I don't know who has done it. I'm not in control and I don't think I can ever get control back." Draco trailed off, hanging his head in some type of shame.
"I think I could shout as loud as I want and you still wouldn't want to hear me." You looked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "All this… shit, I know you felt pressured but you've chosen your side now."
"Don't you think I know that?" He said sadly and you frowned.
"Feeling sorry for yourself will not help anything. You have to make the hard decisions from now," you paused and took his hands in yours. "Draco. Everything you do from now is your decision, you have to pick a side."
"I don't need a lecture from you that I've given myself a hundred times!" He exclaimed, ripping his hands from you and standing up. Draco walked a few steps away, one hand on his hip the other rubbing his temples.
"Well what do you expect me to say!" You stood up and walked in front of him. "You cannot expect me to go back to just bring your loving girlfriend when I know that you're on the side of the fucking enemy!" Suddenly Draco was holding his arm, hissing at the pain.
"I have to go," he said quietly, looking at you through glassy eyes before walking away.
"Where?" You followed him but he didn't turn around so you pulled him to face you by his shoulder. "Where are you going!"
"To him!" Draco yelled. "Do you really want the truth or admit to yourself that I'm fucking poisonous!"
"What do you mean?" You touched the arm he was holding and he shrunk away from you.
"I have to do this," he wiped his eyes.
"Have to do what?" You asked in a softer tone.
"Whatever is asked of me," he looked down and you moved his hand from his arm, pushed up his sleeve and gasped. His dark mark was jet black and moving like the snake was alive under his skin, it was red around the edges as if it was burning him.
"Oh, Draco." Your eyes began to water as you considered the incredible burden placed on his shoulders with this tattoo that a few years ago, you wouldn't have even given a second thought too.
"I'm so sorry," Draco broke down and collapsed into your arms, sobbing and clutching you with such desperation.
"It's okay, Draco. It's okay." You were lying but no good could come from berating him now.
"It's not okay! I'm evil, I'm a fucking monster and the best thing you can do is get away from me." He tried to pull away from you but you held on tight.
"You won't get rid of me that easily, Malfoy. Whatever we are isn't important right now because I want to help you." You pulled him to stand up straight and looked into his eyes before kissing him on the cheek.
"I am so in love with you, and it feels like it burns deeper than this mark ever could." He put his hands on both of your arms and stood close to you with his head bowed.
"I love you too," you whispered and Draco's eyes opened.
"Even like this?" He asked and you nodded.
"I can't control my emotions, even though I'm angry I can't help but love you." Placing your hand on top of one of his suddenly Draco leaned forward and embraced you in a passionate kiss.
His hands moved up to hold your face and brush the tears from your eyes before he moved one of his hands down to your back and pulled you even closer. The kiss itself was hungry with desire, filled with pain and you both felt if it ever stopped you might never find one another again.
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shiftingtomydrs · 8 months
Tell us abt ur Hogwarts DRS i loveeee hearing abt peoples Hogwarts experiences :)))
Hii thanks for the question! First of all I haven't shifted there yet soo yeah haha
Also like i havent actually used that one in like 2 years for some reason so its ancient soo any mistakes or weird stuff or inaccuracies sorryyy (also i just checked and idk where my script is either, its not in the script folder)
So now lets start, basically i have the same name and family and stuff as in my cr and im also from germany. bcs theres no wizard school in germany in my dr or in canon as far as i know, i go to hogwarts. im in ravenclaw and i havent really thought about how i fit into the plot so far bcs my brain needs to be in a very specific headspace for that lmao. soo yeah idk yet but my s/o is harry and all the people look like they do in the books not the movies bcs i imagined all of them differently when i read the books and i want that not the actors. also for once im not the main character lmao. basically my parents are muggles too soo idk yet what im gonna do in the 7th book with protection and all that. i did script im the most gifted witch of my generation. i dont play quidditch (im afraid of heights haha) but i do enjoy it. im friends with some ravenclaws (idk which people yet bcs i didnt script them yet) and like the trio and some people from hufflepuff and slytherin and stuff. i also scripted that like sirius and fred and all of them dont die but in a way so it doesnt really change the plot. harry and i get together in year 4 or 5 and then idk yet if we break up in year 7 like ginny and harry did in the books. soo yeah idk that much more yet tbh since i havent used it in very long. this is not a lot of info sooo, sorry about that and i hoped it was at least okayish :)
i can make another one about my marauders dr if you want bcs that one is a little bit more thought out actually but also kinda the same from my backstory and house and stuff.
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2022.12.25 ~ Christmas Day
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Aere Perennius by @onbeinganangel [M, 25k]
►Upon Narcissa’s death, Draco Malfoy lets his best mate decide on a new place for him to live and set up his flower shop. Pansy, the meddling witch that she is, picks Godric’s Hollow. Specifically, the oh-so-conveniently available space next to Harry Potter’s bookshop. [...]
2. Amantes Visci by paigehawkins [E, 15k]
►It's Christmas Eve and Harry's planning to spend it with Andromeda and adorable 2 year old Teddy. He doesn't expect Draco Malfoy to be there too, playing the part of loving nephew and doting cousin. And what's with the magical mistletoe that seems to follow them around?
3. Boyfriends' domestic by Mimbelwimbel [G, 3k]
►It's Teddy's birthday but Draco has other things on his mind. A fight might be inevitable.
4. A Christmas for Reminiscing by tsfiazz [?, 3k]
►Harry's first Christmas with Draco, and all the things in between.
5. Christmas Next Door to You by Eeva21 [T, 29k]
►Eleven years after the war, Harry is unemployed and more than a little lonely. When someone moves into the house next door, Harry happily brings over a dish of lasagna to forge a new friendship. But who's to answer the door other than Draco Malfoy? Draco, who's been travelling the world and hasn't been back in England since he graduated Hogwarts. [...]
6. Fresh Plates and Clean Slates by @cr-amber [T, 1k]
►Harry’s friends have helped him learn to be a human again after the war, but Draco hasn’t been so lucky, so Harry takes it upon himself to do the same for the man he loves over the holidays.
7. 'Tis the Season for Cuddles by @dracowillhearaboutthis [T, 4k]
►Sick of Harry and Draco's antics, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students ask to organise annual inter-house events to create bonds between the students and stop Harry and Draco from fighting.
1. An Abstract Courtship by Anonymous [E, 9k]
►[..] “No.” Blaise states matter-of-factly. “Because you, Potter, are a complete fucking idiot.” ★ H/D Erised 2022 | @hd-erised
2. Midnight Confessions by @themountainsgreen [T, 1k]
►Sometimes, you need that special charm to realise what's right in front of you. [...] ★ Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange 2022 | @drarrymicrofic
3. The Modern Pokerface, and How to Use It by @bluesyquill [E, 4k]
►Harry just had to follow Draco's rules until after the party. Simple, right? ★ Thrills 'N Chills 2022
4. Rumour Has It by @rei382 [T, 2k]
►The papers have long ago been hinting that Harry and Ginny's relationship was in shambles. They've also been hinting that the reason might be that Harry wasn't exactly straight. But the papers are never right, are they? ★ Thrills 'N Chills 2022
5. The Suitor by @mars-bar81 [E, 1k]
►Sirius has been training his Omega godson for almost a year, and has finally found the perfect suitor for him. ★ Dead Dove: Do Not Enter Secret Santa 2022
★ 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 | @slythindor100
Everything, Slightly to the Left by @beyondtheclose [M, 22k]
i'll give you the world by @panicissharp [T, 23k]
Searching Our Hearts by @samunderthelights [T, 36k]
Somewhere in My Memory by @maraudersaffair [E, 29k]
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h p [ harry potter ] m a s t e r l i s t
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this is the masterlist pertaining to the series of films and books written by JK Rowling Harry Potter that were first released in 1997. this pop-culture phenomenon shaped so many childhoods.
<- return to main masterlist
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gryfindor masterlist ->
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slytherin masterlist ->
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ravenclaw masterlist ->
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hufflepuff masterlist ->
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all content belongs to @humanitieswalkingredflag save for the characters themselves - cr: @humanitieswalkingredflag 2023 - do not copy my work to any other websites - writing JK Rowling's characters does not mean I open myself to debate about her morals
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rin-link · 2 years
Some little snippet of a fanfic I've started to write recently:
I've recently fallen back into the Harry Potter fandom (not that I've ever really fallen out of it, yk) and I've kinda gotten stuck on the AU wolfstar raises Harry Potter. I've never really thought about this but now I can't stop thinking about it 🙈😂
Anyway I've had this little plot bunny for a couple weeks now and I'm really getting into this AU. I thought I post a little snippet here and as soon as I have written a good chunk of it, I'll upload it on AO3 and then drop the link later on.
With that said (which was quite a bit, I'm so sorry) here's a little glimpse of the story that's occupying my brain lately.
The first years walked up the great staircase until they arrived at a massive double door. Before the door an elderly witch stood, dressed in a distinghuised green robe and a big black hat. Harry didn't know her but he suspected her to be Professor McGonagall, acting headmistress of Hogwarts, head of Gryffindor house and the Transfiguration teacher. Moony and Pads had told him that she would be likely the one to do the sorting ceremony as it had been the same when they attended Hogwarts.
"Everyone gather around!" The witches voice sounded above the excited whispers of the other children. "I am Professor McGonagall. In just a few moments you will walk through this door and take a seat next to your classmates. But before that you will need to be sorted in one of the four houses. There is Gryffindor." Harry and Ron shared an excited glance. "Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw. And Slytherin."
Harry got goosebumps hearing that name. He remembered the photo album Pads had shown him multiple times in the past. His whole family had been in Slytherin and only Pads became a Gryffindor, making him an outsider in his family.
After receiving his letter Harry started to worry what would happen if he weren't to be sorted into Gryffindor like Pads and Moony, like the Weasley family, like Ron definitely would be. Like his parents had been. Moony and Pads had constantly reassured him that it ultimately doesn't matter which house someone is sorted into. It's one's own choices that determine who one is as a person, Pads had often reminded him and Moony had confirmed it.
Nonetheless Harry really wanted to make his adoptive fathers proud and become a brave Gryffindor himself.
"While your at Hogwarts" McGonagall continued. "Your house becomes your family. Through good deeds you can win points for your house... but if you break school rules you will lose points."
Harry could have sworn that McGonagall's gaze flickered to him specifically at this moment and he had to suppressed an embarrassed smile. Moony had warned him that it was more than likely that the teacher at Hogwarts would keep an closer eye on him, what with him being not only the Boy Who Lived but also him being the son of James Potter, member of the infamous Marauders, and raised by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, another two members of the troublemaker gang.
"At the end of the school year the house with the most points wins the school cup."
"Trevor!", one boy in the front yelled before diving to the teacher.
Harry and the other first years watched Neville picking up a lonesome toad that was sitting right in front of the professor.
«So that must be Neville and his toad.» Harry thought when Neville mumbled an apology to McGonagall and went back into the crowd.
There was a short tense silence before Professor McGonagall coughed slightly. "Wait here moment." She announced before turning away and entering the Great Hall.
As soon as the doors had closed behind her, another voice spoke up.
"So it is true, what they whispered about at the train." An arrogant voice sounded and Harry turned his head to see a blond-haired boy smirking at him. "Harry Potter is now at Hogwarts."
A low murmuring went through the rows of 11 years old and Harry sighed internally. So much for wanting to keep a low profile.
"These are Crabbe and Goyle." The blonde boy continued oblivious to Harry's annoyance. He stepped in front of Harry and looked at him with infuriating confidence. "And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."
Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy. He had heard all about the Malfoy family from Pads.
Ron besides him snorted amused.
Immediately the Malfoy boy zoned in on him. "You think my name is funny, do you?" He asked with a sneer. "I don't need to ask for yours. The red hair and the hand-me-down robe... You must be a Weasley."
He said Ron's surname with such unfounded contempt that Harry - even if he hadn't heard of the Malfoys beforehand - immediately disliked the other boy.
"You know, Potter" Malfoy began to speak again and focused back on him. "Seeing as you have been raised by one of the Black's, you certainly already know that some wizard families are better than others." Draco threw Ron a mean side glance before reaching out his hand to Harry. "I could help you along."
Harry looked utterly indifferent at Malfoy and replied dryly: "I think I can choose the right sort just fine."
Mentally he patted himself on the shoulder. Moony and Pads would be so proud.
Be firm and make your opinion known, Pads would say.
But always stay calm and level-headed, Moony would add.
Malfoy looked quite put out by Harry's response but he didn't get the chance to reply as Professor McGonagall came back and tapped the boy on the shoulder. Draco threw one last irritated glance at Harry before going back to the others.
"We're now ready for you." Professor McGonagall declared and began to lead the first years into the great hall.
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unhonest-iago · 2 years
Inspired by this post
Things GeorgeNotFound includes in his shifting script/shifting headcanons;
Is shifting to Hogwarts as a Hufflepuff
Uses the Raven cycle method, his shifting script being more of a scrapbook
His script being more accurate to the books than the movies
Dream and Sapnap are also in his DR, Dream as a Slytherin & Sapnap as a Gryffindor
Has it to where he isn’t tired all the time, rather giving off a cozy vibe
Doesn’t have to study for tests, information taught in class being easy to remember
They’re all in their 4th year, glad for the distraction that is the Triwizarding tournament
None of them are old enough to compete despite Sapnap’s attempts to bypass the aging line
Sapnap and the Weasley twins being besties, Sapnap helps them brew an aging potion—George making fun of him when he end up in the infirmary cause of it
Even though he’s scripted it to where technology is able to work in Hogwarts, he and the rest of the Dream Team still use 2 way mirrors to talk during detentions
Has it to where they can still die as to keep some drama—George ends up dying the Battle of Hogwarts
Dream’s unable to produce a full body patronus after his death
But also has it to where George doesn’t get sick, not wanting to ever have to take a pepperup potion. Also heals from injuries quickly
He & George Weasley have a one sided rivalry as to who the better George. Overall he couldn’t care less
Dream takes him as his date to the Yule ball, end up ditching it and sharing a kiss on the astronomy tower before sneaking off to the kitchens for some hot cocoa
Has a wand made of cedar wood w/ a unicorn core, 7in w/ slightly springy flexibility
The Dteam doesn’t trust the weed Neville makes after receiving a bad batch
Has it to where an hour in his CR equals a day in his DR so he doesn’t spend too much time in said DR
Dream has a Polaroid camera that he carries everywhere w/—George hates when Dream catches him off guard
The Twins let Sapnap borrow the Marauders Map before they gave it to Harry
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lumi-shifts-home · 3 months
my Hogwarts Legacy DRself
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about me ✧˖*°࿐
name : Lumine Everleigh age : 15 ( When I first shift it's the summer break before the sixth year. ) birthday : September 21st 1874 gender : female nationality : british
appearance and vibes ✧˖*°࿐
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height : 1,67 m weight: 57 kg Top middle is the mansion I live in with my family. Nobody will ever catch me living poor in any other reality than my cr. Top right is my owl Cloud she's so soft ahhh!! Bottom left is my familiar Apollo. I love him sm :(( <3 Middle is my face claim.
details ✧˖*°࿐
hogwarts house : Hufflepuff
hobbies, skills & talents : ♡ gardening ♡ singing & dancing ♡ reading ♡ going on walks ♡ spending time with loved ones
friends : ♡ Adelaide Oakes ♡ Dahlia Primrose { We're that one Hufflepuff trio. They're my best friends in my cr and I just gave them different names and put them there to be my roommates, because why not? } ♡ Sebastian Sallow ♡ Ominis Gaunt { My other friend group. Since I shift after the fifth year, I put Anne in St. Mungos. She was part of us before ofc. } ♡ Garreth Weasley ♡ Cressida Blume ♡ Luna Lovegood ♡ Amit Thakkar ♡ Imelda Reyes { These are my friends from classes because I want to have at least one friend in my electives. }
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This DR is my current obsession ahhhhh!! I've been rewatching the HP movies a few weeks ago and bought Hogwarts Legacy since it was on discount on steam. Honestly, I can't decide whether I want Sebastian or Ominis. I'm probably gonna script Sebastian as my s/o, but Ominis has my whole heart as well :(( He's so sweet.
Also, I know that it has nothing to do with shifting, but my friends and I plan on doing a harry potter marathon weekend soon and I'm so excited >0< !!!
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t-leaves · 3 months
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Name: [redacted] cr name but ~gaelic~
Nicknames: Tee, Oak (quidditch team only)
Shifting to: 5th year at Hogwarts, August 2017
House: Gryffindor 🦁 Dob: 20/11/2001
Age at start of shift: 15 (listen, I'm trying to heal my inner child)
Family: muggleborn dad (iron charmer) and muggleborn maternal grandparents with a squib mum (singer), considered a 'muggleborn once removed', sister starting her final year in Hufflepuff; all relatives same as cr
Languages: fluent in English and Gaelic; near to fluency in Druidic*; proficient Welsh; conversational House Elvish, Spanish and Cantonese; literate in Latin, Old English, Old Irish and Runes
*my religion is druidism and all the texts are written in this ancient ceremonial language. I will be explaining it in another post :)
Pet: Pusheen, a blonde maine coon who is the sweetest and most inquisitive girl in the world :') she is a wee bit goofy and clumsy but she is still capable of delivering messages throughout the castle for me - and indeed for other Gryffindors after setting up a small business of her own volition. Our family pet is a wolfhound mix called Bran and my sister has a great grey owl called Goonhilly.
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Looks: same as cr me but with more prominent freckles from constantly being outside, taller (5'9), with shorter, thicker hair and an athletic body
Style: what can only be described as quidditch jock academia
Hobbies: reading, writing, acting and improv, classical and jazz piano, irish session fiddle and singing, football, quidditch, drawing, painting, embroidery, pub quizzes
Quidditch position: seeker, stand by chaser
Supports: Arsenal, Longtails ⚽️ and Boggarts 🧹
Wand: Walnut body w/ Beech handle, 10,5" swishy , selkie fur core, lacquered green and white in the Quirke style (Irish wandmaker)
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zipperrants · 5 months
hiyaaa! in ur HP dr, did u script what house you'd be in? if u didn't, what was the sorting hat experience like? did it talk to u? base what house you'd be based on ur dr memories or cr memories or combo of both?
Hi! i scripted the house I would be in. I scripted i'd be in slytherin and the sorting ceremony was very long like I would totally go back and rescript that it is a short ceremony because it is so long (5-10 minutes per kid) and the hat bases your house based off of how you view magic in my dr. and it kinda goes like
Ravenclaw: you want to learn all that you can about it
Hufflepuff: you want to use it for good and to help others
Gryffindor: you believe it needs to be used for protection
Slytherin: you believe while yes it needs to be studied and used for good and protection you also need to protect magic itself from those who you believe will misuse it. (which is why some Slytherins go "bad" aka they will do anything to protect magic from those they believe should not have it)
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coruscorp-blog · 6 years
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We are pleased to have you back for another year as an UPPER THIRD YEAR STUDENT at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We sincerely hope your classmates in HUFFLEPUFF treat you well.
you are born of light, as warm as a summer breeze and as kind as can be. you’re the second youngest in your family, the first girl, and certainly the rowdiest of the bunch under the guidance of your older brother. you’re heart is bigger than the chest it sits in, handed down from your father, and a wisdom that speaks volumes from your mother. your childhood is one of majesty, days spent under the greeting of the sun as you parade around in towel capes and cardboard crowns on the island of crete, greece. your family grows as you age, gifting you two more siblings and as you ride your bike down the hills of the city, passing but strangers and friends alike, the years go by quicker than you can count on one hand.
age ten, delving into the salty mediterranean sea, you know that this is your home and the place that your heart lies, but it would become the first of many places you would put down roots. your first instance of magic comes when you’re sitting on the beach, toes dipping into the water and sand squishing beneath your fingers. your palms scoop up a small portion of water and your family watch in awe as you make it dance and twirl around your fingers, describing it as nothing short of a miracle. however, this little moment of incredibility would be one of the few times you and your family get to see each other together, not because of tragedy, but because of the chaos that would become of your lives.
shortly after this encounter, your father get’s a new job as a pr agent in london, so the family is uprooted from the country you love so dearly and into a whole new one, but this would be merely the start of a great adventure. you settle into your new home well enough, attend a regular public school for half a year before the letter shows up on your doorstep the day after your eleventh birthday. it’s an invitation, a chance to join those who were just like you, special as your parents always said you were. the oddities that had occurred since that one sunny day seemed to make perfect sense when you and your parents check the letter not once, but three times.
so off you’re sent, into a life that you would never have expected, but it’s exciting and you’re sure you couldn’t be more elated if you tried. the next seven years of your life are nothing short of incredible, you make friends, dip your fingers into affairs of the heart, learn more about who you are - and what you are. a witch, a talented one at that, and take comfort in everything from your housemates to your classes. you also learn that some individuals harbor more hate in their heart then you can fathom, and become the target for those with cruel intentions, but always hold your head high.
your sensitivities are softer than most even still, and though you try to hide how easily you are prone to having your feelings squashed, some manage to take advantage of this. your eighteenth birthday is rather sorrowful then it is joyous, with death knocking at your families door. your brother, only twenty one, taken by the reckless actions of another. you never fully allow yourself to mourn, rather choosing to let yourself become more of a doormat then you ever were, afraid to be abandoned.
you hope as the next year and a half comes that you would get your barring’s back, but you never do.
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kiyomisa · 3 years
Nott and Caleb are the perfect example of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin friendship
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scestional · 4 years
Hufflepuff: you should to look at things from the bright side.
Hufflepuff: there is good in goodbye
Slytherin: and there is fun in funeral
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darthanckin · 4 years
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Students belonging to this house are known to be hard-working, friendly, loyal, honest and rather impartial. It may be that due to their values, Hufflepuffs are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its students.
Hufflepuffs are known to have a strong moral code, and a sense of right and wrong. Hufflepuffs are usually accepting of everyone. Students in Hufflepuff are known to value everyone and treat them as equal.
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