#Calum Hood FBI
calumance · 4 years
okay hear me out..... an fbi 5sos au.... no? okay i’ll see myself out 😔
Oh fuck, okay this was actually quite a challenge for me. I do love me some true crime stories though, however I’m afraid this turned out to sound like an episode of Criminal Minds. That could be good or bad however you want to interpret that. Anyway, here’s some FBI!sos. 👀👀👀 Please note that this has sensitive subjects in it, please read at your own discretion!!!
           Calum sat in the van, lights flashing as he watched as the officers escorted the assailant into the police car, ducking his head and then slamming the door. The case that his team had been working on for months, although solved, came to a crashing halt when they were notified of a hostage situation in the town next to theirs. Immediately, his team jumped into the fleet vehicles and sped to the location of the hostage situation. While Calum sat in the back of the van, he ran through the months and months of research that they had been doing.
           Normally cases such as this one wouldn’t become and FBI problem, but as soon as the crimes started to cross state lines, the case caught the FBI’s attention. Almost thirty people had been reported missing during the time the assailant had been active, and nearly half of those people had gone missing within the past few months.
           The first objective the team was given was to identify the assailant’s profile. Calum walked into the conference room with a cup of fresh coffee, something he thought was only done on TV shows, but after working for the FBI for ten years now, he’s come to realize that life can’t go on without coffee. There was a white board at the front of the room with pictures of all the victims, something that always made Calum’s stomach turn, no matter how many cases he’s worked on. He gulped and smiled down at his colleague Luke as he sat down. Luke has been on the same team as Calum for about five years. Luke worked for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service before he moved to the United States. After he moved he went through all of the American training to be a part of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Calum and Luke bonded over their Australian heritage, although Calum didn’t get into the service until he moved to America over fifteen years ago. Although Luke and Calum both knew Luke was smarter and more experienced, neither of them would admit it out loud. “Is there anything new I missed?” Calum asked after sitting down and taking a sip of the gloriously bitter liquid in his paper cup.
           Luke shook his head and leaned his head into his hand, resting his elbow on the table. “Dude went silent a month ago. Think he’s about to strike again, but not sure where.” Luke licked his lips and leaned towards Calum, pointing to the white board at the front of the room. “I’ve been trying to see if there’s a pattern with where he’s choosing his victims. Maybe if there’s a shape, or a commonality between the cities.” Luke shook his head and dropped his hand, “But I’ve got nothing.”
           Calum stared at the whiteboard. The victims the assailant has chosen all have something in common, the most obvious is the fact they are all women. Maybe the assailant has something against women, maybe a childhood trauma, maybe some Norman Bates thing where he’s obsessed with his mother now he’s killing women. Calum raised his eyebrows and took a drink of his coffee again, he would need more fingers and toes to count how many times he’s crossed men like that.
           The rest of their team made their way into the room, sitting around the table while the team director came last, shutting the door behind him. Calum nodded to the rest of the team, Ashton joined the team about three years ago after transferring from another branch. Michael joined the team four years ago after making his way up from the local police department, his previous title being a detective. Ava, who has a doctorate in psychology, has been working for the FBI longer than Calum has been in America. Ava was incredibly smart and knew everything there was when it came to the human mind, especially serial killers. Ava and Calum were put on the same team six years ago, Calum would never admit it out loud, but Ava was one of his favorite people to sit down and have a conversation with. Greyson was the newest member of their team, he joined about a year ago, and Calum honestly didn’t even know where he came from. The only thing he knew about the guy was that he was ridiculously smart with electronics, a critical component to the team in such a technologically advanced age.
           The director of the team was a gentleman named Henry. He had a good fifteen years on the oldest member of the team, but somehow he managed to get along with every single one of the members of the team, and was able to connect with them on a personal level. Henry began to break down everything they knew, recapping to see if it could jog any type of “ah-ha” moment. Calum leaned back in his chair and pressed the lips of the paper coffee cup to his lips. His eyes danced from picture to picture, collecting all of his thoughts and hypotheses. Although Calum chuckled to himself for his crazy thoughts, something suddenly made sense.
           As he leaned forward he set his coffee cup on the table next to him. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together. Again, his eyes danced across the whiteboard, gathering every ounce of information he could. His thoughts became solidified and he sat back, scratching one finger over his cheek before he raised his hand. Henry stopped in the middle of his thought and motioned for Calum to speak. Calum cleared his throat, “Aside from the obvious fact that all of the assailant’s victims are female, and they all have brunette hair and blue eyes, something that I think we’ve been skipping over is the fact that they all came from the same city.” Everyone stayed silent and Calum stood and made his way to the whiteboard to point out his thoughts. “Victim number one, although he lived in New York City, she was originally born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Same with all the victims afterwards. The assailant is travelling across the country, seemingly killing all the women with this physical description and come from Grand Rapids.”
           Henry sat down and leaned against the table, giving Calum the floor to continue his thoughts and ideas. “We know that the assailant has been seen driving some beat up Volvo with no license plates. Maybe the Volvo is still registered in Michigan, we can narrow down the registrations in Grand Rapids and see if that can get us some names. Maybe the assailant went to school with all of these women, being brunette and blue eyed isn’t exactly uncommon. I think we should find out where these women went to school, and if there is an open registration on Volvo’s in the Grand Rapids area.” Calum was nearly out of breath trying to explain his thoughts, the excitement of figuring something out making his heart race.
           Henry slapped his hand down on the table and nodded, “You all heard the man, start doing some research.” With that, the team scattered. Within a few days they narrowed down the list of names from hundreds, to just a handful. It wasn’t until they released the assailants profile to the press that everything spiraled out of control.
           It took about a week and a half for the profile to spread across all media sources, and it was within hours of the team watching a press release that they got the call of the hostage. The guy who made the call was frantic, he was the owner of the local liquor store. The assailant grabbed the woman and clutched her to his chest as he pointed a gun at the owner. As he held the gun, it gently shook with how hard he was holding it. The assailant told him to leave the store, walk five miles and then call the cops. When the cops asked for a description of the woman, he answered, “She has brown hair, blue eyes, I had just checked her ID, she was from Michigan, and she had told me she was there on vacation.” After hearing that, the description was immediately sent to the FBI and the team scrambled their way to the cars.
           Calum sat next to Luke in the van, and together they put on their bullet proof vests. Greyson frantically typed away at the computer, trying to tap into the security cameras. Ava, Michael and Ashton all strapped on their vest and took a deep breath, trying to ready themselves for whatever was going to happen when they finally got to this liquor store.
           The van came to a screeching halt. Outside the fan was hordes of flashing lights, and multiple policeman perched on their car doors with their weapons pointed at the store. Henry got an update from the chief of police and Calum stood there, eyes scanning the entire front of the store. “He won’t come out knowing there’s so many weapons pointed at him.” Luke said with a sigh, tucking his golden curls behind his ear. Calum turned to him and Luke’s eyes widened. “He’s never done anything drastic in broad daylight. Sure, it’s night time, but there are so many eyes on him that he won’t do anything.” Luke was right, Calum knew he was right, but Calum didn’t know what to do next.
           In one swift movement, Calum stripped out of his bullet proof vest, tossed it at Luke and ducked under the crime scene tape, sauntering his way towards the store front. Behind him, he could here Henry yelling at him, but before Henry could blow everything, Calum turned and shot him a look. Henry immediately became quiet, the only sound being the wind, and the heartbeats of all the nervous officers behind him. Calum raised his hands above his head as he stopped a few feet in front of the front door. “My name’s Calum, do you mind if we have a chat for a moment?” The silence was terrifying, Calum would never deny that, but silence all meant that nothing life threatening was happening. Calum kept his hands above his head as he closed the distance between him and the front door. All of the windows of the liquor store were mirrored, it was a common way for stores to combat the Los Angeles sun. As Calum reached down and rested his hand on the door handle, all he could was himself, and the flashing lights behind him. “I just want to talk, do you mind opening the door for me?” Calum said, waiting patiently for the click of the lock.
           His heart dropped to his feet when he heard the click. Before making his way inside, he gulped. When he opened the door, the woman who was being held was sitting on the floor. Her ankles were tied with rope, and so were her wrists. Over her mouth was a strip of duct tape, mascara flowing down her porcelain cheeks, terror washed over her blue eyes. Calum rushed to her aide and untied her restraints as quickly as possible to ensure her safety. “As soon as I untie you, you run, don’t stop until someone on the other side of the caution tape grabs you, understand?” She nodded, sobbing still out of terror. The second she was free, she followed Calum’s instructions, running until Luke grabbed her, ushering her to the Ambulance and out of sight.
           From behind Calum, he heard the gun cock. Slowly, he raised his hands above his head and turned to face the assailant. The guy was around the same age as him, but looked as if life had run over him more than a few times. His teeth were stained a blackish-green color for the amount of drugs he has injected into his body. His eyes were sunken into his head, his hair unwashed and matted. His clothes were dirty and stiff from the lack of washing. Calum looked into his glossy eyes and could tell how high he was based on the size of his pupils. Again, Calum repeated himself, “My name is Calum, why don’t we put the gun down and have a chat?”
           “No!” the guy blurted out, holding the gun even tighter causing the weapon to shake. Calum has handled many guns throughout his career, but the way this guy was clutching the gun made him nervous. “You don’t even know what I’ve been through!” The assailant yelled at Calum.
           “Oh, but I do, man.” Calum dropped his hands to be shoulder level. “I know that you were outcasted the second you got into high school. On top of that your mom passed away at a very young age. She was a beautiful woman, wasn’t she?” The guy gulped and nodded, tears filling his eyes. “Your dad was never around, so once your mom passed you had no one, isn’t that right?” The guy gulped again and frantically ran his hand under his eyes then clutched the gun even harder. “All of these women, you didn’t even know them, but they look just like your mother, don’t they?” Calum knew that’s what was going on, he didn’t need the assailant to confirm that. “If you drop the gun and come with me, I can help you.” It was such a cliché line, but most of the people who commit these kind of crimes just want help.
           Calum took a step closer to him but the assailant took a step towards him, shaking the gun in his face. He gulped realizing that if he got any closer, Calum might end up swallowing the barrel of the gun. “I don’t need anyone’s help!” The assailant cried out, and in a split second he shut his eyes and pulled the trigger.
           Thinking quickly, Calum lunged at the gun, causing the gun to motion upwards, the bullet going through the ceiling. Within seconds of the assailant landing on the floor and the gun sliding three feet away from him, Luke and the other police officers busted through the front door. As Calum locked the handcuffs around the assailant’s wrists, Luke slapped Calum’s shoulder. The local police officers took him out the front door and Luke wrapped his arms around Calum, “I heard the shot and thought he got you. You’re a crazy son of a bitch aren’t you?” Together Luke and Calum laughed. You have to be a special kind of crazy to have a career in their field, but Calum loved being that special kind of crazy.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness @karajaynetoday @talkfastromance4
**If your URL has a strike through it’s because it won't let me tag you ☹️
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For my precious Sunshine, @5-secondsofcolor's birthday!! Which is technically now, because it is 1 AM on the 20th of May and I am a mad woman. Love you and I hope you have an amazing day, when you see this of course.
Here is your fic, FBI/Behavior Analyst!Calum. Female OC.
Ivy says she's cursed after taking the same career path that took her father's life. Calum's new on the team, a liaison and media specialist, but he's looking to get his toes wet.
AKA your regular old jaded pessimist veteran and bright eyed rookie buddy cop story. Please enjoy!
CW: In depth descriptions of death/crime scenes. Depictions of violence, gore, and blood.
Enjoy my masterlist (on a haitus)
Search for more writing in the h writes tag
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The whiteboard never leaves. It glows behind her closed eyelids. When staring down at the neck of a bottle, she sees it floating just as the bottom of her drink. She’s cursed. But she knew that the moment she tried out for the academy. The second the thought floated across her mind, she would be doomed just like her father. Ivy tried her best to reroute herself--she got into the arts, was first chair flute in her highschool’s orchestra. She was president of the Homecoming committees her junior and senior year, and worked during the summers at her church's camp.
And yet when she went into school for her degree, she gravitated towards psychology and criminal justice. She saw her mother’s fear. The closer it came to graduation and the more the two of them talked about what she would do after graduating, the more the thought lingered, I want to get into the Bureau like Dad. But she couldn’t utter that. She couldn’t say those words without tears welling up in her mother’s eyes.
Ivy suspected her mother always knew about the desires. Ivy didn’t remember all the nights clearly, but sometimes she’d peek out her bedroom door and see the glow of the light downstairs. Ivy followed it, side stepping the creaky fourth step from the top and from between the banister’s she’d find her dad sitting at the dining room table. The kitchen light glowed from behind him and his tie would barely hang on around his neck.
“Boo,” he’d say quietly, knowing the slight shuffle of Ivy’s feet.
“How’d you know I was there, Daddy?” she’d ask, carrying herself the rest of the way down the stairs and make her way through the living room to climb into his lap.
“I can hear your feet above me,” he’d respond, pointing above them.
And they’d spend an hour, sitting at the dining room table. Ivy asked about her dad’s latest trip. He only ever told her when she was young that they were helping save people, putting bad people away. Ivy wonders if this is where it started. If this was where her father casted the spell, leaving Ivy somehow starry eyed about what it really was he did. Ivy would always look at this job with a little bit of that hope that her younger self had, and she’d always be fucked to never be able to walk away from this line of work.
It would kill her--much like it had killed her dad. But unlike him, she’d see the bullet spiral out of the barrel. Her dad had her and her mother to get back too. It wasn’t a weakness. Ivy admired her father for sticking with his dreams and also making the hard calls to make sure his family knew he cared too. But the need to decide would always be a slight hindrance, would always be the key to living or dying in this line of work.
All that’s left of her father, besides the memories and a few of his old t-shirts that got remade into pillows, is the whiteboard she keeps at her desk. There’s a whiteboard for the entire team to use of course. But this whiteboard is the one that her father used in his office. The one where he made his notes, scribbles. The one she’d write notes to him in the bottom left corner that never disappeared until she wanted to replace the note with something new.
“Thomas, look alive, and enjoy.” The manilla folder hits her desk with a quiet thwack. Ivy blinks from the whiteboard up to her senior officer. Kennedy carries on, dropping folders on every desk and each one of them stands without needing any further prompting.
Kennedy’s been in the field for years. It was all over his face with the deep frown lines. His brow seemed permanently furrowed, as if he questioned every waking second. Ivy liked to tease he worried even about sleep. But no one could sink a decade and a half into this line of work and not come out on the other side with a healthy amount of suspicion.
“And where’s this new guy?” Kennedy asks, glancing over the office.
Ivy looks up from her copy of the file. She heard rumors of someone else coming by the office, assisting them occasionally on cases. But those rumors floated around weeks ago, long enough that she chalked it up to just that--rumors. It doesn’t shock her though. Things start at rumors often, and sometimes they come to fruition and sometimes they don’t. Ivy follows Kennedy’s eyeline and doesn’t spy any new faces.
“Want me to keep an eye out for any lost souls?” Ivy offers, glancing back up to Kennedy.
“Nah, I need your eyes on this one. Head up to the conference room and I’ll be there once he shows up.”
With a nod, Ivy closes the file. She swipes the whiteboard from her desk with a couple markers and heads up to the conference room. The rest of the team sat flipping through their files too, Jenkins sitting right near the front but moved down one seat. They’re not new, having been around for a couple years. But Ivy can tell their type--getting in chummy with the boss, trying too hard. They’re a good addition, but Ivy’s waiting for the day they take a hunch and it doesn’t lead to the results they want. A loss will show their true colors, how well they can handle being wrong sometimes. No one on the team is perfect, they’re all hedging bets. Ivy’s taken her lumps of hunches being made too late, or the wrong bets placed. They’re not often. No one likes them. But they happen.
Diaz, Russell, and Burke and scattered throughout the rest of the table. The three of them have been there longer than Ivy. But they all accepted her with open arms. Diaz and Burke were more muscular. They had the brains to match, but they came up the pipeline from their local PD departments and aren’t afraid to get into a tussle. More often than not, Ivy winds up pulling Burke from fights than she’d care to admit. Diaz’s much too big for Ivy to attempt physically restraining, so she referee’s those fights that he gets into.
Russell’s their man behind the screen. He was good at getting through the internet loops, figuring out how to sort databases for the information they need without so much red tape and delay. He preferred to stay behind the lines, but could handle a tussle. Ivy doesn’t count herself as the brains. But her gut had some sort of true north needle that, more often than not, was right. She could see patterns faster than most, could sniff the air after someone and assess how much she could and wanted to trust. Kennedy consulted her often. Whenever she felt like she had something, he’d hush the crowd for her to formulate the full thought. Kennedy didn’t always agree with her assessment, but had to listen to it. He needed to listen to it.
“Nope,” Russell huffs, shutting the folder. “Fucking hell. Kennedy told me it was rough, but I didn’t--I didn’t think it was this rough.”
Ivy settles in next to him sliding him a marker. She draws roughly a tic-tac-toe board. “It not getting easier for you is a good sign.”
Russell makes his first move, the marker squeaking just a little. Ivy follows up with hers. She knows if she makes it too obvious, too easy, Russell will forfeit the game. So she tries to play along, like she’s vying to win.
Russell places his second X though his hands shake just a hair. “Yeah, but compared to you guys, I feel like if someone took a gnarly enough shit it would make me queasy.”
“A bad enough shit could do that to anyone,” Diaz pipes in, his own folder still open but his forearms pressed down over the photographs. Russell’s been around the block, definitely seem some rough things, but has always had a softer view of the world. Still wants it to be good despite all the bad he’s seen.
Ivy places down her second O, noticing the pretty obvious wide open spot she left Russell but looks up to Diaz. “I think I heard through the grapevine you were on the losing end of one of those shits yesterday,” she teases.
Diaz reclines into his seat, his chest bouncing with his laughter. “All because of your cooking Thomas.”
“My cooking is not that bad,” she defends, the cap of her black marker pointing him out.
Burke snickers too with a shake of her head and opens her mouth to speak but the room fills with the voice of Kennedy. “Aren’t y’all old enough to be left alone not to talk about shit for five minutes?”
“Never too old to talk shit, sir,” Diaz returns, his smile lifting only half his face up. He’s a charmer, whenever they go out to bars out manage to get a moment’s peace not hounded by work, he never seems to be at a lack of folks coming up to him. He’s already got a girl, but with the hair that cascades always neatly placed and the dazzling bright grin, anyone could fall for it.
Kennedy huffs his laughter quickly and then shuffles deeper into the room. “We’ve got a new friend, so let’s play nice.” As Kennedy makes head way, Ivy notices the man behind him. He’s tall. The black dress pants and black dress shirt don’t hide everything beneath them, but Ivy’s not too shocked to see people who work in the field like that with some sort of muscular physique. There’s something about his face though--something about the way his brown eyes dart around the room and his smile never shows any teeth that something familiar tugs at her.
Kennedy goes around the table introducing Ivy first, then going to Russell, coming down to Jenkins, Diaz, and then Burke. Each one of them lifts a hand or nods at their name. “This here is Hood, Calum Hood. Joining us as a new liaison.”
Ivy’s no good with faces sometimes. But names she hardly ever forgets. Hood, she met him once a few years back at a lecture. Not that she did them often, but Kennedy got more face time. But he made sure to spread the love between the team. He asked her to tag along. Calum must’ve been in the crowd, had to be, and had to have asked a question because Kennedy told her to remember that name. And she had.
Kennedy continues on with something. Ivy suspects he’s warning Diaz to keep any hazy tactics to a minimum considering how much of a mess they’re walking into. Ivy nods once more at him, and then faces back to the whiteboard, the tap on her arm prompting her too. I’m a scaredy cat sure, but not dumb, it reads in Russell’s handwriting. She spies his X in the bottom corner, opposite of where he would’ve won.
“Pull up a seat, Hood. We’ll have more time for pleasantries once we’re up in the air. But I want everyone to at least be familiar with this case.”
“Yes, sir.” His voice is smooth, Ivy notes. A soft volume and accented but smoother than she would’ve pegged.
The team breaks down the file, recapping mostly what they’ve already read but Kennedy’s old fashioned this way, needing to make sure people have done their homework. It’s an extra step than completely necessary, but having the quick meetings has always made this team feel more like a second family. There’s always a common goal in mind for them and they’re always reminded of it. No matter what happens out in the field, they all want the same thing.
“We soar in forty-five minutes. So let’s hope wheels can turn in the air. Hood, I need you to keep in mind the local PD’s been taking a lot of heat for the last couple of months. So we don’t want to take too much star power, we’re only here to assist and whatever we can do to put the local’s good grace back onto that PD we need to.”
Not quite what she expected, though with his demeanor and looks, he’s sure to work a crowd or newsroom well. She’s sure he’ll be on the ground with them too.
“Understood,” he replies and with that, all of them push away from the table. “Agent Thomas,” Hood says, reaching out almost as if to touch her elbow but never actually do it. He continues to speak once she looks over to him. “I-I don’t know if you remember. But we met at a lecture a couple years back that you held with Agent Kennedy. And I just wanted to say that I’m excited to be here, working with you all.”
“Thomas, here, does not respond well to flattery. Trust, we’ve all tried,” Diaz laughs, clamping down on Hood’s shoulders.
“I appreciate it,” Ivy responds. “Glad to have a fresh mind on the team.” There’s no smile, at least, not one she’d give Russell, Burke, Diaz, or even Jenkins. But Calum watches her give another curt nod with a quick quirk of her lips, and then leave, stacking her file on top of the whiteboard.
“Don’t sweat it. She’s in work mode,” Diaz assures. “We get off the clock and she’s a hoot. But on the clock, it’s strictly business. I will warn you, Thomas will burn you.”
Calum’s left, watching Diaz, Burke, and Russell leave. Jenkins turned tail the second Kennedy got done. It’s not that he wants to mix business with pleasure. He’s just been studying Thomas, attending as many lectures that she gives as he can. She didn’t always go directly by the book, there was something about her method that used the evidence, used science, but also had some sort of intuition. Thomas just knew things and when attempting to quantify it, she didn’t always have the words for it. Calum just wants to see that in action, understand what it is about knowing that isn’t always present in the facts.
The plane ride is comfortable. Plenty of seats even though they squeak just a little. Calum watches Thomas sit and everyone seems to sit spread out from there, keeping her at some sort of center. “Mobile. They don’t mind the hustle,” Ivy starts.
“Crossing state lines is risky, especially after the escalation,” Burke interjects.
“But wouldn’t that be a reason for it? If all the crimes look different, enough crossing state lines might make the unsub feel confident, like they’re getting away with something.” The entire plane turns to look at him. Calum freezes for a moment. He knows better. He knows so much better than that. Fuck.
“Valid. But we shouldn’t settle. Travel might be part of their job. We’ve got a good cluster to possibly estimate a home base. Get comfortable, perfect the craft here and then spread out. But why come back? Local PD's hadn't quite connected anything, until the return. More families, found exactly the same. Even when they cross state lines, all points wind back to a specific geographical location,” Burke returns.
“Hood, you got the inside of the media. What does it look like?”
Thirty minutes of his forty five was making sure that he could at least nail down this run through. And it’s easy, even with the squeak of Ivy’s dry erase marker, to run down the media reports, what information has been released and what hasn’t been released. He makes note of what the team doesn’t want to get out and what they do want to keep available to the public.
All the while, Calum watches the way Ivy writes over her board, the squeak over and over on specific strokes. He wonders for a moment what she’s writing, what it is that she needs to keep written track of. But he doesn’t get a chance to fully flesh out that thought before he finishes his spill and Diaz cuts in. They’re fast, not quite settling on any one theory. More like compiling the possibilities, not wanting to eliminate things but ranking how plausible they all could be until the pieces click.
The first thing after the flight lands, they head for the precinct. The lead investigator greets them, and there’s no pause. They’re pulled into the frenzy, looking at boards. Calum tries to keep his head in the game, but he is watching Ivy. The way she settles in her chair, her marker always moving. He’s not even sure it’s words anymore, just a constant circular movement. Sure he’s here to help regulate media outlets, and he can do that in his sleep if local PD and media follow his instructions to a T.
But he needs an in, to show he’s more than just the new meat on the chopping block. He’s worth something. “Is the last crime scene still available?” Calum asks.
The room turns to him, well most of the room does. Ivy keeps circling, but she speaks. “The plan’s to go in ten minutes. Whatever’s got you preoccupied, leave it in your go bag.”
Kennedy chuckles, tapping at her foot. “Give the kid a break. He was buried in news coverage the second we got into the door. But Hood, shake the cobwebs. This isn’t your small town’s rodeo anymore. If you need to be caught up, ask. But if you’re going to be in the room, keep those ears open.”
A task easier said than done, but he nods, resting his elbows on his knees. God, they’re going to think I’m an idiot. The room goes back to its normal buzz, but Calum keeps his head buried in his hands.
“Talk to me. What are your theories?”
Calum lifts his head. Ivy’s closer now. He can see the black marks on her hand from where she’s held it up against the swirls and lettering. “Clearly I’m barely treading water here.”
“First day nerves, but you can shake it. You wanted to see the crime scene. Why?”
“Why there? We have indications that the unsub spent a lot of time there, even with the interruptions they've seemed to caused. They're still meticulous. I want to follow their steps. What did they do first? And why? What do they need from a crime scene before it’s done?”
“Good. But what else?”
“What-what do you mean what else?”
She smiles, much different than the first one. It shows her teeth, a bit of a twinkle in her eyes. “What else?”
He goes quiet, reclines back into the seat and closes his eyes for a second. What else? There’s a lot else. “I mean, the next obvious thing is why these victims? But besides that, how comfortable is this person? Do they feel a need to be rushed, fast, get-in-get-out or can they blend in? I have a hunch they can blend in. Maybe people even trust them. They are perfectly ordinary and in essence, they have to be in order for the fantasy to work. Detection means they have to get sloppy. Being sloppy’s not an option, so blending in it is.”
“Bring that to the crime scene.” Something taps his knee and Calum cracks open his eyes to see her, standing. Her whiteboard still gently rests against his knee. She’s not looking at him though. Her gaze is locked onto the board next to him, displaying the crime scene photos.
“What’s your secret?” Calum asks. He’s almost positive she didn’t hear him due to Ivy’s lack of prompt response. But then she turns to him.
“Thomas, Hood, you comin’ or what?” Kennedy calls. “I can deal without Diaz, but I need you, Thomas.”
“I’ll remember that,” Diaz laughs as they walk through the glass doors of the precinct.
It’s not Calum’s first time at a crime scene. But the second Calum steps through the door a chill runs through him. The carpet and walls are still bloodstained. Everything about it the scene just feels wrong, makes Calum want to immediately step back out of the house.
“You feel that?” Burke asks. She continues on deeper into the house, slipping into her gloves.
“This is when Thomas says she’s too Black for all this and gets the hell out of dodge,” Diaz barks. He squats down to the blood on the carpet. Ivy’s already deep into the house, seemingly guided by a force unwillingly to let her go. She doesn’t respond verbally, just lifts her hand, the middle finger extended out in the general direction of Diaz.
And Calum is standing near the threshold of the door, trying to pinpoint why it feels so cold in a house in Texas in the middle of the summer. His hands feel sticky even inside the latex gloves. His first step is shaky but he stops next to Diaz. “There are drag marks from the blood,” Calum notes. “This isn’t where they were killed, just staged.”
“The unsub staged all the victims here in the living room. We know that. Pictures show the parents at the ends of the sofa, children in the middle, dog on the floor.”
“But there’s blood on the walls. We know the Dad’s 6’1,” Calum returns.
“And we don’t have forced entry. So, whoever is wreaking havoc isn’t threatening enough for someone not to answer the door.”
Calum turns to the sofa where the family was found. “It’s picturesque, poetic even. You’ve got a whole family right here, at your will. They knock on the door. It’s dusk, sun’s just starting to set.”
“They have a ruse that gets them inside. We already know they have to blend in with the community. So what can you use to get into a house? Who gets into a house without a problem?”
Diaz goes into the kitchen where in the case file it mentions when the family was finally discovered food was still out on the table. “The window doesn’t have to last long. But it has to be just right. All three families were either eating dinner, or just done with dinner. So why dinner time?” Diaz turns from the stove to face Calum.
“It’s when everyone is together. They’re not just going after a family, but very specific family dynamics. Which means both parents need to present, two kids seems to be a minimum.”
“What’s the average dinner time you’d say? With this job, I eat whenever I fucking can. But before this, excluding people like us, when is the average person sitting down to eat?”
“6, 6:30 I’d guess. That’s assuming the average person is working a job that calls it at 5PM. A town like this is either on the verge of collapsing or being bought out. So I assume a lot of people are traveling outside to the city for work, so the commute might be even later. But I wouldn’t hazard any guesses that our unsub’s just haphazardly picking houses.”
“No, no, you’re right, Hood,” Diaz states, walking over to the table. “I guess what I’m saying is the timing. No one hears anything. But our unsub’s using a gun. That’s not quiet. And there’s not a lot of city noise this far out. They’re spending hours in the house and somehow getting out undetected. But striking at dinner time, with the setting sun, means this person’s around outside the house. But no one’s noticed anything out of the ordinary.”
“Hunting seasons,” Calum returns. “No one really flinches at the sound of a gun shot because people are hunting year ‘round here.”
“And it seems like humans are on the menu.”
“An appetizing thought.”
Ivy’s not sure when the chill finally left over the course of the day but it returns when she walks into the precinct and sees the entire room in a frenzy. Kennedy spies her and it’s just a look. Not much different than his resting face, but somehow she knows with that slight arch in his eyebrow. Another family--while they were proding over photos the killer was already moving on, already in the midst of their attack.
And it shouldn’t shock her. Well, to be more accurate, it doesn’t shock her and maybe that’s the thing that scares her. “I’ve been doing this too damned long,” she mutters to herself. “Hood, you’re with me. Get the address and let’s see what that gut of yours cooks up.”
“How’d--Is Kennedy going to be okay with that? The call just came in a few minutes ago.”
“Get the address and tell me how you like your coffee,” Ivy says. Kennedy’s going to come to the scene anyway, but she doesn’t tell Calum that.
There’s not another word before Calum passes in front of her. “Cream and two sugars,” he answers as he goes.
“So Black, got it.”
Paused at the desk of a detective, he looks over his shoulder. “Cream and two sugars,” he re-emphasizes with a tiny smile and holding up two fingers. Police station coffee’s never the best, but it’s better than nothing. When on a case, time is also imperative and they take what they can. Ivy fixes Calum’s cup first, slipping a lid on and keeping the stirrer through the hole. She pours her cup with no additions.
“Not even creamer? Not one?” Calum questions.
“Takes too much time,” she returns. “Burke, you staying?”
“Yeah, Russell got those files over just before the call came in. Besides that crime scene’s bound to be crowded as all hell and I swear if I walk into another house and catch a chill after seven years of doing this job, I just might quit.”
The two ladies laugh. Ivy recovering first to respond, “I need you to keep me sane even though you’re just as much trouble as Diaz.”
“Which is why I’m going to say here, work with Russell. We’re going to need Hood back before the 5’oclock news. Whatever you find at the scene will help solidify our profile and we need it soon. We need the hands on this clock, because it’s ticking ahead of us.”
Ivy nods. It’s no fun being behind. “Kennedy, we’re moving or we’re dying.”
“I trust you. There’s something off about that last one that I want to walk through again.”
“Let’s rock and roll,” she says to Calum, handing him his cup of coffee. “Mr. Cream-and-Two-Sugars.”
The drive is relatively short, all thanks to Ivy’s lead foot. But they need to get there fast, while things are still fresh.
“Did you always want to do this?” Calum asks in the silence of their drive. The radio doesn’t even play. Ivy knew he had questions. He wore them on his face, brows furrowing anytime he was the slightest bit hesitant about something.
“I don’t think I had a choice.”
“What do you mean you didn’t have a choice? We’ve all got choices.”
“My dad worked with the FBI until it killed him. And I think about how he used to tell me it was his job to help put bad people in jail. And I believed him.”
“The bug bit you before you even had a fighting chance.”
Ivy nods, taking a quick glance to Calum. “But if I had a prettier face, I’d stick with liaison too.”
Calum huffs out his laughter. “I went the journalism route first, sue me. Besides, that’s you admitting you think I have a pretty face.”
“I forget faces—so don’t think too highly of it. And I’m probably old enough to be your mother. You attended some lectures, I remembered your name. How’d you convert?”
It’s silent for a moment and Calum contemplates her statement, old enough to be his mother. “Given that my mother has shared her fountain of youth with my sister and I, you might be shocked to know I’m nearing 30. And I converted because of you and your work under Kennedy and his old superior Rogers.”
“All the greats,” Ivy teases, but she doesn't sound impressed. More like tired, used to it.
“But you’re different.”
“Yeah, because somehow the Bureau hasn’t realized their mistake.”
“Mistake?” Calum asks around his sip of coffee.
“Kennedy’s going to retire soon. He's done 15 with our unit. Another ten prior to that climbing through the ranks. Then they’re going to have to find a replacement.”
“You say that like it won’t be you.”
“Because it won’t.”
“You’ve been with Kennedy for so long. He’s obviously going to recommend you, Ivy.”
“He can recommend but people higher up get the final word.”
The truck stops just in front of the house, and Calum knows the most logical thing to do is just focus on the case, walk the scene. Do his job. But he reaches across the console and wraps his fingers around hers for a second with a squeeze. “You’ll get it. They’d be dumb not to bring you to the head of this team.”
“There’s an altar or a shrine. It’s small.”
Calum pauses with his hand on the door. Ivy continues beside him. “Go to the eldest child’s bedroom. In a corner you’ll see the small shrine. Our unsub left one at the last house. And the house before, I’d bet. And this house too. That’s what Kennedy missed. What other cops missed too. Make sure you get it photographed. Besides, I’ve been doing this job too long and don’t know if I’d even want the added responsibility if they promoted me.”
“How’d we miss that?”
“We didn’t miss shit. We saw it when we needed to see it. We see things when we need them.” It's the way she says it, like she has to believe that makes Calum believe too.
The sight rocks Calum--he knew it wouldn’t be easy. But he didn’t know it’d hit him like this. The room spins, just a little. And his heart racing. Mostly because he can’t stand the thought that this could be someone he knows. These people weren’t anticipating their would be like this. And what does that even mean for him? What does his end look like?
“Hey, whoa. Whoa.” An arm comes around his waist and he follows the lead of whomever’s grabbed him.
“I’m okay,” he breathes out. “I’m okay.”
“Yeah, I’m a fudge brownie. It’s okay to not be alright in there.”
Calum rests against the side of the house and squats down just a little. His elbows hit his knees. His breath is heavy, falls from his open mouth almost like he’s going to vomit. But his stomach’s not churning anymore. Not with the fresh morning air hitting his lungs. “Fuck,” he breathes out again, eyes blurring just a little.
“But you’re okay. Take a breather.” Ivy’s shoes turn up in the dirt. "Get him a water, will ya? Hood, take a minute. It's alright. I'll be inside when you're ready." Calum just watches her go. It takes a moment for him to lift his head. It has to get easier. Or least he hopes it does. It takes him a minute, inhaling deeply before he stands up straight.
The rest of them processing the scene goes by in relative silence. Occasionally, Calum pipes in with an addition to their theory. Ivy hums in agreement. And it’s not until they step out and slip out of their gloves that Ivy says anything. “This is why I drink my coffee black.”
“I’m sorry. I really--I don’t know why this one got me.”
“It’s the kids. Kids are the worst.”
Calum looks up to the sky. There’s a few clouds, but not many. “The photos are bad, but in person is way different.”
Ivy watches Calum, the way it takes him a second to come back to earth it seems. “Don’t ask yourself if it gets easier.” When his gaze lands hers, she can see the furrowed brow again. The question drips off his face. “You’ll only disappoint yourself. And this job’s not for the weak of heart. For the people that can’t take some losses with the wins.”
“You said it yourself. You wanted to put the bad people away.”
“Eight year old me wants to believe it’s as easy as putting the monsters away. Thirty-one year old me knows for a fact what the losses are, who gets caught in the cross-fire. It’s not easy, not in the slightest.”
“Innocent lives do add up.”
“Which is why I try not to do math on the job. They all slip up. They all reach a point where their methods don’t satiate the need. They all make a fatal flaw and counting the unfortunate lives on the way to that will have you walking from the Bureau faster than you can blink.”
“So what makes you stay? If it’s all so fucking bad, what keeps you going?”
Ivy nods to the car, pulling the keys from her pocket. “We need to solidify our profile and you need to run press ASAP. But to answer your question, the thing that keeps me going is that fact that they do get caught eventually.”
Eventually seems to come up faster than Calum anticipates. He was sure it would take weeks. After getting back to the precinct more information in Russell’s digging found a connection between all the families, a Venn diagram that overlapped to their X on the map. Another couple of days and it all unravelled. It’s a blur, when he tries to think back to it, on the plane. The only grounding thing is when one of the children, a little girl about 6, pointed out the tattoos on his hands. In all this time, he was sure the tattoos would be a barrier to entry--they’d somehow put him in a place that others would think he was nothing but trouble. But somehow, despite the terror she had done through, that little girl liked his tattoos, found some sort of comfort in them.
When he told her they were for his parents, she smiled at him. She said she wanted one for her parents too and then asked if he had anymore and how old he was when he got them. All of which Calum was more than happy to answer while the medic checked over her. Her older brother came soon after, asking a few questions, but overall he was much quieter than his sister. Understandable for what was endured. In the end, Calum’s just glad he didn’t see them staged on a couch, bleeding out onto the cushions.
There’s a small bit of turbulence and the shakes cause Calum to open his eyes for a moment. Ivy’s seated across from him, whiteboard on her lap, headphones in her ears. A tic-tac-toe grid drawn across it in the middle, but in the corners are some swirls, a crude drawing of the shrine from the case. Calum leans forward and tugs on the board just a little. She lets it go without a fight and hands over the marker.
Calum makes an ‘X’ in the top left. “You said this job doesn’t get easier.” He looks up to see if Ivy can hear him and is relieved when she pops out one her headphones. She raises her brows like she wants him to continue with the thought. And Calum’s not even sure he should. Instead, he hands over the board back to her. If seeing death doesn’t get easier, then maybe it just means he gets better at it. Maybe it means that not being okay with death is a good motivator to keep down this path.
“The job doesn’t get easier. You’re still human. You still want a spouse and a kid. You might want two dogs and a cat. You might want that white picket fence one day. You’ll want to close your eyes and not see death. You’ll want to walk down the street and see humans as humans again. You’ll have nightmares. Don’t hide from it. Nothing’s wrong with you for wanting that. But we’re in a world now where we see the horrors--what’s on the other side of everything you wanted. It’s a liminal space and it’s heavy to wade through.”
“I just want to not freak like I did the other day. It’s not easy. But sometimes I fear that maybe I bit off more than I could chew.”
Their game of tic-tac-toe has been forgotten, placed in the seat next to Ivy as she leans forward in her seat. “You said you were converted because of me. What exactly about me was it?”
“You just know things. When you walk onto a scene, you have an air of knowing. How can you just pick up on it in a snap?”
“Well,” Ivy laughs, “if that’s the only reason you want in, I warn you to get out.”
“I want to help. I want to save people,” Calum adds on. But then it hits him. Maybe this wasn’t the business of saving people as much as it was stopping people. Sure, they prevent future murders, but that didn’t always negate for all the lives lost. But they did save that family today. He saved that little girl that wants tattoos like his. “I want to save people and I want to stop people as well,” he finally adds on.
“There will always be monsters in this world,” Ivy warns.
“And there will always be heroes.”
“Make no mistake, Calum. We don’t have capes. We don’t swoop in all the time at just the right moment. Sometimes we are late. Sometimes we’re reacting more than we are being proactive. Sometimes we fuck up.”
His heart stops for just a moment at the mention of his first name. He’s always Hood, or at least has always been Hood. Just like she’s always Thomas to the team. But she said his first name. Unmistakably so. “Did-did you just use my first name?”
“You used my first name, first.”
When had he done that? He didn’t recall, but he couldn’t combat it either.
“Look,” Ivy continues, “the fact remains. We will fail. We will make the wrong call, or the right call just by the skin of our teeth. We will walk down the wrong direction only to figure out, we know it’s the wrong one. We get it right. A lot more often, we get it right and we minimize the death count. But we’re human--you don’t have to take it on if you don’t want. You don’t have to suffer.”
“If I don’t suffer and win, then that little girl suffers and loses. Then the next person loses. And the next. Their suffering or mine--the choice is clear.”
Ivy studies Calum for a moment. She sees the resolve on his face. Just how much sacrificing himself is a no brainer for him. It was a no brainer for her too. But admittedly, she was cursed. Maybe Calum wasn’t. Maybe she could save him, even if she couldn’t save herself. But she wasn’t in the business of saving people, only stopping them.
“I can’t stop you, can I?” she asks.
“Stop me from what?”
“Stop you from killing yourself with this job.”
“If it’s killing you, then why don’t you leave?” His head cocks to the side, now intrigued by her honesty.
“It’s like you said, I got bit before I could escape. I’m cursed. Are you?”
The little girl flashes through his vision again, and his chest tightens for a second before the relief kicks in. He could chase that feeling, the knowledge that he saved someone, one person. And that he helped put away one more person causing harm. “I am now. Ruined--because even though I can’t save them all. I can save some. I can help keep some people safe. I don’t think there’s a better reward than that.”
With a nod, Ivy looks back to their game on the whiteboard. They would’ve tied, she can see it after where she placed her ‘O’. But she hands it back over to Calum. “Kennedy’s going to shit himself when he realizes he’s got too hard heads on his team.”
“You’ll shit yourself when you realize you’re inheriting the second hard-head on the team after Kennedy leaves.”
Ivy scoffs. Of course, Calum still believes in the shiny idea that hard work yields rewards. “And this is where I can still tell you’re new to this--the dreams are still shiny and ideal.”
“All the work you’ve invested, they’d be--”
Ivy interrupts him. “I know, they’d be dumb not to.”
“Then why do you keep saying it won’t happen?”
“I’d call my pessimism a curse. But at this point, I think it’s a personality trait and the truth.”
“And let me guess, this is why you take your coffee black too.”
Ivy winks at him before her smile takes over her face. “You know it.”
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Atualização: No body, no crime
Escrita por: Beatriz
" Engoliu em seco ao se lembrar da voz preocupada de Calum, os suspiros fracos de quem estava cansado e o coração gigante de quem se preocupava com o caso, Hailey sentia a dor, em proporções menores e ainda assim doía. Aquela ligação era o passado e o presente bagunçando sentimentos que Hailey sabia que existiam e dores que ela sentia."
Leia aqui. 🗝
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xmeetyoutherex · 6 years
Agents in Training
FBINat!Calum x FBINat!Reader
“Welcome to the FBI academy at Quantico, I’m special agent James Wood, congratulations you made it in.” Y/N could tell the guy standing up on the stage was slightly hungover, but she was more intrigued in the woman standing next to him.
“Now, let’s see if you can survive. I’m Special agent Amanda Shaw,” Y/N couldn’t believe it, “The state of this country is more precarious than it’s ever been. Not only are there more threats than ever before, but most of those threats don’t come from known organizations or extremist groups, but our own backyard. A neighbor you grew up next to, a one-night stand you had, even a family member. You applied here to protect your country from those threats, but while your ideals and test scores got you in the door, they won’t be enough to keep you here. The FBI Academy is the toughest boot camp and hardest grad school rolled into one. It isn’t college. It is life and death.” Standing at the front of the auditorium was the highest-ranking female agent in the history of the FBI. Despite this Y/N’s focus was being pulled from the speech Shaw was giving.
The girl next to her whispered, “She’s so warm.”
“Men show weakness and they’re ‘enlightened.’ Women show weakness and it’s over. She doesn’t have time to be warm,” Y/N mused with a slight smile. She saw where the girl next her was coming from, but you don’t get to where Shaw was with being warm and friendly.
“So if we do really well here, best case scenario is ending up a sexless, heartless, pontificating robot?” Y/N honestly couldn’t help but chuckle at the blondes’ realization.
“Worked for Hillary.”
They both turned around to see who made that comment, only Y/N got distracted by the guy sitting next to the culprit. She didn’t even realize she was staring until she heard the scoff that escape the woman next her. When she noticed the smirk that was etched on the man’s face Y/N snapped her head to the front and refocused on the real reason she’s in this room this morning.
“Each class of new agent trainees, or NATs, is assigned a staff counselor. Yours is Special Agent James Wood. It’s his job over the next twenty weeks to make sure no one graduates who doesn’t meet Bureau standards. Statistically, that’s half. The rest of you will fail out over the course of this training – and never be allowed to re-apply. So, if you pass me in the hall and wonder why I haven’t bothered to learn your name, now you know.”
All the NATs looked around to see who else they were up against, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel nervous when her eyes met the cold eyes of the man who had been smirking at her less than a minute ago.
A/N: This story is largely based off of the TV show Quantico, and I couldn’t think of a better way to start it so it is basically the same opening from the show. But it will still be different from the show yet the same if you know what I mean. All ideas I still give credit to ABC writers. I am only making this cause I mean imagine Calum as a FBI agent. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO BE IN A TAGLIST?? AND WHAT YOU THINK OF THE STORY.
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nine-butterflies · 3 years
5sos in their alien era while im still in my x files phase is such a dangerous game
0 notes
cosmicmemory · 3 years
calum hood x fem! reader
requests are open!
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liked by calumhood, kaykay, and others
yourinstagram you don’t know what u do to me..
View all 49,194 comments
calumhood Took those on my phone.
calumsgirl you have my heart
kaykay you’re stunning.
unofficialcal oh, she cute!
ashtonirwin when you are dropping your song
5sauce shut up i love you so much
empathyhoodie rare aesthetic: y/n in her natural state
lukehemmings love you ❤️❤️
calumsfilms THE QUEEN IS BACKK
5sos 🤤😍
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liked by florencepugh, yourinstagram, and others
calumhood POV: you’re the concerned fbi going through y/ns texts.
View all 394,495 comments
yourinstagram i feel sorry for them 😕
y/nsfbiagent now y/n… what’s this photo? :(
calumandy/n lmao not the caption please
ashtonirwin grandma and grandpa vibes
y/nhatesme LMAOO ASH’S COMEMNT 😭
calumhoodupdates their relationship >>>
sierradeaton oh no! not the causal selfies
florencepugh wait this is iconic actually 😳
zoeisabellakravitz I kind of love this..
681 notes · View notes
yvaineseleneposts · 3 years
Out of my limit
This was requested by anonymous.
A/N: I tried my best to research everything, but I am almost sure that I got some details wrong. I really tried and I hope you like it! I also remembered that I watched “The Dirt” and I totally forgot about that.
Pairing: OC Stevie Joan Lee & Calum Hood
Words: 1k
Warning(s): swearing, mentions of drug use, angst (I guess)?
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Even before you were born, the world already knew who you were. You are named after rock stars just like your younger brothers, Stevie Joan Lee, daughter of the famous Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. Growing up you stayed away from the spotlights, people knew of you, but they didn’t know who the real Stevie Joan was. You tried to stay out of your father’s crazy lifestyle and for a while it worked. That was until you took a liking to a famous Australian based band called 5 Seconds of Summer… and to be even more specific a bass player called Calum Hood.
You swore on your life that you would never fall for an artist or even someone famous, seeing how your dad was. You loved that he got to do what he loved, but you hated how he was rarely home or how hard the rock star life was on his health. On the other hand, you went to school and tried to live as normal of a life as possible. You fangirled at concerts and fantasized about meeting 5sos. However, you could easily let your dad’s team call someone and have it arranged but seeing that you wanted to live a normal life, it stayed a fantasy. You know the guys from 5sos are big Mötley Crüe fans and a meeting could easily be arranged, but you didn’t want your dad interfering with your life and interests. You weren’t much of a spoiled brat, you paid for a lot of things yourself because you are a strong independent woman for fuck’s sake.
In 2019, you went to yet another 5 Seconds of Summer concert, your friend got the tickets for the two of you, and you couldn’t be happier. The tickets were general admission, meaning you were waiting in line way before the concert even started, so you could get to the front and admire Calum from up close. You had done this before by multiple of their concerts and every time you were more in awe of how gorgeous he was. It may sound absolutely weird as can be, but you were in love with him. Not the fangirl in love with him where you faint. No, I’m talking the whole butterflies in the stomach, can’t think straight when you see him, type of love.
That night you and your friend had made it to the front near the spot where Calum would be later on. What happened next felt like a fairytale or a fan fiction. Calum saw you and danced with you all night (him still on stage obviously) and invited you backstage after the concert. It wasn’t until you introduced yourself as ‘Stevie Joan’ that he realised you were Tommy Lee’s daughter. You exchanged numbers, three days later he asked you on a date, and you have been dating each other ever since. You never really got used to his lifestyle, it was far less crazy than your father’s, but it was crazy nonetheless. You joined him on tour whilst he was in America, during his visit to other countries you kept close contact.
You received a text from him saying that he was in Amsterdam with a photo attached of him smoking with the guys. You texted him back that he should be careful and that you missed him. After that you received a photo of them with a lot of girls, you weren’t blind you knew they had groupies and Calum had promised you that he would never do anything with them. However, this night you felt like something was different, he still hadn’t replied to your text saying that you missed him and the girl in the photo was a little too close to Calum to just be friendly. Instagram was the best for your own FBI investigation to whom this girl was. As soon as you typed in 5 Seconds of Summer more photos popped up from this night and from the nights before according to the timestamp underneath the photos. You know you shouldn’t have, but you began to read the comments.
“Good to see Calum finally enjoying himself”
“He should dump his girlfriend, she’s holding him back”
“He is only with her because of her father”
“I bet they aren’t even really dating”
Could that be true? Was he really dating you because of your father? What would he get out of it, more fame? You went insane that night. You tried calling him multiple times, but he never answered any of them. You tried to call Ashton as he was the only one you were close too besides Calum. He didn’t answer either, but you did get a text from him saying that he was sorry.
That night you went to bed and cried yourself to sleep. The next morning you did something you never thought you would do, you called your father. After speaking with him, you packed all your stuff from the flat you and Calum shared in LA and left to go to your father’s house. You welcomed you with open arms as you fell into them, sobbing. You really thought Calum was the one, but it turns out he wasn’t.
Calum went crazy in Amsterdam. He had seen the pictures that were taken last night, and he feared the most. He tried calling you so many times, he had even called your brothers, but they wouldn’t tell him anything. He couldn’t sleep in his own bed on his own, so he went to Ashton’s room. Ashton tried to console him but just like you had, he cried himself to sleep, but not before he saw Ashton send you a text. Was it really over?
Buy me a coffee
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mulletcal · 4 years
self care night -- a calum hood blurb.
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a/n: i got this request for a self care night where fans are being mean to the reader and calum helps take their mind off of it! sorry this is so short i was stuck kinda writing this
word count: 842
You had been doing well keeping your relationship with Calum a secret - no one outside of your trusted friend group or family knew about it.  All of your socials were now private, something you genuinely never thought you would have to do.  In the end though it made your mental health feel better knowing that people couldn’t see you and judge you.
It couldn’t stay a secret forever, though, and you knew that.  You had been fairly conscious being around the house when Calum was on a livestream, but today he had asked you to bring him tea, and who were you to say no? You thought the way you handed the mug to him you were out of the frame, but judging by the way Calum’s Twitter had blown up almost immediately you hadn’t done as well as you had thought.
He had tweeted something earlier in the day, and after that moment his mentions were flooded with questions of who did the hand belong to, because it didn’t look like Roy’s hand - how they knew that was beyond your realm of caring.  But the fandom, being filled with search talents that could rival the FBI were able to find you in no time; and since your socials were private, they began to harass friends of yours who didn’t think they’d need to do the same.
Pictures of you were on their profiles, and that was something that never occured to you when you were being overly cautious.  Immediately, people were attacking your looks, your motives, and your character.  You wished you could stop reading the hurtful words they were saying, but on top of everything else, the message requests didn’t stop coming in too.  It was too much, all too much, and you found yourself on the floor in front of the couch - having tried to paint your nails to distract yourself from what was going on; but it didn’t take long for the tears to flow. 
That’s how Calum found you nearly an hour later, sobbing into the blanket so he wouldn’t hear your cries - you didn’t want sympathy from him, because it wasn’t his fault.  The feeling of his arms around you eased your pain at first, but the panic crept back up into your throat because you knew that if you weren’t in the picture he wouldn’t have to deal with this.
“Baby, hey, look at me,” Calum whispered, “Where’s your phone?”
It had been placed behind you, a feudal attempt at encouraging yourself not to look at it. You motioned behind you, and Calum reached over to grab your phone, going in to delete all the apps on your phone where people could reach you, before turning your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’.
“What’re you doin’?” You hiccuped, tucking yourself into his side gently, being greeted by his soft hum of content.
“Deleted your apps, you don’t need to see that shit.  I’m gonna tweet something out, and then we’re gonna finish your nails and have a self care night, hm?”
“Cal, you don’t have to tweet-”
“No, I do.  Because people need to learn boundaries, and realize this shit isn’t okay.” He pouted, pressing his lips to your forehead, turning his attention to his phone.
‘Never did I think I’d need to write something to remind you all that not only my significant other, but the other guys too, are real people.  Words have power, and everyone should be more conscious of how they treat others.’
It was simple, to the point.  He could have said more, gone on a rant if he wanted to, but he knew that would do no good.  Right now his focus needed to be on the person in front of him.  Seeing you so distraught and sobbing, it broke his heart and he wanted nothing more to be able to kiss away the tears and make you feel better.
The rest of the night was spent painting your nails, and putting on your favourite movie.  At one point you asked Calum if he would let you paint his nails, and he couldn’t see a reason to say no.
So there the two of you were, laughing at The Neighbors  playing on the TV, your favourite long over and a bottle of bright blue nailpolish between the two of you.
“You know I love you right?” You said softly, finishing the coat on his last nail before turning your gaze up to him - it was a little difficult not to laugh at the cracked light green mask that was over his features.
Calum smiled in response, nodding, “Yes.  I love you too, you know that.  No one’s opinion is gonna change that.  They don’t know you like I do.” He leaned in, lips puckered for a kiss which you met gratefully.
You couldn’t help but to wonder how you got so lucky with this man, or wonder what you did to deserve him - but you also knew that you would never go without knowing how much he cared about you.
tag list:  @haikucal @talkfastromance4 @softbabiestan @boyfriend-cal @calum-uncrowned @wildflowerirwin @irwindoll @gosh-im-short @atlcalm @thesubtweeter @heavenisapeach @ridingcthood @loveroflrh @wokeupinjapanisabop @mantlereid @inlovehoodx @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga​
305 notes · View notes
malumsmermaid · 4 years
The Truth is Out There
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Back at it with another Collab Event headed by Laura and Steff!
Prompt: “Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met.”
Event Masterlist         My Masterlist       Buy me a Ko-Fi
My AU was Alien!Malum and I chose to do it as an X-Files AU, but you won’t have had to have watched The X-Files to understand what’s going on, however there are some spoilers.
Sourced some of my information from Cryptid Campfire, specifically the Bigfoot Mountain tome (eps 31-38) and Yuletide Yeti (ep. 63)
Warnings: X-Files Spoilers, male giving/receiving oral
Word Count: 5.4k
One: Missing 4-1-1
After years and years of working on the X Files, Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully were finally retiring. Over the past couple of years, Fox had been training up a fresh agent he’d met during a guest lecture at the FBI academy. Agent Mulder was there to talk about profiling in “extreme circumstance,” promising that the eager students could ask him questions pertaining to any other topic following lecture related questions. The first agent he called on, Michael Clifford, struck him with the earnest expression on his face as he asked about the X Files Project, but also with his appearance. His hair was dyed black, eyebrow pierced and an earring dangling from his earlobe, reminding him of his late friend, Langley.
The aged agent took to Agent Clifford quickly, taking the young man under his wing and teaching him all he had learned over the past thirty years. The more time he spent with the younger agent, the more he reminded him of Langley. His skill with computers, the clothes he would wear when they met up outside of the office, even a few of the new games he would describe when asked about them sounded like something Langley would’ve enjoyed. But there were also things that were distinctly Michael, which Mulder came to like about the younger agent, taking to him quicker than anyone he had met since the loss of The Lone Gunmen. 
After two years, Mulder and Scully both decided that it was finally time for them to retire, knowing that they were leaving the X Files in good hands. 
The day after Mulder and Scully’s retirement party Michael was back in his office...or rather closet. He’d been officially assigned to the X Files two weeks ago, to help with the transition period before Fox and Dana left. The small room felt strangely empty now that Michael was the only one in there. When the three of them all squeezed in there when Mulder wanted Michael’s opinion on something or over the past two weeks, Michael had found it hard to imagine having to do this before the files were digitized, when filing cabinets jutted out away from the walls. 
He was sitting behind Mulder’s desk, laptop in front of him, the camera covered by a piece of blue masking tape, files that Fox had asked him to go over open on the screen. Michael spent most of the morning fixated on reading through these different cases, only being pulled out of it by a gentle knock on the open door. 
He looked up, pushing his glasses up his nose to see who was interrupting him. His heart fluttered and stomach did a somersault when he laid eyes on the man occupying his doorway. Dark curls, glowing skin, and a jawline that Michael would kill to kiss were all he was able to process before the man had fully entered the room. He approached Michael’s desk, tattooed hand reaching out, “I’m Calum Hood, your new partner.” he stated, waiting for Michael to take his hand.
Michael rose to his feet, office chair rolling into the wall in his haste. “Hell of a way to ask a man out,” he joked as he shook Calum’s hand, lower lip rolling into his mouth when he realized he’d voiced that thought aloud.
Calum let out a good natured laugh at Michael’s response, smile pushing up his round cheeks and crinkling his eyes. Michael let out an anxious, relieved laugh, taking Calum’s hand and shaking it firmly. “So,” Michael started, “what happened to get you sent down here?”
Calum looked at Michael, slightly bewildered, releasing the blonde’s hand and going to lean on Scully’s desk. “Well, I finished up grad school back in May, getting my Masters in Zoology, so I was looking for a job because...student loans. Anyway, a couple weeks after graduation, I was checking my email for any responses from employers. And I found a job offer from the FBI. They said that they anticipated an opening coming up within the next few months and that they needed someone with my expertise to fill it. I didn’t know what they’d need a zoologist for, but I figured it was an offer and it definitely wasn't working at a grocery store and coffee shop to make ends meet, so I took it. Finished up at the academy two weeks ago and this morning while I was getting ready I got a call saying that I was to come here today, that I had been officially assigned to the X Files, and where to find you.”
Michael nodded, “So you’re going to be the Scully to my Mulder then,” he stated confidently. 
Calum hummed, slowly beginning to take in the office, “Suppose I am.” he started, eyes landing on the “I Want to Believe” poster Mulder had left behind. “So, do you really believe in this? Like, how did you end up here?”
Michael chewed his lip, shrinking behind Mulder’s desk. “I mean...I don’t think any of it is improbable. I’m much more interested in cryptids and mythical creatures than aliens and government conspiracies, though Mulder and Scully definitely got plenty of evidence of both of those, even if some of it did end up mysteriously destroyed or disappeared. But it is also hard to argue against aliens, especially with those videos that Tom DeLonge’s organization put out. Mulder claimed to have come across a mothman once, but I doubt that that’s what those creatures were. The description of the one Scully shot doesn’t match up with mothman at all, other than the red eyes. The things they encountered blended in with the forest surrounding them and didn’t fly. Mothman has wings, that’s why he’s called mothman! I just...don’t understand how Mulder came to that conclusion, may have argued with him over it a couple times.”
Michael continued to explain how he’d gotten involved with Mulder, how they’d become friends over the past two years, leading to Mulder requesting that Michael be moved to the X Files before his retirement, ensuring that someone would be able to continue his work under an official capacity, that the X Files wouldn’t become buried under dust like they had been before Mulder came along. “Anyway,” the blonde finally concluded, “I suppose since you’re here now, I should send you some of these files that I’m going through, get another perspective on them and all.”
Later that week Michael met up with Mulder after work. He smiled when the young agent came into the room, inviting him over to their corner table. “So, how’s working as a solo agent going?” Mulder asked once Michael had settled into the open seat.
Michael laughed softly, shaking his head. “I was a solo agent for maybe two hours. Sounds like they were planning for your retirement the second you both started talking about it. Agent Hood is pretty nice though, can’t wait to get more of his thoughts when we actually get out into the field.”
Mulder nodded, mouth twitching into half a smile. “Should’ve known they’d have someone to counteract you ready. He a doctor?” 
“Nah, zoologist. Probably best given my tendencies towards cryptids.”
Michael continued to sit there explaining everything he’d learned about Agent Hood in the past week, skipping out on the part where he found the other man incredibly attractive. Mulder sat there with rapt attention, nodding along as Michael detailed their discussions about the files that Mulder had left for him.
They left the bar a couple of beers later, Mulder giving a stern reminder about not trusting people before they parted, slipping Michael a piece of paper as they gave each other a handshake and hug.
After a couple of years working together, Michael and Calum were incredibly close. They were out in the field, staking out the office of a man that they were told would provide a lead on a young boy who’d gone missing in Virginia’s Shenandoah National Park, who Michael believed may have been taken by a bigfoot. Once again, Michael was explaining to Calum how a bigfoot could possibly be the culprit in this situation. 
“Look, there are different variations of bigfoot sighted on every continent except Antarctica. Among them there are three different types of yetis, differentiated by both size and color, in a single mountain range. So I’d say, biologically, it would be safe to assume that in a country as large and differentiated in climates as the US, it makes sense that there would be variations in Sasquatches in different parts of the country. As I’ve mentioned before, the classic bigfoot descriptions that we’ve gotten from the Patterson-Gimlin film and other sightings in the Pacific Northwest are different from sightings in other parts of the country. Generally, East Coast Sasquatches are smaller than their West Coast counterparts, less….thicc, for a lack of a better word, and for some reason ones in Florida are particularly pungent, hence them being called skunk apes.
“There are cases of children who’ve gone missing in the same circumstances this child has, being found in caves or places that they couldn’t have possibly reached in the amount of time they’ve been missing, at least not on their own. And some of those kids say that they were rescued by a large, hairy man, or a bear, like that kid in North Carolina a year or two ago. The question is, do bigfoots see this small, helpless child and take them in to take care of them and set them out where they can be found when they hear searchers nearby, or do they just see them and go “ooh cute” and then the kid wanders away while the bigfoot that picked it up is out foraging.”
“That’s all well and good Michael.” Calum started, a smile playing across his lips at the joke he was about to make, “But couldn’t it just as easily be aliens?”
“It’s plausible.” Michael said, missing Calum’s joke. “There are even some people who actually believe that, because there are occasionally UFO sightings around the same time as a surge in bigfoot sightings, that perhaps bigfoot is extraterrestrial. I personally don’t think that, I think they’re just a terrestrial species we need to protect and study further, maybe they’re just as interested in the strange lights in the sky as we are…...wait there’s our guy.”
Calum looked out the window and across the street, nodding as he spotted the man that had been described to them. He jumped when he realized that Michael was already out of the car and striding across the street. He easily caught up with the blonde, the pair of agents walking side by side as they approached. 
“Hey doc!” Michael called, reaching into his pocket for his badge as the man ahead of them turned, “Federal a--” the man took off, ducking down a side street. “Shit!” Michael broke into a run, tossing the car keys to Calum, “head him off!”
Michael kept up with the man, weaving through the narrow streets, finally catching him when he ran into a dead end. “Please, don’t exterminate me,” the man whimpered, turning to face Michael, hands raised.
Michael stared, momentarily confused until he realized that he was looking at a familiar face. “Hey, no, it’s ok, I’m not the bounty hunter. My name is Agent Clifford, I was told that you could answer some questions I had about the missing child.” Heavy footsteps came from behind him and the alien clone started, brown eyes darting from side to side, looking for an escape. Michael held up his hand, “It’s ok, it’s just my partner, Agent Hood, he doesn’t want to hurt you either, we just need information to find this little boy.”
Calum came to a stop next to Michael, assessing their surroundings before his eyes landed on the man Michael was talking to. Immediately his eyebrows furrowed, “That’s...that’s fuckin me. Mike, why are we looking at me?”
Michael chewed his lip, but there was no denying it. Despite the lack of tattoos, the less defined muscles, and the fact that this man had a mop of curls instead of the buzzcut Calum had been sporting, there was no denying that the man in front of them was a carbon copy of Calum Hood. “Cal,” he said softly, using the same tone he’d had for the clone, “I promise we’ll discuss this later, but right now we need to find the kid, and the man in front of us can help with that.”
Calum swallowed thickly before agreeing, “Yeah, ok. C’mon, let’s get back in your office, Doc, ask you our questions and then get out of your hair.”
Two days later they found the young boy, wandering outside an opening in the mountainside when he heard his name being called a hundred feet below. Two rescuers climbed up the sheer face to get the kid, Calum and Michael following, using tree roots for hand holds. The two rescuers rappelled back down once one had the boy safely perched on their back. Michael, meanwhile, went to investigate the small cave, Calum reluctantly following behind. “You know,” he said softly, “if there is something that brought the boy in here, it’s probably not going to be happy if it finds us in its home.”
“Not gonna be here long.” Michael said simply, pushing a little further back.
Calum hummed softly, looking around the small space. Michael called from the back of the cave and Calum ran over, worried that his partner had discovered whatever actually lived in this space. Instead he found Michael crouching at the edge of what appeared to be a bed, made of woven twigs, leaves and down feathers, and much larger than what a five year old would need, or even be able to make, especially in the three and a half days he’d been missing, with the only way in and out of this cave being a 100ft drop. 
“Wow,” Calum whispered.
He pulled out his phone and took a few photos, Michael laying on the stone floor in front of it for reference, ends of the apparent bed extending a few inches beyond Michael’s head and feet on each end. He opened the measuring app, taking screenshots as he got the measurement of the length and width of the nest, 7’6” long and 5’4” wide, for his report later. Once he was done documenting the nest, Michael carefully crawled in, skimming the surface. 
He let out a gasp, quickly pulling an evidence bag from his pocket and carefully picking up a clump of hair. “This is laying on the surface of the nest, not woven in like the rest of the material, which means….” Michael explained excitedly, green eyes gleaming as he looked up at Calum.
Calum smiled, finishing his partner’s sentence, “It came from whatever lives here. That should be good for your theory Mike, now let’s get back down to the camp with everyone else, before Bigfoot makes us his new pet.”
Michael scowled at Calum’s playful tone, but carefully crawled out of the nest, examining the cave one more time as they slowly exited, hooking back into the ropes and rappelling back down, picking their way through the brush and back onto the trail. They caught back up with the two rescuers they were with, who had already radioed ahead that they had the boy, so everyone should be heading back in too. They made it back to camp after half an hour of walking down the trail, the young boy halfway to falling asleep on the rescuer’s shoulders until his parents cried out upon seeing them appear at the edge of the treeline. They set him down and he ran to his parents, letting them scoop him up and cover his face with anxious kisses. Michael and Calum both smiling as they watched the reunion. The family climbed into the ambulance to go to the hospital so their son could get checked out, one of their friends following in the car, but he seemed perfectly fine. 
Once all the volunteers were accounted for, Calum and Michael got in their car and drove back to their cabin, where they’d stay one more night before returning to the Pentagon in the morning. Calum cooked up some pancakes in the small kitchenette and they sat on the edge of his bed to eat. “So…” Calum started, “We still need to talk about why our informant was...y’know...me, but not.”
Michael nodded, swallowing his syrup soaked bite of pancake. “So, you don’t have any recollection either in your childhood or during college, of missing any time? No strangely realistic dreams that poke at the back of your mind?” 
Calum stared into the distance, pensieve expression on his face as he dragged a piece of pancake through the extra syrup. Finally he spoke, “There is a night, during finals in undergrad. I remember leaving the library, and then I remember waking up on my dorm room floor, nothing in between. It was probably about 1am when I left the campus library to go home, and then 7am when my roommate’s alarm went off so he could get ready for his first exam. He didn’t remember me coming in either.”
Michael nodded slowly, setting his plate aside and going into the kitchen to rinse his syrupy fingers. “Lemme see something,” he said softly, crouching behind Calum on the mattress.
He nodded and Michael carefully ran his fingers over the back of Calum’s neck, gasping when he found a little bump just under the skin. “What is it?” Calum asked softly.
“I think it’s the same thing that Scully found after she was returned.” Michael explained softly, “Whatever it is, we’re not taking it out.” He added firmly.
“So...you think that maybe I’ve been taken?”
“It seems that way, nothing else explains why you’ve got a clone running around.”
Calum nodded, about to say something else when Michael’s phone rang. He frowned at the screen, not recognizing the number, but answered, “Agent Clifford.” His face grew panicked as he listened to the person on the other end. “We’ll be right there.” he stated before hanging up. “Your clone is in trouble.” he stated, stepping into his shoes and grabbing the keys, Calum following after him, shoes in hand.
He sped through the mountainside town, skidding to a halt in front of the office where they’d waited a few days before. Instead of sitting in the car this time, they ran through the front door. They split up to search the rooms, Michael finding the hybrid cowering beneath a desk. Michael crouched on the floor by him, softly trying to hatch a plan to get him out of there safely when there came the sound of a scuffle in the next room. Michael smacked himself in the head, “Fuck, Calum looks like you, shit. Okay, look, I’m going to go distract the bounty hunter and save Cal, get out of here.” 
The hybrid nodded, slipping out of the room after Michael, going the opposite direction of the commotion as Michael slipped the silver needle out of his pocket. He entered the room the noise was coming from, seeing Calum pinning the bounty hunter to the floor. He swallowed, calming his nerves slightly, clicking the handle of the needle. The soft “pft” that the needle made as it appeared from the handle caught the attention of the bounty hunter, looking up from where Calum was holding him down, struggling further against the agent atop him. Michael stepped further into the room, raising his hand with the needle in it, slowly waving it as he said “This is not the man you are looking for.”
“Michael, for fucks sake” Calum groaned.
“Oh I’m sorry, I don’t plan to run into another Calum clone out in the world and see them get fucking murked!” Michael exclaimed, before turning his attention back to the bounty hunter, “Look, this guy is who they sourced the human DNA from for the clone you’re after. And if you’re after him because of us, he didn’t tell us about whatever he’s working on, just how to find a lost kid. So...Calum, run on three.”
Calum stared, but listened, Michael counting down as the bounty hunter stared. Calum dropped him right when Michael said three, scrambling from the room. Before he had time to react, Michael was on the bounty hunter, pushing the needle into the back of the man’s neck, pulling his shirt over his nose and mouth as the neon green substance began to bubble from the wound. He pulled the needle out as more green goo frothed forth and ran from the room and down to the car, where Calum was waiting. As soon as Michael closed the door Calum sped off back to the hotel. “One Calum makes me flustered enough as is,” Michael muttered, clicking his seatbelt, “Two? Fucking nightmare for my sanity. At least he doesn’t act like you too.”
Calum tried to ignore what Michael was saying, heart racing from what he was going to pretend was the fight he’d just been in. “Where do you think he’s going to go?” Calum asked softly after a moment.
Michael shrugged, slouching down in his seat. “Hopefully somewhere safe, skipped town if he’s as smart as the man he came from.”
Calum was thankful for the darkness as he continued to drive, cheeks turning pink. 
He pulled back into their space in front of the cabin, nudging Michael before he got out of the car. He took a deep breath, smiling at the scent of honeysuckle filling the air from the bushes nearby. He heard Michael’s door close and turned to look at the blonde, smile on his face. “We going in?” Michael asked, tilting his head toward the cabin door.
Calum nodded, licking his lips as he slowly made his way up the gravel path towards the cabin. The plates of half-eaten pancakes still sat on Calum’s bed, probably extra soggy and cold by now. He hummed, kicking off his shoes as Michael came in, closing the door behind him. Calum glanced back saying, “Hey, thanks for saving my life back there…”
Michael hummed, stepping out of his own shoes, “You seemed like you had it pretty under control when I came in.”
Calum scoffed, turning around and taking Michael’s face in his hands, searching the blonde’s face for half a second before leaning in and kissing him deeply. Michael hummed, kissing him back immediately, long arms wrapping around Calum’s broad shoulders. Calum pulled away after a minute, licking his lips, savoring the taste of Michael on them before he whispered, “Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met. Figured now was as good a time as ever.” 
Michael nodded slowly, leaning his forehead on Calum’s. “Anytime would’ve been perfect by me, so long as it actually happened.”
Calum laughed softly, leaning in and kissing Michael again. “Any other way you’d like me to show my gratitude?” he teased softly, a hand making its way down Michael’s arm.
Michael leaned into Calum’s touch, letting out a gentle whine. Calum hummed, pressing a light, experimental kiss to Michael’s neck, fingers reaching to pull at the hem of Michael’s shirt. Michael let him remove it, hands landing on Calum’s bare biceps as Calum stared at Michael in awe, eyes exploring the blonde’s bare torso in a new way. 
Calum’s hands began to explore the expanse of pale skin, fingertips gingerly tracing the tops of his hip bones, hovering over the waistband of his jeans. Michael let out an impatient whimper, wrenching the hem of Calum’s black tank top from where it was tucked into his slacks. Calum let out a small grunt of affirmation, reaching behind him and tugging the shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. Hunger consumed him, pressing his chest to Michael’s, feeling the slighter man bounce slightly as his back met the cabin wall. He leaned in, holding Michael in a sucking kiss, one hand firmly on his waist while the other tangled in the messy blonde hair. 
He pulled out of the kiss after a minute, barely breathing as he let his lips trace Michael’s jaw, coming to rest by his ear, teasingly sucking the lobe between his lips, giving it a gentle tug. Michael was softly keening, fingers weakly pulling at Calum’s muscular arms, trying to urge him to the floor in front of him. Calum let out a low chuckle, voice a rasp in Michael’s ear, “Lucky we got ourselves together the one time we’re not in a shitty motel with paper for walls, huh Mikey?”
Michael let out a whine, hips pressing forward as Calum worked at the blonde’s zipper, shimmying the black denim down Michael’s thighs to his knees. His lips traveled Michael’s chest as his hands nimbly pulled at his own belt, loosening it and removing his slacks, kicking them to lay near his tank top. Meanwhile, Michael had continued to work his own pants down his legs, leaving them pooled around his ankles. 
Calum gave Michael a small smile, leaning in for a soft kiss before sinking to his knees on the wooden floor. Michael stared, green eyes wide as Calum’s lips travelled up his pale thighs, fingers tracing circles over the soft cotton boxers. Finally, Calum removed the last piece of fabric concealing Michael from him. He licked his lips as he watched the hardened length spring forth from beneath the fabric that now pooled at Michael’s ankles. 
Michael whined, bucking into Calum’s hand as he took hold of him, left arm wrapping around the backs of Michael’s thighs for support as he teasingly flicked his tongue against Michael’s tip. The salty taste of him made Calum lose what little composure and control he had planned to have, letting out a gentle moan as he ran his tongue over Michael’s tip again. “Like how I taste, Cal?” Michael attempted to taunt, but his voice came out clearly breathless, Calum’s lips wrapping around him like it was all they were ever meant for.
Calum easily took Michael in his mouth, slowly bobbing his head up and down the length, tongue working over it naturally. His hand stayed at the base of Michael’s cock, but when he pulled his mouth off of him to catch his breath for a moment, curiosity struck, removing his hand from Michael, who bucked his hips forward in protest, until Calum’s hand cupped his balls, fingers fondling him and causing a higher moan to leave his mouth. Calum continued this new strategy for another moment, taking deep breaths before finally returning his mouth to Michael’s length, this time relaxing fully and taking him all the way down. 
Michael made a noise that almost sounded like a strangled scream, blunt fingernails digging into Calum’s scalp as he searched for hair to grip. That thought alone was enough for Calum to consider growing his hair out again, solely for Michael. He continued his work, Michael now thrusting shallowly as Calum continued to bob his head. “Please, Cal…” he whimpered out, hips jumping again as Calum’s brown eyes met his green.
He held his head still, letting Michael grip the back of his head as he began to fuck Calum’s mouth, Calum letting out a muffled moan at the thought of Michael using him like this. He unwound his left arm from behind Michael’s thighs now, pushing his boxers down enough to free his own length. He used his thumb to spread the arousal leaking from his tip over himself, trying not to move as he finally began to give his own cock the attention it had been aching for. 
His brown eyes closed, wanting desperately to cry out for Michael, an action made impossible by the other man’s cock brushing the back of his throat. “Look so pretty like this, mouth full and...fuucck…” Michael gasped, continuing to grip at the back of Calum’s head with one hand, the fingers of the other digging into his shoulder. 
His thrusts quickened, and Calum could tell that Michael was chasing his orgasm now, readying himself. His whines of Calum’s name grew higher in pitch and more frequent before he finally came apart, his thrusts shallow as he filled Calum’s mouth. Calum’s eyes fluttered, letting Michael work himself through, swallowing what he was given. 
Once he was finished he pulled out of Calum’s mouth before collapsing on top of him, his breathing labored. Calum held him, letting him recover while he sat back on his heels. He pressed gentle kisses to Michael’s cheeks, neck, chest, fingers running through sweat-damp blonde hair. Michael stirred slightly, head lifting and resting against Calum’s shoulder. “I’d offer to return the favor,” he slurred out, “but I’m kinda gone...wow baby,” fucked out mind testing a theory he’d been building based off of how Calum reacted when he was complimented, both for work and on his talents.
Calum preened at the praise and pet name, giving more fuel to Michael’s theory. He sat Michael against the wall, tucking his own aching, still hard, member back into his boxers and getting back to his feet. He scooped Michael into his arms, carrying him to the bed and tucking blankets around his frame. He whined as Calum fixed his hair, arms working out of the blankets to reach for him. Calum smiled, taking a hand and kissing his knuckles, “Just gonna clean up the cottage and then we can snuggle. I’ll take up your offer for our morning shower. Would suggest taking the scenic route home if we weren’t expected at work.” 
Michael whined at the suggestive wink Calum gave him before he went to pick up the piles of clothes, tucking them into their respective suitcases before he picked up the plates from what had been his bed all weekend. He scraped the syrup soaked pancakes into the trash and set the plates in the sink to soak, bagging the extra pancakes and putting them in the fridge. 
Everything straightened up he made his way to the bed, flicking the lightswitch before he crawled under the sheets. Michael was already half asleep when Calum pulled him to his chest, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. He smiled at the feeling of Michael shuffling his body closer, rubbing his shoulder as Michael flung his arm over him, “G’night Calum.” he whispered, scared of breaking the moment, of waking up and being in separate beds again.
“Good night, Mike,” Calum returned, smile on his face as Michael’s breathing slowed, letting himself drift off as well.
Calum woke the next morning to Michael’s fingers trailing the ink on his chest. He smiled, it was rare that the morning after the conclusion of a case that he’d be the one to wake first. Usually Michael would be just beginning the process of getting out of bed by the time Calum was out of the shower and dressed, blonde hair sticking up in all directions. 
Calum squeezed Michael’s shoulders, causing the blonde to look up at him, green eyes suddenly bashful. “Cal,” he started softly, fingers continuing to trace the patterns in his skin. “We need to talk about last night.” Calum raised a thick eyebrow, brown eyes concerned. “Not...not the kissing and the blowjob part, that’s still...that’s great, I love that and I’m still on for shower reparations if you are...the...the before that, before your...you called.”
Calum smiled, relief filling his chest as he nodded, hand resting on top of Michael’s, before apprehension began to flutter back in. “Yeah...we do. What are we gonna say about that? We do have to include...him, in the report.”
Michael sighed, glancing at Calum’s hand atop his before he said, “I’m gonna give you some of the files on Scully when we get back. Need you to know why you can’t take that thing out of you. I don’t think I could watch you go through that, especially not now. I wanna do everything in my power to find out why that happened to you, if it’s what led to you being here, working with me. And I’m going to make sure they don’t try and take you again, not when I’m here.” Calum shushed him, reaching out to rub his cheek gently. “Hey, it’s ok, I trust you, right? I’ll do whatever you say is best. And no need to put all that on yourself, I’m here, partners, right?”
Michael smiled, nodding and leaning up and pressing a kiss to Calum’s lips, “Partners.” he affirmed with a smile.
Taglist: @irwinkitten @calpops @goth5sos @empathycth @wildflowergrae @talkfastromance4 @maluminspace @notinthesameguey @cashtonasfuck @sexgodashton @castaway-cashton @afihemmings @treatallwithkindness @theyorthemrecords @another-lonely-heart @ghostofmashton @opheliaaurora23 @loxerofmine @youngblood199456
Micheal Taglist: @adoringlrh @koalacal @lashtonswildflower  @loveroflrh​ @valyntlne​
Calum Taglist: @daisyangei​ @califl0wer @angelicfluffs​
Slash Taglist: @tigerteeff​
To Be Added to my TagList
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Masterlist [completely updated!]
* - head canons
! -smut (ya know, when I finally get the courage to write some)
^ -unfinished
# - angst (serious)
Calum Hood
Fight or Flight 
Shoot Your Shot^
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
To the Ends of the Earth [FBI!Cal AU]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 #
Afraid of Nothing
Part 1
Part 2
Missed Connection^
Part 1 
Part 2
Music For the Soul
Part 1
Part 2
All Just a Blur^
Part 1
Hit the Target
Dad!Cal #
Band Date *
The True Winner
5 sos
@ the anon who keeps requesting this: I hope it works and thanks for reading
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If youre checking out my muses page: PLEASE Ignore my blank muses. I am redoing everything and it’s in the works. Here are my muses in case you’re wondering and would like to know who they are. I do have another page of muses that is perfectly alright. If you’re wondering who they’re FCs are I will let you know too. 
Noah Puckerman: (S1-6 or college).
Jake Puckerman: Womanizer of McKinley High School. Dancer/Singer.
Mason McCarthy: Twin brother to his sister Madison. He wishes that she would let him live his own life. He’s a cheerleader and singer.
Kitty Wilde: Head Bitch in Charge, her role model is Quinn Fabray. In Glee and a cheerleader.
Derek Hough: Lives to have fun and dance. Professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars. Passionate, Dedicated, and joker.
Kevin Matheson: Video game programmer, nerd, diligent, resourceful and sensible.
Brian Kinney: CEO of Kinnetik and owner of Babylon night club. Self-made millionaire.  He will often put his foot in his mouth, and say things without thinking
Riley Matthews: Ball of energy. Outgoing and Bubbly. Loves her family and friends. Will try something new even if she fails.
Lucas Friar: Moved from Texas to New York. Champion bull rider, compassionate, intelligent, noble, athletic and a gentleman.
College FC for Lucas
Farkle Minkus: Boy genius. Nerd. Loves school. The teachers pet and he rather be studying than out partying with friends.
Ashton Irwin:  Drummer for 5SOS. Aussie Native. Singer. Punk rocker, passionate.
Calum Hood: Bass player for 5SOS. Singer, Adventurous, Aussie
Luke Hemmings: Lead Singer, Guitar player for 5SOS. Dedicated and Aussie.
Michael Clifford: Vocals and Guitar player for 5SOS. Aussie, Punk rocker, joker, shy at times.
Harry Styles: . ¼ of One Direction. Singer plays piano and guitar. Cheeky, lovable, Baby Tarzan and curly.
Louis Tomlinson:  Joker. ¼ of One Direction. Singer. Guitar player and Piano.
Liam Payne:  ¼ of One Direction. Beatboxer, Singer, Batman (secretly) and Daddy Directioner. Lovable.Adorable, Puppy.
Niall Horan: Food lover. ¼ of One Direction. Drums, Singer, Guitar, Piano.
Zayn Malik: A former member of One Direction. The rapper, Singer, Doing my own thing, the tattoo artist.
Alec Lightwood: Shadowhunter, reserved, logical, charming, imaginative. Don’t mess with him. Overly protective of his sister and loved ones.
Billy Nutter: Punk, protective, impulsive, devoted, uncertain and sassy.
Nikko or Hunter Clarington: Singer, bad boy, adventurous, passionate and lives life to the fullest.
Oliver Queen: Athletic. The Green Arrow. Independent, Strong, hard-headed, stubborn and will do anything to save his family and friends.
Ethan Snow: Hard headed, bad boy with a soft side. Once his mind his made up, that’s it.  He won’t budge.
Trinity White: Sweet, lovable, warm, singer and a bookworm. Can be hardheaded at times.
Evie: She will always be in the library, or with a book in her hand. She is very driven and passionate. Very intelligent.
Felicity Smoak: Team Arrow. Graduate of MIT and a hacker.
Caitlin Snow: Bio-engineer for S.T.A.R. Labs. Easily hurt so she guards herself and her heart. Killer Frost
Steve Rogers or AKA Captain America. Kicking ass and taking names. Loves to have a good time and joke around.
Clint Barton or AKA Hawkeye. Sneaks up on you if you’re not careful. Will kick your ass if you get on his bad side.
Cisco Ramon: Mechanical Engineer at S.T.A.R Labs. Intelligent, joker, laid back and Vibe.
Clary Fray: Promising art student, intelligent, guarded. Shadowhunter
Cole Pendery: Member of IM5. Dorky, a child at heart and very lovable. Cuddly panda.
Jackson Whitmore: Cocky, competitive, has a lovable side to him. On the lacrosse and swim team. (Verse: Roy from Arrow as well)
Lindy Sampson: Born in Chicago now lives in New York City. Works at NYPD in the Cyber Crimes Division. Hacker, MIT Drop out. Quick to take the blame.
Tommy Calligan: NYPD Detective with the Cyber Crimes Division. New York City born and raised. Witty, Smart and tough.
Jake Bolin: Aussie born and raised but moved to New York for job. Lawyer. Has a temper and will snap easily.
Gabe Morales: Member of IM5. Bad Boy but lovable too. Cocky.
Iris West: Daughter to Joe West. Journalist, Graduate Student. Witty, Passionate, easily will defend friends and family. Brother: Wally West.
Jace Wayland: Determined, narcissistic, expert Shadowhunter.
Connor Walsh: Law Student. Sly, Sexy, Smart, Narcissistic
Veronica Mars: Private Eye. Will accept any job that is offered to her. Dedicated to her work, family, friends and partners.
Oliver Hampton: Computer Nerd and hacker. Falls in love easily. Has to learn how to guard his heart.
Logan Echolls: Known as the resident bad boy of Neptune. Does not apply himself, smart, sarcastic attitude,tough exterior but troubled inside.
Grace: Gentle. Kind. Positive outlook on life. Surfer. Sweet.
Mack: Leader. Smart. Confident. Determined. Surfer. Singer.
Aiden: Passionate. Driven. A leader. Smart. Hardheaded
Simon: Intelligent. Finds humor in any situation. Loyal. Vampire or Human
Izzy Lightwood: Kick ass. Comfortable in her body. Keeps people in check. Breaks rules, will speak her mind.
Image result for raphael shadowhunters
Raphael: Well-dressed. Handsome. Protective.
Image result for lydia shadowhunters
Lydia: Driven. Bad ass. Vulnerable. Harsh.
Image result for Magnus Bane
Magnus Bane: High Warlock. Glitter. Perfection.
Jason: Mechanic (Motorcycles)
Josh: Tattoo Artist.
Neal: Informant for FBI.
Image result for Jess Mariano
Jess Mariano: Writer. Smart. Witty. Hot-headed/Temper
Image result for Logan Huntzberger
Logan Huntzberger: Smart. Charming. Flirty.
Image result for machine gun kelly
Ty: Your typical bad boy.
Image result for tyler young
Tyler: Closeted gay. Foster child. Dad is MIA and Mom is sick.
Image result for brent antonello
Jude Kinkade: Vice President of Devils Basketball team
Zero or Gideon: Member of the Devils Basketball team.
Noel Kahn: Your typical charming guy with a bad side. Throws wild parties.
Wyatt Casey: Outsider. Likes to keep to himself mostly.
Diego: FBI Agent.
Barry Allen or Sebastian Smythe: Singer, Forensic scientist and Student
Danny: Hockey Player.
Liam Dunbar
Pol. Student.
Buck: Firefighter. 
Marley Or Kara 
Sean or Eddie:
Blaine Anderson:
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No body, no crime
Escrita por: Beatriz
"Uma criança precisa de apenas sete segundos para desaparecer, enquanto do outro lado da cidade, uma jovem precisa apenas de coragem. Fazemos escolhas todos os dias e ficamos presos as suas consequências, realizar os sonhos implica riscos, riscos implicam escolhas, escolhas implicam erros. Hailey estava prestes a voar para o seu passado e seus sentimentos adormecidos."
Leia aqui
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xmeetyoutherex · 6 years
Agents in Training / Chapter 2
FBI!Calum x FBI!Reader
For previous chapters you can find them in my masterlist. Just search the tags :)
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While Jenna was in the shower Y/N took the time to call her mom. “Yeah, it's great here. The teachers are really nice. I haven’t met my students yet but,” Y/N could hear Jenna turning the shower off. Sorry, I’m gonna be late. I really have to go. Love you. Call you later.” As Y/N hangs up she notices that behind Jenna, Calum is entering the bathroom in nothing except his shorts getting ready to take the next shower. Calum catches her looking and smiles at her as he closes the door. Y/N needed to get ready fast if she was going to be the last one taking a shower now.
Everyone was at the library doing research for their assignment. Y/n decided that this was her chance to do some hands-on investigation while Calum was at the library.
As y/n was exiting the building to head back to the dorms, Ashton noticed. He ran right up to her side and appeared to be slightly winded.
“So, you and Alex. That’s a thing now?”
Y/n chuckled, “no, that’s not a thing now.”
“Oh, never would have thought of you as a one nighter type of girl,” Ashton joked.
“How do you even know about it?”
“Well, Alex isn’t very quiet.” Ashton paused before adding, “in and out of the bedroom.”
Both of them erupted into laughter at that comment. “I’ll see you later Ashton.”
After she waved Ashton off he scurried back to the table his stuff occupies in the library. Once y/n entered her dorm room she was about to head straight to calum’s, but then realized he could walk in on her investigating.
Y/N had decided to request to add Calum to “Find My Friends.” Within seconds she got the notification of his acceptance. With some excitement Y/N let out a, “Gotcha.” She immediately hit his icon on find my friends map and waited for his location to pop up. She realizesd he’s a building away and not moving, so she opens the shared bathroom door and makes her way to Calum’s side of the room. Y/N quickly goes through his desk draws, closet, bag, and computer coming up empty handed. As a last effort she goes through his trash and finds still finds nothing. As she’s putting his trash can back she notices something on the ground. A wedding band? She quickly grabs it and heads back to her side of the shared bathroom before he has a chance of walking in and catching her.
 They had been in the auditorium for twenty minutes now watching NAT interrogate NAT after NAT. It was all on a screen with video being broadcasted from one of the rooms on the second floor of the building. But now it was y/n and Calum’s turn to interrogate each other.
On the walk to the interrogation room, Calum lightly put his hand on the small of Y/N’s back leading her into the room. Once they entered y/n proceeded to the seat by the polygraph. As they start to hook Y/N up to the polygraph Calum questions, “do we need the polygraph? Y/N won’t lie.”
Through the intercom they could both hear “we’ll keep it on just in case.”
“I’m gonna ask you some hard questions, okay? And if you want me to stop just let me know.”
Calum’s style of interrogation is honest and intimate. And y/n returns with honest and direct answers. If comparing the style to a dance it is a slow and effortless one.
With a small smile y/n replies with a short “I’m fine.”
Calum begins with his first question, “So you and Alex. Do you do that often?” Calum was referring to her one-night stand with one of the other NATs. He really did his research.
Y/n simply responded with a snarky comment of, “Not as often as I’d like.”
“You think you do because of unresolved issues with men in your life?”
“I don’t have very many men in my life. So, I don’t see how there could possibly be issues left to resolve.” Y/n replied a little more defensively than she had originally intended.
“You don’t think that someone’s inability to connect with someone may come from pain from the past?”
“Why don’t you tell me where it comes from?”
“Your father”
Y/n felt extremely nervous now. She couldn’t lie nor could she tell the truth. But Calum knew the truth. She was stuck, tongue-tied, and anxious. “What about him.”
Calum has spent hours upon hour trying to find anything on your dad and came up with barely anything. “He was a hard guy to find. You don’t have any pictures of him on your Facebook and the ones you were tagged in of the two of you, you untagged yourself. Even when people offered their condolences, you didn’t respond at all.”
Y/n lightly responded with, “I grieve in private,” while trying to control her reaction cues as not to trigger the polygraph.
“See I would believe you if you had actually grieved.” Calum felt guilt for pushing, but this was his assignment and even if he was already an agent, he still needed to pass this assignment to make his cover more believable.
There was a moment of silence before y/n decide to speak up. “My father was a great man. He was intelligent, smart, loving, but it was a different story when he drank. He had never touched me but I was always afraid. One day though he had changed, changed back to the man he once was. It was wonderful. Until it wasn’t anymore.” Y/n paused not knowing just how to articulate the next part of the story. Under the table y/n feels Calum gently put his hand on her knee.
“Go on.”
She looked him in the eyes for reassurance before proceeding. “It happened so fast. H-he held a gun to her head, and she struggled against him. Before I knew it, the gun was on the floor, and someone else was holding it instead of him.”
“So she shot him, in self-defense?” Calum pushed one last time.
Before the polygraph could detect her lie James cut in, “you can stop now, Calum.”
As soon as she heard him through the intercom it came back to her that everyone in their class had been watching. She looked at the camera at the side of the table feeling all of their eyes on her all of a sudden.
As she began to unhook the polygraph and get up, she added, “you didn’t have to make me relive it. Next time just ask.” She gave him the coldest glare she has given him since the day they met, and Calum didn’t know how to respond once again.
Since y/n had Calum for the assignment they just switch seats. As they began hooking Calum up to the polygraph y/n couldn’t help but announce “you ready to relive you past as well?”
“It can’t be as bad as yours.” Calum knew that that was too much, but y/n was now irritating him. It was the assignment, he didn’t have a choice but to get the answer out of her.
“Okay let’s start off easy. What’s your name?”
He scoffed, “Calum.”
“How many siblings do you have?”
Calum let his smile show as he responded, “ one sister, Mali-koa.”
“Have you ever been married?”
Calum cold feel his blood run cold. “Yes.”
“What’s their name?”
Calum cleared his throat, “her names, Elizabeth or Liz for short.”
“Was it recent”
Calum didn’t know what she was referring to until he noticed y/n’s Eyes shift from his to his empty ring finger. “Yes.”
 “Do you want to say what happened or do you want me to?”
Calum thought about it for a second before deciding to speak up. “She wasn’t happy. I didn’t,” Calum corrected himself, “I couldn’t make her happy. So, she went to someone else.”
Y/n saw the pain in his eyes and began to feel guilty. So, she showed the same simple yet comforting gesture Calum had showed her earlier. She gently sat her hand on his knee under the table. His facial expressions almost immediately softened.
Calum continued, “She fell in love with someone else. She couldn’t love me, and it wasn’t her fault.” He subconsciously rubbed at the empty spot on his finger. “Her girlfriend is wonderful though and she makes her happy. That’s all I ever wanted for her.”
Y/n didn’t know about the reason behind why but knew that there was a divorce. But the way Calum still seem to love his past wife and how accepting of the situation he was made her realize there’s a lot more to him than what she can find through research.
Calum sighed, “I’m supposed to be getting close to her, and I feel like all I’m doing is pushing her away.”
He was currently in James office talking about the reason why he’s even at Quantico.
“I’m sorry, but you’re just going to have to push her more. This case is very important to the burau,” James ordered.
Calum’s temper was being pushed to its edge. “And what case is that, huh? If it’s so important why haven’t I been told more about it. Why does it seem like only you know anything about this case?”
“I’m sorry Calum, but I really can’t tell you anymore. I wish I could but I can’t-.”
Calum scoffed, “bureau’s orders. I know.”
James pleaded, “just trust me okay. Your good at your job, make sure it stays that way.”
Calum began to turn to exit the office. Right before he was able to get out the door he heard, “and don’t make it too personal, remember no attachments.”
As the door closed behind him James words started ringing in his head.
A/N: if you want to be in the tags just send me an ask or message :))))
Tags: @5saucewho @emotionalhue
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roselukes · 6 years
Burn, Crash - Epilogue - a.i.
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Previous Chapters
Summary: Is it love or self-protection? Ashton’s beginning to forget which.
Tag List: @tothemoonmikey @obsidiancosmos @polarizehood @candidcalum @lukesback @luke2k18 @cakestan @cartiercalum @irwinofficial @irwlns @calumsbabylon @perfectlycake @hemmomfg @therainydays4 @vaporlewk @my-world97 @onlyavgelsarah @mzchnandlerbong
Things changed drastically over the course of a year. With Vivian’s safe arrival home, Richard was more than grateful to Ashton and his gang. In fact, Richard was so grateful for the return of his daughter that all charges against Ashton and the boys were dropped. They were all offered jobs within the FBI, but all turned it down. Ashton knew things would get worse if he worked for the FBI. He didn’t want to be one of those guys that went from a life of crime to being the one putting away people like himself. Instead, Ashton and the boys decided to run the shop full time and get out of the drug and gun business.
“Ash, the green corvette needs a tire rotation and the blue Jeep needs an oil change.” Luke said, flipping the pages on his clipboard.
“That green corvette needs more than a rotation. I could hear it coming a mile away. It either needs a new muffler or the muffler needs to be fixed.” Ashton said, wiping the oil from his hands on his jeans. “I’ll work on both of them tonight. I’m staying late to work more on the mustang.”
“There’s not much you can do without that part, ya know.” Calum called from underneath the silver Volvo.
“I can still do plenty. I’m replacing the hubcaps tonight.” Ashton said. Calum slid out from under the car and sat up.
“You put too much work into that car, it’ll never get finished without that part and you’ll never find the part.” Calum said, lowering the car until it was back on the ground.
“Shut up, I’ll finish it.” Ashton chuckled, grabbing a can of oil.
“Whatever, I’m heading home. Melissa’s waiting for me and I’ve gotta get dinner ready for my girls.” Calum grinned.
“Still can’t believe you knocked her up already.” Luke shook his head. “How many more days?”
“5 days until I get to meet my little princess.” Calum grinned. “My little Camila.”
“You’re whipped for a baby that’s not even born yet.” Ashton laughed. “Call us with any updates, we want to be there when she’s born. I want to watch Melissa break your hand from squeezing it so hard.”
“Yeah, you’ll get the call when you get the call.” Calum grinned and shrugged on his jacket. “Have a good weekend, guys.”
“Bye, Cal.” Luke smiled and watched as Calum walked out to his truck. “Why’d Michael leave early today?”
“He got the shits again. Think he’s coming down with that flu that’s going around. He really wasn’t feeling good today.” Ashton sighed.
“Shit. Should we do something for him?” Luke asked, leaning against the doorframe.
“I was thinking about bringing him some chicken noodle soup, but like, the vegan version.” Ashton said.
“Is there a vegan version?” Luke chuckled. “I’ll stop at the store on my way home and see what kind of soup we can get him.”
“Why don’t you head on out now? I’ll finish up the paperwork and everything.” Ashton smiled. “Go home and see Morgan, she’s heading back to school soon and then you’ll really never see her.”
“Yeah, we’re kind of taking a break.” Luke sighed. “We’re worried about the distance. It was easier as friends.”
“I’m sorry, mate.” Ashton gave him a short smile. “I’m sure you two can work things out. You can’t throw out 15 years of friendships just because a relationship wouldn’t last.”
“Yeah..” Luke sighed. “Well, if you’re set, I’m gonna head out then.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you on Monday.” Ashton nodded and Luke walked out of the shop. Ashton walked over to the green corvette and popped the hood. He grabbed the oil drum and dragged it over to the vehicle.
“Hey, I’ve got a delivery for an Ashton Irwin.” The guy, probably only 20 years old, said as he walked in.
“Uh, yeah. That’s me.” Ashton furrowed his eyebrows. He walked over to the guy and took the box. It looked the same as the other boxes, but Ashton wasn’t supposed to receive those anymore. He turned a new leaf, and his suppliers knew that. He signed the pad and handed it back to the guy, watching him leave the garage. Ashton opened the box and his jaw dropped slightly. “A carburetor pump?” He mumbled, taking out the piece of paper next to it.
To: The only man to ever call me Viv
I met an old guy down here in Oklahoma who collects cars for parts. Asked him for your pump and he said he had hundreds. His number is down below, in case you run into another missing part. I hope your shop is running smoothly. If you find yourself in Oklahoma, give me a call.
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fanfictionsos · 4 years
Atualização 05/11/2020
Molly (Shortfic)
Autora: Pétala
Molly Silver e Calum Hood são completamente diferentes em todos os sentidos. Ela é descolada, rebelde e teimosa. Ele é nerd, excluído e tímido. E o que deveria ser apenas uma tarde comum realizando um trabalho escolar, se torna um momento que mudará a vida de ambos para sempre. Será que Molly e Calum estão preparados para uma relação complicada assim? Ou alguém sairá machucado dessa história?
The Heart Of Doubt (Capítulo 3)
Autora: Gabs
“Carter, you are working for the FBI now” (...) “I know your intentions are different from the one I presented to you, but nevertheless, they are true intentions”
0 notes
Figure Me Out
To all those reading: I’M SO SORRY!!!
Anyway this is Part 3 of my Vegas Lights series with Calum Hood, the morning after Y/n’s night with Lauren....Enjoy!!
Part 1   Part 2
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“ But I believe there's more to life than all my problems maybe there's still hope for me to start again, Get my feet back on the ground, Pull my head out of the clouds, I think it's time for me to figure me out” 
-Figure Me Out, The Summer Set
The next morning things were, well not awkward just a little weird.
As you turned to see Lauren lying next to you, last night's events flashed through your mind, and you weren't sure how to react.  
Her eyes fluttered open as she smiled at you. "Hey"
"Hey..." you said feeling your face flush as you bit your lip.
Lauren sensed that something was up. "So last night was fun"
"Yeah, definitely something I've never done before"
"You've never been with a girl have you?"
"No. I mean yesterday I would have considered myself completely straight, but today I'm not so sure…I mean last night was fun, and I don't regret anything its just..."
Lauren smiled and kissed you gently on the lips.
"Relax. Glad you don't have any regrets neither do I."
"I just don't want you to...well I mean I like you but I...well"
"Woah, hey slow down. Fun, that's all this was. Ok? So don't freak out. Honestly I only came out as bi recently, and it's taken a lot for me to fully grasp that. I'm sure right now you're really confused and that's ok. I think we can be great friends and I can help you figure out who you are, and what you like. I needed my friends to be there for me, and they supported me, made me proud to be who I am, and unashamed of anything"
"That's, wow that's great to hear. I'd love to be friends Lauren, and ya....I think I have a lot to learn about myself…. Thank you."
"Don't mention it" she winked. "Now let's go get some breakfast k?"
You spent some more time with Lauren before you left. You were supposed to meet Madison, but you opted for going for a walk by yourself.
Last nights events kept flashing through your brain, and despite how much it felt right, you couldn't fully process what exactly had happened. You didn't like girls….did you? Did being with Lauren instantly make you lesbian or bi or whatever? Did this change anything? Were you still the same person?
You had so many questions, but no answers…
You found a bench, and begin to just look at all the people around you. You saw a really hot guy walking out of the shop in front of you. The fact that you found him attractive made you realize one thing, your opinions on guys hadn't changed. A group of girls walked in front of you, and although you found them all very pretty, not all were attractive to you. One girl in particular stood out to you, and like the guy you found her very attractive. Also like the guy, merely looking at her didn't make you want to automatically walk up to her and hook up with her or something.
You had a lot more to discover about yourself, but one thing was for certain. Things weren't going to ever be the same, and if you had to admit it to yourself this didn't truly change anything. You had always found girls attractive, but convinced yourself it wasn't in that way. Admiring certain traits and features, something you thought you did because they were something you wished for yourself, you now realized were things you actually liked most about the particular girl.
Your thoughts were interrupted when someone sat next to you on the bench. The boy was tall, and despite the hoodie he was wearing you could tell he was pretty built. He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. The flame cast a honey glow on his caramel skin. Sensing you staring, the boy smiled at you, and held out the pack, offering you one.
"Yes, thank you I'd love one" you said, putting the cigarette to your lips as the boy lit it for you.
"Rough day?"
"Something like that. Out here thinking to be honest."
He gave you a strange look.
"Me too. What is it that's on your mind?"
"Ugh….life I guess. You?"
"Same…more or less"
You laughed., and he smiled at you.
You sat in silence for awhile, both lost in your thoughts, smoke clouding you both. Seemed fitting, clouded thoughts seeming to be projected in reality.
The silence didn't last long. Soon you heard a ping coming from the boy's pocket. Soon several other ping's were heard, until eventually it was as if the small bell sounds were a ringtone rather than a notification. The boy sighed, seeming slightly irritated, but a small smile formed on his face as he saw all the notifications. He turned off the sound, and as he did so you saw a glimpse of his screen.
"Quite the number of notifications" You commented. "Someone really wants to get ahold of you"
"Something like that" He laughed.
"Girlfriend doesn't trust you out by yourself?" You joked. This earned you another laugh.
"No. I don't um...I just have a lot of friends that's all"
"Well your friends seem concerned. You should call them. A lot of people go missing here in Vegas you know, they must be worried sick!" You said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Don't worry, I'll be seeing them later. They won't call the national guard or something else just as drastic" He laughed.
Just then you got a text. You already knew who it was before you opened it. You sighed as you read Madison's freaked out text, realizing now that you forgot to text her. You mentally kicked yourself.
"Your friend might not call the national guard, but mine might. Along with the FBI, Oprah, and the President himself. Nice meeting you, and thanks for the cigarette ummmmm…."
"Calum. Thank you." you said, turning to go.
"Wait," he said grabbing your arm. "What's your name?"
Instead of an answer you simply smiled and left, dialing Madison's number on your way back to the hotel.
Author’s Note: I hope I gave the whole processing thing justice, I mean to me, this s a pretty serious topic, the whole self-discovery aspect. Maybe because I’m still trying to figure me out lol. Anyway if you think it’s terrible and completely unrealistic tell me, BUT tell me why and how I can improve it. Anywho, thanks for reading guys! Hope you like it! -Lydia
Part 4
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