#Cameron Mahkent icicle Jr
lazypanartist · 1 year
A Rose By Any Other Name
Would Feel As Frigid
Icicle Jr (Cameron Mahkent) x Reader
Warnings: mentions of underage smoking and drinking, other questionable activities, theft, and the American school system
It was meant to be a form of punishment, we had all been told.
A quelling of our rebellious spirits. A way to show us where we'd end up in a few years. Some semblance of justice for the school, giving them a way to save face.
"The Delinquents", myself included, and a student photographer sat on the bus with a handful of teacher chaperones and a Belle Reve guard, who was giving a lecture on the importance of this trip. "It'll give you kids a lesson, really! Gettin' into the minds of these criminals.. it'll be hell for y'all, and they'll enjoy it!"
Still.. as the massive building loomed in the middle distance, all I could feel was excitement. Everyone else was here on "bigger things" - "inappropriate conduct", fighting, smoking, and drinking at last weekend's school dance.
Well, I wasn't exactly well known for following directions. And when a locked door says "Keep Out"..
The poor photographer looked absolutely miserable in the seat beside me, fingers anxiously flitting across the settings.
"Sorry about that."
He jolted as he turned my way, brow furrowing before they went back to work.
I hadn't meant to break the damned thing! Just see how it worked..
Turns out the school didn't like me "finding the closet open", or otherwise getting my hands on one of their precious wastes of taxpayer dollars. It probably didn't help that the yearbook was trying to find last-minute additions for their little project..
Still. They figured a group of up-and-coming, doomed to fail criminal kids should meet some of the biggest names in the biz? Not just state, but nationally acclaimed criminals were in Reve, meant to keep the public safe.
And they were bringing ten civies in; two teachers, seven delinquents , and a photographer; without any additional security.
In hindsight, our school was stupid and had too much funding for their own good. Ben Franklin High might have been the pinnacle of Louisiana's education system, but their security's a joke. As were their punishments, apparently.
"The goal with this", I jumped as the guard's voice pulled me from my thoughts, "is to show you how criminals are made. You have to talk with 'em, get to know 'em over a couple'a visits. See what made 'em criminals. And try and better yourselves so you don't end up someplace like Belle Reve."
As the gate lifted, the guard stood in the middle of the aisle, hands bracing on two adjacent seats as he faced us.
"Welcome, delinquents, to Belle Reve Penitentiary."
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dcsnextgaycharacter · 9 months
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*sighs* would you give Hank/Cameron a chance if I brought up the uncle murder or....
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somewherefornow · 1 month
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oathofoaksart · 10 months
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dinner is certainly unorthodox at onslaught hq…
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mndvx · 3 months
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hournites · 1 year
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The Injustice Society of America + "Kill or be killed"
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I want Hank to boink men and Cameron canonically boinks men (unfortunately he does come out using those words). They are both the kids of villains who have been subjected to kind of inhuman punishments after they stepped a toe out of line and I feel like they could bond over that, also no one who used to be in Hank's life really cares about him anymore so he should get to fuck someone they hate. *I am hiding the events of Infinity Inc. 50 onwards from you, no one murdered anyone else's uncle, you should not go check*
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businesscasualart · 3 months
I’m curious if you have any thoughts or headcanons about Onslaught and alcohol. I imagine being a semi-functioning evil team is stressful and if Psimon is chucking everyone’s vapes then cigs and 420 isn’t an option, then alcohol is the second best thing right? Besides drinking together is team building and leads to this wonderful thing called “actually talking about your trauma instead of bottling it up for once”.
AAAA sorry about taking so long to get around to this.
I need to stop checking my inbox until I’m FULLY ready to yap and ramble. I need that lil blue dot reminding me I have asks so bad.
That IS a good question and I’m so flattered that y’all bother with my content. <3 I think they’d be at least somewhat different about alcohol.
(Sorry for any typos in advance, I wrote this mostly at various doctor’s appointments. ALSO. Last thing to apologize for. I’ve never vaped or smoked when I wrote the last part, but I also have never consumed alcohol and that fact may be more evident in this one)
Cw: Alcohol and some references to alcoholism, uh…references to angst but maybe more comfort than angst, kinda all over the place <\3
Okay so, in the beginning, Onslaught was Mostly teens. Psimon was BARELY even old enough to drink in America at the ripe young age of 21, flat. And I thinnkkkkkk Psimon is American? Even if he’s not, it seems the rest of Onslaught is, so I think  Psimon would probably step up and be all “No, no,” confiscate all the bottles and cans and it’d make the teens so mad and indignant. Literal felons are being BABYSAT. Even when they travel where the drinking age is lower. 
But when the teenagers turn old enough to drink, they have a whole little birthday celebration with what they can get, and of course, offer the first taste of alcohol. Their choice for what it is, as long as the team could afford it. Of course, they laugh and tease if they recoil from the taste. 
Most of the team is pretty fond of drinking, usually together. It’s nice bonding.
Devastation is the only exception to the “Psimon Says no alcohol until you’re 21” rule from the beginning. The team can argue “She is LITERALLY one (1) year old” all they want. She is LITERALLY built different, Psimon is fine with her drinking. 
Idk if she particularly has a preference for any kind. She’s probably one of those who subscribe to the belief of “It ain’t right if it doesn’t burn a bit going down”. Wine is probably somewhat…nostalgic. For some reason. Takes her back to someplace she can’t name, someplace she’s never been, but I think that’d be one of the only reasons she might prefer wine. Her taste may be all over. May be whatever’s strong and good. I’m no alcohol savant, what do I know? 
She likes to drink to celebrate and to bond, sometimes to ebb at stress. It takes a LOT to get her drunk, but that’s not gonna stop her from getting drunk when she has the time and money burn on it. She gets drunk and gets even more jovial and warm and open, though she’s usually relatively open. Also, haphazard. She becomes a big fan of violating people’s personal space. Hugs, patting backs, throwing her arm around them, leaning on people shorter than her, etc.
It can annoy a lot of people if she does it too much, Psimon strangely doesn’t seem to mind too much tho…aheem…
Besides that, Psimon’s generally against the team drinking to the point of drunkenness, but there’s little to actually do about it; he struggles to track all of their limits, and when he’s focusing on one, that leaves all the others alone. He tries to avoid getting drunk himself instead. Someone has to stay sober, and his psionic powers don’t mix well with too much alcohol. And he’s the leader. It makes the most sense that it’d be him to keep his wits about him.
The Terror Twins are hearty drinkers; they also can drink a lot and get very warm and jovial when drinking, like Devastation. Any outing to a bar feels celebratory with them. They decided they don’t like to get fully drunk though, not too regularly. First Tuppence decided this, then Tommy when she pointed it out to him. They don’t want to open up more quickly than they intend. Psimon can relate to that, so he defends them when they drop out. That doesn’t stop them from having fun with everyone else though, or helping when things get bad. They’re usually decent at opening up on their own time anyway. 
Shimmer and Mammoth like to follow Psimon’s lead and keep excess drinking to a minimum. A couple of shots, a glass or maybe two, it really depends on what it is, but that’s it. Mammoth can take more than his sister, just by merit of him being so much larger, but he doesn’t like the taste of alcohol at all while his sister does. However, the second either of them get any kind of buzz ebbing at their senses is the second they quit. 
If they’re found sitting down and downing drinks, something is wrong. They’d only let go so much if they’re trying to drown their problems. Then, they can use some company. Someone lending an ear to their sorrows doesn’t sound half bad. 
If another team member is in a similar situation and needs someone to simply sit next to them and just be, or listen, Baran and Selinda are quick to be there for them.
Junior drinks for fun, he’ll seize any opportunity to drink. That man is getting “Krunk” as the kids say. He doesn’t know his limits and if he did, there’s no telling if he’d actually adhere to them. He WILL blackout if no one keeps an eye on him. He will be puking in the trashcan. The rest of the team has to steer him away from opportunities to drink lest he develop alcoholism at the tender age of 5-minutes-into-being-able-to-legally-drink. 
His mood becomes turbulent and fragile. He’ll typically be happy, loud, reckless, aggressive; but at the mention of the wrong thing or at the sight of something that takes him way back, he can breakdown rather easily. It’s actually pretty common for his drunken stints, when they get out of hand, to end in tears. Junior has to be one of the least repressed members of Onslaught, due in no small part to moments like these; where he lets his emotions run rampant and they go down a bad path. 
He’d expect ridicule, but Onslaught is actually very sympathetic to his struggles and complaints, whatever they may be. He can air his dirty laundry as much as he wants with little to no judgement, something he’s not used to. Once he starts, it’s hard to stop, but the team will listen until the end and it’s something he’s really grateful for. Despite being a troublemaker and general criminal, he tries to pay the team’s kindness towards him forward as much as he can.
If Psimon does end up drinking to lose his troubles, he usually does it alone, when everyone else is asleep. Or at least when he thinks everyone else is asleep. Sometimes someone will wander about looking for a late night snack or a glass of water, or even search for him himself. He dislikes being caught like that, dislikes not being so impervious and put-together for the team. 
Without fail, they’ll sit with him awhile. They’ll ask, they’ll listen, they’ll joke or comfort or sit in silence. Psimon will wither in place or try to get them to leave him be, but they’re a stubborn lot. They’re far from the most “upstanding” of company, but they treat him with the same care, empathy, and concern he tries to treats them with; and Psimon finds afterwards that, despite not enjoying being caught in a state of weakness or forced to open up, he wouldn’t have rather it have gone any other way.
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dailyjsa · 6 months
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JSA All-Stars v1 #1
Writer: Geoff Johns and David S. Goyer
Artist: Sal Velluto
Inker: Bob Almond
Colors: John Kalisz
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Y/n: Hey, you’re that ice villain 
Icicle jr.: 😐
Y/n (Uncertain): … frosty?
Icicle Jr. (highly offended): What?! I’m not Killer Frost, I’m Icicle Jr., you should fear my na-
Y/n (mind blown): There was an Icicle Sr.!?
(Dick and Tim in the car with their comms in)
Dick: oh dear lord, no
Tim: Y/n, we didn’t mean play that dumb!
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Icicle Jr Dating an Alternative Reader HCs
I'll try not to specify subculture, but I'm punk so it probably seeped in
LOVES helping you pick outfits!
If you're like me tho, that's p much just.
Reach into drawer for shirt.
Reach into drawer for pants.
Reach into drawer for socks.
Grab same 12 accessories to wear for the day
But he's super into helping you get ready
Esp if you have anything ice themed
Let's be real, he'll buy/steal/make you SOMETHING icy-spikey
Might paint studs and spikes blue lmao
Might not get your music all the way
But totally gets the whole rebellion aspect
(He might have been under tight watch from his father, but after season 1, he's Out™ without him)
Might try to do his makeup to match yours
Thick wings?
He might cover his whole eyelid
(and then need help getting them un-stuck)
Graphic liner?
Same thing
Pouts until you do it for him
Gets tons of ice-themed makeup pallets around winter, then gives them to you throughout the year just so you'll be wearing "his colors"
If you're more crust leaning, he'll totally get a jacket to match
Will probably get a motorcycle for the sole purpose of having a badass aesthetic
Can sit and watch you DIY clothes and accessories for HOURS
He'll make sure you ALWAYS have materials
Especially if they're stolen
Screw capitalism
Might ask you for sewing tips
He'll say it's in case he messes his costume up badly
But you Know
You Know
More obvious when his civies have poorly seen patches covering the knees 🩵
I firmly believe he can't craft for shit
But he LOVES to anyways
Especially if it's with you
And for Rebellion™
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bi4bihankking · 1 month
Cameron has half the Infinity Inc. boys convinced that he can be reformed if they give him hole, and Hank is seeing how many ISA daddies he can let fuck him before one of them tells the JSA old men. They are two sides of the same coin, thematic mirrors if you will.
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somewherefornow · 1 month
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ufonaut · 10 months
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I don't think so, Power Girl. Icicle has chosen the right side before.
Justice Society of America (2022) #7
(Geoff Johns, Marco Santucci)
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mndvx · 2 months
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thingsasbarcodes · 11 days
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Young Justice 2x05 - Beneath
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